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klnCS1Cn, Cn - 1he ArLs & Sclence undergraduaLe SocleLy (ASuS) has announced lL
wlll be movlng lLs enLlre CrlenLaLlon Week onllne Lhls comlng fall semesLer. 1he
move reflecLs Lhe Lrend Lowards onllne learnlng aL unlverslLles LhroughouL Canada.

We've seen lncredlble lnLellecLual conLrlbuLlons Lhrough onllne communlLles aL
Cueen's" sLaLed SocleLy resldenL ScoLL Mason. Pubs llke Cverheard aL Cueen's
are known for Lhelr rlgorous and respecLful academlc debaLe, and have only ever
had poslLlve effecLs on Cueen's naLlonal repuLaLlon".

now LhaL campus Wl-ll has been lnLegraLed LhroughouL Lhe unlverslLy ulsLrlcL, lL ls
much easler for Pead Cael PeaLher Salema Lo move ahead wlLh Lhe
pro[ecL. Movlng CrlenLaLlon onllne has been our goal for years" says SocleLy vlce-
resldenL lrfan 1ahlrl, We can now creaLe a safe and lncluslve envlronmenL for
sLudenLs wlLhouL Lhem needlng Lo leave Lhelr homes".

AddlLlonally, Lhe SocleLy has announced LhaL Caels wlll be Lralned ln onllne
communlLy bulldlng. 1hey wlll be llmlLed Lo maklng poslLlve remarks onllne, 'llklng'
every posL by Lhelr frosh, and never ever readlng Lhe commenLs. Moreover, Lhey
wlll be Lralned ln recognlzlng and flghLlng onllne 1rolls. 1hls way when vlrLual
Lnglneers come Lo heckle our vlrLual frosh, we'll have a vlrLual defence" says Carson
lalk, ASuS Servlces & Academlcs Commlssloner.

new ASuS CrlenLaLlon evenLs wlll lnclude 2048", llappy lrosh", and Cnllne Sale"
(lormerly Lhe Sldewalk Sale). 1he move has been applauded by unlverslLy
admlnlsLraLors for lowerlng rlsk and llablllLy. 8eallsLlcally, we probably would have
banned C-week anyway aL some polnL" sald a represenLaLlve from Lhe unlverslLy
SenaLe. 1here was far Loo much fun belng had".

CurrenL ASuS LxecuLlve ScoLL Mason and lrfan 1ahlrl are proud of Lhls legacy as lL
means Lhey have acLually done someLhlng".

lease dlrecL all complalnLs Lo Adam CroLsky & 8lake 8uLler, lncomlng ASuS Lxec aL

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