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New York City currently decides which students will be offered admission to its eight Specialized High Schools solely by scores on a standardized test, the Specialized High School Admissions Test. Your job is to determine if you think this process should be changed or not. uring today!s class, you will work in teams to discuss arguments for and against changing the way students are admitted into Specialized High Schools. Your goals for today should include looking at the issue, seeing both sides, and coming to consensus.

QUESTION: Should the Specialized High School admissions p ocess !e changed"

Team # $ill a gue: Yes, admission to New York City!s Specialized High Schools should not be determined solely by an e"am. Team % $ill a gue: No, the current Specialized High School admissions process works the way it is.
&ROCEDURE: '( mins: Close read the documents in the document set. )* mins: #ith your teammate, find four reasons from the documents that support your side. )( mins: Team A presents. $%TH &A'TN('S )*ST &'(S(NT+++ Team $ writes down Team A!s reasons and then repeats them back to Team A. )( mins: Team $ presents. $%TH &A'TN('S )*ST &'(S(NT+++ Team A writes down Team $!s reasons and then repeats them back to Team $. )* mins: (,eryone CAN A$AN %N their positions. -roup of . attempts to de,elop a consensus. Together, make a sign saying what should happen to the SHSAT and your top two reasons why. )( mins: Class comes back together to discuss findings.


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*se this space to write your main points and the main points made by the other team. T(A) A/ Admissions to New York City!s Specialized High Schools should not be determined solely by an e"am.

0ist at least . main points1reasons that support this side. ocument 4. 'easons 2what the document says to support your position3




T(A) $/ The current Specialized High School admissions process $o -s the $a. it is. 0ist at least . main points1reasons that support this side. ocument 4. 'easons 2what the document says to support your position3





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STA'T7N- N%#, Y%* )AY A$AN %N Y%*' ASS7-N( &%S7T7%N AN A'-*( 8%' (7TH(' S7 (. *se reasons from the documents to work together with your group mates and try to decide whether Ne$ Yo - Cit.0s Specialized High School admissions p ocess should !e changed. *se the space below to outline your group!s agreement. Your agreement should address reasons and arguments from both sides. 7nstead of the test, look at the grades from middle school Take away screening, make sure that e,eryone has the same opportunities to take the test. Ad,ertise the test more. 9: of African Americans getting admitted is not enough. 8ocus on more things like participation in )iddle school, and what are the strengths of the students 2other talents3, grades, attendance, e"tra curricular help Test should be based on more of what you know and what you can impro,e on in school.

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