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My +riend, )our +riend

[] A&ril ", - "., ,/"0 $:$ 1le&hant - Lion %ooms !ath'ays 2hurch 1arly 2hildhood Ministry

This (ee3 s Sco&e

Basic Truth: Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Key Question: Who is your good friend? Bottom Line: Jesus is my good friend. Memory Verse: A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 1 !1 " #$r% Bible Story: &veryone 'an (raise Jesus. &ntry )elebration * Matthew 21:1-16

Memory 4n Motion
+ur ,emory %erse this month is one of my all time favorite verses.isten. A friend loves at all times, !roverbs "#:"#$ $sn/t that a great verse? 0e(eat it after me. 1A friend (pause) loves (pause) at all times (pause), !roverbs "#:"#$ 2u(er 3ob- #ow let/s (ut motions to the words. Wat'h me first and then we/ll do it together. 1A friend (hook your pointer fingers together) loves (hug yourself) at all times (stretch your arms out to each side with your palms facing up as you turn in a circle) " !roverbs "#:"#. (Open your hands like a ook!) #ow say it with me. 1A friend (hook your pointer fingers together) loves (hug yourself) at all times (stretch your arms out to each side with your palms facing up as you turn in a circle) " !roverbs "#:" . (Open your hands like a ook!) 4hat was fabulous- ("epeat as many times as desired!)
%e&eat 'ith the children several times until you feel they have learned this month s verse

Ma3e 4t +un
(hat )ou *eed: 4ablet and 5ible for 6ids A((. (hat to do: #efore the acti$ity: 4urn on the 5ible for 6ids A(( and (i'7 a story you would li7e to listen to. 8ather the 7ids around the tablet. %uring the &cti$ity: .et the 7ids listen to and intera't with the sele'ted 5ible story. .et ea'h 'hild have a turn tou'hing the (i'tures and answering the 9uestions.

&t the end of the acti$ity! 4al7 about how reading our 5ible hel(s us to learn more about Jesus. 8row 'loser to Jesus and be friends with Jesus(hat )ou Say: :ello boys and girls- ;o you guys remember last wee7 when we (layed with this? ;oes anybody remember what this is? <'old up ta let= >es it is a tablet- ;o any of you (lay with something li7e this at home? <(ause= Awesome- $f you weren/t here last wee7 and have never (layed with a tablet before" well you are in for a big treat. >ou see" some really smart (eo(le de'ided to ma7e a game on here that hel(s us read the bible and tells us all about Jesus- :ow 'ool is that- 2o boys and girls we are going to read and intera't with a few really 'ool 5ible stories on here- Are you ready? Alright- <(ick a story or two to go thru) )ontinue as long as it hold their interest! *et the kids take turns interacting with the &pp! :ow fun was that? #e?t wee7 $ will bring this tablet ba'7 and we will do it again o7- $sn/t it so fun learning about Jesus? >ou did su'h a great 3ob hel(ing me with our 5ible A(( storys today- $/m so glad that $ had you guys as my friends to hel( me out- >ou 7now who else is our friend? 4hat/s right" [Bottom Line] 5esus is my 6ood friend and that [Basic Truth] 5esus 'ants to be my friend forever78

Ma3e 4t +un
Leaf 4nvesti6ation +*eaf ,n$estigation- is an acti$ity that engages children in the e.ploration of different types of lea$es while introducing children to a palm leaf! (hat )ou *eed: All sorts of artifi'ial leaves in varying 'olors" in'luding a (alm bran'h. (hat )ou 9o: 2(read out all the leaves on a table. .et 'hildren investigate all the different leaves. Point out the different sha(es" si@es" and" 'olors. (hat )ou Say: #efore the acti$ity: .oo7 at all the (retty 'olored leaves- +ne of these will be in our 5ible story today. %uring the acti$ity: .et/s loo7 at all these leaves. )an you find all the (name color) leaves? ((ause!) 8reat 3ob- .et/s (ut them in a (ile. ((ause!) #ow" find all the (name color) leaves and let/s (ut them in a (ile. ((ause!) What about the (name color) leaves? .et/s (ut them in a (ile. ((ause!) Whi'h (ile do you thin7 has the most in it? ((ause!) 8ood 3ob" friends- .et/s loo7 at the different sha(es of the leaves. Whi'h leaf sha(e do you li7e best? ((ause!) $ li7e them all. ;id anyone (i'7 the s(e'ial leaf that is in our story? (*ook around and hold up the palm ranch!) 4his is 'alled a (alm bran'h. 4his is the s(e'ial leaf that we/ll hear about in our 5ible story today- &t the end of the acti$ity: 4here are all different sha(es" si@es" and 'olors of leaves- We got to loo7 at all these leaves today and (i'7 out our favorites and even learn that one of these is a s(e'ial leaf- Just li7e in our 5ible story- $n our 5ible story" we heard that the (eo(le waved the (alm bran'hes in e?'itement that Jesus was in their town- 4hey were so e.cited that /esus was coming to e their friend that they shouted, 0'osanna12 3hout that with me! 'osanna1 4reat 5o 1 Who is your good friend? :Bottom Line; Jesus is my good friend.

Ma3e 4t %eal ?Small <rou&@

SMALL <%=>! L1A91% ?S<L@: 4he (eo(le in our story today were 2+ e?'ited to see our good friend Jesus that they waved (alm bran'hes in the air and shouted" 1:osanna- :osanna- >ay" Jesus-/ 4hey even too7 off their 'oats and s(read them on the road to ma7e a s(e'ial (ath for :im- 4his was their way of (raising Jesus. Praise is when we show someone how s(e'ial they are. ;o you 7now we 'an (raise Jesus" too? ((ause!) We sure 'an- We 'an (raise our good friend" Jesus. (ho is your 6ood friendA 2B4L9%1* and S<L: [Bottom Line] C5esus is my 6ood friend7 S<L: >ou got it- +ur ,emory %erse this month says" 1A friend loves at all times"/ Proverbs 1 !1 . 2ay that with me. 2B4L9%1* and S<L: 0A friend (hook your pointer fingers together) loves (hug yourself) at all times/ (stretch your arms out to each side with your palms facing up as you turn in a circle), Proverbs 1 !1 . (Open your hands like a ook!) ("epeat as many times as desired!) S<L: :mm A (raising our good friend Jesus is one way to show :im we love :im. .et/s ma7e a list of things we love about Jesus. When we (ray $/ll read it to :im. 4hen we will be (raising our good friend Jesus" too- 6rite down the children2s names in your 5ournal! "emem er to print the words so they can recogni7e their names and letters! !rayer S<L: 8od" we want to (raise Jesus today be'ause :e is our good friend. We love :im be'ause A (read the list the children made). Jesus is so s(e'ial" 8od. 4han7 >ou for sending :im to be our friend forever. $n Jesus/ name" amen.

*eed More
$f you ha((en to finish u( with these a'tivities early feel free to use any of the a'tivities in the (res'hool game binder. $f you are unsure as to where to find this binder" (lease 'onta't your servi'e 'oa'h.

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