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Ancient aliens is the idea that aliens visited earth in the past or sometimes future.

The idea of ancient aliens is not a new one either. Imagination is one of the most powerful tools in humanitys evolutionary struggle for survival. As a race, we are hardwired to consider important concepts, such as the creation of life on Earth and the history of people on this planet. At some point, we are all presented with various explanations and theories regarding the expansion of human life on Earth.

Aliens and Dinosaurs

Some theorists believe that Dinosaurs fall to a cosmic collision for where they deliberately killed off. Is it possible that in fact not extinction but an extermination event? More importantly where do they come from? Ancient astronaut theorists believe there may be other worldly connections to their demise. Scientists truly believe that Dinosaurs ruled this planet earth for 165 million years, in comparison modern homosepiens have only been around for about 200,000 years. How the dinosaurs disappeared, is still open question. It is possible that extra terrestrials wanted to eliminate the Dinosaurs for a more intelligent species in their likeness and earth was the perfect place to do it. Were the dinosaurs killed off by a cosmic natural event or might the dinosaurs had been the target of extermination? Did aliens made the earth better place to live for their children? Are we their children? And spent their little knowledge to us? Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history?

The Time Travelers

Ancient star rituals summoning higher powers, legends of other wordly beings tell us we can actually control time. If someone can travel faster than light then theoretically one could travel in time. Are alien beings really from out of this world? Are the aliens time travelers? The astonishing theory of relativity by Albert Einstein suggests space is a flexible medium and time could be altered. Might aliens travelled here not in aircrafts but through an inter-dimensional space-time portals?

Based on God particle some scientists suggest that a particle believes to possess the ability to jump into another dimension, move forward or backward in time and appear in future or past, in other words it would make time travelling possible. String theory in physics predicts there are 12 to 15 dimensions altogether for considerations. If so, might advanced beings from distant galaxies have already mastered in all dimensions as ancient astronaut theorists suggest. Is it possible aliens came to earth not from outer space but from the future or the past? Or might they actually be human time travelers? Are UFOs time travelers? Or its our own people of the future? -Mayur Naganur Courtesy :History TV

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