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Statistical Analysis & Management Research

Fall 2012

Assignment No. 2 1-Use SPSS data file breakfast.sav to graphically present males who choose Breakfast, with !ice, pancakes, sa!sage, and beverage and !se "oast # $armalade. 2-Please read caref!lly attached paper titled %ge like Some &ears and describes i-'hat was the main ob ective of the paper( ii-)ow the *re+!ency distrib!tions were !sed to reach at the res!lts( iii-'hy two different kinds of fre+!ency distrib!tions were !sed( iv-)ow the showbi, people be !sed as pro-y for whole pop!lation( )ow these articles s!bstantiate it( 3-Please read caref!lly the attached article titled Powerf!l People # Scandals and critici,e following statement, in .// words, The author has correctly used ie charts and !ar charts to ortrait results. And" he should ha#e not used histograms and $re%uency cur#es&

'uestion Num!er 1(

Age )i*es Some +ears '1 "he p!rpose of the paper was to e-amine the age gro!ps which are more e-posed to death. %nd the s!rvey showed that there are some age gro!ps which are more v!lnerable to death.

'2"he whole pop!lation was divided into different age gro!ps having five categories and then the a!thor tried to e-amine the e-tent of v!lnerability of each gro!p to death. )e gathered the data and co!nted the deaths in each gro!p and fo!nd that all age gro!ps are not e+!ally v!lnerable to death. '3*irstly the a!thor divided the pop!lation in different age gro!ps having difference of 0 years than he analy,ed the n!mber deaths per gro!p then he divided the gro!ps with the difference of 1 years and checked the n!mber of deaths in each gro!p. "he a!thor divided the same pop!lation into two different fre+!ency distrib!tion !st to reach the acc!racy by removing the gro!ping errors and he concl!ded that the res!lt was the same as for the gro!ps having age difference of five years. ', "he a!thor limited his sample selection to celebrities beca!se data gathering was easy .he generali,ed the res!lt, beca!se according to a!thor the death is indifferent to all profession and he proved the same in this research.

'uestion No. 3( Powerf!l People # Scandals 2ritici,e that a!thor has correctly !sed pie charts # bar charts to portrait res!lts. %nd, he sho!ld have not !sed histograms and fre+!ency c!rves. 3escriptive analysis is being implemented on the descriptive analysis is !sed in the article and as we know that the descriptive stats is !sed only for the description the data and it helps in f!rther analysis. "he primary tool or techni+!e for the description of data is graph. 4esearcher !sed different fig!re in the articles and fig!re can be !sed as graph and as a chart. 5raph is bas !sed for +!antitative data and chart is !sed for categorical data analysis. )istogram is also a form of graph to present +!antitative data in the research and histogram is known with its second name as )isto-graph.

%rticle Powerf!l People # Scandals in this article researcher !sed bar- chart and pie-chart to 6ormally histogram is !sed when data p!rely +!antitative and in this research paper beca!se the data was not +!antitative that7s why histogram is not !sed. )istogram will not show proper e-planation of the analysis here b!t the pie and bar chart can display it more acc!rately in graphically presentation to !nderstand the research *re+!ency c!rve is not !sed in this research. *re+!ency c!rve is smooth c!rve which corresponds to the limiting case of a histo-graph or histogram comp!ted for fre+!ency distrib!tion of a contin!os distrib!tion. *re+!ency c!rves can be get by oining the points of fre+!ency polygon by freehand

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