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Q12 Comments

l would not be in favor of tuition fees increasing.


Students are facing enough hardships money wise, a better Student Success Initiatives would be get the state to
provide more funds for these.
I don't want tuition to increase because Financial Aid had decreased this year. As a student, money is tight
especially when I am far away from home.
Willing to pay higher student fees if they are included into the payment program and the program is extended to
allow for more smaller payments.
It is my understanding that there is a lot of administrative funding in the CSUF budget, so it is exciting to have a
clear expression of what they are capable of. I just hope that the administration can work with our student
leadership to make this initiative a success and pull through on all of its many promises through the SSI.
This is an academic institution. We are not here to join athletics, club sports, or intramurals. Most students are not
involved in these activities anyways and it would be unfair and a waste of money to make them pay for something
they don't use.
Please to do force the bill on students when it come to lacking of funding. Use your power and voice to
communicate with other public schools in order to change legislation through congress instead.
Provide internships before or after graduation.
I can barely afford this tuition, ya girl needs money for herself. cmon dawg, don't be like this
I mainly believe the money is just being used to fatten the pockets of the Trustee Board. Whether or not this is true,
I am NOT Willing to pay. What we have is fine. The school should focus on finding ways to lower prices, while
maintaining quality, rather than spending money on things we don't need.
Wifi upgrade is a must. As for adding high demand classes, Engineering classes offered only in Spring or only
during the Fall should be taken into consideration. If for some reason we have to retake the class, we have to wait
another year to be able to enroll for the course. So those engineering classes should be offered all year long so
there would be no delays for graduation. Thank you!
I'm wilLing to pay for academic and campus reconstruction investments but not for athletics. The small amount of
athletes that play for our school should put up for their part. I'm sure they got full ride scholarships to play for our
school anyway, Pt's their choice. I don't understand why those who do not participate in sports or sport clubs have
to pay for their fees when more than half of our school doesn't attend sporting events.
I'm starting to feel like I should just give the CSU system my Visa card and pin and call it a day.
Looks like yoi!IJ have put a lot of time and effort into using these funds wisely. Keep up the good work! I will be
gradl!lating fall! 2015, so I look forward to enjoying at least some of these benefits :)
I think it is ridiculous to continue to increase fees, college is already expensive as it is and it possibly is
discouraging those who want to go to college.
There should be no fees for athletics for students who don't participate. Coaches are already overpaid take it out of
their salary. Additi@nally where is the money I already pay going if not for these things? why is more of my money
needed? I don't use anyofthese services.
What about the international students? To be honest, the International Student office doesn't provide enough
support to the students. The fund needs to be allocate to ensure that they have enough staff. These students are
paying out-of-state fees, yet, they are being ignored by the overwhelmed staff. As an aspiring student affairs
professional, I am wondering why don't you do 10% increment increase every year. By doubling the fee (50%
increase) for the next 2-3 years, you are scaring a lot of students. Maybe after thjs three year plan, you should
institute permanent 3-5% SSI fee increase for every other academic year or something. This way, you won't have to
propose for such drastic increase on the SSI fees.
I came to this school for its great education and low costs; paying more for the above benefits would not directly
improve my educatior11 here.
I strongly disagree with implementing these ever increasing fees in the name of ""Student Success."" You begin
your video showing that CSUF receives the least amount of funds per student, yet you never bother to explain why.
I want to know why other CSU systems are getting more funds. What have they done? How are they lobbying, and
why can we not change that? Why has our President and staff failed to increase funding at our school, when other '
CSUs have succeeded in gaining more funds than us. Further, I find it a point of pride in that we have the lowest
fees, I think that is something to be proud of. Instead of increasing the cost on students, why not cut the salaries
on administrators and CSU personnel. Why are we paying our President 400K a year if she is failing to secure our
university funding, while other universities get more than us. Why are we renovating the President's house for
another 300K and giving them free gas and parking? Much of this makes no sense. Further, I strongly disagree with
increasing fees for all students, only to give that money to other students in the form of academic scholarships.
Why should I directly pay for other people's education if I am going in to debt trying to pay for my own? This is
straight up stealing from one student to give to another. I propose that until our university leadership is able to
increase our funding to that of other universities, we cut their salaries by increments of 10% and use that for some
of the needed renovations. Further, I think we should go see if students at other CSUs that have implemented these
fees are happy with the increase, if they feel that their campus has gotten better. As far as I know, CSUF still reigns
in the top 3 CSU systems for overall education quality despite not having these fees. I do not see why this should
have to change.
I think as a student at Cal State Fullerton there should be Jess students admitted into my college. If this happens
there will be more money Jeftqver as well as much more space and circulation of money. I don't know much about
the what's and why's, but I do know $300 is an absurd amount of money along with our other fee's since I am a
college student with no job and am dependent on my single mother. I hope Cal State Fullerton chairmen as well as
my fellow classmates make the correct decision.
It is more of a question. Will these fees only be applied for the next 3 years?
The CSU students should not have to pay extra towards those items. If the other CSUs are getting much more in
funding and they have such small campuses, why should we have to pay more to get these services when we
already have so much more money than the other CSUs such as Channel Islands that is going to the state?
Money is already tight enough, please do not raise tuition for things that are already adequate at CSUF. Thank you.
I do not feel that someone like myself- who receives absolutely no financial help from the government because my
dad makes too much, even though I pay for my own education- needs to be paying even more to fund this school. I
understand and can appreciate all the upgrades and projects that CSUF wants to get funding for. But tuition has
increased some hundreds of percent over the past 5 years and I do not want to be paying double for my htition
when I graduate in a few years, from when I started paying at the start of my undergraduate degree. The only thing
I see important enough to pay any more for is the bettering of our WiFi throughout campus.
I completely disagree with raising tuition on students for the selected reasons above.
I suggest you make more parking spots.
The issues that seem most relevant to most students is the increase in aid fo r academics areas such as more
cl asses, councilors, and improvement on internet services.
I feel advising should be the number one allocated issue, and secondly, bottleneck courses. Also, personally, I
would be happier knowing some of those fees went to the research and salary of our professors/ staff rather than
the TSU modernization or the athletics program. Some of the most prestigious schools in the area still use
chalkboard. I would rather the main focus be on the academics and getting students to graduate since that has been
a downfall the past few years.
I already can't afford the fees, and I don't see updating things and expanding the TSU as good use of my hard-
earned money. The reason I came here is because the fees are low, and now they are being hiked up again? I can't
pay that, and I'm going to graduate before I'd even see any of the benefits, anyvvays!
I think this initiative is a great idea and will benefit all students of CSUF (past, present, and future) in various ways.
Strongly agree to improve l)lnstructional Experience 2)Access Upgraded Technology 3)Support Your Academic
Progress (course availability)
The increase in fees would not help hard working students and professors at all! It would only help athletes, the
""diverse"" groups, and administration! Absolutely ridiculous that they are asking for more money! I work two o ~
and go to school making sure to keep my grades up! This fee increase is to make President Garcia look like she is
doing something! No buena Garcia! She should use the money she took from students when she came here! Why
doesn't she t ake a pay cut? I would rather see money go to the hard working and passionateprofessors than go t o
the greedy political administr;:Ition!!!
Faster Internet is definitely the best plus out of this whole idea.
I do not believe in increasing the tuition fees of every student and/or prospective students in order to achieve such
_goals. It is analogous to taxation, and taxation is theft.
Raising student fees is not the answer to these types of problems. Just as raising the minimum wage doesn't solve
anything either. Students are already paying outrageous prices for ""benefits"" that I feel they never receive
because most of the time they are unapplicable to their student experience. Will Financial Aid be increased in
response to this? I disapprove of this initiative.
Aside from noticing the heavily biased phrasing of the survey, I would like to add that the school is being run fine
as it is. I haven't heard any complaints regarding the matters which are presented in this proposal prior to the
proposal being made. If students feel the need to upgrade the school's technology or pay more towards athletics
and other leisurely activities/programs, they should donate themselves for what they personally endorse. Having
every student pay for these projects isn't much different than having every student pay so everybody can have
""free'"' parking, regardless of whether they have a car or not.
Intramural field lights at night!!!
There is no need to implement more fee to burden the students on more loans. The importance of college is the
ability to get an education. I feel Csuf is targeting the wrong people to get more funds. Whats the cause for
Fullerton to be lowest state funding per student, why not do something to change that. Charging extra fees is not
the answer to offset the difference.
If I was a student that wasn't already half-way done with her degree I might be more inclined to pass the SSI
because I would feel the difference that they money will make. But since I am already so far through I feel like I
won't feel a difference. But overall I am for it! Paying a little bit more now to make the future titans college life
better. Go for it! FIX THE WIFI! That is something that has hindered my education!!
If you are asking $300 extra to boost the classroom, then why don't you let us ask you to give us free books for
college like math books that we can keep and cut out wiley plus. The professors wrote the math notebooks anyway
so why would the school bother having us pay almost $200-$300 for a math textbook? That is ABSURD. Now, you
are asking to make the classroom better? The classroom looks nice to me. The campus looks decent to me, I like it
simple. Plus, we only go to attend class and go home and do homework anyway. WHY DOES IT EVEN MATTER
ABOUT WIFI? Most students going to CSUF don't dorm. The current wifi is fine to me. I would rather go to the
public library or to a store that has free wifi. Really, don't really care why I should spend $300 dollars more every
year or semester when I don't even dorm and I live near to get my own wifi. I only go for classes and then go home
and study. The professors doesn't really teach, students really have to learn it on their own. There is no way I am
paying more period. Students will get together and protest and petition. We might even call in the news reporter
and make it big in history even. I'm being sarcastk. The deal is that it is unfair for CSUF to suddenly boost tuition
like this. I barely get enough money for gas even. Now you are making me use up my $300 that I usually save to buy
TEXTBOOKS. I am a Biochemistry major. If l work, I don't have time to study. If I don't work, then I cannot pay for
gas and book fees. THIS IS ABSURD. CSUF is not even a UC even. Why does this even matter? Please stop, the
science and engineering students are at risk If you increase tuition, then please give us more financial aid. If not, I
will not be paying for CSUF extra fees. You are pushing students to transfer out of CSUF and into another cheaper
and better Cal State University school.
I strongly believe that it is extremely wrong to increase tuition for a school that is largely commuters. Some
students have to commute and still live at home because tuition is expense enough. By raising tuition, this may
force some students to drop out and may cause living independently to be an completely unattainable option. Most
of the money that the school will be taking from us will be sent to sports, beautifying the campus, and paying for
""improved instructional experience."" I'm sorry, but I'd choose a professor who was teaching because they had a
passion for teaching, not a professor who is teaching for the money and most of us don't play sports. Also,
""Expanding and Modernizing the Student Union."" Do you really think the students chose to go here because we
thought it was fancy? We came here because it was affordable, convenient, and has a good reputation. By raising
tuition you will only be taking advantage of students and future students who will end up going to a community
college because it is cheaper, just as convenient, and can transfer here after two years and spend half the money. If
you're really thinking about doing this, you need to look at your student demographic and realize why people
chose this school and why future students will. Keep CSUF affordable, convenient, and most of all, for your sake,
save the school's reputation. Don't take advantage of the students who keep you all in work
Student athletes should not be receiving any extra funding for equipment or scholarships or capital improvements
with fees from other students. This is asking the larger portion of the student population to support the smaller
portion of students that are student athletes.
Start charging a small fee to students to go to sporting events. Like $3 or something to provide funding for their
There is no cap, how would I know that the fees will continue to keep going up.
I think that there is room for improvement within the fees that we already pay. No need to increase. Athletics is
what concerns me least. Accessing classes for graduation is what concerns me more and if online classes are
developed appropriately and with quality, then this area is covered. Students need to be proactive in reaching out
to advisors (teachers, peer mentors, career coordinators). More advisors, I don't think is a good idea. Better
advisors, those who are honestly interested in student success is what is needed. In my case, I transfered from
Cypress Coll ege and I met CSUF advisors more than 5 times. They all agreed that SEE sign language will be
transferable and ... surprise ... once I got at CSUF only ASL sign language is transferable. Did I do something
wrong? There were enough advisors and enough meetings but none of them really went deep into my career of
interest requirements even when they had access to my file beforehand they only looked at sign language and said
yes, it is transferable. 5 semesters of SEE sign language to nowhere. We need people who care, really! Better
peopl e, motivated people that show empathy and compassion for students. We don't need mor e whatever people!!
I think this is a complicated issue to bring up. CSUF has imposed some students fees which are completely
irrelevant to me. There's a student health fee which goes where? It has no use to me. It's hard to add more student
fees when it does not apply to all students.
Not many of us are financially stable to pay for this, won't this affect many of us?
I feel that a lot of the funds are going to be misplaced. I believe that the TSU does not need any advancements or
expansion, it is one of the most modern and advanced buildings on campus. I think that we should put more money
in training staff to be better quality educators rather than to just give them technology that they may not know
how to use. It would be nice if the campus looked better, but I don't see that as a priority that deserves my money.
The wifi here needs to be handed ASAP. McCarty needs to be seriously remodeled, that building is older then most
of the professors here. It needs some attenti on. (
Veterans are a unique group of students coming into the university. Most of us are coming from a later stage in life
and also from a very di fferent experience. Trying t o mold back into a student life is a drastic change, especially
when not only are you trying to become a student again, but a civilian. Veterans need help with this transition, that
is why it is very important to help to support the troops that have served our country. In this proposal Athletics
seems way too high and veterans ranked way too low.
I do not think to TSU needs to be expanded or upgraded! And I think the WIFI should be all done the fi rst year in
changes it really creates a hassle. And updating the classrooms should be done ASAP. But i also think the campus
needs to be cleaned!!!! like mopped once a semester and hosed down like the st airways! Its a very dirty campus.
And some bathrooms remodeled they are just gross some of them.
I think parts such as the TSU and academics should get the most funding since I'm sure over 90% of the students go
to school for the academics and studying. I think athl etics should not have to be paid by all the students especially
since (don't quote me) that probably less than 20% of students play in the actual sports and go to watch and
support the sports. It only makes sense to fund the spots that most students go to school for. Not many students go
to CSUF for sports, we go to CSUF to get our educations. Our school is not know for sports really so might as well
fund the spots that we are popul ar for and fund what we use the most.
lm agai nst it because I know it wont go to something that is mandatory for the school or for my major. I am in the
mus ic department and I KNOW none of that money will be going to us. It will all go to the TSU or computers which
are not thi ngs we need. We NEED more pract ice room so students are not waiting in the halls for hours, we NEED
more literature so we are not reading andplayingthe same music all of the time. So, I am not willing to pay at all.
At this point, particularly considering that tuition has already gone up substantially at several points in the last two
years alone, it's not right to ask students for even more money than they are currently paying. The three most
pointless offenders on this list are: The TSU expansion/modernization- holding 18,000 students is not a problem,
considering that there is no point whatsoever that our entire student body is going to go there at once. Many of our
students commute in, and then leave when they're done- I think that the TSU expansion only really benefits those
who live on campus, which is poililtedly unfair to those who do not. The second list issue is that of improving the
campus WiFi- why do we need to? So that our students can stream videos and music faster in between courses?
Internet in the classrooms is important, but if there's something truly pressing, students can go into the library and
connect there. I'm completely not on board with this, and believe that this is a waste of student funds. -Another
point to address: while athletics/sports are valid, what makes them so special that they garner special funding
from everyone at school? Are a vast majority of students involved in them, or just the most physically adept who
choose to participate? If the vast majority of students are not involved, then why do we allocate so much money
towards it? Is it right to make everyone pay for them? They should get the same funding and recognition that the
rest of the school gets. While this point does not have a specific section, I wanted to also point out that having the
library open 24 hours before finals is not something that every student needs. If there is a great need for
somewhere to be on campus during preparation for finals, students can use the TSU. This issue seems to be
another situation that many would pay for, but only some would have use for. Many of the items/services that this
fee increase would fund are frivolous and unnecessary. Forcing students to pay for a petty wishlist of things that
would be great if we had the extra money is wrong, and while the presentation repeatedly hammered ort "''titan
pride'"', school pride is nothing that money can buy. If students aren't taking pride in their school, then perhaps it's
because they're being bled dry just to try and advance their lives through a degree program. If we have an
experience that is truly beneficial to our academic lives without imposing extra, useless fees for things the majority
have no need of, maybe we'd fin.d that ""Titan Pride"" in ourselves instead of having it pushed on us.
It is absolutely unacceptable that this so called ""Student Success Initiative"" is being offered when it very quiet
simply is a masked effort to fund the athletics department. The athletics department should find means of funding
itself without forcing others to foot the bill. Our Titan experience is not as important as graduating on time with as
little debt as possible. If the initiative is restructured according to student priorities then it seems as more of an
investment rather than an extra fee.
Obviously our campus needs some support. The administration should be looking at different alternatives to
receive funding for students. I'n1 sure they are trying but I wish they wouldn't give up. I. Don't agree with the
majority. Of the funding going to athletics. They need as much help as some of o1:1r national award winning
competition teams such as someone in the performing arts college But why are we catering just to athletics. I think
you all really need to prioritize what/why students are here first and foremost and then decide where to allocate. I
appreciate the efforts of all involved in this process.
After reviewing the Student Success Initiative, I have concluded that student fees should not be increased. As a
Business student at CSUF, I am satisfied with the current level of instruction provided to me. Many of the
initiatives covered by this fee, such as the athletic facility improvements, benefit only a fraction of the CSUF
population. In addition, portions of this fee are allocated to non-issues, such as wi-fi improvements and additional
academic advising. I have experienced problems with neither. The one part of the Student Success Initiative I
support most is the availability of the academic software. I understand that the pilot program is about to
expire. However, I would be happy to pay a discounted rate for such software if CSUF fees were to remain at their
current level. I understand that CSUF has some of the lowest fees in the CSU system. I see this as a benefit,
especially to students relying on loans to fund their education. In the recent election, California voters approved
Prop 30, preventing cuts to higher education funding and stopping an increase in the cost to attend a CSU. Based
on my experience, I believe that CSUF is appropriately funded to give the typical student a fair and competitive
Student Success should not be shouldered exclusively by students this is a public university and should be funded
as such. It is a shame that the university seeks to further burden students for the education that was supposed to
be tuition free. Furthermore, the mandatory 12 minute video pitching the fee demonstrates that this survey is little
more than a dog and pony show and not truly representing the student body. Shame!
I am an international student and will be graduated fall2014, I think its not fair for me to pay this amount of
' increase. I understand the benefits for future students but you should consider the low budget of an international
student and also that most of them will go back to their countries and this increase does not have any benefits for
them.I hope that you consider the international students especially whom that are going to be graduated in a
semester! Thanks
I think that this questionnaire was trying to sway us to one side and I am ashamed of CSUF and how it would be
this unethical especially when it comes to its students' money. I am opposed to any student fee increase. Money is
tight in this struggling economy and expansions to stuff like the TSU is not worth my money. I think that if our
president took a pay cut and did not pay for the PR effort to pass this student fee initiative, the school would have (
enough money to make necessary upgrades.
CSUF seems to have a brighter future starting 2014, and hopefully the campus will provide better student
success. Although $80 per year per student does not sound like a lot, it may be a lot for some students. Other
areas to think about- weekend services. The library offers great hours and great services-- but Starbucks and
Titan Student Union food services are closed. Not only is it impossible to buy food on campus on Saturdays and
Sundays, there is also no access to microwaves. CSULB and CSULA have microwaves located outside near vending
machines, as well as Starbucks opened on Saturdays Parking rates should be comparable to other CSUs. CSULA
offers $6 daily rate. And they only charge $1 for one hour and 15 minutes and $2 for 2 hours and 15 minutes. The
15 minutes gives you a cushion to walk back to your car. All these logistics also help with better student success.
Thank you!
I understand what you are talking, but I'll be leaving the campus at 2016, and the major improvement will be at
2017. What I'm saying is, I pay for others. I pay the fee, and I get little, while students after 2017, they pay nothing,
they get everything. This is why I'm not happy about it.
Although the implementation of the SSI will be costly for the students, I also believe it would be beneficial for the
ECS needs this!
I did my undergraduate at CSUF and graduated in May 2007. Now I am back as a graduate student in the MBA
program and this is my first semester. In that period that I graduated and came back, I have noticed that the fees
have gone up tremendously and is ridiculous for me currently as a graduate shtdent. Furthermore, I have noticed
that nothing much has changed in the services offered and I feel that it is ridiculous to propose another set of fees
when nothing has really changed in services within the past 7 years. I truly want to see more MBA classes offered
at the Irvine Campus, yet that was something that was proposed 7 years ago and there are still only a select amotmt
of classes being offered at that campus. It is frustrating when I want to take classes down there, especially since I
li ve and work right near the Irvine Campus, but the resources or cl asses are only available at the Main Campus. I
expect that more resources should be devoted down to the Irvine Campus because if you were to take a poll or get
more information about the students who attend CSUF, you would find out that many students live in South Orange
County and it would be helpful to have those classes at the Irvine Campus, so many of us don't have to waste the
time of being stuck in that nasty traffic that takes us at least 1 hour to get to campus. Lastly, if you do have these
additional fees go through, I would like to see a place on campus where shtdents can print something for free using
the dot-printer. Again, as I did my undergraduate studies at CSUF and graduated in May 2007, the basement of
McCarthy Hall allowed student to print low-quality things using the dot-printer. It was extremely helpful when
there was course material that I needed to print where it didn't have to be of quality work. As a graduate student
now, my tuition and fees totaled $6,014 for 9-units of coursework, where I paid an additional $254 per unit under
the ""program professional fee"" which I still currently don't understand and haven't seen the benefits or reason
behind this fee. Though I just began this MBA program and have applied for financial aid, all that I have been given
is loans with a high interest rate, I feel that I will not be able to complete the program in my original time-frame of
2.5 years, thus I know that each semester after this, the fees will only get more expensive and at the end of the
program I will have spent nearly $50,000, which is going to be $20,000 more than what I plan to have spent. Of
course, people say you can't put a price on what you get out, I say that you can especially when the resources that I
have paid and the help that I expected to get out are so far non-existent when I am only on campus 2 days of the
week and during the evening hours. I would please ask you to take my comments seriously and to address it
because though I want to be successful, I believe that there is definitely another way to provide what these so-
called fees will do because with a student population of over 30,000 over the past 7 years, there should have been
much, much more accomplished for the students and I don't feel that implementing these fees now is the right time
nor for the future. Instead of looking to the short-term, because lets face it, these fees are really short-term goals,
there needs to be a strategic plan of the over all long-term objectives of what CSUF needs to focus its resources on,
because there is so much that CSUF needs to look at besides the student factor. For instance, the roads coming into
CSUF on Nutwood Ave. look and feel horrible when driving on with all those bumps and potholes. Is CSUF or the
City of Fullerton doing anything about it? In my opinion the answer is ""NO"" because the roads are exactly the
same as it was over 7 years ago!!!! Like I mentioned, there is so much more that needs to be addressed and I know
Dearest Respect ed Committee, All of this is well and good for those students on campus. There ar e many of us
students who never see the campus or use its fa cilities at all ; we are the Online Degree Students. We already pay fa r
above the on campus fees . Increasing our fees anymore than they already are would quite possibly mean being
stuck with student loans and not being able to complet e our degree. I am st rongly in favor of any improvements to
Titani um and access to it, as well as willing to help out Vetrens. Beyond that, absolutely not. Not in any way. Please
con c: ider not adding this fee increase to students inrolled in Online Degree Programs. Respectfully,

Hell o, I am a returning graduate shtdent and my family is really struggli ng t o put me thr ough the program. I think
that increasing any fees at CSUF is a ter ri ble idea. The financial environment is still very difficult and to try and
support a family on one income can be extremely challenging. Although all of your initiatives are good ideas, I
simply think this is the wrong time to ask students to pay more. They are al ready going into too much debt and the
job outlook is not very positive. Who knows if the educational experience will really pay them back? They should
be saving tq buy their first house, not paying more into theCA higher education system. What you need to do is to
advocate more shongly at the state levei for fundi ng, not charge extra. If CSUF is receiving the lowest amount of
money on a pet capita basis, I have to ask, what is Mil dred Garcia doing to remediat e that situation? Why is it that
we have such poor representation at the state level that we do not have a proportional share of the funding?? Jt
seems to :me that someone is not doing their job. I am already incensed that l have to pay $200 for a parking pass
and may not even be able to find a spot anywhere remotely near my classroom. My opinion is that these fees
should not go into effect until all other avenues have been exhausted. I di d not hear anything about that in the
video. Please do not push middle class families deeper into debt. Rethink your budgets and rea11 ocate. And for
goodness sakes, tell Janet Napolitano that we need more money! Graduate Student Department of
Theati'e and Dance
Wo ul d you please t urn up the heat to an actual 82 degrees regarding the swimming pool.
The only part of this initiatjve that I do J10t agree with is alumni mentorship program. I feel like the money
allocated for this could be better utilized towards creating a better academic advising program or funding for t he
sports em don't know if fut ure students Will appreciate havi ng an alumni m-ent ors hip program as much as
they wol,lld having gr eat academi c advising or a new and improved TSU and campus,
Th ere should be something do ne to our wifi and parki ng. Wifi is horrible and so is parking. All struct ures are fill ed
by 9am. We are paying a lot for our parking permits and we shouldn't have t he problem deali ng with finding a
parking spot for more than half an hou r.
Tuition is expensive enough. Please give us more assistance with tuition.
I believe services should be for all sh tdents not just those of one group (i.e. athelectics) also that in this economy
it1creasingfees is worst idea for students, be better to use the hand to better suit the st1,1dent body as a whole
We should not be the ones suffering with f ee increases just because we receive the lowest funding, the stat e needs
to step up and provide more money due to our large studentpopulation.
I am a transfer student from Santiago Canyon College, and this is my second semester at CSUF. I have reviewed the
video and facts, and ulti mately support the SSI. I would like to t ake the ti me to discuss the areas I agree and
di sagree with. I agree with the need for more advising. The 4000 to 1 r atio for advising is abs olutely ridi culous. I
am a huge advocate for advising because I beli eve it is necessary t o be able t o graduate. It is almost impossible
for me to make an advising appointment because I am at work or in cl ass when advising is available. This is not fai r
for st udent s that have other responsibiliti es other t han school. I also agree with the funds needed for our athletic
program. The school spirit at CSUF is almost embarrassing. I believe sports are a great way t o create school spir it. I
also agr ee With the need for instructional software and Wi- FL I use both of these services regularly and they need
to be continued and improved. I do not agree with the expansion of library hours for 2 weeks up to finals week. I
coul d understand one week, but I beli eve 2 weeks is a waste of funds. It is the students r esponsibility to complete
their work, and t hey should not depend on the CSUF library to be open fo r 24 hours to be successful. St udents need
to learn to complete their work and assignments at a matter, and havi ng the library open for 24 hours will
make it more available for studentrs t o procrastinate. In real life, we won't have a library open 24 hours
when things get busy or tough. I agree with the expansion of the TSU, but I do not believe it needs to be the first
project completed with the funds. There are so many other ways the money can help shtdents directly and
immediat ely (classroom improvements, Wi-Fi, sports, advising) . These are problems that need to be fixed
immediately with the funds. Students have the right to see where their money is going. I am graduating in a year
and I want to be able to see my money working.
by implen.;J.enting these now, it is going to create another proposal to implement another set of fees for another
project, in which our fees should be covering already!!! Thanks.
I do not understand this initiative as anything more than a tuition increase that is being disguised as a student
initiative. I understand the CSUF is the lowest funded school per capita, however, I do not understand how placing
that burden on the students of CSUF is an effective way of fixing this issue. I am also wary that if this initiative
passes, it will set a precedent for future expansions of student services; if we start to view these services as
auxiliary expenses that are covered by fees and not '"'tuition costs"", what exactly is our tuition for beyond
supplamenting faculty's salaries. Which isn't to say that our faculty should not be paid, but moreover these services
that are being proposed by the initiative are items that I would expect to be covered by my tuition costs and not by
added fees.
Peopl e are iE debt already.

I feel like the currently proposed SSI allots too much funding and time towards administrative and extra-curricular
positions without really adding anything to students in-class learning experience at CSUF. The reason I do not
support SSI is because it does not focus enough on the main purpose for attending CSUF, which is getting a degree.
I am aware that the currently proposed SSI increases number of classes in the 2015-2016 years but this is not
enough. There are better ways of improving the students experience at CSUF than increasing fees to extending
library hours, improving technology and expanding wifi. I believe the SSI should be focused on increasing on-
campus classes, increasing amount of classes, decreasing the number of students per class, and increasing the
varietyof classes offered.
I think this is a great initimtive and; if passed, wi11 definitely h&lp students. Howev&r, and I cannot stress this
enough, fees should not impact those of us who are doing online programs. I already have to pay health center, rec
center, ahd other various fees for my anline Master's even though I do not even live in the s-ame part o.f the State
and cannot use t he-se services. It's a bit ridiculous. Unless the SSI is somehow going ttl make the' online experience
better (I doubt t lfl at, as it wasn't dis11:u.ssed in t he vitdeo ), I doN't see how olllline programn students will
benefi t fnnn t:htis. Unless they l1ive in SoCaL
Why is CSUF the lowest funded out of all the CSU campuses? What are those schools doing that CSUF is not? I think
it is worth investigating why CSUF is the lowest funded campus and try to remedy the problem instead of always
coming up with the solution to raise fees . While I support the Student Success Initiative, I think a hard look needs
to be taken in regards to why CSUF is the lowest funded and what we can do to change it.
I would 'be willing tro payfnr slight ly tuition (not over $!:100) if it results in lti:igl.n:er ecrhtcatdoNlearni ng
services, "bette!f pr iDfessors, career deve1mprnen t, expanding camp11.s, bl!li!lding aiduti01rr al perlting Jots, etc. 'Fuition
has been increasi111g tremendom;ly over tl\e yealfs and I stn;mgly believe that it i n0t reasonable unless there are
g'ood reasons such aGtic9h.
One of the main things our campus would really benefit from is having more comfortable study areas, and
improvements in McCarthy hall (technology and air conditioning).
Hopeful'liy the wi.tii <!:a,n be ex,panded sooner rait:her than later.
This sounds like a good plan. Ideas like expanding the library hours and expanding the Titan Student Union brings
a question whether it's really necessary and how much it cost. However, expanding programs resulting in academic
progress and expanding Titan Pride through clubs sounds the most significant to me and can greatly improve. One
final note is whether CSUF should really take into consideration on decreasing the enrollment rate from 38,000 to
about 30,000 students or less. Though it's less students on campus, the ones enroll with have even more access to
resources and can most likely bring less cost to the school. That's my opinion in all of this and I hope this initiative
will take full steps into making CSUF a better campus without much cost and providing what's truly necessary for
None a:t t i:Tiil firtornel1l.t,
college is expensive enough as it is, no one needs more fees added to the already steep costs
I think the InformatiQn $ystems pregFam needs a lot more funding beca:Se the class offerings are minimal,
especially for gradtllat'e students. Therte is a limited number of electives tllat graduat-e students in the Information
Systems pr@grnm can c;:Hoose from wliiich means we could end up spending m9'te time in school, wruch is
ridiculous. Altho'Ugli I am tliis fee being implemented, I atu willing to pay a fee soleliy for the
expansion of servief:es fgr sttudent veterans. Oilier than that initiative, I am not willing to pay any inc;:reased fees.
Thank you
I do not believe that this is the time to raise student fees, especially for the proposed allocations. It is NOT
necessary to have nicer athletic facilities, or a larger TSU (the basement floor is empty almost all the time) .
Transitional programs for veterans, minorities, and the disabled already exist; students may have to wait an hour
or two during high volume times to see an academic advisor (so what, students wait 20-30 minutes in the Mihaylo
and library Starbucks- every day!), and an appointment can be easily made in the career center only a few days out
even during high volume times. These services should be sufficient while our country rides out this financial crisis.
What we DO need is an upgrade to the internet (since so many of our classes offer online powerpoints and
articles), and more class offerings (so people can graduate on time, and/ or work AND go to school). More students
= more money per student, so increased enrollment should provide the money necessary to increase course
offerings, an additional fee does not seem necessary. It would be nice to u'pgrade the classrooms, but again, this is
not NECESSARY. It would be nice to keep the library open later, but we do not need more or new study spaces;
several floors of the library are virtually empty all day every day. CSUF is a commuter school, many students do not
stay on campus for anything outside of their required classes. Raising student fees is NOT the answer. Students are
graduating with massive amounts of student loans (I have 22,000 in loans out already, with 2 years of grad school
to go), how is THIS contributing to CSUF's students future successes??
Funding for the Arts!
I strongly believe every student should have access to a strong wifi connection across campus and around the
parking structures. Especially to utilize the iFullerton app features such as Parking.
First I want to say this survey in itself is very deceptive just like your ridiculous '"'Student Success Initiative."" We
see through your lies and know that you using this fee to fuel your self-indulgent greed. Increasing our fees is not
the answer for whatever poorly created monetary need you invented as an excuse to raise our fees. We cannot
afford another increase in our fees and therefore we the students do not want your invented ""Student Success
Initiative"" that really has no benefit to us students as a whole. You cannot punish students for wanting to pursue
their education! On a final note how dare you skirt around the 5 year moratorium on tuition hikes in the state of
California by first framing this tuition hike as a attempt to increase student success and then passing it school by
school instead of a CSU system wide raise. We know its a lie. We know this isn't about student success its about
your greed and your never ending thirst for monetary gain. This is why you did not ask the stat e for funds because
you would be held accountable for where the money raised will go. I therefore finish your survey by saying do not
raise our tuition. And I am not only student who feels this way, we all do.
There is too much emphasis on sports and the Titan Student Union when we should be fixing the Humanities,
Langsdorf, and McCarthy Hall. It is sad how you would rather come up with random ideas to change the TSU
instead of fixin'g those buildings which are such an embarrassment. The people providing the questionnaire are not
providing sufficient evidence, the words have a positive association but doesn't provide information. The
statements are to broad, your statements may have a different interpretation from mine.
CSUF needs to focus on the student body and the supplies the school lacks compared to the appearance of how to
school is looked through the extension of the TSU or any other buildings. First you need to take care of the
buildings CSUF already have. For example, upgraded bathrooms in the older buildings, invest in newer desks, or
new chairs in the library (the red ones) and switch them out for the nice blue chairs which are scattered around
the south building of the library (first floor) . Though it may say that CSUF is one of the lowest paying CSU systems,
but really, the students have no seen any of their tuitiem go towards something other than ASI events (at least in
my perspective).
this is not necessary
I feel that the school is to involved in focusing on expanding and modernizing parts of the school that the majority
of the students do no use. I do not agree with allocating money to remodeling the gym seeing as how it is already in
great shape. I also do not agree with giving the coaches their own office when many of the professors share small
spaces among 4 or 5 of them. Also, I do not agree with how the majority of the money proposed is not going to
bettering the school and the experience of the students such as embracing diversity category, improve your
instructional experience and access upgrade technology adds to less then the expanding and modernizing the
student spaces. I feel that this is not a well thought outplan and should go back to the drawing board.
There's already 20 million going into the TSU already for funding is NOT necessary until the future. Construction is
expensive but it's most necessary to have students to get out in time so that they don't start feeling discouraged.
Students organizations should be able to use areas such as instructional kinesiology classrooms. It has affected my
student org. greatly! We have had to practice in the RAIN! Our student fees are going into this. It's important that
head departments don't scare students away from using the facilities it's not right what so ever. I've witnessed that
facilities are unused for a while, so why are student orgs gathering outside or in the hallways of buildings. Let's get
this fixed ASAP! Also, let's bump up the numbers of classes that are necessary for popular maj ors and required GE's
Its hard enough for students to pay for tuition already these extra fees are ridiculous.
1 am not happy about the increased fees, but understand that this initiative is going to improve my education and
exper ience at CSUF.
I' d love to see our advisory get better because quite honestly it is awful. I'd also like to see improvement on class
availability because we should be able to graduate in 4 years that should be an option. However, I don't find it
suitable to be improving the TSU when it does it's job already or dumping money into our athletic programs which
are not the main concern of the school. The main concern is our education and I'd like to see the money going to
things that would better my academic progress so that I am not stuck here for five or six years because that is not
my goal. Most importantly though, I don't think the money should be coming from our student fees. We already pay
enough tuition it shouldn't cost an arm and a leg t o get a decent education. If we need money it o u l ~ be the
government's job to supply it because their main goal should be educating their citizens. It is hard to be successful
when you are just barely getting by with concerns of income. A lot of people are struggling to pay fees as it is. I
don' t t hi nk its fair or necessary to ask the students of CSUF to have to pay more than they already do on top of
tuition andparking fees.
The remodeling of the TSU will not really have an affect on me since i will most likely graduate 2017, and i am not
involved in sports. im no sure ifi am willing to pay for something that does not involve me at al l.
Maybe we should also look into creating more parking places on campus. I have had to park at the Marriott hotel
for most of this current semester because there is. no available parking by the time I arrive at school. Also, the
parking attendant at the hotel said that they have had teachers whom also have to park at the hotel parking garage
due to the lack of available spaces.
It is unfai r and incorrect for students who are barely able to pay tui tion, the parking permit fee, books, and student
fees t o have a economic burden added on. Most student are working in order to support themselves economically
for school. Students should NOT be forced to pay the increase in fees when 30% will be used to ""Expand and
Modernize Student Centered Spaces"" and 17% to support Student Pri de. I have student pride and don't have to
pay a n increase to show it. Money for the athl eti cs department should be gathered some other way. I AM
COMPLETELY AGAINST THE INCREASE (Proposed Student Success Initiative). Find another way to get money /
instead of t ryi ng t o hassle poor coll ege students that are tryi ng to pay their way to school. Students have other bills
besides school. Students are not personal piggy banks.
I have noticed that a large amount of t he funds are going to go towards athletics. Specifically $60 for athletic
support $70 for athl etic facilities while other areas of higher importance are not receiving nearly enough, $5 for
expansion of library hours $20 for improvement of course availability $35 for classroom technology upgrades
$15 for diversity education $5 for disability support services to clarify I am all for student success and raising
fees to make CSUF a better university, but I do not think that a focus on athletics is as important as this initiative
Students from lower socioeconomic strata should not bear the added burden of higher fees for an education. An
increase in fees reduces access t o many students seeking a quality education. I continue to implore the leadershi p
team to look at alternative sources of funding for these programs. Consider increas ing fundraising efforts, and
additional grant proposals before increasing fees. Don't decrease access!
I chose CSUF for it's affordability. Raising fee's for a ""success"" initiative is not something that I nor many of my
peers can afford. I have had no trouble finding success with the current services and support being offer ed, while I
am strongly against this plan. How about a plan t o stop paying t op administrat ors huge salaries and use that
money to support this plan if these ""needs"" are so urgent. Then again, last time I checked CSUF is a pretty great
place to study as is, without charging students an extra $1, 000 per year. A fee hike that equates t o approx. 125
extra hours (6 Part time Weeks) of work at minimum wage for each student in order t o pay this extra fee. Is that
fair to the students? Absolutely not!
I would say yes to expansion of the TSU and athl etics department, but even as a commuter I do not have the ti me to
socialize or attend sporting events. I can only focus on education and that is what really needs to improve.
As a student \lnd employee of Cal State Fullertort, this ""Student Success Initiative"" is not going to solve
anything. Believe me, I understand that the Wi-Fi doesn't always work, I understand that classes are difficult to
obtain, and that the library is always crowded. However, askirtg for hundreds of dollars from ALL students on
campus, accumulating to millions of dollars is not going to solve any of this. I am suspicious and believe that most
of the money will go towards athletics. Athletics give the school prestige and power. It's a status symbol for
universities, and I know that CSUF has barely enough money to fund sports for Division I. It's ridiculous how much
money is spent on baseball, but teachers are not allowed to print out one-paged homework for their students. I will
be incredibly disappointed to see this ""initiative'"' pass. I do not believe it is about student success at all. We do
not need more computers to succeed. Instead, we should be saving money as individuals to pay for our own
computers. In the real world, nothing will be handed to us by paying a forced fee. We will have to save up on our
own. This ""initiative"" is only promoting socialism. Slowly, universities will keep asking students for more and
more money, but they still won't be any less or any more successful. I find it ridiculous how much money I pay for
school on my own already (with no government help) and when I cut my foot my freshman year, the Health Center
only let me have two bandaids. As aforementioned, I am an employee ofCSUF (through two departments) and I
know for a fact that the school does not use money well. I have friends who work in the Gastronome, Veterans
Services, Titan Bookstore, and Strategic Communications and endless times I have heard how much money is
wasted on ""bonding"" or ""office parties"" and how the university doesn't do much to give back to its own
students. I am STRONGLY AGAINST any more student fee increases. I would rather have students pay optional
and individual fees to see a counselor, get more academic advisement, pay for being on a sport etc. CSUF should
t each students that choices cost money, and nothing should be forced upon students as this ""initiative"" does.
Raising tuition will only hinder those low-income students from continuing their education. By adding MORE
additional fees to our tuition, students who work and attend school will likely have to work MORE and end up
cutting their enrollment to part-time, ultimately pushing off their degree until a later date. Yes, there is the option
of fin ancial aid, but even financial aid doesn't cut it anymore due to the already increased fees over the last 5
yea rs. Additionally, our tuition fees should NOT go towards expanding and providing for the athletic department.
Funding for that should be RAISED by the athletes, through fundraising and donations from sponsors (eg alumni
athl etes). Why should I pay for expansions within a department that I am not even a part of? I was an undergrad
from 2008-2012 and within that time tuition fees almost TRIPLED. Extremely uncalled for and ridiculous.
It 's not my job to lobby fo r more funding- that' s your guy's job. I agree that we don't have enough money, but it
shouldrt't have to come out of my pocket for students who will be here 3 years from now. I'm graduating next fall
and this is unfair to me. Charge those st udents, not me.
I would like to see more money put towar ds updated classrooms and labs rather than the TSU
I do not agree with the Student Success Initiative, especially in the way the money is going to be allocated. As a
commuter school, we do not need to invest in athletics because most students do not live close to campus where
they can attend athletic events. It is extremely disappointing to see how little money is being allocated towards
expanding the cultural centers. As a so called, ""Hispanic Serving Institution"" we have one of the most neglected
Chicano Resource Centers I have ever seen. Considering Latinos make up more than 30 percent of the campus, it is
pathetic the resources that we have been given in that center. I feel as though this fee increase will create more
res ources but in doing so, it is going to hinder potential students' ability to afford education. As a student who
commutes 45 minutes to campus 4 days a week, I can see how the student body has outgrown the campus. There
are more than 20 dance organizations on this campus and the fact that they have to compete against each other to
reserve a dance room is not right. There is a microwave line that is at least 20 minutes long in the TSU. It is
impossible to obtain a computer in the library during finals week. Academic advising is mediocre at best. Yes I
agree the university lacks resources but I disagree with the proposed allocation of the fees and the way this
process has been run because it is not t ransparent. There is no guarantee that my voice as a student will be taken
into account especially since President Garcia will have the fi nal say in the proposal.
I'll make it short. The most important funct ion of college is provide good education and what CSUF is fa iling to do is
providing enough number of classes so that students can graduate ASAP. If you'd like to get more money from us,
that money should be used for making more classes rather than other stuff, which doesn't directly affect students.
I believe that if this initiative is named Student Success, it should focus on the the success of all 36,000 students.
There should be more money allocated to course availability, parking problems, and getting students to graduate in
a timely matter than there should be for improving athletic facilities and athletic scholarships. I uNderstand that
- being a Division 1 school brings in interest but I know of other great programs around the campus such as the
University Singers and the symphony who travel around the world and bring interest to our school. The reason I
chose to attend CSUF was not because of athletics, but because I saw the University Singers while I was in high
school and was so impressed with the talent on this campus. All students should benefit from this fee and I believe
more of the money should be spent on resources to do so.
We are struggling students. We live in crammed apartments and eat terrible quality, cheap food in order to go to
school. We take out loans that bury us in debt for a lifetime. How dare you ask us to pay more when our president
gets over $300,000 per year, a car, and a newly renovated home? This is corruption and I am ashamed to go to Cal
State Fullerton. Find the funds elsewhere, maybe start with the administration's paychecks.
You talk about how we have the lowest funding out of all CSU schools, and yet our president makes the most out of
all CSU presidents. How can you ask struggling students to pay more when our president makes over $300,000 a
year,_ gets a free car, and a newly refurbished home? This is unfair to students and faculty alike and this constant
gouging of students' wallets is corrupt to the core.
I strongly believe the Student Success Initiative will enhance the CSUF environment both inside and outside of the
classroom. The TSU is in high demand and cannot support the amount of students on campus. A majority of our
technology is not up to par and it is awful that our internet connection is a constant problem. I am more than happy
to support an increase in fees to better CSUF!
If the ssi passes we as students cannot use the field. SEcurity comes and kicks us out therefore it is not fair for
students to pay for something they cannot use. Furthermore, not all students are in the athletic department and
will not see any of those funds working. If ssi is passed it should be focused on acildemics not sports. The better the
students g.p,a and academics the better this school will do.
I understand that CSUF receives the lowest state funding per student. However, I don't necessarily agree with
making up for this lack of funding by putting the burden on students and increasing student fees. I think we should
look at the current budget and see where the university is wasting money and spending excessively. For example,
J there were a bunch of trees and greenery planted recently that were not at all necessary. I know that's not much,
but every little bit counts. The 10th floor of College Park was recently renovated which was an unnecessary
expense. The students suffer because of this. I don't agree with using this fee increase to fund programs like
Athletics. I think they are already well-funded and that the money would be better used to support academic
programs and high-impact practices. If this student fee is approved, I think money should be allocated for updating
some of our buildings instead of updating the TSU. McCarthy Hall is so old and filthy. In the event of a natural
disaster, that building would crumble to pieces.
While additional funding for the library and a<::ademics would be lovely, those students who already have trouble
affording to go to Cal State Fullerton might be priced out of a university education if the fee passed. Further, some
students do not really ca1re about athletics.
This fee should not be passed! Many students have voiced that they do not want to pay this fee and I am one of
them. This money should stem from the State and not the students. This is nothing but a loophole around the 4
year freeze on tuition. The process under which this so called ""success"" fee is presented to the student body is so
insidious because most students did not have time to sit through the open forums or watch the 15 minute
propaganda video. This fee should be taken off the table completely! I do not want to pay this fee and every student
I have spoken to is also against paying for this fee. Listen to the student body and do not enact this fee!
ONLINE-SSI Round 2 Comments
,[ is apparent that this initiative was not creat ed by students. A
CSUF is a commuter school, parking needs to be improved somehow. It is not fair for students who come early to school,
but are late (or miss) class because they cannot find j:!arking.
I believe that some of these programs are very well thought out and planned but I would like to suggest a few changes
you may want to consider. The wifi outside of buildings: many students prefer being outside to work on homework and
wifi can be a pain, I would suggest this be brought to a solution earlier on than later because It can be more beneficial.
lfhe Sl : I am currently in an Sl class and love it because it does provide the extra help you need in subjects you may
in. I understand that this fee would be applied towards this program in two years (my 3rd year at CSUF) and even
though I would be t aking high courses at that point, I would love to have the access to such programs earlier because they
will be more helpful towards a higher GPA overall. (SI confirms that those in this class receive a whole grade higher than
t hose not enrolled in this class). Over all those were my main concerns because of the order they were placed in.A
r - - .. _.. . . -- -- ...,... - . - - . -- - - .. # ,..... -- -
1 believe many students will disagree with the idea of increasing student fees. They may agree with the idea if other costs;
such as parking permittsj are reduced. Also, it would be nice to know why CSUF is getting the lowest funding. Is there any
__ . _ .. _ . . _ .. -- ____ . ..... _ _ . _ - -
School is expensive enough as is. I would attend a private school if I wanted these upgrades The point is that I can't afford
Having a better fan base, so we can be more -of a division 1 school. Being an athlete I want to changes involving the
athletic program. New lock!ers rooms, better conference rooms, more titan pride around the whole school for both men
sports. We can become champions if we get afld other athletes.A _ j
Vhat isnt covered is how 240 per year quickly adds up ... just in the remaining time I have here, that's an extra thousand
altars f or t hings t hat I've done without so f ar. my concern is, what is stopping this 240 f rom increasing? I strongly stand
I believe that by passing the SSI the student athletes will perform bet ter due to rnore students supporting them. The SSI
will increase school sprit overall. Also the wifi here on campus is terrible and that needs t0 be improved dramatically so
students and faculty will be able to do their work throughout the day instead of having to wait to go h?me. Lastly I believeJ
that students would benefit from having more academic advisors to guide them in the right direction.A -
1 t hink that the SSI Is a great Idea f or our students and staff and will really enhance the overall titan experience for
involved. I think that It Is Important f or titan athletics specifically to receive a portion of the funds because
provide a sense of school spirit, unity, and pride among the students and faculty. If the funds go to Improving the
facilities, gear, and Incoming talent I am 100% for paying the extra money to have our school be everything we all
for It t o be.A
I think this Student Initiative is extremely important in making Fullerton a more competitive school against the other
schools. A This initiat ive will help the help the students succeed in more areas than one. A With more t echnology,
students will be able to access their assignments quicker and not have to wait for the internet t o get re-booted. A More
counselors are needed to help the immense amount of students needing help with their TDA's and finding what dasses
they need. A This funding will also help with students becoming more prideful. A Having better athletic f acilities will help
get st udents come to the games and f eel good about being a titan. A Having these extra funds will make full erton a more
competitive school and enhance the growth of all students along with making full erton one of the top schools. A I believe
help I_ and_ jt_ for
I strongly agree with t his student Success Initiative because this is the opportunity we as an athletic family lilave been
high and low for. This is definitely a great chance to help improve our campus, both academically and
athletically. This not only helps us athletes, but it also helps us as students. Yes we have a study hall only for athletes, but
we do need help. Having the library opened 24/7 two weeks before finals is what we need to help us become successful
for the future. And don't event let me get started on the wifi around campus. Luckily I personally use the csuf guests, and
it usually isn't being used as often as other networks so I get all of my ho,work done fairly easily. But to sum this entire
thing UR. This is definitely what we've all been waitil'!g for.A
This fee-is nee-de(( I'm not sure -what so-me oft hose i nitiatives are, however;-some-of the thi ngs we- nee.d to: -Upgra-de
Main Quad and campus landscape Modernize the old library I demolish it. Walk into the library and go past the Titan ID
card area and you are transported back in time 55+ years, look at the light fixtures and wall paper. Hal Who builds a
bulldihg without windows? that's a rhetbrical question-- an idiot! The old library is the biggest eyesore. At least refinish
t he outside of it. Polish the turd if you Will. Internet connection is horrible, fix it. Who picked out the landscaping in front
of Mihl3ylo? Did someone go down to a lake-bed and rip up some weeds and plant them there? 24 hour study area !!A
MC?re study
lm roving all t hese things will things will make Cal St a1!e Fullerton a better lace to learn
. -. . .
Alt hough this sounds like a wonderful proposal, it is heavily flawed by charging students up to $275.00 per semester. A If
you are multiplying this by roughly 20,000 students, that is about $1,000,000 dollars in ''"revenue"" to support programs
t hat I wi ll not have access to. A I already pay for my own tuition and such, why should I have to pay more for the success
of other students? A As I have mentioned, it sounds great; however, support services that you are '"'creating"" are
already wit hin reach. A I attend classes at night and t he buildings I arn in have access to the technology that you are
stating that you want to expand. I strongly oppose this fee as I am al ready paying enough for school as it is. A There
should be other ways of getting this money instead of continuing to cha'rge students. If I wanted to pay a lot for schooling,
a -- _ ... ____ --- _ _ _ _____ . ______ ---- __ _ .. . ..
ifhe questions here are very shady II was for this before the stupid video you made me watch before t aking thisr but you
are asking the questions in a way where of course the student is going to put very willing to pay for it. This isn't truly
asking for a our opinion on the SSI. Instead It's listed in a way where it gives you(THE ADM INS) the answers you need to
pass it . This is why there are students going around doing shady things to make sure this doesn't pass, because they have
no fait h in the system. I feel like this is a great thing that NEEDS to be done, but you'll never have a good backing
it this way_. You (THE ADM INS) flrobably won't read this but those are my 2 cent s.
- - -.-..........:../ ... __ - - --- ' . . - ... -- -
Jhe t itan student union makes enough money t o keep everythi ng as it is now and some extra. I'm a student who does not
need academic help and am more than satisfi ed with the difficulty of my classes. I do not want to pay extra for all the
sports I am too busy t o t ake part ln. As f ar as modernizing the TSU, I suggest you look at the Physical Plant buildings,
which have been in use since t he 1950's without a change. I only need one electronic message board. The thing is an
eyesore as it is. The answer is NOT that we need more t echnology, and I can not afford to.p_ay for it.
I t hin'k thi s-wouici" be Verygood for OLi'r school-aiict '{uture beca-use it w'ill gfve-e-very-6ne a -be tter d1ance-to-learn; "and-have' '
more f un on be_living learn in _? posit ive envi ronment.A
ne reason why I am not so sure about funding athletes is because all the Dl sports will get all the money. They get to
ravel many times a year in a fancy bus while all the Club Sports have to drive everywhere they play. I know they get
reimbursed but it is not the same. Upgrade wi-fi to a limit, we do not need wi-fi in the quad. If someone really needs wi-f i,
hy cant they just go closer to a building or better yet inside a building. I chose neutral for 'improve your lnstruclt onal
experience' because not everyone will benefit from the start. Not will ing to pay for the TSU could be bigger because not
very student has the opportunity to even visit the TSU. Most people that are there live on-/near campus. A good
maj ority of the schools students have to go to work, leaving them no time to spend and benefit from the TSU. Unless
t hese fees are going to benefit all students not sim L athlet es, and/or other s) I am willin to
I am very in favor of the SSi
L.. - - .. .,.;; .. ... u,._, ... -
I would like to know why the McCarthy Commons were taken away. I felt that it was always busy and in use. It was nice to
have somewhere closer than the library to go and print out tfil,ings or study. I also think that the amount of funds per
program should be in order of importance. The TSU expansion is not as vital as having available classes for instance.
Improving our on campus internet should also be of top priority. Updat ing the classrooms and equipment in the labs
would also be very useful or maybe even expanding the opportunity center. But, most of all, getting the computer
commons back. We should also work on fixing how we view classes so we can search for them better. The system doesn't
always work as it should, and I feel that we should also be able to search based on grad school requirements. Or, f or
instance, I wasn't aware we had medical Spanish on our calililpus until I was looki ng for an extra class to take in order to
keep my job. That should have been somet hing that could have been more advertised for or searchable under healt h.A
r .-- .. - *" - , ...., ......,..,._ .,.,.... - - - __ __.," __ .. -1
Seriously a total waste of money. With CSUF being one of largest commuter schools in the US a majority of these services
_are not needed and are not necessaa _for m success at Fullerton.
:\sking students to pay is unfair, we should try to f ind resources or grants for these upgrades. Students already have a
hard ti me a lng f or t uition if the do not receive financial aid.A
1 do not agree that two weeks is enough time to get a corporate student voice on this issue of student fees. However, I am
st rongly expressing my disapproval of the fees. The money used for student suGcess should not be received from
students, rather from state allocation of funds which ought to be used correctly. If it were true that you are interested in
increasing student succes,s, why nbt subject administrators to tlae same fee to match the fees of students in order t o gain
more initiative? Even though many students do not know about this initiative, there must be quality education for the
erice we are_R_aying to educate ourselves. Additional fees demonst rates a misuse of funds on part of admin.
resources available are enough. If a student can't make it t hrough, t hen maybe they don't need to be at college.
When will anyone realize this. The administrators j ust want more money so they can manage more people so they can
increase t heir own pay. None of these things will help us learn or graduate. I mean really? ""Upgrading"" the technology
in the classroom would help us succeed? How? So t he professor can show more Interesting power point slides? And what
are these upgrades t hat TSU so badfy needs? Whenever I go by there Is hardly anyone there. And why should I pay an
extra fee so t hey can upgrade someones office In TSU? I won't get any benefit from it. All these buuwords and pretty
stuff you all want me to pay for, Is not part of why I am here. Realize your customer base. We aren't a bunch of
kids who get to live on campus and ""enjoy t he college experience"", most of use just work and go to class and
come back and don't want or need t his shit. A
Sounds like a great JJi an. _ ___,
lfhese changes will help everyone on campus.A Future students will have a better experience with the new resources that
be avialable.
'we all can agree that our campus does need some extra attent ion. I believe most students would be willing t o pay more (
to benefit the campus. The issue with the student success initiative is where the funds are being allocated to. Too much is
going to at hletics. I can see how it would be helpful to assist this special population, but it is important to note that 1
student athletes are a very small portion of our overall population. The fact that much more money is going to things that 1
will benefit this smaller population instead of mainly being allocated for services that will directly A benefit all students is ;
not appealing or appropriate. I think this initiative needs to truly be put together by the students for the students instead
of the current option. Yes, students have a small input but truthfully it is not enough. This initiative needs to be looked at
agai n and see where we can save students money by reducing the fee if possible but also give students direct resources
.t hey can _ __ _ _ _ .. _ .. __ _ _ __ _ . ___ _
we as st udent s need to invest in the school so we can have better facilities to increase owr kmowledge
I arp not in agreerrHmt with the tuition increase. I already struggle due to the fact that I hardly get financial aid. I will be
graduating soon and I do not believe that I should have my tuition increase when I will not be here much longer to enjoy
it This should be those: i! W!ll affect lcmger s_uch _as the freshr'l}an class.
things I learned at CSF wiH rmake my degree worth more and honestly the only person who should think my degree was
worth it, is me. A No em plover is going to look at my degree and immediately, assume t lllat my degree is subpar because of
t he col lege I chose, I chose CSF to emjoy my education and feel enriched with rmy courses amd decisions regarding my
degree and no amount of money i n the near future is going to magically turn rmy degree imto a rmCilney maker, I will do that
f or myself with a little help from my education. A Moreover, I chose to attemd CSF not because I did not get into any UC
chools I chose it because it was affordabl e and incredibly prestigious in the field that I intended to major in. A CSF isn't
UCLA or Berkeley or evelil Santa Cruz, its CSF and personally that is enough for me, no fee is going to alter the
already amazing experience that I am having here and no amount of money is going to sl(yrocket 0ur instit ut ion to a level
of UC where frankly it does not belong. A We are CSF ara d we are plent y proud of that and I think that every st udent chose
to receive t heir education here for a reason and all of those reasons have been achieved wi t h0ut hiking student fees.
A Which brings me to my next poi nt of enhancing Dl athletics. A As a person who spends t lneir f ree t ime doing homework
and spending mass amounts of time at my job at a grocery store I find it a bit insulting t Fll'at anyone would want t o
enhance athleti cs rather than enhance scholarships or add more affordable opportunit ies f or st udents who work and go
o school. A I know t hat the percent age of people who play sports at CSF and the people who do not is quite a large one in
terms of those of us who do not participate, so why not cater to those who arguably pay more because we have not
received any athletic scholarships or incentives? A As f ar as the t echnology in the cl assrooms that I attend, I care more
about the person teaching my course than the contraption they use to t each it. A I have had professors use blackboards,
overhead projectors and t he plain whiteboard. A The importance of what they are t eaching me is not devalued simply
because they use chalk rather than a laser pointer and mouse, honestly the proposing of this is a bit ridiculous. A I would
rather my tuition go towards paying my professors than jazzing up some equipment that I could care less about. A In
regards to the renovation of the TSU, do not waste our money. A The place is t iny, loud and quite frankly a waste of space.
A Most people commute to tis school as it is, so the thought that they are going to stay and have dinner in the TSU rather
than head home if only it had a cooler atmosphere is plain preposterous. A The only thing t hat I reall y agree with in this
initiative is the renovations and revamping of t he library. A The first t wo years of my college experience I spent a giant
amount of t ime doing homework and spending hours between classes in t here. A Not having a laptop at home it made it
very convenient to do homework while on campus and with the amount of students attending CSF I think we would
greatly a f:! reciate some more SP.ace, better tech and more guite P. laces to study.
am a graduate student in the biology department at CSUF. The program is extremely tough to balance work and schoot
that school takes up most of our time. However, I and other students do manage to work at some job or as a TA at CSUF,
but at low pay. I pay out of pocket for my student fees and this semester it has been extremely hard to pay the student
fees. This new initiative would make it extremely harder to pay this fee. I am not in support of new fees that I most likely
will not get to experience. Additionally, this pay increase will negatively affect MY academic success as I will have to work
more hours at my A job, and working more hours takes me away of the valuable study, homework, and research time I
have. Which will cause me to take even longer to graduate. I am not in favor of this fee.
o . .;,. - . - , - _x, - '"'C- "- .n. 0 ----- k- ,,. .. 0 0 0 .l
Some of these questions were way too generi c to answer and so I just said neutral to prevent me saying I would pay for
something that you were trying to sneak into the question without really saying it. I don't think it is fair of you to ask for
more money from students. Most of us aren't making nearly enough to cover the tuition rates as they are, so we have our
parents pay most of it. If they can barely afford to pay for tuition now, they sure as hell cannot afford to pay any more.
iv'ou are asking for money from the wrol'ilg people. I understand that times are tough, but students are not willing to pay
you to make these so called '"'improvements'"' when it just means buying more vending machines and upgrading an
already nice student union. This campus is f ine, you do not need more money to plant more flowers. Do not raise our
tuition rates, they are already ridi cul0us!
"0 0 0 - - 0 - - 0 .. 0 .., - --- 0 .. 0 OOo 0 0 - .... 0 0
Currently, I do not see why we are remodeling the TSU, when Other buildings are in more need of an upgrade! yes, I
understand that the TSU is not built to the size of our campus, but our first priority are the since our whole
purpose of paying such high tuition IS TO LEARN!! Places like McCarthy, Humanities, and Langsdorf all need to be changed
o fit the current need of the students! Do you think it would make sense for a school to place priority on campws lounges
like those in the TSU, instead of classrooms? We need white boards in every room, desks that are not falling apart, and a
clean work environment! and m>, no matter how much you compare it to other schools, saying that we have one of the
lowest state funding or we have the lowest student fees, does not tnake it any better! we still have to pay for it and it
I . -
does impact how we save and how much we work to pay off that debt! yes, I agree, some of the funds would be used to
benefit the greater school population, like the v-eterans or Wi-Fi expansion, but everyone knows that the TSU and Athletes
are of no immediate need of repair! Why is this so difficult to understand! FIX OUR CLASSROOMS FIRST AND THEN TALK
ABOUT TSU OR ATHLETIC EXPANSION! we must thfnk of the majority population of students and there needs in the
classroom before we think of anything else. Now, I know perfectly well that no action will be done by my plea, nothing
more then a poot student's rambling, and a:s the great Cal States are notorious for, tuition will continue to rise, and our
campus will see no significant change. Since these universities already have a horrible reputation, I imagine it could
_pnly get worse, especially through the neglect of classrooms and immediate needs of their students.
I believe an increase in t uition to benefit students and at hletics Is a good Idea. Our school lacks school spirit and raising
for athletics will the the school and students t he chance to raise not only attendance but also funding for t he school
I don't understand why athletics get's there own portion ofthe budget and it has to be done as soon as possible. Unless
something for athletics is glaringly not to code or missing then I think it can wait because it will only actually benefit less
than 10% of students. You should do the academic advising, wi-fi upgrade, and the software program the first year. Wait
to do the athletics for a cou ole ears.
a student that Is highly dependent on financial aid and is in constant concern about money, I do not wish any f ees to be
ut in place. Overall this would hurt, and not help, my academic life because t he new fees would aeate another added
tress that Is not necessary and, f rankly, not my responsibility. Most of t his money seems to be alloeat ed to recreational
sages such as athletics t hat I have no interest ln. It seems as though the athlet es will receiveA a huge bonus from the
uffering of t hose like
I understand that CSUF receives the lowest state funding per student among the rest ofthe other 23 CSU campuses, but j
,as students we should not be responsible for covering the fees that the state is responsible for. I feel we need to make an i
effort to demand that the state grants more funds for our university. Many students, such as myself, are struggling to pay I
for our education and adding this extra fee means having to pay more money than we already pay. The extra $240.50
dollars fee are extra dollars that we don't have. We need that money for books, transportation, food and other
necessities. This fee is an unfair implementation on students because we don't have to pay in order to show that we have 1
titan spirit! I am not willing to pay extra fees for the athletic department or the fence, those are unnecessary areas to use
our f!IOney . __ . .
We as students already pay so much in tuition, books (mwltiple boolts tlilat are required f rom instructors for each course),
housing, food, gas. Some of us are so much in debt just to attend and have a university experience that adding another
fee on top of what we already invest would be much more of a bur;den. If someone is really dedicated to school, focused
on getting that Bachelors or Masters degree they will, regardless of the extra $250 fee that would '"' benefit"" them. I
beli eve it would actually keep students from enrolling at CSU!i=, solilile fl'light take a break because they cannot afford to
[pay t uition and on top the extra fee. Against this student suc<r:ess initiative . .&
I think this school should be ashamed of itself for once again trying to raise fees on students after a tax increase was
passed whi ch was supposed to do the things you are now proposing. Either the money is being mismanaged or it's going
into t he pockets of the higher ups. Anyway I see through your clever (sarcastic) marketing scheme and I would hope my
peers do too. You all have lied to both the students and the California Taxpayers and just continue to contribute to
theA deterioration of academic reputation in the country because instead truly being concerned about student success,
con_cern_ed _about getting a __ .... _ ... ____ __ _ ___ .. - _____
You should allocate the ""<r:ost"" from the exRensive arking fee
Can you please share the financial information of how it reached a conclusion that about $200 will be best to finance
these student sl)ccess initiatives? This survey is worded for students against increasing student initiatives to feel
as if they would not support their own success because they do not want to pay these funds. The adjectives used in the
beginning of each sentence Creates that emotional conflict.A There are about 35,000 students, if each student pays a
$200 increase in fees this gives CSUF roughly $7 million dollars. I would really like to see how this extra money will be
!O - _ - _____ . ____ _____ _ _______ ..
I feel that NSM students will end up wit h the short end of t he stick slra<i:e we already have academic advising mandatory
with our departments and the upgrades are more f ocused around Mihaylo and TSU. I think that 51 is very helpful but
would like t o see it more extensive within t he NSM department and do not feel t hat it would be used much in ot her
coll eges. I would like to see Titan Pride increased on campus but if at hletes are t he focus would like to see them held to a
higher st andard both on and off the field/ court. I thi nk there should be a way for part of the fee to go to each students
rresRective col.lege to be used for what that college feels is most needed f or the needs of the students.
I agree that the campus needs to make modifications so that we may achieve greater success.A I request that the cultural .
centers receive more attention and funding.A For example, they deserve an adequate amount of space based on the
demographics of the student population and need equipment that wi ll help student success.A Computers and printers
and important in the centers as well as areas to study or even take a short nap! The TSU is a great resource, but cultural
centers are important to minority Thank you.
of these things '"'promised"" or to be ""attempted"" are complete luxury to spoil our Titans. The money could be
etter used for students personal expenses like books, school supplies or even their parking pass. We can't even provide
assured parking for our students and we want to expand athletics benefits, library hours and upgrade technology?
ComJJietel disagree.
I agree that the potential changes made in the Student Success Initiative would benefit the campus, the benefit
would not outweigh the cost of paying more fees on top of the already pricey tuition. Unfortunately, I, and thousands of
This stuff is all extra and unnecessary. Currently, C$UF is more than equipped to ensure the success of its students. It has
way more than enough of things like technology, counseling services, etc. The amount of extra computers this school has
is ridiculous. Please do not rais'e our tuition for such a waste of unnecessary things. We simply do not have the money to
be paying for stuff that is already good enough at the school. are already enough kids dropping out due to them
being unable to pay for tuition. lhe fact that tuition raises are even being considered makes me so sad to hear the school
would do this to the It ":"IY heart to think of: _ _ _ _ . __ . -- .. . . __
I don't feel like this is a very good survey at all. I don't know how my money will be used. For example, ""Improve your
instructional experience"", of course I want a better learning experience; however, I have no idea how you will be using
my money to improve my experience. I don't know if the money will be put towards something I feel is beneficial to
myself or if I feel like it would be useless to me and therefore would not want to pay for. Also, some of these questions
I feel, intentionally vague simply for the fact that it will allow the student Sl!lccess initiative to pass. That fact is
extremely disappointing. I feel like we are almost being ""tricked"" into getting this to pass. Because the areas were not
lefined more, the committee could theoretically get away will spinning some statement saying how it fits into a category
passed by the initiative. The fourth question asks if I would be willing to pay for '"'Enrich your path to graduation-High
impact practices.'"' Again, HOW? For the most part, I have no problem paying more for things that directly affect myself
and my education. However, If It is coming out of my bank account, I want to know where this money Is going
speciflcally.A In addition, how Is the fee planning committee going to be held responsible If this doesn't follow the plan? I
was told there was a way they were going to be held responsible; but, there wasn't Information on what that plan was.
lfhis is the student body's money and we all want Improvements made around campus but if I don't know how my money
Is being used or how the people handling my money will be held accountable; I simply don't want to it.
Quit being lazy and asking the students to pay for stuff. Have the government figure out how to properly allocate money
to all the schools.
I feel the wifi Is In desperate need of revamping, I personally used the free software this semester It Is awesome, and I feel
athletics are an Important area because the brand message It delivers to the community Is Invaluable to the University
securing additional sponsorship to aid In development of the overall sports experience for all Students.
J\bout the TSU, the building is being used as a dining hall. I would be wiHing to fund TSU if it had a study hall where ]
students can drop in and study for a few minutes. the closed computer lab in McCarthy Hall can be used as a study j
room. By placing some desks and chairs, we can have a study room. Finally, most of my classes are away from the library, I
Wish I can have places where I can study nearer to my classes, by having a couple rooms in McCarthy Hall dedicated to
stud ing_ would be a great benefit.
1\s a college student. charging more for services that I don't won't nor plan to use Is simply IITesponslble on behalf of the
dminlstrators. If you talk to students, we came to CSUF cause of the great education at a affordable cost and charging us
ore fee's Is somethln many students cannot afford.
I'm glad that the school wants to see change, but it seems ridiculous that after all we worked for to get our tuition's back
down, this fee is being proposed to being put back on the already high tuition we students pay. Most of us commuters to
this school have to work full time jobs just to support being a full time student; how is it fair for those of us who don't
receive any school funding? A I am just really unwilling to have to pay an extra fee for something that should have al ready
_been when we had h_igh tu_ition a _!ew years ago.
Sounds like a go.od program especially if it tn(1ke wifi better. A Th-e w ifi at CSUF is terr-ible. A Personally I wouldn't want to' I
add m<?re money to sports programs, but that's just me.
As a student of CSUF f or the si nce 2006, I have been unable to graduate or attend classes in a timely manner due to fee
increases year after year. Every year I have seen little to no impr;ovement on campus, and I remember even being forced
o miss cl ass due to mandatory days off. A Finally things settled down a year ago when f ees were reduced. Increasing the
will only serve to f:!USh students back irn lans.A .. - _
I thi nk that the programs we offer are good eriough. I think the the campus is good enough: Most of the t eachers are good
teachers. If any thing should be done perhaps get the less effective teachers to teach more effectively.
Against fee hikes. I don't use an of these serlhices offfier;ed. -]

0 0 .. ... ,._ - + + , . ..... '' 0 . oj . 0 ... --- - ' _ , -- - ... I,.,, oOo-Mo -- - o
Thes_e not be '}Sed _for be f_unded by an_d sale_s ,
. . i
If I am going to pay more, I want it to go to things tlilat increase the value of my degree. Hire more professors, or use these
fees to pull in top notch prof essorrs from avound tlae world. Bet ween offering a $200,000 as salary and being in beautif.ul
sout hern California we could pull in to!!J n0tch p11of essorrs fir!iJ 1111 around the world. Ten years f rom now, all Titans w0ul d
degrees that worth way more as Olll li school's acaderNi(l; prest ige increases year by year.A Adding administration and
academic advertising will not improve t he school, it will only increase the rate at which we churn out st udents. We need
to make the universit y a better learnimg instit ution not a more efficient degree woduction com(:!any.
I feel t hat some of the thihgs mentioned should have already been implement ed. A I am referring specifically to the WiFi I
and technologies, A These do not merit a fee increase, but should be done With our existing funds. A These are
essent ial to our learning and development. A Furt hermore, athletics should not merit a fee increa,se. A These funds
benefit a small minority of the student populat ion where the funds could be better used to increase our position
acad.emic?IIY: A I do n_ot e ! hat ?rea s ?t er:n...: _ _ __ _ . __
.. J
WE NEED TO RENOVATE MCCARTHY HALL. McCarthy Hall is arguably one of the most important bui ldings on campus,
eing home to thousands of archaeological artif acts, labs, and specimens, yet is probably the most dangerous building on
campus. All ofthe elevators on campus have expired safety standards. ALL OF THEM. Elevator injuries can be very
erious, and they are also necessary for disabled students. This is not something that should be negotiated. More funding
shoul d be going into academic programs, not athlet ic programs. We need t o be a home of great educational achievement ,
and we can show this by hosting noted guest speal<ers f or all fields of study, like anthropology, biology, geology,
sychology, etc. The abilit y to host welt-known sc:holaliS is tot ally possible, if t he money was provided. There needs t o be
ore emphasis on crit ical thinking; and there needs 1!0 be a way t o make t hinking crit ically more interest ing to students.
o t his by paying professors more and reducing class sizes. The most profound classroom experiences I have ever had
have been in classrooms wit h 20 students or less. 0 en u more classes, extend teacher hours. A
With competitive NCAA Dl t eams t he status
ofthe school would be significant! enhanced.
. _j
reading the overview of the proposed initiative, the amount of money being devoted to JUST athletic scholarshi ps is
absurd.A Also, a big flaw in the plan that I don't thinkA anybody has noticed is the ""wireless network expansion."" There
is already a CSU-wide project to expand the network capabilities across 22 of the 23 campuses, which you can read about
here:A that project is al ready
happening, where is the money allocated to technology actually going? The overview document doesn't provide specific ,
J!nough information about the fate of ea_ch area of funding. ..1
survey was incredibly hard to find. A Its really no surprise that there is very little feedback for your initiative. A If you
made it more easily available on the front page maybe you would get a better representation of the student populat ion
rather than those who are determined to f ind the survey like myself. A The validity of this survey in my opinion will be
skewed incorrectly.A
'As mentioned i n-the-slideshow SGMH -:iS upgraded than MH. If our buildings could be on 'ihe same level that
_l?e great.
One thing you need to add to this is parking. Parking is a huge issue on campus. This is a commuter school and there are
also people who live here, work here and visit here. Our parking desperately needs to be expanded. It's very frustrating to
not be able to find parking and it can make people late for class. Parking will help improve the campus and student life
here at CSUF. It is honestly so imP-ortant. It's ridiculous that we Ray al this money and can't find a place to park.A
Lobby. - - - - ... . .
--- . - .1" , , ... . . ...... - -. -- _ _ ...... - -- .. __ ,.._,. --- -
I think the fee is too large, especially as I'm sure the tuition will be going up again during that time. I also feel that as the
is ASI owned, we already pay fees for ASI so expansion should be from ASI fees, not an additional fee.A I assume
the name that the TITAN participation fee goes to such things as the athletics and Tlffy task force (it is not well
lXplained what some of the fees weA already pay are for) so I don't feel that more fees should go to intramural fiel ds or
sports. As for upgraded technology In the classroom, a very large proportion of the classes I've taken (even including
science classes) did not need anything more than the computer with the projector, increasing technology in most
classrooms, I f eel is a low priority. I also did not underst and how the SSI was supposed to increase access to the high
demand classes, It did not seem to be explai ned In the video. I would also like t o know if the Committee posit ions are
and if so where is t hat money coming from?
I do not-agree with the additional fee's wanting to be added to student tuition. Attending Cal State Fullerton should not "'
be anymore expensive and should not come from the student's pockets when parking fees and other service fee's
continue to_go IJR eve_rysemester. A
Why are we updating t he TSU? There are so many ot her buildings In desperate need of renovation, such as McCarthy
Haii.A Most Importantly, I f eel that It Is wrong to be charging students more f or such vague services, especially
considering many will graduate before we see the changes Implemented. In a year where CSU did not get their budget
cut, it feels like a betrayal to students to be asking f or us to pay more. It Is the school and administration's responsibility t o
be lobbying f or f unding; t he administ ration's failure to do so should not be passed on t o students, especially under t he
of a ""st udent success'"' initiative. Student's are already going deep into debt, I do not see how pushing t hem
deeper into debt will be a winning strat egy f or student success,
why is it that the students have to pay for these services? how about taking it out of the bonus pay that our lovely dean "
gets every year, and on top of that the money she to update the free home she receives by simply taking the job.
there are plenty of other ways for the university to get the money. getting it from the students pockets is an absurd
o tion.
hy increase student f ees when we already pay so much or services that we don't even KNOW ABOUT I let alone add
Tlare useless t hin s that we don't need I ITS A NO on this f ee increase.
The mismanagement of money by this administration makes any fee increase simply unacceptable. The 154,000$ spent to :
t "modernize"" Generalisimo Benisimo Garcia's security fence are along the lines of government f raud. In addition, t he
hiring of two diversity HR vice-presidents at a salary of 154,000$ each, one for equality, one for diversity, simply is
unacceptable when there are hiring freezes on faculty. You also took a majority of student money to pay for a smoki ng
ban t hat simply has not worked and will not be enforced. With these facts in mind, I morally cannot vote to give you more :
I do not think any of the above endeavors are worth the amount of money we are being asked to pay collectively. I work
diligent ly for. my income and do not want any more of it taken out to promote programs I do not see the value in
(especi ally upgrades to TSU and modernizations of spaces for such thimgs as athletics). Some of these things are wonderful
nd I do support them but I value my money more than I trust the school to allocate it in a way that is beneficial to me. I
STRONGLY disagree wi t h this endeavor.
I don' t have .the money to pay for higher tuition. Ask the state for money, not nie. Just because CSUF is the lowest st-ate
f undedA per studentA does not mean that you need to make it the student's financial burden. Lower CSU
Fu ll ertonA salaries for t he overpaid staff officials. Mildred Garcia makes 338 Thousand Dollars. take money from the
inflat ed annual salaries given to administrators and theA CSUF PresidentA and give it back to the hard working students
who deserve it. If these officials really cared about this school, they already would have given up some of their
unreasonci ble paychecks.
I believe in orderfor CSUF to improve campus life and communities athletics need to be supported. Athletics should be an
easy ! he _: tud_e.nt and
I feel that charging students for these fees it not the way to go. We should lobby for better and fa_ir fundi ng from the st ate
it is tg_ Th_2 r.e _i n_ _mv: <?Pinio!l _ . __
If CSUF is one of the lowest funded of the 23 ampuses, why are we seeking money from st udent and not t he state. Is t he
!State allocat ing funding appropriately amongst t he campuses. What happened wi t h the Prop 30 money? We should look
t o t he cause ofthe issue fi rst , before going to anot her source of money (the students) . A
.1 am fully aware that CSUF has the lowest fees which is one of the t op reasons I chose to attend this school. As a returning 1
adult_ .f ee is .. _ _ _ ... ____ _ _ ..
Kee st udent t uit ions low. This is a Rroblem that must be dealt wit h by those in char e of t his. A
As an online graduate st udentnon-e ofthis appli es to m. except and I haVe a familyto f eed. 'consi der wavi ng
.t his f<;_>r wh'?._ _!) Ot __ . __ __ - _____ _ ___ ______ .. _
Many of t hese pushes for mone' are irrelevant t o many Individuals' learning. Why charge the students extra money (per
student ) when you can go ask the state why we' re not getting the same fundi ng? We have t he most students and least
amount of money, why is that?
'he Cal State system was once established for low income families to be able to afford their children to go to a University.
I feel like most of these things are not needed such as expanding WiFi, that isn't such a big deal. The athletics department
already get much more than any other departments. Most ofthese things are just ""wants"" and not ""needs"" and
raising student's tuition is outrageous. Students already have a hard time paying for their tuition and are working two or
even three jobs to continue attending college. Even if certain upgrades would be beneficial, the money should not be
coming out of the student or student family's pockets. If a student wanted to pay more in tuition, they should be
attending a California University then. We have about 37k students attending CSUF, that would be an estimated 17.7 mil
extra that the school would be taking in (take more or less if students attend both semesters on campus). I do not believe
CSUF needs that more to be ""expanding"" WiFi and '"'remodeling the TSU"" (which isn't needed either) or giving more to
the athletics. If this does goes through, the focus should be more on fixing the old buildings on campus and HELPING
students be able to afford colle e somehow.
I that our campus does need more resources for the students and could benefit from upgraded facilities, but I
don't think that it is something that should be coming out of the pocket of our students, who have other financial burdens
positives that would be increased would be the library open 24/7, and internet wifi throughout the campus like other
colleges. A But the focus of this fee Is in the entirely wrong place. A let's put the rest of the money towards a committee
hat audits teachers classrooms, and get rid of these education destroyers. A 4 out of 5 teachers are awful at this school.
rA I am In the business department, and was excited because years ago it had a high reputation. A How disappointed was I.
A A vast majority of teachers do not even speak OK english, they are plain impossible to understand. A Most show up late,
some smoke right next to the signs right before class, and my personal favorite, the ones that get upset
when a person asks a question In class. A I have a professor right now who STRUGGLES tenibly to read his own power
point word for word for the entire duration of the class with his back turned to us. A I would love to see this school
improve In all those areas mentioned. A But the reason this school gets no respect and low funding Is because it doesn't
deserve any yet. A If we can turn around our program and show others we are capable of teaching and Inspiring students,
may lead to enough funding to achieve all our goals.
I think this is a great step forward into student success. I hear students complaining (even myself) about things that are
,willing to be fixed with the 551, such as extending library hours during finals (which I think is great) and upgrading wi-fi
accessibility. I know we all can relate to these problems, so no one should complain if we do have this fee increase. People
complain that this school doesn't have enough to offer but the only way for our school to improve is if we're wtlling to pay
those few extra fees. I'm all for it!A
I understand that CSUF receives the lowest funding per student and we have the highest number of students. Why Is it
CSUF doesn't get as much money as the other schools?.A This is what we need to change. Charging the students
more Is not acceptable.
r a-m.anonlfne student. A Perhaps the fees should be paid by students who live and study on campus. A As an online
there is not much benefit to the increased fees. A _ "r
iTuition each year keeps skyrocketing. soon fafsa will not be able to pay for my tuition even though my family has low
income. I am against_p_aying for thls.A
I like the fact that we are making our school to more of a premier school. You must understand though that not everyone
needs certain services to which we plan on placing a lot of labor and price. For example sport. Not everyone is an athlete
and will probably not even notice the new lights and sporting funding ... they wouldn't care! I believe that would be the
responsibility of the sports student and fundraising. On the education side, I am all for brightening up my future and
ensuring I can get a job and all the right skills after CSUF. 1100% support that end of the SSI. I am not willing however to
spend money on services that will not benefit me.
.. _.... .. --- - - . I
I oeli eve its INSANE that we are once agai1a increasing our student fees. This campus In no way in my entire college
experience has ever spent t heir budget intelligently even once. Comst antly squandering away mill ions of dollars on
proj ects like the arboretum or givi ng out massive scholarships to mur< athletic department who holds events that less than
1 percent of our school population go to. Administration needs to WAKE UP and stop spending our money so frivolously
on things we DONT need. We are a state school not Harvard, not Princeton, not Yale, or any other ivy league school.
People come mere for an EDUCATION at a fair price amm to gm on with their lives. Expanding dorm life and allowing even
more students to come into this school instead of f,lximg the Ji>rmblerms we already have is just one of the multi million
doll ar wastes of t ime this school has dived int o. Why not insteacl fili rre more professors and use the money more on our
education and not on unnecessary things? Or inst ead of building rmor e dorms or fences why not expand our school
parking? Seeing that the school sells more than cl ol!l ble the permits than tmere are spaces I cannot really understand the
mathematics that the school uses to come up with their numbers. So am I for ANOTHER school fee? Absolutely not, and
because Long Beach gets more money than ws is in NO way a reason to give you more of my money. Maybe the
English department can fill you in on the bandwagon fa lacy, before you make your next video propaganda on how you can
more uohl me of my funds. Thank You
o r ' o - '" v -- .,_ ......... -.- - -'\ .... , -...,._.-,
The only things I would be willi ng to pay for is the following: Improved Wi-Fi to where I don't heed an Ethernet cable. 24
Hour Library More Classes offered at more times. Free Printing in more areas around campus. And let me tell you $300
per a! 38,q_Q9_ 10 y_ou .
Not everyone ut ilizes or benefits f rom t hese services, therefore it is unfair to increase fees for all student s. Instead, I f eel
t hat we should fundraise money. Students are al ready having a hard time financing t heir studies. Addit ionally, parking
permit s are al ready being increased. If anything, the money should go t owards new parking st ruct ures and better wi-fi
connect ion.
-- 'r' - - -- _.. _"""r _-y- - - - - ..,..- -- ...
I strongly disagree with any fee increases until there is an actual plan that has quantified goals instead of vague and
mi sleading ones. Realistically speaking, all of the ''i'improvements"" can be very minor and hot actually contribute to the
majority of students, but rather a few select groups such as athletics (not to pick on them but they are mentioned more
than once in this survey). This school crammed Proposition 30 down our throats so our tui t ion '' "wouldn't go up"" but
cl ea rly that was all a lie since you are trying to take more money from us now, I'm very positive that this initiative would
NOT BENEFIT the of the 37,000 + at this school.
\STRONGLY A disapprove of the Increase In student fee for Student Success Initiative becauseA all the improvements are
vague. It needs to be quantlfied.lf these changes were made after the Increase of students' fee how do we know the
changes that were promised has been made.A There are also Improvements that are not necessary. For example, there
are also multiple ways to Increase diversity. The fact we need to pay a certain fee for It is quite unreasonable. This can be
done at a low expense In ev.eryday courses.A At CSUF we already haveA resources available to be more diverse such as
different culture offices. Also the increase of fee seems to gear towards athlete success rather than students academic
uccess. Athletes already have multiple resources to help them succeed: scholarships, housingJ personal computer labs,
nd gym to name some. I way the money is being budgeted is unfair. Until there is a more concrete plan propose, I do not
a JJrove with the Increase of student fee.
l'cib .. not feel that students can afford to paya'n-additional amount (;ti top of the rising costs of t uition and debt. 1 --
am strongly opposed to increasing any of the fees for education and cannot affotd t:his fee. rise of tuition, my
was-e from wO'rking on camp,us is no.t high en-ough for me to make my payment$ on the pClyment p.lari and I had to
__ _ ... . .. ...... _ ...... . __ ... .. - .. ... . ... _ __ __ _ _ .... . .. -
I don't think that students taking online courses or completing an online degree should be charged for those fees. I have
paid fees for services and items I don't even get. I had to pay for my ID for two semesters now, but I don't have a college
I D. I'm never on campus. These initiatives help students who actual are on campus and if that is what is meant for, then
the fee should be waived for students who are never on campus and are fully, online. We already get charged a fee for
king an online course. This just seems a bit unfair. I know that I will only be affected one semester If it passes with the
r$78 for the fall, but other graduate students will be affected in the near future.
Sortie ofthese pr oposals are gMd like deere .. asing tllle student to teaGher raiHo.-B'cJt I af<ford it! " -"-
-Parkif}g)s a disaster. -1 want to get the classes I need when I need themA-
1 don't like how the fee incr.ease-s over the years and the fact that the rnost imp0rtatilt stlllff like academic advising is going ,
o happen the seconcdl year of this ssi thing. Most of this stuff ldmesn't a!ilpllfto me. I am not interesting in athletics.
ifhe presentat iom said that the expansion of the TSU is going tm be looked imto m0rre, bi!IJ Is it actually going to happen. I'm .
all for wideming tne wifi and more technology and more things that relate to acaQlemics, I would Hke those things to be
focused on dwrin the first y_eari of thrs ssi thing it if haJJP.ens.A
I am not willing to pay this fee. Especially If financial aid does not cover lt. But even still, Its not fair to those who do not
exhausted first.
The reason I am agai nst this is because I will be graduatitlg in 3 years and none ofthe new initiat ives would benefit me j (
h d
I '-
w atsoever. As a fresh man, I understood the fees coming into the school and planned out the amount I needed to spen . 1
I am al ready taking out loans to pay for this school. To ihcrease what students pay to help at hlet es for their sport Oust an
example) is not fai r to the other students are are barely scrapping by as it is. I am not an athlete, nor do I have any desire
to spend money out of my own pocket to have a better gymnasium.A What I suggest: Make this a new fee for the
incoming freshman and transfer students. It is not fair to the students whom have al ready committed coming to this i
school by raking up the fees. The points given suggested everything would be implemented/completed the year ,
2016; I will be graduating that year or in 2017. For me and other freshtnen to pay this fee and not even be able to take
advantage of it is ridiculous. I have litan pride, but not the money. I love this school. I am not, however, happy to be
paying J. ryot_ __ .. _ .... _ __ _ .. . _ . - . _ ...
I thi nk that the 30% being shared under the and St udent Centered Spaces"" shoul d be less. A I am
not in favor of supporting t he athleti cs program seeimg as this initi ative should be focusing on the majority of the
students, not just at hlet es. Tuit ion increases are a lil1ajor eon cern fmr studehts. The SSI fee would be a burden fror many
;.tudents on top of a tuit ion increase. The gradual increase A of fees is a great idea. However, entering students such as
res hmen will probably not be able to afford t!lilis. Is tlilere am;t, wary to make t he fee increase across a four year or five year
period? Also, the opinions of st udents !he fu:ea>l1d amd taken int o consideration. l'here should IJe an opt iom to
amend the initiative in regards to increasing or decreasing fees Oli readjusting t hem.
. . '. ., . - " ..
l'leed mohey to Your so called bandaid program'''' does not mean a thing for many of tHe
stuclents I talk to and myself as well . Most of us hc;lve at leest to computers and get on o'ur rap tops and do our
without being dependent on vour '"' Tttan

We the student body neeg no _scholarship student

athlet ic ihititave for there are a thousc;lnd out trere that help somebody if they need to .improve in this field.
This is of no concern to st udents believe you rne. I arti a lqw-income student whd is 40 years 9nd please let n1e
continue studying and get a degree. I will make ytnJ proud and be an alumni who will vo-lunteer an9 be C\ mentor without
getting paid for it unlike your initiative states . We do not need aH these servi ces Wit h fancy na mes and titles let us wqrl< on i
t owards the goal just education. Let students tell you What we need not vi ce versa.A Thanks _.. _ '
----. ---- ... ., ------ .. - .. - .... - .......... - .. ---.. --.--------)---'----r------ - .... .!
I believe that our president and other chief e){ecut ives shoul d be campaigning for increased student funding, why when
we have one of t he highest enrollment a do we receive one of the lowest state funding per student? Those running CSUF
rs hould be advocating for us so that an increase in student fees isn't necessary!
Stu'dentfees so inu.ciiiri re.ce-nt yeari

a many. ofus 'to affordatt:B'ndiniat-al[ :

feel that further increasing fees will drive st udents away, and make h\gher eduGat ion even more inaccessible. If
CSUFULLERT0N really is the lowest funded school, ft should demand tnore equitable funding from the state, cut
administrator and seek sponsorships and donations from corporat ions and nonprotits. It should not ask students
tC? !!Y.en l'l!?re. _ __ _ . _ _ - _ _ ___ ... ___ . . _ __ _ . .. _ _ _ ___ _ _ . ____ _-'
I work fu ll time and go to school full time and barely make it by as it is, why would you dare crush my chnncP.s of coll ege
by ra isin<> fees!?
5tuc1enitees are.i lrea dy li i!ih and cause rrianv td" The job. market'and ec or1ornv!
is not at it s best, making it eveh harder for students to pay off these fees . CSUF should be finding bet ter ways to save
O!' . ___ __ _ __ ... . - . ....
I don't think it's fair that A it increase so much especially to t hose students who pay. It is already hard enoueh paying for
tuition. Maybe they should stop giving out so rmuclil11i!l'lancial ard too (People and they can do all the projects t hey want
Mdth that money.
'we shoufd be turning to t he state for more funding, not the students. St udents, like myself, that do ri ot receive any form
f f inancial aid and do not participate in club activit ies or need t he student union, should not have to pay another $240
f or something I am not going to use.A
I am willing t o pay more student fees to enhance the academic side of the university. But I do not believe it is necessary
for 24/7 IT and increase in funding athletic scholarships. I do want to university to figure out what is necessary for our
education and what is not, especially since CSUF is a state run facility, a lot of students here receive FA in order to pay for
their tuition. If tuition increases, but FA does not, then students will have to find the funds elsewhere or pay out of their
own pockets. SFS already has an issue wit h making sure students pay for their education, and there are hundreds of
students who still owe the university money. I want the best for the uoiversity, but at the same time, higher education
needs to stay affordable.
,NEVtR PROMOTE DIVERSITY IN IllATIVES Diversity is utter bull *** *. Ethnic/gender/sexuality/etc diversity in a workplace,
school, etc ... is racist/sexist/heterophobic/etc. Race, sex, and/or sexuality do not define a person. If I was hiring people, I
would want diverse skills, an(:! not care what color, age, sexuality, religion, race, etc they were. As for the rest, people
can't take advantage of services that they don't know about. lose some of the other money' drains {like the President's
house, which was not so much repaired, but upgraded to host parties)
and pay students to wear t-shirts with inf ormation
on them. Promote available services on Face book. Just no f ee increases. If CSUF was doing a good job, they could demand
_ . _. . . _ _. . _ . - . . . . - . - - . -- - --
If money is going to school wifi, I am very on board for that ! I Right now there are spots where I can't get it, and if I need
t he internet for a class I'm a little out of luck.
- - --;
Where can student find extra money to pay for those extra fees? I already have a lot of student loan, and now I have t o
pay extra for somethi ng that I don't think that it will be benefit me 7 It is a wrong decision! I don't even use all school
material, and I am only on the campus one a week, so why llilave to pay extra while I do not use all the services and
material. Where is the justice for students who have similar class schedule like me.
Inst ead of just giving full ride scholarships to the athleters, the performance, music ed, vocal, dance and theater majors
also have a part of the fund go to the department for students to have a chance to hae a f ull ride as well since
Hall get s very high praise .A The funds f or scholarships should be dlversed to athletes and arts majors not just only
to the athlet es. I love the athletic program here but t hey do get special f a'Cilitles, whereas the music department would
love to have an upgrade In our practice rooms (maybe adding another floor for It since t here are many majors who need
to but have t o wait hours to get Into a practice room).
he SSI will increase fee for services t hat the University is providing already. It creates over Ia ping pf resources which
could be used in other things. The SSI is not for CSUF. A We n.eed effect ive services,doesnt the academic advicement
.cent er provides rapports showing very effective feedback from students?A The SSI information is extremely bias. We
are a higher education system t hat should foster educat ion, learning, and humane development; not an inst it ution t o
'shove Ideas down the throat of student! No to the S$1
I moved from Northern California to come to Cal State Fu ll erton two years ago and I regret it all the time. The school may 1
be the lowest funded CSU but that's probably because most students are just here to get through. Then there's students 1
like myself who spend $12,000 alone just to live on campus and now the school wants me to pay a couple hundred extra ,
for lighting up the sports fields? I don't think so. It's a struggle enough for me to make my housing payments. Every dollar ;
the school adds to my bill adds that much more stress to my life. I'm completely fine with paying for classroom
advancements because that stuff is definitely needed. But no one cares about the TSU. No one cares about the fields.
They' reA nice enough and they function for what they need to do. The only people who really care about the wifi are
t hose of us who live here 24/7 and you would think that the minimum of $12,000 that every student pays to live on
campus would be able to cover that. I understand we want to compare to other CSU Campuses but I came here because it
was so cheap. I hC!d no idea how living on campus would destroy me financially. I would drop out if I wouldn't have to
start paying you guys back in loans. You have to think about how stressful money is for m<;my students here. It's just $240
but it's $240 added to thousands of dollars that many of us struggle to come up with in the first place.l think the fees
should be optional. If you want to put in fees for the fields you can. If you want to put in fees for expanding the TSU, go
for it. Same with the health center, the gym, etc. I pay for all these extra things that I don't ever us,e. That's money I could
be saving for housing or my car payment. We're real people here. Real students with real and struggles. I bet most
of us care about half the things we get a bill for. We just want our education, That extra stuff doesn't matter and if I
didn't have to P.ay_fo; it! I wc;>uldn't.A_ ..
The TSU doesn't need modernization. I understand new booths maybe necessary but I feel that is not all the
'' "modernization"" would cover.
.. ------------ - -- - _ ... --
It seems as though the adlded focus is Ol'l ly on athl etics. CSUF has arguably one of tlile top performing arts programs in the
stat e and theres no recogfil ition 0 11 attention t o the arts. If you are going to slap t lil is fee on evefYone, at least share the
funds in ALL areas and not just at hl etics.A
I do not think t hat t he SSI committee thought about those who have a very hard ti me affording their semester academic
f ees t o attend CSUF. I am part of this group and although I am receiving financi al aid, I am st ill having a hard ti me
f inancially. I do not agree with increasing f ees to benef it the athlet ics department when many of us are not in that fi eld
nor have interest in them due to the tight schedules that we may have. SSI has a promising f uture but not as a whole.
irhere needs to be more changes in how t he f unds will be distributed.

__ ------- --- .... __ _ j

We are all coll ege students and most of l!.lS have to pay f or our schooling. Why snould I also be asked t o pay for athletics or
scholarshi ps whel'l most of t hose students have the financial means to pay for their own schooling. I am choosing
to R8Y for my education and not anyone else.A
The 'ssl is a marvelous' and it shouTcCbe desplte-paylng more, it wil l' re-inforce everYthlng;-from p-ost--
__ to_ _ . __ _ ____ .. M _ __
I think it 's a shame that t he Tit ian athl etics never seem to show school pride. We have a great baseball team and yet
t here's never any attention paicl on game days. You want to increase Titi an pride, don't j ust throw money at it, do
Being an--inter'natiOnafstudent: we' already pay highest fee tha-n anyone does h'ere-o'n campus. Even' no schoTarshl ps are
available for us and also on-campus jobs are limited for international st udents. So we are not at a'll ready to pay extra
fees. According to me, only citizens should be charged for this fee, as already they pay less per semester as compared to
international students.
--- - - . -' - - --
Let s get our school better
I can't believe our supposed representatives on ASI make you watch a 12-minute pro-fee propaganda video and then ask
you to give an opinion. Obviously this isn't a fair and balanced feedback survey. I am certain that if a general vote were
held on this issue, it would not pass. I am also certain that all elected officials on ASI who are ramming this through are
going to find themselves off the board next election)\ This is CLEARLY a plan to get around the 4 year tuition freeze since
prop 30 passed. You should be ASHAMED of yourselves for trying to get this implemented. You are saddling students with
more debt when most graduates are having trouble finding a job. the CSU presidents, especially Mildred
'Garcia, are getting MAXIMUM raises every year. Let's not forget how poorly ASI spends our funds every year on ice
skating, smoking bans, and their frieAd's clubs. What a joke. lhis reeks of cronyism and self enrichment. After ASI gets
done buttering itself with OUR money I'll be surprised if even a fraction of that gets to helping students like me who are
.paying our own way through college. I urge ASI to stop stealing from the students and threatening to cut classes every
time you want more money. I have some questions for ASI: l.Why the hell 1301 I paying fees for other students to get
sports scholarships? I can barely p<w my own tuition. 2. Why the hell arn i paying for other students to get free software?
Couldn't we all buy our own for $240? This assumes ppl still buy software .... :3. TSU expansion? Hardly anyone
uses the TSU because we are COMMUTERS. Obviously ASI has become very disconnected wJth the student body. I hope
,this sense .. c;>ri this.A.... .. .. _ .. __
Personally, I only noticed a few things that actually pertain to my college career at CSUF. I don't think that the money
should be going towards athletics but rather things such as Wi-Fi or improvements in our instructional experience. I don't
plan on being at CSUF any longer than two more years so I would be paying for something that I wont even get to see be
fully imr:1lemented.A
I am in no way against tlrle inrease at all, I however like many other students just CANNOT afford any type of increase. As
'tis, my family and I barely make enough to pay fdr tuition, my books, and supplies. I don't even make enough at my job
to even afford a parking permit- a choice that has cost me over $120 in ridiculous citations. With the campus robbing my
funds from late tuition payment fees, ASI fees, and J')arking tickets to skim a few, I just CANNOT justify the payment
'increase. I am against this decision, not because of its values, but because this campus has done nothing, but make my
college experience a financial nightmare. _
We as students already pay enough to go to Fullerton. We should not have to deal with this on top of the rising tuition
rates. We already pay for items that do not match the value, one example is parking. If CSUF is going to charge $250, or so
or parking than everyone who pays for that parking should not have to fight for a space after 8 AM. It should not always
be put on the students to bear the load. Yes we do not have to attend a university, but that does not In turn give the
University the right to jack up the prices on the students. The funds could be allocated from somewhere else because the
tudents have aid their share.
Ok the TSU was just recently built and modernized. A I realize that there are approximately 38,000 students, but not ALL
38,000 are on campus at the same t ime. A Does the TSU really need to be expanded at this ttme, when classrooms and
instructional should be more important. A Think the TSU exr:1ansion through. __
I see that you guys are trying to upgrade the school so that the students have a better experience. But why Is there
nothing for the visual art department? We have the dirtiestA buildings and bathrooms compared to the rest of the
on campus. Could you take the time and please look into It? It feels almost like the VA department Isn't as
mportant as the rest of the other departments. The OC community college have better technology than we do .. It's a tad
sad when we are paying so much more than them.A.
Stop taking more and mG.ire from poor college student s! It is hard enough to earn enough money for the semester
I understand CSUF is interested i n adding certain programs to what the university already offers, but I don't feel they will
help the university experience. The proposed fee might hel p some in the community but it should not lead to another
raise of tuition for CSUF students who are having a hard time paying current cost. Please don't savotage the chance for
low-income students to reach their goal of graduation. Many of us have famil ies to support which is why every penny
counts. I have experienced great qual it y of education and support with the current funding the university is receiving,
is why I don't t hink its necessary to raise tuition at this time. Please consider what students need at this t ime of
thought economic challenges. Thank you.
I'd l ike to sta-rt of( by sa-ying that j have received my B.s:, 2. -credentiais,-and went through the Clear-credential prog-ram
here at CSUF. With that said, I wil-l be completing my online Masters program in May 2015. I DO NOT want to pay for
anything does _n_ot __ . - .. ___ -
lying t o every student and tryi ng to go behind their backs and add anot her '"'fee"" on to
We pay' enough all .reaciy
j - ' - .. -
The ho_! its _ _ ___ . _ . _
proposed rate is way 1!oo high. A You use in accurate nl!lmbers furthermoue incl ude limit ed real resources. A For t he
mane ou are asking f or we c0ul<il et double the service elsewhere!A
1\lthough, naturally, I am mot excited at the prospect of payimg lilil or e every yearr, this f ee is relat ively minimal when
compared to t he costs at 0ther CSUs. I realize t he val l!le of lllilarny ohhese changes and added services, especially the
extension of Library J:10urs, expansion of the Center and improvement of. Wi-Fi on campus. Therefore, I fully
support moving forward with this f ee. Alt hough I will graduate i n Jan 2016, oef.ore the school reali zes the full benef its of
this f ee, t he changes proposed wit hin just the next couple years will oe very hel pful f or me. Furt hermore, I am confident
t hat our underclassmen and fut ure students willoenefi t immense! from it, and I look forward t o working with them
within the new student-alumni program after I graduate.
No are'a lready-paYing high pr ices 'and SHOULD be -receiving them. Why do we -need-to l
NO more fees. And really 0-6 units is part time!?
- .. __ .......___ -- .. - - . - .... -- -........ --- ----"'- . - ---... ---
Its upsetting to have to pay higher f ees but I can see how it would benefit CSUF students. If t here was a way t o get f ederal
f unding wi t hout increasing student t uition that would ll:Je the best way possible. Also, I thi nk most of the money should go
to provi ding more courses to students. There are a lot of classes that are hard to get because t here are not enough of
t hose classes. It would benefit the ent i rety of the st udent body to provide more cl asses, versus improving sports programs
eguipment which only benefit the at hletes. A
his proposal is not a bad idea in theory, but for students who are payi ng t heir own way t hrough school, t hat extra $240
doll ars would make a difference in t heirfi nancial battle.
:SUFis consistently trying to find ways to keep increasing the tuition rates and fees every year. All we want is to get an
education. A lot of the students dont even have the chance to enjoy all the services offered on campus, that they helped
pay for because they are at work trying to make ends meet while trying to get a college education. Education just keeps
getting more and more expensive. I think the improving the actual in-class instruction quality is more important that the
look of the campus. You have so many students enrolled, and we already pay a lot of fees for everything, how has that not
been enough money for the school? These problems were around before and still haven't been fixed and I'm afraid the
campus will keep continuing to raise these when all we want to do is the required classes that the school requires us to
take. Books, Fees, Tuition, our Education, the cost of living keep going up, and at our pay rates its quite honestly becoming
_keep u2.:A .. -
According to the information provided by t he school as well as the student news paper, CSUF receives t he least amount of
funding per student compared to all other CSUs. As mentioned in the SSI present at ion provided, t his is a matter of state
funds allocat ion. Instead of taking this up with the chancellor, the academic senate, and the Planning Resource Budget
Committee and fi nding a solution to t he actual problem, fund allocation, the SSI is an easy cheat for CSUF administration
t o not have t o deal t he headache of addressing fund allocation. SSI is merely a way to make students pay even more for
an already overpriced education in a t ime when student debt is at its all time high and employment opportunities are
bleak. Rat her than make more, the.P..roblem with equity within the system needs to be fixed.
With the tuition money that we-pay ami" the we have to pay supplies; anci teXtboob, these
things should be a given. Many students are struggling already financially just for the basics, but this SSI will only make it

I understand funding is needed to enhance various useful programs and with the state funding cuts, more of the cost of
education Is pushed onto the students. Regardless of how much cheaper CSUF Is compared t o other colleges, it does not
change the fact that college tuition cost as a whole Is becoming unobtainable. More fees means more loans. According to article $1 Trillion Student loans Problems Keeps Getting Worse, ""the total outstanding student loan balance
is $1.08 trillion"" of which 11.5% areA over days delinquent or in default. TheA February 21, 2014 articleA goes on to say
hat while other.A types of loans, like&. car loans and mortgage loans have a decreased decline In delinquency rates,
loans have drastically increased. '
The size of the average student loan In 2005 was $17,233. By 2012 the average
U.S. student loan debt claimed to $27,253.'"'A My point Is, yes we want a quality education and the new incentive will do
"ust that. But at what cost? The opportunity cost of a great education does not equate to a great paying job
graduation orA. afterA that which will pay off all the student loans. Average cost of education has Increased
lbut salary for various Industries has not. Overall, I believe the new Incentive programs would be nice to have but It Is not
that Is feasible at the current economic times. Is there a way to get private funding? Champagnes for
instead? Maybe ha\le more fund raiser events like the Concert Under the Stars. I am sure, it will take time effort
financial investment on the schools part but maybe this Is the route to go. Corporations have made the most profit
ever recorded.!. during this recession. Why not go where the money Is Instead of asking more from students and hard
working families who are barely getting by as It Is. CSUF legacy Is In the success of Its alumni. Give them a running chance
from the finish line without the added burden of knowing they actually have to crawl out of a ditch first.
The benefits of the student success initiative do not outweigh the cost: up to $240 PER semester by 2016, in addition to
the current enrollment cost, mandatory textbooks, and as well as the overinflated parking prices all build up to cost the
students. A It is entirely possible to graduate without any of suggested improvements. At the very least, if the SSI passes
and students are essentially A forced to pay the additional cost, some of the changes would essenti ally be useless. A The
athletics support, for example. A Dumping funds in from ALL students for Titan athletics would not have a positive return
for ALL students. A Athletics is essentially useless for anyone not on a team; I see no reason to fund for sports in a college, ;
where students pay to learn academics and earn degrees. In total, by 2016, every student would have lost $916 for the
SSI. A To be frank, this cost is simply disgusting. A 38,325 students (substituting new students for A graduating students)
over the course of 3 years paying $916 each would net the college $35,105,700. A CSUF simply does not need additional
student money to pay for the J)etty ""benefits. "" A '"'Strengthen acadmic advising"" is a joke, '')'expand library hours' "' is
unnecessary, ""upgrade facilities" " is a waste, '"'upgrading classrooms"" is needless, and "
expanded Wi -Fi
coverage'''' doesn't help students graduate any faster. A All these ""benefits"'" are simply too petty and useless to be of
their ex_cessive price, to
!:)l ease upgrade the library asaR
If president Garcia would stop see.king or acc-epting p-rivate donations from prganizations iike the Honda Center, then
maybe we would be getting more funds from the state. A Also, if it's true that 70% of the fee increase will go to athletics,
t hen i! is __ridiculou:; to S?Y it w.ill _be _heleing
By increasi ng t uit ion, students may end up being part-time students rather than full. It's hard enough as is to get the
educat ion where gett ing. If only there was a way to get a pet i.t ion going around based off the statistics provided in the
vi deo, t o increase our budget due t o t he numli>-er of indivi dual s ati1i emcllimg CSUF. As a graduating seni or t his Spring, I hope
some changes will be made. It is difficult t o rreach studer:1 t s and get t heirr imput but if you woul d really li ke a response try
ot her ways of media, maybe twitter, text, or somethi ng. Si mply e-mails can be a handful and overlook due to t he
toRic and will only be opened if it 's a t opic of interest. Good Lmck.
... - 1
We attend t he public school system for many reasons, and one of the most common one may be for lack of financial
resources to attend maybe a UC system school, or even a private. I do not thi nk it is up to us the students to make up for
t he lack of funding, and especially it should not go towards provldimg t o something like athletics, where only a small
percentage of students will take advantage of those. The school sftloo,uld look for financial help elsewhere rather than from
the students that can barely afford Raying tuition or books.
. -- ,....,.._ .. ..---- -.,..- - -- -- - -. -.. ,
This initiative should be brought up to the government not the students. Maybe if the government paid for our higher
education our students would be less stressed out and would be able to afford technology that would help them towards
there academic success. Besides, where is the money for tuition going? Where are the statisti cs, graphs, and charts that
show where our money has been going? How come we do not khOw what's going on with that. Maybe we just need to
find someone that has better budget skills and that can take money from other places and put them on other necessary
places. Do not raise fees!!! This is not the students' fault or responsibility.A
ssue 1: A I am a senior In Business/Finance. I have been to 4 different schools in my educational quest and CSUF has by
far the poorest counselor program/centers. A There are no counselors to help guide students. At most there is 1
counselor on duty and you have to wait over an hour every t ime. A Then when you get do get in there they will not give
any real advise, maybe for legal reasons, I'm not sure. A All they do is tell you whether or not you are t aking t he right
classes. Students should be able to tal k to the same counselor every time. One that gets to know them fairly well and is
able to give them good advise both educati onal, career, and possibly life too. College students are still kids for the most
part and need a little guidance or at least someone to talk to. A This for me was the most disappointing part of CSUF and
really needs to change to further educational goals. A Issue 2: A I'm not sure CSUF needs to spend a bunch of money on
aiversity. A If you just look around the campus it has to be one of the most diverse campuses in the world. A Which is
awesome by the way. A But, we need to worry about the education, not expanding diversity, which we are already
excellin at. Thanks!
To me, anything that will help benefit as many students as possible is something that is worth more than the fee that
we're going to pay. But J say focus more on the instructional experience and paid internship programs. rhe TSU Expansion
We pay a good amount already, one that has been riddled with price hikes since I have began.A You charge ridiculous
amounts of money for books, then change them on many courses by the next semester so they are non returnable or just
give minimal amount of money back and resell at higher rates, cut off financial aid to those who are over a certain amount
1f units, even if those units were not done with funding through financial aid, and overall use your students as a
business.A While it would certainly help to have wifi that works and better resources, there are many other ways you
could curb your spending (giving ipads to teachers) and give the student a break.A While it is only x amount of dollars to
you, many students don't have jobs and are ineligible for aid!A This means x: amount of money is a high price for
someone trying to progress in life.A It is as if you are setting harriers up till en using that as an excuse to say hey pay
more!A "''It will help you"".A All my tuition hikes have not alleviated the parking which takes about 30 minutes to have
someone steal your spot, the elevators in most buildings are extremely inefficient and you are worried about lighting the
ield outside?A You should concentrate on the fundamental of higher education, which is EDUCATION.A Many of our
basics I feel are inadequate, yet the objective is to overlook many of the th,ings that are basic and supposed to be
provided by the schooi!A Is it going to be eventually we need to brfng our own toilet paper and hand towels to school as
weii?A Where does it stop?A Please have some compassion and ask the president to take a pay cut or something.A You
all have jobs and education already, and although we are young and able to absorb these types of adversities with much
more fluidity and ease than an older person, we do not deserve to take the brunt of every financial cut.A These things are
to be evenly distributed, and in my experience at this school, it feels as ifthe student is responsible for everything except
the grade the teacher writes down.A Please have a heart, and some reason to your ""simple'"' request. A If it was
""only"" a small increase $200 then you guys should pay it for all low income and financial aid/scholarship students and
ive the fee to th0se who can afford it.A
I am aware that CSUF Is the lowest funded school, but t he t uition per semester Is already too high. J am not comparing
his to other tt does not make sense already that I need to pay almost $3k PER An Increase tn
ees Will only make me Wpere Is President Gt.rda's mohey? 'tn sure she could aonate If she truly cared for
he betttlr of tsUF. Also, tnstead of maldn& It a regulrement to pay these fees (tf ft passes), why not JUst do donations? Get
"--mpanles nearby to give money as we advertise for them around campus. AU Of t he things you mentioned are nice, but
J>rlo Is to not o broke.A
Tuition has al ready gone up so much, the school is good as it is. We come to a Cal State because it supposed to be cheap. ,
.Most of us are so busy anyway that don't even enjoy the extra perks so i don't think this should pass. Also i'm not into
sports at all so that does not apply to me or to many students i know that could care less about all of that. The only
_po;; iti ve from this are the 24 hour library for_finals, the implementation of tbe 'fSU and helping
I feel like thi s is a commuter school most of us already wast e t o much money and j ust adding more into out tuit ion it
would be to much. Al so books get more exj:!ensive each year.
I do like the student success initiative. However, I and many others that I have communicated with are afraid that most of
t he funds gained from SSI are going to go to athletics and not in helping students succeed academically. I think the first
thing t hat needs to be done is add more sections for classes that are extremely important or needed. Such as
for for
Rather t han increasing fees for the students, it should be a bigger priority to receive a higher ratio of fun l ing from the
st ate. Since we have one of tlile largest enr0llment t hr0ughout the CSUs, t11 is should be used as leverage to receive more
funding. In addition, it it far more irrnportamt to increase the number of cl ass offerings and help provide rmore
internship/career opp!ilrtunities for the st udenil:s than to increase athletics, increase the number of counselors or build
better classes/facil ities. While athletics/dulils can lead to more school pri de and potential'ly more post
graduati on, this certainly isn't goimg to a huge difference if student s are unable to graduate on time because of lack
of class offerings and cannot find a j,ob from a relatively weaker career center)\
I t hi nk our school is already nice as "it is t o be expanding anything. A Tuition is already high enough. we afready pay a
st udent fee which could be redist ributed to the areas needed in the video.
- ------.- -- -- --- .. -- - . .. .. - ..... ,; ,_: ......... _d .......... _. - .. - --' -- -- - - . -- - _ .. _-
jThis is an unfair f ee that we as st udents would be forced to pay f or. We already pay an exceedingly ridi cul ous parking fee
along wit h all our ot her payments, if we add this then it's another part that we'll have to pay out of our pocket. Most
student s have their own laptops, no one really needs the library open 24 hours either. And we're an academic school, not
an athlet ic one, why woul d I care to add money f or athl etics that we j:!robably aren't evem t hat good at .A
why should I have to fund students athletes. I'm in school to learn and get a degree. It 's not like they are doing something
me. If athlet es want to be athl etes t hen they should pay out of their pocket s. I can carel ess what happens in t he TSU. I
spend all my time in my major deRartment studying. I'm here to get an education and study.
- ..- - ---- -- --- ..,. ___ . . ..,..':';"::- -- ---
Students are being asked to backfill the commitment made by the State of Ca lifornia. St udents bearing the burden of t he
economic infrastructure is a n<1tlonwide problem, with corporations and institutions profiting off the backs of a workforce
whose wages have been stagnant for years. This is addressing the problem regressively rather than progressively and will
not solve the problem. Also, this represents 17 million dollars per year. The objectives listed don't sound like t hey are
going t o require 17 million dollars per year of increased revenue. I'm curious where the rest of it will go. If I heard that no
prof essor or administ rator with a salary over 100,000 dollars would get a raise I would be more likely to support this. I
were the heck is all the mane we are alread
This plan is awful! I should not have t o pay $500 a year for somet hing that doesn't benefit me at aiL This sounds li ke a
huge ploy t o get more student at hletes. I shoul dn't have to pay t heir schol arships. I can hardly pay my tuition and housing
payment WITH government assistance. This is not well thought t hrough or well planned. Also, t he CSU chancellor's offi ce '
is al ready planf! ing on exp<1n qing W_IFI so is money \_
am truly tired of fees being raised on campus when I'm just scraping by as it is. Though what we have now may not be
top of the line it still WORKS. I do not receive any financial aid so I of all people understand exactly how expensive college
is. My housing alone each month is over a thousand dollars per month. These ideas for what to do with the money are
interesting but seem to be ideas of people who have no concept of money or are not struggling like most ofthe student
population. If fees continue to be raised I fear that I will soon be unable to attend college. And yes, I do understand that
the fees will be raised slowl but mane is mane . JlJist keei:J what we have going. It works.
Orle of the reasons CSUF has such an enrollment rate is because it is affordable. Therefore, instead of increasing tuition
the people in charge of the program should work on ways on how to approach the funding distribution and get federal
a_n_d or fu_nd_s to campus wit!!_
In regards to whether I support this irtltlative: What comes to mind is the last election, where a stimulus for education
was passed in California as Prop 30.A I will admi,t that there is probably alot less transparency and alot more ""red-tape""
that goes with the Prop, which the SSt steers clear of In an attempt to be transparent and accesslble.A However, because
of the Proposition passing, I feel that this institutiotl (as well as other public schools) needs to wait for the fruits of its
passage.A We do have the lowest per-student spending, but thats because we have one of the largest student
populations to account for.A I wouldnt want other students to get the idea that we are in desperate need because of the
'"'phantom funds"" that we dont receive.A Students who pay for this initiative now will not be the ones who will benefit
the ""career boosting opportunities and services
"; and so it is not fair that they have to pay for something they will
not use. As a senior, I will not be able to use the new intramural fields.A Is it possible that as Californla
s educational
institutions wait for more funding through Propositions, that analysts and planners can allocate future funding rather than
ask for more funds now? We should do what Is best with the money we have now. We should have boards ensuring the
best possible allocation of funds now ... not making an advisory board after the fact. I believe that if this is done, then our
Fampus can Initiate this success by its own means durtng the few coming years to where we wouldnt really need the extra
ax from students.
You had my vote at improving the wifl! I love the improvements offered and only wish this was done sooner. What I found
to be most persuading was the wifi, 51 (slightly biased being an Sl leader), technology improvement, free software,
ing the librarv 24/7 for finals, alumni assistance, wifi, career center, and advising.
e need to focus on advancing education before any TSU modernizations or athletic projects I am willing to pay about
150 more for tuition onl after all other avenues of fund in have been exhausted.
I am a full time student. I am taking at least 13 units. I am paying $3000 on my own. I have a job that I usually get 24 hours
A a week, but we have been slow, so I've been called out of work, now lm only getting at least 25 hours a paycheck from
working two weeks. It is really hard to pay for school, especially since theres more to it to my tuition. I did not get
qualified for finandal aid because of my parents. My parents are hot even paying for my schooling. It is really hard to pay
3000 dollars a semester, added to that, have to pay for books, which is a total of at least 500 dollars, also paying for
parking permit, which is another 250 dollars. Also ontop of that, rent is hard to pay, my utilities, groceries, bills got to pay,
and just accessores needed. I do not think they si'iould charge us more to our tuition. We are already paying the totion al
,t of money. These academic funds shGJuld at least be a thank you to us for getting our degree, not a must pay becuase
!Ire here. help _us if '!'!e didnot to pa "'f_e a lot_j ust to __ .
'As a Junior I believe I will not see some of the dramatic and excit ing changes that will occur. A Therefore I recommend
st arting the implementations at a lower rate and gradually increase to the f ully needed price increase. A Perhaps over six (
years instead of the close to three that you are planning. A I believe a ma1ority of the funds should be focused on
academics and structural needs. A Our bathrooms are a joke. A A
You guys have increased our fees enough, some of us are not able to afford the current student fees. so increasing would l
just and discri minat e t hose who suffer from fi nancial hardship. j
'As students it is our responsibility to look towards the future. Increasing the cost of attending CSUF is the first step to
increase our academic enrichment.A
You want money? in on !oa_ns:. can wait I
I would not appreciate the student fee rising in any way. There are certa1in thimgs I am willing to pay for but can't it be
adjusted with what we already pay? I mean we are already paying almost 5 grand a semester. We can barely afford
t hat! II I! ! In f act some of us think that the fee should be LOWERED not inc: reased!lll ! We can't afford that!!!!! !!! No
CSUF has been increasing fees every year without any regard to those of us who pay our owh way through college Without
t he help of parents, taxpayers, or some other free method. I arn TOTALLY against paying one penny more for anything.
Higher fees mean I have to work MORE and have l'ESS time to study. I do not participate in any ofthe mentioned activities
and find it totally unfair that I have to be responsible for those who want to play 'football'. Athletes need to raise their
own money because they are the only ones who will benefit from them playing. I in no way shape or form want to pay for
ihf_rin_ges _o_l! '!I.Y payihg . _ .. _ .......
I am very skeptical about the information presented here. It's like l' rmlist ening 1i0 a poli(!ician tell me why they need to
raise taxes and skew facts to gain favor. All I know is tlaat I have to worl< 1111y IDl!lt t olif to pay for tuition that is already
through the roof. I don' t use any of these luxurious f acilit ies (like gyms) on ca111rupus that I'm forced to pay for anyways,
because I have t o rush to a job in order to keep payi ng for t uit ion. Students tlnat don't know any better and think this is a
good idea will be saddled with even more debt than t hey: can deal wit lrl t,Jpon Bad idea! II
"" - -- ... -. --.... -- -. ---_......- .. I"'".... -- - - -- --- --.
I am very disappointed at the lack of info showing how much of the money will be distributed, since nearly 90% of it will
purely be going to athletics.A It is bordering on being a lie.A Is athletics really more important than the other divisions?A '
Such as medical science and business?A I am all for helping each equally, but I am very strongly against forcing all
don'! even Hk_e at to J:!8Y a !or I
McCarth needs to be u dat ed heavil .
The areas I believe should receive funds if this is passed are increase class room technology, renovations for the TSU,
more available courses, increased library t echnology, the 2.4 hr student IT help desk and athletics. I think these are the
most important areas. However, my concern is t hat some students as myself already have t roubl e payi ng for tuition as it
is. I fall in the category of a student who works to pay for her college and at times I find it difficult to pay for my own
tuition and sometimes get pretty dose to being dropped because my fasfa isn't enough etc. Secondly, I do not agree with
all the areas this would fund such as the diversity init iatives and veterans. I do believe Veterans deserve to be honored
but I do know the government gives them substant ial f unding as it is. I think the presentation needs a follow up that goes
int o more detail. I personally believe that some of this could benefi ci al but could also significantly hi nder many students
abil it y to pay for tuition, books, and rent, and this should be taken into account. As tuition.goes up with inflation, this fee
will go up will inflation which will potentially effect many students and could correlated with increased student loans or
being forced to work increased hours.
:\sa CSU, Fullerton student, I do understand that many important things that are important for our education need to be
addressed, or taken care of-campus-wide, but I also want you to understand that like me there is many students who
already don't get any financial aid. I have to pay every single penny for my education; and let me tell you that for the last
two semester I've had a tough time trying to make '"'ends meet,'"' if you will, in order to be able to go to school. I live in in
the city of Downey, which is about 30 minutes from campus. I drive everyday to school, I pay for gas, I have to buy a
parking permit every semester, books, tuition, etc., etc. I don't have a job and I'm a full time student. Now you want to
add more load to my burden!? Come on I those extra fees could potentially pay for one of the many textbooks I have to
buy every semester. I'm sorry, but I can't afford this extra fee. Don't do this to me and many other students who are
already strug ling econormicallv:.A
'1 am-an int er national student and we are not eligfble to apply for scholars hips and student loans compared with American '
students. We are already suffering from the expensive tuition fee right now. I am strongly against increasing student
maximize efficiency? What about fund raising? Have you tried looking for donors?
_ . . r... ' oli1' .. .-.; ; .o - ,.. - '" ..,.. - o Ao "' '
I think it is rude to ask students to pay more money for such services, that should already be paid for from the high tuition
we are already J:!aying. A Not to mention that some of these services will not benefit ever student.A
.The stat-ed early on th-at INe have one oft he lowest student t'ees and one of th highist. enroliments across--
campuses. A I consider that to be a good thing. A How come one of the reasons to raise tuition is to increase the provided ,
to one of the most affordable schools? A Essentially, why are we raising the ttJition to make the school mote :
to specific students?
An increase in tuition fees is not something most people would like but I do understand that It Is for a good cause. I
support the student success initiative but I hope that the funds will truly be used for everything expressed In the video. If
or some reason students do not notice a difference In the following years if the student success Initiative is passed then
someone should be held accountable. I am proud to be a Titan and I would appreciate if our campus gained a much better
re utatlon than It has and I understand the student success Initiative will hel do that.A
It is not up to the students to make up for what the state doesn't give. It is hard enough to pay for tuition as it is and
'financial aid is hard to come by. This will set students back and me, back personally. I do NOT support the fee increa-se and
am angered by the thought . I have already put so much time and money into the university, I can't afford anymore. The
financial aid I get doesn't evn cover the cost of my tuition fully. How am I supposed to pay even more than what is
asked of
I like the goals t hat the school and ASI have in mind but the order of operat ions is wrong. It was noted that in the 2015-16
school year, academic advising , career cent er advising and other academic related issues woul d be improved. This is a
priority and needs to be addressed as soon as possibl e! These are t he things that make a school better. The worst part
about my experi ence here at CSUF is t he f act t hat i am graduating in 6 years with a degree in engineering while t aking 16
units a semester. I have f riends studying engineering at other school, who are graduating in four years. Our cl ass
avai lability is poor, the tenured t eachers teach the stwdents mot hing, and t he advising department drastically needs to be
If students were advised more thoroughly and taken throl!lgh t he process of choosing the right classes, they would
graduate sooner and accumulat e less debt. Also, career traiming ancl job opportunities need to be improved immediately.
We go to college so we can get a job, so why aren't we bei mg t uai1med for those entry level jobs and provided with more
internship opportunities? We live in Orange county, our schoollileeds to build more partnerships wit h local companies
a Ad place students as interns. It should be a requi1rtement for st udents to intern whether paid or unpaid. It could be unpaid
and just be a 3 unit class instead. Its all aboUit conme<i:ti ng wit lil tl:le imclust ry that t he students are going into. From personal
experi ence, i've gained much more motivation for schmol by havimg tlilat real world application.A I ask that the school
woul d greatly considering their order of operat ions and reali ze wmat stwdemts are coming to college for that the
academics need to be improved first and the 0ther wilil I would also like to not e that the athletics should
not get our money. I work in facility operations and now how rmnucln rmoney is wasted, there's no way i would everr consent
t o giving t hem more money. Yes, our facili t ies aren't great, b>ut as a student i don't go to college to watch a baseball game
tn an awesome ballpark, i go to college to have a career! lihe priorities need to be set where they're supposed to belA If
t he school can show that it will first im rove the academics f irst, ara d eve thing else second then it will have my vote.A
Pl ease r10 st udent-f ee increasef - --- -- . -- ....
"' .. a. - .. - -. -- - -
lets get everyone more involved. maybe create a f un f raterni t row, have more iracent ives for students come out and
maybe well pay more. A I hate paying so much to get a bad teacherr im whi ch i have t o t each myself everything. A we
wouldnt need so many t ut oring services if the P-r ofessors c0uld e)(pl ain it right t he fi rst t ime.
-- j
-- ;
I understand what the slides are explaining, but I feel t hat with so many fees already being tak-en out each semest er t hat I
can barely afford t o pay for basic life necessit ies. A 1
111 very against paying anymore fees, especially being a part t ime
night student. A I already pay healt h fees and ot her fees f or services t hat I cannot take advantage of. A I really don't want
to be paying any addit ional fees that are not going to benefit me. A The funding for these types of things should have
already been implement ed t hrough t he f unding that is in place. A Driving up pri ces in a bad economy when students
already can' t afford basic life necessiti es is not t he way to go about this. A I suggest f inding another alternative such as
f und raising, higher fees to certain events CSUF puts on, et c. A I am sure if you wer e to as k student s for ideas to raise
_n:! oney ()f __ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
I can't even afford tuit ion as it is j ust as many other fell ow students I know. I do not t hink this proposed plan is worth
I do not want t o pay for ot her student s t o receive scholarships for at hleti cs so they can go to school for f ree when I
enou"g_h _OW_!! ry_C}Y:!: It my .!9. Ray _t o _gq _! () _S(:h_2_o L_ .
I f eel like 240 doll ars per student seems very steep. I already pay wit h student loans through FAFSA and I commute so
man of t he cam us imwovements won't affect me. A I am t or a tuit ion increase at aii.A
Anot her student fee should be t he last resort t o gat her t he fi nance needed f or such improvements. Why don't we instead
t ake f rom CSUF president Mildred Gar ci a that earns a base sal ary of $324, 500 last reports show.
funding for athletic facilities and Titan Student Centers is expensive. There are other buildings that really need
.o be ""modernized."" The allocation of the money should be geared t owards educat ion and t he career center because
is what students are there for.
These programs do not need funding and I do not want to pay the fee for these wograms!
!Some of these ideas are very good. The main points i like are the expansion of the wifi for students when they need
internet access for their work, but they can't reach it. I am also for the idea of Improving the ""bottleneck"" classes.
However it will be difficult for those who already struggle to pay the tuition now.A
None - - - - ,
I would like to see if possible to see the academic advising and expansion of the career center for the upcoming school
I am strongly against paying extra fees so that a few student athletes can get full scholarships. I understand this initiative
and the reasons for it, but it is called the Student Success Initiative, not the Athlete Success Initiative. My priority is my
education, not athletic faciliti es or modernizing titan student centers. I prefer we focus on modernizing buildings that
every_ student sits in every week and that look like they haven't been maintained for years.
I t hink'the money us-ecfin. areas such -as expanding the tsu or wi-fi fs a great idea; but someareas are not as
important . I believe CSUF has so much potential but this initiation should not be passed to help only veterahs and
I believe that t here are othel' areas asweli we must focus on such as the Chicano Resource Center. I do not
understahd however, why we are the lowest state funding per student in among the CSU campuses. I also believe that
his init iative unfairly punishes the student 's for an issue that is not our own. Tultion has already increased, our parking
permits bave increased, our books are not cheap, this is just another expense to worry about. Not only that, but if the fee !
'was passed, I am strongly against how the money is going to be dist ributed. It seems like athletics is getting an large
percentage of the fees. This has been pushed on the students when there arre various other issues to worry about
including our academic progress, jobs, FAFSA, Affordable HealthCare Act, and now this institution has brought up another
issue for us that we need to deal with. One presentation given to me said that CSUF is not receiving the necessary funding
because of politics with the Chancellor. Well our elected student officials should take this issue up to where the necessary r
mo11ey resides {because it exists) and demand the money from up there. The lack of responses on these surveys should be
indicative of how many other pressing issues CSUF students have been facing, and how overwhelming it is to worry about
this one tM. A.
iThis Is a load of crap. This school does nothing but promote the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics) programs at the expense of everyone else. It has never been Interest ed In helping the ""success"" of
udents equally, particularly when It comes to our sports teams. Men sports teams appear to receive the majority of
unding even though certain facets of women sports teams bring In more revenue. Furthermore, student debt Is growing
tan exponent ial rate which causes students such as myself t o leave coltege owing more money than I can make. You
eal want to re are us for
"success?"" Kee t he student fees as t h are.
I don't t hink that it should come out of the pockets of students. President Garcia or any President t here after should
contribute donations as its their responsibil ity as well rather than investing that money on personal expenses. Al so I did
not see any mention of better parking f aci lities or st ructures, nor the t ransformation of our '"'concrete j ungle"" campus
into a more practical and better college experience. I would also like to see more housing options as CSUF is a HUGE
commuter school. CSUF could also benefit f rom third parties and their businesses. There should also be better resources
for student ALUMNI not j ust current students. We have already paid enough with our coll ege career.A
I believe that this is a great and positive initiat ive and if we fail to pass this theh we run the risk of falling behind and not
being able to continue a decent reputation as a university. If the S$1 is ignored by students then they wiil be sorely
disa ppoint ed when other CSU's are advanci ng and getting higher paying jobs than CSUF students are. I believe that the
curriculum needs to be improved and I believe that if the university feE)Is as if it cannot support the amount of students
t hat i'! re applying then we should have higher qualifications for students to get into the school. If a student feels as though
t hey cannot pay the tuition hike or that it's preposterous then they should consider the weight that higher tuition brings
in regard t o higher paying jobs In the fut ure. I think this is a step in the right direction and a better looking campus will
translat e to better and brighter students. It's time for students to stop regretting attending CSUF and time to step it up
and it of.A . _ .. . .... .. ...... . ... _ .. .. .
ifhings t hat every student uses li!l<e th-e lfSU and wi-fi are things that every student can reasonably be asked to pay for.
ifhings that not all students care ab0ut, swch as athletics programs, should not cause more fees to be fGlrced upon the
I vpted strongly against expanding for student veterans not because I don't respect what they have dorie for our country '
but because I respect them so much that financial help should be acquired from our government and not f rom f.ellow
students. A Our school should spend time acquiring funds from the government to support this program. A This expansion
should be paid out of the federal funds as it should be. A We owe our veterans much more than expanded services and
we can do this by asking for federal financial support as they protect our nation as a whole. A All funds should be
allocated (in order) toward upgraded technology, athletics department and then modernization of TSU and the rest ofthe '
rooms in each building. In addition to decreasing the student-advisor ratio, SSI should also make mandatory semester
meetings with an advisor for each student. A This could pave way to a deeper understanding of educational goal/t arget
.f<?r gr;t left as is aheadf __ ... __ .. . ___ . _ ---- _ - __ ....
Use t he money that you got from Parking to pay for it! II ! Talking about lowest state fund per student? More like Taking
t he most mone from student! lilA
I feeft"hat st udents who are irivolved in the projects the belng-raised for are the ones that should be charged for
t he improvements. Students who are not involved in those communities (i.e. athletics) should not have to pay for the
_ _____ ... . - _. . _ ---- .-......
he only thing I see posit ive fr0m this is the expanding of t he Wifi and adding computers t o the library if that refers to
"" uRgraded technolo '"'.
Thi s is a good idea . . A Howe-ver, csu( does not on-ly-educate s-tu dents.from the local A Our university
educat es international, interstate and local communities so it would be in the best interest for the fees to come from
t hese places. A CSUF is a public university and should therefore get its funding from the respective places students are
coming f rom. A These places would include the local government and the state government not from its students. A I do
not support this fee increase being obtained through the students who attend and or will attend CSUF. A The idea is good
but the_ is _ _ ... _ - _ .
11/ery complete present ation .. . AI:t:hough I arm gradUJat ing in 2015 I am in f avor ofthis. The one t hing I don't understand is
why is our school so low in fundi ng per student . Who decides how to spread the money around? It doesn't seem like it is
an e(luitable Rrocess. I feel the source of the Rroblem should be addressed.
I ani a part time student. Who never steps foot on campus. I already disagree with ali the fees that I already have to pay. I I
lon't think that it is fair for me to fund for others when I am already on a budget myself. Please do not add a fee. I can not
afford anymore debt.A
I notice a lot of money allocated towards student sport programs and facilities, but what about the art department ? Our
art department doesn't even get cleaned on daily basis by the janitors. Not only that, but this increase will not even help
me and ot her art student because a majority of art students don't even go to the facilities you want to upgrade. We tend
to stay in the same area. The buildings in the art department are run down, old, and dirty. With the tuition increase
coming up for classes and the fees requi red to graduate, I would really rather not have more money taken for services I
don't use. I speak the minds of many, I'm sure. Maybe if this program incorporated more students like me and was
actually going to help currently enrolled students as soon as possible, then I would consider it, but it doesn't . These things
will take time and years to do, long after I am out ot this school. Maybe if more attention were put into the
animation/illustration programs then I would be more willing to accept this condition. When will art students finally get
better classrooms? Your art program is great, and you should continue to make it t hat way by improving its quality, as
I came to this school because It was a good school for an affordable price as I'm not rich. Make things fair for
students who can't afford all these fees.
. .,
Being a part-time graduC!te student who only attends evening classes (7-lOpm), I do not typically have the time nor ability
to access most student services, facilities, and benefits. A I am putting myself throwgh school without the help of my
parents, which I assume most undergraduates have (either assistance or federal/cal grants). A I propose that the
fees be optional for part-time graduate students, at the cost of exclusion from certain student services (for example, I
never use the physical library, nor the TSU--a.nd as far as I am aware this funding would not increase the amount of classes
[offer_. ed in my program which is [imited by the number of faculty in the program). -
I am completely against the fee hike for t hese purposes. It's not that they don't seem grand and could potentially help
people. I just don't think t hat the expenditure will be utilized by the student p.opulatlon. Expanding Academic advising
sounds nice- but t hroughout the year It receives only mediocre business unt il it comes time for people to choose t heir
classes; paying for t he entire year Is, on the most part, a waste of the students populations funds. Funding the athletics
program Is one of my biggest complaints. I don't wish to pay for 'Titan Pride' and I could care less about whether we have
sports t eams or not- they may receive t heir own funding t hrough admission t lckets.Upgraded t echnology around t he
sounds nice but the present technology Is e nough t o get the job done. A simple white board (or sometimes a
chalkboard) has been enough for professors t o get their Ideas off, the slow computers have been enough to write that
essay or research. When I heard ' Improved wl-fi
I actually t hought that there would be somet hing t hat could use some
improvement, however, it seems that you are only expanding the areas In whk:h wlfl reaches. I would rat her see an
increase In the bandwidth so It doesn't t ake 5 minutes t o load a page or some changes so that It doesn't have to
reauthenticat e every five minutes. Onto the diversity programs, I have never seen the purpose of such programs. Yes we
a diverse campus, currently the diversity programs seem t o fight against ethnic and religious conflicts, but most
people don't care If you are of a different ethniclty. I am aware t hat In t he past t here was a point In which the program
was necessary- but really pointing out Knt hey ARE different, but it's okay! II"" really doesn't help when we have reached a
point In which t here aren't many people who care whether a person Is of a different ethnlclty.The main reason many
people choose this school Is for economic reasons. It Is a much cheaper school t han others and allows for us t o learn and
our degrees. we want to learn- t hat Is all; we don't need t hese extra fees to make our lives worse. And If we did- It
be In completely different areas.
We really need this. I really hope that this gets instated.A
'-lam a college student who can barely afford t he current fees. If you add t his fee, It would make it very difficult t o finish
J:!llY education.
Networking routers here have some kind of automatic channel switching that causes connections to intermittently drop.
It's highly annoying and I highly doubt that if the IT here cannot remedy this issue with the current equipment that has (_
been invested in, then the money additionally poured into tech (hardware) improvements will be spent in vain. Consider
_hiring better tech support first._
Wi ll there be more f acilit ies offered to t he 300+ clubs on campus? Every semest er we are always fighting for the same
rooms and competi ng against other clubs for time and hours.Such as several of the dance, martial arts, sports,
recreational and cult ural clubs require mirrors, mats, open-space, wood f loors, etc. Quite a f ew require them to be away
rom o en classrooms because of music or inst ruction.
An in- library be ideal. A The technology .in McCarthy hall definitely n.eedsto be upgraded.A The. Wii=i '
expansion is good)\ Making the intramural fields nicer with lights and such is a very great idea, coming from an athlete
that practicesaf:!er th.e su go_es . __ . _ _ _ _ _
All of these proposalsA sound like a good idea in theory. However, I just do not see any realist ic improvement happening
in my remaining time tlilarli I am here. My family is below the poverty line, bouse is in the proeess of f oreclosure. I can
barely afford to make tme necessary payments for other ""student associat ed fees"". I refuse to take out st udent loans
because I do not want to be another statist ic. While I was listening to the prresell\tarli iorl, I began to chuckle. I know that I
work extremely hard for my r;money, when in reality this ""student sl'.l ccess initiatiive"" will not bring any real change while I
am here. I know I sound pessimistic, but I have been duped li:lefore by the CSU S)lstem. Don't get me wrong, I have Titan
pride. We have accomplished so much with the little funds we do receive. You don't need the latest technology to be a
scholar. I a(?P. reciate funds goi ng to Veterans and academic advising, and that's about it.A
I am strongly against paying for this Initiative as the President of our University took an extremely high salary and in
continuing to giver herself pay increases I I will pay more when she takes a cut too!! I want more mon.ey for faculty and
I find it cute that you gi!Jys are asking us if you can raise our h1it ion. A You already do this all t he t ime, anyhow. A Look at
how much the cost of tuition has risen over the last 20 years. A CSUF does not have lack-of -funds issue, CSUF has a
spending problem. A 90% of what is suggested in this video is fluff and you know it. A Want to sper1 d more on athletic
ifacilities? A Send these students to LA fitness. A $250 more per semester? A This is absurd. A You can get a gym pass for
$30f1 month. A Diversity hang-outs? A This is a college campus. A Go to class and go home. A The university does not
need to be responsible for providing you with f riends and a place t o hang out . A I have made fri ends all by myself at
school and I am extremely ir1t roverted. A I know you will keep raising t uit ion and f ees, no one is going to stop this. A Good
t hi ng I am almost finished with rny degree so I won't be subject to this nonsense anymore. A How about you figure out a
way to lower tuit ion and fees? A That's something worth tal king about.
I underst and CSFU needs more funding; however, not one of the students I spoke to said they could afford this increase in ,
f ees. If other CSU campuses are receiving more funds, who is the person that is stating their cases at the state level and
t he f ederal level because we need that person arguing for us. lfA the governmentl\ sees that we are able to f und our own
campus, then we will receive less and less money A from them each year.A lhis is how our government works. lfthis fee
must be implemented, C<?nsider a lower fee 1Nith9ut in a higher A _
Vhen I carefully looked at our school I can see the CSUF has to do better managed business plan on it's campus costs and,
observe carefully against students/instructors activity costs. Also try to invest on some projects that they will bring back a
good revenue. Now a days universities shouldn't just think to get all of its cost from the students they have to do
researches on some projects and sell it to the government or industry. This program seems to me that the university
struggle with its fund and try to open another path to provide its expenses and it is not completely persuasive and
acceptable. Because in my view CSUF needs better management. According to the statistics, there are programs that a
few students like to join them. So, running such these programs look not necessary any more, instead there are programs
that they are more demanding and by shuttin down them we can hel other ro rams .
.I fully understand the reasons. for hav-ing fh-is fee incre-ase: A 'i-Jowever I thin-k I can speak on behalf of all students who pay .
for school on their own by saying that any fee increase (even if its only about 80 dollars a year for 3 years) is really a
_A_ tspecj_al_ly whe:n_the _is a2Q9 . .. ".
Though I understand that CSUF is the lowest funded CSU, r do not feel that the students should have to bear the cost of
ensuring our school is competitive. The problem is at the CSU level and should be dealt with by representatives on the
CSU board. Having said that, I am willing to pay for some things which I will discuss later. However, I do not think it is
necessary to give $24 per student to the TSU and Athletic facilities. That is the highest cost in the breqkdown of the
proposed fee and it has nothing to clo with our education. lt is a category that takes the most money and is just fluff. The
TSU is plenty modern as are our athletiC facilities. I am willi-ng to pay $8 for access to upgraded technology, $10 for a
better instructional expetirnce1 $7 for enriching the path to graduation, and $13 for supporting academic progress. In
otal1 that is A $38, about half ofthe proposed fee for next year. Why should we spend more? We nee.d to focus on
McCarthy Hall, the Internet, providing more (and cheaper) parking, and !Jroviding more courses. Sh.1dents care more
about those things than whether or not the TSU is modernized. We have enough space on campus for students and we
don't ever hold all38,000 students in TSU at once. I think the problem with the initiative is that it is holding all ofthe
different concerns as necessary and they are not. Tuition has gone up enough. We need to pick the ones that are most
important. We already have a huge fee that goes to ASI (which spends it on things that most of us don't even benefit
from: like the Spring Concert). The statement is also true of this proposed increase, you are asking us to spend more
money on things that don't benefit us (Most of us are not athletes receiving those scholarships. Building maintenance
should not be our burden and neither should giving scholarships, we aren't billionaire philanthropists, we are students
who can barely pay for whail: we need, let alone what the school thinks it needs. Phrased differently and more colloquially,
we are in no position to be the school's sugar daddy). We need to spend our money more wisely and not try to charge
students for everything decision makers "''think'"' the school needs. Ask the students what they think we need, I'm sure it
will differ greatly. We need the bare minimum, the things that directly impact our education. I would like to clarify, that
though I believe all of the things the school want to improve sound like great ideas, I do not believe they should all be
funded by students. The school needs to find a different way to find funding, they need to fight for more funding from the
state and change up how the money is allotted. If CSULB gets $11M more than we do, there has to be a way we can get
too. It not be up to the students to subsidize the costA
. P believe there is no reason to raise student fees. If there really Is money lacking In these above areas, I suggest that CSUF
r<; ut back in funding In other areas, such as the very large administrative salaries, in order to channel It to the areas that
are lacking.
I am not willing to pay more than I already do to attend CSUF. I think the counsel ing services, student health services, and
use of the recreation center are plenty of resources for student success. I am frankly disappointed that these fee increases '
would even be proposed. It's bad enough that we have to worry about the state increasing our fees and now we have to
worry about our own university doing so. No thank you. The university has plenty to offer as it is. NO NEW FEES! I!
- . - -- '"' . _, -
Personally i t hink CSUF is f ine right now where it is. Keep f unding what is being funded but I do not really want to pay
anymore. Yes I underst and that many improvements can be made to CSUF with this fee. However please understand that
not only is CSUF having a tough time some of its' students are as well. Some students are attending here on a budget and
have t hier money set aside specifically for this. However increasing payment amount with an extra fee my very well cause
J:! roblems f inanci ally f or the student . TV 4 list ening.
I arn extremely disappointed in Fullerton, especially after taking this survey, A I think administration is playing in the
Ignorance and stupidity of students, which at the university level is absolutely pitiful A I think the questions are rigged and
asked in such a way that any regular student would agree to them, even if they do not necessarily agree with the increase.
A Students could obtain a better education at another school for a comparable price, which is something I am strongly
considering due to the degradation Fullerton has giyen way to recently. A The priorities'at this school are all wrong and I
f eel like we are promoting __ .
jThe f ees went down last year dwe to the passing of ome of the initiatives and that was a lot of help.A It is too soon to
increase the fees.A Perhaps I would support the fee increase in the future, but not now that the fees just went down.A
since as a credential student it has been very difficult to find a job.
If r arn to pay more for my tuition I would want the money to go towards being able toA create more classes that are
competitive to get and services for the student veterans. Where I disagree is that it goes towards student Athletics and
construction. Yes its true that the athletes work hard and practice in that specialized sport but doesn't mean that their
"--- __ __ ........ ___ ... __ .. ___ . . J
Increases in both tuition and student fees have been happening f or as long as I have been attending CSUF. This is the first
time I have seen a push t o expand athletic programs, clubs, tsu, technologies etc. I was under the impression that those
fees I already pay for were directly !Jaying for. these programs.A
It CSUF iias the m-ost students, how is -it we have the least income? WhereA does the rnoney we are curr ently bringing ..
inA go?A Maybe we Cqn reallocate the money we already have coming in to theseA programs (such as sports), and
__ _ _____________ . ___ _ _ ___ ..
I am not willing to pay more at all. Funds that are already being rec:eived is more than enough. But if this pay increase
goes through, I DO NOT WANT my money going into unnecessary sports or athletics; those things are just for fun and will
10t benefit me in any way nor for others. That is a HUGE waste of money. DO NOT use my funds or anyone else's for
athl etics or sports. What we have for sports is already enough. I strongly disagree to this pay increase because it is NOT
well thought out. Please, I beg of you, do not make me pay for something I am not going to use. Let those who want a
better athletics and s arts club a f or it themselves, not eve bocly else who will NOT use it .
I think. it will -be-t ocie-xpens.ive for student s-t o pay this fee.sincet.hey -pa-y so much money for school. I t hink it wil[-add one .
more expense for student which will be hard for students if it is already hard for them to pay the regular fee. Adding more
_fee_ will in<:_rease the financial
Don't come UJ! with reasons to charge us more money
--- -- - -. - . --- -- ------- -- - . --- ----
The is high: .. _ __ _ ___ ..... __ _
For near graduates I dont see how much it wi ll he I
I think is-good as is -without the-st'udents having to pay more. lim .struggl ing t o pay as it is.
low about lowering the pay and allowance for the president? As a matter of fact, lower it for all CSU presidents. It 's
be\fond ridiculous. Higher education is osed to be about education not trying to steal from college students. A
Class availability, especially for required upper level classes, should be the highest priority. Library hours, academic
tutoring, and improved facilities insofar as they don't effect class sizes are cute ideas, but if any student has to spend
another semester here because she couldn't get the classes she needed you have a serious problem. Fixing that problem
needs to take
tuition has double in the past 10 years due to Brown raising tuition, now that he has the funding why are we still being
charged more to attend? This is ridiculous II dont us the TSU, nor do I play sports or attend sports, so why do I have to pay
,-a-m goirig to be 'graduat ing in Spring of 2oi5,-and it doesn't seem like-th is fee- will do much-for those of us who -have only I
a year or less left. I understanp that all of these changes require time, but mo'St fi,kely it will take more titne than we will be
a round for. For that reason, I'm not very wi'lling to pay for anything at ai L fhis PCiwerPoint presentatiein makes the fee to be money used to improve our school because we are so low funded, but I was under the impression beforehand
that t his fee was heeded jUst so we could continue sustaining ourselves in the current state that we are. Is there any truth
t o that?
I watched the video for the student success initiative, but I think it is imponamt to take into account the tutoring services
being offered to students. The tutoring center is a big help to me and to many other students and currently in
Mihaylo college t utoring is only offered Mon-Thurs and for a 30 appointment The tutoring center is a big pa rt
student success for many students that struggle with some courses. The t wtoring center could imporve its services by
offering t utoring services on Fridays and for increasing the time a student meets with the tutor from 30 minutes to an 1
hour. The tutoring center helps students get closer to achieving success at CSUF by offeringA homework help and
nswerlng questions relating to In-class topics. Also, the video included the Disability cent er. This is a good area to help
I personally started CSUF last semester Fall 2013 and I was not able to be reviewed by a counselor and I struggled in
classes without t his help. From a personal experience this service should be available t o students right away in orde r
o get t he services t hey need In orde r to be a successful student at CSUF. Now In my second semester I still have not been
seen by a counselor and this is not good for the school and the students here at CSUF. Thank you for this video. I hope
do consider the Tutoring Center as part of the Student Success Init iative as well as jump right In to help the Disability
As a graduate student none of these changes would improve my experience at CSUF A I am only on campus one night a ,
[week and the fees I pay each semester as a part time student are high for only taking 2 classes. A I feel these
<:hanges are focused m0re on the undergraduate population. A I dor however, appreciate CSUF informing us of the
pror>Osed changes and why a new fee may be seen on my bill.
I t hink the burden of paying additional fees should not be Imposed on students, there are too many other degree related
Thank you I
I carne to CSUF because it had low fees. I am not R.l!Y extra for thiQgs we don't really need.
* noticed that t he presentation stated that t he fees are subject to change on admission prices and inflation.
that t he cost of college continues t o rise, how can we be assured that our fees will not skyrocket and become a
financial burden to manv of us who atreaqy_have accumulated t housands of doUars of debt.A
Money should be spe ntren ovating and expanding buildings and facilities In departments that strongly need space and
resources such as the Engineering department. Only when the educational faciliti es in this school are top-notch and the
students have tools f rom this century (Engineering tools and from the 1960's) should the unive rsity eve n pursue funding a .
f<?r the already modern student u._ nion. _ _ - - .
Ridiculous. 6 million doll ar increase overall f or things like '"' cult ural diversity"" and funding an athletic program lacking a
football t eam.A (
Some people won't be able to benefit from any of these thi ngs since they'll be graduating soon and paying $250 out of ouri
own pocket isn't fair. Some people don't have an extra $250 to give to our school. We already pay a lot of money of
_tuit ion, books, and everything else, just adding another $2SQ to our expenses is just asking for too . .
Tuit ion is already expensive and the parki ng permit has gone up so this f ee is a great idea but none of it should be going to
athlet ics. They should be raising t heir own monev. t o better their Rrograms.A
I feel like school is already so expensive and in the tuition fee I am already paying for things I don't even use often or
things I don't even know about. Last year we just got CSUF to agree to keep our tuition lower yet now we want to add an
additi onal fee onto it I feel like its a step backwards, A I think there are some really good ideas and i liked how the video
was dear and straight forward but i don't see A how the additional fees are worth it. A I feel like these fees are targeted to
only a certain amount of people out of 38000 and instead of the whole 38000. i would be willing to pay more for tuition if
it is guaranteed this money will help and every student instead of select students)\
If these fees are impler.nemted I believe that there should be an option whether you want to pay or mot. A If you pay you
enjoy t hose services and not tltl en tlllere is no access.A For who purely wmmut e, t here is no incentive to pay
t hese additional fees wlll er1 we wom't util ize the1111.
I highly suggest that the California State University, Fullerton President hold meetings with the CSU Chancellor to disc;uss
the unfair allocation of funding bet ween the CSU campuses before asking students what their thoughts on for increasing
tuition. I believe that It Is the responsibilitY o.f the tsLiF administration to work on equity among the CSU campuses. Once
all other solutions have been exhausted, theri students should be asked about raising campus tuition. Nobody w.ants to
pay more, especially those that are paying for their Gwn tuition and have other monetary responsibilities. I emphas.ize
again, the administration needs to work with t he CSU Chancellor regarding equity .. . CSUF should by no means settle for
_other th_a!' - J __ . -- _ _ __ .. -. ... ... .. ... .. --
About t ime. Biggest school s,hould be t!;)e most advanced.
I am a masters student that finished my sped teaching credentials with CSUF. A My entire tuition at CSUF have been
wi t hout the assistance of the st ate because of the budget cuts. A I have paid excessive tuition fees without any aid and
strongly feel that this initiative is unnecessary. A TSU, campus wifi, sports team, and other campus projects are on par or
better than other local universities in the area. A Upgrades .at this time are unnecessary (!nd it is very unfair to ask current '
students today to pay for project s that won't be realized until years down the line. A these '
project s are not even helpful to me because I am an off-campus student. A Therefore, I shouldn't be forced to pay into
___ __ _ __ - _ _
Inst ead of putting t his cost on students you could t ake it out of t he administration. From my understanding t he CSUF
president makes a large of money and was given a house with t he j ob. There is also the option of getting Ed
Royce to help. He sits in a safe district, but if you put him up to doing something other t han sitting around he may actually
do something. There is also trhe problem of aftiording this education as it is. CSUF is ranked 35 accordi ng to US News. I
don't know about you, but t hat looks low when your talking about increasing my f ees. I work full-t ime pl us have f inancial
assist ance and hardly make enough to support my bills plus the f ees f or college. There is no reason to pass the puck on
imP- roving t he programs t hat you should be woviding
1 do not agree with any of these .t hings that would potentiaily be funded. Majo.rity of the. s-tudents t hat go here do NOT use
1e thousands of free resources as it is. There are workshops/events/resources that pretty much like 20 people are using.
Why would we add more fees if people dont even use the resources that we are alreadyyyy paying for? LOWER THE
PARKING FEES and maybe people will be will ing to pay for this change possibly within the next few years, but as of now,
its a vote to NOT have this RUt into !Jiace.
Even t hough the SSI seems like a great idea; expanding on the TSU, wireless communications throughout the campus,
along with improved technology inside classrooms, buildings, and so forth, the athletics program is still widely too funded.
lfhe majority of the population at CSUF are general students who attend for classes such as accounting, language,
mechanical engineering, biology, and so forth; Not at hletics. Some students do atte nd atheletics; however, we shouldn't
have entire fundings going straight to athletics and hoping students would join sports then. I agree with the whole funding
for classes, adding classes, and expanding classes so there's more varieties in classes, but I don't agree with a big port ion
of the funding goi ng t o athletics. Maybe a small IJOrtion but a bigger portion should be going to academics .
. I f it can h" ernaiiona(sh iCienis-to get loan or.grants it is -good: since Tam iiiternat ioilcii(student we ire a ire ady payirig
a atn yvillingto m_ore a.ct!yities that tb _me .. .. . _
I am willing to pay for things that are act ual1ly about student success, but sports seem very irrelevant and it seems
mappropriate to require students, who not only are not active in sports but dislike them, to pay for their improvement.
Something that seems to be neglected in this program was the Honors Program and other high achieving scholarship
programs. The Honors center is being relocated to a smaller, shared location from its place in the library, yet all this
money is going to other programs. Wit h a HUGE research project to do for the program, I would appreciate if the school
actually_Q_ay attention to the needs of honors students and scholars.
-his is already a great instit ution. It has far more tban whatA students need to succeed. Students need affordable,
informative books to read. They needA teachers to explain the more difficult concepts of the book, as welt as any
additional information. They need a quiet place to sttldy a.nd do any assigned homework. And they need ac-cess to
computers, as well asA a tutoring cen'1ier in cas.e tmey' re st ill struggling with a particular concept. Anything else is likely to
be a distraction. As long as the books, teachers and tutorsA are of the necessary quality, and the students are willing to
put in theA time and effort to learn,A then students willl have the success they desire; Let's try to keep the price
ofA education, especially at CSUF, at a level everyone can afford without increasing the amount of debt they build up any
moreA than is absolutely necessary.
lfhe Titan St udent Union does NOT need an expansion (maybe a modernization, but NOT expansion); t his Is unnecessary
as it Is used at an adequate capacity by students. This also applies for disability services and veteran services- they do
notA need to be Improved or expanded at this time. The money needs t o be put Into upgrading thlnss like the campus WI
Fi, Improving t he quality of t he food served at the Gastronome, Ubrary hours (an excellent Idea by the way), etc. Although
are plans for these Improvements, It needs to be taken more seriously and put under higher priority. I am voting for
additional fee, but It needs to be .used wisely. Lastly, If we are t he lowest funded school out of all t he other Cal States,
LErS DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If we need more money for services that should already have been taken care of,
need to notify someone higher up rather t han just lnfonnlng the students and not offering a solution as to how Cal
Fullerton Is working on looking for more funding. (Assuming you are) These are all thlnss that need to be taken care
pf. I can help If need be. l _ , . 1
I li ke the wifi expansion a nd the increased fun li ng for library hours during finals, as well as better st udying e nvironments.
It s l ust real1y e_x for all t his and are stru lin to ay_, as it _is_.A ____
The 240$ per semester increase is way too much, and instead of trying to have students pay for this increase why don't
you guys try and convince the government to give more funding to csuf with all the statics you just showed instead of
trying to have students pay for stuff they already can't afford.
Tuition is barely affordable as it stands. Any ot her fees higher would be unacceptable. Cal state Fullerton's current funds
and where they go should be reeval uated. We can cut certai n areas in order to provide aid to projects and problems that
student to tackle. A t uit ion is !lOt a solution that is he!_Eful to students. __ _ . _
I am led to believe that I will be paying for construction and upgrades to technology that I will never see because I will
have graduated by t he time these initiatives have been implemented. I am strongly against paying for something that I
will never benefit from.
I f eel that the Student Success Initiative is a good step towards improving CSUF. But there are so much more that needs to
be done that just upgrading our wifi and tsu. For inst ance, I think we need a more modernized McCarthy Hall. As a biology
maj or and a transfer student , I felt more than a little let down when I f irst stepped into that building. And considering that
McCarthy Hall is the building I will be spending all my time at, I feel that it is severely outdated. How, as a biology student,
am I to remain competitive with outdated labs and lecture halls? I also believe that funds need to be .allocated towards
advisement. There is no way as a Senior t hat I should have to be taking classes that I had taken as a freshmen at a
Co111111unlty College. The lack of advisemeht and cordialness is appalling. I also f eel that since this university does
accommodate a large population, there should be more resources for the library and parking. The last thing a student
wants t o do is stress about getting parking when t hey' should be focusihg on their classes. A school this size should have
adequate parking facilities. Alii khow is t hat last thing IINant to be charged for is pa-ying for someone else's ride here,
a!!Jie! e. _lf _[_havf _t<;> _ _ea_y_f'::' !! t.C}..O}: . _____ ___ _______ . _ _ ... .. __ _
I understand the need to raise fees,but I think a disproportionate amount is goi,mg to thinks like athletics and a student
Union. A The success of every student should be the top priority. A If funcl img is so the athletics department should
wait until the eco-nomy improves and state funding increases for 1!1hese Rrogpililili\S.
I disagree to this fee initiative. I have chosen to attend Cal State Ftlllerton, because it is a public university and the cost is
As a state institution, I believe that Cal State Fullerton should not be raising student fees in order to improve
the school. Cal State Fullerton needs to lobby harder at the state level to secure funding for activities like these. I firmly
believe that it is unfair for other students to be paying additionqJ fees to fund scln!tD4arship for athletes.A
ifhe following may sound a little harsh but I mean no disrespect. Forcing international CS grad students to take
prerequisite courses just to make some money because CSUF doesn't get enough state funding, in my humble opinion, is
wrong. I have EIGHT prerequisites and I DON'T NEED TO take them because I've already taken all of them in my
Undergrad. Eight prerequisites are Absolutely Unfair to me and hence I am also considering to apply elsewhere f or
transfer. However, Student Success Initiative is an honest move by title university explicitly saying ""listen students, we
don't hav:e enough money, so we're asking all of you to pay a littl bit extra!"" So I swpport this initiative and I have no
RfOblem in_p_aying the RfOposed extra fee. Thanks .
..,..._. --..,....__ __. ---- ..... --
I do not believe the students should be held respohsible f or t he funding of school improvements. It is understood we are
one of t he lowest f unded CSU but wit h that said students already pay f ees f or their education. Students expect the best
education. There has to be other ways to raise f unds. If the Student Success Init iatives isA passed a majority of graduating
students will n()t reap t he benefit. However, I do agree that fut ure deserve a better education.
There are some of us who do not qualify for financial aid and who can barely afford school as it is. A I think it's best to
.eep tuition as low as possible especially because it looks like this fee would be used for things that have nothing to do
with a the avera e student.
1. Students can enrich their path to graduation by joining a fraternities or clubs. There are even graduate students that
may give useful advice. 2. Funding Athletic programs should not be a priority. Education comes first. Only athletes benefit
from every student 's wallet. 3. As a veteran, I never had any kind of problem getting my paperwork processed through
the VA. 4. Embracing diversity can be attained through clubs. lnvestmemts in parking structures deserve more ,
attention. It is the biggest complaint I have.A It is ridiculous how much tuition has risen since 2008. Why must
to riJ)-off ._ __ __
almost never at capacity. As for the lights that go off maybe we should just get LED replacements and save money in the
long run. As for the upgrading of technology in class rooms ... my question is why? Most if not all have projectors,
computers, and power.point with speakers .... WHAT MORE DO WE NEED??????? I mean seriously back when I started
college professors just wrote on the white boards and called it a day, most of my classes professors just read off
powerpoint slides and dolil't even bother using the provided white or chalk boards. The wifi doesn't need to be
expanded .. . ! swear the dude who gave this presentation is a noob. The reason the servers are bogged down is because of
the amount of users on the old hard drives on the servers and the BAND WITH I l l Expanding wifi simply means adding
more wifi extenders/repeaters which wouldn't do anything. I am all for upgrading the servers to solid state drives and
doubling the bandwith so that students can actually use the internet but ""expanding the wifi"" is not the answer. Our
gym and fields seem to be in tip top shape, even our tennis courts seem fine to me so I'm not sure where the need is
there either. If the teams need more money why not just go back to the High School days and fundraise? Academic
iadvising basically just sucks out CSUF that is very true, so yes we need more people in there and we need to better train
people who are working already. As for the keeping up with giving students free software I just don't see that as
J eliable or feasible. I'm sony but there are plenty of freeware solutions that work just as well as MS OFFICE if not better.
:fhe real software we should be giving them free access to are the programs like SPSS or the adobe suite if needed. BTW
the person said he got photoshop for free Ill This is a lie it costs 40 dollars for the one year license. Again the specialty
software I'm talking about is too expensive to be feasible to give to the students for free. I say switch over to freeware
and train everyone In it. This will cut costs drastically in the long run. As for the IT help deski THIS IS NOT NEEDED Ill I I Why
not just have the IT guys make the website more user friendly??? Everything Is like a jumbled mess in some parts of the
website ... Why pay for more IT people when should be paying for our current IT personnel to do a better job I Not to
mention just making tutorials Into a pdf or ppt slide or video for people to look at and mimic. In conclusion I feel that most
of what you guys propose to do Is a waste of money and I for one don't want to pay the amount of a second parking pass
so the school can look better. Improve the programs that we need and don't waste our hard earned money on crap!
why aren't the hire ups at the school lowering there salaries to give back to the school they work at? Do they really
deserve a 3 figure salary for their jobs? There are tons of areas we could make price cuts to Implement all of the changes,
however needless I think they are. Much of this seems to me like the smoking ban Idea where we cost the school more
money than what It was worth.
Maybe, instead of CSUF getting the short end of the-stick out of the 23 c;;su campuses, the funds are spread a bit more
evenly. A It does not make sense for one the most populated campuses to get one of the lower swms of money. A Perhaps
instead of making students pay a few hundred dollars more per semester; the current amount of funds should be spread

Dear Jews, Go fuck yourselves. Your propaganda video lists CSU Fullerton's student fees as t he 21st lowest in the CSU
yst em. THERE ARE ONLY 23 CAMPUSES IN THE SYSTEM. The fact that only 2 1ocations are j ewwing students harder than
us is NOT A GOOD SELLING POINT for your shit ty initi ative. Not to mention t hat half of the ""i mprovements" " touted by
the pl an are excl usive for a select few students.A The athletics field improvements will not help a student pass a math
cl ass and a cultural center (read: only there to help blacks and women) will not help a white mal e write a business
proposal. The sports divi sion of campus already has t he ability to make money by selling ti cket s to games. I came to this
campus to learn, not to watch athletes spend my, money runni ng aroumd om a fi eld. If you want more money, take it from
t he bulging wallet of President Mildred ""I don't give a shit about student s"" Garcia. $325k per year is a hefty salary, not
t o mention the $3.4 MILLION mansion she gets to liv. e in. She dcoesn't need that place to host ""fundraisers" " for the
I arn against the extra fee to students. A Students already. sacrifice enough and pay enough out of their own pockets as
well as going ihto debt to attend school. A CSUF already has plenty of other fees and addit ional costs. A I dont think that
Increasing the cost to the student will help students have a better experience in school. A It may intrease the pay for
instruct ors, administrators and other CSUF employees, b\.l t I highly doubt lt will improve anything for students. A I would
suggest taking a good look at where the money is going that CSUF currently has and receives. A I can guarantee that there
are of money holes are and could be money needs to be ken s!udents.
Most of these questions are very vague with the imt ent t Cil improv.e such things. Are they goi ng to improve each of these
coll eges that do not have all that is in the pl am? 0 arre these more adcllitions to coll eges that have already imJ!lroved
est abli shments? Since many of the reasons t o inli: rease st udent tuition fiees seem bi ased, uncl ear, use com(il arisons to
other colleges that use t here money wisely for st ucd ent demands and needs. I do no agree wi t h t hi s plan.A
For those whom f inancial aid(FAFSA) cover all their ext:Jenses t his increase in st udent fees may seem insignificant t owards
'their educational expenses. However, t here are the other side of us who do not receive enough or barely enough to cover i
for tuition. However, <!semester alone as it is is taking me and hundreds of other st udents about $2000 a semester for
books, materials, and on top of that an increase in student fees from which WE have to PAY OUT OF POCKET! I These
expenses are going towards good causes but increasing student fees is not quite t he only solut ion. ASI needs to
administrate their f unds better and really weight their priorities. Do they really want to over spend on SPRING CONCERTS
or should they maybe ihvest in somet hing that serves the diverse group of students in campus?A A better IDEA would be
to cut back on President Garcia
s sky-rocking paycheck to maybe built-up, repair, and assist the st udents from the
UNIVERSITY she is SUPPOSED to REPRESENT. It is shameful ext temely ridiculous having to witness how hard-working
'students f rom all social classes have to stretch their paychecks to invest in something t he school and its leaders should be
working on. It is unfair and cynical to have to see how students keep getting targeted when the school something.
Am I angry, upset and completely against the fee increase? Hmmm, YOU BET I AM. I am confident that soon we will
submit a sign petit ion to whoever it is that is up there above President Garcia. Maybe it is time t o act, maybe her
paycheck should be look at, perhaps we can find the soluti on to our economical necessity t here.
11ere was no information on exactly what will be improved for career center. The video stated that the career center
would be expanded so that students can 'drop in' to figure out their future career. Students can already do that, what is
the fee increase going to change for us? Secondly, I did not hear about this so called Student Success Initiative until my
iberal Studies professor announced it in class and suggested we take a look as it would increase semester fees. And I
ound out that this Initiative plan was going on before that I There was no posters present on campus and the video on the
portal appeared just last week.A Paying $240 more in student fees every semester does not sound appealing when
The library deserves a ""face lift"", as well as the rest ofthe buildings, Money needs to go towards renovating the
restrooms across the older buildings! Those automatic soap and papet towel dispensers are almost useless because they
are always dead. The stalls are covered in grafitti and do.not close. !tis an inconvenience} ..
'As a student who t akes online classes and is not local t o campus, I do not want to pay anymore for services t hat I will
NEVER access. A
So the teachers don 't ca"i-e!i the students are. paying for themselves right ? Have students pay for everyt.hihg. they'
need. College students can't pay for every single thing.A They don't need any more debt.A The timing isn't right. lhe
isn't that __ .
I really don't care for campus renovations or extra programs to assist studlents and I'm sure a large portion of the student
1opulation agree with me. If they put in their own effort, every student Is capable of high achievement with little to no
external support. The only thing, In my opinion, worth allocating money towards would be to create more class sections in
high fields. That's the only thing that has a direct effect on whether or not a student graduates In a timely manner.
I know this initiative will help us out in several ways, but I do not feel comfortable paying more money for athletics or for
white boards. These areas are not essential to learning. I don't agree with having any of the money tb go to Athletics. I
also think it would be a good idea t o increase the amount but slower and in smaller amounts. It makes it easier to

he same t ime)\ I cannot afford more money coming out of my pocket . Here are the reasons why I believe this init iative
is absurd and even hypocrite. A The word success is arethe achievement of something desired, planned, or
attempted. A First I disagree with the initiative, because a library open 24 hours during finals is point less. This idea
supports the senseless notion of restudying to t he t est.a Would you really remember anything after the finals?A The
best way to study is little by little and not goi ng to ttle library 24 hours duri ng f inals week. This initiative is not looking for
students at:resuccess,a it is supporting laziness, there for it is hypocrite. A Every time I go t o the library (morning,
afternoon, or night ) there are always free computers./\ If a student needs t o work on a proj ect from school she/ he can
easily f inish a whol e essay at t he library. The Wi-Fi, works just fine there. Now, if a student needs more coverage, of Wi-Fi,
to use Facebook, lntagram, Twi tter or other social media, I strongly bel ieve they should pay more to t heir providers or do
it at home. l ets be honest, we do not want Wi-Fi t o write papers in t he quad.A This point is unrelated to success. There
re t ons of alternative already in school to success. Wi-Fi is not one. I rather pay $50 more to Veri zon for extra gigabytes
than $250 for moreaceWi-Fi M:. A Till e initiative want s to create more cl asses. I honestly believe instead of introduci ng
more classes, this initiative should create more cont rol over prof essor. Creat e a program wher;e prof essors can teach
because they really want stl!lclemt s tm learn, and not only for thei r eval uation and, of course, their pay rise. The curve-
system for grading is the highest aet o;fi h'6pocrisy a Jilrofessor can have. A professor should be at CSl\JI' because she/he
want s to teach, because she/he wants the stl!l dents to learn, and because she/he wants them to get As. After all,
arena'Mt you a successf ul pr1Dfless0r w,lil en y,our sttr dent s learn? I will not discuss grade inflation mer.e, but where is t he
truly educational vocation? We do not meed more classes, what we need is more educati on; we lileed more professors
who want us to learn. If you do not want t0 teach, go to a law-fi rm, there you can work for mol'ley. If you want to be at
CSUF teach me, educate me, inspire me, but don not give me my grade based on a curve system. A A A A Finally, looking
at t he Student Success Initiat ive Al'location, it seems (aFid like most of t he cases in universit ies) t he majority of money is
oing to Athletics f aci lities. My 0pi mio111 can be egocentrric about this subject, but academic su,eeess does nof! mecessary
require t hat much m0ney supporti ng sports. Stated t l1is, la"' m not saying that sports are not important; I st rongly
believe t hat sports are as irmportal'lt as education: is for a healthy body and mind. However, what I di sagree with is t he
amount of money desigmated for t his c:ategory. I do believe it is fai r to give the 30% of t he money to sports, when t he
Neterans St udents Services, (i)i sabi lity Support Services, and Diversit y will only get 2% of the money (or 6% for that
Embrace Diversi ty and Vet erans Categor.) A I stron ly di sa ree with the Students Success Init iative and refuse t o a
lim- not willinito-pay"Tor any o{these services-that I be receTving, Ali these thi ngs "ii'sted in t he video are '" -
things any good school should be giving me. And I think that if you can't invest the thousands of dollars you're already
If tution is going to increase an extra $240 now, when will it stop increasing? I thought tuition was supposed t o go down
wit h proposition 30. Why would I keep payi ng inc:reasing tut ion to listen to your professors shove their political views
down my t hroat. What is next? Are y,ou going t o dtarge student t o use the drinkif'! gfountains CJn campus?
If these programs and improvements are also for the benefit of new students, then CSUF should do a better job in
promot ing these services to them. During last year's orientation new students,A the services mentioned in the SSI
presentation were only looked at briefly. For now, it leaves me wondering why I should increaseA my fees for the next
academic year A for services I have not used in the last year. By agreeing to pay, students will most likely want to take fu ll
advantage vy!ll _ . . __ . . . __
I don't believe we shoul d be spending MORE money, especially money t owards athletics or expanding t he TSU. The
athletics program seems to be getting f unded a lot anyway, and I' m pretty sure the TSU is fine the si ze it is now. Its great
we'll be adding more courrses f or l;tighly demanded cl asses, but shouldn't that al ready be a priority? Shouldn't t he
;tuit ion we r.ay cover t hat? Why shoul <rl we have t o pay EXTRA for education that we alreaqy_
Ve the students should not be paying for these. They should already be provided by the state or from tuition fees. It all
sounds so well on paper , but I am sure there are other ways to get this funded. Who would not want any of these
advancements proposed? Everybody does! I just do not think it is the students responsibility to pay for it .The students
should not be paying for their academic success. This is unfair to treat academia as an institution of business. Otherwise,
money should not be charged when it comes to someones education/knowledge.
Please help -the athletic programs that are-n't fully funded towards a better funding, instead of just cutting them all
together. Thank you.
_ _.._ .. . ... . _ . .. - . - _ ... __ . _ ...._ ___ _ ..... _ ... ,_;,""' -= ... --...
iYou guys mention having the library open 24/7 during finals but what about during the school year? Not everyone has t he
same schedule; If t he library could open up earlier and close at a later time I'm sure a lot of student s would be happy
about this. I woul d be willing to !Jay if library hours extended much longer.
I agree with everything t ha-t has to do with students academic experience, I wi.i l be gt'ad t o pay-for rrtore Ciasses, extenci ed
hours for student access areas, and for better technology. A I do not support paying for athletics. They should fundraise
pwn_ . . _ _ ___ .
I don't know what you mean by this: ""Enrich your pat h to graduation-High impact practices."" Is thisA referrlngA t o lack
of core classes? lA don'tA think ""pride"" has much to do wlthA success. weA shouldn'tA offer at hletic scholarships. t hey
hould all be academic. We should offer moreA opportunities$. for low Income or underA representedA people such a
women In math andA sciences. giving people money for playing sports Is not the purpose of education. In fact, It is a time
distraction away from studies. The tsu Is one of t he nicest buildings on campus, it doesn't need to be upgraded or rebuilt.
It doesn't serve much of a purpose anyway. It would be nice If there were more study areas outside of the library or tsu
hat are Indoors and quite. Sometimes I would like to sit Inside and study near the humanities buildings when Its cold. I
don't want t o walk all the way across campus. There should be more funding for graduate studies. That would probably
make people more successful than building a new baseball field. We have a commuter campus, I don't think people would
even stick around of show up for sporting events. I live across the street and I wouldn't. A I also don't think people CARE,
UF Is not a sports school. I thought we were famous for our business and nursing schools. if the athletics department
ants more money, why don't they sell tickets to their events and make the money on thelr 'OWn. Don't charge all
tudents fees that only some students whl actually benefit from. All students would benefit from the educational
dvancements like more classes, more advfsfns, more full time professors. Only a handful Of students participate In
thletlcs. Also, it would be better to have wlfl upgraded outside of classrooms first since we don't need It In the class
room as we should be paying attention to the professor and not on our phones/tablets/laptop!: on facebook ect. This Is a
classic example of how messed up the educational system Is. We were promised no tuition hikes and this Is exactly what
hat is. The questions should be why does CSUF get less funding? not how can we squeeze our students to pay for things
hey don't want or need. I wonder what organltatlons are behind these fees, my bet Is TSU and athletics. Also there
hould be NO administrators on a S11JDENTfee board. It is also really unethical to Intimidate student leaders to back the
dminlstrators. What are these administrators teaching us? I also question how upgraded technology really benefits my
earning experience. I have felt there was a need for additional technology. also If there was a guarantee of where
he money was going and the exact numbers {how many more advisors, ext}, It would make me more comfortable to
upport the ones that I do support. I also don't trust that money wont be reallocated to the tsu or athletics after the f ee Is
I feel that the main concern is for athletics and not really our education. I believe that students that ohe to participate in
athleti cs should be able to find their own scholarships just like the rest of us. There are many businesses and
organizations that are dedicated to athletes)\ My Main concern is that I did not see the art department get mentioned
once. We have many talented and professional advisors and instructors that try to help us with our art degree but
sometimes leave us short because the school doesn't tie the art department that much attention. We have an awesome
team for the arts and its sad because not many students can afford art trade schools because they are expensive. With
just a little more help and worrying about the TSU later would be a lot better. ALSO I think we should definitely figure out
t he parking rnoneyat T?U . ..

I am extremely disappointed by the fee increase. NONE of the programs will benefit me! I don't want to pay, and I cannot
afford to pay! I am a dist anc::e-learner in a graduate program. I work full time, so pay out of pocket for my students f ees
since I do not receive fed assistance for school so an extra $250 will make it even harder for me to stay in school!
Th e very concept of increasing spending on student athletics is a crock. I'm paying for an education, not sports activities. If
anyt hing, funding should be going towards increasing class availability and class sizes. I would rank sports; the
career center and all other non-essential services at the very bottom of my priority list. I'm paying enough as is to get
what I consider at this point in my educational career to be a very mediocre education. Professors should not have class
sizes so that they are forced to subscribe to horrendous online homework services to get grading .done- put the
money wher.e it to

into into !llore an_d into ni()re _a.vaila.bility. _ .
I thi nk t here are other areas where t he money can be better SJ!lent. For example parking sit uati on as well as longer hours
avail able at the rec cente". I don't t hink we would need t o improve the !!:areer center if we are already improving advising
(which I do beliieve needs to be improved).A
lfhe greatest growth in costs in universiti es is from added lrlire adjunct. administrators, rather than adjunct
professors, to save money. Do not increase fees until the problem oftop-end administrative bloat has been addressed
and solved. The first question in this survey is not appropriate. It asks if I understand something that you are stating. I
know how to read. I also know how to read between the lines. In an economy of scale, a school with more students does
not need as much money per-student. Presumably, if the smart people are running the school, even making a larger order
of toilet paper will yield a reduced per-unit price. Now think of all the other things a school buys, and for whi ch they can
negoti ate with suppliers. The first '"'question'"' asks me to disagree or agliee that I understand something. I hope this
""question''" will not be used as a tool for persuasion . .\ I will mark ""strong! disagree"" not because I'm stupid, or can't
understand what the words mean, but because I suspect you'll use tt as a li11\etr.ic of your argument. You, the creator of the
want really to convince me to like the fee. This survey is not to gatfuer my opinion, but to better steer your
persuasive efforts, I'm sure. In these respects, the survey is '"'bunk"". Economies of scale are a simpl e concept that,
Rerhaps, should be aRpended to the survey.A Again, no new costs please)\
this school. These nice things have been being repeated over and over again. It seems like the speaker will soon be a true
,Jolitician. He presented a bunch of nice things in his speech if given emough funding.A But in my opinion, if given enough
furading, every one can do the things the he said he would. ""Yes, if I had the moliley."" The real challenge is that without
the funding or minimal funding, what could be done that would benefit the whole schooi.A Extending the GE counseling
center is not going to be as useful. I would rather propose that each student is required to take a one unit course that
shows them how to read the school catalog with all the regulation and all things entails and the students can carry it on
their own. That would cut down the number of students who need help with GE counseling, but rather they will only need
aGE counselor to verify their plans. That would not take as much time and effort as they progress along. This unit class
also teaches the students how to ''"read"" a catalog or a student manual. It seems like a silly thing to mention but based
on my experience, not so many students actually pick up the manual, let alone reading it oh their own. Improving the
network and internet, extending the coverage outside the buildings is going to be beneficial to a few people. Most people
in America have internet. {f they don't, Starbutks free WiFi would do just fine. Network burden is highest on Monday and ,
Wednesday when most people having their classes and they have to b$ at school. But after the hours, say before 8 am, or
after 4 pm, or other days and the rest of the week, the internet and the network are actually pretty good. So if we have to
live with limited internet sources for a few hours, I think it is OK. Extended library hours is actually practical and nice.
However, if students only need a plate to study, I would offer the classrooms after hours frorn many buildings on campus, .
if the rooms are available. Alternati\tely, the TSU extended hours are nice too, but the choice should just be either, not
both, Extending to 24-7 IT support is not benefi.tial to the whole school. If someone needs help, simply ask him to come
during opening hours. Even Apple store with super profits could not do the 24-1 thing, why would anyone think that
would be a good idea that will benefit everyone. Veteran Services. should be extended sr.nce I have the most respect and
would like to pay homage to owr service men and women. But this thing should mostly eome from the tax dollars of each
citizens, i.e., the States and State of California. I wish not to overlap their duties. Titan pride is the thing that I coul.d n!ver ;
understand. As much as I hate to say this, our school is just an average school among other in the nation. So please
on one thing at a time, and the focus should be in academia. Keep shouting Titan Pride sounds really I
ridiculous, after all, Titans were gods who lost the battle to Zeus. One more thing, I have been raised to be humble to
some extend, and pride is something that should never be encouraged. I am gratefl!ll and happy to be a CSUF student, and
that is it. Furthermore,A As a graduating senior, I do not.E.articularly or have ever been in my life favor sports. I am sure
I am very happy and grateful to attend CSUF, but I chose t o apply to, and subsequently attend, CSUF with the
understandin that its low rice would come with li mitations in a varle of areas. I don't want to Increase the t uition.
I think some of these ideas are great, such as more services for the disabled and veterans. Academic advising is VERY
important and a VERY BIG PROBLEM at CSUF. However, this should have been implemented and prioritized long ago. My
concern is in raising tuition for aU this to take place. So shouldn't this already be implemented withowt having to raise
tuition again? I think we already pay enough and we aren't being told exactly where the fees we pay are going. What
about our $230 parking pas& Isn't that enough to take a bit out of everyone to begin implementing these projects. Also, I
think some other things are more important and cost less money. For example, having workable and efficient printers in
the library. Why hasn't that been fixed? Students will liTERALLY wait HOURS to get there papers printed. That is
'As a Junior at CSUF I've seen how unevenly distributed t he funds are. I belong to a club that keeps having troubles wit h
the KNES building. I am not will ing to pay for funds if t hey will not support clubs that have been neglected for so long.
here are many student clubs that are not provided with adequate space for practices while other clubs are given space
and storage. As a student it is frustrat ing to not be able t o connect to t he internet all the time and that is something I
auld be willi ngA to pay for, but it looks like it will only be a few places t hat it will have the best connection. Classes do
need to be added, but who is going to decide what classes get to be added? Who will benefit t he most? I don't beli eve
What promises do we have that we'll even get what we want? This is like politics: ""Give me votes and I'll do all THIS for
you!"" but in reality NOTHING get s done .. , This is ridiculous. Tuition has already gone up so much, I'm sick of this, We
fin all y to the ag() noiJ:' rieht back up
Most of t he initiatives do not affect me, other than the double wifi capacity. That is the only thing I would be will ing to pay
f or.A

I do not agree with the SSI proposed fee increase.A I recognize CSUF receives the lowest state funding per student
and I
also recognize tSUF has one of the lowest f ee rates in the CSU system.A However, I do not believe swch a steep increase
in fees, t hough gradual, is the answer to this lack of funding.A I am not willing to pay this fee, and I am not willing to
impose this fee on future CSUF students who are not yet a part of the CSU system.A After viewing the presentation, it
appears to me that the motivation behind this proposed fee increase is to primarily increase the prestige of the campus.A
. '
I believe CSUF provides students wit h quality education ?hd services.A I chose to attend CSUF due tq the fac;t that I mc:w ,
receive a quality education for an affordable price.A With such a steep fee increase over the next three years, I de not :
believe that students coming into the University post fee implementation will have the same opportunity to an affordable ,
education.A In general, I am not opposed to a fee increase.A I am opposed to this fee increase due to its amount A I
need to word your questions better. A Of course I would pay to upgrade everyt hing you st ated above. A My question
is, what the hell are you guys doing with the money now? A As far I'm concerned, I haven't seen anythi ng a lot of services
now, so why would I give you guys more money i111 HOPES of us getting more services later. A It does not make sense. A I
!saw an academic advisor, A because all the classes I needed to take were closed. A She told me I should take elective
classes. A Elective classes?! I don't pay you guys thousands of dollars every semester to classes that don't get me
A Paying more will not solve the incol1l'lpetent ones we have currently, j ust more of them. A I would
recommend focusing on improving or replacing t lrte things we currently have now (and l;rn talking mostly about the staff)
instead of just getting more. A
- . --- ..... "I
I really like 24 hour library 2 weeks before finals ... it's even better if 24 hour all the time, but I realize that would be even
more expensive. But I'm willing to a-ll ocate all the money from the other sections (HIP, Titan Pride, Modernize student
spaces, etc) to 24 hour library not j ust 2 weeks before finals but also 2-3 weeks after semester starts. I also li ke the
expansion of course availability, because a lot of Kinesiology classes needed for graduation are offered only for ONE 1
section ... Kinesiology is one oft he most popular major at CSUF and there's not enough sect ions offered. Other t han that,
I don't like t he idea of funding at hleti cs and upgrading TSU. TSU is al ready modern in my opinion and I don't need it t o be
X":" 1us_t l}_q!willi l)g tb I j hei re
One specific request for supporting my academic progr.ess is gett!i ng rid of online homework in math fields.
be given grants to hire grading assistants. Online math l:lomework is not efficient. Students learn differently online
than with pencil-on-paper, and then are expected to take a pencil -on-paper exam. I think the budget should include
[grants for things such as this.
'ts not very convincing t o place t he issues of at hletics groups into this survey since many students have little to do with
t hem unless they are involved on t he school' s t eams. I thi nk It would be more worthwhile if the SRC were to be expanded
as all students have the privillge t o take advant age of that. Teachers also emphasize how many students they have to
accomodate and not havi ng enough classes for all t he students. This issue affects all the students as this campus is very
Jar ethan s orts do.
our campus has a 51% graduation rate (statistic taken from FAFSA website) and I believe funds should be allocated
differently. We should be focusing on having a higher retention rate instead of ""improving Ol!r athlet ics department and
funding sports scholarships."" I have visited our academic advising multiple times(Mihaylo academic advising to be exact)
and being completely honest, it was a joke. MOST staff there is not very helpful and have a bad attitude so instead of
hiring ""rndre full time academic advisors"'' the focus shol!ld be on the efficiency and willingness to work of the existing
advisors. I do agree with costs to keep the library open before finals, however, most ofthe fees seem rather
unnecessary.We already charged a student body fee that many. students do not take advantage of. As a commuter
schooL most students work as well as attend school so not much time/willingness to stay on campus after class is
practiced. do_ f!Ot oPe<?rtuni!y to _!ake oJ ..
as good as these promises sound, ! am not financially stable to even squeeze o,ut 200 USDa semester. I am altea.dy
making my food from home on a 20 dollar budget. I hope to graduate within 2 years and so I don't think this will benefit
me. perhaps we should make cuts in parking permits, redirect funds from pools of currency flow, and if i could
to opt out of J:laying from a rec center i do not al"":ays use bLJ t pay fo: it any ways.A
I t hink some of the funding is needed1 but I feel t hat t he amount requested will not be used effectively on campus.
McCarthy Hall does need upgrades. I found the counselors on campus not very helpful and more might not change that.
he TSU does need to support more students on campus. The library does not need to be extended that much during
inals. I think that Is excessive. Sport programs do need more money, but full scholarships seems unnecessary. More 51
programs would be helpful to a lot of students. Expanding benefits to veterans, disabled, and for diversity seems like they
und good, but are most likely still in the plan because no one will oppose the cause. I feel that my current fees are not
being used In the most effective way, so more fees does notA necessary mean Improved services on campus. I feel t hat
e should fix some ofthe flaws In the current tem before throw! student mone at a roblem.A
For those who are senior that are able to graduate in the summer or the fall would not be able to see these changes. This
survey A should go towards those who are freshmen and sophomore. I don't believe in increasing student fee to do these
upgrade to our school. Every year the school find some ways to increase our fee and for some of guys who don't get to
is a waste of money.
[llle presentation was very Informative, but It is still very vague about how much money Is going to each of these areas.
I wtll be graduating next year I am still In support of fostering a greater future for CSU Fullerton; I just want to
make certain the priority for this Increased fee goes towards academlcs and student affairs before anvth1ng else.
No. Not willing to Ray That's all i have to Si!Y;
rather have my money go to technology, academics, and more food options In the TSU/campus. That and expanding
PollocJt Ubrary along wltf'llts hours. Another way to Invest the money Is to clean up the CJmpus, a deep cleaning
should be In ortler. Not.on1y modemlze1 bUt paint bundlngs or steam wash t11emJ. .
iThe fee is a joke that should not be forced on students. With being at a historically high rate already, this fee will
'1arm students who pay out of pocket for education. Tuition hikes should be managed better and those who manage csuf
!!Jancially should be held resRonsible.A
It sounds better than I expected, but I honestly think funding to athletics should be Jess. It is only affecting a minority of
tudents and being a student who commutes here for education, I feel like it would not be for the student body's greater
benefit . I know that might be a little harsh since I agree to funding veterans and multicultural groups, but those vets
f ought for our country and CSUF should encourage diversity since it's one of the few colleges here inCA that are greatly
diverse.Aithough this plan is pretty good at funding some of the problems here at CSUF, I feel that this plan should go
towards two of the worst problems the students f ace: Books and Parking/ Transportation. For books, that sales tax is
absolutely ridiculous . . 08% adds so much. I had to pay 20 extra doll ars just for two books, so I had to pay around $275.
Book prices could be cheaper as welrl, but that sales tax needs to be reduced tremendously. Book buybacks are the worst.
I did not spend $90 on a book j ust to receive $10 back. Please, I know I can find a better bargain price for that expensive
book. Another issue CSUF f aces is parkimg/transportation. The parking passes are ridiculous, especially since you guys are
goi ng to increase it by 2016. So t hat fee plus the SSI ? Its like you want us to be broke. I believe t he new parking struct ure
as 24M, so I bet the SSI could contribute to another one si nce CSUF is accepting more people. Or at least a discount for
t he t rain. I know a lot of strl!l dents the traif11 and it is cheaper than car maintenance+gas+l!)arl<ing pass ev,ery year.
'A Si nce we are low funded, why dcm't we lolllby congress? I mean doesn't the city of Full ert on (and Orrange County)
benef it greatly f rom all of tlrle col'lege kil!ls rroaming around spending money everywhere? We werre alDie to pass Prop 30,
so I still think we can push it even morre. )L(!):ok, we are poor enough al ready and I know t imes are tol!lgh, brut come on, give
us a break. Sor this came out a bit ""ramt y"", but there are bigger roblems tlilam j ust the ones the SSI11:overs.
4 - -. - - - -
Our st udent fees may be the lowest, l:)ut we have higher enrollment. What are the statistics on the amount of students
and total funding they provide with their student fees? A Technically, we are already paying for all this through our t1,1ition
and for some of us our taxes. A If we raise our fees, then it might inhibit some students financially, You want student to
take out more loans to pay for thing,s that the government is supposed to? It does not make sense, we are already broke , (
... I .:;Y'2':1&!Y f ee _an9 fee! tha! you __ the with t0.E= ___
I woul d be willing to pay for the addiJtianal fees, as long as t he money goes towardsA having more advisement counselors
and programs such as Freshman progr>ams andA Fut ure/\ Scholars because progra'm like those really help st udentsA and
make a difference. I would also be wii if/\ t he moneyA would alsoA go towards creating moreA class course that are
needed. I would notA be willing if the money would go towards athletics and having to rebuildA building that don't really
need to be fixed. I would supportA it.& if the building actually need A mantanence but not to improve it.A A
There is no need to ""exp-qnd'"' or ""modernize"" the TSU Building. That is a waste of the money, if anyt hing t he money
should go towards an expansion or modernization of the McCarthy Hall or Library. Do NOT give money to athletics. My
high school did the same thing hoping it would bring in more money or ihcrease our status in sports. This never happens '
and if t he student body is not interested in sports now they won't be interested in the sports in the future. This is a school
and only a minuscule amount of the student body worry about sports, while a majority worry more about their education. '
Upgrade,_ lat e':_ do NqT waste "!l.Y __TSU
'Pa.yi ng for tuition out of pocket al ready makes my life difficuit, adding another fee. is go ing t o add anot her 'welght to my
studies. I already work full time and can hardly afford the tuition costs, this fee means another $83 a month for six
KeeP. in mind that increasing any e of costs for students wi ll deter them unless the see immediate results.A
;tope raising our fees. Cal st ates were meant to be affordable colleges. If i had the funds to got to a universit y i would
have. Increasing taxes and working to support ourselves through colleges is already difficult enough. Not everyone has the
ability to gains scholarships or wants to take out a loan or have mom and dad paycheck's to dip int o to cover fees. We
need to reform our government and rid it of greedy people a.nd put someone in office who actually gives a damn about
our future and education.Government needs to stop caring about how much money is in the hands company executives
and foreign banks and give focus to realof,y matters. A Education reform. A
Make this more into a college town. That will drive up the attendance for athletic events, which in turn, make more
revenue for the school. Better Marketing aii'OUiil1 camJ:!US for our athletic events.A
i do not want an increased tuit ion in exchange for ira creased levels of hull pucky on campus.: Besides what we need is a
new parking lot, not something as vague as '"'increased diversity initiatives."" whats that? patting certain people on the
back because their DNA is .00001% different? 100% lame.
. ......... - ....... A ...... ")' .-..--. , , ... _ .. - k - ' ,_ , ... . _ o ..... - ="; ......... - ....
It's ridiculous how we are the least funded shool i!il the CSU system yet have one of the highest (if not the highest}
enrollment rates. The huge funding problem runs al'l the way to the board of Trustees. I think there is an inadequate
distribution of funding by theA board of trustees. A I don't blame the University for wanting money at this point, since I
can understand how we can use a few upgrades. !However, I believe an addition of 500$ dollars a year for the next three
should not be paid by the students. A Therre are enough expenses throughout the semester and the burden on the
is very high. A The additional fees would onl.y press students to compress their budgets even more than they
already are. The state needs to fix the allocation of money to all of the CSU's. Who knows if the board of trustees will just
force the tuition up like they were doing the last couple years. A In the case that the Board of Trustees would force t he
tuition to rise within the next three years with the implementation of the 240$ fee per semester, the cost of tuition would
le highly excessive. A The rises in tuition costs are getting out of hand per semester. Solutions to money problems?
effort should be put to motivat ing studelilts to voice their opinions of the Board of Trustees and make students
of the actions they are taking to fund aU of the CSU's. -Have IT put the ads on titanium to inform the students -
monitor the funding distribution by AS I. -Instead of trying to expand athletics, focus on the strong programs and
keeping the facilities maintained. -Hold fundralslng events per department. A Charge the responsibility to the department
chai rs to organize.
I would iike to see an option for students to choose where the $240 will go to based on these divisions. I am for t his fee
and I understand it will be part of the overall amount students are going to pay, However, if this is going to be a
mandatory fee, students should be abl e t @ chQose where this money is going. lf a student is very ihterested in sports, they :
be able to put most of the fee t owards sports. Also; I think students should reteive detailed information on exactly ;
where, for example, extending tsu wilt go t,o. Where and how will it be extended? What exactly will be implement ed in the:
extended tsu? It should be sent to students PR:IMARY email, not exactly their csuf email because most students don't

! heir_ eJ!l ail often_.A __ - __ _ __ . __ . __ . ___ _

I have been a student at C5UF for almost 7 years. I only go t o my classes and afterwards leave campus. How would this be
fair for me to pay extra? I am opposed to this 551. In the presentation it says that by the 551 it will make C5UF look better
o when you graduate people will be impressed by that. The way us students can make this university more prestigious is
by increasing our graduation rate, you do not need fancy tech or labs. All you need is a pen, paper, book and
tudying and hard work. I am selfish when it comes to this because it is my money. I do not receive financial aid. A
majority of the things mentioned here are all""cosmetic"" t ype stuff. If we really want to improve our school, how about
we get better faculty? How about the president of the university gets reduced pay? I am so done with this university and I
cannot wait to get out. ""They"" want was is good for us but they keep adding road blocks. Academic Advising- I already
get (priority:), Wifi- (never at school), extend library hours- going to use, athletics- haven't been to a sporting event in
years, TSU- do not use. How about we lower parking permit rates? lihis would all sound good to me if i actually lived on
campus, maybe you should charge them the extra costs si nce THEY are the ilil cl!ividuals that are probably the ones
complaining about it. I just don't think that it is fair for me to get this fee added since I do not need/ use any of the
I agree" with what is trying to be done with this tuition A But it is very unfo.rtunate that tuition has to be
increased for students while the president of the university makes over $200,000 a year. A Why did out tuit ion go up to
pay f or that salary? Why can't the president take a pay cut rather than the students paying more? A I think it's an unfair
cons.equence of being a student because everyone is going through different situations in their life. A Many use financial
aid f or school and materials for school. A I know many students also use that extra nioney to provide for family
necessities. A So in all, I agree and praise the idea of all these upgrades however I feel the funding shouldn't be put on
.. . -- ___ .. ___ - ___ ___ _ _ .. . ___ .. __ _ ___ ---- ... __ ........ _ ... .
I do not believe this should support upgrades to buildililgs. I m0ney should be spent in a way that
will impact the who are currently here as well as tfilose wfuo are C:<D!ilii Piilg. I do nc:Jt believe our tuition money
should be used for recruiting purposes. If these init iatives do not swppoii1! 0ur cl!l rr.ent students, I am highly against paying
for them. We spend too much money on recruit ment and t o0 mwch efiort im t o make school a better pl ace for the
fut ure. I think t hat we should s end more mane on thin s t halt! ean fu el Nile currenU students who a f or it.
I do agree that we need to be funded much more than we are right now. SSI is a good idea, but I feel like this won't really
benefit me as much or the general student. Most students here are commuters and I don't feel like SSI reflects a general
snapshot of our students. SSI seems to be focusing primarily on athletics because they are receiving most of the funds in
SSI. I do love our school and I support our athletes but there are other ways for them to get funds than requiring every
single student to pay out of their pockets for their benefits. The athletic department may need it, but the CSUF
student is not an athlete it's absurd for SSI to class athletics with a very vague label such as ""Support Titan Pride""
this implies the only way to show "''Titan Pride"" is through our athletics programs. But I don't take anything
away from our athletes they work hard in what they do and I' m very happy they're at a DiVision llevel. A Nqw for I can
understand why we would invest in diversity, we are one of, if noti the most diverse campus in California (at least). l'hl
.okay with the appropriate amourlt offunds with it, it seems fairly decent and I it can benefit the general student. A
Now things we should emphasize in SSI are the general needs of every CSUF student. I believe we should invest in mote of
our academic progress, we need upgraded technology for all, I believe we need to also have a stronger centralized center
for CSUF students. I like the ide.a of a mentorship program with CSUF alumni and current students. We need to invest
more into academics and anything that ca.n contribute to path here at Fullerton. A I believe that there should
be more writing centers, mote- math &amp; science centers, more tutoring centers available in a centralized
area/structure easily accessible to CSUF students. The TSU ls Cl great place to study, learn how to get involved, and for
leisure. But if we could provide more of these centers to the TSU OR the Library (s.ince it'll be possible to have more
academic centers open for 24 hours during finals week). A I also believe you should expand business hours in certain
.areas like the Career Center to 6-8:00J!).m. or at least their drlve-thru service hours should be expalilded as well. Instead of ,
!0-2:45p.m, it would make sense to have the services available as long as the Center is open. The general student target
.Oam-2:45pm to have classes at that t ime and the Drive-thru services at the Career Center should be available as long as
it's open because it 's really hard to do anythi ng in between class and it's really hard to schedule interview practices,
resume or cover letter reviewsi etc because of that time limit.A A This is jwst some feedback and hopefully you receive
ideas that will benefit the. gt=neral CSUF student. Please consider prioritizing the general needs of CSUF students.
If the concern is per-student funding amounts, reduce the amount of students.A The total funding is close to the
others . .A Sacramento legislators need to handle money better so the Items discussed in this Initiative are taken care of.A
lfhis initiative covers things that should just be part of normal university development.A The fee, which Is essentially a tax
due to the dollars withheld by the state, would help, but don't get it from students.A Maybe a campus Improvement
program to get donors Involved would be better suited for these upgrades.A Then you could offer to put up plaques in
area like
Most st udents are commut ers and are gradually A movi ng toward online classes. A A campus with t oo much overhead
";'capital construct ion projects'"' can also become a ""Money Pit"" for students and t he California tax payer similar to
w hat you may have seen at other state tmiverstties like the University 0f California at Berkeley. We should promote better
pay for t he st aff and professors and and ensure they have the resources to teach for the 21st Cent ury. A The toQcls mean
providing the t ea<:hing Professors wit n the state-of-art equipment, stt.Jdios and software that will enable them to reach
out to more student s and exceed expectat ions for comprehension which will also lead t o independent and creative
t hinkers who will be able to solve present and futwre problems syste matit:ally. A Is t hat too much t@ ask? A Setting high
expectations for cognit ive problem solving using existing t echnology will lead t o t he major breakt hroughs needed for our
.f! socie!Y as a whole.
rrhe cosmetic ""upgrades"" that would be attempted using the money from this tuition increase is a waste of money.
rrhere is nothing wrong with the TSU the way it Is, and no one uses it anyways. Throwing money at the problem will not fix
it. I know it seems like it would, and it's much easier to believe that whenA it's not YOUR money that you are throwing.
Other '"'success initiatives"" involved in this tuition hike are not those t hat everyone should have to pay for. Make it
perhaps? Just don't make us pay for other peoples things or t hings t hat we will never see the benefit f rom. We
arc already struggling college students who are about t o be thrown out into a world where we will most likely not get
'obs. Do not make our lives any harder by forcing us to money for cosmetic and unrealistic changes.
some of"thes'e are' more trivial ""needs"" anci shouldn't ha-ve to be pai d for by the stucients. if the school vvants' a bigger
tsu they should find the funds somewhere else because i'm sure most students would be fine with the one we have now if :
it meant not paying more for something we may never even use if we graduate before it is finished. Totally against the
CUSF is already a premier College thanks to the wonk put in by each individual. The athlet ics programs are competing at a
Divisi on llevel due to skill of the athletes. Students do not colill\e because of diversit y, t hey come because CSUF is a low
cost QUALITY education. Many Students work t0 way thelillselves throl'.lgh college and by raising fees any further, The
oard who approves this f ee increase is persomalii',!A rresponsible for turning away thousands of students for whom
Full erton represents the only option for college. It is akead touglll enough to JJay f or the excessive cost on the parking
permits when the parking is difficult if not irnposS>ible tro find. Overrall, Fullerton is great because it does not need moFe
. j
I know of students who .iive d-ay to-day and this increase will impact them extremely negativeiy. There are fats of peopie
who will not be able to pay these extra fees. Not being able, to attend CSFU should be because of not because
__ ... ... ___ __ ___ __ _ ____ .. ____ ----- __ -
all the good that this initiative will li>rin but an increase in our overall tuition will not make .
-- - _, ., ,. .. - -- - - I - -- .. - -
... 1
--- .. -.6- - -..... - - - _'!':_ - . _ ...., - .. __ .. ... . . - ... - . . - - .......
Did you ever think the reason why there is so many studer.1ts go to CSUF is because it is has one of the lowest tuition
rates? Fee increases, even by $80 can cause someone from going to yes they can afford to go to this school to no they can
not afford it. In the presentation, he says the school will have higher graduation rates, this might be because those who
are paying for this will be able to afford it and will graduate and those who cannot afford it won't even be able to go to
CSUF in the beginning. A These changes won't even matter to the students who are juniors and seniors graduating this
yeaJr of next year, so why is SSI asking college students already there and not high school students where the majority of
the changes will actually matter. A We pay enough to go to CSUF to begin with, we should not have to pay more for things
tbat won't matter to us in 4 years once we all have graduated and moved on.A
As a struggling CSUF student with a growing $37,000 loan debt I strongly disagree with this fee increase. CSUF does not
need to update and modernize spaces specifically for athletics, lntramurals, club sports and the TSU. It is a waste of
funding to be updating facilities that just does NOT need to be. revamped. I CHOSE to be at CSUF not for extravagant
looking facilities, but for its programs and classes that are geared towards success. I am one of the many students who
would like to be reassured that my tuition fees are going towards something that is meant for EDUCATION not to be spent
any other way. Upgrading technology, instructional experiences, expanding services to the disabled and student veterans ,
are things I agree should be funded. Hiring more professors, opening up MORE class sections, fixing things that are
broken is what I would like to see happening at CSUF as well. If this funding has to go to the school's cosmetics -
how exactly is this going to make campus better? Otherwise please do not add to our massive student loan debt- for I
strongl y disagree with this project. This initiative be used MORE effective_ly than what is presented.A
It seems like there are new fee's or a tuit ion increase every semest er or year. Yet, there are instructors and professors
Nho are horrible at teaching. Why am I paying the school for a horrible learning experience? Maybe, instead of
" "allocating"" the new funds f or a fancy new TSU or Library hours, hire instructors who really care about the student s
education and have a passion to teach. Not just some professor who throws information {with broken English) and exams.
hanks Tu
Being a full time student and full time employee I strongly disagree with the students having to pay from their pocket on
to what already is a high enough tuition fee. It already hard enough as an iAdependent student to cover the expenses at
school, things like expensive textbooks, parking permits, and nutritional items that are always highly priced. however this
is my opinion, i do agree that we need to improve our campus in more ways than one, however I'm not okay with the
,expenses being covered through the students. there just has to be another way to get the improvements without having
the students pay for thetn when they are already struggling to make ends meet.A
-- - * - - - - - --- .. . - - - _.._._ . .. " ... ---- _ ..,_
Yes I have a comment. The only way in which I would be to pay at all is if student wages were either above
minimum wage, or if students can work for more than 20 hours per week. I can't even pay for rent. So fuck an increase in
student fees..
Greetings! I actually able to attend a part of forum but left 15 minutes earrly and was unable to give personal feedback or
ask questions. First, I would say that overall I am against the Student Initiative. Some questions that came to mind {since I
ee that Cal State Long Beach and Northridge are both in similar high student enrollment and low state funding ... ""What
re Long Beach and Northridge doing?"" also .. some of the funds from the initiative are to help keep the instructional
software (word/adobe) free but I would like to know how many students have actually used/taken advantage of the free
this year before we feel that it would be beneficial to keep. Also, why are we not focusing on changing the
ormula that set the st ate funding rather add the Initiat ive and if t uition goes into a CSU big pot divided up by the formula.
I f eel that we do not need to expand diversity init iatives as we have many cult ural resource centers that provide for
student- perhaps there can be inter-cult ural resource center socials and more interaction between the different resource
centers rather t han to add addition things. I can be reached atA if you would like to
provide answers t o some of my quest ions. Thank you. Oh, also there may have been a lack of response to the forums as
he meet ing t imes were somewhat Inconvenient I believe. (first week during morning classes and t hen this week It was
oward evening, what about lunch time ones or brief er ones as sometimes students do not have much break time
between classes
Honestly, this fee increase is complete bullsnit. Okay, yean, we get nice things. But I mean is it really necessary to have all
these things so CSUF can be up to par with the other CSUs, because the ad min of this school feel like they have some ego
problem? Like they feel this school isnt good enough? Seriously, just let hile pay for my classes and let me get the hell out.
1m already paying_ 20 thousand dollars for you guys to print me a piece of paper that says ""hmmm, we ill think im smart"" l
and then I go on about my way and pray that some day I will get a good career. Which, however, it NOT guaranteed. And
will not be guaranteed at all by this new fee increase.
'm sure t hat I am not the only person to say t hat I am opposed to increas-ed tultton prices, but I can understand why we
auld consider lt. t have very much enjoyed reclevlng t he Adobe Master Suite for an extremely reduced rate and the
ther free software Is very much appredated $0 1 am ln favor of contlnulng the pttpt J<tftware p:togram. l also wal'lt A there
o be more tnternstdps offe,..d J C$UF et:I*Ciaflv tn ihe DM!fon.: kJ am have to go out
and flnd your own Internships for Crlmtn l JUJtic& Majors and t wouJd Ike ut to be pil'tf1er6(j ft'h tl afflhated
cations such as probation departments, state t>rlsons, Polite departments, or taw sChOOls Addltloraally, 1 am very
. nuch o f)osed to fundi our athletics ro ms unless It means we receive 11 -new football team.
rruition is already unaffordable. I'm an adult student, t hat is married, and between the two of us, we have a decent
income ... but t he amount of income that' s being put towards my coll ege degree is astronomical already, given the current
uob market and economy, it 's unjustif iabl e to raise f ees. It wil l not give a sufficient return on investment.
Helio, , -am a -proud CSUF support the UnversitVs e-ndeavo-rs. However, , come from - a low-income family. If I have
t o pay an extra 240 dollar fee each semester, including the 359 dollar fee, it will be an inconvenience for not only myself,
but rr\ y family as well. It will be a future hardship to pay 600 dollars in mandatory fees each semester. As a proud CSUF
st udent , I would be \JI{illi!"g to __
he coll ege is fine the way it is. If students possess the drive to succeed, they will succeed. There are already plenty of
resources to help students in their studies. I am not willing to pay f or diversity groups; the majorit y of students will never
participat e in them. College is for edueatiom, not for athletics, therefore I do not support any funds being
allocated to athletics instead of educ:atimn. I IDelieve there is al ready plenty of at hletic opportunities and space (buildings)
f or athl etic teams to ut ilize. The benefi t s ot thi& imitiative is not worth the f ee increase, especi aMy for st udents like me,
who are white, too rich for federal gramf!s or scholarships, yet too poor to support themselves, do not participate in
athletics or diversity orginizations, amd ar e d0i1rng just fine utilizing the resources al ready available for swccess.A
- -- - ' . ..
I agree that there should be an increase affunding towards technology and other initiatives that prompte successful
students. The one area where I would like to see funding not go towards is athleti cs. Our school is, and will be, a
baseball school. I find that funding other sports that are not competitive is a waste. A potential student will not be
more at tracted to our school because we have a whol e track and field team on scholarship. The students who excel in
their sports will be cared for and the at hletic programs should received more money if they do well in competition. I do
not think that an increase should go to help sports who do not earn that money with their play on t he field. Besides the
money towards athletics, I believe funding inittatives that benefit current/future students is money well spent. Also, in
order to stay competitive in the 21st century, our campus must be fitted the most up-to-date information technology.
wi-fi and a for valuing my _ --- __ _,
is pork-barrel spending, plain and simple. If you spent less time caterwauli ng over how little fees we students have to
pay versus other schools, you could actually manage to haul your bloated asses over t o Sacramento and do your j obs,
which is lobby our Governor. We pay P'resident Garcia almost as much as the President of the United States, and now you
want take a massive, burdensome diump on the backs of hard-working students, who already lack f unds to pay for all their
books. Maybe we should offer a course im basic competence at CSUF; I' d look forward to seeing you flunk. Good dayJ\
-- - -- _....... ... _,.. .. - ..---- -- .. - - .... ----- _... -- -- -- -
As a biology major, the initiative should support high impacted classes especially in the science departments, I am
current ly forced to concent rat e in Ecology verses Cell development due to the fact that I would not graduate on t ime due '
t o classes not being avai lable. A Even though I arn graduating in the fall I would like to see more funds go to classes.
Anot her issue which impacted the science buil ding was the closing of the MH basement computer lab, this loss not only
forces students to go all the way to the library to print and study, but during peak hours the library is full and also
impacted in terms of space and computer availability. I would like to see these funds in expanding areas closer to MH with
computers. The scienes in general use computers f rom homework, to paper, writ ing up lab reports and other needs. By
provi ndi ng an area for science majo-rs to really go and study would be nice, in place of forci ng them to go t o SGMH
area or very impactec!_ T_!i_.f_nk you._ ____ _ __ _
I love going to sporting events and seeing a lot of school spirit. The more school spirit there is the more it fun I have. I
think that if more money went to the teams it would allow them to create a better environment for the students. By the
students enjoying the gameA they will be more Incline to go more sporting events and bring more friends with them next
Not_ going to pay another fee. Parking is already_ ridiculous
I don't like the big semester increase. It's unreasonable.
. .,.
This spending is frivolous and unnecessary. Many of these programs that you plan to enact with my money are in sectors
of the school that I will never utilize. While these programs will impact the lives of a very small number of students, I
'it is ridiculous that it should fall on mine and my colleagues' already overburdened shoulders. I already pay so much for
parking, tu'ition, books, and meals while I am on campus1 why do I need to pay another tax for programs I will not use. We
are in the midst of a national economic recession, the California University systetn is financially broken, yet you wish to
still heft more costs on the backs of students. Not six months ago I saw news on my Titan Portal that Gov. Jerry Brown .
will be suspending the proposed tuition increase for California Universities, yet not six tnonths later, my own school is
implementing tuition increases. I do not doubt tha_t these poli.cies will b.e enacted, regardless of the public forums held in
the coming weeks or any feedback you receive online. I can only hope that the Student Success Initiative is more
productive than last semesters Anti-Smoking Policy, because if that is an example of how effectively you handle the
school's budget, I'm surprised this school is still operating. My only solace in this is that I will be graduating in one years
_a!lp h_ave to too much 9f my r'n<:Jney_irito your absurd . _ -- __ _.
ifhis student increase is not necessary because I know there will be no change. The school has sucked up so much money
f rom students and we don't see results.
Most of these items appear to provide no benefit for internet-based remote students such as myself. A Although I wiU
have graduated by the time these fees are implement ed, increasing fees for things that don't benefit folks such as myself
would not be very encouraging-- were I looki ng at CSUF for el'l rollment with these proposed fees, I might be inclined to
seek other schools that don't charge such fees. A I already qwestion the wisdom and fairness of charging remote students
fees for things that we don't need or have access t o (health center, health facilities, campus union, Titan partkipation,
etc), and then additionally charging more fees for internet based courses. I'm all for improving the campus but not clear
t hat charging students additional fees is the proper way to clo it. A Why does CSU Fullerton gets such low allocations,
especially considering the overall nurnber s and numbers per student? A What is being (or can be) done about this? A In
my opinion this should be addressed (or at least explained, if the challenges are insurmountable) before asking st udents
to direct! contribute more ...
great idea and needed. We especially must support athletics which has the lowest budget In the Big West Conference.
ur f acilities need t o be upgraded and this is a great investment t hat our University needs. I am happy to pay this f ee and
ron I su ort it I
!fhere are a number of t hings we need to address. These are all good ideas t hat everyone wants to hear, but through
human folly and ignorance, it is never COMPLETELY prepared for. We are by nature, a reactive group of people, when we
need to be proactive. The f irst t hings we need to address is, I beli eve t here shoul d be accountability and a paper trail that
is public access so t hat students can see how much was spent where. It should be easy to access so we know how much
as spent on TSU Expansion and how much was spent elsewhere. Another t hi ng, alt hough yes, technology is extremely
important in t his day and age, there are some technological advances we don't need. Smart boards are one. They are
ext remely expensi ve and I f eel li ke relatively useless for most cl asses offered. Alt hough they can help improve learning
experiences, the ma1ority of cl asses will not be using t hem so we need t o make sure we don't go spending good money on
ridi culous stuff. I feel li ke we need to f ocus on what is which is academia before we start to branch off on
school P-ride. One ste(:! at a time. Focus on suJ:morting academics before we even start to t hink about school wi de.A
Al ready tuition is so .high that I becomes very hard to afford higher studies, on top of that you want to increase fees for
suppl emental services, no way. I am totally against that Please think about those of us who need to look at our pockets
first .
lfhi s is all great but I am not payi ng anymore out of my broke [!lOckets. I've fuadl e'Xr:>eriences where I've had to pay penalty
f ees for dropped classes o11 late payments. I know I am not the omly student who hacd to pay these f ees .... where are t hese
f ee payments going? CSUF has al ready charged me over $50@ im fees. Charge, clilar<ge, charge seems to be t he motto
t here.
I am not willlng to pay for s.omething that Will .not effect me i.n a passive manner at the time of payment. I am not here to
sponsor future student or the athletics teams. I am A also content with the way things are now. Last year we were given a
I think if tuition were lowered, then the money that is saved could go towards this program. Attending college is already
expensive (and I am an independent student who pays for my own tuition), so adding more pressure on students like me
would make paying for college a more difficult task than it already is. Before paying for my books, it cost me $1600 out of
my own pocket (not using student loans!) for 6 units, not including the ridiculous $250 enrollment fee that I'm assuming
most other universities manage to pull out from students as well. The government helps veteran students attend college
as it Is, and we don't need the library open 24/7 before finals. Great working Wi-fi should already he supplied for students
who attend college. And students who want to get involved in sports should pay extra for extra services that the school
offers. The only thing that applies to me is getting into the classes that I need to in order to graduate. And again, this
be scl}_ool ! heir for:. ...... _ . _
1 do not understand why the f ee has t o be $240. Why can't it be much lower? As a student we all have so many fees to
pay including tuM:ion and for the parking permit . I thi nk this amount is ridi culous. This is exactly the same amount we pay
for parkiRg and I do not want to pay anot her $240 every semest er for t his. To me this is a good idea, j ust a ridiculous
amount of money that I am not will ing t o pay.
I have nothing against our sports. But I honestly feel that we should not have to pay for improvements. If t he teams want
new equipment then they should find away to fund raise for it instead of increasing fees. I understand that f und raisi ng
t akes time but many of the student s struggle to pay our fees now and anymore can servely hurt our chances to finish
because of financial problems. The money for our sports could be better used in upgrading our classroom technology or
parking problems or lowering our fees. I like our sports programs but I just do not see how improving the at hletic f aciliti es
will help the student body as a whole. _
lt f irst I was strongly against t his fee. My original thought was, great another fee that we won't see any benefit from. As
long as the money goes to most of these areas, I believe it will greatly serve the student populat ion. A I don't agree with
iving money to athletics right now. I think the money is better served going to the ot her areas of this initiative. If the
athletic programs are seeking monetary support they should increase fund raising or ticket prices. Spending this money to
benefit a very small portion of CSUF students I don't think is a good idea. A The expansion of the technology available on
ampus is greatly needed, in this area I honestly believe that CSUF is in the stone age. With this technology expansion I
also hope the curriculum will be modernized as well . As a business student I've noticed how far behind the technology
aught is f rom where the real business world is today. As technology improves and changes what us students are
xpected to learn should change with it. A I will be graduating soon and not likely see many benefits of this fee but I hope
that future students can enjoy these necessary improvements. Thank you for taking the students thoughts into
This Student Success Initiative has ta.lked about raising our tuition money so that they can expand many of the pointless
stuff such as the TSU and the a.thletics. Two things that the student successive initiative did not On.e, is that there
was no talk about increasing s.paces for parking, i spent approximately some $229 on student parking permit, and yet I am
not guarantee a parking space? My permit literally rot within my tar and I would sometimes have to park in the
neighborhood and thus risking my safety and my belongings being stolen because f am not guarantee a parking s.pace.
Two, why are we spending money on expanding athletics and the TSU when the science buildine; (MH and DBH) are
rotting away, The fume hoods in DBH are days closer to breaking apart and we do no.t do anything about it, rather we just
.board it up. How can we feel safe When doing an experiment within the lab when the fume hoods are breaking apart and
thus exposing us to dangerous chemicals? How tan we be thinking about raising tuition for something pointless as like the .
and when safet repairs are needed within the science building? A
gree that various programs and resources on campus need to be updated and have better funding. A But curious to
Know if there are other measures t hat can be taken such as a proposal to the state for more funding as oppose to
increasin student fees.
How about you quit bleeding the students dry and cut administrators' salaries to afford this stl!lff? If you feel you aren't
getting enough funding, take it ufil wi,th the state. We got a tiny tuition reduction last year, and this increase will be about
double what we ""saved"" with that refund. The '"'diversity" " you're pushing (mostly as a buzzword) is already clearly
apparent on campus. I'm white, middle-class, and paying for my education SOLELY through unsubsidized federal loans and
out-of-pocket with funds I make at my crappy minimum wage retail job. All of the Hispanics and B[acks at this school get
grants for going there- I didn'tchoose to be born white any more thah they chose to be born an ""underprivileged
minority'"'. We. Can. Not. Afforrd. An ln(l";rease. All of these ""benefits"" are completely unnecessary to my educational
experience. We don't need more athletics improvements or ""better technology""; most of us use our home computers
for our work anyway. If I wanted ali of those things, I would have gone to the more expensive schools that I was accepted
to, like UCI. The whole reason many of us went to CSUF is because it's considered a ""great value'"', and idiotic plans like
this are ruinin that.
I agree with the student success fnltlatlve; however, 1 rat her a larger portion of t he money be spend on elq)andlng
advising and wl-fl then athtetks because more !tudents use academic advising and Wl-flthen.go see athletic events.
I most every student oh campus Is connected to the campus Internet connection and has at least once to academic
advising but not l!YftfY S)l.ldent aon to an athletic event. I am nat $aVJ11i to cut fundlnt to campletely but to
r edistribute the amount so that the tnltlatiw -benefits the ma o of the students.
I could tare less about the athletics department, -why should all 2.S athletics get scholarships? What about the art
department? We need more access to safely dump our toxic paints than just the one room, a place where we can spray
our graphite and charcoal drawings without having to hope the weather outside is okay for it, and there's plenty of other
things as well)\ Everyt hing listed for needing to implement this fee sound like bull and that they won't benefit me for
what I want to do.A
he t rend now is sponsorship, Starbucks, Carl's, et c. and invite other companies to subsidize or cover some of these costs
for t he ri ght to advertise and do busi nessA on campus? SSI tax on alcohol and cigarettes in Fullerton? alumni key
sup art vehicl e for real world ent for st udents, ask alumni for more netw0rking commitments?
Pl ease do n_ot increase fe_es. making_it by
Fir t of all, I really appreciate the f act that you guys are asking Ol!l r feedback on those f ees online and in t he forums. I think
t hat t his initiative can help out in some ofthe issues, specially tfile imternet access throughout campus, I think it should be
improved and I am will ing to pay for that , but for example, niDt every A student use the servi ces provided by the TSU or
st udy in library, so I t hink that the fees shoulcd not be imposed on all studemts and we are given the opti on to pay fCJr
whatever services we will be using when we actually use them.
I feel t hat though this initiative is getting a lot of things right, there are some unnecessary parts to it. I don't feel proud to
be a student at Cal State Fullerton because of our athletics or our athletic facilities, I feel proud to be a student at CSUF
because it has a lot to offer me. I understand that there are a lot of student athletes at our school, but I don't understand
how mbre money can be going towards athletics over the course of the three years in which the initiative would be put in
place, as oppbsed to funding services for student veterans, or diversity programs, or even better Wi -fi. Frankly, I don't feel
,that athletics are a priority. I think that better wi-fi , improved conditions in classrooms and buildings (like McCarthy,
which has no ventilation system as far as I can tell), student access to free software and funding of diversity programs C!S ; (
well as services for student veterans are much high priorities than how our at hletics facil ities look. But I know that my
preferences are not the preferences of everyone else, so I think it would be fairer to allocate less money towards athletics
and more towards improving wi -f i, or services for student veterans, or any other thing on t he list of areas that need
__ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ . _ __ __ .
It is unfortunate the way that the SSI has been presented to the student population. There is so much negative feedback
because the only t hi ng students are taking from the presentation is that there will be a fee increase to fund athletics, and
you will find very few students on this campus who about athletks at all, let alone desire to pay extra student fees to
help fund it. The presentations should have been solely focuse'CI on the student benefits of the initiative, such as the
improved t echnology, learning facilities, and other things that they will see immediate action with. As special it would be
for the TSU to be expanded, no one that is currently at the school will be able to experience any of the large renovations,
and simply preaching that it will be a '"'legacy'"' that students will leave is not a motivation for a broke college student
who is already in delJt to pay an extra fee. It is unfortunate that this Initiative has to be voted on by the students. Because
of the way the SSI was advertised and presented, I fear that are only seeing an increase in fees rather than a
great opportunity to better their learning experience aRd the schaol they attend. I am an athlete and a president scholar,
so I see both sides of the spectrum of students who want this to pass and the ones who are skeptical about it. I know how
much of an impact the 551 will have if it passes which is why I try to explain to people why it is so important whenever I
get the chance. If it does not pass, hopefully it can be revised slightly and then be passed without student consent
ibecause the fact of the matter is that students are unaware of the benefit this would actually do, and sometimes the
clil il dren need mommy and daddy to make the decisions t hey ltnow are best for their kids.
'm a grad student and all my cl asses are held in the evening. So for the most pa.rt I do not get to p<Jrticipate in any of
theA learning communities, internships, and the Career Center, supplemental instruction, and service-learning events. The
advising center is always unreachable and there are no phone call follow ups. The athletics facilities offered at school are
not of need for me. Most of the proposed initiatives are in favor of undergraduate students, so I feel that they should be
paying for the proposed initiatives and not the graduate students. As ft is, the grad fees are pretty high. I hope that the
grad students do not get billed with t his unnecessarv increment in our fees. _ ......, _
I feel that the wifi is something that needs attention because sometimes I want to do hw on my laptop and won't let me
connect to the internet.A Extending the library is something I am willing to pay for because it benefits me and other
[students. Expanding more opportunities for students to receive work study because I honestly don't even know how it
works at csuf. If fees go up wiiJ student s financial aid package increase?
- - -- - ...... . .... - --- .. ._,.,..._,..,__ .. .._ - ........... ..,,..- - 0:, -j
I do not want to pay more in my t uition for things that I feel will not lill\ e directly. The only thing I cared for in the
presentation was the wifi, which I think should've been dealt wit h already, bCJt other than that I do not feel t hat any of this
will hel p my education more than it already does.
I am in favor of t he initiative, although I do not believe so much shoul d go to athletics. They do need improve ment
and should receive funding, but I thi nk funding should go towar;d expamd library hours beyond finals week, upgrading
classrooms, fixi n the wifi sooner (it' s horrible), and ot her resources avallabl.e to alt students.A
It was noted in the vicleo that Cal State Fullerton has close to the lowest fees of all Cal States. This is a good thing. Many of
he students, including me, at CSUF ci;lnnot afford to pay additional fees. If the fees are increased, some students may not
be able to continue t heir education. The most important part about college is getting an education. All these additional
programs are good things; however, if students cannot afford to pay for their education then these additional programs
are not helping them. These programs will benefit the students who are afready able to afford an increase in fees.
However, the students who need the most help will no longer be a.ble to access even the amoul'lt that is al ready present
at CsUF because, they will not be able to continue their education.
lfhese goals seem to have good Intentions for student success rates but are so broad we don't how there services we'll be
paying for wltl actually be Implemented. What does ""Improving instructlonpl experience mean? Or ""embracing diversity
Will more cultural centers receive funding, will more resources be avail be to students of color? A How
r,.vould the Initiative "support students' academic progress? Will academic ar.Msement actually reach out and mentor
Will faculty of academic programs do that? In terms of upgrading class spaces, where exactly will remodeling
!take place? McCarthy Hall Is outdates surely but the Education Oassroom ls In dire need of transformatlon.A The
nltlatlve seems to have good intentions, however It worries me to see that exactly how the goals would be implemented
l!!,re not stated. A
,Of all the proposed boosts to the different programs I strongly feel that the library should be a main concern due to the its
problems with computers. The problem is the number of computers avai.lable as in McCarty Hall and the
underground basement. They experience high usage times around 11:30 - 1 or 1:30PM in the afternoon making some
students leave or wait . It shouldn't happen If a lot of them have pressing assignments or need to review lectures via
PowerPoint slides.
What about t hose students t hat are t aking classes online how is increasing wifi on campus, extending library hours,
updating the TSU, improvi ng on-campus classrooms, and offeri ng scholarships f or athlet ics directly improving t heir
experience in school? A I am enrolled in an online mast ers program f or the next three years but will consider going
elsewhere iffees are increasing and t hey do not benefit me at all. A Wh'{ should I have t o Ray? A A A
I'm an employer-sponsored student (meaning my employer is paying for my tuition). A They sponsor us up to $8000
annually, however, they only pay for ""TUITION"" and ""BOOKS'"'. A They way CSUF bills, only about two-thirds of my bill
was ""TUITION"", they rest was '"'FEES"" (so my employer will not pay for it). A This means I pay for it out of pocket (I'm
not abl e to even use my full $8000 allowance as CSUF declares sb many various items as FEES instead of a single line item
TUITI ON). A I work for a company with 180,000+ employees. A We use an outside party to manage tuition reimbursement '
so this practice is very standardized. A I have shared with fellow work associates the CSUF program I'm in, however,
they're choosing other alternatives (Devry, Stevens, Strayer) as those institutions will simply bill as TUITION so it is 100%
by the employer. A They're making these choices for the economics of it. Your FEE billing behaVior is
impacting spohsored students and they're choosing other alternatives. A Itemize the entire cost to attend CSUF as
lfhere is over 30,000 students on this earn pus each paying over 20,000 a year t o come here. A !Funds f rom this can be
looked at t o upgrade new equipment f <Dr classuooms. A Personally, I work several j obs to come back to this school each
year. A The initiative as it st ands would put me, as well as countl ess other students, in more hardship than anything. A I
understand the need for some of the proposed elements in t his initiative, but as it stands now I strongly disagree with this
and hoRe it does not go through as i's. A Tfila,nk you for reading t his response.
I think CSUF is so underfunded, it to.the 'Boar d 'of Trustess.' SSI 'not. have- '
I .
to be the financial burden of students. The B0ard of Trustees need to find better funded for CSUF. It should not have to be
the responsibility of students .
. . -- -- - ........ ..... !!'-< - ....... ..,.... - . c:.... :r........... . ......... - ... - .._ -- - "' ---- --- ...._ ,.. _ .. _ - - .. .... ___ - -----
I would like to see upgrades to the classrooms and f aci lities for the arts. A For example ceili ng t iiPs are frequent ly missing,
sinks are frequently clogged, bathrooms are small and often smell, proj ectors in classrooms do not work properlv, more
and larger lockers would be helpful in t he ceramics labs. A These are a f ew of the issues I would also like to see attention
rpaid to.
think this i think it sh_oul c! be . .eut ir:to effect. A _
Putting money f or advising and t he career center as well as improving building is something that CSUF should do because
t his impacts evety student. I do not want to pay more in fees to keep the library open 24 hours or to make the athletics
department better,
I' m not sure if I completely agree with the idea. I don't believe the student titan union needs to expand necessarily; it
wasn't even built too long ago. Also, my concern is how would students know that their money is really being used for the
commodities that are stated and not just another fee. I somewhat feel that these commodities should not be payed by
t he student s for the school to appear better. I realize we get the least funding but yet have more students than many of
t he other cal stat e campuses, but that should be a matter that the state should help the school with, rather than the
st udents having to pay for it. Fees keep increasing every year anyhow, such as parking permits, and I don't thrnk students ,
should have another fee that will keep increasing every year. Even though it sounds like a great idea, of course, nothing is
f ree, and we all have to pay for it somehow. Iff had to choose which areas do need funding, it would be the expansion of
avai lable courses so student s can graduate sooner. Also, the other area that would be beneficial for all the students would '
be an increase in paid internships. Those t wo areas are the ones that I would be willing to pay for, but the rest , not so
much, just because it doesn't apply to every student, but rather only certain groups of students. I'm willing to pay for
something that benefits every student.
j l will not be here t o see the results of these fees. For these reason I do not think it is fair to charge st udents who are about
) graduate with t hese f ees because we will not he here to reap the benefits. I think the incoming transf er, sophomores,
and incomil)g freshmen should be charged not seniors.
It is hard enough to afford college, please do not make more student choose between paying for food and paying for
I am thankful for the opportunity to express my reservations regarding the Student Success Initiative, I must first
say I am alarmed that the university has overtly attempted to manipulate student feedback by making access to this
forum contingent upon viewing a presentation that promotes acceptance of the fee Increase. The public universities of
California have a long tradition of free discourse which stands ifl serious contrast to this feedback process.A The
university's attempts to control the debate notwithstanding, I have studied the Student Success Initiative and I have
deemed it highly contrary to the long term interests of the students. More than extended library hours, double wifi
capacity or expanded academic advising, the students of CSUF need the ability to graduate without crippling debt
obligations. A The cost of attending a public universi,ties is rapidly becoming a serious financial liability that may soon
outweigh the benefits of attending the university. The financial liability ofthe Student Success Initiative will also extend to
the university itself. The expansion of services will obviously require increased staff support. The expansion of
employment always represents the greatest financial obligation an institution can undertake. This is particularly true in
the case of a public university where employees are able to achieve set retirement packages that constitute a serious and
very longterm financial obligation. The promoter of the Student Success Initiat ive have intentionally attempted to frame
the debate in such a way that minimizes the aforementioned concerns while highlighting putative benefits of a fee
increase. I strongly urge the rejection of the Student Success Initiative and the reconsideration of feedback solicitation
methods in the future.A
First, I find the '"'30,000 students"" misleading. How many are full time vs. part time? How tnany are undergraduate vs.
graduate. Second, I'm willing to pay for things all students can benefit from. Including upgraded classrooms, more GE
classes, a better ISU. I'm against athletics and diversity for the following reasons: 1) not everyone can benefit from the
""upgraded"" sports facilities and 2) anything in the name of ""diversity"" is utter BS; diversity, contrary to its
connotation, promotes exclusion and divides people based off of ethnicity or religious beliefs. That is anything but
diversity. Lastly, while I'm willing to pay for certain upgrades, I still worry about the time frame of projects, as well as the
usage of money. During my undergrad here at CSUF, we were told that the increase in parking permit price was only
""temporary"" in order to pay for the East Side parlting structure. I didn't know a ""temporary"" increase in price was
supposed to last close to eight years. Further, during my undergrad and a few times during my grad career, the ASI has
been petitioning the state and the university for lower fees. Yet, they were giving out ""free food"" in the quad once a
month. I wonder who paid for that? In short, my experLence with new ""fees"" and fee increases has been very bad. I am
very skeptical of this initiative and any new fee that we students have to p_ay for.
I am on a very tight budget and cannot afford t o pay one dime more.
!You would think the library out of all places on campus would provide the best wi-fi. It gets really frustrating when you're
doing an assignment and your Student-Secure becomes limited and you have to switch between Student-Secure and
I feel that t here are already various tools for students to study with. Many of them may never be usedr such as some Apps
tablets. A PC, a textbook, lettures and tutoring helps are good enough for students to set success on campus. We
should focus on t he way to t each t hem using t hese t hings efficiently Inst ead of getting t oo many options for t hem.
It seems that the reasoning given for the shortcoming in funds is due to the unfavorabel student/funding ratio. If that is (
the case, it should be taken up with the people in charge of funding to get a favorable ratio. Otherwise it could be easily
taken care of by limiting the amount of students that get admitted to the school, this would also allow us to get a better
ratio. If there is a knowledge of how many students the campus can appropriately support with the amount of funding
t hat it receives, then it seem irresposible to accept more students than that amount and simply say we now have too
rryany students so must now Eay more. .
his does not address the root of the issue. If csuf ranks so highly in enr0llment, why is it so severely underfunded? A This
speaks to legislation and the fundraising of the university, not abowt raising fees. A Why are ot her schools that rank lower
f unded better? A That is t he to answer not raising or adding new f ees.
I have a loan ou-t school. I atn .not in-terested in-getting invoTved and. I just want to gradua-te.' This fee-is -not-fair fDr .
others who fee;l '!!_ayA _
I would respectfuNy recommend that we look toward areas of savings Jj)rior to iMreasing costs for students. Areas such as
executive compensat ion and auxiliary costs that drain money from tne system, regardless of category-for example upkeep
of t he president's residemce. How do yo1:1 explain a near million doUar salary in addlrtion to a home paid for by the state? I
am concerned that students alreadyA pay roughly $220 per semester for parking, but there is not enough parking for all of
those wmo purchased a pass. Thus, where is the equity for the stttdemt in payiMg more in fees in order to support athletics,
yet we are unable to park on campus during the day? I understand adequate compensation for presiding over the
operations of a university, however it seems wnfair to burden students with addit ional costs, when executive
compensat ion throughout the CSU system Ia as not been addressed.
-- --J .. -- .... .
I think programs that are funded for academics should receive more attention and there should be more! funding toward
those programs. What I'm talking about is t o enrich the experience of college students by helping t hem to learn better
through better A A instruction, improved technology and tnore academi c funding toward majors that wil l have blg
benefits. I don't think we should support paying more for the at hletics program becawse that does11't seem as important
or necessary as it is for post graduate students to find a good job and be successful in the future. My thoughts about the
Student Success Initiative are it is a very good way to have the government help out Cal State Fullerton students to
- 1
receive a better education, academic progress, and high impact graduation practices but I don't think we should be paying '
more f C?r a!:'2 _ _ _
As prices for schooling increase we have to take out student loans. This is causing so much fear and stress for us. Hearing
about the current graduated classes being unable to find work is making it even worse. Having us pay more money is not
goi ng to help us at all. It will only cause us to doubt ourselves even more. PLEAS! do not do this to us. It is hard enough as
it is.
. . - - .... ._ - .
I believe Cal State Fullerton gives students the opportunity for a good education that's affordable. However, if f ees keep
on increasing then that affordable status will go down. I work and go to school fwll-time so I rarely am on campus. I've
to many other students and their situations are similar to mine. I think the TSU and other facilities are already nice
and I don't want to pay more each semester to improve t hem, when I won't even use them because I have to work full-
time in order to (lay for tuition.
This fee is way t oo high per semester. I understand that we may be underfunded, but taking it out of the student 's pocket
is NOT the way you sho_uld bt:: gett_ing funds. Either the or I say no to SSI
_ Many ofthe things listed on this survey are used by undergraduates. As a graduate student I am on campus one day a
teek, in college park. I do not use the majority of the services listed nor do my peers. I would suggest changing the fee
structure so it does not encompass graduate students and undergraduate students. Or use the money from graduate
students to fund services used by graduate students. However, the way the fees are explained and justified creates.&. a
climate of students against administrators. Please reconsider or at least e:xplain and justify fees in a more effective
Having been a student for many years at CSUF, I have witnessed many tuition increases. In fact, the tuition has doubled
since I have been attending here. I realize that many of the tuition increases, if not all, came from the CSU Board of
Trustees; however, as a student, I was initially concerned about the initiative because I have not and still do not
understand the reasoning behind the past tuition increases. In addition to the my initial concerns, when I looked up the
page regarding this initiative, there was no explicit breakdown for the new fees. It was onJy after the initiative video-slide
show that I was able to be willing to accept the new fees. In general, I have no qwalms about how the-fees will be used nor
the fee amount. My only problem is the lack of information on the initiative information page. If the breakdown of the
new fee, along with the information comparing our campus' financial dependency, or rather lack of dependency, on state
funds is added to the initiative site, I think rnore students will be willing to J:)ay the fees with less concerns about it. Also,
any information about how this fe differs from previous tuition increases will quiet the students' concerns while
t_h_efi! O\J'er . _. . . . .._ . . . . . - . . _ ... _ ..
I do not think that t his survey will accurately represent the st udent body since the 12m in mandatory video will discourage
from voting. There is not enough detail to show how the money will be used. A money breakdown would be
required for me to even consider SUP'P..Orting an initiative like this.
would be more than willing to pay for the athletic department if the music department was also receiving more funding.
1 may be mjstaken but, I have always felt t hat care more about athletics and take the musicians f or granted.A
- .
am trying to finish school debt free, and tacking on another fee is not going to assist me In this. Tuition costs are raised
every year as It Is, so why do we need more cost. The gym and SRC are great as Is, TSU Is just fine, how do diversity
programs enrich the academic trail towards a degree, and we don't need to make It easier for professors to read
powerpolnts to us. If you want to Improve the instructional experience, actually evaluate the professors every year. And
in the future, a less biased and manlr>ulatlve survey would be nice.
Overpopulation One of the major problems with CSUF is the overpopulation of students on campus. Fall 2013 had an 1
,increase by 9% from the 63,000 students that applied to CSUF in Fall 2012, making CSUF's enrollment the largest among l.
all CSU campuses. What our school should have done was implement the plan (created during the Prop 30 issue) to freeze
enroll ment and to wait-list all applicants. It is much more logical to only accept international students (b/c they pay more
tuit ion) than to continue accepting local students, which is already making students frustrated in finding parking and
registering for class without priority registration. Most students, like me, must come to school at 7-8 a.m. for parking even
t hough our classes don't start until noon or later. We are paying a ridiculous amount of owr money to pay for parking
permits and we can't even find a parking spot when we want to because they are simply too tnany students and too few
spots. Easy Admissions= lack of Respect and Recognition Compared to UCs =Lack of Titan Pride The least we
should do is increase the requirements of being admitted to our school. CSUF is frown upon in compar ison to UCs because
CSUF is often seen as a backup school because we did not get into our dream school or because it was the cheapest
school other than a community college. Increasing our academic competitiveness wi ll help increase Titan pride. Getting
accepted into CSUF is TOO EASY. When I applied to CSUF in 2011, I had no doubt in my mind that I would get accepted .
.Our admission requirements should at least meet the same requirements as .schools near CSUF, such as UCI. The majority
of st.udents do not have Titan pri de at all because they know that on resumes or for graduate schools, typically attending
a high-ranking school like a UC increases your chances of getting to your objective, all things being equal. Despite grads
schools saying that where your undergrad degree comes from doesn't matter, most of the feeder schools for prestigious
grad schools come from UC or private schools. Nearly every, if not all, UCs are tanked higher than CSUF. Our school should
be in the top and seen as a competitive school , riot as a b,ackup school on the bottom ofthe list of schools you applied to
---- ____ _
CSUs need more money, but it should not come from the students. The CSU system as a whole needs to organize itself
better and lobby for more funding from Sacramento. Additi'o.nal.lo/, the administration should take a pay cut.. they make
enough money that it won't affect their lifestyles. The students do not have such a luxury - fee and tuition increases hit
them much harder. Additionally, expanding financial aid awards will simply serve to perpetuate this cycle. The goal of CSU
at the moment should be to lower tuition and hire more faculty. large organizations always have efficiencies to find,
mostly by rearranging the structure so that the organization is r:1ot as top heavy. In other words, administration should
be cut before tuition is raised. They are grosslY_ for the work they do.
The real quest ion i s why .. csui= .compar ed. t o-other-schools.K-l.J nles-s u-ndersta-nd why we a-re nat
getting the funding like other campuses, it is unrealist ic to expect students to carry the burden of fees. Is this a pay it
f orw! rd prSJgt a_m o r_':"i)I_Jt _!_h en I<:J_an? __ . --- _ __ .
just because a few students that are active on campus about their commuter school doesnt mean the majority have to
Ray for what they want. ifthe want something the can fund raise for it.
hi s initiative is too broad and expensive for me to be willing to pay for it. I believe that most things are eood the way they
don't feel that we should be giving more money to athletics. From what i hear the athletic teams are not that great,
except for maybe the baseball team. I feel that its unfair that athletics only gets money, while the music department has
t o pay to go to competitions. I feel that if money was going to the music department as well it would be a different story.
It also seems that we would have to pay for things that shiDuld already be included, such as WiFi and course availability. It
seems to me that if we are going to increase course availability, we would be paying for professors salaries. isn't that what
tuition is for. It just seems like a way to get more money out of students. Somethings like classroom improvements is
understandable but some of the other things mentioned just seem like ways to get money out of students and not have
the sc_hoo_l pay fo.r it . . . . . . . __ .. . _ . _
If I'm going to pay for any additional fees, then I expect to never have semesters where I get only 1 or 2 classes in the
Computer Science department again. I do not need any othe11 classes outside of the department and I apparently have no
priority towards completing my requirements. I pay your excessive tuition and fee rates for at most 2 classes a semester,
a nd continuing to raise those rates is just goif)gto increase your drqp. _out rates in your technology deP-artments.
What about the art student'S in our so proud college of Titans? Our buildings and workrooms need help to be modified
and upgraded too. I understand that the athletics are what give this school a name by their !iCOtes and such, but us
beginning artists need to supported as welL I find it unfair to have others drag their' attention away to the oh-so-
important athletics when the art students, the science students, and all other majors need financial support too. We art
students stay up late aftE!r college hours and practite our skuts too, not just the We;ve been needing funding as
well, we need support, we need help to express our opinion and our creativity. I just don't want the art distriGt of this
school to be thought of in the end when all funding has already been disbursed and used. We are part of this school as
We are not all athletics and not all of us see_ s arts as ou_r titan pride. . _ -
am not willing to pay $240.50 per semester for this proposal. I don't think it is necessary and it is t oo much money to
Presentat ion was incre.1ibly bias. It also didn't t ell us where the speaker was getting his information and statistics. I don't
. I
beli,eve in this student initiative when there's already so ml!lch that we pay fo11 in this school. If you add the student
initiative fees to the fees we already_ such P.rograms like ASI and so on, it's a huge fee.
I agree that t hese areas of Improvement referenced in t he presentation are great Ideas and may be necessary for the
academic success of CSUF students and a more enriched college experience. However, I Believe that the state should be
providing the funds necessary as we are a state university, not a private university .I, I do also believe that students should
contributing to these Improvement goals some how. Whether It Is taken from our student enrolment fees fine or some
of alumnJ contribution, student Involvement, academlc/charltableA funding from large corporatlonsA- timewamer
or att - who provtde us with the wlfl service should be more lndlned to assist with academic success of students. I think
coming up with some other creative funding ideas would be much better than Increasing student fees. A A
I think that this Rrogram would be worth the amount that is asked from the students. It is a fair price
presentation did not stateA howA csufwould go about doing this. A. Furthermore, this education is supposed to be
affordable and I can't afford It as it is right now, much less If the cost were to Increase. Athletics do not need more money,
student success should already be a priority. A. We should not have to pay extra to have classrooms that are not
fcJIIing apart and instructors who are passionate about their jobs.
Over my last five years at CSUF, alii have enj oyed is increased payment ""extaeriences. "" I have not benefited, a nd
disagree that this will benefit me al}y more ! NO MORE FEESH!!
'\do not want to pay for something t hat t he school should already be doing.
The video claims that CSUF receives the lowest state funding per student among all of the CSU campuses. A If this is truly j
t he case, then why is there no option to rally the state into increasing the funding for the school? A I feel as if the students
were not given an option but simply forced into paying higher tuition fees. A There are no other alternatives offered- is
simply making the students pay the only route to take? Furthermore, the video did not include a transparent and
thorough breakdown of where the current fundihg goes. A CSUF still receives funding from the state (even though it may
receive less funding than other CSU campuses), as well as funding from tuition fees. A Where does all this money go? A If I
am a complete diagram showing where all of our current tuition fees go, then I might be more supportive of the
tuition fee increases. A However, since I am not showh such a diagram, how am I to know that C$UF wants to increase
student fees simply because it does not know how to manage its finances? Additionally, the video mentions how the
increased t uition fees will support various different programs. A I agree that some of these programs are necessary, but I
strongly affi rm that increasing student fees is not the way to fund them. A I would also like to add that some of the
programs discussed did not make ;;thy sense to me. A By the time most of these benefits are put into place, a large chunk
of the student population who paid for these behefits will have graduated or will graduate soon. A Thus, their money
would benefit others rather than themselves. I do not support the fee increase. A I believe that if CSUF truly desires to
itself, w__ay._ _
When the questions say ""support your academic Jil rogr-ess"" and'"' enrich your pat h to grraduat ion ... ,"" I iieel these should
be a given in the amount of tuition we pay. Atld if you are going to mention facilities to ""upgrade,"" I noticed nothing was
said about the Art department dassroolilils-the st udios need help. I understand things on campl!l s can be BETTER, but no
While I understand that a fee increase will great ly improve t he education and experience of CSUF students and that state
funding is lowerA for CSUF than el sewhere (why is this not being directly challenged?), I am appalled and outraged that
students are once again being asked to pay more)\ How can this be expected of students when the past several years
have resulted in exorbitant fee increases and have made a CSU education unaffordable for students?? A Now, the
university wants to burden students with yet another 5% increase?A A In my opinion this isA completely unacceptable and
reveals a blatant disregard and disrespect for CSUF students on the part of the administration, particularly in light of the '
recent passing of Prop 30 and the fact that the budget crisis is coming to an end. An additional fee increase is simply not ,
acceptable andA other alternatives for increased funding mustA be pursued (e.g. state grant? bond initiative?).A I find thei
fee_incre_ase t 9_be '! ':!.d of not s_u2 port _
!You know, a lot of us don't have their parer:tts lnelplng them or even qualify for financial aid. How am I supposed to finish
coll ege when you people keep hiking the prices higher and higher? The majority of the things you mentioned don't even
affect me. Why_ should I have to pay for t he athletics department? A No. Just. No.
It 's incredibly important to stay involved and help better Cal State Fullerton for future generations. They deserve the best
educat ional experience possible so if that me;;tns that we all have to pay a little extra every semester then by all means.
The problem is, is that too many people just don't care. If people were more aware Of the need for these resources and
reali ze the ability to help someone else I think that there would be a lot more support. Unfortunately people are selfish
a_l!d_ to_e_ass orc:!E?L C?L!t .. _ . _ _ . _ ........ _ .
!As a Masters student that will be done at CSUF May 2014 I see the fee increase as a need that wi ll hel'p with the many
issues that CSUF has and while I do feel that the fees are already high, a little more is going to help make good changes for
t he future st udents of CSUF.
Ve have the highest enrollment so you are collecting a huge amount of money through tuition. The TSU has been
upgraded more times than I can remember since I was a kid, when is it gong to stop? The video did not mention how
students are current ly taking advantage of the resources available to them, is there any demand in the first place?A
If CSUF receives lowest funding from the state t his Issue must be addressed with the state. I don't think it is fair to ask
students to Rav more to cover short falls.
ifhe only thing that should be focused on should only be more class sections for high demand classes and/or additional
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The school government should be funding these programs more, not t he students. Most students won't even benefit for
t he extra programs from our fees. Most students do not use the fees we pay for the gym. Most of us don't ever visit the
health center. Although these are very tmportant programs, we as students should be focusing on paying for our t uit ion
and books. We pay more t han enough money without having t o spend on facilities that could be easily be paid by people
who are making hundreds of thousands of doi!Jars a, year {the school government).A
. . -. .. . .
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. The school is inherently wasteful because it doesn't run Hke a business. The school has no economical incentive to cut
costs or to become more effiGient. Thus, this invites waste and lack of accountability to how our dollars are spent.Aiso,
most of CSUF are commuters and because of that, most of them won;t directly benefit from all these programs. It is 1,1nfair
to FORCE these students to subsidize other studentis college experience. The school spent way too much on the smoking
,ban and pays ridiculous salaries for administrators and staffthat we don't actually need. Of course, school officials are for
. '
'this because that means more money for them and their friends. While this is happening, students suffer. More
,administrators mean less teachers and less classes.lf you guys rea fly want to do some of the programs you advocate then
should cut costs and become more efficient l!ke any person,_family, _or business in similar financial situations.A

I am very conceded when It comes to the SSI because I can not find statistics/percentages of how much money will go to
what. It worries me when I see that athletics Is Included because too often I have experienced where all the majority of
money goes to sports. A However, the doubling the Wi-FI is defiantly something I support . .&. All together the Information Is
too vague. I want to see specifics and then maybe I could_get behind the SSI.
The technological, academic, and diversity programs are what I am willing to pay a small amount of money for. Money
i1!1't necessari!ythe only_ way to P.romote Titan J>ride; there are cheaper ways to_ get people involved.A
My problem with the student success Initiative Is giving anyone the power to increase fees. What's going to happen after
3rd year? Will the fees goes back to the way It was or will it keep going up to pay for the upkeep with all those
initiatives? I do not mind paying my fair share but I think we need to pick and choose what's Important Instead of doing all
!!_hose initiatives to be done at once.
The people who are in charge of this new as well as students on campus, should be spending their time and
ef fort wri t ing to federal and state legislatures expressing their outrage over the fact that our education syst em is being
underfunded, rather than passing on the fees to the students. School is already expensive enough; and aside from
updating classrooms and offering more classes, the other proposals don't seem relevant to our education, although they
may contribute our social lives. The main reason I'm against these new fees is because I come from a one income family
t rying to put two kids through college and we can't really afford to pay additional fees, especially those that don't even
apply to us, like updating athletic facilities. Maybe these fees should be optional, Clnd only the people who use these
services should pay for them, rather than asking people to pay for something they are never going to use. And as far as
updating the classrooms, TSU, and other athlet ics facilities, why not ask alumni to contribute? I'm sure they are proud
Tita ns that would love to contribute to theirformer school in order to see the success offuture students. I'm not saying
these services aren't important because I know they can lead to the success of many students, I may even use these
servi ces in the future and am willing to pay for them when I do. But I think we should look Cit every altemative possible
bef ore putting fee_s on the and school even harder to .. A
If t here is a descriptive wriil:t en document that shows how every. sttudent' s fmcreased t witiom is allocated for the Student
Success Initiative, I may be more willing to pay for a higher tuitiom. lnil is sur;ve't comes off as biased against students who
are agai nst the increase in tuition, especi ally Question 1. Also, please st u!iler.1t s more aware that this survey is a vote
t oward t he increase in tuition and not ust a surve . That is misleaGilim .
I get no financial aid because liive wit.h -my parents- arrd their ifl come is too high for me to qualify. A H.o.wever, I have to
pay for my own schooling. A The school should take this into consideration, because there are a lot of people in the same
' .
situation as I am
I think that the state should provide funding for a lot of these services, 110t making the st udents pay. Things like
t echnology and wifi band width shoul d be something we are ent itle! t o as a t op notch educati on faci lity. Other things like
academic advisors should be somethi ng that the school offers in t itle we pay.A However, things like TSU and
library hours I can understand payi ng for because these are bonuses in addition to my academic success.
lfhere should be more money going to enriching the path to graduat inlil than to supporting Titan pride. If upgraded
technology is only going t o a certain number of cl assrooms, thenA it A should go to the ones that need it most. There
should be peopl e to visit every classroom and assess which ones to be improved inst ead of relying on old data
or surveys. It is not cl ear how '"'diversity"" will be improved. What wiH change to make the campus more diverse and how
will A the changeA affect the universit y? ""Titan pride"" should also he and broken down into more than just
sports. The universit y has the right t o rai se tuit ion, but why can't it pay for these services and upgrades wi th the money
coming in right now? WhereA does the money from the current t Ui ith:>n go?
The school makes more than enough. money to do more for student s: The hi ghest paid staff (the bosses) shoul d take a pay
cut instead of increasing student fees.
: rom the present ation provided and the information laid out In the website, it seems that this
program was geared primarily towards athletics and athletes more than the general student population. A The math
lone doesn't lie-- by the 3rd year, $105 Is going to athletics/athletic benefitting programs. A That's OVER 43 percent.
All of that funding to benefit less than 10% of the student population. A This '"'Student Success Initiative"" is a sham for
he remainder of the students who are struggling to get classes, for the student s who need more access to technology and
ampus resources such as career education, library, etc. A I think that while funding is scarce, this proposal should be
revisited to address the concerns of the GENERAL student population, and not just a subset of athletes. A This is a
university where we should support higher education and the students who are pursuing this endeavor, not just students
who are dying to be a professional athlete while forcing the general student population to suffer for that ends. A I
vehemently oppose this Student Success Initiative as it is written and distributed. A If someone had the guts to properly
revise it, I personally think there may be some students who may revisit it. A I certainly hope that you take this into
Paying an ext ra $i4-0 doiia-rs so t he .schooi cii.nA remove ash-trays Sb the -ci-gat ette butts can be fri Pianters-iiow - ---
instead of in ash trays, whfle also already paying $220 for a parking pass that does not even guatamtee parking. Ya I am
good on paying eve:li more for '
- . . . . . .
I like the idea of having better wi-fi around school, but I think we already pay enough for services that most of the
students do not use, nor will they ever use.A I feel this way especially regarding the athletic events.A I personally have
never been to any sporting events, nor do I have any interest in attending those events.
-- --r- ... .... _
;why do we receive the lowest state funding? fee increase spans for two years 80 to 170 then to the advertised 240
forever? how much addit ional money wiH be generated with the proposed fee hike? how soon would our money be at
work? When will technology and High capacity Wi-Fi be implemented. Am I going to graduate before seeing results?
are our OP.tions? Do we even have qRtions or the fee is already scheduled? A
I am pretty sure I am not the only student to suggest this, but I would like to see at least some Investment Into a ca mpus
wide recyclable program, for example placing specific trashcans for plast ic bottles and aluminum cans around school. I feel
like if t he university was able t o recycle Its own waste, we might be able to place t he retrieved revenue back int o st ude nt
programs and might even help by offsetti ng some of the costs In the proposed t uition raises. I might be making It
sound more simple t han what it really Is, but I have noticed that with the multiple food offering locations and vending
machines t hat much of that waste can be recycled, and the school has not paid attention or began to address how we can
use that to our advantage. Thank vou.A.
I do not see how any ofthe proposed solutions through the Student Success Initiative will enrich my academic experience
here at Cal State Fullerton. I do not understand how expanding the T$U and providing better sports equipment will help
me gain more from my education and futuTe degree. I am strongly against this fee, as students are currently already
paying enough for classes, books, parking passes, and other sG:hool related expenses. My sense of Titan Pride does not
come from our success in sports, 24 l'lolJlr library access, or better centers for veterans. My Titan Pride comes from being
able to belong to a diverse community of people who all share an desire to learn. l feel that many of the solutions
proposed through the Student Success Initiative are more for aesthetic value rather than for actual things that are going
tb benefit my quality of education. If improvements wish to be made to help Titans succeed, then those changes need to
come from within the dassroom.
i think t hat the new fee should be charged t o the new incoming students. I don't think is fair to charge t his fee to (
I am planning to graduate during Spring 2015 and I might not be able t o take f ull advantage of the new
implementations. Al so, I am an international student t hat have a set budget for the next few semesters. An increase in my
f ees will have a great impact on my.p_arents' P._ockets. Therefore, I am totally against t his increase on IT! Y fees.
Thi s initiative does not seem well organized or planned. A Many of the programs proposed here will affect an incredibly
small subsection of the population, and many of the suggested ideas that sound beneficial (i.e. DSS) do not sound very
well thought out; there is no plan for how the funds will support these things. A The initiative is clearly biased in favor of
part icular groups such as the athletics department. A These groups impact very few students out of our large population.
:A Most of the clubs and orgi'mizations have to work to find ways to fund their own programs; athletics should be no
different . A Fullerton is the largest CSU, true, but it is largely a commuter campus. A Many of the students attending CSUF
have to work very hard at multiple jobs in order to fund their educations; the decreases in funding have already hit the
students in difficult to stomach (arid pocket) ways, and it iS completely unacceptable to force further financial hardship on .
all st udents for programs that benefit very few students and are poorly planned and throw around key words and talking
points without providing concrete details as to how the program will, in actuality, help students. A I am very against this
measure on principle and financially, and I am bothered that this initiative is being forced on students in so many ways
(including ICC being pressured to force dup members to allow a representative to attend a dub meeting and speak about
it, which has offended me .greatly.). "
The student fees are al ready really high, I t lil il'lk that CSUF lileeds to re-evaluat e it 's spending, and fi gure out how to
invest/spend the money t hat we pay f or our; edul!:atimn. l ncreaiSimg st udent f ees is insane, I can not afford to pay, more.A
This ini t iative is ambitious wit h several facets that I beli eve are unattainable with the funds desired. A I believe that if you
are to give money to the varsity sports, you should bring back a sport that was recently cut from the University--wrestling. '
Cultural centers where people within that culture can hang out? A Those cultural clubs can raise their own funding.
A California is very diverse and in some areas considered a melt ing pot--at the hospitals where I have worked, there are
no divisions based on your background (aside from prof ession) therefore I don't see the point in allocating funds towards
different cultural backgrounds. A Free Microsoft office is great--now you're telling me it's no longer free. A I appreciate
t he fact that the tuition is the lowest of the CSUs--it's affordable, A Now, being a graduate student, I am not in need of a
guidance counselor. A I am also not on fullerton's campus often therefore the library hours and the wifi does not affect
me. A I personally do not see the benefit of this proposed student fee therefore I am against it. A Thank you for reading
none at the moment.
other college?
. - .. - J
1 he reason I go to CSUF is because it is more affordable than other CSUs and other University syst ems.
I like to pay for things that -will not really affect me as weli i s my peers."The TSU is aiready-VerY"n"ice and does
not need to be upgraded. I am not in Athletics so that department does not affect me at all. The technology on campus is
fine t o me and I am not willing to pay $500 extra per year for things that do not need to be changed. Tuition is high
. _____ --- __
:SUFis a school that support students with a limited budget. I am not willing to pay $2,000 over a period of 4 years for
these services. The TSU is not utilized to its potential in the current state. I do agree on improving the wi-fi to support
academic achievement. However, students spend most of their time in the library watching Netflix or on Facebook. The
TSU should be closed during finals week and the library should be open 24 hours instead. Athletes do give our students a
sense of pride. I live too far away to ever attend a sports game. I do not support using student fees to pay for these
students to go to school on scholarships. Scholarships in general based on community work and academic achievement
should be expanded instead.A
- - . . - . - - .. - .
In my opinion, CSUF is doing quite well in MOST of these areas.A There might be, at most, minor inconvonviences within
them (i.e. waiting to see academic advising or technical issues with t he eomputers) but t hey are, in no way, worth having
EVERYONE pay more money.A You could make the argument t hat if everyone gives a rel at ively small amount, then it'll go
a long ways, but where the hell do we draw the line t hen? We're al ready paying t housands in tuition, hundreds for a
parki ng pass, and now this.A Every t ime some committee separate f rom t he maj ority of the st udents decides that t he
school 'needs' something new, t hey' ll j ust keep t acki ng en f ees. I can't imagine ANYONE I know who goes here being in
favor of t his thing.A You know what they would be in f avor of? More parking! Ai r condit ioning in McCarthy Hall ! How
about we work on thatA before tackli ng the all imRortant campus wi-fi?
These fees are ridiculous. A I'm all in favor of enriching my learning experience, but when I'm already spending a large
amount of money in fees plus a parking pass that costs $230 (ahd is about to get raised in pricet I'm not for
adding an extra fee that won't really make much of a difference in my experience at CSUF. A No amount of
of the TSU will make my ex erience _there better, I h_ave to make it better for tnyself.A
a transfer student from Arizona I was surprised to see how little CSUF offered to students when it came to technology,
i-fi, and even the proper equipment in the Academic Resource Center. I made the decision to live on campus so I could
have the full experience of being on a University campus for the first time. I could have gone to anywhere or even stayed
In Arizona but I liked what CSUF had to offer at the time I took a tour of the campus (Fall 2011). Little did I know that the
:wi-fl service was terrible. I hate that during homework time and while doing research I get kicked off the network and
have to log In and start all over. Next, the copy machine in the ARC was not up to standards. I appreciate that the assistant
n duty was trying his best to help me, but having the ""jiggle"" the machine because It jams, shouldn't be a concern. I am
aying a lot of money to get my education at CSUF, so I hoped I would be getting better services to help me have a
uccessful educational experience. I would also hope that before Improving the TSU, some attention could be put into the
esldentlal Apartments. I understand these buildings where built a while ago, but minor repairs such as caulking the door
rames, painting the walls, cleaning the vents and replacing the shower curtains. Would make living on campus more
njoyable. I understand many things need to be taken into consideration, however these are some things I have noticed
hile being at CSUF this first year. I don't mind paying for anything as long as I get my monies worth In the end. So far, I
m not Impressed. I hope some of what I've mentioned wtll be taken into consideration and will be Improved on, I will
hen have great things to say about my experience as a and could then highly recommend CSUF to other potential
students in the future.A
I would like more colored professors and academic advisrng staff. I believe this is important because it will make
minorities more comfortable to talk to someone who understands their struggles. I am strongly willing to pay for more
colored academic advisors and P.rofessors!! .
'Ve are going to be up to our asses with debt by the time we get out of here. Asking us to pay more for marginally
ri9iculous.!. an_d 1'1}1 !lOt why y9u think an_y<?_!1e would a_gree with !his
The school can raise t uition all they want to try and make the school look nicer by expanding and enhancing programs, but
if the professors and staff at CSUF are sti ll unable to teach us properly, the amount of money we pay for tuition does not
mean a thing. I would rather the money go towards hiring more professors because it is hard enough to f ind money for
tuition, let alone being stuck with poi ntless classes that I don't need j ust to keep my f ull ti me st atus. Almost every student
in t his school has a problem with bad registration dates because of the lack of classes and professors available. Get more
!prof essors, open up more classes and t hen we can talk about enhanci ng t he TSU and sports.
We already payenough money-as it-is and adding more t o our tuition is ridicuious.".AII the things ment ioned that the
money is supposed to be used for already has been budgeted for and is getting money. Most of the studerHs here
commute to school from home and don't care about ail the extra stuff you want to do. The students that do want that
extra stuff can donate the extra money if they wish to but forcing it upon the rest of us that already struggle paying tuition
enough is not fai r. A
I seriously do not believe im fur.tdimg i m CD \!1 11 athlet ics prrogram if t his funding will not improve nay patlit t o enrich my
education and graduat ion. I 1 o not belieVie we should promote the university more than what we al ready do. Our
impact ed courses would l!le more impa<I:ted tfuan what they already are by the infl ux of new students comi ng to study at
CSUF. I believe most students do not pay, mudl at t ent ion to the diversit y festivals but ratherfind morre options to help
t hem overcome t he struggles of learning t he rreql!Jired mat erial f rom thei r classes. A library opem 24/7 during finals week
does not sound like a good idea. Students also need to rest and sl eep to be better prepared for their fi nals. The students
have to learn to manage thei11 t ime properly, and not be inspired to procrastinate by going t o parties with their friends or
doing some other mind-emll!J lgil'lg ad! thatr will mot benefit t o thei r success t owards ass in their finals .
I would be on board for this initiative, but in the presentation there were a lot of things that troubled me. First off, if I, as a
st udent, am going to be paying more, then I strongly fill that the Dean and all the top level people at CSUF should be
taking a pay cut. And when I say the Dean I mean the Dean, not the professors. So far the prof essors have been taking a
hit for everything. They get pay cuts or simply get fired. That's not right. The Dean needs to take a pay cut too. Moving on
now, I feel the things that should be the biggest focus are updating the classrooms and updating the advising process. I
don't mind at all paying a little more to help update those. I'm 100% on board with that . It's pretty sad that there are still
classrooms with chalkboards in them. And it's also pretty sad that when I go in for academic advising, it's pretty much
guaranteed that I'm going to be given wrong informatron. I've heard so many hortor stories of students being told they
are able to graduate by one advisor only to find out f rom another one that they can't. Those two areas should be priority.
When it comes to sports, they should not get any of this money. It's beyond ridiculous to even think that they should. I
show my ritan pride by telling people r go to the school that has one of the vety best History programs. That 's how I show
my pride. The sports teams get everything handed to them on a silver platter as it is, they can hold fundtaisers to get thei r
funding like how most performing arts programs do it. In high school, I was in one ofthe top two marching bands in the
state of California. We ranked 17th best in the whole nation. And you know what, all of our funding we raised on our own,
while the sports teams got everything handed to them. Our practice field was demolished to make room for a new gym. I
think F1.1llerton's performing arts program and other ACADEMIC programs should be the absolute main focus of this
initiative. If you want to raise more money for scholarships, I'm fine with that just make them scholarships for those of us
who are in Academic programs. Or hey, here's an idea1 how about give more scholarships to those of us who have chosen
'Fullerton as the place we want to get our teaching credential at. Focus on academics first! And as far as funding going to '
veterans, if I'm not mistaken, there's a bill called the Gl Bill that gives them a free ride to college. It's cool and all that they i
erved our country, but they're already getting money handed to them from the government. They don't need more
funding I fully support more funding to those people wlth disabilities though In concluson I'm f'ne with pay'ng a little I
extra if the funding is going to things strictly academic, But I would prefer none of this money to go to athletics and I' d like
the Dean to make some monetary sacrifices too ..

- -
I believe that this school is already one of the top schools In the state. I love the atmosphere, the faculty, and being a
I do not believe that we need to '"'modernize"" it. I am not willing to pay money out of my pocket for something I
don't believe Is necessary.
Hire more teachers, create more '"'ill].p_acted classes'"' A but reduce unnecessary GEs.
not pay more money to fund athletics when they offer no, benefit to me or a majorityA of the school
:rhe argument is very informative, but right now I think the best option is to only improve the technology on our campus. 1
have been at Fullerton for about 3 1/2 years, but I have managed to properly guide myself through proper courses.
Getting the information I have needed, and in a timely manner from c;:ounselors and teachers. I have had no issues on
what is being address for this initiative, other than the WIFi issue. If the school would like to use more funding towards
what is proposed I think one great idea is to get rid of the free lunch parties, snack nights, pizza with the dean, and instead
use that money towards better options. Those events are a fantastic idea, but maybe it should be something the school
sells rather than offer for free.A With the extremely high price we pay for parking on campus, I'd prefer to not have any
increase on what I feel would not heJp my college ex erience. I vote NO to this lnitiative.A
I found the pairing of spending groups a little bizarre and do not trust the allocatlons.A The pairs were setup to attract
upport, but I would suspect the percentages will be skewed ln a unsupportable way .'A If funds available do not support
he budget, then lower the budget.-' That Is how everybody else lives. Why are all the forums scheduled at the same
me (4PM) evervda ?A Looks like It Is convlent the wrong side of the table.
I do not believe that an increase in student fees is the right route to take in order to achieve what allegedly will be
improved by this proposal. I understand we are the lowest funded, but perhaps improve staff morale and have professors
for grants. in the this time. J
In no aspect of your presentation did you expl ain pl aces where you have already lobbied to the state or tried to get
outside funding before trying to pinch the pockets of CSUF students. I am against the expansion of the TSU because most
of our 38 thousand students commute and do not spend more time than is necessary on campus besides just going to
t heir classes. I see our upgrading the athl etics department and supporting our athleti cs a wise investment of our fee
increase because it wil l bring in revenue for our campus. With that said the cons in my opinion out weigh t he pros for
the SSI funding proposal, and I have a strong objection to an increase in our fees until you as a board and committeeA can
prove to us students that you have exhausted all other resources bef ore looking to the students. We are all in the same
boat and barely scrapping by as it is, I have f riends who work to jobs full time just to afford t he fees of our campus. I went
here because I saw it as an affordable option for my college experience. My family is in no way helping me pay for my
coll ege education, and I really don't kmow where that extra 80 dollars a year is g0ing to come from. I would have to pick
up more than just a summer job if this increase is pushed through. So no, at this tir111e, wl1i h the facts presented to me I am
f1 ot for the 551 funding RfOR0Sal.
the money is being used to academid-uccess;-then l ' h1 .fine with it.-liut I'm stiil concerned about the
increase of tuit_i_on_. By of it al_l, 1'1! payin(5a_nextra. $481 per year to
A large majority of CSUF's studemts work full-time, including myself. A We barely make enough to pay our bills and to
come to this school. A I can barely afford my parking pass and yet our parking here is horribl e. A WIFI and improving the
!fSU are the least of my concerns. A Why do we have t o look the best. A Improve selecting our prof essors and keep our
campus cl ean. A We ID'<lY enough arnd can't afford to pay an extra 240 doll ars. A I will leave t his school if that initiati ve
Student tuition and fees are already real ly hefty because some of us are already paying for our own education. By
increasing the student fees, it is adding unnecessary stress on students' finances and we may have to take out loans. CSUF
should be helping to keep costs for students as low as possible. Please keep in mind students have to pay for
textbooks/online a-ccess codes each semester, and one book alone may cost $200 (If a full time student, that may be
almost $1000 for books alone! And we are hot able to sell them back for the same price we bought them for) . Also, since
ObamaCare has come into the picture this year, us students will have something else to pay for and we Will have difficulty
allocating our finances towards both ObamaCare and this Student Success Initiative. I don't think these items listed in the '
Student Success Initiative are necessary in order for students to graduate. But, they should have been
the most important jobs in the world. But aredeserving bettera assumes that we are being treated poorly. We
Jredeservea something, yet we are expected to pay for it? This title rankles and serves as the Icing on the irony-flavored
cake. Technology. We need better technology. Wait. Why? We have white/chalk boards in every classroom. Has our
education system been saved by technelogy? How much technology is really necessary? I am very iffy about this vague
allocation to '"'technology"".A Is this like, replacing broken projectors, or something unnecessary like putting an
arcade/television/ bowling alley in the TSU underground? One can see why I'm worried. Why do we need the college to
pay for software? There is free, open-source software available ubiquitously on the net. How much does it cost to provide
a link to those? Open Office, Word (free with Microsoft), whatever the freeware apple version is called. If a student feels
the need for all the of the pretty GUI of Microsoft Word and powerpoint/ excel
they can put up the
cash themselves. I have gotten on fine with only Open Office's writerfspreadsheet/slideshow software for
Technology is helpful, but in a pinch there are cheaper option!\. Expansion of the TSU. Beau.tify it. Make it bigger. What?
Please, don't modenti:ze it unless it is not earthquake safe or something. There is of grass to learn on, California is
pretty much sunny arid warm, benc;hes are cheap.,.l know this is a simplified and idealistic perspective, but the TSU is the
least of our problams. What the acepresentationa doesn't explain is why we receive the lowest amount for our student
population. Why did this happen? Low grad school transfer? Grades? Why? Knowing thatj I would still ask why the
solution to this problem is money. Tell us, instead1 what the problem is. Get .us angry. Angry and active. Not sad and short
-almost 300$. How can we take action? Let us, a KUGE body of students, know how we can help in ways that won't further
drop us down the poverty level. We are students, educated, and willing to get angry/active. Anyway. Almost 300$ per
semester. It is a short trip up north or a nice new outfit for those with disposable income. For me it is the aresutvival
numbera. I receive the maximum financial aid every semester, and after tuition is deducted leftover) arid books
mostly paid for ("'300 left, if S classes), I have just enough to supple merit tny meager income (3 working days is all I .can
:h;;mdle, English/Linguistics double major problems amirite?) to pay for groceries and train passes (did I mention I had to l
sell my little car?) and other necessities. I bring aH my own meals to school (the school food outlets are terribly unhealthy .
. nd expensive but that's another rambling) and buy all my books used. This gradual increase obviously hurts me. I can see
how it will hurt my credit score (sad jCllke sound here). We all go to the same school, and want the same thing (a better
future), but we are not all in the same socio-economic niche. We cannot all afford this, as we cannot all afford to go to
more exp_ensive schools) love affordability (hey, even I C<! n afford college, ignoril!_g my massive I
Strongly against all parts of this tuition hike lA
rvvm students who are enrolled in on-line degree completion programs be exempt from the proposed new fee?A Those of
us enrolled in these programs do not attend classes or utilize any of the facilities on campus.A Many from my cohort do
not even live in the Fullerton area.A Personally, I am about five hours away from campus and would not beneflt from
library hours, upgraded classrooms, WIA'FIIn common areas or any of the other projected improvements. In
prder to participate In the on-line program, completion of multiple other courseworl< Is required.A Once accepted into
program, our courses are already designated and we are assured enrollment Into each class .A In other words, we will
not gain anything from more course sections offered. Hopefully, you take Into account not all CSUF students participate
In on-campus classes or actlvltles.A If the new student fees are approved, It does not seem reasonable to assess It across
l"he board.A Obtaining a roster of students, who are enrolled entirely In off-campus classes, could eliminate charging
!someone for a service or upgrade which no access to receive. for_Y.Q.ur consideration.
l-am studying mechanical engineering and most of the classes pertaining t o my major ar.e bottl eneck classes. I have no
intention of being force! into paying for an extra year due to poor class availability. Improving class availability would be !
m top priority if I were oh the committee. _
I am very disappointed in t he way '"'pizza wit h the presidents"" went the other day. I have found many recent financial
decisions on this campus irresponsible and do not trust this initiative. Instead if putting a Starbucks in the library, why
couldn't we have put in another computer lab? Most of the technology in the newer classrooms are hard for professors to
figure out! It's funny how these '"'presidents"" will refuse to take pay cuts in order to help students and instead ask
students to pay up for resources which they probably don't already use anyway. I think that asking students for more
money in order to provide two weeks of 24/7 access to the library is ridiculous! What about the rest of the semester? If i
students are to be asked to pay even more for attending a school where the president is more concerned about putting in
a new fence in her backyard than the success of the students who pay for that fence is unfair! Almost every other student
on this campus has to work part orfull time to make ends meet. If you want to improve our students success, I would
suggest starting with supporting our professors who actually are interested in our success in finding a job by providing us
a great After all, what would it if the University I graduated from had a great sports team if I was never
part qf it ?
Why do students have to suffer and pay more? Its hauder to get classes since the budget keeps cutting classes for some
department. N0t only suffering of classes, many strudents have to pay out their own pockets for school and this is going
t o make it harder for student to pay for school. Thus, the new ina:@ming studer:1ts have to pay the consequence that they
do not know about.A
For those struggling to make ends meat as well as pursuing a higher education t hese fees will rob us of a chance to do
bot h. I, along with countless st udent s, am unable t\3 aff ord these fee hikes and if implemented, I Will be f orced to drop out
so t hat f may retain a decent quality of life outside of the academic world. These proposed fee increases are the worst
idea anyone involved iffinancial policies of the school has ever
- . - - .J, . . . -# - - .. - - ____ .. - - - - . a, .. . .. 1, - - - -
Nhile I support certain ideals mentioned in the proposed SSI, such as diversity initiatives, campus advisement, and
especially expanded courae offerings, I do not, in any way, support the vaguely worded nature of this entire initiative. As
a humanities major, it is all too often that we hear word of increased funding, or even of fee increases that are '"'for the
good of the student." " Six years ago I stepped foot on campus, when the tuition was half of what it is today. I understand
that sometimes fees are necessary to bring about improvements, but I feel confident (and I know that I am not alone) in
saying that if anything, conditions have worsened in this time span for humanities students. I am thankful for our state of
the art rec center. I am grateful for all that the TSU offers. I am glad that the business building was updated. But when our
most highly frequented locations (humanities building, university hall, Iangsdorf hall, the library) are so incredibly behind
i n updates, it is difficult to approve of anything that vaguely promises to benefit students,"'' when the only specifics I
see mentioned are improvements for athletes and the TSU. lhe rest of the language involves vague hints at expanded
courses (for whom?), advisement (for whom?), wifi (slowly, and only in high traffic areas at first, such as parts of the
library and business building), and student resources (what? For who?). I would absolutely be willing to pay the extra fee
if I felt at all confident that it would address real student needs. We need elevators that are not constantly broken down,
causing double the wait time to get to classes on the sixth floor. We need desks that accommodate our needs- ones that
.are fit for adult and not kindergarteners. White boards where ancient chalkboards still are. Humanities majors often
graduate feeling highly qualified and entirely confused about career paths. We need resources such as internships and
better career advisement and a higher budget for student researchers to conference, travel, and learn outside the campus
as well . I need to know that scholarships still exist for me as a graduate student, especially one of such an under-funded
discipline. I need to know that resources for our campus organizations are not overlooked in favor of ''"bigger'"' disciplines
Hke business, as is so often the case. In my six here, I have witnessed few improvements in my experience. If
anything it is now more difficult to select the classes I need, at 100% more of the cost.A I simply cannot place my support ;
behind yet another fee increase when I walk away from its information sessions, presentation viewings, and discussions
eeling so entirely unsure and uninformed about the specifics. I do not diminish the importance of athletics, the business
department, wifi, or academic advisement. But it is high time the university listens to the btJik of its who have
nee!ils that fall outside these areas.A When so much of the university's budget is al ready misplaced, the
solution is not to sim ly hike the fees while so man _ students are in a P.eriod of such financial suffering.
ere has to be other ways to find financial support of these Initiatives besides raising students fees. Look Into cutting
ther minimal expenses that aren't needed or economicalln comparison to what the campus actually should invest ln.
e expenses that are given, for example, like a remodel of the President'$ new home was unnecessary. That money could
ave been better expensed towards programs and renovations on the CSUF qmpus than El Dorado Ranch. With Garcia's
lx figure salary, she could have done her own remodeling as long as It was approved and used her own financial stability
o pay the biH. Raising of tuition fees Is hard enough on students and to keep charging them to make the campus more
appealing Is outrageous. I get all these programs are for the students but should not be funded by the students either. The
University rhould be finding ways to prov1de these improvements to support a students educattonal success. Prioritizing Is
hat needs to be done first and a must. Buildings like MH and Humanlties need a
'face llft
so to speak rather then
ndlng scholarships to athletics or expanding the TSU. The fact of the matter Is our campus athletic: department a
op program. Having a footbah program t think would jump start our
"11tan pi1de
and help btiQd tQWards funding a
M.slon 1 pr(llram and Improve fattHtles. All our campus has Is baseball arsd thit' what were kncrM'I for. To get away
m that and all athletics will definitely be diffitult and very costly. but the stud&J't:s to ultimately
vAfor ' 4ctv-
ucattonal Jn end e a
0 they can mow lntl staff baY.e to ao tbmuah. The f,;ii: t6)) admtn .still
ck u a ea siX sala IS r1dlculous.A
I think that funding for student success and academic support {such as academic advising, career centers, etc.) as well as
upgraded technology in classrooms and wifi across campus are the most important issues that need funding. The least
important of our issues are athletics and the student union being remodeled. Those aren't as necessary or important as
helping students create academic plans, understanding what career paths they can follow, or setting them up for success
in their f utures.
hcse f ees should be applied to new students enrolling to CSUF from Fall 2014 on. It should not impact the current
enrolled students. I pay you for many services and f ees I don't even get to uti lize because I have to work full time to pay
for t he part t ime schooling I receive. I am already broke and in debt trying to finish my degree. If aAymore expenses are
added on, I will be st ruggling and asking f or loans j ust to f inish, thus placing me even farther in debt. PLEASE do not enact
t hese f ees to current students, but t o new students ONLY.A
First off, this is more of a question but does the student's FAFSA or any type of financial aids also increases if the student
fees increase? If yes then I have no problem with this student fees increase however if the answer is not sure or no. Then
this is my feedback. Funding such as the one for athletes and student veterans is something I am opposing because not
everybody is an athletes or student veterans and since this is a fee that every students has to pay I strongly believe that it
is unnecessary and should benefit everybody. The solution should be for the fees to goes toward a better way so that
mostly everyone Or everybody can use such as the expansion of parking lots and lower the parking fees (CSULB parking
price is $5/day, $150 200 pet semester. While CSUF paid $8/day and currently $229 per semester and increasing). I feel
that it is unfair for students liked me, who is not an athletes or a.student veteran to have to pay for fees that is no benefit
to me consider the facts that many students, who dp not have financial aid have to work days and hights just to earned
minimal wages enough for the academic fees, not to mention utility or other necessities on top that the students need to
pay. If C!ny athletes or student veteran want to receive thi s benefits then those are the people that should pay for the fees ;
wh_o d_<? afford_ !O pay for y9u. _
The only parts of the init iative that I f eel are necessary are the technology upgrades in classrooms and the improvement
of the wifi. We all know how different a classroom setup vari es by building, and by that I mean the Humanities never get
any money. I disagree wit h investi ng in at hletics, especially after building a new Student Rec Center a f ew years ago
(whi ch is beautif ul). Students do not choose a school based on their athletics unless they are trying to go to perhaps USC
or get a sports scholarship. Most students on campus that I have met are commuting to campus and looking for
academics, not t o get on the track team. Overall, athletics &It; academics. I rather see the library and older classrooms get
uRgrades than any:!hil1g.else.
This f ee isn't going to go well with students. Students won't be wil ling to pay a fee that rises over time for only getting rid j
of little annoyances such as fixing the wi-fi. I'm in debt as it is and the classes themselves are going to leave me out in the
street s or glued to parents if I don't soon find a job after college. I' m serious. Adding on this fee when students are paying
so much more than our parents used to is ridi culous. It'd be nice to see where the money I already paid is going. I beli eve
our t echnology right now is adequate I mean I'm fine with t eachers writ ing on the white boards or us st udents using not
as advanced computers. If this fee does go into effect I'd like it to stay at a steady amount such as 50 dollars the most
each semester and used for things everyone would like improvement in like more room for high demand classes which I
upo!l . dor.t 't for_ more money wh!'_n eno_u_gh.A ---- ____ J
We do not need t his f ee. It is unnecessary. As it is, we are charged a ridiculous amount f or J.')arking, which keeps increasing
t he years, and we are not guaranteed a parl<ing spot I Acldlt lonal fees for unnecessary changes to make t he campus
look ""nicer"" or support extra programs are unnecessary. That's close to $500 a school year t hat could be better spent
for me, i.e. rent, car payment, groceries.
\sa student with full-time school and part-time working every weekend, I am willing to pay $100/each semester to
improve these issues which I think the most important now: 1. improve wi-fi 2. increase computer-lap hours 3. add more
academic advisors for help students I have to come to CSUF every weekday 5 hours before my class start to have a
parking lot. I am sure that CSU staff love students so much and know this issue but they can't help student because we
short money now. I am not happy when Marriot hotel which located next to our campus takes advantage of our parking
demand by opening valid parking for $7 /day. I understand, but I don't think that our student and me have enough money
to improve all issues at the same time. I just hope that we can improve some issue which we really need for our
educ?tion. -- _ . .. __ __ ... _ _ .. - ..
- . . . . l
I do recognize t he needs of CSUF in regards to longer library hours, expansion of TSU, support for certain
departments ... but as a college student paying for her own tuition, I don't believe that it is necessary to already increase
the high tuition we are imposed with. This is my OP- inion on the SSt.
There-does' not ne'e'd to be-more fee-im'pose(i' on the st udents of citizens of Califomiaa-pproved propo-sition 3o
last year which helped the schools regain a lot of their funding, This fee is just that a fee or a tax that students are forced
to pay. Why do the students need to be on the hook for theA money proble.n;s that the State of California and the CSU
system. How does imposing a new fee or tax to students who have faced a constant tuition increase for the last several
years . Enough is enough, time to become more fiscally responsible and speC\k up and get the money we deserve not
impose more fees on the students.
. - --- - - . . .. . .. .. - - . . - . - . _, .. -
I would not be willing to fund our school's at hletics because I do not believe that allocating money to those teams will
increase Titan pride. However, in the case of Intramural sports and club sports those facilities need to be better
maintained because lots of teams use those fi elds and they are getting torn up, yet the Titan Stadium is hardly ever used
a nd it Is maint ained fa irly.
,.._,. .. . -...
-- . .,..,.. .._ .
understant the dispersion of the money but is there any way there could be a trade off? For example, with the tuition
being raised is there any way that the cost of other things could be lowered? Possibly the parking passes? OR any other
materials that have to be paid for seperately from the tuition. I feel Hke the Wifi money really needs to be invested
because it is not cool to get kicked off the internet when trying to rlo online homework. As for the money that will going
towards the classrooms to install more technology, it would be greatly appreciated because those black boards in
McCarthy can get very messy. On another note, the project for the TSU is there any way that can be sped up? I know I am
$ Oing to graduate before that roject is started and I woulcl really like to see it or at least the design plan for it.
aying for school has already been such a struggle for me and my family. This is a ridiculous Idea and I strongly
Clisapprove. I already owe so much money In loans so this wllf only make t hings much worse. It wJII do much more harm
han od for several students.
dding 51, more sections for courses, and longer hours of operation are nw top reasons for supporting this. We
houldn't be more focused on favoring any one group ( thtetes, mlnorttles, or addlns on to things that aren't ctuclal
(TSU, tntramurals). A. Make the school better academicaUy. A There has been more than 1m0t.tih plush added to the ottler
I think that raising tuition for this new fee is ridiculous! Instead of modernizing the TSU, the restrooms should be
modernized rather than having a curtain as a door. Also1 buildings swch as McCarthy Hall or Humanities, now these
buildings need to be modernized.A
It seems that with this initiative and hikes in tuition students are the ones paying for problems created by the state and
federal government. What is going to happen when the state cuts even more funding to colleges? Propose another
student initiative and raise tuition? I would say CSUF needs to reassess its strategy on mitigating its lack of funds. We
need to get to the core of the p roblem. & _ _ _
CSUF has made it clear that it intends to be the preeminent university of the West. Since the government t akeover of the
student loan system once processed by private banks, the universit y has seen a gravy trail and has syst emat ically
increased student fees for the last several years. At the same time students have been, apparently, been purchasing iPads
ffor faculty, and no doubt other incentivized gifts. What is more troubling is the little known fact that all of the university
presidents enjoy a substantial salary, along with a hefty home and car allowance.A Why not pmve to future students
that CSUF and the entire Cal State system is truly a desirable place to come to and is worthy of these hefty annual
increases by eliminating the mousing and car allowances for all Cal State presidents. !'Nationwide colleges and universities
are systemati'Cally raising tlileir ffees on the backs of students, thanks to the take over mentioned above, with
a substantial majority leaving with nothing to show for it. They're lured tmeir wit(;J a ""diverse"" list of degrees to choose
f rom, but r.eality strikes, and they find many of these degrees are worthless. There has been a systematic dumbing down
of students over the years; tlile majority simply are no longer taught to tlilinl< critkally. This is disheartening. It is time for
t he Cal State l;!ierarchy to implement any supposed improvements they want on their own dime rather than on the backs
of students. Why not conduct an audit of the dizzying array of ""services"" already offered and find out how many
duplicate or overlapping ""services"" tlilere are, which one's are truly effective, and eliminate the ones that are a waste.
Do this before you come after the pennies students have left. after all of these bloated fees. If the athletic department
wants improvements, have t hen1 raise the funds and pay for it themselves. Why should those im tlil e arts or humanities
pay f or them? Our stat e as well as the c0untry is in the midst of the wor;st economic times in recent hist ory for a
mult itude of reasons. Now is not t he ti me to raise student f ees. WE E::AN,NOT AFFORD IT!
-- .... ........... - - ......... .... - - -- - -.. ......... r- .. ---
Passing the cost on to students to mostly renovate the school should not be done. Students already pa.y high tuition and
fees. It is obvious this is an attempt to increase the cost on students despite the tuition freeze by Jerry Brown. I am
strongly against this fee, because it Will be adding $480 more a year for students who are already struggling to pay for
college. I also think this survey is very biased by asking to what extent certain elements should be added to the SSI, when
some students like myself have indicated we are strongly against it. Why don't the administrators take a temporary pay
cut inst ead? May I remind you of this regarding President Garcia ""In addition to her base salary of $324,500, she gets
free housing at the presidential estate and a $12,000-per-year car allowance."" http:/ /
- - -- .. . - . .
iThe student success initiative is a j oke. Why is the university approaching t he st udents instead of actively t rying t o get the
jState or federal government to spend more on its campus? First, the video t ouches on items t hat are very broad. The
success initiative video shows broad arguments on why this will be supposedly beneficial to students, but the
are a bunch of political doubletalk. One of the reasons I chose CSUF was because I t hought I was going to
be able to afford it. However, every year there is a new fee that is implement ed, or at least that is what It seems. Parking
is ridiculous; it f eels like another part-time job when trying to find parkimg. l a,...rn already spending too much money on
in a volatile economy that doesnan.'t guarantee j obs or career advancement. Furthermore,A it seems that at CSUF
many students go to their classes and leave campus, and hopefully it stays t he same until t he parking situation gets f ixed.
We need t he parking space, so I dona'"'-'t care about TSU lmprovemenrt!s, anrd !Detter WIFI, just leave campus so you can
heiR another student get Rarkil'!8: Again what a joke ...
think this initiative is to make the campus more attractive for prospective students, without the intention of taking care
of current our future students. Most of these funds are allocated to athletics, be it their facilities or scholarships. Unless
you can substantiate the revenue that will be gained as a result, and subsequently how that revenue will be used to help
me obtain a degree, I'm not interested in paying for it out of my pocket. Furthermore, not a dime is allocated to parking.
he 3 biggest complaints about CSUF are: I can't get classes, I can't get a parking spot, I can't see a counselor. And this
initiative wants to allocate the largest percentage of money to beautification of athletic facilities?A What I would like is .
. the ability to get in to the classes I need to graduate, and the ability to see a counselor without being rushed out the door. I
Only $62.50 of this $240 fee is being allocated to success, and the rest is going toward superficial items that will look good
oh a glossy pamphlet, I think this initiatives laden with pork, and to perpetrate it as a ""Student Success Initiative"" is a
I do not have the money to pay for extra charge iri my tuition. I am already financially unstable and chargingA students for
us_e they _neaJ lY )s totJ.IIY u_nfair! _ .... _ _ _ _ _.
I think that Fullerton should have charging the students for these services as the last resort. Departments should look into
creative ways to raise money, instead of automatically charging the student. That Is an additional 200 plus dollars that
students will need to pay each semester, give us a break, tuition has been going up each year, maybe that is why
enrollment is low, higher education has become a dream for working adults. Want to Improve enrollment then fight to
reduce these fees . For students that get financial aid, what will happen if because of that fee it no longer completely
covers the tuition, then students will have to come up with that money. I do not agree with adding another fee to our
struggling students. A
- can not afford to pay for this. I am against this initiative. If the school needs more funds it should exhaust all other
avenues to acquire it before turning to students to bare the burden. And be completely transparent about the process. A
student fee increase should be the last place the school should turn to for extra funds not the first. I feel students would
be more accepting of having to deal witlil am increase if we actually saw the school fighting for us by lobbing for funds at
eve arena they could first.
I think It Is unfai r t o add a student fee following Preside nt Obamas halt t o student t uition lncreases.A I t hink the CSUF
President and Administration canA affurdA a small cut t o pay for these student services, more t hanA can
t udents.A Rather t han t ake more money from students, most of whom woukJA {definitely In my case) benefit more from
kee in t hat mone t han from the would from t he servlcesA the feeA Is ro sed t o rovlde.
I agree with the increase of academic advising for students, that would be helpful for a lot of us who want to finish school
quickly.A However I do not agree with having to pay more towards modernizing buildings such as the TSU. I think it's
modern enough and we shouldn't have to pay tor modernizing it even more, the school slaouldn't care so much about the
lboks of things; don't be greedy or selfish l lhe increase in technology is important because the wifi is horrible on this
campus. Finally, when it comes to the increase in diversity programs, lets be honest, this is a commuter campus and no
one, as much as you guys try, is to change the fact that students such as myself, chose to come to CSlJF because
they can't afford going far away for coUege, meaning that their plans are to stay in school and work at the same time. If
we increase diversity rograms, it'H be a waist of rnone , no one attends anyways.
Our tuition and student fees are already high enough. I think t his fee is t oo much money on t op of our other college
ex enses.
I understand t hat Stat e funding has been cut since the recession of 2008, but maybe the Universit y should take a lesson
f rom its graduates and learn to budget their money.A Both my wife and I are CSUF graduates and I am currently
complet ing my secondary education credentiai.A Since neither my wife or I have found the jobs we were seeking due to
the current economic situation we have learned to live on a budget.A A Perhaps you should do the same instead of asking i
students to pay more, and t hen trying to convince them that it's to their benefit to have money taken out of their
pockets.A. I am going to be finished this semester and will not be affected by this initiative, however I f ind it an insult t o
the intelligence of your future graduates to present fee increases in this manner.A. Furthermore I have a real problem
with some of the ways you say you need to a<llocate the money.A I fA CSUF has such a severe funding deficit why are you '
spending the money on such non essent ial projects.A Cultural Centers that only benefit a small group of peopleA are
hardly a necessity.$.. A The initiative claims that we are in need of thisA increase, and yet you want to spend the money to
expand services that are clearly not vital to the maj ority of the students.A A For example, I do not see any urgent need to
expand the TSU,A and for 500 dollars aA year students can study somewhereA other than t_he library.A You say this is to
promote the success of your students, have you considered that some of ybur students cant afford another increase such
as this.A. CSUF may be the lowest funded campus in the Cal State system, but it also provides opportunity for students
... _ .. .. . _ _ __ __ . _ __ .
We should be focusing on better parking rather t hen lighl!rmg l!l p trine soccer fiields et c. There is no point t o having all t he
ot her f ancy st uff if we are unable to find arl<ing t o get tro our classes.
I amA f irst semester student in the RN to BSN Nursing Program. I am also a Titan Parent since 2010, my is still a
Junior due to lack of available classes and lack of even marginall y adequate Math instructors. I am in favor of better
instructi on! !A We having been paying increasing amounts of Tuition and Student Fees t hat already seem excessive in light
of t he CSU System being designed to provide higher level education and a reasonabl e attainable price particularly for
California residents. Now havi ng the experience of both st udent and parent of a student, the think campus faciliti es are
more t hen adequate compare t o ot her local campuses. Library hours should be extendedA of course, spend ourfees on
better instruct ion, this should done with what we are already paying , not another $$A 230.00 on t he backs of student s
a parents: ___ _
.... - - - ---!'- - .... ...... .... - -
lfhough I disagree with t he implementation of this fee, I took the opportunit y t o indicate t he categories I believe are most
offunding in the event t he fee initiative should pass anyway (i.e. questions 3-11). In addition, I wish to reiterate
my skepticism of the proposed i ncrease in funding for the athletic divtsion. While I am certainly not against athletic
programs on their own merit, I am concerned t hat t he university is considering additional funding f or a division that
!strikes me as provi ding little t o students overall academic suceess. Furthermore, athlet ics departments have a habit of
costi ng universities large sums of money to operate. This would be especially true if the university attempted to sponsor a
football team. Given t he poor financial climate we are experiencing, I cannot endorse additional f unding for the
university's athletic department at this time. A That said, expanded technological services, campus renovations
(McCarthy Hall is in particularly poor shape) and increased academic services would all be welcome developments should
the fee initiative pass. I am also a fan of t he f ree computer programs recently provided by the school (Microsoft Word,
8, etc.) and would be interesting in seeing more bn1it batilkes Nl<:e this. A
Ne should not be charged for this. A The fact that CSUF has the lowest funding says something about our administration
that is not doing the best it can to allocate proper funding to our school. A Furthermore, the dean of our school recently
got a new house and a raise ... Why is she being given a raise when you are asking us to pay more for a remedial
education? A The education at CSUF is what people make it, and I have done just fine recruiting and getting good grades
without paying $250 more per semester. A Let's face it.. . CSUF's athletics are not the best. A More funding is not going to
fix that problem any time soon. A There are schools out there that have had D1 sports teams for several years ... We can't
compete with that. A The OfiiY sport that should be receiving a dece11t amount of funding is baseball and they already are.
A in!tia.tive and are If it goe:s through. .
The fees are already outrageous, many of us struggle to pay out of pocket to avoid loans and many of us do not qualify for
inancial aid.
The p.eople iii-cha-rge oF the-peopfe-wi1o are proposing the inltiatiiie.are not eVen Sb why shoul d-we
Fees are already too high and it is a burden to my family. I don't think we should be making this decision for future
generations to come. I also think you should have this to a vote Instead of this rocess.
The reason am against this studentA Initiative is beta use I don't believe that I have to pay for services that I won't be usi11g
another is that I also don't believe that I should be paying more ih fees every semester to have those services should be
free to students those fees shouldn't cost us more than what we are paying for already. Also it is CSUF responsibility to
have all those services for students the school should provide all those services and pay for them the only thing we should
pay is the tuition and the fees that were already paying which are already expensive and fair. Another way CSUF could do
this is by having the students that want this initiative is having them pay or donate their money only if they want to pay
money e:ve.J.y seme_Stf!:E_ no_t having to P.ay this extra fee if we don't want and "'!._e are to
ifhe two biggest problems with Higher Ed are the astronomical pay for those at the highest levels, and a bloated
administration. When I was in high school CSUF was a fair price at around $2,000.00.A After the steady increases in fees I
had to drop out, move back home, and make more money before coming back.A This has drastically effected my life.A
Now in my last few weeks it's much more expensive. Please read this!A The entire article is at this URL.
http:/ / .htmiHIGHEST P:AID Average pay for the system's 34,270 '
.full-time employees in 2011 was $63,810. In 2010, 34,451 full-time employees earned $60,010. The CSU chancellor and
university presiclents continue to rank as the top paid system employees a'' each earning wen above $250,000 annually. '
Chancellor Charles Reed was the highest paid earning $426,444 in total pay. Pay has been frozen for many
employees, including presidents and top administrators, since 2008. Since then, presidents have only received increases if
t hey were appointed to other universities, where they took on additional duties, officials said. Some presidents new to
the system have also received more in pay t han their predecessors, including new San Diego State President Elliot
Hirshman, who received $100,000 more than the previous school president. Hirshman received $198,066 in pay in 2011, 1
about half of his total compensation, because he took office halfway through the year. Former Cal State Fullerton
President Milton Gordon earned $311,944 in total pay ln 2011, ranking as the top earner at Fullerton, and 20th highest
earner in the system. Current CSUF President Mildred Garc:A-a, who served as president at Cal State Dominguez Hills in
,2011, ranked No. 21, receiving 308,028 in total Ray.

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