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In summer 2011, I embarked on my first ethnographic research trip to Asuncion (Paraguay) in order to study and understand guitar music cultures in contemporary Paraguay. Here, the guitar is probably the most ubiquitous instrument, as it is used in classical, indigenous, folk, popular and even religious music settings. Yet little, if nothing, has been written in the Anglophone literatures about guitar music of Paraguay: The two most important publications are concerned exclusively with the life and music of Agustin Barrios Mangore (Stover 1985; Salcedo Centurion 2007), while others are concerned with Paraguayan music more generally (Luzko 2005; Watkins 1998). At the same time, no literatureSpanish or Englishexists that adopts an ethnomusicological approach toward guitar music and deals more specifically with the role played by the guitar in music as it reflects, shapes and models Paraguayan ideology and national identity. My research thus seeks to contribute new insights into the cultural and social uses, meanings and significance of the guitar in contemporary Paraguayan music. I hope to make a significant scholarly contribution to knowledge about musical activity in a country that until today remains relatively unknown to the wider world. Specifically, I seek to capture the various musical styles and repertoires for the Paraguayan guitar as it is used in different music-cultural contexts; analyse the meanings and symbolisms surrounding the guitar in terms of identity, tradition and authenticity as these are imagined and constructed by Paraguayans today; and seek an understanding of the significance of the guitar in Paraguay for economic regeneration, tourism and global recognition. References Luzko, Daniel. 2005. Paraguay. Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. Vol. III. Caribbean and Latin America, edited by John Shepherd, David Horn and Dave Laing, 323-26. London: Continuum. Salcedo Centurion, Carlos. 2007. El Inalcanzable Augustin Barrios Magore. Paraguayan National Congress. Stover, Richard D. 1985. Six Silver Moonbeams: The Life and Times of Agustin Barrios Mangore. Querico Pubns. (NOTE: A substantially revised edition of this book has recently been published in Spanish and is expected to be published in English in the near future.) Watkins, Timothy D. 1998. Paraguay. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Vol. 2, edited by Dale A. Olsen and Daniel E. Sheehy, 452-65. New York: Garland.

RELEVANT WEB LINKS Mangor eterno. ABC Color, available at Musicalmente soy eclctico. ABC Color, available at "The Art and Design Academy makes Waves in Paraguay". Liverpool John Moores "The Music of Paraguay: A Talk by Luis Szaran". Liverpool John Moores University, available at +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BIBLIOGRAPHY OF RELEVANT RESOURCES Below is a list of books and other resources on the music and culture of Paraguay. Most titles have been published in limited numbers in Paraguay and are not available for purchase outside of the country. Many of the below titles are also out of print and no longer available. If I have missed a specific title, I would appreciate if you could please contact me. A useful brief summary of relevant resources is also provided in a short annotated bibliography by Luis Szarn (2010:423-4; see below for full reference). However, this bibliography contains largely dated resources, and it is somewhat incomplete as it does not reference many of the key titles listed below. **** Almada Roche, Armando. 2004. Jos Asuncin Flores: Compaero del Alma, Compaero. Buenos Aires: Ediciones el Pez del Pez. Aracri, Manuel Jos. 2009. Agustin Po Barrios "Mangor": La Guitarra y su Genio. Asuncin, Paraguay: Arandur Editorial. Boettner, Juan Max. 2008. Musica y Musicos del Paraguay. 4a edicin. Asuncin, Paraguay: Imprenta Salesiana. Cndido Morales, Jos. 1994. Agustn Barrios Mangor: "Genio de la Guitarra". San Salvador: Fundacin Mara Escaln de Nuez. Cardozo, Efraim. 1998. Apuntes de Historia Cultural del Paraguay. 6a edicin, Biblioteca de Estudios Paraguayos, Volumen XI. Asuncin, Paraguay: Editora Litocolor S.R.L. Colman Cesar, Alfredo. 2005. The Diatonic Harp in the Performance of Paraguayan Identity. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis. Austin, Texas: University of Texas at Austin. ____ . 2007. "El arpa diatnica paraguaya en la bsqueda del tekor: representaciones de paraguayidad," ["The Paraguayan Diatonic Harp in the Search for the Tekor: Representations of Paraguayanness"]. Latin American Music Review, Spring/Summer 28:1-.

____ . 2009. The Paraguayan Diatonic Harp. Folk Harp Journal, Winter 145:14-20. ____ . 2010. The Paraguayan Diatonic Harp Performance Techniques. Folk Harp Journal, Fall 148:26-30. ____ . 2010. El sueo de Angelita [Angelitas Dream]. Arrangement for two harps. Folk Harp Journal, Fall 148:31-37. Duarte Prado, Bacn. 1985. Agustn Barrios: Un Genio Insular. Asuncin, Paraguay: Editorial Araver. Enciso, Desiderio et. al. 1985. Mangor. Edicion Especial con Auspicio del Comit de Homenaje al Centenario del Nacimiento del Maestro Agustin Pio Barrios Nitsuga Mangore, 5-Mayo-1885/5 de Mayo-1985. Centro Cultural Paraguayo-Americano & Centro Social y Cultural Sanjuanino Misionero: Organo de Difusion del Centro Sanjuanino Misionero de Residentes en Asuncion, ao 3, no 4, 1985. Gimenz, Florentin. 2007. Rasgos y Pasiones. Editorial Tavaroga. ____ . 1997. La Msica Paraguaya. Asuncin, Paraguay: El Lector. Godoy lvarez, Elisa Concepcin. 2007. Cayo Sila Godoy en Programas de Concierto: 8 Dcades de Msica y Guitarra Clsica. Asuncin, Paraguay: Policarpo Centro de Servicios Culturales. Godoy, Sila and Luis Szarn. 1994. Mangor: Vida y Obra de Agustn Barrios. Asuncin, Paraguay: Editorial Don Bosco/anduti. Lambert, Peter. 2000. A Decade of Electoral Democracy: Continuity, Change and Crisis in Paraguay. Bulletin of Latin American Research 19: 379-396. Lambert, Peter and Ricardo Medina. 2007. Contested Discourse, Contested Power: Nationalism and the Left in Paraguay. Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 26, No. 3: 339355. Luzko, Daniel. 2005. Paraguay. Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. Vol. III. Caribbean and Latin America, edited by John Shepherd, David Horn and Dave Laing, 323-26. London: Continuum. Luzko, Nancy. 2005. An Annotated Bibliography of Paraguayan Music for Piano. Unpublished D.M.A. thesis. Miami, Florida: University of Miami. McKenna Ward, Anthony. 2010. Agustn Barrios Mangor: A Study in the Articulation of Cultural Identity. Unpublished M.A. thesis. Adelaide, Australia: The Elder Conservatorium of Music, The University of Adelaide. Meli, Bartomeu and Sergio Cceres Mercado. 2010. Historia Cultural del Paraguay. 1a. Parte. Coleccin La Gran Historia del Paraguay 16. Asuncin, Paraguay: El Lector. Mora, Frank O. 1998. From Dictatorship to Democracy: The US and Regime Change in Paraguay, 1954-1994. Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 17, No. 1: 59-79.

Ocampo, Mauricio Cardozo. 2005. Mundo Folklrico Paraguayo. 3 Tomos Illustrados (Primera Parte: Paraguay Folklrico; Segunda Parte: De la Tradicin Oral Mitos, Leyendas y Cuentas Paraguayos; Tercera Parte: Realidades y Leyendas en el Folklore Paraguayo) con CD. Asuncin, Paraguay: ATLAS Representaciones. Oxley, Victor M. 2010. Agustn Po Barrios Mangor: Ritos, Culto, Sacrilegios y Profanaciones. Asuncin, Paraguay: ServiLibro. Oxley Insfrn, Victor Manuel. 2006. Escenas Imaginarias de una Realidad Recreada. Publicacin Independente. Ratzlaff, Gerhard. 2001. Ein Leib - Viele Glieder: Die Mennonitischen Gemeinden in Paraguay. Asuncin, Paraguay: Gemeindekomittee (Asociacin Evanglica Mennonita del Paraguay). Riveros, Nicolas T. 1995. Dos Almas Musicales: Agustn Po Barrios y Jos del Rosario Diarte (Misioneros). Ministerio de Educacion y Culto, San Juan Bautista de la Misiones. Rubn lvarez, Mario. 2002. Folklore Paraguayo: Seleccin e Introduccin. Colleccin: Hacia un Pas de Lectores 3. Asuncin, Paraguay: El Lector. Salcedo Centurion, Carlos. 2007. El Inalcanzable Augustin Barrios Magore. Paraguayan National Congress. Snchez Haase, Diego. La Msica en el Paraguay: Breve Compendio de su Historia, Acontecimientos y Caractersticas Ms Importantes. Colleccin: Hacia un Pas de Lectores 5. Asuncin, Paraguay: El Lector. Sequera, Guillermo and Alejandro Gangui. 2011. The Tomaraho Conception of the Sky. Oxford IX International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 278, 1-8. Stover, Richard D. 1985. Six Silver Moonbeams: The Life and Times of Agustin Barrios Mangore. Querico Pubns. ____ con la colaboracin del Centro de Proyectos Barrios Mangor. 2010. Seis Rayos de Plata: La Vida y Obra de Agustn Barrios Mangor. 2a edicin in espaol. Asuncin, Paraguay: Centro de Proyectos Barrios Mangor. Szarn, Luis. 1997. Diccionario de la Msica en el Paraguay. Asuncin, Paraguay: Szarn. (A new second edition is currently compiled by the author and will be published shortly.) ____ . 2010. 'Historia de la Msica'. In Historia del Paraguay, edited by Ignacio Telesca, 411-24. Santillana, Paraguay: Taurus. Szarn, Luis and Jess Ruiz Nestosa. 1996. Msica en las Reducciones Jesiticas. Asuncin, Paraguay: Ed. Missions Prokur S.J. Nrnberg. Telesca, Ignacio ed. 2010. Historia del Paraguay. Santillana, Paraguay: Taurus.

Velzquez, Rafael Eladio. 2011 [1989]. Breve Historia de la Cultura en el Paraguay. 12th edition. Asuncin, Paraguay: ServiLibro. Watkins, Timothy D. 1998. Paraguay. Garland Encyclopedia of World Music: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Vol. 2, edited by Dale A. Olsen and Daniel E. Sheehy, 452-65. New York: Garland. Zanardini, Jos and Walter Biedermann. 2006. Los Indigenas del Paraguay. 2nd revised edition. Asuncin, Paraguay: ITAIPU, Binacional. MUSIC SCORES Barrios, Lito. 2004. El Piano de Mangor: Versiones para Piano de la Msica de Agustn Barrios. Asuncin, Paraguay. Cardoso, Jorge and Luis Zanazzo. 2010. Cuando Digo Madera, Digo Guitarra: Lucas Braulio Areco Obras para Guitarra. Coleccin Fusas Confusas. Argentina: Editorial Universitaria Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Gimnez, Florentn. 1993. Cancionero (Tomo I): 200 Composiciones Escogidas de su Vasta Creacin de Msica Popular, Con Letras de Destacados Autores. Asuncin, Paraguay: Centro de Publicaciones Universidad Catlica Nuestra Seora de la Asuncin. ____ . 2009(?). Cancionero II: 100 Guaranias Inditas de su Vasta Creacin de Msica Popular con Letras de Destacados Autores. Asuncin, Paraguay: Editorial Tavaroga. Lombardo, Carlos. 1998. Folklore Guaran Interpretacin: Desquite de Guarania. Asuncin, Paraguay: El Lector. Ramos. Tania. 2008. Paraguay Mbarakapu. Investigacin Musical. Conservatorio Nacional de Msica del Paraguay. Asuncin, Paraguay: ServiLibro. Zanazzo, Luis. 2007. Componiendo la Historia: La Obra Completa de Csar Hugo Latti (libro y CD). Coleccin Fusas Confusas. Argentina: Editorial Universitaria Universidad Nacional de Misiones. ____ . 2009. Races. Coleccin Fusas Confusas. Argentina: Editorial Universitaria Universidad Nacional de Misiones.

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