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The Foundations of Mindfulness

Satipahna Sutta
Translated by

Nyanasatta Thera

Buddhist Publication Society Kandy, Sri Lanka

The Wheel Publication

BPS !nline "dition (#$$%

o! "#

Copyright Kandy; Buddhist Publication Society, (1993 &igital Transcription Source' Buddhist Publication Society (or )ree distribution* This +or, -ay be republished, re)or-atted, reprinted and redistributed in any -ediu-* .o+e/er, any such republication and redistribution is to be -ade a/ailable to the public on a )ree and unrestricted basis and translations and other deri/ati/e +or,s are to be clearly -ar,ed as such*

0ntroduction***********************************************************************************************************************************************# The (oundations o) 1ind)ulness************************************************************************************************************2

The philosophy of Buddhism is contained in the Four Noble Truths 1
The truth of suffering re/eals that all )or-s o) beco-ing, all the /arious ele-ents o) e3istence co-prised in the 4)i/e aggregates5 or groups o) e3istence 6 also called the 4)i/e categories +hich are the ob7ects o) clinging5 (pacupadnakkhandh 6 are inseparable )ro- su))ering as long as they re-ain ob7ects o) grasping or clinging* 8ll corporeality, all )eelings and sensations, all perceptions, all -ental )or-ations and consciousness, being i-per-anent, are a source o) su))ering, are conditioned pheno-ena and hence not9sel) (anicca, dukkha, anatt * Ceaseless origination and dissolution best characteri:e the process o) e3istence called li)e, )or all ele-ents o) this )lu3 o) beco-ing continually arise )ro- conditions created by us and then pass a+ay, gi/ing rise to ne+ ele-ents o) being according to one;s actions or ,a--a* 8ll su))ering originates )ro- cra/ing, and our /ery e3istence is conditioned by cra/ing, +hich is three)old' the cra/ing )or sense pleasures ( kma-tah , cra/ing )or continued and rene+ed e3istence (bhava-tah , and cra/ing )or annihilation a)ter death ( vibhava-tah * This is the truth of the origin of suffering. The attain-ent o) per)ect happiness, the brea,ing o) the chain o) rebirths and su))ering through the reali:ation o) <ibb=na, is possible only through the utter e3tirpation o) that three)old cra/ing* This is the truth of sufferings cessation. The -ethods o) training )or the liberation )ro- all su))ering are applied by )ollo+ing the <oble "ight)old Path o) >ight ?nderstanding, >ight Thought, >ight Speech, >ight 8ction, >ight @i/ing, >ight "3ertion, >ight 1ind)ulness and >ight Concentration o) 1ind* The <oble "ight)old Path consists o) three types o) training su--ed up in' /irtuous conduct ( sla , concentration (samdhi and +isdo- (paa * This is the truth of the way that leads to the cessation of suffering. The pre/alence o) su))ering and absence o) )reedo- and happiness is due to -an;s sub7ection to the three roots o) all uns,ill and e/il, and all un+holeso-e actions ( akusalakamma , /i:* lust, hatred and delusion (lobha, dosa, moha * Airtuous conduct casts out lust* The cal- o) true concentration and -ental culture conBuers hatred* Cisdo- or right understanding, also called direct ,no+ledge resulting )ro- -editation, dispels all delusion* 8ll these three types o) training are possible only through the culti/ation o) constant mindfulness (sati , +hich )or-s the se/enth lin, o) the <oble "ight)old Path* 1ind)ulness is called a controlling )aculty ( indriya and a spiritual po+er (bala , and is also the )irst o) the se/en )actors o) enlighten-ent (satta bo ha!ga *" >ight 1ind)ulness (samma-sati has to be present in e/ery s,ill)ul or ,ar-ically +holeso-e thought -o-ent ( kusalacitta * 0t is the basis o) all earnest endea/our (appamda )or liberation, and -aintains in us the sense o) urgency to stri/e )or enlighten-ent or <ibb=na* The &iscourse on the (oundations o) 1ind)ulness, the #atipa$$hna #utta, is the tenth discourse o) the 1iddle @ength Collection (1a77hi-a <i,=ya o) the &iscourses o) the

8n e3hausti/e e3position o) the (our <oble Truths is )ound in %he &ord of the 'uddha by <yanatilo,a 1ah=thera* See also %hree (ardinal )iscourses of the 'uddha, translated by D=Ea-oli Thera (BPS Cheel <o* 12 and %he *our +oble %ruths by (rancis Story (BPS Cheel <o* 3FG3H *

See Piyadassi Thera, %he #even *actors of ,nlightenment (BPS Cheel <o* 1 *

"nlightened !ne* 0t is this /ersion +hich is translated in the present publication* There is another /ersion o) it, in the Collection o) @ong &iscourses (&Igha <i,=ya <o*## , +hich di))ers only by a detailed e3planation o) the (our <oble Truths* The great i-portance o) the &iscourse on 1ind)ulness has ne/er been lost to the Buddhists o) the Thera/ada tradition* 0n Sri @an,a, e/en +hen the ,no+ledge and practice o) the &ha--a +as at its lo+est ebb through centuries o) )oreign do-ination, the Sinhala Buddhists ne/er )orgot the SatipaJJh=na Sutta* 1e-ori:ing the Sutta has been an un)ailing practice a-ong the Buddhists, and e/en today in Sri @an,a there are large nu-bers +ho can recite the Sutta )ro-e-ory* 0t is a co--on sight to see on )ull9-oon days de/otees +ho are obser/ing the "ight Precepts, engaged in co--unity recital o) the Sutta* Buddhists are intent on hearing this &iscourse e/en in the last -o-ents o) their li/es; and at the bedside o) a dying Buddhist either -on,s or lay-en recite this /enerated te3t* 0n the pri/ate shrine roo- o) a Buddhist ho-e, the boo, o) the SatipaJJh=na Sutta is displayed pro-inently as an ob7ect o) re/erence* 1onastery libraries o) pal-9lea) -anuscripts ha/e the Sutta bound in highly orna-ented co/ers* !ne such boo, +ith this &iscourse +ritten in Sinhala script on pal-9lea), has )ound its +ay )ro- Sri @an,a as )ar as the State ?ni/ersity @ibrary o) Bucharest in >u-ania* This +as disclosed +hile collecting -aterial )or the "ncyclopaedia o) Buddhis-, +hen an "sperantist correspondent ga/e us a list o) a hundred boo,s on Buddhis- )ound in the >u-anian ?ni/ersity @ibraries*

Mindfulness of Breathing &npnasati'

The sub7ects dealt +ith in the SatipaJJh=na Sutta are corporeality, )eeling, -ind and -ind ob7ects, being the uni/erse o) right Buddhist conte-plation )or deli/erance* 8 /ery pro-inent place in the &iscourse is occupied by the discussion on -ind)ulness o) breathing ( npnasati * To -a,e the present publication o) greater practical /alue to the reader, an introductory e3position o) the -ethods o) practicing that particular -editation +ill no+ be gi/en* 1ind)ulness o) breathing ta,es the highest place a-ong the /arious sub7ects o) Buddhist -editation* 0t has been reco--ended and praised by the "nlightened !ne thus' 4This concentration through -ind)ulness o) breathing, +hen de/eloped and practiced -uch, is both peace)ul and subli-e, it is an unadulterated bliss)ul abiding, and it banishes at once and stills e/il unpro)itable thoughts as soon as they arise*5 Though o) such a high order, the initial stages o) this -editation are +ell +ithin the reach o) a beginner though he be only a lay student o) the Buddha9&ha--a* Both in the &iscourse here translated, and in the 11K th &iscourse o) the sa-e Collection (the 1a77hi-a <i,=ya , +hich speci)ically deals +ith that -editation, the initial instructions )or the practice are clearly laid do+n' .erein, -on,s, a -on,, ha/ing gone to the )orest or the root o) a tree or to an e-pty place, sits do+n +ith his legs crossed, ,eeps his body erect and his -ind)ulness alert* "/er -ind)ul he breathes in, -ind)ul he breathes out* Breathing in a long breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing in a long breath5; breathing out a long breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing out a long breath*5 Breathing in a short breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing in a short breath5; breathing out a short breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing out a short breath*5 4"3periencing the +hole (breath body, 0 shall breathe in,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4"3periencing the +hole (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe out,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4Cal-ing the acti/ity o) the (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe in,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4Cal-ing the acti/ity o) the (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe out,5 thus he trains hi-sel)*

These are instructions gi/en by the "nlightened !ne to the -on,s +ho, a)ter their al-s round, had the +hole re-aining day )ree )or -editation* But +hat about the lay Buddhist +ho has a li-ited ti-e to de/ote to this practiceL 8-ong the places described as )it )or the practice o) -editation, one is a/ailable to all' suagara, lit* 4e-pty house,5 -ay -ean any roo- in the house that has no occupant at that -o-ent, and one -ay in the course o) the t+enty9)our hours o) the day )ind a roo- in one;s house that is e-pty and undisturbed* Those +ho +or, all day and )eel too tired in the e/ening )or -editation -ay de/ote the early hours o) the -orning to the practice o) -ind)ulness o) breathing* The other proble- is the right posture )or -editation* The )ull 4lotus posture5 o) the yogi, the padmasana, as +e see it in the Buddha statues, pro/es no+adays rather di))icult to -any, e/en to easterners* 8 youth)ul -editator, ho+e/er, or e/en a -iddle9aged one, can +ell train hi-sel) in that posture in stages* .e -ay, )or instance, start +ith sitting on a lo+, broad chair or bed, bending only one leg and resting the other on the )loor; and so, in gradual appro3i-ation, he -ay )inally -aster that posture* There are also other easier postures o) sitting +ith legs bent, )or instance the hal)9lotus posture* 0t +ill be +orth one;s e))ort to train onesel) in such postures; but i) one )inds the- di))icult and unco-)ortable at the outset it +ill not be ad/isable to delay or disturb one;s start +ith -editation proper on that account* !ne -ay allo+ a special ti-e )or sitting9practice, using it as best as one can )or conte-plation and re)lection; but )or the ti-e being, the practice o) -editation ai-ing at higher degrees o) concentration -ay better be done in a posture that is co-)ortable* !ne -ay sit on a straight bac,ed chair o) a height that allo+s the legs to rest co-)ortably on the )loor +ithout strain* 8s soon ho+e/er, as a cross9legged posture has beco-e -ore co-)ortable, one should assu-e it )or the practice o) -ind)ulness o) breathing, since it +ill allo+ one to sit in -editation )or a longer ti-e than is possible on a chair* The -editator;s body and -ind should be alert but not tense* 8 place +ith a di--ed light +ill be pro)itable since it +ill help to e3clude di/erting attention to /isible ob7ects* The right place, ti-e and posture are /ery i-portant and o)ten essential )or a success)ul -editati/e e))ort* Though +e ha/e been breathing throughout our li)e, +e ha/e done so de/oid o) -ind)ulness, and hence, +hen +e try to )ollo+ each breath attenti/ely, +e )ind that the Buddhist teachers o) old +ere right +hen they co-pared the natural state o) an uncontrolled -ind to an unta-ed cal)* !ur -inds ha/e long been dissipated a-ong /isible data and other ob7ects o) the senses and o) thought, and hence do not yield easily to atte-pts at -ind9control* Suppose a co+herd +anted to ta-e a +ild cal)' he +ould ta,e it a+ay )ro- the co+ and tie it up apart +ith a rope to a stout post* Then the cal) -ight dash to and )ro, but being unable to get a+ay and tired a)ter its e))ort, it +ould e/entually lie do+n by the post* So too, +hen the -editator +ants to ta-e his o+n -ind that has long been reared on the en7oy-ent o) sense ob7ects, he should ta,e it a+ay )ro- places +here these sense ob7ects abound, and tie the -ind to the post o) in9breaths and out9breaths +ith the rope o) -ind)ulness* 8nd though his -ind -ay then dash to and )ro +hen depri/ed o) its liberty to roa- a-ong the sense ob7ects, it +ill ulti-ately settle do+n +hen -ind)ulness is persistent and strong* Chen practicing -ind)ulness o) breathing, attention should be )ocused at the tip o) the nose or at the point o) the upper lip i--ediately belo+ +here the current o) air can be )elt* The -editator;s attention should not lea/e this 4)ocusing point5 )ro- +here the in9co-ing and out9 going breaths can be easily )elt and obser/ed* The -editator -ay beco-e a+are o) the breath;s route through the body but he should not pay attention to it* 8t the beginning o) the practice, the -editator should concentrate only on the in9breaths and out9breaths, and should not )all

into any re)lections about the-* 0t is only at a later stage that he should apply hi-sel) to the arousing o) ,no+ledge and other states connected +ith the concentration* 0n this brie) introduction, only the )irst steps o) the beginner can be discussed* (or -ore in)or-ation the student -ay re)er to the "nglish translation o) the -isuddhimagga (%he .ath of .urification, chap* A000 by Bhi,,hu D=Ea-oli, or to /indfulness of 'reathing by Bhi,,hu D=Ea-oli, and to %he 0eart of 'uddhist /editation by <yanaponi,a Thera* 3 The lay Buddhist +ho underta,es this practice +ill )irst ta,e the Three >e)uges and the (i/e Precepts; he +ill re/ie+ the re)lections on the Buddha, &ha--a, and Sangha, trans-it thoughts o) lo/ing9,indness (mett in all directions, recollect that this -editation +ill help hi- to reach the goal o) deli/erance through direct ,no+ledge and -ental cal-; and only then should he start +ith the -ind)ulness o) breathing proper, )irst by +ay o) counting* F

The Buddhist teachers o) old reco--end that a beginner should start the practice by counting the breaths -entally* 0n doing so he should not stop short o) )i/e or go beyond ten or -a,e any brea, in the series* By stopping short o) )i/e breaths his -ind has not enough roo- )or conte-plation, and by going beyond ten his -ind ta,es the nu-ber rather than the breaths )or its ob7ects, and any brea, in the series +ould upset the -editation* Chen counting, the -editator should )irst count +hen the in9breath or the out9breath is co-pleted, not +hen it begins* So ta,ing the in9breath )irst, he counts -entally ;one; +hen that in9breath is co-plete, then he counts ;t+o; +hen the out9breath is co-plete, ;three; a)ter the ne3t in9breath, and so on up to ten, and then again )ro- one to ten, and so he should continue* 8)ter so-e practice in counting at the co-pletion o) a breath, breathing -ay beco-ing )aster* The breaths, ho+e/er, should not be -ade longer or shorter intentionally* The -editator has to be 7ust -ind)ul o) their occurrence as they co-e and go* <o+ he -ay try counting ;one; +hen he begins to breathe in or breathe out, counting up to )i/e or ten, and then again )ro- one to )i/e or ten* 0) one ta,es both the in9breath and out9breath as ;one,; it is better to count only up to )i/e* Counting should be e-ployed until one can dispense +ith it in )ollo+ing the seBuence o) breaths successi/ely* Counting is -erely a de/ice to assist in e3cluding stray thoughts* 0t is, as it +ere, a guideline or railing )or supporting -ind)ulness until it can do +ithout such help* There -ay be those +ho +ill )eel the counting -ore as a co-plication than a help, and they -ay +ell o-it it, attending directly to the )lo+ o) the respiration by +ay o) 4connecting the successi/e breaths*5

8)ter the counting has been discarded, the -editator should no+ continue his practice by +ay o) connecting (anubandhana ; that is, by )ollo+ing -ind)ully the in and out breaths +ithout recourse to counting, and yet +ithout a brea, in attenti/eness* .ere too, the breaths should not be )ollo+ed beyond the nostrils +here the respiratory air enters and lea/es* The -editator -ust stri/e to be a+are o) the +hole breath, in its entire duration and +ithout -issing one single phase, but his attention -ust not lea/e the place o) contact, the nostrils, or that point o) the upper lip +here the current o) air touches*
3 4

8ll published by the Buddhist Publication Society* !n the >e)uges and Precepts, see %he /irror of the )hamma (BPS Cheel <o* HF *

Chile )ollo+ing the in9breaths and out9breaths thus, they beco-e )ainter and )ainter, and at ti-es it is not easy to re-ain a+are o) that subtle sensation o) touch caused by the respiration* Keener -ind)ulness is reBuired to ,eep trac, o) the breaths then* But i) the -editator perse/eres, one day he +ill )eel a di))erent sensation, a )eeling o) ease and happiness, and occasionally there appears be)ore his -ental eye so-ething li,e a lu-inous star or a si-ilar sign, +hich indicates that one approaches the stage o) access concentration* Steadying the ne+ly acBuired sign, one -ay culti/ate )ull -ental absorption ( hna or at least the preli-inary concentration as a basis )or practicing insight* The practice o) -ind)ulness o) breathing is -eant )or both -ental cal- and insight ( samatha and vipassan * &irect ,no+ledge being the ob7ect o) Buddhist -editation, the concentration gained by the -editati/e practice should be used )or the clear understanding o) reality as -ani)est in onesel) and in the entire range o) one;s e3perience* Though penetrati/e insight leading to <ibb=na is the ulti-ate ob7ect, progress in -ind)ulness and concentration +ill also bring -any bene)its in our daily li/es* 0) +e ha/e beco-e habituated to )ollo+ our breaths )or a longer period o) ti-e and can e3clude all (or al-ost all intruding irrele/ant thoughts, -ind)ulness, sel)9control and e))iciency are sure to increase in all our acti/ities* Must as our breathing, so also other processes o) body and -ind, +ill beco-e clearer to us, and +e shall co-e to ,no+ -ore o) oursel/es* 0t has been said by the Buddha' 41ind)ulness o) breathing, de/eloped and repeatedly practiced, is o) great )ruit, o) great ad/antage, )or it )ul)ils the )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness; the )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness, de/eloped and repeatedly practiced, )ul)il the se/en enlighten-ent )actors; the se/en enlighten-ent )actors, de/eloped and repeatedly practiced, )ul)il clear9/ision and deli/erance*5 Clear /ision and deli/erance, or direct ,no+ledge and the bliss o) liberation, are the highest )ruit o) the application o) -ind)ulness*

The Foundations of Mindfulness

Satipahna Sutta
Thus ha/e 0 heard* 8t one ti-e the Blessed !ne +as li/ing a-ong the Kurus, at Ka--=sada--a, a -ar,et to+n o) the Kuru people* There the Blessed !ne addressed the bhi,,hu thus' 41on,s,5 and they replied to hi-, 4Aenerable Sir*5 The Blessed !ne spo,e as )ollo+s' This is the only +ay, -on,s, )or the puri)ication o) beings, )or the o/erco-ing o) sorro+ and la-entation, )or the destruction o) su))ering and grie), )or reaching the right path, )or the attain-ent o) <ibb=na, na-ely, the )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness* Chat are the )ourL .erein (in this teaching a -on, li/es conte-plating the body in the body, H ardent, clearly co-prehending and -ind)ul, ha/ing o/erco-e, in this +orld, co/etousness and grie); he li/es conte-plating )eelings in )eelings, ardent, clearly co-prehending and -ind)ul, ha/ing o/erco-e, in this +orld, co/etousness and grie); he li/es conte-plating consciousness in consciousness, % ardent, clearly co-prehending and -ind)ul, ha/ing o/erco-e, in this +orld, co/etousness and grie); he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects, ardent, clearly co-prehending and -ind)ul, ha/ing o/erco-e, in this +orld, co/etousness and grie)*

! The Contemplation of the Body

"( Mindfulness of Breathin)
8nd ho+ does a -on, li/e conte-plating the body in the bodyL .erein, -on,s, a -on,, ha/ing gone to the )orest, to the )oot o) a tree or to an e-pty place, sits do+n +ith his legs crossed, ,eeps his body erect and his -ind)ulness alert* 2 "/er -ind)ul he breathes in, -ind)ul he breathes out* Breathing in a long breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing in a long breath5; breathing out a long breath, he ,no+s, 40 abreathing out a long breath5; breathing in a short breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing in a short breath5; breathing out a short breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing out a short breath*5 4"3periencing the +hole (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe in,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4"3periencing the +hole (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe out,5 thus he trains hi-sel)*

The repetition o) the phrases ;conte-plating the body in the body,; ;)eelings in )eelings,; etc* is -eant to i-press upon the -editator the i-portance o) re-aining a+are +hether, in the sustained attention directed upon a single chosen ob7ect, one is still ,eeping to it, and has not strayed into the )ield o) another conte-plation* (or instance, +hen conte-plating any bodily process, a -editator -ay un+ittingly be side9trac,ed into a consideration o) his feelings connected +ith that bodily process* .e should then be clearly a+are that he has le)t his original sub7ect, and is engaged in the conte-plation o) )eeling*

1ind (Pali citta, also consciousness or via in this connection -eans the states o) -ind or units in the strea- o) -ind o) -o-entary duration* 1ental ob7ects, dhamma, are the -ental contents or )actors o) consciousness -a,ing up the single states o) -ind*

@iterally, 4setting up -ind)ulness in )ront*5

4Cal-ing the acti/ity o) the (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe in,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4Cal-ing the acti/ity o) the (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe out,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* Must as a s,ill)ul turner or turner;s apprentice, -a,ing a long turn, ,no+s, 40 a- -a,ing a long turn,5 or -a,ing a short turn, ,no+s, 40 a- -a,ing a short turn,5 7ust so the -on,, breathing in a long breath, ,no+s, 40 a- breathing in a long breath5; breathing out a long breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing out a long breath5; breathing in a short breath, he ,no+s, 40 a- breathing in a short breath5; breathing out a short breath, he ,no+s, 40 abreathing out a short breath*5 4"3periencing the +hole (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe in,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4"3periencing the +hole (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe out,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4Cal-ing the acti/ity o) the (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe in,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* 4Cal-ing the acti/ity o) the (breath9 body, 0 shall breathe out,5 thus he trains hi-sel)* Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally and e3ternally* K.e li/es conte-plating origination )actors 9in the body, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors 1$in the body, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9 dissolution )actors 11in the body* !r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought' 4The body e3ists,5 1#to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached,13and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus also, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating the body in the body*


The Postures of the Body

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, ,no+s, +hen he is going, 40 a- going5; he ,no+s, +hen he is standing, 40 a- standing5; he ,no+s, +hen he is sitting, 40 a- sitting5; he ,no+s, +hen he is lying do+n, 40 a- lying do+n5; or 7ust as his body is disposed so he ,no+s it* Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in the body, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in the body, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9 dissolution )actors in the body* 1F!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought' 4The body e3ists,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es

;0nternally;' conte-plating his o+n breathing; ;e3ternally;' conte-plating another;s breathing; ;internally and e3ternally;' conte-plating one;s o+n and another;s breathing, alternately, +ith uninterrupted attention* 0n the beginning one pays attention to one;s o+n breathing only, and it is only in ad/anced stages that )or the sa,e o) practicing insight, one by in)erence at ti-es pays attention also to another person;s process o) breathing*

The origination )actors (samudaya-dhamma , that is, the conditions o) the origination o) the breath9body; these are' the body in its entirety, nasal aperture and -ind*

The conditions o) the dissolution o) the breath9body are' the destruction o) the body and o) the nasal aperture, and the ceasing o) -ental acti/ity*
11 12

The conte-plation o) both, alternately*

That is, only i-personal bodily processes e3ist, +ithout a sel), soul, spirit or abiding essence or substance* The corresponding phrase in the )ollo+ing conte-plations should be understood accordingly*
13 14

&etached )ro- cra/ing and +rong /ie+*

8ll conte-plations o) the body, e3cepting the preceding one, ha/e as )actors o) origination' ignorance, cra/ing, ,a--a, )ood, and the general characteristic o) originating; the )actors o) dissolution are' disappearance o) ignorance, cra/ing, ,a--a, )ood, and the general characteristic o) dissol/ing*

detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus also, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating the body in the body*


Mindfulness ,ith $lear $o-prehension

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on,, in going )or+ard and bac,, applies clear co-prehension; in loo,ing straight on and loo,ing a+ay, he applies clear co-prehension; in bending and in stretching, he applies clear co-prehension; in +earing robes and carrying the bo+l, he applies clear co-prehension; in eating, drin,ing, che+ing and sa/ouring, he applies clear co-prehension; in +al,ing, in standing, in sitting, in )alling asleep, in +a,ing, in spea,ing and in ,eeping silence, he applies clear co-prehension* Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the bodyN


The /eflection on the /epulsi0eness of the Body

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, re)lects on this /ery body en/eloped by the s,in and )ull o) -ani)old i-purity, )ro- the soles up, and )ro- the top o) the head9hairs do+n, thin,ing thus' 4There are in this body hair o) the head, hair o) the body, nails, teeth, s,in, )lesh, sine+s, bones, -arro+, ,idney, heart, li/er, -idri)), spleen, lungs, intestines, -esentery, gorge, )aeces, bile, phleg-, pus, blood, s+eat, )at, tears, grease, sali/a, nasal -ucus, syno/ial )luid, urine*5 Must as i) there +ere a double9-outhed pro/ision bag )ull o) /arious ,inds o) grain such as hill paddy, paddy, green gra-, co+9peas, sesa-u-, and hus,ed rice, and a -an +ith sound eyes, ha/ing opened that bag, +ere to ta,e stoc, o) the contents thus' 4This is hill paddy, this is paddy, this is green gra-, this is co+9pea, this is sesa-u-, this is hus,ed rice*5 Must so, -on,s, a -on, re)lects on this /ery body en/eloped by the s,in and )ull o) -ani)old i-purity, )ro- the soles up, and )ro- the top o) the head9hairs do+n, thin,ing thus' 4There are in this body hair o) the head, hair o) the body, nails, teeth, s,in, )lesh, sine+s, bones, -arro+, ,idney, heart, li/er, -idri)), spleen, lungs, intestines, -esentery, gorge, )aeces, bile, phleg-, pus, blood, s+eat, )at, tears, grease, sali/a, nasal -ucus, syno/ial )luid, urine*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the bodyN


The /eflection on the Material 2le-ents

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, re)lects on this /ery body, ho+e/er it be placed or disposed, by +ay o) the -aterial ele-ents' 4There are in this body the ele-ent o) earth, the ele-ent o) +ater, the ele-ent o) )ire, the ele-ent o) +ind*5 1H Must as i), -on,s, a cle/er co+9butcher or his apprentice, ha/ing slaughtered a co+ and di/ided it into portions, should be sitting at the 7unction o) )our high roads, in the sa-e +ay, a -on, re)lects on this /ery body, as it is placed or disposed, by +ay o) the -aterial ele-ents' 4There are in this body the ele-ents o) earth, +ater, )ire, and +ind*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the bodyN



ine $e-etery $onte-plations

(1 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body dead one, t+o, or three days; s+ollen, blue and )estering, thro+n in the charnel ground, he then applies this perception to his

The so9called ;ele-ents; are the pri-ary Bualities o) -atter, e3plained by Buddhist tradition as solidity (earth , adhesion (+ater , caloricity ()ire and -otion (+ind or air *

o+n body thus' 4Aerily, also -y o+n body is o) the sa-e nature; such it +ill beco-e and +ill not escape it*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination9)actors in the body, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in the body, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9 dissolution9)actors in the body* !r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought' 4The body e3ists,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus also, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating the body in the body* (# 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground, being eaten by cro+s, ha+,s, /ultures, dogs, 7ac,als or by di))erent ,inds o) +or-s, he then applies this perception to his o+n body thus' 4Aerily, also -y o+n body is o) the sa-e nature; such it +ill beco-e and +ill not escape it*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the bodyN (3 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground and reduced to a s,eleton +ith so-e )lesh and blood attached to it, held together by the tendonsN (F 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground and reduced to a s,eleton blood9bes-eared and +ithout )lesh, held together by the tendonsN (H 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground and reduced to a s,eleton +ithout )lesh and blood, held together by the tendonsN (% 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground and reduced to disconnected bones, scattered in all directions6here a bone o) the hand, there a bone o) the )oot, a shin bone, a thigh bone, the pel/is, spine and s,ullN (2 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground, reduced to bleached bones o) conchli,e colourN (K 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground reduced to bones, -ore than a year9old, lying in a heapN (9 8nd )urther, -on,s, as i) a -on, sees a body thro+n in the charnel ground, reduced to bones gone rotten and beco-e dust, he then applies this perception to his o+n body thus' 4Aerily, also -y o+n body is o) the sa-e nature; such it +ill beco-e and +ill not escape it*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating the body in the body internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in the body, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in the body, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9 dissolution )actors in the body* !r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought' 4The body e3ists,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus also, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating the body in the body*

! The Contemplation of Feeling

8nd ho+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating )eelings in )eelingsL 10

.erein, -on,s, a -on, +hen e3periencing a pleasant )eeling ,no+s, 40 e3perience a pleasant )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a pain)ul )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a pain)ul )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a neither9pleasant9nor9pain)ul )eeling,5 he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a neither9pleasant9nor9pain)ul )eeling*5 Chen e3periencing a pleasant +orldly )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a pleasant +orldly )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a pleasant spiritual )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a pleasant spiritual )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a pain)ul +orldly )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a pain)ul +orldly )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a pain)ul spiritual )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a pain)ul spiritual )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a neither9pleasant9nor9pain)ul +orldly )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a neither9pleasant9nor9pain)ul +orldly )eeling5; +hen e3periencing a neither9pleasant9nor9 pain)ul spiritual )eeling, he ,no+s, 40 e3perience a neither9pleasant9nor9pain)ul spiritual )eeling*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating )eelings in )eelings internally, or he li/es conte-plating )eelings in )eelings e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating )eelings in )eelings internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in )eelings, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in )eelings, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution )actors in )eelings* 1%!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 4(eeling e3ists,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating )eelings in )eelings*

! The Contemplation of Consciousness

8nd ho+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating consciousness in consciousnessL .erein, -on,s, a -on, ,no+s the consciousness +ith lust, as +ith lust; the consciousness +ithout lust, as +ithout lust; the consciousness +ith hate, as +ith hate; the consciousness +ithout hate, as +ithout hate; the consciousness +ith ignorance, as +ith ignorance; the consciousness +ithout ignorance, as +ithout ignorance; the shrun,en state o) consciousness, as the shrun,en state; 12the distracted state o) consciousness, as the distracted state; 1Kthe de/eloped state o) consciousness as the de/eloped state; 19the unde/eloped state o) consciousness as the unde/eloped state; #$the state o) consciousness +ith so-e other -ental state superior to it, as the state +ith so-ething -entally higher; #1 the state o) consciousness +ith no other -ental state superior to it, as the state +ith nothing -entally higher; ##the concentrated state o) consciousness, as the concentrated state; the unconcentrated state o) consciousness, as the unconcentrated state; the )reed state o) consciousness, as the )reed state; #3 and the un)reed state o) consciousness as the un)reed state*

The )actors o) origination are here' ignorance, cra/ing, ,a--a, and sense9i-pression, and the general characteristic o) originating; the )actors o) dissolution are' the disappearance o) the )our, and the general characteristic o) dissol/ing*
17 18 19

This re)ers to a rigid and indolent state o) -ind* This re)ers to a restless -ind*

The consciousness o) the -editati/e absorptions o) the )ine9corporeal and uncorporeal sphere ( r1paar1pa- hna *
20 21 22

The ordinary consciousness o) the sensuous state o) e3istence (kmvacara * The consciousness o) the sensuous state o) e3istence, ha/ing other -ental states superior to it*

The consciousness o) the )ine9corporeal and the uncorporeal spheres, ha/ing no -undane -ental state superior to it*


Thus he li/es conte-plating consciousness in consciousness internally, or he li/es conte-plating consciousness in consciousness e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating consciousness in consciousness internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in consciousness, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution9)actors in consciousness, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution )actors in consciousness* #F!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 4Consciousness e3ists,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating consciousness in consciousness*

"! The Contemplation of Mental #b$ects

"( The Fi0e 4indrances
8nd ho+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ectsL .erein, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )i/e hindrances* .o+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )i/e hindrancesL .erein, -on,s, +hen sense-desire is present, a -on, ,no+s, 4There is sense9desire in -e,5 or +hen sense9desire is not present, he ,no+s, 4There is no sense9desire in -e*5 .e ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen sense9desire co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen sense9desire co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9arising in the )uture o) the abandoned sense9desire co-es to be* Chen anger is present, he ,no+s, 4There is anger in -e,5 or +hen anger is not present, he ,no+s, 4There is no anger in -e*5 .e ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen anger co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen anger co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9arising in the )uture o) the abandoned anger co-es to be* Chen sloth and torpor are present, he ,no+s, 4There are sloth and torpor in -e,5 or +hen sloth and torpor are not present, he ,no+s, 4There are no sloth and torpor in -e*5 .e ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen sloth and torpor co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen sloth and torpor co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9 arising in the )uture o) the abandoned sloth and torpor co-es to be* Chen agitation and remorse are present, he ,no+s, 4There are agitation and re-orse in -e,5 or +hen agitation and re-orse are not present, he ,no+s, 4There are no agitation and re-orse in -e*5 .e ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen agitation and re-orse co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen agitation and re-orse co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9arising in the )uture o) the abandoned agitation and re-orse co-es to be* Chen doubt is present, he ,no+s, 4There is doubt in -e,5 or +hen doubt is not present, he ,no+s, 4There is no doubt in -e*5 .e ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen doubt

Te-porarily )reed )ro- the de)ile-ents either through the -ethodical practice o) insight ( vipassan )reeing )ro- single e/il states by )orce o) their opposites, or through the -editati/e absorptions ( hna *

The )actors o) origination consist here o) ignorance, cra/ing, ,a--a, body9and9-ind (nma-r1pa , and the general characteristic o) originating; the )actors o) dissolution are' the disappearance o) ignorance, etc*, and the general characteristic o) dissol/ing*


co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen doubt co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9arising in the )uture o) the abandoned doubt co-es to be* Thus he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution )actors in -ental ob7ects* #H!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 41ental ob7ects e3ist,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus also, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )i/e hindrances*

*( The Fi0e 5))re)ates of $lin)in)

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )i/e aggregates o) clinging* #% .o+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )i/e aggregates o) clingingL .erein, -on,s, a -on, thin,s, 4Thus is material form2 thus is the arising o) -aterial )or-; and thus is the disappearance o) -aterial )or-* Thus is feeling2 thus is the arising o) )eeling; and thus is the disappearance o) )eeling* Thus is perception2 thus is the arising o) perception; and thus is the disappearance o) perception* Thus are formations2 thus is the arising o) )or-ations; and thus is the disappearance o) )or-ations* Thus is consciousness2 thus is the arising o) consciousness; and thus is the disappearance o) consciousness*5 Thus he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution )actors in -ental ob7ects* #2!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 41ental ob7ects e3ist,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus also, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )i/e aggregates o) clinging*

+( The Si6 %nternal and 26ternal Sense Bases

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the si3 internal and the si3 e3ternal sense9bases* .o+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the si3 internal and the si3 e3ternal sense9basesL

The )actors o) origination are here the conditions +hich produce the hindrances, such as +rong re)lection, etc*, the )actors o) dissolution are the conditions +hich re-o/e the hindrances, e*g*, right re)lection*

These )i/e groups or aggregates constitute the so9called personality* By -a,ing the- ob7ects o) clinging, e3istence, in the )or- o) repeated births and deaths, is perpetuated*

The origination9and9dissolution )actors o) the )i/e aggregates' )or -aterial )or-, the sa-e as )or the postures (<ote 1$ ; )or )eeling, the sa-e as )or the conte-plation o) )eeling (<ote 1# ; )or perception and )or-ations, the sa-e as )or )eeling (<ote 1# ; )or consciousness, the sa-e as )or the conte-plation o) consciousness (<ote #$ *


.erein, -on,s, a -on, ,no+s the eye and /isual )or-s and the )etter that arises dependent on both (the eye and )or-s ; #K he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen )etter co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen )etter co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9arising in the )uture o) the abandoned )etter co-es to be* .e ,no+s the ear and sounds N the nose and smells N the tongue and flavours N the body and tactual ob ects N the mind and mental ob ects, and the )etter that arises dependent on both; he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen )etter co-es to be; he ,no+s ho+ the abandoning o) the arisen )etter co-es to be; and he ,no+s ho+ the non9arising in the )uture o) the abandoned )etter co-es to be* Thus he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution )actors in -ental ob7ects* #9!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 41ental ob7ects e3ist,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the si3 internal and the si3 e3ternal sense9bases*

.( The Se0en Factors of 2nli)hten-ent

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the se/en )actors o) enlighten-ent* .o+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the se/en )actors o) enlighten-entL .erein, -on,s, +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) mindfulness is present, the -on, ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) -ind)ulness is in -e,5 or +hen the enlighten-ent9 )actor o) -ind)ulness is absent, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) -ind)ulness is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) -ind)ulness co-es to be; and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) -ind)ulness co-es to be* Chen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) the investigation of mental ob ects is present, the -on, ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) the in/estigation o) -ental ob7ects is in -e5; +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) the in/estigation o) -ental ob7ects is absent, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) the in/estigation o) -ental ob7ects is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) the in/estigation o) -ental ob7ects co-es to be, and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9 )actor o) the in/estigation o) -ental ob7ects co-es to be* Chen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) energy is present, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9 )actor o) energy is in -e5; +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) energy is absent, he ,no+s,

The usual enu-eration o) the ten principal )etters (sa3yo ana , as gi/en in the &iscourse Collection (Sutta PiJa,a , is as )ollo+s' (1 sel)9illusion, (# scepticis-, (3 attach-ent to rules and rituals, (F sensual lust, (H ill9+ill, (% cra/ing )or )ine9corporeal e3istence, (2 cra/ing )or incorporeal e3istence, (K conceit, (9 restlessness, (1$ ignorance*

!rigination )actors o) the ten physical sense9bases are ignorance, cra/ing, ,a--a, )ood, and the general characteristic o) originating; dissolution )actors' the general characteristic o) dissol/ing and the disappearance o) ignorance, etc* The origination9and9dissolution )actors o) the -ind9base are the sa-e as those o) )eeling (<ote 1# *


4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) energy is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) energy co-es to be, and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) energy co-es to be* Chen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) oy is present, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) 7oy is in -e5; +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) 7oy is absent, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) 7oy is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) 7oy co-es to be, and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) 7oy co-es to be* Chen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) tran4uillity is present, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9 )actor o) tranBuillity is in -e5; +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) tranBuillity is absent, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) tranBuillity is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) tranBuillity co-es to be, and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) tranBuillity co-es to be* Chen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) concentration is present, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) concentration is in -e5; +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) concentration is absent, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) concentration is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) concentration co-es to be, and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) concentration co-es to be* Chen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) e4uanimity is present, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9 )actor o) eBuani-ity is in -e5; +hen the enlighten-ent9)actor o) eBuani-ity is absent, he ,no+s, 4The enlighten-ent9)actor o) eBuani-ity is not in -e5; and he ,no+s ho+ the arising o) the non9arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) eBuani-ity co-es to be, and ho+ per)ection in the de/elop-ent o) the arisen enlighten-ent9)actor o) eBuani-ity co-es to be* Thus he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination9 )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution9)actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution9)actors in -ental ob7ects* 3$!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 41ental ob7ects e3ist,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the se/en )actors o) enlighten-ent*

1( The Four

oble Truths

8nd )urther, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )our noble truths* .o+, -on,s, does a -on, li/e conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )our noble truthsL .erein, -on,s, a -on, ,no+s, 4This is su))ering,5 according to reality; he ,no+s, 4This is the origin o) su))ering,5 according to reality; he ,no+s, 4This is the cessation o)


Must the conditions conduci/e to the origination and dissolution o) the )actors o) enlighten-ent co-prise the origination9and9dissolution )actors here*


su))ering,5 according to reality; he ,no+s 4This is the road leading to the cessation o) su))ering,5 according to reality* Thus he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects e3ternally, or he li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in -ental ob7ects internally and e3ternally* .e li/es conte-plating origination9 )actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating dissolution9)actors in -ental ob7ects, or he li/es conte-plating origination9and9dissolution9)actors in -ental ob7ects* 31!r his -ind)ulness is established +ith the thought, 41ental ob7ects e3ist,5 to the e3tent necessary 7ust )or ,no+ledge and -ind)ulness, and he li/es detached, and clings to nothing in the +orld* Thus, -on,s, a -on, li/es conte-plating -ental ob7ects in the -ental ob7ects o) the )our noble truths* OOO Aerily, -on,s, +hosoe/er practices these )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness in this -anner )or se/en years, then one o) these t+o )ruits -ay be e3pected by hi-' highest ,no+ledge (arahantship here and no+, or i) so-e re-ainder o) clinging is yet present, the state o) nonreturning* 3# ! -on,s, let alone se/en years* Should any person practice these )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness in this -anner )or si3 yearsN )i/e yearsN )our yearsN three yearsN t+o yearsN one year, then one o) these t+o )ruits -ay be e3pected by hi-' highest ,no+ledge here and no+, or i) so-e re-ainder o) clinging is yet present, the state o) nonreturning* ! -on,s, let alone a year* Should any person practice these )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness in this -anner )or se/en -onthsN si3 -onthsN )i/e -onthsN )our -onthsN three -onthsN t+o -onthsN a -onthN hal) a -onth, then one o) these t+o )ruits -ay be e3pected by hi-' highest ,no+ledge here and no+, or i) so-e re-ainder o) clinging is yet present, the state o) nonreturning* ! -on,s, let alone hal) a -onth* Should any person practice these )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness in this -anner )or a +ee,, then one o) these t+o )ruits -ay be e3pected by hi-' highest ,no+ledge here and no+, or i) so-e re-ainder o) clinging is yet present, the state o) nonreturning* Because o) this it +as said' 4This is the only +ay, -on,s, )or the puri)ication o) beings, )or the o/erco-ing o) sorro+ and la-entation, )or the destruction o) su))ering and grie), )or reaching the right path, )or the attain-ent o) <ibb=na, na-ely the )our )oundations o) -ind)ulness*5 Thus spo,e the Blessed !ne* Satis)ied, the -on,s appro/ed o) his +ords*


The origination9and9dissolution )actors o) the truths should be understood as the arising and passing o) su))ering, cra/ing, and the path; the truth o) cessation is not to be included in this conte-plation since it has neither origination nor dissolution*

That is, the non9returning to the +orld o) sensuality* This is the last stage be)ore the attain-ent o) the )inal goal o) arahantship


Further Sources of %nfor-ation

1* %he &ay of /indfulness. So-a Thera* Third "dition, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy* #* %he 0eart of 'uddhist /editation. <yanaponi,a Thera* Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy* 3* -isuddhimagga. %he .ath of .urification. Trans* by Bhi,,hu D=Ea-oli* Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy* F* /indfulness of 'reathing5 6npnasati. Bhi,,hu D=Ea-oli* Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy* H* #etting-up of /indfulness (/ah-satipa$$hna #utta , &ialogues o) the Buddha, trans* by Pro)* T*C* >hys &a/ids; third edition; P*T*S*, 19H1, Aol* 00, pp*3##93F%* %* )iscourse on the 7pplications of /indfulness (#atipa$$hna #utta , %he /iddle 8ength #ayings. <o*1$; trans* by 0*B* .orner, P*T*S*, Aol, 0* pp*2$9K#* 2* %he 'ook of 9indred #ayings, -., #a3yutta +ikya :::, pp*11991%K, P*T*S* 19H%*


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The BPS is an approved charity dedicated to makin kno!n the Teachin o" the B#ddha$ !hich has a vita% messa e "or a%% peop%e& 'o#nded in 1958$ the BPS has p#(%ished a !ide variety o" (ooks and (ook%ets coverin a reat ran e o" topics& )ts p#(%ications inc%#de acc#rate annotated trans%ations o" the B#ddha*s disco#rses$ standard re"erence !orks$ as !e%% as ori ina% contemporary e+positions o" B#ddhist tho# ht and practice& These !orks present B#ddhism as it tr#%y is,a dynamic "orce !hich has in"%#enced receptive minds "or the past 2500 years and is sti%% as re%evant today as it !as !hen it "irst arose& 'or more in"ormation a(o#t the BPS and o#r p#(%ications$ p%ease visit o#r !e(site$ or contactThe .dministrative Secretary B#ddhist P#(%ication Society P&/& Bo+ 61 54 San hara0a 1a!atha 2andy$ Sri 3anka 45mai%- (ps6(ps&%k 7e( site- http-88!!!&(ps&%k Te%- 0094 81 223 7283 'a+- 0094 81 222 3679

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