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Essay #1 Short Literary Analysis Paper ENG 260 American Literature I Andy Mc utcheon olle!

e o" the anyons

During the first four weeks of class, you have analyzed literary works using a variety of critical strategies for your discussion board postings, including the more traditional formalist and comparative critical approaches as well as several postmodern approaches, such as psychoanalytic, feminist, and socio-economic. Planning Your Paper: Write a short Formalist, Comparative, or ostmodern !nalysis of a work covered by class readings. "n addition to the works we have read so far this semester, you may also choose from the authors or works we have skipped from assigned sections of our te#t. $our analysis should support a thesis which not only asserts an interpretation of the work %or works& but also e#amines the work's according to a well-defined critical strategy, for e#ample( Formalist, Comparative )it, sychoanalytic, Feminist, or *ocio-+conomic.

Requirements: $our essay should cite all ,uotes and te#tual references in -)! style and contain at least two short ,uotes from the primary work's you are analyzing, as well as one short ,uote from a secondary source relevant to the work's or author's you are considering. Don.t forget to cite summarized and paraphrased content too/ For this short paper, do not over-rely on secondary sources/ 0se two secondary sources at most and be sure to clearly distinguish the language and ideas of other authors from your own through sufficient attribution and correct citation. 1e sure to include an -)! style Works Cited and use proper -)! format. For -)! format see( $our essay should be roughly three pages in length %not counting the Works Cited&. "f your paper is two pages, it.s too short. "f it.s over four pages, you need to do a little editing to fit the assignment. 2ive your essay a compelling, original title %don3t 4ust use the author3s/&. $our essay must be submitted both as a hard copy and to Safe ssign by the due in order to be read %in 5+ssay 67 folder under 8!ssignments8&. !ue !ates: *ee !ssignment Calendar. !bstract' roposal of paper due 999999999999999. :ough Draft Due for peer criti,ue 9999999999999. Final draft of +ssay 6 due 999999999999999.

#elp"ul #ints "or $e%elopin! A &ormalist Analysis Essay

D; <;= 4ust summarize the work/ While you may want to provide a very concise overview of the work in your introduction or briefly summarize specific sections that you plan to discuss in detail in your body paragraphs, if you find yourself 4ust 5retelling7 the story or paraphrasing the poem, you need to stop and refocus your writing on analyzing specific elements of the te#t. D; <;= consult any online sources like *park <otes, +-notes, or sites with student papers on the work. 1y even reading these, you open yourself to the danger of plagiarizing, even unintentionally. $our original analysis of the te#t based on our class discussions and postings will be much more valuable. ;nly consult sources you can list in your works cited. *ee 5:e,uirements7 for acceptable sources. 1e sure to focus your thesis statement.s central claim on the te"t itself as opposed to related but e#ternal sub4ects, such as the author, his or her intentions, credentials, or reputation, or the sub4ect that the work is about, for e#ample, social in4ustice. While all of these topics are related indirectly to the te#t, by focusing your claim on them instead of the literary elements of the te#t itself, you are locating your claim outside of the text and opening your analysis to a much broader and more speculative form of historical, sociological, or psychological analysis %unless, you are doing a postmodern analysis&. >owever, by focusing your central claim on the literar# elements, you strengthen your analysis by narrowing your discussion to topics located in the text itself.

E'ample (opics
"n an analysis of figurati$e language, you would forward a thesis that makes a claim about the author.s use of various forms of figurative language, for e#ample, metaphor, symbolism, or irony. $our thesis would then be supported with direct references to each element in specific sections of the te#t, discussing how the author.s use of each one impacts the work. $our discussion of the te#t would then be supported with documented short ,uotes from scholarly articles about the work. "n an analysis which compares two ma%or characters from a work of fiction, you would forward a thesis that makes a claim comparing the author.s use of characterization for each character and'or the role each plays in developing the plot or dramatizing ma4or themes of the story or novel. $our thesis would then be supported with direct references to each character in specific sections of the te#t and discuss how each assists the author in effectively communicating his or her ideas and attitudes about the sub4ect or theme of the work. $our discussion of the te#t would then be supported with documented short ,uotes from scholarly articles about the work. *ee the Comparison Contrast handout for organizing this essay. "n an analysis of setting, you would forward a thesis that makes a claim about the author.s use of setting in the work and how the various locations in which the narrative develops impact the characters, help shape the plot, or act in a figurative manner to suggest the larger ideas and themes of the work. =his could apply to both fiction and poetry, though would focus on different aspects of the te#t for each. $our thesis would

then be supported with direct references to specific sections of the work where setting plays an important role. $our discussion of the te#t would then be supported with documented short ,uotes from scholarly articles about the work.

Literary (hesis ) *utline +or,sheet En!lish 261 Andy Mc utcheon olle!e o" the anyons 6. What is the sub4ect %te#t& of the thesis? !re both the title and author mentioned?

@. What is the claim of the thesis?

A. "s the claim of the thesis too broad or too narrow? "s the claim about some formal aspect of the te#t itself?

B. What literary elements is the author analyzing?

C. !re these elements clearly addressed in the thesis?

D. What is this thesis statement.s greatest strength?

E. What part of this thesis would you clarify or revise?

F. Do the subtopics in the student'author.s outline clearly support his or her thesis? +#plain.

Essay #1 Grade Sheet ) -u.ric En!lish 260 Andy Mc utcheon olle!e o" the anyons &rade: '''' See the rubric below for a detailed explanation of each letter grade. (omments: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''
n ) * paper will e"hi+it the following qualities: -eets all deadlines, including peer criti,ue and final draft Follows all directions accurately, including( o o o -)! Format( heading, title, spacing, font Clearly addresses literary elements 0ses ade,uate details from work

o o o o

+ngages the work analytically %not 4ust summarize& "ntegrates short ,uotations for support "ncludes proper in-te#t citations and works cited 0ses appropriate sources

Clearly focused thesis Well-developed paragraphs Well developed and varied sentences -inimal errors.

),* paper will e"hi+it the following qualities: -eets all deadlines, including peer criti,ue and final draft Follows all directions accurately, including( o o o o o o o -)! Format( heading, title, spacing, font Clearly addresses literary elements 0ses ade,uate details from work +ngages the work analytically %not 4ust summarize& "ntegrates short ,uotations for support "ncludes proper in-te#t citations and works cited 0ses appropriate sources

Focused thesis Well-developed paragraphs Fairly well developed sentences with some variation Some errors %mostly minor&.

)(* paper will e"hi+it the following qualities: -eets most deadlines, including peer criti,ue and final draft Follow most directions accurately, but may have some problems( o -)! Format( heading, title, spacing, font

o o o o o o

-entions literary elements but does not address them clearly 0ses some details from work but could use more *ummarizes instead of engaging the work analytically 0ses ,uotes but does not integrate properly( dropped ,uotes, etc. "ncludes in-te#t citations and works cited but has problems'errors 0ses of appropriate sources

=hesis may need further development aragraphs are organized but could use further development *entences are mostly correct, though may lack development and variety Some ma4or and minor errors.

n )-ncomplete* paper ma# e"hi+it the following qualities: -isses deadlines, including peer criti,ue and final draft Does <;= follow directions accurately( o o o o o o o -)! Format( heading, title, spacing, font -entions literary elements but does not address them clearly 0ses few or no details from work *ummarizes instead of engaging the work analytically 0ses no ,uotes or over-,uotes "ncludes <; in-te#t citations or works cited Does <;= use appropriate sources

=hesis is unclear or under developed aragraphs are unorganized and'or undeveloped *entences lack development and'or variety Excessive ma4or and'or minor errors.

./& 010 Short 2iterar# nal#sis Paper (ritique 0se the following ,uestions as guidelines to help the author better see his or her work

through the eyes of the reader. !s a critic, try to be as specific as you can about the essay3s strengths and weaknesses in order to help the author effectively revise. :eturn the answers to these ,uestions on a separate sheet of paper with your name as 8Critic8 and the author3s name as 8!uthor.8

3he 4or5 What literary work is the author analyzing? Does the student-author refer to both the author and title of the work? "s the work3s title properly formatted? %,uotation marks for a short work. +tc.& S#nopsis Does the student-author offer a clear synopsis of the work in ,uestion? Would you add anything to it? Where in the essay does it appear? >ow is this effective or ineffective? 3hesis What ,uestion or interpretation of the work does the student-author ask or assert? What critical strategy informs the student3s thesis? "s it clear and self-contained? For a Formalist analysis, what specific literary elements does the thesis address? For a comparative analysis thesis, what aspects of the te#ts serve as points of comparison? What central claim does the student-author make about the elements or points of comparison? "s the thesis too factual, too broad, too vague, or is it an acceptable thesis? +#plain. 6rgani7ation >ow are body paragraphs organized? Does the topic of each body paragraph clearly correspond to one of the literary elements or points or comparison addressed in the thesis? !re transitional phrases and words used between subtopics? 2ive e#amples or make suggestions. Write a brief outline of the student-author3s essay. "s it organized logically? +#plain. Support Does the student author support each general assertion that he or she makes about the work with specific references to the te#t? !re any direct ,uotes used? "f so, are they properly documented according to -)! style? !re any secondary sources ,uoted or referenced, for e#ample, an article on the author? "s there enough commentary by the student-author to 4ustify the use of each ,uote? !e$elopment Does the student-author offer enough evidence to support his or her thesis? +#plain.

!re there any points that could use further development? Do all points seem relevant? =hat is, are they unified? Does each paragraph flow to the ne#t? "n other words, are they coherent? Does the student-author effectively introduce and conclude his or her essay? +#plain. !re all sources documented an -)! style Works Cited page? Proofing8 .diting and 6$erall .ffecti$eness -ark any grammar or spelling errors which mar the essay3s content. 0nderline any awkward or unclear sentences. Circle any vague or inaccurate word choices. What is this essay3s greatest strength? "f you were to revise this essay, what would you focus on?

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