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Report on Selling and Sales Promotion



October24 2!""

1 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

Table Of content
"$! Personal Selling 2$! Medical Sales Representati(e )$! Ins#rance Salesperson 4$! concl#sion

Page N#mber
%&' "!&2! 2"&2* 2*

24th October, 2011 To, Shahin Ahmed Chowdhury Lecturer 2 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

Department of Mar et!n" #ac$%t& of '$(!ne(( St$)!e( *n!+er(!t& of Dha a

Subject: S$bm!((!on of the Report on me)!ca% (a%e( repre(entat!+e an) (a%e( per(on !n
!n($rance, Dear S!r.ere !( the report a( &o$ ha+e a((!"ne), The report )ea%( /!th the )!fferent proce)$re(, 0$a%!t!e(, )$t!e( of (a%e(peop%e an) promot!ona% pro"ram(, The !(($e( !nc%$)e )!fferent %e+e% of ana%&(!( 1 f!n)!n"(, The (t$)& team tr!e) to prepare the report !n ($ch a /a& (o that th!( report ref%ect( the !n($rance (a%e(peop%e an) me)!ca% rep(, Than ( for &o$r (!ncere co2 operat!on thro$"ho$t the )$rat!on of the (t$)&, If &o$ nee) f$rther c%ar!f!cat!on on an& !(($e(, p%ea(e ($mmon $( an& t!me at &o$r con+en!ence, 3e, therefore, /o$%) %! e to re0$e(t &o$ to accept o$r report an) ob%!"e thereb&, S!ncere%& &o$r(, 4444444444444 Af(ana Ahme) Ro%%-155 444444444444444 M), M!nar *))!n Ro%%-25

_________________ _______________
3a6ahat Noor Ro%%-15: Ra)!a 7ho/)h$r& Ro%%- 1;;


8$a9! Mahf$9a Rahman Ro%%- 145

3 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

A promot!ona% (trate"& an) too%( $(e) !n pharmace$t!ca% compan& an) !n($rance compan& are be!n" prepare) !n attempt( to !nterpret !n2)epth (t$)&, Per(ona% (e%%!n" !( cate"or!(e) a( a promot!ona% metho) !n /h!ch a (a%e(per(on b$!%)( re%at!on(h!p( /!th a c$(tomer that re($%t( !n both part!e( obta!n!n" +a%$e, Man& (ma%% b$(!ne((e( are ab%e to $(e per(ona% (e%%!n" to ma<!m$m effect a( the& ha+e the t!me to b$!%) re%at!on(h!p( /!th the!r !n)!+!)$a% c$(tomer( an) "et a thoro$"h $n)er(tan)!n" of the!r !n)!+!)$a% nee)(, Th!( report he%p( $( to $n)er(tan) ma!n%& the pattern( of /or ( a me)!ca% repre(entat!+e an) (a%e( peop%e of !n($rance ha+e to perform, Th!( report a%(o "a+e $( opport$n!t& to ha+e comp%ete !)ea abo$t Promot!ona% (trate"& an) too%(,

"$! Personal selling

Sa%e( force !( )!rect%& re(pon(!b%e for "enerat!n" (a%e( re+en$e, Per(ona% (a%e( are the )e%!+erance of a (pec!a%%& )e(!"ne) me((a"e to a pro(pect con($mer b& a (e%%er= $($a%%& !t come( !n )!fferent form( ($ch a( #ace2to2face comm$n!cat!on 4 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

Per(ona% %etter( A per(ona% te%ephone con+er(at!on,

*n%! e a)+ert!(!n", a per(ona% (a%e( me((a"e can be more (pec!f!ca%%& tar"ete) to !n)!+!)$a% pro(pect( an) ea(!%& a%tere) !f the )e(!re) beha+!or )oe( not occ$r, .o/e+er Per(ona% (e%%!n" !( far more e<pen(!+e than a)+ert!(!n" an) !( "enera%%& $(e) on%& /hen !t( h!"h co(t( can be nece((ar&, #or e<amp%e, the mar et!n" of a comp%!cate) comp$ter (&(tem ma& re0$!re the $(e of per(ona% (e%%!n" or the !ntro)$ct!on of a ne/ pro)$ct to con($mer(, I)ea%%&, per(ona% (e%%!n" (ho$%) be ($pporte) b& a)+ert!(!n" to ($pport !t( !mpact, Per(ona% (e%%!n" !( one part of compan!e( promot!on m!<, be(!)e the a)+ert!(!n", (a%e( promot!on, an) p$b%!c re%at!on(, 3here a)+ert!(!n" !( /h!che+er form of pa!) (a%e( pre(entat!on that !( not )one face2to2 face, In "enera%, !f a pro)$ct ha( a h!"h2en) component +a%$e an) re0$!re( a man!fe(tat!on of !t( benef!t(, !t /o$%) be appropr!ate for per(ona% (a%e(, There are )!fferent t&pe( of per(ona% (a%e( per(on(, S$ch a( Dr!+er2(a%e(per(on An !n(!)e or)er ta er An o$t(!)e or)er ta er A m!((!onar& (a%e( per(on A (a%e( en"!neer

In per(ona% (e%%!n", the (a%e(per(on an) the b$(!ne(( obta!n +a%$e from a (a%e thro$"h the f!nanc!a% ret$rn the& rece!+e /hen a c$(tomer ma e( a p$rcha(e, The c$(tomer>( +a%$e !( rea%!(e) thro$"h the benef!t( that the& obta!n from con($m!n" the pro)$ct or (er+!ce that the& p$rcha(e, The ob6ect!+e of the (a%e(per(on (ho$%)n>t be to (!mp%& ma e a (a%e, b$t to ma e a (a%e that benef!t( both the b$(!ne(( an) the c$(tomer, Some of the a)+anta"e( that per(ona% (e%%!n" pro+!)e( to (ma%% b$(!ne((e( are

re)$ce) co(t( compare) to other mar et!n" too%( ($ch a( a)+ert!(!n" 5 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

pr!c!n" an) benef!t( can be ne"ot!ate) an) )!(c$((e) on"o!n" b$&er?(e%%er re%at!on(h!p( can be e(tab%!(he) &o$ can offer comp%e< or c$(tom pro)$ct( an) (er+!ce(

The (e%%!n" proce(( !( ma)e $p of a n$mber of )!fferent (ta"e( !nc%$)!n"

Pro(pect!n" Ma !n" !n!t!a% contact Ma !n" a (a%e( p!tch or pre(entat!on an) ma !n" an offer Ob6ect!on han)%!n" an) ne"ot!at!on 7%o(!n" the (a%e an) fo%%o/2$p

"$" T/e * Step Personal Selling Processes

Per(ona% (e%%!n" !( the mo(t e<pen(!+e form of a)+ert!(!n" an) to be effect!+e one (ho$%) $(e a (tep b& (tep proce(( to "a!n the mo(t benef!t, Per(ona% (e%%!n" can a)6$(t the manner !n /h!ch fact( are comm$n!cate) an) can con(!)er factor( ($ch a( c$%t$re an) beha+!o$r !n the approach, The& can a( 0$e(t!on( to )!(co+er the (pec!f!c nee) of the c$(tomer an) can "et fee)bac an) a)6$(t the pre(entat!on a( !t pro"re((e(,

The Personal Selling Process The per(ona% (e%%!n" proce(( !( a con(ec$t!+e (er!e( of act!+!t!e( con)$cte) b& the (a%e(per(on, the %ea) to a pro(pect ta !n" the )e(!re) act!on of b$&!n" a pro)$ct or (er+!ce an) f!n!(h /!th a fo%%o/2$p contact to en($re p$rcha(e (at!(fact!on, Step One: Prospecting - the first step in the personal selling process The proce(( of %oo !n" for an) chec !n" %ea)( !( ca%%e) pro(pect!n" or )eterm!n!n" /h!ch f!rm( or !n)!+!)$a%( co$%) become c$(tomer(,

6 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

*p to 20@ of a f!rm>( c$(tomer ba(e can be %o(t for rea(on( ($ch a( tran(fer, )eath, ret!rement, ta eo+er(, )!((at!(fact!on /!th the compan& an) compet!t!on, A (tea)!%& "ro/!n" %!(t of 0$a%!f!e) pro(pect( !( !mportant for reach!n" the (a%e( tar"et(, 8$a%!f&!n" a pro(pect- It on%& become( a pro(pect !f !t !( )eterm!ne) that the per(on or compan& can benef!t from the (er+!ce or pro)$ct offere), A 0$a%!f!e) pro(pect ha( a nee), can benef!t from the pro)$ct an) ha( the a$thor!t& to ma e the )ec!(!on, Step Two: The Pre-approach Th!( (ta"e !n+o%+e( the co%%ect!n" of a( m$ch re%e+ant !nformat!on a( po((!b%e pr!or to the (a%e( pre(entat!on, The pre2approach !n+e(t!"at!on !( carr!e) o$t on ne/ c$(tomer( b$t a%(o on re"$%ar c$(tomer(, S&(temat!c co%%ect!on of !nformat!on re0$!re( a )ec!(!on abo$t app%!cab!%!t&, $(ef$%ne(( an) ho/ to or"an!(e the !nformat!on for ea(& acce(( an) effect!+e $(e, Step Three: The Approach The (a%e(per(on (ho$%) a%/a&( foc$( on the benef!t( for the c$(tomer, Th!( !( )one b& $(!n" the pro)$ct>( feat$re( an) a)+anta"e(, Th!( !( A)+anta"e( an) 'enef!t(B, #eat$re(- Refer( to the ph&(!ca% character!(t!c( ($ch a( (!9e, ta(te etc, A)+anta"e(- Refer( to the performance pro+!)e) b& the ph&(!ca% character!(t!c( e" !t )oe( not (ta!n, 'enef!t(- Refer( to the benef!t( for the pro(pect, E", Sa+e( &o$ 20@ on rep%acement co(t, Step our: The Sales Presentation After the pro(pect( !ntere(t ha( been "ra(pe), the (a%e( pre(entat!on !( )e%!+ere), Th!( !n+o%+e( a Cper($a(!+e +oca% an) +!($a% e<p%anat!on of a b$(!ne(( propo(!t!onC, It (ho$%) be )one !n a re%a<e) atmo(phere to enco$ra"e the pro(pect to (hare !nformat!on !n or)er to e(tab%!(h re0$!rement(, Some (ma%% ta% ma& be nece((ar& to re)$ce ten(!on b$t the p$rpo(e a%/a&( rema!n( b$(!ne((, Step i!e: The Trial Close no/n a( the #A' techn!0$e A#eat$re(,

7 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

The tr!a% c%o(e !( a part of the pre(entat!on an) !( an !mportant (tep !n the (e%%!n" proce((, Dno/n a( a temperat$re 0$e(t!on 2 techn!0$e to e(tab%!(h the att!t$)e of the pro(pect to/ar)( the pre(entat!on an) the pro)$ct, Step Si": #andling Objection .an)%!n" Ob6ect!on( are often !n)!cat!on( of !ntere(t b& the pro(pect an) (ho$%) not be +!e/e) /!th m!("!+!n" b& (a%e(peop%e, The pro(pect !( !n fact re0$e(t!n" a))!t!ona% !nformat!on to he%p h!m to 6$(t!f& a )ec!(!on to b$&, The pro(pect ma& not be f$%%& con+!nce) an) the !(($e( ra!(e) are th$( +er& !mportant, It a%(o a((!(t( the (a%e(per(on to e(tab%!(h e<act%& /hat !( on the pro(pect>( m!n), Step Se!en: Closing the Sale Th!( !( the %a(t part of the pre(entat!on, Man& (a%e(peop%e fear the c%o(!n" of a (a%e, 7%o(!n" a (a%e !( on%& the conf!rmat!on of an $n)er(tan)!n", #ear /!%% )!(appear !f the (a%e(per(on tr$%& be%!e+e( that the pro(pect /!%% en6o& benef!t( after the p$rcha(e of the pro)$ct, Step $ight: The ollow-up The (a%e )oe( not comp%ete the (e%%!n" proce((, #o%%o/2$p act!+!t!e( are +er& !mportant an) are $(ef$% for the e(tab%!(hment of %on"2term b$(!ne(( re%at!on(h!p(, It !( !mportant to chec !f the pro)$ct( ha+e been rece!+e) !n "oo) con)!t!on, to e(tab%!(h the c$(tomer !( (at!(f!e) etc,

2$! Medical Sales Representati(e

A m!((!onar& (a%e(per(on !( (omeone /ho /or ( a( a man$fact$rer>( repre(entat!+e an) +!(!t( the man$fact$rer>( c$(tomer( an) ta e( care of )eta!%(, A )eta!% per(on>( pr!mar& re(pon(!b!%!t& !( to promote "oo)/!%% b& ma !n" ($re that the man$fact$rer>( c$(tomer !( happ& /!th the pro)$ct, .!( pr!mar& 6ob !( to !ncrea(e b$(!ne(( from c$rrent an) potent!a% c$(tomer( b& pro+!)!n" them /!th pro)$ct !nformat!on an) other per(ona% (e%%!n" a((!(tance, 3e ha+e a((!"ne) to )o o$r me)!ca% (a%e( repre(entat!+e !nter+!e/ /!th the Renata %!m!te), So here /e are "!+!n" a o+er+!e/ of Renata %!m!te) an) the!r promot!ona% (trate"!e(, In o$r re(earch abo$t RenataE( m!((!onar& (a%e(per(on /e fo$n) o$t that a m!((!onar& (a%e(per(on of Renata L!m!te) nee)( to ha+e the fo%%o/!n" 0$a%!t!e(8 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

Prospecting and qualifying- !n+o%+e %ocat!n" potent!a% c$(tomer( an) f!n)!n" o$t !f the& are !n a (pot to b$&, Pro(pect!n", or %ea)2"enerat!on, can be a( (!mp%e a( a( !n" c$rrent c$(tomer( for name( of a((oc!ate( /ho ma& a%(o be !ntere(te), Often Renata L!m!te) pro+!)e( %ea)(, b$t a rea%%& ($cce((f$% (a%e(per(on /!%% a%(o be ab%e to "enerate h!( o/n %ea)(,

Approach: !n+o%+e( re(earch!n" the pro(pect!+e c$(tomerFoften another compan& Aho(p!ta%B or )octor(, The (a%e(per(on ma& rea) $p on the compan&, ta% to other +en)or(, or (t$)& the o+era%% !n)$(tr&, It !( e((ent!a% for a (a%e(per(on of Renata to ma e a po(!t!+e f!r(t !mpre((!on /h!%e !ntro)$c!n" h!m, ItE( +er& !mportant that the m!((!onar& (a%e(per(on %!(ten caref$%%& to the pro(pect c%!ent an) re(pon) correct%&,

Eff!c!ent !n prepar!n" sales presentations, Ab!%!t& to identify product needs, Handling objections- A%mo(t e+er& c$(tomer /!%% pre(ent ob6ect!on( to ma !n" a p$rcha(e, A "oo) (a%e(per(on !( not ner+o$( b& the(e ob6ect!on( an) han)%e( them !n a po(!t!+e an) conf!)ent manner,

Saleclosing- (ome ne/ (a%e(peop%e are (o re%$ctant to be perce!+e) a( a""re((!+e that the& ne+er tr& to c%o(e the (a%e, The c$(tomer ma& become anno&e) an) )ec!)e not to p$rcha(e 6$(t for that rea(on, 7$(tomer( m$(t be "!+en the opport$n!t& to p$rcha(e,

.e (ho$%) be responsible an) be ab%e to pro+!)e (er+!ce an&t!me the pro(pect( /ant, .e (ho$%) po((e(( good sense of humor to "et attent!on of pro(pect(, .e m$(t be punctual Eff!c!ent !n co%%ect!n" Salefollow up.

2$" ,ompan0 O(er(ie1

Renata L!m!te) (hare( the +!(!on of be!n" e+er&/here !n the near f$t$re, /h!ch !( re%ate) to !t( pre(ent b$(!ne((e(, 3e ca%% !t re%ate) )!+er(!f!cat!on, In !t( b$(!ne(( %e+e% (trate"&, 9 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

)!fferent!at!on !( /hat the& foc$( on, Tremen)o$( ran"e( of pro)$ct2m!< an) ($pport!+e f!e%) the f$nct!ona% %e+e% the(e )ec!(!on( are tran(%ate) !nto pract!ce, act!+!t& ba(e) acco$nt!n" or better !n+entor& contro% (&(tem, O+era%% the& (ee for an& of the fo%%o/!n" or the ama%"amat!on of the(e +!rt$e(- 8$a%!t&, Inno+at!on, Eff!c!enc& an) 7$(tomer re(pon(!+ene((,

2$2 -ario#s Promotional Strategies #sed b0 Renata 2td

Renata $(e( the fo%%o/!n" promot!ona% (trate"!e(-

Direct Mar3eting
Renata e<pen)e) 10@ of tota% (a%e( for promot!ona% act!+!t!e( /h!ch fa%%( $n)er the cate"or& of )!rect Mar et!n",

Sales Promotion
Sales promotion !( one of the fo$r a(pect( of promot!ona% m!<, AThe other three part( of the promot!ona% m!< are a)+ert!(!n", per(ona% (e%%!n", an) p$b%!c!t&?p$b%!c re%at!on(,B Me)!a an) non2me)!a mar et!n" comm$n!cat!on are emp%o&e) for a pre2)eterm!ne), %!m!te) t!me to !ncrea(e con($mer )eman), (t!m$%ate mar et )eman) or !mpro+e pro)$ct a+a!%ab!%!t&, E<amp%e( !nc%$)e

conte(t( po!nt of p$rcha(e )!(p%a&( rebate Amar et!n"B free tra+e%, ($ch a( free f%!"ht( 10 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

Sa%e( promot!on( can be )!recte) at the c$(tomer, (a%e( (taff, or )!(tr!b$t!on channe% member( A($ch a( reta!%er(B, Sa%e( promot!on( tar"ete) at the con($mer are ca%%e) consumer sales promotions, Sa%e( promot!on( tar"ete) at reta!%er( an) /ho%e(a%e are ca%%e) trade sales promotions, Some (a%e promot!on(, part!c$%ar%& one( /!th $n$($a% metho)(, are con(!)ere) "!mm!c b& man&, Renata fo%%o/( (ome (a%e( promot!on techn!0$e( /h!ch are a( fo%%o/(

Pr!ce )ea%- A temporar& re)$ct!on !n the pr!ce for )r$" ho$(e( Lo&a% Re/ar) Pro"ram- for PSO, DSM, RSM 7ent(2off )ea%- Pr!ce re)$ct!on !( a percenta"e mar e) on the pro)$ct Pr!ce2pac )ea%- offer a certa!n percenta"e more of the pro)$ct for the (ame pr!ce 7o$pon(- co$pon( ha+e become a (tan)ar) mechan!(m for (a%e( promot!on(,

Lo(( %ea)er- the pr!ce of a pop$%ar pro)$ct !( temporar!%& re)$ce) !n or)er to (t!m$%ate other prof!tab%e (a%e(

G!ft, L!terat$re 7on)$ct c&c%e pro"ram , )oc$ment compet!tor ana%&(!(

P#blic relations
Renata a%(o )oe( (ome (ort( of p$b%!c re%at!on, Public relations Aor P%B are a f!e%) concerne) /!th ma!nta!n!n" p$b%!c !ma"e for h!"h2prof!%e peop%e, commerc!a% b$(!ne((e( an) or"an!9at!on(, non2prof!t a((oc!at!on( or pro"ram(, P$b%!c re%at!on( APRB concern( profe((!on( /or !n" !n p$b%!c me((a"e (hap!n" for the f$nct!on( of comm$n!cat!on, comm$n!t& re%at!on(, cr!(!( mana"ement, c$(tomer re%at!on(, emp%o&ee re%at!on(, "o+ernment affa!r(, !n)$(tr& re%at!on(, !n+e(tor re%at!on(, me)!a re%at!on(, me)!at!on, p$b%!c!t&, (peech2 /r!t!n", an) +!(!tor re%at!on(, Other( )ef!ne !t a( the pract!ce of mana"!n" comm$n!cat!on bet/een an or"an!9at!on an) !t( p$b%!c(, P$b%!c re%at!on( pro+!)e( an or"an!9at!on or !n)!+!)$a% e<po($re to the!r a$)!ence( $(!n" top!c( of p$b%!c !ntere(t an) ne/( !tem( that pro+!)e a th!r)2part& en)or(ement an) )o not )!rect pa&ment, 7ommon act!+!t!e( !nc%$)e (pea !n" at conference(, /or !n" /!th the me)!a, cr!(!( comm$n!cat!on(, (oc!a% me)!a en"a"ement, an) emp%o&ee comm$n!cat!on, It !( (ometh!n" that !( not tan"!b%e= th!( !( /hat (et( !t apart from a)+ert!(!n", 11 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

PR can be $(e) to b$!%) rapport /!th emp%o&ee(, c$(tomer(, !n+e(tor(, +oter(, or the "enera% p$b%!c, A%mo(t an& or"an!9at!on that ha( a (ta e !n ho/ !t !( portra&e) !n the p$b%!c arena emp%o&( (ome %e+e% of p$b%!c re%at!on(, There are a n$mber of re%ate) )!(c!p%!ne( fa%%!n" $n)er the banner of 7orporate 7omm$n!cat!on(, ($ch a( Ana%&(t Re%at!on(, Me)!a Re%at!on(, In+e(tor Re%at!on(, Interna% 7omm$n!cat!on( an) Labor Re%at!on(, PR profe((!ona%( foc$( on b$!%)!n" re%at!on(h!p( that he%p to e(tab%!(h rapport /!th p$b%!c(, P$b%!c Re%at!on( profe((!ona%( m$(t no/ ho/ to /r!te c%ear%&, (pea c%ear%&, an) th!n ana%&t!ca%%&, The(e ( !%%( are nece((ar& beca$(e !n the f!e%) of PR there !( con(tant comm$n!cat!on bet/een profe((!ona%( an) the!r p$b%!c(,

Personal Selling
A per(ona% (e%%!n" (trate"& /or ( be(t for a comp%e<, techn!ca%, $n!0$e, c$(tom!9e) pro)$ct /!th a poor%& !nforme) c%!ent, ThatE( /h& o$r m$%t!m!%%!on2)o%%ar e%ectron!c !ma"!n" pro)$ct !( perfect, ItE( (o comp%e< an) techn!ca% &o$ nee) a tra!ne), !nforme) per(on to e<p%a!n !t to !t( h!"h%& (pec!a%!9e) c$(tomer, ItE( %! e%& to ha+e to be c$(tom!9e) for each !n)!+!)$a% (a%e, an) !t( c%!ent )oe(nEt ha+e the t!me to rea) $p on a%% the )!fferent one( on the mar et an) /h& &o$r( !( better Aan) !( th$( $n!nforme)B, To a))re(( a%% of the(e $n!0$e nee)(, &o$ ha+e to )e(!"n &o$r per(ona% (e%%!n" (trate"& to ha+e three e& e%ement(- a no/%e)"eab%e (a%e(per(on or (a%e( team, an $n)er(tan)!n" of &o$r c%!ent, an) a (a%e( (tr$ct$re )e(!"ne) to "!+e the (a%e(per(on eno$"h po/er to ma e an !rre"$%ar (a%e b$t (t!%% "et re/ar)e) for !t, The (a%e(per(on !( the e& to &o$r per(ona% (a%e( (trate"&, So /hen &o$Ere recr$!t!n"

(a%e(peop%e, &o$ (ho$%) be /!%%!n" to recr$!t the be(t an) e<pect to pa& them a prem!$m, There are t/o ro$te( &o$ can fo%%o/- Go$ can h!re (omeone /!th a "oo) (a%e( bac "ro$n) an) teach them abo$t the (c!ence Aor pro)$ctB= or &o$ can h!re (omeone /!th a "oo) (c!ent!f!c bac "ro$n) an) teach them abo$t (a%e(, *($a%%&, the cho!ce &o$ ma e /!%% )epen) on ho/ comp%!cate) &o$r pro)$ct !( an) /ho &o$r c$(tomer( are, An e%ectron!c !ma"!n" pro)$ct !( %! e%& to be prett& techn!ca%, an) &o$r c$(tomer /!%% %! e%& be a )octor or a (c!ent!(t, (o &o$E%% /ant a (c!ent!(t to be &o$r (a%e(per(on, both for cre)!b!%!t& rea(on( an) to "!+e the c$(tomer /hat the&Ere %oo !n" for, If the per(on b$&!n" &o$r pro)$ct !( a ho(p!ta% a)m!n!(trator, &o$

12 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

m!"ht th!n abo$t h!r!n" (omeone /!th (a%e( e<per!ence !n(tea), beca$(e the a)m!n!(trator /!%% be $(e) to b$&!n" from no techn!ca% peop%e an) /!%% %! e%& be more bottom2%!ne or!ente), Remember, a%(o, that the (a%e(per(on !( more than 6$(t a (a%e( a"ent- The&Ere a re(earch an) )e+e%opment too%, The!r !nteract!on( /!th c$(tomer( "!+e &o$ more !nformat!on abo$t /hat mo)!f!cat!on( nee) to be )one to &o$r pro)$ct than an& other (o$rce, The&Ere mar et !nte%%!"ence Abeca$(e the& no/ /hat other pro)$ct( are be!n" (o%), an) /h&B a( /e%% a( a /a& of ma !n" &o$r o/n pro)$ct more c$(tomer2or!ente), The 7%!ent Thro$"ho$t the mar et!n" (ect!on, /eE+e $(e) the phra(e HDno/ &o$r c%!ent,I ItE( 6$(t a( !mportant here a( an&/here e%(e, '& $n)er(tan)!n" /hat &o$r c%!ent nee)( !n a pro)$ct, &o$ can better "!+e the (a%e(per(on the too%( the& can $(e to f$%f!%% that nee), '& $n)er(tan)!n" /hat a c$(tomer /ant( !n a (a%e(per(on, &o$ can t$ne &o$r (a%e( team to be 6$(t that, Do the& /ant a ha%f2ho$r pre(entat!on or 6$(t a 122(econ) p!tchJ A c$(tom!9e) pro)$ct the& he%p )e(!"n Aan) ma&be /r!te a paper onB or a rea)&2to2$(e pro)$ct, !n the!r %ab, tomorro/J Or ma&be the p$rcha(er !(nEt the $(er at a%%- A ho(p!ta% a)m!n!(trator ma e( the p$rcha(e )ec!(!on, an) a )octor $(e( the mach!ne, *n)er(tan)!n" th!( /!%% he%p eep &o$ from /a(t!n" (a%e(per(on t!me on (e%%!n" the mach!ne to the )octor, /hoE( not a$thor!9e) to b$& !t an&/a&,

Direct mar3eting
&irect mar'eting to patients as follows: S!nce the %ate 1:K0(, )!rect2to2pat!ent mar et!n" of pre(cr!pt!on )r$"( ha( become !mportant, Man& pat!ent( /!%% !n0$!re abo$t, or e+en )eman) to rece!+e, a me)!cat!on the& ha+e (een a)+ert!(e) on te%e+!(!on, In the *n!te) State(, recent &ear( ha+e (een an !ncrea(e !n ma(( me)!a a)+ert!(ement( for pharmace$t!ca%(, E<pen)!t$re( on )!rect2to2con($mer ADT7 pharmace$t!ca% a)+ert!(!n"B ha+e more than 0$!nt$p%e) !n the %a(t (e+en &ear( (!nce the #DA chan"e) the "$!)e%!ne(, from LK00 m!%%!on !n 1::K to more than L4,2 b!%%!on !n 2005, accor)!n" to the *n!te) State( GAO AGo+ernment Acco$ntab!%!t& Off!ce, 200MB, (arious roles played by )POs to enhance the sale Mar et!n" (trate"!e( are ta!%ore) after tra!n!n" !nto acco$nt compet!tor act!+!t!e(, Go$ are one of the be(t per(on( to !nform the Mar et!n" Department abo$t compet!torE( act!+!t!e(, 13 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

S$bm!t a (hort report on compet!tor act!+!t!e(, There !( no nee) to /r!te !n %on" (entence(, !n(tea), 6$(t h!"h%!"ht the ma!n po!nt(, Prepare Tour Program: Prepar!n" a to$r pro"ram he%p( !)ent!f& (pec!f!c "eo"raph!c area( /here &o$r team member( /o$%) be /or !n" a( /e%% a( coor)!nate /!th +an )e%!+er& (che)$%e(, Ma e a broa) o$t%!ne of the area( that a PSO /o$%) co+er on each )a& $(!n" the pre(cr!be) format, Conduct Cycle )eeting:

The c&c%e meet!n" !( !mportant for three rea(on(

#!r(t, !t pro+!)e( a for$m for &o$ to a((e(( the pro"re(( of &o$r team !n re%at!on to other member( !n &o$r re"!on,

Secon), beca$(e of the pre(ence of &o$r RSM an) Pro)$ct Mana"er(, &o$ can !mpro+e &o$r $n)er(tan)!n" on corporate (trate"&,

Th!r), the p%ann!n" that &o$r )o at th!( meet!n" he%p( &o$r RSM carr& o$t h!(? her o/n p%ann!n",

Set (a%e( ob6ect!+e b& ta !n" three e& f!"$re( for each Pr!or!t& Pro)$ct(, The(e are

Month%& tar"et a( pro+!)e) b& .ea) Off!ce Pre+!o$( /ee E( )ef!c!t( A)) &o$r per(ona% tar"et to e<cee) the '$)"et

7oach the PSO?Sr, PSO? PSM ba(e) on tra!n!n" nee)( !)ent!f!e) )$r!n" the /ee %& meet!n"(, Go$r (e((!on( /o$%) t&p!ca%%& !nc%$)e co$n(e%!n", no/%e)"e $p)ate(, )eta!%!n" pract!ce, etc, A)m!n!(ter an e<am!nat!on on Pro)$ct no/%e)"e an) P%an of Act!on APOAB a( prepare) b& Pro)$ct Mana"er(,

&e!eloping Promotion Strategy

Renata L!m!te) $(e) )e+e%op!n" promot!on (trate"!e( a(14 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

2$) Medical Sales Representati(e 4ob Description

Me)!ca% (a%e( repre(entat!+e( A/!)e%& referre) to a( rep(B are a e& %!n bet/een me)!ca% an) pharmace$t!ca% compan!e( an) hea%thcare profe((!ona%(, The& (e%% the!r compan&>( pro)$ct(, /h!ch !nc%$)e me)!c!ne(, pre(cr!pt!on )r$"( an) me)!ca% e0$!pment, to a +ar!et& of c$(tomer( !nc%$)!n" "enera% pract!ce(, pr!mar& care tr$(t( AP7T(B, ho(p!ta%( an) pharmac!e(, The& a%(o /or (trate"!ca%%& to !ncrea(e the a/arene(( an) $(e of the!r compan&>( pharmace$t!ca% an) me)!ca% pro)$ct(, Me)!ca% (a%e( rep( are $($a%%& ba(e) !n a (pec!f!c "eo"raph!ca% %ocat!on an) (pec!a%!(e !n a part!c$%ar pro)$ct or me)!ca% area, The& ma& a%(o ma e pre(entat!on( an) or"an!(e "ro$p e+ent( for hea%thcare profe((!ona%(, a( /e%% a( /or !n" /!th contact( on a one2to2one ba(!(, Typical wor' acti!ities In an& (ett!n", the proce(( of (e%%!n" !n+o%+e( contact!n" potent!a% c$(tomer(, !)ent!f&!n" the!r nee)(, per($a)!n" them that &o$r pro)$ct( or (er+!ce( Arather than tho(e of compet!tor(B can be(t (at!(f& tho(e nee)(= c%o(!n" the (a%e b& a"ree!n" the term( an) con)!t!on(= an) pro+!)!n" an after2(a%e( (er+!ce, Me)!ca% (a%e( repre(entat!+e( )o a%% of th!( an) more,

Tas's often include: 15 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

arran"!n" appo!ntment( /!th )octor(, pharmac!(t( an) ho(p!ta% me)!ca% team(, /h!ch ma& !nc%$)e pre2arran"e) appo!ntment( or re"$%ar >co%)> ca%%!n"=

ma !n" pre(entat!on( to )octor(, pract!ce (taff an) n$r(e( !n GP ($r"er!e(, ho(p!ta% )octor( an) pharmac!(t( !n the reta!% (ector, Pre(entat!on( ma& ta e p%ace !n me)!ca% (ett!n"( )$r!n" the )a&, or ma& be con)$cte) !n the e+en!n"( at a %oca% hote% or conference +en$e=

or"an!(!n" conference( for )octor( an) other me)!ca% (taff= b$!%)!n" an) ma!nta!n!n" po(!t!+e /or !n" re%at!on(h!p( /!th me)!ca% (taff an) ($pport!n" a)m!n!(trat!+e (taff=

mana"!n" b$)"et( Afor cater!n", o$t(!)e (pea er(, conference(, ho(p!ta%!t&, etc,B= eep!n" )eta!%e) recor)( of a%% contact(= reach!n" Aan) !f po((!b%e e<cee)!n"B ann$a% (a%e( tar"et(= p%ann!n" /or (che)$%e( an) /ee %& an) month%& t!metab%e(, Th!( ma& !n+o%+e

/or !n" /!th the area (a%e( team or )!(c$((!n" f$t$re tar"et( /!th the area (a%e( mana"er, Genera%%&, me)!ca% (a%e( e<ec$t!+e( ha+e the!r o/n re"!ona% area of re(pon(!b!%!t& an) p%an ho/ an) /hen to tar"et hea%th profe((!on(= re"$%ar%& atten)!n" compan& meet!n"(, techn!ca% )ata pre(entat!on( an) br!ef!n"(= eep!n" $p2to2)ate /!th the %ate(t c%!n!ca% )ata ($pp%!e) b& the compan&, an) !nterpret!n", pre(ent!n" an) )!(c$((!n" th!( )ata /!th hea%th profe((!ona%( )$r!n" pre(entat!on(=

mon!tor!n" compet!tor act!+!t& an) compet!tor(> pro)$ct(= ma!nta!n!n" no/%e)"e of ne/ )e+e%opment( !n The Nat!ona% .ea%th Ser+!ce AN.SB , ant!c!pat!n" potent!a% ne"at!+e an) po(!t!+e !mpact( on the b$(!ne(( an) a)apt!n" (trate"& accor)!n"%&=

)e+e%op!n" (trate"!e( for !ncrea(!n" opport$n!t!e( to meet an) ta% to contact( !n the me)!ca% an) hea%thcare (ector= 16 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

(ta&!n" !nforme) abo$t the act!+!t!e( of hea%th (er+!ce( !n a part!c$%ar area,

2$4 Medical Sales Representati(e Responsibilities and D#ties

7hec ho(p!ta%( an) hea%th care fac!%!t!e(, Pre(ent on (a%e( to m$%t!p%e )ec!(!on ma er( De+e%op an) n$rt$re c%!ent re%at!on(h!p( Set $p (tron" re%at!on(h!p( /!th e& )ec!(!on ma er( Mana"e c$rrent b$(!ne(( an) pre(ent ne/ pro)$ct( #$nct!on a( (a%e( repre(entat!+e to ho(p!ta%( an) ($r"er& center( #$nct!on a( pr!mar& (a%e( contact an) acco$nt mana"er or m$%t!p%e !n(t!t$t!on( Mon!tor an) ma!nta!n mar et!n" effort( )!recte) at !n(t!t$t!ona% c%!ent( De+e%op an) enco$ra"e effect!+e promot!ona% offer( an) (a%e( campa!"n( De+e%op mar et!n" mater!a%( %! e ca(e (t$)!e( an) pro)$ct broch$re( Se%% me)!ca% pro)$ct( /!th!n ho(p!ta% acco$nt( an) ($r"er& center( .an)%e )!+er(e c$(tomer ba(e /!th!n me)!ca% !n)$(tr& or ho(p!ta% 7reate ne/ b$(!ne(( /!th!n a((!"ne) terr!tor& Mar et a %!ne of me)!ca% )e+!ce pro)$ct( !nto m$%t!p%e %e+e%( of ho(p!ta%( Mo)!f& (a%e( pre(entat!on( content b& (t$)&!n" (a%e( o$t%et t&pe

2$5 Inter(ie1ed In6ormation o6 a sales representati(e o6 Renata 2imited

Each (a%e(per(on of Renata Lt) "oe( thro$"h a tra!n!n" pro"ram before (tart!n" the!r f!e%)/or , The )$rat!on of ($ch tra!n!n" pro"ram !( 1 month, Renata a%(o pro+!)e( &ear%& 17 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

tra!n!n" pro"ram for ma !n" an eff!c!ent (a%e( force, The tra!n!n" pro"ram co+er( the fo%%o/!n" area In)$ct!on tra!n!n" #!e%) tra!n!n" Refre(her tra!n!n" Spec!a% ( !%% )e+e%opment tra!n!n" 7omm$n!cat!on tra!n!n"

If a per(on !( !nter+!e/!n" for a (a%e(per(onE( 6ob !n Renata Lt) he m$(t be eff!c!ent !n $n)er(tan)!n" b$&!n" (!"na%( of pro(pect(, Somet!me( )octor( )o not comm$n!cate )!rect%& rather the& (en) (!"na%( ($ch a( ta% abo$t nee) of certa!n pro)$ct(, The (a%e(per(on of Renata Lt) "rab( the opport$n!t& an) "et( b$&!n" (!"na%(, .o/e+er, (a%e(per(on( of Renata are /e%% )re((e) an) are +er& ac$te !n )o!n" re(earch abo$t mar et )r!+e(, The& re"$%ar%& p$r($e con($mer( an) $($a%%& (er+e t/o (pot( a )a&, A certa!n (a%e(per(on of Renata ha( to co+er Dha a Me)!ca% 7o%%e"e area a( /e%% a( Green roa) areaE( ho(p!ta%( the (ame )a&, RenataE( (a%e(per(on( ha+e to )o po(t ca%% ana%&(!( e+er& )a&, The more eff!c!ent the& are the better the chance the& ha+e for "ett!n" a promot!on, The proce(( of (e%%!n" !( +er& )&nam!c, The pro(pect ma e( (a%e(per(on )ec!)e abo$t /h!ch techn!0$e to a)opt, It +ar!e( from con($mer to con($mer, The (a%e(per(on m$(t be +er& 0$!c to $n)er(tan) the norm( of the c$(tomer an) /hat he /ant( !n or)er to con+!nce the b$&er, Other/!(e other (e%%er( of the (ame bran) (tan) !n %!ne for a (hot at con+!nc!n" the b$&er, So the compet!t!on !( +er& h!"h for the (a%e(per(on, The proce(( (tart( /!th approach!n" the )octor an) !n!t!at!n" a con+er(at!on, The (a%e(per(on m$(t $t!%!9e e+er& (econ) of h!( t!me to con+!nce the )octor, After )e(cr!b!n" pro)$ct feat$re( an) 0$a%!t& to the )octor he m$(t tr& to (ea% the )ea% 0$!c %&, If that !( not an opt!on he nee)( to be per($a(!+e an) eep p$(h!n", .o/e+er, after (a%e( fo%%o/ $p !( another 6ob of the (a%e(per(on a( !t he%p( the bran) to $n)er(tan) )eman) of (o%) pro)$ct( an) (cope for ne/ pro)$ct(, At the en) of each )a& a (a%e(per(on of Renata Lt) nee)( to report to h!( !mme)!ate (en!or b& phone ca%% an) a%(o "o to the off!ce an) "!+e )a!%& report of (a%e( approache(, 18 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

At Renata Lt) (tart!n" (a%ar& of a ne/ (a%e(per(on +ar!e( from 'DT 20,000222,000, A( he /or ( for the compan& !t mon!tor( h!( pro"re(( an) ba(e) on h!( )e)!cat!on to/ar)( (e%%!n" h!( month%& (a%ar& !( ra!(e), The (a%e(per(on !( pro+!)e) /!th month%& a%%o/ance( ($ch a( tra+e% a%%o/ance an) me)!ca% re!mb$r(ement, A( /e !nterro"ate) the (a%e(per(on( abo$t the!r (at!(factor& %e+e% !n 6ob %!fe the& rep%!e) aff!rmat!+e%& that the& are happ& /!th !ncent!+e( an) a%%o/ance( of Renata Lt), .o/e+er, the& a))e) HIn o$r %!fe !t !( not 6ob for %!fe, !t !( %!fe for 6ob,I In the en) the(e /or)( )e(cr!be !t a%%, .o/ the& ha+e to be on the e)"e a%% the t!me to ma e a (a%e a( the repre(entat!+e of the compan&,

)$! Salespeople o6 Ins#rance

An !n($rance (a%e(per(on (e%%( !n($rance po%!c!e(, Some !n($rance (a%e(peop%e (e%% 6$(t one t&pe of !n($rance, /h!%e other( ma& (e%% (e+era% t&pe(, #or e<amp%e, one !n($rance (a%e(per(on ma& (e%% %!fe !n($rance on%& /h!%e other( ma& (e%% %!fe, )!(ab!%!t&, an) propert& !n($rance, Some !n($rance (a%e(peop%e /or for a (!n"%e !n($rance compan& an) on%& (e%% that compan&>( !n($rance pro)$ct(, Other( are !n)epen)ent (a%e(peop%e an) (e%% !n($rance offere) b& man& )!fferent compan!e(, An !n($rance (a%e(per(on that choo(e( to (e%% %!fe !n($rance he%p( peop%e care for the!r %o+e) one( after )eath, The(e po%!c!e( pa& mone& to name) benef!c!ar!e( /hen the po%!c&ho%)er )!e(, .ea%th !n($rance !( another pro)$ct an !n($rance (a%e(per(on ma& (e%%, The(e po%!c!e( are !nten)e) to he%p pa& for me)!ca% care /hen nece((ar&, Some !n($rance a"ent( a%(o (e%% )enta% !n($rance, /h!ch he%p( meet the co(t( of )enta% care, an) )!(ab!%!t& co+era"e, /h!ch pro+!)e( benef!t( !f the po%!c&ho%)er become( )!(ab%e), Some !n($rance (a%e(peop%e a%(o (e%% propert& !n($rance, !nc%$)!n" po%!c!e( that co+er %o((e( ca$(e) b& f!re(, theft, an) other )ama"!n" e+ent( that can affect a home or b$(!ne((, An !n($rance (a%e(per(on ma& a%(o (e%% car !n($rance, he%p!n" peop%e to (ta& co+ere) !n the e+ent of a +eh!c%e acc!)ent, .e ma& (e%% !n($rance that co+er( pro)$ct %!ab!%!t& c%a!m( or 19 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

ma%pract!ce ($!t( a( /e%%, An !n($rance (a%e(per(on ma& (e%% !n($rance to !n)!+!)$a%( an) to b$(!ne((e(, or he ma& (pec!a%!9e !n (e%%!n" to a (!n"%e t&pe of c%!ent, In (ome ca(e(, an !n($rance (a%e( a"ent ma& e+en (e%% m$t$a% f$n)( an) ann$!t!e(, 'e(!)e( (e%%!n" )!fferent t&pe( of !n($rance, an !n($rance (a%e(per(on ma& perform other ta( ( a( /e%%, .e ma& offer a)+!ce concern!n" the m!n!m!9at!on of r!( , an) he ma& e+en offer f!nanc!a% p%ann!n" (er+!ce(, In($rance (a%e(peop%e a%(o eep c%!ent recor)( an) "enerate !n($rance2re%ate) report(, 3hen nece((ar&, a per(on !n th!( f!e%) ma& rem!n) c%!ent( that the!r pa&ment( are )$e, If a c%!ent ha( been !n an acc!)ent or e<per!ence) (ome t&pe of %o((, an !n($rance (a%e(per(on ma& a%(o a)+!(e h!m on ho/ to ($bm!t h!( c%a!m, The re0$!rement( for becom!n" a (a%e(per(on ma& +ar& from p%ace to p%ace, Often, compan!e( that emp%o& !n($rance (a%e(peop%e prefer tho(e /ho ha+e earne) co%%e"e )e"ree(, An !n)!+!)$a% ma& (ec$re a 6ob /!th on%& a h!"h (choo% )!p%oma or !t( e0$!+a%ent !f he ha( a ta%ent for (a%e( or re%ate) e<per!ence, ho/e+er, In man& p%ace(, a per(on m$(t pa(( an !n($rance %!cen(!n" e<am !n or)er to (e%% !n($rance /!th a compan& or a( an !n)epen)ent a"ent,

)$" 7#alities o6 ins#rance salesperson

If &o$ ha+e e+er contemp%ate) becom!n" an !n($rance a"ent or /on)ere) /hether th!( career path co$%) be r!"ht for &o$, then there are (e+era% 0$a%!t!e( that &o$ /!%% nee) to po((e((, at %ea(t to (ome )e"ree, A%% "oo) !n($rance a"ent( (hare (ome of the fo%%o/!n" core 0$a%!t!e( !n one /a& or another, People S'ills *+ P$t( the nee)( of the c%!ent f!r(t 2 An a"ent /ho !( on%& o$t to earn a comm!((!on, re"ar)%e(( of the nee)( of the c%!ent, !( not %! e%& to %a(t %on" !n the b$(!ne((, A"ent( an) bro er( /ho %!(ten caref$%%& to /hat the!r c%!ent( an) pro(pect( (a& /!%% be ab%e to earn the!r tr$(t, /h!ch !( the har)e(t part of the!r 6ob, Tho(e /ho are /!%%!n" to p$t the!r c%!ent( !nto a pro)$ct that pa&( a %o/er comm!((!on beca$(e !t better f!t( the!r nee)( are m$ch more %! e%& to be ($cce((f$%, ,+ Goo) c$(tomer (er+!ce 2 7$(tomer( /ho are ab%e to "et a ho%) of the!r a"ent( /hen the& nee) them are m$ch more %! e%& to (ta& happ& an) rea(($re), A t!me%& re(pon(e 20 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

to !n0$!r!e( an) phone ca%%( !( a m$(t, an) &o$ m$(t be ab%e to )o /hat &o$ (a& &o$ /!%% )o, /hen &o$ (a& &o$ /!%% )o !t 2 or at %ea(t ha+e a "oo) rea(on a( to /h& &o$ can>t, One of the ma6or comp%a!nt( of tho(e /ho b$& %!fe !n($rance po%!c!e( !( that there !( no one aro$n) to an(/er the!r 0$e(t!on( after the& ha+e p$rcha(e) the po%!c&, -+ Emot!ona% !nte%%!"ence 2 Th!( !nc%$)e( the ab!%!t& to %!(ten an) empath!9e /!th c%!ent( on a )eeper %e+e% !n or)er to )!(cern /hat the& rea%%& /ant an) nee), A "oo) a"ent !( tactf$% an) no/( ho/ to he%p a c%!ent (ee f!nanc!a% rea%!t& c%ear%&, e+en /hen the c%!ent !( )ea) (et a"a!n(t !t, .+ Pa((!onate N S$cce((f$% bro er( are pa((!onate abo$t /hat the& )o, The& en6o& he%p!n" other( prepare for the $ne<pecte), (o the& be%!e+e !n /hat the& are (e%%!n", Top2%e+e% !n($rance bro er( m$(t be on a m!((!on to !mpro+e the %!+e( of the!r c$rrent an) pro(pect!+e c%!ent(, The!r (er+!ce( can ha+e a h$"e !mpact on the %!+e( an) %e"ac!e( of the!r c%!ent( N an) on the %!+e( of c%!ent(E fam!%!e( an) %o+e) one(, A ne/ bro erE( ab!%!t& to con+e& the cr$c!a% nat$re of th!( /or /!%% ha+e a h$"e !mpact on h!(?her career, /+ O$t"o!n" an) empathet!c N Intro+ert( nee) not app%&, In($rance bro er( m$(t be o$t"o!n" an) ab%e to ma e pro(pect!+e c%!ent( comfortab%e )$r!n" the (a%e( proce((, The& m$(t be comfortab%e (tart!n" con+er(at!on( an) ha+e "en$!ne !ntere(t !n the!r c%!ent(E peace of m!n) an) f!nanc!a% /e%%2be!n", 0+ Ab%e to han)%e re6ect!on N In($rance bro er( m$(t )ea% /!th a %ot of re6ect!on, e(pec!a%%& ear%& !n the!r career(, A( !n" pro(pect!+e c%!ent( to face the!r o/n morta%!t& or morb!)!t& !( a cha%%en"e, Man& pro(pect!+e c%!ent( /!%% procra(t!nate an) tr& to po(tpone meet!n"(, an) (ome ma& e+en be +erba%%& ab$(!+e, S$cce((f$% bro er( )e+e%op re(!%!ence an) rea%!9e that th!( re6ect!on !( not per(ona%, One !ntere(t!n" techn!0$e $(e) b& a former top a"ent to ne$tra%!9e h!( fear of ca%%!n" pro(pect( /a( to p$t a )o%%ar +a%$e on each ca%%, The a"ent rea%!9e) that !f he /a( earn!n" L;000 !n comm!((!on a /ee an) /a( ma !n" 150 ca%%( each /ee , each ca%% /a( /orth L20, To m!n!m!9e h!( re%$ctance, he tape) a L20 b!%% to the phone to (!"n!f& the +a%$e of each ca%%, Th!( techn!0$e )o$b%e) h!( re+en$e /!th!n a &ear,

21 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

1+ A+a!%ab!%!t& an) #%e<!b!%!t&2 A( an !n($rance a"ent, &o$r 6ob /!%% be to meet the nee)( of &o$r c%!ent(, 7%!ent(> nee)( are often t!e) to the!r o/n /or an) fam!%& e+ent (che)$%e(, The be(t !n($rance a"ent( are t&p!ca%%& tho(e that can be reache) at o)) ho$r( an) can pro+!)e appo!ntment( to c$(tomer( at a%% ho$r( of the )a& or n!"ht, /!th!n rea(on, If &o$ are %oo !n" for an !n($rance a"ent, one of the mo(t fr$(trat!n" th!n"( !n the /or%) can be "ett!n" (t$c /!th an a"ent /ho(e )oor( open at O a,m, an) c%o(e at 4 p,m, P$(t %! e /!th rea% e(tate a"ent( or f!nanc!a% bro er(, a( potent!a% !n($rance a"ent( /hat !n) of (che)$%e the& norma%%& /or !n ca(e &o$ nee) to be ab%e to "et a ho%) of them, Determ!ne /hether the!r compan& ha( a 242ho$r he%p%!ne or !f &o$ /!%% a%/a&( ha+e to /a!t $nt!% the ne<t )a& to "et he%p, Abo+e a%%, &o$ nee) an a"ent /ho !( /!%%!n" to be f%e<!b%e to accommo)ate &o$r (che)$%!n" nee)(, Strong Personality *+ .!"h ener"& %e+e% 2 One of the mo(t !mportant tra!t( of a "oo) !n($rance a"ent !( that the& appear to be e<c!te) an) ea"er at a%% t!me(, A /orn2)o/n or )rear& )!(po(!t!on /!%% !mme)!ate%& r$b off on c%!ent( an) )!(co$ra"e them from b$&!n" an&th!n", ,+ Per(!(tence 2 Th!( !( perhap( the mo(t +!ta% 0$a%!t& of an& "oo) !n($rance a"ent, Tho(e /ho /or !n th!( f!e%) ab(o%$te%& m$(t be ab%e to han)%e re6ect!on on a )a!%& ba(!( o+er the co$r(e of the!r career(, an) )o !t /!th a (m!%e, Goo) !n($rance a"ent( $n)er(tan) that each CnoC on%& br!n"( them c%o(er to (omeone /ho /!%% (a& C&e(,C -+ .one(t& 2 In($rance a"ent( /ho $(e )ecept!on to c%o(e b$(!ne(( (e%)om (ta& /!th the (ame compan& for +er& %on" 2 an) can en) $p beh!n) bar( !n (ome ca(e(, A "oo) a"ent no/( that te%%!n" the tr$th $p front /!%% /!n them c%!ent(> re(pect an) tr$(t an) !( %! e%& to %ea) to repeat b$(!ne(( o+er t!me, .+ Goa% or!ente) N The !n($rance !n)$(tr& can be monetar!%& an) per(ona%%& re/ar)!n", b$t !t !( f!%%e) /!th man& %on" )a&( an) cha%%en"e(, The(e cha%%en"e( can be ph&(!ca%%& an) emot!ona%%& /ear!n" $n%e(( bro er( can (et b$(!ne(( tar"et( that eep them on trac , The ab!%!t& to (et (hort2term, m!)2term, an) %on"2term "oa%( /!%% eep ener"& %e+e%( h!"h an) he%p &o$ )ea% /!th )a!%& b$(!ne(( cha%%en"e(, 22 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

/+ Or"an!9e) N Top2t!er !n($rance bro er( ha+e trac !n" (&(tem( to ana%&9e the!r pro)$ct!on an) a)m!n!(trat!+e ta( (, The& can effect!+e%& eep trac of /hen to contact c$rrent an) pro(pect!+e c%!ent(, S$cce(( !n !n($rance re0$!re( per(!(tence, S&(temat!ca%%& eep!n" !n to$ch /!th c%!ent( %et( bro er( pro+!)e better (er+!ce an) $nco+er potent!a% (a%e( opport$n!t!e(, ($ch a( the b!rth of a ch!%) or the p$rcha(e of a ne/ home, 0+ Goo) L!(tener( N There !( an o%) (a&!n", HGo) "a+e $( t/o ear( an) one mo$th beca$(e .e /ante) $( to )o t/!ce a( m$ch %!(ten!n" a( ta% !n",I Th!( a)a"e )ef!n!te%& app%!e( to the !n($rance !n)$(tr&, Pro(pect!+e c%!ent( /!%% %et &o$ no/ the!r area( of concern, b$t on%& !f &o$ enco$ra"e them b& act!+e %!(ten!n", Remember, area( of concern are opport$n!t!e( to ren)er (er+!ce N an) ma e a (a%e, 1+ 7omm$n!cat!on S !%%(2 7omm$n!cat!on ( !%%( are e((ent!a% to be!n" a top !n($rance a"ent, A"ent( /ho can ($cce((f$%%& e<p%a!n po%!c!e( an) po%!c& )eta!%( to potent!a% c%!ent( are %! e%& to %o(e the(e potent!a% c$(tomer( /ho ma& be $nea(& abo$t the a"reement the& are enter!n" !nto, If &o$ are a c%!ent (ee !n" an !n($rance a"ent, (ett%!n" for an a"ent /ho cannot effect!+e%& comm$n!cate /!th &o$ (ho$%) not be an opt!on, Effect!+e comm$n!cator( are tho(e /ho reco"n!9e that each per(on>( comm$n!cat!on nee)( can be )!fferent an) a)6$(t the!r o/n (t&%e of comm$n!cat!on (o that the& can be $n)er(too) b& man& )!fferent t&pe( of peop%e, 2eneral 3nowledge *+ 3!)e arra& of pro)$ct( 2 A( the o%) (a&!n" "oe(, !f a%% &o$ ha+e to /or /!th !( a hammer, an) then e+er&th!n" !n the /or%) %oo ( %! e a na!%, A "oo) !n($rance a"ent /!%% be ab%e to offer a comprehen(!+e (e%ect!on of pro)$ct( an) (er+!ce( that can meet an& rea(onab%e nee) a c%!ent m!"ht ha+e, ,+ Techn!ca% no/%e)"e 2 A "oo) !n($rance a"ent no/( m$ch more than ho/ to (e%% a po%!c&, The a"ent m$(t $n)er(tan) the ta< an) %e"a% a(pect( of the pro)$ct( he or (he (e%%( an) ho/ the& are )e(!"ne) to f!t !nto a c%!ent>( o+era%% f!nanc!a% (!t$at!on, Man& a"ent( earn f!nanc!a% p%ann!n" )e(!"nat!on( ($ch a( the 7ert!f!e) #!nanc!a% P%annerQ, 7hartere) #!nanc!a% 7o$n(e%or or other cre)ent!a%, Some a"ent( pract!ce f!nanc!a%

23 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

p%ann!n", !ncome ta< preparat!on or (ome other a+en$e of f!nanc!a% (er+!ce a( the!r pr!mar& profe((!on an) then /r!te !n($rance b$(!ne(( /hen !t become( nece((ar&, The(e are 6$(t (ome of the 0$a%!t!e( that %!fe !n($rance a"ent( m$(t po((e(( !n or)er to be ($cce((f$%, The %!fe !n($rance b$(!ne(( can be +er& cha%%en"!n" an) !mmen(e%& re/ar)!n" for tho(e /ho are /!%%!n" to %earn the nece((ar& ( !%%( to b$!%) the!r b$(!ne((, #or more !nformat!on on ho/ to become a ($cce((f$% !n($rance a"ent, contact the recr$!t!n" off!ce( of a fe/ )!fferent a"enc!e( or a hea)h$nter /ho /or ( /!th !n($rance a"ent(,

)$2 Role o6 ins#rance salespeople

The ma!n ro%e of the !n($rance a"ent( !( to ($pp%& )eta!%e) !nformat!on on a po%!c& /h!ch /!%% be ab%e to pro+!)e a)e0$ate he%p to the !n($re) at the t!me of a %o(( or )!(a(ter or an& !nab!%!t& or )eath, There are +ar!o$( !n)( of !n($rance( %! e %!fe !n($rance, hea%th !n($rance, cre)!t !n($rance, home !n($rance, pet !n($rance, boat !n($rance an) +ar!o$( other(, So, !t !( !mportant for &o$ to "et a%% the )eta!%( of !n($rance before b$&!n" !t, The !n($rance a"ent( "$!)e &o$ !n "ett!n" the be(t )ea% a( per &o$ nee)(, 'efore "ett!n" he%p from an !n($rance a"ent, ma e ($re that he !( a member of !n($rance a"ent( a((oc!at!on PIA, Th!( !( beca$(e PIA he%p( the!r member( to (ta& !nforme) an) e)$cate) abo$t the !n($rance po%!c!e( an) the ne/ $p)ate( on the po%!c!e(, 'a(!c f$nct!on of !n($rance a"ent( The fo%%o/!n" are the ba(!c f$nct!on the& (ho$%) perform Pro+!)e &o$ /!th a%% the nece((ar& app%!cat!on form( S$bm!t &o$r app%!cat!on form( to the !n($rance compan& Arran"e /!th &o$ a%% the me)!ca% te(t( an) other a((oc!ate) forma%!t!e( for b$&!n" an !n($rance po%!c& Pro+!)e &o$ /!th rem!n)er( abo$t the prem!$m pa&ment( an) abo$t "ett!n" the ret$rn rece!pt( The& are a%(o ($ppo(e) to he%p &o$ ma e nece((ar& chan"e( !n the a))re((, an) an& other !nformat!on an) (o on 24 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

.e%p &o$ /!th the /ho%e proce(( of the a((!"nment of the po%!c& A((!(t &o$ /!th an& !n) of %oan app%!cat!on( an) other a((oc!ate) forma%!t!e( The a"ent( are a%(o ($ppo(e) to he%p &o$ /!th re+!+!n" the po%!c!e( that ha+e %ap(e) The& are ($ppo(e) to a((!(t &o$ !n c%a!m!n" the +ar!o$( benef!t( a( an) /hen re0$!re) Ma6or!t& of the peop%e /ho nee) an !n($rance po%!c& mana"e( to contact an !n($rance compan& /!th the he%p of an !n($rance a"ent, The !n($rance (a%e( a"ent( are a%(o no/n a( the pro)$cer(, The(e a"ent( a%(o pro+!)e &o$r !)ea( on ho/ to a+o!) or m!n!m!9e the r!( (, So, &o$ can "et the he%p of an !n($rance a"ent !f &o$ are p%ann!n" to b$& an& !n) of !n($rance,

)$) Process o6 1or3ing

Ma e Pro)$ct Appear HIn Deman)I or,

In($rance (a%e(peop%e a%/a&( pre(ent them(e%+e( an) the!r pro)$ct a( H%!m!te),I H(carce,I or H!n )eman),I 3h&J Peop%e /ant /hat the& canEt ha+e, Repeate)%&, per($a(!on re(earcher( ha+e (ho/n that h$man be!n"( f!n) more +a%$e !n th!n"( that the& ha+e a har) t!me obta!n!n", 3hen c$(tomer( fee% an opport$n!t& !( abo$t to be ta en a/a& or pro)$ct !( r$nn!n" o$t, the& /ant !t more, Therefore, pre(ent &o$r opport$n!t& a( H(carce,I He<c%$(!+eI or H!n )eman),I Ta% Lo((e(, Not Ga!n(,

Per($a(!on e<pert( no/ that (a%e(peop%e /ho %earn to ta% %o((e(, not "a!n(, /!%% ach!e+e opt!ma% re($%t(, In other /or)(, rather than te%%!n" a pro(pect /hat he or (he /!%% "a!n b& $(!n" &o$r pro)$ct, te%% them /hat the& are "o!n" to %o(e b& not $(!n" &o$r pro)$ct, Th!( (trate"& /or ( beca$(e the pa!n of %o(!n" (ometh!n" that &o$ a%rea)& ha+e !( more !nten(e than the p%ea($re of "a!n!n" (ometh!n" &o$ )onEt ha+e, In($rance a"ent( (omet!me( ma e the m!(ta e of pre(ent!n" !n($rance a( a "a!n, H3!th th!( po%!c& &o$ "a!n peace of m!n),I the& (a&, The better approach !( to te%% the pro(pect /hat the& (tan) to %o(e b& not b$&!n" the pro)$ct, HTh!n abo$t a%% of the th!n"( that &o$ c$rrent%&

25 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

Report on Selling and Sales Promotion

ha+eF&o$r ne/ 7a)!%%ac, &o$r e<pen(!+e A(!an r$", &o$r bea$t!f$% ne/ home , 3!tho$t th!( po%!c&, &o$ are at r!( of %o(!n" a%% of tho(e th!n"(,I '& ta% !n" %o((e(, &o$ effect!+e%& )!(r$pt comfort 9one( an) pro+!)e c$(tomer( /!th the mot!+at!on to act, Pa!nt a p!ct$re of /hat the c$(tomer a%rea)& ha( b$t (tan)( to %o(e, Th!( approach create( a more mot!+at!n" me((a"e, Po(!t!on Go$r(e%f a( Someone Ra%$e) b& the HE<pert(I,

3hen $ncerta!n abo$t /hat pro)$ct to b$&, h$man be!n"( often %oo to the beha+!or of other(, e(pec!a%%& e<pert(, to )eterm!ne the!r o/n co$r(e of act!on, Th!( !( /h& &o$ often (ee a)+ert!(ement( c%a!m!n" that Hfo$r o$t of f!+e )octor( recommen)I or, Hthe f!ne foo) e<pert( (!nce 1:M:,I Share the!r te(t!mon!a%(, a)+ert!(e a/ar)( the b$(!ne(( ha( earne), co%%ect an) (hare comment( of (at!(f!e) c$(tomer(, 7on+!nce &o$r c$(tomer( that &o$Ere the be(t b& (ho/!n" them that the e<pert( (a& that &o$Ere the be(t,

4$! ,oncl#sion
Per(ona% (e%%!n" !( cate"or!(e) a( a promot!ona% metho) !n /h!ch a (a%e(per(on b$!%)( re%at!on(h!p( /!th a c$(tomer that re($%t( !n both part!e( obta!n!n" +a%$e, Man& (ma%% b$(!ne((e( are ab%e to $(e per(ona% (e%%!n" to ma<!m$m effect a( the& ha+e the t!me to b$!%) re%at!on(h!p( /!th the!r !n)!+!)$a% c$(tomer( an) "et a thoro$"h $n)er(tan)!n" of the!r !n)!+!)$a% nee)(, Per(ona% (e%%!n" re0$!re( (ome amo$nt of per(ona% contact bet/een the b$&er an) the (e%%er, .o/e+er, th!( contact )oe( not nece((ar!%& ha+e to occ$r face to face, Per(ona% (e%%!n" can occ$r on the te%ephone, +!a +!)eo conferenc!n" or e+en b& $t!%!(!n" !nternet chat an) me((a"!n", The e& !( that the b$&er an) (e%%er nee) to be ab%e to comm$n!cate c%ear%& an) effect!+e%& /!th each other,

26 Prepared by Breaking Dawn

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