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ran Droits F


HarperCollins Canada........................................ 1-2 Coconut 24/7..................................................... 1 Chuvalo............................................................. 1 Rabbit Ears......................................................... 2 Intolerable......................................................... 2 Northern Frights................................................. 2 Adams Media..................................................... 3-4 Funerals to Die for.............................................. 3 Srie Dude youre... ...................................... 3 The Nightmare Dictionary................................... 4 Oops! How to rock the mother of all surprises.... 4 The Smores Cookbook...................................... 4 Penguin Canada.................................................. 5-6 Angel Dust......................................................... 5 Camp X.............................................................. 5 Unspeakable...................................................... 6 Joyous Health.................................................... 6 The Water Here in Never Blue............................. 6 Liguori Publications........................................... 7-8 Be Beautiful, Be You........................................... 7 110 Fun Facts About Gods Creation................... 7 Walk in his Ways................................................ 8 Sacred Feasts : From a Monastery Kitchen........... 8 From Saint Hildegards Kitchen............................ 8 Acacia House (ECW Press )................................. 9-10 Is that a Fact?..................................................... 9 The Unfinished Child........................................... 9 Waiting for the Man............................................ 10 The Origin of Feces............................................. 10 Wanna Cook?..................................................... 10

Gooselane Editions............................................11-12 Savage Love....................................................... 11 Song of Kosovo.................................................. 11 Starling Will....................................................... 12 Walls................................................................. 12 Floating Curency............................................... 12

Printemps/t 2014
Spcialise dans la vente et lacquisition de droits trangers, notre agence a t fonde en 1981 par Claude Choquette, gagnant du Prix Fleury-Mesplets en 1997 pour sa contribution exceptionnelle lindustrie de ldition au Qubec. Au fil des ans, nous avons bti un rseau de 20 co-agents des plus efficaces qui couvre tous les principaux marchs au monde. Le guide de droits contient certains des titres les plus stimulants et novateurs des maisons ddition renommes de lAmrique du Nord.

Guide de droits

Susan Schulman Literary Agency....................... 13-14 Srie Figute It Out............................................. 13 The Scar Boys.................................................... 13 Waiting for April................................................ 14 Signature Scarves.............................................. 14 Srie On The Go................................................ 14 Wiley................................................................ 15 Myths of Creativity............................................ 15 Grounded ......................................................... 15 Hodder & Stoughton......................................... 16 Srie All That Matters........................................ 16 Srie In a Week................................................. 16 Orca Book Publishers........................................ 17 Disconnect........................................................ 17 Manga Touch..................................................... 17 Inner Traditions/Bear & Co............................... 18 Shamanic Awakening........................................ 18 Aliens in Ancient Egypt...................................... 18 Choix de lquipe............................................... 19-20

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web:

Loyola Press....................................................... 21-22 Pope Francis........................................................ 21 Discovering Your Dream....................................... 21 Under the Influence of Jesus................................ 22 The Season of Mystery......................................... 22 The Holy Way...................................................... 22

Bayard Canada...................................................34 Really and Truly................................................. 34 GSP The DNA of a Champion.............................. 34 Devorss & Co..................................................... 35 The Invisible String............................................ 35 The Principles of New Thought .......................... 35 Eyefoods (LB Media)......................................... 36 Eyefoods........................................................... 36 Eyefooods for Kids............................................. 36 Les diteurs Runis........................................... 37 The Beatles....................................................... 37 What Happens in Mexico Stays in Mexico.......... 37 Louise Courteau ditrice................................... 38 Signed, Glenn Gould.......................................... 38 Amerinidians and Jesus..................................... 38 Les ditions du Soleil de Minuit......................... 39 What Makes Mamadi Run?................................ 39 The Nordic Challenge......................................... 39 Marchand de Feuilles........................................ 40 The Herbal Analyst............................................. 40 The American Fianc......................................... 40 Meadowbrook Press......................................... 41 Monkey See Monkey do.................................... 41 Can you Solve the Mystery?............................... 41 Boomerang....................................................... 42 Acquidam Series................................................ 42 Dev- Duel au far est........................................... 42 CT Editions....................................................... 43 Sophia Bradley Trilogy....................................... 43 Rose Velvet....................................................... 43 Isabelle Quentin diteur ................................... 44 Lessons from the Jungle.................................... 44 The How to Series............................................. 44

All L


Foreign Rights Guide

Spring/Summer 2014

Our agency, specializing in the sale and acquisition of foreign rights, was founded in 1981 by Claude Choquette, who was awarded the Prix FleuryMesplets in 1997 for his outstanding contribution to the publishing industry in Quebec. Over the years, we have been able to build one of the finest and most effective networks of 20 Corresponding Agents, who handle all the major publishing markets of the world. The Foreign Rights Guide exhibits some if the most exciting and innovative titles from leading North American publishing houses.

Health Commumications Inc.............................. 23-26 Richochet........................................................... 23 One Foot in Front of the Other............................ 23 An Unimaginable Act........................................... 24 Cooking your way to gorgeous............................. 24 Getting Waisted.................................................. 24 The Tracks Series.................................................. 25 The Power of Focus.............................................. 25 Never Again Series.............................................. 25 For the Love of Series.......................................... 26 Hypnobirthing.................................................... 26 The Undefeated mind......................................... 26 Cape Breton University Press............................... 27-28 Me & Mr Bell...................................................... 27 Blood Brothers of Louisbourg.............................. 27 Trapper Boy........................................................ 28 A Possible Madness............................................. 28 Thomas, A Secret Life.......................................... 28 Chicken Soup for the Soul LLC............................ 29-30 Chicken Soup for the Soul 20th Anniversary Ed.... 29 Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul (I-II)............. 29 Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul (I-II)............... 30 Chicken Soup for the Mothers Soul (I-II).............. 30 Multitasking Moms Survival Guide...................... 30 Les ditions JCL.................................................. 31-32 Val Jalbert Series................................................. 31 The Veil of Fear................................................... 31 Gaelic Heart Series.............................................. 32 Maude Delage Series.......................................... 32 The Roy Family Series.......................................... 32 ditions Cardinal................................................ 33 The Worlds 60 Best Recipes................................ 33 The Rebel Chef.................................................... 33

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email:

Livre de cuisine


Titre paratre

HarperCollins Canada Ltd est une des maisons ddition les plus prestigieuses au Canada et se spcialise dans les genres littraires suivants : fiction littraire et commerciale, non-fiction, livres pour enfants, livres de cuisine, livres spirituels et de rfrence.

Cocunut 24/7
Pat Crocker
Les ventes de noix de coco ont doubl entre 2011 et 2012 et continuent augmenter avec la promotion des bienfaits de leau de coco par les athltes et clbrits. Les rgimes palo, sans gluten et sans bl commencent intgrer la farine de noix de coco leurs recettes et le sucre de noix de coco devient lentement une alternative pour les personnes souffrant de diabte. Coconut 24/7 vous propose plus de 100 recettes couvrant tous les repas de la journe et toutes les manires de consommer la noix de coco pour des plats facilement adaptables votre rythme et vos gots et mme quelques recettes pour fabriquer vos propres crmes et baumes 100% naturels!
aot 2014 224 pages

George Chuvalo & Murray Greig

Avec laide du co-auteur Murray Greig, George Chuvalo revient sur sa carrire de boxeur, ses rencontres avec les grands du milieu tels que Frazier ou Ali et dpasse le simple rcit pour offrir au lecteur un regard honnte sur le monde de la boxe et partager les leons apprises de ses expriences. De sa russite professionnelle sa tragdie personnelle, Chuvalo livre lhistoire de sa vie comme lui seul en est capable.


Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

juillet 2014 432 pages

Littrature canadienne tout public

Histoire vcue

Roman de jeunesse

Titre paratre






Maggie de Vries
Kaya est une enfant adopte, en plein deuil de son pre et portant un secret douloureux. Mal laise dans sa famille daccueil et dans sa peau, elle enchane les fugues et se perd peu peu dans une vie daddiction et de prostitution. Pendant ce temps, sa sur Beth se remet lentement de ses troubles de lalimentation et redcouvre son talent pour les tours de magie. travers leurs preuves, leurs moments de souffrance et dgarement, les deux jeunes filles finissent par retrouver la lumire et le chemin de la gurison.

Rabbit Ears

Kamal Al-Solalee
Intolerable est lhistoire dune famille arabe prise dans les remous des changements politiques du Moyen-Orient pendant prs de cinq dcennies. Mlangeant narration et anecdotes personnelles avec une analyse culturelle plus gnrale, ce livre nous fait suivre la vie dun homme ayant vcu une vie dangereuse au cur mme de lintolrance. Cest lhistoire du Moyen-Orient moderne que nous croyons si bien connaitre crite par un homme qui a vcu tantt en son cur et tantt bien loin.


Northern Frights
Arther Slade
Rassembls pour la premire fois dans un mme volume, ces romans palpitants sauront vous tenir en haleine! I - Lhistoire de trois enfants venus des tats-Unis au Manitoba pour passer lt chez leur grand-pre, rput pour ses contes et histoires islandaises. II - Michael et son pre sinstallent sur une le dsole. Ils dcouvrent rapidement que les lgendes desprits, de sacrifices tranges et de serpent cach dans locan sont peut-tre bien vraies. III - Loki croit que les rves o elle se fait dvorer par un loup gant ne sont que le fruit de son imagination, jusquau jour o des grattements se font entendre contre sa fentre...
avril 2014 352 pages

mars 2014 173 pages

mai 2012 272 pages

Rcit de faits excentriques

Conseils pratiques saveur humoristique

**+65,000 copies vendues**


Droits vendus
** Allemagne**

Adams croit au fait que la qualit fait la diffrence . Depuis plus de 20 ans, cette maison ddition a construit sa rputation en fournissant du contenu pratique et profond qui inspire, informe et influence les vies de ses lecteurs. Aujourdhui plus que jamais, Adams offre ce contenu dauteurs reconnus comme experts dans leurs domaines respectifs dans des formats accessibles et novateurs qui garantissent qualit et engagement. Leur catalogue comprend de nombreux titres nonfiction les plus rcents couvrant des sujets dactualit : affaires et carrires, ducation, animaux, finances personnelles, voyages, mariages, dveloppement personnel, criture, etc.

Droits vendus
** Roumanie**

Funerals to Die For

Kathy Benjamin
Nous ne savons toujours pas ce qui nous attend aprs la mort, mais avec ce titre, on pourra dcouvrir lhistoire riche et souvent sombre des rites funraires. Quil sagisse de portraits peints avec les cendres dun tre aim ou bien de lachat dun cercueil quip avec une sonnerie et un tuyau pour respirer ce livre vous emmne dans un voyage travers les coutumes funraires du monde. Saviez-vous que vers la fin du XIXme sicle, les habitants de la Nouvelle Angleterre buvaient un mlange deau et de cendres des membres de leur famille pour viter quils ne reviennent transforms en vampires ?
avril 2013 256 pages

Srie Dude Youre...

John Pfeiffer
Les conseils offerts aux hommes dans ces trois titres sont la fois divertissants et ducatifs. Mari et pre de trois enfants, John Pfeiffer partage de nombreuses informations pertinentes et importantes sur de grandes tapes de la vie dun homme tout en sassurant quelles soient accessibles et comprhensibles pour ses semblables. En maintenant une certaine simplicit, lauteur nous initie aux principes de base des choses auxquelles il faut sattendre pour la naissance dun premier bb, la premire anne de paternit et, plus rcemment, comment se prparer au mariage.
avril 2011 224 pages

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

Rcit de faits excentriques


Livre de cuisine

Droits vendus
** Allemagne**

The Nightmare Dictionary

Adams Media
Dcodez vos rves les plus sombres! Quimporte si vous perdez des dents, tombez dun immeuble de dix tages ou vous trouvez compltement nu dans un espace public aprs des cauchemars, vous vous trouvez toujours angoiss et couvert de sueur, vous demandant ce qui vient de se passer et ce que a signifie Avec le dictionnaire des cauchemars, vous pourrez lucider tous les avertissements terribles, les pressentiments et les angoisses qui bouillonnent dans vos rves.

Oops! How to rock the mother of all surprises

Tracy Moore
Prts ou non, bb arrive! Dans cette collection dessais humoristiques, la bloggeuse Tracy Moore partage ses expriences personnelles lors de son saut tte-premire dans la maternit et sans avoir la moindre ide de ce quelle faisait. Enceinte de manire inattendue trente-trois ans, la vie de Moore a chang du tout au tout lorsquelle a d abandonner ses cigarettes adores et plats de viandes froides prfrs pour apprendre rapidement soccuper de cette petite boule de (ahem) bonheur qui grandissait en elle. Son avis honnte vous aidera surmonter tous les changements et motions que vous ressentirez sur le chemin de la parent! octobre 2013
256 pages

The Smores Cookbook

Susan Whetzel
Les Smores sont de petites friandises amricaines, quasiment inconnues des gourmands europens et proposant une large gamme de gots, incluant les chocolats en tout genre, mais aussi des fruits ou encore des crales. Dgoulinant de cinquante recettes allchantes et magnifiquement illustres, le SMores Cookbook vous apprend conjuguer les plaisirs avec des recettes de desserts en trois parties: un fond croquant, un cur au got divin et une garniture raffine dclins selon dinnombrables possibilits. Des crpes au chocolat et biscuits au miel nappes de sirop au marshmallow aux clairs Smores recouverts dune ganache au chocolat noir, trouvez linspiration grce ce livre aux recettes innovantes aot 2013 et audacieuses. 176 pages

decembre 2012 304 pages

Histoire Vcue

Srie jeunesse

Titre paratre Trilogie

Srie de 6 titres

Fonde en 1974, Penguin Canada est une des principales maisons ddition du Canada et publie et distribue un large choix de titres littraires, fiction ou non-fiction, dveloppement personnel, mode de vie et livres jeunesse. Penguin Canada inclut les collections suivantes: Viking, Hamish Hamilton, Allen Lane, Penguin, Portfolio Penguin, Puffin, et son label le plus rcent Razorbill, lanc dbut 2012.

Angel Dust
Alex Caine
Les Hells Angels ont bti un empire daffaires et dactivits qui stend dans le monde entier. De motards miteux sur les selles de leurs Harleys, les Angels sont devenus des multimillionnaires qui roulent en voitures de pointe. Cette organisation sest lentement encre dans un commerce lgal, plus particulirement dans le milieu du divertissement, de limmobilier, du change dargent ainsi que des jeux et de la pornographie en ligne. Bien que les Hells Angels aient dj fait lobjet de nombreux livres et articles, aucun ngale les tmoignages dAlex Caine, agent double voluant au sein mme du gang des Angels.

Srie Camp X
Eric Walters
La deuxime guerre mondiale fait rage lorsque que les deux jeunes frres, Jack et Georges, dcouvrent par accident la base militaire secrte Camp X . Tenus au secret par les dirigeants de la base et peu peu impliqus dans des missions pour en assurer la scurit, les deux garons finiront par affronter lennemi : larme nazie. La srie suit les aventures de ces deux jeunes hros travers le Canada et au del de lAtlantique tandis quils risquent leur vie pour djouer les complots et attaques nazies. La srie compte actuellement six tomes dont ENIGMA est le dernier, paru le 29 Octobre 2013.
octobre 2013 240 pages

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

aot 2014 304 pages

Littrature canadienne tout public

Livre de cuisine


Titre paratre

Caroline Pignat
Pour marquer le 100me anniversaire de cette tragdie, lauteure succs Caroline Pignat ralise une de ses meilleures oeuvres ce jour. Dans lpave de lEmpress of Ireland, dont le naufrage a fait plus dun millier de victimes en 1914, se trouve galement le coeur bris dEllie Ryan. Dune criture remarquable, Unspeakable nous emporte dans un rcit touchant et tout simplement captivant qui allie faits historiques et romantisme en ravivant le souvenir dun drame ayant fait presque autant de victimes que le naufrage du Titanic et malgr lequel, Ellie et Jim finiront peuttre par se retrouver.
mai 2014 288 pages

Joyous Health
Joy McCarthy
Joyous Health est une nouvelle approche de la nutrition qui vise changer notre manire de considrer la nourriture et, ultimement, nos habitudes alimentaires en offrant un cheminement simple et concret vers un mode de vie plus sain. En six semaines peine, la nutritioniste Joy McCarthy vous guidera travers un programme simple et flexible aux rsultats rapides et impressionnants. Le livre comprend des recettes avec photographies et des menus sur 10 jours, des secrets dtox et des principes simples pour une vie quotidienne plus saine et quilibre!
janvier 2013 224 pages

The Water Here is Never Blue

Shelagh Plunkett
Dans les annes 1970s, une adolescente de Vancouver, Shelagh Plunkett, voyage avec sa famille vers la Nouvelle-Guine et lIndonsie o son pre a t mut afin de travailler sur le systme de distribution deau. En apparence, Shelagh vit une vie protge entoure de domestiques et suit ses cours dans une cole religieuse pour jeunes filles. Mais une envie daventures bout en elle et lentraine bientt dans une vie de cavales plus dangereuses les unes que les autres. The Water Here Is Never Blue est un roman dapprentissage qui finit par la narration dune Shelagh adulte et par sa comprhension de vrits qui lui chappaient sur sa priode ltranger et lidentit de son pre.
aot 2013 288 pages

Dveloppement personnel

Srie jeunesse

Srie de 6 titres

Les uvres de Liguori Publications ont une porte didactique et thologique. Cet diteur publie des livres qui informent, duquent et inspirent le lecteur. Plus de 600 titres sont galement disponibles dsormais au format eBook.

Be Beautiful, Be You
Lizzie Velasquez
Dans le titre Be Beautiful, Be You, Lizzie uutilise des anecdotes et des exercices concrets pour enseigner ses lecteurs reconnaitre leurs atouts et dons uniques, parler Dieu dans leurs propres mots, grer leurs dceptions et maintenir des amitis saines ainsi qu se fixer des objectifs ralistes. Dans un monde rempli de clbrits aux plastiques parfaites et aux photos retouches,Lizzie Velasquez est une force de la nature au discours rafraichissant et dont lhistoire inspirera quiconque sest dj senti mis lcart, incompris ou embarrass et qui ne la jamais t?

110 Fun Facts About Gods Creation

Bernadette Snyder
Comme toutes les sries le saviez-vous? , 110 Fun Facts About Gods Creation est rempli de questions, de rponses, danecdotes et de petites expriences. travers ce livre, apprenez manger avec les sauterelles, bailler comme un hippopotame et dcouvrez les points communs que nous avons avec certains animaux exotiques, vgtaux et minraux. Une exploration amusante de notre fascinante plante!

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

octobre 2012 144 pages

mars 2010 144 pages


Livre de cuisine

Livre de cuisine

Brother Victor-Antoine DAvila-Latourette

Chaque dbut danne est rempli dincertitudes. Quapportera cette nouvelle anne? Comment quilibrer sa foi avec ses projets de lanne? Frre Victor-Antoine dAvila Latourrette partage avec nous ses propres inquitudes pour la nouvelle anne dans cette mditation quotidienne et nous aide tout au long du chemin qui nous mne la grce et au renforcement spirituel. travers des anecdotes de sa vie quotidienne, les histoires de grce des saints et des prires et rflexions pour garder notre esprit tourn vers Dieu, Frre Victor nous encourage vivre cette anne en toute simplicit et chercher et trouver Dieu dans le silence si difficile obtenir dans notre monde morderne.
fvrier 2014 384 pages

Walk in His Ways

Brother Victor-Antoine DAvila-Latourette

Ce livre de cuisine saisonnire vous propose de clbrer les moments sacrs de lanne en ramenant les recettes du monastre de Frre Victor-Antoine jusque dans votre cuisine. Sacred Feasts se concentre sur lutilisation de fruits et lgumes de saison pour crer des plats vgtariens savoureux, saints et peu dispendieux qui raviront votre famille et vos amis. Les recettes incluent des desserts simples et dlicieux, des plats principaux ainsi que des menus complets pour vous accompagner dans la clbration des jours de ftes, repas de famille ou tout simplement pour rendre les jours ordinaires plus spciaux.

Sacred Feasts : From a Monastery Kitchen

From Saint Hildegards Kitchen

Jany Fournier-Rosset
Labbesse bndictine du XIIme sicle Hildegarde de Bingen tait dote de nombreux talents. Mystique, naturaliste, visionnaire et compositrice, Hildegarde recevait galement des visions divines lui accordant une connaissance approfondie en matire de nutrition. Elle croyait que la nourriture de joie nous revitalisait et nous aidait rester en sant tant au niveau physique que spirituel ou psychologique. Le livre, crit pas Jany Fournier-Rosset, contient une table de conversion des mesures, des instructions spciales pour la prparation du pain, une liste dingrdients et de leurs dfinitions, o se procurer certains ingrdients rares utiliss dans les recettes et un index.
juin 2010 224 pages

octobre 2009 208 pages

Dveloppement personnel


Acacia House Publishing Services

Titre paratre

Acacia House reprsente Brindle & Glass, The Collins Press, ECW, Great Plains, NeWest, New Star, Pighog, TouchWood, Turnstone, et Wymer pour la vente de droits de leurs titres.

Is that a Fact?
Dr. Joe Schwarcz
Un livre amusant lire qui dmythifie certains faits scientifiques. Mangez ceci et vous vivrez 100 ans. Ne le mangez pas et vous mourrez . De nos jours, les mdias nous assaillent dexagrations, ce qui complique nos choix: quoi manger, quels produits viter et comment prserver notre environnement? Les OGMs sont-ils vraiment dangereux ou pourraientils aider les pays en dveloppement? Quels aliments miracles de rgime ont connu leur succs grce des donnes et statistiques exagres? La nourriture organique est-elle vraiment meilleure? Dr. Schwarcz questionne la fiabilit et le mobile des experts tout en expliquant que rien nest bon ou mauvais et que tout est une question dusage. maii 2014
280 pages

The Unfinished Child

Theresa Shea
Lhistoire entremle le destin de Marie, involontairement enceinte 39 ans, dElizabeth qui narrive pas avoir denfant et de Margaret, qui donna naissance une enfant trisomique en 1947, lpoque ou ces enfants taient encore appels enfants inachevs. Alors que le roman nous transporte dune poque lautre, les destins de ces trois femmes se mlangent et se croisent pour finir par se rejoindre dune manire inattendue. Cest avec tact et lgance que Theresa Shea explore lvolution du regard port sur le syndrome de Down depuis les soixante dernires annes. The Unfinished Child est finalement une histoire inoubliable et inspirante sur les liens complexes et mystrieux de la famille, sur le rle de mre, lamiti et les choix que avril 2013 la vie nous force parfois prendre. 312 pages

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

Dcouverte de Soi



Titre paratre

Titre paratre

Waiting for the Man

Arjun Basu
Joe, rdacteur publicitaire de 36 ans pour une compagnie New-Yorkaise, est dsillusionn. Il se met rver un homme mystrieux, croit le voir dans la rue et entendre sa voix. Joe dcide dcouter ce que lui dit cet homme et se met attendre sur son perron, nuit et jour, pour connaitre les prochaines instructions. Waiting for the Man est lhistoire captivante des preuves qui nous amnent trouver du sens la vie raconte selon deux points de vue celui de Joe lors de son dpart de Manhattan, et la fin de son voyage lorsquil trouve un nouveau sens sa vie dans la gestion dun ranch sous le ciel et les paysages infinis du Montana.
avril 2014 296 pages

The Origin of Feces

David Waltner-Toews
Le sujet est surprenant et trait la fois avec srieux et humour de sorte le sortir de lternel tabou qui lentoure. David Waltner Toews nous amne dcouvrir les diffrents aspects lis aux excrments travers des analyses culturelles, cologiques ou encore historiques. Au del du niveau personnel gnralement confr au sujet, lauteur nous invite tudier ces dchets naturels comme une part importante de notre cosystme global, de notre agriculture et de la production alimentaire ou encore de la sant publique en gnrale. Ce livre est lhistoire vritable et non-censure des djections en tout genre!

Ensley F. Guffey and K. Dale Koontz

Un guide dtaill et accessible des cinq saisons de Breaking Bad. Je ne suis pas en danger je suis le danger . Cest avec ces quelques mots que Walter White, acteur principal de Breaking Bad, est devenu le plus grand anti-hro du petit cran. Wanna Cook? explore la srie tlvise la plus encense du moment avec des analyses individuelles des pisodes et du scnario gnral. Des dtails sur le jeu de camra et les accords de musique aux thmes plus larges tels que la violence, les lieux, lvolution des personnages, lthique ou encore la raction des fans, ce livre est le compagnon parfait des spectateurs inconditionnels de cette srie plusieurs fois rcompense aux EmmyAwards tout comme des nouveaux initis. mai 2014
500 pages

Wanna Cook?

mai 2013 198 pages

Recueil de nouvelles

Littrature canadienne


Les ditions Gooselane sont les ditions indpendantes les plus anciennes au Canada. Depuis plus de 50 ans, cette maison ddition a su croire au pouvoir des mots et en leur capacit dinspirer, de changer et dclairer. Gooselane croit que la plume peut tre plus puissante que lpe et que les ides publies sont la ressource la plus importante sur cette petite plante; que les histoires montrent la fois qui nous sommes et qui nous souhaitons devenir mot aprs mot.

Douglas Glover
Savage Love marque le retour littraire tant attendu dun des crivains canadiens les plus encenss et dot dun style brillant et original. Douglas Glover est un crivain intelligent aux effets stylistiques prcisment matriss, mais qui ne semble jamais sen targuer. Il est galement matre dans lart de jouer sur les modes et les humeurs. Ces histoires sont parfois dures, empreintes dune honntet brutale, et refltent laspect vritable des relations humaines et de lamour. La crativit de lauteur spanouit dans ces fables en gardant cependant toujours un pied dans la ralit.

Savage Love

Song of Kosovo
Chris Gudgeon
Dans un roman aussi amusant que profond et alliant fiction et faits rels, Chris Gudgeon revisite les moments sombres de lhistoire rcente en suivant le destin dun jeune homme en pleine guerre des Balkans, dans les annes 1990. Entrain dans les folies dune guerre et les lubies dun pre hors du commun, Zavida Zankovic se retrouve attendre un procs qui le jugera pour une srie de crimes. Au moment de raconter sa version des faits son avocate, Zavida se lance dans un rcit audacieux, tout aussi hilarant que dchirant, dans lequel se mlent les dbris de son pass et les aventures qui lont men jusquici.
septembre 2012 328 pages

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

septembre 2013 264 pages

Littrature canadienne


Livre informatif


paratre septembre 2014

paratre en 2015

Starling Will
Ian Weir
Ian Weir, gagnant du concours dauteurs de Daniel OThunder et ancien finaliste du Commonwealth Writers Prize for First Book, nous offre un nouveau roman policier plus troublant que jamais: Starling Will. Dans les profondeurs de Londres, les vnements senchainent suite un pillage de tombes qui tourne mal: meurtre dun prteur sur gages, arrestation dune jeune femme et rvlation dun complot pouvantable orchestr par une des clbrits mdicales les plus brillantes de la ville, qui vient repousser les limites du possible.

Walls Travels Along the Barricades

Marcello Di Cinto
Dans ce mlange ambitieux entre voyage et reportage, Marcela Di Cintio se dplace aux abords des frontires les plus disputes du monde, afin de rencontrer les personnes qui vivent sur le fil du rasoir et de savoir ce que signifie le fait de vivre dos un mur. Certains murs diffrencient le nous du eux avec une clart mdivale. Dautres encouragent la peur ou nourrissent la haine. Certains tuent. Et chaque mur inspire sa propre subversion, que ce soit par les infiltrs qui osent les franchir ou par les artistes qui les transforment.

Floating Currency Water as the New Gold

Marq de Villier
Prs de quinze ans aprs le titre Water : The Fate Of Our Most Precious Resource qui lui avait valu le Prix du Gouverneur Gnral, Marq De Villiers nous offre Floating Currency : Water As The New Gold. Ce livre explore les nouveaux enjeux prdominants de notre re moderne la gestion mondiale, la proprit et la marchandisation de leau.

septembre 2014

septembre 2012 288 pages


Srie Manga

Fiction Jeune Adulte

Susan F. Schulman Literary Agency se spcialise dans la reprsentation dditeurs Nord-Amricains tels que Swoon Romance, Sixth & Spring, Month9Books ou encore Mantra Books dans la vente des droits trangers de leurs publications papier et e-book, en particulier en fiction et non-fiction crit par, pour et sur les femmes et leurs intrts et enjeux.

Srie Figure It Out

Chris Hart
Lensemble de ces livres pour enfants propose le thme de Comment Dessiner. Ces titres sont marqus par leur charme unique, remplis de techniques clairement illustres et de petites histoires amusantes, et sont accessibles et parfaitement adapts aux enfants. Le style aventure de Chris Hart est trs tendance dans les dessins anims aujourdhui. Ce style de dessin est avant-gardiste, plein dhumour et de personalit et se retrouve dans les bandes dessines et les films danimation de pointe.

The Scar Boys

Len Vlahos
The Scar Boys raconte lhistoire de Harry Jones, victime dun acte de harclement affreux lage de 8 ans qui le laisse dfigur. Ainsi commence une histoire disolation, de honte et de solitude.

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Lditeur:

The Scar Boys est un vritable roman dapprentissage, qui allie une profondeur psychologique une fascination pour la musique et sa capacit de changer une vie une histoire bouleversante sur lamiti, la dcouverte de soimme et la force de surmonter les obstacles.

septembre 2008 148 pages

janvier 2014 256 pages

Fiction Jeune Adulte



Titre paratre

Waiting for April

Jaime Loren
Aprs Ltrange Histoire de Benjamin Button et Le Temps nest Rien, vient une nouvelle histoire damour qui dfie les rgles scientifiques, du temps et mme de la mort.

Signature Scarves
Nicky Epstein
Nicky Epstein produit des livres passionnants qui, outre leur esthtique de qualit, sont tays par des instructions claires, des diagrammes dtaills et des photographies en couleur blouissantes. Une auteure succs, mondialement reconnue dans lartisanat dart qui conquiert le public grce son style classique, unique et raffin. Un diteur avis saura trouver dans ce fonds tout ce quil lui faut pour bien cerner ce crneau trs lucratif et en forte expansion.

Srie On The Go
Vogue Knitting
Dans ces livres, on retrouve de beaux motifs et des couleurs qui sharmonisent parfaitement. Ces livres se distinguent par leur prsentation novatrice. Ils sont uniques en leur genre et faciles dexcution et ont tabli les normes pour tous les guides de tricot. Ce petit format est parfait pour la vente rapide et efficace la caisse.

Jaime Loren est une auteure australienne qui commence dans le mtier dcrivain avec ce titre et les deux qui suivront dans cette srie pleine dimagination et qui plaira tous ceux qui croient en lamour ternel survivant contre vents et mares.

septembre 2014 370 pages

fvrier 2014 152 pages

octobre 2012 160 pages

Rcit de faits excentriques

Coaching personnel

Depuis plus de 200 ans, Wiley a volu pour rpondre aux besoins de ses clients des livres aux applications numriques et outils interactifs dapprentissge en ligne. Aujourdhui sans sa septime gnration, le dvouement de la famille Wiley dans le monde de ldition continue encore et toujours. Du fait de sa stabilit financire, son quipe de direction exprimente et sa main duvre talentueuse, les annes venir sont promesses de grandes opportunits pour une croissance et une prosprit continue. Bien que la compagnie soit aujourdhui bien diffrente de la petite imprimerie de Manhattan ouverte en 1807 par Charles Wiley, son engagement pour la qualit et envers ses clients reste inchang.

Myths Of Creativity
David Burkus
Nous avons tendance considrer la crativit comme un reste des muses anciennes : une inspiration divine, imprvisible et accorde seulement quelques chanceux. Mais lorsque que nos emplois exigent une crativit sur commande, il nous faut dvelopper des ides novatrices et utiles qui permettront notre entreprise de rester comptitive. Myths Of Creativity dmystifie le processus dinnovation. Bas sur des recherches rcentes portant sur le succs dentreprises et dindividus cratifs, David Burkus fait ressortir les ides prconues qui nous freinent et nous montre que chacun de nous peut suivre une approche pratique et concrte pour trouver les meilleures ides.
octobre 2013 224 pages

Bob Rosen
Confronts aux changements perturbateurs et turbulences conomiques, les dirigeants daujourdhui se retrouvent mal-quips pour grer les dangers quils doivent affronter. Ils doivent se battre contre lincertitude chronique, les employs cyniques et leur propre puisement. Nombre dentre eux souffrent du modle prdominant qui vise la production court-terme au dtriment de notre bien-tre en tant que personne. Et bien peu ont russi trouver une alternative; jusqu aujourdhui. Grounded propose une nouvelle approche conue pour toute personne luttant contre ces forces en action. Ce nouveau modle vise le meilleur de nous-mmes. octobre 2013
368 pages

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

Livres pdagogiques

Coaching personnel

**+1 million copies sold **


**+570,000 copies sold **


Lhistoire a commenc en 1868, lorsque Matthew Henry Hodder et Thomas Wilberforce Stoughton fondrent Hodder & Stoughton sur la Paternoster Row de Londres. Hodder & Stoughton est une maison ddition majeure du groupe Hachette UK , lun des plus grands groupes ddition du RoyaumeUni. Hodder & Stoughton publie une grande varit de titres de fiction et non-fiction et est reconnue pour sa passion, la qualit de ses livres et son flair pour les livres meilleurs vendeurs commerciaux dans diffrents formats.

Droits vendus
** 20 languages **

Srie All That Matters

Ces petits livres sont pleins dinformations fascinantes qui refltent les derniers acquis scientifiques dans de nombreux domaines de recherche. Les sujets sont prsents dune manire comprhensible, et crits par des auteurs crdibles qui donnent une introduction srieuse et discutent les questions les plus controverses. la fin de chaque livre se trouve une liste de 100 ides, qui suggre notamment des lectures complmentaires pour approfondir le sujet ou rassemble des faits divers dans le contexte du livre. La srie ALL THAT MATTERS comprend 15 tomes avec de divers sujets.
mai 2012160 pages

Srie In a Week
Matrisez en une semaine ce que les experts mettent une vie apprendre! La srie In A Week est conue pour dirigeants juniors et en devenir ainsi que toute personne qui souhaite faire avancer sa carrire. Les titres proposent des manires faciles et rapides dapprendre les bases et secrets avancs de nombreux sujets importants lis au monde des affaires; le tout en une semaine!Les auteurs sont des experts dans leurs domaines respectifs. Ils ont une expriences concrte dans leur pays et linternational, ce qui confre chaque titre une porte et des enseignements valables mondialement.
2012128 pages

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

Roman jeune adulte

Roman jeune adulte

BEST-SELLER Droits vendus

Fonde en 1982, Orca est une maison ddition canadienne indpendante de livres denfants et jeunes adultes. Avec plus de 500 ouvrages leur catalogue et prs de 65 nouveaux titres par an, Orca publie des titres succs de tous les genres incluant : livres dveil pour bbs; albums dimages, livres premiers chapitres dans les sries Orca Echoes et Orca Young Readers; romans pour lecteurs rticents dans les sries Orca Currents, Orca Sports et Orca Soundings; romans indpendants de fiction pour enfants et jeunes adultes et romans courts en fiction et non-fiction dans la sries Rapid Reads sous le label de Raven Books. Bon nombre de ces titres sont galement publis en franais et en espagnol et nos publications traduites ne cessent de se multiplier. ** en 7 langues **

Lois Peterson
Un regard rapide et efficace sur le problme que connait la grande majorit des adolescents dans leur utilisation intensive des moyens de communication et des mdias sociaux. Depuis son arrive dans une nouvelle cole, Daria est devenue de plus en plus dpendante de son tlphone portable. Textos, Facebook et appels sont la seule connexion qui lui reste avec ses amis de Calgary et Daria ressent le besoin de savoir tout ce qui se passe l-bas pour garder un pied dans son ancienne vie. Sa mre et sa nouvelle meilleure amie Clo comprennent rapidement que sa relation au tlphone portable tourne lobsession mais Daria refuse dentendre raison jusqu ce que son addiction la technologie ne mette sa vie en danger.
octobre 2012 136 pages

Jacqueline Pearce
Bien quentoure par ceux qui se moquent delle, Dana est enthousiaste lide de partir en voyage de classe au Japon. Elle est persuade quelle se sentira moins isole au Japon, pays des manga et des anime. Mais, elle se rend vite compte quil est aussi difficile de sintgrer dans une culture trangre qu lcole et la seule autre fan de manga quelle rencontre refuse de lui adresser la parole. Alors que Dana apprend sadapter et faire des compromis pour crer de nouvelles amitis au Japon, le chef du clan sefforce de lui rappeler quelle ne sera jamais des leurs.
septembre 2007 105 pages

Manga Touch

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:


Anciens mystres

tablie en 1975 dans un petit bureau de la ville de New-York, Inner Traditions Bear & Company a ajourdhui 11 labels et, depuis janvier 2009, plus de 1,200 titres publis sur un large ventail de sujets clectiques. Cette maison ddition est une des plus grandes et plus anciennes au monde et se consacre aux domaines de la spiritualit, de lsotrisme, de la sant alternative et de la gurison.

Shamanic Awakening
Sandra Corcoran
Ce livre raconte le cheminement mystique dune femme de la peine la reconstruction travers un apprentissage et une dcouverte de ses propres capacits de gurison. Aprs des semaines de chagrin profond suite la perte de sa fille, Sandra Corcoran se retrouve dans un atelier denseignement des techniques indignes et de gurison nergtique. Sandra Corcoran est une conseillre chamaniste forme depuis plus de trente ans en Europe et sur le continent amricain aux techniques de gurison sotrique.

Aliens in Ancient Egypt

Xaviant Haze
La civilisation sophistique de lgypte ancienne semble stre construite en une nuit avec des connaissances avances en agriculture, astronomie, physique et dans le domaine de lart. la mort du pharaon Akhenaten, une grande partie de ces connaissances suprieures se sont perdues ou ont t supprimes. Cependant, des preuves de cet ge dor, des visiteurs extraterrestres ayant provoqu son apparition et de ceux responsables de son dclin existent toujours certaines bien visibles. Xaviant Haze est un chercheur indpendant de manuscrits anciens et dhistoire alternative qui explore et cherche des preuves et documents supportants ses dcouvertes sur les cits perdues et les mythes du monde antdiluvien.

Pour en savoir plus sur lacquisition de droits pour la langue franaise dans votre territoire, veuillez visiter notre site web: Site web de lditeur:

mars 2014 272 pages

octobre 2013 320 pages

**French Language Rights only** **Droits pour la langue franaise seulement**

JSs Pick:

Claudes Pick:

Mathildes Pick:

** 8 languages **

Rights sold

Walking Home from Mongolia

Rob Lilwall
Bien des annes ont pass depuis son retour dun voyage qui changea sa vie : trois ans et demi de trajet en vlo pour rentrer chez lui depuis la Sibrie et pourtant Rob Lilwall, aventurier amateur, ne rve que de repartir. Cette fois-ci, cest pied quil entreprend le projet audacieux de marcher jusqu Hong-Kong en partant dun coin recul de la Mongolie. Rob partage avec humour et honntet les preuves physiques et morales rencontres au cours de son voyage et ses rflexions sur labsurdit de la vie, limportance de la foi et la ncessit de ne pas se prendre trop au srieux.
janvier 2014 304 pages

Smart Play Smart Toys

Stevanne Auerbach
For the developing mind of a child, learning to play is paramount--but is your child getting the most out of playtime? Stevanne Auerbach, Ph.D., more affectionately known as Dr. Toy has dedicated a lifetime to the importance of play and gives you specific advice on which toys to buy and what kind of games to play to empower your childs overall development.

Katia Canciani, Christine Battuz

The series My Best Friend highlights the uniqueness of each child, without hiding their weaknesses nor forgetting their strengths. In each volume of this series, a child presents us his/her best friend. The success of this series is based on its simplicity and its capacity to tone down problems, promote self-esteem and enhance the importance of friendship. Also available in this series: Leon, the target, Rosalie, the plump, Frdric the mish-mashed, Kimmy the cloud, Samuel the tornado and Billy, the bubble.

My Best Friend Series

2006 256 pages

2010 24 pages

**French Language Rights only** **Droits pour la langue franaise seulement**

Claires Pick:

Amaiurs Pick:

Anabelles Pick:
**+240,000 copies sold **

Best Seller

** 6 languages **

Rights sold

Savage (1986-2011)
Nathaniel G. Moore
The World Wrestling Federations Macho Man Randy Savage was at the top of his game during the sports golden era in in the 1980s and early 1990s. Nate, a creative, messy, and anxious teen who has chosen Randy Savage as his hero. As he finishes high school, the world to which Savage belongs is quickly waning in popularity, and Nate begins to see the wrestlers downfall mirrored in his own life. This novel is about the blurred lines between child and adult roles and the ever-changing landscape of interior heroism.
November 2013 256 pages

Taste of Beirut
Joumana Accad
Joumana Accad is a native Lebanese, a trained pastry chef, and professional caterer. In her debut cookbook, the Taste of Beirut, she shares her heritage through exquisite food and anecdotes, teaching anyone from newbies to foodies how to master traditional Lebanese cuisine. With over 175 recipes inspired by her Teta (grandmother) in their familys kitchen, Accad captures the healthful and fabulous flavors of the Middle East and makes them completely accessible to home cooks.

Lars Mytting
Qui aurait cru quun guide sur lusage de bois de chauffage deviendrait un best-seller ? Le livre non-fiction de Lars Mytting, Hel Ved (bois solide) connait un vritable succs en Scandinavie. Il ne sagit pas dun hasard; ce livre pratique est la fois utile et lyrique. En dcrivant les traditions norvgiennes et en sappuyant sur la science moderne des fours bois et lnergie renouvelable, lauteur nous fait dcouvrir la beaut de cette commodit.

Hel Ved

September 2014 320 pages

2012 172 pages



**+10,000 copies sold**


Loyola Press is much more than a publishing company. As a Jesuit Ministry, they strive to help you find God in all things and develop a deep, personal relationship with Christ.

As an apostolate of the Chicago-Detroit Province of the Society of Jesus (commonly known as the Jesuits), Loyola Press embraces the Jesuit passion for helping people to find God in all things. We continue the Jesuit tradition of service through the printed word and by being people for others.

Pope Francis
Chris Lowney
Drawing on interviews with people who knew him as Father Jorge Bergoglio, SJ, Lowney challenges assumptions about what it takes to be a great leader. In so doing, he reveals the other-centered leadership style of a man whose passion is to be with people rather than set apart. Chris Lowney, a former Jesuit, served as Managing Director at J.P. Morgan in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, and London for seventeen years. A popular speaker on issues around leadership, he is the author of the best-selling Heroic Leadership and Heroic Living.
October 2013 184 pages

Discovering your Dream

Gerald M. Fagin, SJ

Decisions, decisions, decisions! The world, our livesevery day is full of them. Big or little, major or minor, we are constantly choosing between paths. But have you ever thought about how that happens? More importantly, have you ever impulsively made a decision that turned out not to be in your best moral or spiritual interests? Discovering Your Dream shows us that the path to our truest desires is attainable in our own lives when we are guided by the groundwork laid by St. Ignatius.
September 2013 144 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher: www.




** POLISH 2013 **

** POLISH 2013 **

Under the Influence of Jesus

Joe Paprocri
Many Catholics feel catechized but not evangelized, meaning they know about Jesus but do not feel they know him personally. The bridge between where we are and where we want to be in our faith journey can be confusing without the right guidance. In Under the Influence of Jesus, best-selling author Joe Paprocki explains complex spiritual concepts with engaging discussion so that everyday Catholics can integrate and articulate their faith and live the Gospel in a way that is simple, compelling, contemporary, liberating, and lifechanging.
January 2014 144 pages

A Season of Mystery
Paula Huston
In A Season of Mystery, 60-year-old Paula Hustona grandmother, and also a caretaker for her own mother and for her in-lawsshares with readers a far more fulfilling way to approach how we live and how we think about the second half of life. A Season of Mystery is not intended to be a selection of self-improvement secrets; the goal of Hustons work is to encourage people in the second half of life to become ordinary mystics who are no longer bound by the worlds false ideas on aging but instead be freed by Gods grace to embrace the riches that come only with growing older.
November 2012 224 pages

The Holy Way

Paula Huston
For many of us, living simply is simply impossible. We just have too much to do. But one of the main reasons we think simple living is impossible is that we are unsure of how to get a simpler life started. Drawing on the powerful histories of the saints and her own personal experience, author Paula Huston shows us how living simply begins with a commitment to spiritual simplicity in our lives. Each chapter in The Holy Way introduces a different spiritual practice, including solitude, purity, and generosity, and explores it through historical perspectives and Hustons compelling personal reflections.

November 2013 384 pages




Changing Lives One Book at a Time Since 1977, HCI has been changing the lives of their readers and the people they touch, one book at a time. HCI has come a long way since its roots in recovery and the life-changing Chicken Soup for the Soul series with an expansive list of contemporary voices. It has won awards for its books and works in consort with its own conference and magazine division. After thirty plus years of publishing, one thing remains the same -- the voices published by HCI will always be dedicated to making a difference in the lives of readers.

Judy Fridono
Ride the wave of hope with Ricochet the only dog in the world who surfs with wounded warriors, people with disabilities, and children with special needs as an assistive aid and SURFice dog. Ricochets story is one of synchronicity, our interconnectedness, and opening ourselves to lifes pawsibilities. She does more than steady the board: she offers hope, comfort, healing, and a reason to keep fighting. There is no other story quite like it!


One Foot in Front of the Other

Tian Dayton
Nationally renowned trauma and recovery expert Dr. Tian Dayton gives readers all the tools they will need on their journey of recovery, just as she has for countless of her own patients. Written in the I format, each page speaks intimately to readers, offering straightforward and user-friendly wisdom through inspired readings. This powerful little book will help readers examine their lives and recapture feelings of gratitude and positivity opening to the grace of self-renewal.

For more information on acquiring foreing rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher: www.

June 2014 288 pages

December 2013 384 pages




**+30.000 copies sold**

An Unimaginable Act
Erin Merryn
This title is as much a necessary resource guide for all adults, as it is a memoir documenting the struggle of a young girl who tries to overcome and heal from the sexual abuse that has been inflicted upon her by a family member, whom she had loved and trusted. Erin Merryn shares openly and courageously her story and, by turning her pain into her purpose, her bravery and honesty has helped other victims of child abuse to rebuild their lives and has also remarkably brought about real change in child protection legislation in the USA.
November 2013 288 pages

Cooking your way to Gorgeous Scott-Vincent Borba

In Cooking Your Way to Gorgeous, skin-care expert to the stars Scott-Vincent Borba shares his philosophy that outer beauty often begins on the inside: When you feed your skin what it needs on the inside, you banish problem areas and regenerate healthier, younger-looking skin. With this book, you can become a beauty foodie, indulging in amazing cuisine that makes you look truly amazing. Who knew that turning heads could be as simple as turning on your oven, blender, or stove top?

Getting Waisted
Monica Parker
Monica Parker bridges the divide between serial dieters survival guide and memoir, taking readers on a hilariously funny yet bumpy ride from chubby baby to chunky adult. Ultimately, Getting Waisted is an inspirational look at life through societys warped fun-house mirror, but Monicas reflection tells the real tale: everyone is always under construction and we are all flawed, chipped, and dented, but that doesnt mean were not interesting, vital, and sexy.

July 2013 240 pages

January 2014 288 pages

YA Fiction Series



**Nominated Best Reviewer Read of 2012**








J. Gabriel Gates, Charlene Keel

When Ignacio Torrez moved from the rough streets of Los Angeles to a small town dead smack in the middle of nowhere, he never expected to find himself in the midst of a gang war. But, he soon learns, these are no ordinary gangs. The only hope for peace between them lies within the dark territory of the abandoned train tunnels where the tracks cross. Under the direction of the mysterious and frightening Magician, the awesome power within the crossing sends the rivals on a terrifying mystical quest to fight the malevolent force that threatens the existence of Middleburg.
July 2007 405 pages

The Tracks Series

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt Do you know the #1 reason that stops people from getting what they want? Ten years later, its still a lack of focus. The Power of Focus, 10th Anniversary Edition, coauthored by Canfield and Hansen of the bestselling phenomenon Chicken Soup for the Soul, is a practical, no-nonsense guide that shows readers how to reach their business, personal and financial goals without getting burned out in the process.

The Power of Focus

Never Feel Old Again

Raymond Francis
The author, Raymond Francis, takes us through the necessary steps to examine what it is that ails us, even incurable diseases, and take control of the situation by becoming informed and responsible for how we treat our bodies. Each title deals with a globally topical issue that speaks to a large readership and shares with them first-hand, scientific and valuable information to improve their lifestyles, health and well-being.

June 2012 384 pages

October 2013 336 pages

Heart-warming Stories

Pregnancy & Childbirth







For the Love of Mom

Maria Bailey
First published in the fall of 2012, The For the Love Series is positively brimming with potential. The books, which make great gifts, have sold extremely well at Christmas and Mothers Day and can be strategically published throughout the year. This series is already selling steadily, promising future development of diverse topics that will interest a large demographic of readers old and young.

Maria Mongan
The MONGAN METHOD has been used by Jessica Alba, Kate Middleton among others... Hypnobirthing via the Mongan Method has been developed to give birth without fear or pain and completely naturally involving no medication. Originally published in 2005, this book has sold over 250,000 copies worldwide and has been published in 9 different languages. It is the original manual and reference for any couple looking to go through pregnancy and experience child birth in a zen way.

The Undefeated Mind

A.J.B. Johnston
Legions of self-help authors rightly urge personal development as the key to happiness, but they typically fail to focus on its most important objective: hardiness. Though that which doesnt kill us can make us stronger, as Nietzsche tells us, few authors today offer any insight into just how to springboard from adversity to strength. What we need, according to Dr. Alex Lickerman, is wisdomwisdom that adversity has the potential to teach us.

September 2013 264 pages

May 2005 328 pages

November 2012 288 pages

Feel-good Fiction

Historical Fiction

** FRENCH CANADA 2013 **



CBU Press is committed to a high level of literary and artistic merit and to quality layout and design; their publications are consistently shortlisted for regional awards. Notwithstanding a desire to reach farther and farther beyond their shores, CBU Press is committed to an emphasis on regional literature and on Cape Breton, which boasts a highly expressive culture appreciated the world over. From 18th century France to 18th century Acadian villages, these richly recited tales are filled with thrilling conflicts of political marginalization, economic downturn and community division. Penned by an ensemble of award winning writers, rapidly gaining critical acclaim worldwide, these titles reach out to an array of readers both young and old.

Me & Mr. Bell

Philip Roy
Alexander Graham Bell, Baddecks most illustrious resident, and one of the worlds greatest inventors, is also famous for the greatness of his compassion. Its 1908, and ten-year-old Eddie MacDonald shares the friendly inventors passion for solving problems and for taking long walks in the fields above Bras dOr Lake. After a few chance encounters, the elderly Bell befriends the young boy, and takes an interest in his struggle encouraging Eddie to celebrate his successes and never give up.

Blood Brothers of Louisbourg

Philip Roy
In this historic setting, Philip Roy tells a coming of age story about two youths searching for father figures and considering what it means to be a man. In 1744, two brothers, unbeknownst to each other, arrive at the French fortress of Louisbourg in what is now Nova Scotia and find themselves swept up in an important battle between the French and English. Philip Roys titles have been selected for the Canadian Childrens Book Centres Best Books for Kids and Teens.
August 2012 176 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher: www.

October 2013 146 pages

Childrens Novel

Political Fiction

Young Adult



Hugh R. MacDonald
Set in a 1920s coal-mining town, Trapper Boy is the story of 13-year-old JW Donaldson, a good student with a bright future. But there is something worrying his parents. Slowly, JWs parents reveal the truth: his fathers hours at the mine have been reduced and they face difficult decisions to try to make ends meet. One such decision will have a previously unimagined impact on the young mans life.

Trapper Boy

A Possible Madness
Frank MacDonald
When a global corporation plans a daring scheme to exploit the remaining coal from an improbable source and thus to secure the town of Sheans economic future politicians try to marginalize the few voices of dissent. Some voices, however, are not easily silenced.

Thomas, A Secret Life

A.J.B. Johnston
Set in early-18th-century France, Thomas: A Secret Life is the imagined life of Thomas Pichon. We first meet Thomas as a twelve-year old in the small town of Vire, Normandy. Precociously sensuous by nature, Thomas is inclined to poetry and religious/erotic imaginings. He has a series of adolescent adventures which form the striking background to his character.

October 2012 168 pages

July 2011 364 pages

July 2012 294 pages



** 63 licences **

Rights Sold

** 24 licences **

Rights Sold

** over 300 million copies sold worldwide**


In 1993, internationally known speakers Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield who had crafted their careers in public speaking by telling inspirational and motivational real-life stories, decided that it was time to share these uplifting stories in book form. The very first Chicken Soup for the Soul title contained 101 of the most inspirational stories they found. The Chicken Soup for the Soul series has been translated and published in over 42 languages under approximately 800 licences appointed by Montreal-Contacts / The Rights Agency.

Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield & Amy Newmark

Chicken Soup for the Soul (I-VI)

Chicken Soup for the Womans Soul (I-II)

Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield & Amy Newmark

The twentieth anniversary edition of the original Chicken Soup for the Soul is brimming with even more hope and inspiration - the stories youve always loved, plus bonus stories, plus 20 bonus stories from todays thought leaders. Twenty years later, Chicken Soup for the Soul continues to open the heart and rekindle the spirit. Celebrate the twentieth anniversary with the classic book that inspired millions -- reinvigorated with bonus stories of inspiration! You will find hope and inspiration in these 101 heartwarming stories about counting your blessings, thinking positive, and overcoming challenges.

There are many ways to define a woman: daughter, mother, wife, professional, friend, student We are each special and unique, yet we share a common connection. What bonds all women are our mutual experiences of loving and learning: feeling the tenderness of love; forging lifelong friendships; pursuing a chosen career; giving birth to new life; juggling the responsibilities of job and family, and more.

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

Re.Ed June 2013 384 pages

Re.Ed September 2012 328 pages




** 24 licences **

Rights Sold

** 27 licences **

Rights Sold

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul (I-II)

Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield & Amy Newmark

Chicken Soup for the Mothers Soul (I-II)

Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield & Amy Newmark

The Multitasking Moms Survival Guide

Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield & Amy Newmark

This first batch of Chicken Soup for Teens consists of 101 stories every teenager can relate to and learn from -- without feeling criticized or judged. These editions contain important lessons on the nature of friendship and love, the importance of belief in the future, and the value of respect for oneself and others, and much more.

Admittedly, we sometimes become oversentimental about motherhood. But in a climate of rampant cynicism and family disintegration, stories about maternal love, courage, devotion, and triumph can be immensely comforting and inspiring. Mothers of all ages will appreciate this book as a gift to themselves or as a gift to a beloved mom. But get out your handkerchiefs, the editors showed no restraint when it came to including tearjerkers.

Moms are the busiest people in the world! They juggle kids, husbands, jobs, housework, and more. These 101 stories from other multitasking moms will inspire and amuse the woman who does it all! Moms do it all they juggle kids, husbands, home and office. This collection will inspire and entertain masters of multitasking with its 101 stories from busy moms like them. Filled with words of wisdom, lessons learned, funny moments and juggling success, this book will brighten any mothers day.

Re.Ed August 2012 336 pages

August 2012 352 pages

March 2014 400 pages

Historical Fiction


+1,110,000 copies sold


+800,000 copies sold


Les ditions JCL began in 1977 in Quebec as a general publisher producing books for bookstores and department stores. 20 collections and over 475 titles have been published to date. Popular novels, to real-life stories, witness accounts, biographies and practical titles. 25 of the titles have sold more than 100,000 copies with some selling over 500,000 copies and 1.2 million copies!

** 4 languages **

Rights sold

** 9 languages **

Rights sold

The Val-Jalbert Series (I-VI)

Marie-Bernadette Dupuy
A gripping fictional saga of the life of MarieHermine, abandoned as a baby in Val-Jalbert, Qubec. This series, consisting of 6 titles to date, transmits a beautiful and powerful love story to its readers, infused with the icy breath of Qubecs winter wind, in a land where nothing must die and nothing must change.

The Veil of Fear (I-II)

Samia Shariff
Samia recounts the true story of her life, her trials and, above all, her victories. For several decades she was the instrument of a completely unbelievable beliefs system that granted her no rights whatsoever, not even the right to love or live in peace.

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

2012-2013 531 pages

February 2012 397 pages

Gaelic Fiction

Crime Novels

Historical Fiction

+650,000 copies sold


+730,000 copies sold


** 4 languages **

Rights sold

Gaelic Heart Series (I-IV)

Sonia Marmen
At the end of the 17th century, in the heart of the Scottish Highlands and surrounded by the turmoil of clan wars, Caitlin Dunn, a young Irish woman, and Liam MacDonald, a Highlander, experience an allconsuming passion. This is a four-part series that engages the reader from start to finish. Enchanting tales of times gone by and an enlightening look into the gaelic culture.

Maud Delage Series (I-IV)

Marie-Bernadette Dupuy
This is a four-volume series, where renowned author Marie-Bernadette Dupuy introduces a new crime-detective saga, featuring young and bold Maud Delage, a fresh graduate of the police academy. A departure from her usual genre for which she is so notably accomplished, Ms Dupuys devoted followers are in for a treat.

The Roy Family Series (I-V)

Marie-Bernadette Dupuy
These novels take the reader back to a pivotal era, the end of the 19th century, in the beautiful setting of the Eaux-Claires Valley, a historical site in the heart of the Charente region in France. Follow the story of Claire, a young girl whose peaceful life is one day disturbed by a strange encounter.

2005 584 pages

2012-2014 448 pages

2011-2012 640 pages

Cookbook Series


Series of 19+ titles

** Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2009** ** Silver medal - Taste Canada 2010**

Cardinal is an independent publishing house specializing in the conception, development, and publication of cookbooks, literature, and health and wellness guides. Founded in 1987 by Richard Trempe, Cardinal has already achieved international success with its eclectic collection of French books.

The Worlds 60 Best Series

Compiled by a team of chefs and researchers who consulted with dozens of foodies and kitchen-tested hundreds of different ingredient combinations to create this collection of the worlds 60 best recipes under 19 different categories. This collection, created entirely in Quebec by our team of chefs, writers, and artists, features delicious, original, inspired recipes including burgers, pizzas, stews, salads, vegetarian dishes, brunch dishes, skewers, and more.

The Rebel Chef

Antoine Sicotte
The Rebel Chef offers dishes from the four corners of the world, revisiting timeless classics with a twist from Antoine Sicottes signature rock n roll touch and less is more attitude. Each page is stamped with the chefs trademark rebellious style with drawings, tips and tricks, jokes, quotes, and personal anecdotes and photos, adding to the originality and artistry of this visually stunning oeuvre. Starting with a morning menu, the book glides into brunch, and then eases into lunch and dinner, ending with Antoines favorite late-night nosh, all perfect for sharing with friends and family!
April 2014 176 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

2012192 pages

Childrens Book

Sport/Picture Book

Bayard Jeunesse Canada have been passionately producing a wide range of childrens magazines and books for over 40 years. Created by industry experts, their publications aim to help toddlers and children of all ages to understand and appreciate life.

Really and Truly

milie Rivard
When he was younger, Louis loved to listen to the eccentric stories of his grandfather, always asking really and truly?. Sadly, his grandfather is now sick and doesnt recognize Louis anymore. To renew contact with his grandfather, Louis draws on his imagination and revives their favourite characters.

GSP: The DNA of a Champion

Georges StPierre
In conjunction with the release of the much awaited film GSP: The DNA of a Champion, this book presents images from the film role along with photos from the making of the movie accompanied by inspirational quotes from the man himself. This photo reportage allows us to relive the most trying and remarkable moments of his rise to the top from the toughest training sessions to the thrilling fights, follow this real champion on his mission and discover the real man behind the legend of GSP.
February 2014 144 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

A beautiful tale of a strong bond between a boy and his grandfather,

September 2011 24 pages

Childrens Story


**+100,000 copies sold**

DeVorss & Company is a book publisher and distributor of Metaphysical, Inspirational, Spiritual, Self-Help, and New Thought titles.

Since their first day of business in 1929, DeVorss & Company has been solely committed to providing booksellers and readers worldwide with material that leads their mind, body, and soul to new levels of spiritual awareness.

The Invisible String

Patrice Karst
Whether its a loved one far away, or a parent in the next room, this delightful book illustrates a new way to cope with something all children and parents confront sooner or later; a childs fear of loneliness and separation. Parents and loved ones feel the tug whenever kids give it; and kids feel the tug that comes right back: the Invisible String reaches from heart to heart. Does everybody have an Invisible String? How far does it reach, anyway?

The Principles of New Thought

April Moncrieff
The Principles of New Thought is a must read for those who are embarking on a spiritual journey. It takes a look at the doctrines of traditional Christianity and, with reverence and respect, encourages its readers to interpret and apply these teachings in their own personal way, allowing them to expand their own spiritual understanding of The Bible outside of the constraints of organized religion. Moncrieffs writing style is clear, concise enabling the reader the easily understand and build a stronger spiritual life of their own.
July2013 136 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

January 2000 36 pages



**22,000 COPIES SOLD**

Eyefoods, A Food Plan for Healthy Eyes is the idea and creation of Dr. Laurie Capogna and Dr. Barbara Pelletier, two optometrists who, together, have over twenty-five years of optometric experience. Through their daily interactions with patients both optometrists saw the need for a way to educate people regarding the benefits of good nutrition and vision. Developed over months of research, Eyefoods, A Food Plan for Healthy Eyes is a tool to encourage their patients and the public to discover the power of certain foods to prevent eye disease.

** RUSSIAN 2013 **

Dr. Capogna & Dr. Pelletier

Leading Canadian Eye care provider, IRIS, has purchased the Eyefoods titles in bulk to redistribute them to their vast network of eye care specialists in Canada, making them available for reading in waiting rooms and for purchase in all branches. It has also rewarded its best customers with complimentary copies of the books. An informative book that provides the necessary information to make food and lifestyle choices that help preserve eye health and fight eye disease. Based on current scientific research, filled with tips and photos in an easy to read, pleasant format.
January 2013 168 pages


Dr. Capogna & Dr. Pelletier

Eyefoods for Kids has been circulated in many Canadian schools, with a push from educational services to outline the importance of eye health for young people. This opens up market opportunities for selling the book in combination with eye care vitamins and other related products. Featuring detailed full-color illustrations, close-up photography, and easy-to-understand information on diet and nutrition, Eyefoods for Kids unravels the power and mysteries of the visual system.

Eyefoods for Kids

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Authors website:

January 2013 50 pages


Chick Lit

**50,000 COPIES SOLD**

Les diteurs Runis publish award winning books all over the globe and give writers a platform to get historical and modern novels, chick lit, biographies and more which capture the minds of their readership.

The Beatles (1957-1960 & 1960-1962)

ric Trudel
Eric Tridel invites us into the worlds of the Fab Four in the golden age of rock n roll. These books stand out from the regular and redundant biographies for their exceptional documentation of the events that take place from 1957 - 1962 over two installements.

What Happens in Mexico Stay in Mexico

Amelie Dubois

Three young teachers travel to the paradise beaches of Cancun, in Mexico, to enjjoy an all-inclusive package holiday. Caroline dreams of serene reading under a palm tree, Vicky plans to practice her yoga during sunrise, and Katia cannot wait to live an affair with a handsome stranger.

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

Covering the intimate behind the scenes moments from the early days, the formation, the trials and tribulations and the eventual rise to fame.
November 2013 483 pages

Little did Caroline, Vicky and Katia know they would experience seven outrageous days and nights with the help of margaritas: lewd behavior, awkward encounters and shameful awakenings An instant classic, crazy comedy in the making!
November 361 pages



Louise Courteau starter her own publishing house in 1981, the first female publisher in Quebec. She publishes a variety of different books; personal development, psychology, alternative health, paranormal, secret societies and more.

Signed, Glenn Gould

Ghyslaine Guertin
We, as readers, begin understanding to what extent this musician wanted to pass on his inheritance to his listeners and readers to help them discover, in a creative way, a universe of transcendence and serenity. The pleasure he has in doing this is contagious and resonates with readers who are the real intended recipients of this letters and thus, will understand their significane. Its especially for the readers that this edition was created.

Amerindians and Jesus

Don Marcellino
A nomad, a traveller, Don Marcelino is the first Amerindian to write a book about the spirit of Jesus; full of compassion, sharing the message of love yourself before you love others.

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

To make the transition between the old world and new world, predicted by the Mayans, the Amerindians are here to transfer their cosmic wisdom and put in a place a new peaceful humanity, brotherhood and unconditional love.

August 2012 281 pages

November 2013 103 pages

Childrens Novel

Childrens Novel

Les ditions du soleil de minuit specialize in childrens and youth books. Founded in 1999, their goal is to sensitize readers to different aspects of the many cultural groups that chose Canada as their new country. Many books concentrate on the Inuit and the Aboriginals, their contemporary life, their language and their culture. The picture books are simultaneously translated in a second language thats pertinent to the text.

What Makes Mamadi Run?

tienne Poirier
Alexander Graham Bell, Baddecks most illustrious resident, and one of the worlds greatest inventors, is also famous for the greatness of his compassion. Its 1908, and ten-year-old Eddie MacDonald shares the friendly inventors passion for solving problems and for taking long walks in the fields above Bras dOr Lake.

The Nordic Challenge

Diane Groulx
In this historic setting, Philip Roy tells a coming of age story about two youths searching for father figures and considering what it means to be a man. In 1744, two brothers, unbeknownst to each other, arrive at the French fortress of Louisbourg in what is now Nova Scotia and find themselves swept up in an important battle between the French and English. Philip Roys titles have been selected for the Canadian Childrens Book Centres Best Books for Kids and Teens.
January 2010 224 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

After a few chance encounters, the elderly Bell befriends the young boy, and takes an interest in his struggle encouraging Eddie to celebrate his successes and never give up.

November 2013 176 pages





At Marchand de Feuilles they dont to silent literature. they publish wild and instinctive literature - a real constellation of atypical books. Every book has its own rules - they appreciate distinctive and strong voices and orient often towards magic realism. They roll up their sleeves and get stuck in, a publishing house embracing young and beautiful literature with all its force.

The Herbal Analyst

Bertrand Busson
The Herbal Analyst is first a botanical thriller filled with humor. Its a novel about rot in all its forms but also about friendship, love and imagination. When all of Germain Tzaricots plants start looking sheepish, his life takes an unexpected turn. Involved himself in a global conspiracy, Germain has no choice but to investigate and with the help of his friend Jamal, crushed in a wheelchair by an excessive fear of heights. Germain thinks he is innocent, despite the agents suspicions, but in a world where the roots of narration, dream and rot are entangled to such extremes, there is no such thing as innocence.
January 2012 296 pages

The American Fianc

Eric Dupont

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

Louis, known as The Horse, Lamontagne is born at the midnight mass while his mother is playing as an extra in a real life nativity scene. His father, the most handsome man of Rivre-du-Loup was madly in love with his new wife Madeline, known as The American, an outstanding cook whose cookbook will change the lives of many women in the family for the following four generations. Eric Dupont delivers a magnificent novel in which the stories of a Madeleine take place over the course of about 100 years which interlace like each string in a ball of wool. The expression love story doesnt do the intricacies of this colourful tale full of twists. November 2012
568 pages

Childrens Picture Stories

Childrens Crime Novels


Since 1975, Meadowbrook has grown to become one of the leading publishers of books sold nationally in the US through bookstores and other retail outlets. Located in Minnetonka, Minnesota, Meadowbrook Press specialize in pregnancy, childcare, childrens poetry, juvenile novels, childrens activities, party planning, and adult humor. They are also the number one publisher of baby name books in the US, with six baby-naming books in print and total sales of over eleven million copies.

Monkey See Monkey Do

Bruce Lansky & Bill Bolton These stories are told in picture so children 3 to 6 can read the pictures and enjoy the story. Ooops! The zoo keeper accidentally left the door to the monkey cage open. Curious to explore the zoo, Lil Monkey sets out to meet some other animals and learn some new tricks.

Can You Solve the Mystery?

Bruce Lansky
First published it in the 80s at a time when another childrens mystery series was also very popular (including Encyclopedia Brown). Needless to say, the series has been updated and re-packaged. We are off to a good start in the U.S. Twelve-year-old amateur sleuths Hawkeye Collins and Amy Adams love to solve mysteries. They interview suspects and examine crime scenes looking for clues. Hawkeye and Amy share all their clues with readers, so readers can solve the mysteries too. Interactive, the reader can crack the case!
June 2013 112 pages

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

Come along on this delightful adventure in the charming zoo created by illustrator Bill Bolton. In the end, we learn that being yourself is the best thing to be.

October 2014 24 pages

Childrens Novels

Childrens Novel


Boomerang actively pursues its mission; to encourage children all over the world to read and to dream. The books they publish stand out for their original concepts, the quality of their texts and real-life illustrations and capture the minds of young readers, helping them discover literature.

The way Boomerang see it; the little readers of today become the big readers of tomorrow.

Acquidam Series
Vronique Dubois An historical saga that takes ones breathe away and keeps one gripped from beginning to end. Universal themes of action, adventure, knowledge, power and love are all packed into these lucidly illustrated tales. Enraptured by the descriptive passages, young readers are instantly glued to the pages of these books.


Richard Petit
Devlin is no ordinary citizen. Noticing that crimes go unpunished he decides to seek out his own justice. He is fed up of the court system - many criminals and killers slip through the loop and destroy the lives of honest people. With his gang, he finds a way to catch criminals and get justice. Duel in the far east is the first instalment of twos gripping saga where criminals no longer run the show. An instant teen favourite.

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

October 2013 117 pages

May 2013 117 pages

**+5,500 opies sold**

Young Chick Lit

Young Chick Lit

Energetic, entrepreneurial and of the belief that everything happens for a reason, Catherine Thabet founded her own pubishing company. She continues to support young people in their ambitions and aspirations via various school programs to show them that, in life, anything is possible. Her titles are aimed at readers between the ages of 13 and 30 but can suit older readers who wish to reminisce on, after all love stories are universal to all humans.

Sophia Bradley (Trilogy)

Catherine Thabet
Follow Sophia Bradleys story, first encountered as a slightly shy 17-year-old girl. All she knows about love comes from movies and books and like many teenage girls, she dreams of living her own love story. Time passes and as a young woman, Sophia faces all the challenges that love and life pose to her. With Bryan madly in love with her, she has all she needs to be happy. But she is still haunted by Andrew, her first true love, and those unanswered questions.

Catherine Thabet
From Greensboro, a suburb of New York City, to the Australian Open, they were meant to be together. When I saw him for the first time at the age of 11, I didnt know that one day Chris McIntyre would fascinate me so. From my passion for tennis to my love for Chris, no one told me that love could hurt so much. Amelia Jones Red VelvetWhen fantasy, elegance, grace, and determination combine before encountering this sublime color, the soft deep red covered in contrasting white sweetness Chris McIntyre
May 2013 306 pages

Rose Velvet

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

2012 234 pages

Nature Stories

Interactive self-help

Isabelle Quentin has been in the publishing industry for 26 years, but as she likes to say, If I have managed to stay fresh, its because I am constantly learning from my authors and collaborators, who are truly extraordinary people. That is, in fact, the reason I pick them. She has been called a jack of all trades, but the truth is she really has only one preoccupation: how to discover and develop quality ideas so that she can distribute them to the right people, at the right moment and in the right way.

Lessons from the Jungle

Lawrence Poole
Lessons from the jungle offers readers 50 stories inspired by nature on personal and organizational success. Lawrence Poole began to explore the effects of nature on his mood, motivation, mind and creativity, and he followed his instincts into the rainforest jungles of tropical America. He then developed training programs that incorporated the deep wisdom and altruistic self-interest found in nature ND which can be used with daily challenges.

The How to Series

With an interactive focus, the titles in this inspiring personal development seriesshare a concise and imaginative layout, engaging the reader from cover to cover. The titles in this series cover topics such as living alone, being a parent and still in love, staying in love, coaching, outsmarting burnout, being retired andhappy and taking charge of your life and are filled with tasks, games and questions to help the reader on their path to self-discovery.

For more information on acquiring foreign rights for your language or territory, please contact your local agent: or email: Publisher:

April 2013 202 pages

2012-2013 136 pages

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