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A. Preamble
To the DGS Order No 6 of 2010 notifyin !on"tr#$tion% S#r&ey% !ertifi$ation ' O(eration of )i&er*Sea +e""el"
1 The objectives of the DGS Order No 6 of 2010 is to define a distinct Indian River-Sea Vessel and thereb to!

sea"lessl inte#rate seaborne trade fro" inland $aters to coastal $aters and vice-versa% &rovide a standard for constr'ction( safe o&eration and certification of river-sea vessels e)cl'sivel en#a#ed on trade bet$een Indian &orts% achieve and "aintain levels of safet co""ens'rate $ith the e)&ectations of Govern"ent of India and the &'blic*

To achieve the above objectives( this DGS Order for Indian River-Sea Vessels &rescribes '&#raded re+'ire"ents for inland vessels and do$n#raded re+'ire"ents for coastal sea-#oin# vessels*

These r'les are intended for &rescribin# r'les for follo$in# t &es of River-Sea Vessels $ith re#ard to desi#n( constr'ction( "annin#( o&eration and &oll'tion &revention re+'ire"ents* River-Sea Vessels ,RSVs- are those vessels re#istered 'nder .erchant Shi&&in# /ct $hich are intended for river-sea o&eration fro" a &ort or &lace in India to an &ort or &lace alon# the coast of India s'ch that the vessel shall not o&erate be ond the territorial $aters of India* Ty(e 1Ty(e 2Ty(e ,Ty(e .vessels en#a#ed in shi& to shore o&erations '&to a "a)i"'" distance of 12 N. in fair $eather onl * vessels en#a#ed in o&erations bet$een nearb &orts d'rin# da li#ht ho'rs in fair $eather onl * vessels en#a#ed in o&erations bet$een Indian &orts in fair $eather conditions $here vo a#e d'ration does not e)ceed 20 ho'rs* vessels en#a#ed in o&erations bet$een Indian &orts in all-$eather conditions

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The scantlin# stren#th and "achiner of T &e 1 1 2 river-sea vessels are #enerall in line $ith the 2Inland 3ater4 service re+'ire"ents of the IRS* The scantlin# stren#th and "achiner of T &e 5 1 0 river-sea vessels are in line $ith the 2Indian 6oastal Service4 re+'ire"ents of the IRS* The safet and other o&erational e+'i&"ent of river-sea vessel 'nder this Order are based on f'nctional re+'ire"ents and ta7e into acco'nt the #ross tonna#e and "ain &ro&'lsion &o$er of the river-sea vessel* /s s'ch( in addition to the "a)i"'" li"it of 5000 GT and 5000 73 b $hich river-sea vessel 'nder this Order are bo'nd( and safet thresholds of 1600 GT and 1800 73 are referenced in several &arts of the Order( th's reflectin# the increasin# o&erational re+'ire"ents of river-sea vessels $ith increasin# si9e and "ain &ro&'lsion &o$er*

/do&tion b the o$ners of the e)e"&tions &rovided 'nder this Order is vol'ntar * O$ners o&tin# to avail the e)e"&tions 'nder the said Order shall do so in its entiret * O$ners o&tin# not to ado&t the e)e"&tions 'nder this Order b't intendin# to carr o't the o&erations envisa#ed $ithin the said Order shall do so b adherin# to the relevant r'les 'nder the .*S* /ct ,M.S. Rules- and international conventions in force at the ti"e and a&&licable for the intended o&eration*

This DGS Order and its acco"&an in# anne)es &rovide the standards for constr'ction( e+'i&"ent( o&eration and certification of T &e 1( 2( 5 and 0 vessels* /do&tion of the &rovisions contained in the anne)es of the said DGS Order shall obviate the need to adhere to the .*S* R'les or an international conventions ,e*#* SO:/S( IS. 6ode( IS;S 6ode( ./R;O:( ST63( etc*- for the intended o&eration*

0. General Pro&i"ion"
1.1 1*1*1 A((li$ation This DGS Order for Indian River-Sea Vessels ,DGS Order- shall a&&l to vessels re#istered 'nder the .erchant Shi&&in# /ct( 1<8= , M.S. Act-* The DGS Order has been develo&ed to &rovide a re#ional safet standard for river-sea vessels &l in# e)cl'sivel on the Indian territorial $aters* 1*1*2 >nless e)&ressl vessels that are! en#a#ed e)cl'sivel on Indian coastal vo a#es% less than 5000 GT% less than 5000 73 "ain &ro&'lsion &o$er% not &assen#er vessels% not tan7ers% &rovided other$ise( the DGS Order a&&lies onl to river-sea

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not carr in# b'l7 che"icals or #as in an for" ,&ac7a#ed or other$ise-% not fishin# vessels% not "ilitar and #overn"ent river-sea vessels not 'sed for co""ercial &'r&oses% not offshore s'&&ort vessels*

The #ross tonna#e and?or "ain &ro&'lsion &o$er li"itations for co"&liance $ith the DGS Order &rescribed in &ara 1*1*2 "a be rela)ed b the /d"inistration in the case of novel ? innovative desi#ns*

1.2 Definition" @or the &'r&oses of this Notification( 'nless e)&ressl &rovided other$ise!


Notifi$ation "eans the Notification for 6onstr'ction( S'rve ( 6ertification and

O&eration of Indian River-Sea Vessels as iss'ed vide DGS Order No A* Of 2010*

River-sea vessel under this Notification "eans River-Sea Vessels ,RSVs- that are re#istered 'nder .erchant Shi&&in# /ct and $hich are intended for river-sea o&eration fro" a &ort or &lace in India to an &ort or &lace alon# the cost of India( s'ch that the vessel shall not o&erate be ond the territorial $aters of India* ,c,d,e,fRiver-sea vessel shall have the sa"e "eanin# as river-sea vessel 'nder this Notification* Fair weather "eans $ind force and sea state not e)ceedin# that corres&ondin# to Bea'fort Scale 0* Administration "eans the Directorate General of Shi&&in#* Recognised Organisation "eans an or#anisation reco#nised b the Directorate General of Shi&&in# to &erfor" stat'tor ter"s of certification and s'rve ,#,h,i,j,7,l,"Approved "eans a&&roved b actin# on its behalf* assenger ship is a shi& $hich carries "ore than 12 &assen#ers* !argo ship is an shi& $hich is not a &assen#er shi&* This incl'des non-tradin# vessels s'ch as t'#s( dred#ers( etc* "an#er is a car#o shi& constr'cted or ada&ted for the carria#e in b'l7 of li+'id car#oes* New river-sea vessel "eans a river-sea vessel the 7eel of $hich is laid or $hich is at a si"ilar sta#e of constr'ction on or after the date of iss'e of this Order* $%isting river-sea vessel "eans a river-sea vessel $hich is not a ne$ river-sea vessel* &ength in relation to a river-sea vessel 'nder this Notification "eans the distance ,in "etres- bet$een the for$ard and aft &er&endic'lars( ho$ever the len#th is to be not $or7 on behalf of the /d"inistration in f'nctions connected $ith the iss'ance of the the /d"inistration or a reco#nised or#anisation

certificates envisa#ed 'nder this Notification*

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less than <6C and need not be #reater than <DC of the e)tre"e len#th on the s'""er load $ater line* ,nFree'oard "eans the distance "eas'red verticall do$n$ards a"idshi& fro" the '&&er ed#e of the dec7 line to the &osition at $hich the '&&er ed#e of the a&&ro&riate load line "ar7 lies* ,o,&Free'oard Dec# "eans the dec7 fro" $hich the freeboard is assi#ned and #enerall the '&&er"ost co"&lete dec7 e)&osed to the $eather and sea* (atertight "eans ca&able of &reventin# the &assa#e in an direction of $ater 'nder &ress're or other$ise as the case "a re+'ire"ent of that &art of the vessel* ,+,r(eather tight "eans $ater cannot &enetrate thro'#h that &art into the vessel 'nder an condition of sea and $eather enco'ntered at sea* (eather forecast "eans the $eather forecast a&&licable for the &ort,s- 'nder consideration( #iven b the "eteorolo#ical de&art"ent of the Govern"ent of India or an other co"&etent a'thorit * ,sFavoura'le weather forecast "eans a $eather forecast $herein fair $eather is &redicted for t$ent fo'r ho'rs fro" the co""ence"ent of a vo a#e* 1., Ty(e" of ri&er*"ea &e""el" @or the &'r&oses of this Notification( the follo$in# t &es of vessels o&eratin# alon# the Indian coast are considered! Ty(e 1Shi(*to*Shore Ser&i$e be havin# re#ard to the f'nctional

Vessels en#a#ed in shi&-to-shore o&erations at Indian &orts be ond inland $ater li"its of the said &ort( &rovided that s'ch o&eration is carried o't in fair $eather and a#ainst a favo'rable $eather forecast* Vessels fallin# 'nder this T &e( $hile en#a#ed in shi&-to-shore o&erations at an Indian &ort( shall o&erate $ith in the territorial $aters of India* Ty(e 2Nearby Port" Ser&i$e

Vessels en#a#ed in o&erations bet$een Indian &orts in $hich the sea &assa#e does not e)ceed that can be covered b a f'll loaded vessel at the vesselEs o&ti"'" s&eed in da li#ht ho'rs( &rovided that s'ch o&eration is carried o't in fair $eather and a#ainst a favo'rable $eather forecast* Vessels fallin# 'nder this T &e shall at all ti"es $hile o&eratin# bet$een &orts( 7ee& a "a)i"'" &arallel distance of 12 na'tical "iles fro" the nearest land( save in the G'lf of 6a"ba and G'lf of F'tch( $here vessels "a &l ( $hile o&eratin# bet$een &orts located either end of the G'lf( a "a)i"'" distance of 20 na'tical "iles fro" the nearest land*

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Ty(e ,-

)e"tri$ted !oa"tal Ser&i$e

Vessels en#a#ed in o&erations bet$een Indian &orts in $hich the "a)i"'" distance does not e)ceed that can be covered b a f'll loaded vessel at the vesselEs o&ti"'" s&eed in 20 ho'rs( &rovided that s'ch o&eration is carried o't in fair $eather and a#ainst a favo'rable $eather forecast* Vessels fallin# 'nder this T &e shall at all ti"es $hile o&eratin# bet$een &orts( 7ee& a "a)i"'" &arallel distance of 12 na'tical "iles fro" the nearest land( save in the G'lf of 6a"ba and G'lf of F'tch( $here vessels "a &l ( $hile o&eratin# bet$een &orts located either end of the G'lf( a "a)i"'" distance of 50 na'tical "iles fro" the nearest land* Ty(e .1nre"tri$ted !oa"tal Ser&i$e

Vessels en#a#ed in o&erations bet$een Indian &orts d'rin# all-$eather conditions* Vessels fallin# 'nder this T &e shall at all ti"es $hile o&eratin# bet$een &orts( 7ee& a "a)i"'" &arallel distance of 12 na'tical "iles fro" the nearest land* ;rovided that s'ch vessel shall not cease to be a T &e 0 river-sea vessel "erel b reason of the fact that the vessel crosses d'rin# the vo a#e the G'lf of F'tch or 6a"ba *

1.. 1*0*1 1*0*2

Notifi$ation )e&ie2 The Notification shall co"e into effect b "eans of a&&ro&riate DGS Order The Notification shall be &eriodicall revie$ed for its effectiveness and a"end"ents that "a be re+'ired fro" ti"e to ti"e*

1./ 1*8*1

)e i"tration River-sea vessels 'nder this Notification are re+'ired to be re#istered 'nder .erchant Shi&&in# /ct( 1<8= ,as a"ended-* O$ners of vessels re#istered 'nder Inland Vessels /ct( 1<1D ,as a"ended-( desirin# to carr o't river-sea o&erations as envisa#ed in ;ara 1*5 above( "a re#ister their vessels 'nder .*S* /ct e)&ressl for the &'r&ose of a&&lication of the Notification( $hile retainin# their ori#inal re#istr 'nder I*V* /ct( if the o$ners so desire*


River-sea vessels "aintainin# d'al re#istr as &rescribed in 1*8*1 above "a hold onl one 6ertificate of Re#istr at a #iven ti"e* Th's( d'al-re#istered vessels carr in# o't river-sea o&erations "'st de&osit their certificate of re#istr 'nder I*V* /ct to the /d"inistration and o&erate 'nder its .*S* /ct certificate of re#istr * 6onversel ( d'al-re#istered vessels intendin# to o&erate solel $ithin inland $aters "a do so 'nder their I*V* certificate of re#istr and at s'ch ti"e( the .*S* /ct certificate of re#istr "'st be de&osited $ith the /d"inistration*

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