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A Reprint of AN HOUR WITH GEORGE MUELLER The Man of Faith to Whom God Gave Millions

Edited b A! "IM"


Printed in the United States of America

' An Ho(r With Geor)e M(eller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* + Geor)e M(eller,s Life and Wor-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'. / Ans0ers to %ra er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+' 1 Real Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!//

Five &onditions of %revailin) %ra er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1' The &aref(l and &onse2(tive Readin) of the Hol "2ript(res!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1/ Ho0 I As2ertain the Will Of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*'

An Hour With George Mueller

The Man of Faith to Whom God Gave Million

astor &harles R! %arsons des2ribes an ho(r,s intervie0 0ith Geor)e M(eller to0ard the 2lose of his life3 A 0arm s(mmer da fo(nd me slo0l 0al-in) (p the shad )roves of Ashle Hill4 5ristol! At the top there met m )a6e the immense b(ildin)s 0hi2h shelter over t0o tho(sand orphans4 b(ilt b a man 0ho has )iven to the 0orld the most stri-in) ob7e2t lesson in faith it has ever seen! The first ho(se 0as on the ri)ht4 and there amon) his o0n people4 in plain4 (npretentio(s apartments4 lived the saintl patriar2h4 Geor)e M(eller! %assin) the lod)e )ate4 I pa(sed a moment to loo- at Ho(se No! /4 one of the five ere2ted at a 2ost of 89::4:::! The bell 0as ans0ered b an orphan 0ho 2ond(2ted me (p a loft stone stair2ase and

George Mueller - Man of Faith

into one of the private rooms of the venerable fo(nder of that )reat instit(tion! Mr! M(eller had attained the remar-able a)e of ninet ;one! As I stood in his presen2e4 veneration filled m mind! !Thou halt ri e u" #efore the hoar$ head% and honor the fa&e of the old man! <Lev! '.3/+=! He re2eived me 0ith a 2ordial handsha-e and bade 0e 0el2ome! It is somethin) merel to see a man b 0hom God has a22omplished a mi)ht 0or-3 it is more to hear the tones of his voi2e> far )reater than either is the privile)e of bein) bro()ht into immediate 2onta2t 0ith his spirit and of feelin) the 0arm breath of his so(l breathed into one,s o0n! The 2omm(nion of that ho(r 0ill be )raven on m memor 0hile life shall last! This servant of the Most Hi)h opened his heart to me4 2o(nseled me4 pra ed 0ith me4 and )ave me his blessin)! In that ho(r the so(r2e of Geor)e M(eller,s )reat spirit(al stren)th 0as 2learl made manifest! The a)ed saint 0ith all his fa2(lties (nimpaired4 0as elo?(ent the 0hole time on

An Hour With George Mueller one theme4 the praise of @ehovah4 the )reat Hearer and Ans0erer of His people,s pra ers! M o0n 0ords 0ere fe0! A$o( have al0a s fo(nd the Lord faithf(l to His promise4 Mr! M(ellerBA AAl0a sC He has never failed meC For nearly seventy years every need, in connection with this wor has !een su""lied# The orphans from the first (ntil no0 have n(mbered nine tho(sand five h(ndred4 b(t the have never 0anted a meal! H(ndreds of times 0e have 2ommen2ed the da 0itho(t a penn 4 b(t o(r Heavenl Father has sent s(pplies the moment the 0ere a2t(all re?(ired! There never 0as a time 0hen 0e had no 0holesome meal! #(rin) all these ears I have been enabled to tr(st in the livin) God alone! In ans0er to pra er 8D4*::4::: have been sent to me! We have needed as m(2h as 8+::4::: in one ear4 and it has all 2ome 0hen needed! No man 2an ever sa I as-ed him for a penn ! We have no 2ommittees4 no 2olle2tors4 no votin)4 and no endo0ment! All has come in answer to !elieving "rayer# God has man 0a s of movin) the hearts of men all over the 0orld to

George Mueller - Man of Faith

help (s! While I am pra in) He spea-s to one and another on this 2ontinent and on that to send (s help! Onl the other evenin)4 0hile I 0as prea2hin)4 a )entleman 0rote a 2he2- for a lar)e amo(nt and handed it to me 0hen the servi2e 0as over!A AI have read o(r life4 Mr! M(eller4 and noted ho0 )reatl o(r faith has been tried at times! Is it so no0BA
$My faith is tried, as much as ever, and my difficulties are greater than ever# 5esides o(r finan2ial responsibilities4 s(itable helpers have to be fo(nd 2onstantl 4 and s(itable pla2es provided for h(ndreds of orphans 2onstantl leavin) the homes! Then often o(r f(nds r(n ver lo0! Onl the other 0ee- 0e had 2ome nearl to the end of o(r s(pplies! I 2alled m beloved helpers to)ether and said to them4 ,%ra 4 brethren4 pra C, Immediatel five h(ndred dollars 0as sent (s4 then a tho(sand4 and in a fe0 da s seven tho(sand five h(ndred 2ame in! 5(t al0a s 0e have to be pra in)4 al0a s believin)! Oh4 it is )ood to tr(st in the livin) God4 for He hath said4 '( )ill never leave

An Hour With George Mueller

thee% nor for a*e thee' <Heb! '/3*=! EFpe2t )reat thin)s from God4 and )reat thin)s o( 0ill have! There is no limit to 0hat He is able to do! %raises for ever to His )lorio(s nameC %raise Him for ever thin)C I have praised Him man times 0hen He sent me ten 2ents4 and I have praised Him 0hen He has sent me siFt tho(sand dollars!A

AI s(ppose o( have never 2ontemplated a reserve f(ndBA ATo do so 0o(ld be an a2t of the )reatest foll ! Ho0 2o(ld I pra if I had reservesB God 0o(ld sa 4 ,5rin) o(t those reserves4 Geor)e M(eller!, Oh no4 I never tho()ht of s(2h a thin)! O(r reserve f(nd is in Heaven! The livin) God is o(r s(ffi2ien2 ! % have trusted Him for one dollar, % have trusted Him for thousands, and never trusted in vain# '+le ed i the man that tru teth in Him'A <%s! /13E=! AOf 2o(rse o( have never tho()ht of savin) for o(rselfBA Not easil nor soon shall I for)et the di)nified manner in 0hi2h I 0as ans0ered b this mi)ht man of faith! Hitherto he had been

George Mueller - Man of Faith

sittin) opposite me 0ith his -nees 2lose to mine4 his hands 2lasped4 his e es beto-enin) a 2alm4 ?(iet4 meditative spirit! Most of the time he had leaned for0ard4 his )a6e dire2ted on the floor! 5(t no0 he sat ere2t4 and for several moments sear2hed m fa2e4 0ith an earnestness that seemed to penetrate m ver so(l! There 0as a )rande(r and ma7est abo(t those (ndimmed e es4 so a22(stomed to spirit(al visions and to loo-in) into the deep thin)s of God! I do not -no0 0hether the ?(estion so(nded to him as a sordid one4 or 0hether it to(2hed a lin)erin) remnant of Athe old selfA to 0hi2h he all(des in his dis2o(rses! In an event4 there 0as not a shado0 of do(bt b(t that it ro(sed his 0hole bein)! After a ,brief pa(se4 d(rin) 0hi2h his fa2e 0as a sermon and the depths of his 2lear e es flashed fire4 he (nb(ttoned his 2oat and dre0 from his po2-et an old;fashioned p(rse 0ith rin)s in the middle separatin) the 2hara2ter of the 2oins! %la2in) it in m hands he said ?(ietl 4 AAll I am possessed of is in that p(rseGever penn C "ave for m selfB NeverC When mone is sent to me for m o0n (se4 I pass it on to God! As

An Hour With George Mueller m(2h as five tho(sand dollars has th(s been sent at one time> b(t I do not re)ard s(2h )ifts as belon)in) to me& the belon) to Him, 0hose I am and 0hom I serve! "ave for m selfB I dare not save> it 0o(ld dishonor m lovin)4 )ra2io(s4 all;bo(ntif(l Father!A I handed the p(rse ba2- to Mr! M(eller! He told me the s(m it 2ontained4 and 0hat he himself had )iven to the Orphana)e and the "2ript(re Hno0led)e Instit(tion! These matters4 ho0ever4 to)ether 0ith a fe0 others4 I am not at libert to dis2lose! There 0as a )lo0 of hol enth(siasm in the fa2e of this a)ed4 faithf(l man as he related some of the in2idents pertainin) to his prea2hin) to(rs in fort ;t0o different 2o(ntriesI and ho0 in travelin) from pla2e to pla2eGin some instan2es tho(sands of miles apartGhis ever need had been s(pplied! H(ndreds of tho(sands of men and 0omen of almost ever nation had 2ome to hear him4 and his )reat themes 0ere the simple messa)e of salvation
I Mr! M(eller be)an his travels 0hen he 0as D: and 2ontin(ed (ntil he 0as ED <from 'ED* to 'E.+=!


George Mueller - Man of Faith

and the en2o(ra)ement of believers to tr(st in the livin) God! He told me that he pra ed more abo(t his sermons than an thin) else and that often the teFt 0as not )iven him (ntil he had as2ended the p(lpit stairs4 altho()h he had been pra in) for it all 0ee-! I as-ed him if he spent m(2h time on his -nees! AHo(rs ever da ! 5(t % live in the s"irit of "rayer& % "ray as % wal , when % lie down, and when % rise# And the answers are always coming# Tens of tho(sands of times m pra ers have been ans0ered! When on2e I am pers(aded a thin) is ri)ht4 I )o on pra in) for it (ntil the end 2omes! I never )ive (pCA These 0ords 0ere spo-en in an eF(ltin) tone! There 0as a rin) of tri(mph in them4 and the man,s 2o(ntenan2e 0as a)lo0 0ith hol 7o ! He had risen from his seat 0hile (tterin) them and had 0al-ed aro(nd to the side of the table!
$%n answer to my "rayers, thousands of souls have !een saved,$ he 0ent on! AI shall meet tens of tho(sands of them in heaven!A

An Hour With George Mueller There 0as another pa(se! I made no remar-4 and he 2ontin(ed3 $'he great "oint is to never give u" until the answer comes# I have been pra in) ever da for fift ;t0o ears for t0o men4 sons of a friend of m o(th! The are not 2onverted et4 b(t the will beC Ho0 2an it be other0iseB There is the (n2han)in) promise of @ehovah4 and on that I rest! The )reat fa(lt of the 2hildren of God is that the do not 2ontin(e in pra er> the do not )o on pra in)> the do not persevere! If the desire an thin) for God,s )lor 4 the sho(ld pra (ntil the )et it! AOh4 ho0 )ood4 -ind4 )ra2io(s4 and 2ondes2endin) is the One 0ith 0hom 0e have to doC He has )iven me4 (n0orth as I am4 immeas(rabl above all I have as-ed or tho()htC I am onl a poor4 frail4 sinf(l man4 b(t He has heard m pra ers tens of tho(sands of times and (sed me as the means of brin)in) tens of tho(sands of so(ls into the 0a of tr(th in this and other lands! These (n0orth lips have pro2laimed salvation to )reat m(ltit(des4 and ver man people have believed (nto eternal life!A


George Mueller - Man of Faith

I as-ed Mr! M(eller 0hether 0hen he first be)an the 0or- he had an idea 0here(nto it 0o(ld )ro0! After spea-in) of its 2ommen2ement in Wilson "treet4 he ans0ered4 AI onl -ne0 that God 0as in it and 0as leadin) His 2hild into (ntried and (ntrodden paths! The ass(ran2e of His presen2e 0as m sta !A AI 2annot help noti2in) the 0a o( speaof o(rself4A I said4 2ons2io(s that I 0as approa2hin) a s(b7e2t at on2e tender4 sa2red4 and 2losel allied 0ith his deepest spirit(al moods and personal relationship to God4 and I half reproa2hed m self as soon as the 0ords 0ere (ttered! He disarmed m fears b eF2laimin)4 AThere is onl one thin) I deserve4 and that is HellC I tell o(4 m brother4 that is the onl thin) I deserve! 5 nat(re I am a lost man4 b(t I am sinner saved b the )ra2e of God! Tho()h b nat(re a sinner4 I do not live in sin! I hate sin> I hate it more and more4 and love holiness more and more!A AI s(ppose thro()h all these lon) ears in o(r 0or- for God4 o( have met 0ith m(2h to

An Hour With George Mueller dis2o(ra)e o(4A I said! AI have met 0ith man dis2o(ra)ements4 b(t at all times m 2onfiden2e has been in God4A 0as the repl ! AOn the 0ord of @ehovah,s promise m so(l restedC Oh4 it is )ood to tr(st in Him> His Word never ret(rns voidC 'He giveth "o)er to the faint% and to them that have no might% He in&rea eth trength' <Isaiah 1:3 +.=! This applies also to m p(bli2 ministrations! "iFt ;t0o ears a)o I prea2hed a poor4 dr 4 barren sermon 0ith no 2omfort to m self and4 as I ima)ined4 0ith no 2omfort to others! 5(t a lon) time after0ards I heard of nineteen distin2t 2ases of blessin) res(ltin) from that sermon!A I told him a fe0 of the thin)s that had dis2o(ra)ed me4 and I eFpressed a hope to be (sed more of God than ever! AAnd o( will be (sed of God4 m brother4A he eF2laimed! AGod Himself 0ill bless o(C Toil onCA AMa I vent(re to as- o( to )ive me a 0ord of spe2ial 2o(nsel in re)ard to m o0n 0or- for God4A I as-ed4 Athat I ma pass it on to

George Mueller - Man of Faith

other &hristian toilers in the )reat harvest field of so(lsBA A"ee- to depend entirel on God for ever thin)4A he ans0ered! A%(t o(rself and o(r 0or- into His hands! When thin-in) of an ne0 (nderta-in)4 as-4 %s this agreea!le to the mind of God( %s it for His glory( If it is not for His )lor 4 it is not for o(r )ood4 and o( m(st have nothin) to do 0ith it! Mind thatC Havin) settled that a 2ertain 2o(rse is for the )lor of God4 be)in it in His name and 2ontin(e in it to the end! Underta-e it in pra er and faith4 and never )ive (pC AAnd do not re)ard ini?(it in o(r heart! If o( do4 the Lord 0ill not hear o(! Heep that before o( al0a s! Then tr(st in God! #epend onl on Him! Wait on Him! 5elieve on Him! )*"ect great things from Him# Faint not if the blessin) tarries! And above all4 rel onl on the merits of o(r adorable Lord and "avio(r4 so that a22ordin) to them and to nothin) of o(r o0n4 the pra ers o( offer and the 0or- o( do be a22epted!A I had no 0ord of ans0er! What 0as there to

An Hour With George Mueller sa B M e es 0ere filled 0ith tears4 and m heart 0as overflo0in)4 and besidesGThere 0as the spee2hless a0e that dared not move4 And all the silent heaven of love! From another room Mr! M(eller fet2hed a 2op of his life4 in 0hi2h he ins2ribed m name! His absen2e afforded me an opport(nit of loo-in) aro(nd the apartment! The f(rnit(re 0as of the plainest des2ription4 (sef(l and in harmon 0ith the man of God 0ho had been tal-in) to me! It is a )reat prin2iple 0ith Geor)e M(eller that it does not !ecome the children of God to !e ostentatious in style, a""ointment, dress, or manner of living# He believes that eFpensiveness and l(F(r are not seeml in those 0ho are the professed dis2iples of the mee- and lo0l One 0ho had no pla2e to la His head! On a desla an open 5ible of 2lear t pe 0itho(t notes or referen2es! This4 I tho()ht4 is the abode of the mi)htiest man4 spirit(all 2onsidered4 of modern timesG a man espe2iall raised (p to sho0 to a 2old4 2al2(latin)4 selfish a)e the realities of the thin)s of God and to tea2h the &h(r2h ho0 m(2h she

George Mueller - Man of Faith

mi)ht )ain if onl she 0ere 0ise eno()h to ta-e hold of the omnipotent arm of God! I had been 0ith this prin2e of pra er one 0hole ho(r4 and onl on2e had there 2ome a -no2- at his door! It 0as opened b Mr! M(eller4 and there stood one of his orphansG one of the lar)est famil on earthGa fair;haired )irl! AM dear4A said he4 AI 2annot attend to o( 7(st no0! Wait a0hile and I 0ill see o(!A Th(s 0as I privile)ed to remain (ninterr(pted 0ith this man of faith4 this prevailer 0ith God4 this traveler of ninet ;one ears alon) life,s ro()h pil)rima)eGa man 0ho4 li-e Moses4 tal-s to God as a man tal-eth to his friend! To me it 0as as one of the ho(rs of Heaven 2ome do0n to earth! His pra er 0as short and simple! Goin) to his -nees he said4 AO Lord4 bless this dear servant no0 before Thee more and more4 more and more, more and more+ And do Tho( )ra2io(sl )(ide his pen in 0hat he ma 0rite in re)ard to this Th 0or- and o(r 2onversation toda ! I asit thro()h the merits of Th dear "on4 o(r Lord and "avio(r @es(s &hrist! AmenCA

George Mueller' Life and Wor*

he 0riter of the fore)oin) intervie0 f(rnishes the follo0in) parti2(lars 2on2ernin) the life of Geor)e M(eller3 The Fo(nder of the Ashle #o0n Orphana)e4 5ristol4 En)land4 0as born in %r(ssia4 "eptember 'D4 'E:*! In his o(n) manhood he lived a )odless life4 b(t at the a)e of t0ent ;one he 0as s(ddenl 2onverted to God at a pra er meetin) held in the ho(se of a pio(s tradesman! "hortl after0ards he 2ame to En)land4 brin)in) 0ith him no letters of introd(2tion4 no mone 4 no name4 no re2ommendations4 and onl a ver imperfe2t -no0led)e of the En)lish lan)(a)e! What4 then4 did he brin)B He !rought God with him# "hortl after landin)4 he 0rote in his 7o(rnal4 $My whole life shall !e one service for the living God#$ His prin2iples 0ere deepl rooted in the Hol "2ript(res4 and he adhered to them thro()h the 2o(rse of his lon) life! He never as-ed help from an one and never hinted that help 0as needed! "olel in ans0er to believin) pra er

George Mueller - Man of Faith

more than a million and a half sterling, <8D4*::4:::= 0as sent to him for the b(ildin) and maintenan2e of $God,s -r"hanage,$ for his missionar enterprises4 and for the 2ir2(lation of the "2ript(res!

In his homes ten tho(sand destit(te orphans have been re2eived4 trained4 ed(2ated4 and sent o(t into the 0orld! In his old a)e he traveled nearl t0o h(ndred tho(sand miles in fort ;t0o 2o(ntries4 prea2hin) the Gospel to three millions of hearers! Havin) th(s served God in his da and )eneration4 his spirit4 li-e that of Moses4 0as -issed a0a b the mo(th of @ehovah4 0hen all alone in his room4 on the earl mornin) of Mar2h ':4 'E.E! His a)e 0as ninet ;three! !He a *ed life of Thee% and thou gave t it him% even length of da$ for ever and ever%! <%s! +'31=!


An )er to ,ra$er

fe0 of the man remar-able ans0ers to pra ers 0hi2h Geor)e M(eller re2eived d(rin) his eventf(l life as 2ontained in his o0n narratives4 are here re2orded!
@(ne '/4 'E*/GWe 0ere no0 ver poor! Not indeed in debt4 not even 0ith all the mone )one> there 0as still abo(t siFt dollars in hand> b(t there 0as needed to be bo()ht flo(r4 of 0hi2h 0e b( )enerall ten sa2-s at a time4 fo(r tho(sand t0o h(ndred po(nds of oatmeal4 fo(r h(ndred; 0ei)ht of soap! There 0ere man little repairs )oin) on in the ho(se4 0ith a n(mber of 0or-men emplo ed4 besides the re)(lar 2(rrent eFpenses of abo(t 8+E: per 0ee-! Over and above all this4 on "at(rda the da before esterda 4 I fo(nd that the heatin) apparat(s needed to be repaired4 0hi2h 0o(ld4 in all probabilit 4 2ost 8'::! It 0as therefore desirable4 h(manl spea-in)4 to have 8*:: for these heav eFtra eFpenses! 5(t I had no h(man prospe2t 0hatever of )ettin) even t0o h(ndred 2entsGm(2h less 8*::! In addition to this4 toda 0as Monda 0hen )enerall the in2ome is little! 5(t in 0al-in) to the Orphan Ho(se this mornin)4 and pra in) as

George Mueller - Man of Faith

I 0ent4 I parti2(larl told the Lord in pra er4 that on this da 4 tho()h Monda 4 He 2o(ld send me m(2h! And th(s it 0as4 I re2eived this mornin) 8'*:: for the Lord,s servi2e4 as mi)ht be most needed! The 7o 0hi2h I had 2annot be des2ribed! I 0al-ed (p and do0n in m room for a lon) time4 tears of 7o and )ratit(de to the Lord rainin) plentif(ll over m 2hee-s4 praisin) and ma)nif in) the Lord for His )oodness4 and s(rrenderin) m self afresh4 0ith all m heart4 to Him for His blessed servi2e! I s2ar2el ever felt more the -indness of the Lord helpin) me! "ept! /:4 'E9EGFrom $or-shire 8+*:! Re2eived also 8*::: toda for the Lord,s 0orin &hina! Abo(t this donation it is espe2iall to be noted4 that for months it had been m earnest desire to do more than ever for mission 0or- in &hina4 and I had alread ta-en steps to 2arr o(t m desire4 0hen this donation 2ame to hand! This pre2io(s ans0er to pra er for means should !e a "articular encouragement to all who are engaged in the .ord,s wor , and who may need means for it# It proves afresh that4 if o(r 0or- is His 0or-4 and 0e honor Him b

Answers to Prayer 0aitin) (pon and loo-in) to Him for means4 He 0ill s(rel 4 in His o0n time and 0a 4 s(ppl them!
'he /oy which answers to "rayer give, cannot !e descri!ed, and the impet(s 0hi2h the afford to the spirit(al life is eF2eedin) )reat! The eFperien2e of this happiness I desire for all m &hristian readers! If o( indeed believe in the Lord @es(s for the salvation of o(r so(l> if o( 0al- (pri)htl and do not re)ard ini?(it in o(r heart> if o( 2ontin(e to 0ait patientl 4 and believin)l (pon God4 s(2h ans0ers 0ill s(rel be )iven to o(r pra ers! $o( ma not be 2alled (pon to serve the Lord in the 0a the 0riter does4 and therefore ma never have ans0ers to pra er respe2tin) s(2h thin)s as are re2orded here> b(t in o(r vario(s 2ir2(mstan2es4 o(r famil 4 o(r b(siness4 o(r profession4 o(r 2h(r2h a2tivities4 o(r labor for the Lord4 o( ma have ans0ers as distin2t as an here re2orded!

"ept! 14 'E9.GOnl one 2ent 0as in m hands this mornin)4 %a(se a moment4 dear readerC Onl one 2ent in hand 0hen the da

George Mueller - Man of Faith

2ommen2edC Thin- of this4 and thin- of nearl fo(rteen h(ndred persons to be provided for! $o(4 poor brethren4 0ho have siF or ei)ht 2hildren and small 0a)es4 thin- of this> and o(4 m brethren 0ho do not belon) to the 0or-in) 2lasses4 b(t have as it is 2alled4 ver limited means4 thin- of thisC May you not do, what we do, under your trials( #oes the Lord love o( less than He loves (sB #oes He not love all His 2hildren 0ith no less love than that 0ith 0hi2h He loves His onl be)otten "on4 a22ordin) to @ohn 'D3+:;+/B Or are 0e better than o(B!!! Well4 let (s hear then4 ho0 God helped 0hen there 0as only one cent left in m hands4 on the mornin) referred to! "hortl after nine o,2lo2- I re2eived 8*!:: from a sister in the Lord4 0ho does not 0ish the name of the pla2e 0here she resides mentioned! 5et0een ten and eleven o,2lo2- the ba) 0as sent from the Orphan Ho(ses4 in 0hi2h a note stated that nearl 89!:: 0as re?(ired for toda ! Scarcely had % read this 0hen a 2arria)e stopped before m ho(se4 and a )entleman4 from the nei)hborhood of Man2hester4 0as anno(n2ed! I fo(nd that he 0as a believer4 0ho had 2ome on

Answers to Prayer b(siness to 5ristol! He had heard abo(t the Orphan Ho(ses4 and eFpressed his s(rprise that 0itho(t an re)(lar s stem of 2olle2tions4 and 0itho(t personal appli2ation to an one4 simpl b faith and pra er4 I obtained more than 8':4::: ann(all for the 0or- of the Lord in m hands! This brother4 0hom I had never seen before4 and 0hose name I did not even -no0 before he 2ame4 )ave me 8':!::4 as an eFemplifi2ation of 0hat I had stated to him! @(l +E4 'ED1GAIt has for months appeared to me4 as if the Lord meant4 b His dealin)s 0ith (s4 to brin) (s ba2- to that state of thin)s4 in 0hi2h 0e 0ere for more than ten ears4 from A()(st4 'E/E4 to April4 'E1.4 0hen 0e had da b da 4 almost 0itho(t interr(ption4 to loo- to Him for o(r dail s(pplies4 and for a )reat part of the time4 from meal to meal! The diffi2(lties appeared to me indeed ver )reat4 as the instit(tion is no0 t0ent times lar)er than it 0as then4 and o(r p(r2hases are to be made in a 0holesale 0a > b(t at the same time4 I am 2omforted b the -no0led)e that God is a0are of all this4 and that if this 0a be for the )lor of His name4 and for the )ood of His 2h(r2h

George Mueller - Man of Faith

and the (n2onverted 0orld4 I am4 b His )ra2e4 0illin) to )o this 0a 4 and to do it to the end of m 2o(rse! The f(nds 0ere th(s fast eFpended> b(t God4 o(r infinitel ri2h Treas(rer4 remains to (s! It is this 0hi2h )ives me pea2e! AIf it pleases Him 0ith a 0or- re?(irin) abo(t 8+++4::: a ear4 to ma-e me do a)ain at the evenin) of m life4 0hat I did from A()(st4 'E/E4 to April4 'E1.4 I am not onl prepared for it4 b(t )ladl a)ain 0o(ld I pass thro()h all these trials of faith4 0ith re)ard to means4 if He onl mi)ht be )lorified4 and His 2h(r2h and the 0orld be benefited! Often and often this last point has of late passed thro()h m mind4 and I have pla2ed m self in the position of havin) no means at all left4 and two thousand one hundred "ersons not onl at the table4 b(t 0ith ever thin) else to be provided for4 and all f(nds )one> one h(ndred and ei)ht ;nine missionaries to be assisted4 and nothin) 0hatever left> abo(t one hundred schools, 0ith abo(t nine tho(sand s2holars in them4 to be entirel s(pported4 and no means for them in hand> abo(t four millions of tracts and tens of thousands of 2opies of the Hol "2ript(res earl

Answers to Prayer have to be sent o(t4 and all the mone eFpended! Invariabl 4 ho0ever4 0ith this probabilit before me4 I have said to m self3 God4 0ho has raised (p this 0or- thro()h me4 God 0ho has led me )enerall ear after ear4 to enlar)e it4 God 0ho has s(pported this 0orno0 for more than fort ears4 0ill still help and 0ill not s(ffer me to be 2onfo(nded4 be2a(se I rel (pon Him4 I 2ommit the 0hole 0or- to Him4 and He 0ill provide me 0ith 0hat I need in the f(t(re also4 tho()h I -no0 not 0hen2e the means are to 2ome!A "am(el &had0i2- in his most inspirin) boo-4 'he Path of Prayer, relates an o22asion 0hen #r! A! T! %ierson 0as the )(est of Geor)e M(eller at his orphana)e! He sa s3 AOne ni)ht 0hen all the ho(sehold had retired he JM(ellerK as-ed %ierson to 7oin him in pra er! He told him that there 0as absol(tel nothin) in the ho(se for neFt mornin),s brea-fast! M friend tried to remonstrate 0ith him and to remind him that all the stores 0ere 2losed! M(eller -ne0 all that! He had pra ed as he al0a s pra ed4 and he never told an one of his needs b(t God! The pra edGat least M(eller didG

George Mueller - Man of Faith

and %ierson tried to! The 0ent to bed and slept4 and brea-fast for two thousand children was there in a!undance at the usual !rea fast hour# Neither M(eller nor %ierson ever -ne0 ho0 the ans0er 2ame! The stor 0as told neFt mornin) to "imon "hort of 5ristol4 (nder pled)e of se2re2 (ntil the benefa2tor died! The details of it are thrillin)4 b(t all that need be told here is that the Lord 2alled him o(t of bed in the middle of the ni)ht to send brea-fast to M(eller,s orphana)e4 and -no0in) nothin) of the need4 or of the t0o men at pra er4 he sent provisions that 0o(ld feed them a month! This is li-e the Lord God of Eli7ah4 and still more li-e the God and Father of o(r Lord @es(s &hrist!A &harles In)lis4 the 0ell;-no0n evan)elist4 relates the follo0in) remar-able in2ident3 AWhen I first 2ame to Ameri2a thirt ;one ears a)o4 I 2rossed the Atlanti2 0ith the 2aptain of a steamer 0ho 0as one of the most devoted men I ever -ne0> and 0hen 0e 0ere off the ban-s of Ne0fo(ndland he said to me3 ,Mr! In)lis4 the last time I 2rossed here4 five 0ee-s a)o4 one of the most eFtraordinar

Answers to Prayer thin)s happened that has 2ompletel revol(tioni6ed the 0hole of m &hristian life! Up to that time I 0as one of o(r ordinar &hristians! We had a man of God on board4 Geor)e M(eller4 of 5ristol! I had been on that brid)e for t0ent ; t0o ho(rs and never left it! I 0as startled b someone tappin) me on the sho(lder! It 0as Geor)e M(eller! A,&aptain4, said he4 ,I have 2ome to tell o( that I m(st be in L(ebe2 on "at(rda afternoon!, This 0as Wednesda ! A,It is impossible4, I said! A,Mer 0ell4 if o(r ship 2an,t ta-e me God 0ill find some other means of lo2omotion to ta-e me! I have never bro-en an en)a)ement in fift ;seven ears!, A,I 0o(ld 0illin)l help o(4 b(t ho0 2an IB I am helpless!, A,Let (s )o do0n to the 2hart room and pra 4, he said! AI loo-ed at this man and I tho()ht to m self4 ,What l(nati2 as l(m 2o(ld the man have 2ome fromB I never heard of s(2h a thin)!,

George Mueller - Man of Faith

A,Mr! M(eller4, I said4 ,do dense this fo) isB,

o( -no0 ho0

A,No4, he replied4 ,m e e is not on the densit of the fo)4 b(t on the livin) God4 0ho 2ontrols ever 2ir2(mstan2e of m life!, AHe 0ent do0n on his -nees4 and he pra ed one of the most simple pra ers! I tho()ht to m self4 ,That 0o(ld s(it a 2hildren,s 2lass4 0here the 2hildren 0ere not more than ei)ht or nine ears of a)e!, The b(rden of his pra er 0as somethin) li-e this3 ,O Lord4 if it is 2onsistent 0ith Th 0ill4 please remove this fo) in five min(tes! $o( -no0 the en)a)ement $o( made for me in L(ebe2 for "at(rda ! I believe it is $o(r 0ill!, AWhen he had finished4 I 0as )oin) to pra 4 b(t he p(t his hand on m sho(lder and told me not to pra ! A,First4, he said4 , o( do not believe God 0ill do it> and4 se2ond4 I believe He has done it! And there is no need 0hatever for o( to pra abo(t it!, AI loo-ed at him4 and Geor)e M(eller said

Answers to Prayer this3 ,&aptain4 I have -no0n m Lord for fift ; seven ears and there has never been a sin)le da that I have failed to )ain an a(dien2e 0ith the Hin)! Get (p4 &aptain and open the door4 and o( 0ill find the fo) is )one!, I )ot (p4 and the fo) was )one! On "at(rda afternoon Geor)e M(eller 0as in L(ebe2!A


Real Faith
!y George Mueller

!Faith i the u# tan&e of thing ho"ed for% the eviden&e of thing not eenThrough faith )e under tand that the )orld )ere framed #$ the )ord of God% o that thing )hi&h are een )ere not made of thing )hi&h do a""ear-!. HE+REWS //0/% 1-

$First0 What is faith( In the simplest manner in 0hi2h I am able to eFpress it4 I ans0er3 Faith is the ass(ran2e that the thin) 0hi2h God has said in His Word is tr(e4 and that God 0ill a2t a22ordin) to 0hat He has said in His Word! This ass(ran2e4 this relian2e on God,s Word4 this 2onfiden2e is faith! 1o im"ressions are to !e ta en in connection with faith# Impressions have neither one thin) nor the other to do 0ith faith! Faith has to do 0ith the Word of God! It is not impressions4 stron) or 0ea-4 0hi2h 0ill ma-e an differen2e!

We have to do 0ith the 0ritten Word and


George Mueller - Man of Faith

not o(rselves or o(r impressions!

Pro!a!ilities are not to !e ta en into account# Man people are 0illin) to believe re)ardin) those thin)s that seem probable to them! Faith has nothin) to do 0ith probabilities! The provin2e of faith be)ins 0here probabilities 2ease and si)ht and sense fail! A )reat man of God,s 2hildren are 2ast do0n and lament their 0ant of faith! The 0rite to me and sa that the have no impressions4 no feelin)4 the see no probabilit that the thin) the 0ish 0ill 2ome to pass! Appearan2es are not to be ta-en into a22o(nt! The ?(estion isG0hether God has spo-en it in His Word!

And no04 m beloved friends4 o( are in )reat need to as- o(rselves 0hether o( are in the habit of th(s 2onfidin)4 in o(r inmost so(l4 in 0hat God has said4 and 0hether o( are in earnest in see-in) to find 0hether the thin) o( 0ant is in a22ordan2e 0ith 0hat He has said in His Word!
Secondly0 How faith may !e increased# God deli)hts to in2rease the faith of His 2hildren! O(r faith4 0hi2h is feeble at first4 is developed

2eal Faith and stren)thened more and more b (se! We o()ht4 instead of 0antin) no trials before vi2tor 4 no eFer2ise for patien2e4 to be 0illin) to ta-e them from God,s hand as a means! I sa G and sa it deliberatel Gtrials4 obsta2les4 diffi2(lties4 and sometimes defeats4 are the ver food of faith! I )et letters from so man of God,s dear 2hildren 0ho sa 3 A#ear 5rother M(eller3 I,m 0ritin) this be2a(se I am so 0ea- and feeble in faith!A @(st so s(rel as 0e as- to have o(r faith stren)thened4 0e m(st feel a 0illin)ness to ta-e from God,s hand the means for stren)thenin) it! We m(st allo0 Him to ed(2ate (s thro()h trials and bereavements and tro(bles! It is thro()h trials that faith is eFer2ised and developed more and more! God affe2tionatel permits diffi2(lties4 that He ma develop (n2easin)l that 0hi2h He is 0illin) to do for (s4 and to this end 0e sho(ld not shrin-4 b(t if He )ives (s sorro0 and hindran2es and losses and affli2tions4 0e sho(ld ta-e them o(t of His hands as eviden2es of His love and 2are for (s in developin) more and more that faith 0hi2h He is see-in) to stren)then in (s! The &h(r2h of God is not aro(sed to see

George Mueller - Man of Faith

God as the bea(tif(l and lovable One He is4 and hen2e the littleness of blessedness! Oh4 beloved brothers and sisters in &hrist4 see- to learn for o(rselves4 for I 2annot tell o( the blessednessC In the dar-est moments I am able to 2onfide in Him4 for I -no0 0hat a bea(tif(l and -ind and lovable 5ein) He is4 and4 if it be the 0ill of God to p(t (s in the f(rna2e4 let Him do it4 that so 0e ma a2?(aint o(rselves 0ith Him as He 0ill reveal Himself4 and that 0e ma -no0 Him better! We 2ome then to the 2on2l(sion that God is a lovable 5ein)4 and 0e are satisfied 0ith Him4 and sa 3 AIt is m Father4 let Him do as He pleases!A When I first be)an to allo0 God to deal 0ith me4 rel in) on Him4 ta-in) Him at His 0ord4 and set o(t fift ears a)o simpl rel in) on Him for m self4 famil 4 taFes4 travelin) eFpenses and ever other need4 I rested on the simple promises I fo(nd in the siFth 2hapter of Matthe0! I believed the Word4 I rested on it and pra2ti2ed it! I too- God at His Word! A stran)er4 a forei)ner in En)land4 I -ne0 seven

2eal Faith lan)(a)es and mi)ht have (sed them perhaps as a means of rem(nerative emplo ment4 b(t I had 2onse2rated m self to labor for the Lord4 I p(t m relian2e in the God 0ho has promised4 and He has a2ted a22ordin) to His Word! I,ve la2-ed nothin)Gnothing# I have had m trials and diffi2(lties4 and m p(rse empt 4 b(t m re2eipts have a))re)ated! I have re2eived tho(sands and tho(sands of dollars4 0hile the 0or- has )one on these fift ;one ears! Then4 0ith re)ard to m pastoral 0or-> for the past fift ;one ears I have had )reat diffi2(lties4 )reat trials and perpleFities! There 0ill al0a s be diffi2(lties4 al0a s trials! 5(t God has s(stained me o(t of them4 and the 0or- has )one on! No04 this is not4 as some have said4 be2a(se I am a man of )reat mental po0er4 or endo0ed 0ith ener) and perseveran2eGthese are not the reasons! %t is !ecause % have confided in God& be2a(se I have so()ht God4 and He has 2ared for the Instit(tion4 0hi2h4 (nder His dire2tion4 has one h(ndred s2hools4 0ith masters and mistresses4 and other departments of 0hi2h I have told o( before!

George Mueller - Man of Faith

I do not 2arr the b(rden! And no0 in m sevent ;siFth ear4 I have ph si2al stren)th and mental vi)or for as m(2h 0or- as 0hen I 0as a o(n) man in the (niversit st(d in) and preparin) Latin orations! I am 7(st as vi)oro(s as at that time! Ho0 2omes thisB 5e2a(se in the last half;2ent(r of labor I,ve been able 0ith the simpli2it of a 2hild4 to rel (pon God! I have had m trials4 b(t I have laid hold (pon God4 and so it has 2ome to pass that I have been s(stained! It is not onl permission4 b(t positive 2ommand that He )ives4 to 2ast the b(rdens (pon Him! Oh4 let (s do itC M beloved brothers and sisters in &hrist4 !Ca t th$ #urden u"on the Lord% and he hall u tain thee! <%s! **3++=! #a b da I do it! This mornin) siFt matters in 2onne2tion 0ith the 2h(r2h of 0hi2h I am pastor4 I bro()ht before the Lord4 and th(s it is4 da b da I do it4 and ear b ear> ten ears4 thirt ears4 fort ears! #o not4 ho0ever4 eFpe2t to obtain f(ll faith at on2e! All s(2h thin)s as 7(mpin) into f(ll eFer2ise of faith in s(2h thin)s I dis2o(ntenan2e! I do not believe in it! % do not !elieve in it, % do not !elieve in it and % wish you

2eal Faith
"lainly to understand % do not !elieve in it# All s(2h thin)s )o on in a nat(ral 0a ! The little I did obtain I did not obtain all at on2e! All this I sa parti2(larl 4 be2a(se letters 2ome to me f(ll of ?(estions from those 0ho see- to have their faith stren)thened! 5e)in over a)ain4 sta in) o(r so(l in the Word of God4 and o( 0ill have an in2rease of o(r faith as o( eFer2ise it!

One thin) more! "ome sa 4 AOh4 I shall never have the )ift of faith Mr! M(eller has )ot!A This is a mista-eGit is the )reatest errorG there is not a parti2le of tr(th in it! M faith is the same -ind of faith that all God,s 2hildren have had! It is the same -ind that "imon %eter had4 and all &hristians ma obtain the li-e faith! M faith is their faith4 tho()h there ma be more of it be2a(se m faith has been a little more developed b eFer2ise than theirs> b(t their faith is pre2isel the faith I eFer2ise4 onl 4 0ith re)ard to de)ree4 mine ma be more stron)l eFer2ised!
No04 m beloved brothers and sisters4 be)in in a little 0a ! At first4 I 0as able to tr(st the Lord for 8':!::4 then for 8'::4 then for 8'::: and no04 0ith the )reatest ease4 I 2o(ld tr(st Him for 8'4:::4::: if there 0as o22asion! 5(t first4 I sho(ld

George Mueller - Man of Faith

?(ietl 4 2aref(ll 4 deliberatel eFamine and see 0hether 0hat I 0as tr(stin) for4 0as somethin) in a22ordan2e 0ith His promises in His 0ritten Word! If I fo(nd it 0as4 the amo(nt of diffi2(lties 0o(ld be no hindran2e to m tr(st! Fift ;one ears4 and God has never failed meC Tr(st Him for o(rselves and find ho0 tr(e to His Word He is!


A""endi3 A Five Condition of ,revailing ,ra$er


'GEntire dependen2e (pon the merits and mediation of the Lord @es(s &hrist4 as the onl )ro(nd of an 2laim for blessin)! <"ee @ohn '13'/4 '1> '*3'9 et2!= +G"eparation from all -no0n sin! If 0e re)ard ini?(it in o(r hearts4 the Lord 0ill not hear (s4 for it 0o(ld be san2tionin) sin! <%s! 66:18.)

/GFaith in God,s 0ord of promise as 2onfirmed b His oath! Not to believe Him is to ma-e Him both a liar and a per7(rer! <Heb! ''3 6; 6:13-20.) 1GAs-in) in a22ordan2e 0ith His 0ill! O(r motives m(st be )odl 3 0e m(st not see- an )ift of God to 2ons(me it (pon o(r l(sts <I @ohn *3'1> @ames 13/!= *GImport(nit in s(ppli2ation! There m(st
I For these three appendi2es see AAns0ers to %ra er from Geor)e M(eller,s NarrativesA Mood %ress4 &hi2a)o ':4 Illinois!


George Mueller - Man of Faith

be 0aitin) on God and 0aitin) for God4 as the h(sbandman has lon) patien2e to 0ait for the harvest! <@ames *3D> L(-e 'E3';E!=


A""endi3 + The Careful and Con e&utive Reading of the Hol$ S&ri"ture
&on2ernin) this s(b7e2t Mr! M(eller sa s3 AI fell into the snare4 into 0hi2h so man o(n) believers fall4 the readin) of reli)io(s boo-s in preferen2e to the "2ript(res! I 2o(ld no lon)er read Fren2h and German novels4 as I had formerl done4 to feed m 2arnal mind> b(t still I did not p(t into the room of those boo-s the best of all boo-s! I read tra2ts4 missionar papers4 sermons4 and bio)raphies of )odl persons! The last -ind of boo-s I fo(nd more profitable than others4 and had the been 0ell sele2ted4 or had I not read too m(2h of s(2h 0ritin)s4 or had an of them tended parti2(larl to endear the "2ript(res to me4 the mi)ht have done me m(2h )ood! I never had been at an time in m life in the habit of readin) the Hol "2ript(res! When (nder fifteen ears of a)e4 I o22asionall read a little of them at s2hool> after0ards God,s pre2io(s 5oo0as entirel laid aside4 so that I never read one sin)le 2hapter of it4 as far as I remember4 till it

George Mueller - Man of Faith

pleased God to be)in a 0or- of )ra2e in m heart! No0 the "2ript(ral 0a of reasonin) 0o(ld have been3 God himself has 2ondes2ended to be2ome an a(thor and I am i)norant abo(t that pre2io(s 5oo-4 0hi2h His Hol "pirit has 2a(sed to be 0ritten thro()h the instr(mentalit of His servants4 and it 2ontains that 0hi2h I o()ht to -no04 and the -no0led)e of 0hi2h 0ill lead me to tr(e happiness> therefore I o()ht to read a)ain and a)ain this most pre2io(s 5oo-4 this 5oo- of boo-s4 most earnestl 4 most pra erf(ll 4 and 0ith m(2h meditation> and in this pra2ti2e I o()ht to 2ontin(e all the da s of m life! For I 0as a0are4 tho()h I read it b(t little4 that I -ne0 s2ar2el an thin) of it! 5(t instead of a2tin) th(s4 and bein) led b m i)noran2e of the Word of God to st(d it more4 m diffi2(lt in (nderstandin) it4 and the little en7o ment I had in it4 made me 2areless of readin) it <for m(2h pra erf(l readin) of the Word4 )ives not merel more -no0led)e4 b(t in2reases the deli)ht 0e have in readin) it=> and th(s4 li-e man believers4 I pra2ti2all preferred4 for the first fo(r ears of m divine life4 the 0or-s of

'he 3areful and 3onsecutive 2eading of the Holy Scri"tures (ninspired men to the ora2les of the livin) God! The 2onse?(en2e 0as4 that I remained a babe4 both in -no0led)e and )ra2e! In -no0led)e I sa > for all true -no0led)e m(st be derived b the "pirit4 from the Word! And as I ne)le2ted the Word4 I 0as for nearl fo(r ears so i)norant4 that I did not clearly -no0 even the f(ndamental points of o(r hol faith! And this la2- of -no0led)e most sadl -ept me ba2from 0al-in) steadil in the 0a s of God! For it is the tr(th that ma-es (s free <@ohn E3/'4 /+= b deliverin) (s from the slaver of the l(sts of the flesh4 the l(sts of the e es4 and the pride of life! The Word proves it> and also m o0n eFperien2e most de2idedl proves it! For 0hen it pleased the Lord in A()(st4 'E+. to brin) me reall to the "2ript(res4 m life and 0albe2ame ver different! And tho()h even sin2e that I have ver m(2h fallen short of 0hat I mi)ht and o()ht to be4 et4 b the )ra2e of God4 I have been enabled to live m(2h nearer to Him than before! AIf an believers read this4 0ho pra2ti2all prefer other boo-s to the Hol "2ript(res4 and

George Mueller - Man of Faith

0ho en7o the 0ritin)s of men m(2h more than the Word of God4 ma the be 0arned b m loss! I shall 2onsider this boo- to have been the means of doin) m(2h )ood4 sho(ld it please the Lord4 thro()h its instr(mentalit 4 to lead some of His people no lon)er to ne)le2t the Hol "2ript(res4 b(t to )ive them that preferen2e4 0hi2h the have hitherto besto0ed on the 0ritin)s of men! M disli-e to in2rease the n(mber of boo-s 0o(ld have been s(ffi2ient to deter me from 0ritin) these pa)es4 had I not been 2onvin2ed4 that this is the onl 0a in 0hi2h the brethren at lar)e ma be benefited thro()h m mista-es and errors4 and been infl(en2ed b the hope4 that in ans0er to m pra ers4 the readin) of m eFperien2e ma be the means of leadin) them to val(e the "2ript(res more hi)hl 4 and to ma-e them the r(le of all their a2tions!!!! AIf an one sho(ld as- me4 ho0 he ma read the "2ript(res most profitabl 4 I 0o(ld advise him4 that3 AI!GAbove all he sho(ld see- to have it settled in his o0n mind4 that God alone4 b His

'he 3areful and 3onsecutive 2eading of the Holy Scri"tures "pirit4 2an tea2h him4 and that therefore4 as God 0ill be in?(ired of for blessin)s4 it be2omes him to see- God,s blessin) previo(s to readin)! and also 0hile readin)! AII!GHe sho(ld have it4 moreover4 settled in his mind4 that4 altho()h the Hol "pirit is the !est and sufficient tea2her4 et that this tea2her does not al0a s tea2h immediatel 0hen 0e desire it4 and that4 therefore4 0e ma have to entreat Him a)ain and a)ain for the eFplanation of 2ertain passa)es> b(t that He 0ill s(rel tea2h (s at last4 if indeed 0e are see-in) for li)ht pra erf(ll 4 patientl 4 and 0ith a vie0 to the )lor of God! AIII!GIt is of immense importan2e for the (nderstandin) of the 0ord of God4 to read it in 2o(rse4 so that 0e ma read ever da a portion of the Old and a portion of the Ne0 Testament4 )oin) on 0here 0e previo(sl left off! This is important be2a(se3 <'= It thro0s li)ht (pon the 2onne2tion> and a different 2o(rse4 a22ordin)A to 0hi2h one ha!itually sele2ts parti2(lar 2hapters4 0ill ma-e it (tterl impossible ever to

George Mueller - Man of Faith

(nderstand m(2h of the "2ript(res! <+= Whilst 0e are in the bod 4 0e need a 2han)e even in spirit(al thin)s> and this 2han)e the Lord has )ra2io(sl provided in the )reat variet 0hi2h is to be fo(nd in His 0ord! </= It tends to the )lor of God for the leavin) o(t some 2hapters here and there is pra2ti2all sa in)4 that 2ertain portions are better than others> or4 that there are 2ertain parts of revealed tr(th (nprofitable or (nne2essar ! <1= It ma -eep (s4 b the blessin) of God4 from erroneo(s vie0s4 as in readin) th(s re)(larl thro()h the "2ript(res 0e are led to see the meanin) of the 0hole4 and also -ept from la in) too m(2h stress (pon 2ertain favorite vie0s! <*= The "2ript(res 2ontain the 0hole revealed 0ill of God4 and therefore 0e o()ht to see- to read from time to time thro()h the 0hole of that revealed 0ill! There are man believers4 I fear4 in o(r da 4 0ho have not read even on2e thro()h the 0hole of the "2ript(res> and et in a fe0 months4 b readin) onl a fe0 2hapters ever da the mi)ht a22omplish it! AIM!GIt is also of the )reatest importan2e to meditate on 0hat 0e read4 so that perhaps a small portion of that 0hi2h 0e have read4 or4 if

'he 3areful and 3onsecutive 2eading of the Holy Scri"tures 0e have time4 the 0hole ma be meditated (pon in the 2o(rse of the da ! Or a small4 portion of a boo-4 or an epistle4 or a )ospel4 thro()h 0hi2h 0e )o re)(larl for meditation4 ma be 2onsidered ever da 4 0itho(t4 ho0ever4 s(fferin) oneself to be bro()ht into bonda)e b this plan! ALearned commentaries I have fo(nd to store the head, 0ith man notions and often also 0ith the tr(th of God> b(t 0hen the S"irit tea2hes4 thro()h the instr(mentalit of pra er and meditation4 the heart is affe2ted! The former -ind of -no0led)e )enerall p(ffs (p4 and is often reno(n2ed4 0hen another 2ommentar )ives a different opinion4 and often also is fo(nd )ood for nothin)4 0hen it is to be 2arried o(t into pra2ti2e! The latter -ind of -no0led)e )enerall h(mbles4 )ives 7o 4 leads (s nearer to God4 and is not easil reasoned a0a > and havin) been obtained from God4 and th(s havin) entered into the heart4 and be2ome o(r o0n4 is also )enerall 2arried o(t!A


A""endi3 C Ho) ( A &ertain the Will Of God

'! I "EEH AT THE 5EGINNING to )et m heart into s(2h a state that it has no 0ill of its o0n in re)ard to a )iven matter! Nine;tenths of the tro(ble 0ith people is 7(st here! Nine;tenths of the diffi2(lties are over2ome 0hen o(r hearts are read to do the Lord,s 0ill4 0hatever it ma be! When one is tr(l in this state4 it is (s(all b(t a little 0a to the -no0led)e of 0hat His 0ill is! +! HAMING #ONE THI" 4 I do not leave the res(lt to feelin) of simple impression! If I do so4 I ma-e m self liable to )reat del(sions! /! I "EEH THE WILL of the "pirit of God thro()h4 or in 2onne2tion 0ith4 the Word of God! The "pirit and the Word m(st be 2ombined! If I loo- to the "pirit alone 0itho(t the Word I la m self open to )reat del(sions also! If the Hol Ghost )(ides (s at all4 He 0ill do it a22ordin) to the "2ript(res and never

George Mueller - Man of Faith

2ontrar to them! 1! NENT I TAHE into a22o(nt providential 2ir2(mstan2es! These often plainl indi2ate God,s 0ill in 2onne2tion 0ith His Word and "pirit! *! I A"H GO# in pra er to reveal His 0ill to me ari)ht! 9! THU"4 THROUGH %RA$ER to God4 the st(d of the Word4 and refle2tion4 I 2ome to a deliberate 7(d)ment a22ordin) to the best of m abilit and -no0led)e4 and if m mind is th(s at pea2e4 and 2ontin(es so after t0o or three more petitions4 I pro2eed a22ordin)l ! In trivial matters4 and in transa2tions involvin) most important iss(es4 I have fo(nd this method al0a s effe2tive!


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