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EXPERIMENT CM6: BASEBAND TRANSMISSION Related course: KEET2202 (Digital Communication and Telephony) OBJECTIVES: To study line coding

and error correction encoding EQUIPMENT: 1. Baseband Transmission Simulator Module-B4338 2. Dual-trace Oscilloscope with probes 3. Electron stabilized power supply (+/- 15 volt) 4. Connecting wires PRECAUTIONS: Follow the demonstrator instructions throughout the experiment REFERENCE(S): Refer to the main references of KEET2202 (Digital Communication and Telephony) TEST: TEST 1: Line Coding TEST 2: Error Correction TEST 1: Line Coding Line coding is a technique of representing digital symbols (1 and 0) 1. Non Return to Zero (NRZ) a) Set the Data Soqrce Switch to "Manual" b) Select dl d2 d3 d4 as 1 0 0 1 c) The encoder output is 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 d) Sketch the waveform at the NRZ terminal 2. Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) a) Set the AMl/HDB3 Switch to AMI, and b) Sketch the AMI waveform 3. High Density Binary (HDB3) a) Set the AMI/HDB3 Switch to HIDB3, and b) Sketch the HDB3 waveform 4. Repeat 1, 2 and 3 for d1 d2 d3 d4 = 1 1 1 0. 5. Questions: a) What are the main features of NRZ? What is its main disadvantage? b) Describe the main features of AMI. What is its main disadvantage? c) What is HDB3? How could it help improve AMI?

Last updated on 19th January 2014

TEST 2: Error Correction One of the advantages of digital communications is error correction. In this experiment a Hamming encoder (7, 4) is provided. Hamming code can correct only 1 error per codeword. Its schematic is as follows:

c1 c2 c3 c4
Input bit D




d1 c5 c6 c7

Output bit

C= c1c2c3c4c5c6c7


C = DG = D[ I

1 0 P] = D 0 0

0 1 0 0

0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1

1 1 0 1

1 0 1 1

0 1 1 1

1. Calculation Apply the above equation and complete Table 1. Table 1 C=c1c2c3c4c5c6c7

D=d1d2d3d4 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111



Last updated on 19th January 2014

2. Experiment Set the Manual Data Source Switches to each of the 16 D values given above, record the corresponding CIC2C3C4C5C6C7 values and compare with the calculated values above 3. Parity Check bit It could be even or odd parity. For an even parity check bit p. Verify the even parity in the experiment. Question: Give reasons why the parity check bit may be included here. 4. Bit Error Simulator a) Choose any one of the 16 D values, say 0 1 1 0 b) Record the C value with the parity check bit. {C=0 1 10 1 1 00} c) Insert one bit error, say the first bit d1. {E=10000000} {R= 1 1 1 01100} d) Connect the output of the Transmitter to the input of the Receiver. e) Note that the one bit error has been corrected 5. Error Syndrome (S) Table 2 Table 2 E 1000000 0100000 0010000 0001000 0000100 0000010 0000001 S3S2S1 110 101 011 111 100 010 001

a) Set the E error pattern as shown and record the Error Syndrome S. b) If there are 2 errors (e.g. 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) verify that the error correction failed. Question: If only eighth bit is wrong, how could it be corrected?


Last updated on 19th January 2014

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