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Rome: A short history


Rome was synonymous with mythology since the birth of civilization. Few p
laces around the world create such coloured legends. Since the paddle of
time itself, Rome seemed to have had a word in almost very which occurred

The Roman empire had an enormous influence on the course of art and the cu
lture Europeans. The durable impressions of Roman architecture survived un
til today, of the ruins of Colosseum to the epicentre of Rome itself, with

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Rome, Italy, Romans, sorrento, the Vatican, Pompeii, Roma, pompey, gladi
ators, colosseum, maximus

Rome was synonymous with mythology since the birth of civilization. Few p
laces around the world create such coloured legends. Since the paddle of
time itself, Rome seemed to have had a word in almost very which occurred

The Roman empire had an enormous influence on the course of art and the c
ulture Europeans. The durable impressions of Roman architecture survived
until today, of the ruins of Colosseum to the epicentre of Rome itself, w
ith the remote Western corners of Europe including/understanding the town
of Bath in England, baptized name of its Roman baths.

The origins of Rome are known as up to now again to 753 BEFORE JESUS CHR
IST and to the notorious twins Romulus and Remus. The wire of Mars and a
Virgin of Vestal, the two antagonistic brothers conceived the rival com
munities, for always with the throats of a anothers.

Thereafter the hostilities came to a head and Romulus killed his/her Remus
brother. Released of the devices of fixing of his/her brother, Romulus trie
d to dominate civilization and the town of Rome was built.

Centuries later another big boss emerged to take the reins of the Roman em
pire. The General Jules César had come by the rows from army and had cove
ted the position of the chief of the empire.

César had spent its time going its armies through Europe, demolishing its
host centres along the manner and the territorial domination increasing of
Rome of the continent. The defeat of France was a significant conquest and
the felt time of César was right to achieve its destiny.

After having gone its army in Rome, César declared dictator during the li
fe, beginning its reign above the greatest empire the world saw to date. I
ts rule finished abrupt in 44 following BEFORE JESUS CHRIST her assassinat

Several years passed before his/her son adoptive Augustus held forwards
and successful his/her father as chief. He declared emperor of Rome in

Towards the end of the 4th century the empire was in regression; the cha
rt of Europe changed. One, of the Roman payments of outpost were demolis
hed. The barbarians of beyond the Danube and the Rhine attacked villages
with an increasing quantity of success. When the final emperor gave up
his post in 476 BEFORE JESUS CHRIST the empire had fallen for always.

The fall of the Roman Empire generated many theories as for the way in which
more the great power of the world fell to its knees. An interesting theory
suggests that the wide use of the wire in their piping could have poisoned t
heir drinkable drinking water until the degree to cause infertility.

That which the reason, the face of Europe changed for always, announcing t
he paddle of a new age.

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