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To determine the height of buildings using Digital Theodolite.

Instruments Used
Digital Theodolite Staff Tripod Tape

A Theodolite is a precision instrument for measuring angles in the horizontal and vertical planes. Theodolites are used mainly for surveying applications and have been adapted for specialized purposes in fields li!e metrology and roc!et launch technology. A modern theodolite consists of a movable telescope mounted "ithin t"o perpendicular a#es$the horizontal or trunnion a#is and the vertical a#is. %hen the telescope is pointed at a target object the angle of each of these a#es can be measured "ith great precision typically to seconds of arc. Theodolites may be either transit or non-transit. Transit theodolites are those in "hich the telescope can be inverted in the vertical plane "hereas the rotation in the same plane is restricted to a semi&circle for non&transit theodolites. Some types of transit theodolites do not allo" the measurement of vertical angles.

Theodolite may be classified into t"o types+ Transit Theodolite *on&Transit Theodolite Transit theodolite A theodolite is said to be transit one "hen its telescope can be revolved through ,-./ in a vertical plane about its horizontal a#is thus directing the telescope in e#actly opposite direction.

*on&Transit theodolite A theodolite is said to be a non&transit one "hen its telescope cannot be revolved through ,-./ in a vertical plane about its horizontal a#is.

T012S O) T32ODO(IT2
In general Theodolite is divided into three types based on angles "hich are vernier optical and electronic.

4ernier Theodolite Uses vernier scale

Optical Theodolite Uses optical "ith horizontal and vertical circles made from transparent glasses and graduated scale

2lectronic Theodolite

3as a screen "ith digits for angles on front and bac! of the instrument.

The face of the current observation 5telescope position6 is the side on "hich the vertical circle is "hen vie"ed from the eyepiece "hich is either face left or face right.

The telescope has its o"n clamp and tangent scre"s. 5The clamp scre"s re7uire only finger tip pressure6.

The adjustments of a theodolite are of t"o types+ 1ermanent adjustment Temporary adjustment

12:9A*2*T AD8UST92*T
The permanent adjustment are made to establish the fi#ed

relationships bet"een the fundamental lines of the instrument and once made they last for long time.

They are essential for the accuracy of observations. The permanent adjustment in case of transit theodolite are+ Adjustment of the 3orizontal 1late (evels. 'ollimation Adjustment. 3orizontal A#is Adjustment. Adjustment of the Telescope (evel or the Altitude level. 4ertical 'ircle Inde# Adjustment.

T291O:A:0 AD8UST92*T
The temporary adjustments are made at each set up of the instrument before starting ta!ing observations "ith the instrument. There are three temporary adjustment of a theodolite. 'entering (evelling )ocussing

,. '2*T2:I*; 'entering means bringing the vertical a#is of the theodolite immediately over a station mar!.

The station mar! should be represented by "ell&defined point such as end of a nail driven on the top of a peg or the intersection points of a cross mar!ed at the surface belo" the instrument etc.

<. (242((I*; 3aving centered and appro#imately levelled the instrument it is accurately levelled "ith reference to the plate levels by means of foot&scre"s so that the vertical a#is is made truly vertical.

=. )O'USSI*; This is done in t"o steps focusing of the eye&piece distinct vision of the cross&hairs at diaphragm and focusing the object& glass for bringing the image of the object into the plane of the diaphragm.

Concept of Operation

A theodolite is mounted on its tripod head by means of a forced centring plate or tribrach containing four thumbscre"s or in modern theodolites three for rapid levelling. >efore use a theodolite must be precisely placed vertical above the point to be measured using a plumb bob optical plummet or laser plummet. The instrument is then set level using levelling footscre"s and circular and more precise tubular spirit bubbles. >oth a#es of a theodolite are e7uipped "ith graduated circles that can be read through magnifying lenses.The vertical circle "hich ?transits? about the horizontal a#is should read @./ "hen the sight a#is is horizontal or <A./ "hen the instrument is in its second position that is Bturned overB or BplungedB. 3alf of the difference bet"een the t"o positions is called the Binde# errorB.

Errors in Measurement
The horizontal and vertical a#es of a theodolite must be

perpendicular if not then a Bhorizontal a#is errorB e#ists. This can be tested by aligning the tubular spirit bubble parallel to a line bet"een t"o footscre"s and setting the bubble central. A horizontal a#is error is present if the bubble runs off central "hen the tubular spirit bubble is reversed 5turned through ,-./6. To adjust the operator removes half the amount the bubble has run off using the adjusting scre" then re&level test and refine the adjustment. The optical a#is of the telescope called the Bsight a#isB defined by the optical center of the objective lens and the center of the crosshairs in its focal plane must also be perpendicular to the horizontal a#is. If not then a Bcollimation errorB e#ists. Inde# error horizontal a#is error and collimation error are regularly determined by calibration and are removed by mechanical adjustment. Their e#istence is ta!en into account in the choice of measurement procedure in order to eliminate their effect on the measurement results.


INT OD!CTION The theodolite is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles. The accuracy "ith "hich these angles can be measured ranges from Cmins to .., secs. It is a very important instrument in plane surveying. Its essential components are+ A telescope "hich can rotate or transit through =D./ about a transverse horizontal a#is. The bearings for this horizontal or trunnion a#is are mounted in t"o vertical pillars or standards. The standards are mounted on a horizontal upper plate. The upper plate rotates through =D./ about a vertical or alidade a#is the bearing for the alidade a#is is mounted in a lo"er horizontal plate. :otation of the upper plate about the alidade a#is is !no"n as traversing the instrument. The horizontal plates can be levelled by means of three foot scre"s located beneath the lo"er plate in a similar "ay to a level.


,. Telescope

It has the same features as in a level graticule "ith eyepiece and internal focussing for the telescope itself. The same precautions for focussing the eyepiece and eliminating paralla# should be applied. <.4ertical Scale 5or 4ertical 'ircle6 The vertical circle is a full =D./ scale. It is mounted "ithin one of the standards "ith its centre co&linear "ith the trunnion a#is. It is used to measure the angle bet"een the line of sight 5collimation a#is6 of the telescope and the horizontal. This is !no"n as the vertical angle. *ote that the side of the instrument "here the standard containing the scale is found is referred to as the face of the instrument. =.4ertical 'lamp and Tangent Scre" In order to hold the telescope at a particular vertical angle a vertical clamp is provided. This is located on one of the standards and its release "ill allo" free transiting of telescope. E. Upper 1late The upper plate is the base on "hich the standards and vertical circle are placed. :otation or transiting of the upper plate about a vertical 5alidade6 a#is "ill also cause the entire standardsFtelescope assembly to rotate in an identical manner. )or the instrument to be in correct adjustment it is therefore necessary that the upper plate must be perpendicular to the alidade a#is and parallel to the trunnion a#is. Also before the instrument is used the upper plate must be BlevelledB. This is achieved by adjustment of three foot scre"s and observing a precise tube bubble. This bubble is !no"n as the plate bubble

and is placed on the upper plate. C. The (o"er 1late The lo"er plate is the base of the "hole instrument. It houses the foot scre"s and the bearing for the vertical a#is. It is rigidly attached to the tripod mounting assembly and does not move. D. 3orizontal Scale 5or 3orizontal 'ircle6 The horizontal circle is a full =D.. scale. It is often placed bet"een the upper and lo"er plates "ith its centre co&linear "ith the vertical a#is. It is capable of full independent rotation about the trunnion a#is so that any particular direction may be arbitrarily set to read zero. It is used to define the horizontal direction in "hich the telescope is sighted. Therefore a horizontal angle measurement re7uires t"o horizontal scale readings ta!en by observing t"o different targets. The difference bet"een these readings "ill be the horizontal angle subtended by the t"o targets at the theodolite station. A. The Upper 3orizontal 'lamp and Tangent Scre". The upper horizontal clamp is provided to clamp the upper plate to the horizontal circle. Once the clamp is released the instrument is free to traverse through =D./ around the horizontal circle. %hen clamped the instrument can be gradually transited around the circle by use of the upper horizontal tangent scre". It is the upper clamp and tangent scre" "hich are used during a se7uence or BroundB of horizontal angle measurements.

-. The (o"er 3orizontal 'lamp and Tangent Scre". The lo"er horizontal clamp is provided to clamp the horizontal circle to the lo"er plate. Once the clamp is released the circle is free to rotate about the vertical a#is. %hen clamped the horizontal circle can be gradually rotated using the lo"er&horizontal tangent scre". The lo"er clamp and tangent scre" must only be used at the start of a se7uence or BroundB of horizontal angle measurements to set the first reading to zero 5if so desired6. @. 'ircle :eading and Optical 9icrometer 9odern instruments usually have one eyepiece for reading both circles. It is usually located on one of the standards. The vertical and horizontal circles re7uire illumination in order to read them. This is usually provided by small circular mirrors "hich can be angled and rotated to reflect ma#imum light onto the circles. ,.. Optical 1lumb Unli!e optical levels theodolites must be set up over fi#ed control stations often defined by "ooden pegs and nails. 1ositioning of the instrument must be achieved to nail head accuracy. 9odern instruments have an optical plumb to achieve this. It consists of an eyepiece set in the lo"er plate. OPE ATION OF A THEODOLITE A.1recise levelling and positioning of theodolite ,. Set tripod and instrument "ith optical plumb almost over the station. <. Unclamp one of the horizontal clamp 5either "ill do6 and

traverse the instrument so that the plate bubble is parallel to t"o of the footscre"s. =. Adjust those t"o footscre"s until the plate bubble is level. E. Traverse the instrument so that the bubble is perpendicular to the already adjusted footscre"s. C. :e&level using the third footscre". D.Traverse the instrument in the same direction and re&align parallel to the first t"o footscre"s. A.:epeat stage = and then traverse as in E. Then repeat stages C&A until the best mean level bubble is obtained 5to one division accuracy6. -.Unclamp the base of the instrument and "hile vie"ing through optical plumb slide the instrument across the tripod base until it is e#actly over the station. Do not rotate the instrument about the tripod base.

>. Geroing the 3orizontal circle ,. Set tripod and instrument "ith optical plumb almost over the station. <. Unclamp one of the horizontal clamp 5either "ill do6 and traverse the instrument so that the plate bubble is parallel to t"o of the footscre"s.

=. Adjust those t"o footscre"s until the plate bubble is level. E. Traverse the instrument so that the bubble perpendicular to the already adjusted footscre"s. C. :e&level using the third footscre". D. Traverse the instrument in the same direction and re& align parallel to the first t"o footscre"s. A. Traverse the instrument 5and circle6 until the telescope is pointing appro#imately at the selected target. -. :e&clamp and sighting through the telescope align the vertical graticule precisely onto the target using the (o"er 3orizontal Tangent Scre". It is important that you approach the target in the direction in "hich you intend to continue to traverse to the ne#t target. This is to minimize errors and is dealt "ith in more detail later. is

'.H)A'2I and HS%I*;I As defined earlier in the subject the standard "hich houses the vertical circle is called the )ace of the instrument. If "hen sighting through the telescope this standard 5the face6 is on your left then )A'2 (2)T is recorded for all readings ta!en. If on the right then "e record )A'2 :I;3T. The S"ing of the instrument is defined as the direction in "hich the theodolite is traversed 5i.e. rotated about vertical a#is6. If "hen traversing the telescope lens moves to the left "e record readings as S%I*; (2)T. If on the right "e record readings as S%I*; :I;3T.

2very horizontal circle reading must be boo!ed "ith the face and s"ing identified. Usually it is conventional to "or! "ith opposite face and s"ing i.e. )(FS: and ):FS(. D. Ta!ing a round of 3orizontal readings The follo"ing procedure "ould normally be adopted to measure the horizontal angle subtended at the theodolite station T by the t"o targets A and >. ,.Set 3orizontal scale to zero and ensure both clamps are tightened. <.Select )ace 5( or :6 by transiting the telescope 5if necessary6. =.:elease the lo"er horizontal clamp. Traverse the instrument to approach target A using the appropriate S"ing direction 5( or :6 stopping just short of the target. E.'lamp the lo"er clamp. C. Adjust the lo"er horizontal tangent scre" to complete the s"ing movement and bring the graticule cross precisely in line "ith target A. Do not HovershootIJ D. :ead and boo! the horizontal scale reading 5"hich should be zero6. A. *o" unclamp the Upper horizontal clamp. Traverse the instrument to approach target > using the same s"ing as before stopping just short of target. :e&tighten 5clamp6 the upper clamp.

-.Adjust the upper horizontal tangent scre" to complete the s"ing movement and bring the graticule cross in line "ith target >. @.:ead and boo! the horizontal scale reading.


Tacheometry is a system of rapid surveying by "hich the positions both horizontal and vertical of points on the earth surface relatively to one another are determined "ithout using a chain or tape or a separate levelling instrument. The ordinary methods of surveying "ith a theodolite chain and levelling instrument are fairly satisfactory "hen the ground is pretty clear of obstructions and not very precipitous but it becomes e#tremely cumbersome "hen the ground is covered "ith bush or bro!en up by ravines. 'hain measurements then become slo" and liable to considerable errorK the levelling too is carried on at great disadvantage in point of speed though "ithout serious loss of accuracy. These difficulties led to the introduction of tacheometry in "hich instead of the pole formerly employed to mar! a point a staff similar to a level staff is used. This is mar!ed "ith heights from the foot and is graduated according to the form of tacheometer in use. The azimuth angle

is determined as formerly. The horizontal distance is inferred either from the vertical angle included bet"een t"o "ell&defined points on the staff and the !no"n distance bet"een them or by readings of the staff indicated by t"o fi#ed stadia "ires in the diaphragm 5reticle6 of the telescope. The difference of height is computed from the angle of depression or elevation of a fi#ed point on the staff and the horizontal distance already obtained. Thus all the measurements re7uisite to locate a point both vertically and horizontally "ith reference to the point "here the tacheometer is centred are determined by an observer at the instrument "ithout any assistance beyond that of a man to hold the staff.


Set up the instrument at a station point. (Setting, Centering, Levelling, Focusing) Measure the height of instrument. (Vertical distance between hori ontal (trunnion) a!is and station point on the ground). Select a suitable station point to be observed and hori ontal direction is ta"en as #.#### grad.

$hen a referencing point which can be identified clearl% is selected and an hori ontal direction is observation is compiled to a referencing point. &nd chec" the hori ontal direction of referencing point after about '#(') detail point observations.

$hen observations are made to detail points on which levelling rod set up. *ead the upper, middle, and lower hairs for each detail points.

Record the horizontal and vertical direction for each points.

Calculate horizontal distance from station point to detail points.

Calculate elevation of each detail points with the help of stadia observation on the field.

Formula used
D L Ms N '

D L 3orizontal Distance M L 9ultiplicative 'onstant 5,..6 s L Staff Intercept ' L Additive 'onstant 5Gero6

9IT9 9ain >uilding

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<C6 N . D L <C m.

The 3eight Of >uliding is ,D.CD m.

II)T: >uilding

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<.<6 N . D L <..< m.

The 3eight Of >uliding is @..D m.

;irls 3ostel

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..=,,6 N . D L =,., m.

The 3eight of >uilding is ,C.C- m.

'entral (ibrary

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<-.6 N . D L <- m.

The 3eight of >uilding is ,,.@@Cm.

9>A >uilding

D L Ms N '

D L ,.. 5 ..=,6 N . D L =, m.

The 3eight of >uilding is ,,.A, m.

9IT9 9echanical Department O Auditorium


al Dept. D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..E= 6 N . D L E= m.

Auditorium D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<<C 6 N .

D L <<.C m. The 3eight of 9echanical Department is ,C.<< m. The 3eight of Auditorium is ,@.< m.

9IT9 'omputer 'entre

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<A 6 N . D L <A m.

The 3eight of 9echanical Department is =.E- m.

9IST 9ain >uilding

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<< 6 N . D L << m.

The 3eight of >uilding is ,D..D m.

'anteen and ;ymnasium

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<DC 6 N . D L <D.C m.

The 3eight of >uilding is @.,E m .

'2D Office

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..<. 6 N . D L <. m.

The 3eight of >uilding is =.CE m.

9IST %or!shop

D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..CA 6 N . D L CA m.

The 3eight of >uilding is ,E.D< m.

>oys 3ostel
D L Ms N ' D L ,.. 5 ..CD= 6 N .

D L CD.= m.

The 3eight of >uilding is ,,..< m.

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