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Guidelines for DGPS/ETS Survey of Forest Area proposed to be diverted

Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India vide their circular No.F.No.-11-9/98-F , dated !8-!"-#!11 have sti$ulated that to ensure accurate delineation of forest area $ro$osed to %e diverted for non-forestry $ur$oses under &ection-# of Forest onservation 'ct, 198! the diversion $ro$osal under Forest onservation 'ct shall %e accom$anied %y (G)&/E*& surveyed ma$s of the forest land $ro$osed for diversion. *he &tate Govt. in Forest + Environment (e$artment have reco,ni-ed .vide letter no.18/9//F+E, dt.1/-1!-#!110 12&' as the nodal a,ency to technically vet the (G)&/E*& surveyed ma$s underta3en %y user a,encies. *o facilitate 4uic3 scrutiny at 12&' level, it is felt necessary to issue technical ,uidelines for the ,uidance of user a,encies 5hile underta3in, (G)& survey. 'ccordin,ly, the follo5in, ,uidelines are issued. DGPS/ETS Survey Guidelines6 (G)& survey is underta3en in t5o methods7 2eal *ime 8inetic mode and 2a$id &tatic mode. In %oth the methods, $rimary control $oints .) )s0 are re4uired to %e set u$ %efore ta3in, u$ detailed survey on all $illar $ositions that com$ose the forest area. a. Establishment of Primary Control Points ( ase Stations!" *he e9tent of forest area and method of survey determine the no. of $rimary control $oints to %e esta%lished. In 2*8 method of survey, the distance of any $illar $osition should not %e more than / 3m from the nearest $rimary control $oint. *hus no. of $rimary control $oints to %e set u$ 5ill have to %e decided on the a%ove criteria su%:ect to a minimum of # $oints In the static mode of o%servation t5o $rimary control $oints are re4uired to %e esta%lished. *he $rimary control $oints are to %e monumented as $er the desi,n and s$ecification attached to this document. b. #o$ation of Primary Control Points" )rimary ontrol )oints are conce$tually $ermanent in nature and accordin,ly its location is an im$ortant consideration to ensure that these $oints are not distur%ed in future. *he o$tion of locatin, it in the near%y school or office $remises should %e e9$lored other5ise the user a,ency must underta3e to $rotect + $reserve these $oints 5hen $ro:ect is im$lemented. $. Geo%$oordinates of ase Station" Geo-coordinates of ;ase &tations .) )s0 are to %e determined %y 5ay of transfer from t5o 3no5n $oints throu,h static mode of simultaneous and uninterru$ted o%servation in trian,ulation method. *he o%servation shall %e for a minimum duration of < hours if the 3no5n $oints are 5ithin a distance of =! 8M or 8 hours for distance 5ithin the ran,e of =! to #!! 8M. 12&' 5ill facilitate $rovision of 3no5n $oints. d. Geo%$oordinates of other pillar positions" *he ,eo-coordinates of other $illar $ositions .& )s0 may %e determined throu,h 2*8 mode of o%servations, occu$yin, the %ase stations so esta%lished. In case of &tatic Mode of 1%servation, ,eo-coordinates of $illar $ositions may %e determined throu,h trian,ulation method 5ith a minimum 1= minutes of o%servation on each $illar. If any $illar $osition is under cro5n cover, transmission line, micro-5ave to5er etc. the ,eo-coordinates of such $illar $osition is to %e determined throu,h inte,rated E*&.

e. Pro$essin& of 'a( Data. *he ra5 data of static mode of o%servation are to %e do5nloaded in to a com$uter and $ost$rocessed to calculate the /( %aseline vector com$onents. f. E)uipments (ual fre4uency (G)& e4ui$ments are to %e used for all static mode of o%servation. Inte,rated E*& e4ui$ment should %e used 5herever E*& survey is to %e underta3en. &. Datum * Pro+e$tion System. 'll (G)& o%servation should %e made on the >G&-8< (atum and in ?*M $ro:ection system. h. ,bservation &uidelines. .i0 In static mode of o%servation, trian,le of o%servation should %e an acute an,led trian,le. .ii0 )oint of o%servation should %e o$en to s3y. *he s3y should %e clear u$ to 1= de,ree cut-off an,le. *here should not %e any to5er, transmission line, etc. near%y. .iii0 *hreshold values of )(1)/@(1) for each o%servation should not e9ceed A. .iv0 Minimum e$och of interval time should not %e more than 1= seconds. i. Deliverable to ,'SAC. '. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. (G)& o%servation .static mode0 2a5 data and 2ine9 format data of all (G)& o%servations. )ost B$rocessed values in Geo,ra$hic co-ordinate &ystem and ?*M $ro:ection system. )hoto,ra$hs of all ) )s 5ith a %rief note on location. )illar $oints indicated on the hard co$y of the ma$. Net5or3 ad:ustment re$ort, if any. 'ccuracy of the e4ui$ment.

. DGPS observation ('T- mode! i. Geo-coordinates of & )s alon, 5ith machine :o% file. ii. 'ccuracy of the e4ui$ment. +. ETS observation" E*& can %e used to determine ,eo-coordinates of secondary control $oints. In case of survey throu,h E*&, the e4ui$ment shall have to %e oriented 5ith res$ect t5o near%y ) )s, not more than =!! meters a$art, and then other $illar $ositions can %e o%served %y e9tension $rinci$le. @o5ever such e9tension shall not %e cumulatively %eyond 1 8M and must close on a ) ) at every 1 8M of e9tension. (elivera%le in case of E*& &urvey6 . i0 2a5 data . Co% file0 .ii0 Geo- co-ordinates of t5o $oints determined %y (G)& and used for E*& o%servation .iii0 'ccuracy of the e4ui$ment If any user a,ency has $rocured hi,h resolution satellite data . artosat-#, >orldvie5-1, >orldvie5#, Duic3;ird, Geo-Eye0 for its lease area, then ,eo-rectification of satellite data 5ill %e done %y 12&' for 5hich the user a,ency shall %ear the cost.

#ist of Empanelled .endors Sl. /o 0 8 /ame of the Firm Address

> ? :

1# * FS Environment Par2 Pla3a4 /orth lo$24 50 Par2 1nfrastru$ture * Servi$es Street4 -ol2ata%566607. #td. Pioneer Surveyors Pioneer To(er4 Premises /o 86% 69:4 A %06;4 ,pposite Tan2 /o.84 /e( To(n4 <. . /a&ar4 -ol2ata = 5660:7 Tri$ad Desi&n C%??4 @adhura /a&ar4 Ayderabad Consultants Pvt. #td. Spatial Plannin& * E%004 1nfo$ity4 Chand2a 1ndustrial Analysis 'esear$h Estate4 Chandrase2aharpur4 Centre Pvt. #td. hubanes(ar4 ,disha. GeotraB 1nternational 8>%99 A4 -rishnaveni /a&ar4 Servi$es -othapet4 Ayderabad.

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