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sek el umi t
duni a
t ek ni k si pi l
SL-1101 Konsep Pembangunan Infrastruktur
Semester I 2007 - 2008
Hi st or y of Ci vi l Engi neer i ng
Engineering is one of the oldest professions in the
world. Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, the first
documented engineer, built a famous stepped
pyramid of King Zoser located at Saqqarah
Ci vi l Engi neer i ng
Civil engineering is the oldest of the main
disciplines of engineering. The first engineering
school, the National School of Bridges and
Highways in France, was opened in 1747. J ohn
Smeaton was the first person to actually call
himself a "Civil Engineer". These civil engineers
built all types of structures, designed water-
supply and sewer systems, designed railroads
and highways, and planned cities. In 1828 the
world's first engineering society came into
being, the Institution of Civil Engineers in
Ci vi l Engi neer i ng
Water Resources
Project Management
Geot ec hni c al Engi neer i ng
Geotechnical engineering is a discipline of civil
engineering that deals with soil, rock and underground
water, and their relation to design, construction and
operation of engineering projects. It is also sometimes
called soils engineering, ground engineering or
geotechnics as it is closely related to engineering
Nearly all civil engineering structures are supported on
or built into the ground, and thus require at least
geotechnical engineering.
Geot ec hni c al Engi neer i ng
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy Canada's Leaning Tower
or the "Kissing Silos"
Geot ec hni c al Engi neer i ng
Landslide Railway Track Failure
Geot ec hni c al Engi neer i ng
Techniques of excavation
under different soil conditions:
pipeline installation.
If the project requires
retaining walls, how high can
they be, and how do we
design them?
St r uc t ur al Engi neer i ng
Keahlian dan minat pada bidang ilmu
terapan yang berhubungan dengan
rekayasa struktur dan material bangunan
St r uc t ur al Engi neer i ng
J enis Struktur:
Konstruksi bangunan gedung
Konstruksi jembatan dan jalan layang
Konstruksi pelabuhan dan lapangan terbang
Konstruksi menara (transmisi dll)
Konstruksi underpass, terowongan, pipelines
Bangunan lepas pantai
Konstruksi pondasi
Konstruksi dam beton
St r uc t ur al Engi neer i ng
1. Rekayasa Mekanika
(Statika, Dinamika, Analisis Struktur, Stability, Elasticity dan
Plasticity, Experimental Stress Analysis, Mekanika Benda Penjal)
2. Material Konstruksi
(Material Beton, Material Baja, Material Kayu, New Materials)
3. Mekanika Komputasi
(FEM, Metoda Numerik, BEM, CAD)
4. Rekayasa dan Perencanaan Struktur
(Desain Struktur Beton, Baja dan Kayu, Reliability, Rekayasa
Kegempaan, Forensic Engineering, Perbaikan dan Perkuatan,
Menggambar Teknik)
St r uc t ur al Engi neer i ng
Model of a bowstring girder railway bridge. A detailed dynamic
analysis was done to examine the effects of high speed trains
on the structure.
St r uc t ur al Engi neer i ng
Views of finite element analysis
model showing brick, shell, tub,
beam and spring elements.
Model of deck at mid-span
showing maximum torsional
stresses in service, viewed
obliquely from (a) above and (b)
from below.
St r uc t ur al Engi neer i ng
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
Pengembangan ilmu terapan yang
mengkaji pengembangan Rekayasa
Sumberdaya Air yang meliputi
perencanaan dan pengelolaan
sumber daya air, rekayasa dan
pengelolaan DAS, pantai dan rawa
serta perencanaan dan perancangan
bangunan air
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
Water and Wastewater treatment plant design
Water Distribution, Wastewater and Storm water Sewer Systems
Irrigation Engineering
River Engineering, Hydraulics, Hydrodynamics, Sediment
Transport, Contaminant Transport, River Morphology, Ice-covered
Hydraulic Structures (reservoirs, floodways, dams, dykes, spillways
& sluice gates, channels, water intakes,...)
Drainage Canals
Groundwater and Seepage, well design, seepage control,
underground contaminant transport
Surface Runoff Analysis
Hydrology, winter hydrology, climate change
Extreme events: floods, torrents, mudflows, debris flows
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
Protection Structures against Debris-Flow Erosion and
Damage, Switzerland
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
The Ghost Dam reservoir is capable of holding 70 billion
litres of water
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
This man-made channel allows water to flow from the
Spray Lake Reservoir to the town of Canmore, Alberta
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
Wat er Resour c es Engi neer i ng
Identifikasi potensi KK Teknik Sumbedaya Air dapat dianalisis
berdasarkan jabaran potensi sumberdaya air di Indonesia, yakni:
Indonesia merupakan negara dengan daerah berbentuk kepulauan
yang memiliki jumlah pulau sekitar 17.000 pulau yang tersebar di
seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
Dengan jumlah kepulauan seperti di atas, ketersediaan air,
pemanfaatan serta manajemen pengelolaan sumberdaya air harus
seoptimal mungkin.
Indonesia merupakan negara agraris, dimana potensi pertanian
merupakan modal pembangunan negara.
Masalah kurangnya ketersediaan air di musimkemarau serta
melimpahnya air pada musimhujan masih belumdiselesaikan dengan
Kebutuhan akan air bersih makin meningkat dan belumdioptimalkan
baik dari segi pengelolaan pemenuhan dan pengambilan dari sumber-
sumber air.
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Planning and Designing of Highways and Roads
Mountain Highway Engineering
Road Surfacing
Road Safety
Railway Planning
Airport Terminal Planning & Air Transport Systems
Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Planning
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
Microscopic Traffic Simulations
Highway Geometric Design Research
Transportation Engineering Research
Transportation & Environment - the Future
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Mountain Highways
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Highways & Roads
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Highways & Roads
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Highways & Roads
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Transportation Safety
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Ai rports
Tr anspor t at i on Engi neer i ng
Pedestrian Facilities
Const r uc t i on Engi neer i ng and
Project Management is a structured method for
achieving someone's dreams and objectives, or
translating dreams to reality. This involves the
marshalling of resources to produce a specified
set of results within a definite time-span.
Const r uc t i on Engi neer i ng and
A project (dream) can be any
of the following examples:
Winning the Stanley Cup
Send a man to space
Hold a party
Finish a University degree
Win an Olympic Medal
Build a museum or a
Build a skyscraper or an
Const r uc t i on Engi neer i ng and
Civil Engineers are well suited and
trained to become the Project
Manager. A Project Manager is a
person held responsible for the
planning, implementing and
controlling the direction of a project.
The Project Manager will
plan, organize, control, and
a team of individuals in the
production of a specified set
of deliverables
in the achievement of a
specified set of goals
within a definite period of time
achieving a quality level
acceptable to the
beneficiaries and other
in spite of a scarcity of
in spite of an assortment of
constraints including the
absence of formal authority
Const r uc t i on Engi neer i ng and
Many Project Managers
utilize computer simulation
tools to assist them with
decision making.
Const r uc t i on Engi neer i ng and
Project Management is the profession that manages
the development and Implementation of large
investments by government and/or private
industries. Project Managers are responsible for the
safe, timely and cost effective delivery of a broad
range of projects in industries
Const r uc t i on Engi neer i ng and
Infrastructure Construction
Mini-excavators, aerial works platforms, hydraulic excavators, asphalt finishers,
compacting machines, various loaders, concrete mixer cars, shielding machines,
micro tunneling machines, etc.
Hydraulic crushers, hydraulic breakers, hydraulic excavators, self-driven
crushers, various cranes, concrete pump cars, pile drivers, aerial works platforms,
compacting machine, etc.
Compacting machines, various rollers, asphalt finishers, hydraulic excavators,
bulldozers, scrapers, motor graders, carriers for use on rough roads, compressors,
anchor drills, etc.
Crawler cranes, truck cranes, pile drivers, hydraulic excavators, carriers for use
on rough roads, floating cranes, etc.
Tunnel boring machines for use in bedrock, shield machines, micro tunneling
machines, anchor drills, hydraulic excavators, etc.
Hydraulic excavators, carriers for use on rough roads, scrapers, bulldozers, wheel
loaders, motor graders, tire rollers, vibratory rollers, etc.
Bulldozers, dump trucks, wheel loaders, crawler loaders, crawler drills, asphalt
plants, concrete plants, etc.
Crawler cranes, truck cranes, hydraulic excavators, wheel loaders, tire rollers,
vibratory rollers, tower cranes, floating cranes, etc.
Kegi at an Konst r uk si
Si k l us Hi dup Pr oyek Konst r uk si
Ide pemilik
Konstruksi Masa
Operasi dan
Tahapan dal am Pr oyek
Pengar uh Def i ni si Pr oyek di Aw al Pr oyek
Dampak Kesi apan Desai n/Ranc angan
t er hadap f l ek si bi l i t as Pr oses Membangun
Pr oj ec t Obj ec t i ves
5Ms of Const r uc t i on
1. Manpower
2. Material
3. Machinery
4. Management
5. Money
Types of Const r uc t i on
Residential: housing and apartments
General: office space, institutional
Infrastructure: telephone, railroads,
heavy civil projects (dams,
infrastructure, etc.)
Industrial: manufacturing, power,
Program Studi Teknik Sipil ITB
Posi si Pr odi
Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan
Prodi Teknik Si pil Laboratorium Kelompok Keilmuan
Prodi Teknik
Prodi Teknik
Prodi Teknik
Laboratorium Kelompok Keilmuan
Laboratorium Kelompok Keilmuan
Laboratorium Kelompok Keilmuan
Labor at or i um, St udi o dan
Per pust ak aan di Li ngk ungan Pr odi
Laboratorium Struktur dan Bahan
Laboratorium Mekanika Teknik dan Peragaan
Laboratorium Mekanika Tanah
Laboratorium Rekayasa Jalan
Laboratorium Rekayasa Lalu Li ntas
Laboratorium Manajemen dan Rekayasa Konstruksi
Laboratorium Mekanika Fluida
Laboratorium Uji Model Fisik Hidrolika
Unit Komputasi dan Si stem Informasi
Bi dang I l mu Tek ni k Si pi l
di I TB
Rekayasa Struktur
Rekayasa Transportasi
Teknik Sumberdaya Air
Manajemen dan Rekayasa
Rekayasa Geoteknik

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