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Sacked by Emma Harrison

by Emma Harrison an SAT/ACT vocabulary novel

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter One You guys! You know what !ust reali"e#$ t%s the 1penultimate Thurs#ay o& 'ay!( Tamara )lenn announce#* ste++ing out into the sunshine with two huge* whi++e#,cream,to++e# ice# mocha lattes- .o you reali"e what that means$( .rew /enson looke# at his &rien#s* amuse#* an# a cou+le o& them rolle# their eyes- Tamara was always +syche# u+ about something- n &act* a lot o& .rew%s &rien#s &oun# her constant o+timism irritating- /ut .rew kin# o& like# it- t was nice to have someone aroun# who was always looking on the bright si#e- 0lus* Tamara was not ba# to look at* with her +er&ect #ancer%s bo# an# her long blon# hair- .rew ha#n%t been intereste# in her that way since they%# gone out back in eighth gra#e 1back when everyone calle# them 2en an# /arbie3* but she ha# always been a goo# &rien#- So he #eci#e# to humor her4o- 5hat #oes that mean$( .rew aske#* kicking back in his chair outsi#e 5ashingtonville%s very own Starbucks- The sun was shining as it starte# to #i+ towar# the hori"on* an# hal& the school was either loitering on the si#ewalk in the center o& their 6quaint 0ennsylvania town or hanging out insi#e the co&&ee sho+- n the warm air* .rew coul# +ractically taste the 7 impending summer an# all the #elicious &ree#om it woul# bring t means that in e8actly si8 weeks* gra#uation will ha++en* an# we will o&&icially be seniors*( Tamara announce#That got the entire table%s attention- .rew an# his &rien#s whistle# an# cheere#* li&ting their ice# teas an# lattes towar# the sky- .rew reache# across the table to sla+ han#s with 9ason S"onyi* his best &rien# an# &ellow &ootball +layer* en!oying the :camaraderie o& the moment- Every time .rew thought about being a senior* he &elt a lightness in his chest that he%# never e8+erience# be&ore1 6 7 :

penultimate ; secon#,to,last quaint ; charming impending ; close at han# camaraderie ; &rien#shi+


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Senior year- The entire social hierarchy o& 5ashingtonville High was going to change* an# .rew /enson* as +resi#ent o& the senior class an# starting <uarterback o& the &ootball team* was going to be on to+- He an# his &rien#s were going to rule the school an# =dominate on the &iel#- /est o& all* .rew%s ol#er brother* Trey* woul# &inally* &inally* be gone- The great Trey /enson was actually going to be &orce# to abdicate his throneYeah* everyone e8ce+t me*( Sally Chou lamente# with a sigh- Sally was Tamara%s so+homore &rien# an# the new girl&rien# o& Clay Carra#ine>a #e&ensive lineman &rom the team- She reste# her chin on her &ol#e# arms an# +ulle# her long* black +onytail over her shoul#er to chew on the en#Hey- .on%t be harshing my vibe*( Tamara !oke#* shoving her lightly.u#e* cannot wait*( Clay sai#* leaning his elbows on the table* causing his massive lineman%s bice+s to bulge- A whole new &lock o& &reshmen &emales to ?plunder-( Ew! Clay! That is so not what A hulking shoul#ermeant*( Tamara sai#* @whacking his

Yeah* man- Have a little res+ect*( .rew sai#.rew%s &rien#s Bjeered* but Tamara shot him a thank&ul look- .rew smile# back but then* the secon# her back was turne#* wagge# his tongue at her comically- All the guys cracke# u+She%s right* though* guys*( .rew sai#* li&ting his re# an# white 5ashingtonville High baseball ca+ o&& his hea# to scratch at his blon# hairThis is big stu&&- Senior year- 5e have to make sure that we #on%t waste a secon# o& it-( Yeah*( the guys muttere# in agreement* no##ing an# looking aroun#.rew &elt a rush o& a#renaline- Cor a secon# he thought o& his brother= ? @ A B dominate ; +revail plunder - take +ossession by &orce whacking - hitting har# hulking - great si"e an# bulk jeered ; heckle# D challenge agressively

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This must be what Trey &elt like whenever he ma#e his ca+tain%s s+eeches be&ore taking the &ootball &iel#- This was how .rew was going to &eel every Satur#ay ne8t year4o matter what* we have got to make sure that this is the best year ever*( .rew sai#* stan#ing* en!oying the attention that was 1Eriveted on himCrom the &irst #ay o& the &irst +ractice* we have to>( Hey- sn%t that your brother$( Clay aske#* looking through the +late glass win#ow into Starbucks.rew%s !aw #ro++e# in 11indignation at having his very &irst s+eech 16 truncated so 17abruptly- /ut sure enough* there on the TF screen behin# the counter was Trey himsel&* smiling an# chatting with the hot re+orter woman &rom the local newsHey! Trey is on the news!( Tamara shrieke#An# instantly* every single ki# on the si#ewalk crow#e# through the #oors an# into the tiny co&&ee house- Gnbelievable- The 1:adulation these +eo+le hea+e# on .rew%s brother was sim+ly unbelievable- .rew%s shoul#ers 1= slumped as he reluctantly &ollowe# the 1?throng insi#e- 0art o& him wante# to stay out in the sun* away &rom the Trey /enson love,in* but he #i#n%t want to a++ear 1@perfidious- /ecause he wasn%t- .rew love# his brother- He truly #i#- 4o matter what trium+hs Trey achieve# or how many 1Aaccolades were hea+e# u+on him* his brother was always both humble an# 1BmagnanimousAn 6Eindisputably goo# guy- /ut .rew still coul# not wait &or Trey to get his
1E riveted ; &i8e# 11 indignation ; anger cause# by in!ustice 16 truncated ; cut o&& 17 abruptly ; su##enly

1:adulation ; &lattery
1= slumped -&ell or sank heavily 1? throng ; crow# 1@ perfidious ; treacherous 1A accolades ; +raises 1B magnanimous ; generous 6E indisputably ; un<uestionably

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butt in the car an# move out o& the house- He ha# live# in Trey%s sha#ow &or &ar too longTurn it u+!( Tamara shoute# to the ki# behin# the counterHe #i#* an# !ust then the cameraman gave the worl# an e8treme close, u+ o& Trey%s han#some* smiling &ace- The whole Starbucks crow# e8+lo#e# with cheersShhhhhh!( 9ason scol#e#61

Everyone &ell silent to listen to Trey%s res+onse- The whole sho+ was captivated-

H& course can%t wait to get to 0enn State an# get to work with the team*( Trey sai#- /ut that #oesn%t mean %m not going to miss all the +eo+le back at 5ashingtonville High-( 'ore cheers- Hne o& .rew%s &rien#s sla++e# him on the back- Iittle #i# he know .rew%s heart &elt nothing but sour5ell* %m sure they%re going to miss you* too* Trey- You became a sort o& paragon &or that team last season*( hot re+orter la#y sai#66

5ell* #on%t know about that- /ut #o know that %m not leaving the team totally 67bereft o& talent- They%ve got a ton o& returning starters* an#* in &act* my brother .rew is gonna be taking over as starting <uarterback- An# let me tell you* the rest o& the league better watch out*( Trey sai#* looking into the camera an# winking- They won%t know what hit them-( This time* the +lace eru+te# in an even bigger 6:cacophony* an# .rew coul#n%t hel+ smiling- Trey%s mention o& him 6=assuaged his !ealousy a bitThe guy really ha# a 6?penchant &or saying the right thing- t was as i& he knew .rew was watching an# knew e8actly how he%# &eel61 captivated ; enthralle#* &ille# with won#er an# #elight 66 paragon ; stan#ar#* the i#eal in terms o& which something can be !u#ge# 67 bereft ; lacking 6: cacophony ; #in* lou# harsh stri#ent soun# 6= assuaged ; calme# 6? penchant ; &on#ness

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There you have it* &ormer 5ashingtonville High &ootball star Trey /enson* &uture <uarterback &or the 0enn State 4ittany Iions---- as humble as ever*( hot re+orter la#y sai#- An# now &or a story that coul# have a ma!or im+act on Trey%s alma mater* 5ashingtonville High* we go back to 9ane in the stu#io- 9ane - - -( Hmigo#! This is it!( Tamara crie#Everyone shut u+!( .rew shoute#The +lace went #eathly silent as 9ane )ra#y* the 6@news anchor* &ace# the camera- t%s a story o& slashe# bu#gets an# broken hearts* a story that may reach its 6Aconclusion this very evening*( 9ane sai# seriously- t was announce# in 9anuary that* #ue to bu#get cuts* the state ha# #eci#e# to close the #oors o& Corinth High School in Corinth* 0ennsylvania* &or goo# this coming &all- /ut the <uestion remaine#* where woul# the stu#ents o& Corinth High win# u+$( 4ot at our school!( Clay shoute#* earning a roun# o& cheersTamara glare# at him an# rolle# her eyes* but .rew hel# his breath t was believe# that one o& three local schools woul# absorb Corinth%s stu#ents- Either 9e&&erson High* 0lainsboro High* or 5ashingtonville High5ell* tonight the school boar#s o& 5ashingtonville an# Corinth are meeting to #eci#e whether their two schools woul# make a goo# &it- There has been no o&&icial #ecision as o& yet* but we will be kee+ing an eye on the story an# let you know as soon as anything new #evelo+s-( )roans 6Babounded* an# .rew an# his &rien#s hea#e# back outsi#e to reclaim their tableHow coul# they even think about combining us with Corinth$( 'arisa 5ise whine#* shaking her black curls back &rom her &ace- 'arisa was a cheerlea#er an# #aughter o& one o& the 0ittsburgh Steelers% assistant coaches*
6@news anchor - newsrea#er* newscaster

6A conclusion ; en# 6B abounded ; +revaile#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

which basically ma#e her one o& the richest girls in the alrea#y wealthy suburb o& 5ashingtonville- An# the most +o+ular- 5e%re too #i&&erent- 5e%# never 7Ecoalesce-( t%s never gonna ha++en*( .rew sai# con&i#ently* even though he &elt anything but con&i#ent on the insi#eGh* hate to break it to you guys* but i& the state #eci#es that Corinth is going to 5ashingtonville* there%s nothing our school boar# can #o to 71 preclude that event*( 9ason sai#- 'y mom an# #a# were u+ all night talking about it-( 9ason%s mother was +resi#ent o& the school boar#* an# 9ason ha#* there&ore* been the stu#ents% eyes an# ears ever since this whole 76noisome mess ha# begunHur school boar# will &in# a way to 77circumvent the system*( .rew sai# 7:testily- Iet those losers go to 0lainsboro- They%# &it in better over there anyway* an# everyone knows it-( The guys muttere# their 7=assent as they +ulle# out their chairsHh* why$ /ecause they%re not as 7?affluent as we are$ /ecause they #on%t all live in 7@ostentatious houses an# get their own cars &or their si8teenth birth#ays$( Tamara 7Agriped- You guys can really be so obno8ious-( 5hose house is ostentatious$( 'arisa aske# #e&ensively* knowing &ull well that her own 'c'ansion on the 7Boutskirts o& town was one o& the
7E coalesce ; mel# together 71 preclude ; make im+ossible 76 noisome ; troublesome 77 circumvent ; go aroun# 7:testily - irritably 7= assent ; agreement 7? affluent ; rich 7@ ostentatious ; showy 7Agriped - com+lain 7Boutskirts - a +art o& the city &ar remove# &rom the center

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showiest homes aroun#Iook* all know is* i& they come to our school* our senior year is gonna be a :Ecalamity*( .rew sai#- They%re gonna want to take over everything- Hur clubs* our stu#ent government>( Hur starting +ositions*( 9ason mumble#.rew &elt a #art o& +ain through his heart- This was* o& course* what he was really worrie# about- Everyone knew that Corinth High%s Samson Hill was one o& the best <uarterbacks in the state- He%# been starting since he was a so+homore an# ha# le# his team all the way to the state semi&inals the year be&ore- & he came to 5ashingtonville* it woul# mean that .rew%s #reams woul# be over be&ore he even ha# a chance to reali"e them5ell* think it coul# be bene&icical*( Tamara sai#* si++ing her ice# co&&ee- You guys coul# use a little min# o+ening* i& you ask me-( Yeah* you won%t be saying that when they :1swoop in here an# take hal& the s+ots on your +recious #ance team*( Clay sna++e#- You coul# be :6 bilked right out o& your s+ot* an# you were one o& the +eo+le who &oun#e# the #amn thing-( Tamara%s blue eyes wi#ene# &or a s+lit secon#* but then she remembere# hersel& an# :7scoffed- can hol# my own-( ho+e can* too* .rew thought* his &ists clenching un#er the table9ust then* a black 9ee+ 5rangler came "ooming aroun# the corner an# careened to a sto+ right in &ront o& the ca&e- 9ackson Iyle* the e#itor o& the school +a+er* +ut it in +ark an# !um+e# out- He ran through the #oor an# sto++e# !ust insi#e* all out o& breath an# :=blotchy- .rew%s stomach clenche#::

:E calamity ; #isaster :1swoop - move with a swee+ :6 bilked ; cheate# :7scoffed ; e8hale# with contem+t ::careened - walk as i& unable to control oneJs movements si#eways or in an unstea#y way := blotchy - marke# with irregularly sha+e# s+ots or blots

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9ackson$ Are you okay$( Tamara aske#They vote# yes*( 9ackson sai#- 5e%re absorbing Corinth-( Everyone gas+e# in shock- .rew &elt as i& his chair ha# !ust been yanke# out &rom un#er him- 4o way-( t%s a :?ruse*( 'arisa sai#* &orcing a laugh- Hne o& your lame,o !okes* right 9ackson$( Sorry* guys- t%s true- was covering the meeting &or the +a+er*( 9ackson sai#* +ushing his glasses u+ &or a secon# to rub his eyes- t%s overt%s #one- Hur school is no longer our own-(

:? ruse ; trick

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter Two The morning o& the 5ashingtonville Eagles% &irst summer +ractice was marke# by a blue sky an# a brilliant sun- t was going to be a hot one* .rew coul# tell* an# he coul# only ho+e that Coach .avi#son woul# get in most o& the tougher #rills be&ore noon- Heart +oun#ing with nerves an# :@dread* .rew shove# his :Agear into his big black,an#,re# #u&&el bag an# :Bhoofed it #ownstairs- & at all +ossible* he wante# to get out o& the house be&ore his &ather even came out o& his be#room- The last thing he nee#e# this morning was an =Eelucidation o& his many &laws by his ol# man- He was tense enough as it was* thinking about Samson Hill an# the Corinth team =1invading his &iel#)oo# morning* hon!( .rew%s mother greete# him the moment he ste++e# into the o+en* airy kitchen- )rab a +late! ma#e you break&ast-( She was &ully #resse# in her workout gear an# ha# a +an &ull o& scramble# eggs working on the stove- .rew%s heart #ro++e#- So much &or a <uick getawayActually* mom* was !ust gonna grab an ice# tea*( .rew sai#* reaching &or the #oor o& the stainless steel &ri#geHh* no you #on%t- know you%re all =6hyped up* but that%s all the more reason to eat some real &oo#*( his mother sai#* +atting him on the back'om>( Consi#er it 53mandatory*( she sai#* her blue eyes serious- You%re not leaving here without some break&ast in you-( She turne# him aroun# an# +ushe# him #own into one o& the kitchen
:@ :A :B =E =1 =6 =7

dread - &ear&ul e8+ectation or antici+ation gear - e<ui+ment consisting o& miscellaneous articles nee#e# &or a +articular o+eration or s+ort hoofed - ma#e a +ower&ul kick elucidation ; clari&ication invading ; rai#ing hyped up - got e8cite# or stimulate# mandatory ; re<uire#

Sacked by Emma Harrison

chairsYou really are &reakishly strong*( .rew sai# to his mother5here #o you think you boys get it &rom$( she aske# with a smirk t%s certainly not &rom your &ather-( .rew laughe#* an# his mother +ointe# her s+atula at him- /ut i& you tell him sai# that* %ll #eny every wor#-( .rew no##e# as she +lace# a +late o& eggs an# toast in &ront o& him- He coul# hear his &ather moving aroun# in his room* closing the closet* turning o&& the morning news- Any secon# the man was going to !oin them in the kitchen* an# the very thought ma#e .rew &eel 5 morose>a &eeling he #i# not nee# on a #ay when he ha# to be at the to+ o& his gameHe hear# the be#room #oor close* an# his heart ski++e# a beat- At that very moment* the +hone rang- .rew #ove &or itHello$( How%s the Eagles% starting <uarterback$( Trey%s !ovial voice greete# him.rew was &loo#e# with a mi8ture o& relie& an# 55trepidation- %m not the starter yet-( .on%t 5!deprecate yoursel&- You will be*( Trey sai# con&i#ently- !ust calle# to wish you goo# luck-( .rew smile#* rocking back on his &eet- t meant a lot to him that his brother ha# gotten u+ early* taken time out o& his own ri#iculously busy sche#ule* !ust to call him- Thanks* man- %m gonna nee# it-(

Trey blew out a sigh- Iook* man* reputable <uarterback>( Ke+utable$ Try

know that Samson Hill is a

renowned*( .rew correcte#- You shoul# see the

=: == =? =@ =A

morose ; miserable trepidation ; an8iety deprecate ; con#emn reputable ; hel# in esteem renowned ; &amous

Sacked by Emma Harrison

coverage he%s getting &rom the +a+ers- t%s like he%s a gol#en go#-( .rew hear# his &ather%s &ootste+s on the stairs- He turne# his back towar# the kitchen #oor as his #a# entere#He%s not a gol#en go#*( Trey sai#- You can be !ust as goo# as he isAll you%ve got to #o is 5$delineate your goals- 'ake sure you know e8actly what you want to #o* then go out there an# !%e&ecute- Show him what you%re ca+able o&- )et un#er his skin- The guy%s not !'impervious- 5ork har#* be ?6 deligent* #o your thing* an# you%ll throw him o&& his game-( You think$( .rew aske#* &eeling a &lutter o& ho+e insi#e his chest.u#e* know you can #o this- You totally have it in you to !3foil this guy*( Trey sai#- know it sucke# having to +lay backu+ the +ast cou+le o& years* but you were the best 9F <uarterback the Eagles ever ha#* #on%t &orget that-( Thanks* Trey*( .rew sai#- He coul# &eel his #a# watching him* an# he turne# towar# the wall to hi#e his smile- That means a lot coming &rom the +aragon o& the +rogram-( Trey laughe#- You gotta get o&& that ban#wagon* man- .on%t &orget* %m starting over here* too- %m nothing but a ! neophyte now- Iast night the seniors grabbe# all the ?=frosh &rom their be#s an# ??hosed us #own in the mi##le o& the &iel#- The Trey /enson era is o&&icially over-( You%re ki##ing me*( .rew sai#* !"stifling a laugh wish*( Trey sai#- Iisten* gotta get to +ractice* but !ust rememberL mmerse yoursel& in your game- Iive it* breathe it* an# you%ll be &ine=B ?E ?1 ?6 ?7 ?: ?= ?? ?@

delineate ; #e&ine e&ecute ; +er&orm impervious ; im+enetrable diligent ; #etermine# foil - to hin#er or +revent* thwart neophyte ; beginner frosh - &irst,year un#ergra#uate hosed - water with a hose stifling ; smothering

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Con&i#ence is !#paramount* .rew- can%t stress that enough-( Thanks* Trey*( .rew sai#* &eeling more con&i#ent than he ha# in weeksYou got it* man- )oo# luck*( Trey sai#You* too*( .rew re+lie#They hung u+* an# .rew &elt a smile &orming on his li+s- Trey was right- He coul# #o this- Samson Hill coul#n%t be that !$deft a <uarterback- t wasn%t like he%# been recruite# by any big schools yet- As long as .rew showe# "%fortitude an# &ocus* he ha# a shot5as that your brother$( .rew%s #a# aske#* si++ing at his co&&ee.rew glance# at his &ather%s hulking &rame* +resse# into his #ark blue suit* his neck straining at the tight collar o& his shirt- His &ather%s brown hair ha# gone iron gray on the si#es* which somehow only ma#e his overall look even more intimi#atingYe+*( .rew answere# "'curtly- He #i#n%t want to invite a conversation* even though he knew he coul#n%t avoi# one- He sat #own again an# starte# shoveling scramble# eggs into his mouthHe #i#n%t want to talk to me$( his &ather aske#4o+e*( .rew re+lie#* en!oying the @6pang he knew this woul# give his &ather5ell* %m sure he%s got to get to +ractice- That boy is &ocuse#*( .rew%s &ather sai#* checking out the news+a+er on the counter- You coul# really take a +age out o& his book-( .rew &elt the color rising in his cheeks- So much &or his goo# moo#?A paramount ; most im+ortant* having su+erior +ower an# in&luence ?B deft ; skill&ul in +hysical movementsM es+ecially o& the han#s @E fortitude ; strength o& min# that enables one to en#ure a#versity with @1 curtly ; shortly @6 pang - a su##en mental +ain or #istress



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Highs were always "3empheral when his &ather was aroun#- am &ocuse#* .a#-( sure ho+e so* because you%re really going to have to ste+ u+ your game this year* son*( his &ather sai#- That Samson Hill is no !oke-( know this* .a#*( .rew sai#* shoving his +late away- He stoo# u+ an# grabbe# his bag* more than rea#y to make his esca+e.on%t you sna+ at me*( his &ather warne#Can we not #o this to#ay$( .rew%s mother begge#- mean* reallyCan we have one morning o& +eace* +lease$( %m sorry* Claire- !ust want to make sure that your son un#erstan#s how im+ortant this is to this &amily*( .rew%s &ather sai#* @:squaring off with .rew- You have a legacy to +rotect* .rew- t%s u+ to you not to "5debase your brother%s goo# name- 5e cannot have a /enson +laying backu+-( .rew &elt as i& his &ather ha# !ust +unche# him in the gut- .i# he not un#erstan# how much the things he sai# hurt$ 5as he really that "!oblivious$ 5e alrea#y #i# have a /enson +laying backu+* .a#* remember$( .rew sai#- +laye# backu+ to Trey last year- An#* by the way* le# the 9F team to an un#e&eate# season- Hr has that !ust sli++e# your min#$( There%s that tone again- 5here #oes this +enchant &or ""effrontery come &rom$ Your brother certainly never gave me this kin# o& attitu#e*( .rew%s &ather sai#Yeah* well you certainly never gave Trey so much cra+* .rew thoughtIook* son* !ust want to make sure you un#erstan# what you%ve gotta #o here*( his &ather tol# him* hol#ing u+ a han#- You go out there an# show this Hill ki# what this &amily is ma#e o&-(
@7 @: @= @? @@

ephemeral ; short,live# squaring off - settle conclusivelyM come to terms debase ; #egra#e oblivious ; clueless* unmin&ul effrontery ; ru#eness

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5hat this &amily is ma#e o&- 4ot what %m ma#e o&- t has nothing to #o with me an# my talent* .rew thought- /ut he knew there was nothing he coul# say to get his &ather to back o&&- His &ather was "#implacable on this +articular sub!ect- Gntil .rew actually +er&orme# on the &iel#>actually showe# his #a# that he was !ust as goo# as his brother>the man was never going to get it.on%t worry* .a#*( .rew sai# through his teeth- %m on it-( He was on his way out the #oor when his mother yelle# a&ter him.rew! Your break&ast-( 5ith a groan* .rew came back* grabbe# the toast* kisse# his mother* an# walke# out- A&ter all* she was the one who actually care# about himThere was no reason they shoul# both be crushe# right nowConsi#ering the #ark clou# o& #oom that was hanging over .rew%s hea# that morning* he wasn%t sure what kin# o& locker room he was going to be walking into- 5oul# it be a "$jubilant scene* &ull o& laughter an# the voices o& his teammates #%recounting their summer A1e&ploits$ Hr woul# everyone be #( lethargic an# #own* &eeling the same sense o& #rea# .rew was #3 harboring$ 5ere the Corinth guys alrea#y in there* staring #own the 5ashingtonville guys* making trouble$ .rew%s heart +oun#e# as he a++roache# the locker room #oor- He took a #ee+ breath- This was it- The moment o& truth- However he came o&& in the ne8t &ive minutes coul# #etermine his +osition on the team &or the ne8t &our months- 5oul# he be a lea#er or a +ushover$ .rew knew which one he wante# to be- He s<uare# his shoul#ers an# shove# through the heavy #oornstantly he was surroun#e# by the &amiliar laughter an# # mirth- He
@A @B AE A1 A6 A7 A:

implacable ; unmovable jubilant ; over!oye# recounting ; narrating e&ploits - notable achievements lethargic ; sluggish harboring ; to hol#* in the min# mirth ; ha++iness

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ste++e# into the wi#e room with its re# lockers an# white A=cinderblock walls* an# his tension was all but #!quelled- There wasn%t an un&amiliar &ace in the grou+* asi#e &rom the skinny* #"servile &reshmen who were alrea#y &etching water an# oranges &or the seniors- Cor a s+lit secon#* .rew imagine# that he%# #reame# u+ the whole Corinth thing* that everything was back to the way it shoul# be- Then 9ason walke# over to him* +ulling on a bran# new set o& shoul#er +a#s over his hea#5ha##u+* .rew$ 5here%s the evil em+ire$( he aroun###

quipped* glancing

Their absence is #$salient* isn%t it$( .rew sai#* tossing his bag #own on the nearest bench'aybe they #eci#e# not to show*( Clay suggeste#* lowering his huge girth onto the bench- He was alrea#y com+letely suite# u+ an# looke# like a block o& cement in all his +a#s an# his workout !ersey- bet the i#ea o& com+eting with us &or the starting s+ots scare# the little buggers o&&-(

wish* .rew thought- /ut he sai# nothing- He wante# to give o&& an air o& placid $(indifference$'

& were them* %# !um+ at the chance to +lay &or us*( 9ason sai#* rolling his shoul#er un#er his new +a#s* trying to get com&ortable- Corinth was struggling* man- 4o lights on their &iel#* been wearingthe same han#,me, #own helmets &or the +ast &ive years* all their e<ui+ment was +retty much $3 obsolete- Coming here woul# be a wet #ream &or those guys-( Clay laughe# at the cru#e !oke* an# the two o& them sla++e# han#sA= A? A@ AA AB BE B1 B6 B7

cinderblock - light concrete buil#ing block ma#e with cin#er 1tro3 quelled ; <uiete# servile ; subservient quipped ; !oke# salient ; +rominent girth ; bo#y mass placid ; calm indifference ; without care obsolete ; out o& #ate

Sacked by Emma Harrison

9ason wince# an# a#!uste# his +a#sAlthough woul#n%t min# having my ol#* broken,in +a#s- At least they were pliable*( he com+laine#$

.rew shot 9ason a look o& $5tacit #isa++roval %m !ust saying*( 9ason sai#* blushing slightly.u#e* ho+e Samson Hill shows u+*( one o& the younger ki#s in the ne8t row o& lockers sai#- wanna see i& this ki#%s as $!meritorious as everyone says-( know- hear he was recruite# by $"myriad schools over the summer*( another ki# answere#- He must be &reaking awesome-( Clay stoo# u+* &ists an# !aw clenche#- %ll kick their asses &or ya* ca+*( he sai# to .rew/ut .rew hel# u+ a han#* telling Clay to chill- He wante# to hear what these $#sophomoric rookies ha# to say hear# he ha# &ive #i&&erent coaches who wante# him to sign letters o& intent- That%s a lot o& $$prospects*( the &irst guy sai#* im+resse# hear# he alrea#y signe# with Hhio State*( a thir# ki# !oine# the conversation4o way-( 5ay!( .rew%s !aw #ro++e#- Hhio State$ That was one o& the to+ +rograms in the entire country- & Hill was goo# enough &or Hhio State---.u#e* now really ho+e they show*( one o& the ki#s sai#- woul#n%t min# going to States in my &irst season-( All the ki#s laughe#* an# .rew &elt
B: B= B? B@ BA BB

pliable ; ben#able tacit ; uns+oken meritorious ; #eserving honor myriad ; countless sophomoric ; !uvenile prospects ; +ossibilities

Sacked by Emma Harrison

as i& someone ha# cho++e# his legs o&& at the kneesAll right* that%s enough*( .rew sai# un#er his breathHe '%%skirted the lockers an# stoo# in &ront o& the grou+ o& so+homores an# &reshmen* +utting a <uick en# to their '%'revelry- They all +ale# when they saw who was 1E6casting the rather large sha#ow- )oo#- At least they ha# the sense to be '%3timorous in his +resence- They weren%t total morons- There was no room &or total morons on his teamYou were saying$( .rew aske#* crossing his arms over his chest* which he knew ma#e him even more intimi#ating- Clay an# 9ason ste++e# u+ behin# him an# stare# the ki#s #own as wellGh--- nothing*( the biggest ki# in the crow# sai# bravely* stan#ing u+4o* really* %m intereste#*( .rew incre#ible have you hear# Samson Hill is$(

prompted- E8actly how

The ki# looke# aroun# &or hel+- All his little bu##ies looke# away.rew '%5seethed- He coul#n%t believe none o& these ki#s were going to hel+ their &rien# out- 5hat kin# o& weak,ass losers were going out &or this team$

Gh* nothing- haven%t hear# anything*( the ki# sai# &inally>the only intrepid one in the bunch-

Keally$ %Cause %ve hear# he threw &or twenty,two touch#owns an# over a thousan# yar#s last year*( .rew sai#* raising his voice so that the entire locker room coul# hear- 5e all know he was All State last year- 5hat #oes that tell you$( The +oor ki# looke# at .rew* totally '%"perple&ed1EE skirted ; went aroun# 1E1 revelry ; noisy merriment 1E6 casting - &orming 1E7 timorous ; timi# 1E: prompted - motivate# 1E= seethed ; smol#ere# with rage 1E? intrepid ; &earless 1E@ perple&ed ; con&use#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

5hat #oes that tell you!$( .rew shoute#* his voice echoing through the room- t was met with total silence t means he%s goo#*( .rew sai#- /ut guess what- %m better-( At that* all the +layers cheere#So #on%t nee# your com+assion- #on%t nee# you ti+toeing aroun# me*( .rew continue#- /ecause this year* am going to lea# this team to States! 5e are going to get there together!( The locker room e8+lo#e# in o& his uncertainty melt away'%#

raucous cheers* an# .rew &elt the last

You%re our N/* /enson*( the ki# tol# .rew as the cheers #ie# #own into general chatter- 5e%re totally your1EB partisans- Kight guys$( Kight!( They all agree#- At least they ha# the sense to s+eak u+ now)oo#- Then maybe you shoul# start acting like it*( .rew sai#- 5hat%s your name* ki#$( %m .erek 5orkman*( the ki# sai#- Creshman* Center-( )oo# to meet you* 5orkman*( .rew sai#- You%re the only non,i#iot %ve met to#ay-( .erek smile# a toothy smile as the rest o& his &rien#s hung their hea#sThanks-( .on%t let it get to your hea#*( .rew tol# him- 4ow get your asses in gear an# get out onto the &iel#! That means all o& you guys!( .rew shoute#* his voice &illing the room- The ''%languid #ays o& summer are over! ''' )ouse yourselves &rom this ''(pastoral ''3topor* an# let%s get this season starte# right!(
1EA raucous ; noisy 1EB partisans ; su++orters 11E languid ; slow an# sluggish 111 rouse ; awaken 116 pastoral ; +eace&ul an# i#yllic 117 torpor ; lethargic trance


Sacked by Emma Harrison

A &ew o& the !unior +layers le# the charge out o& the locker room towar# the &iel#That was not ba#* Ca+*( Clay sai#* knocking .rew on the back so har# he almost &ell overHa# to be #one*( .rew sai# with a 11:nonchalant shrug4ow i& the Corinth guys woul# only continue to be ' A* maybe he coul# hol# onto this con&i#enceHal& an hour later* .rew an# his teammates were still ''5sedentary* kicke# back in the 11?bleachers as the sun rose stea#ily over the ''"verdant* &reshly watere# &iel#- .rew%s heart was +oun#ing with nerves as the guys aroun# him starte# to 11Agrumble an# com+lain- .own below on the track that surroun#e# the &iel#* Coach .avi#son ''$conferred with his assistants* his irritation '(%manifest- Coach ha# been running the 5ashingtonville +rogram &or ten years* but some o& his assistants ha# been brought over &rom Corinth- .rew coul# tell he was '('upbraiding these guys un#er his breath* trying to &in# out where the hell the Corinth team members wereShoul# #o something$( .rew whis+ere# to 9asonIike what$ 0ro#uce these !erks out o& thin air$( 9ason aske#* shi&ting on the hot metal bench4o- #on%t know- %m ca+tain* right$ 'aybe shoul# go #own there an# tell coach we%re rea#y to go- Kemin# him that there are some '(( dedicated +layers u+ here that are more than willing to get to work*( .rew sai#11: nonchalant ; casual 11= sedentary ; unmove# 11? bleachers - out#oor gran#stan#s 11@ verdant ; green 11A grumble - mutter 11B conferred ; consulte# 16E manifest ; obvious 161 upbraiding ; scol#ing 166 dedicated ; #evote#

without roo&s


Sacked by Emma Harrison

9ason 167scoffed- Your &uneral-( You think$ %ve been '( vacillating about this &or* like* twenty minutes*( .rew sai#- mean* maybe he%# a++reciate my '(5tenacity- 'aybe it woul# even '(!mollify him a little* you know* i& he knew that we were 16@ raring to go-( Yeah* either that or he sen#s you out on twenty la+s &or s+eaking u+*( 9ason re+lie#- & there%s one thing that man a++reciates* it%s his own status as a '(#potentate-( Yeah- That an# '($punctuality*( .rew re+lie# un#er his breath- He turne# aroun# an# looke# at the back o& the bleachers* where he ha# his new best bu# .erek 5orkman kee+ing a '3%vigilant watch on the school- Yo! 5orkman*( he hisse#- Anything$( 4o sign o& %em* Ca+*( .erek re+lie#All right* enough is enough*( .rew sai# to himsel&He was !ust about to get u+ when Coach .avi#son blew his whistle an# glared at the team* clearly '3(ve&ed- All right* team- Iet%s take the &iel#!( he shoute#- 5e%re not waiting &or these '33miscreants any longer-(

.rew e8change# a look with 9ason as they shove# themselves u+ &rom their seats- t was ne8t to im+ossible &or him to kee+ &rom smiling- The &eeling o& trium+h '3 welling u+ insi#e o& him was that '35sublime- 'aybe
167 scoffed ; e8hale# with contem+t 16: vacillating ; wavering 16= tenacity ; stea#&astness 16? mollify ; calm 16@ raring - &ull o& eagerness 16A potentate ; ruler 16B punctuality ; being on time 17E vigilant ; alert* care&ul 171 glare - look at with a &i8e# ga"e 176 ve&ed ; annoye# 177 miscreants ; hoo#lums 1an aggressive 17: welling ; rising 17= sublime ; e8cellent* won#rous

an# violent young criminal3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Clay was right- 'aybe the Corinth guys ha# #eci#e# to give u+- Hr take a stan# in +rotest- 5hatever- t #i#n%t even matter- /ecause even i& they showe# u+ now* there was no way Coach was going to let them +ractice- /eing this late* this '3!insubordinate* was '3"tantamount to '3#revolution in Coach .avi#son%s eyes- He woul# never tolerate this kin# o& '3$insolenceTry not to look so himSnagged* .rew <uickly +ut on his game &ace- The last thing he wante# to #o* even un#er these new an# 1:6favorable con#itions* was start o&& on the wrong &ootAll right* it%s been a long seven weeks- Iet%s see what kin# o& con#ition you men are in!( Coach calle# out- 5e%ll start with !um+ing !acks/enson! Count %em o&&-( .rew &elt a &lutter o& +ri#e at being single# out- A &eeling he was apparently going to have to get use# to- Kea#y$!( he shoute#* #ee+ening his voice- )o!(
' 3 1:1 ' %

smug* /enson*( Coach sai# as .rew !ogge# by

Hne! Two! Three!( the team counte# o&&.rew concentrate# on kee+ing his smile in check as his heart rate starte# to !um+- This was it- The &irst +ractice o& his senior year- The #e&ining year o& his li&e- t ha# come so very close to being com+letely ' obliterated* but here he was- Ca+tain- Starting <uarterback- Counting o&&- 5orking out his team- This was the moment he%# been waiting &or his entire li&e-

17? insubordinate ; #isobe#ient 17@ tantamount ; the same as 17A revolution ; u+rising 17B insolence ; ru#eness 1:E smug ; sel&,satis&ie# 1:1 snagged -get by acting <uickly 1:6 favorable ; agreeable 1:7 apparently ; seemingly 1:: obliterated ; #estroye#

an# smartly


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Coach .avi#son ' 5roamed back an# &orth in &ront o& the s<ua#s* shouting ' !abtruse comman#s an# criticisms>#i&&icult to hear over all the counting an# the clicking o& +a#s- An# a new soun#- The soun# o& car engines- Iou# music- S<uealing brakes5hat the---.rew saw that a &ew o& the coaches were all staring o&& towar# the back o& the &iel#- There was a small +arking lot back there* use# mainly &or the coaches% cars an# the emergency vehicles re<uire# at all the games- .rew re&use# to look over his shoul#er* knowing that sto++ing in the mi##le o& 1:@ drills was unacce+table- /ut a&ter a &ew minutes* he coul# tell the guys behin# him were starting to slow* an# even Coach .avi#son was #istracte#Cinally* .rew%s ' #determination to kee+ +ractice going starte# to ' $waneHe sto++e# !um+ing an# turne# aroun#* his heart sei"e# by a &ist o& #rea#The +arking lot was +artially '5%obscured by a line o& trees* but .rew coul# still make out a +ack o& '5'nondescript 1=6clunkers crow#ing the small s+ace- .oors slamme#- 'usic was cut short- All the ki#s on the &iel# stoo# there* '53stupefied* as #o"ens o& guys in &ull &ootball gear ma#e their way #own the +ath towar# the &iel#- An '5 acute #art o& what coul# only be calle# &ear slamme# right through .rew%s heart- They were here- They were really here- An# !ust like that* his goo# moo# was goneGnbelievable*( .irk 2night* .rew%s &irst,string wi#e receiver sai#* ste++ing u+ ne8t to him- They%re wearing their ol# uni&orms-(
1:= roamed ; wan#ere# 1:? abstruse ; har# to un#erstan# 1:@ drills - systematic training by multi+le re+etitions 1:A determination ; resolve 1come to a &inal conclusion3 1:B wane ; &a#e 1=E obscured ; hi##en 1=1 nondescript ; in#isctinct 1=6 clunkers - 13 ol# an# unreliable cars 63 losers 1=7 stupefied ; stunne# 1=: acute ; su##en an# shar+


Sacked by Emma Harrison

The '55audacity*( .rew sai# un#er his breathHe trie# to scoff to show how very '5!unaffected an# unim+resse# he was* but it &ell &lat- The +layers &rom Corinth &oun# their way to the one gate '5" accessible to the &iel# an# &ile# through one by one- They were as silent as the grave* their &aces set in masks o& utter '5#acrimony as they a++roache# the team- The closer they got* the bigger they all a++eare#- 'aybe it was the &act that they were wearing the Corinth blue an# gray>the colors o& 5ashingtonville%s &ormer rival- Hr maybe they really !ust were bigger than the Eagles +layers- /ut either way* their '5$dramatic entrance ha# its e&&ectAs they all line# u+ on the track in &ront o& .rew%s neatly &orme# s<ua#s o& +layers* everyone was #eathly silent* an# .rew%s heart was in his throatSamson Hill himsel& ha# line# u+ #ea# across &rom him- The ki# ha# to be si8,&oot,&our an# 66E +oun#s- 0er&ect <uarterback 1?Estature- His hea# was all but shave#* an# his #ark skin alrea#y glistene# with sweat* +robably &rom #riving all the way over here in &ull +a#s- He stare# .rew #own* unblinking* unmoving* his helmet resting casually between his wrist an# his hi+.rew ha# never &elt so '!'venomous in his li&e- 5ho the hell #i# this ki# think he was* coming in here like this$ This was .rew%s team- .rew%s &utureHe ha# no right9ust wait* he tol# himsel&- There%s no way Coach is going to let them get away with this- This is +ure '!(anarchy- '!3*eniency is not an o+tionCor a long* tense moment* the two teams !ust stoo# there* staring each other #own* waiting &or someone to make the &irst move* say the &irst wor#Hr maybe* !ust maybe* to throw the &irst +unch1== audacity ; bol#* arrogant 1=? unaffected ; unmove# 1=@ accessible ; reachable 1=A acrimony ; harshness 1=B dramatic ; striking in a++earance 1?E stature - the #istance &rom hea# to &oot 1?1 venomous ; +oisonous 1?6 anarchy ; chaos 1?7 leniency ; merci&ulness or toleranceM mil#

an# +ermissive

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter Three Sorry we%re late* Coach*( Samson Hill sai#* breaking into a wi#e smile- 5e got a little lost- The roa#s are '! tortous u+ in these hills-( The Corinth guys broke ranks an# laughe# a bit* an# Coach .avi#son eye# them all with clear '!5disdain- The '!!enmity in the air between the two teams was '!"palpable- .rew glance# at 9ason* Clay* an# .irk- They were all waiting &or the '!#tirade- These Corinth guys clearly ha# no i#ea who they were #ealing with- /ut they woul# &in# out in the ne8t &ive secon#s- Coach .avi#son was known &or his '!$punitive creativity- Hnce* when he%# &oun# out that the o&&ensive line was 1@Echugging Ke# /ull be&ore games* he%# ha# them all #rink a case a+iece the &ollowing 'on#ay be&ore school- The guys ha# +anic attacks all #ay- Everyone thought Coach woul# be &ire#* but he #e&en#e# himsel& to the school boar# an# somehow came out with nothing but a '"'reprimand.o you think this is &unny* Hill$( Coach #eman#e# '"(vehemently- His nostrils &lare#* an# his alrea#y sunburne# &ace +ractically glowe#The grin &ell right o&& o& Samson%s &ace- .rew trie# not to laugh* but not too har#- This ki# was toast- He%# ma#e his &irst im+ression* an# it was '"3 irrevocable4o* Coach*( Samson sai# <uickly-

1?: tortuous ; twisty 1?= disdain ; scorn 1?? enmity ; hate 1?@ palpable ; ca+able o& being &elt 1?A tirade ; angry rant 1?B punitive ; regar#ing +unishment 1@E chugging - to swallow all o& something 1@1 reprimand ; &ormal scol#ing 1@6 vehemently ; +ower&ully 1@7 irrevocable ; cannot be un#one

li<ui# very <uickly


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Coach looke# #own the line o& Corinth +layers with a e8+ressionCome on- Iet%s !ust ho+e&ully'"5



dispense with these guys alrea#y* .rew thought

can%t believe they%re wearing their ol# uni&orms*( 9ason whis+ere# to .rew- .on%t they know their team is '"!defunct$( Yeah- & they want to wear the blue an# gray* let %em go back to their derelict school*( Clay a##e#- Soon as they ste+ on this &iel#* it%s '"# desecrated-(

.rew%s heart clenche#- Clay was right- This was sacre# groun#- An# he was sure that these guys #i#n%t have even a '"$modicum o& res+ect &or thatHow coul# they$ Some o& them ha# s+ent the last three years o& their lives +syching themselves to come in here an# tear 5ashingtonville a+art- They ha# been traine# to '#%loathe 5ashingtonville !ust as much as the 5ashingtonville guys loathe# themAll right- %m gonna give you a +ass &or to#ay since it%s your &irst time here* but tomorrow e8+ect all o& you to be here hal& an hour early an# rea#y to go*( Coach .avi#son sai#- A bunch o& the guys behin# .rew grumble#- He knew they were thinking the same thing he was- How coul# their '#' venerable coach let himsel& by '#(placated by such an obvious lie$ He was way smarter than this- Your teammates here ha# to wait &or you* an# you%re gonna make that time u+ to them* got it$( Yes* Coach*( the Corinth +layers sai# '#3halfheartedly1@: dour ; harsh 1@= dispense ; get ri# o& 1@? defunct ; no longer e8istent 1@@ derelict ; aban#one#* run #own 1@A desecrated ; violate# 1@B modicum ; a little bit 1AE loathe ; hate 1A1 venerable ; res+ecte# 1A6 placated ; soothe# 1A7 halfheartedly ; s+iritlessly


Sacked by Emma Harrison

sai#* got it!$( Coach barke#Yes* Coach!( they all shoute# in re+ly)oo#! 4ow take the &iel#! .e&ense to the le&t* o&&ense to the right!( Coach #eman#e#- An# want the Corinth +layers mi8e# in with the 5ashingtonville +layers- This is one team* now* +eo+le! )et use# to it!( .rew swallowe# the lum+ in his throat as the +layers walke# by him to take their s+ots in line- His +ity &a#e# the secon# he saw Samson Hill stri#ing #own the line* chin u+* checking out the 5ashingtonville guys- All .rew wante# to #o was tri+ the ki# as he walke# by- Hr better yet* shove himShow him e8actly how welcome he an# his crew were- /ut he knew that '# instigating a &ight woul# not go over well with CoachHey- .rew /enson* right$( Samson sai# su##enly* sto++ing in &ront o& .rew.rew hesitate# a secon#- 5hy was this asshole talking to him$ Yeah-( %m Samson Hill*( he sai# '#5congenially* o&&ering his han#- +laye# against your brother last year- That boy ha# skills-( .rew stare# at Samson%s outstretche# han#- He was ki##ing* right$ 5as he really stan#ing there com+limenting .rew%s brother$ The guy .rew woul# rather never have mentione# on this &iel# again$ .rew looke# aroun# an# saw that +retty much everyone on the &iel# was watching them* won#ering what .rew woul# #o ne8t- He knew they were also en!oying the '#! ju&taposition o& the two <uarterbacks- They were obviously si"ing them u+* making their !u#gments- Hh* this ki# was goo#- Clearly this was all an act >an outwar# show o& '#"benevolence &or the bene&it o& his new coach an# teammates- Iet them see how very mature an# '##agreeable he wasSu##enly* .rew hate# him more than ever1A: instigating ; inciting 1A= congenially ; +leasantly 1A? ju&taposition ; being +lace# 1A@ benevolence ; kin#ness 1AA agreeable ; likeable

si#e by si#e


Sacked by Emma Harrison

t%s nice to meet you* man*( Samson sai#- & you%re anything like your brother* %m gla# we%re not gonna be on o++osite si#es o& the &iel#-( +ntimation$ You%re not as goo# as he is* an# we all know it- )o#* what .rew woul#n%t give to strangle this ki# right here an# now.rew coul# &eel Coach .avi#son%s eyes on him- He coul# &eel the tension mounting in the air aroun# him once again- Hne miss+oken wor# an# there coul# be a throw#own right here* right now- Consi#ering all the negative emotions '$%roiling aroun# insi#e o& him* .rew woul#n%t have min#e# a &ight* but he knew what Coach woul# want him to #o- He%# want him to '$'mitigate the situation* not '$(perpetuate it- .rew woul# have to save all this +ent,u+ a#renaline &or the &iel#- 5hich* he knew* woul# +robably be a goo# thingYeah*( .rew sai# &inally- Sure- 4ice to meet you-( Then* reluctantly* he shook han#s with Samson Hill)oo#- )la# to see you two are getting along*( Coach .avi#son shoute#* stri#ing over to them- & you two are going to lea# this team* you%re going to have to work together-( .rew #ro++e# Samson%s han#- %m sorry* Coach- & we%re gonna lea# the team$( That%s what sai#* /enson- Hill here was electe# ca+tain o& his s<ua# last year* !ust like you were electe# ca+tain o& yours*( Coach sai#* +utting one han# on .rew%s shoul#er +a#* the other on Samson%s- So &rom this moment on* the two o& you are co,ca+tains* got it$( .rew%s skin &elt as i& it was about to melt o&& his &ace- His #a# was going to love this- Co,ca+tains*( he sai# through his teethSamson merely no##e#- Thanks* Coach-(
1AB intimation ; uns+oken meaning 1BE roiling - agitating 1B1 mitigate ; make less harsh 1B6 perpetuate ; e8ten#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

You got that* team$( Coach shoute#- )reet your new ca+tains* .rew /enson an# Samson Hill!( .rew ha# never hear# a more '$3lackluster roun# o& a++lause in his li&e4o one on this &iel# like# it- 4ot one soul- /ut there was nothing any o& them coul# #o about it- .rew%s &rustration coile# every muscle in his bo#y- 4ow he really nee#e# an intense +ractice4ow let%s get to work!( 5hat the hell are you #oing out there* Hill$( Coach Iewinter shoute#* as Samson misse# an easy +ass to his wi#e receiver- The rotun# <uarterbacks coach &rom Corinth seeme# to have a chi+ on his shoul#er that was even bigger than his massive butt- You look about as '$ adept as my son%s +eewee N/ out there!( Samson hung his hea# an# !ogge# back to the line- .rew almost &elt ba#ly &or the guy as he ri++e# his chin guar# #own an# en#ure# the '$5 impassioned rantings o& the chrome,#ome# coach5ho is this guy$( .rew sai# un#er his breath to 9ohn 5ashburn*the so+homore 5ashingtonville <uarterback who woul# +robably be starting on 9F- 5hat the hell ha++ene# to Tomlinson$( hear# he got a hea# coaching !ob in 9ersey*( 9ohn sai#* shi&ting &rom &oot to &oot)o#* it%s like they got ri# o& all our coaches*( .rew sai#- %# say there was collusion against us* but he seems to be !ust as willing to '$"berate Samson as he is the rest o& us-(

Yeah- He%s obviously not '$#biased*( 9ohn re+lie#* as Coach Iewinter smacke# Samson har# on the helmet- think he wants us all #ea#* actually-(
1B7 lackluster ; without energy 1B: adept ; ca+able 1B= impassioned ; &ull o& &eeling 1B? collusion ; secret +lot 1B@ berate ; scol# 1BA biased ; +re!u#ice#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew laughe# an# Iewinter turne# his 1BBbeady eyes on him* wh ich shut him right u+- Something &unny* /enson$( 4o* Coach!( .rew barke# #i#n%t think so- Iet%s see what you%ve got!( .rew%s heart +oun#e# as he !ogge# over to the line an# +lucke# a ball &rom the +ile- n his min#%s eye* he saw his brother running &our thousan# o& these #rills over the +ast three years- Com+leting +ass a&ter +ass a&ter +assHe shook his hea# an# trie# to (%%banish the image- He coul#n%t be com+aring himsel& to his brother right now- Yes* Trey was a great <uarterback- A +atient* smart <uarterback who coul# rea# #e&enses like nobo#y%s business- /ut .rew ha# his s+ecial talents* too- He was (%'agile- He was &ast- He was #aring- An#* i& he ha# anything to say about it* he was about to show how these (%(attributes (%3distinguished him &rom Samson HillIet%s go* /enson!( Samson cheere#* cla++ing- .o it u+!( .rew glare# at the ki#- Enough with the really think he was im+ressing the coaches$

cohesive team cra+- .i# he

2night! Kun the out route!( Iewinter shoute#.irk no##e#* looking .rew right in the eye as he walke# by- .rew knew e8actly what .irk was thinking- Iet%s show these losers how it%s #one.rew &elt a &lutter o& e8citement within his chest- This was it- Time to se+arate the men &rom the boys- Time to (%5debunk the (%!pervasive theory on the &iel#* in the +a+ers* throughout town* that Samson ha# alrea#y won the starting !obKea#y$( Coach Iewinter shoute#1BB beady - small an# roun# an# 6EE banish ; get ri# o& 6E1 agile ; <uick* grace&ul 6E6 attributes ; traits 6E7 distinguished ; se+arate# 6E: cohesive ; unite# 6E= debunk ; #is+rove 6E? pervasive ; wi#es+rea#

shiny like a shiny bea# or button


Sacked by Emma Harrison

He blew his whistle- .irk 6E@sprinted towar# the en# "one- .rew +alme# the ball an# #ro++e# back three ste+s- He an# .irk ha# been +laying ball in their backyar#s ever since they coul# walk- .rew knew e8actly where his receiver woul# be- 2new it without even thinking about it- He let the ball &ly- .irk ma#e an (%#abrupt turn an# (%$accelerated into the right corner o& the en# "one- The +ass was +er&ection- t saile# through he air* an# .irk caught it easily4ice work!( Iewinter calle# out as .rew an# .irk sla++e# each other%s backs- t was one com+lete# +ass* but .rew &elt as i& it were a ('% momentous occasion- Samson Hill ha# com+lete# two &or &ive- .rew ha# com+lete# his &irst- 4ow all he ha# to #o was kee+ it u+All right- 4ow let%s see you com+lete it to an un&amiliar receiver*( Iewinter sai#* smacking .rew%s shoul#er- Ia"arus! )et over here!( A tall* lanky +layer &rom the Corinth team !ogge# over &rom the mi##le o& the &iel# where the o&&ensive lines were +racticing- .rew looke# him u+ an# #own in an (''appraising way as he a++roache#- He looke# to .rew to be all limbs an# walke# like a +u++et with oile# !oints- There was no way this ki# coul# be coor#inate# enough to be a receiverA#am Ia"arus* meet .rew /enson*( Coach Iewinter sai#A#am li&te# his chin at .rew an# looke# him u+ an# #own like he was #irt- His ('(demeanor was all ('3defiance- .rew &elt a 61:sliver o& #rea# run #own his s+ine- 5hat i& this ki# #eci#e# not to catch the ball !ust because o& .rew%s ('5affiliation with the 5ashingtonville team$ 5hat i& he trie# to make .rew look ba#$
6E@ sprinted - ran very &ast* usually &or a short #istance 6EA abrupt ; su##en 6EB accelerated ; s+e# u+ 61E momentous ; im+ortant 611 appraising ; !u#ging the worth 616 demeanor ; the way a +erson behaves towar# other 617 defiance ; rebelliousness 61: sliver - thin &ragment or slice 61= affiliation ; social or business relationshi+



Sacked by Emma Harrison

Kun the out route*( Iewinter tol# Ia"arus- Iet%s see how you two work together-( You got it* Coach*( Ia"arus sai#.rew line# u+ with the ball- The coach blew his whistle- .rew%s heart +oun#e# in his ears- He watche# Ia"arus care&ully- He wasn%t as <uick as .irk* but he was taller an# clearly ha# a larger 61?wingspan- All .rew wante# to #o was throw the ball* but he &orce# himsel& to wait* taking ('" uncharacteristically ('#measured ste+s as he #ro++e# back- Ia"arus was !ust ste+s &rom the en# "one when he ma#e his turn* an# .rew let the ball &ly.rew watche#* wi#e,eye#* as it arce# through the air- He coul# &eel Samson Hill%s eyes on him the whole way0lease catch it- 0lease* +lease* +lease catch it* .rew thoughtA#am Ia"arus reache# his arms u+ an# caught the ball easilyYes!( .rew cheere#Yeah* baby!( 9ohn shoute#That%s the way you #o it!( Samson Hill cla++e# his han#s* walking over to .rew- 4ice one*( he sai# ('$amiably* sla++ing .rew on the backThanks*( .rew re+lie# with a ((%benign smile- H& course* insi#e he was both cheering an# !eering like a ma#man5ho%s (('inefficacious now* bitch$ He thought* eyeing Samson u+ an# #own- Su##enly he #i#n%t &in# the guy <uite so intimi#atingCor the (((duration o& the a&ternoon* .rew* Samson* 9ohn* an# Troy> Corinth%s backu+ guy>ran #rill a&ter #rill* while both Iewinter an#
61? wingspan - wings+rea# 61@ uncharacteristically ; unusually 61A measured ; care&ul 61B amiably ; +leasantly 66E benign ; harmless 661 inefficacious ; ine&&ective 666 duration ; time remaining


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.avi#son ke+t a 667keen eye on them- Iewinter s+ent so much time screaming an# shouting at them* .rew was +retty sure the guy was going to bust something* but he &orce# himsel& to (( heed all o& Iewinter%s #irections* +laying the ((5compliant* goo# little sol#ier- /y the en# o& the #ay* .rew was well,verse# in Samson%s game* an# he &elt as i& the #i&&erences between them were ((!negligible- This guy was no &ootball go#- Even his own <uarterbacks coach &rom his own school #i#n%t seem all that im+resse# with him- He%# misse# as many +asses as he%# com+lete#- 'aybe even more than .rew ha# misse#- 5as it +ossible that his talent ha# been overrate#$ The i#ea ma#e .rew (("immoderately ha++y an# con&i#ent as he !ogge# o&& the &iel# at the en# o& the #ay/enson!( Coach .avi#son shoute# as .rew +asse# him byYeah* Coach$( .rew aske#* +ausing to catch his breath.avi#son walke# over to him* glancing +ast both his shoul#ers as i& he #i#n%t want anyone to overhear what he was about to say- He knocke# .rew on the shoul#er with his cli+boar# an# smile# a rare smile4ice 66Ahustle out there to#ay* son- Keally nice work*( .avi#son sai# with a wink.rew grinne# like he%# !ust been han#e# the starting !ob- Thanks* Coach-( A&ter that* nothing* but nothing* coul# diminish his 66Bglee'om* this chicken is (3%impeccable*( .rew sai# as he 671scarfed #own his secon# hel+ing that night667 keen - acute* shar+ 66: heed ; +ay attention to 66= compliant ; obe#ient 66? negligible ; nearly unnoticeable 66@ immoderately ; more so than usual 66A hustle - ra+i# active commotion 66B glee - great merrimentM malicious satis&action 67E impeccable ; &lawless 671 scarfed - eat very <uickly an# gree#ily


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew%s mother laughe# as she +oure# hersel& a &resh glass o& water- %ll tell the +eo+le at /oston 'arket that you think so*( she sai# (3(wrylyAn# %m sure they%# be ha++y to know they ins+ire# you to (33gluttony as well*( his &ather +ut in* watching as .rew +ulle# the bucket o& mashe# +otatoes towar# him.rew &elt a +ang in his heart as he always #i# when his &ather trie# to goad him into an argument* but he let it +ass- He shove# the serving s+oon into the +otatoes* li&te# u+ a huge hel+ing* an# sla++e# it #own on his +late* smiling at his &ather through the whole show- His &ather smirke# in re+ly(3

So* shall we talk about the sub!ect we%ve all been so cautiously avoi#ing$( .rew%s &ather sai#* &ol#ing his &ingers together on the table an# using them to shove his +late back5hat sub!ect is that* &ather$( .rew sai# moment0ractice* son- How #i# +ractice go$ .o &ather aske#(3! (35

facetiously* en!oying the

even want to know$( his

.rew%s stomach turne#* but again* he ignore# it- He was not going to be disheartened by his &ather%s attitu#e- He%# ha# a goo# #ay- A #ay that ha# le&t him with this (3"euphoric &eeling he coul# har#ly control- He wasn%t going to let his &ather* o& all +eo+le* bring him #own9im* #o we really have to talk about this at the table$( .rew%s mother aske#Yes* Claire* think we #o- .i# you take a hit on the hea#* son$ s that why you%re acting like this$( his &ather aske#676 wryly ; humorously* clever 677 gluttony ; overin#ulgence 67: goad ; incite 67= facetiously ; sarcastically 67? disheartened ; ma#e s+iritless 67@ euphoric ; elate#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Yeah* .a#- am !ust that (3#inept*( .rew sai# sarcastically- n &act* #i#n%t even make it to the &iel#- Yeah- tri++e# over 9ason%s helmet in the locker room an# went straight to the hos+ital-( 5ell* i& this is how (3$deferential you were to your coaches* %# be sur+rise# i& you were still on the team*( .rew%s &ather sai#* the color rising in his cheeks- 5hat makes you think it%s a++ro+riate to take that kin# o& tone with your el#ers$ Your brother woul# never>( 4o he woul#n%t* woul# he$( .rew sai#- Trey #oesn%t have a sarcastic bone in his bo#y- /ut you know what else Trey #oesn%t have$ The chance to +ut the great Samson Hill in his +lace- The chance to ( %depose the +rince o& +er&ection-( .rew%s &ather laughe#* which cut .rew to the very core- He #i# everything he coul#* however* not to let his +ain show on his &aceYou- You%re going to win the starting s+ot over Samson Hill*( his &ather sai#* shaking his hea# like he !ust coul#n%t ( 'fathom such a miracle occurring s it that im+ossible to believe* .a#$ can%t even remember the last time you saw me +lay- How is it that you%ve #eci#e# %m so ( (egregiously ine+t at this s+ort without having ever seen me in a game$( .rew #eman#e#Iike %ve always sai#* son* there was no way coul# come to your games- 9F +lays right a&ter school on Cri#ays* when %m at work- 5hat #o you want me to #o* ski+ out on my !ob to come see a game that has no ( 3 consequence anyway$( he aske#* a++arently having no clue how ba#ly his wor#s stung- 4o- %ll come see you +lay when you%re starting 6::varsity*( his
67A inept ; inca+able 67B deferential ; res+ect&ul 6:E depose ; overthrow 6:1 fathom ; imagine 6:6 egregiously ; a+allingly 6:7 consequence ; im+ortance in outcome 6:: varsity - a team re+resenting a college or


Sacked by Emma Harrison

&ather sai# in a ( 5condescending tone)o#* he was an asshole- .rew%s han#s curle# into &ists as he glare# at his &ather- 5ell* why wait* .a#$( .rew sai# ( !defiantly- You #on%t believe have a shot at starting$ 5hy #on%t you come out to +ractice tomorrow an# ( " assess the situation &or yoursel&$( You want me to come to +ractice$( his &ather sai# 6:Adubiously.rew hesitate# &or a s+lit secon#- 5hat was he thinking$ .i# he really want to bring his &ather out an# give him a chance to shout at him an# embarrass him in &ront o& the whole team$ /ut i& +ractice tomorrow goes as well as it #i# to#ay* he%ll have nothing to yell about* .rew thought !ust invite# you* #i#n%t $( he sai#* staring his #a# in the eye- #on%t know how much more ( $incisive can be-( .rew%s &ather stare# back at him- He was clearly sur+rise# by the invitation- 'aybe even a little bit im+resse# by it think it%s a goo# i#ea*( .rew%s mother +i+e# in &inally- 'aybe it will engender some un#erstan#ing between you two- 5hich woul# be nice* &ellas* because * &or one* can%t take another meal like this- mean* some level o& civility at the #inner table woul# be nice-(

Sorry* 'om*( .rew sai# <uickly5hat the heck ha++ene# out on that &iel# to#ay$( his &ather aske#Samson Hill was (5'denigrated*( .rew sai# &irmly- An# ha# a great #ay-(
6:= condescending ; showing su+eriority 6:? defiantly ; challengingly 6:@ assess ; !u#ge 6:A dubiously - in a #oubt&ul manner 6:B incisive ; #irect 6=E engender ; start 6=1 denigrated ; belittle#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

You%re (5(fabricating this*( his &ather sai# with a sco&&- This is some kin# o& !oke to you-( This is no !oke* .a#-( 9ust go* 9im- Iet him .rew%s mother sai#(53

evince whether or not he%s telling the truth*(

think you%re both &orgetting that have work*( his &ather sai#* +ushing back &rom the table an# clearing his +late- He was trying to (5 elude their arguments* .rew reali"e#- The man was scare# that .rew might actually be right- can%t e8actly !ust take a mi##ay (55e&cursion whenever want-( 5hy not$ You are the boss*( .rew%s mother sai#- 5hat%s the +oint o& being the boss i& you can%t take a#vantage o& it sometimes$ t%s !ust one #ay* 9im-( .rew%s #a# #ro++e# his #ishes in the sink an# sighe#- He an# .rew%s mom e8change# a long lookYou know what$ Cine*( he sai# &inally* turning the water on &ull blast will accord you the honor o& my +resence tomorrow* .rew- Iet%s see what you%re ma#e o&-( .rew &elt a &lutter o& nervousness in his chest* but it was <uickly squelched by a sense o& trium+h- Corget Samson Hill- .rew ha# !ust won his &irst ever 6=@standoff with his greatest (5#adversary>his &ather- 4ow i& he coul# !ust +er&orm tomorrow the way he ha# to#ay* maybe he woul# achieve the im+ossible- 'aybe* !ust maybe* he woul# (5$elicit some a++roval &rom the man(5!

6=6 fabricating ; making u+ 6=7 evince ; reveal 6=: elude ; avoi# 6== e&cursion ; tri+ 6=? squelched ; sto++e# 6=@ standoff - re+ulsion 1a success&ul 6=A adversary ; o++onent 6=B elicit ; evoke

#e&ensive stan#3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Samson #ro++e# back to +ass- The lines slamme# into each other* an# out o& nowhere* Clay Carra#ine* All,County linebacker that he was* broke through)et him* Clay! 0lease !ust give me this one thing! .rew urge# silentlyHne small victory in this horri&ic* horri&ic #ayClay reache# out &or Samson%s arm* but Samson (!%evaded the sack an# rolle# out to the right- Clay &ell &lat on his &ace* an# .rew wince#- He coul# +ractically &eel his &ather%s eyes boring holes in the back o& his neck- t ha# been like this all #ay- Samson showing his (!'lithe grace* his (!(innate skill5hile .rew ha# been 6?7sacked* smacke# aroun#* an# generally (! discomfited over an# over an# over again.own&iel#* 9ason threw his han#s u+* waving to Samson that he was o+en- .rew &elt the sting o& betrayal as the ball hit 9ason right in the numbers* an# he ma#e a clean catch- Coul#n%t the guy have at least #ro++e# the ball one time$ He an# .rew ha# only been &rien#s &orever5hat%s with him to#ay$( 9ohn aske#* his uni&orm clean as a whistle ne8t to .rew%s #irt, an# grass,staine# uni- mean* was he !ust (!5 dissembling yester#ay$ s he that (!!mendacious$ mean* clearly the guy is 4CI material-( 5oul# you shut u+$( .rew barke#- You%re not hel+ing-( 9ohn%s &ace went (!"pallid* an# .rew &elt a +ang o& guilt- 9ohn was !ust a ki#- 9ust making conversation with a teammate- t wasn%t his &ault that .rew was hovering on the (!#precipice o& total &ailure over here- t wasn%t his &ault
6?E evaded ; avoi#e# 6?1 lithe ; grace&ully &le8ible 6?6 innate ; inborn 6?7 sacked - +lun#ere# 6?: discomfited ; embarrasse# 6?= dissembling ; hi#ing true a++earance 6?? mendacious ; #ishonest 6?@ pallid ; +ale 6?A precipice ; cli&&%s e#ge


Sacked by Emma Harrison

that .rew%s &ather was watching his (!$ignominious #escent into nothing- The last thing +oor 9ohn 5ashburn #eserve# was .rew%s ire- /ut he coul#n%t hel+ it- He ha# to take this aw&ul* gut,clenching &eeling out on someoneAll right* /enson! You%re u+!( Coach .avi#son shoute#* as Samson got his backsla+s an# congratulations &rom the teamA sick &eeling o& #rea# engul&e# .rew as he re!oine# the line- Their #oubt o& him was ("%pellucid in the way they avoi#e# his ga"e an# talke# with one another as he !oine# them- t ("'impinged on his heart- A++arently* the rest o& the team was slowly coming to the conclusion .rew ha# &eare# all along- That Samson was the man &or the !ob- 4ot that he coul# blame themSamson%s ("(manifold talents ha# really come through to#ay* while .rew ha#n%t been able to accom+lish a thing- An# it wasn%t as i& the team was ("3 inhibiting him in some way- They ha# been +laying their hearts out &or him>es+ecially the 5ashingtonville guys- /ut Samson an# his ES04 abilities ha# gotten un#er his skin- .rew was shaken an# he knew it- An# he ha# no one to (" impute this to but himsel&All right* let%s see you run the same +lay*( Coach .avi#son sai#* sla++ing .rew on the back- Show me something* /enson-( Hkay* Coach*( .rew sai# with a no#His &ingers tremble# as he line# u+ behin# his center an# looke# u+ an# #own the line- He checke# the #e&ense* even though he knew what they were bringing* an# saw all the Corinth guys staring him #own ("5ominously- His heart rate accelerate#You can #o this* .rew- Come on! )et something #one to#ayHe ma#e the mistake o& glancing at his &ather- He was sitting back in his
6?B ignominious ; humiliating 6@E pellucid ; clear* lucci# 6@1 impinged ; enchoache# or in&ringe# 1go against* as o& rules or laws3 6@6 manifold ; #iverse 6@7 inhibiting ; ham+ering 1+reventing the +rogress or &ree movement o&3 6@: impute ; give cre#it &or 6@= ominously ; with menacing &oresha#owing


Sacked by Emma Harrison

bleacher seat* his arms crosse# in !u#gment* staring .rew #own without even the slightest ("!pittance o& ho+e* +ri#e* or encouragement- He looke# like a man who ha# !ust swallowe# an entire lemon in one gul+An# su##enly* .rew hear# a +air o& commentators start u+ a +lay,by, +lay in his min#.rew /enson* who hasn%t been able to #o anything right to#ay* ste+s u+ un#er center*( a guy with a nasal voice sai#Iet%s see i& any o& those abilities he showe# yester#ay were anything but a (""flake - They%ve been all but ("#dormant out there on the &iel# this a&ternoon*( another man a##e#Kea#y! Hike!( .rew shoute#An# he #ro+s back to +ass*( nasal voice sai#- /ut* oh! Here comes the Corinth #e&ense!( .rew saw a huge guy coming at him &rom the right- Some #u#e who was hi#ing a 'ohawk un#er that helmet* but whose name he ha# yet to learnHe looke# #own&iel# #es+erately* !ust ho+ing that someone* anyone* was o+en- /ut there was nothingHe%s in a sai#Throw it! Throw the ball!( his &ather shoute# &rom the stan#sHe can%t throw the ball*( nasal voice sai#- All his men are covere#t%ll be an interce+tion &or sure-( 'ohawk man was still coming at him/e +atient- Koll out- 5ait &or an o+ening* .rew tol# himsel&- /ut he coul#n%t- Those guys were com+letely covere#- 'ohawk was so close he coul# +ractically smell him- n two secon#s* he%# be sacke#- .ro++e# &or a
6@? pittance ; small amount 6@@ flake- someone who shallow* 6@A dormant ; aslee+ 6@B quandary ; +er+le8e# state

quandary- Iet%s see what he #oes ne8t*( the commentator

unreliable* or sel&,center


Sacked by Emma Harrison

loss- Humiliate#- There was nothing .rew coul# #o but runHh* cra+*( he sai# un#er his breath* tucking the ballHe &oun# his huge center with his eyes an# rushe# in behin# him* ho+ing against ho+e that the guy woul# block &or him an# at least get him a &ew yar#s- The center threw one guy asi#e* an# .rew saw his holeAn# the ki#%s got a hole!( the commentator announce# glee&ullyThank )o#! .rew thought* rushing ahea#An# then* out o& nowhere* a lineman came in an# slamme# his helmet right into the ball- .rew &elt the rock sli+ &rom his &ingers as he saile# over the lineman on a crash course with the groun#4o!( .rew shoute#* 6AEbracing &or im+act- He coul# see the ball bouncing along the groun#* !ust out o& reach(#'

Cumble! He lost it! He lost the ball!( nasal voice shoute#- hate to disparage a young ki# like this* but what%s he even #oing out there$(

As .rew watche# hel+lessly* one o& the #e&en#ers &ell on the ball* blocking it &rom anyone else%s gras+- He%# &umble#- He%# turne# the ball over- He%# committe# one o& the worst mistakes a <uarterback coul# makeHe%# ma#e an (#(impetuous #ecision* an# it ha# cost him #early think that%s the #eath (#3knell &or our young .rew /enson%s 6A: fledgling career*( the commentator sai# sa#ly- A&ter this +er&ormance* an# the way Samson Hill +laye# to#ay* he%ll be (#5relegated to secon# string &or sure-( 5hat the hell was that* /enson$( Coach .avi#son shoute#* storming over an# &orcibly yanking .rew u+ by his shoul#er +a#- 5hat the hell are
6AE bracing - +re+are 1onesel&3 &or something 6A1 disparage ; ba#mouth 6A6 impetuous ; thoughtlessly <uick 6A7 knell ; in#ication o& the en# 6A: fledgling - young an# ine8+erience# 6A= relegated ; sent to a lower level

un+leasant or #i&&icult


Sacked by Emma Harrison

you #oing$ 5hat%s the number one most im+ortant thing out here$ 5hat #o always say$( 0rotect the ball* Coach*( .rew sai# (#!moroselyAn# what #i# you !ust #o$( the coach shoute#* all u+ in .rew%s &ace %m sorry* Coach- !ust saw a lane an# > .i# ask &or your e8cuses$!( Coach .avi#son shoute#- 0rotect---- the #amn O-- ball! #on%t care i& you have to take a sack! This is not about you an# your +recious stats- This is about the team! An# guess what* son! You !ust lost your team the game!( .rew%s throat close# over- He knew he was e8+ecte# to say something* but i& he o+ene# his mouth he was either going to choke or cry- 4either o+tion a++eale#)et your ass on the si#eline*( Coach .avi#son sai# #on%t want to see you out here &or the rest o& the #ay-(


Hanging his hea#* .rew !ogge# over to the si#eline- He &elt that his coach%s #is+lay o& anger was a bit (##gratuitous* but there was nothing he coul# #o about it now- He was !ust going to have to swallow it* as aw&ul as it was- Everyone ha# a ba# +ractice every once in a while- .rew knew that- He !ust wishe# it ha# been any #ay but to#ay- Any #ay but the #ay his &ather ha# shown u+Ever so slowly* .rew &orce# himsel& to look u+ at the stan#s- At the very least* he coul# be man enough to take his &ather%s (#$rancor- /ut what he saw there in the bleachers was even worse than he ha# e8+ecte#- His &ather was alrea#y walking away-

6A? morosely ; gloomily 6A@ brusquely ; bluntly 6AA gratuitous ; e8cessive* 6AB rancor ; bitter ill,will


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter ,our .rew #rove aroun# town &or hours* making u+ reasons to avoi# going home- He walke# aroun# the )a+ on the s<uare* checking out their new &all stu&& to see i& there was anything he wante# &or school- He bought himsel& an ice# tea at Starbucks an# hung out talking to Iayla Ii* one o& his classmates who worke# there* &or at least hal& an hour- He even snagge# a news+a+er at the #rugstore an# sat on a +ark bench* rea#ing it &rom cover to coverAnything to ($%deter himsel& &rom returning to his house an# his &ather/ut soon the sun starte# to go #own an# .rew knew he was being fatuous- He was going to have to go home eventually an# &ace his &ather%s ($( invective- All he was #oing was +ost+oning the ($3inevitable- So he screwe# u+ his courage* tosse# his em+ty cu+ an# news+a+er* an# hea#e# &or home($'

5here the hell have you been$( his &ather #eman#e# the moment .rew walke# through the #oor- He was stan#ing right there in the entryway* 6B: poised to 6B=pounce like a #rooling .oberman- Your mother%s been calling your cell +hone ($!incessantly-( Sorry- ha# some erran#s to run*( .rew sai#- He sli++e# +ast his &ather* ste++e# into the kitchen* an# kisse# his mother hello- She shot him a look o& un#erstan#ing an# sym+athy- She knew e8actly why he ha# staye# out so long- So he tol# you* huh$ /et you got a whole catalog o& the many things #i# wrong-( H& course tol# your mother!( .rew%s #a# sai#* han#s on hi+s- She

6BE deter ; kee+ &rom #oing 6B1 fatuous ; &oolish 6B6 invective ; insulting s+eech 6B7 inevitable ; certain 6B: poised - +re+are# 6B= pounce - move #own on as i& 6B? incessantly ; nonsto+

in an attack

Sacked by Emma Harrison

has a right to know how you to#ay-(


abased both me an# your brother out there

.rew &elt the sting o& the insult an# #ro++e# his bag on the &loor with a thu#- 5ow* .a#- That was ($#callous even &or you-( Callous$ Callous$( his &ather ($$reiteratedYeah- How about a little 3%%empathy &or )o#%s sake$( .rew shot backHe yanke# o+en the re&rigerator #oor !ust to give himsel& something to #o- & Trey ha# ha# a ba# +ractice like that* you woul#n%t have starte# 3%'chastising him the secon# he walke# through the #oor-( He has a +oint there* 9im( .rew%s mother observe#Hh* so you%re on his si#e* now$( his &ather #eman#e#- 5ell* %m sorry to have to +oint this out* but see a tiny little &law in your argument* there* son- A wee little 7E6chink in your armor- 5ant to know what it is$( He smile# evilly- Your brother---- woul# never have ha# a +ractice like that in the &irst +lace-( He &inishe# with a wicke# 7E7gleam o& satis&actionHh my )o#!( .rew e8claime#- He grabbe# a bottle o& water an# let the re&rigerator #oor slam- .a#* you are so 3% enamored o& Trey it%s blin#e# you! mean* #o you even hear yoursel&$ You really think that in &our years +laying ball &or 5ashingtonville* he never ha# a ba# +ractice$ You !ust weren%t there to witness it-( 5ell* wish ha#n%t been there to witness this one*( his &ather sai# n one a&ternoon you !ust 3%5effaced any ho+es ha# o& watching another o& my sons lea# his team to glory-(
6B@ abased ; lowere# in esteem 6BA callous ; har#,hearte# 6BB reiterated ; sai# again 7EE empathy ; caring 7E1 chastising ; scol#ing* con#emning 7E6 chink - a narrow o+ening 7E7 gleam - an a++earance o& re&lecte# light 7E: enamored ; in&atuate# 7E= effaced ; ma#e vanish


Sacked by Emma Harrison

9im! That%s enough!( .rew%s mother sna++e#.rew%s !aw clenche#* an# tears &ille# his eyes- How coul# his &ather be such a bastar#$ .i# he really hate .rew so much that he &elt the nee# to 3%! belittle him at every chance he got$ 5hat the hell #i# he get out o& it* anyway$ He &elt a tear start to s+ill over an# he turne# away* leaning his han#s into the counter as he got control o& himsel&- There was no way he was going to give his &ather the satis&action o& seeing him cryIook* .a#* %m sorry i& being there to#ay 3%"aggrieved you so much*( .rew sai# &inally* &irmly- /ut %m #oing what can-( Your brother 3%#consigned this team to you* .rew- 4ot to some 3%$ interloper &rom Corinth High*( his &ather sai#- You have to show them whose team this is- There is no room &or error*( he a##e# 3'%adamantly.rew wishe# there were some way to make his &ather see an# hear how incre#ibly evil he soun#e#- He wishe# he coul# 3''concoct a way to &orce him to un#erstan# how his wor#s an# his o+inions cut right through .rew%s heart an# gut an# ma#e him &eel worthless- /ut a&ter years o& coming in secon# to his brother* he knew that getting through that thick skull was im+ossible- The only way to en# this torture was to say what his &ather wante# to hear5ell* 3'(accede to your !u#gment*( .rew sai#* #rawing himsel& u+- know you #on%t want to believe this* .a#* but it was one ba# +ractice- An# Samson was !ust showing o&&- t was a 717fluke* an# it%s not gonna ha++en again-( ho+e not- /ecause will not 3' abide &ailure in this &amily*( his &ather
7E? belittle ; #iminish in stature 7E@ aggrieved ; u+set 7EA consigned ; gave 7EB interloper ; intru#er 71E adamantly ; strongly 711 concoct ; create 716 accede ; give in 717 fluke - a stroke o& luck 71: abide ; en#ure


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tol# him- t is not an o+tion-( This is my school* .a#- 'y team- 'y time*( .rew sai# 5e%re gonna +ut these guys in their +lace* whatever that 3'5entails-( The angry color &inally #raine# &rom his &ather%s &ace* an# .rew knew that he was out o& the woo#s>&or now- You%# better* ki#*( his #a# sai# calmly- You%# !ust better-( The &irst thing .rew notice# on the &irst #ay o& school was a confluence o& Corinth stu#ents* most wearing blue an# gray varsity !ackets* hanging out in the 3'"arbor near the &ront #oor o& the schoolnstantly* he &elt the hairs on the back o& his neck stan# on en#- The arbor was a grassy area* surroun#e# by thick trees an# #otte# with benches- t ha# been the gi&t o& some ancient senior class* an# everyone !ust sort o& knew that it was an area reserve# &or seniors- As &reshmen* ki#s woul# 3'#scurry +ast the arbor nervously* an# as so+homores an# !uniors they woul# watch in envy* waiting &or their chance to claim the +rimo +re,school s+ot- 4ow* the 3'$ hallowed s+ace ha# been taken over by Corinth be&ore .rew an# his &rien#s ever ha# the chance to occu+y it3'!

.rew storme# +ast the arbor an# !oine# a grou+ o& his &rien#s near the #oor- He coul# tell &rom the 3(%malevolent look on Clay%s &ace that Clay was more than rea#y to throw #own5ho the hell #o these guys think they are$( .rew #eman#e#* casting a furtive glance over his shoul#er- All aroun# him* +acks o& 5ashingtonville stu#ents an# +acks o& Corinth stu#ents eye# one another with curiosity an# #is#ain- The tension in the air was 3((patent3('

71= entails ; involves 71? confluence ; gathering 71@ arbor - a &ramework that su++orts climbing +lants 71A scurry ; scam+er 1move about or +rocee# hurrie#ly3 71B hallowed ; sacre# 76E malevolent ; evil 761 furtive ; secret 766 patent ; obvious


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t%s 3(3larceny* man*( Clay sai#* shi&ting &rom &oot to &oot like a bull about to be release# &rom its +en- The arbor is 3( sacred s+ace- They can%t !ust take it over-( An# check the !ackets*( 'arisa sai# with a 76=sneer- Totally 3(!garish'aybe i& they #i#n%t s+en# so much money on 3("e&traneous +atches* they woul#%ve been able to kee+ their school o+en-( .rew an# the rest o& the grou+ laughe#* an# 'arisa grinne#* ha++y to have lightene# the moo# even slightlyGh* guys$ That%s not the only thing they%ve li&ting his chin3(#

pillaged*( 9ason a##e#*

.rew turne# aroun# to &in# Tamara an# a &ew o& her girl&rien#s* inclu#ing Clay%s girl&rien# Sally* !oining the grou+ in the arbor* greeting the Corinth guys an# intro#ucing themselvesYou%ve gotta be ki##ing me*( .rew sai# through his teeth3($

think it%s time to go over there an# remin# them who en!oys hegemony aroun# here*( Clay sai#* +ressing his &ist into his +alm-

You got that right*( .rew sai#- This is our school- Those are our women- They%re at 5ashingtonville now-( He looke# aroun# at his &rien#s* all business- Iet%s go-( The crew move# as a +ack towar# the arbor* with .rew at the &ore&ront* his han#s clenche# into angry &ists- His heart +oun#e# wil#ly as he a++roache# the 33%obstreperous crow#* but he #i#n%t slow #own- t was

767 larceny ; the&t 76: sacred ; holy 76= sneer - &acial e8+ression o& contem+t 76? garish ; gau#y 1tastelessly showy3 76@ e&traneous ; e8cess* unnee#e# 76A pillaged ; +lun#ere# 76B hegemony ; authority 77E obstreperous ; noisy

or scorn


Sacked by Emma Harrison


imperative that he 33(prescribe the law o& the lan# &or these guys- & he #i#n%t #o it* no one woul#- He li&te# his chin an# trie# to a++ear 333impassiveAll the better &or ma8imum intimi#ationThe grou+ &ell silent as .rew an# his &rien#s arrive#- A#am Ia"arus an# Iance Crowe>aka 'ohawk 'an>turne# aroun# to greet them with 33 inimical e8+ressionsSally!( Clay barke#nstantly* Sally Chou turne# away &rom the Corinth girl she was talking to an# ste++e# right u+ to Clay%s si#e* wra++ing her slim arm aroun# his wi#e 77= girth- Smart girl0roblem* man$( A#am aske# .rew* rolling his shoul#ers back.rew%s !aw almost #ro++e# at the absolute really going to give him attitu#e on his tur&$

impudence- 5as this guy

Yeah* %ve got a +roblem- t%s this*( .rew sai#* &li++ing o+en the &ront o& A#am%s !acket- 5hat the hell are you #oing wearing Corinth colors aroun# here$ You #on%t go to Corinth anymore* man- Corinth #oesn%t e8ist-( The crow# behin# .rew murmure# in a++reciation- A &ew more guys ste++e# u+ behin# Ia"arus an# Crowe- .rew notice# with interest that the 33" garrulous N/ was not* however* +resent- 'aybe Samson like# to come to school 33#fashionably late an# make a su+erstar%s entrance know you #i#n%t !ust touch me*( A#am sai#* staring .rew #ownHh* think #i#*( .rew re+lie#* staring the lanky guy #own771 imperative ; vital 776 prescribe ; #ictate 777 impassive ; e8+ressionless 77: inimical ; hostile 77= girth - #istance aroun# a +ersonJs 77? impudence ; bol# cockiness 77@ garrulous ; chatty 77A fashionably ; stylishly



Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew*( Tamara you #oing$(


interjected* throwing in a nervous laugh- 5hat are

%m !ust trying to talk our new teammates here into having a little school s+irit* that%s all*( .rew re+lie# without even looking at herActually* think you%re !ust being &ractious*( Tamara sai# nervously7:1 3 %

fractious &or the sake o& being

t%s all right* Tamara- 5e got this*( Iance sai#* his voice #ee+ an# rumblingGnbelievable- They were on a &irst,name basis alrea#y$ You wanna back u+ a ste+* N/ two$( Iance sai# with a smirk-

That got a gas+ &rom the crow# an# a laugh &rom the Corinth guys.rew &elt his &ace go hot an# took a ste+ &orwar#- 5hat #i# you !ust call me$( 5ell* you #i# look like kin# o& a 3 (novice #uring those last &ew +ractices*( A#am sai#* smiling- 5e !ust assume#>( You son o& a bitch!( .rew shoute#* +ulling his &ist backTamara screeche#* an# the crow# tense# &or the &irst +unch* but .rew%s arm was su##enly grabbe# in a two,han#e# clench* an# he was yanke# backwar#All right! /reak it u+!( 'r- Kobinson shoute#- He was a math teacher* but &rom his 7:7husky buil# coul# have been a linebacker himsel&- He shove# .rew away &rom the Corinth crow# an# 7::insinuated himsel& between them s this really the way you want to start the year$(

77B interjected ; interru+te# 7:E fractious ; <uarrelsome 7:1 rumbling - a lou# low #ull continuous noise 7:6 novice ; beginner 7:7 husky - muscular an# heavily built 7:: insinuated - intro#uce or insert 1onesel&3 in a

subtle manner


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew straightene# his !acket as he 7:=seethed* staring A#am an# Iance #own over Kobinson%s shoul#er- )o# he woul# give anything to 3 !pummel something right thenIook* guys* know that combining our two stu#ent bo#ies is going to be #i&&icult* but this kin# o& 3 "flagrant misbehavior isn%t going to hel+- t will only 7:Ae&ert a 7:Bpernicious e&&ect*( Kobinson sai#- How about we all go insi#e an# get to homeroom an# cool o&&$( .rew #i#n%t want to be the &irst to back o&&* but he also knew that it was the mature thing to #o- An# i& he #i# the mature thing* maybe Kobinson woul#n%t re+ort his little 35%infraction to the vice +rinci+al* or worse* to Coach .avi#sonCine*( he sai# &inally- He glance# at his &rien#s- Iet%s go* you guys-( Yeah- Come on*( A#am agree#* roun#ing u+ his own grou+.rew shot him one more #eath glare be&ore turning an# hea#ing &or the &ront #oor- His bloo# still +oun#e# in his ears* but he took a &ew #ee+ breaths an# trie# to let it go- He%# have to save it &or the &iel#Assholes*( 9ason sai# un#er his breath as he o+ene# the glass #oor at the to+ o& the stairsTell me about it*( .rew re+lie#- so wish they ha# &oun# some other school to inva#e- woul#n%t min# i& never set eyes on another Corinthian again-( 9ust then* out o& the corner o& his eye* .rew caught a glim+se o& long* re# hair- He +ause# as the single most beauti&ul girl he ha# ever lai# eyes on &loate# towar# the #oor- She was tall an# slim* with skin so +ale it was
7:= seethed - in an agitate# emotional state 7:? pummel ; +oun# 7:@ flagrant ; egregious 1cons+icuously an# 7:A e&ert - +ut to use 7:B pernicious ; harm&ull 7=E infraction ; violation

outrageously ba# or re+rehensible3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

+ractically 35'translucent- Her #ark re# hair was brushe# back &rom her lovely &ace an# hung #own her back in natural waves- She looke# u+ as she gli#e# along* with a small &araway smile on her untouche# li+s- .rew +ut out a han# to sto+ 9ason be&ore he cut her o&& an# hel# him back so she coul# go through- He watche# her the whole way* 35(enthralled9ason whistle# long an# low- 5ell* at least they brought some hot girls with them-( .rew grinne# wol&ishly- always #i# have a hair-( The guys laughe# an# sla++e# han#s as they hea#e# insi#e to start the new school year.rew woul# have given anything to be able to +ut the Corinth +eo+le out o& his min# an# get on with his #ay* but they were !ust everywhere- They crow#e# the halls an# the bathrooms* 35 commandeered all the goo# seats at the back o& every classroom- He woul# have thought they woul# be 355 punctilious an# res+ect&ul* being guests in someone else%s school* but they acte# as i& they owne# the +lace- As the morning wore on* .rew &oun# himsel& 35!ruminating more an# more about what ha# ha++ene# that morning an# wishing that Kobinson ha# at least let him get one goo# +unch in- He ha# to show these +eo+le who was in charge aroun# here- He ha# to &igure out a way* or his senior year was going to be ruine#- All morning long in all o& his classes* he was com+letely obsesse# with the +roblem- There was little else he coul# think aboutThen* on his way to S+anish class* a 35"vicissitude- The re#,hea#e# girl &rom that morning was wan#ering #own the hall* looking lost an# con&use#7=1 translucent ; see,through 7=6 enthralled ; ca+tivate# 7=7 predilection ; +re&erence 7=: commandeered ; took over 7== punctilious ; conscientious 7=? ruminating ; +on#ering 7=@ vicissitude ; change o& events

predilection &or re#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Cor a long moment* .rew stoo# outsi#e his classroom an# watche# her* 35# relishing her beauty- The sunlight streaming through the high win#ows 35$ accentuated the 3!%luminescent glow o& her skin* an# he notice# &or the &irst time that her light +ink sweater was 3!'adorned with tiny s+ecks o& glitter that s+arkle# when she move#- Gn#erneath she wore a #elicate gray to+ an# a long* so&t,looking skirt- 4o one at 5ashingtonville #resse# like this >all sweet an# girly- They were more about the latest tren#s* however severe an# #ownright trashy they might be.rew took a #ee+ breath an# reali"e# that* &or the &irst time all #ay* he #i#n%t &eel angry or heavy or annoye#- 9ust watching this girl ha# 3!(palliated his annoyance- He ha# to meet her- He +ushe# himsel& away &rom the wall an# ste++e# in &ront o& her- She looke# u+ at him* startle#Sorry*( he sai#- !ust---- you looke# lost* an# &igure# that* as a +erson who%s been going to this school &or three years* %# be 3!3remiss i& #i#n%t o&&er to hel+-( The girl !ust stare# at him &or a long moment- .rew starte# to &eel a bit awkwar#- That ha# been a 3! genial enough greeting* ha#n%t it$ He thought he%# #one a goo# !ob o& a++earing 3!5sanguine consi#ering how very clenche# he was &eeling insi#e- 5hat was she* an e8change stu#ent$ .i# she not s+eak English$ Are you okay$( he aske# slowlySlowly* she reache# u+ an# +ulle# a +air o& ear bu#s &rom her ears- Cor a s+lit secon# he hear# the lou# classical music be&ore she reache# into her bag an# turne# o&& her i0o#- .rew laughe#7=A relishing ; thoroughly en!oying 7=B accentuated ; intensi&ie# 7?E luminescent ; as i& giving o&& light 7?1 adorned ; #ecorate# 7?6 palliated ; soothe# 7?7 remiss ; negligent 7?: genial ; &rien#ly 7?= sanguine ; cheer&ul


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Sorry- They were hi##en by your hair*( he sai#She gave him a 3!!perfunctory look an# glance# u+ at the nearest classroom #oor- t was like she was 3!"repulsed by the sight o& him- 5hich* &or some reason* only ma#e .rew want her more- 'aybe she was !ust 3!# diffident- Hr maybe she was intimi#ate# by him- Some girls were* although he never really un#erstoo# it- .rew knew he was okay looking* but it wasn%t like he was Trey or somethingTwo,twelve$( she aske#Hey! That%s where %m going*( .rew sai# with a smile- Iucky me-(

Hkay* %m &lirting as best reciprocation$ .rew thought-

can here- How about a little

/ut she !ust stare# at him 3"%qui--icallyHkay*( .rew sai#* &eeling like a heel- t%s right over here-( He +ointe# out the roomThanks*( she sai# as she sli++e# by him.rew shook his hea#- Ha# he sai# something 3"'profane without reali"ing it$ Ha# he somehow o&&en#e# her$ 5hat was u+ with this girl$ He &ollowe# her into the classroom an# resolve# to give it one last tryHe took the seat ne8t to the one she%# chosen an# leane# across the aisle %m .rew /enson* by the way*( he sai#* ho+ing on some level that she might recogni"e his nameIily 5inters*( she sai# 3"(succinctly* but without warmth* as she +ulle# a notebook out o& her canvas bag7?? perfunctory ; cursory 7?@ repulsed ; re+elle# 7?A diffident ; shy 7?B reciprocation ; e<ual e8change 7@E qui--ically ; curiously 7@1 profane ; obscene 7@6 succinctly ; shar+ly


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.bort! .rew%s inner voice shoute#- She%s totally #u#e- Have some +ri#e-



rebuffing you*

4ice to meet you* Iily*( .rew sai#- 5elcome to 5ashingtonville-( She glance# at him but #i#n%t smile- Thanks-( Then she &ace# &orwar# with a 3"5staid e8+ression as 'r- Trull* the S+anish teacher* close# the #oor.rew%s &ace &ell- 5ell* that was a 3"!scintillating conversation- GnrealHere his women were welcoming the Corinth guys with o+en arms be&ore the &irst bell* an# .rew coul#n%t even get this girl to say more than two wor#s to himAll right* #u#e- Chill- 'aybe she%s 3""somnolent- 'aybe she was nervous about starting a new school an# #i#n%t slee+ all night- Hr maybe she%s !ust not naturally 3"#verbose/ut neither o& these wish&ul 3"$platitudes ma#e him &eel better- This #ay ha# starte# out sucky* an# it ha# !ust gotten suckier- Cor the rest o& the +erio#* .rew sat back in his seat an# 3#%wallowed in his own ba# moo#-

7@7 abort ; sto+ be&ore &inishe# 7@: rebuffing ; re!ecting 7@= staid ; serious 7@? scintillating ; #a""ling 7@@ somnolent ; slee+y 7@A verbose ; talkative 7@B platitudes ; boring remark 7AE wallowed ; remaine# hel+less


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter ,ive .rew arrive# at lunch early- There was no way he was going to let the Corinth guys 3#'usurp his table like they%# taken over the arbor that morning5hen he got there* the only +eo+le in sight were a &ew &reshmen sitting at a table near the wall an# a !anitor wi+ing a s+ot on one o& the +late glass win#ows- .rew walke# over to the senior section* a raise# area all along the sun,streake# win#ows* an# +ut his stu&& #own on a chair at the best table> the table Trey an# the rest o& the senior athletes ha# always use# the year be&ore- Then he took a &ew books out o& his bag an# s+rea# them out at other chairs* !ust to be sa&e- There was no room &or 3#(complacency in the lunch room- This was war.rew walke# u+ to the kitchen to get his lunch>two cheeseburgers* two &ries* an# an ice# tea>then sat back #own to waitCive minutes later* the noise level ha# gone &rom a bu"" to a blowoutGnlike last year* when hal& the tables in the 7A7sprawling ca&eteria ha# been em+ty* every table was &ull with laughing* chatting stu#ents- The 3# decibel level was out o& control- .rew coul# tell that most o& his &ellow stu#ents were en!oying the e8citement* the un&amiliarity o& it all- Gn&ortunately* the 3#5din only 3#!aggravated his alrea#y 3#"frayed nerves5ha##u+* man$( 9ason aske#* nu#ging .rew with his elbow as he sli# into the chair ne8t to hisYou%re in a goo# moo#*( .rew grumble#.u#e* the #ay%s almost hal& over*( 9ason sai# as he shook u+ his ice# tea- Hne #ay o& school #own* only a cou+le hun#re# le&t to go-(
7A1 usurp ; take over 7A6 complacency ; inaction 7A7 sprawling - s+rea#ing out in #i&&erent #irections 7A: decibel ; lou#ness 7A= din ; racket 1a lou# an# #isturbing noise3 7A? aggravated ; ma#e worse 7A@ frayed ; ragge# 1worn away or tattere# along the



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.rew manage# a sco&&- He took a bite o& his burger as he stare# across the senior section at the table Samson an# his &rien#s ha# 3##appropriated &or themselves- & looks coul# kill* every one o& the +eo+le over there woul# have 7AB keeled over- Tamara )lenn was sitting at the en# o& the table* right ne8t to Samson himsel&* tossing her hair an# laughing- Hal& the other girls were over there as well* chatting u+ the enemy- Even 'arisa was stan#ing near the wall* looking u+ at A#am Ia"arus with wi#e* a#miring eyes as i& she were 3$% enchanted by his incre#ible wit- .rew ha# never &elt so betraye#Cra+* they got 'arisa now* too$( Clay sai#* shoving a chair out with his leg an# #ro++ing into it- /y the en# o& the #ay they%re gonna have 3$' e&propriated all our women-( 5hat the hell are they thinking$( .rew sai# through his teethCome on* guys- You know Tamara- She%s a +eo+le +erson*( 9ason sai#* +o++ing a &ry into his mouth- She +robably !ust wants to make them &eel welcome-( .rew watche# as Tamara lai# her han# on Samson%s arm>on the arm o& his Corinth varsity !acket* to be +recise>an# he &elt like hitting something- t wasn%t as i& he wante# Tamara &or himsel& anymore* but he thought they were &rien#s- .i# she have to throw hersel& at the one +erson he 3$( abhorred more than anyone else in the worl#$ This is a Gnless>(

debacle*( Clay sai#* shoving hal& a burger into his mouth-

5hat$( .rew aske#- He sat &orwar#* ho+ing to hear something that woul# 3$ alleviate the gut,clenching anger an# hurt he was su&&ering withClay took a moment to chew an# swallow* which .rew a++reciate#7AA appropriated ; taken over 7AB keeled - walk as i& unable to control oneJs movements 7BE enchanted ; s+ellboun# 1atracte# strongly* as i& with a 7B1 e&propriated ; taken +ossession o& 7B6 abhorred ; hate# 7B7 debacle ; #isaster 7B: alleviate ; lessen



Sacked by Emma Harrison

5ell* maybe Tamara is !ust 3$5feigning her interest in those guys- 'aybe she%s over there s+ying on them &or us-( 9ason laughe#* but .rew looke# over at the table ho+e&ully- Tamara was in the mi##le o& telling some story* an# everyone at the table was com+letely 3$! riveted- Then Samson cracke# u+* an# Tamara threw her hea# back* giggling 3$"gleefully4o- 4ot +ossible- Kemember the s+ring +lay$ )irl%s not that goo# o& an actress*( .rew sai#- He slum+e# back in his chair- /ut %ll bet you a million #ollars it%s all an 3$#affectation on Samson%s +art- He%s !ust trying to +iss me o&&-( 5hy #o you say that$( 9ason aske#/ecause- Iook at him- 5hy +ick Tamara out o& every girl in school$ He must know we went out*( .rew sai#- He%s !ust trying to make me !ealous-( /ut you%re not* right$( 9ason sai#- %Cause you%ve alrea#y move# on to Ke# over there-( .rew%s heart thum+e# e8tra har# as he &ollowe# 9ason%s ga"e- t took him a moment to &in# Iily* because she wasn%t sitting in the senior sectionnstea#* she ha# chosen a small table &or si8 in the mi##le o& the ca&eteriaShe sat 7BBflanked by two em+ty chairs* her hea#+hones on* com+letely %% absorbed in a har#cover book she was rea#ing- A++arently* she was the %' cerebral ty+e- She may have been alone* but she looke# anything but %( forlorn- She looke#* in &act* <uite %3serene an# % content as she munche#
7B= feigning ; &aking 7B? riveted ; &i8e# 7B@ gleefully ; with !oy 7BA affectation ; act 7BB flanked ; in between :EE absorbed ; #ee+ly involve# :E1 cerebral ; brainy :E6 forlorn ; sa# :E7 serene ; +eace&ul :E: content ; satis&ie#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

on her baby carrotsThat girl$( Clay blurte#Yeah- You got a +roblem$( .rew aske#4aw* man- She%s !ust kin# o&

atypical &or you*( Clay re+lie#-

Yeah* well* maybe %m sick o& the ty+ical*( .rew sai#* taking a bite o& his burger- .oesn%t matter anyway* she%s not intereste#-( She shot you #own alrea#y$ /urn!( 9ason shoute#* laughing with his mouth &ull o& &oo#Shut u+* man!( .rew sai#- He &elt his &ace start to heat u+ an# trie# to +ut on a care&ree %!facade- 9ason%s shout ha# #rawn some attention* an# he knew Tamara an# some o& those guys at her table were watchingSorry- Tell us what ha++ene#- Come on* man- 'aybe we can hel+*( 9ason %"cajoled* en!oying this way too much9ust &orget it* all right$( .rew sai# through his teethThey were #e&initely watching now- .e&initely won#ering what ha# .rew so embarrasse# an# what 9ason an# Clay were so amuse# about- This was so wrong- There ha# to be some way to get back at these assholes- Some way to show them that they coul#n%t get away with their stu+i# games9ust then* the #oor to the girl%s bathroom o+ene#* an# out walke# three Corinth High girls- He ha# notice# one o& the girls that morning- She was beauti&ul in a showy way* with long* #ark* glossy hair* lots o& makeu+* an# an out&it worthy o& a 0ussycat .olls vi#eo- She walke# like she owne# the +lace* which on one o& her male counter+arts woul# have annoye# him* but which he kin# o& like# on a girl- She an# her &rien#s starte# to take a %#circuitous route aroun# the tables* hea#ing &or the kitchen* an# .rew &elt an %$inkling
:E= atypical ; out o& the or#inary :E? facade ; &ace* outwar# a++earance :E@ cajoled ; coa8e# 1in&luence or urge :EA circuitous ; roun#about :EB inkling ; hint

by gentle urging* caressing* or &lattering3


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o& an i#ea &orming in his min#- Gn&ortunately* there was no time &or '% deliberation- They were about to :11strut by his tableHn +ure '(compulsion* .rew reache# out an# grabbe# the wrist o& the #ark,haire# girl- Her &ace screwe# u+ in '3e&asperation* but then she took one look at .rew an# settle# into a &lirtatious smirkAn# you%re touching me why$( she aske#Coul#n%t hel+ mysel&*( .rew sai# with a grinThe girl looke# at her &rien#s* an# they all smile#* rolling their eyes %m .rew /enson-( know who you are*( the girl sai#- %m Crystal 'ar8- This is 9ackie an# 9enny*( she sai#* gesturing over her shoul#erHi*( the girls


Hello*( 9ason sai#* sitting u+ straightIa#ies*( Clay a##e# with a no#You%re sitting with us*( .rew sai#* +ulling out a chair &or herCrystal laughe#- Hh* are we$ 5ell then* guess you guys are buying-( She +erche# on the e#ge o& the '5proffered chair* an# her &rien# settle# in aroun# the other guys- 5e%ll all have sala#s an# bagels an# water-( .rew looke# at Clay an# 9ason- You hear# the la#y-( nstantly* his &rien#s !um+e# &rom their chairs- 5e%re on it*( Clay sai#9ason +ut his han#s on .rew%s shoul#ers as he +asse# by an# leane# in- !ust want to say that &ully '!espouse this +lan*( he whis+ere#:1E deliberation ; mulling things over :11 strut - a +rou# sti&& +om+ous gait :16 compulsion ; im+ulse :17 e&asperation ; &rustration :1: chorused ; sai# together :1= proffered ; o&&ere# :1? espouse ; su++ort


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew no##e# in sel&,satis&action* then leane# in towar# Crystal- So---how #o you like 5ashingtonville so &ar$( he aske# smoothlyCrystal grinne# back at him- %m liking it more every secon#-( That%s what wante# to hear-( .rew sat back an# took a si+ o& his ice# tea* taking the o++ortunity to cast a '"surreptitious glance over at Samson Hill%s table- Sure enough* Hill an# his &rien#s were now glaring right at .rewTwo can +lay at this game* .rew thought* as Crystal +ut her han# on his knee an# chattere# away- An# really* it%s !ust way too easy.rew sat un#er the bla"ing sun in the bleachers that a&ternoon* his arm &eeling like a huge #ea# weight a&ter two straight hours o& throwing #rillsHe%# gone through it all with +er&ect '#alacrity* +utting on a +ositive &ace &or the coaches* but the act ha# only ma#e him more tire#- He wishe# .avi#son woul# !ust shut u+ alrea#y an# let them go be&ore he #ie# o& heat e8haustion.i# he really have to go over every last line o& the Athlete%s Co#e o& Con#uct$ t wasn%t as i& they weren%t all going home with a co+y5hy is he rea#ing this to us$( .rew groane# un#er his breath0robably worrie# these guys can%t rea#*( Clay !oke# back.rew laughe#* but when he looke# u+* he saw a &ew o& the guys on the other si#e o& the aisle staring them #own- A++arently* Clay%s whis+er ha#n%t actually been a whis+er- Gna&&ecte#* however* .rew glare# right back- He was so sick o& these guys an# their ba# attitu#es an# their cra++y,ass uni&orms- An# Clay was +robably right on some level- All the 5ashingtonville guys knew the co#e o& con#uct backwar# an# &orwar#Coach ha# +robably calle# this little meeting on behal& o& the newbiesAll right* that%s it*( Coach .avi#son sai# &inally* rolling the +age u+ an# sticking it in his +ocket- Any <uestions$( .rew coul# +ractically &eel the rest o& his teammates #ying to go* but he
:1@ surreptitious ; secretive :1A alacrity ; enthusiasm


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raise# his han# anyway got a <uestion* Coach!( he shoute#There were groans an# grumbles all aroun#- Coach glance# at him* clearly '$hesitant- .rew won#ere# i& he soun#e# as irritate# as he &elt5hat%s u+* /esnon$( Coach aske#5hen are we gonna get these guys some Eagles gear alrea#y$( .rew aske#* gesturing towar# the Corinth section- Everyone%s getting a little sick o& them (%flaunting the blue an# gray everywhere-( There was* +re#ictably* an e8+losion o& !eers an# grumbles &rom the Corinth si#e o& the bleachers as they all took ('e&ception to .rew%s toneEven Coach gave him a ((grave look- .rew cleare# his throat an# sat u+5hat mean to say* Coach* is that having two #i&&erent unis on the &iel# is (3deleterious to our team s+irit*( .rew sai# seriously- think it woul# bene&it all o& us i& we coul# &eel more like one cohesive unit-( /ehin# him* 9ason snickere# into his han#- The Corinth guys weren%t entirely buying it either- A bunch o& them sco&&e# an# gesture# at him in a ( dismissive way5ell +ut* /enson*( Coach sai#* his tone slightly he knew .rew was at least +artially +ulling his leg(5

caustic to show that

Coach* there%s no +oint in us changing out all our gear when no one%s even #eci#e# which mascot an# colors we%re using*( Iance sai#Actually* son* this team is an# will be the 5ashingtonville Eagles*( Coach .avi#son re+lie#:1B hesitant ; uncertain :6E flaunting ; #is+lay +rou#lyM act ostentatiously or +retentiously :61 e&ception ; ob!ection 1with took* take3 :66 grave ; somber 1lacking brightness or colorM #ull3 :67 deleterious ; harm&ul :6: dismissive ; re!ecting :6= caustic ; witty 1combining clever conce+tion an# &acetious e8+ression3


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.rew an# his &rien#s cheere# an# sla++e# han#s as the Corinth guys +roteste# with serious (!ardor>like this was the most ("catastrophic announcement they%# ever hear#- A &ew o& them even stoo# u+* shouting #own angry <uestions- .rew coul#n%t believe they actually &oun# this announcement so (#confounding- How coul# the Corinth guys have thought it woul# be any other way$ Settle #own* settle #own!( Coach .avi#son sai#* waving them backCoach! Coach!( A#am shoute#* stan#ing u+ as the rest o& the guys sat* however ($disconcerted they were- .on%t you think that%s showing a bit o& 3% favoritism towar# your own team$ 5hy shoul# they get to kee+ their mascot an# colors$ t%s not &air-( t%s not &air*( Clay whiny voice3'

mimicked un#er his breath* but in a much more

Yeah- t%s like you%re trying to totally 3(eradicate our team- Hur history*( Iance +ut in- mean* this is a 33colossal insult!( He #i#n%t era#icate anything!( .rew sai#* turning aroun# in his seatThe state #i#- )o#* at least we gave you a school to go to- That shoul# be some 3 consolation-( 5ell gee* thanks* your ma!esty*( Iance shot back- 5e%re so grate&ul that you 35deigned to allow us into your 3!hallowed halls-( There were more grumbles an# shouts* an# this time it took a bit longer
:6? ardor ; +assion :6@ catastrophic ; #isastrous :6A confounding ; +u""ling :6B disconcerted ; unsettle# :7E favoritism ; +artiality :71 mimicked ; imitate# :76 eradicate ; #o away with :77 colossal ; huge :7: consolation ; com&ort :7= deigned ; con#escen#ingly :7? hallowed ; sacre#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

&or Coach .avi#son to <uiet them #own- .rew sat back an# shook his hea#The &act that they were u+set was 3"comprehensible- t was a sucky situation- /ut shoul#n%t they have gotten over this last s+ring$ Com+laining about it now was 3#futileCoach* have something to say*( Samson Hill sai#* stan#ingHh* here we go*( .rew whis+ere# to his &rien#s)o ahea#* Hill*( Coach .avi#son sai# with a weary sigh t%s !ust* A#am is right- 5e%re the ones who ha# to switch schools* an# we%re the ones who have to get busse# all the way out here an# back every #ay*( Samson sai#- t%s not like it was our &ault our school close#- .on%t you think we shoul# get something$( Yeah*( his &rien#s sai#* backing him u+An# when was this #ecision ma#e$ 5hy wasn%t it Samson aske#3$

disclosed to us$(

.rew looke# at his &rien#s- Samson an# the others really ha#n%t known that they ha# no shot at %retaining their mascot an# colors$ He ha# a har# time believing that %m sorry* Hill- The #ecision was ma#e at the school boar# meeting when it was #eci#e# that the schools woul# combine*( Coach .avi#son e8+laine#- t was an o+en 'forum- Anyone coul# have s+oken u+ at that time-( 5ell* no one tol# us that*( Samson +roteste# %m sorry about that* but the school boar# ma#e this #ecision* an# it%s &inal*( Coach .avi#son sai#:7@ comprehensible ; un#erstan#able :7A futile ; in vain :7B disclosed ; reveale# ::E retaining ; hol#ing on to ::1 forum ; meeting


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5e have a very

astute school boar#*( Clay !oke#-

Shut u+* man*( 9ason sai#* clearly &eeling &or the Corinth guys as the truth o& this sunk in- You%re !ust gonna 3e&acerbate the situation-( Iisten* guys- Sure* in hindsight* can say that maybe this was a fallacious #ecision on their +art* but it is what it is*( Coach .avi#son sai#You%re gonna have to give u+ your uni&orms- 5e%ve alrea#y or#ere# new ones &or you* there was !ust a !deferment in the or#er>something to #o with #ye lots or something>so they%re late- Htherwise you woul# have ha# your +ractice set on #ay one-(

can%t believe this*( A#am sai# mumble# aroun# him#


vehemently as the rest o& the team

Iook* %m really sorry you guys #i#n%t know about this &rom the outset*( Coach sai#* li&ting both han#s- /ut we%ve gotta look &orwar#* not back- Iet%s all !ust hit the showers* an# we can start &resh tomorrow* okay$( His wor#s were met with an angry* tense silence- Coach sighe# an# looke# at the groun#* clearly at a loss- .rew ha# never seen this normally $ fromidable man look so small- A++arently this 5%melding o& the two schools wasn%t !ust taking its toll on the stu#entsTeam #ismisse#-( The ne8t #ay* Coach was back in tough &orm an# seeme# #etermine# to erase any memory o& his moment o& weakness the #ay be&ore- A&ter a long an# #eman#ing +ractice* he set the team out on an 5'endurance run*
::6 astute ; smart ::7 e&acerbate ; make worse ::: hindsight ; retros+ect ::= fallacious ; erroneous 1error3 ::? deferment ; #elay ::@ vehemently ; +ower&ully ::A outset ; beginning ::B formidable ; &earsome :=E melding ; mi8ing :=1 endurance ; sustaining stress&ul


Sacked by Emma Harrison

&ollowing the +ath lai# out &or cross,country track meets- The course seeme# 5( interminable- Aroun# each ben# was another long straightaway into the woo#s or through a &iel# or u+ a hill- .rew always &orgot there was so much o+en s+ace aroun# the school until Coach got it in his hea# to sen# the team out on one o& these torture runs- An# he always res+ecte# the cross,country team more a&ter com+leting oneTo#ay was worse than usual* o& course* because .rew ma#e sure to match Samson ste+ &or ste+ on the long run- Together they le# the +ack &or most o& the course an# were yar#s ahea# o& anyone as they came out o& the trees surroun#ing 5ashingtonville Sta#ium an# hea#e# &or the en# "one.rew ha# been 53cogni-ant o& Samson%s breathing &or the +ast &ew minutes* as it grew more an# more labore#- His own chest burne# like a &orest &ire* but he was still &eeling +retty strong- He glance# #own at Samson%s &eet an# notice# that his stri#e was weakening- .rew &elt a &lutter o& ho+e in his chest- He was 5 loath to let this guy beat him at yet another test>es+ecially one that he was clearly so ca+able o& winning- He looke# u+ an# saw Coach .avi#son along with the rest o& the crew* waiting at the en# "one with his sto+ watch- That was all he nee#e#- He turne# on the s+rintSee ya*( he sai# to SamsonAn# !ust like that* he was gone- .rew crosse# the &inish line a goo# twenty secon#s be&ore Hill an# threw his arms u+ as Coach hit the button on his watchEight,thirty,two! 4ice time* /enson- /etter not let Coach Hiller hear about this- He%ll try to steal you away-( .rew no##e#* gas+ing &or breath as he walke# along the track* trying to get his heart rate #own- /y the time Samson !ogge# over to him* heaving like cra"y* .rew was entirely 55composed:=6 interminable ; unen#ing :=7 cogni-ant ; aware :=: loath ; o++ose :== composed ; un#er control


Sacked by Emma Harrison

4ice run* man*( .rew sai#* &eeling


munificent a&ter his win-

Yeah- You too*( Samson re+lie# with a no#.rew walke# over to the water !ug an# &ille# a +lastic cu+ an# then colla+se# onto the groun# as the rest o& the team slowly starte# to make its way over the &inish line- Samson grabbe# himsel& a #rink an# sat #own as well- .rew eye# him with curiosity- 5hat #i# this guy think he was #oing$ .i# he think they were going to be &rien#s now* !ust because .rew ha# sai# one nice thing to him$ Your coach runs a tough +ractice*( Samson sai#* &rom the e<ui+ment bag un#er the bench5"

e&tricating a towel

Always has*( .rew sai#- He%s +retty 5#obdurate* es+ecially when it comes to any sign o& weakness- So i& you #on%t think you can han#le it> Hh* smilecan han#le it*( Samson sai# with a smile- A totally


5ell* goo#-( .rew looke# away- He !ust #i# not get this guy- Hn the &irst #ay o& +ractice he ha# been so sure that Samson woul# be this !%conceited braggart* he ha# assume# that the guy was mocking him by bringing u+ Trey- /ut ever since then* Samson ha# been nothing but su++ortive* !'amicable an# &airEither he was the greatest actor on earth* or he was actually a nice guy with no :?6agendaHr he saw .rew as such a to be col# towar# him:=? munificent ; generous :=@ e&tricating ; &reeing :=A obdurate ; stubborn :=B genuine ; real :?E conceited ; sel&,centere# :?1 amicable ; agreeable :?6 agenda - tem+orally organi"e# :?7 nominal ; insigni&icant

nominal threat he #i#n%t even &eel the nee#

+lan &or matters to be atten#e# to


Sacked by Emma Harrison

So* when we were running the two,minute #rill be&ore* notice# that you have a kin# o& ! tell*( Samson sai# as his breathing returne# to normalHh* no way- There was no way that this guy was going to sit here an# try to give him ti+s- .i# this guy not un#erstan# that he was the !5bane o& .rew%s e8istence$ He coul# think o& no one he woul# less like to take criticism &rom* e8ce+t &or maybe his &ather- .rew crushe# his +lastic cu+ an# hel# it tightly in his &istHh really$ 5hat%s that$( .rew sai#


Samson looke# at him &or a moment* as i& sur+rise# by his tone* but !" gamely continue#5ell* when you come o&& the line you ten# to look right at your inten#e# receiver*( Samson sai#- & the #e&ense is +aying any attention to the turn o& your hea#* they%re going to know where you%re going every time- You shoul# try using your +eri+heral vision a little more- Hr glancing the o++osite way to throw them o&&- t%s an easy &i8-( 5ow- Thanks so much &or sharing your !#e&pertise with me*( .rew sna++e#* shoving himsel& u+ o&& the groun#- #on%t know what %# #o without a !$consummate <uarterback like you aroun# to +oint out my &aults-( .u#e* #on%t take "%umbrage*( Samson sai#* "'hoisting himsel& u+ as well- & you saw something coul# #o better %# want you to tell me toothought there was "(parity between us- Hel+ing each other hel+s the team-(

:?: tell ; sign that reveals a weakness :?= bane ; curse :?? gruffly ; grum+ily 1in an ill,nature# :?@ gamely ; eagerly :?A e&pertise ; skill :?B consummate ; accom+lish :@E umbrage ; o&&ense :@1 hoisting ; li&ting :@6 parity ; e<uality



Sacked by Emma Harrison

He was so "3disingenuous .rew wante# to s+it at his &eet- 4o one coul# +ossibly be this mature an# acce+ting o& the horren#ous situation they were in- He coul#n%t actually want to hel+ the com+etition- 5as he insane$ 5ell* you were wrong*( .rew sai# &inally- There%s no +arity hereAn# your a#vice is " officious* so you can take it an# shove it-( Samson stare# back at .rew* clearly thrown an# "5appalled by his behavior- A &ew o& their teammates ha# starte# to gather aroun# the water !ug* an# he glance# at the au#ience* as i& he was ho+ing that someone there coul# hel+ him out with his ne8t move- /ut no one sai# a thing- Cinally* Samson shrugge#Cine* man- 5hatever*( he sai# with obvious #is#ain- %ll kee+ my mouth shut then-( Cor a s+lit secon#* .rew &elt almost guilty- & the guy really ha# !ust been trying to be nice>however ill,a#vise# his metho#s were>then .rew ha# com+letely crushe# him- /ut Samson coul#n%t really be that "!naive- He coul#n%t actually think that the two o& them coul# ever be &rien#s- An# i& he #i#* then .rew coul#n%t hel+ the guy)oo#*( .rew re+lie#Then he turne# on his heel* grabbe# his helmet an# +a#s &rom the si#elines* an# storme# o&& towar# the school- /e&ore long* he hear# !ogging &ootste+s* an# 9ason caught u+ to him* still +anting5hat the hell* man- .i# you !ust &inish$( .rew sna++e#Yeah- )uess shoul# ""augment my car#io workouts some*( 9ason sai# lightly- So what the hell !ust ha++ene#$ 9ohn 5ashburn sai# you an# Samson ha# a &ight$( You weren%t there$( .rew aske#:@7 disingenuous ; insincere :@: officious ; me##lesome 1intru#e :@= appalled ; horri&ie# :@? naive ; innocent :@@ augment ; enhance

in other +eo+leJs a&&airs or businessM inter&ere unwante#ly3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

4o- 5hat%s u+$( .rew shrugge#* the humiliation washing over him all over again4othing* man- He wante# my hel+ with his timing or something- Total loser-( Yeah- Iike you%re gonna hel+ him*( 9ason sai# with a laugh an# a cough- You guys are totally enemies-( E8actly*( .rew sai#* &eeling slightly better at having someone agree with him- Come on* man- Screw the showers- Iet%s !ust hit Teresa%s- coul# eat a whole +ie on my own-( .u#e* other guys$( am so there*( 9ason sai#- Shoul# we wait &or Clay an# the

4ah- Iet%s !ust go*( .rew sai#- Clay ha# been among the guys who ha# seen what went #own* an# he #i#n%t want to be aroun# anyone who knew what ha# actually ha++ene#- That Samson ha# been "#beneficent enough to try to hel+ his +oor little backu+ an# that .rew ha# taken it like anything but a man- !ust want to get the hell out o& here-(


beneficent ; kin#

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter Si& Sweat +oure# #own .rew%s neck as he &ocuse# on his breathing an# ke+t his &eet as high as he coul#- His eyes &ollowe# Coach Halloran* the o&&ensive coor#inator* as he :@Btrolled the si#elines9ust blow the whistle alrea#y* .rew thought* clenching his &ists- /low the #amn whistle! All aroun# him in their +er&ectly aligne# :AEsquads* guys grunte# an# shoute# in e8treme :A1duress- Halloran ha# woken u+ to#ay with some kin# o& :A6nefarious nee# to torture the team- He%# ha# them #oing the stutter,ste+ #rill &or what &elt like an eternity- Samson was line# u+ #irectly behin# .rew* an# .rew won#ere# how his #3winsome teammate was #oing with this +articular task- He ho+e# the guy woul# +ull somethingt was all their &ault that they were being +ut through this cra+- All Corinth%s &ault- .rew knew Halloran well enough to know that he was making a +oint- He #i#n%t want to hear any li+ &rom the # disgruntled Corinth +layers about something as #5trite as uni&orms* so he was trying to sweat the &ight out o& themAll right! That%s enough!( Coach .avi#son shoute#* !oining HalloranHalloran* &inally* merci&ully* blew his whistle- Every last one o& the guys colla+se# to the groun#- 0ractice ha#n%t even begun yet* an# .rew%s legs were <uivering like his gran#mother%s Easter 9ell,H mol#All right* +eo+le* listen u+!( Coach .avi#son announce#- To#ay an# tomorrow we are going to run nothing but +osition #rills-(
:@B trolled - circulate* move aroun# :AE squads - a coo+erative unit 1es+ecially :A1 duress ; +ressure :A6 nefarious ; evil :A7 winsome ; charming :A: disgruntled ; #issatis&ie# :A= trite ; boring* or#inary

in s+orts3


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The entire s<ua# groane#- .rew shove# himsel& u+ into a seate# +osition an# glance# over at Samson* who ha# his knees u+ an# his &orearms resting over them as he caught his breath- Gnusually #!taciturn* Samson glance# away- That was &ine with .rew- He was #"impenitent about their ## altercation as well- An# the last thing he nee#e# was Samson trying to be all &rien#ly an# un#erstan#ing- Ho+e&ully that +articularly #$cloying si#e o& Samson Hill was gone &or goo#5e will be running these #rills because a&ter +ractice tomorrow inten# to +ost the starting lineu+ &or varsity*( Coach continue#That got everyone%s attention- .rew%s heart #ro++e# as the &iel# &ell silentKight here have a list o& $%criteria by which we will be !u#ging each o& the starters*( Coach .avi#son announce#* hol#ing u+ his cli+boar#- A&ter +ractice to#ay an# tomorrow* all the coaches will $'convene an# make our #ecisions- The +ressure is o&&icially on* gentlemen-( Yeah- Iike it wasn%t be&ore* .rew thoughtEver so slowly* Coach .avi#son ma#e eye contact with each an# every one o& the +layers- .rew &elt his a#renaline surge as Coach &inally hel# his own ga"eIet%s see what you%ve got-( As the a&ternoon wore on* the $(disparity between .rew%s an# Samson%s +laying styles grew more an# more clear- Samson was +atient- He sat in the +ocket an# waite# &or his moves to become clear- As long as he was in the +ocket* he was +er&ect- .i#n%t miss a +ass- /ut when he was &lushe# out* when the blit" was coming* he went #own or threw the ball away nine
:A? taciturn ; <uiet :A@ impenitent ; not sorry :AA altercation ; argument :AB cloying ; overly sweet :BE criteria ; stan#ar#s :B1 convene ; assemble :B6 disparity ; #i&&erence


Sacked by Emma Harrison

times out o& ten- As &ar as .rew coul# see* he ha# no s+ee#- 4o $3de&terityHis arm an# his aim were +er&ect* but he wasn%t the greatest on the :B:flyEvery time Samson was sacke#* .rew &elt the $5accretion o& his own con&i#ence- /ecause no one coul# catch him- He ha# a &abulous $!acumen when it came to #e&enses>was able to rea# them with no +roblem>an# he ha# the s+ee# to esca+e i& his H,line went #own- He gave himsel& an# his receivers e8tra time !ust by being able to scramble out o& the +ocket- An# that time was incre#ibly valuable- 5hen it came right #own to it* he ha# to say* he was a much more $"dynamic <uarterback than Samson Hill- 'aybe not as accurate* but he coul# run with the ball* he coul# +rotect the ball>he ha#n%t &umble# since that aw&ul scene in &ront o& his &ather>an# he coul# manage the game- These were all <ualities a goo# coach looke# &or in a N/All right* guys- 4ice work*( Coach Iewinter sai# a&ter an hour o& +ractice- 4ow let%s have a little &un-( .rew glance# at Samson* whose curious look mirrore# his own- They ha# been e<ually $#aloof to each other all a&ternoon* an# .rew wante# to kick himsel& &or this one secon# o& connection- This guy was the enemy- The enemy- They were not in this togetherCoach! 5e%re rea#y &or you!( Coach Iewinter shoute#Across the &iel#* .avi#son raise# an arm an# blew his whistle* sto++ing all the other #rills in their tracks5hat%s u+* Coach$( Samson aske# &inallyYou%ll see*( Coach Iewinter sai# with an almost sa#istic smile- You boys ste+ to the line*( he sai#* in#icating the &i&ty yar# line.rew%s heart starte# to +oun#- All aroun# him* the rest o& the team was
:B7 de&terity ; agility :B: fly - 1baseball3 a hit that :B= accretion ; increase :B? acumen ; insight :B@ dynamic ; energetic :BA aloof ; remote

&lies u+ in the air


Sacked by Emma Harrison

starting to gather- Coach Iewinter grabbe# two bags o& balls an# create# two +iles in &ront o& Samson an# .rew* $$allocating them each about twenty balls- .rew glance# at 9ason an# Clay as they took their s+ots along the si#elines- They both shrugge#- 4o one seeme# to know what was going on* but the entire team now 5%%circumscribed the +ractice area got a ba# &eeling about this*( Samson sai# un#er his breathYou%re not the only one*( .rew re+lie#Stan#ing there in &ront o& all those +eo+le* .rew #i# a com+lete 1AESu##enly he was grate&ul &or Samson%s +resence- 5hatever this was* it was +robably not going to be +rettyThen* all the way #own at the to+ o& the en# "one* the coaches rolle# out a +air o& receiving #ummies- Hne &or .rew* one &or Samson- Everyone on the si#elines laughe#- .rew* however* &elt the color rise in his &ace- 5hat was this* some kin# o& !oke$ Iang&or#! Carra#ine! )et over here!( Coach .avi#son calle# outClay an# Corinth%s Tank Iang&or#* the two ho++e# to an# !ogge# to the en# "one5%'

behemoths o& the team*

All right* guys* here%s how this is going to work!( Coach Iewinter calle# out- Tank an# Carra#ine over here are going to +ush these #ummies back an# &orth so you guys will have moving targets- You%ll +ass &rom &i&ty yar#s until you com+lete a +ass- Then &orty* then thirty* then twenty an# so on to the ten-( You%ve gotta be ki##ing me*( .rew sai# un#er his breath- His tenuous hol# on his tem+er starte# to sli+- This was so not what he nee#e#This #rill was tailor,ma#e &or a <uarterback like Samson- /ut &or .rew* it woul# be a nightmare5%(

:BB allocating ; #istributing =EE circumscribed ; surroun#e# =E1 behemoths ; giants =E6 tenuous ; weak


Sacked by Emma Harrison

5hoever com+letes &rom each yar# line &irst is the winner*( Coach Iewinter &inishe#5%3

Gh* Coach$( Samson sai# lightly* raising his han#- Any way we can abstain &rom this one$(

Sorry* Hill- You gotta #o what you gotta #o*( Iewinter sai#Everybo#y rea#y$( There was a 5% vociferous roar &rom both si#elines- An# why not$ These guys got to take a break &rom +racticing to watch this ri#iculous si#eshow.rew ste++e# u+ to his +ile o& &ootballs- His heart slamme# aroun# in his chest an# his +alms were slick with sweat- He wi+e# them on his +ants an# looke# over at Samson- The guy looke# as calm as a +u##leHkay* 5%5temperance* .rew tol# himsel&- You can #o this- 9ust concentrate- /e the ball- See it going through the holeNuietly* a chant starte# to go u+ &rom the si#elines- /enson---- /enson - - /enson-----( .rew%s heart &luttere# with +ri#e* an# he looke# aroun# at his teammates- 9ason was obviously lea#ing the chant* an# as more +eo+le !oine# in* the 5%!cadence began to s+ee# u+/enson! /enson! /enson!( .rew grinne#- H& course* the secon# he #i#* the Corinth guys starte# to chant as well- Hill! Hill! Hill!( Soon the &iel# was 5%"engulfed by the warring voicesKea#y!( Coach Iewinter shoute#.rew hel# his breath* an# the whistle blew.rew grabbe# u+ his &irst ball- .own&iel#* Tank shove# the #ummy
=E7 abstain ; with#raw =E: vociferous ; lou# =E= temperance ; sel&,control =E? cadence ; tem+o 1the rate o& =E@ engulfed ; overwhelme#

some re+eating event3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

back an# &orth with <uick* !erking motions- .rew set his &eet* +ulle# back* an# let the ball &ly0lease* )o#---t hit the si#e o& the #ummy* right ne8t to the hole* an# o&&.ammit!( he shoute#am so screwe#- am so* so screwe#! 'y accuracy is &or cra+ t%s okay* man!( someone shoute# &rom the si#elines- )o again!( .rew grabbe# another ball- He trie# to <uiet the negative voices in his hea#>voices that soun#e# so much like his #a#- He gave it an e8tra moment this time* attem+ting to be +atient* which was ne8t to im+ossible with Samson breathing #own his neck- Su##enly* the Corinth guys eru+te# with cheers- Samson ha# ma#e his throw- Cursing un#er his breath* .rew +ulle# back an# let &ly- The secon# the ball le&t his &ingers* he knew there was no way---/ut then* it sli++e# through the hole- The 5ashingtonville guys went nuts- .rew was so stunne# he #i#n%t move &or a goo# secon#- t was a miracle)o* .rew! )et your ass in gear!( 9ason shoute#.rew grabbe# another ball* ran to the &orty* an# let &ly- The ball got nothing but netYes!( .rew cheere#* +um+ing his &ist as he ran back &or a thir# ballHut o& the corner o& his eye* he saw Samson miss a throw- Ceeling 5%$ vindicated* he shoute# a cheer as he grabbe# another ball an# race# to the thirtyTank was sweating an# +anting as he shove# the heavy #ummy back an# &orth- The guy was slowing #own* which 5'%ameliorated .rew%s
=EA ricocheted - move back in a =EB vindicated ; +rove# correct =1E ameliorated ; hel+e#


roughly o++osite #irection a&ter an im+act


Sacked by Emma Harrison

situation* im+roving his chances consi#erably- He took a #ee+ breath as the Corinth guys cheere# &or Samson* an# then he threw the ballt went right in%m on &ire! so have this! .rew thoughtHe s+rinte# back to the +ile* =11relishing his own s+ee#* an# grabbe# his &ourth ball- /ack at the twenty* .rew ma#e another +er&ect +ass- Samson wasn%t even in his line o& visionHne more- .rew ran +ast Samson* who was making a +ass* an# grabbe# another ball- t was a 5'(facile +ass &rom the ten- Tank was barely moving anymore- The +ass went right through the hole* an# .rew thrust his arms in the air in trium+h- The 5ashingtonville guys +oure# in &rom the si#elines an# crow#e# aroun# him* sla++ing him on the back* !um+ing u+ an# #own an# cheering- .rew shoute# an# laughe# an# came #angerously close to cryingHe coul#n%t believe he%# !ust #one that- He%# !ust beaten the great Samson Hill at an accuracy #rill- How was it even +ossible$ You #i# it* man!( 9ason shoute#* hugging him- You !ust what we all alrea#y knew! You%re the <uarterback o& this team!(


/enson! /enson! /enson!( the guys shoute# over the blowing whistles an# the shouts o& the coaches to break it u+- .rew !ust took it all in* 5' savoring his moment- Cor the &irst time since last 'ay* he truly believe# he coul# win this !obTrey* you have no i#ea- t was so ama"ing*( .rew sai# into the +hone that night* +acing back an# &orth at the &oot o& his be#- 4ormally he wasn%t one to 5'5emote* es+ecially when it came to ho+e* but tonight he coul#n%t hel+ it- Honestly* until to#ay think most o& the coaches thought was a
=11 relishing - take +leasure in =16 facile ; easy =17 validated ; con&irme# =1: savoring ; thoroughly en!oying =1= emote ; #is+lay emotion


Sacked by Emma Harrison


travesty o& you* but #on%t know----- seriously might have change# that-(

.u#e- 4o one thought you were a travesty*( Trey sai# with a hint o& amusement in his voice.rew +ause# an# stare# out his win#ow at the glimmering lights along the +athway u+ to his house- 5ell* .a# #i#- .oes- 5hatever*( he sai#* his heart su##enly heavyHh* +lease- You can%t listen to him*( Trey sai#- Iook* know .a# carps about &ootball to you* but think he !ust wants to make sure you%re working as har# as you can-(

5hat makes him think %m not$ That%s what want to know- mean* no o&&ense* but i& you #i#n%t e8ist* woul# have been starting last yearYou%re the only reason wasn%t-( 4o o&&ense taken- totally agree with you*( Trey sai#- .a# !ust has a har#er time seeing the big +icture-( t%s !ust so 5'#e&asperating*( .rew sai#* turning away &rom the win#ow- He crosse# over to his #esk chair an# sat #own an# starte# to s+in himsel&At least he takes an interest in your li&e- 4ot a lot o& guys can say that about their +arents*( Trey sai#.u#e* almost wish he were +eace*( .rew sai#* only hal&,!oking5'$

apathetic- At least then %# get some

All right* let%s get o&& the to+ic o& the 5(%despot*( Trey sai# 5('joviallyHow%s the team #oing in general$ %ve been worrie# about whether the
=1? travesty

; +aro#y 1a com+osition that imitates or misre+resents somebo#yJs style* usually in a humorous way3 =1@ carps ; com+lains =1A e&asperating ; &rustrating =1B apathetic ; unintereste# =6E despot ; tyrant =61 jovially ; warmly

Sacked by Emma Harrison

coaches were going to be able to 5((amalgamate the two teams into one-( Yeah* well* sorry to say can%t 5(3allay that concern*( .rew re+lie#* giving himsel& one last s+in- These Corinth guys have no interest in being 5ashingtonville Eagles-( 5ell* you can%t really blame them*( Trey sai#- They su++orte# their school as =6:peewees* then +laye# &or them &or years* an# now they have to !ust give that all u+- t can%t be easy-(

/ut it%s not like it%s our &ault- They act like the rest o& us are totally anathema to all o& them*( .rew re+lie#Yeah* an# how are you guys treating them$( Trey aske# knowinglyCine*( .rew lie#-

Gh,huh- Somehow #on%t <uite believe that*( Trey 5(!chided- Iook* .rew* you%re gonna have to &in# a way to 5("cleave the two si#es be&ore your &irst game- This team is going nowhere i& it%s at war with itsel&-( How am su++ose# to #o that$ /elieve me* when say there%s no love lost between the two schools* %m telling the truth- There%s a com+lete =6A dearth*( .rew tol# himYou%ll &igure it out* bro- You%re the smart one*( Trey sai#.rew laughe#* en!oying the com+liment- You%re right- am the smart one- So why am always trying to 5($emulate you$(

Search me* #u#e*( Trey sai#- n &act* shoul# +robably go- have to amend this +a+er &or my 5orl# Civ class- & #on%t get it u+ to my
or with something else3

=66 amalgamate ; mel# 1bring or combine together =67 allay ; calm =6: peewees - #is+araging term &or small +eo+le =6= anathema ; something hate# =6? chided ; scol#e# =6@ cleave ; !oin =6A dearth ; lack =6B emulate ; imitate =7E amend ; revise


Sacked by Emma Harrison

+ro&essor%s stan#ar#s* they%re gonna chuck me out o& here be&ore even get a chance to +lay in a game- %ll be looking &or a new 53'vocation in no time-( Come on- Seriously$( .rew sai#- He #oubte# the 53(veracity o& that statement- Everyone knew that athletes>es+ecially ones o& Trey%s 533caliber >got about twenty strikes be&ore they were out- t%s* like* your &irst +a+er-( College isn%t like high school* .rew*( Trey sai# 53 wistfully- mean* knew that was the case* but #i#n%t really think about it- was too busy &ocusing on the &ootball +art* but %ve gotta kee+ my gra#es u+ to kee+ my scholarshi+- Coul# you imagine the &it .a# woul# throw i& got boote#$( .rew coul#n%t imagine it- He coul#n%t imagine his &ather ever saying one negative wor# to or about Trey- Their relationshi+ ha# !ust never been as 535 contentious as the one between .rew an# his &ather- 4ot even close- /ut he #eci#e# to +lay alongYeah* %ll get to work on your 53!elegy*( he !oke#Thanks- 'ake me look goo#*( Trey re+lie#- %ll talk to you later- An# .rew* no matter what ha++ens tomorrow* you%re a kick,ass <uarterback-( Thanks* Trey*( .rew re+lie#- )oo# luck with your +a+er-( Thanks-( .rew hung u+ the +hone an# let his hea# hang back &or a moment* staring u+ at the glow,in,the,#ark gala8y he%# stuck u+ on his ceiling back in secon# gra#e- & only the coaches were in 53"consensus with Trey- Tomorrow coul# be one o& the greatest #ays o& his li&e- He hal&,consi#ere# asking Trey to call them an# talk to them on his behal&- Everyone love# the guy* a&ter all'aybe a remin#er o& how much it woul# mean to Trey i& they let .rew carry
=71 vocation - !ob =76 veracity ; truth =77 caliber ; #egree o& e8cellence =7: wistfully ; with yearning =7= contentious ; touchy 1incline# =7? elegy ; &uneral song/+oem =7@ consensus ; agreement

or showing an inclination to #is+ute or #isagree3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

on his legacy woul# be a goo# thing.rew snickere# at himsel& an# sat &orwar# again- Iike he woul# ever actually #o that- He wasn%t that +athetic- He coul# stan# on his own &eet- He coul# 53#attain his goals without the hel+ o& his brother- He%# #one a great !ob that a&ternoon* an# tomorrow woul# be his 53$coronation as starting <uarterback o& the 5ashingtonville Eaglest ha# to be- t !ust ha# to be.rew sat outsi#e Coach .avi#son%s o&&ice on Cri#ay a&ternoon* &eeling as i& he were on the verge o& 5 %combustion- Coach ha# +oste# the starting 5 ' roster outsi#e the locker room &i&teen minutes be&ore* an# total 5 (mayhem ha# ensue# as everyone shove# an# =:7jostled to the &ront* trying to get a look at the list- The whole team was 5 animated as they congratulate# each other or 5 5commiserated over their &ailures- Their reactions only 5 !compounded .rew%s #es+eration to learn his &ate* but when he%# ma#e it u+ there>about two secon#s ahea# o& Samson>he%# &oun# a note at the very to+ o& the +age that rea#* Nuarterbacks* see me in my o&&ice-( An# so* there he sat all alone* his an8iety mounting with each +assing momentCinally* Samson came aroun# the corner at the en# o& the hallway* his #u&&el bag an# back+ack slung over his shoul#er* an# slowly a++roache#- He sat #own in the chair ne8t to .rew%s an# let out a sighSo* why #o you think he wants to talk to us$( Samson aske# have no i#ea*( .rew re+lie# curtlySamson%s legs bounce# u+ an# #own* an# he shi&te# in his seat- .rew
=7A abstain ; with#raw =7B coronation ; crowning =:E combustion - an act o& burning something =:1 roster ; list =:6 mayhem ; chaos =:7 jostled - make oneJs way by !ostling* +ushing* =:: animated ; lively =:= commiserated ; sym+athi"e# =:? compounded ; a##e# to

or shoving


Sacked by Emma Harrison

&elt like +unching the guy- He was tense enough as it was without Samson acting so e#gy right ne8t to him- This whole thing shoul#n%t have even been ha++ening- This starting +osition was su++ose# to be .rew%s- t was always .rew%s- Gntil Samson an# his teammates #escen#e# on 5ashingtonville like a 5 "blightSamson checke# his watch an# looke# at the close# #oor* the sha#e #rawn over the win#ow that ha# Coach%s name =:Aetched into it5ell* this sucks*( Samson !oke#Cor you* maybe*( .rew sna++e#Samson glare# at him* an# .rew* as always* &elt instant regret* but he #i#n%t have the time to even think about e8+ressing it- At that moment* the #oor o+ene#- .rew an# Samson !um+e# to their &eet)entlemen$( Coach sai#- Come on in-( This was it- The 5 $culmination o& all .rew%s har# work* all his ho+es an# #reams- n &ive minutes* he woul# know his &ate- He ste++e# into the tiny o&&ice ahea# o& Samson* an# as he sat #own in one o& the two chairs across the #esk &rom his coach* he stu#ie# the man%s &amiliar &ace- He trie# as har# as he coul# to 55%construe his e8+ression an# &igure out what he was thinking* but Coach ke+t his eyes turne# #own as he shu&&le# some +a+ers on his #eskHe has to grant me 55'clemency* .rew thought- This is my coach- He%s known me &or years- He%s worke# with me an# my brother &or years- He has a great 55(affinity &or me an# my &amily- An# he knows how much this means to me- He has to give me the !ob- He !ust has toHow are you guys #oing$( Coach aske#* looking u+ &or a s+lit secon#)oo#* Coach*( .rew answere# automatically=:@ blight ; +lague 1e+i#emic #isease with a high =:A etched - carve or cut a #esign or letters into =:B culmination ; conclusion ==E construe ; rea# ==1 clemency ; mercy ==6 affinity ; close connection

#eath rate3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Cine* thanks*( Samson a##e#* clearing his throat5ell* %m going to be as 553concise as +ossible here* guys- 4o 55 florid s+eeches or anything- coul# sit here an# 555e&tol your virtues &or hours>the both o& you>but there%s no +oint in that- know this is a tough situation> it%s been a tough #ecision &or me an# the other coaches>an# as much as %# like to* can%t 55!forestall it any longer- 5e nee# to start +racticing game situations* an# &or that we nee# to know who our starting <uarterback is-(

.rew hel# his breath- His heart constricte# to the +oint o& +ain- His anguish was almost blin#ing0lease say it%s me- 9ust say it- 0lease* +lease* +lease-

He saw himsel& out on the &iel#* his helmet cake# with mu#* rain +ouring #own as he +icke# out his receiver an# ma#e the winning throw- Saw his &ather cheering &or him in the stan#s- The ho+e was almost more than he coul# take0lease !ust say it%s me- 0lease.rew* %m so sorry to have to #o this* son* but Samson is our starter-( The &ilm +laying in .rew%s min# sna++e# with a su##en violence- .rew &elt as i& the entire room ha# !ust colla+se# in on his hea#- His &ingers gri++e# the arms on his chair* the color #raine# &rom his &aceSamson* congratulations*( Coach a##e#Thanks* Coach*( Samson answere#4o*( .rew hear# himsel& say %m sorry* .rew- This is in no way meant to 55#demean your talentsYou%re a great <uarterback*( Coach .avi#son sai#- !ust--- have to #o
==7 concise ; brie& ==: florid ; &ancy === e&tol ; +raise ==? forestall ; #elay ==@ anguish ; +ain ==A demean ; #egra#e


Sacked by Emma Harrison

what%s right &or the team-( 4o* Coach*( .rew sai# +lea#ingly* stan#ing u+- This coul# not be ha++ening- There ha# to be some way to 55$dissuade him- You can%t #o thisYou can%t>( He looke# #own at Samson* who was 5!%studiously avoi#ing his ga"e.rew #i#n%t even know what he was #oing* what he was saying- All he coul# see was Trey celebrating victory a&ter victory- His &ather%s +ri#e whenever he looke# at his brother- All he coul# see were the many #ay#reams .rew ha# &ostere# over the years* o& being carrie# o&& the &iel# by his teammates* o& being awar#e# a scholarshi+ to a goo# school* o& celebrating with his &amily an# having that look o& +ri#e 5!'bestowed on him* go u+ in smoke0lease*( .rew 5!(beseeched his coach- 0lease* Coach- .on%t #o this-( .rew*( Coach sai#* clearly 5! your equanimity* son-(

affronted by .rew%s weakness- 2ee+

Then this man* this 5!5venerated man* looke# at .rew with +ity in his eyes* an# that was all .rew nee#e# to +ush him over the e#ge- His anger was almost 5!!feral- He%# !ust been con#emne# to a li&e live# s<uarely in his brother%s sha#ow- He was never going to get his shot* never going to be able to +rove what he coul# #o- Cor the rest o& his #ays* he was going to have to live 5!"vicariously through Trey- He%# have to sit back an# watch his brother ascen# to new heights while he went nowhereScrew you!( he shoute#* grabbing u+ his stu&&- You an# your i#iot sta&&! You have no i#ea what you%ve #one! 4o clue!(
==B dissuade ; #eter 1turn away =?E studiously ; care&ully =?1 bestowed ; given =?6 beseeched ; +lea#e# =?7 affronted ; insulte# =?: equanimity ; com+osure =?= venerated ; res+ecte# =?? feral ; wil#* animal,like =?@ vicariously ; secon#han#

&rom by +ersuasion3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

/enson!( the coach shoute#* angry now- un#erstan# that you%re u+set* but>( .rew #i#n%t even wait aroun# to hear the rest- He coul#n%t s+en# one more secon# in the same room as Samson Hill* the 5!#epitome o& everything that was wrong in his worl#- He slamme# the #oor as har# as he +ossibly coul#* an# ran-

=?A epitome

; embo#iment

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter Seven This isn%t ha++ening- This is not ha++ening*( .rew 5!$rambled un#er his breath as he #rove his re# Pterra 5"%aimlessly through the streets o& 5ashingtonville- The sun +oure# #own on the 5"'meticulously ke+t yar#s an# the e8+ensive cars +arke# in each an# every #riveway- A cou+le o& mi##le school ki#s tosse# a &ootball outsi#e their house an# laughe#- .rew tense# even &urther* his &ingers gri++ing the steering wheel- Their ha++iness seeme# to mock him- Those ki#s still ha# their whole lives ahea# o& them- There were still en#less +ossibilities o+en &or them- /ut &or .rew* it was over- 9ust like that- Every last #ream* goneHver the years he ha# investe# so much time in #reaming o& the #ay that he%# be out &rom un#er Trey%s sha#ow* =@6gearing himsel& u+ &or his one chance>his chance to show the worl# what he coul# #o- His chance to get recruite# an# earn the accola#es an# be the one in the s+otlight- /ut now it woul# never ha++en- All thanks to SamsonAn# the worst +art about it was his com+lete an# total 5"3impotenceThe lack o& control he ha# over the most im+ortant thing in his li&e- He coul#n%t sto+ Samson an# his bu##ies &rom inva#ing his school- He%# been &orce# to acce+t it- So he%# #one that- He%# sucke# it u+ an# com+ete# &or a !ob that was su++ose# to be his &rom the get go- An# he%# #one his best- He%# le&t everything he ha# out on that &iel# &or the +ast &ew weeks- /ut it ha#n%t been enough- The #ecision* in the en#* was his coach%s #ecision- .rew was +owerless to change itHe !ust coul# not wra+ his brain aroun# Coach .avi#son%s 5" hypocrisyAll .rew ha# hear# &rom the man in the last three years was how there was
=?B rambled ; talk wan#eringly =@E aimlessly ; without #estination =@1 meticulously ; care&ully =@6 gearing - a#!ust gears in or#er to =@7 impotence; hel+lessness =@: hypocrisy ; two,&ace#ness

achieve a #esire# s+ee#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

nothing more im+ortant to him than Eagles &ootball- /ut now* in one &ell =@= swoop* he%# com+letely betraye# the entire Eagles team>han#ing it over to a +ack o& Corinth Iions- How coul# the man live with himsel&$ The Corinth guys were ruining everything his team ha# ever stoo# &or5hy #i# they have to come here$!( .rew sai# through his clenche# teeth as he turne# onto his street- 5hy can%t they !ust go back to their sorry, ass town where they belong$( He +ulle# u+ in &ront o& his house* an# his heart hit the &loor- His &ather%s car was alrea#y in the #riveway- .rew%s +alms starte# to sweatThere was no way he was going in there- He coul#n%t &ace his &ather right now* coul#n%t even begin to conceive o& how he woul# tell him this news- He saw something move at one o& the kitchen win#ows an# slamme# on the gas* his heart +oun#ing- That was going to have to wait- That +articular torture coul# wait all nightCor a long time* .rew !ust #rove without sto++ing- The moment his cell +hone rang* he turne# it o&& an# shove# it into his glove com+artment5ho the hell #o these guys think they are$( .rew sai# to himsel&This was su++ose# to be my year- 'y time- They can%t !ust come in here an# take that away &rom me-( Kight then* a 5"!precipitate i#ea came to min#- .rew knew e8actly what he ha# to #o- At the ne8t light* he hooke# a <uick le&t an# leane# on the gasCi&teen minutes later* he was #riving +ast the =@@hackneyed* ol# street sign that rea# 5elcome to Corinth-( The sun was !ust starting to #i+ below the hori"on when .rew +ulle# into a stri+ mall +arking lot- He le&t his engine running as he !um+e# out o& the car an# grabbe# the +hone book o&& the shel& un#er an ol# +ay +honeHill---- Hill--- Hill---- *( he re+eate# as he ran his &inger along the listings- Iuckily* there was only one Hill in Corinth- He tore the +age right
=@= swoop - a very ra+i# rai# 1a su##en short attack3 =@? precipitate ; su##en =@@ hackneyed - over&amiliar through overuse


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out o& the book an# walke# into the convenience storeE8cuse me$( he aske# the ol#er man behin# the counter- .o you know where Kiver .rive is$( The man gave him a 5"#dubious look- Yeah* ki#- t%s the ne8t le&t*( he sai# +ointing out at the street.rew%s heart lea+t as his a#renaline +um+e# &aster in his veinsThanks-( He turne# aroun# an# shove# his way out into the warm evening airCive minutes later* .rew +ulle# u+ in &ront o& Samson%s house- t was a 5"$ meager cottage,ty+e home* but it was 5#%immaculately clean* an# the yar# was bursting with +lenti&ul &lowers- This town #i#n%t seem to be ri#iculously +oor to .rew- Coul#n%t they have !ust ke+t their #amn school o+en one more year$ .rew kille# the engine an#* &unctioning on +ure 5#'ire an# 5#( vengefulness* storme# u+ the &ront walk- He +oun#e# on the #oor with the si#e o& his &ist got it! got it!( he hear# Samson shout &rom insi#eThe #oor swung o+en* an# there he stoo#- His brown eyes 5#3registered sur+rise- .rew* man- 5hat%re you #oing here$ You wanna come in$( 4o* man*( .rew sai#* his nostrils &laring as he attem+te# to kee+ his breathing even- think you shoul# come out-( Samson%s e8+ression #arkene# as he glance# #own at .rew%s clenche# &istsSamson! 5ho is it$( a woman calle# out &rom insi#e=@A dubious ; <uestioning =@B meager ; small =AE immaculately ; s+otlessly =A1 ire ; anger =A6 vengefulness ; bitterness =A7 registered ; #is+laye#


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9ust a &rien# &rom school* 'om*( Samson sai# #ryly- %ll be right back-( Hkay* but #inner%s in &i&teen minutes!( she calle# back.on%t worry- This won%t take long*( Samson tol# her- He close# the #oor behin# him- So we%re gonna #o this now* huh$( he sai#* crossing his arms over his chestYeah- 5e are*( .rew sai#* backing u+ a &ew ste+sAll he wante# to #o in the worl# was +unch Samson in the &ace- He wante# to see the guy go #own- He wante#* &or once* to &eel like he ha# some kin# o& +ower over his situationYou coul#n%t have +icke# a more 5# opportune time$( Samson aske# casually* like this was !ust a social call- 'y mom an# brothers are right insi#e- 5e%re about to sit #own to #inner* &or )o#%s sake-( care$( .rew sai#So* what are you ho+ing to accom+lish here* man$( Samson aske#* li&ting his shoul#ers- You think kicking my ass is gonna make you &eel better$( t%s a start*( .rew sai#You have no clue what you%re #oing* /enson*( Samson sai#* stan#ing in the center o& his yar#Hh* #on%t$( .rew =A=spat* his anger growingIet%s say we #o get into it- Iet%s say we beat the cra+ out o& each other right here an# now*( Samson sai#- How%re you going to e8+lain it to coach$ How%re you going to !usti&y the &act that we%re all bruise# u+ with* what* broken &ingers an# s+raine# wrists an# whatever else$ You think that%s really gonna win you +oints$ You think us killing each other is really gonna 5#! integrate our team$(
=A: opportune ; a++ro+riate =A= spat - utter with anger or =A? integrate ; combine


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#on%t give a cra+ about integrating the team!( .rew shoute#- You came in an# took my team away &rom me! So what the hell #o care what ha++ens now$( Samson +ulle# his &ace back as i& he%# !ust been sla++e#- He looke# at .rew like he was out o& his min#You have no i#ea what you #i# to me when you trans&erre#- You have no &reaking clue*( .rew continue#* +acing in &ront o& him- 'y brother is a &ootball 5#"prodigy- have live# every single #ay o& my li&e 5##overshadowed by his +er&ection- An# the only way have gotten through the +ast seventeen years>the only way have been able to +reserve even the tiniest ho+e* was knowing that one #ay he woul# gra#uate an# the team woul# be mine- That one #ay woul# have my shot- /ut no- 4o! nstea#* you !ust walt" right in an# take over- Thanks to you* have nothing!( .rew glare# at Samson* waiting &or all this to sink in* waiting &or him to gras+ the #e+th o& #isa++ointment that .rew was #ealing with- 5aiting &or even the slightest 5#$remorseful res+onse- /ut instea#* Samson smirke#5ow* man- How very she# a tear &or you$(

prosaic- 0oor little rich boy- You want me to

.rew clenche# his teeth* shaking his hea#- This guy ha# no i#ea who he was #ealing with- swear to you man>( You think wante# your stu+i#,ass team$ You think like this situation$( Samson shoute#- woul# love to know where your close# little min# comes u+ with these 5$'notions o& yours- Are you really that 5$(ineffably stu+i#$( 5hat #i# you !ust say to me$( .rew aske#* a#vancing a ste+=A@ prodigy ; +henomenon =AA overshadowed ; #war&e# =AB remorseful ; regret&ul =BE prosaic ; #ull =B1 notions ; i#eas =B6 ineffably ; uns+eakably

1make a++ear small by com+arison3


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Samson #i#n%t even &linch- Come on* man! t%s not like wante# to come to your #amn school! .o you reali"e what this is like &or me$ ha# to start at a whole new school my senior year- ha# to give u+ my ol# team* my colors- ha# to swallow my +ri#e an# go to +lay &or our rivals! An# every single #ay walk through those #oors got +eo+le looking at me like %m a 5$3 pariah* when use# to be the school hero- /ut oh yeah- This was all a 5$ machination on my +art- coul#n%t wait to get to 5ashingtonville an# take over your +recious team*( he &inishe# sarcastically.rew%s min# &elt su##enly =B=hollow- He o+ene# his mouth to res+on#* but he%# been 5$!rendered 5$"inarticulate- The truth was he%# never really seen it that way* never really trie# to look at the situation &rom Samson%s +oint o& viewClearly* coming here tonight ha# been a ma!or 5$#indiscretion- t ha#n%t ma#e him &eel any better- & anything* he &elt worse- His a#renaline rush starte# to =BBwane* an# he looke# at the groun# t%s a !%%heinous situation* man*( Samson sai# &inally* <uietly- /ut we%re both in it-( .rew shook his hea#- 4o matter what Samson sai#* .rew still coul#n%t see the two o& them as being on an even keel- Samson still ha# a &uture* he was still getting every single thing that .rew ha# ever wante#* an# .rew was still screwe#- There wasn%t even a !%'remote similarity between their con#itionsYeah* well* at least you%re gonna +lay in college* Hill*( he sai# sorrow&ully- He li&te# his &ace an# looke# Samson in the eye- %m not even
=B7 pariah ; outcast =B: machination ; +lot =B= hollow - without value* signi&icance =B? rendered ; ma#e =B@ inarticulate ; s+eechless =BA indiscretion ; mistake =BB wane - become smaller ?EE heinous ; monstrous ?E1 remote ; #istant

or +oint


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gonna +lay in high school-( An# with that* with his entire li&e re#uce# to that one sorry statement o& &act* he turne# aroun# an# walke# back to his carHh* what>are you ki##ing me$!( Coach .avi#son roare# &rom the si#elines on 'on#ay a&ternoon- cannot !%(recall a more sorry showing by a grou+ o& receivers in my li&e! 5hat is wrong with you +eo+le to#ay!$( Tossing a ball back an# &orth on the track with 9ohn 5ashburn* .rew coul# barely !%3repress a laugh- All a&ternoon he%# been working out the secon#,stringers* but they were currently on a break while the &irst,string o&&ense +ractice# against the &irst,string .- Samson ha# been throwing +asses &or two &ull hours* but he was only com+leting about 6= +ercent o& those +asses- His accuracy with the Corinth guys wasn%t hal& ba#- /ut with the 5ashingtonville guys he was somehow having less success0ossibly because all the 5ashingtonville guys ha# sworn their allegiance to .rew be&ore +ractice an# ha# s+ent the whole #ay making !% imperceptible shi&ts to their s+rints an# routes* !ust to throw Samson o&&Kun it again!( Coach screame#* looking like he was about to burst a bloo# vesselThis is ri#iculous*( one o& the secon#,string guys &rom Corinth sai# to a &rien#- Coul# it be any more obvious what they%re #oing$( A#am an# Iance are gonna go o&& at the Corinthian tonight*( the ki# re+lie#4o #oubt- t%s gonna be even worse than last week-( .rew glance# at 9ohn* curious- 5hat were these two morons talking about$ .i# the Corinth guys have weekly meetings to #iscuss their scorn &or their 5ashingtonville teammates$ An# why ha#n%t .rew thought o& that$ Hut on the &iel#* Samson was attem+ting to talk to .irk- .irk was
?E6 recall ; remember ?E7 repress ; hol# back ?E: imperceptible ; barely


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bol#ly ignoring him sai# run it again!( Coach shoute#The guys line# u+* but Samson was shaking his hea# in &rustrationStill* he #i# as he was tol#- The center hike# the ball- Samson #ro++e# backHe ?E=lobbed a +er&ectly arcing +ass to .irk>an# the ball bounce# right o&& .irk%s han#s.irk! 5hat the hell$! This is +athetic! You coul# catch that ball with your eyes close#!( Coach shoute#- 5hat%s the +roblem to#ay$( The +roblem is your <uarterback is his breath!%!

incompetent*( .rew sai# un#er

A &ew o& the 5ashingtonville guys on the si#elines laughe# this timeThey coul#n%t hel+ it- The #ay was getting long* an# they%# been hol#ing back &orever- Coach whirle# on them* his eyes a&lame* an# slowly* reali"ation #awne# on his &ace- )laring #irectly at .rew* he li&te# his whistle an# blewHar#Team! )et your asses to the &i&ty!( he screame#- That means all o& you!( This shoul# be interesting*( .rew sai# un#er his breath to 9ohn as they !ogge# to the center o& the &iel#/etter stay a sa&e #istance*( 9ohn re+lie#* hol#ing his helmet by the grill- He e8+lo#es an# we coul# all be !%#propelled right into ne8t season-(

.rew #i# his best to hi#e his smile as they !oine# the rest o& the team* who* &or the &irst time all year* were all wearing the re# an# white- The +ractice uni&orms ha# &inally arrive#* an# the Corinth guys ha# been &orce# to give u+ their ol# colors be&ore +ractice>&inally- Although not one o& them
?E= lobbed - 0ro+el 1cause# to move ?E? incompetent ; useless ?E@ grill - a &ramework o& metal bars ?EA propelled ; +ushe#

&orwar# with &orce3 in a high arc use# as a +artition or a grate


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ha# been ha++y about it- As the team gathere#* the &irst,stringers were all out o& breath* sweat +ouring #own &rom their tem+les an# soaking the collars o& their mostly new shirts- .rew crosse# his arms over his chest* eyeing them with envy- 5hat he woul#n%t give to be hal& #ea# right then- To be +art o& that starting unitTake a knee*( Coach or#ere#The team #ro++e# as one* leaning on their helmets- The rest o& the coaching sta&& gathere# aroun# Coach .avi#son5ell* men* we are o&& to an !%$inauspicious start here* must say*( Coach sai# strolling along the &ront o& the grou+- am !ust !'%mystified by your +er&ormance to#ay*( he continue#* in a #ramatic tone that tol# them all he knew e8actly what was going on- )uys who coul# catch a @:@ last week seem to be a&rai# o& a har# +ass to#ay- Your routes are all o&&- Your s+ee# is lacking- To what coul# we +ossibly !''attribute these strange !'(anomalies$( He looke# the s<ua# over with his Samson$ You got any clue$( 5hat about you* /enson$( he aske# %m !ust secon# string* coach*( .rew re+lie#* earning a roun# o& chuckles &rom his &rien#sCoach narrowe# his eyes- He stoo# be&ore them an# crosse# his arms over his chest* #rawing himsel& u+ in a way that ma#e him a++ear somehow larger than li&e5ell* let me e8+lain something to you gentlemen*( he sai#- There is absolutely no way this team is going to rise to any level o& !' prominence in
?EB inauspicious ; unim+ressive ?1E mystified ; bewil#ere# ?11 attribute ; #esignate ?16 anomalies ; irregularities ?17 discerning ; shrew# 1shar+* smart3 ?1: prominence ; #istinction

discerning eye- Anyone$

Samson cast a si#elong glance at .rew- 4o* Coach-(


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this league i& this kin# o& !'5buffoonery continues- That is nothing but an !'! immutable &act!( he shoute#- 4ow i& you all think that this school has to have a &ootball team* then you are o+erating un#er a grave !'" misconception-( A bunch o& the guys laughe# an# starte# !awing at that one.o look like %m ki##ing$!( Coach ?1Ablared* silencing them.rew swallowe# har#- Coach ha# to be !'$jesting- There was no way the school boar# wante# to !(%dissolve the varsity &ootball team- t was a com+letely !('irrational i#ea- The +rogram was the +ri#e o& the school* o& the whole #amn townCoach* you can%t be serious*( Clay sai# bravely/elieve me* ki#- %m not ki##ing*( Coach .avi#son sai#- The +ossibility has alrea#y been #iscusse# by the school boar#- An# right now* %m not all that !((optimistic about our chances- This team is su++ose# to be the +ri#e o& this school- You%re su++ose# to !(3engender school s+irit* not hel+ !( rend the +lace right #own the mi##le- The last thing the school boar# wants is &or you guys to become a !(5detriment to the school%s ?6?integration& that ha++ens* then all we are is a mockery o& what we use# to be-( .rew looke# over at 9ason* who was hanging his hea#- This was very not goo#?1= buffoonery ; clowning ?1? immutable ; unchangeable ?1@ misconception ; #elusion ?1A blared - make a stri#ent soun# ?1B jesting ; !oking ?6E dissolve ; break u+ ?61 irrational ; &oolish ?66 optimistic ; ho+e&ul ?67 engender ; start ?6: rend - tear or be torn violently ?6= detriment ; something harm&ul ?6? integration ; combination


Sacked by Emma Harrison

& you guys #on%t suck it u+ an# get your act together* i& you #on%t restore some +ri#e to yourselves an# your team* there will be no !(# salvaging this season*( Coach continue#* !($unrelenting- An# trust me* i& you seniors #on%t +lay this year* you won%t be !3%reaping the rewar#s you%ve been e8+ecting- 5e%re talking no scouts* no scholarshi+s* no nothing-(

.rew automatically* Samson glare# right back-


ine&plicably* looke# over at Samson* an#

4ow am not going to s+en# my season !3(mediating between two grou+s o& overgrown chil#ren with egos the si"e o& my /uick!( Coach .avi#son continue#- That is !ust a waste o& my time! .o you want to waste my time$( 4o* Coach*( the team answere# hal&,hearte#ly s that really all you%ve got!$( he shoute#4o* Coach!( the re+lie#* a bit more lou#lyCoach .avi#son%s &ace was line# with e8haustion an# #isa++ointmentYou know what$ You aren%t even worth !33impugning &urther*( he sai#* waving a han#- )et the hell out o& my sight-( .rew%s heart was in his throat- There was still an hour le&t o& +ractice4obo#y move# a muscle5hat are you>#ea& now too$( he shoute#- sai# get the hell out o& my sight!( A bunch o& the guys !um+e# u+* an# .rew &ollowe# slowly- He ha# never hear# o& Coach calling a +ractice early- Gsually* Coach was
?6@ restore ; reestablish ?6A salvaging ; saving ?6B unrelenting ; unceasing ?7E reaping ; gathering ?71 ine&plicably - in an une8+laine# ?76 mediating ; reconciling ?77 impugning ; verbally attacking

or une8+lainable manner


Sacked by Emma Harrison


ine&orable about his +unishments- They inclu#e# more +hysical torture* not lessHe must be really +isse#*( 9ason sai# un#er his breathYou use this !35reprieve to think about what you want out o& this season*( Coach calle# a&ter them as they ?7?trudged as a grou+ towar# school- ha# better see some !3"penitent &aces on this &iel# come tomorrow!( 4o ki##ing*( .rew sai#He an# his &rien#s glare# at Samson an# his +ack o& &ollowers as they storme# by* all stone,&ace# an# in#ignant- As i& .rew%s &rien#s were the cause o& all thisThis is !ust +er&ect- Thanks to these assholes we might not even have a team anymore*( Clay sai#5hat the hell are we gonna #o* /enson$( 9ohn aske#.rew clenche# his !aw* &eeling a rush o& +ri#e- They were still looking to him to lea#* even a&ter everything that ha# ha++ene#- Even a&ter his own coach ha# stri++e# away that right5e%re gonna start &ighting back*( he sai#That night* .rew #rove aroun# 5ashingtonville on a mission- He ha# calle# Clay an# .irk* two guys with more school s+irit than anyone he knew* an# in&orme# them o& his +lan* knowing &ull well that they were !ust reckless enough to +artici+ate- Then he ha# calle# 9ason as well* but with his best &rien# he hel# back on the #etails- 9ason ha# always been a bit more !3# prudent than the rest o& .rew%s &rien#s* an# he ha# a &eeling that i& 9ay knew the truth he%# beg out?7: ine&orable ; relentless 1a#amant3 ?7= reprieve ; +ar#on ?7? trudged - walk heavily an# &irmly* ?7@ penitent ; regret&ul ?7A prudent ; care&ul

as when weary* or through mu#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

5hen he +ulle# u+ in &ront o& 9ason%s house with Clay an# .irk kicke# back in his backseat* 9ason was waiting on the &ront ste+ in his varsity !acket.u#e! Come on! Iet%s get this +arty starte#!( .irk shoute# out the win#ow- 9ason !um+e# u+ with a grin an# !ogge# over* more than rea#y to !oin in the !3$merriment- He o+ene# the si#e #oor an# #ro++e# into the +assenger seat* reaching &or the seat belt5hat%s u+* guys$ 5here%re we going$ %m starve#*( 9ason sai#- 'y mom is making meatloa& in there* an# it was all coul# #o to kee+ &rom scar&ing the whole thing #own-( .rew caught Clay%s glance in the rearview mirror* an# they both laughe#You are such a mama%s boy* 9ay!( Clay crie#* bringing his huge han# #own on 9ason%s shoul#erYeah* yeah*( 9ason sai#* blushing as .rew +eele# out- So where #o you want to go$ Chili%s$ 'c'urray%s$ coul# go &or a burger>( Actually* %ve alrea#y ! %predetermined our #estination*( .rew sai# as he ma#e a right at the en# o& 9ason%s streetHh yeah$( 9ason aske# cluelessly- 5here%re we going$( 5e%re checking out a new +lace*( .irk sai# &rom the backseat- t%s calle# - - - the Corinthian .iner-( As Clay an# .irk ?:1cackled an# sla++e# han#s* .rew looke# at 9ason out o& the corner o& his eye- 9ason%s &ace ha# lost all colorThe Corinthian .iner*( 9ason re+eate# &latly- sn%t that where all the guys &rom Corinth hang out$( .on%t worry* man*( Clay sai# as he cracke# each knuckle one by one hear they%ve com+letely ! (refurbished it- t%s less o& a hellhole now-(
?7B merriment ; &un ?:E predetermined ; arrange# ?:1 cackled - emit a lou#* un+leasant ?:6 refurbished ; renovate#

kin# o& laughing


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Yeah- t%s !ust a hole*( .irk !oke#* which #ouble# Clay over9ason shook his hea# an# stare# out the win#ow* his !aw set- #on%t believe this- This was your +lan &rom the beginning* wasn%t it$( he sai# to .rew- You tricke# me into coming on this suici#e mission-( You make it soun# so ! 3insidious*( .rew re+lie#* clucking his tongue t%s not a suici#e mission-( Hh* so you #on%t think we%re gonna walk in there an# get our asses kicke#*( 9ason re+lie#The guys in the backseat cracke# u+ laughing all over again- .u#e)row some balls!( Clay shoute#.on%t worry* 'ary- 5e%ll +rotect you*( .irk a##e#* reaching over the back o& his seat to ru&&le his hair #on%t nee# you to +rotect me*( 9ason re+lie#* shoving .irk%s han# away- !ust want to know what* e8actly* the ! objective is here- 5hat are you ho+ing to accom+lish by stri#ing into the mi##le o& their sacre# groun#$( !ust want them to see how it &eels* that%s all*( .rew sai#* his gri+ on the steering wheel tightening- They were !ust +assing the town line an# entering Corinth- There was no turning back now- They%re the ones who set the ! 5precedent- 5e%re !ust returning the &avor-( An# has it totally esca+e# your attention that those guys #i#n%t want to inva#e our s+ace$( 9ason +ointe# out* turning his +alms u+ in his la+- .on%t you think it%s a little ! !indecorous to !ust try to take over theirs$( .rew%s skin &elt tight- He coul# &eel 9ason staring him #own* but he chose to ignore the semi,#ecent +oint he ma#e.u#e* why #i# we +ick this guy u+$( .irk aske#*
?:7 insidious ; sinister ?:: objective ; goal ?:= precedent ; stan#ar# ?:? indecorous ; ru#e ?:@ miffed ; annoye#
! "

miffed- He sat


Sacked by Emma Harrison

back in his seat an# crosse# his arms over his chest- You%re !ust bringing me #own* man-( 5ell* a+ologi"e &or trying to be the voice o& reason*( 9ason re+lie#Here%s some reason &or you* Einstein- t%s a &ree country- There%s no statue against guys &rom 5ashingtonville eating at #iners in Corinth*( Clay sai#* his eyes &lashing with anger- 9ust like there%s no statute against the #amn state o+ening u+ our school to whatever losers they want us to take in-(
! #

There it is!( Clay announce#* leaning &orwar# againG+ ahea# on the &our,lane roa#* the neon Corinthian .iner sign was illuminated against the ra+i#ly #arkening sky- .rew%s heart +oun#e# swi&tly against his ribcage* &eeling much like it #i# right be&ore every 9F game he%# +laye# in the last two years- He knew this &eeling- Kelishe# it- He was ?=Eprimed &or battle! $

.rew +ulle# into the +arking lot* a !5'hodgepodge o& ol#er* bruise# an# battere# vehicles* an# starte# searching &or a s+ace- A &amily o& &our stare# at his car as it rolle# by- .rew su++ose# his bran# new re# PTerra wasn%t e8actly !5(inconspicuous among the use# autos that ?=7prevailedHh )o#- They%re all staring at us*( 9ason sai#* glancing u+ at the #iner win#ows- Sure enough* a #o"en curious &aces looke# #own &rom booths> some o& which .rew recogni"e# &rom school>scrutini"ing .rew%s ri#e- He &i8e# his eyes straight ahea#* trying to look una&&ecte# an# &ailing miserablyThere%s no way they%re gonna even let us in there-( You really think they%re gonna +rohibit us$( Clay aske#- 5hat* #o they have ?=:bouncers at the #iners on this si#e o& the tracks$(
?:A statute ; rule ?:B illuminated ; lit u+ ?=E primed - on the +oint o& or strongly #is+ose# ?=1 hodgepodge ; !umble ?=6 inconspicuous ; har# to notice ?=7 prevailed - be larger in number* <uantity* +ower* status or im+ortance ?=: bouncers - a +erson whose #uty is to throw troublemakers out o& a bar

or +ublic


Sacked by Emma Harrison

5e can still bail* man*( 9ason sai#* ignoring Clay4o we can%t*( .rew sai#- Es+ecially not i& they%ve seen us-( .rew &inally +ulle# into a s+ot an# kille# the engine- He was shaking a bit as he got out o& the car* but he ignore# it- He re&use# to look u+ at the win#ows again- There was no way he was giving those guys the +leasure o& seeing him sweatIet%s #o this*( he sai#* once everyone was out o& the car.rew le# his +ack o& !55peers over to the &ront #oor- He #rew himsel& u+ to his &ull height as he walke# insi#e* s<uaring his shoul#ers an# li&ting his chin- The atmos+here in the #iner was !5!conivial- Iots o& chatter an# laughter an# clanging o& +lates- The only area o& the restaurant that ha# &allen silent was the back corner* where it seeme# every singly guy &rom the Corinth &ootball team sat at &ive smaller tables +ushe# together- Aroun# them were another hal& #o"en tables o& girls an# guys .rew ha# seen aroun# school- All tol#* .rew an# his &rien#s were +robably outnumbere# si8 or seven to one- /a# enough o##s to !5"repel anyone with a brain an# sen# them right back out the #oor- A#am Ia"arus* Iance Crowe* an# Samson Hill all stoo# u+* looking like an !5#indomitable wall o& humanity- Cor the &irst time* .rew was overcome by a !5$momentary lack o& con&i#ence about this +lanThen Clay brought his han# #own on .rew%s shoul#er* an# he remembere#> he ha# his own in#omitable wall o& humanity with him- Samson%s &rien#s were !!%inconsequential ne8t to Clay an# .irk- Ho+e&ullyCan ---- uh--- hel+ you$( a mi##le,age# woman aske#* coming out &rom behin# the registerYes* +lease- 5oul# you min# !!'procuring a table &or us$( .rew aske#
?== peers ; com+anions ?=? convivial ; &rien#ly ?=@ repel ; kee+ away ?=A indomitable ; uncon<uerable ?=B momentary ; brie& ??E inconsequential ; irrelevant ??1 procuring ; obtaining


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+olitelyAre you sure$( the woman aske#* glancing over her shoul#er at the Corinth guys* who were now whis+ering to one another- )ra#ually* all the other Corinth +eo+le were taking notice* turning to stareGnless we nee#e# to reserve something ahea# o& time*( Clay +ut in* with a smirk in his voiceThe woman shot him a look- She was not amuse#- She grabbe# &our +lastic menus out o& a basket- Kight this way-( As .rew took his seat in the vinyl booth* the &amily across the way eye# him an# his &rien#s like they were an !!(aberration* sitting there in their 5ashingtonville !ackets in the mi##le o& Corinth- .rew &elt that unmistakable thrill o& victory* along with a si""le o& what was to come- The !!3infiltration was com+lete* but the real &un was !ust about to start-

??6 aberration ; abnormality ??7 infiltration ; +enetration


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Chapter /ight .rew &eigne# interest in the stan#ar# #iner menu as the !! boisterous atmos+here returne# to the #iner- He coul# &eel the guys &rom Corinth staring him #own &rom the o++osite si#e o& the room>coul# +ractically hear them +lotting their ne8t moves>an# won#ere# when they were going to get this thing starte# alrea#ySo* what looks goo# to you guys$( .rew aske# lou#ly4othing- This +lace is a voice??=

dive* man*( .irk re+lie# in a



9ason hung his hea#* which !ust irritate# .rew- He ha# known that 9ason woul#n%t love being +ulle# into this without his knowle#ge* but he ha# assume# that once he was in* he woul# have .rew%s back- nstea#* he was sitting there looking guilty as sin- The last thing he wante# Samson an# his +als to know was that one o& .rew%s right,han# men was actually a !!" dissenter to this whole +lan.rew was !ust about to say something to 9ason when he saw Samson make his move out o& the corner o& his eye- He walke# away &rom the rest o& his &rien#s* making !!#placating han# motions like he was telling a bunch o& ??B rabid #ogs to stay- As he hea#e# #own the aisle between booths towar# .rew* .rew warne# his &rien#sHere it comes*( he sai# through his teethThey all struck +oses o& com+lete innocence as Samson &inally arrive#5hat are you #oing here* man$( Samson aske#* crossing his arms over his Corinth !acket??: boisterous ; energetic ??= dive - a chea+ #isre+utable nightclub or #ance hall ??? booming - lou#* resonant an# +ower&ul ??@ dissenter ; one who is against ??A placating ; soothing ??B rabid - marke# by e8cessive enthusiasm &or an# intense

#evotion to a cause or i#ea


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)etting something to eat*( .rew re+lie# !"%nonchalantly- Actually* the !"'confections in the case over there look sim+ly !"(scrumptious*( he !oke#* li&ting his chin towar# the glass #essert case- 5hat #o you recommen#$( recommen# you get u+ outta that seat an# walk your ass out the #oor be&ore you get yoursel& kille#*( Samson sai# !"3acerbicallyClay an# .irk snorte#- 9ason shi&te# his seat* ?@:slumping an# bringing his han# u+ to his &orehea# like he was won#ering how he%# gotten there.rew sim+ly stare# u+ at Samson5ow- 5hat ha++ene# to the always !"5cordial an# !"!conciliatory Samson Hill %ve grown to know an# love$( .rew aske# sarcastically am being cor#ial*( Samson re+lie#- Trust me* man- You #on%t want to be here right now-( .rew glance# +ast Samson at the back o& the restaurant- There were more guys stan#ing now* !""glowering in his #irection- Samson #i# have a +oint- & this went #own the way he knew it woul#* he was going to en# u+ !"# pulveri-ed- /ut backing #own now woul# be even worse- /acking #own now woul# make him a cowar#5ell* you make a think we%ll stay-(

compelling argument*( .rew sai# &inally- /ut

4o one wants you here* man*( Samson sai# lou#ly* causing the noise level in the #iner to #im slightly?@E nonchalantly ; casually ?@1 confections ; sweets ?@6 scrumptious ; #elicious ?@7 acerbically ; harshly ?@: slumping - &all or sink heavily ?@= cordial ; &rien#ly ?@? conciliatory ; +eace,making ?@@ glowering ; scowling 1sullen or un&rien#ly in a++earance3 ?@A pulveri-ed ; crushe# ?@B compelling - ten#ing to +ersua#e by &orce&ulness o& argument


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have to #isagree with you there* Samson!( Crystal 'ar8 ?AEsauntered u+ behin# Samson an# sat #own ne8t to .rew* !#'bra-enly li&ting her leg an# hooking it over his* since there technically wasn%t room &or her on the small bench with him an# 9ason- .rew nearly !#(balked at the totally #aring an# ina++ro+riate move but manage# to kee+ a straight &ace- !#30emure* Crystal was not* an# to#ay it serve# his +ur+oses- He wante# to antagoni-e these guys* an# &rom the su##en murmur in the back o& the room* he coul# tell that her move ha# #one !ust thatHow you #oing* .rew$( She aske#* throwing her arm aroun# his shoul#er to better get her balance- 5elcome to Corinth-( /ehin# Samson* .rew saw the !# colossus that was Tank Iang&or# rise out o& his chair &or the &irst time- His e8+ression was beyon# !#5belligerent.rew swallowe# back a su##en lum+ in his throat but ke+t right on with his +lanThanks* Crystal- At least someone aroun# here is he sai#* smiling u+ at Samson!#!


Yeah* well* Crystal%s never been known &or her !#"discretion*( Samson sai#* his e8+ression #arkening* as Tank slowly walke# u+ behin# himCrystal laughe# an# rolle# her eyes- Huch- That hurt*( she sai# &latly* making it clear that it #i#n%t hurt at allCrystal*( Tank sai#* his voice guys-(

rumbling- )et away &rom these

.rew glance# across the table at Clay* who raise# his eyebrows with
?AE sauntered - walk leisurely an# with no a++arent aim ?A1 bra-enly ; brashly ?A6 balked ; sto++e# ?A7 demure ; shy ?A: colossus ; giant ?A= belligerent ; aggressive ?A? accommodating ; acce+ting ?A@ discretion ; tact 1consi#eration in #ealing with others an# avoi#ing ?AA rumbling - continuous &ull an# low,+itche# throbbing soun#

giving o&&ense3


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interestCrystal laughe#* clearly loving the attention- 5hat are you a&rai# they%re gonna #o* Tank$ !#$.bduct me an# take me o&& to live in some ivory tower in 5ashingtonville$ 5ell %ve got news- t%s not a crime i& go willingly*( she sai#* reaching #own to s<uee"e .rew%s knee* which almost ma#e him !um+Tank%s eyes narrowe#- sai# get your ass o&& that boy%s la+-( Tank* we broke u+* remember$( Crystal sai#* running her &ingers u+ into .rew%s hair on the back o& his hea#- can sit my ass wherever want to-( )et u+ right now*( Tank #eman#e#.rew%s heart starte# to +oun# ?BEanew- Crystal was all ?B1defiance4o-( )et u+!( Tank shoute#* grabbing &or her armCrystal !um+e# o&& the vinyl seat an# ?B6wrenched hersel& away &rom Tank- Su##enly .rew &oun# himsel& stan#ing as well* getting between her an# her aggressor* whose nickname was well #eserve#- He ha# two inches on .rew>who was one o& the tallest guys he knew>an# was about as broa# as a bus #on%t know about you* man* but where %m &rom we #on%t treat girls that way*( .rew s+at* looking Tank u+ an# #own with !$3antipathyThen you #on%t even want to know how treat +unks who get in my way*( Tank sai#* ste++ing right u+ to .rew- Clay an# .irk shove# themselves out o& the booth as a bunch o& guys &rom the back o& the #iner rushe# &orwar#- A &ew chairs to++le# along their way* an# a glass shattere#
?AB abduct ; ki#na+ ?BE anew - again but in a new or #i&&erent way ?B1 defiance - intentionally contem+tuous behavior or attitu#e ?B6 wrenched - twist or +ull violently or su##enly* es+ecially so

as to remove 1something3 &rom

that to which it is attache# ?B7 antipathy ; hostility


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somewhere- Even 9ason attem+te# to get u+* but coul#n%t* since .rew an# Tank were blocking his way out o& the booth- He en#e# u+ hal& kneeling on the bench* his &ists clenche#Hey! Hey! Hey!( An ol#er man in a button,#own sweater an# slacks came running over an# got in behin# .rew- He was clearly the manager o& the +lace an# was obviously scare# out o& his min#- & you ki#s are gonna continue to !$ accost each other* %# rather you take it outsi#e be&ore things get out o& han# an# you com+letely !$5deface my business-( .rew stare# Tank town* his nostrils &laring as his breathing came har# an# &ast- He looke# aroun# at the &amilies in the nearby tables>at a cou+le o& little girls looking timi#ly u+ at them- The last thing he wante# to #o was !$! capitulate* but he #i#n%t want anyone else to get hurt either- /esi#es* in the +arking lot there were &ewer +otential wea+ons lying aroun#- 4o &orks* knives* glasses* +lates* ketchu+ bottles- Coul# be better &or everyoneCine*( .rew sai# &inally- Iet%s take this outsi#e-( He turne# aroun# to hea# &or the #oor* an# someone shove# him in the back with two han#s- .rew%s stomach ?B@swooped as he &lew &orwar# an# !ust ha# time to brace his han#s against the &loor be&ore his knees slamme# #own on the !$#linoleum- There was a huge ?BBruckus behin# him* an# by the time he ha# shove# himsel& to his &eet* the entire #iner ha# #escen#e# into chaosThe innocent bystan#ers &lew in all #irections* looking &or a sa&e route to the #oor- Cists &lew* !aws cracke#* someone ha# their &ingers gri++e# aroun# 9ason%s &ace an# was shoving him to the groun#That was all .rew nee#e# to see to
?B: accost ; assault ?B= deface ; ruin ?B? capitulate ; give in ?B@ swooped - move #own on as i& in an attack ?BA linoleum - a &loor covering ?BB ruckus - an act o& making a noisy #isturbance @EE spur - incite or stimulate

spur him into action* an# he


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threw himsel& into the "%'melee- All aroun# .rew* +lates crashe#* curses were &lung* guys shoute# out in +ain- Kan#om bo#y +arts hit him in the !aw* the neck* the stomach- /e&ore long* Tank &oun# him in the mess* yanking him o&& o& A#am Ia"arus* who ha# +inne# 9ason to the &loor- .rew #i#n%t even have time to react be&ore Tank%s huge oven @E6mitt o& a &ist came #own right across his &ace- His eye +o++e#* like it was coming right out o& its socket* an# bloo# @E7 spurted &rom his nose- .rew @E:reeled aroun# an# +unche# at ran#om* somehow lan#ing a soli# right hook across Tank%s &ace* but then someone else grabbe# him aroun# the neck an# #ragge# him away* choking &or air.rew grabbe# behin# his hea#* trying to get a hol# o& whoever ha# a hol# o& him* his legs "%5flailing &or +urchase- He saw a co&&ee mug on a table as he was being haule# by an# gro+e# &or it* then slamme# it back into the si#e o& the guy%s hea#- The guy groane# an# let him go- .rew gas+e# &or breath as he hit the &loor- 5hen he turne# aroun# he saw Samson Hill hol#ing his skull with both han#s5hat is the matter with you* man$( Samson #eman#e#* checking his han# &or bloo# an# &in#ing none- .o you have some "%!aversion to logic$( .rew reache# out an# shove# him backwar#* where Samson slamme# into the counter- The mi##le,age# woman* crouching behin# it* screame#Iet%s #o this!( .rew shoute#* his a#renaline taking overSamson glare# at him- Cine- & this is what you really want* then &ine-( He yanke# his !acket o&& an# threw it on the counter- Iet%s see what you%ve got-( .rew hate# him &or his total calm an#



Seething* he grabbe#

@E1 melee ; brawl 1a noisy &ight in a crow#3 @E6 mitt - the han#wear use# by &iel#ers in +laying baseball @E7 spurted - gushe# &orth in a su##en stream or !et @E: reeled - revolve# <uickly an# re+eate#ly aroun# oneJs own @E= flailing ; thrashing 1beat har#3 @E? aversion ; #islike @E@ poise ; com+osure @EA seething ; raging internally



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hol# o& Samson%s sweatshirt with his le&t han# while +ulling back with his right- This was it- He was &inally going to get a chance to show this guy what he was ma#e o&- His &ist came &orwar# an# met the si#e o& Samson%s !aw with a satis&ying crackAn# at that moment* a #o"en Corinth co+s rushe# the #inerHow am su++ose# to get my car$( .rew #eman#e# &rom the back o& the +olice cruiser as it ma#e its way back towar# 5ashingtonville- He +ulle# the +iece o& bloo#y @EBgau-e away &rom his nose an# checke# it* trying to "'% discern whether he was still blee#ing- The stain looke# ol#>#ark an# stale- 4o &resh re# in sight'aybe you shoul# have thought about that be&ore you came over to Corinth to start trouble*( the short* @11squat o&&icer behin# the wheel suggeste#You #o reali"e those guys are going to "'(defile my car*( .rew sai#* sitting &orwar#- He shove# the use# gau"e in his +ocket* &iguring this guy woul#n%t e8actly con#one littering in his vehicle- They%ve +robably alrea#y taken a baseball bat to the hea#lights- They +robably starte# in on it the secon# you guys were gone-( 'y "'3condolences*( the co+ sai# with a laugh.rew%s &ace turne# beet re#- 5hat the hell kin# o& co+ are you$( he s+atThe kin# that #oesn%t a++reciate being talke# back to by a s+oile# brat who cause# a huge &ight that ha# to break u+ when was right in the mi##le o& my meatball sub*( the co+ re+lie#* meeting .rew%s ga"e in the rearview mirror- 4ow suggest you sit back be&ore #eci#e you #eserve more than a "' censure &or tonight-(
@EB gau-e - bleache# cotton cloth @1E discern ; #etermine @11 squat - sit on oneJs heels @16 defile ; van#ali"e @17 condolences ; sym+athies @1: censure ; scol#ing

o& +lain weave use# &or ban#ages an# #ressings


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Cinally* .rew #i# as he was tol#- 4e8t to .rew* 9ason let out a despondent sigh* staring out the win#ow in an "'!abject +ose as the street lights &lashe# by- He ha# a nasty,looking bruise &orming aroun# his right eye an# a scratch that ran &rom his chin all the way u+ to his ear- .rew hal& wante# to a+ologi"e* hal& wante# to @1@throttle the ki#- .i#n%t he reali"e that tonight ha# to ha++en$ 5ho care# i& they were all "'#battered an# bruise#$ They ha# to go over to Corinth an# show those guys that they weren%t going to !ust back #own- .i#n%t 9ason have any +ri#e$

Gnbelievable*( .rew sai# un#er his breath- These guys are totally biase#- They grabbe# all o& us at the #iner an# totally gave the Corinth guys time to "'$disperse- 4ow he%s treating me like this is all my &ault-( 9ason looke# over at .rew* his e8+ression "(%incredulous5hat!$( .rew blurte#.u#e* this is all your &ault- You%re the one who thought it woul# be such a &abulous i#ea to go over there*( 9ason "('admonished- 'y mom thought was going out &or a burger with my &rien#s* an# now she%s gonna look out the win#ow an# see me getting #ragge# home by the co+s- .o you have any i#ea the level o& @66hissy fit she%s going to throw$( Hey* am not totally "(3culpable &or what went #own tonight*( .rew re+lie#- 5e coul# have !ust walke# in there* ha# some &oo#* an# le&tThey%re the one%s that got all u+ in our &aces-( Yeah* an# you weren%t at all thinking that us walking in to their hangout woul# ins+ire an "( adverse reaction &rom Samson an# those guys*(
@1= despondent ; ho+eless @1? abject ; misreable @1@ throttle - kill by s<uee"ing the throat @1A battered ; beat u+ @1B disperse ; scatter @6E incredulous ; #isbelieving @61 admonished ; scol#e# @66 hissy fit - a chil#ish tem+er tantrum @67 culpable ; to blame @6: adverse ; un&avorable

o& so as to cut o&& the air


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9ason sai#- 0lease* .rew- Everyone in this car knows why you really went over there-( .u#e* shut u+*( .rew sai# un#er his breath* his eyes #arting towar# the co+- His hea# was +oun#ing* an# the +ain was not at all "(5abated by 9ason%s little "(!tiradeHe%s not going to arrest you- He alrea#y tol# us all we were only getting a warning*( 9ason sai# as the co+ chuckle# un#er his breath- !ust #on%t want to sit here anymore an# +reten# like we #on%t all know what%s going on- You have a #eath wish* man*( 9ason tol# .rew* his green eyes &lashing.rew%s !aw #ro++e#- #o not!( Yeah* you #o- /ut #on%t- So %# a++reciate it i&* ne8t time you #eci#e to throw yoursel& to the wolves* you #on%t take me with you*( 9ason sai#The co+ +ulle# u+ in &ront o& 9ason%s house an# +ut the car in +arkThis it$( he aske#Yeah* this is it*( 9ason sai# with a sigh- He reache# &or the #oor han#le* but there was none- He shot .rew one* last* annoye# look as the co+ got out to set him &reeThanks*( he sai# to the o&&icerSoun#s like you shoul# maybe be more "("canny about whom you choose to hang out with in the &uture*( the co+ tol# himHe%s a goo# guy*( 9ason sai# so +isse# o&&-(

diplomatically- t%s not his &ault he%s

.rew%s &ingers curle# into &ists as the co+ laughe#- He coul#n%t believe his best &rien# was talking about him like he wasn%t even there- 4ormally he
@6= abated ; sto++e# @6? tirade ; angry rant @6@ canny ; care&ul @6A diplomatically ; tact&ully


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was a big &an o& 9ason%s "($candor* but !ust then he wishe# he coul# knock the guy%s mouth o&&The o&&icer got back in behin# the wheel- .rew clenche# his !aw* his +ulse racing &aster an# &aster the closer they got to his house- 'aybe his +arents woul#n%t see the +olice car +ull u+- 'aybe he coul# !ust "3%disavow the whole thing- /ut even i& he coul# get insi#e the house without inci#ent* his #a# woul# notice that his car was missing in the morning- Gnless he coul# sneak out be&ore his #a# an# maybe get a ri#e back to Corinth to get his carThen he coul# !ust say he went out early to work out- Yeah- That coul# workThat wasn%t a ba# +lan at all---/ut when the house &inally came into view* he &elt like two tiny @71vices were "3(compressing his hea# &rom either si#e- His mother an# &ather were alrea#y waiting at the living room win#ow- Either .irk%s or 9ason%s +arents ha# alrea#y calle# them- This was not going to be +rettyAll right* ki#- Here we go*( the co+ sai#* sto++ing the car- 4ow %# like to kin#ly ask you to "33eschew all &uture &iel# tri+s to my humble town5e #on%t want an "3 encore o& what ha++ene# tonight- %Cause ne8t time* you won%t be getting !ust a warning-( He got out o& the car an# came aroun# to o+en .rew%s #oor- .rew +ut his &eet out on the @7=curb* but hesitate#- His +arents were at the #oor nowHis mother looke# concerne#- His &ather was all ire5hat%s the matter$ Aren%t you ha++y to be home$( the co+ aske# with a laugh in his voice-

@6B candor ; honesty @7E disavow ; #eny @71 vices - hol#ing #evices

attache# to a workbenchM has two !aws to hol# work+iece &irmly in

@76 compressing ; s<uee"ing @77 eschew ; avoi# @7: encore ; re+eat @7= curb - an e#ge between a si#ewalk

an# a roa#way consisting o& a line o& curbstones


Sacked by Emma Harrison

@7?/cstatic*( .rew re+lie# sarcasticallyHe got out an#* a&ter trying to level the co+ with a glare an# getting nothing but a !olly wave in return* hea#e# across the lawn5hat the hell is the matter with you* .rew!$( his &ather greete# himHis mother grabbe# his &ace with both han#s to check the #amage %m &ine* .a#* thanks &or asking*( .rew sai# &latly* &reeing himsel& &rom his mom an# walking right +ast him an# into the house really want to know what you think you were #oing!( his &ather shoute#* slamming the #oor behin# him- )oing over to Corinth to +ick a &ight$ n all the years your brother +laye# in rivalry games with the high security an# the "3"taunting an# the threats* he never once #i# anything so #ownright "3#disaffected an# stu+i# as>( Something insi#e o& .rew sna++e#- The "3$cumulative e&&ect o& years an# years o& being negatively com+are# to his brother &inally broke the thin +rotective wall aroun# his heart- An# he let it &lyH& course he #i#n%t!( .rew shoute#* @:Ewhirling on his &ather- His mother &linche# backwar#* nearly taking out a +riceless vase* but .rew coul#n%t sto+ himsel& even &or her- H& course the " 'e&alted Trey /enson was never <uite as #umb an# " (pugilistic an# talentless as am! 5ell here%s some news &or you* .a#- %m not Trey!( he screame#* &eeling as i& every vein in his bo#y were s+litting o+en- An# am sick an# tire# o& being com+are# to himam not Trey* an# will never be Trey! /ut get the message* all right$ #oTrey is the one that you want- An# am the " 3antithesis o& every single thing the gol#en boy stan#s &or- So &ine- You #on%t give a cra+ about me* then why
@7? ecstatic ; over!oye# @7@ taunting ; !eering @7A disaffected ; rebellious @7B cumulative ; swelling @:E whirling - &ly aroun# @:1 e&alted ; illustrious 1wi#ely @:6 pugilistic ; ten#ing to &ight @:7 antithesis ; o++osite

known an# esteeme#3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

#on%t you !ust leave meOthe hellOalone!$( 5ith that* .rew turne# his back on his stunne# +arents an# storme# u+stairs to his room.rew rose early on a clou#y* " drab Tues#ay morning* e8hauste# an# &eeling as i& he weighe# two thousan# +oun#s- He #ragge# himsel& into the bathroom an# looke# at his " 5disheveled a++earance in the mirror- There was a bruise on his cheekbone that overnight ha# #arkene# into a nice +ur+le* an# the cut near his eye was cake# with #rie# bloo#- /racing himsel& &or an un+leasant e8+erience* .rew got in the shower- The cut stung like ma# when the sham+oo hit it* an# his elbow an# shoul#er ra#iate# +ain every time he move#- Cor the &irst time since losing his starting s+ot to Samson* he &elt lucky to be a secon#,stringer- There was no way he coul# throw a ball with this arm* let alone hun#re#s o& them- A&ter #ressing care&ully* .rew snuck #ownstairs* wincing with every creak o& the boar#s un#er his &eet- He +ause# in the @:?foyer- He coul# hear his &ather getting rea#y in his be#room at the back o& the house- 0er&ect- .rew grabbe# his keys o&& the table near the #oor an# walke# out* closing the #oor behin# him with an almost " "inaudible clickCree#om- .rew took a #ee+ breath o& the cool* moist* morning air an# turne# aroun#- He coul# not wait to get behin# the wheel o& his truck an# go/ut the moment he saw the " #configuration o& cars in the #riveway* he sto++e#- Iast night* a&ter letting him cool o&& &or an hour* his mother ha# knocke# on his #oor an# suggeste# they go +ick u+ the PTerra* which .rew ha# been more than ha++y to #o- 5hen they%# gotten home* .rew ha# +arke# his car behin# his mother%s* as always* with his &ather%s ne8t to his mom%s/ut now* his car was in the &ront s+ot with both his +arents% cars +arke# behin# him* blocking him in@:: drab ; #reary @:= disheveled ; messy @:? foyer - a large entrance* @:@ inaudible

rece+tion room* or waiting area

; silent
; setu+

@:A configuration

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Still @:Bgroggy &rom a long night with barely any slee+* it took .rew a long moment to recover &rom his sur+rise an# "5%deduce what ha# ha++ene#/ut when he #i# reali"e the truth* his &ace @=1prickled with heatHis &ather- His &ather must have stolen out here in the mi##le o& the night an# shu&&le# all the cars aroun#- His +assive,aggressive way o& telling .rew that he was groun#e#The #oor behin# .rew o+ene# an# out ste++e# his &ather* all smilesHh* goo# morning* son*( he sai# cheer&ully- He snatche# the keys that were still #angling &rom .rew%s han#- )oo#- )la# you%re u+ early- You%re going to nee# that e8tra time to walk to school-( 4e8t #oor* 'rs- Shahanian came out o& her house &or her +a+er an# wave#- .rew li&te# a han#* trying to +reten# everything was &ineYou coul#n%t !ust tell me that his teethwas groun#e#$( .rew aske# through

His &ather was alrea#y hal&way #own the walk* but he turne# an# looke# at .rew "5(qui--ically- An# how* e8actly* was su++ose# to #o that when you were s+outing insults in my &ace$( he sai# lou#ly'rs- Shahanian +ause#- Across the street* 'r- Cross looke# u+ with curiosity as he ma#e his way to his car*.rew%s stance shi&te#- Su##enly all the grogginess was gone- nsults$ was insulting you$ That%s hilarious* .a#-( His &ather @=7cocked his hea#- How so$( /ecause all you ever #o is insult me*( .rew re+lie# think you%re e8aggerating !ust a ta# there* #on%t you* .rew$( His &ather looke# #own his nose at him@:B groggy - stunne# or con&use# an# slow to react @=E deduce ; &igure out @=1 prickled - cause a stinging or tingling sensation @=6 qui--ically ; curiously @=7 cocked - tilt or slant to one si#e


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Hut o& the corner o& his eye* .rew saw a blue Cor# Cocus +ull slowly aroun# the corner- Something about it was &amiliar* but he wasn%t sure why until it +ause# in &ront o& his house an# he coul# see the #river- His heart #ro++e#- t was Samson Hill- Su##enly* all o& .rew%s anger eva+orate#- All he wante# to #o was cut this thing short so that Samson woul#n%t witness his &ather verbally "5 castigating him in &ront o& the entire neighborhoo#.a#- Come on*( .rew semi,begge# as Samson got out o& the car- Iet me have my keys-( Samson close# his car #oor* an# &or the &irst time* .rew%s &ather notice# they ha# a visitor- He recogni"e# Samson instantly- .rew coul# tell by the "55 contemptuous look his &ather gave the star <uarterbackIook* .rew- & you%re going to go out on a school night an# stir u+ trouble with your new &rien#s*( he sai# with a @=?sneer* you%re going to have to su&&er the conse<uences- You have #isgrace# yoursel&* your &amily* an# your team- You will not be #riving your car to school &or a week-( /ut .a#>( 5ant to make it longer$( his &ather blurte#* his &ace turning an un+leasant sha#e o& +ur+le %ll "5"convey you to school* man*( Samson announce#* stri#ing across the lawn.rew looke# at him* stunne#- t took a s+lit secon# &or his &ather to recover &rom his shock* as wellE8cuse me* but you%re "5#encroaching on a +rivate conversation between mysel& an# my son*( he s+at at Samson5ith all #ue res+ect* sir*( Samson sai#* glancing aroun# at the neighbors- #on%t think it%s e8actly +rivate-(
@=: castigating ; +unishing @== contemptuous ; scorn&ul @=? sneer - contem+tuous or scorn&ul @=@ convey ; take @=A encroaching ; intru#ing



Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew was &ro"en with &ear an# awe- Cear that his &ather might su##enly ri+ Samson%s hea# o&&* an# awe that Samson was stan#ing there +utting his &ather in his +lace with such ease- Cor a long moment* they !ust stare# at one another* an# then .rew%s #a# narrowe# his eyes.o whatever you want*( he sai# to .rew- /ut it !ust became two weeks-( Then he turne# an# stro#e o&& to his carSorry about that* man*( Samson sai# as soon as .rew%s &ather was goneSorry about what$ That was ama"ing* #u#e- %ve never seen anyone shut my &ather u+ be&ore*( .rew sai#* momentarily &orgetting that this guy was his sworn enemyYeah* but got another week @=Btacked onto your sentence*( Samson sai#- guess that%s one o& the "!%drawbacks o& having your own car- t can get taken away*( he !oke#5hatever-( .rew wave# a han#- t wasn%t like he was unaccustomed to #ealing with groun#ings- /esi#es* you%ve got a car*( he sai#* glancing at the street"!'

4ah- That%s my mom%s- She got a ri#e to work an# let me borrow it &or the #ay*( Samson tol# him- So- That was your #a#-( That was my #a#*( .rew con&irme#@?6Cantankerous guy* huh$( Samson aske#* staring a&ter the car.rew%s shoul#ers tense#- Samson ha# !ust witnesse# the most humiliating as+ect o& his li&e- How coul# he have let that sli+ by him$ #on%t really nee# your commentary on my &amily*( he sna++e#@=B tacked - &i8 toM attach @?E drawbacks ; #isa#vantages @?1 unaccustomed ; un&amiliar @?6 cantankerous ; cranky


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Samson raise# both han#s- Sorry-( 5hat are you #oing here* man$( .rew #eman#e#Samson glance# at him with a sour e8+ression* obviously irritate# by the shi&t in attitu#e- &igure# you +ai# a visit to my house- might as well return the &avor-( 5ell* now you%ve #one it* an# have a long walk ahea# o& me* so----( .rew starte# across the lawn* but Samson wasn%t having it !ust wante# to tell you that %m not going to back #own*( Samson calle# a&ter him5hat$( .rew blurte#You can have your guys #ro+ every +ass an# run the wrong routes- You can come over to my town rea#y to @?7rumble- You can #o whatever the hell you want- 4othing is going to make me <uit this team- 4othing is going to "! divert me &rom my goals*( Samson sai# "!5eloquently* walking over to meet .rew in the center o& the yar#- You may not give a cra+ about your &uture* but #o care about mine-( Hh* #on%t give a cra+ about my &uture$( .rew @??retorted & you think you #o* you%re "!"deceiving yoursel&*( Samson re+lie#* +utting his han#s in the +ockets o& his Corinth !acket- Iook aroun# you* man-( he sai#* o+ening his arms along with his !acket- Iook at this "!# capacious house- That insanely e8+ensive car- You can have any &uture you want* an# instea# you +ut it all on the line like you #i# last night- 5hat kin# o& cra+ is that$( .rew looke# at the groun#- & someone ha# tol# him that Samson Hill was going to come over to his house an# lecture him an# that he woul# stan#
@?7 rumble - utter or emit low @?: divert ; #istract @?= eloquently ; smoothly @?? retorted - answere# back @?@ deceiving ; &ooling @?A capacious ; big

#ull rumbling soun#s


Sacked by Emma Harrison

there an# take it* he woul# never have thought it somehow* he coul#n%t move.rew snorte#- Yeah* right-(


conceivable- /ut

An# the kicker is* you%re clearly a natural lea#er*( Samson continue#You can%t tell me you weren%t hea# ""%demagogue in charge o& that ""' debacle last night*( Samson sai#- You%re ""(e&troverted* an# the guys love you- You ""3e&emplify everything a +erson nee#s to lea#- mean* you le# them into the lion%s #en last night* an# they !ust &ollowe#- You coul# be using that talent &or goo#* but instea# you #iscre#it yoursel& every chance you get- You%# rather be +isse# o&& an# &ight all the time than try to im+rove our situation-( .rew looke# at Samson* his eyes har#- You #on%t know anything about me* man-( know a little- You tol# me all about the thing with your brother*( Samson sai#- An# now that %ve met your #a# un#erstan# where all the "" belligerence comes &rom-( .rew snorte# an# looke# away- .i# this guy really think he coul# walk in here an# analy"e him$ %m !ust sick o& being your ""5disputant when %ve #one nothing but try to be your &rien#*( Samson sai# &inally- 4ow* #o you want a ri#e to school or not$( 4o thanks* man*( .rew sai#* shaking his hea# an# turning his back on Samson- Iast thing nee# is to be showing u+ in the +arking lot with the enemy-(
@?B conceivable ; imaginable @@E demagogue ; misgui#e# lea#er @@1 debacle ; #isaster @@6 e&troverted ; outgoing @@7 e&emplify ; re+resent @@: belligerence ; hostility @@= disputant ; a#versary


Sacked by Emma Harrison

4othing%s ever gonna change at that #amn school unless we change it!( Samson shoute# a&ter him'uch to his ""!chagrin* .rew &elt the sting o& truth in that statement* but he !ust @@@ducked his hea# an# ke+t right on walking- He !ust coul#n%t bear the i#ea o& letting Samson know he might be right-

@@? chagrin ; annoyance @@@ ducked - move# 1the

hea# or bo#y3 <uickly #ownwar#s or away


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter 1ine .rew +ause# in the main hallway at the sight o& a ruckus u+ ahea#- Two guys were going at each other like wil# animals* throwing each other u+ against the wall- He saw a &ew so+homore girls &lee #own the stairs to avoi# getting hit by an ""#errant ""$appendage- Seeing the &ear on their &aces* .rew race# towar# the @AEfray to see what he coul# #o- He was about three &eet away when 'r- .emas* the vice +rinci+al* tore in &rom the o&&ice* grabbe# the two ki#s who were now "#'entangled on the &loor* an# yanke# them a+artEnough! Enough!( the reach each other@A6

veep shoute# as the ki#s continue# to try to

5hat the hell ha++ene#$( .rew aske# Tamara* who was hanging out near a wall* looking +ale have no i#ea- think one o& them bum+e# into the other one an# then all o& a su##en it turne# into battle royale*( she sai#- )o#* the +eo+le in this school are !ust "#3combative to#ay- All anyone wants to #o is &ight*( she a##e#* looking at .rew in an accusatory way5hat$ Iike it%s my &ault$( he aske# hear# what you an# the guys #i# last night- #i#n%t want to believe it* but that bruise on your &ace says it all*( she sai#- You can%t think that%s not contributing to the "# erosion o& the situation aroun# here- This is the thir# &ight %ve hear# o& to#ay-( .rew sighe#* "#5embittered- He was so sick o& everyone acting like he was somehow res+onsible &or everyone else- Yeah* well* contrary to +o+ular
@@A errant ; stray @@B appendage ; limb 1any +ro!ection that is thought to resemble a human arm3 @AE fray - a noisy &ight @A1 entangled ; entwine# @A6 veep2 vice +resi#ent @A7 combative ; warlike @A: erosion ; break#own 1the act o& #isru+ting an establishe# or#er so it &ails to continue3 @A= embittered ; &eeling bitter


Sacked by Emma Harrison

belie&* #on%t control the entire 5ashingtonville +o+ulation-( Tamara stoo# u+ straight* +ushing hersel& away &rom the wall as the crow# #is+erse# an# the combatants were tosse# into the vice +rinci+al%s o&&ice- 'aybe not- /ut you #o set an e8am+le*( she sai#- Then she shrugge# an# walke# away.rew took a #ee+ breath an# shook his hea#- Iike he wasn%t un#er enough +ressure alrea#y- 4ow Tamara an# Samson wante# him to be some @A? beacon o& morality an# goo#ness- He #i#n%t even have a clue how to begin to #o that hear# .rew /enson broke Samson Hill%s arm-( .rew +ause#- 5hoever was talking was stan#ing !ust aroun# the corner4o way*( another voice challenge#- t was Clay Carra#ine who #i# itHe !ust tol# everyone .rew #i# it so .rew coul# have the glory-( .rew saw re#* but he &orce# himsel& to chill- )oing ballistic now was not an o+tion saw Samson Hill this morning- His arm%s &ine- hear# Corinth gave our guys the "#"drubbing o& the century-( .rew clenche# his !aw as he came aroun# the corner into the social sciences wing- The three &reshmen who were com+letely @AAdistorting last night%s events &ell silent at the sight o& him- Even as #e+resse# as he was* .rew almost smirke# at their reaction- He was still new to being a senior an# wasn%t use# to having such a "#$daunting +resence4o one broke Samson Hill%s arm*( .rew tol# them* as they cowere# timi#ly be&ore them- An# there was no #rubbing- The whole con&lict laste# about two,+oint,&ive secon#s- 4ow why #on%t you go s+rea# the truth aroun# instea# o& stan#ing there like a bunch o& @BEtwits$(
@A? beacon - a &ire 1usually on a hill or tower3 that can @A@ drubbing ; beating @AA distorting - twisting an# +ressing out o& sha+e @AB daunting ; intimi#ating @BE twits - someone who is regar#e# as contem+tible

be seen &rom a #istance


Sacked by Emma Harrison

The three ki#s took o&& so <uickly it was as i& they ha# "$'dissipated into thin air- .rew rolle# his shoul#ers back* &eeling as i& he%# #one something +ositive* but he wince# as his shoul#er @B6panged with +ain- He turne# an# #ucke# into his history classroom as the bell rang* ho+ing against ho+e &or a movie- nstea# he &oun# his teacher* 'rs- Iasky* han#ing out sta+le# +a+ers to the entire class* some o& whom were stan#ingHere you go* 'r- /enson*( the young* irritatingly enthusiastic teacher sai#5hat%s this$( .rew aske#Cirst semester +ro!ect*( she announce# with a &lawless grinThe entire classroom>Corinth an# 5ashingtonville stu#ents alike> groane#- Hne o& the &irst times .rew ha# seen both grou+s agree on anything4ow* now- 4one o& that- /e&ore you start "$3demoni-ing me* remember that in an A0 class such as this one* most teachers won%t even give you a list o& suggestions like the one was so kin# as to +re+are &or you*( 'rs- Iasky sai#* tossing her short hair back o&& her &ace- This shoul# not be too har#- 5e%ll be s+en#ing this +erio# in the library so that you can "$ contemplate the list o& to+ics an# #o a little research>&in# out what might be interesting to you- There is an "$5e&tensive amount o& in&ormation available about the Secon# 5orl# 5ar* so you shoul# have no trouble &in#ing what you nee#- An# i& you think o& something that%s not on the list* &eel &ree to +itch it to me- You know how love creative thinking-( an

Yeah* great*( Clay sai#- Creative thinking in history- sn%t that* like* o&ymoron or something$( .rew snorte# a laugh-

@B1 dissipated ; scattere# @B6 panged - ha# a shar+ s+asm o& @B7 demoni-ing ; label as evil @B: contemplate ; think about @B= e&tensive ; broa# @B? o&ymoron ; sel&,contra#iction



Sacked by Emma Harrison

All right* +eo+le- Iet%s move out the #oor in an or#erly &ashion an# hea# &or the library!( 'rs- Iasky @B@trilled* cla++ing her han#s.rew sli++e# through the #oor* scanning the list as &ast as +ossible- n this situation it was always essential to &in# the easiest to+ic an# claim it be&ore someone else ha# the chance- 0ecisive action was key- His eyes lan#e# on the +er&ect to+ic- Analy"ing the themes o& Clint Eastwoo#%s two 5orl# 5ar &ilms* Ietters &rom wo 9ima an# Clags o& Hur Cathers- .rew ha# love# those movies- He coul#n%t believe his luck- He turne# aroun# to talk to 'rs- Iasky5hat the hell%s your +roblem* man$( Iance Crowe shoute#* shoving Clay away &rom a water &ountain was here &irst*( Clay sai# with a shrug* leaning over the &ountain again)et your @BAgrubby li+s away &rom my water*( Iance retorte#* shoving him again- This time* Clay ste++e# on 9enna 5arner%s &oot* an# she shoute# out in +ainIook what you ma#e me #o!( Clay shoute#* shoving Iance with both han#s)entlemen!( 'rs- Iasky shoute#/ut it was too late- Clay an# Iance "$$converged in the mi##le o& the hallway* shouting barely #%%coherent insults as they grabbe# at each other%s clothes an# #ragge# each other aroun#You guys! Come on!( .rew shoute#* &rustrate#- 5ere they really going to tear each other a+art because o& a water &ountain$ Tamara was rightThis cra+ really was getting out o& han#- Cut it out!(
@B@ trilled

- +ronounce with a trill 1the articulation o& a consonant 1es+ecially the consonant JrJ3 with a ra+i# &lutter o& the tongue against the +alateQu++er sur&ace o& the mouth that se+arates the oral an# nasal cavitiesR or uvula3 @BA grubby - thickly covere# with ingraine# #irt or soot @BB converged ; came together AEE coherent ; un#erstan#able

Sacked by Emma Harrison

The girls in the class screeche# an# move# o&& #own the hall- .rew saw that the guys ha# no intention o& sto++ing this &ight themselves* an# scrawny 'rs- Iasky certainly wasn%t going to get in the mi##le o& it- /ut i& it went on &or two secon#s longer* they were going to get caught an# sus+en#e#* which the team coul#n%t very well a&&or# right now- t wasn%t much o& a #%' conundrum* really- He ha# to #o something.ammit-( .rew #ro++e# his books an# &lung himsel& at Clay* tearing him o&& o& Iance- He use# every ounce o& his strength to shove his much bigger &rien# backwar# an# hol# him there- 'eanwhile* a cou+le o& Iance%s &rien#s stoo# in &ront o& him* +reventing him &rom taking another swi+e at Clay* which he looke# more than rea#y to #o5hat the hell* man$( Clay sai# to .rew* struggling to catch his breath/ag it* Clay*( .rew sai#* hol#ing a han# u+- You can%t get kicke# o&& the team right now-( /ut he>( Screw him*( .rew sai#- t%s over- Iet%s !ust go to the library-( Clay shook his hea#- 5hatever*( he sai#* grabbing his back+ack o&& the &loor- He straightene# his !acket an# storme# o&&5ell- That was AE6invigorating*( 'rs- Iasky sai# nervously- 'rCrowe* kin#ly sit on the o++osite si#e o& the library &rom 'r- Carra#ine-( Cine*( Crowe sai# un#er his breath.rew bent to +ick u+ his books an# to+ic list* &eeling more &rustrate# than ever- Iast night he ha# really thought that &ighting Samson an# those guys woul# make him &eel better* that it woul# hel+ him e8+el some o& his negative energy>!ust get it out o& his system- /ut instea#* it ha# only ma#e things worse- /eing beaten #own an# challenge# only +isse# +eo+le o&& more- How coul# he not have reali"e# that$ He live# it with his &ather every #ay o& his li&eAE1 conundrum ; mystery AE6 invigorating - give li&e

or energy to

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Thank you &or that* .rew*( 'rs- Iasky sai#* laying a han# on his shoul#er- Cor your +eacekee+ing e&&orts* you can have your +ick o& +ro!ects-( You%re not going to re+ort them$( .rew aske#'rs- Iasky sighe#- The vice +rinci+al is having a har# enough time clamping #own on the situation to#ay- He #oesn%t nee# another hea#ache*( she sai# kin#ly- /ut #o ho+e he &in#s a way to #% counteract all the violence an# negativity aroun# here soon- Htherwise this school is going to be e&&ectively #%5demolished by its own stu#ents-(

.rew no##e#* his heart heavy with guilt* an# &ollowe# her #own the hall towar# the library- He wishe# he coul# believe what Samson an# Tamara ha# both sai# to him>that he coul# somehow make a #i&&erence* but he !ust coul#n%t- He wasn%t Trey /enson- He was .rew- Secon#,string* screw,u+* worthless .rew- An# as much as he hate# &eeling the way he #i# at that very moment* he also &elt +owerless to change itn a com+letely #%!antisocial moo#* .rew AE@snagged one o& the two, +erson tables in the corner o& the senior section at lunch an# AEAhunkered #own there with his co+y o& The Canterbury Tales- He +ut his bag on the secon# chair to #iscourage anyone &rom sitting with him an# burie# his &ace in the book- Soon his &rien#s arrive# in a big AEBclump* A1Egibbering on about the &ight between Clay an# Iance an# A11marveling at the &act that 'rsIasky ha#n%t taken them right to the +rinci+al%s o&&iceYou #on%t think she actually
AE7 clamping - im+osing or in&licting &orce&ully AE: counteract ; neutrali"e AE= demolished ; #estroye# AE? antisocial ; unsociable AE@ snagged - got by acting <uickly an# smartly AEA hunkered - sat on oneJs heels AEB clump - a com+act mass A1E gibbering - s+eak 1about unim+ortant matters3 A11 marveling - be ama"e# at A16 condones ; su++orts

condones &ighting*( 9ason sai#

ra+i#ly an# incessantly


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#oubt&ully* +lacing his back+ack on the &loor ne8t to his usual chair.rew +eeke# over the to+ o& his book- 4one o& the guys ha# notice# him- He saw that 9ason%s &ace was a bit more swollen than it ha# been last night* an# he swallowe# back a lum+ o& guilt- 'ost o& the guys* in &act* were +retty torn u+- 5hat ha# he been thinking$ 5ho knows$ She went to 5ashingtonville back in the #ay- 'aybe she still has some school s+irit in her*( Clay suggeste#* tossing his bag on the tableSo* #u#e- 5hat%s this new +lan you wante# to tell us about$( .irk aske#- He grabbe# a seat an# leane# into the table.rew%s ears A17pricked u+- 4ew +lan$ He ha#n%t hear# about any new +lan- 4ew +lan to #o what$ %m calling it H+eration Eliminate the Egotist*( Clay sai# in a lou# whis+er- He glance# over at the table where the Corinth guys usually sat* but it was em+ty so &arHh* )o#- Here we go*( 9ason groane#.on%t worry* 'ary*( Clay sai# with a #ismissive look- You%re not on .* so you an# your #elicate #' sensibilities #on%t have to have anything to #o with it-( 9ason shook his hea#* annoye#* an# o+ene# his bagge# lunch- Clay* meanwhile* comman#e# the attention o& the other guys t%s time to take #'5corrective action*( he tol# them* +ressing a &ingerti+ into the table- As o& to#ay* we start showing our #'!fidelity to our N/ in a ma!or way-( Corrective action$( .irk aske#A17 pricked - raise# A1: sensibilities ; &eelings A1= corrective ; counteractive A1? fidelity ; loyalty

1o++osing* neutrali"ing or mitigating an e&&ect by contrary action3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

That%s what sai#*( Clay con&irme# #'"emphatically* clearly #'# relishing his new role as #'$firebrand- A&ter what %ve got +lanne#* Coach will have no choice but to restore .rew to the starting +osition- )ive him back what is right&ully his-( .rew%s heart starte# to beat #(%erratically- His +alms began to sweat- He like# the soun# o& that* obviously- /ut what the hell was Clay +lanning$ 5hat%re you gonna #o$ 2ill Samson$( 9ason aske# with a laughClay merely looke# at him matter,o&,&actly- .rew%s heart #ro++e#Clay- Come on*( .irk sai#- You%re not really gonna>( 5e%re not gonna kill him*( Clay whis+ere# as a grou+ o& younger ki#s +asse# close to the table- H& course not- %m !ust talking about roughing him u+- n!uring him- 5e #o a goo# enough !ob o& it an# he coul# be out &or the &irst &ew games- 'aybe even &or the season-( .rew su##enly &elt sick to his stomach- Coul# Clay really be so incre#ibly #('crude$ Coul# he really +ur+osely hurt someone$ Someone who ha# #one ne8t to nothing to #eserve it$ & they hurt Samson ba#ly enough* they coul# a&&ect his scholarshi+>his entire &uture- H& course* .rew ha# been rea#y to beat the cra+ out o& Samson himsel&* but that ha# been &ace,to, &ace- Ietting his massive linebacker &rien#s #o the #irty work while .rew ke+t his han#s clean was not e8actly what he%# ha# in min#Actually* it%s not a ba# i#ea*( .irk sai#5hat$( 9ason A66blurtedCome on- & .rew got the chance to start a &ew games* he coul# win the starting !ob &or real*( .irk re+lie#A1@ emphatically ; &orce&ully A1A relishing ; thoroughly en!oying A1B firebrand ; troublemaker A6E erratically ; unstea#ily A61 crude ; unso+hicticate# A66 blurted - uttere# im+ulsively 1without

taking cautions3

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Hkay* let%s ignore your blatant #(3disregard o& everything we%ve ever been taught about teamwork an# uh---- morality*( 9ason sai#* tossing his san#wich #own- /ut #o you really think that Coach is going to let you get away with this$( .u#e* it%ll be over be&ore Coach even knows what%s ha++ene#*( Clay sai# flippantly- t%s not that com+le8- 5e #on%t have to harass the guy all +ractice- All we have to #o is set u+ one goo#* well,+lace# hit-(

Some o& the other guys murmure# their #(5assent* an# Clay went about #escribing his +lan an# #(!delegating assignments.rew coul# not believe this was ha++ening- He coul#n%t believe he was sitting here listening in on a #("clandestine meeting o& his &rien#s as they +lanne# to take out the best <uarterback in the state- An# all on his behal&- t was &lattering* sure* but it was also horri&ying- He coul#n%t believe his &rien#s ha# sunk so low as to +lan something like thisThere was no way he coul# let them go through with it- He%# have to tell Coach .avi#son about it* or warn Samson- Something- .rew &elt guilty enough as it was- He wasn%t sure he coul# han#le letting his &rien#s +ur+osely in!ure someone &or him- This +articular +lan coul# be #(#ha-ardous* not !ust &or Samson* but &or all o& them>&or their &utures on the team an# at schoolKatting his &rien#s out woul#n%t &eel goo# either* he knew* but it was +re&erable to watching Samson get his leg broken- Hr worse can%t be a +art o& this- This is !ust wrong*( 9ason sai# su##enly* stan#ing4o- 5hat was wrong was .rew%s #($degradation &rom starter to secon#,stringer*( Clay sai#- An# inten# to #o something about it- inten#
A67 disregard ; #isre+ect A6: flippantly - showing ina++ro+riate A6= assent ; agreement A6? delegating ; assigning A6@ clandestine ; secretive A6A ha-ardous ; #angerous A6B degradation ; #emotion

levity 1&eeling an ina++ro+riate lack o& seriousness3


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to show that #3%haughty bastar# that we take care o& our own*( he a##e#* sla++ing han#s with a cou+le o& the guysYou guys are sick*( 9ason sai#Thanks &or the sai# sarcastically#3'

condemnation- wasn%t e8+ecting that at all*( Clay

9ason rolle# his eyes an# ma#e a move to leave* but Clay got u+ an# sla++e# his huge han# #own on 9ason%s shoul#er & anyone tries to sto+ us* i& we encounter any kin# o& #3(hindrance &rom the coaches* we%re gonna know who tol# them*( Clay sai# in a threatening way- An# i& that ha++ens* you better watch your back too-( 9ason +ale# slightly- Some &rien#*( he sai#- Then he himsel& &rom Clay%s gras+ an# storme# out o& the ca&eteria#33


.rew took a #ee+ breath- )reat- 4ow he coul#n%t tell Coach- & he #i#* Clay was going to turn on 9ason big time- The last thing the team or his &rien#s nee#e# right now was another #3 rift5hat the hell was he su++ose# to #o now$ .rew stoo# on the si#elines at +ractice* the rain beating #own on to+ o& his helmet* his han#s tucke# un#er his arms as he gri++e# at his own +ractice !ersey- Hut on the &iel#* Clay an# his A7=cronies were +utting their +lot into e&&ect* an# the weather>gray an# storming an# messy an# mu##y>was only hel+ing them conceal their #3!odious actionsSamson calle# the +lay- The center A7@hiked the ball* an# Samson #ro++e# back* gri++ing the ball with his wet &ingers- .rew saw Clay an#
A7E haughty ; arrogant A71 condemnation ; #isa++roval A76 hindrance ; obstacle A77 e&tricated ; &ree# A7: rift ; s+lit A7= cronies - close &rien#s who accom+anies his bu##ies in their activities A7? odious ; hate&ul A7@ hiked - re&ers to the center sna++ing the ball to the <uarterback as the +lay



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another lineman bust through the H,line* clearly A7Aflouting the #e&ense Coach ha# calle# an# going &or the A7Bblit- instea#- )oing right &or Samson4o! 4o* no* no!( Coach .avi#son calle# out as the +lay continue#.rew &elt as i& he were going to e8+lo#e- He clenche# his teeth together so har# he coul# hear them grin#ing- He hate# this &eeling-This &eeling o& utter hel+lessness- He stoo# there an# watche# as Clay reache# &or Samson%s hea# like he was trying to break the guy%s neck- t was a totally grievous hit an# woul# have warrante# a +enalty &lag on any game #ay in any sta#iumSamson went #own har#* ben#ing awkwar#ly like a sna++ing branch- All the secon#,string an# 9F +layers aroun# .rew wince# an# groane#- Clay an# his &rien#s weren%t ki##ing aroun# out there- They were really trying to # % e&punge Samson HillClay! 5hat are your men #oing$( Coach .avi#son shoute# fervently* barely au#ible over the soun# o& the #riving rain- Nuit taking chea+ shots! This is not a game! This is your <uarterback-(

Sorry* Coach*( Clay calle# back* s+itting mu##y water out onto the &iel# know it%s a # (morass out there* but that%s no e8cuse &or slo++y +lay*( Coach a##e#- Iet%s run it again-( Samson* # 3hardy athlete that he was* re&use# all the hel+ing han#s o& the Corinth +layers an# +ushe# himsel& u+ o&& the groun#- He was slow getting back to the line* however* an# .rew coul# have sworn he saw a slight lim+- The situation was # e&igent- As much as .rew woul# love to have the starting s+ot* he #i#n%t want to get it this way- 4ot like thisThis has to sto+*( .rew sai# un#er his breath* shivering slightly as the
A7A flouting - treating with contem+tuous #isregar# A7B blit- - #e&ensive +layers try to break through the A:E e&punge ; #elete A:1 fervently - with +assionate &ervor A:6 morass ; swam+ A:7 hardy ; tough A:: e&igent ; tricky

o&&ensive line


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rain # 5permeated the T,shirt un#er his !ersey an# +a#s an# his back- Someone has to sto+ this-( You set an e8am+le* Tamara%s voice sai# in his min#-

# !

sluiced #own

4othing%s gonna change at that school unless we change it* Samson a##e#As the team line# u+ &or another +lay* .rew looke# aroun# at the coaches* stan#ing on the si#elines with their hoo#s u+ against the rainIewinter an# .avi#son whis+ere# to one another as they looke# over the o&&ense- Halloran wi+e# some water &rom his brow- t har#ly seeme# # " plausible to .rew* but it was as i& none o& the coaches reali"e# what was really going on out there.o something* .rew%s conscience urge# him- You can make them sto+/ut i& he went out there* i& he sai# one wor#* he woul# be risking total # # ostracism by all his &rien#s- They were #oing this &or him* a&ter all* as sick an# twiste# as it might beThe team line# u+ to run the +lay again- .rew hel# his breathKe# thirty,si8! Ke# thirty,si8!( Samson calle# out* his voice Hike!(


Hnce again Samson #ro++e# back to +ass- Hnce again two guys took on Tank Iang&or# an# threw him to the groun#- Clay ste++e# right on Tank%s back an# threw himsel& at Samson- Samson trie# to cut to the right* but his &eet sli++e# in the mu# an# Clay came right #own on to+ o& him with his &ull bo#y weight- There was a sickening thu#* an# Samson was crushe# into the mu##y &iel#.rew%s heart slamme# against his ribcage- Samson looke# like a broken rag #oll* &lattene# beneath Clay%s bulk- Something insi#e o& .rew sna++e#*
A:= permeated ; soake# A:? sluiced ; &lowe# A:@ plausible ; believable A:A ostracism - state o& being banishe# or ostraci"e# A:B raspy - un+leasantly harsh or grating in soun#

1e8clu#e# &rom society by general consent3


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an# be&ore he even knew what he was #oing* he ha# crosse# hal& the &iel#)et the hell o&& him* Clay!( he shoute#- )et u+!( He grabbe# his &rien#%s +a#s through his !ersey an# yanke# with all his might* throwing Clay o&& to the si#e* his bice+s straining against his &rien#%s massive weight- The coaches% whistles A=Ebleated like ma#* but .rew barely hear# them- He crouche# ne8t to SamsonYou all right* man$( .rew aske#Samson manage# a no#- think %ll live-( .rew o&&ere# Samson his han#* which Samson acce+te# this time* an# .rew +ulle# him u+- Samson coughe#* #oubling over slightly* an# .rew notice# a long #5'laceration on his &orearm* #ri++ing bloo# into the +u##le at Samson%s &eet- He turne# to &ace the team* his &ace on &ire5hat the hell are you guys thinking$( .rew shoute#- Are you out o& your min#s$ You coul# have kille# him!( .u#e* we%re !ust trying to get some real +ractice in- He%s gonna get hit like that in games- He shoul# be rea#y*( Clay e8+laine# innocently* lying right to .rew%s &aceHh* yeah- %m sure that was what #5(induced you to nearly break your own <uarterback%s neck back there*( .rew s+at- 5hat #o you think you%re gonna #o on o+ening #ay without him* huh$ He%s kin# o& an A=7integral +art o& the o&&ense* !ackass-( 5hat #i# you !ust call me$( Clay #eman#e#You hear# me!( .rew shoute#- 5hat you guys are #oing out here is !ust +lain wrong- n &act* it%s insane- This is a team* remember$ This is about checking your egos at the gate* coming out here an# +laying your heart out &or the team- An# Samson* he%s your lea#er now- This totally insane behavior
A=E bleated - talke# whiningly A=1 laceration ; cut A=6 induced ; cause# A=7 integral - e8isting as an essential

constituent or characteristic

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has to sto+* an# it has to sto+ now-( He looke# aroun# at the +layers>5ashingtonville an# Corinth alike> an# saw that they were all A=:rapt with attention- Some o& the 5ashingtonville guys* .irk inclu#e#* looke# at the groun#* A==contrite5e%ve all been acting like a bunch o& A=?querulous morons*( .rew continue# as the rain starte# to lessen- 4one o& us likes this situation* but it%s about time we A=@reconcile with it- /ecause Corinth is not reo+ening- These guys are not going anywhere- They are a +art o& our team now* an# we%re a +art o& theirs- So suggest you all start acting like it- /ecause otherwise* this &ormerly A=Aindefatigable team is going to be nothing but a !oke-( .rew glance# at 9ason* who was looking at him with res+ect an# +ri#e in his eyes &or the &irst time in a while- That one look A=Bbuoyed .rew even moreSo get your cra+ together* guys- /ecause all this whining an# com+laining is starting to make me sick! %m over it- t sto+s now-( 5ith that* .rew turne# an# storme# o&& the &iel#* hal& e8+ecting someone to throw a helmet at him along the way- /ut even though there was a lot o& grumbling in his wake* there were no A?Einsurgents- n &act* the only +erson who &ollowe# .rew o&& the &iel# was Coach .avi#son.rew! .rew! 5ait u+!( he calle# out* !ogging to catch u+- .rew ke+t walking until he reache# the track* then +ause#- He turne#* rea#y &or the tongue,lashing o& a li&etime- 4o one sto++e# +ractice other than Coach- An# no one ignore# the whistle- EverYes* Coach*( .rew sai#* A?1averting his eyesA=: rapt ; ca+tivate# A== contrite ; remorse&ul A=? querulous ; com+laining A=@ reconcile ; make one%s +eace A=A indefatigable ; untiring A=B buoyed ; u+li&te# A?E insurgents ; #issenters 1+rotesters3 A?1 averting - turning away or asi#e


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.rew* that was--- that was incre#ible* what you !ust #i# out there*( Coach .avi#son sai#Keally$( .rew aske#Son* %ve been waiting &or you to ste+ u+ like that &or weeks*( Coach sai#- %ve been so ho+ing that this A?6downcast attitu#e o& yours was tem+orary* because %ve always known you coul# be a great lea#er- An# you%ve !ust +roven it-( .rew was A?7flabbergasted- This was the last thing he e8+ecte# to hear at this moment- He looke# aroun#* glance# u+ at the sky as the sun starte# to break through the thinning clou#s- Coach* #on%t mean to be A?: pertinacious* but i& you always thought %# be a great lea#er* why #i#n%t get the starting !ob$( Coach let out a sigh an# +ut his han# on his hi+* looking out at the &iel# where the other coaches were s+litting u+ the team to run #rills- was +ut in an im+ossible +osition this year* .rew- All o& us were- .on%t think that these changes were any easier on the sta&& than they%ve been on you all- lost hal& my coaches* an# was &ace# with the +ros+ect o& #isa++ointing hal& my team >guys %ve grown to res+ect- )uys like yoursel&* whom ha# high ho+es &or-( .rew took a #ee+ breath- His heart hurt- He ha#n%t even thought about the coaches* ha#n%t consi#ere# how their !obs ha# become A?=fraught with #i&&iculty- Su##enly .rew &elt ashame# at his sel&,centere# behavior5hat it comes #own to is ha# to +ick somebo#y- Hne o& you was going to be crushe#*( Coach sai#- /ut that%s what ha++ene# at every single +osition this year* not !ust yours- ha# to crush &i&ty #i&&erent guys- .oing it to you was !ust---- well* it was har#er than most- know how much this team means to you* an# know how you%ve been looking &orwar# to taking over
A?6 downcast ; #e+resse# A?7 flabbergasted ; shocke# A?: pertinacious ; stubborn A?= fraught ; &ille#


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&or Trey-( .rew &elt sick to his stomach as his be&ore himA??

obliterated #ream was lai# out

/ut ha# to #o what thought was best &or the team- That%s my !ob-( %m sorry* Coach*( .rew sai#* shaking his hea# as he stare# at the track- #i#n%t think- %m !ust---- %m really sorry-( .on%t be*( Coach .avi#son sai#* +utting his han# on .rew%s shoul#er5atching what you !ust #i# out there* &eel like have you back-( Yeah- t &elt kin# o& goo#*( .rew a#mitte#* A?@ha-arding a smile ho+e so*( Coach sai#* grinning in res+onse- An# ku#os on the way you tosse# Carra#ine out there* ki#- How the hell #i# you #o that$( #on%t know- A#renaline* maybe$( .rew sai# with a shrug knew you were a strong ki#* but not that strong*( Coach sai# with a whistle- That was something else-( Thanks* Coach*( .rew sai#- He glance# at the &iel# an# saw one o& the other coaches a++roaching- You%# better get back- The team nee#s you*( .rew tol# himThen he took o&& aroun# the track at a !og* ho+ing to ri# himsel& o& the rest o& his nervous energy an# sort out all the new emotions A?Aroiling aroun# in his chest-

A?? obliterated ; #estroye# A?@ ha-arding - risking A?A roiling - agitating vigorouslyM

in a state o& turbulence


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter Ten At the en# o& +ractice* Coach .avi#son calle# a meeting on the &i&ty, yar# line- The sun was shining now* an# #ro+lets o& water A?Bshimmered as they clung to the grass* casting an A@Eiridescent glow over the &iel#- .rew e8+ecte# a A@1harangue a&ter what ha# gone on that #ay* but .avi#son sai# nothing about it- He merely han#e# out the game sche#ule &or the year an# #ismisse# the team.rew +ushe# himsel& u+ an# tru#ge# o&& the &iel# with the rest o& the team- Clay grumble# as he stro#e +ast him an# shot him a A@6rancorous look* as i& .rew were a traitor- .rew%s heart ski++e# a beat* but he ignore# itSooner or later Clay woul# have to reali"e that his +lan was totally A@7inaneHe%# have to know that what .rew ha# #one was &or the bestThen he &elt a han# grab his shoul#er +a#* an# his heart 5hat now$


He turne# aroun# to &in# Samson stan#ing be&ore him* all bloo# an# mu# an# A@=grime5hat$( .rew blurte#* clueless as to what Samson might be thinkingIook who became a A@?maverick to#ay*( Samson sai#* tossing a &ootball u+ an# #own with a grin- 5hat ha++ene# between this morning an# this a&ternoon$( Hh* so you%re gonna get all A@@maudlin on me now$( .rew aske# lightly- 9ason walke# by an# li&te# his han# &or a sla+ as he went- .rew
A?B shimmered - shone with A@E iridescent ; s+arkling A@1 harangue ; lecture A@6 rancorous ; bitter

a weak or &it&ul light

A@7 inane; silly A@: swooped - move# with a swee+ motion A@= grime - #irtM &ilth A@? maverick ; rebel A@@ maudlin ; sa#ly sentimental 1e&&usively or insincerely emotional3

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oblige#* his heart &eeling lighter as he knew that his &rien# was starting to &orgive him &or last night%s A@Atransgressions4o- 9ust curious*( Samson re+lie#.rew li&te# his shoul#er- guess %m becoming situation*( he sai#- & you can%t beat %em* !oin %em* right$( Fery ##%pragmatic o& you*( Samson sai# %m sorry about those guys* man*( .rew sai# honestly* letting out a sigh o& relie&- They can be +retty AA1incorrigible- /ut %m even worseshoul# have sto++e# it be&ore it even starte#-( 'aybe- /ut at least you sto++e# it*( Samson re+lie#Still- t #oesn%t AA6e&piate what they #i#- 5hat we all #i#*( .rew sai#* shaking his hea# as the rest o& the team traile# o&& the &iel#* some casting curious glances in their #irection- &eel like an i#iot- Iike %ve !ust been acting so> know* man*( Samson sai#- t%s cool-( Thanks*( .rew sai# %m sur+rise# the coaches #i#n%t sto+ it* actually*( Samson sai#- 5hat they were #oing was AA7limpid to anyone with eyes- /ut guess they &igure shoul#n%t be AA:inviolable- Clay was right about that* at least- think %ve gotta toughen u+*( Samson sai#* rolling his shoul#er an# wincingAA= A@B

inured to the

was won#ering about that too* but a&ter ste++e# in* Coach was so laudatory---- got the &eeling they were actually waiting &or one o& us to

A@A transgressions - evil#oings A@B inured ; accustome# AAE pragmatic ; sensible AA1 incorrigible ; unruly AA6 e&piate ; make u+ &or AA7 limpid ; clear AA: inviolable ; sacre# AA= laudatory ; +raise&ul


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!um+ into the AA?maelstrom an# sort it out-( Yeah$ 5ell then %m gla# you #i#* because another ten minutes an# was #one &or*( Samson !oke#.rew shook his hea# as they turne# towar# the school- You%re insane* you know that$ & were you %# be so beyon# +isse# right now-( Yeah* well* %m not e8actly #oing AA@cartwheels* but a&ter to#ay have some ho+e that things are gonna get better*( Samson sai#Keally$( .rew aske#Yeah- n &actO( Samson +ause# near one o& the si#eline benches an# +eele# o&& his +a#s an# !ersey* stri++ing #own to his T,shirt an# &ootball +ants- He +icke# u+ the ball again an# tosse# it at .rew%s chest- Iet%s have a catch-( .rew eye# him #ubiously- A catch$( Yeah- Iet%s see how your han#s are* /enson*( Samson !ogging back to the &iel#Hh yeah$( Samson taunte#- 0rove it-(


'y han#s are &ine*( .rew re+lie#* throwing the ball to SamsonHe set u+ an# threw a +er&ect s+iral to the center o& the &iel#- .rew sprinted out to catch it4ice one!( Samson cheere#.u#e* who #o you think Trey threw balls to in our backyar# our entire lives$ The guy was ABEinsatiable when it came to +ractice*( .rew sai#Samson cla++e# his han#s* then raise# them over his hea#- Come onThrow me the ball-(
AA? maelstrom ; storm AA@ cartwheels - +er&orm an acrobatic movement using both AAA chided - censure# severely or angrily AAB sprinted - ran very &ast* usually &or a short #istance ABE insatiable ; un<uenchable

han#s an# &eet


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You #o reali"e that i& anyone &rom the team sees this* they%re gonna mock us to the en#s o& the earth*( .rew sai#* tossing the ball backCome on- 5hat%s more AB1innocuous than a game o& catch$( Samson sai#- /esi#es* we%re su++ose# to be +utting our #i&&erences asi#e- & they see us hanging out* think that woul# be a goo# thing-( He backe# u+ a &ew +aces- )o long* man-( .rew #i# as he was tol#* racing across the &iel#- The sun warme# his back an# the win# tosse# his wet hair as he looke# over his shoul#er &or the ball- Samson threw a +er&ect s+iral* an# .rew reache# u+ an# +lucke# it out o& the sky- Then* !ust &or &un* he ran the last ten yar#s into the en# "oneAn# Hill com+letes to /enson &or the score!( Samson shoute#* raising his arms in the air.rew grinne#- Somehow* this little game o& catch was having a pacific e&&ect on his nerves- Cor the &irst time all year* .rew was en!oying &ootball- He threw the ball back to Samson an# they ran another +lay- This time* the throw was o&&* an# .rew ha# to launch himsel& into the air an# #ive &or it- He came #own har# on his si#e* AB7clutching the rockAB6

.amn* man! 5hat%s u+ with these skills$( Samson aske#* !ogging over to hel+ him u+0lease- %m not that goo#*( .rew sai# with a sco&&Are you ki##ing$ t took some AB:prowess to catch that ball*( Samson sai#- .oes anyone know about your AB=latent catching abilities$( 4ot really- 'y brother* guess- %ve always +laye# <uarterback*( .rew sai# with a shrug* knocking some o& the mu# o&& his arms- 4ever really ha# the AB?inclination to #o anything else-( He no##e# at Samson- Your turn- )o
AB1 innocuous ; harmless AB6 pacific ; +eace&ul AB7 clutching - taking hol# AB: prowess ; mastery AB= latent ; hi##en AB? inclination ; ten#ency

o&M grabbing* clinging to


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#ee+-( All right*( Samson sai#He turne# an# s+rinte# #own the &iel#* an# .rew tosse# him an arcing +ass- Samson caught the ball* turne#* an# imme#iately threw it back- .rew race# about twenty yar#s to catch it* an# they both cheere#- t was the &irst time the two o& them ha# hung out without AB@pretense* an# .rew was en!oying their new #$#rapport- t was ama"ing how much coul# change in twenty,&our hours- Yester#ay* .rew ha# wante# nothing more than to beat this guy #own- To#ay he was &in#ing his com+any ABBpalatable- 'ore than +alatable- He was actually having &un2now what think$( Samson sai#* catching his breath as they came together at the mi##le o& the &iel# again- think you%re not a hal& ba#, +erson* /enson-( .rew laughe#- .on%t turn on you-(

promulgate that o+inion- All your &rien#s will

%ll kee+ that in min#*( Samson sai#* #ro++ing back with the ball again- An# Hill takes the ball- The #e&ense is coming on the blit"!( he calle# out in a comman#ing commentator%s voice- .rew laughe# an# race# across &iel#- He looks le&t* but Ia"arus is covere#- He looks right- S"onyi is covere# too- Carra#ine is coming right at him- He looks out &or bloo#* &olksThis coul# get messy!( .rew laughe# as he looke# back &or the ball- /ut wait! Hill has an o+en man #own &iel#! /enson !ust +ut a sick move on the #e&en#er* an# he%s &ree an# clear!( .rew calle# outHill +ulls back- He &ires!( Samson shoute#He

chucked the ball in a high arc as i& he were really shooting over

AB@ pretense ; #eceit ABA rapport ; relationshi+ ABB palatable ; +leasant BEE promulgate ; s+rea# BE1 chucked - threw care&ully


Sacked by Emma Harrison

the #e&ensive +layers% hea#s- .rew was +er&ectly +ositione#- He caught the ball an# #ove into the en# "oneAnother BE6stellar +lay!( Samson shoute#- An# the crow# goes wil#!( .rew got u+ an# over his shoul#er saw Coach .avi#son stan#ing near the +arking lot watching them- Crom so &ar away* he coul#n%t e8actly tell what the coach was thinking* but .rew thought he saw a hint o& a smileCoach was +rou# o& him* +rou# o& Samson* en!oying the BE7nascent &rien#shi+ between them- 'aybe Samson was right a&ter all- 'aybe there was ho+e &or this team yetThe ne8t morning* Samson was waiting outsi#e .rew%s house to #rive him to school- He ha#n%t o&&ere#- He was !ust there- .rew +ause# on the &ront ste+* clinging to his back+ack stra+* uncertain o& what to #oYou sure this is enemy$(

prudent* man$( .rew aske#- .riving with the

Hey- & we%re gonna BE=foster team s+irit* may as well start now/esi#es* your sorry* groun#e# ass nee#s a ri#e* right$( Samson aske# with a grin.rew laughe# an# !ogge# across the lawn- All the way to school* he an# Samson talke# about nothing but the &irst game against 9ohnstown an# how BE? redoubtable their #e&ense ha# been on both their teams the year be&ore- /y the time they got to school* .rew was so caught u+ in the conversation he &orgot that he an# Samson were #oing anything out o& the or#inary by hanging out together- /ut the moment Samson +ulle# into the +arking lot* .rew knew that something was wrong5hat the heck is going on u+ there$( .rew aske#- There was a huge crow# gathere# in &ront o& the arbor* an# every last one o& the ki#s in it was
BE6 stellar ; outstan#ing BE7 nascent ; newly &orme# BE: prudent ; care&ul BE= foster ; encourage BE? redoubtable ; &ormi#able


Sacked by Emma Harrison

wearing blue an# gray- The number o& +eo+le #ressing in Corinth colors ha# grown by BE@increments over the last week* but to#ay it looke# like they ha# ma#e a school,wi#e agreement to s+ort their &ormer colorsHh* cra+- Iooks like A#am%s giving one o& his &amous Samson sai#* taking the &irst s+ace he sawBEA


Hrations$( .rew re+eate#- Then he saw that A#am Ia"arus was stan#ing a &ew hea#s above the crow#* u+ on one o& the benches- .rew &elt a hot* +oisonous #rea# &loo# his veins- 5hat the hell #oes he think he%s #oing$( /eing BEBincendiary- A#am !ust loves to hear himsel& talk- /ut he loves it even more when he can make other +eo+le listen to him talk*( Samson sai# matter,o&,&actly- knew he was +isse# about what ha++ene# at +ractice yester#ay* but was ho+ing he woul#n%t go this &ar- Come on- 5e better get u+ there-( .rew an# Samson got out o& the car an# race# u+ to the arbor)athering nearby was a large grou+ o& 5ashingtonville stu#ents an# +layers* all o& whom looke# less than +lease#- .rew glance# at Samson- %ll see i& can get them to back o&& be&ore they become B1Eintractable*( he sai#'e too*( Samson re+lie#- )oo# luck-( The two <uarterbacks s+lit u+ be&ore anyone ha# even seen them together* com+letely B11negating their +lan to lea# by e8am+le5e ha# to give u+ our entire school! Hur entire history!( A#am was saying* riling u+ the Corinth stu#ents- /ut to#ay we show them we%re not going to give u+ everything so easily- 5e will not B16forsake our colors! 5e will not &orsake our +ri#e!(
BE@ increments ; small <uantities BEA orations ; s+eeches BEB incendiary ; in&lammatory B1E intractable ; unmovable B11 negating ; canceling out B16 forsake ; give u+


Sacked by Emma Harrison

The Corinth ki#s re+lie# with B17plaudits an# cheers- .rew cut through the crow# until he &oun# Clay* 9ason* .irk* an# the others5hat%s going on* guys$( .rew aske#B1:

Can you believe this* man$( .irk sai#* raising a han# at A#am- How puerile can they be$(

Yeah* an# you trying to +ermanently in!ure Samson yester#ay wasn%t immature at all* .rew thought- /ut he hel# his tongue5e may have ha# to move here* but we%re not B1=nomads- 5e%re not going anywhere else- 5e%re here to stay* an# these +eo+le nee# to get use# to it!( A#am continue#5e shoul# #o something*( .irk sai#* clenching his &ists- Shoul#n%t we #o something$( .rew looke# aroun# at the angry &aces o& his classmates- t seeme# like every single ki# in school>Corinth an# 5ashingtonville>was gathere# outsi#e- This thing was going to turn into a B1?quagmire <uickly i& he #i#n%t #o something about itThey%re !ust u+set* you guys*( .rew sai#* glancing at Clay%s stony e8+ression- magine i& it was the other way aroun#- 5hat i& we ha# to give u+ our school an# our colors an# our team$( Yeah* but .rew* you%ve got to a#mit that hol#ing a rally is a little rash*( 9ason sai#- A&ter everything you sai# yester#ay---- it%s like they #i#n%t even hear it- All this is gonna #o is make everyone even more B1A insular than be&ore-(

5ell* at least they%re being

B17 plaudits ; a++lause B1: puerile ; chil#ish B1= nomads ; +eo+le without B1? quagmire ; mess B1@ rash ; hasty 1<uick3 B1A insular ; isolate# B1B ingenuous ; honest


ingenuous about it*( .rew sai# as

+ermanent homes


Sacked by Emma Harrison

another cheer went u+ behin# him- This one* however* #ie# <uickly- He turne# an# saw Samson +ulling A#am #own* whis+ering something urgently to him- At least they%re not sneaking aroun# an# +lotting*( .rew a##e#* glancing at Clay.u#e* was !ust trying to hel+ you out*( Clay shot back* his eyes fiery- .on%t e8+ect me to be all B61repentant about it now- %# #o it again in a heartbeat- You* however* have a++arently turne# on the rest o& us-(

4o haven%t* man*( .rew re+lie#- %m !ust trying to kee+ this situation &rom getting any worse- %m !ust trying to hear these guys an# un#erstan# where they%re coming &rom-( Clay stare# .rew #own like he was some sort o& B66reprobate- )oo# luck with that- /ut #on%t nee# to stan# here anymore an# B67forbear about the no&ious cra+ that ki# is s+ewing- They%re on 5ashingtonville groun# now- They best start acting like it-( Clay turne# aroun# an# cut through the crow#* hea#ing &or the &ront #oors- A &ew other ki#s &ollowe#* but many more staye# outsi#e* an# .rew &elt the tension mountCome on* you guys- Iet%s !ust go insi#e*( .rew sai#- 9ust let them #o their thing- All they want is &or the a#ministration to listen to them- t has nothing to #o with us-( Yeah* right* .rew thought- They%re looking &or a &ight !ust like was on 'on#ay- An# everyone here knows itAt &irst* the crow# was resistant* an# .rew was starting to think that all ho+e was lost- There was going to be a throw#own here no matter what he #i#- /ut he re&use# to give u+* an# as he continue# to urge his classmates on* 9ason an# Tamara !oine# his +leas- Cinally* they starte# to slowly #is+erseB6E fiery - very intense B61 repentant ; sorry B66 eprobate ; criminal B67 forbear ; show +atience

when +rovoke#

Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew brought u+ the rear o& the crow#* B6:shepherding the 5ashingtonville ki#s insi#e- /ehin# him* a &ew Corinth +eo+le shoute# an# !eere# at them &or walking away* but .rew ignore# them- At least he%# hel+e# avoi# what coul# have been a huge riot>&or nowAs he le&t the Corinth crow# behin# an# ste++e# insi#e* .rew saw a &lash o& re# hair out o& the corner o& his eye- He +ause# an# saw Iily ste++ing through the #oors an# into the school* looking B6=blithely u+ at the crow#e# stairs as i& nothing were B6?amiss outsi#e- She was wearing her usual B6@ palette o& B6Apastels an# neutrals>no Corinth colors &or her- Either she ha#n%t gotten the memo* or she chose not to buy into the cra+ about taking si#es- .rew ha# a &eeling it was the latter* an# his alrea#y B6Bimmoderate &eelings &or the girl increase# B7Eprofusely- He smile#* ste++ing asi#e so that she coul# get ahea# o& him* an# she smile# ever,so,slightly in return* though looking at him as i& she%# never seen him be&ore- .rew* however* ha# gotten use# to that- An# even though she%# barely s+oken to him since that &irst class together* this B71quotidian glim+se o& her was the best +art o& his #ayt even ma#e him* tem+orarily* &orget about the trouble brewing outsi#eThe locker room was eerily <uiet be&ore +ractice- .rew notice# that Clay an# the others were #ressing in a B76dilatory &ashion* as i& they wante# the Corinth guys to get out to the &iel# be&ore them- He ha# no i#ea what the Corinth guys were #oing* since they ha# been occu+ying the &ar si#e o& the room e8clusively &or the +ast week or so- .rew ha# been ho+ing that his outburst yester#ay might chill everyone out a bit>lessen the B77animosity
B6: shepherding ; lea#ing B6= blithely ; without care B6? amiss - awryM wrong B6@ palette ; array o& colors B6A pastels - various +ale or light B6B immoderate ; e8cessive B7E profusely ; greatly B71 quotidian ; common+lace B76 dilatory ; la"y B77 animosity ; hostility



Sacked by Emma Harrison

between the two B7:factions>but a&ter the A#am Ia"arus show that morning an# now this strange silence* he was getting the &eeling he%# been totally wrongThe locker room #oor swung o+en* an# Coach .avi#son stuck his hea# insi#e- /enson! Hill! n my o&&ice* now! The rest o& you get your asses in gear- The other coaches will meet you on the &iel# in two minutes!( he barke#- )o! )o! )o!( .rew shot a B7=bewildered look at 9ason as he grabbe# his !ersey* +a#s* an# helmet to &ollow a&ter Coach- 9ason shrugge# in res+onse* but Clay* who ha# ignore# him most o& the #ay* +oun#e# his shoul#er with a soli# rock &istYou go* N/*( he sai# with a wink.rew%s heart sto++e# as* at that moment* Samson a++eare# aroun# the si#e o& the row o& lockers- Their eyes locke#- That coul#n%t be what this sur+rise meeting was about* coul# it$ There was no way that Coach was going to make Samson B7?relinquish the starting s+otn grim silence* .rew an# Samson both emerge# into the hallwayCoach was alrea#y at least twenty +aces ahea# o& them5hat the hell is this about$( Samson aske# un#er his breath have no i#ea*( .rew re+lie#- He &oun#* much to his sur+rise* that he #i#n%t &eel e8cite# at the +ros+ect o& switching +laces with Samson- As much as he woul# have love# to run out on that &iel# on o+ening #ay as the starting N/* he knew that Samson woul# be brutally #isa++ointe#- An# somehow* he #i#n%t want to see that ha++en- The B7@discrepancy between his current state o& min# an# the way he%# been &eeling !ust a cou+le o& #ays ago was almost insane- An# he coul# only imagine what his &ather woul# say i& he coul# rea# his thoughtsHe%# +robably throw me out o& the house an# #isown me &or goo#*
B7: factions - cli<ue 1o&ten secret3 B7= bewildered ; con&use# B7? relinquish ; give u+ B7@ discrepancy ; inconsistency

that seeks +ower usually through intrigue


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew thought/ut he an# Samson were !ust starting to become &rien#s* an# .rew really res+ecte# the guy- He #i#n%t want to see him crushe#Take a seat*( Coach sai#* hol#ing the #oor to his o&&ice o+en &or the two o& themSamson #i# as he was tol#* #ro++ing his +a#s an# helmet on the &loor near the wall- .rew hesitate# a s+lit secon#* recalling with shame the last time he%# been in this o&&ice an# the way he%# con#ucte# himsel&- t seeme# B7A illusory now* like it ha# ha++ene# in another li&etime- Still* his skin +rickle# with embarrasse# heat at the memory5hat are you waiting &or* /enson$ An aske#B7B

engraved invitation$( Coach

Sorry* Coach*( .rew sai#- He sunk into the secon# chair* his &ace burningCoach* meanwhile* settle# into his chair an# sat back* lacing his &ingers on his stomach as he looke# at the two o& them- .rew glance# at him <uickly an# was at a loss to #etermine what the man was thinking- He ha# a s+arkle in his eye>an almost B:Ejovial look about him- There was no way he was about to crush Samson%s ho+es- So what the hell were they #oing here$ 5ell boys* know this little meeting +robably seems B:1enigmatic to you* so %ll get right to the +oint an# B:6divulge my +lan*( Coach sai#Samson tense# u+- .rew sto++e# breathing.rew* want to try you out at tight en#*( Coach announce# .rew%s !aw hit the &loor- He looke# at Samson an# saw an e8act mirror o& his own &ace- 5hat$( they both blurte#B7A illusory ; unreal B7B engraved - carve# or cut B:E jovial ; !olly B:1 enigmatic ; mysterious B:6 divulge ; reveal

a #esign or letters into


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Coach sat &orwar# on his chair an# leane# into the #esk- saw you two tossing the ball aroun# yester#ay* an# su##enly it hit me with +er&ect B:7 clarity*( he sai# with a smile- /enson is the B::archetypal tight en#- 4ot only #o you have great han#s* ki#* but the way you tosse# Carra#ine yester#ay----( He +ause# to let out an im+resse# whistle- think you%# be a great blocker* an# Hill here nee#s some a##e# +rotection since his mobility nee#s some work-( Samson sco&&e#* but not in an irritate# way- He seeme# more amuse#0lus* tight en# is one o& very &ew s+ots where this team has a real deficiency- Hur only guy is a &reshman an# way too green- An# that ki# &rom Corinth is all thumbs- A&ter seeing the way you +laye# yester#ay* it%s clear that they%re not even B:?comparable-(

5ell* you%ve got that right* at least*( Samson sai#* in a tone that let them both know he thought Coach%s earlier criti<ue o& him was wrongYou coul# really B:@enhance the o&&ense* .rew*( Coach continue#* looking #irectly at him- An# think you two coul# really B:Acomplement each other out on that &iel#- 0lus* woul#n%t min# having both my varsity ca+tains actually +laying- So$ 5hat #o you say$ 5ill you try it out$( .rew coul# har#ly +rocess what he was hearing- The only +osition he ha# ever +laye# was <uarterback- The only +osition he ha# ever wante# to +lay was <uarterback- He coul# har#ly even imagine himsel& lining u+ to the le&t or right si#e or going in motion or actually trying to run into #e&en#ers- t was all so B:Bsurreal/ut he also coul#n%t sto+ smilingAre you sure about this* Coach$( he sai# &inally* shi&ting in his seatB:7 clarity ; clearness B:: archetypal ; classic B:= deficiency ; weakness B:? comparable ; e<ual B:@ enhance ; im+rove B:A complement ; balance B:B surreal ; #reamlike


Sacked by Emma Harrison

%ve only ever +laye# N/-( Coach barkedB=E

glowered- Are you


contradicting me* /enson$( he

4o* Coach*( .rew sai#* startle#Then Coach .avi#son laughe#- %m !ust ki##ing- Sorry- think %m a little punchy to#ay*( he sai#* waving a han#- He took a si+ o& his co&&ee* an# .rew an# Samson glance# at one another* B=7incredulous- Coach was acting a bit more than +unchy- He was B=:giddy- A very strange sight to .rew* consi#ering he%# har#ly ever seen the guy smileB=6

5ell* o& course %m not basing this on any B==factual evi#ence asi#e &rom what saw yester#ay- There%s gonna be a +erio# o& B=?evaluation*( Coach .avi#son e8+laine#* +utting his co&&ee cu+ #own- You%ll have to learn the B=@fundamentals o& the +osition* an# we%ll have to be sure that this is the right #ecision* but %m +retty con&i#ent it%s going to work-( Hh* know it%s going to work*( Samson sai# with a grin- .on%t you worry about it* Coach-( 5ell* your B=Aassurance means a lot in this case* Hill* because the two o& you are going to have to be B=Bassiduous about your #rills*( Coach tol# him.rew%s heart ski++e# a &ew B?Eelated beats- He was getting a chance to get back in the starting lineu+- /ack on the &iel# +laying the game he love#B=E glowered - looke# at with a &i8e# ga"e B=1 contradicting ; o++osing B=6 punchy - shot thick or &at B=7 incredulous - not #is+ose# or willing to B=: giddy ; ha++ily e8cite# B== factual ; base# on &act B=? evaluation ; assessment B=@ fundamentals ; basics B=A assurance ; +le#ge B=B assiduous ; tireless B?E elated ; over!oye#

believeM unbelieving


Sacked by Emma Harrison

He coul# har#ly even believe his luck5hat #o you say* .rew$( Coach aske#- hate# B?1curtailing your ho+es last time- The last thing ever wante# to #o was B?6e&clude a har#working lea#er like yoursel& &rom our B?7roster- /ut think this solution coul# be really B?:advantageous to you an# the team- 5e all know that you being on the &iel# means an B?=infusion o& energy an# #etermination to the whole s<ua#-( .rew grinne#* his heart B??welling with +ri#e/ut B?@digress*( Coach sai#* stan#ing- 5hat really want to know is* are you in$( He hel# out his han# to .rew over the #eskCoach*( .rew sai#* &inally &eeling able to s+eak through the lum+ o& emotion in his throat- An emotion that &elt a lot like B?Aectasy- He stoo# u+ an# gras+e# Coach .avi#son%s han#- coul# not be more in-(

B?1 curtailing ; cutting o&& B?6 e&clude ; leave out B?7 roster - a list o& names B?: advantageous ; bene&icial B?= infusion ; in!ection B?? welling ; rising B?@ digress ; lose clarity or turn B?A ecstasy ; elation

asi#e es+ecially &rom the main sub!ect


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter /leven Hn their way u+ to the &ootball &iel#* .rew ha# to concentrate to kee+ &rom laughing- He coul#n%t hel+ it- & someone ha# tol# him a cou+le years ago that he might be +laying tight en# his senior year* he woul# have thought it was utterly ri#iculous- /ut now---- now it was his ray o& ho+e- An# it seeme# so obvious- He was &ast- He was B?Belusive- He was strong- He coul# rea# a #e&ense like nobo#y%s business- 5hy not be a lea# blocker$ 5hy not be the guy who ha# to eva#e the #e&ense an# tear #own &iel#* then batter his way &or a &ew more yar#s$ He coul#n%t be more e8cite# to get starte#- 0lus* he coul# not wait to see his &ather%s &ace when he tol# him- .rew ha# no i#ea whether his &ather woul# be e8cite# or annoye#* but either way he%# be stunne#- That was going to be &un.rew* Samson* an# Coach .avi#son B@Ecrested the hill* an# the &iel# came into view- .rew +ause#- 5hat he saw be&ore him meant the com+lete B@1 erasure o& all his ha++y thoughts- There were two B@6distinct grou+s o& guys on the &iel#- To the le&t were the 5ashingtonville guys in their re# an# white +ractice uni&orms- To the right were the Corinth guys* each an# every one o& them wearing a &ull Corinth uni&orm- Silver +ants- /lue !erseys with gray numbers- Silver helmets with lions on them- 4ot even +ractice uni&orms* but game unis- They were B@7dingy an# #ate#* with their big ol# lettering an# baggy look* but they got their +oint across- The Corinth guys were ma# as hell an# they weren%t going to take it anymore.rew glance# at Samson &rom the corner o& his eye* an# Samson looke# nauseated- He was wearing the re# an# white- Clearly* his Corinth bu##ies ha# not B@=disclosed their +lan o& action to him- .rew won#ere# how that

B?B elusive ; har# to catch B@E crested ; reache# the to+ B@1 erasure ; removal B@6 distinct ; se+arate B@7 dingy ; grimy B@: nauseated ; sickene# B@= disclosed ; reveale#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

ma#e Samson &eel- His guess was not goo#You #i#n%t know about this* huh$( .rew whis+ere#Samson shook his hea#- #on%t even know how they ac<uire# the helmets an# +ants- School only let us kee+ the !erseys at the en# o& the year9ackasses must%ve buste# into the ol# locker room-( .rew looke# at the Corinth guys in B@?awe- To #o something like that* they must have been really serious about making this statement5hat%s going on here$( Coach .avi#son shoute#As they #rew closer to the &iel#* .rew coul# hear both si#es grumbling as a cou+le o& the coaches +ut their hea#s together to try to &igure out what to #oA#am* Tank* an# Iance ste++e# &orwar# an# a++roache# Coach .avi#son- nstantly* Clay* 9ason* .irk* an# a &ew others emerge# &rom the 5ashingtonville si#e* as i& rea#y to #e&en# Coach &rom an attack- .rew hal& e8+ecte# to see them B@@brandishing wea+ons- His heartbeat +oun#e# in his ears as he broke out in a col# sweat- This was not going to be +rettyCoach* our school may have been #issolve#* but our team is B@Ae&tant*( A#am sai# to Coach .avi#son- Clearly he ha# emerge# as the B@Bdominant voice &or his cause over the last twenty,&our hours* an# &rom the look o& the Corinth guys* his #etermination was BAEcontagious- As a team* we%ve #eci#e# that we%re not going to wear another team%s colors anymore- The memory o& our school #eserves a little #ignity-( Coach turne# to Samson- 5ere you a BA1collaborator on this* Hill$( he aske#B@? awe ; won#er B@@ brandishing ; hol#ing aggresively B@A e&tant ; still in e8istence B@B dominant ; strongest BAE contagious ; in&ectious BA1 collaborator ; +artner


Sacked by Emma Harrison

4o* sir*( Samson sai# bitterly* eyeing his BA6crafty &rien#sCoach took a #ee+ breath an# blew it out BA7audibly* looking at the grass- 2i#s* #on%t know what to tell you* e8ce+t that this ty+e o& BA: showboating isn%t going to hel+ this team- t%s nothing but BA=divisive-( The 5ashingtonville guys muttere# their assentThat%s not our &ault* Coach*( Iance +i+e# u+- 5e have to stan# u+ &or what we think is right-( Yeah* an# we #on%t think the school boar#%s #ecision was evenhanded*( A#am a##e#- Clearly they #i#n%t even care to hear our thoughts or concerns about this- They #i#n%t even try to come u+ with a com+romise-(

The Corinth guys shoute# an# hollere#* an# .rew &elt his shoul#ers tenseHow can you make BA@assertions like that$ 4one o& us were there*( .rew shoute# over the BAAdin- 5e have no i#ea what went into making their #ecision-( Hh* what a shock! /enson is BABconcordant with the school boar# an# the 5ashingtonville +eo+le*( A#am s+at in re+ly- .u#e* have you ever ha# an original thought in your li&e* or #o you !ust BBEregurgitate everything your +er&ect brother an# your +er&ect coach think an# say$( he aske#* getting right in .rew%s &aceHey* man! /ack o&&*( Samson shoute#* shoving his way in between them- He +ushe# A#am back* an# the guy almost &ell into his &rien#sBA6 crafty ; shrew# BA7 audibly ; so to be hear# BA: showboating - to +er&orm or BA= divisive ; #isru+tive BA? evenhanded ; &air BA@ assertions ; claims BAA din; racket BAB concordant ; in agreement BBE regurgitate ; re+eat

behave in a showy an# &lamboyant1showy3 way


Sacked by Emma Harrison

An# you! You%re such a BB1fraud!( A#am blurte# at Samson- Iook at you! You were su++ose# to be our ca+tain* an# you%ve totally BB6defected to the other si#e-( That%s a total BB7calumny*( Samson shot back- 4o one even tol# me about this little BB:standoff o& yours- /ut you know what$ Even i& they ha#* woul#n%t have gone along with it- t%s time &or you guys to <uit your bitching an# start acting like a team!( Hh* yeah$ 5ell maybe no one tol# you about it because we all knew you%# alrea#y BB=bailed on the BB?ethos o& our team- Hanging out with /enson* giving him ri#es to school*( A#am re+lie# sni#ely- t%s about time you remember where you%re &rom*( he a##e#* giving Samson a little shoveAll right* that%s enough!( Coach .avi#son roare#- He threw his cli+boar# #own an# ste++e# u+* his &ace a BB@heinous sha#e o& +ur+leIa"arus* these two men are your ca+tains*( he sai#* +ointing a shaking &inger at Samson an# .rew- You will show them the res+ect they #eserve-( A#am%s &ace screwe# into a BBAdefiant smirk* an# he s+at at Samson%s &eet- 4o one move#- 4o one breathe#- There was no soun# e8ce+t the roar o& a +lane &lying somewhere overhea#This is it- He%s going to throw us all out o& here- He%s going to call u+ the school boar# an# tell them to BBBdisband the team5ell- That was 1EEEdiscourteous*( Coach sai# &inally- ClatlyTraitors get s+it on where come &rom*( A#am re+lie#BB1 fraud ; &ake BB6 defected ; le&t BB7 calumny ; slan#er BB: standoff - a act o& re+ulsing or re+elling an attack BB= bailed - release#- remove# BB? ethos ; gui#ing belie&s BB@ heinous - e8tremely wicke#* #ee+ly criminal BBA defiant ; #isobe#ient BBB disband ; break u+ 1EEE discourteous ; ru#e


Sacked by Emma Harrison

An# that was all Coach nee#e# to hearCi&ty la+s!( Coach .avi#son shoute# in A#am%s &ace- You !ust earne# yoursel& &i&ty la+s* Ia"arus!( .rew watche# A#am as he glare# at the coach- There was no way he was going to #o it* no way he was going to let his team see him cave t !ust became si8ty*( Coach sai#* ste++ing even closer to A#am* so close their chests colli#e#- Care to make it a hun#re#$( A#am shook his hea# 1EE1derisively an# bent to +ick u+ his helmet- He !ogge# away &rom the team* by+assing eye contact with any one o& themCome on* you guys- Iet%s start +ractice*( Samson sai#* +ulling his helmet onYeah- Iet%s go*( .rew a##e#* !ogging into the o+en s+ace between the two grou+sAt &irst* only a &ew brave souls &ollowe# them* but then Coach .avi#son blew his whistle* an# the rest o& the team 1EE6grudgingly ho++e# to.rew breathe# a sigh o& relie& as he &ell into line to start warm,u+s* but he coul#n%t &ully rela8- Everyone aroun# him was tense* an# the 1EE7specter o& A#am running his si8ty la+s was a constant remin#er o& the animosity that +ermeate# the &iel#- As .rew starte# to count o&& !um+ing !acks* he ha# a &eeling that this was going to be a very long +ractice.rew caught the con&use# looks o& his teammates as he a++roache# the o&&ensive line &or the &irst 1EE:scrimmage a&ter warm,u+s- He ste++e# u+ ne8t to Samson as Coach .avi#son brought u+ the rear5hat%s u+* Coach$( 9ason sai# lightly- 5e%re going &or a two, <uarterback o&&ense this year$( A &ew o& the guys on the line laughe#* though only 5ashingtonville
1EE1 derisively ; contem+tuously 1EE6 grudgingly ; reluctantly 1EE7 specter

; image
2 +ractice +lay between a &ootball teamJs s<ua#s

1EE: scrimmage

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guys* .rew notice#- Coach shook his hea# an# smirke#Ah* S"onyi*( he sai#* +utting a han# on 9ason%s shoul#er +a#- Trust you to always come to the most 1EE=implausible conclusion-( 9ason blushe#* but more guys laughe# at that one* so his embarrassment was &or a worthy cause- Anything that coul# cut the tension on this team even slightly was totally worth itAll right* guys* we%re going to try something new to#ay*( Coach .avi#son announce#* shoving his cli+boar# un#er his arm- 9ackman* you%re out- %m trying out /enson at tight en#-( 5hat$ 4o way*( Clay blurte#* shocke#Ale8 9ackman* the &reshman tight en#* looke# almost relieve# to be +ulle# &rom the lineu+- 4ot that .rew coul# blame him- 0ractice to#ay was likely going to be intense- The ki# !ogge# his butt to the si#elines so &ast it was like he was being chase#Yes way*( Coach re+lie#- Iet%s run the blit" an# see i& your ca+tain can block!( he shoute#* backing u+.rew wante# to shoot his coach a gee thanks( look but manage# to check himsel&- nstea# he took his +lace on the line an# +re+are# himsel& &or combat- This was it- This was his chance to show what he coul# #o- To win a +lace on this team- There was no way he was going to &ail- Even i& that 1EE? gargantuan Tank Iang&or# was growling like a +it bull an# 1EE@seething in his #irectionCoach blew his whistle with a 1EEAflourish* an# .rew threw himsel& into battleAn hour later* battere# an# 1EEBparched an# e8hauste#* .rew launche# himsel& into the air over two #e&en#ers an# !ust +raye# that the ball woul#
1EE= implausible ; unbelievable 1EE? gargantuan ; gigantic 1EE@ seething - agitating 1EEA flourish ; showiness 1EEB parched ; #ehy#rate#


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lan# in his &ingers- He &elt the 1E1Epigskin an# clutche# at it* +ulling it to his chest !ust as the two guys>one 5ashingtonville an# one Corinth>colli#e# with each other an# with his legs &rom either si#e- .rew close# his eyes an# tucke# his hea# as he 1E11careened hea# over heels towar# the groun# over their backs- He slamme# into the 1E16turf* the win# knocke# out o& him* an# o+ene# his eyescan%t breathe- can%t breathe* he thought &or a wil# secon#/ut then the air &loo#e# his lungs an# he coughe# an# s+uttere#- Two secon#s later* Clay* 9ason* an# .irk all a++eare# aroun# him.o still have the ball$( he aske#You bet your ass you #o*( Clay sai#* yanking him u+ an# smacking his helmet- .u#e! You%re killing us out there!( Ten straight com+lete# +asses- .rew coul# har#ly believe it- Iooke# as i& his career as a tight en# was o&& to an 1E17auspicious start- He wishe# his &ather were here- Hr his brother- They were never going to believe this5here the hell #i# these e8treme skills come &rom$( .irk a##e# have my hi##en talents*( .rew !oke#* gas+ing &or breath.u#e* you shoul# 1E1:conserve your energy*( 9ason sai#* sla++ing the to+ o& his helmet- have a &eeling you%re gonna be starting every game this year-( )o#* ho+e so* .rew thought* smiling- A cou+le o& other 5ashingtonville guys sla++e# his shoul#ers as they ma#e their way across the &iel#- t seeme# like his new +osition ha# 1E1=distracted the team>the 5ashingtonville guys* at least>&rom the earlier 1E1?discord- The Corinth
1E1E pigskin - leather &rom the skin o& swine 1E11 careened ; lurche# 1move# slowly an# unstea#ily3 1E16 turf - sur&ace layer o& groun# containing a mat o& grass 1E17 auspicious ; +romising 1E1: conserve ; save 1E1= distracted ; #iverte# 1E1? discord - #isagreement

an# grass roots


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guys #i#n%t seem all that ha++y to have him back on the &iel#* but so &ar they ha# ke+t their mouths shut about it- 0ractice ha# been way more +assionate than usual* with some nasty hits an# a lot o& cracking helmets* but the team was 1E1@forging ahea# without inci#ent* an# .rew was starting to think it might actually be +ossible to get through this #ay without a throw#ownHne coul# ho+eHow #i# Coach come u+ with this i#ea$( 9ason aske# .rew.rew glance# over at Samson- Actually* %m 1E1Aindebted to Hill &or that*( he sai#- Coach saw us +laying catch yester#ay an# got the i#ea-( He reache# out his han#* which Samson sla++e#- .rew glance# aroun# at the 1E1Bhuddle* ho+ing they%# take the 1E6Ecue- & he an# Samson coul# get along* they coul# all get along- /ut everyone !ust 1E61glowered in res+onse5ait a minuteOso it%s true$ You two were hanging out yester#ay$( Clay derided them1E66

/ack o&&* Carra#ine*( .rew sai#* annoye#- 5e%re !ust trying to make the best o& a sucky situation-( Yeah- 5hatever*( Clay sai#All right* you guys! Iet%s run that +lay one more time!( Coach .avi#son calle# out* blowing his whistle.rew line# u+ behin# the tackle- Across the line he coul# see that Tank was no longer the only #e&ensive +layer out &or bloo#- Clay was now glaring at him too- 5hat was wrong with this guy$ So .rew was trying to make &rien#s with Samson- 5as that really so 1E67inflammatory$ How coul# these guys not see that something ha# to change aroun# here$
1E1@ forging ; move# slowly an# stea#ily 1E1A indebted ; thank&ul 1E1B huddle - a #isorgani"e# an# #ensely +acke# 1E6E cue ; signal 1E61 glowered ; stare# sullenly 1E66 derided ; ri#icule# 1E67 inflammatory ; inciting 1+rovoking3



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/lue* thirty,eight! /lue* thirty,eight!( Samson shoute#Clay stare# into .rew%s eyes- .rew stare# right back* all the tiny hairs on the back o& his neck on en#Hike!( .rew !um+e# o&& the line- He was su++ose# to go in motion to the right* but instea# he threw himsel& right at Clay* who he knew was gunning &or himClay ha# clearly been e8+ecting to catch .rew on the run* so when .rew hit him #irectly in the chest* he was &lung backwar#* o&& balance- .rew threw Clay to the groun#* !um+e# over his +rone bo#y* an# si#este++e# Tank- He race# #own the center o& the &iel#* wi#e o+en- 4o one ha# been e8+ecting him to reach the center o& the line* so the corners were miles away &rom himHill!( .rew shoute#* raising a han# in the airSamson saw him an# let the ball &ly- t was an easy catch* an# .rew s+rinte# into the en# "one- A cou+le o& guys race# u+ to hug him* an# then Samson was there as well- The two o& them !um+e# in the air* high,&iving over their hea#s* 1E6:e&ultant5e are unsto++able!( Samson shoute#You bet your ass!( .rew re+lie# ha++ily/ut their celebration was 1E6=finite- /ehin# .rew there was a shout* then another- As he turne# aroun#* he saw Clay an# Tank wrestling each other to the groun#- Then Iance shoute# something 1E6?crass about .irk%s mother* an# .irk threw his helmet o&& an# 1E6@assailed Iance- They hit the groun#* an# .irk tore o&& Iance%s helmet* all the better to 1E6Apummel his &ace with his &ist- t all ha++ene# so &ast* .rew ha# no i#ea what the 1E6Bcatalyst ha# been1E6: e&ultant ; !ubilant 1E6= finite ; limite# 1E6? crass ; cru#e 1E6@ assailed ; attacke# 1E6A pummel ; +oun# 1E6B catalyst ; trigger


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.amn it!( .rew shoute#* racing towar# the tow-


fray with Samson in

/y the time they ran the &i&ty yar#s* hal& the team was 1E71embroiled in the melee- /o#ies were &lung asi#e- /loo# s+urte# across white !erseys1E76 /pithets &ille# the air- .rew was !ust about to &ling himsel& at a Corinth guy who was beating the hell out o& 9ohn 5ashburn* when Coach .avi#son met him with the &orce o& a 'ac truck an# threw him backStay out o& it!( Coach shoute# at him an# Samson- )et back!( .rew sto++e#* heaving &or breath* as Coach turne# an# +ulle# the guy o&& o& 9ohn- Along with the other coaches* he #ove in* +ulling ki#s out one by one an# backing them u+- .rew looke# at Samson* who ha# likewise sto++e#* an# they both went about trying to kee+ their &rien#s &rom re!oining the &ight- He brought 9ohn over to the bench near the track an# grabbe# a towel &or him to hol# against his blee#ing noseYou all right* man$( he aske#9ohn hel# his hea# back an# manage# the tiniest no#- )o hel+ them-( .rew #i#n%t know whether he meant hel+ the team or the coaches* but he turne# aroun# an# went back to see what he coul# #o- Clay was whaling on one o& the #e&ensive +layers &rom Corinth* an# .rew an# .irk grabbe# him &rom either si#e an# #ragge# him away wasn%t #one with him* man*( Clay shoute#* still rea#y to go* even though bloo# was +ouring &rom his mouth5hat the hell is the matter with you* Clay$( .rew aske#- %m so sick o& this cra+- 5hy #o you have to be so 1E77confrontational$( Iook who%s talking* 'r- let%s,go,to,the,Corinth,#iner,an#,!ust,see, what,ha++ens! 5here #o you get o&& being so 1E7:sanctimonious all o& a
1E7E fray ; &ight 1E71 embroiled ; involve# 1E76 epithets ; #is+araging wor#s 1E77 confrontational ; +rovoking 1E7: sanctimonious ; sel&,righteous


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su##en$ 5hy are you castigating me$( Clay re+lie#* s+itting again- You%re the one who ke+t saying they were 1E7=contaminating our school- /ut all o& a su##en it%s like you%ve &orgotten all about that- 5hat%# you get>a 1E7? lobotomy$( 4o- %m !ust trying to change*( .rew re+lie#- %m !ust trying to save this team- /ut i& this is the way it%s gonna be* maybe it%s not worthy saving-( He turne# an# storme# o&&* hel+ing a cou+le o& coaches se+arate a +air o& combatants- t took !ust minutes to break the whole thing u+* but it &elt to .rew like hours- 5hen the last &ew guys were +eele# away &rom the +ile* a sickening sight greete# all o& them- 9ason was lying on the groun#> seemingly +resse# into the groun#>bloo#y an# unconscious* a 1E7@contusion &rom his tem+le to the center o& his &orehea#Hh my )o#- 9ason*( .rew sai#* rushing over to his &rien#%s si#eCall B11!( Coach .avi#son shoute#Iewinter +ulle# out his cell an# #iale#- Everyone was su##enly still as #eath- .rew an# .irk knelt ne8t to 9ason with Coach- His skin looke# wa8y an# green- .rew saw his li&elong &rien#shi+ with 9ason +ass be&ore his eyesTheir &irst tri+ to 04C 0ark to see the 0irates* ri#ing bikes in the summer #uring mi##le school* climbing the trees outsi#e Tamara%s house trying to see in her win#ows- 9ason%s i#ea* o& course- He &elt like his chest was going to e8+lo#e0lease !ust let him be okay* .rew thought- %ll take the blame &or everything- %ll 1E7Aatone &or everything %ve ever #one wrong- %ll <uit the team &or goo#- 9ust let him be okay s he breathing$( .rew aske#* his voice cracking1E7= contaminating ; ruining 1E7? lobotomy - surgical interru+tion

o& nerve tracts to an# &rom the &rontal lobe o& the brainM o&ten results in marke# cognitive an# +ersonality changes 1E7@ contusion ; bruise 1E7A atone - make amen#s &or

Sacked by Emma Harrison

/arely*( Coach re+lie# 4ow-(


gravely- 5e have to get him to a hos+ital-

1E7B gravely

- ba#lyM severely

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Chapter Twelve .rew* you shoul# really sit*( Coach .avi#son sai#* leaning &orwar# in the +lastic waiting room chair- 5e coul# be here a while-( .rew +ace# u+ an# #own the aisle in the brightly lit* 1E:Eantiseptic yet 1E:1 chaotic EK waiting room- All aroun# him* his teammates talke# in low tones- n the chairs beyon# them* little ki#s sni&&le# an# coughe#* a guy about his &ather%s age hel# his arm* which was obviously broken* an# a &ew other sorry,looking characters stare# into s+ace or calle# &or #octors- .rew%s heart was +oun#ing so har# he coul#n%t even imagine trying to sit still can%t*( he tol# Coach* ste++ing over .irk%s outstretche# legs- can%t sit-( There woul# be no rela8ing &or .rew- He was going to +ractice abnegation until he hear# that his best &rien# was okay- 4o matter what .rew #i#* he !ust coul#n%t sto+ seeing 9ason%s gray* lim+ bo#y- His &rien# ha# never regaine# consciousness as they loa#e# him into the ambulance- An# when his mother ha# arrive# with 9ason%s little brother in 1E:7tow* she%# been a 1E::hysterical mess- An# why$ Cor what$ /ecause o& some stu+i# rivalry between Corinth an# 5ashingtonville$ t was all so +ointless1E:6

.amn it!( .rew shoute#* bringing his &ist #own into the seat o& an em+ty chair.rew!( Coach barke#* sur+rise#.u#e- You%ve gotta calm #own*( Samson sai#* stan#ing u+ &rom his own chair can%t- &eel 1E:=e&ecrable*( .rew sai#* +ressing the heels o& his han#s
1E:E antiseptic ; sterile 1E:1 chaotic ; hectic 1E:6 abnegation ; sel&,#enial 1E:7 tow - an act o& hauling something 1E:: hysterical ; theoretically 1E:= e&ecrable ; terrible


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into his &orehea#- This is all my &ault- 'y best &rien#---- basically the nicest guy on the +lanet---- is in the hos+ital unconscious* an# it%s all my &ault-( He &elt so #es+erate* so alone- So com+letely an# totally stu+i#/ncumbered by all his emotions* he &inally #ro++e# into a chair an# +ut his hea# in his han#s- He knew the rest o& the team was staring at him* but he #i#n%t even care- 4othing mattere# right now e8ce+t &or 9ason1E:?

.rew---- son* let me 1E:@e&culpate you right now*( Coach .avi#son sai#* +utting his arm aroun# .rew an# s<uee"ing his shoul#er- You #i#n%t start this &ight- You weren%t even in on this &ight- You an# Samson were trying to change things- This isn%t your &ault-( .rew sni&&le# an# looke# u+* 1E:Aconstraining a &ew tears that threatene# to over&low- A &ew o& the ki#s &rom 5ashingtonville were whis+ering an# laughing* telling stories about 9ason- .rew%s heart &elt like it was about to burst.o you see that$ They%re telling 1E:Banecdotes about him- Iike this is his wake- Iike he%s alrea#y #ea#*( .rew sai#He%s gonna be &ine*( Samson tol# him- The #octor seeme# o+timisticYou%ve gotta try to 1E=Ecultivate some ho+e-( .rew took a #ee+ breath* staring out over the waiting room- The 5ashingtonville guys were on one si#e- The Corinth guys>the &ew who ha# bothere# to come>were on the other- They weren%t acknowle#ging each other or even looking at each other- The whole thing ma#e .rew so sick he wante# to s+itThey shoul# !ust 1E=1ra-e the &iel# alrea#y*( he sai# bitterly- This isn%t a team- t%s never going to be a team-(
1E:? encumbered ; weighe# #own 1E:@ e&culpate ; &ree &rom blame 1E:A constraining ; hol#ing back 1E:B anecdotes ; short* amusing stories 1E=E cultivate ; #evelo+ 1E=1 ra-e ; tear #own


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Coach .avi#son shi&te# in his seat- He sli++e# out o& his !acket an# &ol#e# it on his la+ with a sigh- To be honest* son* a&ter to#ay* it woul#n%t sur+rise me at all i& the school boar# #eci#e# to 1E=6abjure the team an# 1E=7 abrogate the +rogram- At least until ne8t year-( 5hat$( Samson blurte#* as i& won#ering whether his coach%s thesaurus ha# gotten stuck o+en to the +ages 1E=:spanning 1E==abhorrent through abru+t5ell* all we%ve +roven since #ay one is that you guys #on%t know how to get along an# that can%t kee+ control o& you*( Coach sai#* looking 1E=? grim an# sa#- 4ow one o& my +layers has lan#e# in the hos+ital- This is not a 1E=@propitious situation- There%s a school boar# meeting ne8t 5e#nes#ay* an# my guess is once they hear about this* the team will be on their agen#a-( The sli#ing #oors o+ene# with a hiss* an# a 1E=Asacerdote walke# through hol#ing a /ible- .rew%s heart all but sto++e#- t &elt like a 1E=Bpresage o& #oom0lease #on%t be here to give anyone last rights* he thoughtThe #oor behin# the #esk o+ene#* an# 'rs- S"onyi walke# out* hol#ing 9ason%s little brother Eric by the han#- Her blon# hair was back in a +onytail* an# her usually ma#e,u+ &ace was 1E?Ewan* having been wi+e# clean by tears an# tissues- She #e+osite# Eric in a chair near the wall with a book an# walke# over to Coach- Every +layer in the room either stoo# u+ or at least sat u+ straight- .rew was on his &eet in a secon#1E=6 abjure ; #isown 1E=7 abrogate ; abolish 1E=: spanning - covering or e8ten#ing over an area or time +erio# 1E== abhorrent - o&&ensive to the min# 1E=? grim - &ille# with melancholy an# #es+on#ency 1E=@ propitious ; encouraging 1E=A sacerdote ; +riest 1E=B presage ; omen 1a sign o& something about to ha++en3 1E?E wan ; +ale


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s he okay$( .rew blurte# be&ore 9ason%s mom coul# even get a wor# outShe smile# weakly- He%s going to be &ine-( Yes!( .rew cheere#* &eeling his entire bo#y lighten- All the other guys cheere# an# hollere# as well* hugging an# celebrating in their 1E?1ebullient way until one o& the nurses tol# them to cut the cra+- Then they instantly &ell silent* blushing like ma#That%s great news* 9enny*( Coach .avi#son sai#* s<uee"ing 'rsS"onyi%s armThey were 1E?6circumspect at &irst*( 9ason%s mother e8+laine#* taking the chair .rew ha# vacate#- They #i#n%t want to say anything* basically* until he woke u+- /ut he &inally #i# about &i&teen minutes ago* an# he answere# all their <uestions correctly* so---- as long as they kee+ him awake &or a while* they think he%ll be &ine- The only +roblem is that since he nee#s to stay awake* they can%t give him anything &or the +ain in his leg yet-( His leg$( .rew aske# t%s broken*( she re+lie#* reaching into her +urse &or a tissue* which she +resse# to her nose- Hther than a 1E?7concussion* that%s his worst in!ury-( .rew &elt sick to his stomach- Someone ha# broken 9ason%s leg$ 5ho the hell coul# #o such a thing$ t +robably ha++ene# in the +ile,on*( Samson sai#* as i& rea#ing .rew%s thoughts- %m sure no one meant &or anything like this to ha++en* 'rs- S"onyi-( know- t seems like a lot o& you boys are worse &or the wear*( she sai#* glancing aroun# at all the cuts an# bruises aroun# her- She close# her eyes an# hel# her breath &or a moment- %m sorry- !ust have such an aversion to hos+itals-(
1E?1 ebullient ; cheer&ul 1E?6 circumspect ; cautious 1E?7 concussion - brain in!ury

cause# by a blowM usually resulting in loss o& consciousness


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s there anything can get you$( .rew aske# automaticallyCan 1E?:dispatch you in search o& some co&&ee$( she aske#* her voice 1E?= meek- That woul# be so hel+&ul* .rew-( %m on it*( .rew sai#* ha++y to have some kin# o& task to +er&ormCan come$( Eric aske#* !um+ing out o& his chairSure* little man*( .rew sai#* 1E??ruffling the ki#%s curly hair- Eric was always &ollowing him an# 9ason aroun#* an# sometimes his 1E?@ precociousness annoye# .rew* but tonight he welcome# the ki#%s com+any- t ma#e him &eel closer to 9ason somehowHe walke# over to the nurses% station an# in<uire# about the co&&ee machine* which was in a nearby nurses% lounge- Hnce he &oun# it* the thing was so 1E?Aelaborate he ha# no i#ea what to #o- .i# she want 1E?Bdecaf or regular$ Clavore# or un&lavore#$ He &inally #eci#e# to !ust make as many #i&&erent kin#s as he coul# carry)rab a seat* #u#e- This coul# take a while*( .rew tol# EricEric #i# as he was tol#- He sat at a roun# woo#en table an# o+ene# his book again5ow- You%re really into that* huh$( .rew sai#* choosing one o& the one,serving co&&ee +ackets an# tossing it into the machine t%s homework* but like it*( Eric sai#* shrugging his thin shoul#ers5hat%s the book$( .rew aske# t%s an 1E@Eanthology o& )reek myths-( .rew sco&&e#- You%re learning )reek mythology in &ourth gra#e$(
1E?: dispatch ; sen# 1E?= meek ; timi# 1E?? ruffling - #isturbing the smoothness o& 1E?@ precociousness ; early maturity 1E?A elaborate ; com+le8 1E?B decaf - co&&ee with the ca&&eine remove# 1E@E anthology ; collection


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t%s &or a#vance# rea#ing*( Eric re+lie#* turning the +age.rew grinne#- Ah- That e8+lains it-( He wan#ere# over to the re&rigerator while the &irst cu+ o& co&&ee was brewing- nsi#e was a 1E@1 plethora o& #i&&erent so#as- You want a so#a$( can%t have sugar a&ter si8 +-m-*( Eric sai# matter,o&,&actly.rew laughe#- Eric* man* you%re ten-( Eric looke# u+ &rom his book- So$( So* live a little*( .rew re+lie#He +lace# a root beer in &ront o& Eric an# +o++e# o+en a so#a &or himsel& as he sat #own- Eric +ulle# the so#a to him* his eyes wi#e with the crime o& it all* an# .rew sli# Eric%s book over to himIet%s see this thing*( he sai#* taking a 1E@6slug o& his so#a- He close# the book to check out the cover* an# instantly the worl# sto++e# movingSomewhere overhea#* a 0A system calle# &or a #octor- /ehin# him* the co&&eemaker 1E@7burbled- Eric sucke# #own hal& a can o& root beer in recor# time- /ut all .rew coul# see was the illustration on the &ront cover o& Eric%s )reek mythology bookt was a +er&ect 1E@:epiphany- Something he%# hear# about* but ha# never actually e8+erience# himsel&- Su##enly he knew how to &i8 everything between 5ashingtonville an# Corinth- Hr* at least* how to startHh- 'y- )o#- This is it*( .rew sai#.rew stoo# u+* clutching the book* an# grabbe# the one cu+ o& co&&ee that was !ust &inishe# brewing5hat$ 5hat%s it$( Eric aske#* !um+ing u+ as wellHere- )ive me that*( .rew sai#* snatching the can out o& Eric%s han#1E@1 plethora ; variety 1E@6 slug - a small #rink o& li<uor 1E@7 burbled - &lowe# in an irregular current 1E@: epiphany ; moment o& reali"ation

with a bubbling noise


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t was alrea#y em+ty- 5ow- You have a serious ki#-(


propensity &or root beer*

like it okay*( Eric sai#- Can have my book back$(


n a secon#*( .rew sai#* hea#ing &or the #oor- adumbrate my i#ea to Samson an# Coach-( 5hat i#ea$( Eric aske#* !ogging to catch u+ with him-

have to

#on%t know- t%s all kin# o& 1E@@amorphous right now- /ut i& it works---- )o#- think it coul# actually work*( .rew sai#* &eeling truly energi"e# &or the &irst time all eveningHe walke# into the EK* where much o& the team was starting to #is+erse* having hear# that 9ason was okay- A&ter han#ing the co&&ee to 'rsS"onyi* .rew hel# out the book to Samson an# Coach an# starte# to e8+lain his +lan- )ra#ually* their eyes lit u+* an# .rew knew he was on to somethingThis coul# actually work* ki#*( Coach .avi#son sai# +rou#ly/ut we%ve got a lot to #o*( Samson +ut inSo you want to hel+$( .rew aske#.e&initely* man*( Samson re+lie#* sla++ing .rew on the back- This is our team- Iet%s save it-( 5hen he walke# into S+anish class on Cri#ay* .rew was +lease# to see a television an# .F. +layer at the &ront o& the room- There was nothing like a movie #ay to li&t his s+irits- Es+ecially consi#ering that ne8t week%s school boar# meeting an# his +lan to save the team ha# become an obsession &or him- 4ow he coul# use this +erio# to work on the +lan- He hea#e# &or his usual seat near the back o& the room an# +ulle# out his notebook* turning to a clean +ageTwo secon#s later* Iily stro#e in* looking as
1E@= propensity ; +enchant 1a strong liking3 1E@? adumbrate ; #isclose 1E@@ amorphous ; sha+eless 1E@A ethereal ; otherwor#ly 1e8isting outsi#e

ethereal an# beauti&ul

o& or not in accor#ance with nature3


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as ever in a so&t +ink sweater an# long brown skirt- As always* .rew was momentarily #istracte# by her stunning eyes an# her blemish,&ree skin* but he manage# to 1E@Bavert his ga"e be&ore she saw him staring- He%# starte# to a#!ust to her com+lete in#i&&erence towar# him an#* to +reserve what was le&t o& his ego* ha#n%t even sai# hi to her in #aysAll right* class- To#ay we%re going to start watching one o& my &avorite S+anish,language movies* Folver*( 'rs- Trull announce#* 1EAEdousing the lights- Sit back* rela8* an# +ay attention- There will be a <ui" ne8t week-( Everyone groane# e8ce+t .rew an# Iily- .rew saw her sli+ her ear bu#s back into her ears as the movie starte# u+- He 1EA1stifled a laugh an# starte# to sketch with his +encil- & he an# Samson were going to make a +resentation to the school boar#* they nee#e# it to look im+ressive an# well thought out* which meant having visual ai#s- .rew was anything but 1EA6 adroit at #rawing* but he%# seen some o& Samson%s attem+ts at this* an# between the two o& them* he was at least 1EA7marginally better- Still* his chil#like &igures irritate# him every time he trie#- A&ter his thir# attem+t* he &elt a 1EA:compulsion to tear the sheet o&& an# 1EA=crumble it* but he ha# a &eeling 'rs- Trull might &rown on that- t might interru+t this 1EA?banal movie she was &orcing them to watch an# stir the rest o& the class &rom their 1EA@ ennui.rew turne# the +age an# starte# a new sketch- A&ter a &ew minutes he starte# to &eel like someone was watching him* an# he looke# u+ <uickly* e8+ecting to &in# 'rs- Trull breathing #own his neck- nstea#* his eyes met the beauti&ul yet stunne# eyes o& Iily 5inters- .rew raise# his eyebrows* an#
1E@B avert ; turn away 1EAE dousing - +utting out* as o& a can#le or a light 1EA1 stifled ; hel# back 1EA6 adroit ; skill&ul 1EA7 marginally ; slightly 1EA: compulsion ; im+ulse 1EA= crumble - break or &all a+art into &ragments 1EA? banal ; boring 1EA@ ennui ; bore#om


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she blushe# an# <uickly looke# away- She reste# her elbow on her #esk an# covere# her mouth with her han#* but she was clearly trying to hi#e a smile.rew%s heart &luttere#- 5hat$( he whis+ere#- s it that ba#$( She gave the #rawing another sai# not unkin#ly1EAA

cursory glance- A &or e&&ort*( she

.rew chuckle# <uietly- He looke# at his a#mitte#ly sim+le #rawing* then back at her #esk- Iily was using a +ur+le +en to 1EABembellish the e#ges o& her notebook +age with &lowers- Clowers that ha# sha#ing an# 1EBEnuance an# #e+th- .rew blushe# with hot embarrassment)uess %m not that much o& an artist*( he whis+ere#She smile# her agreement/ut you have a real 1EB1aesthetic sense*( he commente#* shi&ting a bit so he coul# better see- He #i#n%t want to be 1EB6pert an# say too much* consi#ering this woul# technically be the longest conversation they ha# ever ha#* but he #eci#e# he ha# to try- Iisten* 1EB7hypothetically* i& were to ask you &or a &avor* what woul# your res+onse be$( That woul# #e+en# on the hy+othetical &avor*( she re+lie# without looking u+'r- /enson* 's- 5inters* #o nee# to se+arate you two$( 'rs- Trull aske# su##enly4o ma%am*( Iily sai# automatically4o- 5e%re goo#*( .rew +ut inHe sat back in his seat an# &ocuse# his eyes on the screen* his +ulse
1EAA cursory ; brie& 1EAB embellish ; #ecorate 1EBE nuance ; #istinct traits 1EB1 aesthetic ; artistic 1EB6 pert ; animate# 1EB7 hypothetically ; theoretically


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racing in his ears over the 1EB:admonishment>an# the hea#way he seeme# to be making with Iily- Two secon#s later* a &ol#e# +iece o& +a+er lan#e# on his #esk- Sur+rise#* he sli# it into his la+ an# un&ol#e# it- t rea#* sim+lyL Talk a&ter classHe glance# at Iily* an# she #i#n%t look back* but he knew it was &rom her by the +ur+le ink- An# su##enly he coul#n%t wait &or the bellA&ter twenty anguishe# minutes* the lights were &inally on an# everyone was blearily gunning &or the #oor- .rew an# Iily both took their time an# hung back- She li&te# her tattere# messenger bag over her shoul#er* crosse# her arms over her chest* an# looke# at him e8+ectantly- .rew looke# at her &or a goo# ten secon#s be&ore he reali"e# this meant it was time &or him to talk1EB=

Hkay* well* have you hear# about what%s been going on with the &ootball team$( he aske#* starting &or the #oorIily &ollowe# slowly* her long skirt kicking out in grace&ul &lutters- H& course- You are &airly 1EB?notorious*( she re+lie#- hear you%re a +retty 1EB@ bellicose grou+-( .rew%s skin warme# with embarrassment* an# he +ause# to let her through the #oor &irst- 5e have been* guess- n &act* think our behavior has been +retty 1EBAcorrosive to school s+irit an# to the school itsel&- /ut %# really like to 1EBBimplement a change-( Hkay*( Iily sai# with a no#'y &rien# Samson an# ---- we have this +lan that we want to +resent to the school boar# on 5e#nes#ay* an# think that our argument is well thought out an# 11EEcogent* but there%s one +roblem*( .rew e8+laine#* ushering her to
1EB: admonishment ; re+riman# 1EB= blearily - in a slee+y manner 1EB? notorious ; in&amous 1EB@ bellicose ; aggresive 1EBA corrosive ; #amaging 1EBB implement ; a++ly 11EE cogent ; convincing


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the en# o& the hall5hat%s that$( Iily aske#* &ocusing her eyes on his &ace.rew%s heart ski++e# a beat at her su##en 11E1bra-en behavior- /ra"en &or her* anyway- He wasn%t sure i& she%# ever &ully looke# at him be&ore- An# she was still looking- An# growing kin# o& #isturbe# actuallyHh! Kight!( .rew blurte# su##enly* &eeling like a moron- t was !ust har# to remain 11E6lucid in the &ace o& all that beauty- The +roblem is* we nee# art- You know* visual ai#s$ /ut neither one o& us can #raw-( Hh- Hkay*( Iily sai#* &inally getting it- So you nee# an artist-( Yeah- /asically- An# you seem to be an artist----( .rew sai# in a lea#ing way5hat woul# you nee# me to #raw$( Iily aske#* turning a corner an# walking towar# the main hall>in the o++osite #irection &rom where .rew nee#e# to beActually* it%s kin# o& a long story* an# have to get to class*( he sai# reluctantly- s there any way you can meet me in the library a&ter school$ 5oul# you be 11E7amenable to hanging out &or* like* an hour$ %m +retty sure that%s all it woul# take-( Iily 11E:regarded him &or a moment as he backe# #own the hall slowly* biting her li+ in an a#orable way- Her le&t ankle colla+se# an# straightene#* colla+se# an# straightene#* like it was hel+ing her think it through- Cor an agoni"ing &ew secon#s* .rew thought she was going to turn him #own* but then* &inally* she 11E=capitulatedHkay* &ine*( she sai# &inally- You%re in luck- Cri#ay is my only &ree #ay a&ter school-(
11E1 bra-en - unrestraine# 11E6 lucid ; coherent 11E7 amenable ; o+en 11E: regarded ; stu#ie# 11E= capitulated ; gave in


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'ine too!( .rew sai#* throwing his arms out in o##s$(


glee- 5hat are the

Iily laughe#- t was a beauti&ul* musical laugh that lit u+ her entire &ace/ut %m not guaranteeing anything- nee# to hear this 11E@ingenious +lan o& yours &irst-( You got it!( .rew shoute#- An# thank you!( Then he turne# an# !ogge# o&& #own the hall* &eeling lighter than he ha# all year.rew straightene# the sleeves o& his one an# only suit an# took a #ee+ breath* checking himsel& out in the mirror- His +alms were alrea#y sweating* an# his heart &elt like #o"ens o& tiny ants were ta+ #ancing all over it- 0art o& him wante# to !ust change back into his sweats* sack out in &ront o& the TF* an# let someone else #eal with the 11EAeminent school boar#- /ut this was his +lan- His moment- An# he wasn%t going to let himsel& or his team #ownHe +icke# u+ his &ol#er with his s+eech an# +a+ers insi#e* an# hea#e# #ownstairs5ow! 5hat a 11EBmetamorphosis!( .rew%s mother sai# as he walke# into the living room- She stoo# u+ an# #uste# o&& his shoul#ers an# straightene# his tie- She looke# +retty hersel&* with her blon# hair #own over the shoul#ers o& a +resse# blue shirt- 5e shoul# have sent you to a +rivate school- You look so goo# in suits-( Yeahclean u+ well*( .rew !oke#* even though the ants ha# ratcheted u+ the ta+ #ance a notch- His &ather was staring at him like he%# never seen him be&ore111E

5here are you going #resse# like that on a 5e#nes#ay night$( his &ather aske#* muting the television11E? glee - great merriment 11E@ ingenious ; ins+ire# 11EA eminent ; #istinguishe# 11EB metamorphosis ; trans&ormation 111E ratcheted - move# by #egrees in one

#irection only

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.rew steele# himsel& as he turne# to his #a#- They ha# barely s+oken two wor#s to each other since the inci#ent at the Corinthian .iner* an# .rew ha# been en!oying his 1111hiatus &rom criticism- /ut he ha# also #eci#e# that he was no longer going to be 1116fettered by his &ear o& his &ather%s scorn* by their 1117contentious relationshi+- He was +rou# o& what he was about to #oCor the &irst time in his li&e he &elt like he was making the mature move* acting like an a#ult- So he%# #eci#e# it was time to start acting like one with his &ather as wellActually* .a#* %m going to the school boar# meeting to +resent a +lan &or the &ootball team*( .rew sai#* clearing his throat.rew%s &ather sco&&e# an# wave# a han#* sitting back in his chair- t%s too late &or that- Everyone in town knows that the boar# has alrea#y #eci#e# to 111:denounce you all- woul#n%t be sur+rise# i& they 111=proscribed &ootball entirely in this town- A&ter everything your brother built* your name is going to go #own in 111?infamy as the +layer who #estroye# the Eagles-( .rew &elt like he ha# !ust been +unche# in the gut* but he re&use# to let it showActually* think .rew%s +lan is a 111@judicious one*( his mother began* attem+ting to #e&en# him as usual- & you woul# !ust hear him out>( t%s okay* 'om*( .rew sai#He walke# over an# stoo# in &ront o& the TF* blocking his &ather%s viewHe was so sick o& his #a#%s 111Aimpercious ways* all he wante# to #o was give the same attitu#e back- His #a# glare# u+ at him* annoye# %m sorry you &eel like my name%s going to go #own in in&amy*( .rew
1111 hiatus ; a break 1116 fettered ; chaine# 1117 contentious ; touchy 111: denounce ; con#emn 111= proscribed ; banne# 111? infamy ; #isgrace 111@ judicious ; sensible 111A imperious ; #omineering


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began* his &ree han# curling into a &ist that stea#ie# his resolve- /ut this stu&& about the school boar# making a #ecision alrea#y is 111Bapocryphal- t%s !ust a rumor that +eo+le have been 116Epropagating to give themselves something to talk about- The boar# knows that Samson an# are coming tonight- They +ut us at the to+ o& their agen#a- An# think their going to listen to our +lan an# see that we are more than willing to change- That we 1161aspire to a better &uture &or the team- An# think they%re going to let us kee+ +laying-( .rew%s &ather seeme# amuse#- 5ell* that%s very you-( 5ell* guess you%ve got to be a little 1167qui&otic when you%re in my +osition*( .rew sai#- All know is that when 9ason got hurt* that was the 116: nadir o& my li&e* an# have to #o something to &i8 the situation that got him there- have to believe that the +eo+le on the school boar# are going to see that an# that they%re going to want to hel+ me- know* at least* that 9ason%s mom is on my si#e* an# she has one vote-( 5ell* goo# luck with that* son*( his &ather sai# with !ust a hint o& sarcasm.rew%s !aw clenche#- Screw him* he thought- 9ust give this u+- 5alk the hell out o& here/ut he coul#n%t- He was not going to let his #a# bring out his pugnacious si#e- 4ot tonight- .rew ha# #eci#e# on a course o& action* an# he was going to stick with it116= 1166

presumptuous o&

Actually* .a#* was ho+ing you an# 'om might come*( .rew sai#* an# then he hel# his breathHis &ather sat u+ straight- You want us to come to the school boar#
111B apocryphal ; #ubious 116E propagating ; s+rea#ing 1161 aspire - aim 1166 presumptuous ; arrogant* 1167 qui&otic ; i#ealistic 116: nadir ; low +oint 116= pugnacious ; aggresive



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meeting with you- 4ow*( he sai# &latly.rew swallowe# back a lum+ in his throat- coul# use your su++ort*( he state# t%s kin# o& short notice* isn%t it* .rew$( his &ather aske#* li&ting the remote again- 5e%re alrea#y settle# in &or the night-( .rew &elt as i& the house were crumbling #own aroun# him- He ha#n%t really e8+ecte# his &ather to say yes- The man ha# never been there &or him in his li&e- /ut to be blown o&& so casually was almost more than he coul# bear5ell* %m going*( his mother sai#* stan#ing u+ an# grabbing her +urseCome on* .rew- You #on%t want to be late-( .rew starte# a&ter her &or the #oor* but he +ause#- There was one <uestion he su##enly wante# to ask* !ust ask in +lain terms.a#* i& were Trey* woul# you be getting u+ to get change# right now$( he aske# 116?tremulouslyHis &ather stare# at him- There was a somehow shi&te# to #oubt116@

rebuke in his eyes* but then it

Honestly- %m not going to get u+set- !ust want your honest answer- & Trey ha# walke# in here an# aske# you to go watch him give a s+eech in &ront o& the school boar#* woul# the TF be more im+ortant$( .rew aske#/ecause you%ve ignore# a lot o& the little moments in my li&e* an# %ve never sai# much about it- %ve !ust let that go while you were o&& watching Trey win or hel+ing him with his &orm or #oing whatever- /ut this is big* .a#- This coul# be one o& the biggest things %ve ever #one- An# it woul# mean a lot to me i& you were there-( .rew%s &ather stare# at the TF &or a long moment* thinking- .rew an# his mother both were &ro"en in +laceYou really want me there*( his &ather sai# &inally- Keally$(
116? tremulously ; shakily 116@ rebuke ; re+riman#


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.rew somehow manage# to no#- Slowly* his &ather +ushe# himsel& u+ an# turne# o&& the set %ll get my !acket*( he sai#.rew coul#n%t believe it- He stoo# there* roote# to the s+ot with his !aw hanging o+en until his &ather was out o& the room- 5hen he turne# to his mom* her eyes were shining with +ri#e5ell- That was <uite a 116Acoup*( she sai# with a smile can%t believe it*( .rew sai#- He actually 116Bacquiesced-(

You #i# it* babe*( his mother sai#* giving him a &irm hug- think this bodes well &or the rest o& the night* #on%t you$( )o#* ho+e so- really ho+e so*( .rew re+lie#-

The 1171frentic atmos+here outsi#e the school boar# meeting #i# not hel+ soothe .rew%s nerves- The story o& the &ight that ha# lan#e# 9ason in the hos+ital ha# hit the local +a+ers over the weeken#* an# even though 9ason was now back at home* 1176reposing in the living room with two hun#re# .F.s an# all the /urger 2ing he coul# eat* they ma#e it soun# like he was on the brink o& #eath- 4ow the +ress ha# &igure# out that tonight woul# be the night the team%s &ate was #eci#e#- As .rew* Samson* Coach .avi#son* an# Coach Iewinter stoo# outsi#e the meeting* +hotogra+hers sna++e# their +icture an# trie# to +ry them asi#e &or <uestionsAre we really #oing this$( .rew aske# Samson.on%t worry man- t%s going to be great- 5e%re going to go in there an# kick some ass*( Samson sai#* +ressing his &ist into his +alm.on%t be too

bombastic*( Coach .avi#son warne#* looking aroun#

116A coup ; trium+h 116B acquiesced ; gave in 117E bodes ; in#icates 1171 frenetic ; hectic 1176 reposing ; resting 1177 bombastic ; overbearing


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at the +ress like he was worrie# they might su##enly swarm an# tram+le them- & you come o&& as cocky* they%re not going to take well to it-( )ot it*( Samson sai#* shoving his han#s in his +ockets- 5e nee# to be humble-( This is some 117:caucus*( .rew%s &ather sai#* whistling as he looke# aroun#- Are there always this many +eo+le at this thing$(

Hnly when the smell o& bloo# is in the air*( Iewinter re+lie# acerbically-

.rew +ulle# out his s+eech &or one &inal 117?perusal- Coach .avi#son* who was hol#ing the +oster Iily ha# #rawn &or them* glance# over his shoul#er to rea#This is goo#* son*( he sai#- 2ee+ it sim+le- 4o 117@grandiloquence-( )ot it*( .rew sai# with a no#4ow 'rs- )ramble* the school boar# +resi#ent* is going to be your main 117Ainquisitor*( his mother sai# un#er her breath- She can be a bit tough* but #on%t be intimi#ate#- You have to 117Bengage her- 'ake her an 11:E interlocutor instea# o& a !u#ge-( Your mother%s right- .on%t be 11:1impertinent*( his &ather a##e#- & you +oint out to her that it was their mis!u#gment that starte# this whole +roblem in the &irst +lace* she%ll shut you right #own-( Everyone ga+e# at .rew%s &ather5hat$ 5e all know they%re not beyon# re+roach*( he whis+ere#They #i#n%t let those Corinth ki#s maintain a shre# o& their i#entity-(
117: caucus ; assembly 117= acerbically ; harshly 117? perusal ; e8amination 117@ grandiloquence ; e8travagant 117A inquisitor ; <uestioner 117B engage ; make involve# 11:E interlocutor ; +artici+ant 11:1 impertinent ; im+olite



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9im!( .rew%s mother sai#* shocke# %m a o+inion-(


constituent in this town*( he sai#- %m allowe# to have an

Yes* you are*( .rew%s mother sai# with a laugh- She +ut her arm aroun# his #a#- think we%re !ust sur+rise# you have that o+inion-( A 5ashingtonville +olice o&&icer ste++e# out o& the ca&eteria #oor* where the meeting was being hel#- Everyone! & you%ll come insi#e!( he calle# out- They%re about to get starte#-( .rew%s heart slamme# +ain&ully in his chest)ive %em hell* son*( his &ather sai#* sla++ing him on the backGh* thanks* .a#*( .rew sai#* 11:7marveling at his &ather%s turnaroun#He su++ose# he shoul# have taken the mature* calm route with him a lot earlier in li&e %m so +rou# o& you* .rew*( his mom a##e# with a kiss on his cheek.rew took a #ee+ breath as he watche# them go- There was a su##en paucity o& saliva in his mouth- 5e%ll see i& they still are when this is overHe turne# aroun# an# +ace# away &rom the #oor as #o"ens o& +eo+le &loo#e# insi#e- can%t #o this- All those +eo+le$ The ca&eteria is 11:=replete!(

.u#e* are you not +resi#ent o& the stu#ent bo#y$( Samson aske#* coming u+ ne8t to him.rew no##e#5ell i& you%re this scare# o& +ublic s+eaking* how the heck #i# you manage that$( Samson aske#That%s school*( .rew re+lie#- This is---- a#ults-(

11:6 constituent ; citi"en 11:7 marveling ; ama"e# 11:: paucity ; shortage 11:= replete ; &ull


Sacked by Emma Harrison

Samson glance# aroun# at the curious onlookers who were 11:?tarrying outsi#e the buil#ing- see your +oint- /ut seriously* what%s the worst that can ha++en$ You go in there* you lay out your +lan* an# ho+e&ully we%ll all come to some kin# o& 11:@congruity-( An# i& we #on%t$( .rew aske#Samson shrugge#- 5ell* then* they con#emn the team- Either way* in an hour* all this is over an# you #on%t have to stress about it anymore-( .rew laughe#* shaking his hea#- Samson was out o& his min#* but .rew #i# &eel slightly better- Thanks* man-( 4o +roblem- Iet%s get this show on the roa#-( They were !ust about to hea# &or the #oor when Iily came walking u+ the ste+s &rom the +arking lot- .rew coul#n%t have been more shocke# to see her i& she were wearing a Crench mai#%s uni&orm- The girl wasn%t usually the 11:A gregarious ty+e- This !am,+acke# meeting was the kin# o& thing a shy girl like her woul# +robably avoi#- 5as she there to>#are he think it>su++ort him$ As she stro#e by* he li&te# his han# in 11:Bsalutation- Iily merely smile# an# then #ucke# her hea# an# sli++e# insi#eAll right* man*( .rew sai#* smacking Samson on the shoul#er- Iet%s #o this-( Twenty minutes later* a&ter everyone was settle# an# the minutes &rom the last meeting were rea#* .rew an# Samson were calle# to the &ront o& the room- Clashbulbs &lashe#* an# murmurs &ille# the room- .rew%s knees 11=E quaked so violently as he walke# that he was sure he was going to &all over an# crash into the +o#ium- /ut he ma#e it there all right* an# 'rs)ramble calle# the room to silence11:? tarrying - leaving slowly an# hesitantly 11:@ congruity ; agreement 11:A gregarious ; outgoing 11:B salutation ; greeting 11=E quaked - shook with &ast* tremulous movements


Sacked by Emma Harrison

The &loor is yours* boys*( she sai#* li&ting a their #irection11=6


gnarled ol# han# in

.rew took a #ee+ breath an# looke# at Samson* who no##e# resolutely-

Ia#ies an# gentlemen o& the school boar#* members o& the &aculty* stu#ents* an# members o& the 5ashingtonville an# Corinth communities*( .rew began- know you%ve all hear# about what%s been going on with our newly 11=7integrated &ootball team* an# know you &eel that you%re at the en# o& your ro+e- /ut Samson an# * as +layers on the team* have a better un#erstan#ing o& the actual issues than anyone outsi#e o& it can ho+e to haveSo we%re here to tell you about our e8+eriences over the +ast cou+le o& weeks* an# then to +resent a +lan that>while it may not be a 11=:panacea> will ho+e&ully hel+ us begin to im+rove the situation-( At the long table* a &ew o& the school boar# members shi&te# &orwar# in their seats* giving .rew their &ull attention- He sti&le# a smile* but he knew at that moment that he ha# them- All he ha# to #o now was bring it home-

11=1 gnarled ; twiste# 11=6 resolutely ; with #etermination 11=7 integrated - &orme# or unite# into 11=: panacea ; cure,all

a whole

Sacked by Emma Harrison

Chapter Thirteen .rew walke# into the ca&eteria at lunchtime on Cri#ay with trepidation* his shoul#er muscles coile# an# tight- The tension in the air was 11=?palpable- t ha# been all #ay- Tomorrow was the &irst game o& the season against one o& 5ashingtonville%s biggest rivals* 9ohnstown High* an# to#ay was the &irst big 11=@pep rally o& the year- 4ormally* the stu#ent bo#y%s war#robe was 11=Ainvariable>everyone woul# be s+orting the re# an# whiteThe &aces o& the seriously #e#icate# woul# be +ainte# to show their school s+irit- Everyone woul# be +syching themselves u+ &or the big game- /ut nothing about this #ay was right11==

.rew himsel& wasn%t wearing school colors- Every other guy on the team was s+orting his game !ersey over !eans* but .rew ha# #eci#e# against it an# gone with a +lain T,shirt- He knew that his &rien#s were saying highly 11=B pejorative things about him behin# his back* but he also ho+e# they%# un#erstan# once his +lan came to light- &* o& course* he ha# the chance to tell them about it- At this +oint he was starting to #oubt whether the school coul# make it to the eighth,+erio# +e+ rally without a riot breaking out.rew walke# over to his table an# #ro++e# his huge history 11?Etome at his seat- A &ew Corinth guys>in &ull gray an# blue>shot him a 11?1scathing look &rom the ne8t table* as i& he%# !ust #estroye# their 11?6tranquility- As i& there were anything tran<uil about the murmuring an# back,talking that ran 11?7 rampant through the room5hat are you guys looking at$( Samson aske# the Corinth ki#s*
11== trepidation ; an8iety 11=? palpable ; ca+able o& being &elt 11=@ pep rally - a large gathering o& +eo+le 11=A invariable ; set 11=B pejorative ; negative 11?E tome - a large an# scholarly book 11?1 scathing ; scorn&ul 11?6 tranquility ; +eace an# <uiet 11?7 rampant - unrestraine# an# violent

inten#e# to arouse enthusiasm be&ore a game


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coming u+ behin# .rewThe two ki#s grumble# an# went back to their lunches- .rew #ro++e# into his chair* an# Samson sat at the en# o& the table* catty,corner &rom himThat one move #rew more #isguste# stares than .rew coul# countAm 11?:paranoid* or #oes it seem like the entire school is about to blow$( .rew aske# un#er his breathClay* .irk* an# a &ew o& .rew%s &rien#s #ro++e# their stu&& at the table an# hea#e# &or the lunch line* grunting their hellosYou%re not +aranoi#- You%ve !ust got serious 11?=perspicacity- The resentment in this +lace is 11??ubiquitous- think even the ca&eteria workers are taking si#es*( Samson re+lie#* glancing aroun# the room as i& to 11?@ surmise where an# when the &irst &ight o& the +erio# woul# break outThere ha# been a &ew 11?Atangential 11?Bskirmishes in the halls #uring the &irst &our +erio#s o& the #ay* but .rew ha# hear# they%# been 11@Esubjugated &astAt least we can say we%ve got a 11@1preponderance o& school s+irit*( Samson a##e#Yeah- t%s !ust that no one can &igure out who their s+irit is su++ose# to be &or*( .rew sai# as a grou+ o& Corinth girls cut o&& a grou+ o& 5ashingtonville girls on their way into the bathroom- As they &inally 11@6 jostled their way insi#e* Iily gli#e# through the ca&eteria #oor wearing a laven#er sweater an# a #enim skirt- .rew was tem+orarily #istracte# by her 11@7 pulchritude* an# he coul#n%t hel+ won#ering i& she%# worn that sweater to su++ort him- Then he caught A#am Ia"arus* in his blue an# gray Corinth
11?: paranoid ; unreasonably worrie# 11?= perspicacity ; insight 11?? ubiquitous ; everywhere 11?@ surmise ; guess 11?A tangential ; +eri+heral 11?B skirmishes - minor short,term &ights 11@E subjugated ; controlle# 11@1 preponderance ; e8cess 11@6 jostled - make# oneJs way by +ushing* 11@7 pulchritude ; beauty

or shoving

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!ersey* glaring at him an# Samson &rom across the senior section an# was brought right back to earth- Tell me again that we%re #oing the right thing* kee+ing this on the #own,low until !ust be&ore the +e+ rally*( he sai#5e are*( Samson re+lie#- & you let it leak out* the whole +oint woul# get muddled- You know how these things work- Everyone woul# misun#erstan# what we%re trying to #o- They%# have a "illion <uestions an# they%# make u+ their own answers- They%# #eci#e it was a ba# i#ea be&ore they even ha# the &acts* an# that woul# 11@=negate all our work-(

Kight- Kight- Hkay- All we%ve got to #o is make it to eighth*( .rew sai# with a no#E8actly- 5ith any 11@?serendipity* by tonight* this school will &inally be uni&ie#*( Samson agree#.rew took a #ee+ breath in an attem+t to calm his 11@@frayed nervesYou want to go u+ there$( he aske#* no##ing towar# the &oo# line- %m +arche#-( Yeah* man-( Samson sla++e# him on the back as they stoo# an# they walke# together along the &ar wall towar# the line- .rew &elt as i& every single +air o& eyes was on him an# Samson* looking at them like they were a cou+le o& traitors- All he wante# to #o was tell them o&&* but he wasn%t going to give them the satis&action o& seeing him rile#- /esi#es* i& he got into a &ight to#ay it woul# 11@Ajeopardi-e everything- The school boar# was counting on him to set an e8am+le* an# he was not going to let them #own- He stare# 11@B obstinately ahea# an# got in line ho+e they have +i""a to#ay*( .rew sai#* making a lame attem+t at small talk11@: muddled ; con&use# 11@= negate ; un#o 11@? serendipity ; luck 11@@ frayed - worn away or tattere# 11@A jeopardi-e ; en#anger 11@B obstinately ; stubbornly

along the e#ges


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.u#e* the +i""a here rocks*( Samson re+lie# with &orce# 11AEjollityA cou+le o& girls looke# at them like they were on something* an# .rew laughe#* but be&ore he coul# even re+ly* one o& the many 11A1truculent +eo+le in line &inally sna++e#Hey! was ne8t!( a Corinth girl shoute# lou#lyThe 5ashingtonville guy who ha# cut in line sai# something that .rew coul#n%t hear* but &rom the gas+s o& the crow#* it was rather 11A6scurrilous5hat #i# you !ust say to her$( Tank Iang&or# aske#* ste++ing out o& lineHh* )o#- Here we go*( .rew sai#5e better 11A7neutrali-e this &ast*( Samson a##e#They ran over an# Samson grabbe# Tank%s arm* +ulling him backAustin Harrow* the 5ashingtonville guy who ha# starte# it* was all re# in the &ace an# 11A:primed &or a &ight* but was also about one,tenth Tank%s si"e.rew got right in his &ace an# +ushe# him back5alk away* Harrow*( he sai# through his teeth- t%s not worth getting +ulveri"e# over-( Harrow looke# .rew u+ an# #own* noting his non,5ashingtonville war#robe* an# sneere#- Some ca+tain you are*( he s+at- /ut he* at least* took .rew%s a#vice an# stro#e o&&He ha# barely ma#e it hal&way across the room when another &ight broke out among the &reshmen- Samson turne# away &rom Tank* whom he was still talking into 11A=submission* an# glance# at .rewStill think we can make it to eighth$( .rew aske# in &rustration*
11AE jollity ; cheer&ulness 11A1 truculent ; hostile 11A6 scurrilous ; insulting 11A7 neutrali-e ; #e&use 11A: primed ; rea#y 11A= submission ; com+liance


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!ogging to break u+ yet another &ight #on%t know* man* but i& they 11A?rescind the #eal an# the &ootball team goes un#er* maybe you an# me shoul# go +artners in a bo#yguar# business*( Samson !oke#An# .rew actually manage# a laugh as they !um+e# into the 11A@fracasYou two rea#y to #o this$( Coach .avi#son aske# as he* .rew* an# Samson stoo# outsi#e the locker room that a&ternoon* loa#e# #own with bo8es- Hn the other si#e o& the gym* they coul# hear hun#re#s o& bu""ing voices as the stu#ent bo#y ma#e its way to the bleachers9ust waiting &or one last thing*( .rew sai#* glancing over his shoul#er towar# the gym entrance5hat #o you have u+ your sleeve* /enson$( Coach aske#9ust then* outsi#e the glass #oor* 9ason a++eare#* making his way slowly u+ the ste+s on his crutches- His mother ran &orwar# to o+en the #oor &or him* an# 9ason e#ge# his way through- His brow was sweating* but he grinne# when he saw .rew an# the othersHey* man! )la# you coul# make it!( .rew #ro++e# his bo8 on the groun# an# went over to sla+ 9ason%s han#.u#e! t%s goo# to see you*( Samson a##e#* !oining them- thought you were !ust 11AAmalingering-( 9ason laughe#- 5ell* maybe was- A little-( He &igure# out i& he whine# enough %# make him !ust about anything to eat*( 'rs- S"onyi sai#* rolling her eyes- woul#n%t be sur+rise# i& he%s alrea#y +acke# on &ive +oun#s on ice cream alone-( /etter 11ABtruncate that habit i& you want to be back in &orm &or basketball season*( Coach .avi#son sai#* sla++ing him on the back so har#
11A? rescind ; with#raw 11A@ fracas ; brawl 1noisy &ight in a crow#3 11AA malingering ; e8aggerating an illness 11AB truncate ; cut


Sacked by Emma Harrison

he almost &ell &orwar#You got it* Coach*( 9ason sai# with a laugh- SoOare we going in there or what$( he aske#* glancing at the locker room #oor.rew took a #ee+ breath- This was it- The moment o& truth- He turne# an# +icke# u+ his bo8 with both han#s- Iet%s go-( Coach .avi#son o+ene# the #oor &or him* an# .rew le# his little ban# o& &ollowers into the locker room- The moo# insi#e was not e8actly +ositiveThere were no cheers or +e+ talks or shouts going on* only the muttering o& 11BE malcontents- .rew walke# over to the &irst bench* which Clay an# .irk were 11B1straddling* an# #ro++e# his bo8 onto it with a thu#- The two guys got u+ to greet 9ason* an# some o& the other 5ashingtonville guys gathere# aroun# him as wellFarsity!( .rew shoute# at the to+ o& his lungs- 11B63uddle u+!( His heart +oun#e# as the ki#s aroun# him eye# the bo8es qui--ically- t seeme# to take &orever &or the 11B:petulant team to gather together in this* the largest o+en area o& the locker room- Hnce they were all gathere# aroun# the walls an# benches* &i&ty o& the biggest* most 11B= opinionated guys in the school* .rew%s heart really starte# to +oun#- Cor the &irst time* he thought they might actually shoot him #own* but i& that were the case* he wasn%t going #own without a &ight- He took one look at Samson &or a &inal 11B?bolster an# then 11B@launched into his s+eech11B7

All right* everyone- As you all know* the school boar# met this week to #eci#e the &ate o& our team* an# as %m sure you%ve hear# by now* they%ve #eci#e# to give us one last chance to show them that we can actually be a
11BE malcontents ; unha++y +eo+le 11B1 straddling ; sitting astri#e 1with one 11B6 huddle - crow# or #raw together 11B7 qui--ically ; curiously 11B: petulant ; irritable 11B= opinionated ; narrow,min#e# 11B? bolster - su+ort an# strength 11B@ launch - get going

leg on each si#e3


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team*( .rew began- /ut to be honest* we #on%t think that can ha++en-( There was some grumbling at this announcementAt least* we #on%t think that can ha++en i& we kee+ going on the way we%ve been going*( Samson a##e#* cutting them o&&- So .rew came u+ with a +lan-( 5hat kin# o& +lan$( A#am aske# lou#ly.rew smirke#- He knew A#am !ust wante# to be the center o& attention* as always- 5ell* %m gla# you aske# that* A#am*( he sai#- 5e%ve all been talking a lot about how we have to check our egos* acce+t what%s ha++ene# to us* an# move on- /ut it%s become clear that* as long as we i#enti&y ourselves either with the 5ashingtonville Eagles or the Corinth Iions* we%re never going to be able to #o that-( He was +lease# to see some o& the guys no##ing in agreement5e have to &ace it*( .rew continue#- 5e%re never going to be able to replicate what we ha# with our ol# teams* but who knows$ 'aybe we can have something even better- /ut reali"e that we nee# something 11BBtangible to hel+ us move on- To hel+ us &eel truly unite#-(

5e have to #ro+ all 16EEvestiges o& our ol# teams* &ellas*( Samson sai#* crossing his arms over his chest- 5e have to <uit being so #amn 16E1 solipsistic an# reali"e that there are other +eo+le on this team who are counting on us>an# that we can rely on them-( An# we believe that we can #o that* i& we give ourselves the chance* but that means being willing to change*( .rew a##e#- Slowly* he o+ene# the &irst two &la+s on the bo8 in &ront o& him- That%s why* last week* Samson an# went in &ront o& the school boar# to 16E6lobby them &or that chance- An#
11BA replicate ; co+y 11BB tangible ; concrete 16EE vestiges ; remnants 1+ieces 16E1 solipsistic ; sel&,centere# 16E6 lobby ; try to in&luence

o& clothes that is le&t over a&ter the rest has been use# or sol#3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

a&ter much con#ition-(


deliberation* they #eci#e# to give it to us- Gn#er one

That we move on an# get over ourselves*( Samson sai#* leveling the team with an 16E:admonishing stare/ut luckily* we think we know !ust how we can #o that-( His +ulse +oun#ing in his ears* .rew reache# into the bo8 an# +ulle# out a bran# new +ur+le !ersey with white an# gol# lettering- His number nine was on the back with his last name s+elle# out in block letters across the shoul#ers)entlemen* you are all now members o& the 5ashingtonville High School )ry+hons &ootball team*( he announce#His wor#s were met with #ea# silence- Tank stare# at the !ersey as i& it was a 16E=mirage- Cor a long* #rea#&ul moment* .rew was sure he was in &or a total 16E?renunciation o& his whole +lan5hat the hell%s a gry+hon$( Tank aske# &inally* earning chuckles &rom a &ew o& the guys t%s a 16E@mythical creature*( 9ason answere#- Hal& eagle* hal& lion-( .rew turne# the !ersey aroun# to show them the growling gry+hon on the &rontShut u+-( Tank was incre#ulous'ore laughter.amn* man- That%s sweet*( .irk sai#He reache# over an# took the !ersey right out o& .rew%s han#s* whistling long an# low as he ins+ecte# itThen* !ust like that* the entire team was +ressing &orwar#*
16E7 deliberation ; mulling1thinking #ee+ly3 things over 16E: admonishing ; #isa++roving 16E= mirage ; hallucination 16E? renunciation ; re!ection 16E@ mythical ; imaginary 16EA jostling ; vying 1seek or strive &or the same thing as


someone else3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

&or the bo8* 16EBliberating all the !erseys &rom insi#e an# +awing through to &in# their names- .rew%s ha++iness an# +ri#e were 161Eoverpowering as he watche# the guys who ha# been so 1611recalcitrant an# angry the #ay be&ore* hel+ing one another locate their names an# ri++ing their ol# !erseys o&& to re+lace them with the new5ow- This is high,<uality gear*( Iance sai# when he &oun# his !erseyThey weren%t 1616penurious with these-( the

You can thank Coach &or that*( .rew tol# him* grinning- He signe# requisition &orm-(

Thanks* Coach*( A#am sai#* coming u+ behin# Iance- An# thanks* you guys*( he sai#* looking at .rew an# Samson- This was a killer i#ea-( .rew knew how much +ri#e the guy ha# to swallow to say that* an# he reache# out to sla+ his han# t was all .rew*( Samson sai# mo#estlyYeah* but you came u+ with the colors*( .rew remin#e# himAw* you guys are so cute!( Clay sai#* coming over in his new !ersey to +inch their cheeks- Are you going to +rom together too$( Everyone cracke# u+ laughing as .rew shove# Clay o&& o& him- There was a <uick* goo#,nature# 161:scuffle* an# then Clay raise# his han#s an# the guys* &or the most +art* <uiete# #own4o* but really* you guys- This was a goo# com+romise*( he sai#- woul# never have thought this team coul# 161=reconcile* but you guys were 161? persistent- You re&use# to give u+- An# think this is a goo# start-( The
16EB liberating ; &reeing 161E overpowering ; overwhelming 1611 recalcitrant ; hea#strong 1#isobe#ient3 1616 penurious ; stingy 1617 requisition ; re<uest 161: scuffle - #isor#erly &ighting 161= reconcile ; make one%s +eace 161? persistent ; unrelenting


Sacked by Emma Harrison

team cheere# an# voice# their agreement- To the ca+tains!( Everyone cheere# like ma#* sla++ing .rew an# Samson on the back an# shaking their han#s- Then .rew grabbe# his new !ersey an# yanke# it on over his hea#To the )ry+hons!( he shoute#* thrusting his arms in the airThis time* the cheer was #ea&ening* an# .rew le# the team out to the lobby* where they woul# wait to be intro#uce# to the crow#- All that remaine# now was to +resent the new mascot an# colors to the rest o& the school an# !ust ho+e that they woul# be as o+en to change as the team ha# +roven to be.rew +eeke# through the slim glass win#ows into the gym as Coach .avi#son ste++e# u+ to the micro+hone- As +re#icte#* the crow# in the stan#s o++osite the #oor was com+letely 161@variegated* all blue on one si#e* all re# on the other- Everything that ha# ha++ene# in the last &ew weeks ha# com+letely 161Apolari-ed the stu#ent bo#y- .rew ha# to won#er i& a mere color change an# a new mascot woul# really be enough to &i8 all that5hat%s going on in there$( Samson aske# nervouslyThere%s a 161Blegion o& +eo+le*( .rew sai#* turning away &rom the win#ow- Even the ki#s that usually cut out o& +e+ rallies showe# u+- guess everyone wants to see a &ight-( 5ell* they%re not gonna get one*( Iance sai#* roun#ing his shoul#ersAt least not &rom us-( Can have your attention +lease$( Coach .avi#son shoute# into the mic- There was an 166Einstantaneous peal o& &ee#back that #ea&ene# everyone in the gym an# brought the 1661strident noise level #own to a low murmur5elcome* everyone* to this year%s &irst 5ashingtonville High School
161@ variegated ; multicolore# 161A polari-ed ; &orce# a+art 161B legion ; crow# 166E instantaneous ; instant 1661 strident ; lou#


Sacked by Emma Harrison

&ootball +e+ rally!( There was a res+ectable number o& cheers* but all &rom the 5ashingtonville si#e o& the gym- The 1666pessimism on the Corinth si#e 1667 perseveredAs you all know* tomorrow is our &irst game o& the season* against a worthy o++onent* the 9ohnstown High 0anthers*( Coach continue# gamelyThis game is going to be s+ecial &or 166:innumerable reasons* not the least o& which is our newly integrate# team-( There was some irritate# muttering in the crow#* an# .rew coul# only imagine what +eo+le were thinking- Some still hate# the very i#ea that the schools ha# been &orce# to combine- Some* a&ter hearing all that ha# gone on at +ractices* thought the team was &ull o& 166=thugs an# shoul# !ust be 166? disbanded- Still others +robably !ust thought 166@jocks were annoying> &ull sto+- An# many were* he was sure* 166Arestive>#ying &or the team to !oin them so they coul# get on with whatever #rama was going to un&ol# know that you%ve all hear# a lot o& negative stories about this year%s &ootball team* but %m here to tell you that all o& that is going to changeThese guys have been working their butts o&& &or you* an# a&ter what %ve !ust seen in the locker room* can honestly tell you%ve %ve never been more +rou# o& a grou+ o& +layers in my li&e*( Coach 166Brhapsodi-ed- /ut know you #i#n%t all come here to hear me talk- You want to see your team- Are you rea#y$( Yeah!( about hal& the gym cheere#All right* you guys* this is it*( .rew sai#- /ring it in-(
1666 pessimism ; negativity 1667 persevered ; was maintaine# 166: innumerable ; countless 166= thugs - aggressive an# violent young criminals 166? disbanded - cause# to break u+ or cease to &unction 166@ jocks - +eo+le traine# to com+ete in s+orts 166A restive ; &i#gety 166B rhapsodi-ed ; s+oke o& emotionally


Sacked by Emma Harrison

The team gathere# aroun# him* +lacing their han#s in the center o& the circle sai#* are you rea#y$( Coach shoute#The cheers were a bit lou#er this timeTo the 167Eseminal season o& the 5ashingtonville )ry+hons*( .rew sai#* looking aroun# at his teammates)ry+hons on three*( Samson sai#- Hne! Two! Three! )ry+hons!( They all cla++e# an# cheere# as they +arte#* an# insi#e the gym Coach &inally announce# themL Stu#ents o& 5ashingtonville High* give you your mighty* &ighting )ry+hons!( .rew &lung o+en the #oor o& the gym an# le# the team in* running towar# the center o& the basketball court* cla++ing an# shouting an# cheeringThe ki#s in the stan#s instantly &ell silent- They stare# #own at the team as i& they were won#ering i& this were some kin# o& +rank- Even the cheerlea#ers* who ha# yet to hol# new tryouts an# were still wearing the re# an# white along the &ront o& the stan#s* were stunne#.rew glance# at Tamara* who was ga+ing right at him* an# shrugge# his a+ology- He su++ose# now* in 1671hindsight* that he might have been 1676 negligent by not inclu#ing the cheerlea#ers in their +lanAn# now* your ca+tains!( Coach .avi#son continue#* as i& nothing were amiss- Nuarterback Samson Hill an# tight en# .rew /enson!(

A &ew +eo+le cla++e#* but most were still shocke# silent- Tight en#$( someone in the stan#s blurte# as Samson an# .rew walke# over to the micro+hone.rew took the mic &rom Coach- That%s right* tight en#*( he sai# into itThere%s been a lot o& change lately- An# in or#er to honor that* we%ve
167E seminal ; #etermining 1671 hindsight ; retros+ect 1676 negligent ; la8 1lacking 1677 amiss ; wrong

in rigor an# strictness3


Sacked by Emma Harrison

#eci#e# to 167:meld our two mascots-( 5hat #o you get when you combine an eagle an# a lion$( Samson aske#* leaning into the micro+honeThey both ste++e# back an# whi++e# the sheet o&& o& the 167=easel behin# them- Hn it was Iily%s +er&ect 167?rendition o& a growling )ry+honThe )ry+hon!( .rew an# Samson sai# in unisonThere were a &ew cheers as +eo+le starte# to gras+ what they were going &or* but most o& the crow# remaine# 167@infle&ible- .rew starte# to &eel sick to his stomach- He glance# at Iily* who was sitting in the &ront row* &ar away &rom the rest o& the seniors* an# she shot him a hel+less lookAn# what #o you get when you combine re# an# blue$( Samson a##e#* &orging ahea#- 0ur+le!( So we e8+ect all o& you to go out an# buy u+ all the +ur+le gear you can &in#* because you%re gonna nee# it*( .rew !oke#4othing- 4o res+onse.rew covere# the micro+hone with his han#- Hkay- 5e nee# to #o something*( he sai# to Samson* &eeling an 167Ainordinate amount o& 167Bwrath 16:E undulating towar# him &rom the crow#- A++arently they were not <uite as 16:1 tractable as he%# ho+e# got it*( Samson sai#- Then he cu++e# his han#s over his mouth an# starte# to chant* walking towar# the stan#s- )ry+hons!( he cla++e# twice)ry+hons!( Two cla+s- )ry+hons!( he shoute#* glaring over his shoul#er at .rew167: meld ; mi8 together 167= easel - an u+right tri+o# &or #is+laying something 1usually an artistJs canvas3 167? rendition - an act o& inter+reting something as e8+resse# in an artistic 167@ infle&ible ; unmove# 167A inordinate ; e8cessive 167B wrath ; anger 16:E undulating ; rolling 16:1 tractable ; controllable


Sacked by Emma Harrison

.rew cleare# his throat an# !oine# in- )ry+hons!( Two cla+s)ry+hons!( He looke# at Tamara* who caught his +lea an# !um+e# u+ to &ace the crow#* #ragging 'arisa an# another &ew girls with her)ry+hons!( she shoute#* +um+ing her +om,+om in the air)ry+hons!( Ever so gra#ually* the cheers starte# to revive the crow#- A bunch o& seniors &rom both si#es o& the gym rouse# themselves &rom their seats an# chante# along)ry+hons!( they shoute#* )ry+hons!(

spontaneously stom+ing their &eet-

/e&ore .rew knew it* the whole crow# was on its &eet* 16:7inundating the team with cheers an# chants an# hollers- .rew grinne# an# looke# aroun# at his teammates in trium+h- At that moment* .irk an# A#am race# &orwar#* !um+ing u+ an# #own- Soon the whole team was gathere# in a hu##le* !um+ing on each other%s backs an# raising their &ists in the air- This time* the +ile,on was a goo# thing- t was &ull o& laughter an# ho+e an# cheers- .rew laughe# as he went #own un#er the weight o& Tank Iang&or#* an# the whole crow# went wil#- Cor the &irst time all year* .rew was no longer 16::nostalgic &or the +ast* or &or the #ay#reams he%# cherishe# since chil#hoo#- He was looking only towar# the &uture-

16:6 spontaneously ; without +lanning 16:7 inundating ; overwhelming 16:: nostalgic ; wist&ul 1showing pensive

or deeply sa#ness3

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