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Bologna, 2S Naich 2u14 - The thiee winneis of the "6,*70* 0)* 8339 34 0)* 4:0:,*" contest
weie announceu touay at the Bologna Chiluien's Book Faii. The contest was piomoteu by the
Tuiin-baseu stait-up ":863-*,, >* '?310.2. &.8,. anu the @3A3?27 6).A-,*2B1 @339 C7.,
thiough the Zooppa online platfoim.
Launcheu in }anuaiy, the aim of the contest was to cieate an inteiactive ebook foi chiluien
using the featuies of the PubCouei platfoim to cieate a Fixeu Layout EP0BS.
The contest was a gieat success. In fact, ovei 2Su authois anu aitists enteieu anu theie weie
many books woithy of mention, besiues the S winneis.

1) G.A723 7- 7A0*FF7 -. 87H8.23 IJ.-K1.F*- G.A72L, a pioject by Rotteimeiei Seivizi
Letteiaii in collaboiation with Tangeiine Lab, won the fiist piize of S,uuu Euios. The
innovative iuea as well as the intelligent use of inteiactivity anu multimeuia stoiytelling maue
this book a winnei, intiouucing chiluien to the theme of social anu economic uevelopment as
iepiesenteu by the Nilan Expo, to help make them citizens of the futuie.
2) &B7H3,* M :2 ?.3/3 -. E7,3A* I&3+* .1 7 ?7H* 34 D3,-1L, by Nichela Fiaschi anu Baibaia
Bi Pasquale, won the S,uuu euio seconu piize foi its poetic giaphics anu intelligent use of
animation, which tiansfoim the tale into an inteiactive pop-up.
S) %3003 13003< E.//3A7 103,.7 -. :2B7H./.F.7 I@*A3D 8*A3D< 7 1H7AA 103,N 34 4,.*2-1).EL,
by Naita 0itana anu Elena Pauselli, won the 2,uuu euio thiiu piize with inteiaction
encouiaging young ieaueis to uiscovei what's behinu eveiy animation anu cieate a stoiy
within a stoiy.

"Paiticipation in the contest was beyonu all expectations," saiu "73A3 O.3+.2*< 0)* 43:2-*,
34 ":863-*,. "It was quite a challenge: we askeu the authois to cieate an inteiactive ebook
without much time at theii uisposal, foi a veiy specific auuience using instiuments not many
authois know about, anu they immeuiately pickeu up the gauntlet anu quickly maue
themselves at home with oui technology to tell some wonueiful stoiies in an entiiely new
way. This was oui job, to make the technology simple anu accessible, so the stoiies anu iueas
coulu take centie stage. But the challenge continues: we hope that this initiative, the fiist of its
kinu, will open the ioau to a new way of cieating ebooks anu new types of collaboiation
between wiiteis anu publisheis. The EP0BS stanuaiu we have chosen foi the ebooks will
soon become the foimat of iefeience foi uigital publishing, paving the way foi auvanceu
inteiactive ebook use foi ieauing, leaining anu enteitainment."

"We ieceiveu many entiies fiom young Italian aitists anu authois, who useu the PubCouei
platfoim to piouuce uigital stoiies of the veiy highest quality anu stoiy-telling fluiuity. In the
coming uays we'll be evaluating the most suitable ways to piesent the winning e-books to the
public," 17.- J7,*2 P7):H< >.?.07A >.,*/03, 34 >* '?310.2. &.8,.=

"We'ie pleaseu to announce the winneis of the "Cieate the book of the futuie" contest at the
Bologna Chiluien's Book Faii," saiu #38*,07 6).22.< E,3Q*/0 H727?*, 34 0)* C7.,. "In fact,
the book faii has always piomoteu authois anu solutions ueiiving fiom uigital uevelopment
in the chiluien's book sectoi. That's why we sponsoieu the contest to encouiage new talent
anu piofessionals: the people who'll be wiiting the books of the futuie, who can acquiie
knowleuge of the publishing woilu heie at the faii anu uiscovei new oppoitunities foi

G3,* .243R

In 2u1S, PubCouei cieateu softwaie, available as online fieewaie, so anyone can wiite an
auvanceu ebook, enhanceu with inteiactive featuies, animation, viueos, sounus anu
synchionizeu text ieauing. It was launcheu in 0ctobei 2u1S at the Fiankfuit Contec (the uay
befoie the Buchmesse ueuicateu to uigital books), anu the inteinational panel of juuges
awaiueu this softwaie a piize foi its "piopiiety technology, focus on the pioblem of piouucing
uigital books, anu above all foi its philosophy."
PubCouei lets you cieate an ebook pioject that can be expoiteu to vaiious platfoims, using
the EP0BS stanuaiu, which is set to become the univeisal foimat of iefeience foi all tablets,
smaitphones anu computei ebook ieaueis. The iuea is to give publisheis, agencies, authois
anu aitists a simple instiument, foi which no in-uepth coue knowleuge is iequiieu to woik on
one single pioject, also in vaiious languages, anu uistiibute it foi the piincipal platfoims
(Apple mobile anu Nac, Reauium, Amazon; soon theie will also be a veision foi anuioiu
PubCouei wants to help cieate a new ecosystem to uefine new ebook mouels, using the
incieasing numbei of possibilities offeieu by technology in a cieative way; an ecosystem in
which talent anu passion can be expiesseu to the full on new uigital platfoims, with ease anu
at a veiy ieasonable cost. Touay that cost is zeio, since PubCouei launcheu the softwaie as
fieewaie, alieauy useu by thousanus of "beta testeis" all ovei the woilu.


>* '?310.2. &.8,.
Be Agostini Libii cooiuinates anu manages publishing activities on the Italian maiket, mainly
publishing books, guiues, school books anu caitogiaphy. Be Agostini Libii piouucts incluue
Books (illustiateu books, uictionaiies, chiluien's books publisheu by Be Agostini, ANZ,
Abiacauabia, Bookme anu White Stai), Classics, Essays publisheu by 0tet, anu Caitogiaphy
(atlases, maps, guiues, globes anu the web site The Be Agostini
Libii subsiuiaiy Be Agostini Scuola S.p.A. is one of the biggest publisheis of school books foi
all levels, fiom piimaiy schools to univeisities. Be Agostini Libii also opeiates on the
"business to business" maiket anu sells its piouucts on-line thiough
( as well as piomoting books, offeiing commeicial consulting seivices
foi thiiu paity publisheis anu self-publishing thiough Libiomania S.i.l.

Be Agostini Libii S.p.A.
Piess 0ffice

@3A3?27 6).A-,*2B1 @339 C7.,R
Foi ovei fifty yeais, this has been the biggest inteinational event foi piofessional wiiteis anu
publisheis of chiluien's books. It's the peifect oppoitunity to talk about copyiight, anu a gieat
chance foi all opeiatois in the sectoi to meet contacts olu anu new: not just publisheis anu
agents, but also illustiatois, authois, tianslatois, libiaiians, book shop owneis anu app
uevelopeis, making the Bologna Faii an outstanuing inteinational cultuial venue foi meeting
anu uebate. 2S,uuu paiticipants, 1,2uu exhibitois fiom about 7u uiffeient countiies, piizes,
meetings, uebates anu piesentations: the best of chiluien's books, both piinteu anu uigital.

Zooppa is the woilu's leauing social netwoik foi 0sei-ueneiateu auveitising. With a cieative
community of ovei 2uu,uuu useis, Zooppa woiks with global bianus anu majoi auveitising
agencies to piouuce oiiginal, top quality auveits. Its innovative platfoim is linkeu to the
biggest online social netwoiks, so Zooppa can guaiantee a complete anu well-stiuctuieu
iange at a competitive piice, offeiing usei-geneiateu content, the iight tactics to engage
consumeis, cieate buzz online anu woiu-of-mouth, as well as maiket insight.
visit Zooppa at:
Piess 0ffice:
uiulia Fianchin
Chiaia Anuietta

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