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The Nazi Consolidation of Power 1933- 1934 Task 1: You need to put the following ideas into the

table below:
Hitler as dictator Hindenburg dies July 1934 Hitler amalgamated position of Chan ellor and president to be ome !uhrer "rmy tolerated Hitler#s a tions and the "rmed !or es swore an $ath of allegian e to Hitler in "ugust 1934 Night of the Long Knives J ne 1934 %% shot many %" leaders and other people seen as threat Law for the !econstr ction of the "tate Jan ar# 1934 sin e &ar h many state go'ernments had been for ed out by %" 'iolen e( )aw was used to allow the *ei h go'ernment to appoint Commissioners( The situation was now formalised by this law( dissol'ed state assemblies reated new *ei h +o'ernors to ontrol states (')lo#'ent Law - J ne ma1or publi works

Concordat J l# $%th agreement between state and ,ati an Chur h banned politi al a ti'ity +o'ernment prote ted religious freedom

Law against the &or'ation of New Parties J l# 14th -./0 %./ were already banned other parties had dissol'ed themsel'es now no new parties allowed +ermany be ame a one party state Law for !estoration of Professional Civil "ervice administration0 ourts0 edu ation purged of 3alien elements30 i(e( Jews0 opponents only 780 a tually repla ed e9tended to all publi ser'i e resulting in the remo'al of thousands of Jews *arch 13th - Control of 'edia +oebbels was appointed head of new &inistry for .ubli :nlightenment and .ropaganda The +o'ernment took ontrol of the radio and press

*a# 1 +overn'ent granted wor,ers *a# -a# holida# turned 2nternational )abour day into 3/ay of 4ational )abour3 &ay 5( Trade union offi es sei6ed: all unions in orporated into new +erman

(na.ling /ct contin ed :nabling " t needed 513 ma1ority as onstitutional amendment passed by 441 's 94 ;only %./ 'oted against0 -./ banned( Centre supported it after Hitler made promises " t renewed 193< be ame 'irtual onstitution of Third *ei h (lections *arch 3th 1933 *ei hstag was dissol'ed on the 1st !eb 1933 +o'ernment used ontrol of the radio0 poli e0 along with unoffi ial pressure0 to intimidate opponents in the ele tion highest e'er turnout with 'olumes of <<(<8( 4a6is attra ted many new 'oters with their :le tion slogan 3The battle against &ar9ism3 4a6is0 surprisingly0 only got 448 of the 'otes0 4ationalist allies got <8

*arch $4th (na.ling /ct 01Law for Ter'inating the " ffering of the Peo)le and Nation12 )aw was passed by *ei hstag who had been relo ated to $pera House after fire and were surrounded by the %"=%% )aw meant that the Cabinet ;in effe t0 Hitler> ould pass de rees without the .resident#s in'ol'ement

4ther e'ergenc# -ecrees imprisonment without trial used to repress -./ Central +o'ernment ould take o'er lo al states not keeping order remained throughout 3rd *ei h: amounted to basi law of 3rd *ei h

('ergenc# -ecrees !eb 5< /e ree of the *ei h .resident for the .rote tion of the 4ation and the %tate issued by Hindenburg using "rti le 4< suspended onstitutional i'il rights se ret poli e ould hold people indefinitely in prote ti'e ustody

!eichstag . ilding destro#ed .# fire probably ommitted by /ut h Communist )ubbe a ting alone used by 4a6is to show Communist threat

Hitler a))ointed Chancellor 3% Jan only 3 4a6is ;Hitler0 +oering0 !ri k> in the abinet0 with .apen as ,i e Chan ellor .resident Hindenburg agrees to dissol'e the *ei hstag and hold new ele tions

Things to consider5

?hi h e'ents suggest that the 4a6is had substantial support that allowed them to onsolidate their power( ?hi h e'ents suggest that the 4a6is had to use for e to onsolidate their power( ?hi h e'ents suggest that the 4a6is had to make on essions to onsolidate their power( ?hether support was a ti'e support for the 4a6is0 or based on opposition to groups the 4a6is also opposed( Whether both force and concessions were only used in the case of certain groups.

/raw out this table into your books0 you will need two pages: The 4a6i Consolidation of .ower 1933@ 1934

Task 5: 6-id Hitler and the Nazis 'arch nchallenged into )ower 1933-3478
19 Create a spider diagram in luding your main ideas $9 ?rite 5 paragraphs answering this Auestion

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