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Questionnaire for SCMIS2005 sa t!rct "!# !esrc s!source we$!c% &!ca% r"a!uact '!(e% 0C)kQ*"+)!url htt p,-+,2*,2*www.seerc.

org,2*scmis2005,2*%ocs ,2*QuestionnaireforSCMIS2005./0123.%oc!ei 'n0242 567MS8tQaM9:C:)+!usg +*Q"C/*/;tin<#=h3S>&54Sp35k'u;*S?Q!$(m $(.=-' 0'&&-@%.:ms +im: To investigate the current situation and future prospect of supply chain management and information systems in South East Europe

8$"ecti(es: To identify major challenges and developments for SCM, IS, logistics and their related issues in South East Europe companies. To understand the impact of policy making on SCM, IS and logistics planning and implementation. To make comparison for all of the above bet een the South East Europe countries.

Aheme 3: Supply Chain Management and logistics practices and performance Aheme 2: ICT used to support SCM, logistics and production planning and control Aheme -: !egional cooperation and policy making

Bart 3 C CompanD Brofile ". #ame of Company $. %ddress &. Country '. Tel -. Contact person. 1. 2osition in company. "". Sector Types. "$. Industry. #o of employees. Manufacturing Food E......F Service Automotive Turnover $33& . Both Other (define) ___________________ 4555555555555555556 7 (. )a* +. ,ebsite /. E0mail.

Bart 2 C Aheme 3 "'. 8o

" $ & ' ( + 1 / "3 "" "$ "& "' "( "+

do you manage your supply chain9 Close partnership with suppliers Close partnership with customers J ! suppl" e#procurement $% Outsourcing Su&contracting '() (lan strategicall" Suppl" Chain Benchmar*ing +ertical integration Few suppliers Man" suppliers ,olding safet" stoc* -se of e.ternal consultants Other/ please specif"

Tick all that apply


8o successful do you think is your company in managing its supply chain in general9 0ot successful at all

0ot successful

Somewhat successful


+er" successful


,hich of the follo ing you think that your company needs to do in order to manage its supply chain better9 Tick all that apply.
mprove Start mplementing Satisfied alread" 0ot appropriate

Close partnership with suppliers Close partnership with customers J ! suppl" e#procurement $% Outsourcing Su&contracting '() (lan strategicall" Suppl" Chain Benchmar*ing +ertical integration Few suppliers Man" suppliers ,olding safet" stoc* -se of e.ternal consultants Other (specify)

123 143

:oes your company have a separate logistics department9



:oes your company have a clear logistics strategic plan9



Bart - C Aheme 2 "/. ,hat types of systems are currently in use in your company to support Supply Chain Management9 [If none, please go to Q22]
Custom# made Standard pac*age 0ot in use

Material 5e6uirements (lanning (M5() Manufacturing 5esources (lanning (M5( ) $nterprise 5esource (lanning ($5() 7arehouse Management S"stem (7MS) Suppl" Chain Management (SCM) Customer 5elationships Management (C5M) Supplier 5elationships Management (S5M) Advanced (lanning S"stem (A(S) Just n !ime (J !) !heor" of Constraints (!OC) $#commerce $#&usiness %ecision support 8 e.pert s"stem 5adio Fre6uenc" dentification (5F %) $lectronic %ata nterchange ($% ) Bar coding Other (specify)



much did you actually benefit from using these systems9

0ot at all




A lot

%on:t *now

Better 6ualit" of information Better 6uantit" of information Fle.i&ilit" 5educed lead#time in production Cost saving Forecasting 5esource planning Better operational efficienc" 5educed inventor" level More accurate costing ncreased coordination &etween departments ncreased coordination with suppliers ncreased coordination with customers ncreased sales Better 6ualit" of information Better 6uantit" of information Fle.i&ilit"


In hat level your company is facing the problems belo

0o )ittle pro&lem at pro&lem all
="> =$>

hen using these systems9

Some Significan Serious pro&lem t pro&lem pro&lem
=&> ='> =(>

%on:t *now

5esistance to change from emplo"ees 5esources shortages e3g3 no maintenance ande3g3 update S*ills shortages Computer illiterac" within the compan" nsufficient vendor support ,idden cost ntegration with e.isting s"stem ntegration with supplier:s s"stem ntegration with customer:s s"stem Other (specif")


,hat types of systems do you plan to implement in the near future = ithin the ne*t $ years>9
Custom# made Standard pac*age 0ot going to implement

Material 5e6uirements (lanning (M5() Manufacturing 5esources (lanning (M5( ) $nterprise 5esource (lanning ($5() 7arehouse Management S"stem (7MS) Suppl" Chain Management (SCM) Customer 5elationships Management (C5M) Supplier 5elationships Management (S5M) Advanced (lanning S"stem (A(S) Just n !ime (J !) !heor" of Constraints (!OC) $#commerce $#&usiness %ecision support 8 e.pert s"stem 5adio Fre6uenc" dentification (5F %) $lectronic %ata nterchange ($% ) Bar coding Other (specify)

Bart & C Aheme $&. 8o satisfied are you ith the current public policy regarding SCM and IT9 Somewhat

0ot at all


;uite satisfied

+er" satisfied


8o important are the follo ing future measures for supporting your company effort in SCM and IT9
0ot at all ="> somewhat important =$> important =&> 6uite important ='> ver" important =(>

More education/ e3g3 formal 6ualification $asier access to vocational training More funding and financial support More inter#countr" regional agreements Better infrastructure e3g3 telecommunications/ road/ etc mproved information provision ncreased regional cooperation &etween institutions/ e3g3 cham&er of Closer cooperation &etween companies and governments Other (specif")


Is your company currently doing any business ith companies from the follo ing countries9
<$S ="> 0O =$> n the ne.t = "ears =&>

Al&ania Bulgaria Bosnia > ,er?egovina Croatia C"prus F<5OM 9reece 5omania Ser&ia @ Montenegro Slovenia !ur*e"

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