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SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT-II [2013] MATHEMATICS Time allowed: 3 hour ] [Ma!

imum mar" :#0

General Instructions: (i) All questions are compulsory. The question paper consists of 3$ questions divided into four section A, B, C (ii) and . (iii) !ection A contains % questions of o&e mar"s each, #hich are multiple choice type questions, !ection B contains ' questions of (wo mar"s each, !ection C contains 10 questions of (hree mar"s each , and !ection contains 10 questions of )our mar"s each. (iv) $se of calculators is not permitted.

%uestion num&ers 'to ( carry o&e mar" each. In each of these questions, four alternative choices have &een provided of #hich only one is correct. !elect the correct choice. '. The common difference of the AP

1 1 p 1 2 p , , ,.......... is : p p p
(C) +' ( ) '

(A) ) (B) *p


In fi-. ', )A and )B are t#o tan-ents dra#n from an e.ternal point ) to a circle #ith centre C and radius /cm. If )A )B, then the len-th of each tan-ent is:

(A) (B)

0cm /cm

(c) 1cm ( )2cm

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In fi-. ,, a circle #ith centre 3 is inscri&ed in a quadrilateral ABC such that, it touches the sides BC, AB, A and C at points ), %, 4 and ! respectively. If AB5,6cm, A 5,0,

B = 90 and !51cm, then the radius of the circle (in cm.) is:

(A) (B)

'' '(

(C) 2 ( )'1


The an-le of depression of a car, standin- on the -round, from the top of a 71m hi-h to#er, is 30 . The distance of the car from the &ase of the to#er (in m.) is: (A) 25 3 (B) 50 3 (C) 75 3 ( ) '18


The pro&a&ility of -ettin- an even num&er, #hen a die is thro#n once, is: (A) (B)

1 2 1 3

(C) ( )

1 6 5 6


A &o. contains 68 discs, num&ered from ' to 68. If one disc is dra#n at random from the &o., the pro&a&ility that it &ears a prime num&er less than ,0, is: (A) (B)

7 20 10 90

(C) ( )

4 45 9 89

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In fi-. 0, the area of trian-le ABC (in sq. units) is :

(A) (B)

'1 '8

(C) 7.1 ( ) ,.1


If the difference &et#een the circumference and the radius of a circle is 07cm, then usin-

(A) (B)

22 , the circumference (in cm) of the circle is: 7

'1/ '/ (C) // ( )7

6. !olve the follo#in- quadratic equation for x : 4 3x 2 + 5 x 2 3 = 0


9o# many three+di-it natural num&ers are divisi&le &y 7:


In fi-. /, a circle inscri&ed in trian-le ABC touches its sides AB, BC and AC at points , ; and < respectively. If AB 5',cm,BC5(cm and AC5'8cm, then find the len-th of A , B; and C<.

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',. )rove that the parallelo-ram circumscri&in- a circle is a rhom&us.

'0. A card is dra#n at random from a #ell shuffled pac" of 1, playin- cards. <ind the pro&a&ility that the dra#n card is neither a "in- nor a queen. '/. T#o circular pieces of equal radii and ma.imum area, touch each other are cut from a rectan-ular card &oard of dimensions 14cm 7cm . <ind the area of the remainin- card &oard. =use =

22 > 7


%uestion ?um&er '1 to ,/ carry (hree mar"s each.

'1. <or #hat value of ", are the roots of the quadratic equation kx( x 2) + 6 = 0 equal: '2.

1 1 <ind the num&er of terms of the AP18,15 ,13,........, 49 and find the sum of all its 2 2


Construct a trian-le #ith sides 1cm, /cm and 2cm. Then construct another trian-le #hose sides are

2 times the correspondin- sides of first trian-le. 3

'(. The hori@ontal distance &et#een t#o poles is '1m. The an-le of depression of the top of first pole as seen from the top of second pole is 30 . If the hei-ht of the second pole is ,/m, find the hei-ht of the first pole. =use '6.

3 = 1.732 >

)rove that the points (7, '8), (+,, 1) and (0,+/) are the vertices of an isosceles ri-ht trian-le.

,8. <ind the ratio in #hich the divides the line se-ment Aoinin- the points (+/, +2) and ('8, ',). Also find the coordinates of the point of division.
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,'. In fi-. 1, AB and C are t#o diameters of a circle #ith centre 3, #hich are perpendicular to each other. 3B is the diameter of the smaller circle. If 3A57cm, find the area of the shaded re-ion. =use =

22 > 7

,,. A vessel is in the form of a hemispherical &o#l surmounted &y a hallo# cylinder of same diameter. The diameter of the hemispherical &o#l is '/cm and the total hei-ht of the vessel is '0cm. <ind the total surface area of the vessel. =use =

22 > 7

,0. A #ooden toy #as made &y scoopin- out a hemisphere of same radius from each end of a solid cylinder. If the hei-ht of the cylinder is '8cm, and its &ase is of radius 0.1cm, find the volume of #ood in the toy. =use =

22 > 7

,/. In a circle of radius ,'cm, an arc su&tends an an-le of 60 at the centre. <ind : (i) =use = The len-th of the arc (ii) area of the sector formed &y the arc.

22 > 7

%uestion ?um&er ,1 to 0/ carry )our mar"s each.

,1. !olve the follo#in- for x :

1 1 1 1 = + + 2a + b + 2 x 2a b 2 x

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,2. The sum of the areas of t#o squares is /88 cm2 . If the diameter of their perimeters is '2cm, find the sides of the t#o squares.

,7. If the sum of first 7 terms of an A) is /6 and that of first '7 terms is ,(6, find the sum of its first n terms. ,(. )rove the tan-ent at any point of a circle is perpendicular to the radius throu-h the point of contact. ,6. In fi-.2, l and m are parallel tan-ents to a circle #ith centre 3, touchin- the circle at A and B respectively. Another tan-ent at C intersects the line l at and m at ;. )rove that

DOE = 90

08. The an-le of elevation of the top of a &uildin- from the foot of the to#er is 30 and the trian-le of elevation of the top of the to#er from the foot of the &uildin- is 60 . If the to#er is 28m hi-h, find the hei-ht of the &uildin-.

0'. A -roup consists of ', persons, of #hich 0 are e.tremely patient, other 2 are e.tremely honest and rest are e.tremely "ind. A person from the -roup is selected at random. Assumin- that each person is equally li"ely to &e selected, find the pro&a&ility of selectin- a person #ho is (i) ;.tremely patient (ii) e.tremely "ind or honest.

Bhich of the a&ove values you prefer more.

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0,. The three vertices of a parallelo-ram ABC are A(0, +/), B(+', +0) and C(+2, ,). <ind the coordinates of verte. and find the area of ABC .

00. Bater is flo#in- throu-h a cylindrical pipe, of internal diameter ,cm, into a cylindrical tan" of &ase radius /8cm, at the rate of 8./mCs. etermine the rise in level of #ater in the tan" in half an hour. 0/. A &uc"et open at the top and made up of a metal sheet is in the form of a frustum of a cone. The depth of the &uc"et is ,/cm and the diameter of its upper and lo#er circular ends are 08cm and '8cm respectively. <ind the cost of metal sheet used in it at the rate of 4s '8 per '88 cm2 . =use = 3.14 >

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