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Name: Severin Terzic Address: 88260, Citluk, Kralja Tomislava bb (no house number), Telephone: home:+387 36 6 !"7# mobile:+387 63 $07 !72 Nationality: Croatian Marital Status: %in&le, no 'hil(ren Date of birth: $ th )e'ember $""2 Place of birth: *ares, +osnia an( ,er-e&ovina Email:'om

2 ! " 2 ## 0 ,i&h s'hool 1,otel an( Tourism Tehni'ian2 (3earnin& the basi's o4 hos5italit6, mi7in& 4oo( an( (rinks//) )rivin& li'ense/

$roatian: 8irst or 9rimar6 lan&ua&e as : am resi(ent o4 Croatia En%lish : : have an soli( level o4 ;ritten <n&lish an( : s5eak 4luentl6.

August 2011 May 2012 - Assistant Chef at Restaurant and Bar Gardens Medjugorje
=s assistant 'he4, m6 ;ork ;as base( on 5re5arin& all the 5re5 4or sou5s, sala(s an( sau'es/ =lso, su55l6in& ;ork area ;ith all re>uire( 5ro(u'ts an( utensils use( 4or 5ro(u'tion/ Takin& 'are o4 all 4oo( items/

May 2012-May 201 - Main Chef (7 months) at Restaurant and Bar Gardens Medjugorje
?estaurant 1@ar(ens2 is 4o'use( on 4ishes, &rill an( ;ine/ That trio is most 4re>uentl6 bein& mi7e( on the (ishes that are 5re5are( in the kit'he/ =s a main 'he4 at the restaurant kit'hen m6 res5onsibilities ;ere settin& u5 the ;hole kit'hen area, ;ashin& an( un;ra5in& 4resh 4ruits an( ve&etables, ;ei&hin&, evaulatin& an( mi7in& in&re(ients, 5re5arin& in&re(ients 4or 'ookin&, ;hi'h in'lu(es 5ortionin&, 'ho55in& an( storin& 4oo(/ =lso, : ;as res5onsible 4or 5re5arin& an( 'ookin& 4oo( in kee5in& ;ith re'i5es, >ualit6 stan(ar(s an( 5resentation stan(ar(s/ A6 job ;as also stove, &rill, 4r6ers, ovens an( mi'rova;e o5eratin&, 4oo( testin& to be sure i4 the6 are 'ooke( a(e>uatel6/ : leare( hi&h sanitar6 stan(ar(s ;hen o5eratin& ;ith tools, knives, kit'hen area, tables an( utensils/ 8rom the or&anisational si(e, : ;as res5onsible 4or ! 5eo5le un(er me, the6 ;ere assi&ne( 4or hel5in& in kit'hen, 'leanin& the kit'hen an( similar assitan'e jobs/

May 201 O!t"#$% 201 - Main Chef at La Baja Beach Bar in Croatia, Lo ud at hote! Lafodia
3a4o(ia is a true =(riati' 5earl an( the 4oo( 5re5are( there ori&inates mostl6 4rom :talia an( southern +alkans/ =s the Aain 'he4 : ;as takin& 'are o4 the 4oo( or(ers, or(ers o4 su55lies 4or the kit'hen an( : ;as also takin& 'are o4 the @rill +ar out(oors/ : ;as makin& the 4oo( menus an( : ;as or&anisin& the s'he(ules 4or the assistant 'he4s an( : ;as su5ervisin& their ;ork (urin& ;orkin& hours/ Aore or less, m6 res5onsibilites as main 'he4 ;ere similar as on m6 5revious jobs/ That means, 5re5aration o4 the 4oo(, in&re(ients, tools an( kit'hen area/

O!t"#$% 201 &%$s$'t - Main Chef at Ai "ogi Restaurant in Bosnia and #er$ego%ina, Me&ugorje
Bn m6 thir( job as a main 'he4, : ;as res5onsible 4or takin& 'are o4 the ;hole kit'hen mana&ement/ A6 ke6 res5onsibilit6 is to be >ui'k an( not lose the >ualit6 in 4oo( 5re5aration/ The job is more (6nami' an( it is ;hole ne; e75erien'e/ =lso, : have res5onsibilit6 to mana&e all the other (some more, some less) main 'he4 obje'tives/ The 4oo( : mostl6 has (ee5 :talian a''ent ;ith some other Ae(iterranean mi7tures/ =''ettos, ri'ola, tomato an( 5asta are the most o4ten 1&uests2 in m6 kit'hen/

@oo( kni4e skills 9h6si'all6 4it an( rea(6(s5orts are m6 hobb6), Cillin& to learn (ever6thin&, al;a6s), Cillin& to share kno;le(&e, =ble to listen an( ans;er &uests in>uiries an( re>uests in a hel54ul an( 5ro4essional manner, @oo( kno;le(&e about 4ishes (books, 4ishin& also a hobb6) ,os5italit6 kno;le(&e (throu&h hi&h s'hool an( have e75erien'e hel5in& as a ;aiter), @oo( 'ommuni'ation skills, Team;orkin& skills, @oo( sense o4 humour, :Dm o5timist, al;a6s +asi' :T skills (A% B44i'e), :nternet literate/

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