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Una Noun Clause (tambin llamada Nominal Clause) es una clusula que funciona como un sustantivo o una frase

nominal dentro de una oracin y, como t bien dices, puede ocupar el lugar de sujeto, objeto, complemento sujeto, complemento de una preposicin o de un adjetivo. Para reconocer una noun clause podemos hacernos las preguntas What? Who(m)? + verbo. Por ejemplo:

What you did made me laugh. What made me laugh? What you did.
Veamos ejemplos de noun clauses cumpliendo diferentes funciones en la oracin: 1. Subject (sujeto) - What Tommy said surprised his teacher - Lo que Tommy dijo sorprendi a su maestro. - Where you came from is not relevant.- De dnde viniste no es relevante.

2. Object (objeto)

- Anna's parents didn't know that she had missed school.- Los padres de Anna no saban que ella haba faltado a la escuela. - It doesn't matter where it came from.- No importa de dnde vino.

3. Subject complement (complemento sujeto)

- The reason for my delay was that I fell asleep.- La razn de mi retraso fue que me qued dormido.

- Julia's mistake was that she didn't ask for help.- El error de Julia fue que no pidi ayuda.

4. Prepositional complement (complemento de una preposicin)

- Peter is proud of what he did.- Pedro est orgulloso de lo que hizo.

- She is a little worried about who will replace the president.- Est un poco preocupada sobre quin reemplazar al presidente.


If + Subject + Had + Past Participle, + Subject + Modal + Have + Past Participle

Examples: Could If I had known about the party, I could have gone. Should If you had known about the party, you should have told me. Might If he had known about the party, he might have gone. Would If I had known about the party, I would have gone.


Imaginary situations in the past This includes actions that did not happen in the past. Examples:

If I had gone to university, I would have studied medicine. If You had gone to the party, you would have met him.

Advice in the past These sentences usually don't have an "if" clause, and can often be more direct. Examples:

You should have saved your money. You should not have gone with him.

Describes what you would have done differently Example:

If I had been you, I would not have bought those shoes. If I had thought about it, I wouldn't have eaten so much.

Questions Here are some examples of questions with the 3rd conditional:

What would you have done if you had been me? Would you have finished if you had had more time? Would you have bought something cheaper? Should we have paid more attention in class?

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