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Cultural Competence in Teaching NURS 53 Curriculum !e"elopment in Nur#ing Education Linda Ngameduru Coppin State Uni"er#it$

%elen &uld School o' Nur#ing !ecem(er 5) * +*

CULTURAL COMPETENCE * The United State# population ha# undergone numerou# change# in the decade in (oth ethnic and demographic compo#ition #uch a# economic) #ocial) political) health promotion) and educational, The increa#ed in the num(er o' immigrant entering the United State ha# continued to de'ine the countr$ a# a multicultural #ociet$, A# contri(ution# o' di"er#e cultural group# -ere increa#ingl$ "alued) #o i# the need 'or di"er#it$ in their #tudent# and 'acult$ and "ie- thi# di"er#it$ a# #trength .Cherr$ and /aco() * ++0, The increa#ing o' di"er#it$ in the cla##room# ha"e ignited the need to ha"e culturall$ competent teacher# and nur#e clinician read$ to -or1 e''ecti"el$ -ith #tudent# 'rom "ariou# (ac1ground#) #uch a# cultural) lingui#tic or national origin .2eeng-e) * + 0, The united e''ort to in cooperate concept# #en#iti"e to cultural di"er#it$ in the nur#ing education #tandard #tarted #ince the +34 #, Accreditation organi5ation# #uch a# the National League 'or Nur#ing .NLN0 and the American A##ociation o' College# o' Nur#ing .AACN0 ha"e mandate cultural competence a# a re6uirement 'or accreditation, According to Cherr$ and /aco( .* ++0) 7in * 8 the AACN de"eloped 'i"e end9o'9program competencie# 'or

graduate# o' (accalaureate nur#ing program# a# -ell a# a 'acult$ tool1it 'or integrating cultural competencie# into undergraduate education: .p, ** 0, Cultural) ethnic) #piritual) gender) and #e;ual orientation di"er#it$ are the mandator$ culturall$ di"er#e nur#ing care concept# that #hould (e included in the curriculum, <t i# important to 'ocu# on cultural and lingui#tic di"er#it$ (ecau#e there ma$ (e teacher# -ho ma$ ha"e #e"eral mi#conception#) #tereot$pe#) 'al#e (elie'#) and erroneou# attitude# a(out minoritie#, !i"er#it$ i# -hat ma1e# indi"idual# di''erent 'rom or #imilar to other#, &actor# that -e ha"e no control o"er are gender) ethnicit$) race) etc, and 'actor# that -e can control are religiou# pre'erence) political a''iliation) education) etc, The#e 'actor# mentioned impact# our da$9to9da$ -or1place and cla##room interaction#, A# our (u#ine## en"ironment (ecome# more glo(al) our

CULTURAL COMPETENCE 3 -or1place and cla##room (ecome# more di"er#e, 2no-ing ho- to -or1 -ith thi# increa#ing di"er#it$ i# critical to organi5ation# or teacher# continued #ucce##, People=# di''erence# are the #ource o' rich and uni6ue perception o' -or1) li'e) and relation#hip#, People=# #imilaritie# are -hat dra- them together and allo- them to continue to gro- on the >o() in the cla##room) and in their per#onal li"e#, Cultural competence #tart# -ith the a-arene## o' one#el') the a-arene## o' other#) the a-arene## o' di''erence#) and the e;ploration o' #imilaritie# re#ulting in application o' di"er#it$ to the >o(, ?uilding di"er#it$ a-arene## i# a per#onal learning proce## -hich (egin# -ith de"eloping the a-arene## o' our#el"e# and o' the uni6uene## o' our o-n (ac1ground) culture) and pre'erence#, The road to #el'9a-arene## in"ol"e# e;ploration o' our o-n "alue#) perception#) and e;pectation#) and al#o loo1ing at tho#e "alue# and perception# impact our 'eeling# a(out other# -ho are di''erent than u#, Recogni5ing that our 'eeling# lead u# to accept or re>ect other# in #u(tle or #ometime# "er$ direct -a$#, Maintaining a-arene## o' tho#e around u# .#tudent# and co9-or1er#0 in"ol"e# pa$ing attention, Pau#ing to notice ho- -hat -e do impact# other people and ho- their (eha"ior# a''ect u#, Sad1er) Sad1er and @ittleman .* 80 #tate that

teacher#= (elie' a(out ho- #tudent# 'rom di''erent racial (ac1ground# learn and the e;pectation# that the$ ha"e 'or di''erent racial group# ma$ in'luence the -a$ the$ conduct their le##on#, Teacher# -ho ha"e lo-er e;pectation 'or their #tudent# can re#ult in lo-er achie"ement) e#peciall$ -here there i# cultural di#continuit$ that in'luence# attitude# and e;pectation .2eeng-e) * + 0, Student# de"elop tru#t and re#pect 'or teacher# -ith -hom the$ #hare a #alient characteri#tic enhancing their learning, There'ore) cultural competence could help teacher# interact more e''ecti"el$ -ith di"er#e #tudent# and enhancing the #tudent=# academic achie"ement, <t i# important that teacher# (e the role model 1no-ledge) #1ill#) and attitude# o'

CULTURAL COMPETENCE A culturall$ competent pro'e##ional# and in turn teache# #tudent# to appl$ the 1no-ledge) #1ill#) and attitude# that 'o#ter cultural competence, Teaching #tudent# -ith culture) language#) a(ilitie#) and man$ other characteri#tic# pre#ent# a #truggle and challenge to educator#, !eBoung .* 30 #tate 7-hen a##e##ing the

culturall$ di"er#e #tudent that educator# mu#t (e a-are o' the 'act there are "ar$ing cultural (eha"ior# are the re#ult o' pa#t educational e;perience#) cultural (elie'#) and cultural heritage: .p, CA0, People# learning and thin1ing -ill (e di''erent (a#ed on the culture that the per#on# -ere enrooted in, There'ore) #tudent# 'rom the#e culture# di''er in the -a$ the$ recei"eD the$ proce##) and appl$ in'ormation, E"er$ indi"idual i# a uni6ue -ith uni6ue characteri#tic# in an area o' #trength and challenge#, The uni6uene## o' an indi"idual could (e attri(uted to learning #t$le#) #ocial economic #tatu#) de"elopmental le"el#) learning e;perience#) religion) #ocial cla##) race) and ethnicit$) #e;ual orientation) and ph$#ical and mental a(ilitie#D a# a re#ult) it i# ultimatel$ important 'or educator# to under#tand the#e characteri#tic# and help #upport the #tudent to attain their ma;imum academic potential .2eeng-e) * + 0, Teacher# are ad"i#ed to continuou#l$ #ee1ing education and learning e"er$thing that the$ can po##i(l$ di#co"er or learn a(out their #tudent# and their (ac1ground, Eur .* + 0 de'ine# cultural competent #chool a# a #chool that honor#) "alue#) and re#pect di"er#it$ in theor$ and practice and -here teaching and learning are made rele"ant and meaning'ul to #tudent# o' "ariou# culture, Re#earcher# ha"e #ugge#ted that educator# u#e #ome o' the 'ollo-ing acti"itie# in the cla##room #etting to enhance cultural learning) #uch a# re'lecti"e -riting) game#) e;ploring 'amil$ hi#torie#) articulating #ociocultural a''iliation#) e;ploring per#onal hi#tor$ and de"elopment) and learning a(out hi#tor$ and current e;perience# o' di"er#e group#, <n re'lecti"e -riting) the #tudent u#e# -riting >ournal to intro#pect their (elie'# and

CULTURAL COMPETENCE 5 a##umption#, Student# engage in game# that help them e;plore each other=# culture#) #ociocultural di''erence) and po-er di''erential#, The #tudent# -ere re6uired to inter"ie- their 'amil$ mem(er#D a# a re#ult) get an in#ight on ho- their 'amilial cultural in'luence# on their o-n li"e#, <n u#ing articulating #ociocultural a''iliation) the #tudent# -ere encouraged to e;amine di''erent communitie#) and the po-er and the pri"ilege that accompanie# each a''iliation, &or in#tance) the #tudent ma$ (e re6uired to -rite an e##a$ on ho- ethnic identit$ ha# impacted their educational e;perience#, The #tudent# learning hi#tor$ help them e;plore the hi#tor$ o' other people di''erent 'rom them#el"e#) and ha"e a (etter "ie- and under#tanding o' the uni6uene## o' people, Additional teaching method# ha# (een u#e to teach cultural competence 'or undergraduate nur#ing #tudent#) including lecture #t$le) group di#cu##ion) the #tudent -ritten report#) clinical e;perience#) #timulation) group lecture#) mentoring and con#ultation) educational partner#hip#) and li"ed immer#ionF#tud$ A(road, U#ing lecture #t$le#) #tudent# are com'orta(le -ith the teaching method (ecau#e o' it# #tructure) 'amiliarit$ o' the en"ironment) and ea#ine## o' di##emination o' in'ormation, Eroup di#cu##ion# promote acti"e learning through interaction 'acilitating impro"ement# in attitude# or 1no-ledge, Clinical e;perience# allo- repeatedl$ e;po#ure o' #tudent# to indi"idual# o' other culture#) there($ promoting com'ort 'or #tudent# in caring o' patient# 'rom di"er#e culture, <t al#o help #tudent# demon#trate caring) empath$) -armth) alternati"ene##) and genuine concern, Garte and Calamano .* + 0 indicted that there i# a #igni'icant re#ult in de"eloping cultural pro'icienc$ and e''ecti"ene## a'ter #tudent#= clinical encounter# -ith a di"er#e population, Stimulation pro"ide# #tudent# -ith practical #1ill# and 1no-ledge o' culture in a nonthreatening en"ironment, <t i# a #a'e and control en"ironment allo-ing 'or repetition o' #1ill#, Eue#t lecturer# pro"ide (oth #tudent# and educator# -ith ne-

CULTURAL COMPETENCE 4 in#ight ad"antage 'rom an e;perti#e lecturer, Li"ed immer#ionF#tud$ A(road allo- #tudent# and educator# the opportunit$ to immer#e in the culture that i# (een e;amined to learn and e;perience the phenomena, The#e e;perience# promote #el'9a-arene##) 'le;i(ilit$) #en#iti"e) and a"oid #tereot$ping .Long) * +*0, <t i# utmo#t important 'or teacher# to create purpo#e'ul #trategie# that #tudent# can engage -ith di"er#e cla##mate#) a# -ell) the opportunit$ to di#cu## and deli(erate #ocial and cultural di"er#it$ topic#, &or teacher# to (etter under#tand and interact -ith their #tudent#) the$ need to de"elop communication #1ill# that -ill ena(le them to identi'$ the non9o(#er"a(le 'actor#D li1e e;perience# and a#piration#) recogni5e ho- the e;ternal and internal 'actor# pla$ out in the cultural encounter .?alca5ar) Suare59?alca5ar) and Ta$lor9Rit5ler) * 30, The de"elopment o'

cultural competence i# the -illingne## o' indi"idual to engage in #e"eral acti"itie# #uch a#) e;amining out teaching method) #er"ice# o' our place o' -or1) e;amining in#titutional (ia#e# o' traditional practice#) our openne## and -illingne## to accept people 'rom other culture#) tr$ing non9traditional -a$# o' doing thing# or changing #tandard procedure to addre## indi"idual need#) and challenging di#crimination, The a(ilit$ to 7attempt to di#co"er and appl$ the po#iti"e (ene'it# o' cultural "ariation promote# re#pect and a cele(ration o' the "alue o' di"er#it$) -herea# perpetuating pre>udice 'o#ter# narro-9mindedne## and contempt: .Cherr$ and /aco() * ++) p, *+50, <' educator# integrate the a(o"e per#pecti"e# a# part o' pro'e##ional role (eha"ior) #tudent# -ill (e prepared 'or culturall$ competent practice in the communit$ o' di"er#it$, !i"er#it$ i# a "alua(le that empo-er #tudent# and educator#) decrea#e# pre>udice) #tereot$pe) and raci#m in our #ociet$, <t generall$ help# promote e6uit$ and #ocial >u#tice, Gith the teacher# under#tanding the cultural conte;t o' the #tudent# and co9-or1er#= (eha"ior and the e;plicit teaching o' cla##room rule# #uch a# re#pect 'or other culture# and people allo- #tudent#

CULTURAL COMPETENCE C that are culturall$ di"er#e a #mooth tran#ition 'rom home to #chool culture .2eeng-e) * + 0, There'ore) it i# important that teacher# em(race and a''irm di"er#it$ implie# e6ual opportunit$ 'or all the #tudent# to u#e tool# to learn e''ecti"el$ in a #a'e and conducti"e en"ironment, Educator# can learn 'rom #tudent#) co9-or1er# can learn 'rom each other) and our 'uture #ucce## in pro"iding cultural competent care i# lin1edD and al#o the clo#er to communication and under#tanding) the (etter the outcome# 'or (oth #ide#,

CULTURAL COMPETENCE 8 Re'erence# ?alca5ar) &, E,) Suare59?alca5ar) B,) H Ta$lor9Rit5ler) T, .* 30, Cultural competence:

de"elopment o' a conceptual 'rame-or1, Disability & Rehabilitation) 31.+A0) ++539 ++4 , Cherr$) ?,) H /aco() S, R, .* ++0, Contemporary nursing: issue, trends, & management, St, Loui#) Mi##ouri: Mo#($9El#e"ier <nc, !eBoung) S, .* 30, Teaching strategies for nurse educators .*nd ed,0, Upper Saddle Ri"er)

Ne- /er#e$: Pear#on Prentice %all, Eur) C, .* + 0, Cultural competence in high #chool, Research Journal of International tudies) .+40) 4A9C*, 2eeng-e) /, .* + 0, &o#tering cro## cultural competence in pre#er"ice teacher# through multicultural education e;perience#, !arly Childhood !ducation Journal) 3".30) +3C9 * A, Long) T, ?, .* +*0, O"er"ie- o' teaching #trategie# 'or cultural competence in nur#ing #tudent# Journal of Cultural Di#ersity) 1$.30) + *9+ 8, Sad1er) M,) Sad1er) !,) H @ittleman) 2, .* Bor1) NB: McEra-9%ill, 80, Teachers, schools, and society .8th ed,0, Ne-

CULTURAL COMPETENCE 3 Gaite) R,) H Calamaro) C, /, .* + 0, Cultural competence: a #$#temic challenge to nur#ing education) 1no-ledge e;change) and the 1no-ledge de"elopment proce##, %erspecti#es in %sychiatric Care) &'.+0) CA98 ,

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