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1. You can use Phrase Match keywords on the Display Network?

False On the Display Network, all keywords are considered broad match only. This means that you don t need to include plurals, misspellin!s, and other "ariants o# your keywords. $. %hat will you do to make sure that your ad won t show on certain websites? use site and category exclusion %hile one o# the bene#its o# the Display Network is the "ariety o# channels and options, certain placements and cate!ories o# websites mi!ht not be rele"ant #or your ads. You can use the Display Network tab to e&clude placements and cate!ories so that your ads don t !et shown out o# conte&t or to the wron! audience. 'ere are some reasons why you mi!ht want to e&clude cate!ories or placements( )emo"e unwanted sites that are part o# or may become part o# the Display Network. *"oid placements or cate!ories o# sites that your customers don t "isit. +ilter types o# sites that aren t appropriate #or your customers or ads. ,. %hat do you understand by the word -reach- in conte&t o# .oo!le *d%ords? AdWords advertisers are able to reach the right audiences who are actively searching for what an advertiser is offering (like products, services or information). /. 'ow many times you can make chan!es or edits to your account? as often as you like 0. %hile optimi1in! your campai!n, which tool will help you !et ideas #or ne!ati"e keywords and placements e&clusions? lacement erformance !eport 2. 'ow would 3 write used book keyword to enable e&act matchin!? "used book# to enable e&act matchin! #or a keyword, enclose it in s4uare brackets 5. 3# 3 use a broad matched keyword old #urniture and a ne!ati"e keyword 6new , your ad could appear when user enters which o# these 4ueries? $ld tables and furnitures old furniture for bed room new #urniture on sale new and old #urniture a"ailable Your ad won t appear when a ne!at"e keyword you "e speci#ied is included in a user s search 4uery 7. 'ow many times your 8uality 9core calculated? %very time your keyword matches a search &uery %e recalculate your 8uality 9core e"ery time your ads are eli!ible #or the ad auction, which can potentially happen many times a day :. * person sittin! in 3ndia searches on -.oo! ;*ustralian !oo!le domain<. %ill see ads tar!eted to ? Australia .oo!le domains in each country ha"e a uni4ue =)> which helps in determinin! user s location

1?. %hat is a modi#ier si!n in @road match modi#ier? ' You can add a modi#ier, a plus si!n ;A<, to any o# the terms that are part o# your broad match keyword phrase 11. @ased on which important #actor does recommended daily bud!et calculated #or a search campai!n in .oo!le? (mpressions @ud!et recommendations are based on keywords and determined by how many times your ad could "e shown in total i# you had a limitless bud!et. 3n other words, *d%ords looks at how o#ten your ad wasn t eli!ible to show based on your bud!et limitations. *d%ords then compares this potential number o# impressions to how o#ten someone actually clicks your ads ;your clickthrou!h rate, or BT)< and how much your clicks ha"e actually cost ;your actual cost per click, or BPB<. This shows how much your bud!et would ha"e to be to better accommodate the tra##ic a"ailable to you. To take into account that search tra##ic and costs can #luctuate, your bud!et recommendation combines estimates #rom each day separately. This means that e"en i# your business is cyclical C i.e. you typically see spikes in tra##ic throu!hout the week C the recommended bud!et relies on the a"era!e amount o# tra##ic. *lthou!h we can calculate what your bud!et has to be to co"er all possible tra##ic, we won t necessarily recommend the #ull amount to you. Your recommended bud!et tries to capture more ad impressions without drastically chan!in! your bud!et. 1$. %hich sub6tabs you can #ind within 9DTT3N.9 on a new enhanced campai!n? )he *evices, +ocations, and Ad schedule subtabs available from the ,ettings tab allow you to update targeting, set bid ad-ustments, and see reporting all in one place. 1,. 3# you add a @road Match modi#ier to any term that are part o# your broad match keyword phrase then? your ads can only show when someone.s search contains those modified terms, or close variations of the modified terms, in any order. 1/. 3# you ha"e a small business which pro"ides ser"ices to particular area o# the city then which type o# location tar!etin! you should pre#er? roximity targeting or /)arget a radius/ 10. %hat are the main bene#its o# usin! *dwords? 9ome o# the main bene#its o# usin! *d%ords to address your marketin! obEecti"es( !elevance (precise targeting and measurability). !eturn on (nvestment (!$() !each. 12. %hich o# these options is not allowed in *d te&t as per *d%ords Policy? )he phrase /click here/ isn.t allowed in an Ad text 15. One o# the thin!s should be kept in mind when you decide to market your business online with *d%ords? 0ou are only allowed to have one AdWords account at a time for your business 17. 3n a title or headline line o# an ad how many sin!le width and double width characters are allowed respecti"ely?

$0 characters are allowed in headline o# ad te&t in most lan!ua!es 1$ characters are allowed in headline o# ad te&t in double width lan!ua!es like Bhinese, Fapanese, and Gorean 1:. 3# 3 add a keyword phrase Acricket Abats then my *d may show on searches #or? You can add a modi#ier, a plus si!n ;A<, to any o# the terms that are part o# your broad match keyword phrase. @y addin! a modi#ier, your ads can only show when someone s search contains those modi#ied terms, or close "ariations o# the modi#ied terms, in any order. =nlike broad match keywords, modi#ied broad match keywords won t show your ad #or synonyms or related searches. +or this reason, it adds an additional le"el o# control. =sin! broad match modi#ier is a !ood choice i# you want to increase rele"ancy e"en i# it means you mi!ht !et less ad tra##ic than broad match. $?. 'ow can we increase low 4uality score ? 1y $ptimi2ing low &ualtiy score keyword Once you know how to #ind data #or your keywords, you can identi#y poor6per#ormin! ones and make them work harder #or you. You ll want to impro"e the rele"ance o# your keywords to help boost their 8uality 9cores, or modi#y the match type #or ones that aren t helpin! you meet your ad"ertisin! !oals. You can also remo"e low6per#ormin! keywords #rom your campai!n entirely. $1. To what le"el .oo!le Bonte&tually match your keyword to show your ads on rele"ant places on Display Network? age level $$. %hich tab in *dwords account contains your H*ccount 9napshot pa!eI ? H'ome tab or may be called 'ome pa!eI contains your *ccount 9napshot pa!e, an easy6to6 read summary o# key account in#ormation. $,. %hat happens i# a client mana!er mo"es all his mana!ed accounts to MD9 ;Mana!er De#ined 9pend< ? will be billed for these accounts via manager order3level monthly invoice $/. BPM biddin! can be used on Display and 9earch Network? False BPM pricin! model is a"ailable only #or campai!ns tar!eted to Display Network $0. 'ow do we speci#y a phrase match keyword ? 44 To use a phrase match keyword, simply surround the entire keyword with 4uotation marks. +or e&ample, -women s hats$2. 'ow many ad deli"ery methods are there a#ter you set your campai!n s bud!et? )wo *d deli"ery determines how o#ten your ads show throu!hout the day. *#ter you set your campai!n s bud!et, you ha"e the option to choose one o# two ad deli"ery methods( 1< 9tandard Deli"ery ;de#ault option< distributes your bud!et throu!hout the day to a"oid reachin! your bud!et early on. This option is recommended i# you want to reach your audience e"enly throu!hout the day, rather than Eust in the mornin!.

$< *ccelerated Deli"ery displays your ads more 4uickly until you run out o# bud!et. 9o, i# your campai!n is limited by bud!et, your ad mi!ht stop runnin! earlier in the day. $5. %hich o# these chan!es can be done at *ccount le"el? lan!ua!e and number pre#erences You can make *d%ords6only chan!es to your account, such as "iewin! it in a di##erent lan!ua!e or "iewin! numbers in a di##erent #ormat. Two thin!s you can t chan!e in your *d%ords account, howe"er, are the time 1one and currency. You can also chan!e settin!s 66 such as the lan!ua!e, country, and 1ip code 66 #or all your .oo!le products. No matter what chan!es you make, howe"er, these settin!s don t chan!e how people see your ads. $7. +or the keyword Jnike runnin! shoesK my ad can appear #or which o# the #ollowin! search 4ueries? D&act Match %ith e&act match, your ads can appear when someone searches #or your e&act keyword, without any other terms in the search. %e ll also show your ad when someone searches #or close "ariations o# that speci#ic keyword. To use an e&act match keyword, simply surround the entire keyword with brackets. +or e&ample, Jwomen s hatsK. $:. *ddin! placements to an ad !roup is !oin! to e##ect 8uality 9core #or search network? Placements on Display network do not e##ect 8uality 9core on search network ,?. %hat is the ma&imum ima!e #ile si1e ;in G@< #or ima!e ad tar!eted to display on a desktop or laptop browser? 567 ,1. %hat is the #ormula to calculate Blick6throu!h6rate ;BT)<? ;Number o# Blicks L Number o# 3mpressions< M 1?? ,$. *d .roups should be or!ani1ed based on? ;can ha"e more than one answer< 8ommon theme roduct type ,,. %hat is eBPM ? %ffective 8ost er )housand (mpressions ,/. %hat is meant by Bonte&tual tar!etin!? AdWords will automatically find pages in the *isplay 9etwork with content that matches your keywords and place your ads next to them ,0. %hen a client mana!er is settin! up an *d%ords account #or you, it is recommended that a client mana!er should use his own si!n in email details? +alse 3# your client mana!er sets up your *d%ords account #or you, then you should ensure that your client mana!er does so under your personal lo!in email and password. That way, you can also access and maintain control o"er your own account. *lso, i# your lo!in email is your own, we may periodically send you important updates concernin! your account. ,2. Bonte&tual Tar!etin! Tool is used to?

see potential webpa!es where your ad can appear based on your keywords ,5. 'ow is *d )ank calculated on 9earch Network? 1id : ;uality ,core ,7. %hich o# the #ollowin! you can set at *d .roup le"el? lacements ,:. %hile runnin! your ads on the 9earch Network, what are the important parts o# an ad !roup? When working with ,earch 9etwork , )ext Ads, <eywords and *efault bid are important in an ad group to create a successful campaign. /?. %hat are the ma&imum number o# characters allowed in 'eadline o# a normal Te&t *d? =6 /1. )ahul per#orms a .oo!le search #rom his desktop computer usin! 4uery -Mumbai #lats on rent- . 'e will be shown ads ? targeted to >umbai city irrespective of his actual location because city name was used in the search phrase ? &uery >ocation o# 3nterest 3# we detect !eo!raphic areas that someone is interested in, we may show appropriate ads tar!eted to those areas, e"en i# the person is not physically located in the location. /$. %hat do you mean by Phrase Match keywords? keyword or phrase speci#ied should appear in e&act se4uence and #orm but it can ha"e additional words be#ore or a#ter /,. %hat is Ma&imum cost6per6click ;Ma& BPB< ? the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a click on your ad //. %hat do you understand by -optimi1ation- in .oo!le *d%ords? >aking changes or ad-ustments to an account to improve its performance /0. %hat do you understand by -Optimi1e #or con"ersions- ? (t is a Ad !otation setting in which certain ads within the same ad group are displayed more fre&uently based on click through rate and conversion rate. /2. %hat is the de#ault match type applied on a new keyword submitted to an ad !roup without 4uotes or brackets? 1road >atch The de#ault matchin! option, broad match means that your ad may show i# a search term contains your keyword terms in any order, and possibly alon! with other terms. Your ads can also show #or close "ariations o# your keywords /5. %hy is it important when a client mana!er is settin! up an *dwords *ccount #or you to ensure that an account should be created usin! your own si!n in email details? to ensure full access and control over the adwords account /7. On which pa!e you can chan!e your alert settin!s ?

The Noti#ication Pre#erences pa!e makes it easy to chan!e your alert settin!s ;to recei"e non6 critical account alerts, or to block all alerts<. This pa!e also pro"ides an easy way to opt in to additional communications such as newsletters, special o##ers, and market research. /:. %hich o# these options isLare !ood practice creatin! success#ul te&t ads? Tips #or creatin! success#ul te&t ads @ighlight what makes your business, product, or offer uni&ue (nclude prices, promotions, and exclusives )ell your customers what they can do (nclude at least one of your keywords in your ad text >atch your ad to your landing page Appeal to customers viewing your ad on a mobile device %xperiment 0?. %hat is a 8uery? a word or phrase that a user writes into the search engine 01. %hich o# these are -Display Network only- campai!n types? 5. All features =. >obile apps A. !emarketing There is no 9tandard campai!n type in Display Network Only campai!ns 0$. You can make chan!es to location and lan!ua!e tar!etin! at? 8ampaign level 0,. 3 ha"e a !arments shop and 3 promote it in my city as well as some parts near by then what type o# location tar!etin! 3 should use? 8ustomi2ed )argetingB The NTar!et a radiusO #eature ;also known as pro&imity tar!etin!< allows you to tar!et your ads to users in an area on a map centered around a location, rather than speci#yin! indi"idual cities, re!ions, or countries. %hen you tar!et a radius, the circle that youO"e speci#ied will be con"erted into the correspondin! cities or re!ions that it co"ers. %e will show you a list o# locations that are contained within the radius, also known as N>ocations within this tar!etO. You can re"iew these locations to make sure that youO"e captured the areas that you e&pect to tar!et. 0/, %hat an ad"ertiser should pre#er in order to keep "iewers interested in watchin! his click6 to6play "ideo ad? *eliver key messages as soon as possible D##ecti"e "ideo ads educate and entertain, and also inspire the "iewer to act. 3# your campai!n s !oal is not Eust about brandin!, make sure you communicate to your customers what you d like them to do, such as "isit your store or site, call a phone number, or complete a purchase. >ettin! people know that they can learn more by clickin! -play- usually increases play rates and "ideo interaction rates. Dntice customers to click -play- usin! rich, sharp colors. 3nclude a #ew words to describe your product, ser"ice, andLor business. @oost your play rate with a call6to6action that lets customers know they can play the "ideo to learn more.

Breate multiple "ideo ads with di##erent openin! ima!e si1es to increase the number o# placements where your ad can appear. 00. %hat is *d%ords editor? An freely downloadable application provided by Coogle AdWords used for managing your account. 02. * potential customer asks you that -%e already ha"e !ood rank in or!anic listin!s, why we should !o #or *dwords and !et listed in both-. %hat will you tell this customer? (f you are listed in both you will generate more traffic 05. %hat happens in mana!ed placements? An advertiser can choose specific sites or places on Coogle *isplay 9etwork for their ads to appear 07. %hat is *d%ords Discounter? A feature that monitors and automatically reduces your actual cost3per3click so that you pay the lowest price possible for the ad.s position on the page. 0:, %hat are Mana!ed Placements? >anaged placements are specific ad placements in the *isplay 9etwork where you.d like you ads to appear 2?. =sin! Duplicate Geywords across di##erent ad !roup and campai!ns is recommended by .oo!le? False 21. %hich Pideo *d #ormat is pre#erred while usin! cost6per6"iew ;BPP< biddin!? )rueDiew video format )each "iewers with cost6per6"iew biddin! 3# you re #ocused on reachin! "iewers with "ideo content usin! cost6per6"iew ;BPP< biddin!, we su!!est you select TruePiew "ideo #ormats and use *d%ords #or "ideo. %ith the BPP biddin! model o# TruePiew, you only pay when a "iewer chooses to watch your "ideo, instead o# e"ery time your ad is shown 2$. .oo!le shows your ad based on location o# a user and which #actors are used to precisely tar!et a particular user usin! .oo!le or .oo!le partner sites on Desktop Bomputer or >aptop? 3# you are tar!etin! by !eo!raphic locations then .oo!le *d%ords checks the #ollowin! conditions to determine whether your *d will appear or not( +ocation of (nterest Coogle *omain used (nternet rotocol (( ) address Coogle rofiles 2,. %hich o# these are not a part o# .oo!le 9earch Network? ;can ha"e more than one answer< Cmail 0outube .oo!le 9earch Network contains( .oo!le 9earch, .oo!le 9hoppin!, .oo!le Maps, .oo!le 3ma!es, and .oo!le .roups and search partners sites like *O>

2/. %hich #actor should be most important to you while decidin! keyword bids in manual cost6per6clink biddin!, when your main aim is to !et Bon"ersions? rofit from a paid click 20. *ddin! ne!ati"e keywords to your account can also help in? improving 8)! 22. %hat all you can set at account le"el? ;can ha"e more than one answer< 0ou can set your email, password, user preferences and you can also invite other to access your acount 25. 'ow many locations you can tar!et in a campai!n ? any number of locations by making combination countries, territories, regions, cities 27. 3 ha"e to include a ne!ati"e keyword -#ootball- in my ad !roup, how will 3 write it? 3football 2:. 'ow are A1 s calculated #or your ad and .oo!leA pa!e? '5 comes under social extensions and only '5.s from your Coogle' page are showing in the count that visible on your ad 5?. %hat is an 3P *ddress? a uni&ue number assigned by (nternet ,ervice roviders to each computer connected to the (nternet 51. %hen you reset your password in *dwords then? 9ow you have to use this new password to access all other Coogle products affected by this Coogle Account login information 5$. *n ad"ertiser wants to add around 11?? tar!eted locations usin! bulk tar!etin! method, how will he achie"e this? AdWords allows you to add a list of up to 5777 location targets at a time. ,o an advertiser will add 5777 locations and save them then again he will add the remaining locations. 5,. %hat is Placements? Placements are locations on the .oo!le Display Network where your ad can appear 5/. %hy we use -keyword tool-? to find new keyword for our campaigns and ad groups 50. 3n .oo!le Display Network campai!n with placement tar!eted ads 8uality 9core is calculated based on? 8uality o# your ads landin! pa!e

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