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Architecture of the Philippines

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The front entrance of Fuerza de Santiago towering 40 metres high

The architecture of the Philippines is a reflection of the history and heritage of the country The most prominent historic constructions in the archipelago are from the Spanish, !apanese, "alay, #indu, $hinese, and American cultures The pre%colonial architecture of the Philippines consisted of the &ipa hut made from natural materials 'ut there are some traces of large%scale construction 'efore the Spanish colonizers came 'ut not well documented An e(ample of this is the pre%colonial walled city of "anila although later after the Spanish colonization, dismantled 'y the Spaniards and re'uilt as )ntramuros There are also other minor pre%colonial walled cities like *etis and "aca'e'e +citation needed, -uring three hundred years of Spanish colonialization, the Philippine architecture was dominated 'y the Spanish influences -uring this period, )ntramuros, the walled city of "anila, was 'uilt with its walls, houses, churches and fortress The Augustinian friars 'uilt a large num'er of grand churches all the Philippine )slands -uring this period the traditional Filipino /*ahay na 'ato/ style for the large houses emerged These were large houses 'uilt of stone and wood com'ining Filipino, Spanish and $hinese style elements After the Spanish%American war, the architecture of the Philippines was dominated 'y the American style )n this period the plan for the modern city of "anila was designed, with a large num'er of neoclassical architecture and art deco 'uildings 'y famous American and Filipino architects -uring the li'eration of

"anila 'y the Americans in 0142, large portions of )ntramuros and "anila were destroyed )n the period after the second world war many of the destroyed 'uildings were re'uilt At the end of the 30th century modern architecture with straight lines and functional aspects was introduced -uring this period many of the older structures fell into decay 4arly in the 30st $entury a of the respect for the traditional Filipino elements in the architecture returned

o o o o o o o

1 Pre-colonial architecture 2 Architecture during the Spanish Colonial era 2.1 Bahay na bato 2.2 Intramuros 2. !ort Santiago 2." Paco Par# 2.$ Augustinian Churches 2.% &ighthouses Architecture during the American colonial period .1 Art 'eco theaters in the


" A(ter )orld )ar II ".1 *nited Architects o( the


a(ter ))II

".2 +,amples o( !ilipino architecture


".2.1 Antipolo Church ".2.2 Parish o( the -oly

".2. Bahay .ubo mansion ". /ther prominent !ilipino architects

$ 0e(erences % +,ternal lin#s



A representation of a Filipino range house

Prior to the of the Spaniards, the main form of dwelling for a family in the Philippines was the nipa hut, a single room house composed of wood, 'am'oo or other nati.e materials Though the styles of the nipa hut .aried throughout the country, most all of them shared similar characteristics including it raised slightly a'o.e ground on stilts and a steep roof Aside from nipple huts, other small houses were 'uilt on top of trees to pre.ent animal as well as enemy attacks +citation needed,


during the Spanish $olonial era

Spanish colonization introduced 4uropean architecture into the country The influence of 4uropean architecture and its style actually came .ia the Antilles through the "anila 5alleon The most lasting legacy of Spain in terms of architecture was its colonial parish churches designed 'y innumera'le Spanish friars


na bato

)n this era, the nipa hut or bahay kubo ga.e way to the Bahay na bato 6stone house7 and 'ecame the typical house of no'le Filipinos The Bahay na bato, the colonial Filipino house, followed the nipa hut8s arrangements such as open .entilation and ele.ated apartments The most o'.ious difference 'etween the two houses would 'e the materials that was used to 'uild them The bahay na bato was constructed out of 'rick and stone rather than the traditional 'am'oo materials )t is a mi(ture of nati.e Filipino, Spanish and $hinese influences 4(cellent preser.ed e(amples of these houses of the illustrious Filipinos can 'e admired in 9igan, )locos Sur )n Taal, *atangas, the main street is also lined with e(amples of the traditional Filipino homes

)ntramuros is the old walled city of "anila located along the southern 'ank of the Pasig The historic city was home to centuries%old churches, schools, con.ents, go.ernment 'uildings and residences, the 'est collection of Spanish colonial architecture 'efore much of it was destroyed 'y the 'om's of World War )) ;f all the 'uildings within the <=%acre city, only one 'uilding, the San Agustin $hurch, sur.i.ed the war



Fort Santiago 6Fuerza de Santiago7 is a defense fortress esta'lished 'y Spanish con>uistador, "iguel ?@pez de ?egazpi The fort is the citadel of the walled city of )ntramuros, in"anila, Philippines The location of Fort Santiago was also once the site of the palace and kingdom of :aAah Suliman, chieftain of "anila of pre%Spanish era )t was destroyed 'y the con>uistadors upon in 02=0, encountering se.eral 'loody 'attles with the "uslims and nati.e Tagalogs The Spaniards destroyed the nati.e settlements and erected Fuerza de Santiago in 02=0



Paco Park was planned as a municipal cemetery for the well%off and esta'lished aristocratic Spanish families who resided in the old "anila, or )ntramuros The cemetery is circular in shape, with an inner circular fort that was the original cemetery with niches on the hollow walls As the population continued to grow, a similar second outer wall was 'uilt with the thick ado'e hollow walls with niches, the top of the walls made into a walkway circumna.igating the park A :oman $atholic chapel was 'uilt inside the inner walls, dedicated to St Pancratius

San Augustin church Paoay, )locos &orte, !uly 3002



The order of the Augustinians, Augustinian Pro.ince of the "ost #oly &ame of !esus of the Philippines, 'uild many churches all the Philippines These magnificent structures can still 'e found all the Philippine )slands The San Agustin $hurch in Paoay, )locos &orte, is the most famous of these churches This uni>ue specimen of Filipino architecture from the Spanish area has 'een included in the World #eritage Sites ?ist of the B&4S$; The church was 'uilt 'y the Augustinian friars from 0<14 until 0=00 )t shows the earth>uake proof 'aro>ue style architecture

The interior of the San AgustCn $hurch in )ntramuros, with magnificent trompe l8oeil mural on its ceiling and walls

San AgustCn $hurch and "onastery, 'uilt 'etween 02D= and 0<0<, is one of the oldest churches in the Philippines, and the only 'uilding left intact after the destruction of )ntramuros during the *attle of "anila 601427 The present structure is actually the third to stand on the site and has sur.i.ed se.en maAor earth>uakes, as well as the wars in "anila The church remains under the care of the Augustinians who founded it The San AgustCn $hurch lies inside the walled city of )ntramuros located in the capital city "anila, Philippines )t is the first 4uropeanstone church to 'e 'uilt in the Philippines designed in Spanish architectural structure The church also houses the legacies of the Spanish con>uistadors, "iguel ?@pez de ?egazpi, !uan de Salcedo and "artCn de 5oiti who are 'uried and laid to rest in a tom', underneath the church The church has 04 side chapels and a trompe%l8oeil ceiling Bp in the choir loft are the hand%car.ed 0=th% century seats of mola.e, a 'eautiful tropical hardwood AdAacent to the church is a small museum run 'y the Augustinian order, featuring anti>ue .estments, colonial furniture, and religious paintings and icons Together with three other ancient churches in the country, it was designated as part of the World #eritage Site /*aro>ue $hurches of the Philippines/ in 011E


$ape *oAeador ?ighthouse

-uring the Spanish and American era many lighthouses were constructed around the Philippine )slands The most &ortheastern ?ighthouse can 'e found in *urgos, )locos &orte


during the American colonial period

After the Spanish American war in 0D1D, the Americans took rule of the Philippines until after the second world war -uring this period the Americans constructed many &eoclassical'uildings in "anila )n 0103 !udge William #oward Taft was appointed to head the Philippine $ommission to e.aluate the needs of the new territory Taft, who later 'ecame the Philippines8 first ci.ilian 5o.ernor%5eneral,+0, decided that "anila, the capital, should 'e a planned town #e hired as his architect and city planner -aniel #udson *urnham, who had 'uilt Bnion Station and the post office in Washington )n "anila, "r *urnham had in mind a long wide, tree%lined 'oule.ard along the 'ay, 'eginning at a park area dominated 'y a magnificent hotel To design, what is now known as, the "anila #otelTaft hired William 4 Parsons, a &ew Fork architect, who en.isioned an impressi.e, 'ut comforta'le hotel, along the lines of a $alifornia mission, 'ut grander +3, The original design was an #%shaped plan that focused on well%.entilated rooms on two wings, pro.iding grand .istas of the har'or, the ?uneta, and )ntramuros The top floor was a large .iewing deck that was used for .arious functions, including watching the American na.y steam into the har'or +E, "any of these 'uildings were hea.ily damaged during the *attle of "anila in 0142 After the second world war many were re'uilt "any 'uildings in "anila were designed 'y the Filipino architect !uan " Arellano )n 0100 the Army $orps of 4ngineers constructed the "anila Army and &a.y $lu' at the shore of "anila *ay 'ordering the ?uneta Park The 'uilding consists of a 5rand entrance and has three stories that housed the

.arious function rooms and the #otel rooms )t has 'een in use far into the eighties it has fallen into dacay and is in need of restoration

4milio Aguinaldo8s house in Gawit, $a.ite, reno.ations designed 'y Aguinaldo himself, the first President of the Philippines, in 0101

At T " Galaw Street stands one of the remaining structures that sur.i.ed the li'eration of "anila in 0142, the ?uneta #otel, which was completed in 010D According to study 'y -ean !oseph Fernandez of the Bni.ersity of Santo Tomas, the hotel was designed 'y the Spanish architect%engineer Sal.ador Farre The structure is the only remaining e(ample of the French :enaissance architecture with Filipino stylized 'eau( arts in the Philippines to date This famous landmark fell gradually into decay )n 300= the reno.ation acti.ities ha.e started and it is hoped that this 'uilding will 'e restored to its old grandeur The "anila "etropolitan Theater is an art deco 'uilding designed 'y the Filipino architect !uan " Arellano, and 'uilt in 01E2 -uring the li'eration of "anila 'y the Americans in 0142, the theatre we totally destroyed After reconstruction 'y the Americans it gradually fell into disuse in the 01<0s )n the following decade it was meticulously restored 'ut again fell into decay The $ity of "anila is planning a reno.ation of this once magnificent 'uilding +when?, The sculptures in the faHade of the theater are from the )talian sculptor Francesco :iccardo "onti, who li.ed in "anila from 01E0 until his death in 012D, and worked closely together with !uan " Arellano #ighly stylized relief of Philippine plants e(ecuted 'y the artist)sa'elo Tampingco decorate the lo''y walls and interior surfaces of the 'uilding )n 0140 the "anila !ai Alai *uilding was constructed along Taft a.enue, designed 'y architect Welton *ecket )t has 'een 'uilt in the Philippine Art -eco style )n addition to the !ai Alai game it included the famous / Sky ?ounge/ Bnfortunately, demolition 'egan on !uly 02, 3000 on the orders of "ayor ?ito Atienza The 'uilding is now gone for At the Far 4astern Bni.ersity 6F4B7 in Iuiapo, "anila, fi.e Art -eco structures on the campus were designed 'y &ational Artist Pa'lo Antonio Three were 'uilt 'efore World War ))and two, after Although F4B 'uildings were totally damaged during the war, the uni.ersity was restored to its original Art -eco design right after The

uni.ersity was gi.en a 6B&4S$;7 Asia Pacific%#eritage Award for $ultural #eritage in 3002 for the outstanding preser.ation of its Art -eco structures +4,


Deco theaters in the Philippines

Main article: Art Deco theaters of the Philippines -uring the rise of cinema in the Philippines as a form of recreation, se.eral theaters were constructed in the 01E0s to 0120s in the Art -eco style designed 'y prominent architects now recognized as &ational Artists Some though are no longer e(isting due to damages and to ga.e way to these days city de.elopments The following are the Philippine architects who contri'uted and lead to the design of the classic Philippine theatersJ

!uan &akpil, a Philippine national artist for Architecture Pa'lo Antonio !uan " Arellano


World War ))
Architects of the Philippines
fficial !oice for Architects throughout the country The


The Bnited Architects of the Philippines or BAP is the

BAP was formed through the KunificationL of three architectural organizationsJ the Philippine )nstitute of Architects, The ?eague of Philippine Architects and the Association of Philippine 5o.ernment Architects )t 'ecame the Bonafide Professional rganization of Architects upon Accreditation &um'er 000 from

the Professional :egulation $ommission Thus, BAP was the first professional organization recognized 'y the :epu'lic With the passing of the new architecture law or :epu'lic Act &o 13<<, BAP 'ecomes the )AP;A or the "ntegrated Accredited Professional rganization of Architects


!amples of Filipino architecture after ""II

+edit,Antipolo Church
The image of /;ur ?ady of Peace and 5ood 9oyage/ has 'een .enerated in the church of Antipolo for centuries The old church that housed the .irgin was destroyed in Fe'ruary 0142 when the Americans 'om'ed Antipolo as part of the li'eration campaign of "anila )n 0124, a new church was 'uilt designed 'y the renowned Filipino architect !ose de ;campo This church is of a cupolaed design centered around the image of the 9irgin )t functions as the center point of the pilgrimages to Antipolo

+edit,Parish of the #oly Sacrifice

The $hurch of the #oly Sacrifice is the first circular church and the first thin%shell concrete dome in the Philippines

The Parish of the #oly Sacrifice is the landmark $atholic chapel in the Bni.ersity of the Philippines -iliman Gnown for its architectural design, the church is recognized as a &ational #istorical ?andmark and a $ultural Treasure 'y the &ational #istorical )nstitute and the &ational "useum respecti.ely Fi.e &ational artists colla'orated on the proAect The 'uilding was designed 'y the late &ational Artist for Architecture, ?eandro ?ocsin Alfredo !uinio ser.ed as the structural engineer for the proAect Around the chapel are fifteen large murals painted 'y 9icente "anansala depicting the Stations of the $ross The mar'le altar and the large wooden cross a'o.e it were sculpted 'y &apoleon A'ue.a The mosaic floor mural called the of ?ifeL was designed 'y Arturo ?uz

+edit,Bahay $ubo mansion

)n "ay 300D, &ational artist for architecture Francisco "aMosa, designer of the $oconut Palace, 'uilt his own two%storey *ahay Gu'o mansion in Ayala Ala'ang 9illage, a wealthy su'ur' south of "anila With only E posts or /haligi/, it has fi.e one%inch coconutshell doors, a /silong/, "uslim room, sala, and master8s 'edroom with a fish pond therein +2,+<,


prominent Filipino architects

?eandro 9 ?ocsin 6013DN01147 is one of the modern architects who ha.e shaped the modern Filipino

Architecture -uring his career, he 'uilt fi.e churches, E0 different 'uildings, =0 residences, and maAor landmarks in the Philippines including the $ultural $enter of the Philippines

$arlos A Santos%9iola is an architect who 'uild churches all the Philippines !uan $arlos 4ugene Soler is the only Filipino to win the prestigious 5lass Architectural -esign

$ompetition in Tokyo, !apan in 3001 +=,

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