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March 31, 2014

Senator Scott Tannas announces he will not run for Leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta

Recently, I was asked by a group of senior party members to give serious consideration to the prospect of seeking the leadership of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta. In response to this request, I sought advice from members of caucus and other party members, friends and family, as well as colleagues in the business and political communities. I was humbled and honored to receive many offers of support and encouragement. Being Leader of a party with such a proud history, combined with becoming Premier of our Province at this critical juncture is a job for someone with a special mixture of management and communication skills, energy, vision, and humility. These qualities must be matched by an overwhelming passion to perform the role in a tremendously challenging atmosphere. After personal reflection, I know that at this time I do not possess all of the above ingredients in sufficient measure to be the leader Albertans need and deserve. I am also mindful of my current role in the Senate of Canada - a job I campaigned for and received votes from 350,000 Albertans. I believe we are on the cusp of historic change. Together with my colleagues I'm determined to help bring vital reforms to the Senate to allow it to better serve future generations of Canadians. Therefore, I have decided that I will not stand as a candidate for leadership. As a concerned Albertan and a long standing supporter of the Progressive Conservative Party I look forward to participating as a voter in the leadership selection process, and wish all candidates the best. They have my admiration and respect.

Direction du Parti progressiste-conservateur de lAlberta : le snateur Scott Tannas annonce sa dcision

Rcemment, des membres importants du Parti progressiste-conservateur de lAlberta mont demand de rflchir la perspective de briguer la direction de ce parti. la suite de cette demande, jai sollicit lavis de membres du caucus et dautres membres du Parti, damis, de proches et de collgues des milieux daffaires et politiques. Jai t flatt et honor de recevoir autant dappui et dencouragement. tre chef dun parti lhistoire aussi riche et devenir premier ministre de la province en cette priode critique exigent des comptences suprieures en gestion et en communications, ainsi quune nergie, une vision et une humilit hors du commun. ces qualits doit sajouter un trs fort dsir de jouer ce rle dans ce contexte particulirement difficile. Aprs mre rflexion, jestime que je ne suis pas encore tout fait prt devenir le chef dont les Albertains ont besoin et quils mritent. Je suis galement conscient du rle que je joue actuellement au Snat du Canada un poste que jai sollicit et pour lequel jai reu la confiance de 350 000 Albertains. Je crois que nous sommes un tournant de notre histoire. Avec mes collgues, je suis dtermin faire en sorte que le Snat puisse subir les rformes qui simposent pour quil puisse mieux servir les futures gnrations de Canadiens. Par consquent, jai dcid de ne pas poser ma candidature la direction du Parti. En tant quAlbertain responsable et militant de longue date du Parti progressiste conservateur, je me ferai un plaisir de voter pour le choix du chef de ce parti et je souhaite bonne chance tous les candidats. Ils ont toute mon admiration et mon respect. For further information/Pour plus dinformation : Snateur Scott Tannas 403-652-0408 Scott.tannas@sen.parl.gc.

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