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CONSTITUTION of East London Inventors Club

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 1

CONSTITUTION of East London Inventors Club

Article I. Name & Contact details
The name of the Club shall be the "EAST LONDON INVENTORS CLUB" and shall also be known as ELIC The Official Address of the Club shall be: East London Inventors Club The Thames Gateway Technology Centre, The niversity of East London !, niversity "ay, London E#$ %&' Our web site address is: htt(:))www*eastlondoninventorsclub*com) The E+,ail address is: E+mail- info.eastlondoninventors*com

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 2

Mission State%ent
To offer an atmos(here whereby club members can get su((ort and encouragement for their inventions and ideas through:+ /ection I*# ,eetings whose content shall be to the s(ecific edification of inventors including elements of the invention develo(ment (rocess and how to ma0e (rogress within it* /ection I*% "eb+based member+secure services including access to club notice board or e1uivalent facility to interact with other member2s lin0s li0ely to be of interest or assistance to inventors* /ection I*3 A 4ewsletter will be available to all members*

/ection I*! Access to as database of members2 interests, strong (oints and availability to hel( other members* /ection I*5 Educational (rogrammes (ertinent to inventors2 needs*

/ection I*$ Events and 6unctions 7 staging of and involvement in 7 which may serve well the interest of members* /ection I*8 O((ortunities to meet other members where they can share e9(eriences and 0nowledge of the inventing (rocess with each other* /ection I*: &e(resentation of the interests of ELIC and its membershi( to other bodies and the forming of associations with other bodies to the benefit of ELIC members ;and always without detriment to the inde(endence of ELIC< to establish lin0s to the other similar Clubs in the =, and endeavour to forge lin0s with all similar clubs* /ection I*> /ection I*#? To influence laws and legislation directly relevant to innovation and invention* ,embers2 feedbac0 to 0ee( ELIC in line with their wants and needs*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 3

/ection I*## 4etwor0 the e9(ertise of the members and EL to the advantage of the entire Club ,embershi(* /ection I*#% @rovide a su((ortive environment from which technological ideas and s0ills can be used to the benefit of members including enlisting hel( and assistance from Thames Gateway Technology and niversity of East London* /ection I*#3 @roduce and (rovide members with an u(+to+date list of membersA s0ills and their associated e9(ertise* /ection I*#! Bring to the attention of Club members sources of hel( financial or otherwise available through the = Government*

/ection I*#5 The Club shall annually elect at least 5 members of the /teering Committee from the membershi( by ballot* /ection I*#$ The /teering Committee shall agree to meet at least ! times (er year, and at the AG, to agree: + ;a< Audited finances of the Club ;b< The clubs constitution, terms and conditions under which the Club shall o(erate in the following year* ;c< E9(enditure and (rogrammes for the following year*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 4

The Steerin$ Co%%ittee

/ection I*#8 Be made u( of as many members of the Club as is considered a((ro(riate* Cowever, there shall be at least 5 ;five< elected members* /ection I*#: The maDority of the steering committee shall be inventors* E9ce(t where otherwise stated the affairs of the Club shall be run by the steering committee* /ection I*#> The Officers of the steering committee shall be:

;a< Chairman and if re1uired 'e(uty Chairman ;b< Treasurer and if re1uired 'e(uty Treasurer, and ;c< /ecretary and if re1uired 'e(uty /ecretary, ;d< /ocial /ecretary ;e< ,inutes /ecretary /ection I*%? The steering committee may, from time to time, co+o(t Club members or other (ersons onto the Committee at its discretion* Cowever, no co+o(ted (erson shall have any (ermanent or voting role* /ection I*%# The Committee may invite non+members of the /teering Committee to attend and)or s(ea0 at (art or all of any meeting of the /teering Committee* A steering committee meeting will be held whenever a committee member as0s for such a meeting to be held* All such meetings will be arranged and organised by the clubs /ecretary* /even days notice must be given* /ection I*%% /hall have the absolute right to elect to remove any Club member from the register* There will be no a((eal* /ection I*%3 Cold a register of members and wor0 to (rogress the obDectives of the Club* All data in whatever form or format it ta0es relating to the running of the club e*g* email addresses, codes for web sites etc, etc will be made accessible to all steering committee members*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 5

/ection I*%! Club*

Annually agree the yearly membershi( fee and determine the rules of the

/ection I*%5 ,ay at its discretion elect honorary members to the Club* Conorary members will not be re1uired to (ay the yearly membershi( fee* /ection I*%$ /hall convene and invite every member and honorary member to an annual general meeting where: ;a< The financial (osition of the Club is declared to its members* ;b< A re(ort on the (rogress of the club is given* ;c< The members are advised on the future (rogrammes (ro(osed by the Committee, and the members are given the o((ortunity to discuss the Club and its o(eration* /ection #*%6a 4o member of the steering committee or individual member will commit the club to any form of indebtedness what so ever unless voted for by the membershi( either at the AG, or an EG,* /ection I*%8 to be held* /hall inform the members of the AG, at least #! days before the meeting is

/ection I*%: Are re1uired to engage an inde(endent (erson to act as auditor for the Club* Or a((ointed from within membershi(* /ection I*%> /tatus* /hall consider the status of the Club, and if a((ro(riate elect for Charitable

/ection I*3? /hall determine its own (rocedure, times, (laces and manner of meeting and all such matters, save that all decisions must be recorded in writing before the end of any meeting* /ection I*3# If the club is invited to voice, attend or (artici(ate in any events* It is the res(onsibility of the club /ecretary to ma0e this 0now to the steering committee and to identify suitable volunteers, (referably from the steering committee, otherwise from the membershi( to re(resent the club and ensure they are briefed beforehand*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 6

Article II.
/ection II*# a< b< c< d< e< f< g< /ection II*% a< b< c< d< e< f< /ection II*3

Duties of the Officers shall be:-

The Chair(erson or de(uty shall: =ee( the Committee meetings in order* Cave a casting vote at Committee meetings Act as the main s(o0es(erson for the Club Agree the Agenda for every meeting /ign the ,inutes of the (revious meeting* "elcome and introduce s(ecial guests of ELIC Be res(onsible that the Constitution and rules be u(held* The /ecretary or de(uty shall: Ta0e the minutes of all meetings* Circulate the minutes to every committee member* /et and circulate the agenda of the AG, before the meeting is to be held* Circulate the minutes of the AG, to every Club member* =ee( records of all letters and other communications to and from the Club* "ith the agreement of the Committee re(ly to and write to non+Club members* To (resent (a(ers at wor0sho(s, seminars etc* and 0ee( a list of Club and Committee members u( to date* The Treasurer shall:

;a< Collect and control the ClubAs money* i< ii< iii< iv< v< 'eal with all recei(ts and (ayouts Ensure that the Club has enough funds to meet its commitments =ee( financial records of all Club financial transactions, and ,aintain a cash boo0 and (etty cash boo0* =ee( an interest bearing account in the name of ELIC and arrange for a Ban0 to receive the Club2s finances*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 7

vi< vii< viii< i9< 9<

In the absence of a membershi( secretary the treasurer shall: &eceive and (rocess all re1uests for membershi(* ,a0e and 0ee( in good order the membershi( database* Issue re1uests for subscri(tions annually* Issue reminders for un(aid subscri(tions annually*

;b< The Treasurer and one other steering committee member shall be res(onsible for signing Club che1ues* ;c< The Treasurer shall maintain ade1uate records and recei(ts for the ClubAs Accountant, and shall (rovide any necessary information to the Inland &evenue if so re1uired* ;d< The Treasurer shall re(ort on the financial (osition of the Club at the AG,* ;e< 4o Club Chairman, Treasurer, /ecretary, or /teering Committee member shall charge the Club for any service they (rovide* Cowever members of the /teering Committee will become Conorary ,embers whilst they hold their (osts* /ection II*! The /ocial /ecretary shall if necessary form a sub+ committee to hel( to: a< Arrange functions but be in charge of arranging any social function run by the club b< Be res(onsible for the (roduction of a (eriodical (ublication* c< To act as our IT communications officer* /ection II*5 ,embershi( /ecretary shall:

;a< &eceive and (rocess all re1uests for membershi(* ;b< ,a0e and 0ee( in good order the membershi( database* ;c< Issue re1uests for subscri(tions annually* ;d< Issue reminders for un(aid subscri(tions annually* /ection II*$ A Eacant Officer (osition

;a< shall be offered by the Committee to a suitable ELIC member ;including an incumbent Committee ,ember< who u(on acce(tance shall occu(y that (osition and have voting rights until it ne9t is due to be filled by election*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 8

Article III. Membership subscription
/ection III*# /ubscri(tions for the Club shall become due annually each year* ,embers who have not (aid their subscri(tion by the end of the following month in the year that it falls due, it will be assumed they wish to be removed from the Club register of members unless they contact the secretary to indicate otherwise* F@ayment terms can be arranged (rivately with the secretary and treasurer wherever necessary<*

Article IV. !"IC# AND CONDI!ION# O$ M M% &#"I'

/ection IE*# Every /teering Committee member and all Club members shall ensure that they u(hold the ClubAs re(utation, role and image at all times* /ection IE*% The /teering Committee may refuse or sus(end membershi( to any (erson at the discretion of the Committee* ;/ee #*%?< /ection IE*3 4o member shall attem(t to (ut (ressure on any other member to reveal commercial or technical information belonging to them or to others* The /teering Committee may immediately sus(end any member doing so from the Club* /ection IE*! Any (erson in a (osition such that there is a (ossibility of the a((earance or actuality of a conflict of interest concerning Club affairs must re(ort this to the /teering Committee and receive the a((roval of the /teering Committee before ta0ing any Club action in the area of (ossible conflict of interest* /ection IE*5 4o information of (ossible commercial interest received in the course of Club membershi( may be revealed to anyone e9ce(t on a need+to+0now basis, or ever revealed to any third (arty without the consent of the owner of that information* /ection IE*$ 4o (erson may attend any Club activity or become a member of the Club before they have signed a non+disclosure agreement* ,embers shall abide by the Clubs Code of Conduct* /ection IE*8 The Constitution shall ta0e effect as soon as it is (assed ;as amended, if a((ro(riate< by a sim(le maDority of /teering committee members* /ection IE*: Guests may attend meeting of ELIC conditional u(on acce(ting, as do members, the underta0ings of the confidentiality clause of this constitution*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 9

/ection IE*> The recording of club meetings including (resentations, discussions and (rinted material using electronic or (hotogra(hic a((aratus is not allowed, unless (ermission is sought of the committee in advance*

Article V. D CI#ION# %( VO! # O$ !" C)*% M M% &#"I' A# A +"O) .

/ection E*# a< There shall be a binding vote by the Club ,embershi( as a whole on + /teering Committee Elections 7 annually* The (rocedure for Eotes by the Club ,embershi( as a whole shall be +

/ection E*%

;a< %5 days written notice of any original motion to be voted u(on shall be given to all members* ;b< The subse1uent vote shall be held at the first Club ,eeting held after the e9(iry of this notice* Amendments to the motion may be submitted at this meeting* ;c< At the start of the meeting a committee of (ersons not involved in the matter being voted shall be a((ointed by show+of+hands to run the vote to run the election* ;d< The vote shall be held by secret ballot- Club ,embers unable to be (resent may vote by (ost, e+mail, etc or give authority to other members to vote as their (ro9ies* The must also notify Chairman in writing of this intent* Any votes received after the ballot has been ta0en will be declared null and void* ;e< The results shall be counted and announced at the meeting, at which the vote was ta0en, save in case of 6orce ,aDeure* The ballot (a(ers shall be 0e(t for 12 months for later scrutiny by any member wishing to ma0e such scrutiny*


/ection E*3 All Club documents ;including dates of meetings, dates and decisions of /teering Committee and other committee meetings, co(ies of newsletters be made available to all members on re1uest< and relevant information for club members shall be (laced on the internet, e9ce(t in cases of (ersonal data or other cases where the /teering Committee decides this shall not be done*


Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 10

/ection E*! ELIC acce(ts no liability for the actions of its members with regard to the maintenance of confidentiality of information* /ection E*5 ELIC acce(ts no liability for ;criminal or civil< misdeeds of its members or for the (ersonal debt accruing to any member* /ection E*$ All members of this ,embers2 Club by their membershi( ac0nowledge and acce(t the foregoing limitations to ELIC liabilities*


/ection E*8 Any amendments to the Constitution shall be (ro(osed and seconded in writing in the form of a ,otion to be heard at an AG, such ,otion being received by the /ecretary not less than three wee0s before the AG, The ,otion shall be (osted to all members before the AG,*

Article VI.

+INDIN, *'

/ection EI*# In the event of the Club needing to be closed, the /teering Committee will be re1uired to (ass a &esolution to formally close the Club at the AG, or at an e9traordinary general meeting*

Article VII.

IN! &'& !A!ION

/ection EII*# /hould inter(retation of this Constitution be re1uired as a (oint of order at a General ,eeting such inter(retation shall be the considered res(onse of the chair of the meeting* /hould such inter(retation be challenged, the Chair shall re1uire whom he considers to be the three best+1ualified members (resent ;but which must not include himself< to tem(orarily leave the meeting for the (ur(ose of (rivate consideration and their inter(retation shall be ta0en as correct for the remainder of that meeting* /ection EII*% /hould inter(retation of this Constitution be re1uired as a (oint of order at the Committee meeting, the Chair(erson shall re1uire whom he considers to be the three best+ 1ualified members (resent ;which may include himself< to tem(orarily leave the meeting for the (ur(ose of (rivate consideration and their inter(retation shall be ta0en as correct* /ection EII*3 /hould inter(retation of this Constitution be re1uired by a member, it shall be dealt with at the ne9t Committee meeting as a (oint of order*

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 11

The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Steering Committee Members agree this constitution and statutes

Version 5.0 March 0!" #a$e 12

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