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Research On

About Refugee and the Legal Status of Refugee

Course Name: Legal Research Course Code: LAW 4400

Submitted by
Jahangir Alam LL.B 040!00!""

Submitted to
Barrister M. Ashrafu aman Research #u$er%isor &e$artment of La' Northern (ni%ersit)* Bangladesh

Date of Submission: 25th August 2008.

,o* Barrister M. Ashrafu aman

Research #u$er%isor &e$artment of la' Northern (ni%ersit)* Bangladesh Letter of ,ransmittal &ear #ir* +t is a great $leasure for me to su-mit the research $a$er on the to$ic of .A-out Refugee and ,he Legal #tatus of Refugee/. While $re$aring this research $a$er* + ha%e tried m) le%el -est to maintain the re0uired standard. + ho$e that this $a$er 'ill fulfill )our e1$ectation. +* therefore* $ra) and ho$e that )ou 'ould -e 2ind enough to go through this research $a$er for e%aluation. + am al'a)s a%aila-le for an) further clarification for an) $art of this research $a$er at )our con%enience. ,han2ing )ou. 3ours faithfull) Jahangir Alam +&: LL.B 040!00!""

+ am dee$l) grateful to almight) Allah to gi%e me $o'er to em$lo)ee this research $a$er. + am grateful to the Research #u$er%isor M. Ashrafu aman allo' me to $re$are this research on the most im$ortant to$ic of .A-out Refugee and the Legal #tatus of Refugee/. + am also indented to m) honora-le teacher M. Ashrafu aman for his constructi%e suggestions and im$licational su$$ort. 4e not onl) offered me e1cellent su$er%ision* -ut also lends me a hand 'hene%er + needed hel$* starring -e)ond the sim$le su$er%isor student relationshi$. #im$le 'ords of than2s can not e1$ress m) gratitude. Jahangir Alam Northern (ni%ersit) of Bangladesh

Students Decla ation

+* Jahangir Alam of Northern (ni%ersit) of Bangladesh do here-) solemnl) declare that this research $a$er is $re$ared for fulfillment of the course .Research Monogra$h/. +t 'as not -een for an) other $ur$ose* re'ord or $resentation.

List of Abb e!iations

AALCC5 B+A5 CABA5 CCRC5 C4,5 C+A5 C6A5 CRC5 &4A5 7C4A5 76R#5 78Com5 4695 +CA5 OC4A5 +CARA5 +C7M5 +C#5 +C(A5 +LA5 L+C5 OA(5 ORC5 Asian5African Legal Consulate Committee. Board of +mmigration A$$eals Cu-an American Bar Association Committee for Citi enshi$ Rights for the Cha2mas Chittagong 4ill ,rac2s Central +ntelligence Agenc) Com$rehensi%e 6lan of Action Con%ention on the Rights of the Child &e$artment of 4umanitarian Affairs 71ecuti%e Committee of 4umanitarian Affiance 7mergenc) $re$aredness and Res$onse #ection 71ecuti%e Committee of (N4CR 4umanit) $rotection 9orum +nternational Coffee Agreement Office for the Coordination of 4umanitarian Affairs +nternational conference on Assistance to Refugees Africa +ntergo%ernmental Committee for 7uro$ean Migration +nternational Court of Justice +nternational Council of :oluntar) Ageneses +nternational La' Association Lo'5intensit) Committee Organi ation of African (nit) O$en Relief Center

#A4R&C5 #outh Asian 4uman Rights &ocumentation Center 7CO#OC5 7conomic and #ocial Council of (nited Nations

6AR+NAC5 6artnershi$ in Action (&4R5 (N;A5 (NRRA5 (N:5 MOA5 +NA5 N4RC5 6CJ##5 (#CR5 (ni%ersal &eclaration of 4uman Rights (nited Nations ;eneral Assem-l) (nited Nations Relief and Reha-ilitation Agenc) (nited Nations :olunteers Memorandum of Agreement +mmigration and Nationalit) Act National 4uman Rights Commission 6ar-otti)a Chattogran Janashangati #amiti (nited #tates Committee for Refugee

#age $o. Letter of ,ransmittal Ac2no'ledgement #tudents &eclaration List of A--re%iations Bod) of the Research 6a$er "ha%te &ne Who is a Refugee< &ifferent definitions ,he "=>" Con%ention &efinition ,he "=?@ 6rotocol ,he OA( con%ention and the cartagena declaration #tateless $ersons Are 'ell all refugee 7arl) definitions "ha%te 'wo Rights and duties of Refugee i. ii. iii. i%. Life 'orld of Refugees Rights of Refugees 9uture of the Refugees Rights regime &uties of Refugees =5"0 >5A "54 ++ +++ +: :5:+

"ha%te 'h ee Causes of Refugees flo's and the la' of state res$onsi-ilit) i. ii. Causes of Refugees flo's La' of #tate Res$onsi-ilit)

"ha%te (ou i. ii. iii. &ura-le solutions Local integration :oluntar) re$atriation : Legal 9rame Wor2


"ha%te (i!e Legal Condition of Refugees in +ndia i. ii. iii. ,he stor) of $artition Refugees ,i-etan Refugees in +ndia Refugees from Bangladesh in +ndia


"ha%te Si) Bangladesh and Refugees issue i. ii. (N4CR i. ii. iii. i%. %. %i. %ii. i1. 6redecessors (N4CR: #tructure* mandate and 9unctions (N4CR and N;Os #co$e of 6rogram #t)le of O$eration #ource of 9unds Refugees and the Role of +CRC ,he 4uman Rights of Refugee C#ummar)D Burmu Refugees in Bangladesh Biharis Refugees in Bangladesh


"ha%te Se!en


%iii. Con%ention Relating to the #tatus of Refugees "=>" "onclusion Selecti!e *ibliog a%hy Recommendation != 40 4

"ha%te &ne
+ho is a Refugee,
,he definition of a ERefugeesF in international la' is of critical im$ortance for it can mean the difference -et'een life and the death for an indi%idual see2ing as)lum. &efinitions in international la' it ma) -e noted* de$art from the ordinar) meaning of the 'ord ERefugeesF. +n e%er)da) s$eech the 'ord ERefugeesF is used to descri-e a $erson 'ho is forced to flee his or her home for an) reason for 'hich the indi%idual is not res$onsi%e* he it $ersecution* $u-lic disorder* ci%il 'ar* famine*. earth 0ua2e or en%ironmental degradation."

Diffe ent Definitions

#e%eral attem$ts to define the term ERefugeesF ha%e -een made in the course of the t'entieth centur). ,he definition contained in different international instruments during the $eriod of the league of nations is the su-Gect of reading +.A. +t $ro%ides the historical -ac2dro$ against 'hich contem$orar) definitions need to -e considered. ,hese include the definitions contained in the "=>" con%ention on the status of Refugees Chereafter the "=>" con%entionD* the "=?= OA( con%ention ;o%erning the s$ecific as$ects of Refugees $ro-lems in Africa Chereafter the OA( con%entionD and the caratagena &eclaration on Refugees "=A4 Chereafter the cartagena declarationD.B

'he -.5- "on!ention Definition

" B

;lo-al refugees mo%ements and strategies of res$onse5 M. Hrit +mmigration and Refugees $olice: ;lo-al and &omestic issues.

,he most 'idel) acce$ted definition of a ERefugeesF is that continued in the "=>" con%ention!. ,he mandate of the con%ention intends to an) $erson 'ho as a result of e%ents occurring -efore " Januar) "=>" and o'ing to 'ell5 forded fear of -eing $ersecuted for reasons of race* religion* nationalit)* mem-ershi$ of a $articular social grou$ or $olitical o$inion* is out side the countr) for his nationalit) and is unreels or o'ing to such fear* is un'illing to a%ail himself of the $rotection of that countr)* or 'ho* not ha%ing a nationalit) and -eing outside the countr) of this former ha-itual residence as a result of such e%ents* is una-le or o'ing to such fear* is un'illing to return to it4.

'he -./0 % otocol

,he 2e) feature of the $rotocol of !" Januar) "=?@ relating to the status of Refugees Chereafter the "=?@ $rotocolD 'as that it remo%ed the tem$oral and geogra$hical limitations contained in the "=>" con%ention.> 4o' e%er* as reading iii. A $oints out* there 'as no attem$t to reconsider the definition of term ERefugeesF. ,his meant that most third 'orld Refugees continued to remain de factor included* as their flight is fre0uentl) $rom$ted -) natural disaster* 'ar* or $olitical and economic turmoil rather than -) $ersecution* at least as that term is under stood in the 'estern content.

'he &A1 con!ention and the ca tagena decla ation

! 4

,he Benigno A0ino Lecture in 4uman Right5 Refugees and 4uman Rights5;u) ;ood'in I;ill. ,he con%ention Refugees definition James C.4ath 'a). > ,he La' of Refugees status5 Buffer WorthFs.

At the regional different definitions of ERefugeesF ha%e -een ado$ted* namel)* the OA( con%ention and the cartagena declaration. Reading +:.A e1amines the conditions under 'hich the different definitions 'ere ado$ted in Africa and Latin America and their silent features.

Stateless %e sons
ERefugeesF are to -e distinguished from the stateless $ersons. Whether or not this diction stands to reason. While the "=>" con%ention addresses the $ro-lem of Refugees alone* the international legal rights of stateless $erson are addressed in the con%ention relating to the status of stateJless $ersons* "=>4* 'hich came into force in "=?0. +t defines a Estate less $ersonF as a E$erson 'ho is not considered as a national -) an) state under the o$eration of its la'.F

A e we all Refugee,
,he final reading of cha$ter one is included to encourage reflection on the E#tri2ing #imilarities -et'een the uni%ersal condition and the $light of Refugees. +t is $erha$s im$ortant to em$hasi e that Warner is not 0uestioning the usefulness of the legal categor) of Refugees -ut merel) $ointing to'ards certain $arallels -et'een the Refugees condition and the e1istential condition of human2ind.

2a ly Definitions
Anal)sis of the international Refugees accords entered into -et'een "=B0 and "=>0 re%eals three distinct a$$roaches to Refugees definition. 7ach of these $ers$ecti%es5 Judicial* #ocial and the indi%idualist5 'as dominant during a $art of the initial decades of Refugees la'.

-. 'he 3udicial #e s%ecti!e

9rom "=B0 until "=!>* Refugees 'ere defined in largel) Guridical terms* 'hich meant that the) 'ere treated as Refugees -ecause of their mem-ershi$ in a grou$ of $ersons effecti%el) de$ri%ed of the formal $rotection of the go%ernment of its state of origin.

2. 'he social %e s%ecti!e

+n contrast to the initial Judicial focus* the Refugees agreements ado$ted -et'een "=!> and "=!= em-odied a social a$$roach to Refugees definition. Refugees defined from the social $ers$ecti%e are the hel$less casualties of -roadl) -ased social or $olitical occurrences 'hich se$arate them from their home societ).

4. 'he 5ndi!idualist % os%ecti!e

,he third $hase of international refugee $rotection* com$rising the accords of the "=!A5"=>0 era 'as re%olutionar) in its resection of grou$ determination of refugee status. A refugee -) indi%idualist standards is a $erson in search of an enrage from $rescri-ed in Gustice of functional incom$ati-ilit) 'ith her home state.

"ha%te 'wo
Rights and Duties of Refugee

,he "=>" con%ention details the ci%ic and socio5economic rights of refugee 'hich must -e res$ected. +n addition* there are the regional and uni%ersal human rights instruments 'hich read in conGunction 'ith the refugee s$ecific human regime* E#et a 'ide5ranging* if $erha$s not full) ade0uate or integratedF measure of res$ect for the -asic dignit) of refugee.

i. Life wo ld of Refuges:
K,he %ie' thatL a refugee is a $erson 'hose social 'orld has -een distur-ed I can contri-ute to our understanding in at least t'o 'a)s. +t offers a meaningful classification of refugee on a continue that runs from total destruction of the refugeeFs social 'orld to its $ersistence e%en as he or she mo%es. At one entree there are refugees 'hose social 'orld almost collared in flight* 'ho lost relati%es and li%elihood. #uch 'ere the sur%i%ors of Wa i concentration cam$s* 'ho had no one left in the 'orld and no home to return to. ,hen there are those refugees 'hose social 'orld -ecame more circumscri-ed as a result of flight* -ut 'ere a-le to maintain some lin2s or esta-lish ne' ones. Most Afghan and 7thio$ian refugees might fall into this categor). At the after entree are refugee 'ho maintained or 0uic2l) esta-lished full fledged net'or2s in a ne' en%ironment.?

ii. Rights of Refugee

,he $ro-lem related to the detention of refugees and as)lum see2ers 'as e1amined -) a 'or2ing grou$ con%ened in 9lorence in June "=A4 -) the

Journal Of Refugee #tadiesC:ol.! "==0D*$$."=0*"=?5=AD

international institute of 4umanitarian la' and held under the aus$ices of the office of the (nited Nations 4igh Commissioner for refugees. ,he re$ort of the 'or2ing grou$ 'as noted 'ith a$$ro%al -) the $artici$ation la' 'hich 'as held -) the institute in #an Remo from #e$tem-er "@5B0* "=A4. ,he Round taste commended the follo'ing o-ser%ations and conclusions for the consideration of ;o%ernments and international organi ations : ". ,he automatic or indiscriminate detention -) state* 'ithout %alid reasons* of refugees and as)lum5see2ers 'ho are under the + Gurisdiction is a fundamental %ariance 'ith the nation of $rotection. B. 7ntr) in research of refugee on account of $ersecution* armed conflict or other e%ent seriousl) distur-ing $u-lic order does not constitute an unla'ful act. !. +n the case of indi%idual as)lum5sac2ers a reasona-le initial $eriod of de$ri%ation of li-ert) ma) -e una%oida-le to esta-lish identif) and -onefide nature of the as)lum claim. 4. Where Gustified* the) should -e granted $ro%isional li-ert) on suita-le conditions. >. ,he o-ser%ations in $aragra$hs ! and 4 do not affect the 0uestion of detention in cases of arrest in general criminal $roceedings or administrati%e detention. ?. +n situations of large5scale inform restrictions on freedom of mo%ement might also he una%oida-le* -ut should similarl) -e strictl) limited to the re0uirements of the circumstances. @. +n order to ensure that the) are not im$osed to unGustified measures of detention* it is essential that refugees -e identified as such.

A. Measures of detention should not -e a$$lied in a manner 'hich %iolates the $rinci$le of non5discrimination. =. Refugees and as)lum5see2ers should ne%er -e used as a -uffer in cases of armed conflict or confined to areas 'here their $h)sical safet) is threatened. "0. #hould $ro%ide suita-le o$$ortunities for 'or2 and education* as 'ell as conditions 'hich res$ect their religious and cultural identif) and $ersonal dignit). "". ,he) should also $ermit (N4CR to su$er%ise the 'ell5-eing and $rotection of the inha-itants of refugees cam$s. "B. +nternational solidarit) and coo$eration are of $aramount im$ortance in refugees situation.

iii. (utu e of the Refugee Rights egime :

,he follo'ing of international human rights la' since the drafting of the refugees con%ention* so that t'o o%erla$$ing )et distinct right regimes no' consist* raises im$ortant a%iations concerning the relation -et'een refugee rights and human rights* and the future role of a refugees5s$ecific rights regime. A reasona-le $oint of de$artment in the e1amination of the relation -et'een international human rights is a re%ie' of the $ur$ose and historical conte1t of the "=>" refugees con%ention.

i!. Duties of Refugee

Much has -een 'ritten on the rights of refugeesM less so on their duties. And )et* refugees are no different from other indi%idual. ,he) must conform to

the lac2s and regulations of the countr) in 'hich the) find themsel%es @. ,he mention arises. ho'e%er* 'hether refugees ha%e an) duties o%er and a-o%e such general o-ligations and 'hat conflicts* if an)* ma) e1ist 'ith res$ect to their fundamental rightsA.

"ha%te 'h ee
"auses of Refugee (lows and 'he law of State Res%onsibility
@ A

(n&oc.ANconf.BN=? ;AOR* 9ifth session* su$$lement No.B

i. "auses of Refuge (lows:

,ill recentl)* the issue of causes of refugees flo's recei%ed little attention* although the matter 'as discussed in the s$ecial $olitical committee =#6CD of the (nited nations ;eneral Assem-l) C(N;AD in the "=A0!. An im$ortant reason for this 'as the $olitical $aral)sis of the -i$olar 'orld=. +n the recei%ing countries of the 'est* an)one arri%ing from the #o%iet (nion or one of its allies 'as automaticall) granted some forms of as)lumM no defiled scrutin) of their reasons for lea%ing 'as felt necessar). +n the third 'orld to* it 'as almost im$ossi-le to address the causes of flight if the source countr) could 'ell on the $rotection of one of the su$er$o'ers and almost all could to some degree"0. +t is s)m$tomatic that the "=>" con%ention did not contain an) s$ecific reference to the res$onsi-ilities of the countr) of origin. 4o'e%er* 'ith the end of the cold 'ar* 'estern states ha%e arri%ed that $re%ention is $refera-le to cure thronging the s$otlight on the conditions and e%ents that force $eo$le to flee<

ii. Law of State Res%onsibility :

,he international la' of state res$onsi-ilit) is concerned 'ith the incidence and conse0uences of illegal acts and $articulars the $a)ment of com$ensation for large caused.""

,he (N;A* on the Recommendation of the C(N &OC5AN!>N>ABD #ee refugees: &)namics of $lacement Cced Boo2s* London "=A?D "" i-id* 6.B!B

+n reading"B ii. A Beanie introduces the su-Gect of state res$onsi-ilit) for dis$laced $o$ulations Cused as a generic reference to refugees and $ersons dis$laced of the state of $h)sical origin "!. ,he su-Gect of damages for the e1$lanation of foreign nationals remaindering contro%ersial* and there are fe' $recedents concerning refugees"4. Although the $rinci$le of com$ensating the %ictims of %iolations of human rights has much to commend it* introducing a financial su-stitute for state and communit) o-ligations ris2s lending res$ecta-ilit) to ethnic* religious and ideological cleansing">.

"ha%te (ou
Du able Solutions
-. Du able Solution :
"B "!

6rinci$le of ,he 6u-lic +nternational la'Mlan Bro'n lie ;u)s. ;ood Win5;ill* ,he Refugees in international la' "4 i-id "> i-id5$5B?=

,he meaning of the 'ord EsolutionF has rarel) -een e1$lored in refugeeFs studies literature. 3et* as doles 'rites: Curiousl)* e%er)one refugees to solution as an acce$ted term of art in the a$$roach to the refugees $ro-lems* -ut no one has considered in an) de$th the inade0uate treatment of solution has unfortunate* as solution is a motion fundamental to the formation of an a$$roach to the refugee $ro-lem* and an) misunderstanding 'here this conce$t is concerned is ine%ita-l) at the e1$ense of the 0ualit) of the a$$roach to the $ro-lem.

ii. Local integ ation :

Li2e resettlement the solution of local integration is not %ie'ed as a %isi-le solution toda). 9or as lecher e1$lains"?. Most first as)lum countries are %er) $oor and unsta-le. A sudden influ1 of refugees can disru$t a fragile econom)* e1acer-ate unem$lo)ment and heighten ethnic fle1ions. ,herefore it is not sur$rising that the idea of integration has recei%ed little theoretical attention. +n Reading ii. A Hutilman* among the fe' to ha%e 'ritten on the su-Gect* offers a definition of the form integration<

iii. 6olunta y Re%at iation :

,he solution of %oluntar) re$atriation also raises a lost of legal and $olic) issues. What is the meaning to -e assigned to the 'ord E%oluntar)F< 4o' is the %oluntar) nature of re$atriation to -e as certained< Must it reflect the

Loescher* Be)ond charit)C#ee 9ootnote > earlierD*$$."4A5"4=.

e1ercise of an indi%idual 'ill< Or can it -e a $art of a collecti%e decision ta2en -) a grou$ of refugees to return< What 2ind of information of the countr) of origin must -e refugees ha%e access to if the) are to ma2e rational decisions< What are the minimum human rights standards that must -e in the countr) of origin< etc"@.

"ha%te (i!e
Legal "ondition of Refugees in 5ndia
i. 'he Sto y of #a tition Refugees :

B.# chiming* E:oluntar) Re$atriation: A Critical note Minternational Journal of Refugees la'C%ol.!."=="D.$$>4"54?

,he stor) of refugees in inde$endent +ndia must -eing 'ith the $artition of the countr) in "=BN@. ,his is for t'o reasons first* the human dimension of $artition* 'hich sa' the dis$lacement of millions of $eo$le has not recei%ed sufficient attention from historians 'ho ha%e confided themsel%es to an anal)sis of it causes"A. #econd* in the ordinar) consciousness the stor) of $artition refugees has come to -e restarted from that of refugeeFs flo's to free +ndia. While the t'o stories ha%e different traGectories and endings* the t'o e1$eriences are united -) the enormous sufferings the) record. Recalling and reli%ing the often side of silence: :oices from the $artition of +ndia C:i2ing $enguin +ndia* Ne'* &elhi* "==AD the traumatic $ass age of $artition refugees hel$s em$athies 'ith the $ro-lems of refugees $o$ulations $resent in +ndia toda) 'ho unli2e the $artition refugees ha%e lost not onl) their homes -ut also -een u$rooted from their nationhood and culture"=.

ii. 'ibetan Refugees in 5ndia :

Chimni re%i%als +ndianFs record 'ith res$ect to ,i-etan refugees and the rights intended to them. +n com$arison 'ith other refugees grou$s in the countr) ,i-etan refugees ha%e recei%ed for -etter treatment. B0 Readers ma) 0uer) as to 'hat accents for this differential treatment< enact -e e1$lained -) the fact that in the case of the ,i-etan refugees the $ossi-ilit) of re$artition 'as non5e1istent from the %er) -eginning< But then ho' does one e1$lain the relati%el) -etter treatment of the #ri Lan2an ,amil refugees 'hen com$ared to the resources of the state in 'hich the Cha2ma refugees from Bangladesh< Can in this case the differential treatment -e accounted for -) the e1istence or a-sence of ethnic ties< &o refugees are located ma2e
"A "=

As one o-ser%er notes: ,he $artition* related massacres and migrations 4uman rights ne's letter C:ol. ".! No. @ Jul) "==?D B0 ,he $rotection of 4uman Rights Act* "===!

a difference< 9or e1am$le* ,i$ura 'here the cam$s of the no' re$atriated Cha2ma refugees 'ere located is among the $oorest regions in the countr). Was that a reason for the refugees recei%ing as 'e shall see $resentl)* less than human treatment< #hould then the control go%ernment ha%e the res$onsi-ilit) for loo2ing after the 'elfare of refugees< More generall)* is there a need to formulate and $ursue a uniform $olic) to'ards different refugees grou$s< +t so 'hat should -e the core elements of the $olic)<

iii. Refugees f om *angladesh in 5ndia :

&escri-es the t'o maGor refugeeFs flo's from Bangladesh: ,he "0 million refugees 'ho sought refugees in +ndia in "=@" and the Cha2ma refugees 'ho later fled $ersecution in the Chittagong hill tracts and 'ho re$atriated in "==A. White +ndianFs res$onse to the mass influ1 in "=@" is a mater of $ride the treatment of Cha2ma refugees left much to he desired: 9ood medical and education facilities in the cam$s 'ere inade0uate. ,he sorr) state of affairs 'as confirmed -) the national human rights commission CN4RCD in Ma) "==? 'hen it sent an in%estigation team to tri$ura to re$ort on the conditions in the cam$sB".

"ha%te Si)
*angladesh and the Refugee issue
,o a Bangladesh national* the refugeeFs situation is unit familiar. ,he $eo$le of Bangladesh had -een su-Gect to genocide and crimes against humanit) in

#ee N4RC Annual Re$ort "==>5=?* 66. ?"5?B

"=@" -) the 6a2istanFs militar) Gunta. Around "0 million Bangladeshi nationals had lea%e for +ndia to esca$e from the murderers of 6a2istan arm). Man) of the Bangladeshi nationals -ecame refugees in +ndia for a nine5 month $eriod till Bangladesh emerged as inde$endent countr) in "? &ecem-er "=@". Bangladesh had acce$ted the refugees -ecause of humanitarian concern. Bangladeshi is a res$onsi-le mem-er of the (N and is conscious of its role in the $romotion of and res$ect for human rights. Bangladesh is committed to underta2e humanitarian aid to the refugees 'hen e%er is necessar). Man) local non5;o%ernmental organi ations ha%e -een engaged in ad%ancing the cause of human rights including that of the refugees in the countr). Article B> of the Bangladesh constitution states that .,he state shall -ase its national relations on the $rinci$les of res$ect for.... international la' and the $rinci$les enunciated in the (nited Nations charter. 9urther more article !B of the "=@B Bangladesh constitution states that .No $erson shall -e de$ri%ed of life and li-ert) sa%es in accordance 'ith la'/. (nder article != of the constitution freedom of thought* freedom of s$eech and e1$ression are granted in Bangladesh. BangladeshFs is a democratic countr) and the $eo$le of Bangladesh ha%e a tradition to resist the authoritarian nature of the go%ernment. BangladeshFs successi%e democratic go%ernments are full) committed to res$ect the $ro%isions of the constitution. ,he fundamental rights as enumerated in $art +++ of the

constitution are Gustifia-le -) the higher Gudiciar) in the countr) under article "0! of the constitution.

i. *u ma Refugees in *angladesh
#ince "=="* Bangladesh has -een the main countr) of refugee for mem-ers of the Muslim Rohing)a minorit) in BurmaFs ara2an state* man) thousands of 'hom ha%e fled gross human rights %iolations $re$ared -) the Burmese go%ernment. +n "=="5=B alone* discrimination* %iolence and the im$osition of forced la-or $ractices -) Burmese authorities triggered an e1odus of some B>0*000 Rohing)a across the -rander into Bangladesh. Most of these refuges returned -et'een "==! and "==@ under a re$atriation $rogram arranged through the aus$ices of the (nited Nations 4igh Commissioner for Refuges C(N4CRD. ,he future of BB*000 Rohing)a 'ho remain in refuges cam$s in Bangladesh* ho'e%er* remains unclear. &onor countries* frustrated -) the lac2 of $rogress in finall) resettling these remaining refuges* ha%e reduced the le%el of su$$ort a%aila-le to them. Mean 'hile* continuing discrimination against* attac2s u$on* and other 'ides$read %iolations of the rights of Rohing)a in Burma ha%e led to ne' refuges out flo's into Bangladesh. More than "00*000 Rohing)a* 'ho ha%e not -een formall) documented as refuges* no' li%e in Bangladesh out side the refuges cam$s. ,heir situation to remains $recarious. ,his re$ort descri-es the 2e) o-stacles 'hich ha%e to no' $re%ent the satisfactor) resolution of this maGor refuges $ro-lem* 'ith $articular attention to emulation of the agreed re$atriation $rogram. ,he $rimar) o-stacles are to -e found on the Burmese side of the -order. BurmaFs ruling state $eace and &e%elo$ment Council C#6&CD* 'hich re$laced the state la' and order Restoration Council C#LORCD* $ersists in its $olic) of den)ing

Burmese soil. As a direct conse0uence* Rohing)a are treated as aliens in their o'n countr) and are -eing su-Gected to restrictions on their freedom of mo%ement* ar-itrar) function and e1tortion -) local officials BB. Rohing)a %illagers also continue to -e re0uired to understate forced la-or -) local Burmese official* 'ho sometimes threaten to ha%e them 2illed if the) refuges to com$an).

ii. *iha is Refugee in *angladesh :

RefugeeFs international is concerned a-out the $ricing and $ersistent humanitarian and $rotection issues facing the stateless Bihari. ,he Rahig)a refuges $o$ulation and dis$laced religious minorities in Bangladesh. ,he Biharis C#tand and 6a2istanisD of Bangladesh are $articular concern to refuges international. ,he Biharis* an (rdu s$ea2ing Muslim minorit) originall) from the 4indu region of Bihar* ha%e -een stateless since the da) of Bangladesh inde$endence. At the $artition of "=4@* the Biharis -ecame a $art of 7ast 6a2istan* -ut their $ast su$$ort for 'estern 6a2istan caused tension -et'een the Bihari and the ne'l) inde$endent nation of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has refused to $ro%ide full citi enshi$ to the Bihari due to their $re%ious su$$ort of 'estern 6a2istan 'hile 6a2istan* on the other hand* fears the large influ1 of Biharis 'ho li%e in ?? cam$s in "! regions across the countr). ,he Bihari face o%er cro'ded li%ing 0uarters* $oor drainage and sanitation s)stems* inade0uate education and health care facilities. Most im$ortantl) the Bihari continue to remain stateless after more thus thirdl) )ears of hardshi$. Little has -een done to im$ro%e their current conditions and no $lausi-le solution has -een rached.

4BR#5 6age A?5"0!

#olicy Recommendations :
0!NB!NB00? Bangladesh: #tateless Biharis grou$ for a resolution and their rights. 0>N0=NB00> Bangladesh: Burmese Rohing)a refugee %irtual tinstones. "BN"!NB004 stateless Biharis in Bangladesh: A humanitarian right mare. 0AN0ANB00! Bangladesh: &iscrimination and dis$lacement of religious minorities 0>N!0NB00! Lac2 of $artition $lanes BurmaFs Rohing)a refugee in Bangladesh more $olic) recommendations.

Related $ews :
0=N0?NB00@ Bangladesh ta2es lauda-le ste$s to reduce statelessness. 0?N"4NB00@ Child la-or among the dis$laced and stateless.

"ha%te Se!en
,he histor) of an organi ed res$onse to the refugee $ro-lem can -e traced to the -irth of the League of Nations. B) "=B0 it -ecame increasingl) clear that

large5scale refugee mo%ements in 7uro$e could not -e dealt 'ith 'ithout intergo%ernmental coo$eration. +n "=B" &r. 9ridts of Nansen assumed the office of the 4igh Commissioner for Russian Refugees. #u-se0uentl) his ser%ices 'ere used to deal 'ith other refugee floes. +n "=B=* the assem-l) set u$ the Nansen international office for refugees 'hich 'ere li0uidated in "=!A. An intergo%ernmental committee on refugees C+;CRD 'as esta-lished in "=!A as an inde$endent international refugee organi ation outside the frame 'or2 of the league of nations. ,he initiati%e came from the (nited #tatesB!. ,he committee 'as to ta2e care of Je'ish refugees from ;erman) and Austria. +n "=!= a 4igh Commissioner for the League of Nations 'as a$$ointed to ta2e care of the refugees to the +;CR 'hich acted until the international refugee organi ation C+ROD too2 o%er the res$onsi-ilities in "=4@. Mean 'hile* the (nited Nations Relief and reha-ilitation agenc) C(NRRAD 'as esta-lshed in "=4! 'hen 44 $artici$ating states signed the charter of the ne' international organi ation. +ts o-Gecti%e 'as to ma2e E$re$arations and arrangements.... for the return of $risoners and e1iles to their homesB4.

i. # edecesso s
9ollo'ing the first 'orld 'ar. League of Nations agencies had gra$$led 'ith some of the most o-%ious needs of the 'a%es of refugees caused from "="B on -) the dislocations of 'ar* the im$act of %iolent nationalismJ* through its intolerance and racial legislation* created a huge

9or a histor) de%elo$ment in this $eriod #ee ;laudena M. #2ran* Refugees in inter 'ar 7uro$e ,he 7mergence of a Regime C;larendon 6ress* O1ford "==>D

+N7: &aniel and ;.H. Hnudsen* edg* Mistrusting refugee C(ni%ersit) of California 6ress* Ber2el)* "==>D 6. B"4 +

e1odus after "=!! and $laced great num-ers of indi%iduals in an intolera-le $osition* s$ecial intergo%ernmental action 'as organi ed from "=!A on under the imitati%e of $resident Roose%elt* resulting in the esta-lishment of the intergo%ernmental action* under the direction of the united states and great Britain* 'as continued and asradened during the second 'orld 'ar to deal 'ith ne' emergencies. +n the third $lace 'ere the large scale efforts on -ehalf of dis$laced $erson -) the militar) authorities once li-eration of the continent -egin 'ith the second 'orld front in June "=44. ,hese efforts 'ere su$$lement -) those of relief agencies* nota-l) (NRRA..... 'hose 'or2 along 'ith that of +;CR from CedD the immediate -ac2ground to the esta-lished of +RO.

ii. 1$7"R: St uctu e8 mandate and (unctions :

,he office of the united nations high commissioner for refugees C(N4CRD. At its "=>0 session* the general assem-l) formall) ado$ted the state of (N4CR as an ane1e to resolution 4BA C(D* in 'hich it also called u$on ;o%ernments to o$erate 'ith the office. ,he function of (N4CR encom$ass E$ro%iding international $rotectionF and Esee2ing $ermanent solutionsF to the $ro-lems of refugee -) 'a) of %oluntar) re$atriation or assimilation in ne' national communities. ,he state e1$ressl) $ro%ides $olitical character* it shall -e humanitarian and social and shall relate related* as a rules to grou$s and categories of refugees of the t'o functions. ,he $ro%isions of international $rotection is of $rimar) im$ortant for 'ith refugees* there can -e no $ossi-ilit) of finding lasting solutions. Besides defining refugees the (N4CR state $rescri-es the relationshi$ of the 4igh Commissioner 'ith the ;eneral assem-l) and the economic and social council C7CO#OD ma2es

$ro%ision for organi ation and finance* $rotection. ,hese de%elo$ the functions engaged in -) $redecessor con%entions and include CiD -ooting the conclusion of international and $ro$osing amendments there toM CiiD $romoting through s$ecial agreements 'ith go%ernments the e1ecution of an) measures calculated to im$ro%e the situation of refugees the num-er re0uiring $rotectionM and CiiiD $romoting the admission of refugeesB>.

iii. 1$7"R and $9&s :

4uman instincts ha%e undou-tedl) dri%en $eo$le to assist others in need since the da'n of ci%ili ationB?. ,oda) the $rocess of $ro%iding humanitarians assistance has -ecome a highl) organi ed enter$rise in%ol%ing laces and regulations* more $olitical im$lications* international organi ations and large sums of mone). Noe%er the less refugees assistance efforts remain hea%il) im-ued 'ith idealism and humanitarian moti%ation* $articularl) noticea-le in $ri%ate religious and charita-le agencies. ,he conce$t of rescuing %ictims of $ersecution and %iolence is central to this moti%ationB@. ,hough ;o%ernmental entities are usuall) rather clearl) identifia-le* it is not al'a)s clear 'ho is and is not $art of the non5go%ernment $ortion of the refugees assistance of net'or2. ,he field incor$orates as$ects of human rights* generic charit)* immigration ser%ices* social ser%ices* religious ser%ices* de%elo$ment* education* ad%ocac) and a host of su$$ort and other functionsBA.
7CO#OC Res. !=! BC8+++D "0 #e$tem-er "=>" 7cosc Res. >?> C8+8D* !" March "=>> B@ ;AR7s "?? C8++D* B? No%em-er "=>@ and 7cosoc Res ?@B C88:D* !0 A$ril "=>A BA Re$ort of the (N 4igh Commissioner for Refugees to the (N economic and #ocial Council* Ma) "==4.
B> B?

i!. Sco%e of # og am :
Refugees N;Os ma) -e in%ol%ed in -oth domestic resettlement of refugees and ser%ices to as)lum see2ers* and in international refugee aid. ,he) ma) s$eciali e in ad%ocac)* $u-lic education* legal ser%ices* de%elo$ment aid or $ro%ide a full range of medical* logistical and relief ser%ice. A fe' s$eciali e in $articular nationali es* all ho'e%er* offer ser%ices to refugees or dis$laced $eo$le as the or one of the central focus of their $rogram* their in%ol%ement 'ith refugees is not -) chance.

!. Style of o%e ation :

#ome agencies are acti%ists 'ith res$ect to go%ernment $olic)* see2ing to affect $olic) content or $rogram resources. Commitment to ad%ocac) does not seem to -e determined -) si e of constituenc) on sur$risingl)* e%en to degree of reliance on go%ernment funding* though -oth are rele%ant factors.

!i. Sou ce of funds :

#ome N;Os rel) hea%il) on funding from go%ernments5 others 'ill not acce$t such funds and rel) onl) on $ri%ate su$$ort such as indi%idual contri-utions* grunts from foundations* or allocations from church -odies. A total in%entor) of N;O functions and ser%ices is $ro$erl) not $ossi-le* -ut the follo'ing e1am$les of -oard functional areas* -oth formal and informal* sho' the im$ortance N;Os to the refugees assistance net'or2.

!ii. Refugees and the Role of 5"R" :

Where as refugee la' contains a s$ecific definition of refugee* humanitarian la' is %er) %ague and onl) rarel) em$lo)s the term. All the same* this does not mean that refugees are reflected -) humanitarian la'* since the) are $rotected -) it 'hen the) are in the $o'er of a $art) of conflictB=. &uring international armed conflicts. Nationals of a state 'ho flee hostilities and center the territor) of an enem) state are $rotected -) the fourth ;ene%a con%ention as aliens in the feretor) of a $art) to the conflicts CArticles !> to 4? of the fourth con%entionD. ,his con%ention re0uests fa%ora-le treatment for refugees on the $art of the host countr)M since as refugees the) do not enGo) the $rotection of an) go%ernment* the) must not -e treated as enem) aliens solel) on the -asis of their nationalit) CArticle 44 of the fourth con%entionD. 6rotocol + reinforces this rule 'hile also refiguring to the $rotection of stateless $ersons CArticle @. of $rotocol +D. Refugees nations of a neutral state 'ho find themsel%es in the territor) of a -elligerent state are

+nternal Re%ie' of the Red Cross CNo. !0>* March5A$ril "==>D* 66. "?@5@0.

$rotected -) the fourth con%ention 'hen there are no di$lomatic relations -et'een their state and the -elligerent state. Article @! of $rotocol + manicuring this $rotection e%en 'hen di$lomatic relations e1ist. ,o fourth con%ention further sti$ules that E+n no circumstances shall $rotected $erson -e transferred to a countr) 'here he or she ma) ha%e reason to fear $ersecution for his or her $olitical o$inions or religious -eliefsF C6rinci$le of non5refulgent Article 4> $ara5 4 of the fourth con%entionD. ,he office of the united Nations 4igh Commissioner for refuges C(N4CRD $la)s a role of $aramount im$ortance in 'or2 on -ehalf of refuges. ,he +CRC considers itself to -e directl) concerned -) the fate of refuges 'ho are ci%ilian %ictims of armed conflicts or distur-ances* or of their direct results* i.c55555* situations -) its mandate. +CRC action for these refuges de$ends their alia on their $rotection under international humanitarian la'.

!iii. "on!ention elating to the status of Refugee -.5Ado$ted on BA Jul) "=>" -) the united nations conference of $leni$otentiaries on the state of refuges and state less $ersons con%ened under ;eneral assem-l) resolution 4B= of "4 &ecem-er "=>0. 7ntr) into force : BB A$ril "=>4* in accordance 'ith Article 4!.

#R2A:*L2 &( '72 "&$62$'5&$


,he 4igh Contracting 6arties* considering that the charter of the united nations and the uni%ersal declaration of 4uman Rights a$$ro%ed on "0 &ecem-er "=4A -) the general assem-l) affirmed the $rinci$le that human -eings shall enGo) fundamental rights and refuges 'ithout discrimination considering that the united nations has* on %arious occasions* manifested its $rofound concern for refuges and endea%ored to assure refuges the 'idest $ossi-le e1ercise of this fundamental rights and refuges* considering that it is desira-le to re%ise and consolidate $re%ious international agreements relating to the status of refuges and to e1tend the sco$e of and the $rotection accorded -) such instruments -) means of a ne' agreement. Considering that the grant of as)lum ma) $lace undul) hea%il) -urdens on certain countries* and that a satisfactor) solution of a $ro-lem of 'hich the united nations has recogni ed the international sco$e and nature cannot therefore -e achie%ed 'ithout international coo$eration. 71$ressing the 'ish that all state* recogni ing the social and humanitarian nature of the $ro-lem of refuges* 'ill do e%er)thing 'ithin their $o'er to $re%ent this $ro-lem from -ecoming a cause of tele%ision -et'een states. Nothing that the united nations high commissioner for refuges is charged the fast of su$er%ising internationals con%entions $ro%iding for the $rotection of refuges and recogni ing that the effecti%e coordination of measures ta2en to deal 'ith this $ro-lem 'ill de$end u$on the coo$eration of states 'ith the high commissioner.

7a!e ag eed as follows:


9or the $ur$oses of the $resent con%ention* the term ErefugesF shall a$$l) to an) $erson 'ho. 4as -een considered a refuges under the arrangements of "B Ma) "=B? and !0 June "=BA or under the con%ention of BA Octo-er "=!! and "0 9e-ruar) "=!A* the $rotocol of "4 #e$tem-er "=!= or the constitution of the international refuges organi ation KArticle "L.

9ene al &bligations
7%er) refuges has duties to the countr) in 'hich he finds himself* 'hich re0uire in $articular that the conforms of its la's and regulations as 'ell as to measures ta2en for the maintance of $u-lic order . KArticle BL.

$on Disc imination

,he contracting states shall a$$l) the $ro%isions of this con%ention to refuges 'ithout discrimination as to race* religion on countr) of origin. KArticle !L

,he contracting states shall accord to refugees 'ithin their territor) treatment at least as fa%ora-le as that accorded to their nations 'ith res$ect to freedom to $ractice their religion and freedom as regards the religious education of their children. KArticle 4L

Rights 9 anted a%a t f om this "on!ention


Nothing in this con%ention shall -e deemed to im$air an) rights and -enefits granted -) a contracting state to refugees a $art from this con%ention. KArticle >L

'he te m ;in the same ci cumstances<

9or the $ur$ose of this con%ention* the term .in the same circumstances/ im$lies that an) re0uirements Cincluding re0uirements as to length and conditions of #oGoun or residenceD 'hich the $articular indi%idual 'ould ha%e to fulfill for the enGo)ment of right in or section. KArticle ?L

2)em%tion f om Reci% ocity

71ce$t 'here this con%ention contains more fa%ora-le $ro%isions* a contracting state shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to aliens generall). KArticle @L

2)ce%tion f om e)ce%tional measu es

With regard to e1ce$tional measures 'hich ma) -e ta2en against the $erson* $ro$erl) or interests of national of foreign state. KArticle =L

# o!isional :easu es
Nothing in this con%ention shall $re%ent a contracting state* in time of 'ar or other gra%e and e1ce$tional circumstances from ta2ing $ro%isional measures 'hich it considers to -e essential to the national securit) in the case of a $articular $erson. KArticle =L

"ontinuity of Residence

Where a refugee has -een forci-l) dis$laced during the second 'orld 'ar and remo%ed to the territor) of a contracting state and is residence there* the $eriod of such informed soGourn shall -e considered to ha%e -een la'ful residence 'ithin that territor). KArticle "0L

Refugee Seamen
+n the case of refugees regularl) ser%ing as cre' mem-ers on -oard a shi$ fl)ing the flag of a contracting state* that shall gi%e s)m$atric consideration to their esta-lishment on its territor) and the issue to tra%el documents to them or their tem$orar) admission to its territor) $articular 'ith a %ie' to facilitating their esta-lishment in another countr). KArticle ""L

#e sonal Status
,he $ersonal status of a refugee shall go%erned -) the la' of the countr) of his domicile or if he has no domicile* -) the la' of the countr) of his residence. KArticle "BL

:o!able and 5mmo!able # o%e ty

,he contracting state shall accord to a refugee treatment as fa%ora-le and in an) e%ent* not less fa%ora-le than that accorded to aliens generall) in the same circumstances. KArticle "!L

A tiste Rights And 5ndust ial # o%e ty


+n res$ect of the $rotection of industrial $ro$ert)* such as in%entions* designs or models trade mar2s* trade names and of rights in literar)* artistic and scientific 'or2s. KArticle "4L

Right of Association
As regards non5$olitical and non5$rofit5ma2ing associations and trade unions the contracting state shall accord to refugees la'full) sta)ing in their territor) the most fa%ora-le treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign countr)* in the same circumstances. KArticle ">L

Access to "ou ts
A refugee shall enGo) in the contracting state in 'hich he has his ha-itual residence the same treatment as a national in matters $ertaining to access to the courts* including legal assistance and e1em$tion from elution Gudicator so. KArticle "?L

+age ea ning em%loyment

,he contracting states shall accord to refugees la'full) sta)ing in their territor) the most fa%ora-le treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign countr) in the same circumstances* as regards the right to engage in 'age5 earning em$lo)ment. KArticle "@L

,he contracting state shall accord to a refugee la'full) in their territor) treatment as fa%ora-le as $ossi-le and in an) e%ent* not less fa%ora-le than that accorded to aliens generall) in the same circumstance. KArticle "AL

Libe al # ofessions
,he contracting states shall use their -est endea%ors consistentl) 'ith their la's and constitutions to secure the settlement of such refugee in the territories. KArticle "=L

Where a raining s)stem e1ists* 'hich a$$lies to the $o$ular at large and regulations the general distri-ution of $roducts in short su$$l) refugees shall -e accorded the same treatment as nationals. KArticle B0L

#ublic 2ducation
,he contracting state shall accord to refugees the same treatment as in accorded to nationals 'ith res$ect to elementar) education. KArticle B"L

As regards housing the contracting states in so far as the matter is regulated -) lacus or regulations or is su-Gect to the control of $u-lic authorities. KArticle BBL

#ublic Relief
,he contracting states shall accord to refugees la'full) sta)ing in their territor) the same treatment 'ith res$ect to $u-lic relief and assistance as is accorded to their nationals. KArticle B!L

Labo Legislation and Social Secu ity

#ocial securit) Clegal $ro%ision in res$ect of em$lo)ment inGur). Occu$ational diseases* maternit) sic2ness* disa-ilit)* old age* death* unem$lo)ment* famil) res$onsi-ilities and an) other contingenc) 'hich according to nationals la's or regulations is co%ered a social securit) schemeD. KArticle B4L

Administ ati!e Assistance

&ocuments or certifications so deli%ered shall stand in the stead of the official instruments li%ered to aliens -) or through their national authorities and shall -e gi%en credence in the essence of $roof to the contra.KArticle B>L

( eedom of :o!ement
7ach contracting state shall accord to refuges la'full) in its territor) the right to chosen their $lace of residence and to mo%e freel) 'ithin its territor) su-Gect to an) regulations a$$lica-le to aliens generall) in the same circumstances. KArticle B?L

5dentify #a%e s
,he contracting state shall issue identit) $a$ers to an) refugee in their territor) 'ho does not $asses a %alid tra%el document. KArticle B@L

' a!el Documents

,ra%el documents issued to refugees under $re%ious international agreements -) $arties thereto shall -e regained and treated -) the contracting states in the same 'a) as if the) had -een issued $ursuant to this article. KArticle BAL

(iseal 2a ges
,he contracting states shall not im$ose u$on refugees duets* charges orates of an) descri$tion 'hat so e%er* other or higher than those 'hich are or ma) -e le%ied on their nationals in similar situations. KArticle B=L

' ansfe of Assets

A contracting state shall in conformit) 'ith its la's and regulations $ermit refugees to transfer assists 'hich ha%e -rought into its territor) to another countr) 'here the) ha%e -een admitted for the $ur$oses of resettlement. KArticle !0L

Refugees unlawfully in the "ount y of Refugee


,he contracting states shall not im$ose $enalties on account of their illegal entr) or $resence. KArticle !"L

# ohibilition of 2)%ulsion o Retu n

No contracting state shall e1$el or return a refugee in an) manner 'hat so e%er to the frontiers of territories 'here his life or freedom 'ould -e threatened on account of his race* religion nationals mem-ershi$ of a $articular social grou$ or $olitical o$inion. KArticle !!L

,he) shall in $articular ma2e e%er) effort to e1$edite naturali ation $roceedings and to reduce as far as $ossi-le the charge and costs of such $roceedings. KArticle !4L

"oo%e ation of the national autho ities with the 1$

,he contracting states underta2e to co5o$erate 'ith the office of the united nations high commissioner for refugees or an) other agenc) of the united nations 'hich ma) succeed it* in the e1ercise of its functions and shall in $articular facilitate its dut) of su$er%ising the a$$lication of the $ro%isions of this con%ention. KArticle !>L

5nfo mation on $ational Legislation

,he contracting states shall communicate to the secretar)5;eneral of the united Nations the la's and regulations 'hich the) ma) ado$t to ensure the a$$lications of this con%ention. KArticle !?L

Relation to % e!ious "on!entions

Without $re Juice to Article BA* $aragra$h of this con%ention this con%ention re$laces as -et'een $arties to it. KArticle !@L

Settlement of dis%utes
An) dis$ute -et'een $arties to this con%ention relating to its inter$retation or a$$lication 'hich cannot -e settled -) other means. KArticle !AL

Signatu e8 Ratification and Accession

,he con%ention shall -e o$ened for signature at ;ene%a on BA Jul) "=>". And this con%ention shall -e o$en from BA Jul) for accession -) the states. KArticle !=L

'e ito ial A%%lication "lause

An) states ma)* at the time of signature ratification or accession* declare that this con%ention shall e1tend to all or an) of the territories for the international relations of 'hich it is res$onsi-le. KArticle 40L

(ede al "lause
With res$ect to those articles of this con%entions that come 'ithin the legislati%e Gurisdiction of the federal legislati%e authorit). KArticle 4"L

Rese !ations
At the time of signature* ratification an) state ma) ma2e reser%ations article of the con%ention other than to articles "!* "4* "? CiD* !!* !?54? inclusi%e. KArticle 4BL

2nt y into (o ce
,his con%ention shall come into force on the ninetieth da) follo'ing the da) of de$osit of si1th instrument of ratification or accession. KArticle 4!L

An) contracting state ma) denounce this con%ention at an) time -) a notification addressed to the secretar) general of the unstated nation. KArticle 44L

An) contracting state ma)? re0uest re%ision of this con%ention at an) time -) a mortification addressed to the secretar) general of the united nations. KArticle 4>L

$otifications by the sec eta y gene al of the 1nited $ations.

,he secretar) general of the united nations shall inform al mem-ers of the united nations and non5mem-er states referred to in article !=5 a. of declarations and notifications in accordance 'ith section ! of article ". -. of signatures ratifications and accessions in accordance 'ith article !=. c. of declarations and notifications in accordance 'ith article 40 d. of reser%ations and 'ithdra'als in accordance 'ith article 4B e. of the date on 'hich this con%ention 'ill come into force in accordance 'ith article 4! f. of denunciations and notifications in accordance 'ith article 44 g. of re0uest for re%ision in accordance 'ith article 4> KArticle 4>L +n faith 'hereof the undersigned dul) authori ed ha%e signed this con%ention on -ehalf of their res$ecti%e go%ernments. &one at ;ene%a* this t'ent) eight da) of Jul)* one thousand nine hundred and fift)5one in a single co$)* of 'hich the 7nglish and 9rench te1ts are e0uall) authentic and 'hich shall remain de$osited in the articles of the united nations and certified true co$ies of 'hich shall -e deli%ered to all

mem-ers of the united nations to the non5mem-er states referred to in article !=.

i). 'he 7uman Rights of Refugee >Summa y?

,he human rights of refugees include the follo'ing indi%isi-le* interde$endent and interrelated human rights: ,he human rights to see2 and enGo) as)lum from $ersecution. ,he human rights not to -e forci-l) returned to the countr) he or she is fleeing if such a return 'ould $ose a threat to the life* securit)* or freedom of the refugee. ,he human rights to freedom of mo%ement* freedom to choose his or her residence* freedom to lea%e an) countr)* including his or her o'n* and to return to his or her countr). ,he human rights to freedom from discrimination -ased on race* color* gender* language* religion* nationalit)* ethnicit)* or an) other status. ,he human rights to e0ual $rotection of the la'* e0ual access to the courts* and freedom from ar-itrar) or $rolonged detention. ,he human rights to a nationalit). human rights to life. ,he human rights to $rotection from fortune or ill5treatment. ,he human rights to freedom from genocide and .ethnic cleansing/. ,he human rights to an ade0uate standard of li%ing* including ade0uate food* shelter and clothing. ,he human rights to 'or2 and to -asic la-or $rotections.

,he human rights to the highest $ossi-le standard of health and to access to health care. ,he human rights to li%e in a health) and safe en%ironment. ,he human rights to education5 to free and com$ulsor) elementar) education* to readil) a%aila-le forms of secondar) and higher education* and to freedom from all t)$es of discrimination at all le%els of education. ,he human rights to $rotection from economic and se1ual e1$loitation* $articular for refugee 'omen and children. ,he human rights to $artici$ation in decision5ma2ing 'hich affects a refugeeOs life* famil)* and communit). ,he human rights to sustaina-le de%elo$ment. ,he human rights to $eace.

When (N decided to set u$ the (N4CR in "=4= the ;eneral Assem-l) of the unrecogni ed the res$onsi-ilit) of the (N for the international $rotection of refugees. +nternational $rotection is -ased on human rights $rinci$les. #ince the refugees do not enGo) the $rotection of the countr). Of origin* the international communit) must come for'ard to $ro%ide that $rotection. +nternational $rotection thus -egins 'ith securing admission of a refugee in another countr). +f includes su$er%ision of refugees at the glo-al and regional le%el. ,he refugees are to -e identified and -e accorded an a$$ro$riate status. 6rotection includes ensuring that the -asic necessities of life are $ro%ided in a safe en%ironment. Other tools of international $rotection include emergenc) resettlement to third countries or assistance to return home. 9or international $rotection one could rel) on international legal con%ention and declarations ado$ted -) the (N or -) the regional organi ations* such as the OA( con%ention or cartagena declaration for Latin America. +n conflict situations the "=4= ;ene%a con%ention related to the $rotection of ci%ili ation $ersons in time of 'ar and the additional $rotocols of "=@@ assume $articular signature.

Selecti!e *ibliog a%hy

*ook : i. B.# Chimni* +nternational refugee la' ii. 4arun (r Rashid*Refugee la' A ticles: Borhan (ddin Ahmed* 9ift) )ears of the uni%ersit) declaration of 4uman Rights


ERefugeesF in international la' is of critical

im$ortance for it can mean the difference -et'een life and the death for an indi%idual see2ing as)lum. ,o a Bangladeshi national* the refugeeFs situation is unit familiar. ,he $eo$le of Bangladesh had -een su-Gect to genocide and crimes against humanit) in "=@" -) the 6a2istanFs militar) Gunta. Around "0 million Bangladeshi nationals had lea%e for +ndia to esca$e from the murderers of 6a2istan arm). Man) of the Bangladeshi nationals -ecame refugees in +ndia for a nine5month $eriod till Bangladesh emerged as inde$endent countr) in "? &ecem-er "=@". ,he "=>" con%ention details the ci%ic and socio5economic rights of refugee 'hich must -e res$ected. :arious con%entions gi%e shelter all the refugee all o%er the 'orld. #o* + thin2* all the state or countr) of the 'orld gi%e more facilities for the refugee life and ta2e the res$onsi-ilit) same in the o'n $eo$le of that countr).

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