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WAJ3102: English Language Proficiency I Semester 2012 Teaching an Learning Plan

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan Wee(

-ea ings.Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic

Parts of S+eech.W or ,lasses

,ontent Lecture Tutorial



In #airs" students choose a text and identi ! nouns and #ronoun re erences/ and identi ! adjectives and their unctions$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignments

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es 2aterials %ased on relevant su%ject 2atter PP345 11 and PP34516/1/1- 11 1178.1-78

1 18/6/07

Nouns Pronouns Adjectives

Short diagnostic exercises on identi !ing nouns" #ronouns and adjectives used in texts$ Lecturer reca#itulates %ased on the short text$ Lecturer rein orces the content& nouns" #ronouns and adjectives$ 'xercises on& nouns #ronoun re erences (ana#horic" cata#horic and axo#horic re erences) adjectives * se+uence , unctions (- hours)

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan


-ea ing.Suggeste Acti/ities..Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic

Parts of S+eech.W or ,lasses

,ontent Lecture Tutorial



In grou#s" design a diagnostic exercise %ased on the #arts o s#eech/1ord classes learnt$ Tr! out the exercise in class during the next lecture$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: resources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues$ short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources


9er%s Adver%s

Short diagnostic activities (ga2es" 2i2ing" 1ord 2a:e) on identi !ing ver%s and adver%s" and the t!#es o ver%s and adver%s used$ Lecturer reca#itulates %ased on the activities(ga2es" 2i2ing" 1ord 2a:e) on identi !ing ver%s and adver%s" and the t!#es o ver%s and adver%s used$ 'xercises on t!#es o ver%s and adver%s$ ;iscussion on the unctions o ver%s and adver%s$ (- hours)

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan

Wee( Interacti on
< -/7/07

-ea ings.Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic


,ontent Lecture
Si2#le Progressive Per ect Identi ! tenses used in di erent text t!#es$ Lecturer gives in#ut 1here necessar!$ Identi !" correct the errors %ased on exercises given and justi !$ (- hours)



In grou#s" retrieve in or2ation on tenses learnt and share 1ith #eers$ ;is#la! ans1ers in the classroo2 or eed%ac=$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues$ short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan

Wee( Interaction

-ea ings.Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic ,ontent Lecture Tutorial Practical ISL

5hoose t1o di erent t!#es o texts and identi ! the sentence t!#es used in these texts$ 5o2#are and contrast the sentence t!#es$ Identi ! the eatures ound in the di erent sentence t!#es in each text$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

;i erent text t!#es Short exercises on sentence t!#es

7 6/7/07

Sentence Ty+es

Si2#le 5o2#ound 5o2#lex

Lecturer gives in#ut on di erent sentence t!#es$ Identi ! di erent sentence t!#es in a text$ Anal!:e and co2#are the di erent eatures ound in the di erent sentences and ho1 the use o the di erent sentence t!#es a ect the texts$ 5onstruct di erent sentence t!#es$ 5arr! out #eer correction$ (- hours)

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan

Wee( Interaction
8 16/7/07

-ea ings.Suggeste Acti/ities.0ome1or(.Tas(s To+ic

Ty+es of 2uestion s

,ontent Lecture
>es/No +uestions In or2ation ?uestions * (@h) Tag +uestions Identi ! the t!#es o +uestions in the di erent texts (dialogue/conversations) #rovided$ 5lassi ! the +uestions according to their t!#es$ Students or2ulate +uestions %ased on the text given$ Ase a##ro#riate tag +uestions in situations #rovided (dialogue/conversations)$



@rite do1n the +uestions and res#onses during lectures$ 5lassi ! the +uestions$ 3e lect on the +uestions and the res#onses elicited %! the lecturer and students$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

Internet 4oo=s Live dialogue Si2ulated situations Lectures

(- hours)

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic
English Soun System: Pronunciation$ Enunciation$ Stress an Intonation

Wee( Intera ction


,ontent Lecture
5onsonant sounds 9o1el sounds ;i#hthongs Tri#hthongs Short diagnostic test on #ronunciation$ In#ut on the 'nglish Sound S!ste2 1ith e2#hasis on s#ecial eatures o 'nglish #ronunciation such as long/short vo1els" inal consonants" consonant clusters" di#hthongs and tri#hthongs$ Practise #ronouncing



Individuall!" re1rite the #honetic transcri#tion o a given #aragra#h in orthogra#hic or2$ Select or record a listening text ( ro2 various 2edia) and listen criticall! to the long/short vo1els" consonants" di#hthongs and tri#hthongs #ronounced in the text$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

S#eech organ chart Phonetic S!2%ol 5hart (vo1els and consonants) Place and 2anner o articulation diagra2s/ta%le 'xercises Short texts 3ecorded texts %! students ;ictionar! 5;s

1ords correctl!$ Short exercises on transcri#tion& 5hange #honetic s!2%ols to orthogra#hic or2 and vice. versa$ Ase a dictionar! to chec= !our #ronunciation$ In#ut on identi !ing and anal!:ing long and short vo1els" and consonants$ Identi ! and anal!:e the use o long and short vo1els" and consonants$ (- hours)

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan Wee( Intera ction

-ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic

English Soun System: Pronunciation$ Enunciation$ Stress an Intonation

,ontent Lecture
5onsonant sounds 9o1el sounds ;i#hthongs Tri#hthongs In#ut on stress . #ri2ar! . secondar! . unstressed In#ut on intonation at #hrase and sentence level$ 'xercises on stress 2ar=ers$ Intonation exercises %ased on reading text #rovided$ Peer evaluation on ta#ed texts %! students during ISL $ (- hours$)



In grou#s" do1nload an audio recording o a ne1s re#ort$ (445" etc$) and transcri%e the recording$ Individuall!" 2a=e an audio. recording o the re#ort in studentBs o1n voice and #resent it in class$ @rite a short re lection o the ex#erience on the activit!$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

Audio recording Individual re lection 3ecording o studentBs o1n voice

PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( ISL Lecture Tutorial Practical
Listen criticall! to ne1s" tal=s" docu2entaries" advertise2ents" and res#ond accordingl! to the given tas=s$ Pre#are a short advertise2ent or a #roduct using suita%le language$ Peers and lecturer co22ent on the language used in the oral #resentation$ (- hours) . . In grou#s" listen criticall! to s#eci ied text. t!#e assigned (ne1s" tal=s" docu2entaries" advertise2ents) and co22ent orall! on the text in class$ (1 hour)

Wee( Intera ction


Listening an S+ea(ing S(ills

Listen or a variet! o #ur#oses and in di erent contexts 3es#ond to a variet! o sti2uli

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

Suggested tas=s& ga# illing grid co2#leting 2ind.2a##ing . s=eletal outline . realia/%rochures


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic
Listening an S+ea(ing S(ills

Wee( Intera ction


,ontent Lecture
'x#ress o#inions Cive #ersonal res#onses In#ut on social conventions e$g$ greetings" interru#ting" turn ta=ing" agreeing and disagreeing$ Listen to a recorded discussion/ oru2/tal= on issues related to su%ject 2atter$ Anal!se and ex#ress o#inions or give #ersonal res#onses$ 5onduct a s2all grou# se2inar to ex#ress



Individuall!" research on to#ics #ertaining to su%ject 2atter as a #re#aration or Assign2ent -. Dral Presentation$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

T'SL '.E 1e%site S#eech texts 3ecorded texts 0aterials related to to#ics chosen


o#inions or #ersonal res#onses using social conventions$ (- hours)


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic ,ontent Lecture
-ea ing S(ills Techni+ues& F S=i22ing , scanning 4arrettBs Taxono2! Literal co2#rehension 3eorgani:ation In erential co2#rehension ;iscussion on di erent levels o 4arrettBs Taxono2!$ S=i2 and scan a given text$ Locate the authorBs 2essage and intention$ Identi ! and justi ! the choice o 1ord(s)" ex#ressions and igure o s#eech 1hich re lect the 2essage and intention$

Wee( Intera ction




Gor2 a reading circle& Drgani:e the in or2ation in the or2 o a gra#hic organi:er$ ;ra1 in erences and conclusions %ased on given tas=s$ 5reate a gra#hic re#resentation o the text read$ ( 1 hour )

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues$ short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources H texts selected 2ust re lect intended the2es e$g$ satirical/de%ata%le issues


5arr! out discussions and grou# d!na2ics$ ( - hours )


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic
-ea ing S(ills

Wee( Intera ction


,ontent Lecture
'valuation A##reciation 3ead and res#ond criticall! to a given text %! a##l!ing the di erent levels o 4arrettBs Taxono2!$ ;iscuss and evaluate #eer res#onses$ ( - hours )



In grou#s" sur the Internet$ Select" 1rite a criti+ue and dis#la! it in class$ (1 hour )

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues$ short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources H texts selected 2ust re lect intended the2es e$g$ satirical/de%ata%le issues 3eco22endation& Ase 3eader 3es#onse A##roach


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic
Paragra+h Writing

Wee( Intera ction


,ontent Lecture
To#ic sentence Su##orting details 5ohesive devices 5oherence Asing a text" discuss& . to#ic sentence .su##orting details .cohesive devices .coherence In grou#s" #roduce a 1ritten text using a given the2e$ Identi ! to#ic sentences" su##orting details" lin=ing and concluding sentences in the 1ritten text$ 3eorgani:e given



In grou#s" select a #aragra#h ro2 various sources$ Identi ! the to#ic sentence" su##orting details" lin=ing and concluding sentences$ 3Start 1or(ing on Assignment 34 (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment


Students to #roduce o1n 1riting Ase chain 1riting activit!

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources H texts selected 2ust re lect intended the2es e$g$ satirical/de%ata%le issues


texts into 2eaning ul and coherent #aragra#hs$ ( - hours )


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic
Writing 5ifferent Te6t Ty+es

Wee( Intera ction


,ontent Lecture
Acade2ic 1riting (thesis state2ents) Narrative ;escri#tive 'x#ositor! Argu2entative Stud! the sa2#les o text t!#es given$ Identi ! the eatures o the text t!#es (e$g$ narrative" descri#tive" ex#ositor!" argu2entative acade2ic 1riting)$ 5o2#are and contrast the di erent text t!#es$ ( - hours )



In grou#s" sur the Internet or sa2#les o essa!s o di erent text t!#es$ Select at least t1o text t!#es" co2#are and contrast the organi:ational #attern o the text t!#es$ 3 ,ontinue 1or(ing on Assignment 3 (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources dra t o Assign2ent < H texts selected 2ust re lect intended the2es e$g$ satirical/de%ata%le issues


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan -ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic
Writing 5ifferent Te6t Ty+es

Wee( Intera ction


,ontent Lecture
Acade2ic 1riting (thesis state2ents) Narrative ;escri#tive 'x#ositor! Argu2entative In grou#s" dra t an outline o a narrative/ descri#tive essa!$ Dther 2e2%ers o the class #rovide eed%ac= in ter2s o to#ic sentences" content" cohesion" coherence)$ ( - hours )



A##l! #rinci#les o 1riting di erent text t!#es to i2#rove Assign2ent <$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources ;ra t o Assign2ent < H texts selected 2ust re lect intended the2es e$g$ satirical/de%ata%le issues

Su'mit Assignment 3


PIS!P " IP#! Semester 1$ 200% Perancangan Penga&aran an Pem'ela&aran Teaching and Learning Plan Wee( Intera ction

-ea ings. Suggeste Acti/ities.Tas(s.0ome1or( To+ic

Writing 5ifferent Te6t Ty+es

,ontent Lecture
Acade2ic 1riting (thesis state2ents) Narrative ;escri#tive 'x#ositor! Argu2entative In grou#s" dra t an outline o an narrative/ descri#tive/ ex#ositor!/ argu2entative essa!$ Dther 2e2%ers o the class #rovide eed%ac= in ter2s o to#ic sentences" content" cohesion" coherence)$ (- hours )



In grou#s" reorgani:e and re1rite the dra ts Individuall!" 1rite a 700.780 1ord essa! %ased on the revised outline$ 5arr! out #eer assess2ent %ased on #eer eed%ac= or2s$ (1 hour)

-emar(s: -esources$ I,T$ !o ules$ Assignment

0aterials can %e& ne1s#a#er cli##ings on current issues$ short texts excer#ts ro2 di erent text t!#es Internet sources H texts selected 2ust re lect intended the2es e$g$ satirical/de%ata%le issues

7ote: ISL * Inde#endent Student Learning All exercises/tas=s/2aterials 2ust %e co2#iled in the learnerBs #ort olio or assess2ent$


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