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Generator excitation system

Excitation:The process of generating a magnetic field by means of an electric current is called excitation.

Purpose of generator excitation system: 1.The main purpose of excitation system for generator is to supply the power source to the rotor field coil. 2.The excitation system is used to control the excitation of the rotating field in the armature.

TYPE !" T#E E$%&T'T&!( Y TE) 1.*otating 2. tatic +.,rushless

,asic generator control loop

*otating type -ithin the family of rotating exciters. there are numerous types that can be found operating on all types and si/es of generators. The basic 0inds of rotating exciters are motor or shaft dri1en and separately self2excited or bus2fed systems.

The shaft2dri1en rotating excitation system has been the most widely used excita2 tion source in the past. &t is used for small and large turbine generators. The basic con2 figuration is a stationary armature and a rotating field. The ac output of the alternator is rectified by stationary diodes physically located off the generator and fed to the main rotor slip rings as dc current. *egulation of the current output is achie1ed by phase control of thyristors in the alternator field power circuit. "igure +.13 shows the typical basic circuit for a shaft2dri1en excitation system.

tatic type 'n external source of power 4often the generator isolated phase bus5 is used to supply ac power to an excitation transformer. The transformer output is fed to a three2phase controlled rectifier bridge for con1ersion to dc. The re2 6uired generator field 1oltage is obtained by properly controlling the thyristor firing as in the rotating exciter. The standard control generally consists of an ac 4auto5 control mode for regulating generator terminal 1oltage. and a dc 4manual5 control mode for regulating exciter field 1oltage 4see "ig. +.175.

1. )ain e6uipments: a. *ectifier transformer. b. Thyristor rectifier ban0s. c. Excitation startup and field discharge e6uipment. d. *egulation and operation control circuit. 2.'d1antages: a. "ast *esponse b. )ore efficient and low maintenance

*ectify:to con1ert ac to dc. fire : ' transition from non2conduction to conduc2 tion in an ioni/ing switching de1ice. "iring:The act or process of adding fuel and air to a furnace.

'8* '8* means 'utomatic 8oltage *egulator. &t is usually used in the excitation of a generator. '8* regulate the excitation 1oltage of the generator according to the demand. This de1ice is mainly used for 0eeping the terminal 1olage of generator at constant le1el irrespecti1e of load.

,rushless excitation system The brushless excitation system is most widely used for gas turbine units with air2cooled generators. but also can be found in steam generators of e1ery rating. &t consists of a high2fre6uency ac generator with a rotating fused diode as2 sembly. a static 1oltage regulator for excitation control. and a transformer power supply. The exciter is generally attached as an extension of the generator shaft.

)ain parts 1.Pilot exciter 2.main exciter +.*ectifier wheel 9.'8*

The three phase pilot exciter has a re1ol1ing field with permanent magnet poles.The armature winding is housed on the stator. The three phase a.c. generated by the pilot exciter is rectified and controlled by automatic 1oltage regulator to pro1ide 1ariable :.%. for exciting the main exciter. The three phase main exciter has stationary field with re1ol1ing armature. Thus three phase a.c. power is produced in main exciter which is rectified by rotating rectifier bridge and is fed to the field winding of the rotor 4turbo generator5 through dc leads.

,rushless type

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