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Science Year 5 Unit 4 : Energy

By, S.C. Angie

Various Forms of Energy


Sources of Energy 1. Energy is needed by living things and non-living things. 2. Various sources of energy : i. Sun ii. Food iii. Wind iv. Water v. Fuel vi. Batteries ( dry cells !. "he Sun is the #ain sources of energy. a. "he Sun give us heat and light energy. b. "he energy is stored in $ater% $ind% ani#als% &lants and fuels. c. 'lants use sunlight to #a(e food during &hotosynthesis. d. )u#ans and ani#als get energy fro# the food they eat. *. Fuels such as &etroleu#% coal% charcoal and natural gas are for#ed fro# dead ani#als and &lants that live #illions of years ago. +. ,ry cells can store energy for a long ti#e. -. Wind energy is used for sail boats to cruise .


!. *. +. -. 4. 6.

'otential energy . stretched rubber band in a cata&ult has &otential energy /inetic energy 0b1ects that #ove have (inetic energy E2a#&le : "he batteries in a toy car can &roduce electrical energy to #ove it. Electrical energy 3ight energy )eat energy Solar energy 5he#ical energy Sound energy . ringing tele&hone &roduces sound energy

Energy can be transformed from one into another 1. S$itching on the light transfor#s electrical energy into light energy.
electrical energy 2. che#ical energy !. light energy light energy 7 heat energy

. burning candle

Solar &o$ered signal light Solar energy electrical energy Prepared lightby, energy S.C.Angie

Science Year 5

Science Year 5 i. *. cla&&ing !" /inetic energy +# sound energy

By, S.C. Angie so#e energy resources cannot be re&lenished *+ $hen use u& ii. to #a(e sure $e have enough energy in the future 89: iii. save cost ;< iv. avoid $astage =>? v. reduce &ollution @A :ene$able energy is better than non-rene$able energy because '(B)'(CDE i. it is readily available FG7 ii. it is non-&olluting )A

8any a&&liances #a(e use of energy transfor#ation. $%&


Resources of Energy Renewable energy '( "he energy that be re&lenished $hen use u& i Solar energy ii. Wind energy iii. Water energy iv. Bio#ass energy 2. Non-renewable energy )'( "he energy that cannot be re&lenished *+ $hen use u& i. 'etroleu# ,ii. 5oal ./ iii. 5harcoal 0/ iv. 9atural gas 12 v. 9uclear reactor 3
1. !. We need to use energy $isely 4567 because

1. 2. !. *. +. -.

ays to Sa!e Energy ;HI

S$itch off electrical a&&liances $hen not using the#. 67J% S$itch off the light and fan $hen there is nobody in. K8JL 5ar &ool M or use &ublic trans&ort 67NMOP Q&. ,evelo& ne$ fuels for trans&ort. ROPQ&( ;nvention of #achines that using less energy but &erfor# #ore $or(. 5;STUVW% 'roducing other alternative energy. 67X

Science Year 5

Prepared by, S.C.Angie

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