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Assignment #2: Data Presentation

Ivy Schihl

SW 4810



he three !"estions #eing as$e% &ithin my 'a'er are &hat is the relationshi' #et&een highest years o( e%"cation an% income)* is there an association #et&een race an% 'olitical 'arty)* an% &hat is the relationshi' #et&een race an% 'olitical 'arty i%) "se% in this analysis &ere e%"cation* income* an% s'an$ing+ Variable Education Spanking Income n 3,,1 2304 3433 Mean 13+,, 2+00 11+14 Standard Deviation 3+0-. 0+840 2+213 Skewness /+424 0+4-2 /2+823 Kurtosis 1+2-. /0+30. 8+1.0 he three contin"o"s varia#les

he in%e'en%ent varia#le #eing meas"re &as e%"cation an% the %e'en%ent varia#le &as income &ithin this Pearson r 1correlation2 test+ As evi%ence% a#ove* the varia#le 3e%"c4 has some le'to$"rtosis 11+2-.2* #"t the s$e&ness is &ithin the normal range 1/+4242+ 5or the 3e%"c4 varia#le* there are 33 1+.62 o"tlier cases &ith 7/scores greater than 3+ Since the o"tliers are at + .6 an% less than 26* they are not very e8treme an% sho"l% #e le(t alone+ he varia#le 3income4

has severe le'to$"rtosis 18+1.02* #"t the s$e&ness is negative an% is not &ithin normal range 1/ 2+8232+ he 3income4 varia#le has 123 13+-62 o"tlier cases &ith 7/ scores greater than 3+ Since

the o"tliers are greater than 26* they are very e8treme an% sho"l% #e trans(orme%+ I (irst starte% &ith a s!"are root trans(ormation test* an% the o"tcome o( the test &as a s$e&ness o( /,+-,&hich &as less than the original s$&eness o( /2+823+ A(ter r"nning all three trans(ormations* I have concl"%e% that the ra& s$e&ness (or the varia#le 3income4 is #est le(t as is an% ran thro"gh the correlation synta8+ Accor%ing to the %ata* this sam'le can #e re'resentative o( a greater 'o'"lation+ he sam'le characteristics may im'act generali7a#ility #eca"se yo"nger 'o'"lations he 'o'"lations that might

o#vio"sly %o not have eno"gh e%"cation to o#tain higher incomes+


#e not as &ell re'resente% &o"l% #e those yo"nger 'o'"lations as &ell as the ol%er 'o'"lations+ I( the amo"nts o( 'eo'le yo"nger an% ol%er have not gone to school then their income is not going to #e as great as those that have gone to school in their 3'rime4 time %"e to time reasons+ he 3e%"c4 varia#le &as meas"re% as the in%e'en%ent varia#le an% the 3income4 varia#le &as meas"re% as the %e'en%ent varia#le+ he 9orrelation 1Pearson :2: 1r;0+2-3* r<2;0+0-.* ' =

0+0012 in%icates that there is a correlation #et&een the t&o varia#les 3e%"c4 an% 3income4+ At 2-+36* this sho&s that the amo"nt o( e%"cation %oes a((ect the rate o( income a 'erson ma$es+ With this #eing sai%* this 'roves the alternative hy'othesis correct #y stating that there is a relationshi' #et&een the highest year o( e%"cation receive% an% income+ N (%) ace White >lac$ ?ther !art" Id Strong Democrat @ot Strong Democrat In%e'en%ent* @ear Democrat In%e'en%ent In%e'en%ent* @ear :e'"#lican @ot Strong :e'"#lican Strong :e'"#lican ?ther Party 20-0 100+062 4.1 113+862 301 18+,62 -0- 11.+062 -0. 110+162 440 112+462 ,,4 11,+-62 301 18+,62 ,12 114+462 38, 110+862 -4 11+862 he in%e'en%ent* he %e'en%ent*

he 9hi/ S!"are analysis &as the ne8t statistical test to #e %one+

nominal level varia#le that &as chosen (or my test &as the varia#le 3race4+

nominal level varia#le that &as chosen (or my test &as the varia#le 3'arty i%4+ As evi%ence% #y the %ata* &e see that the varia#le 3race4 is re'resente% #y 3*,,. 'eo'le+ ?"t o( these 'eo'le* 20-0 100+062 &ere &hite* 4.1 113+862 &ere #lac$* an% 301 18+,62 &ere o( another race+ Again* evi%ence% #y %ata* the varia#le 3'artyi%4 is re'resente% #y 3,,. 'eo'le+ ?"t o( these 'eo'le -0-


11.+062 re'orte% to #e strong %emocrats* -0. 110+162 re'orte% to #e not strong %emocrats* 440 112+462 re'orte% to #e in%e'en%ent #"t near %emocratic* ,,4 11,+-62 re'orte% to #e in%e'en%ent* 301 18+,62 re'orte% to #e in%e'en%ent near re'"#lican* ,12 114+462 re'orte% to #e not strong re'"#licans* 38,110+862 re'orte% to #e strong re'"#licans* an% -4 11+862 re'orte% to #e another 'arty+ he n"ll hy'othesis in this case is: here is not a relationshi' #et&een race an%

'olitical 'arty i%* ma$ing the alternative hy'othesis in this case: here is a relationshi' #et&een race an% 'olitical 'arty i%+ A(ter r"nning the 9hi/S!"are analysis* the n"ll hy'othesis seems to #e s"''orte%+ he res"lts o( the 9hi/S!"are are: )2; 433+,.* %(;14* '=+001+ As I can see* race

is in%e'en%ent o( s"#Aective vie&s relating to 'olity 'arty 're(erence+ he last set o( statistical tests is the t/test+ Within the t/test I am going to loo$ at the relationshi' #et&een race an% %isci'line o( s'an$ing+ By n"ll hy'othesis is: here is not a

relationshi' #et&een race an% %isci'line o( s'an$ing an% my alternative hy'othesis is: here is a relationshi' #et&een race an% %isci'line o( s'an$ing+ A(ter r"nning the t/test* &e (in% that t;0+8.8* %(;2103* ';+24+ hese (in%ings in%icate that there is not a statistically signi(icant

relationshi' #et&een race an% %isci'line o( s'an$ing+ he res"lts o( all my analyses have im'lications (or social &or$ 'ractice #eca"se level o( e%"cation (actors in &ith income+ When a social &or$er comes in contact o( (amilies that %o not have a high income* it is sa(e to ass"me that there is some ty'e o( relationshi' #et&een their income an% the level o( e%"cation the 'arents or g"ar%ian have+ As (ar as the %isci'line o( s'an$ing an% race* i( they &ere (o"n% to #e statistically signi(icant* &e &o"l% #e a#le to $ee' an eye on %i((erent races an% loo$ (or signs o( a#"se greater than the occasional s'an$ing o( a chil% (or mis#ehavior+ hese (in%ings can in(orm ("rther research in the area #y #eing '"#lishe% an%


ma$ing the %oc"ment availa#le to the '"#lic so they can see the %i((erences &ithin these varia#les+

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