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Northeast Florida Dressage Association is a GMO of USDF

March 2014


The POWER of Agility

NFDA Newsletter


agility noun 1.the power of o!ing "uic#ly and easily$ ni %leness& e'ercises de anding agility. (.the a%ility to thin# and draw conclusions "uic#ly$ intellectual acuity. )n y current line of wor# the *power of agility* is a %uc#et within which there are nu erous s#ill sets an indi!idual should posess and aster in order to %e successful in the role. So e days it feels li#e you are not +ust in sales, %ut also a psychologist, a agician, and a teacher. -here are a few other %uc#ets too, %ut this one is pro%a%ly the ost i portant when it co es to nailing your inter!iew, e'ceeding e'pectations in your day to day wor#, growing the %usiness, negotiating for new roles, and discussing potential salary increases. )t is with so uch pride and ad iration that ) ha!e to say, on this past Saturday, NFDA got the +o% done, and did it really well. )n fairness, ) was not there to witness the assi!e underta#ing, o!erhauling, and +uggling that too# place/ 0U- through the power of social edia ) got the picture. Despite the weather, 1including tornado warnings, lightning, thunder, and the threat of hail2 the deteriorated footing, o!ing rides around and li ited war up 3OU GU3S 4AD A G56A- S4O7. -he list of people to than# on this one is 7A3 too long so please ta#e it as a collecti!e 4OOOOO555AA333333 and -4AN8 3OU NFDA for %eing an understanding, adapti!e, and AG)96 group of Dressage enthusiasts. ) saw so any pictures of s iling faces, heard reports of great scores, great rides, and ri%%ons galore displayed proudly on MAN3 1al%eit a %it wet2 horses. ) #now that e!eryone wor#ed really hard and well together on this entire e'perience and ) sincerely appreciate the :O765 of Agility on this one. -hat said, we are also gearing up for DO-F; ne't wee#end. 7hile huge congratulations go out to a group of co petitors last wee#end another huge good luc# and ha!e fun to e!eryone preparing to ride in the upco ing show. )f you ha!e not e!er %een to a rated show and are curious a%out the differences %etween our schooling shows and the rated shows$ ) would encourage you to co e out to <6; on Saturday or Sunday and ta#e a pea#. 3ou ight %e =U)-6 surprised how si ilar the two co petitions actually are. 5ide ti es are posted at and we ha!e a lot of e %ers who en+oy showing in %oth the schooling and rated shows so you will see fa iliar faces and horses. ) hope to see any of you there. )f you ha!e not renewed your NFDA e %ership at this will %e your 9AS- NFDA Newsletter and no further *%lasts*/ so re e %er to renew today. 4appy Spring, stay agile, and )>ll see you on the centerline. 8ate

?Does he do dressage@A -he story of Mi#ey 0y <ill Morris

) had +ust finished y Dressage lesson at the lesson %arn where ) rode. My instructor had to lea!e, so ) was left at the far alone to cool down the horse and turn hi out. ) was +ust a%out to lea!e when a car pulled in. A lady got out and as#ed e if the %arn %oarded horses. ) told her no, it was +ust a lesson %arn with school horses. She as#ed e if ) #new of any places around that did %oard, as she needed to find a new %arn for her horse. ) told her ) really did not #now of anything in the area. She than#ed e and turned around to go %ac# to her car. ) canBt e'plain this ne't part. )tBs as if God stepped in at that o ent and ade e %lurt out, ?Does he do Dressage@A She turned around and said, ?3es, heBs done First 9e!el.A First 9e!el..... First 9e!el.... 3ou see, )Bd %een riding and showing so e of the school horses in the local schooling shows, %ut none of the school horses were really %eyond -raining 9e!el. So, ) reCengaged the con!ersation and told her that there was one horse here at the far that was owned %y so eone and she allowed the horse to %e used for lessons. ?May%eA the far owner and instructor could wor# a deal li#e that for her too. ) got her na e and phone nu %er and passed it on to y instructor. A few wee#s later, Mi#ey arri!ed for a oneCwee# trial. 4e was GO5G6OUS. Dar# %ay -horough%red, 1D hands and ) fell for hi . ) was the first student to try hi out. -he trial period went !ery well and Mi#ey had a new ho e. ) %eca e fast friends with his owner, <ane. <ane %eca e a !ery special person in y life. 3ou see, <ane was a !ery sic# wo an. She was FG when ) et her. 4ad ne!er %een arried. Mi#ey was her ?child.A She lo!ed that horse so uch. <ane had a !ery rare respiratory disease. -here were only a handful of docu ented cases worldwide. ) ne!er #new what <ane really loo#ed li#e. 7hen ) et her, the ra!ages of steroids had ade her face !ery full and her hair !ery, !ery thin.

4er a%do en and chest was !ery full as well. <ane was a nurse and did her own )EBs at ho e and you could see on her ar s all the da age done fro %eing on )EBs al ost e!eryday. She had ultiple surgeries to re o!e a%scesses fro her lungs. 6ach surgery re o!ing ore and ore of her lungs a#ing it harder and harder for her to %reathe.

Mi#ey and ) "uic#ly %eca e a tea . ) %egan to show hi locally and he was a SU:65S-A5. -here are !ery few horses in this world that ha!e what Mi#ey had. <ane would co e out to see e ride hi and afterwards she would hop on for a few inutes. 0ecause of her disease, she had !ery little lung capacity and riding was !ery difficult for her. 3ou could see the inute she got on Mi#ey, his whole attitude changed. 4e went fro Dressage horse to %a%ysitter. Mi#ey could sense when <ane was ha!ing pro%le s %reathing and would slow down to his ?<ane trot.A 4e would only go as forward as he could sense she could do. )t was a aHing to watch this ani al ta#e care of his rider.
-he ne't two and half years, ) continued to ride and show Mi#ey and <ane and ) %eca e close friends. 4er health was deteriorating "uic#ly. <ane was hospitaliHed right around -han#sgi!ing of 1IIJ. She called e fro the hospital and told e she needed a heartKlung transplant. 4er %iggest hurdle howe!er was that Mayo ;linic, here in <ac#son!ille, denied her as a transplant patient. 4er condition was too ad!anced. <aneBs search was on to find a hospital that would accept her. -he Uni!ersity of Ala%a aC0ir ingha was the only hospital that would ta#e <ane. Great news 0U- she would ha!e to tra!el %y air a %ulance. -he cost/..LM,NNN.

<ane called e a few days later and %ro#e the news to e that in order to pay for the air a %ulance, she would ha!e to sell Mi#ey and she wanted e to ta#e hi . ) tal#ed to y hus%and a%out it that e!ening and without ( seconds of thought, we decided to %uy hi .

On Dece %er (, 1IIJ, ) went to <aneBs hospital roo with a cashierBs chec# and a %ill of sale. -o #now your friend ay die and to #now you are a%out to ta#e her ost priHed possession is +ust heart%rea#ing. ) was thrilled that Mi#ey would %e ine, %ut heartsic# o!er the circu stances in which ) had to ta#e hi . ) tried y %est to lighten her ood on the loss of her %est friend. So here is the ?0ill of SaleA ) created&

Dece %er (, 1IIJ ), <ill Morris, agree to purchase ?Mi#ey,A a 1MCyearCold -horough%red horse fro <ane :rice for the price as indicated %elow. <ane :rice will fro now on %e #nown as ?Nana <aneA and will %e e'pected to perfor ?Grand otherlyA duties in regards to Mi#ey. Such duties shall include, %ut not li ited to, the following& showering hi with treats, #isses and hugs anyti e she feels li#e it. )f Nana <ane has an urge to ride hi , she ay do so. -he only other duty as#ed of Nana <ane is to perfor the occasional ?Mane :ulling,A since she does the %est +o% ) ha!e e!er seen. ), <ane :rice, agree to sell Mi#ey to <ill Morris for the price indicated %elow. ) pro ise to %e a good grand other to Mi#ey and perfor the duties as listed a%o!e. Description of Sale& One e'traordinary e"uine C L(,NNN One delu'e tail pac#age C LOGN.NN Four steel %elted hoo!es C LGNN.NN One %ushy ?ponyA ane C L(GN.NN -wo cute ears C L1NN.NN -wo sweet eyes C L1NN.NN One delu'e personality C L(NN.NN One custo C ade nose ?%on#A C L1NN.NN -otal cost paya%le %y cashierBs chec# C LM,NNN.NN

After we signed the 0ill of Sale, she added this to the %otto , ?-han# you for lo!ing Mi#ey for #now he lo!es you.A

e. )

) also pro ised <ane that Mi#ey would get alfalfa hay 6E653DA3 and that he would ne!er %e sold and he would die on our far , which we were in the process of %uying.

<ane passed away e'actly one onth later at the age of FJ. She ne!er e!en ade it to Ala%a a. -he day of her funeral, ) went out to the %arn and cut a good piece of Mi#eyBs tail. ) too# his tail and a %lue ri%%on of ine and as#ed her fa ily to please put this with <ane. <ane and ) had tal#ed a%out her wanting to show Mi#ey again. 7e had it all planned out. ) would get hi groo ed, tac#ed up and war ed up for her and she could go down centerline one last ti e on her %oy. 7hat we didnBt #now was that God had a different plan. Mi#ey and ) went on without our <ane for the ne't 1F years. Mi#ey had his !ery own far with his !ery own herd. ) retired hi fro showing in (NNF, %ut ) leased hi to a young girl who could learn fro hi and show hi . ) guaranteed they would %e <unior -raining 9e!el ;ha pions and it turns out/.they were. My own daughter rode Mi#ey for a %it and too# ho e a 3earC6nd 5eser!e ;ha pion. Mi#ey taught any riders in our area the finer points of horse anship and riding. 4e was %y no eans a spectacular o!er. ) ha!e the %ad %ac# to pro!e it. 4is trot could +ar the fillings right out of your outh. ) astered sitting his trot and to this day, ) can sit anything. Mi#ey o!ed li#e a Singer Sewing Machine at the trot, %ut his canter was to die for. 7e won any 3earC6nd ;ha pionships. Not too sha%%y for a horse y old farrier said was ?:ut together on a Monday with spare parts.A 6!en with his "uestiona%le confor ation, o!er at the #nee, croo#ed leg, clu%%y foot and straight %ehind/..he was the soundest horse ) ha!e had.

)n (NND, Mi#ey was co pletely retired. 7e went for the occasional ride around the neigh%orhood and he still had it hi to do halfCpass when as#ed and to spoo# and spin when ) least e'pected it. 4e still got up and did what he was %red to do C run li#e lunatic in y field. 4e held court o!er his herd. ) always told new horses at y far that Mi#ey was 8ing and heBd %ite the crap out you if you stepped out of line. ) thin# all new horses already sensed that %ecause no one 6E65 challenged hi . Mares a%solutely ADO56D Mi#ey. ) always said if he were hu an, heBd %e <a es 0ond. -he girls swooned o!er hi . Mi#ey also lo!ed %a%ies and s all ani als. 7hen Mattie was %orn, he slept outside Mingo and MattieBs foaling stall. ?4isA cat, Scooter, would cli % up on Mi#ey and sleep on his %lan#eted %ac# in the winter. 7hen ) was pregnant, he often would touch his nose to y sto ach. 4e was !ery nurturing, which see ed at odds with his 4erd 9eader status. 4e was a %ig, tough %oy with a ushy heart.

) said Good%ye to y heart horse in Dece %er of (N1N. 4e was +ust shy of his (Oth %irthday. -he pre!ious D onths had se!eral colic episodes and when he coliced that Dece %er, it was one he +ust couldnBt get o!er. 4e fought hard for D days, he was tired and infection had set in. ) #new it was ti e. A ti e ) had %een dreading for years. )t was ti e to send hi %ac# to <ane. ) #now she was there with halter and lead 1and a pulling co %.2 waiting to escort her %oy o!er the %ridge. )Bll see the %oth again so e day. Mi#ey was a ?onceCinCaC lifeti eA horse. ) canBt i agine how different y life would ha!e %een had ) not as#ed, ?Does he do Dressage@A ;lassified Ad& Stall a!aila%le in pri!ate %arn located at -he Oa#s of 9a#e ;ity :urina grain, orchard grass hay, pri!ate turnout, dressage arena, access to all trails and co!ered arena at the oa#s. any discipline %ut sane owner re"uire ent..

March Show!

Now that our schooling show is o!er we>d li#e to re ind you to !olunteer for Dressage on the First ;oast. 7e will need people Friday through Sunday to do all of our usual tas#s along with a few others. Mary O>0rien will %e sending e ails out to get interest.

-his e!ent will include concessions A!aila%le, a Silent auction, a raffle, and lots of fun out on the trail. -his will 0e hosted %y -he UNF 6"uestrian ;lu% and -ea and Feature Special guests 4ope -herapy For ore info ;ontact 8ara Argus

Dressage Dressageon onthe theFirst FirstCoast Coast Ride RideTimes Times

Good Good luck luck to to all all competitors! competitors!

Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 1 Indoor
Time Judge at 8:00 AM 8:07 AM 8:14 AM 8:21 AM Judge at 8:28 AM 8:35 AM 8:42 AM 8:49 AM 8:56 AM 9:03 AM 9:10 AM 9:17 AM 9:24 AM 9:31 AM 9:38 AM 9:45 AM 9:52 AM Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Saturday, April 05, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: T3
14 29 33 55

Training Level, Test 3 - Open/Q Sponsored by: USDF Benefit Class

Pat Broekema Maya Sniadecky Phoebe Devoe-Moore Heather Caudill C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Open T-3 Magnum's Guardian Fifi MLW Londenderry Lad Grey Ghost Phantom
T-3 T-3 T-3
Open Open Open


Class: T3A
15 47 45 21 26 23 42 68 49 17 25 10

Training Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Michelle Velasco Renee Van Dusen Andrea Jackson Tina Bollenback Lance D. Atkinson, MD Jo Ann Moore Leesa Ann Nero Nan Troutman Lisa Beardsley Michelle Velasco Karin Andra Hannah Grimm ***Break*** Mosaic Paradise FS Djambo Meicko De Myo (Meeko) Fantasee Freibrego II Esperanza Amada Winston Sir Darkuntahl No Torius SS Sambuca Copper Chancellor ***Break***
T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 **Break**
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR



Class: 56
Judge at 10:10 AM 10:19 AM 10:28 AM 10:37 AM 73 20 80 83

FEI Grand Prix - Open/AA/JrYR/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Catherine Willson Lynette Wadsworth Laura Herndon Iris Eppinger La Primavera Wietze G Goubergh's Kasper Stilleto
GP14 GP14 GP14 GP14
Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open


Class: 52
Judge at 10:46 AM 10:55 AM 11:04 AM 11:13 AM 84 82 86 59

FEI Intermediate I - Open/AA/JrYR/Q

Suzanne T. Graham Lea Thornhill Lee Burton Charity Messer C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Open I1 Catherston What a Drea Kismo Vencedor XLIII Blue Eyed Dream
I1 I1 I1
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open



Class: 51
Judge at 11:22 AM 11:31 AM 11:40 AM 11:49 AM 11:58 AM 12:07 PM 12:16 PM 11 77 65 76 81 78

FEI Prix St. Georges - Open/AA/JrYR/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Mary M. O'Brien Andrea Jackson Danielle Torrez Jacqueline M. Cuddy Mary Alice Malone Lea Thornhill ***Break*** Watch Me M Soberano do Funchal Gandolph Malcarat Ulbert 390 Fala ***Break***
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 60
Judge at 1:10 PM 1:20 PM 1:30 PM 1:40 PM 1:50 PM 2:00 PM 2:10 PM 2:20 PM 74 18 19 38 40 88 16 11

USDF Musical Freestyle TOC - Open/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Shelley Van den Neste Sandra Lucas Suzanne T. Graham Brian MacMahon Dinah Rojek Missy Ascik Mary M. O'Brien Ursel B Peron's Paris Femi Miramar Freesia Hailey By Titan Watch Me M
Open Adult Amateur Open Adult Amateur Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur


Catherine Johnson-Berg Seattle Chief

Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 1 Indoor
Time Judge at 2:30 PM 2:37 PM Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Saturday, April 05, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: 64
17 45

National Dressage Pony - TOC (TL-GP)

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Michelle Velasco Andrea Jackson No Torius FS Djambo
T-3 T-3
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 66
Judge at 2:44 PM Judge at 2:50 PM 2:58 PM 3:06 PM 3:14 PM 3:22 PM 3:37 PM 3:45 PM 3:53 PM 4:01 PM 4:09 PM 4:17 PM 4:25 PM 54 71 18 16 10 67 27 26 56 75 21 36

USDF Intro B - Open

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Suzanne Pugh Blitzen Konig
Adult Amateur

Class: 13A

First Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Lance D. Atkinson, MD Nicholas Bryan Veronica Reinhardt Tina Bollenback ***Break*** Emily Connors Jillian White Sandra Lucas Missy Ascik Hannah Grimm Mathew Mahoney Lillian Van Winkle Fantasee Sandra Dee Markus Meicko De Myo (Meeko) ***Break*** Current Affair Wanabee Peron's Paris Hailey By Titan Copper Chancellor Flannigan Lumina
L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 **Break** L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3
Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur


Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 2 Perma Flex
Time Judge at 8:00 AM 8:08 AM Judge at 8:16 AM 8:23 AM 8:30 AM 8:37 AM 8:44 AM 8:51 AM 8:58 AM 68 42 49 43 67 71 75 Nan Troutman Leesa Ann Nero Lisa Beardsley Christy Lasso Mathew Mahoney Jillian White Veronica Reinhardt Winston Sir Esperanza Amada Darkuntahl Raging Spirit Flannigan Wanabee Markus Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Saturday, April 05, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: T2A
25 23

Training Level, Test 2 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Karin Andra Jo Ann Moore SS Sambuca Freibrego II
T-2 T-2
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 11A

First Level, Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra
L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur

Class: 11
Judge at 9:06 AM 48

First Level, Test 1 - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Margaret Selbert Braveheart

Class: 65
Judge at 9:14 AM 36

USDF Intro A - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Suzanne Pugh Blitzen Konig
Adult Amateur

Class: 13
Judge at 9:20 AM 9:28 AM 9:36 AM Judge at 9:44 AM Judge at 9:52 AM 10:00 AM 43 31 55 32 66

First Level, Test 3 - Open/Q

Heather Caudill Brian MacMahon Todd Bryan C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Open L1-3 Grey Ghost Phantom Dark Prince Zantiago
L1-3 L1-3
Open Open


Class: T1A

Training Level, Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Linda Scott Donna Gracia
Adult Amateur

Class: 12A

First Level, Test 2 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Christy Lasso ***Break*** Raging Spirit ***Break***
L1-2 **Break**
Adult Amateur

Class: 31
Judge at 10:20 AM 10:28 AM Judge at 10:36 AM 10:44 AM 10:52 AM 11:00 AM 89 22 62 58 44 70

Third Level, Test 1 - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Jacqueline M. Cuddy Erin Brinkman Maestro XIX Herzenfurst
L3-1 L3-1
Open Open

Class: 33A

Third Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Lee Burton Alina Velez Laura Mowry Gold Vanessa Prueter Merlin XIII Pik L's Pixie HU Duncan McCloud Dream on
L3-3 L3-3 L3-3 L3-3
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR


Class: T1
Judge at 11:08 AM 11:15 AM 69 53

Training Level, Test 1 - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Kathryn Crabtree Heather Caudill Hayworth Clononeen Lark
T-1 T-1
Open Open

Class: 32
Judge at 11:22 AM Judge at 11:30 AM 34 70

Third Level, Test 2 - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Erin Brinkman Herzenfurst

Class: 31A

Third Level, Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Rachel Baumgartner Beacon (Phoebe)
Adult Amateur

Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 2 Perma Flex
Time Judge at 11:38 AM 11:46 AM 11:54 AM 12:02 PM 1:00 PM 1:08 PM 1:16 PM 1:24 PM 1:32 PM 57 72 34 50 35 Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Saturday, April 05, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: 23A
41 54 12

Second Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q Sponsored by: Dover Medal

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Faye Flynn Emily Connors Marge Savage ***Break*** Gwen Taylor-Kirk Martha Scott Rachel Baumgartner Faye Flynn Elizabeth J. Yankee Rosevelt Current Affair Willow's Dream ***Break*** MacIntosh KC Master Chief Beacon (Phoebe) ZAZU Windsor's Mira
L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 **Break** L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 L2-3
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur


Class: T2
Judge at 1:40 PM 1:48 PM 1:56 PM 2:04 PM 2:12 PM Judge at 2:20 PM 27 33 24 14 69 53

Training Level, Test 2 - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Phoebe Devoe-Moore Maya Sniadecky Pat Broekema Kathryn Crabtree Heather Caudill Londenderry Lad Eaglea Magnum's Guardian Hayworth Clononeen Lark
T-2 T-2 T-2 T-2 T-2
Open Open Open Open Open

Class: 21A

Second Level, Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Lillian Van Winkle Lumina

Class: 33
Judge at 2:28 PM 2:36 PM 2:44 PM 2:52 PM 3:00 PM 3:08 PM 37 52 39 19 74

Third Level, Test 3 - Open/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Megan Fischer-Graham Todd Bryan Phoebe Devoe-Moore Suzanne T. Graham Shelley Van den Neste ***Break*** Photocopy Boomhaver Wallstreet Prince Femi Ursel B ***Break***
L3-3 L3-3 L3-3 L3-3 L3-3 **Break**
Open Open Open Open Open


Class: 41A
Judge at 3:23 PM 46

Fourth Level Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Kim Long Micah
Adult Amateur

Class: 23
Judge at 3:31 PM 63

Second Level, Test 3 - Open/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Lindsay Raczka Tallisman ISF

Class: 42
Judge at 3:39 PM 3:47 PM 3:55 PM Judge at 4:03 PM 4:11 PM 4:19 PM 85 87 28

Fourth Level Test 2 - Open

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Meghan Kavanah Iris Eppinger Megan Fischer-Graham Raz Ma Taz Dondo Bedminton
L4-2 L4-2 L4-2
Open Open Open

Class: 42A
64 46 61

Fourth Level Test 2 - AA/JrYR

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Alexandra Dominguez Kim Long Holly James Beijing Micah Promise
L4-2 L4-2 L4-2
JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 43
Judge at 4:27 PM 60

Fourth Level Test 3 - Open/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Rebecca Bryan Boxter S

Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 1 Indoor
Time Judge at 8:00 AM 8:07 AM 8:14 AM 8:21 AM 8:28 AM 8:35 AM 8:42 AM 8:49 AM 8:56 AM 9:03 AM 9:10 AM Judge at 9:17 AM 9:24 AM 9:31 AM 9:38 AM 9:45 AM 9:52 AM Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Sunday, April 06, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: T3AS
15 49 23 42 21 31 26 10 47 45 17

Training Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Michelle Velasco Lisa Beardsley Jo Ann Moore Leesa Ann Nero Tina Bollenback Linda Scott Lance D. Atkinson, MD Hannah Grimm Renee Van Dusen Andrea Jackson Michelle Velasco Mosaic Darkuntahl Freibrego II Esperanza Amada Meicko De Myo (Meeko) Donna Gracia Fantasee Copper Chancellor Paradise FS Djambo No Torius
T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur



Class: T3S
33 69 24 14 55

Training Level, Test 3 -Open/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Phoebe Devoe-Moore Kathryn Crabtree Maya Sniadecky Pat Broekema Heather Caudill ***Break*** Londenderry Lad Hayworth Eaglea Magnum's Guardian Grey Ghost Phantom ***Break***
T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 T-3 **Break**
Open Open Open Open Open


Class: 60S
Judge at 10:10 AM 10:20 AM 10:30 AM 10:40 AM 10:50 AM 11:00 AM Judge at 11:06 AM 11:15 AM Judge at 11:25 AM 11:34 AM 11:43 AM 11:52 AM 12:01 PM 59 20 40 38 19 16 18 17

USDF Musical Freestyle TOC - Open/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Brian MacMahon Suzanne T. Graham Missy Ascik Sandra Lucas Michelle Velasco Miramar Femi Hailey By Titan Peron's Paris No Torius
Open Adult Amateur Open Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur


Catherine Johnson-Berg Seattle Chief

Class: 61S

FEI Musical Freestyle TOC - Open/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Charity Messer Lynette Wadsworth Blue Eyed Dream Wietze G
Open Adult Amateur


Class: 52S
81 84 82 51

FEI Intermediate I - Open/AA/JrYR/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Mary Alice Malone Suzanne T. Graham Lea Thornhill Brian MacMahon ***Break*** Ulbert 390 Catherston What a Drea Kismo Watch Me M ***Break***
I1 I1 I1 I1 **Break**
Adult Amateur Open Adult Amateur Open


Class: 56S
Judge at 1:00 PM 1:09 PM 1:18 PM 83 73 80

FEI Grand Prix - Open/AA/JrYR/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Iris Eppinger Catherine Willson Laura Herndon Stilleto La Primavera Goubergh's Kasper
GP14 GP14 GP14
Open Open Adult Amateur


Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 1 Indoor
Time Judge at 1:27 PM 1:36 PM 1:45 PM 1:54 PM 2:03 PM 2:12 PM 2:21 PM 2:30 PM Judge at 2:39 PM 2:46 PM 2:53 PM 15 45 Michelle Velasco Andrea Jackson ***Break*** Mosaic FS Djambo ***Break*** Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Sunday, April 06, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: 51S
78 77 88 76 85 79 87 65

FEI Prix St. Georges - Open/AA/JrYR/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Lea Thornhill Andrea Jackson Dinah Rojek Jacqueline M. Cuddy Meghan Kavanah Mary Ann Callahan Iris Eppinger Danielle Torrez Fala Soberano do Funchal Freesia Malcarat Raz Ma Taz Catherston What a Drea Dondo Gandolph
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Open Open Adult Amateur Open Open


Class: 64S

National Dressage Pony - TOC (TL-GP)

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra
T-3 T-3 **Break**
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 13AS
Judge at 3:08 PM 3:16 PM 3:24 PM 3:32 PM 3:40 PM 3:48 PM 3:56 PM 4:04 PM 4:12 PM 4:20 PM 4:28 PM 4:36 PM 75 16 27 26 43 18 56 10 30 67 54 21

First Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Dr. Paramjeet Chopra Veronica Reinhardt Missy Ascik Lillian Van Winkle Lance D. Atkinson, MD Christy Lasso Sandra Lucas Nicholas Bryan Hannah Grimm Karin Andra Mathew Mahoney Emily Connors Tina Bollenback Markus Hailey By Titan Lumina Fantasee Raging Spirit Peron's Paris Sandra Dee Copper Chancellor Pop Art Flannigan Current Affair Meicko De Myo (Meeko)
L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur JR/YR JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur



Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 2 Perma Flex
Time Judge at 8:00 AM Judge at 8:07 AM Judge at 8:13 AM 8:21 AM 8:29 AM 8:37 AM Judge at 8:45 AM 8:52 AM 8:59 AM 9:06 AM 9:13 AM 9:20 AM Judge at 9:27 AM 9:35 AM 9:43 AM 9:51 AM 9:59 AM 10:15 AM 10:23 AM Judge at 10:31 AM 10:39 AM Judge at 10:47 AM Judge at 10:55 AM 11:03 AM Judge at 11:11 AM 46 22 Kim Long Alina Velez Micah Pik L's Pixie HU 71 27 Jillian White Lillian Van Winkle Wanabee Lumina 44 39 68 67 23 43 49 42 Nan Troutman Mathew Mahoney Jo Ann Moore Christy Lasso Lisa Beardsley Leesa Ann Nero Winston Sir Flannigan Freibrego II Raging Spirit Darkuntahl Esperanza Amada 36 Suzanne Pugh Blitzen Konig Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Sunday, April 06, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: T1S

Training Level Test 1 - Open

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Heather Caudill Clononeen Lark

Class: 65S

USDF Intro A - Open

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
Adult Amateur

Class: T2S
33 29 14 53

Training Level, Test 2 - Open

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Phoebe Devoe-Moore Maya Sniadecky Pat Broekema Heather Caudill Londenderry Lad Fifi MLW Magnum's Guardian Clononeen Lark
T-2 T-2 T-2 T-2
Open Open Open Open

Class: 11AS

First Level, Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1 L1-1
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 33S
70 37 74 52

Third Level, Test 3 - Open/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Erin Brinkman Megan Fischer-Graham Shelley Van den Neste Todd Bryan ***Break*** Jacqueline M. Cuddy Phoebe Devoe-Moore Herzenfurst Photocopy Ursel B Boomhaver ***Break*** Maestro XIX Wallstreet Prince
L3-3 L3-3 L3-3 L3-3 **Break** L3-3 L3-3
Open Open Open Open Open Open


Class: 21AS

Second Level, Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L2-1 L2-1

Class: 23S

Second Level, Test 3 - Open/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Lindsay Raczka Tallisman ISF

Class: 41AS

Fourth Level Test 1 - AA/JrYR

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L4-1 L4-1
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 42S

Fourth Level Test 2- Open

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Megan Fischer-Graham Bedminton

Dressage on the First Coast - Spring 2014

Day Sheets Ring: 2 Perma Flex
Time Judge at 11:19 AM 11:27 AM 11:35 AM 11:43 AM 11:51 AM 11:59 AM 12:07 PM 1:00 PM 1:08 PM Judge at 1:16 PM 1:24 PM 1:32 PM 1:40 PM Judge at 1:48 PM 1:56 PM 2:04 PM Judge at 2:12 PM Judge at 2:18 PM 2:26 PM 2:34 PM Judge at 2:42 PM 2:50 PM 60 19 Rebecca Bryan Suzanne T. Graham Boxter S Femi 58 89 62 Vanessa Prueter Lee Burton Laura Mowry Gold Dream on Merlin XIII Duncan McCloud 36 Suzanne Pugh Blitzen Konig 64 61 46 Alexandra Dominguez Holly James Kim Long Beijing Promise Micah 66 48 32 55 Todd Bryan Margaret Selbert Brian MacMahon Heather Caudill Zantiago Braveheart Dark Prince Grey Ghost Phantom Entry Rider Horse Test Stat/Div Q Term E

Sunday, April 06, 2014

H C M B Total %

Class: 23AS
34 50 57 35 54 72 12 41

Second Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S) Rachel Baumgartner Faye Flynn Gwen Taylor-Kirk Elizabeth J. Yankee Emily Connors Martha Scott ***Break*** Marge Savage Faye Flynn Beacon (Phoebe) ZAZU MacIntosh Windsor's Mira Current Affair KC Master Chief ***Break*** Willow's Dream Rosevelt
L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 L2-3 **Break** L2-3 L2-3
Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur Adult Amateur



Class: 13S

First Level, Test 3 -Open/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L1-3 L1-3 L1-3 L1-3
Open Open Open Open


Class: 42AS

Fourth Level Test 2- AA/JrYR

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L4-2 L4-2 L4-2
JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur

Class: 66S

USDF Intro B - Open

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
Adult Amateur

Class: 33AS

Third Level, Test 3 - AA/JrYR/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L3-3 L3-3 L3-3
JR/YR Adult Amateur Adult Amateur


Class: 43S

Fourth Level Test 3 -Open/Q

C: Kristi Wysocki (S)
L4-3 L4-3
Open Open


These results are preliminary. The final results will be posted on the website.

NFDA NFDAShow Show th th March 29 March 29 Jacksonville JacksonvilleEquestrian EquestrianCenter Center

RideTimes3/29/2014NFDAShowJacksonvilleEquestrianCenter Ring1: InsideCharlotteTrentelman(S) Time No. Horse Rider Rider Class 1 9.00 158 Nash Stephanie Stalvey Class 2 9.07 178 PaintYourWagon Adriana Smith 9.14 189 Braveheart Maggie Selbert Class 3 9.21 198 Zeus Gwenyth Stromdahl 9.28 155 Venue Darius Taylor Class 4 9.35 206 KKMagicPudden Hannah Williams 9.42 207 Peazy Brooke Crosby Class 5 9.49 192 Scooter Tina Calderon 9.56 193 OlenasSmokingJet Justin Dean 10.03 197 Hickory Pam Klavon Class 6 10.10 180 Majjur Kristi Kluba 10.17 176 Mabel Beth Gould ExtraScores 10.24 160 Ramses Birgit Grafe 11.13 201 Beacon Rachel Baumgartner 11.55 193 OlenasSmokingJet Justin Dean

Test O O O J J J J A A A A A A A A WD3Test3 First3Q First3Q Training1 Training1 WDIntro1 WDIntro1 WDIntro1 WDIntro1 WDIntro1 IntroA IntroA First2 Third1 WDIntro3

Percentage Placing 69.848 66.290 65.645 61.042 68.958 71.607 70.179 77.679 60.000 63.750 64.062 67.812 66.622 59.605 63.750 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 HC HC HC

Class 10.24 10.31 Class 10.52 10.59 11.06 Class 11.13 11.20 11.27 Class 11.34 Class 11.41 11.48 11.55 12.02 12.09 12.16 12.23 12.30

7 187 171 8 204 183 202 9 188 165 199 10 209 11 169 179 160 205 154 157 159 184

PrettyBoyFloyd Justice ZippenwithChocolet CockyClassicalAce SaqlawisNyteofFame HappyHour Willow'sDream Macintosh ApttobeRowdyote Barong SSSeraphina Ramses AndANod MsMosaic LaterakofStarryKnight Peron'sParis Adagio

Shanna Suzanne Wendy Denise Lynn Aubrey Marge Gwen Hannah Dinah Heather Birgit Barbara Michelle Lisa Sandi Cassidy

Fisher Graham Jeffries Cox Shinkle Buenger Savage TaylorKirk Whray Rojek Fultz Grafe Turner Velasco Kaatz Lucas Spurgeon


Training3 Training3Q WDBasic1 WDBasic1 WDBasic1 Second3 Second3Q Second3Q WDLevel14 First3Q First3Q First3 First3Q First3Q First3Q First3Q First3Q

scr 73.400 70.484 60.161 72.097 scr 63.570 66.548 69.555 64.655 72.581 scr 60.968 59.355 60.322 62.930 62.903

scr 1 2 3 1 scr 2 1 1 2 1 scr 5 7 6 3 4

Class 1.37 1.44 1.51 2.47 Class 1.58 2.05 Class 2.12 2.19 2.26 Class 1.30 2.33 2.40 2.54 3.15 3.22 3.29 3.36 Class 3.43 3.50

12 166 167 168 186 13 191 187 14 181 200 162 15 177 190 194 156 168 176 180 195 16 196 161

PrimaDonna ScotchFianna SmokeRiseHeron Fadjura'sDixieDoll MissMoneyPenny PrettyBoyFloyd Dante Hermione SweetPrincessD PaintYourWagon Silhouette AshWednesday JohnChevalier SmokeRiseHeron Mabel Majjur BonanzasReflection Revolver ZwartzEisberg

Linda Virginia Sierra Anna Kenda Shanna Melody Shelby McKenzie Pat Samantha Tyler Amber Sierra Beth Kristi Stacy Shantel Mary

Scott Hartley Ellis Kirkpatrick Rakusin Fisher Boock Brazeal Lay Elder Rodgers Frey Hagin Ellis Gould Kluba Braniff


Training1 Training1 Training1 Training1 Training1 Training1 IntroA IntroA IntroA IntroBQ IntroB IntroB IntroB IntroB IntroBQ IntroBQ IntroB Training2 Training2

scr 62.291 63.541 66.666 56.875 scr 68.750 72.500 66.562 61.062 scr scr 67.812 73.750 65.937 64.438 63.437 65.535 scr

scr 3 2 1 1 scr 2 1 3 5 scr scr 2 1 3 4 6 1 scr

Brooks A BaerFiorentino A

Class 4.11 Class 4.18 4.25 4.32 Class 4.39

18 170 19 182 173 208 38 211

NoTorious LuckyBlueBoy Gabriel CopperChancellor VitteLafitte

Michelle Landyn Michaela Hannah Alayia

Velasco Williams Berry Grimm Rizzi

A MFSTrainingQ J J J O First1 First1 First1 Fourth1

63.000 59.137 59.482 64.827 66.571

1 3 2 1 1

Ring2: OutsideLupeGuarderas(L) Time No. Horse Class 20 9.00 159 Peron'sParis 9.07 188 HappyHour Class 21 9.14 183 CockyClassicalAce 9.21 202 SaqlawisNyteofFame Class 22a 9.28 174 Maverick Class 22b 9.35 187 PrettyBoyFloyd 9.42 171 Justice Class 23 9.49 154 MsMosaic

Rider Sandi Aubrey Denise Lynn Annie Shanna Suzanne Michelle

Rider Lucas Buenger Cox Shinkle Davis Fisher Graham Velasco A A A A J O O A

Test Second2 Second2 WDIntro4 WDIntro4 Training2 Training2 Training2 RiderTraining

Percentage Placing 61.711 scr 65.000 61.379 61.711 scr 61.379 61.200 1 scr 1 2 1 scr 1 1

Class 9.56 10.03 10.17 10.24 Class 10.10 Class 10.31 Class 10.59 Class 11.06 11.13 11.20 11.27 Class 11.34 11.48 11.55

24 179 164 172 189 25 209 26 158 27 184 28 174 182 155 173 29 192 197 203

SSSeraphina Zamboni Sambucca Braveheart ApttobeRowdyote Nash Adagio Maverick LuckyBlueBoy Venue Gabriel Scooter Hickory HuntinforO'Henry

Heather Katherine Karin Maggie Hannah Stephanie Cassidy Annie Landyn Darius Michaela Tina Pam Wendy

Fultz Baccus Andra Selbert Whray Stalvey Spurgeon Davis Williams Taylor Berry Calderon Klavon Jeffries


First1 First1 First1 First1 WDLevel13 WDLevel34 First2 Training3 Training3 Training3Q Training3Q WDIntro3 WDIntro3 WDIntro3

69.310 63.793 62.410 scr 63.816 scr 65.270 64.800 66.400 63.800 58.000 62.500 scr scr

1 2 3 scr 1 scr 1 2 1 3 4 1 scr scr

Class 30 12.02 166 12.09 167 12.16 176 12.23 195 12.30 163 Class 31 1.30 199 Class 32a 1.44 186 1.51 156 1.58 170 2.05 196 Class 32b 2.12 175 2.19 161 2.26 164 2.33 169 2.40 179 Class 33 3.15 208

PrimaDonna ScotchFianna Mabel BonanzasReflection Champ Macintosh Fadjura'sDixieDoll JohnChevalier NoTorious Revolver SecretEscape ZwartzEisberg Zamboni Barong SSSeraphina CopperChancellor

Linda Virginia Beth Stacy Katelyn Gwen Anna Amber Michelle Shantel

Scott Hartley Gould Braniff Jaroszeski TaylorKirk Kirkpatrick Hagin Velasco Brooks


IntroC IntroC IntroC IntroC IntroC Third1 Training3Q Training3 Training3Q Training3Q Training3 Training3Q Training3Q Training3Q Training3Q First3Q

scr 59.750 61.250 60.750 scr scr 67.400 67.500 70.200 65.000 69.800 scr 68.000 66.800 70.000 65.161

scr 3 1 2 scr scr 2 4 1 3 2 scr 3 4 1 1

Cailin Chacon Mary BaerFiorentino Katherine Baccus Dinah Rojek Heather Fultz Hannah Grimm

Class 2.47 2.54 3.22 3.29 3.36 Class 3.43

35 163 181 198 162 200 36 210

Champ Dante Zeus SweetPrincessD Hermione VitteLafitte

Katelyn Melody Gwenyth McKenzie Shelby Alayia

Jaroszeski Boock Stromdahl Lay Brazeal Rizzi


IntroBQ IntroBQ IntroBQ IntroBQ IntroBQ Third3

scr 62.312 67.500 65.000 72.187 65.641

scr 3 5 4 1 1

DailyHighPointRiders Junior CH 200 Hermione RES 155 Venue Amateur CH 168 RES 179 Open CH RES

Shelby Darius

Brazeal Taylor


IntroA Training1

72.500 68.958

SmokeRiseHeron SSSeraphina

Sierra Heather

Ellis Fultz


IntroBQ First3Q

73.750 72.581

171 211

Justice VitteLafitte

Suzanne Alayia

Graham Rizzi


Training3Q Fourth1

73.400 66.571

Western CH 192 RES 202

Scooter SaqlawisNyteofFame

Tina Lynn

Calderon Shinkle


WDIntro1 WDBasic1

77.679 72.097

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