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Chapter 5

Discovering Life
When we set out on our Journey we run into many directions and paths. We have to make constant decisions on the way and some are unsure of that direction best suited for them for a more positive outcome. My writings help as a roadmap in simplifying those decisions and trusting in yourself to make that conscionable decision most ignore due to doubting themselves or the Higher source they Believe in to help guide them. My writings help cut out all the static that can enter in ones thought process or is infiltered through daily life routine. My messages are simplified and can be read in different perception to each individuals needs by what they see in my messages that attract their attention or help give them some kind of validation. There is no Fluff or pouring syrup on anyone promising a most perfect outcome.. because it is upto the individual in their steps they take in making it happen.. others can only help or suggest or guide so far on these paths for another.. only the individual can live their own life and make those feet walk in a certain direction or set their minds to the next moment of course in life.. I hope you read my writings and they can help you in some way.. they are clear messages for simple reason of keeping all the clutter out from confusing one.. Which so many writers do so often or those who channel all these sweet messages of Hope and Promise which is wrong due to they are saying they lead your life for you to assure you get there , This is so far from the truth and is misguiding and misinforming. Because some become expectant of what was promised to them or only utilize their energy waiting on an outcome promised to them.. I can assure you there is another world out there the same one we are on.. just have to learn to take your mind there and way from the daily chaos thinking, mindset imposed on so many. Dont allow yourself to be a victim, take control and empower yourself. Much peace Shadow

Creative subconscious mind

Posted by haw Creative conscious mind. This is where one thinks of things not of this world or enhance thought ideas or process and in this can manifest into a reality .. maybe piece by piece but can be done .. specially if it is offered as an idea or presence and sometimes even validated by others .. or assisted in its means in understanding of concept to the intellectual mind and course of. Giving a direction to further a signal from minds to the whole of the conscious thinking beyond the scope of human existence and the 3d reality which many do not realize the scope of their mind's power or intellect goes way beyond the confines of Earthly understanding.. once they open up to the opportunity to open mind thinking they would be amazed of what their minds came up with.. Fantasy? Science fiction? I would say no as long as you have not included subliminals as such as watching recent movies which can in feed to the mind for a short time.. so is good to have a clear mind and conscious before venturing.. We can create with our minds if our intent is dedicated intently to the idea and its purpose. be it for any purpose of life Human or other, energy or travel. the Universe is constantly sending us hints and answers we just have to be open to receive them and learn to understand.. this concept is already utilized by many but more to a confined level.. as with receiving a word or sign.. intermediately. People believe in what is not seen here on Earth but do not for what is not seen in the Universe.. why? conditioned thinking.. broaden your span of the mind.. dont tie it down with limits.. dont even have to try hard.. just clear the mind and let these ideas come to you.. people make mistake by trying too hard.. or if it doesnt make sense to discard it.. have to remember things of the Universe wasnt confined to Earthly understanding we were taught growing up.. Much peace Shadow

Regardless of Basic Truth

Posted by haw Regardless exactly explains a scenario going on with many.. some would say many are not ready or couldnt handle the Truth. and that is the farthest from the Truth. people are undermining others inelegance because they know exactly what their options are.. is what they choose even if told till blue in the face.. and that truth is.. as mentioned in past .. they tend to Fear but is anticipation of a different kind.. to point of ill wishing bad things to misplace them from their present place of being.. and even at the cost of others in doing so.. I notice many spend more time giving energy to things they shouldnt.. negative events.. when they can just the same give positive thoughts.. even to the unknown.. in which they do for the negative by bringing up assumed scenarios for downfalls.. why do they not give a positive progressive intent.. I see it as laziness and no fun for them.. they do not realize they been entrapped into a chaos world they can escape .. but they simply choose not to and even feed it to extremes.. some snub and deny but is obvious doesnt take brain scientist to see it.. Intent works in 2 ways.. Intent to harm or do bad toward themselves, others or the whole for their own sake of dealing and watching others suffer as they do by their doings.. that is negative intent.. Positive intent is to wish well for all not just the self.. but the whole of Earth all the through out the Universe.. Giving positive ideas and energies to positive returns and grants. People tend to teeter on the middle because they cant make up their mind but yet call it balance.. its one or the other.. if you dont give 100% to the positive you will and cannot manifest the progression with doubt or intent otherwise.. as to be a solid commitment.. for pure concentration and intent to work.. there is a balance in defense.. care to those who care.. defend yourself to those who want to hurt you.. thats the balance..of being able to acquire defense to positive output.. and control the factors. and not allow yourself to consistently be put in the spot of defense constantly.. attention comes into play..

and anyone seeking attention as sorts are not independent to themselves.. and becomes expectant.. and when denied becomes resentment and calling themselves justifying a behavior due to this.. in which is wrong.. for positive intent ideals not by me but general rule of law .. on Positive progressive and negative digressive intents.. people recognize this often but do nothing to change but yet continue to allow it to be exceptable untill is too late .. afraid to hurt the one who will hurt you in a second.. why? person needs to reflect on themself and ask why.. There are always excuses givin.. reasons.. but is very simple.. but not yielded, heeded. and by choice of the indivdual. Many lack Trust in their High source in knowing and how to work or help a person manage their gifts and talents to make them effective for all.. many do not even explore that possible capability. I couldnt tell you it was possible if I didnt know myself.. I am not reading a script or channeling of sorts.. no.. a truth that comes to me to share.. but not many listen.. and again is their choice .. but do not ask whats wrong with the world or people when they have made their choice to deny possibility for a more positive future for all.. too many too worried about them in the now as is.. which is fine to an extent.. take care of you then when can send energy to a needed issue.. give it positive thoughts and Ideas.. no matter what path you follow my writings cover all in this.. no matter what magic you use or color or crystal.. intent is intent.. I write these to let all know its recognized and acknowledged for what is.. and others to see the simplicity of noticing .. not giving excuses for it.. and not being a part of a continual attention grab or energy bank for those who choose their ill willed path to a negative environment.. Friends are not friends when they choose to do such.. and can be bad for your over all energy presence.. people know what they are doing they just choose in such. is easier to play in the drama game for many then it is to give positive energy.. its work.. for some seems to be no fun.. no visible proof.. but is no visible proof in the ill wish they do already.. they did with Nibiru.. and many comets after that.. and several other incidents.. is a great example. when I myself one by one have seen the changes in many after I talk to them.. one person can make a difference.. others just have to try and be real and truthful with themselves and the others.. and trust in their higher sources.. Much Peace Shadow

Thinking out of the box doesnt take you from your perfect World
Posted by haw I get the feeling allot of times people are afraid to explore outside their box . believing it will misplace them from the butterflies and blue skies. but it doesnt.. thinking out of the box gives you more self power to overcome situations that try to mess up that perfect world you thrive in.. although many submit themselves to conditions avoidable if they try to allow themselves to be above that reality by thinking out of the box and utilizing powers of the mind.. because you dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt work.. do not need proof of something that it works.. too much out there you dont see is working against us everyday, forces of the negative vibrations.. and it shows.. in Fear to fight it? should not be as individuals we have every right for a positive progressive future and presence.. so stop living in your shell explore out of the box giving more power to yourself and more blue skies and butterflies.. Too many hung up on letting go of old paradigms that worked against them all this time.. pretending things are good and excepting the things that are negative influence and excepting those around us for being a part of it.. it is not human experience to fondle with dynamite and a lighter for the amusement of it.. so why allow it or be around those who make them selves accessive to negative intents and drama.. they would rather feed that then positive energy for the whole.. I am quite amazed by this as it is shown on allot of my writings.. pure straight to the point but not be it is each's choice .. but could be made easier.. if they let go and try for once to think above the murky cloud over them they do not see or know is there but afraid to fight it.. again its not about ourselves but the whole.. Blue skies and butterflies for you but not for so many others.. some may have called things onto themselves and will pull you in with them. each responsible for their own downfalls ..only so much we can do for those who dont break away and try to progress themselves. Shadow

There are many out there

Posted by haw
What I am speaking about is those that feel compelled or pulled to an objective to help others here on this planet for various reasons, means , purpose. through time though I have seen many come and go, givin up or to take a long break. it can be overwhelming for those who try so hard and yet feel they are only spinning their wheels.. getting no where.. and I have felt this at times.. but they can not be discredited for trying. and although things seem thin on reaction of activity from the mass there are still many out there to continue their effort in progression for all , showing them how , teaching, listening, observing and resolve. some of these people have came with a different perception on things in general. example is if one came from another planet without any discourse or wars or chaos was all progressive in work and advancement for their civilization. they would not understand what is happening on Earth at all.. they would come with a directive as a whole picture in progression only.. seeing through the mud that has been placed on Earth , the density you hear of.. All they can do is help in others seeing how simple it can be to change and help change others and do away with all the extra un needed and non progressive occupation to the Earthly minds.. as with the idea of getting above ego which is used as to dominate not defend itself for many.. or the idea one has to be in an arguement to win and prove themselves above all other and in this feel they made a place of belonging a worth.. this shouldnt be.. Is it so hard for others to credit anyone for whatever they offer and be happy with that. and not try to compare to another in worth by their efforts or their race. What surprises me it can be made so simple but yet others delve in to a thicker presence as such on purpose keeping it going. I can see why so many have givin up.. or feel their job had maximized its purpose and they done what they could.. all they can do is offer suggestions and ideas, the obvious seen by all.

So the info and observations have been made , resolves have been offered . takin or not, they are there. and for those who continue with trying to show others what they may not see above this realm of earth. but know they are limited. is all they can do not required to do more at all. but some do and continue. just know are others out there maybe few far in between as I noticed myself.. but there are.. Know you gave it your best shot be confident in that.. those were not to force the change it was to be seen and excepted. It can be disconcerning but dont forget about that Earth energy that is consumed around most and dont allow yourself to fall into that thickness.. keep your mind outside that box of thinking. let go of expectation of any.. some seen a problem, wanted to help fix it.. all can do.. I have not forgotten those that helped me in the past that have long ago resigned their position. it allowed me to continue in their place. seems some of us come from very different places, even I.. but the intent and cause was a primary directive with one intent and outcome. people do not realize with progression.. take away the wars and money spent on them.. can you imagine how far ahead our world would be today in technology, energy, conservation, food, health etc. I feel we are a couple if not few hundred years behind in what we could be.. too busy hung onto a seemingly barbaric way of life on this planet.. and again balance is an excuse to allow it to continue if one says so.. progression is always moving forward. nothing wrong or hard about that. people who informed were the shortcuts to the overall problem just needed the right people to listen and understand and continue the message.. if not so be it.. Things are slowly progressing now finaly but with a little help in need due to defense of the planet itself. people didnt want to stand up.. others had to..

changes are happening , long overdue and in that things will become more clearer to all and will hit them all sudden a reality they didnt even see themselves that they were consumed in.. others saw but were ignored allot of the times.. but all in all they did what they could those that were givin the gift of sight in all that is . and spoke on it , and those that listened inherited more then they know. taking the mud off the crystal ball so to say. it is disconcerning for allot of us.. because we thought was so obvious and desired with the change.. and to only find .. many quite like the drama of it all and continue feeding it.. some say they would like change but do not stay away from feeding the energy that needs to be dealt with and eliminated.. so for those on these assignments .. dont give up on yourself , if you feel you have gone as far as you can so be it job well done and very appreciated in the effort allways. Thank you Shadow

Fear or not to Fear

Posted by haw
Saw another video where one tells people it is wrong to tell others not to Fear.. it is a human trait in defense of a dangerous situation, alerted and attentive to the situation as with being in the wild on the watch out for wild animals.. who have their own survival instincts, and even with them its for food sake of life and death for them.. but humans are a little more wiser in their choice when to Fear depending on the reasons they allow themselves to be in fear. some due to dependance on others or materialistic lifestyle.. Fear of death.. is lack of Trust in your Higher presence and belief and debilitates you from making action when necessary, when one doesnt fear they are not afraid to move forward , take action to suppress a negative impression. but those that fear submit and allow to become controlled and allow the negative to carry on with others. So one can choose to Fear and most follow the drama of it all but yet look from behind curtains. anticipation of some action good or bad.. not actually giving energy to one of the other, just wants to be left alone and no matter what cost to others. To tell people to not to Fear is not wrong it empowers them to take control of their own destiny and help others.. for those who dont Fear are not afraid to step up or climb that mountain to help over power the negative power that exists.. anything others is being submissive and non active and allowing one self to be admissive to what ever happens.. there is a time to fear and be cautious when wondering in the woods.. but with things that are generally life changing for a whole mass is time to rid that Fear and make a move , a statement, action. any is better then hiding in a shell being submissive which is no better then death in some cases as you have seen in past history. Who knows one may make that charge of change and win.. ever give it that power and if many did we could win.. but as long as many are submissive unactive they do not give others a chance which is a selfish existance. not just protecting yourself but family and future of families everywhere Humanity itself.. When you go out of this world know and be confident you did your best and made an attempt to overcome and not fear and giving power to the negative who have tried to control all for so long.. again is ones choice.. but they have one to make.. Much peace Shadow

Intent- The base of all actions

Posted by haw
no matter the path your on this is what I observe and pay attention to.. although i do not promote use of spells or other means in a negative pretense. will just break down the intent thing to help better understand.. This is not about Dark or light, many use the balance dark and light giving reason and excuse for bad things to happen.. which they do.. but not to be provoked by any human intentionaly. This is why I go with the basic intent. there are many ways it is shown, in caring, providing, suggestive or imposed, to when it becomes excessive as to pursuay, push, direct you against your own intuition of thought. I call these intents.. 2 different catagories. 1. Progressive positive 2. Digressive negative. Progressive positive promotes positive response and action and continues forward is no staying stuck in mud over a situation that utilize tempting a competitive ego. to be out done by another.. Digressive negative is the intent to push, control a situation of a person to your own preference and liking and what one thinks. not by what the person themselves feel they want or need. many run into this with judgemental people family or friends.. they seem to know whats best for you and can talk to you like your an idiot.. but is their ignorance in understanding , so dont let them get under your skin.. they just wont or will not understand your point of view for which most of the paths do not fit the conformed way of presence or being. When one undermines your abilities to think or be you , they have an issue themselves which in most cases is fear due to being criticized themselves for association to the out of the box mentality. so is more for their sake they try to change another in this.. as with all these paths. that is where your confidence plays key role in you knowing your purpose and holding true to it not letting others manipulate you otherwise. suggestions can be made when asked .. but is not to be enforced on another which becomes a control issue for many, again I think this is due to their own fears. lack of attention and recognition

With me no matter what title you hold deservingly or not .. Intent is the main criteria and must be remembered , utilized with no room for error. not many will speak on this because it is to simple and to the basics.. but is best way to keep in mind always what you are putting out.. not wishing harm or hate on anyone no matter what you hear or see. is much negative intent out there to gain your attention to swarm you with a hate and dislike in which it feeds off that.. I know its not easy I myself am not perfect but I do instantly remind myself to watch it.. because after all if we trust in our Higher source then we know they will deal with it plus the positive energies we send to the situation.. and if you try to possess feelings other wise your doubting the higher sources in doing their jobs.. Guides, Gods, Goddess , Angels, what have you.. many who come with negative intent as I have found through these years is more for attention, power, control and is due to a need they have, a lack of in their own environment that compells them.. which can become a power trip. many do not say anything when they see someone else being under fire because lack of their own .. many like to see others go through hard time because they themselves dont feel so alone in it.. but dont be sympathetic to them or apologise to them.. you never know when those are redeeming their karma coupon.. I have no patience with those that wish ill will on anyone when instead they can just send out positive energy.. with this Positive progressive is taking place each time counts.. and for those who stay stuck in the mud over someone elses ego trips ask yourself is it getting you anywhere or hendering you from moving forward, when you can simply just smile and walk on, I know with family they can be over bearing and due to them being family they feel they have right to continue.. but no.. these freewill laws fit everyone.. no matter what religion they follow.. Like I have said about funny thing about Christians.. they go on about idolizing.. but yet they judge and idolize the very one who didnt want to be an idol.. So for those well to do christian folk , many are misunderstood by their teachings as many of us were growing up. why I am not surprised that they are taking allot of this attention out of the public. if you think about it.. but Pagans or other paths have a right as much as Catholics or Christians or any other conformed belief , although they feel as to be the higher echelon of paths.. by whos say? so never step back on your beliefs as such.. again confidence and keep being positive with your intent and thoughts.. sorry we dont get brownie points for everytime we do physically- but I do see it added to our whole life intent and progress in Karma for many..

which myself am not here on karma or to learn.. but to observe and send back what I see is happening.. to help with resolve in this world.. is there for the taking.. no glitter no flash.. depending on ones expectations which can be a drawback to be or wanting to be recognized for the good they do.. this life time is one of many dont concern yourself with mundane ideals. you can recognize a person intent by what they say and how they progress and confront others. are they trying to help themselves and others or are they just there for themselves. beware of those. things is one helps themself is all good then they continue on to help others = progress. I like the Intent thing takes all the blah blah out of long convos and debate about dark and light we all been in the dark some of us many many times.. but progressed to a state to help others with what we brought from our learnings in that.. to help them progress that much faster.. dont be a scrooge and not lend support or words of encouragement just because we may had hard time doesnt mean they have to.. as long as they ask. I am by no means perfect I can send all the positive enrgies around the world and through out.. but step on my tail I bite keep your intent in check , more you do it easier it is to stop yourself from getting to envolved in an arguement that wont really mean anything 2 weeks from now.. and realize you are living your life no one else can not even if they hold your hand for you.. footsteps will be different.. Much peace Shadow

Confronted by persistent Religious advocates

Posted by haw
Many of us have dealt with the knock on the door by those who wish to save us.. they have took it on their own to go around and reach out to those who seek their kind of peace and redemption. seemingly everyone has sinned in their eyes and even if you havent should be part of their gathering to be excepted as one of them or recognized as being of a positive being.. allot of this is wrong in how they proceed in their methods.. the idea of reaching out is ok.. what if Pagans went around knocking on doors to get more people aquainted to natural aspects of life and all that goes with it.. nothing would be wrong in that.. the problem is that many of these are forceful and try to be intimidating.. Now I had an encounter last summer.. 3 gentlemen from a local church they were older men. they came to me and asked how I was doing .. I was working on car.. told them great, nice day and they offered me a pamplet and an invite to their church was of babptist nature in which I was kind of raised never avid church goer just with grandma which was ok .. they never judged me in old small town church.. not with her anyway.. so they proceeded to ask me do I belong to a church and I said no, they asked me what my path was.. although I am a Light worker.. I told them I am known to have pagan aspects but light worker nature.. and surprisingly the guys didnt run off or commence to throwing salt water on me.. but due to I was treating them as another individual as they did me.. was a comfortable convo for both.. I had explained that I didnt go to church due to so many seem to have went commercialized and was not of my interest in that.. that I did believe in a higher source and of positive aspects.. they told me if I ever felt like to just drop by and thanked me for my time and went on.. there was respect on both sides of that spectrum due to how they treated me and how I was fair and nice in my response. and they were gone.. now I know many have had to deal with this more so of different orthodox paths who seem to think they are a higher place of belonging then another specially of pagan nature.. which is totaly wrong.. power ego thing.. I am not even sure they realize they do this in that matter of thinking..

preach about not judging but are the first to do so.. I have known some of the Pagan path just be short and rude to them.. which best thing to do is be polite and say no thank you I am happy with my beliefs as they are, Thank you for coming and have a nice day.. is all needs to be said when one shows anger like I known some to say they slam doors in their face that is just rude on any account.. I know they are being persistant and wrong.. but to reflect that is also.. they take that and say yehp see that path is evil and rude.. look how the devil just shut door in our face we will pray for them.. lol and then on other hand have heard that some one a pagan being sweet is devils trickery.. so is no win win with some of these people.. so is best keep it minimal and on a positive note and can be as short .. you dont or are not owed to stand at the door to explain yourself.. they more or less act like CIA questioning and giving the impression you are wrong.. taking power from your own confidence of knowing what your doing they can question you as such.. very wrong but happens yes.. I heard of another she said they keep coming back to almost a form of harrasment because her neighbors put them upto it.. I am pretty sure that if they keep doing that to me I would report them after being nice few times and they continue would then become stalking and harrasing.. there is no law that I know of that says you have to answer to them all their questions or explain yourself to them. just be proper in any answer you give .. examples. Q. To you goto a church? A. No I do not ! Q. Do you believe in jesus? A. I believe in a higher source yes! (unless your atheist they dont) Q. what is your belief or path? A1. I am Pagan (can add "of positive intent" ) A2. Earth natural (which covers all paths but with the answers can be of dealing with nature and all on the planet Earth) something I just made up but they wont have no clue about ..

A3. My path is my own A4. I am not of any religion or path ( although can be denial but for those in orthodox bible belt probably is best for your own protection and your Goddess would understand.. for some hypocrits there is no reasoning) Q. would you like to come to our church? A. Thank you for the offer but I cant promise you I would ever come (answer I gave to those 3 men. I was honest ) I'd say there is allways 3-4 questions they throw at you before you can even get a chance to say hey I am busy I got to be at work, pick up kids .. blah blah.. after that really dont have to answer any of them.. just say Thank you for coming by I am not interested I have my own and leave it at that.. again owe nothing in explanation.. would love to see Pagans go to certain orthodox religions and try to convert them from that path to pagan.. same right in doing it is all I am saying.. they dont seem to think so .. but is very true.. Pagans, Lightworkers are not beneath any other path and we do not put ourselves beyond another , even when orthodox are wrong in some of their methods it is not our place to correct that unless they persistant on reflecting that on you.. then you might ask "Are you judging me " even though they might blow it off .. the Higher sources will turn their heads on this one for recognition .. negative forces wear all kind of shrouds.. keep your presence positive.. and shields up with some of these people if not all.. depends on what you feel.. Much peace Shadow

Pick a solution one at a time

Posted by haw
Instead of trying to resolve allot of issues at once.. just pick a circumstance that comes to you and concentrate on that. putting your energies into that only at the time.. Balance the energy with yours and that which you receive from the universe for back up..remember the energy is limitless in Universe use it.. its near. shield yourself if your unaware of your natural shield. think of a situation and in your way ask for cleansing of the energies or simple sweep the area and pull stale energy from the area and send back out to the Universe imagine a giant white ball of light.. it will go there and cleanse the old to renew it.. you can do this from 5 minutes to longer .. depending on your time.. every little bit helps. you can work on this for few days and jump to another if like or continue on this one however long you wish.. just dont try to do too many at once unless you are use to it and know how to manage the energy. mostly within your own.. and allow your self to ground and re energize , refresh yourself. There are energies out there working on this also we are the helping Earthly connection.. If you feel yourself become distracted for any reason.. as with phone ring or kids.. "pause " the energy line you have going.. from you to source of issue.. it will be the positive energy breaking away at the time. and will continue to cleanse on its own.. just think in your mind Universal energy on auto pilot.. while your away.. I have been known to keep a flow going around Earth for over a week during the incoming of the new energy .. the slow integration of it.. I try not to go too much in how I do things to not manipulate one in ways maybe different then mine.. work in way you feel comes to you in this.. mine is basic general way.. you can add crystals.. mine are always near me.. so dont want to leave that out.. crystals and their vibrations.. or purpose per stone..can help.. maybe words you would like to cite.. pending on your way of.. just however makes it easy for you.. this is not suppose to be hard.. things on Earth made the idea hard .. but its not.. and again confidence in your intent .. know that you can and are doing this in the working of the energy.. I have said the new energy will expose much and so far it has allot coming out now changes will be made .. Thank you Shadow

Use your Gifts . Intellect and progressive drive

Posted by haw
When one can narrow down their conditioned induced reality.. should take time to acknowledge their gift or the Intellect they have and concentrate on them more to use for positive outcome for all.. as Universe people we cannot digress using prejudice of Gender or race or personal preference, Intent is always the base of the Human platform. removing unneeded stress of thoughts and worry and begin to trust in your Higher sources or beliefs of a more progressive future can make it into Reality. do not doubt or will not work. Remove the clutter of ego or perpetuated intensity by an outside agenda to distract from our very own concentration and sight of what is.. not all by what we are told.. we see things and we manifest positive energy to it.. not fear for it or run from it.. but face it with the power of the Universe to defeat all that digresses the human race and all on Earth. Keep it simple . many are being provoked into chaotic existence , distraction which takes many from their own inner power and strength too know we can overcome and will. One has to want it to believe in it. want it for all here on Earth and not just part time.. its not a trend its a reality a breaking of old Paradigms.. make it so , be confident in being a part of that. these people of Earth and all the animals on it so need this. again may not be instant but every little change helps if by concentration and giving energy to positive ideas.. it is one's choice to or not, some cannot help, or do not understand, or even know how.. but let the thoughts come to mind, listen to your Heart, Gut, that inner voice trust in it. You feel a gift you have , you know of it.. use it.. is why its there.. Much peace Shadow

Keeping it Positive is so hard but can be done

Posted by haw
Many times we want to be Positive and strong and is what we are told to always try to do. then we get ourselves worked up and ready, bucked up with the power to send.. then bam.. something happens , kills many, including children. and then we feel as if all the air was takin away from us. The thing we cannot forget .. one of.. Is trust in our Higher Source to deal with these things. and another is to know that Physical presence is not the end of all. it is temporary. some things that could be said in this may seem heartless to some.. you want to sympathize if not its insensitive.. but not if you trust in Higher Source and know they deal with things as they should and we should trust in them to work all this out provided we help with sending positive energies ourself.. not falling victim to the Idea of hope is lost due to this.. when you do this you are putting doubt in you and your Higher Source.. this is where many mess up and let go.. because they seem to think that it should totally be secure for all these things if was so positive with all your efforts shouldnt happen.. Truth be known when these things do happen .. many times things are exposed to be seen by all.. that needs to be even at the price of innocent souls.. I dont follow pre destiny but for some it maybe their case in this.. and although an event can be so terrible or horrifying your energy is still working to help with progress of healing , repairing, and exposing what can be fixed for future events. as with disasters. never stop believing in the work of the positive energy in healing just keep sending it.. some cant help but too mourn or feel their hearts go out for such tragedy again all you can do is help by sending Love and energy to all and keep it going never give up because you think it doesnt work , it does and more and more now with new energies it will even more. Trust in it and your Higher Source ask your Guides to assist in anyway you think needed is what they there for and they like to work.. Much Peace Shadow

Multi dimensional perception, observation, presentation

Posted by haw
I many times myself set out to do a writing of understanding or a perception perceived in a random or common scenario. and many had been involved or seen such as I write. and when I write these I may add a touch of solution or definition to the core of the perception.. my perception.. some may agree some may not understand.. It took me awhile to understand. that my messages that come to me at times have Multidimensional meanings .. out of no where which I say is a Higher presentation hinted to me to make public and notice .. this way those involved in the same will know it has been recognized and in that they will know and feel if not they follow the perception and unknowingly add to a situation with their intents and motives or direction they take.. all I can do is make note of this recognition for those who see the message to help correct the over all issue with others or themselves. and with or If being caught up in a drama scenario and feeding it without knowing.. Then there are others who read it do not understand because they themselves have not experienced these sort of things.. yet or will not at all.. but are brought to awareness to what to look out for.. then there are those who can take my message and it come to them in a totally different light of meaning but yet still a positive message of positive intent. since we are so diverse and work in so many different ways .. my messages allow me to reach to all when possible. It does help when people know the poster and his intents.. makes it easier for them to recognize the intent behind it over all.. as it would for someone new speaking of a situation.. always 2 sides of a coin and we have to find ourselves at same time taking in a message and deciphering the cause of the post and what happened behind it .. due to not knowing anything of a person.. so then we have to generalize a basic reply of Truth .. to keep it simplified till more is known or told. My Perception can have so many meanings to another and thats great I like that they are multidimensional in understanding so even the most blinded or the most in knowing can take what they need out of it.. maybe one bit in the whole discussion that clicks with them as if they hadnt thought of it .. or forgot and take it to utilize in their work.. and will say those with the not so great intentions get the message also.. their game has been revealed and will and can easily be exposed by their actions and motives.. and when I write these allows others to see the signs.. its not hard to see simple basic facts of one trying to progress or one just trying to beat the wasp nest.. who knows those that read my writings can read it 3-4 times and each time mean something different.. thats pretty awesome.. Much Peace Shadow

The different paradigms?

Posted by haw
I know now that I understand the difference between old and new paradigms as been mentioned with old earth and New earth.. all had a general idea. I know that it didnt take allot of fluff and flash and manipulation to get there .. only be true to yourself and others.. not demanding, not enforcing, only suggesting ways of being for better and faster progress.. We knew of the new energies that were abound helping to make change and resolve and expose. to bring a more enlightened peace , hope , and break from that density that surrounded many of us. some still feel bound to their daily chaotic life but as long as they are true with their intent and stay progressive it will happen faster then before. instead of cutting through what seems like thick cheese is now jello..comparing the density that is there.. all it takes is one giving it that chance. I am finding that I have found that place with the new energy. so much that it has seperated me from allot of the old way of thinking and paradigm of the old .. which I had been partially anyway and has allowed me to speak on things as I have so much in past, straight forward truth, basic common factors. Keeping it simple to break the complication field. which keep so many blind. There are many others who will soon come to this realization of being , presence recognized in the whole of things. and is a feeling of relief although cannot look back on those who held themselves back or tried to hold you back. the compelling call to go back is no longer there. only if they seem to catch up with you in that understanding escaping that old paradigm. many are still comfy in that zone.. afraid to see whats on the other side of that door.. unsureness brings doubt.. in which is showing the lack of trust in what could possibly be something very unique and true.. I now expect even more not to be understood wholey, as it was hard in first place for some.. for it was either meant to or not.. This doesnt make me better or worse.. I just have made my pathway as simple and pure intent as possible where there is no doubt and open to all possibilities but of the progressive nature.. all I had to do.. at times I did hold myself back to help others and some climbed out of the mudhole and did fine to carry on.. others did not.. but is all I can do on my part. some changes I did not understand. but now know I dont need to.. as it was hard work but very simple process that took time and did all I could to inform others so they could choose to do the same or not..

allot of things still need work and looking into but is slowly changing in itself as long as others keep giving the positive energy it needs and mean it.. make it real. doubt takes all that away.. My thinking is very different now on an overall. but will still help those that ask for it.. and on the other hand I will be distant.. way out there..but is where I am .. to all those who tried to hold me back or my effort and cause.. doesnt matter anymore .. I have accomplished my goal.. in observation and resolves.. solutions and truth. I will appear to be totally from a different planet then many and I cannot relate .. it doesnt compute for me. and I hope many many others can soon see and feel what I have .. it is a lighter feeling even though some things didnt work out or get resolved on certain aspects. but is not of my concern or need to as long as I remain confident in my attempts and true .. is all I can do.. So for those who have sensed this but said nothing.. welcome to the newer paradigm.. takes getting use to .. grows on you like a slow ivy lol.. but takes off a load a bricks on the mind .. many were too impatient when 2012 passed and I told them this.. Enjoy Much Peace Shadow

How far have we come in equality for humanity

Posted by haw
I often wonder this.. with so many divided by preferences , via protection via fear, over empowering themselves. I still see many who seem to out themselves from the others to be beyond or of a higher place of being.. Back on Friday 13th 1307 was when the Templars were hunted down by the Catholic church of that time... hence Friday 13th.. and anyone who associated with them or gave them help would then called out as witches and so began the witch hunt.. It is odd we seek equal unity in this world but yet seems some are still hanging on to an old paradigm that was dealt with long ago.. an equality that was met and surpassed. a generalization of a group toward another is wrong.. and I see that with some of these paths.. trying to exclude others except for their very kind. and I am confused why this is happening . because it shouldnt be.. there is a higher echelon who try to hold people back but it is not the regular every day Human just trying to make ends meet as with anyone else.. and in that keep a positive outlook for all.. why is there still a segregation when in all paths I know through out history included Male and female and a mix of different countries for some.. due to some kind of war an exodus. or exile. so to see this kind of activity today comes to ask why..? and how legit and the purpose of this separation or condescending of another group mostly gender wise.. as far as I am concerned we all work together for a positive goal and outcome no matter gender or race.. to still be on something that happened in the 60's and before and been resolved and more so since. more then ever.. should not be such a vast wall of ego toward another from either.. be mindful why this is happening why is one apart of it.. is there a true reason.. or a withdrawn hate due to an over powering ego.. yeh all this is in greek but it had to be.. those who recognize and understand.. will see and know what I mean.. it is obvious to me and I ask why.. I am sure others are.. I not only seen it once or twice but several times.. a secret seclusive society trying to grow just like those we complain about.. the illuminati or whoever.. to segregate is not unity or to be prejudice in anyway toward any other human .. specially of the positive intent.. unless it makes some feel speacial they have to ask why they need that.. and acquire it from others and not from their Higher source in trust. Thank you Shadow

Pampered into dependence of the messengers

Posted by haw
Through the years there have been all kind of messages passed around with promises of one day soon keep patient the light at the end of tunnel is near hang on wait. I seen these messages last for many years leaving people hung up on anticipation of that promised change to occur waiting.. what these messages have actually done has made everything perfect as is in the moment for those that seek change. This is one reason my messages of positivity dont come with Fluff and false promises but straight truth and call for some work by others.. not dependent on another's constant promise. These multitude of messages thats been passed around has takin away from the people in putting forth effort and advancing themselves to see on a broader span of things.. with their own intelectual minds and ability to see and recognize and give themselves the power to overcome or to help change a directive or motivate it further. instead they live their grind daily life and looking to the next message of hope to answer their answers of relief. This is the main reason I did not agree with the fluffy hype of allot of channelings that were coming through.. many too uniformed to another and consistent in the same message .. I am not taking away the possibilities of positive change to happen .. now or near future anything is possible at any givin moment.. just have to keep your realization and positivity up to par not letting it go at any slight .. it takes work Physical or mental and is why some of us are here to be the physical mental antenna of energy it is within us to do so if we recognize and choose to carry it out or recognize a calling and carry that out.. and for those still not sure it will come to you. you may allready know and just are not listening to yourself.. but going by what you think others will find exceptable to work with. Alot of my messages are true and clear for a reason.. the Higher powers are of a different energy yes.. we are in this density of things with its understandings and we have to allign ourselves with it to work in it .. its like trying to live harmoniously in a reality of another dimension with no hyper chaos and trying to present it on earth to the mass it just doesnt work.. many have tried very many.. only to get run over for some..

Angels werent warriors for being sweet all the time.. channelings of the different out of the world entities that seem always sweet have had their wars.. was never 100% fluffy for all them and is kind of hard to fool some in this reality of things but yet they try .. just to keep the mass held back waiting on change without effort.. be mindful of that.. many gave up after 2012 or when an asteroid didnt hit to take them away .. and they gave up on the whole because their anticipation wasnt granted but yet is still things that need to be tended to and gave energy to to fix.. and many just gave up.. and wonder why things dont seem to change for them.. I am in a different reality of things and see and is why I been writing as I have to get these strong points across.. makes me no div as I continue as I always have to help those that seek.. all I can do is try to be as real as possible in it all and not manipulate or disguise or fluff people into doing their part.. I will not and the higher sources do not either they have been falsely presented by many and the true message is not getting out.. and for those that have continued their work will be appreciated and recognized for their efforts .. even if things are going good for some should still continue their effort for others.. what have you really learned from all the previous messages thats been givin.. that your loved and appreciated but wait things will change? thats like telling a kid stop crying and i'll give you candy.. Love is not being spoilt and pampered. and thats where the deceit lye. Much peace Shadow

Title : Earth presence "I AM ME" for those that question their path belonging
Posted by haw
Earth being "I am me" embodied souls known as humans.. or any being of life on Earth.. not of a conformed presence but of a dynamic unique purpose in various means and ways. in improving life for any in a way of progression. Not conformed to one or a series of titles nor the physical appearance of another.. many have had the issue of being raised to a certain Idea, religion, belief in which for some we come to find we do not fit in that understanding, for various reasons. for some is feeling conformed to an idea only excepted by certain groups. and we question ourselves in what am I then and am I wrong for thinking this way? where do I belong.. some feel the need to have titles in order to have a place of being on this Earth. I could list off 20 titles givin to me for me past and present or all the things I can access for my use in work.. but what matters and can be takin is the words spoken or written. One may feel more dedicated with being of a title but others use it as a place of power , existance sometimes beyond others to be heard. you do not need or have to have a title to be heard let your words speak.. When it comes to all the different paths I have found it easier to keep it down to one's intent.. not what they call themselves.. but what they present to the whole.. is it progression or does it break another down taking away from their place of existance. We have to mind our own existance and what we put out no matter what another tends to present.. so many cannot let it go or allow ego to come forth when it shouldnt. One thing I have learned if not many about these various paths is they all have a common ground in belief and understanding and thats care for Earth, Nature and all on it..

when one presents a positive idea to the whole you dont have to worry about what path you should be on.. your already on it.. but it is as simple as telling someone "I am me" They dont need to know what your speacial gifts are to be convinced or to judge you in what you may or maynot know..just take what makes sense and work with it if it doesnt then maybe someone or something else will.. we are all not same. so we will not attract all the peoples attention . no matter how basic and true one's words are but its how its presented in understanding for one. Where mine can seem confusion to some but read in multi layers or dimensions.. another can explain it in a little more english.. but is how I am and work. as I have told someone I do not speak in person as I write that is part of my gift I have in getting information across to others.. Do you feel bad for seemingly denying a religion you came conditioned to.. ? NO.. as we realize our own potential and for some with gifts we realize that we can reach beyond the little box that is givin to us.. that we can utilize our means on a wider span.. to excede a conformed way of.. so many limit your ability and power of existance and to make change and that is wrong.. anything that tells you you do not have to power is wrong.. If the spirit is within us as we are told that means we withold the abilities to do as means.. although this is said but later takin away in a contradicting manor. Seems certain groups feel you have to explain yourself , and you dont as with some of the bigger religions which I do not name them so am not showing prejudice to a certain group. we are all wise enough to know who does what. but yet they feel the right to judge and character assassinate for some of these other paths.. hypocritical in itself.. So no you do not owe anyone but your Higher source an explanation of action as you make your way through these paradigms of changes. which is a part of progression. are those who would rather you stay in the little box for many reasons.. money being one and keeping a grip on a mass for another or for manipulation purposes.. people do not understand when they push a title on another its not proving they are knowledgeable but beyond another. been times I dont mention my titles and have had some think I was beneath them because I didnt carry titles on my shoulder.. they have no clue what I know or do I present it out there to use it to power up on people.. at one hand I am as human as the next with daily life and on another hand I am something that cant be explained and is not suppose to be or needed to prove my words can be useful or true .. which many times I have helped so many . and thats what its really about..

So consider why one would throw themselves out there as the great one .. or the one that should be heard because I am this givin title and because it says so.. now grant it some may feel more part of something or excepted with having one via a group.. some just need that.. and in future they will learn what really means intent of purpose in actions and words.. Take away all path titles . what do you believe in? what calls to you? is it the Oceans. trees, animals, human existance , health , war in countries.. there are so many factors and one cant do em all.. I know ..I have been forced to back off from trying . is too many others out there that have that directive of a calling to do so. whatever you feel your compelled to explore and acknowledge and observe to bring attention to the whole to help progress the whole thats what you do and is who you are.. I know some would like recognition and oddly these jobs comes with very little here on Earth presence for many of us. sad truth is the most legit effort or intent on earth now is not what we do but what makes the corporate idea money , which is wrong but they will deal with that. maybe one day one or few of us be recognized for efforts we put out and it show .. deservingly so.. but never expect it .. know you will be givin the gratitude and satisfaction of making your attempt noticed or not is just the way it is .. So many want to be known recognized but is due to a lack of. for some is attention.. to feel like they are some body.. I cannot blame them but then that shows the real intent.. we cannot be selfish. so make sure you assessed what is within your intent and why and for who.. "I am me" is a simplest form to tell anyone who ask.. some pry to question your motives between religious differences.. many know this one.. you say your one path automatically judged and will not be givin space to speak truth or not. this is wrong on their part but is not our concern unless your calling is to do just that correct all these paths who have shunned the others.. not many want to deal with that one and I myself have battled many orthodox religions and is no reasoning or understanding.. to some of them being nice and sweet is the trick of the ol dark one.. so is a waste of good energy for many with this. I am noticing that not many are following one set path .. some Pagans also follow native American ideas and is plenty good reason why and is allot of similarities.

this is not being unfair to any path one or the other.. I know dedication plays a big part to some from what they are told.. and I know why.. mostly coven reasons with their own intents.. but any Goddess anyone follows knows .. as long as you try and move forward and follow those simple beliefs as the Rede your doing no wrong.. the conformed conditioned ideals have made some of us question something we shouldnt have to or need to.. doubting our intent or beliefs.. be confident you mean well as long as you try you are being dedicated to cause for Earth, humans and all on it.. For me I am all these paths but not dedicated to one and I am not eclectic as such. kind of but more so of a universal level then of a path presented from a group(s) centuries back. Some may keep small section of one of those big religious ideals that may seem right to them.. and gather with all other paths with what works for them.. who says its to not be that way. or its wrong? noone. they try but no they cant judge such.. there are positive aspects in all paths but some utilized to take advantage of the mass or to contradict them to confuse them.. to keep one held back to be under their power as such. needing them seemingly.. when we dont. each of us have the ability to think and use our brains we know what is right from wrong.. some maynot want to admit it or stick to that idea because it is and can be a strict situation as with me and Universal laws .. but is true value and reminder. the title "I am me" is more excepted then all the paths together if you gave one of each.. some fear from saying what they are because of all the condemnation that comes from it from the more arrogant groups.. so this would solve all that.. again you dont have to tell anyone anything.. that is what they use or try to use or withold you back with to make you less of a human or existance on this planet.. you can easily answer a door knocker when they ask your path. say "I am me" they want to know more say no that is my reservation to withold but it is of positive motives.. if they want to express their concern for you and should be with their flock.. just let em know your content and Thank you . have a nice day, good luck on your ventures and smile .. is all that has to be done or said.. these other religions have seemingly an attitude we owe them explanation somehow and you dont simple as.. and you telling them "I am me" is not you denying your path but protecting it and you.. unless your around people who dont try to condemn you as in many places that still exist today.. stone throwers with promise of hell and brimstone type.. Be what you feel like you are and what the urge or calling calls to you to serve in a purpose.. trust in your intuition , gut feeling. if still have some doubt look for validation is ways or within times it reveals itself as long as you remain true to yourself not putting something in or adding subliminal ideas without a solid confirmation through your intellectual mind..

all the powers of the world knowledge and power is within us to use .. many try to tell us we cant but we can.. believe in it give power to that idea that you can.. and be patient. I am not dedicated to any of the paths . they have been around for many centuries and have their solid grounds for existance.. but has been tampered with at times down the line to change the direction of the path for another's benefit not the wholes.. so be somewhat critical in what is just being givin to you.. dont just take what is.. if it doesnt sound right then its not meant for you but maybe is for another.. doesnt mean its bad .. but again is like branches on trees is so many avenues of understanding per person and their intent and cause and purpose.. so there is no uniform idea that follows all these traits there is no one path for all that.. some come up with a new name for a path but still becomes limited within itself and confined. We are Earth humans on this planet who come to find we have a purpose and sometimes the known Earthly means dont fit.. thats normal and ok.. wasnt suppose to..many try though.. You have the oppurtunity to see well beyond any path or idea speacialy the big major ones to see the whole in the world.. taking away that conformity way of thinking they impose.. as long as you try with positive intent and progression you will do no wrong by any means of a Higher source.. we are givin the gift by them to use .. so use it.. or waste it.. your choice and depending on what preference you have to satisfy your happiness in life and to continue work for the whole or yourself.. My work is known to cut out allot of fun for many and is obvious why.. but all n all truth be known when you can behold the knowledge of all you can receive .. means allot more then any temporary self satisfaction of a desire sent by temptation keeping hold on the energy of those that feed into it as with drama or attention.. many come to me about wow the drama over here on this other place blah blah .. but yet go back.. say its for a friend they stay but if their friend was true also they would see what is going on is wrong and would leave themselves but do not.. why? people have become a magnet to that kind of excitement due to lack of in their own to see another blasted .. kind of sick but happens.. When the people realize things can be simpler and little more crystal clear to them by removing all the static thats been imposed on us through the years the much better off the whole would be.. right now I am not really impressed with the over all human race and their interest and not being able to unify.. it is as if they like it the way it is and continue it.. and will be allowed as long as they do.. but is not my concern in that.. I will leave knowing I did my work best I could .. and thats confidence backing that up.. so I will progress .. and continue to help others see a different light if need one word or a paragraph doesnt matter truth is very simple.. and to be of true purpose doesnt need a title to prove who we are.. I am me Shadow :)

Universal law in short term and when its being violated.

Posted by haw
Universal law basicly states we can make suggestions to those that ask.. for most part they should ask first.. you can determine a hint from asking with some who are shy.. they may ask few questions and you can assist with your answer but I provide them with further research into material or ideas from other members.. more options to choose from more the merrier.. I am never the final golden word.. not intently although can be what they seek , depends.. So when one asks. we give our reply.. but we cannot enforce that is the sole way of doing.. that begins to impede on their free will of choice.. so anytime someone forces themself on you they are violating the very root Law of the Universe that most lightworkers follow or should if they are true to the cause. This is so obvious but overlooked by few for whatever reason.. it shouldnt.. only you can make a resolve with what works for you not I nor another only with suggestions you may take and refine to your need as you see it.. Again anytime someone continues to enforce themselves or ideas on you .. they are breaking that Law.. and in that reveals their intent.. to be for other reasons.. not for the whole.. and the Higher sources will deal with that.. I know this.. Much peace Shadow

Presenting your words.. Your Truth

When speaking of your own words is best to just put it out there as it comes to you.. not try to conform to a proper structure of writing of sorts.. this may sound opposite of what you were taught .. but it is true.. when we speak from our Soul minds we speak with its language which is un conformed and is part of the secret why I can speak or write and it can mean many things on many different levels of thinking by others.. which is what I refer to the Multi Dimensional definition per reader. And when you write in conformed proper English which is not the original language .. you will tend to lose allot of the messages intent and cause , purpose cutting it off by many more definitions. For those who really want to know and learn and seek Truth will see it in these is the impatient who do not.. or the half attempted try for a fast answer for a resolve they have yet to complete themselves. Dependant on answers from the writer.. but yet the words are there to utilize and then they can become of that power they need to be to overcome or surpass a situation. My writing has been denied due to its not proper.. was seen commented as such.. so they denied themselves of knowing a truth that exist within the words as are.. even more so Cryptic but an old age understanding long forgotten. Like an old language but of old wisdom. People have to learn secret knowledge is not in a vault being held. It is within us and if enough share their own.. we can solve allot of worldly issues.. Listen to your higher sources and guides. dont push away because it doesnt seem of the pre taught Earthly understanding by humans or were here to condition you to singularity thinking.. Get out of that box, let the mind explore and youll be amazed of what you will find and is nothing to fear.. thats another conditioning to keep you from doing as I just suggested.. because they know as I know the possibility and capabilities of having such knowledge at hand.. without needing a so called English teacher telling us its wrong.. when they cant even tell you why besides how words are to be placed and spelt and abbreviated.. much peace Shadow

Meet Princess aka Angel cat

Please take the time to read all my other writings in Scribd. They can assist you in progressing you down your path. Beginner or not. I have a different perception not spoken by many and is reason for this. I use my enlightened intuition and foresight and my Guides that assist me to help better inform people of a better idea of presence and how to utilize their optimum talents and gifts for themselves, empowering them to rise above and challenge presented to them. Thank you Shadow of Enchanted Forest ning

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