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The Shoulder Girdle:

Kinesiology Review
Pamela K Levangie, PT, DSC, and Ellen Cook Humphrey, PT, MAPT,

and stability components that support shoulder function,

Objectives knowledge of anatomy alone is insufficient to understand
After reading this continuing education (CE) article and the potential sources of pain and dysfunction in the
reviewing shoulder girdle anatomy, you should be able to interdependent joints of the shoulder girdle, cervical spine,
meet the following objectives: and rib cage.
• Describe the intra-articular and capsuloligamentous
structure of the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and Through this case example, we will review the bio-
glenohumeral joints and the osteokinematic and mechanics of the joints of the shoulder girdle that may be
arthrokinematic movements that take place at each implicated when a patient has shoulder pain and
joint. hypomobility. We will first discuss the history and systems
review that provide a “snapshot” of the case; then, we will
• Describe the interrelationship among the
review the kinesiologic considerations that contribute to
scapulothoracic, sternoclavicular, and acromioclavicular
the subsequent selection of tests and measures. The initial
joints, including the roles of the coracoclavicular and
examination and the evaluation of examination data
costoclavicular ligaments and the muscles that act on
follow. For the purpose of this case, the interdependent
these joints.
issues of joint integrity and muscle performance for the
• Explain the structural components and synergy of
shoulder girdle are emphasized in the examination.
muscles necessary to stabilize and complete a full range Because the primary objective of this case is to review
of active elevation of the arm at the glenohumeral joint. shoulder girdle kinesiology, we will review prognosis and
• Identify factors that may place a shoulder at increased intervention only briefly. Knowledge of muscle anatomy
risk for an impingement problem. (attachments, innervation, and basic functions) and of joint
• Explain how a given capsuloligamentous or muscular configurations (osteology and arthrology) is assumed.
restriction to motion of the clavicle, scapula, or Readers who want to review these elements are
humerus can affect normal movement of the arm. encouraged to refer to a basic anatomy text, such as Gray’s
• Identify factors that may increase the risk of shoulder Anatomy1 or Clinically Oriented Anatomy.2
girdle hypomobility in a patient who had a mastectomy
with adjuvant radiation. Examination
Pamela K Levangie, PT, DSc, is associate professor,
Physical Therapy Program, Sacred Heart University, History
Fairfield, Connecticut. Ellen Cook, PT, MAPT, OCS, ATC,
was instructor, Department of Physical Therapy and JD is a 50-year-old woman who has been referred to a
Human Movement Sciences, Northwestern University physical therapist by her primary care physician for
Medical School, Chicago, Illinois. management of right shoulder pain. She is a high school
science teacher. Married with two adult children, she lives
in and cares for her own two-story home, commutes to
work 1 hour by car, and walks 2 miles each day.
JD reports intermittent right antero-superior shoulder pain
In the May 2000 issue of PT, Davies and Durall discussed
that began 5 months ago, apparently in connection with
rotator cuff impingement, focusing on recognizing atypical
breast implant reconstruction. Symptoms were exacerbated
symptoms. This month’s continuing education offering
recently (with no identifiable precipitating factor), leading
focuses on shoulder girdle kinesiology in a case involving a
her to seek medical attention.
patient who has shoulder dysfunction secondary to a
bilateral mastectomy, high-dose chemotherapy, and breast
implant surgery. JD describes her pain as dull and aching, with an
occasional sharp twinge aggravated by lifting and reaching
above shoulder level (7/10 on a verbal pain scale [VPS]).
Management of patients with any type of shoulder
She is independent in activities of daily living (ADL), but
dysfunction poses a particular challenge to clinicians,
she reports fatigue and pain (5/10 on a VPS) with blow-
because they must recall and apply their knowledge of
drying her hair, household cleaning, or spending any
shoulder girdle kinesiology. Given the complex mobility
amount of time at the blackboard at school, and she and appear to adhere to the thorax. Limited skin mobility
reports an inability to fasten her bra behind her back. extends into the axilla. The left chest wall shows a well-
Symptoms are relieved to 2/10 on a VPS with rest, healed 4-inch horizontal scar over the implanted breast
ibuprofen, and ice. JD reports that she is unable to sleep mound.
on her right side because of pain. She is right-hand
dominant. Musculoskeletal system. The physical therapist observes
that the right scapula is protracted and tipped forward and
Prior to the fall of 1997, JD indicated that she was active that the right arm is slightly medially rotated. There is a
and in good health, with only occasional bouts of low back moderate increase in the cervico-thoracic kyphosis, and the
pain. In the fall of 1997, she had a stage III malignancy cervical spine is in mild lateral flexion to the right and
removed from her right breast. Two weeks later, she rotation on the left. There is a mildly increased lumbar
underwent a bilateral mastectomy, with prophylactic lordosis.
removal of the left breast. She opted for implant
reconstruction at the time of her surgery. The left tissue JD has pain and hypomobility of the right shoulder girdle.
expander was put into place, but the right tissue expander She reports discomfort (4/10 on a VPS) with active
was withheld because the lymph nodes were positive for shoulder abduction. Horizontal adduction do not increase
cancer, indicating a need for adjuvant radiation. discomfort; however, JD reports a “pulling” sensation at
the anterior chest wall. JD does not perceive
JD received 4 months of high-dose chemotherapy, which hyperextension as painful, but it exacerbates the pulling
was completed in March 1998. Treatment concluded in sensation. JD is able to just reach the back of her head on
June 1998 after 6 weeks of routine radiation to the right the right (2/10 on a VPS) and is able to put her right hand
chest wall and axilla. In October, JD had a tissue expander in the small of her back, but she cannot lift her hand off
inserted for stage I reconstruction of the right breast her back in that position without pain. Range of motion
mound. (ROM) on the left appears to be adequate for JD’s usual
Despite slow tissue expansion over 6 months, the
postradiation fibrotic tissue changes resulted in the With JD in a standing position as she performs the
extrusion of the expander through the healed incision. The motions, the physical therapist uses visual observation to
expander was removed, and a saline implant was inserted. estimate active ROM for the shoulder girdle as 135 degrees
After 3 weeks, the sutures were removed, and the incision of flexion, 70 degrees of abduction, and 30 degrees of
reopened 12 hours later. The implant was removed. extension. At JD’s maximal active shoulder abduction,
Incision healing from the last surgery was compromised, horizontal adduction is estimated to be 110 degrees, and
and complete wound closure took 3 months, with one horizontal abduction is estimated to be 10 degrees from
wound infection that was treated successfully. the frontal plane.

JD reports that a recent set of bone and computed Neuromuscular system. No impairments were noted in
tomography scans was negative for metastatic disease. She the neuromuscular system.
is currently taking tamoxifen.
With this picture of JD in mind, we will now review the
Systems Review joint structures of the shoulder girdle that may be
associated with JD’s pain and limited ROM.
The physical therapist performs a systems review as part of
the examination process before determining the complete
battery of tests and measures that will be used to examine
Kinesiology: The Shoulder Girdle
Cardiovascular/pulmonary system. No impairments The function of the shoulder girdle is to move the long
were noted in the cardio-vascular/pulmonary system. lever of the upper extremity though a large frame of space
for the placement of the hand. Concomitantly, the
Integumentary system. The physical therapist notes that shoulder girdle must provide a stable base from which
the right anterior chest wall incision is 3 inches long, hand function can be performed. The structurally
puckered, and extends diagonally into the axilla. There is a contradictory mobility and stability demands on the
pronounced anterior axillary fold. The skin over and shoulder are met by distributing motion through a set of
around the surgical scar appears to adhere to the open- and closed-chain linkages that contribute in different
underlying tissue and bone, and the ribs beneath the scar ways to the dynamic stability requirements. Interference
appear to be depressed relative to the surrounding ribs. with the active or passive components of any one of the
The scar and surrounding tissue are completely immobile bony interfaces can, and commonly does, change the

dynamic at one or more of the other interfaces. Closer The angle of inclination of the articulating surfaces varies
examination of the functional demands of the linkages is considerably from person to person.8 There also may be a
necessary to understand the possible sources of pain and fibrocartilaginous disk, depending on the individual’s age
hypomobility experienced by JD. and the degree of degeneration in the joint.9 The joint is
supported by a relatively weak capsule and stronger
Scapulothoracic joint. Clinicians must know the superior and inferior ligaments that are reinforced
components that contribute to scapulothoracic (ST) superiorly by aponeurotic fibers of the trapezius and
position and motion in order to understand how the deltoid muscles.9,10 The coracoclavicular ligament is
glenoid fossa moves to receive the rotating humeral head composed of two bands (the conoid and trapezoid) that
and how the scapula adjusts to maintain the proper length firmly join the coracoid process of the scapula to the
tension in the muscles that move the humerus. The ST clavicle, thus maintaining a relatively fixed relationship
joint is a “functional” joint and does not have the fibrous, between the scapula and the clavicle and enhancing the
cartilaginous, or capsular connections that characterize stability of the AC joint. The coracoclavicular ligament
anatomic joints. The scapula is attached to the thorax plays a critical role in the interdependence of the ST, AC,
anatomically by the articulation between the acromion of and SC joints.
the scapula and the lateral end of the clavicle and by the
articulation between the clavicle and the manubrium of the The AC joint would appear to allow 3 degrees of freedom
sternum. Consequently, the functional ST joint forms a for the scapula. The first 2 degrees of freedom are not
closed chain with the acromioclavicular (AC) and often appreciated as part of normal function but are key to
sternoclavicular joints (SC), and the motion of the scapula keeping the scapula against the rib cage as the scapula
on the thorax depends on the other two articulations. moves around the medial-lateral and superior-inferior
convexity of the thorax.10,11 Terminology for these
The scapula normally sits on the thorax between the motions is used inconsistently in the literature. For the
second and seventh ribs, with the medial border purposes of this article, the first degree of freedom is
approximately 2 inches from the midline.3 Given the described as medial/lateral rotation of the scapula (motion
curvature of the thorax, the scapula typically does not lie in of the glenoid fossa around a vertical axis through the AC
the frontal plane but rests 30 to 40 degrees anterior to the joint). Medial rotation at the AC joint allows the scapula to
frontal plane (medially rotated or winged) and tipped 8 to round the substantial medial-lateral curvature of the rib
20 degrees anteriorly from vertical.4 The ST joint is cage during scapular protraction. As a result of the medial
capable of the interdependent motions of superior rotation of the scapula, the glenoid fossa faces anteriorly
translation (elevation), inferior translation (depression), rather than laterally during flexion of the arm and remains
protraction and retraction, and upward and downward behind the flexed humeral head.
rotation. These motions cannot occur, however, unless
there is adequate integrity of the AC and SC joints. The second degree of freedom at the AC joint is the
anterior and posterior tipping of the superior scapula
Together, the ST, AC, and SC joints normally contribute (motion around a side-to-side axis through the AC joint).
60 degrees to the elevation of the arm. For our purposes,
elevation is defined as movement of the upper extremity The third degree of freedom for the AC joint is the
from the side anywhere between the frontal and sagittal traditionally described scapular motion of upward and
planes. The ST joint contributes to elevation by upwardly downward rotation, which appears to occur around an
rotating the glenoid fossa (upward rotation of the scapula). anteroposterior axis at the AC joint. Under normal
There is a consensus that the trapezius and serratus conditions, however, little if any upward rotation actually
anterior muscles each make important contributions to occurs at the AC joint. True upward rotation at the AC
producing the upward rotation of the scapula that is joint requires that the coracoid process of the scapula
required for elevation (both flexion and abduction) of the move inferiorly and away from the clavicle. The separation
arm; however, there is some disagreement about relative of the coracoid process and clavicle is prevented by the
contributions and sequencing.4-7 These muscles are coracoclavicular ligament that binds these two bony
particularly important because there are no other muscles segments together. The ligament maintains a relatively
capable of upwardly rotating the scapula and, therefore, no constant angle between the clavicle and the superior
possibilities for substitution. border of the scapula (the scapuloclavicular angle). As long
as the coracoclavicular ligament is intact, the scapula
Acromioclavicular joint. The acromion of the scapula is cannot upwardly rotate around an anteroposterior axis at
joined to the lateral clavicle at the AC joint. The AC joint the AC joint (Fig. 1). Upward rotatory forces applied to
is essentially a plane joint, with variablity among the scapula by the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles,
individuals as to which surface is concave and which is therefore, produce the motion not at the AC joint but at
convex.1 The angle of inclination of the articulating the next available linkage in the chain—that is, at the SC
surfaces also varies considerably from person to person.8 joint.

Given that upward rotation of the scapula relative to the still prevents upward rotation at the AC joint. The upward
clavicle cannot occur at the AC joint, it appears that the rotatory force on the scapula can no longer be dissipated
primary role of the AC joint is to allow the scapula to through SC joint elevation, however. As the active muscles
adjust to the changing contour of the thorax through attempt to pull the coracoid process away from the
medial/lateral rotation and anterior/posterior tipping. clavicle, tension in the coracoclavicular ligament (especially
Injury to or degenerative changes in the AC joint are the conoid portion15) builds to the point at which the
common and increase with age. Pathology of the AC joint posteroinferior attachment of the ligament on the clavicle
may, in the acute stages, result in pain and hypomobility is drawn toward the coracoid process. As the inferiorly
secondary to that pain. However, persistent subluxation located ligament is drawn toward the coracoid process, the
and dislocation (hypermobility) or fixation and fusion inferior surface of the clavicle is drawn anteriorly, rotating
(hypomobility) does not appear to result in long-term the clavicle around its longitudinal axis into what might be
functional limitations.12-14 termed posterior rotation.

Sternoclavicular joint. The SC joint is an incongruent, Given the crank or “S” shape of the clavicle, the rotation
saddle-shaped joint with three degrees of freedom. Its of the clavicle causes the acromial end of the clavicle to
congruence and stability are substantially enhanced by a flip up (Fig. 2, inset). When the lateral end of the clavicle
fibrocartilaginous joint disk that diagonally transects the flips up, it carries the attached scapula with it, further
joint space (from the superior clavicular facet to the tilting the glenoid fossa upwardly through another 30
inferior manubrial facet). The joint is further supported by degrees (Fig. 2b). Longitudinal rotation of the clavicle
a strong capsuloligamentous structure. Elevation and presumably requires mobility at both the AC and the SC
depression of the clavicle at the SC joint requires the large joints. However, fixation of the AC joint does not appear
medial end of the clavicle (convex vertically)1 to glide in a to result in long-term restrictions to clavicular motion.12-14
direction opposite to the motion of the lateral end of the We can conclude that mobility at the SC joint is mandatory
clavicle. Protraction and retraction require the shallow for full scapular ROM as long as the coracoclavicular
antero-posterior concavity of the medial clavicle1 to glide ligament is intact. The need for AC mobility is less clear,
in the same direction as the movement of the end of the but restriction at either the AC or the SC joint, regardless
clavicle. of the reason, typically will result in hypermobility of the
other joint as long as that joint is not otherwise restricted.15
When active elevation of the arm is initiated, activity in the
upper trapezius muscle will pull the acromion and lateral In summary, the following four factors are necessary to
end of the clavicle up while the other segments of the achieve the normal 60 degrees of ST contribution to
trapezius and the serratus anterior muscles exert an elevation of the arm:
upward rotatory force on the scapula. The scapula cannot
• SC joint mobility to allow the clavicular elevation
upwardly rotate at the AC joint, as already noted, because
and rotation necessary to swing the glenoid fossa of
the coracoclavicular ligament maintains a fixed
the scapula upwardly.
scapuloclavicular angle. Rather, the upward rotatory forces
of the trapezius and serratus anterior on the scapula are • AC joint mobility to allow anterior and posterior
dissipated at the next available joint: the SC joint. The tipping and medial and lateral rotation of the scapula
trapezius and serratus anterior muscles produce upward to maintain appropriate contact of the scapula with
rotation of the scapula not by rotating the AC joint but by the thorax.
elevating the clavicle at the SC joint. As the clavicle • Trapezius and serratus anterior muscle activity to
elevates, the superior border of the scapula tilts upwardly, drive the scapula into upward rotation.
as does the glenoid fossa (Fig. 2a). Clavicular elevation • Extensibility of other scapular and clavicular
created by the trapezius and serratus anterior muscles muscles to allow normal ST motion as well as
produces the first 30 degrees of upward rotation of the clavicular elevation and rotation.
scapula and its glenoid fossa. When the costoclavicular
ligament becomes taut, elevation at the SC joint is Glenohumeral joint. The articulation of the large humeral
complete. There still remains, however, an additional 30 head with the smaller glenoid fossa and differences in the
degrees of upward rotation of the scapula that must be radii of curvature of the two surfaces make the
provided to complete a full range of elevation of the arm. glenohumeral (GH) joint incongruent. The glenoid labrum
(a fibrous structure with a fibrocartilaginous transition
The final 30 degrees of scapular upward rotation that are zone at its attachment to the periphery of the glenoid
needed to complete the ST joint’s contribution to elevation fossa16) increases the depth of the glenoid fossa.17 The
of the upper extremity is provided through rotation of the joint capsule is large and loose and is reinforced by several
clavicle around its longitudinal axis. As the trapezius and ligaments, including the superior, middle, and inferior GH
serratus anterior muscles continue to exert an upward ligaments as well as the coracohumeral ligament.
rotatory force on the scapula, the coracoclavicular ligament

The superior capsule, superior GH ligament, and The articulation of the large humeral head with the smaller
coracohumeral ligament appear to be interconnected.18,19 glenoid fossa requires the humeral head to glide in a
Harryman et al19 found that the interconnected ligaments direction opposite to the motion of the distal humerus in
bridged the gap between the supraspinatus and order for full GH ranges to be completed. These accessory
subscapularis tendons and also had fibrous connections to motions are required to keep the large humeral head
those tendons and to the sheath surrounding the long head centered in the glenoid fossa. The accessory motions
of the biceps tendon. This complex of interconnected include translatory glides and rotation of the bone around
tendons and ligaments is referred to as the rotator interval its long axis. This rotation around the long axis is referred
capsule.19-21 The passive components of the rotator to as conjunct rotation1,23 rather than medial and lateral
interval capsule provide the necessary support for rotation, because the motion does not add an additional
preventing inferior subluxation of the humeral head on the degree of freedom to the humerus; rather, the motion
shallow glenoid fossa in the neutral or dependent position serves to minimize migration of the humeral head on the
(0 degrees). When the arm is in the dependent position fossa. Although some of the accessory glides and conjunct
with no load or a moderate load, the passive structures rotations may vary with individual differences in articular
alone can support the humeral head against the downward and periarticular influences, it is necessary to center the
pull of gravity without active contributions from humeral head as much as possible during abduction and
surrounding muscles.22,23 As the upper extremity is scaption because unopposed upward rolling of the
elevated, the superior structures at the GH joint become humeral head on the fossa could result in an impingement
slack as GH end-range is approached, and the inferior GH of the humeral head into the overhanging coracoacromial
ligament complex (with its anterior band, posterior band, arch.
and axillary pouch24) becomes more important in limiting
inferior translation of the humeral head.17,21,24 The potential for upward migration of the humeral head is
accentuated by the direction of pull of the three
In the middle of the glenohumeral ROM, the components of the deltoid muscle that serve as primary
capsuloligamentous complex is largely slack,21 allowing as movers for abduction and scaption. When abduction or
much as a 2- to 3-mm distraction of the joint.1 scaption is initiated, the deltoid generates a nearly vertical
Concomitant medial or lateral rotation of the humerus upward pull on the humerus that, if unopposed, would
affects the relative contributions of these passive structures superiorly translate the humeral head into the
as well. The close-packed position of a joint is the point in coracoacromial arch. Although flexion also tends to
the joint ROM where the capsuloligamentous structures translate the humeral head superiorly on the fossa, the
are maximally taut and the joint surfaces are drawn coracoacromial arch is not in the way, and the primary
together. The close-packed position of the GH joint is movers for flexion (anterior deltoid, coracobrachialis, and
considered to be full abduction and lateral rotation.1 clavicular pectoralis major muscles) produce a more
oblique and, therefore, smaller superiorly directed force.
Controversy surrounds what are considered to be the The muscles of the rotator cuff provide the active forces
available ranges for elevation at the GH joint. These needed to offset upward rolling of the humeral head, to
ranges apparently vary from person to person, which is not offset the upward translatory pull of the deltoid, and to
surprising, given what appear to be substantial individual center the humeral head on the glenoid fossa. Checks to
and side-to-side differences in articular surfaces and in superior translation cannot be provided by the passive
capsuloligamentous contributions. The GH joint is most structures because the rotator interval capsule is slack
commonly considered to have 120 degrees of abduction when the arm is elevated and because the inferior GH
(frontal plane); however, reports of normal ranges as small ligament complex can restrain inferior but not superior
as 90 degrees are not uncommon.3,25,26 Glenohumeral translations. The capsular structures (along with muscles)
flexion and elevation in the plane of the scapula (so-called do seem to contribute to the conjunct rotations that
“scaption”27) are more consistently estimated at 120 accompany GH motion and to minimize translatory
degrees, but smaller ranges also have been reported for motions within the joint.17,19,31
this plane of movement.28,29 Full GH abduction requires
simultaneous lateral rotation of the humerus, which is Rotator cuff muscles. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus,
necessary to prevent the greater tubercle from making teres minor, and subscapularis muscles form the rotator
contact with the coracoacromial arch. If sufficient lateral cuff and are credited with providing dynamic stability to
rotation cannot be provided, the greater tubercle will the GH joint. The combined line of pull of the
impinge on the coracoacromial arch by 60 degrees of GH supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis
motion.9,25 Although scaption presumably allows elevation muscles is nearly perpendicular to the humerus and
to proceed without the necessity of clearing the greater directed into the glenoid fossa, making these muscles
tubercle, 35 to 40 degrees of lateral rotation has been strong and effective compressors and stabilizers of the GH
found to typically accompany a full range of scaption.30 joint.32 The stabilizing function is enhanced by the fibrous
connections of the cuff tendons to the GH capsule.10
Furthermore, the infraspinatus, teres minor, and
subscapularis muscles have a line of pull that is slightly The suprahumeral space between the humeral head and
downward (caudal), allowing the muscles to produce the arch contains the subacromial bursa, the supraspinatus
downward gliding of the humeral head on the fossa.33 The muscle and tendon, the superior GH capsule, and part of
role of the supraspinatus muscle differs somewhat from the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle.
that of the infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis When the suprahumeral space is reduced, the potential for
muscles, because its line of pull would effect gliding of the painful impingement and compromise of these structures
humeral head superiorly (cephalad) rather than inferiorly.34 exists. Anatomic factors that may narrow the space
The supraspinatus muscle also is capable of abducting the include, but are not limited to, the shape and orientation of
GH joint independently of the deltoid muscle and makes the inferior acromion,17 changes in the growth epiphysis of
an active contribution to resisting inferior translation of the acromion, acromial spurs, AC osteophytes, and a large
the humeral head when the arm is at the side and has a coracoacromial ligament.20 The space also can be
heavy load.23 narrowed dynamically if the superior translatory pull of the
deltoid muscles during attempted elevation of the arm is
The long head of the biceps brachii muscle passes through not sufficiently offset by the inferior pull of the
a tunnel formed by the coracohumeral ligament to reach infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles.
the supraglenoid tubercle and has connections through its
sheath to the rotator interval capsule as well as to the When the rotator cuff and the deltoid are working in
glenoid labrum. It is considered by some to be part of the appropriate synergy, the humeral head remains relatively
rotator cuff mechanism.20 The long head of the biceps centered on the glenoid fossa, and little superior
muscle, when active, may augment stability of the GH displacement occurs.30,39 There is still evidence, however,
joint at lower levels of elevation by centering the humeral that the pressures in the subacromial bursa increase with
head on the glenoid fossa.35 Although the long head of the elevation of the loaded upper extremity. These pressure
biceps does not appear to be able to contribute directly to increases may be attributable to the increased volume of
downward gliding of the humeral head,35,36 its role as a the supraspinatus muscle as it contracts during the activity
secondary stabilizer of the GH joint is supported by and occupies more of the suprahumeral space. Cailliet9
observations of hypertrophy of the long head in the notes that subacromial bursitis and supraspinatus tendinitis
presence of rotator cuff tears.35,37 often occur simultaneously (primary subacromial bursitis is
rare) because the inferior portion of the subacromial bursa
The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and is the outer sheath of the supraspinatus muscle and
subscapularis muscles work during active flexion, scaption, tendon. Inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon can
and abduction of the GH joint to offset the upward pull of therefore create secondary subacromial bursitis.
the deltoid muscle, stabilize the GH joint, and augment the
rotatory force of the deltoid. The supraspinatus muscle Total scapulohumeral motion. In addition to
may be called upon to assist with limiting inferior considering the individual structures of the shoulder,
translation of the humeral head by gravitational forces. physical therapists should consider the coordinated
The infraspinatus and teres minor (and perhaps, to a lesser interaction of the ST and GH joints in producing elevation
extent, the supraspinatus) muscles make an additional of the upper extremity.
contribution to GH abduction by providing the lateral
rotation necessary to clear the greater tubercle. As a result Medial rotation and lateral rotation of the arm primarily
of the multi-dimensional roles of the supraspinatus, are functions of the GH joint. Full scaption and abduction
infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis muscles, of the arm require not only 90 to 120 degrees of GH
chronic overuse results in degenerative changes that motion but also 60 degrees of upward rotation of the
increase with age even if such changes are not scapula that must involve the SC joint and, to a lesser
symptomatic.9,10,38 The supraspinatus muscle is particularly extent, the AC joint. Flexion of the arm has requirements
vulnerable because it is either active (in elevation activities) similar to those of abduction but includes the additional
or passively stretched (with the arm in the dependent requirement of scapular protraction that must accompany
position) during a large portion of a person’s waking upward rotation.
hours. The position of the supraspinatus muscle and
tendon below the coracoacromial arch also contributes to Various researchers have conducted extensive
increased risk for impingement and degenerative changes. investigations of the ratio of GH to ST movements. A
substantial variability in ratios of GH to ST movements
Coracoacromial arch. The coracoacromial arch is an has been found between individuals and under different
osteoligamentous vault consisting of the coracoid process, load conditions.40,41 The rhythm or timing of GH and ST
the coracoacromial ligament, and the acromion process. It movements essentially is irrelevant to clinical examination,
serves the functions of preventing superior dislocation of however, because any interference with any component of
the humeral head and protecting the humeral head from the movement at the various linkages will alter the
downwardly directed forces at the lateral shoulder. sequencing and ratio of the movement. Every patient will

use whatever motion is available, regardless of ratios and accessory mobility, and goniometric measurements. The
proportions. For instance, if only GH motion is available, therapist also wants to explore the nature of the limitation
the patient still should be able to achieve 90 to 120 degrees at the involved joints; that is, to explore whether the
of elevation (subject to the position of the scapula). dysfunction appears to be consistent with contractile or
passive (inert) structures.43 The goniometric measurement
Correspondingly, if the GH joint is immobilized by fusion of total active and passive ROM, as well as ROM with a
or adhesive capsulitis, the scapula still can achieve its full manually stabilized scapula (GH ROM), are shown in the
60 degrees of upward rotation and the arm still can move Table.
60 degrees from the side (assuming neutral GH
positioning). Partial contributions from each joint also can ROM values and passive end-feels for the joints of the left
occur if both joints encounter restrictions. On the other shoulder girdle are within normal limits.44 Overpressure
hand, hypermobility of one component may develop in for right passive extension and horizontal adduction have
response to mobility restrictions elsewhere in the complex. firm end-feels, with resistance encountered before pain.
Overpressure for right medial rotation, lateral rotation, and
The only mandatory sequence in movement of the horizontal abduction have firm end-feels, again with
shoulder girdle linkages is at the SC joint. The resistance encountered before pain. The end-feels for
costoclavicular ligamentous restriction of clavicular abduction and flexion are limited by spasms, with pain
elevation (contributing the first 30 degrees to scapular reported before onset of resistance. These observations
upward rotation) must be reached before tension in the would appear to be consistent with a GH capsular pattern
coracoclavicular ligament will be sufficient to rotate the that will need to be explored with joint integrity and
clavicle (contributing the final 30 degrees to scapular mobility testing.43
upward rotation). Hyperextension of the arm is
accomplished largely through GH mobility (with some A comparison of total passive ROM values for right
scapular tipping). Motions such as horizontal abduction shoulder flexion and abduction to the values obtained with
and adduction of the arm, however, require both GH the scapula stabilized suggests both GH and ST limitations
motion and scapular retraction and protraction, of motion. Although GH flexion is close to the normal
respectively (including mandatory SC contributions). range of 120 degrees, combined GH and ST (total) flexion
suggests a primary limitation in the ST contribution to the
Tests and Measures motion in flexion. Glenohumeral abduction is substantially
less than the 90 to 120 degrees that the therapist would
As JD’s examination proceeds, the physical therapist must expect for that joint alone. When the ST contribution is
choose tests and measures to identify impairments of added (for total ROM), only an additional 30 degrees of
normal function in these kinematic and kinetic range is obtained, suggesting both GH and ST limitations.
components of the shoulder that may contribute to JD’s
clusters of signs, symptoms, and impairments. The Medial rotation and lateral rotation, primarily GH motions,
physical therapist will then evaluate the examination are both limited. The substantial limitation to lateral
findings and, based on the evaluation, form a diagnosis rotation can account for much of the restriction in GH
and prognosis and select appropriate interventions. abduction, because an inability to laterally rotate the
humerus will result in early impingement of the greater
Sensory integrity. Although sensory integrity is examined tubercle into the coracoacromial arch and is consistent
commonly in patients with shoulder dysfunction to with the pain experienced by JD with both active and
determine whether there is cervical nerve involvement, passive abduction. Glenohumeral flexion does not require
patients who have had surgery for breast cancer frequently lateral rotation to clear the greater tubercle, and JD shows
have sensory changes that need to be identified before little or no restriction of GH flexion. The therapist
proceeding with other components of the hands-on hypothesizes that the primary limitation to GH abduction
examination. is related to the lateral rotation limitation.

JD is insensitive to light touch and pinprick in a 1- to 2- Both flexion and abduction show a restriction of
inch margin around the scar and in an area extending into approximately 30 degrees of ST motion. The therapist
the axilla and posteromedially down the right arm almost reasons that, because both motions normally require 60
to the elbow (Fig. 3). This distribution is indicative of degrees of upward rotation of the scapula, a restriction of
deficits of the right intercostobrachial and medial brachial upward rotation should be considered. An essentially
cutaneous nerves. normal finding for horizontal adduction ROM indicates
that the contributing components of GH adduction and
Range of motion. To begin differentiating between GH scapular protraction are within normal limits. Horizontal
and ST limitations, the therapist decides to use passive abduction, however, is sufficiently limited that both the
ROM with overpressure as described by Kaltenborn,42 GH contribution and ST retraction need to be investigated

further. The therapist proceeds to examine joint integrity of the medial end of the clavicle is expected to move in the
and mobility as a way to narrow down the involved same direction as the lateral end of the clavicle.
structures and test these hypotheses. Restrictions in cephalad and caudal glides may be
associated with limitations in clavicular (and scapular)
Joint integrity and mobility. Examination of joint depression and elevation, respectively, because the vertical
mobility is based on the conceptual framework that convexity of the medial end of the clavicle is expected to
osteokinematic restrictions may be related to glide in a direction opposite to the motion of the lateral
arthrokinematic restrictions. Evidence of an association end of the clavicle. The therapist would expect joint glide
between arthrokinematic and osteokinematic restrictions, (arthrokinematic) restrictions at the SC joint to be
however, is largely empirical, and reliability of judgment of consistent with decreased scapular motion.
joint glides has not been demonstrated in the literature.
Although not definitively diagnostic, suspected limitations Manual movements of the scapula on the thorax on the
of arthrokinematic glides and atypical end-feels have the left are within normal limits. On the right, with the patient
potential to contribute to our hypotheses about affected in a prone position, the scapula is observed to be
structures and tissues that need intervention. The therapist protracted and anteriorly tipped, as was found when JD
therefore links the arthrokinematic findings to other was in the standing position. Manual movements of the
examination findings. scapula on the thorax are estimated to be grade 3 for
lateral glide (protraction) and grade 2 for caudal glide and
Accessory glides of a joint are tested where the GH for downward rotation, each with firm end-feels and
capsule is as loose as possible. For JD, accessory glides of resistance before pain. Manual movements of the scapula
the right GH joint are restricted (estimated to be grade 2 cephalad (elevation), medially (retraction), and into upward
on a scale from 0 to 642), with capsular end-feels and rotation are estimated to be grade 1, with firm end-feels
resistance before pain in the inferior, anterior, and and resistance before pain. The findings for the scapula are
posterior directions. Accessory glides of the left GH joint consistent with those for arthrokinematics of the SC joint,
appeared to be within normal limits and reasonably and they lead the therapist to expect limitations in scapular
symmetric (estimated to be grade 3), with capsular end- elevation, retraction, and upward rotation. Although SC
feels and resistance before pain. restrictions may be the primary cause of ST limitations, it
also is possible that some other factor may be limiting
These observations lead the therapist to hypothesize that scapular mobility and producing secondary adaptive
the right GH restrictions observed during the ROM shortening of the capsuloligamentous structure of the SC
examination may have had a capsuloligamentous joint. None of the SC, AC, or ST glides reproduces JD’s
component in addition to a possible limitation in the pain. The therapist decides to examine the contractile
extensibility of muscular and other extracapsular tissues. elements.
Long-axis traction applied to the humerus is limited
(estimated to be grade 2) by spasm. This finding suggests Muscle performance. All shoulder girdle musculature on
inflammation of the superior GH structures (rotator the left appear to be within normal limits (5/5), as
interval capsule and passive supraspinatus muscle). estimated by manual muscle testing.45 Right shoulder
extensors are 5/5, and horizontal adductors are 4/5, with
Imposing an inferior glide on the humerus (as is done with mild discomfort described as a “pulling” sensation. Flexors
longitudinal traction) would be expected to place tension and medial rotators are 5/5 within the available range.
on the superior GH structures (evoking pain if
inflammation is present), whereas during other passive GH The positions for horizontal abduction and lateral rotation
joint motions, these structures would generally become are modified because of range limitations, with resistance
more slack. Manual glides of the right AC joint (anterior, from horizontal adduction and medial rotation,
posterior, cephalad, and caudal) are slightly limited respectively. Right horizontal abductors are measured as
(estimated to be grade 2) compared with those of the left 5/5, lateral rotators measured as 4/5, and abductors
(estimated to be grade 3), all with capsular end-feels and measured as 3+/5, with both of these resisted motions
resistance before pain. Manual glides of the left SC joint reproducing JD’s pain symptoms. The right serratus
are within normal limits (estimated to be grade 3), with anterior muscle is measured as 5/5, and the upper
capsular end-feels and resistance before pain), whereas trapezius and the levator scapula muscles are measured as
those of the right are estimated to be grade 3 for anterior, 5/5 within the available range.
grade 2 for caudal and cephalad, and grade 1 for posterior
glides (all with capsular end-feels). Positional modification for testing of the middle trapezius,
lower trapezius, and rhomboid muscles is required. The
In the saddle-shaped SC joint, a restriction in posterior therapist places JD in the prone position, with her right
glide may be associated with a limitation in clavicular (and shoulder brought over the edge of the table. Because her
scapular) retraction, because the anteroposterior concavity arm cannot be brought overhead for testing of the lower

trapezius, JD is instructed to actively depress the scapula JD does not have passive lateral rotation beyond the
against manual resistance. Some weakness (estimated to be neutral position. Capsuloligamentous restrictions found on
4/5) is evident. examination might have contributed to restricted lateral
rotation. The comparative mobility of medial rotation and
When the patient is placed in the starting position for flexion at the joint, however, would appear to argue against
testing of the middle trapezius and rhomboids, no further capsuloligamentous restriction as a sole source of the
scapular retraction actively or passively is available. Manual restriction in lateral rotation.
resistance on the scapula against retraction with downward
rotation at JD’s end-range indicates weakness (estimated to The therapist believes that JD’s history might provide
be 4/5). some clues to additional causes. JD had surgery and
radiation involving the anterior chest wall and axilla.
Manual muscle testing of the muscles of the GH joint Radiation is known to result in fibrotic changes and
indicates pain and weakness with both abduction and potential vascular compromise to the skin and underlying
lateral rotation. Scapulothoracic muscle testing confirms tissues.48,49 JD also had a tissue expander inserted under
limitations of motion, but the identified muscle the pectoralis major muscle, as is typically done in implant
weaknesses are minimal and are more likely to be reconstruction. There is evidence that the expansion
secondary to positional faults rather than causative. process alone (without adjuvant radiation) can result in
muscle fiber degeneration and interstitial fibrosis.50 The
The impingement sign46 and the supraspinatus test47 yield subsequent failure of the skin expansion in JD’s case is
positive results. The apprehension, relocation, Speed’s, and consistent with more severe fibrotic changes than might be
Yergason’s tests47 yield negative results. considered typical. The potential for radiation- and
expansion-induced soft tissue changes might have been
further accentuated by the subsequent surgeries when the
Evaluation right implant extruded.
JD’s pattern, degree, and location of pain (anterosuperior
shoulder pain) with active, passive, and resisted abduction; There is little or no skin mobility in the area of the scar,
resisted lateral rotation; and passive longitudinal traction and the skin appears to adhere to the underlying thorax.
are consistent with a grade II acute supraspinatus tendinitis The sternal portion of the pectoralis major muscle,
and subacromial bursitis. however, should lie between the skin and the thorax. On
the right, the therapist could not trace the pectoralis major
The pain at 70 degrees of active abduction occurs at the muscle inferiorly from the superior margin of the scar.
beginning of the 60- to 120-degree “painful arc” that is These findings might indicate that the sternal portion of
typical of supraspinatus inflammation,9 although JD’s the muscle is atrophied and completely adherent to the
range limitation precludes a true positive finding. Pain in skin above and the thorax below. Fibrosis and lack of
this range from supraspinatus inflammation is thought to extensibility of the sternal pectoralis major muscle could
occur because the supraspinatus muscle normally shows produce the limitation of lateral rotation in JD. A
peak activity (and, therefore, peak tension) through this limitation of lateral rotation (and possibly of accompanying
range, whereas the suprahumeral space in which the conjunct rotation) could lead to supraspinatus tendon
tendon lies is simultaneously being reduced as the greater impingement, because the greater tubercle cannot clear the
tubercle approaches the coracoacromial arch.9 coracoacromial arch in abduction of the arm.

Pain with passive longitudinal traction on the humerus is The pectoralis minor muscle is found deep to the
consistent with supraspinatus inflammation because this pectoralis major. Both the pectoralis major and minor
action places stress on the supraspinatus muscle and muscles are separately enveloped by the clavipectoral
tendon. The pain experienced by JD with overpressure on fascia. The clavipectoral fascia and pectoralis minor muscle
abduction may indicate additional involvement of the also might be involved in the fibrotic changes resulting
subacromial bursa just above the supraspinatus muscle. from radiation and surgery and, consequently, contribute
to the findings. JD’s scapular resting position of
Results of the special tests for the shoulder appear to protraction and anterior tipping is consistent with
confirm supraspinatus tendinitis and rule out GH pectoralis minor muscle tightness, as are the active and
instability. Although supraspinatus tendinitis is considered passive limitations of scapular retraction, elevation, and
multifactorial and can occur without a significant upward rotation. Tightness of the pectoralis minor muscle
history,9,20 the physical therapist must determine whether and the resulting faulty scapular posture can change the
JD’s other biomechanical limitations are contributing to or position of the acromion, narrow the suprahumeral space,
potentially causing the problem. and increase the likelihood of impingement, even in the
absence of the other pathology presented by JD.4,9

The clavipectoral fascia surrounds the pectoralis muscles, axillary radiation, the therapist expects a delay in goal
attaches to the lateral clavicle and coracoid process, and achievement and limitations in the outcome.
blends with the axillary fascia.1 If it also has been subjected
to fibrotic changes—as might be anticipated, given its Plan of care. With JD, the therapist identifies the
location—lack of extensibility in this fascia could restrict following main goals to address
clavicular motion. pathology/pathophysiology, impairments, functional
limitations, disabilities, risk factor reduction/secondary
Although the shortening of or fibrotic changes in the prevention, and patient satisfaction:
pectoralis minor muscle and clavipectoral fascia alone
theoretically can account for a substantial portion of the • Joint integrity and mobility of shoulder are
scapular limitation of motion, JD had axillary node improved.
dissection and axillary radiation. Either of these procedures • Muscle performance (strength, power, endurance)
may create fibrotic changes in the axillary soft tissues and in shoulder is increased.
in the underlying serratus anterior muscle that could
• Lymphedema is prevented.
further compromise scapular mobility.49 To explore the
clinical hypothesies of tissue fibrosis, the therapist asks JD • Range of motion is increased.
to repeat the active motions of scapular elevation, • Risk of secondary impairments (eg, subacromial
depression, and retraction and to report altered sensation. impingement) is reduced by improving posture.
The patient reports a stretching or pulling sensation in the • Tolerance of positions and activities is increased.
axilla or its margins with all test movements. The • Ability to perform movement tasks is increased.
stretching or pulling is consistent with, although not • Pain is decreased.
necessarily a definitive indication of, fibrosis in the anterior • Joint and soft-tissue swelling, inflamation, or
chest wall and in the axilla. restriction related to supraspinatus tendinitis is
JD has impaired joint mobility and integrity, impaired Intervention
muscle performance, and impaired range of motion— As noted, the emphasis of this CE offering is on the
impairments that are consistent with dynamic subacromial review of kinesiology of the shoulder girdle in a patient
impingement in the right shoulder,31 an acute stage II with pain and hypomobility. However, because the
supraspinatus tendinitis,45 and probable subacromial bursal purpose of any examination and evaluation is to guide
involvement. JD’s functional limitations include intervention, we will discuss how the findings might
restrictions in her ability to perform ADL. Based on the influence the physical therapist’s clinical decisions.
framework used in the Guide to Physical Therapist
Practice (Guide), the physical therapist makes a diagnosis
of “Impaired Joint Mobility, Motor Function, Muscle Therapeutic Exercise
Performance, and Range of Motion Associated With As a passive stretching program is initiated, faulty postural
Localized Inflammation.”51 alignment also must be addressed to reduce the risk of
Hypothesized shortening and fibrotic changes in the impingement. The patient must be educated to improve
glenohumeral capsule, pectoralis major and pectoralis cervical, cervicothoracic, and shoulder girdle alignment. An
minor muscles, clavipectoral fascia, and axillary soft tissues adjunct program of strengthening of key muscle groups
appear to be limiting ST and GH joint mobility. Additional can begin during the acute phase with isometric scapular
or secondary limitations to SC and AC joint mobility and GH stabilization in all directions. Submaximal
appear to be contributing to altered scapulohumeral resistance to painful motions should be used until the
mechanics and increasing the risk of impingement. motions are pain free. As acute inflammation subsides, a
home program of resisted GH and ST motions can be
According to the Guide, it is estimated that 80% of all Manual Therapy Techniques (Including
patients in the chosen diagnostic pattern will demonstrate Mobilization and Manipulation)
a return to premorbid level of function within 8 to 16 JD’s hypomobility has both extra-articular and capsular
weeks, with physical therapy ranging from 6 to 24 visits.51 components. The GH, SC, and AC capsular restrictions
The physical therapist expects the prognosis for JD to be indicate a need for joint mobilization. The direction and
atypical compared with that of other patients in this degree of force applied during joint mobilization are
diagnostic pattern. Because of the anticipated fibrotic suggested by end-feels and by the pain/resistance
tissue changes, the potential for vascular compromise of sequence.43 The scapula also appears to require
the affected tissues, and the increased risk of lymphedema mobilization of the restricted muscles and soft tissues. The
in a patient who has undergone lymph node dissection and
therapist begins with mobilization of the scapula while the • Circumferential tissue constriction.
acute inflammation at the GH joint is addressed. • Heavy lifting or vigorous repetitive movements
against resistance.59
The acute inflammation suggested by the findings might
be managed through anti-inflammatory medications The last precaution is particularly important as the physical
prescribed by JD’s surgeon, rest/relief positions, accessory therapist formulates an exercise program for the patient.
mobilizations for longitudinal distraction, and Finally, consideration should be given to possible
physiological mobilizations for abduction. entrapment of components of the brachial plexus in the
fibrotic tissues below the clavicle.60 Each of these
The shortened and fibrotic extra-articular tissues of the precautions argues for proceeding cautiously with
right anterior chest wall and axilla indicate the need for treatment and for careful and consistent communication
scar mobilization and soft tissue mobilization. Scar with the patient regarding her perceptions of pain,
mobilization must proceed carefully, given the absence of stretching, exertion, or neuropathic symptoms.
pain sensation and the possible compromised vascularity
indicated by the patient history. The target muscles for soft The case discussed here is complex and certainly not
tissue mobilization should be those showing evidence of typical of patients with supraspinatus tendinitis. JD’s
fibrotic changes or those anticipated to be in the radiation history and findings provide a particular challenge both to
field.52,53 Shortening of these same muscles suggests the our understanding of shoulder girdle kinesiology and to
need for passive stretching of the muscles, but this action the planning of intervention strategies.
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Figure 1.

Figure 2a–2b.

Figure 3.



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