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INTRODUCTION India, an ancient civilization, has varied community supported living traditions, including medical traditions; Indian medical

traditions include folk medicine and classical medical system.The folk medicine is based on locally available herbs ,flora ,fauna and minerals ,The classical medicine stream of Indian medical traditions is theory based having body of knowledge on all branches of medicine and surgery and documented in several regional manuscripts. Ayurveda is the main indigenous classical medical system in India. The other traditional medical systems include YOGA, NATUROPATHY, UNANI, SIDHA and HOMEOPATHY. Known as Indian system of medicine. Practiced in government as well as In private sector. The department of ISM&H was established in the ministry of health and family welfare in march 1995. It is providing services through private, voluntary and government systems at the primary, secondary and tertiary level.

AYURVEDIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE (ASM) Ayurveda is ancient system of medicine practiced in India, Its documentation dates back to Veda period (5000bc). The word ayurveda (ayur+veda) implies the science of life. The origin of ayurveda is linked with origin of universe and its is developed from the hymns from atharvaveda (one of the four Vedas) describing fundamentals/philosophies about the world and life, diseases, and medicine. Around 1000 BC the comprehensive documentation of the knowledge of ayurveda was done by charka in charka samihita and by sushruta samihita. The classical medical knowledge in ayurveda has been used and transmitted from one generation to another generation regional schools of ayurveda in different parts of the country. Ayurveda emphasizes preventative and healing therapies along with various methods of purification and rejuvenation. Ayurveda is more than a mere healing system; it is a science and an art of appropriate living which helps to achieve longevity. It can guide every individual in the proper choice of diet, living habits and exercise to restore balance in the body, mind and consciousness. Ayurveda takes holistic view of health comprising of four integrated components.The body of knowledge of ayurveda is derived from darshanas (sciences) The practice of ayurveda is based on the theory of panch mahabhutas (five elements).

According to this theory all the objects and living beings are composed of five elements . These 5 elements are represented in combination in the form of tridosha e.g. vata (earth and air), pitta (fire) and kapha (water & earth) According to Ayurveda seven basic constitutions : vata, pitta, kapha, vata-pitta, pitta-kapha, kapha-vata and vata-pitta-kapha. Every individual constitution has its own unique balance of V-P-K according to its own nature. In addition to 3 doshas, ayurveda considers human beings as a combination of 7 body tissues (sapta dhatu), five senses (panch-indriyas) performing sensory and motor functions, intellect (budhi), mind (manas) and soul (atman). The internal environment is governed by V-P-K,which is constantly reacting to the external environment. The wrong diet, habits, lifestyle, incompatible food combinations, seasonal changes, repressed emotions and stress factors can all act either together or separately to change the balance of V-P-K.

Either vata, pitta or kapha undergo aggravation or derangement

Affects the agni (gastric fire), and produces ama (toxins)

Ama enters the blood stream is & circulated throughout the body, clogging the channels

Retention of toxins in the blood results in toxemia

Accumulated toxicity ,will slowly affect prana , ojas and tejas results in disease

Every so-called disease is a crisis of ama toxicity.Ama is the basic internal cause of all Disease, due to the aggravated doshas.To stop the further production of ama Ayurvedic literature suggests putting the person on a proper diet with appropriate lifestyle, habits and exercise, and administering a proper cleansing program such as panchakarma.

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT The treatment in ayurveda is individualized, it requires not only diagnosis of disease to prescribe medicine but also study of various factors such as age and sex; temperament; sleep; rest and work pattern; diet; metabolic fire (Agni). Diagnosis in ayurveda system is done on the basis of history taking and examination of pulse, urine, faeces, tongue, eyes etc. Treatment Preventive measures include personal hygiene, regular daily routine, appropriate use of rasayana sevana i.e. food and rasayan drugs ,appropriate social behavior . The curative measures include three major measures including aushadhi i.e.drugs,anna i.e. diets and vihara i.e. exercises and general mode of life. Panchakarma Is one the method of ayurveda treatment, it is one part of a group of therapies belonging to a class of cleansing procedures called shodhan. Five basic shodhans: Cleansing Methods 1)Vaman: therapeutic vomiting or emesis 2) Virechan: purgation 3) Basti: enema 4) Nasya: elimination of toxins through the nose 5) Raktalmoksha: detoxification of the blood

PRACTISE AND DRUGS STANDARDS Ayurveda is popular in the states of Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. it is practiced both in private as well as in govt. sector. it mainly deals with the problems related to nervous system, resp. system, gastrointestinal system, integumentary system, musculoskeletal system. The ayurvedic drugs are available as raw drugs and manufactured drugs. Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia committee (APC) has been set up Standardization and quality control of ayurvedic drugs mandatory under the drugs and cosmetic act 1940.

Yoga is a science which helps to coordinate body and mind more effectively. It promote mental,physical,social and spiritual health.It also helps to prevention and cure of the various psychosomatic disorders,psychic,and physical disorders. The yogic practices have potential for improvement of personal and social behavior,individual resistance ability to endure stressful situations. A number of postures are described in yogic works to improve health , to prevent diseases, and to cure illness . It is an ancient science , Described in Vedas; propounded by Patanjali about 2500 years ago .It consists of 8 components;

Types of Yoga Japa Yoga: To concentrate ones mind on devine name, mantra etc like OM, Rama, Allah, God, VaheGuru etc. Through repeated recitation or remembrance. Karma Yoga: In this sadhana, a Yogi considers his duty as divine action, perform it with wholehearted dedication but shuns away all desires. Gyana Yoga: Teaches us to discriminate between self and non-self and to acquire the knowledge of ones spiritual entity through the study of scriptures, company of Saints and practices of meditation Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti Yoga, a system of intense devotion with emphasis on complete surrender to divine will.

Raja Yoga: Raja Yoga popularly known as Ashtanga Yoga is for all-round development of human beings. These are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Swara yoga: it involves the systematic study of the breath flowing through the nostrils in relation to the prevaling phases of the sun,moon,time of the day and direction . Kundalini Yoga: Kundalini Yoga is a part of Tantric Tradition. Since the dawn of creation, the Tantrics and yogis have realised that in this physical body, there is a potential force residing in Muladhara Charka, the first of seven Chakras. Nadi Yoga: Nadis are flow of energy which we can visualize at the psychic level as having distinct channels, light, colour, sound and other characteristics. Unani system of medicine THE ORIGIN AND NATURE The unani system of medicine has its origin in Greece before Christ under the patronage of Hippocrates (377-460) & Galen. It was introduced in India around the eleventh century. Due to its acceptance and continuous use by the people ,in course of time ,it has become native to India. It makes the use of naturally occurring,mostly herbal medicines though its uses ingredients of animal, marine origin. THEORETICAL BASIS The unani system of medicine is not only therapeutic in nature but also deals with health promotion and prevention of diseases. It treats diseases and provides remedies in a systematic manner. The system is based on 4 humour theory of Hippocrates i.e. blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.

Any change or disturbance in humours brings about change in temperament of a person affecting his health status . As long as the four humours are in balance the individual remains healthy. Any imbalance in humours result in disease causation . Thus ,the pathology ,diagnosis and treatment is based on this theory DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT METHODS The diagnosis of a disease is done by feeling pulse, observation of urine ,stool, color of skin and gait ,the treatment comprises of three components namely preventive, promotive and curative. It seeks the restoration of the body as a whole to its original state. Treatment Regimental therapy (Ilaj-bil-Tadbir):It is special technique/physical methods of treatment to improve the constitution of body by removing waste materials and improving the defence mechanism of the body and protect health. Venesection (Fasd) Cupping (Al-hijama) Sweating (Tareeq) Diuresis (Idrar-e- baul) Turkish bath (Hamam) Massage (Dalk, Malish) Counter irritation

Cauterization (Amal-e-Kae) Purging (Ishal) Vomiting (Qai) Exercise (Riyazat) Leeching( Taleeq-e-Ala) Diet therapy (Ilaj-bil-Ghiza) : Food plays a key role. By regulating the quality and quantity of food several ailments are treated successfully.Certain foods are considered as laxative, diuretic and diaphoretic Pharmacotherapy (Ilaj-bil-Dawa) :Treatment involves the use of naturally occurring drugs, mostly herbal. Drugs of animals and mineral origin are also used. Drugs are supposed to act by their temperament of being hot, cold, moist and dry.As a matter of fact, drugs are classified into four classes according to their temperament and the physicians consider its potency, age and temperament of the patient, nature and severity of diseases. Surgery (Ilaj-bil-Yad ):This therapy is of very limited use, although the Unani system is credited to be pioneer in this field and having developed its own instruments and techniques.At present only minor surgery is in use in the system.

PHARMACOPOEIA COMMITTEE The unani pharmacopoeia committee is constituted since 1964 to establish standard of single and compound formulations with the help of research institutes /laboratories including universities.

Siddha system of medicine

One of the oldest system of medicine in India. The term siddha implies achievement. It was practiced by siddharas ,who aimed to maintain perfect health in order to achieve siddhi or heavenly bliss.

BASIC PHILOSPHY Intimate link between man and environment .All objects in the universe including Human body are composed of 5 elements,earth ,water ,fire ,air and space or ether.Food is the basic building material of the body which gets processed into three doshas ,seven dhatus and three malas .

Equilibrium between the three is considered to be health and disequilibrium between the three results in diseases or sickness. DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT METHODS The diagnosis of diseases involve identifying its causes .causative factors are identified by examination of pulse,eyes,color of the body ,tounge,status of digestive system, urine and study of voice. The treatment of siddha system is not only oriented to disease but also it takes into account pt as a whole age ,sex, race, habits ,mental frame, diet ,appetite, physical conditions, physiological constitution, his habitat, environment, meteorological conditions. Treatment is individualized according to the diagnosis in totality . Siddha medicine makes use of mercury,silver,arsenic,lead,sulphur. The siddha system is effective in treating chronic cases of rheumatic problems,anaemia,peptic ulcer,bleeding plies,liver and skin diseases. The siddha system is largely therapeutic in nature


Homeopathy has been in practice for 170 years by thousands of practitioners. The word Homoeopathy is derived fromtwo Greek words, Homo is meaning similar and pathos meaning suffering. Homoeopathy simply means treating diseases with remedies, prescribed in minute doses, which are capable ofproducing symptoms similar to the disease when taken by healthy people. BASIC LAWS It is based on the theory of similia similibus curenties or let like be treated by like. In addition to laws of similar there are four cardinal laws or principles , The law of direction of cure The law of single remedy The law of minimum doses Theory of chronic diseases

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT The homeopathy is highly individualizing process. The physicians interest is to alleviate the present symptoms and also long term well being . It has effective treatment for individuals with chronic diseases.such as diabetes,arthritis ,bronchial asthma,skin,allergic,and immunological disorders ,behavioural disorders,mental diseases,and for several other diseases. PHARMACOPOEIA Homeopathic pharmacopoeia laboratory has been set up at the national level at Ghaziabad for the purpose of laying down the standards and testing for identity ,purity and quality of homeopathic medicines. Naturopathy

Naturopathy system is not only therapeutic but also it is a way of life. It is based mainly on application of simple laws of nature. The system is closely associated with ayurveda as far as its fundamental principles are concerned. Naturopathy is a holistic system and it helps promote physical ,mental,emotional,social,spiritual health by self regulation of life activities on a normal and natural basis Salient Features of Naturopathy All diseases, their causes and treatment are one. Except for traumatic and environmental conditions, the cause of all diseases is one i.e. accumulation of morbid matter in the body. The treatment of all diseases is elimination of morbid matter from the body. The primary cause of disease is accumulation of morbid matter. Bacteria and virus enter and survive in the body only after the accumulation of morbid matter when a favourable atmosphere for their growth is established in body. Hence, the basic cause of disease is morbid matter and bacteria secondary causes. Nature is the greatest healer. The human body itself has the healing power to prevent itself from disease and regain health if unhealthy.

Naturopathy Cures Patients suffering from chronic ailments are also treated successfully in comparatively less time by Naturopathy. In Nature Cure the suppressed diseases are brought to surface and are removed permanently.

Naturopathy treats all the aspects like physical, mental, social and spiritual at the same time. Naturopathy treats the body as a whole. According to Naturopathy, Food is only the Medicine, no external medications are used. Performing prayer according to ones spiritual faith is an important part of treatment (According to Gandhiji Rama Nama is the best Natural Treatment) Some Important Treatments of Naturopathy Mud pack, Mud Applications Mud Bath, Underground Mud Bath,Mud Pool Bath Hip Bath Spinal Bath, Spinal Spray Bath Immersion Bath, Friction Bath Foot Bath, Arm Bath Steam Bath, Sauna Bath Sun Bath, Colour Sun Bath (Chromo Bath), Green Leaves Sun Bath Hot & Cold Fomentation Wet Sheet Pack, Chest Pack, Abdomen Pack, Trunk Pack Knee Pack, Neck Pack, Wet Girdle Pack Enema-Warm Water, Butter Milk, Tender Coconut Water etc. Circular Jet Bath Colon Irrigation Deluxe Hydro Massage Hot and Cold Water Douches, Effusions

Whirlpool Bath Under Water Exercises Magnet Therapy Colour Therapy Acupuncture Acupressure Reflexology Physiotherapy Treatments - Exercise Therapy, Electro Therapy

Mainstreaming AYUSH under NRHM The NRHM seeks to revitalize local health traditions and mainstream AYUSH to strengthen the Public Health System at all levels which includes: Inclusion of AYUSH medications in the drug kit of ASHA Additional supply of generic drugs for common ailments at SC/PHC/CHC levels Provision of two rooms for AYUSH practitioner and pharmacist under the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) model at CHC level. Up gradation of single Doctor PHCs to two Doctor PHCs by inducting AYUSH practitioner at that level. Training of ASHAs, doctors, health workers in the field of AYUSH. Facilitation of AYUSH as centrally sponsored scheme.

INFRASTRUCTURE AT NATIONAL LEVEL Research Councils There are four apex Research Councils, namely: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha (CCRAS), New Delhi Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), New Delhi Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN), New Delhi

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi National Institutes There are six national institutes of AYUSH, namely: National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA), Jaipur National Institute of Homoeopathy (NIH), Kolkata National Institute of Unani Medicine (NIUM), Bangalore National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN), Pune Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), New Delhi National Institute of Siddha (NIS), Chennai Regulatory Bodies There are two national-level regulatory bodies, namely: Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM), New Delhi Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH), New Delhi Motive of popularization of AYUSH 1 With an increase in lifestyle related disorders. 2. World wide resurgence of interest in holistic system of health care. 3. Failure in respect to the prevention & management of chronic, non-communicable & systemic diseases. 4. Understanding that no Single Health Care System can provide satisfactorily answers to all the health need of modern society. 5. India has an advantage in this global resurgence of interest in holistic therapies. 6. Medical pluralism is here to stay and the AYUSH Section has critical role to play in the new emerging situation

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