Sie sind auf Seite 1von 15

Chapter I Preprocessor

4 Major Functions in a computer they are I/P-> Processing> O/P> Storage 3Types of languages (a) Low level language, (b) igh level an! (c) "achine level #oth high level an! $achine level languages are converte! into $achine level language% I& both languages are having the sa$e 'rogra$s the o/' will be sa$e an! the $a(or !i&&erence will be )"ne$onics* (It is the short &or$ o& Instruction +o!e) ,-a$'le. /!!ition> /!!, 01"P> 0"P Source Program: I2 is a u$an 3ea!able 4ersion Object Program: It is a "achine 3ea!able 4ersion Interpreter: It is a line by line ,-ecution BU : It is a Progra$$ing error% Testing: 2o solve the Progra$$ing ,rror% !ompiler: It is a 2ranslator an! +onverts LL to "LL "ssembler: I2 is a 2ranslator an! +onverts LLL to "LL #in$er: It will ta5e an Ob(ect Progra$ Provi!e! into an e-ecutable 'rogra$ #oa%er: /&ter the 'rogra$$ing e-ecution, the loa!er will ta5e the e-ecutable &ile that can be auto$atically store! into the 3/"%

Chapter II Computer Organisation


It is a 'rogra$$ing ,-ecution In ra$ we are using both rea! an! write o'erations because we can $o!i&y the errors easily It is a volatile I2 is a 2e$'orary "e$ory because &ro$ I/P to O/P we can 'er&or$ in 3/" It is the "ain "e$ory or Pri$ary "e$ory because the 3/" is closely relate! to +P1(Processor)


It is a Storage area In 3O" we are using only rea! o'eration because we nee! an in&or$ation at that ti$e we can retrieve the !ata &ro$ 3O" to 3/"

It is a 6on-volatile It is a 'er$anent $e$ory because a&ter e-ecution all the 'rogra$s are store! 'er$anently I2 is secon!ary $e$ory because we are using &or storing the 'rogra$s only

Chapter III Interrupt

2o sus'en! or Sto' the nor$al &low o& e-ecution% ,ach 'rogra$ consists o& 7 ste's (8%) Stac5 (9%) 3egister (7%) Progra$ +ounter '( Stac$: It is a one ty'e o& $e$ory, In stac5 we are using &or storing the !ata, In stac5 we are using PUS) an% POP o'erations, Stac5 is a LI:O (Last In :irst Out) ;ueue. It is a :I:O (:irst in &irst out) *( &egister: 1sing &or storing the a!!ress (,ach instruction or State$ent) 3( Program !ounter: It $eans /!!ress o& the ne-t instruction can be accesse! an! also 5nown as )/ccess n 2i$e*

Chapter IV Operating System

It is an Inter&ace between the user an! a co$'uter Inter&ace is a share! boun!ary between syste$s, !evices etc% O'erating syste$s are <in!ows, 1ni-, Linu-, "ac-os("achintosh OS), //1=(/''le / 1ni-) are the O'erating Syste$s% /ll the o'erations are can be !one by the 3unning or wor5ing <ithout OS syste$ cannot be running or <or5ing

Booting: Starting an! Loa!ing an OS 2here are * Types of booting Processors are t+ere 8% !ol% Booting 9% ,arm Booting 8% !ol% Booting: #e&ore starting an OS, 2he OS can +hec5s its $e$ory an! Peri'herals 9% ,arm Booting: >irectly loa!e! an OS into the syste$ is a war$ booting In war$ booting we can )3estart (+trl ? /lt ? >el)* the syste$ also% I& the syste$ that can be )&ree@e* +on!ition at that ti$e we can restart the syste$ Types of OS

8% Batc+ Processing OS : / grou' '& instructions (or) transactions that can be treate! as a single unit , there&ore the o/' will be the sa$e i& both are the sa$e 'rogra$s 9% Time S+aring OS: Sche!uling the arranging o& the or!er in which 'rogra$s are to be run% AIn OS at any 'oint o& ti$e only one 'rogra$ can be e-ecute! 2here are &ive 'rocessing states, 8% 6ew State 9% 3ea!y State 7% 3unning State B% <aiting state C% ,-it state A In OS the 'rogra$$ing e-ecution or 'rocessing state is running state A In case the OS $ay allow the tas5 two 'rogra$s while the e-ecution o& tas58 'rogra$ the )>ea! Loc5* +on!ition will be occurre!% A<e can avoi! the !ea!loc5 situation by using 8% "utual ,-clusion 9% ol! an! <ait e-ecution Multi Processing: I& the syste$ $ay allow two or $ore 'rocessors within a single co$'uter syste$ is 5nown as a $ulti'rocessing% Multi Programming: I& one 'rogra$ can be e-ecute! into the running state, the other 'rogra$ can be sharing with the sa$e 'rogra$ is 5nown as $ulti 'rogra$$ing% Multi tas$ing: I& two or $ore 'rogra$s running at a ti$e into the running state is 5nown as $ultitas5ing% Multi Users: It $eans nu$ber o& syste$s / no!es / wor5stations%

Chapter V- Data Communications and Networks

-ata !ommunication: we can co$$unicate the !ata between the syste$s into three !i&&erent ways they are '( Simple.: In the si$'le- we are sen!ing the !ata only *( )alf -uple.: In !ata% al& >u'le- &irst we can sen! the !ata, a&ter receiving they can resen! the (/c5nowle!ge)

7% Full -uple.: In &ull !u'le- the sen!ing an! receiving can be occurre! in the sa$e ti$e% /et0or$s: I& the syste$s are interconnecte! between the syste$s &or the 'ur'ose o& !ata co$$unication 2he ISO1OSI 2International Stan%ar% Organi3ation 1 Open System Interface4 Stan!ar! 'rotocol has been 'rovi!e! D 2y'es o& Layers 2hey are

'( P+ysical layer: In Physical layer we can co$$unicate the !ata between two syste$s only, we can trans$it the !ata between the syste$s by #I2-#E-#I2 level, In 'hysical layer we are using +at-C Protocols% *( -ata lin$ #ayer: In !ata lin5 layer we can co$$unicate the !ata between a!(acent no!es or si!e by si!e notes , In !ata lin5 layer we are using 8% 1#(It is a central 'art), 9%Switches(#y $oving the !ata) an! 7%PPP(Point-to-'oint or 'eer-to-'eer) Protocols % 3( /et0or$ #ayer: 2hey are C ty'es o& networ5s are there 8%L/6(Local area 6etwor5 )-3oo$ level, 9%+/6(+a$'us area networ5)- +a$'us level, 7%"/6("etro'olitan /rea 6etwor5)-+ities level, B%</6(<i!e area networ5)- +ountry Level, C%<</6(<orl! wi!e area networ5) Feogra'hical 6/w %

It networ5s we can trans$it the !ata between the syste$s by 'ac5ets level In networ5 layer we are using IP(Internet Protocol) an! I+"P(Internet control $essage 'rotocol) </6- Internet L/6- Intranet Internet $eans an international networ5 o& co$'uter networ5s In internet we are using )2+P/IP* Protocol

4( Transport #ayer: In this layer we are using

2+P (2rans$ission control Protocol) 1>P(1ser !ata-gra$ 'rotocol)

5( Session #ayer: In this session layer we are using 3P+ (3e$ote Proce!ure +all), /n encry'tion, >ecry'tion are using in session layer% 2hese are the &unctions in these layers% 6( Presentation #ayer: In this layer we are using

S"2P. Si$'le $ail 2rans&er 'rotocol 22P. y'er 2e-t 2rans&er Protocol

7( "pplication #ayer: In /''lication layer we are using

:2P. :ile trans&er 'rotocol >6S. >o$ain na$e service/ syste$ SI",. Si$'le Internet $ail e-tension "I",. "ulti'ur'ose Internet $ail e-tension

Protocol: / set o& rules that governs to the e-change o& the !ata between the syste$s is a 'rotocol Synta.: / set o& rules that governs to the &or$ation o& vali! state$ents or instructions in a 'rogra$, / set o& that governs to the solution o& logical ste's o& a algorith$ is a Progra$$ing Language%

Chapter VI DBMS Data Base Management System!

-ata: / collection o& in&or$ation is a !ata, we $aintain the !ata at a 'articular 'lace is 5nown as a !atabase, by which we are using one so&tware is 5nown as -BMS

/ >#"S is a Structure! >ata <henever we have a large a$ount o& !ata at that ti$e only we can $aintain the !atabase <henever we nee! an in&or$ation at that ti$e we can retrieve the !ata &ro$ the table(>atabase)% / >#"S is a Structure! !ata because in >#"S we can $aintain a !atabase in a 'articular table / :ile Structures (:S) is a 6on structures !ata because we can store the &iles in the co$'uter in !i&&erent 'laces

Or!er o& the !atabase is #its> #ytes> +haracters> :iel!s> 3ecor!> :ile> >/2/#/S,%

/ +ollection o& binary !igits (G,8)is a #it / +ollection o& #ytes is a +haracter% / +ollection o& +haracter is a &iel! or /n In!ivi!ual ite$ in a !atabase is a &iel!% / +ollection o& &iel!s is a recor! or ,ach entry o& a !atabase is a recall / +ollection o& recor!s is a &ile / +ollection o& &iles is a >/2/#/S,, Pri$ary 5ey $eans (1niHue), Secon!ary 5ey $eans 3e!un!ancy or re'eat %

<e can classi&y the >#"S into 7 >i&&erent +ategories 8% >>L (>ata >e&inition Language) 9% >"L (>ata "ani'ulation Language) 7% >+L (>ata +ontrol Language) "ppen%: It $eans a!!ing the recor!s at the ,n! o& the :ile (,O:) Flo0 !+art: It is a gra'hically or !iagra$$atically or 'ictorial re'resentation o& a 'roble$% "lgorit+m: It is a ste' by ste' 'rocess &or solving a 'roble$ Program: / set o& instructions is a 'rogra$ Instruction: ,ach state$ent or each line in a 'rogra$ is consi!ere! as a one instruction Soft0are: / +ollection 'rogra$s is so&tware%

Chapter VII- Computer C"assi#ication

"nalog !omputer /n analog co$'uter (s'elt analogue in #ritish ,nglish) is a &or$ o& co$'uter that uses continuous 'hysical 'heno$ena such as electrical, $echanical, or hy!raulic Huantities to $o!el the 'roble$ being solve!% -igital !omputer / co$'uter that 'er&or$s calculations an! logical o'erations with Huantities re'resente! as !igits, usually in the binary nu$ber syste$% )ybri% !omputer 2"nalog 8 -igital4 / co$bination o& co$'uters those are ca'able o& in'utting an! out'utting in both !igital an! analog signals% / hybri! co$'uter syste$ setu' o&&ers a cost e&&ective $etho! o& 'er&or$ing co$'le- si$ulations% On t+e basis of Si3e Super !omputer 2he &astest an! $ost 'ower&ul ty'e o& co$'uter Su'erco$'uters are very e-'ensive an! are e$'loye! &or s'eciali@e! a''lications that reHuire i$$ense a$ounts o& $athe$atical calculations% :or e-a$'le, weather &orecasting reHuires a su'erco$'uter% Other uses o& su'erco$'uters inclu!e ani$ate! gra'hics, &lui! !yna$ic calculations, nuclear energy research, an! 'etroleu$ e-'loration% 2he chie& !i&&erence between a su'erco$'uter an! a $ain&ra$e is that a su'erco$'uter channels all its 'ower into e-ecuting a &ew 'rogra$s as &ast as 'ossible, whereas a $ain&ra$e uses its 'ower to e-ecute $any 'rogra$s concurrently% Mainframe !omputer / very large an! e-'ensive co$'uter ca'able o& su''orting hun!re!s, or even thousan!s, o& users si$ultaneously% In the hierarchy that starts with a si$'le $icro'rocessor (in watches, &or e-a$'le) at the botto$ an! $oves to su'erco$'uters at the to', $ain&ra$es are (ust below su'erco$'uters% In so$e ways, $ain&ra$es are $ore 'ower&ul than su'erco$'uters because they su''ort $ore si$ultaneous 'rogra$s% #ut su'erco$'uters can e-ecute a single 'rogra$ &aster than a $ain&ra$e% Mini !omputer / $i!si@e! co$'uter% In si@e an! 'ower, $inico$'uters lie between workstations an! mainframes% In the 'ast !eca!e, the !istinction between large $inico$'uters an! s$all $ain&ra$es has blurre!, however, as has the !istinction between s$all $inico$'uters an! wor5stations% #ut in general, a $inico$'uter is a $ulti'rocessing syste$ ca'able o& su''orting &ro$ B to about 9GG users si$ultaneously%

Chapter VIII Computer $eneration

F9"TU&9S OF FI&ST 9/9&"TIO/ 2':4;<':564 =acuum Tubes 8% 1se o& vacuu$ tubes 9% #ig I +lu$sy 7% igh ,lectricity +onsu$'tion B% Progra$$ing in "echanical Language C% Larger /+ were nee!e! J% Lot o& electricity &ailure occurre!

F9"TU&9S OF S9!O/- 9/9&"TIO/ 2':56<':634 Transistors 8% 2ransistors were use! 9% +ore "e$ory was !evelo'e! 7% :aster than :irst Feneration co$'uters B% :irst O'erating Syste$ was !evelo'e! C% Progra$$ing was in "achine Language I /sse$bly Language J% "agnetic ta'es I !iscs were use! D% +o$'uters beca$e s$aller in si@e than the :irst Feneration co$'uters K% +o$'uters consu$e! less heat I consu$e! less electricity T)I&- 9/9&"TIO/ F9"TU&9S 2':64<':7'4 Integrate% !ircuits 8% Integrate! circuits !evelo'e! 9% Power consu$'tion was low 7% SSI I "SI 2echnology was use! B% igh level languages were use! FOU&T) 9/9&"TIO/ !OMPUT9&S 2':7'<Present4 Microprocessors 8% LSI I 4LSI 2echnology use! 9% >evelo'$ent o& Portable +o$'uters 7% 3/I> 2echnology o& !ata storage B% 1se! in virtual reality, $ulti$e!ia, si$ulation C% +o$'uters starte! in use &or >ata +o$$unication J% >i&&erent ty'es o& $e$ories with very high accessing s'ee! I storage ca'acity FIFT) 9/9&"TIO/ !OMPUT9&S 2Present an% Beyon%4 "rtificial Intelligence 8% 1se! in 'arallel 'rocessing 9% 1se! su'ercon!uctors 7% 1se! in s'eech recognition B% 1se! in intelligent robots C% 1se! in arti&icial intelligence

Chapter I% &unction 'eys


/l$ost always use! as the hel' 5ey, al$ost every 'rogra$ will o'en the hel' screen when this 5ey is 'resse!% ,nter +"OS Setu'% <in!ows Ley ? :8 woul! o'en the "icroso&t <in!ows hel' an! su''ort center%


In <in!ows rena$es a highlighte! icon, &ile, or &ol!er in all versions o& <in!ows% /lt ? +trl ? :9 o'ens !ocu$ent win!ow in "icroso&t <or!% +trl ? :9 !is'lay the 'rint 'review win!ow in "icroso&t <or!% ;uic5ly rena$e a selecte! &ile or &ol!er%


O&ten o'ens a search &eature &or $any 'rogra$s inclu!ing "icroso&t <in!ows when at the <in!ows >es5to'%% In "S->OS or <in!ows co$$an! line :7 will re'eat the last co$$an!% Shi&t ? :7 will change the te-t in "icroso&t <or! &ro$ u''er to lower case or a ca'ital letter at the beginning o& every wor!% <in!ows Ley ? :7 o'ens the /!vance! &in! win!ow in "icroso&t Outloo5% O'en "ission +ontrol on an /''le co$'uter running "ac OS =%


O'en &in! win!ow in <in!ows MC to =P% /lt ? :B will close the 'rogra$ win!ow currently active in "icroso&t <in!ows% +trl ? :B will close the o'en win!ow within the current active win!ow in "icroso&t <in!ows%


In all $o!ern Internet browsers 'ressing :C will re&resh or reloa! the 'age or !ocu$ent win!ow% O'en the &in!, re'lace, an! go to win!ow in "icroso&t <or!% Starts a sli!eshow in PowerPoint%


"ove the cursor to the /!!ress bar in Internet ,-'lorer, "o@illa :ire&o-, an! $ost other Internet browsers% +trl ? Shi&t ? :J o'ens to another "icroso&t <or! !ocu$ent%


+o$$only use! to s'ell chec5 an! gra$$ar chec5 a !ocu$ent in "icroso&t 'rogra$s such as "icroso&t <or!, Outloo5, etc% Shi&t ? :D runs a 2hesaurus chec5 on the wor! highlighte!%


:unction 5ey use! to enter the <in!ows startu' $enu, co$$only use! to access <in!ows Sa&e "o!e%


O'ens the "easure$ents toolbar in ;uar5 C%G% 1sing the :6 5ey an! :M at the sa$e ti$e will o'en "ission +ontrol on an /''le co$'uter running "ac OS =%


In "icroso&t <in!ows activates the $enu bar o& an o'en a''lication% Shi&t ? :8G is the sa$e as right-clic5ing on a highlighte! icon, &ile, or Internet lin5% /ccess the hi!!en recovery 'artition on P an! Sony co$'uters% <ith "ac OS 8G%7 or later shows all o'en <in!ows &or active 'rogra$%


:ull-screen $o!e in all $o!ern Internet browsers% +trl ? :88 as co$'uter is starting to access the hi!!en recovery 'artition on $any >ell co$'uters% <ith "ac OS 8G%B or later hi!es all o'en win!ows an! shows the >es5to'%


O'en the Save as win!ow in "icroso&t <or!% Shi&t ? :89 save the "icroso&t <or! !ocu$ent% +trl ? Shi&t ? :89 'rints a !ocu$ent in "icroso&t <or!% O'en :irebug% <ith an /''le running "ac OS 8G%B or later :89 will show or hi!es the >ashboar!%

Chapter %- (ardware
/ +ollection o& 'hysical co$'onents is har!ware% 2he ar!ware can be !ivi!e! into '( Input -e>ices

Leyboar! "ouse Scanner Light Pen 0oy Stic5 2ouch Screen 2rac5 #all "icro Phones Stylus

<eb +a$ barco!e Scanner

*( out Put -e>ices

"onitor Printer S'ea5ers 'lotter

3( &emo>able -ata Storage -e>ice

+>->rive :lo''y >is5 "e$ory +ar!

4( -ata Ports: <here a !evice is connecte! e-ternally on to the +P1 is a Port 2hey are

Parallel 'ort Serial Port 1S# Port (1niversal Serial #us)

5( !omputer !ase

+ooling :an S"PS(Switch $o!e 'ower su''ly) ,-'ansion Processor +-"os #attery (+o$'le$entary $etal o-i!e se$i con!uctor) ar! !is5 #usses 1PS(1ninterru'te! Power Su''ly) "other #oar! Syste$ 1nit

2he #asic categories o& three co$'uter har!ware consists o& Syste$ 1nit, In'ut / Out'ut I "e$ory (Pri$ary an! Secon!ary "e$ory)

Parallel Port: <here a 'rinter is connecte! e-ternally on to the +P1 is a Parallel Port

#IOS . #asic In'ut out'ut services or syste$ that the instructions that can be sent through the #IOS to the ar!ware Printer >river .It is a So&tware that can be co$$unicate! with the Printer ar!co'y. 2hat the 'rinter that can be 'rinte! on to the 'a'er is a ar!co'y 2er$inal. It is an eHui'$ent with a 5eyboar! I Printer that is connecte! on to the syste$ or +P1

Serial Port: Serial 'ort is a serial co$$unication 'hysical Inter&ace, that the !ata can be trans$itte! I6 or O12 one bit at a ti$e Floppy -is$: It is a 'ortable !ata storage !evice, encase! in a sHuare or rectangle sha'e they are KInches, C%9CInches an! 7%CInches, 6ow a !ays in $o!ern 'ersonal co$'uters we are using 7%CInches &lo''y !is5s% UPS: It generates Power su''ly to the syste$ when the 'ower is o&&%

Chapter %I So#tware)s
/ collection o& 'rogra$s is so&tware% 2here are 7 ty'es o& so&twareNs, they are 8% Syste$ so&tware 9% Progra$$ing So&tware or 1tility so&tware 7% /''lication so&tware '( System Soft0are. / So&tware is a co$'uter so&tware, it hel's to run the syste$ an! its co$'uter har!ware% It inclu!es OS an! >evice !river% >evice >river is a so&tware that can be co$$unicate! with any co$'uter ar!ware ,g. Printer !evice *( Programming Soft0are or Utility Soft0are: It is a co$'uter so&tware, it hel's to a co$'uter 'rogra$$er to write a co$'uter 'rogra$ an! its e-ecution% It inclu!es 8% Inter'reter 9% >ebugger 7% +o$'iler//sse$bler B% Lin5er 3( "pplication Soft0are: It is so&twareO it hel's to the user to 'er&or$ a 'articular tas5 ('rogra$) It inclu!es 8% <or! 'rocessing 9% S'rea!sheet 7% Photosho'

B% Power Point C% +o$'uter Fa$es etcP In ,$be!!e! Syste$s we are using ):ir$ware* So&tware% ?Pac$age% Soft0are: It is also 5nown as Shareware (>ownloa!able &ro$ the internet with the cost) ?Free0are: So&tware that can be !ownloa!able without any cost

Chapter %II- Memory in computer

@ bits A ' byte ';*4 bytes A ' $ilobyte ';*4 $ilobytes A ' megabyte ';*4 megabytes A ' gigabyte ';*4 gigabytes A ' terabyte ';*4 terabytes A ' peta byte

' $ilobyte A ' $ ' megabyte A ' MB ' gigabyte A ' B ' terabyte A ' TB ' peta byte A ' PB

Si3e in BbytesC
Dilobyte 2DB4 A 'E;*4 Megabyte 2MB4 A 'E;4@E576 igabyte 2 B4 A 'E;73E74'E@*4 Terabyte 2TB4 A 'E;::E5''E6*7E776 Peta byte 2PB4 A 'E'*5E@::E:;6E@4*E6*4

Chapter %III Bars In Computer

Title Bar: It contains $ini$ise, "a-i$i@e an! +lose% Menu Bar: / +ollection o& $enus is a $enu bar% Toolbar: / collection o& co$'uter clic5able buttons is a toolbar% Status Bar: 2he win!ow one is 'resently running on to the !es5 to' is a status bar( Tas$bar: It contains tas5s win!ows, >ate an! 2i$e In "S-,-cel (S'rea!sheet), we are using Bformula barC%

<e can give s'ace between two wor!s by using space bar( "%%ress Bar. In a!!ress bar we can locate the a!!ress%

Chapter %IV &i"e &ormats

'4 (Bitmap 2(BMP4: It is a one ty'e o& $e$ory organi@ation that the i$age that can be re'resents with GNs an! 8Ns% (-IP 2-e>ice In%epen%ent Bitmap4: In this &ile &or$at we are using &or storing the bit$a' i$ages or !igital i$ages *4 (FP9 2Foint P+otograp+ic 9.pert i$ages% roup4: In this &ile &or$at we are using &or storing the 'hotogra'hic

34 ( IF 2 rap+ic Interc+ange Format4: In this &ile &or$at we are using &or storing the gra'hical i$ages 44 !ompresse% Files 2(GIP4: / +o$'resse! &ile is a !ata co$'ression, / QIP &ile contains one or $ore &iles that have been )re!uce! to the &ile si@e* (GIP A Gicsac Inline Pin 54 ()TM# 2)yper Te.t Mar$up #anguage4: It is use! to create the web 'ages%

Chapter %V 'ey*oard Shortcut 'eys

"lt 8 F "lt 8 9 F' !trl 8 " !trl 8 F !trl 8 H S+ift 8 -el !trl 8 ! !trl 8 Ins !trl 8 = S+ift 8 Ins !trl 8 P )ome !trl 8 )ome 9n% !trl 8 9n% S+ift 8 )ome File menu options in current program( ,!it o'tions in current 'rogra$ 1niversal el' in al$ost every <in!ows 'rogra$% Select all te-t% O'en &in! win!ow &or current !ocu$ent or win!ow% +ut selecte! ite$% +ut selecte! ite$% +o'y selecte! ite$% +o'y selecte! ite$ Paste Paste Print the current 'age or !ocu$ent% Foes to beginning o& current line% Foes to beginning o& !ocu$ent% Foes to en! o& current line% Foes to en! o& !ocu$ent% ighlights &ro$ current 'osition to beginning o& line% S+ift 8 9n% ighlights &ro$ current 'osition to en! o& line% !trl 8 #eft arro0 "oves one wor! to the le&t at a ti$e% !trl 8 &ig+t arro0 "oves one wor! to the right at a ti$e%

'( "S!II: /$erican Stan!ar! +o!e &or In&or$ation Interchange

o o

It is a D bit co!ing In /S+II we are having 89Kchars but( GP%89D) chars are involve!

'2a4( 9.ten%e% "S!II or 9B!-I!: ,-ten!e! #inary +o!e! >eci$al Interchange +o!e

It is a K bit co!ing In ,>+>I+ we are having 9CJchars but(GPP%9CC) chars are involve!

*( "rc+i>e: It is a bac5u' storage area,

2he 3a$ is a te$'orary $e$ory 2he #u&&er is a te$'orary storage area

3( Byte: / +ollection o& K bits is a byte% / +ollection o& B bits is a nibble% 4( !ac+e Memory: It is the 'art o& the $ain $e$ory cache is a s$aller, &aster $e$ory, which co'ies all o& the !ata &ro$ the $ost &reHuently use! &unctions into the $ain $e$ory location 5( =irtual memory: I& our 'rogra$ si@e is larger than the si@e o& the $ain $e$ory, the re$aining 'art o& the 'rogra$ can be auto$atically store! into virtual $e$ory 6( !omputer Security. 2o chec5 the PI6 co!es, Passwor!s &ro$ their ># access be&ore we are entering into the syste$ is a !ata vali!ation

ac5er . it is an illegal entry into the co$'uter Syste$-R 2o give the security >/2/-R 2o give the 'rotection 2he secret co!e that restricts to give so$e syste$s is a )'asswor!*

7( Fire0all: In :irewall we are using &or 6/< security% 2he &irewall can be 'revente! whether it its authori@e! or unauthori@e! $essages Pro.y ser>er: 2he 'ro-y server can 'rocess the client reHuest an! re'ly &or their )<ebPages*% @( MO-9M: Mo%ulator<-emo%ulator In "o!e$ we are using in !ial-u'-connection or broa!ban! or Internet or 2ele'hone connection or >ial u' +onnection >ial-1'-+onnection. /3P/ 6et (/!vance! 3esearch Pro(ects /gency 6etwor5) an! /3+ 6et(/ttachet 3esource! +o$'uter networ5 ) ISP. Internet service Provi!er :( TO i>e: 2rans&er or /''rove

To Ta$eE BringE !opyE &ecei>e: >ownloa! or I$'ort

';( =irus: 4irtual In&or$ation 3esource un!er siege% <hen the virus co$es into the syste$, the syste$ van be in&ecte! their &iles% 2ro(an horse, "alware, <or$s I Logic #o$b are the s'ecial ty'es o& viruses% ''( Programming #anguages: (I)%#asic. #eginners all 'ur'ose sy$bolic Instruction +o!e -> <e are using &or beginners (ii) :ortran. :or$ula 2ranslation R &or $athe$atics a''lications (iii) +O#OL. +o$$on #usiness Oriente! Language R #usiness a''lications (iv) LOFO. Logic Oriente! Fra'hic Oriente! R :or +hil!renNs 'ictures, !iagra$s (v) LISP. List 'rocessing R In PPL (Princi'le o& 'rogra$$ing language) (vi) P3OLOF. Logic Progra$$ing R I6 /%I (/rti&icial Intelligence) (vii) P/S+/L. Scienti&ic +alculation (viii) />/. "ilitary /''lications in 1S/ (i-) 0/4/. Internet /''lication (-) /LFOL. /lgorith$ic Language '*( -is$: is a !ata storage !evice +>. +o$'act >is5 / >4>. >igital versatile !is5 '3( 9<mail: ,lectronic "ail. 2o trans&er the te-t $essages via a co$'uter networ5 In ,$ail !! is a +arbon co'y / B!! is a #lin! +arbon +o'y / Fun$ mail or unsolicite! $ail is a s'an%

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