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The Orange County informed le' program of American Native


The schools of Orange County played an active role in the programs of quali
ty developing for all their members of their various student's population.
A program which was developed is aimed facilitating the execution of studen
t and improving of the occasions of instruction for students of heritage of
American Native. In order to better achieve these goals the Advisory commi
ttee of relative of the American Native of the school of Orange County was

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schools of Orange County

The Orange instruit' County the Advisory committee of relative of America

n Native

The schools of Orange County played an active role in the programs of quali
ty developing for all their members of their various student's population.
A program which was developed is aimed facilitating the execution of studen
t and improving of the occasions of instruction for students of heritage of
American Native. In order to better achieve these goals the Advisory commi
ttee of relative of the American Native of the school of Orange County was
created. The Advisory committee of relative of American Native acts under t
he federal directives of title VII. It is composed of eight members; six el
ected members and two not-elected positions. The elected positions of the p
resident, the vice-president, the treasurer, the secretary, the representat
ive of professor, and the representative of student are elected at the begi
nning of each school year and named by parents of the schools of Orange Cou
nty. The not-elected positions are currently co-ordinating Chris of Eslick,
programs American Vii-Native and Oryden Gould, connection of the Community
of the VII/secrétaire title of title, which is of decent cherokee. The pr
ogram is designed to support students of American Native by reaching high n
otes in the reading, arts of language, and mathematics. It achieves this go
al: by providing services in the students of assistance of American Native
standards of output to meet Orange écoles' County; by making sure that the
students of American Native take part in their federal school, the local s
tate and programs as considered necessary; by providing activities of recru
itment and liaison departments of family to meet the culturally relative sc
hool needs for the students of American Native; and by providing profession
al occasions of development to make sure that the personnel are correctly t
rained and been willing to carry out work with students of American Native.

Elder night of the identification of the Advisory committee of relative of A

merican Native

Each year the Advisory committee of relative of American Native identifies

elder graduation of the schools of Orange County. The event includes coolin
gs, loudspeakers, donations, the patronage of the community and a demonstra
tion of dance of American Native. A new silent partner of program of this y
ear is the team of baseball of L.A. Dodgers. The elder night of identificat
ion honors these students with heritage of American Native who worked to ex
cel in academic success in schools of Orange County. The elder night of id
entification is also a manner so that the Advisory committee of relative of
American Native identifies the families of these students and of connects
itself to the community.

The schools of Orange County are connected to the Community of American


The schools of Orange County actively encourage connection with the commun
ity of American Native. It on there several occasions for those interested
in the community of American Native in the sector. An event is the childr
en of many Powwow colors held each July. This event lasts three days and i
s financed by Redbird. Redbird is group charitable of non-profit-making Am
erican Native. It tries to facilitate the education of the American Native
s and to improve quality of life in the whole community. Redbird started w
ith a series of exposed objects entitled of the “spirits in the material
world - American Natives today― who was shown with more than 100 places
in the whole of southernmost California, and what was also exhibé in the
state of Ohio in 1995. Another event of sector is the annual Indian fair
which celebrates the culture of American Native. The annual Indian fair is
held each June with the museum of the man with San Diego.

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