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through Bertha Dudde 7596

Serious warning about the end ....

Consciousl recei!e " Word as our Father#s lo!ing s$eech and listen to what % want to sa to ou& 'ou are li!ing in the last $hase o( this earth) it is ou who li!e in the last da s) it is ou who can still e*$erience the s$iritual turning+$oint i( our state o( ,aturit allows ou to $erse!ere to the end. -he ti,e o( the end has irre!ocabl co,e) regardless how i,$lausible ou dee, this to be. For the da is $redeter,ined in " $lan o( Sal!ation and it will be adhered to because the ti,e is (ul(illed. -here will be no ,ore dela ) (or the ad!ersar #s acti!it is getting out o( hand and his actions will alwa s be brought to an end when he e*ceeds the boundaries o( his authorit .... when he has in(luenced $eo$le to the $oint that the lose all (aith in a God Who one da will hold e!er indi!idual $erson to account as to how he has li!ed his li(e. -he hu,an being is su$$osed to choose his .ord during his li(eti,e on earth) he is su$$osed to choose Me and re/ect " ad!ersar and thus he ,ust also be in(or,ed about both $owers who want to $ossess hi, and (ight (or his soul. -his 0nowledge is crucial (or ,a0ing a decision. " ad!ersar ) howe!er) tries to su$$ress this in(or,ation and he succeeds because $eo$le) due to their attitude and their will) lea!e the,sel!es o$en to his in(luence. 1nd he ta0es ad!antage o( it in a wa which sur$asses his authorit b (ar& 2e in(luences $eo$le to ta0e !iolent actions against the belie!ers)

against e!er thing that is to be understood as belie( in a God and Creator .... "ost o( all) he tries to induce $eo$le into eradicating the belie( in the di!ine Redee,er 3esus Christ. 2e will unleash the (inal battle o( (aith and) in a ,anner o( s$ea0ing) (orce "e to $ut an end to his acti!ities in order to sa!e the (ew) who want to re,ain lo al to "e) (ro, eternal ruin. 1nd this ti,e is near and there(ore also the end. B re$eatedl announcing this to ou through " Word % onl intend to ,a0e ou realise the signi(icance o( the ti,e ou are li!ing in) ou should be aware o( the gra!it o( this ti,e and ta0e care not to (all $re to " ad!ersar #s art(ul te,$tations) (or he in(luences $eo$le in an a$$alling ,anner in order to ,a0e the, abandon their belie( in "e and is !er success(ul. 1nd i( % 1, now counteracting his actions b s$ea0ing to $eo$le " sel( in order to enable the, to ha!e (aith in "e or to strengthen their (aith) then this) in itsel() is alread an e*$lanation (or " Word (ro, abo!e) which trul ought to con!ince ou) (or " lo!e (or ou hu,ans ,oti!ates "e to hel$ ou in a ti,e o( ,o,entous s$iritual hardshi$) which can let ou go astra (or eternities and which % there(ore would li0e to sto$ (ro, ha$$ening to ou. 4!en though our (ree will alone is decisi!e % ne!ertheless ta0e $it on our ignorance) our ,isguided thin0ing and indi((erence) and b tal0ing to ou % tr ti,e and again to sha0e ou out o( our a$ath and ,oti!ate ou to thin0. Belie!e that ou will be in great s$iritual $eril i( ou don#t abide b " Word and (ight against our ene, .... Belie!e that ou ha!e the strength to do so) that ou need not (ear to succu,b in the battle against hi, .... 3ust change our will. Direct it towards "e i( ou want to (ind God and % will let " sel( be (ound b ou. But i( ou are indi((erent " ad!ersar will gain the u$$er hand o!er ou) and then ou will be lost (or an endless ti,e. -his is the danger ou (ind oursel!es in and % 0now that ou need e*ce$tional hel$) et % cannot deter,ine our will) % can onl

e!er s$ea0 to ou again and warn and ad,onish ou) % can onl e!er gi!e ou " ,erci(ul lo!e and in(or, ou o( what is to co,e) o( the ti,e ou are a$$roaching .... % cannot do an thing other than lo!ingl s$ea0 to ou ti,e and again) so that ou ,a recognise a God and Father) so that ou will belie!e in 2i, and lo all abide b this (aith. But the end will co,e irre!ocabl ) (or " Word is truth and (ul(ils itsel() and the hour o( the end has been $redeter,ined since the beginning o( ti,e .... 2ence acce$t " Word in our hearts and /ust desire to beco,e blessed .... 1nd % will not lea!e ou) % will gi!e ou strength to $erse!ere until the end .... % will be a $ower(ul $rotection and shield (or " Own and su$$ort ou when ou ha!e to $ro(ess "e be(ore the world ....


5ublished b (riends o( new re!elations o( God 6 %n(or,ation) download o( all translated re!elations) the,e+boo0lets at& htt$&*.ht,l 8 htt$&77en.bertha+dudde.org7

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