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Monday, May 20, 2013, 6-9 M

Un|vers|ty of Ca||forn|a, Los Ange|es
hys|cs and Astronomy 8u||d|ng (A8), koom 1-434A


keg|strat|on and D|nner: S:4S-6:1S M

We|come and Introduct|ons: 6:1S-6:2S M
Mlreya Saldana, Campus LngagemenL Manager, CMS
1anya Clmos, MP, CMS Scholar and hu CandldaLe, uCLA lleldlng School of ubllc PealLh
LrnesLo vlllasenor, CMS Scholar and Ambassador, 8ensselaer olyLechnlc lnsLlLuLe

What |s ub||c nea|th? 6:2S-6:40 M
vldeo resenLaLlon by 1anya Clmos

Schoo|s of ub||c nea|th: 6:40-7:2S M
resenLaLlons by:
Abby 8lncn, MP, ulrecLor of ulverslLy, uC 8erkeley School of ubllc PealLh (13 mln)
uavld Clark, AsslsLanL uean for SLudenL Affalrs, uCLA lleldlng School of ubllc PealLh (13 mln)
Molly krans, CraduaLe SLudenL 8epresenLaLlve, Loma Llnda unlverslLy School of ubllc PealLh (13 mln)
School Mlsslon
1op rlorlLles ln ubllc PealLh
Admlsslons rocess
WhaL Makes for A compeLlLlve appllcanL?
rogram Cvervlew and Cfferlngs

ub||c nea|th Graduate Student ane| w|th &A: 7:2S-7:SS M
ModeraLor: LrnesLo vlllasenor
8rlef lnLroducLlons
MoLlvaLlon for ursulng ubllc PealLh
Wlsdom/Words of Advlce

GMS Iund|ng and Cther Iund|ng Cpt|ons: 7:SS-8:1S M
LxplanaLlon of CMS lundlng: Mlreya Saldana wlLh anel arLlclpaLlon
Was CMS fundlng enough Lo geL you Lhrough your degree?
lf noL, how dld you fund your graduaLe sLudles?

M|xer: 8:1S-9 M
CpporLunlLy for CMS Scholars Lo lnLeracL wlLh SummlL arLlclpanLs, SLaff and CraduaLe Scholars


Dav|d D. C|ark
uavld u. Clark ls AsslsLanL uean for SLudenL Affalrs aL Lhe uCLA School of ubllc PealLh.

uave u. Clark
AsslsLanL uean for SLudenL Affalrs
uCLA School of ubllc PealLh
A1-269 CPS, 8ox 931772
Los Angeles, CA 90093-1772
Lmall: dclark[
1el: 310.823.3316
WebslLe: hLLp://

Mo||y krans
Molly krans holds a MasLer of Cross-CulLural SLudles focuslng on gender and developmenL from luller
1heologlcal Semlnary and ls worklng Loward a MasLer of ubllc PealLh focuslng on Clobal MaLernal and
Chlld PealLh aL Loma Llnda unlverslLy. She ls also a CerLlfled LacLaLlon LducaLor.
AfLer graduaLlon, she plans Lo lmplemenL hollsLlc programmlng LhaL lnsplres culLures, famllles and pollLlcal
sLrucLures Lo see Lhe lmporLance of famlly plannlng and Lhus, decrease maLernal morLallLy on a global scale.

Loma Llnda unlverslLy
School of ubllc PealLh Admlsslons
24931 norLh Clrcle urlve
Loma Llnda, Callfornla 92330
1el: 800-422-4338 x 88776
Lmall: admlsslons.sph[

A88 M. kINCCN, Mn
Abby M. 8lncn, MP, an alumna from Lhe uC 8erkeley School of ubllc PealLh and lLs
ulrecLor of ulverslLy, works wlLh Lhe faculLy and deans Lo help reach Lhe dlverslLy goals of
Lhe sLudenL body, faculLy, currlculum, School cllmaLe, and School-wlde educaLlonal opporLunlLles. She
asslsLs prospecLlve sLudenLs by:

rovldlng one-on-one advlslng. Advlslng lncludes helplng prospecLlve sLudenLs assess Lhelr academlc
preparaLlon, lnformaLlon abouL lnLernshlps, Lhe varlous areas of concenLraLlon, and how Lo puL
LogeLher a sLrong appllcaLlon. ln-person or phone meeLlngs can be arranged by appolnLmenL.
ConducLlng workshops aL varlous undergraduaLe schools (unlverslLy of Callfornla campuses,
Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy campuses, communlLy colleges, and prlvaLe lnsLlLuLlons) for lnLeresLed
sLudenLs ln classes, sLudenL clubs and organlzaLlons, or varlous scholar programs.
ALLendlng graduaLe school falrs across Lhe counLry.
Servlng as a frlendly llalson Lo answer quesLlons whlle golng Lhrough Lhe admlsslons process.
Worklng wlLh Lhe SLudenL Servlces Cfflce, whlch sponsors pre-appllcaLlon advlslng sesslons, an
annual publlc healLh conference for prospecLlve sLudenLs, and llve chaLs.

Abby M. 8lncn, MP
ulrecLor of ulverslLy
uC 8erkeley, School of ubllc PealLh
141 unlverslLy Pall, SulLe !
8erkeley, Callfornla 94720- 7360
Lmall: arlncon[
1el: 310-643-7900
WebslLe: hLLp://


1kAC 8LCLkkA, Mn, C1k]L
CMS CohorL 2001: l am a hu candldaLe compleLlng my degree Lhls year ln Lhe
ueparLmenL of Lpldemlology, ln Lhe lleldlng School of ubllc PealLh, uCLA. My research
lnLeresL ls ln ldenLlfylng and addresslng healLh dlsparlLles durlng pregnancy and chlldhood,
speclflc Lo blrLh welghL, school readlness, and auLlsm. l've been an occupaLlonal LheraplsL
for 8 years. l've worked and volunLeered aL LA CounLy ubllc PealLh MaLernal, Chlld, and
AdolescenL PealLh (MCAP) programs, publlshed orlglnal research on alr polluLlon and
auLlsm ln Los Angeles CounLy, was Lhe PealLh Manager and currenLly Lhe ulsablllLles Manager aL an early
chlldhood Larly Pead SLarL (LPS) program where l creaLed a model program for ldenLlfylng and lnLervenlng
ln hlgh-rlsk pregnancles, screenlng and ldenLlfylng chlldren wlLh speclal healLh and dlsablllLy needs. l do
consulLlng work ln ouLcomes and evaluaLlon consulLlng work for Lhe March of ulmes and Larly Pead SLarL
Lo help ldenLlfy sLrengLhs and areas of need Lo beLLer serve famllles, bables, and chlldren. AfLer graduaLe
school l wlll elLher pursue posL-docLoral work and/or conLlnue worklng ln non-proflL ouLcome and
evaluaLlon pro[ecLs ln healLh dlsparlLles and famlly-chlldhood ouLcomes.

l graduaLed from uCLA ln 2010 wlLh 8achelor's degree ln ollLlcal Sclence and Soclology. l wenL on and
compleLed my MasLer's ln ubllc PealLh ln 2012 from CSu Long 8each. My concenLraLlon was CommunlLy
PealLh LducaLlon. My fuLure plans lnclude applylng for a docLoral program ln publlc healLh.

l graduaLed from uSC wlLh a MasLer ln ubllc PealLh ln 2010. My concenLraLlon was
PealLh LducaLlon and romoLlon. l obLalned my 8A ln soclology from uCLA ln 2007. l am
currenLly worklng aL uSC for a granL based research pro[ecL on barrlers Lo cervlcal cancer
prevenLlon. ln Lhls pro[ecL we survey LaLlna women Lo know whaL are Lhe mulLllevel
barrlers Lo cervlcal cancer screenlngs. ln Lhe pasL, l have worked ln a couple of research
pro[ecLs ln several Loplcs such as healLh eduLalnmenL, obeslLy prevenLlon, and Lobacco
conLrol maLerlal. l have plans Lo conLlnue on Lo hlgher educaLlon ln Lhe fuLure, buL really wanL Lo bulld my
work experlence before l reLurn Lo school.

l am from Lhe CMS CohorL Class of 2003. l aLLended Lhe unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla for boLh
undergraduaLe and graduaLe school. My areas/degrees of sLudy lnclude Lhe MP, MasLer of ubllc PealLh
wlLh a concenLraLlon ln 8losLaLlsLlcs and Lpldemlology (graduaLed 3/2010), 8.S., PealLh romoLlon &
ulsease revenLlon, and 8.A., neurosclence. ln Lhe pasL l worked as a research asslsLanL for Lhe uepL. of
revenLlve Medlclne, unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla on a LesLlcular cancer sLudy. CurrenLly l am a
8esearch AssoclaLe for kalser ermanenLe SouLhern Callfornla, ueparLmenL of 8esearch & LvaluaLlon. My
currenL work lncludes research on gesLaLlonal dlabeLes and hyperLenslon. My fuLure plans lnclude applylng
for a docLoral program ln publlc healLh research secLor, mosL llkely epldemlology.

l am a flrsL year ln Lhe MP program aL Loma Llnda unlverslLy ln PealLh ollcy and
Leadershlp. l have been lnvolved ln nuLrlLlon currlculum developmenL, peer healLh
educaLlon, capaclLy bulldlng for a non-proflL healLh organlzaLlon ln LA and daLa collecLlon
for a publlc healLh research sLudy. AfLer flnlshlng my MasLer's l plan Lo pursue a docLoraLe
degree. l'm lnLeresLed ln a career geared Lowards chronlc dlsease prevenLlon ln
mlnorlLy/low-lncome communlLles Lhrough pollcy/research.

l am a CaLes Scholar from Lhe Class of 2003. l am currenLly a second-year hu sLudenL aL
Lhe uCLA lleldlng School of ubllc PealLh ln Lhe PealLh ollcy and ManagemenL
ueparLmenL. My prlmary research lnLeresLs are healLh lnformaLlon Lechnology and lLs role
ln perpeLuaLlng/lmprovlng healLh dlsparlLles ln access Lo care by underrepresenLed
mlnorlLles, quallLy and effecLlveness of healLh servlce dellvery, and challenges ln healLh
care access faced by paLlenLs wlLh low healLh llLeracy. l am currenLly Lhe ro[ecL ulrecLor
for a naLlonal lnsLlLuLes of PealLh research sLudy on paLlenL-reporLed lnformaLlon collecLlon ln federally
quallfled healLh cenLers Lhrough Lhe uCLA kalser ermanenLe CenLer for PealLh LqulLy. revlously l
recelved a 8.A. ln sychology and AnLhropology from CeorgeLown unlverslLy ln 2007, and ln 2009 a MasLer
of ubllc PealLh ln PealLh and Soclal 8ehavlor wlLh a speclalLy ln MulLlculLural PealLh from uC 8erkeley.
uurlng my MP sLudles l was Lhe Cllnlcal 8esearch CoordlnaLor for a cancer research sLudy lnvolvlng
assesslng underrepresenLed mlnorlLy women's rlsk for breasL and cervlcal cancer uslng hand held LableL
Lechnology aL uC San lranclsco's Medlcal LffecLlveness 8esearch CenLer. l was also a Senlor 8esearch
AsslsLanL aL uavls ?. !a & AssoclaLes, lnc., a research evaluaLlon flrm ln San lranclsco charged wlLh Lhe
evaluaLlon of all subsLance use programs ln Lhe ClLy and CounLy.

l am a flrsL-year hu sLudenL ln Lhe !olnL uocLoral rogram ln ubllc PealLh (Clobal PealLh
Lrack) aL San ulego SLaLe unlverslLy and Lhe unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego. My
research lnLeresLs are ln noncommunlcable chronlc dlsease prevenLlon and healLh
promoLlon, parLlcularly ln Lhe LaLln Amerlcan populaLlon ln Lhe uS and abroad. l'm
currenLly worklng aL Lhe lnsLlLuLe for 8ehavloral and CommunlLy PealLh (l8ACP)
lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe llnk beLween Lhe bullL envlronmenL and physlcal acLlvlLy behavlors
among LaLlna women parLlclpaLlng ln a 'promoLora'-led falLh-based lnLervenLlon for physlcal acLlvlLy
promoLlon ln San ulego. l was recenLly awarded a ulverslLy SupplemenL from Lhe naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe
Lo furLher my research pursulLs ln Lhe nexL Lwo years. My pasL experlences ln publlc healLh lnclude
volunLeerlng wlLh nCCs ln LaLln Amerlca (Chlld lamlly PealLh lnLernaLlonal ln Caxaca, Mexlco and
loundaLlon for SusLalnable uevelopmenL ln La laLa, ArgenLlna), conducLlng fleld research for my MasLer's
of ubllc PealLh (MP) Lhesls, lnvolvlng an evaluaLlon of Lhe 'lamlly PealLh rogram' ln 8elo PorlzonLe,
8razll, and worklng as an AssoclaLlon of Schools of ubllc PealLh (ASP) lellow aL Lhe Cfflce of Clobal
PealLh romoLlon aL Lhe CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon (CuC) for Lwo years. My fuLure plans
followlng Lhe hu are Lo work Lowards a career ln academla and Lo galn addlLlonal experlence ln Lhe
governmenL secLor. l alm Lo conLlnue my research ln global chronlc dlsease prevenLlon and healLh
promoLlon and focus lnLervenLlons wlLh Lhe LaLlno populaLlon.

l am a second year MasLers sLudenL aL Lhe uCLA lleldlng School of ubllc PealLh. l am
purslng a MasLer of ubllc PealLh wlLh a CommunlLy PealLh Sclences concenLraLlon. l am
lnLeresLed ln reproducLlve healLh, parLlcularly S1us and pregnancy prevenLlon wlLhln Lhe
young LaLlno communlLy. l am also lnLeresLed ln School 8ased PealLh CenLers slnce Lhey
are a perfecL opporLunlLy Lo provlde essenLlal prlmary prevenLlon servlces for our Leens
rlghL on Lhelr school campus. uurlng my gap year l worked for Lhe naLlonal Chlldren's
SLudy down ln San ulego as a household lnLervlewer. LasL summer l worked wlLh LAuSu
and helped wrlLe a granL LhaL was successfully funded Lo lmprove Chlamydla and Conorrhea screenlngs for
Leens aL Lwo School 8ased PealLh CenLers. As parL of a sLudenL-led CoallLlon, l have also faclllLaLed healLh
workshops for survlvors of Lrafflcklng. My fuLure plans do noL lnclude whaL you LradlLlonally would see
from a MP graduaLe, buL l plan Lo enroll ln nurslng school and evenLually become a ubllc PealLh nurse
racLlLloner. My career goal ls Lo Lackle reproducLlve healLh lssues from a cllnlcal and a publlc healLh
sLandpolnL Lhrough research and pracLlce.

l am a second year ln Lhe MP program aL San ulego SLaLe wlLh a concenLraLlon ln PealLh
romoLlon and 8ehavloral Sclences. l have compleLed all my coursework and worklng on
my Lhesls. My research lnLeresLs are ln physlcal acLlvlLy, sedenLary behavlor and Lhe
lmpacLs on healLh. My flrsL year ln Lhe program l worked as a 8esearch AsslsLanL ln a
physlcal lnLervenLlon sLudy for church golng LaLlnas LhroughouL San ulego counLy (lalLh ln
AcLlon). l conducLed Lhe recrulLmenL and screened for ellglble sLudy parLlclpanLs.
CurrenLly, l am worklng for San ulego CounLy's PealLh and Puman Servlces Agency ln Lhe norLh CoasLal
reglon. l am Lhe pro[ecL lead for Lhe CommunlLles of Lxcellence ln hyslcal AcLlvlLy, nuLrlLlon, and CbeslLy
revenLlon (Cx3) pro[ecL. l asslsL wlLh plannlng, lmplemenLlng, evaluaLlng, and coordlnaLlng communlLy
healLh promoLlon lnlLlaLlves and acLlvlLles relaLed Lo obeslLy prevenLlon, access Lo nuLrlLlous foods, and
nelghborhood walkablllLy ln a speclflc nelghborhood. As far as my fuLure goals, l wlll be applylng Lo a hu
program ln publlc healLh Lhls upcomlng fall.

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