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An Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) is a way to universalize work and income guaranty.

This human capital accumulation and income scheme could be achieved, at low cost, compared to other job creating investments, through the myriad of courses now available and administrated by information and communication technology means. An Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) would be an income paid to all children, from birth until twenty one years (years usually devoted to implement ones basic education), and also made available to all adults, conditioned to their enrolment with the hard work of continually improve their educational status. Programs, like an Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI), that condition the income guarantee to work of the participants on further their educational status, may be of great value, since they put the participants in a position of producers of a precious good that is human capital, certainly of great benefit to the individual participant and whole Society. In Brazil a program of a similar kind pays very modest values to circa thirteen million families, in cash, through a magnetic card. The families are demanded to send their children to school regularly and take part in some basic public health programs. Although the very modest values involved, unquestionably, this scheme alleviates somewhat the misery of circa sixty million people. An important point seems to be that payments should be in cash (magnetic card) to the individual participants, including children, endowing all with an economic citizenship, witch hopefully, in a near future, will become a birthright to all. Also required, to make such a scheme to be taken seriously, would be a strict verification if the work by each participant is effectively delivered, this of course for those beyond their basic education years, since before that the usual school takes over and also no exclusion or sanction of any kind is in place. Courses and disciplines from elementary level ,including literacy in writing , arithmetic and informatics , and those leading to the formation of laborers , technical education level workers and academic level professionals should be made available to fit all audiences .This also indicates differentiated pay, further stimulating cultural and intellectual progress. Naturally, Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) paid to children would have these resources administrated by parents or legal caretakers, but remuneration should be individualized from birth on. An Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) sheme could be very significant to solve great current problems like unemployment and migrations by economic pressures by handing over resources directly to the individual as a pay for his self-education work and stimulating local economies. EUBI could also be available for juvenile and adult inmates to achieve a better social reintegration that intellectual growth and some economic stimulus could bring and once liberated could remain in the scheme, hopefully lowering recidivism. Once in the Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) the participant could exit for the usual work market, at his criterion and convenience or return to the basic level in case of inadequate work performance in other EUBI levels. Only at its most basic level an Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) would be similar to the important Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme an unconditional income scheme exposed with detail in run by Basic Income Earth Network(BIEN), also discussed by United States Basic Income Guarantee, and in Wikipedia. In his additional levels the Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) is a scheme conditioned to the participants' work in their selfeducation. Some observations on how an Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) could be structured are presented under The End of Unemployment and Basic Points of An Educational Universal Basic Income(Scribd).

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