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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Origin of the Report

The report on Management & Organizational Behaviour Practices of British merican !o"acco Bangladesh# was prepared as assigned by the Course Instructor Engr. Kamrul Hassan in the course Organization & Management EM!" #$%& and submitted on '(th "pril '$)%.

1.$ Bac%ground of the &tud':

To be operating in a contro*ersial and challenging industry li+e the cigarette industry success,ully- !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh has a strong Management & Organizational !eha*iour .ractices within their company. /ithout a strong management & organizational beha*iour practices it0s perhaps impossible to operate a big multinational organization in di,,erent continent.

1.( O")ective
To prepare a written report a,ter conducting a study o, Management & Organizational !eha*iour .ractices o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh.

1.* &cope
This report will co*er only the Management & Organizational !eha*iour .ractices o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh1 it will not co*er all the business organizations management & organizational beha*iour practices.

1.+ Methodolog'
The report is based on primary data by conducting personal inter*iews with the managementemployees o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh- and secondary data obtained ,rom the website o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh and the Internet.

1., -imitations
There were se*eral limitations ,aced in the preparation o, the report. Inter*iewee bias on the part o, management and employees o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh was one o, them. "nother was the reluctance o, customers to spend time in ,illing up the 2uestionnaire. " ,urther limitation was imprecision in interpreting obtained in,ormation due to inade2uacy o, technical e3pertise. The in,ormation about planning- organizing- controlling- moti*ation- decision ma+ing and other +ey acti*ities o, any pri*ate organization are considered as *ery con,idential. 4o we ha*e ,aced some di,,iculties to collect the rele*ant in,ormation about management pattern o, this !an+. 5uration to prepare this report is not enough.

1.. Conceptual frame/or% of the report6

This study see+s to analyze the role played by 7Management & Organizational !eha*iour .ractices o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh1 how the management played role and how e,,ecti*ely they are practicing positi*e beha*iour throughout the organization.


Chapter $ $.1 0istor' of the Organization

British merican !o"acco

!'pe .ublic 1ounded )8$' 0ead2uarters 9ondon- England- :K ;an du .lessis- Chairman 3e' people .aul "dams- Chie, E3ecuti*e Industr' Tobacco Products Tobacco Revenue <'(.'%= billion '$)'& Operating income <'.8$# billion '$)'& 4et income <'.'>? billion '$)'& 5mplo'ees ##-$$$ '$)'& 6e"site

!ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh began its operations in the sub@continent in the year )8)$ as Imperial Tobacco Company 9td. .ost )8=?1 .a+istan Tobacco Company .TC& came into e3istence with its head o,,ice in Karachi. 5uring that time- .TCAs East .a+istan o,,ice was in "rmanitola which was ultimately mo*ed to MotiBheel. ",ter independence- in )8?'- !angladesh Tobacco Company !TC& was ,ormed with !ritish "merican Tobacco holding maBority o, the shares. In March )88>- !angladesh Tobacco Company changed its corporate name into !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh proclaiming its common identity with other operating companies in the !ritish "merican Tobacco Croup. =

!ritish "merican tobacco !angladesh is one o, the largest & oldest multinational companies operating in !angladesh. The :K based !ritish "merican Tobacco Croup holds (#.8) share in the company. The Co*ernment o, !angladesh owns '>.?D through se*eral o, its agencies- while #.%8D is owned by other shareholders. /e are a leading business organization in the industrial sector employing more than )-%$$ people directly and a ,urther =$-$$$ indirectly as ,armers- distributors and suppliers. /e ha*e business contracts directly with around ')-$$$ registered ,armers who produce high 2uality tobacco lea,.

$.$ Mission7 8ision7 9oal & &trateg' of British !o"acco Bangladesh

$.$.1 Compan' mission and vision


The company0s mission and *ision is to achie*e leadership o, the global tobacco industry in order to create shareholder *alue. Euantitati*ely- we see+ *olume leadership among our #

international competitors. Eualitati*ely- they aim to lead their industry as the pre,erred partner o, +ey sta+eholders and in demonstrating responsibility. Their strategy is to deli*er their *ision is based on Crowth- .roducti*ity- Fesponsibility and a /inning Organization. They are the world0s second largest 2uoted tobacco group by global mar+et share- with brands sold in more than )>$ mar+ets. They ha*e ,our Clobal 5ri*e !rands G 5unhill- Kent- 9uc+y 4tri+e and .all Mall G and o*er %$$ brands in our port,olio. They hold robust mar+et positions in each o, their regions and ha*e leadership in more than #$ mar+ets. They employ o*er #%-$$$ people worldwide. Their =? cigarette ,actories are based in =$ di,,erent countries and produced some (>= billion cigarettes in '$$?.

$.$.$ 9oal
.eople- products and processes are aligned to meet the demand o, discerning customers. "chie*e a distinction li+e the luminaries in the s+y. 5eli*er a 2uality that demonstrates a true re,lection.

$.( Organization &tructure & &ize

&tructure of the organization: The structure is much decentralized with the parent company retaining a9lth$l@ity ,or o*erall strategic direction o, the Hirm and ,inancial control. !"T! operates in the ,ollowing ,unctional areas6 Operations :Production and &uppl' Chain; -eaf 1inance 0uman resource Mar%eting :Brand and !rade Mar%eting< =emand Chain; -egal & Compan' &ecretarial Information !echnolog' Corporate & Regulator' ffairs :COR ; O*erall acti*ities o, tile company arc go*erned by the 7!oard o, 5irectorsI and E3ecuti*e. The 7!oard o, 5irectorsI is composed o, )$ members headed by a chairman. Chie, E3ecuti*e o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh is called the 7Managing 5irectorI who is normally appointed by 7!"T HoldingsI. Managing 5irector o, the company is the chairman o, the e3ecuti*e Committee. This committee includes the head o, all the ,unctional departments. The decision ma+ing- in,rastructure is participatory to a *ery high e3tent. "ll the plans and decisions that are made are communicated ,rom the top le*el o, the organization and the decisions are made a,ter discussing the issue with the related authority and the grass root le*el. E*ery possible input ,rom e*ery rele*ant le*el o, wor+,orce is ta+en be,ore getting into any decision.

$.(.1 Organ gram of British merican !o"acco

0ead Of Operations

Manager :Mar%eting;

Manager :1inance;

Manager :0R;

Manager :Order;


: ccounts; :=esign; 5>ecutives

:I!; 5>ecutives

Manager :=ocumentation;

:-ogistics; 5>ecutives










Officer Officers s



Officers Officers Officers Officers Officers Staff Staff

Staff Staff

Staff Staff




Hig )6 Organ gram o, !ritish "merican Tobacco

$.* Products7 &ervices7 Customers7 Mar%ets of British !o"acco Bangladesh


In,ormed adult smo+ers are our consumers1 it is their needs and wants ,or world@class cigarette brands that we wish to cater ,or. "ll our mar+eting and manu,acturing acti*ities are geared towards understanding and satis,ying their di*erse pre,erences. !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh operates in the +ey segments o, the cigarette mar+et o, !angladesh with its dri*e brands li+e !enson & Hedges- ;ohn .layer Cold 9ea,- .all Mall and 4tar.

Benson & 0edges: cigarettes were created ,or the then .rince o, /ales in )>?%. !ritish "merican Tobacco ac2uired the rights to the brand in a large number o, o*erseas mar+ets in )8#(. Today- !ritish "merican Tobacco Croup companies sell !enson & Hedges in more than >$ countries- including "ustralia- Jew Kealand- !angladesh- Jigeria- Malaysia and 4outh ",rica. 9aunched in )88?- !enson & Hedges !&H& maintains our dominance in premium segment and dri*es the growth o, premium price segment in !angladesh mar+et. !"T !angladesh was the ,irst mar+et to launch the new pac+ o, !&H at the beginning o, 4eptember '$$#.

?ohn Pla'er 9old -eaf: is today sold in o*er '$ countries and is particularly popular in .a+istan- !angladesh- 4ri 9an+a and 4audi "rabia. The brand dates bac+ to the )>8$s. 9aunched in )8>$- ;ohn .layer Cold 9ea, is one o, the highest selling brands o, our Company @ dominating the medium price segment. Pall Mall: was introduced in )>88 and- with a strong "merican heritage- is now sold in some ($ countries. .all Mall is the ,irst Clobal 5ri*e !rand to be launched in !angladesh on )8 March '$$( "ll three *ariants Hull Hla*our- 9ights & Menthol& o, .all Mall ha*e created new e3citement and *ibe in the Ta+a ' segment.

&tar: launched =$ years ago- is still a dominant brand in the low segment. Fecently a new pac+
o, 4tar was launched and currently it is the highest *olume generating brand ,or the Company. "t !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh- we recognize that the +ey ,actor to our sustainable growth is our human resource. There,ore- we ha*e always been committed to good employment practices and ha*e set out the ,ramewor+ o, our Employment .rinciples on wor+place practicesemployee relations and employee human rights. /e ,oster an open and con,ident culture that encourages change & inno*ation which is shaped up by the guiding principles o, strength ,rom di*ersity- enterprising spirit- open mind and ,reedom through responsibility. This inspires our employees to per,orm & enBoy.


1uture Plan of British merican !o"acco Bangladesh

!ritish "merican TobaccoAs core business will remain in tobacco ,or many years to come. Howe*er- they recognise that they also ha*e a responsibility to see+ to reduce the health ris+s associated with their products. "s part o, their harm reduction approach we belie*e the +ey is to o,,er di,,erent products that address di,,erent consumer needs. "s such they are de*eloping a range o, new products that will not necessarily replace cigarettes or cigars- but will pro*ide )$

smo+ers with a choice @ including smo+eless tobacco products and pure nicotine alternati*es such as e@cigarettes.

Chapter ( (.1 Organization &tructure

&tructure of the organization: The structure is much decentralized with the parent company retaining a9lth$l@ity ,or o*erall strategic direction o, the Hirm and ,inancial control. !"T! operates in the ,ollowing ,unctional areas6 Operations :Production and &uppl' Chain; -eaf 1inance 0uman resource Mar%eting :Brand and !rade Mar%eting< =emand Chain; -egal & Compan' &ecretarial Information !echnolog' Corporate & Regulator' ffairs :COR ;


O*erall acti*ities o, tile company arc go*erned by the 7!oard o, 5irectorsI and E3ecuti*e. The 7!oard o, 5irectorsI is composed o, )$ members headed by a chairman. Chie, E3ecuti*e o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh is called the 7Managing 5irectorI who is normally appointed by 7!"T HoldingsI. Managing 5irector o, the company is the chairman o, the e3ecuti*e Committee. This committee includes the head o, all the ,unctional departments. The decision ma+ing- in,rastructure is participatory to a *ery high e3tent. "ll the plans and decisions that are made are communicated ,rom the top le*el o, the organization and the decisions are made a,ter discussing the issue with the related authority and the grass root le*el. E*ery possible input ,rom e*ery rele*ant le*el o, wor+,orce is ta+en be,ore getting into any decision.

Organ gram of British merican !o"acco

0ead Of Operations

Manager :Mar%eting;

Manager :1inance;

Manager :0R;

Manager :Order;


Manage Manager r

:=esign; 5>ecutives


Manager Manager :=ocumentation ;









Officer s Officers





Officers Officers Officers Officers Officers Staff Staff

Staff Staff

Staff Staff




Hig )6 Organ gram o, !ritish "merican Tobacco

(.$ -eadership &t'le of British merican !o"acco Bangladesh

It is di,,icult to put a label on !"T0s leadership style or management practices. /hat describe them most accurately are their ,our guiding principles6 ). Open mindedness'. Enterprising spirit%. 4trength ,rom di*ersity and =. Hreedom through responsibility. These shape their organizational as well as indi*idual styles and practices. Ha*ing the right set o, ,unctional and leadership capabilities are the basics ,or them and it is gi*en that e*eryone should demonstrate the guiding principles that dictate who is a better leader. 9eadership- ,or these purposes- are not limited to how one interacts with andLor leads people only- but also co*ers how one manages himsel, or hersel,- clarity o, thin+ing and actioncreati*ity- commercial mindset and understanding. 9anguage also plays an important role.


/or+ing in a multinational company means a lot o, regular interaction with colleagues sitting in other countries. English language pro,iciency- both written and spo+en- hence is critical.

(.( Motivational Bangladesh






The *ery ,irst thing is !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh belie,s in theory M o, moti*ation. Their employees li+e wor+- see+ responsibility & they are *ery much capable o, ma+ing instant decisions- & e3ercise sel, direction & sel, control when committed to a goal. They aim to de*elop and support the employee e*ery step o, the way to ,ul,ill their potential and our approach to rewards re,lects this. .ay is clearly lin+ed to per,ormance- but there are other ways to reward people too. That0s why they continue to e3amine the practices o, other companies and as+ their employees what moti*ates them. !ritish "merican Tobacco0s reward strategy is simple and straight,orward with the ,ollowing aims6 Fewarding contribution and achie*ement rather than tenure Hreedom ,or managers to in,luence the pay increases o, their teams .er,ormance Budged against a small number o, +ey areas and obBecti*es More ,le3ible bene,its pac+ages Fegular ,eedbac+ mechanisms ,or assessing *iews on reward.








!ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh0s mar+etplace is ,ast mo*ing and e*er changing. There are responsibilities and challenges- but also great opportunities and to meet them they loo+ ,or


people who are adaptable and ,orward thin+ing. /e0ll ,ind a culture that is supporti*e o, our ideas and will encourage us to achie*e our goals. 5e*eloping a winning organization is a +ey part o, their strategy to achie*e their *ision o, leading the global tobacco industry. /hile each o, their Croup companies must ta+e account o, local labor law and practice and their local political- economic and cultural conte3t- they are all committed to these Employment .rinciples and are re2uired to demonstrate that they are embedding them in the wor+place. Key to !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh0s culture is a set o, consistent and ,air minded employment principles which apply to all their operations. E2uality o, opportunity and a di*erse and representati*e wor+,orce Internal communications and the ,ree ,low o, ideas Fespect ,or both ,reedom o, association and non@association Hairness and dignity at wor+ They do not condone or employ child labour !onded or in*oluntary labour is unacceptable Fesponsibility ,or oneAs own per,ormance Mutual responsibility ,or en*ironment- health and sa,ety Constructi*e contribution to the de*elopment o, employees and communities where their companies operate .ersonal de*elopment and learning /or+place well@being Hair- clear and competiti*e remuneration and bene,its


&ocialization Process of British merican !o"acco Bangladesh


). Pre<arrival &tage: .re@arri*al means the period o, learning in the socialization process that occurs be,ore a new employee Boins the organization. !e,ore Boining an organization employee set a scenario about the company. '. 5ncounter &tage: The stage in the socialization process in which a new employee sees what the organization is really li+e and con,ronts the possibility that e3pectations & reality may di*erge. %. Metamorphosis &tage: The stage in the socialization process in which a new employee changes & adBusts to the wor+- wor+ group- & organization. The people who are proud member o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh ha*e the same e3perience regarding socialization process. They always had the positi*e thin+ing about !"T!C & when they Boined the organization nothing was called encounter stage ,or them because the organization is same li+e they thought about & as a result they did not ha*e any metamorphosis stage because the organization represents sel, as the employees thought about. 4o the employees0 producti*ity- commitment & turno*er are always high.

(., Po/er & Politics in British merican !o"acco Bangladesh:


In !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh the word o, politic is *ery rear. The power in the organization di*ides according to employee0s position. The higher authority has the ultimate power. They are actually *ery positi*e. They di*ide the reward power on the basis o, position. They basically use legitimate power & they +now all the in,ormation about their organization so they ha*e in,ormation power as well. E*eryone is *ery e3pert about their wor+- they ha*e re,erent power and charismatic power as well.

(.. Change Management in British merican !o"acco Bangladesh:

"s the !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh has a *ery strong culture and positi*eness toward their wor+- changes don0t occur whate*er the circumstances are. They ha*e little bit changes in their wor+ process and sometimes they only change the technology because technology always changes. I, any changes occur they *ery much strong to un,reezing pre*ious learning- Mo*ement & re,reezing the new learning.


&tress Management in British merican !o"acco Bangladesh:

&tress: 4tress represents anything that poses a threat or challenge to our wellbeing. There are
,our potential sources o, stress6 ). En*ironmental Hactors '. Organizational Hactors %. Indi*idual Hactors =. Indi*idual 5i,,erences


In !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh- they manage stress *ery positi*ely. They always monitor to their employees reco*ering ,rom stress and ,or this reason they apply some process6

!raining & =evelopment Program:

Training and 5e*elopment is an ongoing process in !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh with the personal and pro,essional de*elopment o, their talent pool seen as a top priority in !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh. They o,,er both on@the@Bob and o,,@the@Bob at both theoretical and practical le*els with training and de*elopment opportunities pro*ided through a range o, local- Fegional and International Training programmers that include training and de*elopment programmers at both ,unctional and managerial le*els.


It is important ,or a ,ew simple reasons. Hirst- the e3ternal world changes and you need employees to be updated with new s+ills. 4econd- consumer pre,erences change and you need employees to learn the s+ills to be able to continuously +eep consumers delighted. Third- it is a world o, ,ierce competition in business- so you want employees to ha*e uni2ue s+ills that will +eep your business ahead o, competition. Hinally- they all aspire to grow and hence- you need to help the employees grow personally and pro,essionally through de*elopment inter*entions & to o*ercome the stress. In '$)$- our training budget was appro3imately ).# percent o, total operating e3penses. "part ,rom the ,inancial costs- a lot o, managerial time and resources are in*ol*ed in the training and de*elopment process. E3cept training & de*elopment program !ritish "merican Tobacco try to help their employees o*ercoming ,rom stress by6 ). Creating *ery ,riendly atmosphere. '. High reputation. %. Ci*ing high remuneration. =. Ci*ing *ery good e3tra ,acilities. #. ;ob and employee security and sa,e support. (. Employee happiness ,irst. ?. !est team support. >. Management and employee in one team. Etc.


Chapter *: Conclusion & Recommendation

!ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh is the largest multinational company in !angladesh. The group o, !ritish "merican Tobacco is *ery wide. They ha*e a *ery well organized management & they are also practicing organizational beha*ior in a positi*e manner. They are gi*ing so much '$

,acility to their employees so that the employees o, !ritish "merican Tobacco !angladesh are *ery happy with their Bob. They are also *ery transparent and accountable to the go*ernment and general people. They +now that the smo+ing is *ery bad ,or health a,ter that they are e3posing on their product pac+et that smo+ing is bad ,or health and it0s the reason ,or stomach cancer. O*erall in !angladesh there are so many organizations that are not accountable and transparent. !ritish "merican Tobacco is a *ery god e3ample ,or a well organized organization. They ha*e *ery strong management- *ery strong culture- & ha*e *ery good practicing o, organizational beha*ior.


). Jo need to gi*e pressure to employee much. '. Jeed to impro*e more the organizational culture. %. "*oid the politics.

http6LLen.wi+ipedia.orgLwi+iL"ccountability http6LLen.wi+ipedia.orgLwi+iLTransparency http6LLen.wi+ipedia.orgLwi+iL!ritishN"mericanNTobacco http6LLwww.bat.comLser*letL4.MergeOmainurlPD'HgroupD'HsitesD'Hu+D#HD#H%mn,en D'Ens,D'H*w.ages/eb9i*eD'H5O#'"5""D%HopendocumentD'(ampD%!4KJ D%5)D'=param4FQD'%
Internship Feport


http6LLwww.bat.comLser*letL4.MergeOmainurlPD'HgroupD'HsitesD'Hu+D#HD#H%mn,enD'Ens, D'H*w.ages/eb9i*eD'H5O#'"5""D%HopendocumentD'(ampD%!4KJD%5)D'=param4FQD'% Internship Feport http6LLwww.transparency.orgLglobalNprioritiesLcorruptionNpolitics http6LLwww.transparency.orgLglobalNprioritiesLpublicNcontracting

http6LLwww.transparency.orgLglobalNprioritiesLeducation http6LLwww.transparency.orgLglobalNprioritiesLpo*erty http6LL'$?.#(.))).)>#LbatbLpolicies.html http6LLwww.bat.comLgroupLsitesLu+NN%mn,en.ns,L*w.ages/eb9i*eL5O?'T;E:O opendocument&4KJP)Rparam4FQRparam4FQ http6LL'$?.#(.))).)>#LbatbLempNbelie,s.html

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http6LL'$?.#(.))).)>#LbatbLpolicies.html http6LL'$?.#(.))).)>#LbatbLtraining.html http6LL'$?.#(.))).)>#LbatbLrecruitment.html http6LLwww.bat.comLgroupLsitesLu+NN%mn,en.ns,L*w.ages/eb9i*eL5O?'T;E:O opendocument&4KJP)Rparam4FQRparam4FQ http6LL'$?.#(.))).)>#LbatbLbrand.html "nnual Feport o, !"T! '$)'



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