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BSP Data Sheet- Stanley Date: __________________ Talks With Teacher About Sitting Next To Brian N N N.A N.

Class Period (ath )*+**, ))+** !unch )/+**, )+**

Raised Hand Appropriately to Participate In Class

Ask Peer To S itch Seats

Thro !unch Tray

"erbal Aggression

Talk #ut

Scratching $%ace and Ar&s'

Tap Teacher

Take Ite& %ro& Peer

- N - N


0irections+ 1. Please put a tally mark each time Stanley participates in the replacement behavior (raising hand and any time that you see in problem behaviors (thro! lunch tray" verbal aggression" talking out" scratching" tapping teacher" and#or taking item $rom peer . %ark sure to record data during the entire time listed on data sheet. &. 'or the last t!o replacement behaviors (talks !ith teacher and asks peer to s!itch seat please circle the ans!er that best ans!ers the situation. Please use the $ollo!ing codes to ans!er: ()(es *)*o *#+) *ot +pplicable

0esirable Beha2iors+ 1o sit ne-t to Brian ,unch: Co&peting Beha2ior (odel 4 #2er2ie o5 Beha2ior Support Plan Setting 3vent: *ot taking +D2D medication in the morning +ntecedent: .hen Stanley has to sit near Brian at lunch" Problem Behavior: 2e may thro! his tray and#or engage in verbal aggression

4onse5uence: 1o get peer attention

4onse5uence: 1o get attention and to escape social (Brian

Replace&ent Beha2iors+ 1. 1alk to teacher about issue &. +sk peer to move seats

Setting 12ent Strategies+ Stanley !ill noti$y teacher upon arrival at school i$ or i$ not medication !as taken

Antecedent Strategies+ +rrange students so that Brian and Stanley !ill not sit ne-t to each other

Teaching Strategies+ 1. .hen Stanley comes to talk to teacher about sitting ne-t to Brian &. .hen he appropriately asks peer to s!itch seats /. .hen Stanley sits ne-t to Brian at lunch 0. 1each Stanley ho! to sel$monitor appropriate behaviors

Conse3uence Strategies+ 1. 2e !ill get attention and get social escape &. 2e !ill get attention and get social escape /. 2e !ill get attention $rom peer. 0. 2e !ill get attention $rom teacher.

0esirable Beha2iors+ Participate in class time %ath: Co&peting Beha2ior (odel 4 #2er2ie o5 Beha2ior Support Plan Setting 3vent: *ot taking +D2D medication in the morning +ntecedent: .hen Stanley is ignored or does not receive attention" Problem Behavior: 2e may talk out" scratch $ace and arms" engage in verbal aggression" tap the teacher" or take item $rom peer Replace&ent Beha2iors+ 1. 2ave Stanley appropriately raise hand &. Picture card on desk to remind Stanley to raise hand Setting 12ent Strategies+ 1. Stanley !ill noti$y teacher upon arrival at school i$ or i$ not medication !as taken Antecedent Strategies+ 1. 6emind Stanley verbally o$ e-pectations and point to picture card on desk. &. During class time Stanley !ill be $re5uently called on to participate. /. During class the teacher !ill $re5uently come by Stanley7s desk. Teaching Strategies+ 1. .hen Stanley raises his hand !ithout verbal aggression or talking out &. During class the teacher !ill use the reminder card to help Stanley !ith remembering to raise his hand appropriately. /. 1each Stanley ho! to sel$monitor appropriate behaviors

4onse5uence: 8ain more attention

4onse5uence: 1o get attention or to escape !ork

Conse3uence Strategies+ 1. 2e !ill get attention $or only appropriate behaviors. &. Provide praise $or appropriately raising hand.

/. 1o get attention $rom teacher.

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