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The Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary through Reading at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 26 Banjarmasin School Year

2013 / 2014

INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Nowadays English is widely used in the world. This phenomenon promoted the significance of English as a mean of communication in almost all countries, including Indonesia. Foreign language education is claimed to be inevitable. The mastery of English as a foreign language is very important, and it assumed as being an important subject that must be taught at school. Being competent in another language is essential in a globalized world which demands from people to communicate more effectively from all aspects of foreign language that should be mastered, vocabulary is the most important aspect in teaching English. In the process of teaching and learning English in Junior High School, vocabulary hold an important part in teaching and learning. It is based on Curriculum for SMP in Indonesia, eighth grade student should be capable to recognize and understand the short simple transactional conversation, express the meaning of short essay in recount and narrative text to interact with others. In order to achieve the goal of learning English in the curriculum, students should be deal with vocabulary itself. It is the reason of the importance of vocabulary to be taught to the students. Reported Harmers (in Muoz, 2011:13) states that if language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. For that reason the students should expand their vocabulary in order to be able to communicate with others. In the process of teaching and learning English in Junior High School, vocabulary is very important. It is because in their early years, they have many experiences that play a vital role in

the development of their study. By mastering vocabulary, they can shape their English and think that English as one of their subjects at school and their careers. However, there are some problems faced by the students in learning vocabulary. They have difficulty in enriching their English vocabulary. The teacher should teach vocabulary many times. The teacher also uses memorizing way to solve students problems. Those ways are not quite effective because the students could not memorize the vocabulary; even they forget the vocabulary they have learned before. To solve those problems, the researcher wants to apply a research about teaching and learning vocabulary through reading. Reading could be an effective way to make the students enjoy the learning of vocabulary. It is because students could find many varied of vocabulary from the text they read. Based on the descriptions above, the researchers would like to conduct aresearch entitle The Teaching and Learning English Vocabulary through Reading at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 26 Banjarmasin.


Identification The purpose of this research is to focuses on the process of teaching and learning

vocabulary through reading. In particular, this study focuses into effective strategies and the challenges teachers face with the students in the classroom setting. The research focuses on the following two aspects: 1. 2. The teachers performance in enhancing vocabulary mastery through reading.. The effective methods teacher used for teaching language learning strategies to students in the classroom.


The problems faced by the teacher in teaching English related to vocabulary mastery through reading.


Limitation This study is limited to the Seventh grade students in vocabulary mastery. The researcher

only examines lesson delivery as it related to the research. The researcher only focuses on the teachers performance to reinforce practical and effective strategies to improve students vocabulary mastery for and the effective methods teacher used for teaching vocabulary to students in the classroom.


Research questions The focus of this research is to process of teaching and learning vocabulary through

reading. The problems of this research are: 1. How is the process of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading to the seventh grade students? 2. What are the benefits of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading?


Objective This research concerns to process of teaching and learning vocabulary mastery through

reading. In particular, this research is to understand how well teachers were in implementing the lessons in the classroom. The objectives of this research are: 1. To find out the process of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading to the seventh grade students.

2. 3.

To find out the benefits of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading To find out the problems faced by the teacher related to the learning strategies in classroom


Significance The results which are going to achieve in this research are expected to contribute:


For the teacher, this research could be a reference in developing the material especially teaching vocabulary.


For the students, this reaserch could help the students to solve their problems in learning vocabulary.


For other researchers, this research could hopefully an input for other students to conduct a research in the same study.

1.7 Definitions of key term The researcher needs to specify some terms related to the research before discussing next step of the research. The terms related to the research are listed below. 1. Teaching. According to Callahan and Gark, Teaching is a matter of helping students to know, to understand, and to comprehend ideas, attitudes values, skills, and information which will be used in changing and in redefining their thought forward their daily surrounding situation. 2. Learning. According to Homby (1995:671), learning sourced from word learn which means something to again knowledge or skill by study, experience or being taught. 3. Vocabulary. vocabulary is the total number of words which (with rule for combining them) make up a language (Hornby, 1995: 1331)

4. Reading. Harris and Sipay (1980) state that reading is the meaningful interpretation of printed written verbal symbols

B. REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Definition of Teaching According to Brown (2001:5), teaching may be defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understanding. Teaching is the form of training and at other times of introducing, instructing and conditioning. According to the Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1983:438), teaching means to give someone knowledge or to instruct or train: whereas in the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary (1991:146) English teaching means to show somebody how to do something or to change somebodys ideas. According to Hornby (in Cowie, 1999: 378), teaching means to give an instruction to somebody regarding knowledge, skill,etc. So, we also can say that teaching is an effort to transfer knowledge and skills to other people. Based on Brown (2001:5), teaching may be defined as showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something providing with knowledge, causing to know or understanding. From the the definitions above, it can be concluded that teaching is somebodys activities or efforts to create skills, knowledge and systematic supervision in order to encourage the development of students ability. Higgleton and Seaton (1995:1007) state that teaching is work or profession of a teacher. Teaching sourced from word teach which means giving the lesson. Teaching is a process of giving knowledge of information or experience. Homby (in Cowie, 1999: 378) also state that the word teach means to show body some how to do some thing, so that we able to do it by

himself: to do body some information about particular subject, to encourage people to accept something as a fact or principle. In other hand, Martin (1995:425) states that teaching is a work of teacher, especially in school. It could be said that teaching is the process which is very complex, it is not only giving information from the teacher to the students. Many activities and actions must be done, especially if we want to get a better result of study on students. From those definitions above, it could be concluded that teaching is an activity where the teacher help the students how to do something which involve teacher and students work together to achieve the better result of study.

B. Definition of Learning According to Homby (1995:671), learning sourced from word learn which means something to again knowledge or skill by study, experience or being taught. Higgleton and Seaton (1995:539) said that someone learn something when he or she gain knowledge of it or skill in it through training and study. Besides, David Johnson (1991:12) states that learning is social proces that occurs through interpersonal interaction within a cooperation context individual, working together, construct shared understanding and knowledge. Ambrose (2010:3) defines learning into three components. First, she said that learning is a process, not a product. It means exam scores and term papers are measures of learning, but they are not the process of learning itself. The second is learning is a change in knowledge, beliefs, behaviors or attitudes. This change requires time, particularly when one is dealing with changes to core beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. Teachers should not interpret a lack of sea change in

students beliefs or attitudes immediately following a lesson as a lack of learning on their part, but instead, consider that such a change will take time perhaps a few weeks, perhaps until the end of the term, or even longer. And the last, learning is not something done to students, but something that students themselves do. It make the teacher should consider that the lesson should be designed not just to impart knowledge but also to lead students through the process of their own learning. Based on the definition above, it could be concluded that learning is a process through interpersonal interaction to gain knowledge or skills through study.

C. Definition of Vocabulary Vocabulary is the total number of the words in a language (Hornby, 1995:1331). Vocabulary is very important to develop some of sentence in order to understand the meaning of each sentence with in reading text. Words must be understood and can make craete interseting into readers. However, vocabulary would determine the text is diffcult or not. Another definition state that vocabulary is the total number of words which (with rule for combining them) make up a language (Hornby, 1995: 1331). Vocabulary is one of the important language elements the students should master. Vocabulary includes collection of words. The words are known not only as individual words, but also as group of words that have meaning. Broadly defined, vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. However, vocabulary is more complex than this definition. First, words come in two forms: oral and print. Oral vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in listening and speaking. Print vocabulary includes those words that we recognize and use in reading and writing. Second, word knowledge also come in two forms, receptive and productive.

Receptive vocabulary includes words that we recognize when we hear or see them. Productive vocabulary includes words that we use when we speak or write. Receptive vocabulary is tipically larger than productive vocabulary, and may include many words to which we assign some meaning, even if we do not know their full definitions and connotations or ever use themselves as we speak and write. Vocabulary is one of the most important aspects in learning a foreign language (Richard and Rodger, 1986, 354). It means that the mastery of vocabulary has a relationship with the use of a text in the teaching and learning process. Mastery of vocabulary would be a basic ability to translate a text with good comprehension. Another definition stated in the oxford dictionary is that vocabulary is a list of words with their meanings (Oxford, 1980: 307). Jhonson in Noor Laily (2003: 7) stated that the most basic constituent of language is its vocabulary and the vocabulary is manipulated by particular structures to make up the meaning. Vocabulary is one of the elements of language that should be learned and taught. It cannot be denied that it will be hard to master language without mastering the understanding of certain numbers of vocabulary. Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical language learner.Without a sufficient vocabulary; one cannot communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral and written forms. Vocabularies become central to any language acquisition process especially in introducing and consolidating new lexical items. Based on explanation above vocabulary is always related to words. In learning a language, vocabulary is one step to know the words, understand the meanings and use them in sentences. In learning English, vocabulary plays an important role in the four English language skills, like what Mc Carthy (1997: 6) say that vocabulary has an importance role in language skills. In

listening ability, vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to comprehend what the other person speaks. In speaking and writing, vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to expand their ideas. In reading, vocabulary gives easiness for the learners to comprehend a text. Vocabulary must not be neglected by anyone who learns a language. Based on the explanation above, it is very important to increase the ability of vocabulary mastery as much as possible. The teaching of vocabulary must be the first priority in the English language teaching.

D. Types of Vocabulary Vocabulary varies in the four skills of language, listening, writing, reading and speaking. Generally, a student will absorb listening and speaking vocabulary before coming to the reading and writing vocabulary. But in real situation, the process may change, especially in foreign language teaching. Reading vocabulary may become the first stage before processing the speaking and listening vocabulary. According to the basis of frequency, vocabulary can be divided into two kinds; there are high frequency vocabulary and low frequency vocabulary (Nation, 1994: 3). High frequency vocabulary consists of words that are used very often in normal language, used in all four skills and across the full range of situation of use. High frequency vocabulary consists of 2000 word families, which are about 87% of the running words in formal written text and more than 95% of the words in informal spoken texts. The low frequency vocabulary on the other hand, covers only small proportion of the running words of a continuous text, it means that low frequency vocabulary is used in common activity of English language. This group includes well over 100.000 word families. I.S.P Nation

calls those vocabularies as motivated vocabulary and unmotivated vocabulary. Motivated (active) vocabulary consists of all the words we need to use and feel no reluctance in using in our everyday life. While, the unmotivated (passive) vocabulary can be divided into two groups: words which are only partly understood and are not well known enough to use actively, and words which are not needed in daily communication (Nation, 1990: 94). From the explanation above, we can conclude that active vocabulary is all the words used in daily activities, partly while, passive vocabulary is all the words recognized and understood, and not necessarily used. 1. Active vocabulary refers to put item which the learner can use appropriately in speaking or writing, and it is also called as productive vocabulary, although in fact it is more difficult to put into practice, it means that to use the productive vocabulary, the students must know how to pronounce it well, they must be familiar with collocation and understand the connotation meaning of the word. This type is often used in speaking and writing skill. 2. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading or listening and also called as receptive vocabulary. Concerning to the explanation above, the researcher sums up that High frequency vocabulary, motivated vocabulary or active vocabulary is all the words used in actual life and the low frequency vocabulary, unmotivated or passive is all the words that are rarely used though people understand its meaning. Ramelan (1984: 84) divided words into two classes, namely: content words and function words. First, content words are words that have clear meaning they are as found in a dictionary or when they occur in isolation. These words name and describe the infinite number of things, persons, events, and processes that speakers want to talk about. Content words can be divided into three general classes: (1) words naming things, ideas, and entities; (2) words naming actions,

(3) words used to describe the qualities of things or actions. Second, function words are words which mainly contribute to the grammatical structure of the sentences. They often have little meaning in the dictionary. Thornbury (2004: 67) divides vocabulary into eight types, they are: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and determiner. 1. Nouns Nouns may be defined as those morphological stems that form words which can co-occur with (in) definite articles and attributive adjective, and function as the head of a noun phrase. 2. Pronouns A pronoun is a pro-form that substitutes for a noun or noun phrase with or without a determiner. This word takes the place of a noun. The meaning depends on the noun it replaces, called the antecedent. 3. Verbs A verb is a word belonging to the part of speech that usually denotes an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. 4. Adverbs An adverb is any word that modifies any other part of language; verbs, adjective, clauses, sentences and other adverbs, except for nouns.



A preposition is a part of speech that introduces a prepositional phrase. This makes up an extremely important class of function words. They are always followed by nouns, or noun constructions, and the whole phrase thus formed modifies some other word in the sentence. 6. Conjunction Conjunctions are words which are used to join statements together. There are two kinds of conjunction: a. Coordinating conjunction. These join matching structures; that is, they join nouns to nouns, verb to verb, adjective to adjective, and so on. b. Subordinating conjunction. These are the words that introduce adjectival and adverbial clauses. The construction they introduce certain subjects and verbs, but cannot stand alone as independent sentences. 7. Determiners A determiner is a member of a class of words functioning as a noun phrase to identify or distinguish a reference without describing or modifying it.

Nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns and adverb are content words. It means that they have clear lexical meanings which are meanings of words as found in a dictionary. The function words are namely: prepositions, conjunction, and determiner which do not always have clear meaning.

E. Principles of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary Michael Wallace (1984: 92) suggest that the teaching and learning of vocabulary is not as it might at the first sight appear. To know a word in the target language may mean the ability

to recognize it in spoken or written form, recall it at will, telate it to an appropriate object or concept, use it in the appropriate grammatical or structural from, pronounce it in recognizable way, spell it correctly, use it with the words it goes with correctly and at the appropriate level of formula, and the last be aware if it is connotation and associations. To get successful communication, students need to train how to improve their vocabulary acquisition. Students must be able to decide the best strategy if they face the vocabulary problems to keep the communication continue. Many teachers are aware of the importance of teaching and learning vocabulary to their students, but they are not aware enough how to teach and learn vocabulary properly. Language skill will help the students in using their vocabulary in a more natural an meaningful way. The teacher has a job of managing the teaching activities, so that learners can do some or all of these things with the target vocabulary that it is learned. To achieve the target vocabulary that is learned, the teacher should consider with the principles of teaching vocabulary below (Wallace, 1988: 3). 1. Aim The teacher has to be clear about his or her job about listing the words which the teacher should be able to learn. Unless the teacher is clear on this point, it will be difficult to access to be successful or otherwise the vocabulary in the teaching and learning has been. 2. Quantity Teachers should consider with many words which could be learned by the students. If the word learn means that the new words become part of the learners active vocabulary, then one estimate puts the number as low as around 5-7 new words. Obviously, the actual number will depent on a number of factors varying from class to class and from learner to

learner, if there are too many words, the learners may get confused, discouraged and frustrated. 3. Need In any case, one would hope that the choice of vocabulary will be linked directly to the need of teaching and learning of the learners. It must be kept in mind that in every stage of teaching and learning there is a specific quantity of need. The need may be imposed to or the actual need of the students to communicate in the vocabulary. 4. Frequency of Exposure There has to be a certain amount of repetition of meeting whit it, so that the learner is familiar with the word. Moreover if the vocabulary is expected to be part of the active vocabulary of the learner, he or she must be given or pushed to use the vocabulary in various usage. 5. Vocabulary with wide spectrum of meaning There are words which have specific or narrow meaning while other are of wide spectrum of meaning. Of course, both the specific and the wide spectrum of meaning are to learn. The wide spectrum however, must be taken into better account, since they are more readily used in various situation such vocabulary gets high priority to laern, because it serves better, in the sense that it can be used in various situations, of course the vocabulary with very specific use is necessary too and can not be entirely ignored. 6. Vocabulary development exercise The best way to develop ones vocabulary in a foreign language is to encounter it in the situation as authentic as possible without causing the learners to be frustrated by the quentity and difficult of the new material.

F. Teaching Vocabulary through Reading Vocabulary is very important language component that must be descerned the student in the learning of a new language. To master a language the students will get difficulties if they lack vocabulary. Michael Wallace considers that in teaching and learning English as a foreign language it is very importand to know vocabulary. The teaching and learning of vocabulary must be offered together with another course like listening, speaking structure, writing and especially reading. Michael Wallace suggests that in its early stage, reading has something to do with the vocalization of the fronted words, that is to say that the reading goes from word to word (Wallace, 1988:3). According to Johnson (1996), vocabulary is very important in develoving reading, beside the structure of the sentence, because the most basic constituents of a language is the vocabulary it self and the vocabulary is manipulated by particuler structure to make up that meaning. There is a familiar argument says that reading takes us beyond ourselves; we broaden our perspectives, learn new facts and come to a better understanding of the world and our place in it. Furthermore, so the argument goes, there is an important fringe benefit: reading increases our vocabulary knowledge. Texts introduce us to new words, and in many cases, we can deduce their meanings from the written context. Presumably, we remember some of these new meaning associations, especially if we continue to read and meet the new items in context again. It seems reasonable to assume that this beneficial by-product of reading is also available to learners reading in a second language. Indeed, it has been claimed that reading in a second language is

one of the main ways language learners acquire new vocabulary knowledge (Mason and Krashen, 1997: 54). Reading appears to play an important role in the first language vocabulary development of schoo age children. The amount of vocabulary growth children achieve during their school years is dramatic. According to a conservative estimate based on figures by Goulden, Nation and Read (1990: 75), speakers of English know roughly 20,000 word families by the time they reach university age, which suggests an average growth in vocabulary size of around 1000 per year. Nagy, Anderson and Herman (1987: 38) assume a much higher figure of as many as 3000 words per year between the third and twelfth year of schooling. But the number that could possibly be taught in class in a given year is in the order of hundreds, not thousands of words. Beck, McKeown and Omanson (1987: 39) reckon that the number of English words that could be taught effectively in a year of schooling amounts to 400 at most. Even with very approximate figures and disagreement among researchers about how to count word units, the overall picture is clear: People know many more words than they could possibly have been taught. Therefore, for want of a better explanation, the enormous increase in first language vocabulary knowledge during the school years must be due to incidental acquisition through reading. This line of argument is known as the "default" explanation of vocabulary acquisition. Even though learners may have difficulty reading in an second language, it is widely assumed that second language learners will experience the word learning benefits of reading much as first language readers do. Current language teaching methodology appears to endorse the notion; for instance, a recent manual for training teachers of English asks prospective teachers to evaluate the following statement: Reading widely is one of the best ways to learn another language (Willis, 1996: 8). In the discussion that follows, it is clear that readers are

expected to agree with the statement (though the author cautions against learning only from reading). The vocabulary learning benefits of second language reading are assumed to be considerable because many successful learners find that reading is an excellent way of extending vocabulary, learning new phrases and consolidating grammar. Like extensive listening, reading provides rich exposure to language in use (Willis, 1996: 8).

C. METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Location The research location is at SMPN 26 Banjarmasin. It is chosen as the research location because the source of data is easy to get there and the location is easy to reach by the researcher.


Research Design A qualitative research is a process of research and understanding based on the

methodology to investigate a social phenomenon and the problems of mankind. In this approach, researchers create a complex ficture, examine the words, reports detailed views of respondents, and conduct studies on the natural situation (Creswell, 1998:15). While (Bogdan and Taylor:2007:3) suggested that qualitative methodology is ressearch procedure that produces data in the form of written words and spoken of the people and observed behavior. Based on the statement above, this study is categorized as descriptive research because the study refers to the qualitative with one variable. The research was to describe the process of teaching and learning of English vocabulary.


The Subject and Object of Research a. The Subject of Research The subject of this research are the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Pulau Laut Kepulauan school year 2013/2014. There are 52 students who will be the subject of this research. b. Object of Research

The object of this research is the process of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading at the eighth grade of SMPN 2 Pulau Laut Kepulauan school year 2013/2014.


Technique of Collecting Data To collect the data needed in this research, the researcher uses the following instruments. a. Observation Observation is a method of observation or process used to obtain data and information that aims to find out the process of teaching and learning vocabulary in the classroom. Marshal in Mini (2008:20) stated that through observation, researchers learn about the behaviors and meanings attached to that behavior. The researcher uses the observation sheet in the form of check mark to find some aspects in teaching and learning vocabulary through reading at the eighth grades of SMP Negeri 2 Pulau Laut Kepulauan. It is used to observe the activities teaching and learning of English vocabulary. b. Interview Fraenkel (2006: 385) describes that interview is an important way for a researcher to check the accuracy of the impressions of what he or she has gained through observation. Interview through this way, the researcher prepared some questions and asked the teacher and the students to answer those question related to the process of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading and its benefits in improving students vocabulary. To strenghtened the observation data about the process of teaching teaching and learning vocabulary through reading and its benefits, the researcher also interviews some students

and the teacher about their interest in learning vocabulary through reading. In interviewing the students, the researcher takes the samples to take the data. The researcher takes ten students as the samples to answer the questions related to teaching and learning vocabulary through reading. c. Documentation Sugiono (2007:329) states that the document is a record of past events in the form of text, images, or monumental works of a person. The researcher takes the photographs during the proces of teaching and learning vocabulary through reading. The photograps are used to support the data which are collected by the researcher during observation.


Data Analysis In this research the data will be analized by using inductive methods. Inductive method is

a method which described as moving from the specific to the general. In this method, the researcher reads and reviews the data. After that the researcher identifies data. It means the researcher classifies themes within interview notes, documents, or field observations that relate to the research questions in the research. Next the researcher interprets the data by attaching significance to the themes and patterns which is observed. As the last, the researcher will draft a report in details by synthesizing and summarizing the data as the findings of research (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2006: 116).


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