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Copyright 2014 All Rights Reserved

This is a Warrior Special Offer report. If yo o!tai"ed this report a"y#here else e$cept !y
prchasi"g it throgh %y offer o" The Warriors &or%' yo have a" illegal' pirated copy. (lease
report a"yo"e offeri"g it for sale or shari"g it for "o charge to %e )*addyoh+ at the Warrior
&or% a"d I #ill ta,e the appropriate a"d "ecessary actio" p to a"d i"cldi"g legal actio".
I-CO./ *ISC0AI./R1 This doc%e"t co"tai"s !si"ess strategies' %ar,eti"g %ethods a"d
other !si"ess advice that' regardless of %y o#" reslts a"d e$perie"ce' %ay "ot prodce the
sa%e reslts )or a"y reslts+ for yo. I %a,e a!soltely "o gara"tee' e$pressed or i%plied' that
!y follo#i"g the advice !elo# yo #ill %a,e a"y %o"ey or i%prove crre"t profits' as there are
several factors a"d varia!les that co%e i"to play regardi"g a"y give" !si"ess. (ri%arily' reslts
#ill depe"d o" the "atre of the prodct or !si"ess %odel' the co"ditio"s of the %ar,etplace'
the e$perie"ce of the i"dividal' a"d sitatio"s a"d ele%e"ts that are !eyo"d yor co"trol. As
#ith a"y !si"ess e"deavor' yo ass%e all ris, related to i"vest%e"t a"d %o"ey !ased o" yor
o#" discretio" a"d at yor o#" pote"tial e$pe"se. Reslts %ay vary' Sccess i" A-2 o"li"e
e"deavor is a reslt of hard #or,' ti%e a"d a variety of other factors. -o e$press or i%plied
gara"tees of i"co%e or spillover are %ade #he" revie# the %aterial
0IA3I0IT2 *ISC0AI./R1 3y readi"g this doc%e"t' yo ass%e all ris,s associated #ith
si"g the advice give" !elo#' #ith a fll "dersta"di"g that yo' solely' are respo"si!le for
a"ythi"g that %ay occr as a reslt of ptti"g this i"for%atio" i"to actio" i" a"y #ay' a"d
regardless of yor i"terpretatio" of the advice. 2o frther agree that %y co%pa"y ca""ot !e
held respo"si!le i" a"y #ay for the sccess or failre of yor !si"ess as a reslt of the
i"for%atio" prese"ted !elo#. It is yor respo"si!ility to co"dct yor o#" de dilige"ce
regardi"g the safe a"d sccessfl operatio" of yor !si"ess if yo i"te"d to apply a"y of or
i"for%atio" i" a"y #ay to yor !si"ess operatio"s.
A00 RI45TS R/S/R6/*. This report is for yor o#" perso"al se o"ly. It does "ot co%e #ith
a"y (rivate 0a!el Resale Rights or a"y Resale Rights. -or does it co%e #ith a"y 4ive7A#ay'
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pac,age. It is 8&or 2or /yes O"ly9 a"d %st re%ai" o" yor hard drive or pri"ted ot for yor
se o"ly. -o part of this report %ay !e reprodced or tra"s%itted i" a"y for% #hatsoever
i"cldi"g photocopyi"g' recordi"g' or !y electro"ic or %echa"ical %ea"s' #ithot e$pressed'
#ritte"' dated a"d sig"ed #ritte" per%issio" fro% the athor.
I- S5ORT1 2o have perso"al se rights to this prodct : O-02. (lease respect %y rights as the
copyright holder : that #ay I ca" !ri"g %ore cool prodcts to fol,s...Tha",s; I appreciate it;
Ra", 0i,e The (ros With Athority 3ac,li",s
3y *a" Tier"ey
Feel free to check out my other WSO reports:
Secret Ways To Find REAL Wholesale Suppliers For Your Amazon & eBay Business!
Freelance Writer Earns $!"#$! and Re%eals &o' Y() *an +o ,t Too!
Blo--er Earns (%er $.!!/ ,n Sales ,n Year With Blo-!
This is a short report about a powerful, authority news site that lets us post our own content and anchor
links on the site. Based on my own experience, will share with you what !"e learned about this site,
how it works, how to use it, how to #et backlinks and how to #et your posts indexed.
One of the secrets of this site is to #et your post onto the homepa#e. t!s not at all easy to do but if you
can do it, it will #et a lot more "iews than normal and it will #et indexed in the search en#ines faster.
The $elp area says this about #ettin# your article onto the homepa#e of the site:
8Story rank on the home page is determined by the number and diversity of other sources citing the
particular news event, and community activity on the report. Editors don't choose what story gets
front-page billing on our siteyou do. When a report is first posted, our proprietary system validates
the story's relevance, adding related news, photos, video, and llvoices contributor reports within
minutes. !hen the llvoices community steps in, adding their own news and media to each report, as
well as commenting on and ranking the story. !he more bu"" a report gets, the higher up it moves.#
%ore "iews could lead to more traffic to your site !t it could also lead to your article bein# deleted
due to the links in it. That!s because other users can "ote it down and&or fla# it as inappropriate. The
way to a"oid this is to write a really #ood article that other users like. 'ersonally, don!t care if my
content #ets onto the homepa#e. !m (ust workin# on buildin# backlinks in my articles and #ettin# them
indexed in the search en#ines, especially in )oo#le. The less people that see it, the safer it!ll be.
*ou can link out to your own sites, your blo#s, your *ouTube "ideos and other "ideo sites, your client!s
sites +if you pro"ide client ser"ices, or to any other sites you can think of. *ou can send links to your
sniper sites, your lead #eneration sites, your -indle pa#es, your web ../ sites, your social media sites,
your re"iew sites or your affiliate sites.
*ou are not supposed to place affiliate links in your content on this site. t!s a#ainst the Terms of
Ser"ice. $owe"er, you could try it if you!re feelin# ad"enturous and see what happens. 0on!t do this
from your main account, thou#h. t may #et deleted. 1se multiple accounts. ha"en!t tested affiliate
links in my articles yet. f you do place affiliate links in your content, you should use a 123 shortenin#
site to dis#uise your link. Then link the shortened 123 to a keyword or term in your article.
The reason use shortened links is because belie"e they #et less clicks than a re#ular 123. That
makes it less likely that what you are linkin# to will be disco"ered. t also makes it less likely that your
competitors will disco"er the site you are usin# for backlinks and start usin# it too, or worse yet, fla#
your article as inappropriate and #et it remo"ed.
The site recommend for shortenin# your links is https:&& 0on!t use #oo.#l
4nother way to use this site is to build backlinks to the backlinks that you already built. This is called,
5backlinkin# your backlinks6. This will help to #et your earlier backlinks indexed as well as boostin#
the authority of the pa#e where your backlinks are, thereby makin# them more powerful.
The Site
The name of the site is t was founded in 4pril, .//8 and can be found at
http:&&www.all" f you want to skip the important information about the site that ha"e
below +not recommended, and #et #oin# with your re#istration, content and backlinks, here is the
2e#istration 'a#e: http:&&www.all"
What<s So 4reat A!ot This Site=
:, 'rimarily, it!s because the site appears to allow most of the content posted there to stay there,
e"en if the content has backlinks in it. say 5appears6 because don!t know how many posts are
made and how many are deleted each day. But can tell you that see %a"y rather shady
articles with promotional backlinks that were successfully posted and are still li"e. That means
that it!s #oin# to be pretty easy to post content and backlinks without your content #ettin#
deleted and your account #ettin# terminated +1;3<SS *O1!2< 4 S'4%%<2,.
Below is an example of someone successfully postin# content with backlinks, e"en when the
backlinks are totally out of context to the article. That means the links don!t ha"e anythin# to do
with the content. This means that some articles with S'4% links are not #ettin# deleted.
<xample: This 1ser&=ontributor has posted :/. reports. 4lmost all of them are about affiliate
marketin# or %ulti 3e"el %arketin# +%3%,. $e places . backlinks in each article and none of the
anchor text has anythin# to do with the sentence they!re in.
WAR-I-4; *O -OT *O T5IS; t is a#ainst )oo#le!s linkin# #uidelines> %ake the anchor text you
use in your backlinks flow with the sentence they!re in. They need to read naturally to the reader. 'lus,
you run the risk of a site moderator or another user fla##in# your post for remo"al due to spam links.
$e!s linkin# to Frank -ern in most of his articles: http:&&www.all" Take a
look at this example of one of his posts where the anchor links ha"e nothin# to do with the article:
This is a post from a different =ontributor that was ob"iously written by an internet marketer:
.ore Reaso"s Why This Site Is So 4reat1
., The homepa#e of the site is a '2A pa#e
E, One of the best types of backlinks to #et is a backlink with anchor text that!s rele"ant or related
to the article it!s placed in. Backlinks within rele"ant content are "ery powerful links. This is an
excellent way to #et rele"ant backlinks.
B, The domain has a 0omain 4uthority +04, of ?/ +out of ://,. *ou can increase the 04 of your
own site by #ettin# backlinks from sites with hi#h 04. Fust in case you don!t already know how
important this rankin# metric is, 5*o%ai" Athority is actally a" i%porta"t sig"al #ith
stro"g correlatio" to high orga"ic search ra",i"gs. 5avi"g a higher *o%ai" Athority
tha" yor co%petitors %ea"s that yor site is more likely to rank higher in search engines.
So' it >st %a,es se"se that if yo #a"t to give yor site?s overall S/O a "ice !oost' yo
"eed to i"crease the *o%ai" Athority.9
Source: http:&&www.searchen#ine(
*ou can learn more about 04 at: http:&& and
*ou can check the 04 of a site at: http1@@%oo""Aathority@ and http1@@###.ope"sitee$
D, The site has an #lobal traffic rankin# of E,ADD and ranks in ndia at DBD. That means
it!s the E,ADD
traffic site in the world. Source: http:&&"
A, The homepa#e #ets crawled and re@indexed by search en#ines multiple times a day. know this
because !"e checked. This means that if your article is on the homepa#e when it #ets crawled,
your article will #et indexed the same day you post it. There are currently :D posts from
5=ontributors6 on the homepa#e and e"ery one of them has been indexed and is in )oo#le!s
cache. 5=ontributors6 are the people like you and me who contribute content to the site.
8, The site analytics show almost 8/:,/// daily 1niHue 7isitors:
Source: https:&&""K.1xF#m%A82y1
?, %a(estic S<O shows :,:AB,?A? all@time backlinks #oin# to the site. This helps make the site a
powerful, authority site. Source: http:&&
Below is some i%porta"t information from +the !old fo"t is mine,:
Allvoices ( uses technology and a global community to collect, validate and
distribute user-generated news from around the world.
The site creates an almost instantaneous and fully-realized news package around as little information
as a text message or tweet by pulling in and wrapping around related information from mainstream
news and user generated content like blogs videos and pictures. !alled the "Automated #ews $oom%
Allvoices presents a &'( view of news events from multiple perspectives. !he same technology vets
contributions for authenticity and credibility, giving llvoices citi"en $ournalism%s first and only
&'eport (redibility )eter.#
)n *ust over a year Allvoices has attracted more than four million uni*ue visitors a month and a
world-wide community of contributors in e+cess of ,--,--- making Allvoices the largest user-
generated news site on the web.
+sing proprietary algorithms Allvoices scours more than &,(( mainstream feeds and online real-
time sources of news like Twitter to provide relevancy and context for user-submitted news reports.
This provides a level of security and vets contributed stories for authenticity. Story rank on the home
page is determined by the number and diversity of other sources citing the particular news event,
and community activity on the report.
The algorithm behind the $eport !redibility meter is a proprietary multi-faceted and adaptable
approach to evaluating the trustworthiness of a report. At the core of the Allvoices system are the
everyday citizens and contributing-*ournalists that create news reports. !he 'eport (redibility meter
is an evaluation of the actual report content, as well as the reputation of the author of the report. As
stories move through the different pages on Allvoices the meter registers new levels of credibility for
both the story content and contributor. !he final determination of credibility is evaluated on a
number of criteria, including.
/ow much does the community like or dislike content from the author0
/ow much does the community like or dislike the actual report0
/ow many other llvoices contributors are reporting about the same thing0
/ow many other mainstream sources have supporting content about the report0
s users interact more and more with the llvoices platform, the system learns more about the user,
which in turn allows llvoices to more accurately determine the authenticity of their reports.
/owever, contributors to the site don%t have to be long-time users. new user can also have high
credibility for their contribution as a function of time. When a new user reports a story it enters the
llvoices system with low credibility. 1ut, as the story moves through the site%s three news cycles
2#!his 3ust 4n,# &1reaking,# and &5opular#2it gains credibility, and will appear as a top-ranked
news item. 4n turn, the story credibility helps with the reputation of the new user.
-ither alone.*ust people or *ust the algorithm.would be insufficient as a way to vet stories but
Allvoices/ man-machine collaboration complements the strengths of each.
Source: http:&&"oices
.ore I"for%atio" &ro%
0hat is Allvoices1 Allvoices is a global open-media news site where anyone can report from
Editors don't choose what story gets front-page billing on our siteyou do. 0hen a report is first
posted our proprietary system validates the story2s relevance adding related news photos video and
Allvoices contributor reports within minutes. Then the Allvoices community steps in adding their own
news and media to each report as well as commenting on and ranking the story. !he more bu"" a
report gets, the higher up it moves.
s an llvoices member, you can post whatever interests you, from a photo uploaded directly from
your mobile device to your own analysis of a mainstream news story. 3ur online tool makes it easy to
add more content and media to your story at any time.
0hen you post a report our proprietary system immediately goes to work surrounding your story with
similar Allvoices contributor reports and mainstream news stories as well as related blog posts
photos and videos adding relevance and context to your report within minutes.
6nce your report appears on llvoices, other members can continue to add conte+t by commenting
on your post, writing related reports, or adding more media. s a regular contributor you can
develop your own following, as members $oin your fan base, send you private messages, and
subscribe to your 'SS feed.
0et<s 4et 4oi"g;
Register &or A" Acco"t B Create 2or Cser (rofile
:, The first step is to re#ister for a 1ser 4ccount: http:&&www.all"
$ere is a "ideo on how to re#ister by either usin# your Facebook account or without it. didn!t use my
Facebook account because want to keep these two accounts separate:
., 7erify your email address with the link in the email they will send you.
E, )o to your 'rofile pa#e and create a realistic 'rofile. $a"in# a complete profile will make you
appear more authentic and increase the chances of keepin# your posts ali"e. 1sers who don!t
create their 'rofiles at Forums and sites like this one appear shady. 4dd a picture to your
profile. Write a para#raph about yourself. *ou can e"en add multiple anchor links to your sites.
=lick on the53inks6 tab o"er on the far left side of you 'rofile pa#e and add the links.
(osti"g Co"te"t
Before you start postin# content, you should understand the types of content you are allowed to post.
2ead the information at the next three links before you start postin# content and you will be well on
your way to success.
-ice list here of the types of co"te"t yo ca" co"tri!te
/$celle"t i"for%atio" o" co"tri!ti"g' editi"g B pro%oti"g co"te"t
5o# To (ro%ote 2or Co"te"t
=heck out this pa#e> t has some #reat tips on how to promote your content on Social %edia sitesN $ow
to write optimiGed content L headlinesN 1sin# keywords L ta#sN OptimiGin# your picturesN 1sin#
trendin# keywords and linkin# your content to related news stories. t!s excellent information,
especially if you want to try to #et your article rankin# on pa#e : in )oo#le. f you don!t care about
#ettin# your article ranked in #oo#le and you (ust want to write content and build backlinks, then this
pa#e probably won!t be too important for you:
&i"di"g -e#s To Write A!ot
'lease note that you CA- -OT use copyri#hted material, content, "ideos, pictures, etc. at 4ll7oices.
*ou do not ha"e to write about a news e"ent. The content #uidelines are "ery loose. *ou can write an
5Opinion 'iece6 too. This is simply your opinion about somethin# like a news e"ent, somethin#
happenin# in the entertainment world, the sports world, about politics, cars, men, women, health,
science, health and beauty, clothes, wei#ht loss, diets, electronics, #ames, apps or anythin# else you can
think of. *ou can e"en write and post your own poetry>
This user posts his own poetry: http:&&www.all"
First and foremost, you should write somethin# about or related to your niche. This would be the best
thin# to do. This way, your anchor text and links will be related to the content they!re in. *ou could also
hire someone on Fi" to write some articles for you and then (ust add the backlinks after you
copy L paste it into the 4ll7oices text editor.
3ook for breakin# news stories or news that!s as new as possible, to re@write in your own words or to
Huote. That!s because nobody want!s to read old news, especially if they ha"e already read it. 'eople
who han# around news sites like are lookin# for somethin# new to read or learn.
$ere are a few ways that use to find breakin# news stories, hot topics and trendin# topics
Below is a )oo#le search did to find sources for Breakin# ;ews stories. 4ll the ma(or news outlets
ha"e a Breakin# ;ews section. *ou shouldn!t ha"e any trouble at all findin# a news story related to
your niche to write about.
Tip1 1se the search box on Breakin# ;ews sites to find somethin# related to your niche.
$ere!s a )oo#le search did for 5Breakin# ;ews6:
!"e used )oo#le Trends http:&& L http:&& to
learn what topics are hot and trendin# ri#ht now. *ou could write about somethin# trendin# and add a
backlink or two into the article. The article may #et a lot of "iews +if that!s important to you,.
$ere are all the top trendin# stories, people, animals and e"ents of ./:E. *ou can look here too for
stores, sub(ects and topics that are still hot today: http:&&
5ot Tip1 3ook for ideas from other writers by lookin# at what they are doin#. Below is a #oo#le
search for e"ery indexed, 1ser@#enerated report posted on 4ll7oices. )oo#le says there are about
B,B?/,/// indexed results. 3ook for titles that are ob"iously written by internet marketers or are about
% related topics. 3ook at the content, how they created their backlinks and the anchor text they used.
$ere is the search. 3ook at the Titles in #oo#le. ncidentally, the $eadline you #i"e to your report will
become the Title Ta# of your article and show up in #oo#le as a blue link:
$ere is a #reat example of a =ontributor who appears to be placin# links for offline businesses. $e has
:C. reports posted and almost all of them ha"e an outbound link to a business. $e writes his content in
the style of how press release are written: http:&&www.all"
$ere is a tra"el writer who also writes in the 'ress 2elease style and has a link to a site in e"ery post:
$ere is an internet marketer promotin# a Forex product: http:&&www.all"
(osti"g Co"te"t
3efore yo actally start posti"g co"te"t' yo shold read the Ter%s Of Service.
Ter%s Of Service
http:&&www.all" @ 2ead the Terms of Ser"ice so you don!t do anythin# wron# and #et
your content and account deleted. $ere are a few Terms that found useful:
2o also agree yo #ill "ot se the Allvoices We!site to1
(ost %ar,eti"g li",s to affiliate %ar,eti"g progra%s i" yor reports
'ost copyri#hted material of any format @ any reports that include pla#iariGed or copyri#ht
infrin#in# material will be sub(ect to immediate deletion and remo"al from 4ll"oices
=reate aliases or other accounts in order to promote and praise your own work on
4ll", or to put down or disrespect the work of others on 4ll"
'ost spam to the site or send spam to other members "ia pri"ate messa#es or any other means
Ti%e To (ost So%e Co"te"t
:, *ou!re now ready to post content. =lick on the pencil icon next to your 'rofile picture
., *ou should then be on the content creation pa#e with the W*SW*) Text <ditor
E, See screenshot below
B, Write a keyword@optimiGed $eadline if you want to try to rank the article in search en#ines
D, Write, or copy L paste your content into the content box )Al#ays save yor co"te"t o" yor
hard drive i" case yor co"te"t gets deleted fro% the site+
A, 1se the anchor link creator +shown with the red arrow, to make your backlinks. To do this you
first hi#hli#ht the text you want to be the anchor link. Then click on the link creator icon. Then
paste the 123 of the pa#e you want to link to in the 123 box. Then click 5O-6. The
hi#hli#hted text will become the link.
I.(ORTA-T TI(1 f your post or posts are #ettin# deleted, lea"e the backlink out of your article
until later. *our post may be #ettin# deleted because of the backlink+s, in it. Once your post has been
looked at and appro"ed by a moderator, you can then add the backlink+s,. Wait .B@B? hours, then add
the link. While moderators do look at e"ery post, it does not ha"e to be appro"ed before it #ets posted
on the site. 4ll posts #et immediately posted and then #et re"iewed later.
8, 4dd some Ta#s if you!re tryin# to optimiGe your article for search en#ine rankin#s
?, =hoose a =ate#ory for your article +2eHuired,
C, Select a =ountry L =ity +where the news took place, +2eHuired,
:/, Select whether your content is ;ews or Opinion +2eHuired,
::, =lick on 5Sa"e as 0raft6 if you are not ready to post it or click on 5'ost6
$ere!s a "ideo of this process: http:&&"JMuFDwQ7Tc$*
:., =opy L 'aste the 123 of your article into a Word or Text document. 0o the same with your
1ser 2SS feed 123 +2SS instructions are below,. *ou!re #oin# to need these 123s for the next step.
4et 2or Co"te"t I"de$ed I" Search /"gi"es
f you already ha"e a system or use an indexin# site that works for you to #et your backlink pa#es
indexed or re@indexed, that!s #reat> 1se your system to #et your 4ll7oices content pa#e indexed.
I.(ORTA-T TI(1 $ere is my K: tip that use to #et my 'rofile pa#e and posts indexed. This will #et
your 'rofile pa#e indexed first, which will then #et your stories on the 'rofile pa#e indexed. $ere!s
how to do it: %ake =omments on other 1ser!s stories. =omment on stories on the homepa#e because
the homepa#e #ets re@indexed multiple times a day.
When you comment on a story, a link to your 'rofile pa#e #oes on your comment. See what mean:
When #oo#le crawls and indexes the story a#ain, the link to your 'rofile pa#e will #et crawled, leadin#
#oo#le to your 'rofile, then your 'rofile pa#e will #et indexed and then your stories will #et indexed.
.y Other I"de$i"g Syste%
*ou may not ha"e to do anythin# to #et your content indexed as it most likely will #et indexed without
any effort on your part. t will (ust take a lot lon#er. run my pa#es throu#h an indexin# process to try
to #et them indexed faster so my backlinks #et indexed faster.
*our 1ser 4ccount has a 2SS Feed associated with it. 4ll of your posts will be in your 2SS feed.
*our 2SS Feed is located on your 'rofile 'a#e as seen here:
Fust click on that 2SS feed link and your 2SS feed will open in a new window. Sa"e the 123. *ou
should pin# this 2SS feed 123 and submit it to 2SS feed submission sites e"ery time you submit an
article. *ou should also pin# the 123 of each article you post. This will help your post pa#es and
backlinks #et indexed faster in the search en#ines.
$ere are the different ways !"e tested to #et my content pa#es indexed as soon as possible. 1se any or
all of these dependin# on how much time and effort you want to spend:
'in# the content pa#e L 2SS feed 123s at bulk@pin# sites +or pin# them one@at@a@time,
Submit the 2SS feed 123 to multiple 2SS feed submission sites
4dd the content pa#e 123 to a *ouTube "ideo R =reate a short "ideo and place the link in the
"ideo 0escription.
See this example: http:&&"JnDx=A$:s4M
Shorten the content pa#e L 2SS feed 123s and pin# them
'ost the shortened links to your Twitter pa#e L Facebook pa#e L any other social site of yours
'ost the shortened links to )oo#leP, 3inkedn, 'interest, 2eddit, 0i##, Stumble1pon, etc.
+ post the shortened links because !m doin# this (ust to #et the links indexed, not to #et traffic
and don!t want anyone to now about my 4ll7oices "enture,
Bookmark the re#ular 123s L the shortened 123s at bookmarkin# sites
This should be enou#h to #et your links indexed faster. t could take a few days after you do this, so be
patient and check e"ery E@B days to see if your content has been indexed yet.
.a,e .o"ey With 2or Co"te"t
*ou can e"en earn money from the content you post on 4ll7oices. They place ad"ertisin# on all articles
and share the re"enue with the author of the article. ha"en!t and probably won!t try to earn any money
from my articles. want to keep a "ery low profile here and not draw attention to myself or my content.
(ust want to use the site for #ettin# really #ood backlinks.
The basic deal at 4ll"oices is you #et paid a certain amount for the "iews you #et on your reports, and
e"en your profile. The rates are dependent upon your score, which is /@://O. 4 score of under 8/O
#ets .D/ cents per thousand "iews, a score of 8/O@?CO #ets S:.D/ per thousand "iews, and if C/O@
://O #ets SE per thousand "iews.
The score is made up of four factors: reputation +EDO,, participation +BDO,, en#a#ement +:/O,, and
promotion +:/O,. Basically once you start reportin#, you!ll start understandin# how these increase with
your work there.
;ow the Huestion is, can you #et the "iewsI )ettin# to SE per thousand "iews takes maybe a month or
two, but is nearly a #i"en if you!re serious and contribute often. 4ll"oices shows the total "iews on
e"ery report on the site, this allows a person to see what is doin# well or not, and what the potential is.
The most "iewed report of all@time, is :.? million "iews> Wow, that means this writer #ot paid SDB//
for one article> This is the exception thou#h, mostly from what !"e seen the writers who ha"e been
there awhile and are serious contributors are a"era#in# about .,///@:/,/// "iews. So then it (ust
depends on how many reports you write.
*our #oal could be to write about D/ articles a month, and #ain about D/// "iews each. This would
mean you would ha"e .D/,/// "iews each month, and make S8D/&month. ;ow, there is a chance to
make SB per thousand "iews, it!s called Select %edia. Select %edia is where you submit your report to
the editors, and they will deem it pass or fail for the Select %edia. To be able to submit, one has to be
an anchor. There are three different le"els of contributors.
3e"el one is a strin#er, then reporter, then an anchor. The way you mo"e up depends on your articles
and the score you establish. f you are consistent contributor and write Huality then you!ll mo"e up the
ranks in time. Select %edia is for all anchors to submit to, and reporters on in"itation. They do choose
about B articles each day to be select media. 4lso, 4ll"oices has contests each month and at the end of
the year, which you can earn hundreds of dollars, and at the end of the year SD///.
This is an o"er"iew of the potential you ha"e writin# for 4ll"oices. f you wrote ?/ reports, and
a"era#ed :/,/// "iews at SE pay scale, you!d make S.B//&month. ;ow your talkin#, ri#htI Well, ?/
Huality reports would take a lot of work, and #ettin# :/,/// "iews would take talented writin#. This is
the potential thou#h.
$ere!s a writer found +http:&&www.all", who writes and posts his own
poems, limericks and $aiku. $e has posted B,8DB reports and has had :,EB?,/?B report "iews in (ust
o"er B years. $e has probably earned a few thousand dollars at 4ll7oices> $ere are his full stats:
Total 2eports: B,8DB
Total 7iews: :,EB?,/?B
'rofile 7iews: .CC,C:E
Total =omments: :?,B.D
O"erall 2atin#s: .E,:.?
f you want to learn more about the 4ll7oices ncenti"e 'ro#ram, read these pa#es:
That!s all ha"e for you in this report. can!t think of anythin# missed or left out. !"e told you all the
best information could find and learned about the site and what!s so #reat about it. wrote about
re#isterin# for an account, creatin# your profile pa#e, the types of content you can post, findin# and
postin# content, creatin# your backlinks, #ettin# your posts indexed in )oo#le and added all my tips
and tricks.
wish you #reat success with this "enture> hope you #et a lot of nice backlinks that mo"e your pa#es
up in the search rankin#s. want to encoura#e you to #et started on this ri#ht away. t!s really easy to do
and won!t take you a lot of time. This is a "ery powerful site to #et backlinks from so please don!t let
this report #o to waste. 4s wrote abo"e, the entire process can be handled by your 7irtual 4ssistant.
Once the 1ser account is set up, the only cost will be for him or her to write and post the content. *ou
can also buy "ery inexpensi"e articles at Fi" and e"en at the Warrior Forum.
'S: f you find this WSO useful and it has helped you, would really appreciate it if you would drop
me a revie# at Warrior Forum. What #oes around comes around, ri#htI
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The BuGG on Search and Social Si#nals: Buildin# nformed =ross@=hannel Strate#ies 0ec. E, ./:E
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