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My Sexy Alpha Mate The Other Wolf (Book 2) Published by Darle e !ibbs at S"ash#ords $opyri%ht 2&'' Darle e !

!ibbs This ebook is li(e sed for your perso al e )oy"e t o ly* This ebook "ay ot be re+sold or %i,e a#ay to other people* -f you #ould like to share this book #ith a other perso . please pur(hase a additio al (opy for ea(h re(ipie t* -f you/re readi % this book a d did ot pur(hase it. or it #as ot pur(hased for your use o ly. the please retur to S"ash#ords*(o" a d pur(hase your o# (opy* Tha k you for respe(ti % the hard #ork of this author*

My Sexy Alpha Mate The Other Wolf $hapter ' - %la (ed a(ross the kit(he (ou ter at 0ake sitti % at the table a d readi % the e#spaper. )ui(e a d e%%s o the table i fro t of hi"* 1e looked like su(h a ordi ary or"al %uy at ho"e #ith his #ife ha,i % breakfast. it #as hard to belie,e that #e #ere ot ordi ary #e #ere far fro" ordi ary #e #ere #ol,es* Still. the pi(ture of hi" sitti % there did so"ethi % to "e2 - #a ted to tou(h hi". to feel hi". to re"i d "yself for the hu dredth ti"e that this #as real. that this blissfully happy life - #as e )oyi % #ith 0ake #as (o"pletely real* - strolled o,er fro" the kit(he (ou ter a d headed o,er to 0ake/s (hair* - k e# he heard "e. be(ause the heari % of a Alpha 3oyale Wolf is super %reat. but he did /t look up* - lea ed o,er his ba(k a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his e(k* - (ould see fro" behi d that he #as s"ili %* - slid "y ha ds do# the fro t of his shirt a d "assa%ed his (hest* 4Aaaahhhhh2 Tess. - ha,e a "eeti % #ith $ou (il"a Dere(k i o e hour*5 1e said* s"iled* 46ou should %et %oi % the *5 - su%%ested. as - feathered li%ht kisses a(ross his e(k. allo#i % "y to %ue to brush sedu(ti,ely a%ai st the tip of his ear* 4-t/s a i"porta t "eeti %*5 1e %roa ed. but - (ould already see the bul%e i his pa ts i (reasi %. - %ri ed triu"pha tly* 4- ha,e o idea #hat/s keepi % you here the *5 - #hispered. as - ble# a li%ht %ust of #i d i to his ear* 1e "oa ed. a d - k e# the battle #as o,er* 4$o"e here*5 1e %ro#led. a d - %i%%led as he pi(ked "e up fro" the floor a d pla ted "e o his lap* - tur ed to fa(e hi". "y le%s straddli % his body . he pulled "e to#ards hi" a d the his lips (lai"ed "i e i a lo % hard passio ate kiss. #he he pulled a#ay #e #ere both %aspi % for air* 4- lo,e you*5 - #hispered. #rappi % "y ar"s arou d his e(k* 4A d - lo,e you Tess* More tha life itself*5 1e respo ded. o# sta di % #ith "e bala (ed a%ai st his body. "y le%s #rapped arou d his #aist* - heard "ore tha sa# hi" u bu(kle his belt a d 7ip do# his pa ts. - pressed "y lips a%ai st his. allo#i % "y to %ue to explore the beautiful s#eet ess of his "outh* 1e %roa ed. a d - felt "yself pressed o to the breakfast table. a d the - felt hi" thrust i side of "e. - ar(hed "y ba(k to take all of hi". %reedy for the feel of hi"* 4- lo,e you. darli %*5 - #hispered. his respo se #as dro# ed by %roa s of pleasure* (ould hear )ui(e %lass a d breakfast ite"s slide to the floor. but "y thou%hts #ere o o e thi %. the "ar,elously #o derful #ay "aki % lo,e to 0ake "ade "e feel* 4Baby***5 Was all that 0ake #as able to %et out before - heard hi" utter a deep %uttural %ro#l a d press hard a%ai st "e. "y ails du% i to his ba(k as "y body (li"axed #ith his* We laid there pressed a%ai st the breakfast table. our lo,e "aki % ha,i % totally spe t us*

- ble# o 0ake/s fa(e a d he lau%hed* 4What/s that8 3e,i,al breath8 6ou/ll ha,e to %i,e "e "ore tha that*5 - %i%%led. pushi % hi" up fro" "e* 40illia is %oi % to be here i a fe# "i utes. she does /t eed to k o# that #e (hriste ed the breakfast table*5 - said* 4A d the di i % table a d the li,i % roo" floor a d the***5 - shushed hi". s(ooti % up fro" the breakfast table a d %rippi % his ha d a d tu%%i % hi" alo % behi d "e* 4- k o#. - k o#*5 - said. as #e headed up the stairs. for the se(o d bath for the "or i %* 4Si (e #e/,e bee "arried. -/,e bee late to e,ery "eeti % -/,e had i the "or i %* 9ot that -/" (o"plai i %*5 0ake #as sayi % #ith a %ri * - s"iled* 46ou should stop pla i % "or i % "eeti %s*5 - su%%ested* 1e lau%hed* 4Why did /t - thi k of that85 4Be(ause boys are /t as bri%ht as %irls*5 - respo ded s"u%ly. a d he lau%hed a%ai * - had to tur the (old sho#er o at 0ake. he/s al#ays so hor y i the bathroo". - (a e,er %et out* 4Okay. okay*5 1e #as shouti %. as he (ri %ed i to the (or er a d - soaked hi" #ith i(e (old #ater* 4Okay #hat*5 - de"a ded* 4-/" tur ed off. -/" defi itely tur ed off* Please stop sprayi % that (old #ater o "e*5 1e yelled. but he #as (hu(kli %* - %ri ed too. %a,e hi" a :ui(k kiss a d hurried out of the sho#er before he (ould %rab "e* 1e se sibly stayed i there a d allo#ed the (old #ater to (o ti ue to (ool hi" do# * Whe he (a"e out he #as pra(ti(ally shi,eri %. lau%hed* We dressed hurriedly a d rushed do# the stairs. - had (lasses a d 0ake had that "eeti % #ith Dere(k. "y "o"/s boyfrie d* - had let 0ake buy "e a (ar. so that #he #e did /t ha,e (lasses to%ether - #ould still be able to %et to s(hool. but - ,ery "u(h preferred to tra,el #ith hi"* - did /t su%%est it this "or i %. thou%h. o a((ou t of the fa(t that - k e# he #as already ru i % late* 4Wa t "e to drop you to (lass85 1e asked. pulli % so"e shades o,er his eyes a d )o%%i % to the door* 49o tha ks. -/ll dri,e*5 - "uttered* 1e %ri ed* 4Tha ks* -/ll see you later. "u(h "u(h later*5 1e said. hurried ba(k a d %a,e "e proper body "elti % kiss a d the hurried out of the door* - si%hed happily. looki % arou d for "y books a d ba%. - felt (o"pletely happy. li,i % #ith 0ake #as like li,i % i the happily e,er after i a beautiful fairy tale. life )ust (ould /t %et a y better* - #ould e,er ha,e i"a%i ed #he - first (a"e to !ree 3id%e ho# #o derful thi %s #ould ha,e tur ed out* - brushed a tear a#ay fro" "y fa(e. -

(ould /t i"a%i e #hat - had do e to deser,e so "u(h )oy. 0ake a d - #ere true "ates. a d othi % #ould (ha %e that* ;;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - had )ust su""o ed Atele to "e2 - lea ed ba(k o the #all of the "akeshift sha(k a d #aited i"patie tly* She strolled i as if she o# ed the #orld. - %lared at her a %rily. she #as al#ays taki % her pri,ile%es too far. a d - did /t like it* 4What/s up boss85 She said as she e tered* 4- ha,e a pla . a d -/" %oi % to eed "y best #ol,es i o it* A d - eed you to lead the"*5 She did /t say a ythi %2 she #aited patie tly o "e for further i stru(tio s* 4There has bee a ru"or. a"o % #ere#olf ki d. that there is a %irl that (a (ure the Alpha 3oyale "ad ess*5 - said* - looked hard at Atele. for a si% that she had heard this ru"or as #ell* 1er eyes arro#ed. she #as tryi % ot to %i,e a ythi % a#ay. - k e# i sti (ti,ely that she had heard* 46ou/re hopi % she (a (ure you85 She asked. her eyes barely a s:ui t* - odded slo#ly* - had li,ed all of "y life as a Alpha 3oyale. a d had "a a%ed to hold o to "y sa ity lo %er tha "ost. but ea(h year it #as be(o"i % "ore a d "ore diffi(ult. if there #as a (ure. - eeded to %et it* 46es* -t/s #orth a shot*5 - said* Still stari % at her. she %la (ed a#ay* 4So ho# does this (ure #ork* This %irl is ot a dru% that you (a take***5 - lau%hed* 4A(tually. that is exa(tly #hat she is* <ro" reports it appears that it is the "ixi % of her fluids #ith the fluids of a Alpha 3oyale that %e erates the (ure*5 - poi ted out* She #as playi % idly o# #ith a bit of the leaf that "ade up "y sha(k* 4So it has bee pro"oted fro" a ru"or to a report o#85 She asked* - %ri"a(ed* 4- do /t (are #hat it/s (alled. -/" %oi % to %et that %irl. a d -/" %oi % to %et that (ure*5 said fir"ly* Atele tur ed arou d slo#ly a d stared at "e. she looked o older tha a tee a%er. but she #as "y tou%hest #olf. both i battle a d i perso ality* 46ou do k o# she has a "ate85 She asked* - lau%hed. - had o i terest i "ates. - had o i terest i the rules a d re%ulatio s that %o,er ed other people. - eeded that %irl to keep "y sa ity a d break this (urse. a d that #as all that "attered* - raised a eyebro# e :uiri % at Atele. she k e# "e. she k e# better tha to thi k - #ould (are about so"ethi % like that* 4- hear her "ate/s a"e is 0ake. a d he/s a Alpha 3oyale as #ell a d the #ord out there is that he/s tou%h*5 Atele said*

- %ri ed2 - hated to hear people try to su%%est that so"eo e #as stro %er tha "e* looked like a hu"a t#e ty four year old. - had se,eral years o 0ake. a d - k e# tri(ks he had /t e,e heard about* 4-/" %oi % to !ree 3id%e. a d -/" %oi % to %et that %irl*5 - said si"ply* - #at(hed Atele #alk o,er to "y "akeshift desk a d pi(k up a pe a d #rite so"ethi % bi% o a pie(e of paper. - s:ui ted "y eyes as she "ade her #ay ba(k to "e a d the pushed the si% strai%ht up i "y fa(e* -t #as "arked =BAD -D>A/* - %ro#led. s at(hed the si% fro" her ha d a d tossed it a(ross the roo"* 4- (ould kill you for i subordi atio ?5 - yelled* She )ust %lared at "e. "y threats of death e,er #orked o Atele. she did /t see" to fear dyi %* 46ou #a t to lead you/re e tire pa(k do# to !ree 3id%e to be slau%htered o a ru"or that 0ake/s #o"a (a heal you of this i sa ity (urse85 She de"a ded* - %ro#led a%ai . she ba(ked a#ay sli%htly. she (ould see - #as %etti % a %ry. a d there #ere fates #orst tha death. a d she k e# - #as /t abo,e a y of the"* 4Wat(h ho# you speak to "e. Beta?5 - said* She odded. a d stepped for#ard a%ai * 4This pla .5 She e"phasi7ed pla sar(asti(ally. 4of yours (a ot e d #ell* -t is reported that the %irl is also a Alpha 3oyale*5 She #as stari % at "e. as if that bit of i for"atio alo e should (ause "e to (ha %e "y pla * 4- do /t see your poi t*5 - said* 4Are you so arro%a t tha you (a /t see #he your out skilled. out u"bered a d out e,erythi %?85 She s(rea"ed i to "y fa(e* - shifted o e ha d a d slapped her a(ross her fa(e hard e ou%h to (ause her to fall ba(k to the floor2 she #as up a d o her feet i a se(o d* 4!et the pa(k to%ether it/s ti"e #e lea,e this %od forsake pla(e* @et the" k o# that #e #ill be %oi % to !ree 3id%e*5 - i stru(ted* She odded. starti % to ba(k out of "y sha(k* 4- u dersta d that there is ,ery ti%ht se(urity o ad"issio to !ree 3id%e8 1o# #ill you %et a pa(k i side85 4The pa(k (a stay o the outskirts u til - %i,e the (all. - shall (arry o ly a sele(t fe# i side #ith "e*5 - explai ed* She odded. still ot looki % (o ,i (ed* 4!o*5 - ordered. a d she tur ed s#iftly o her heel a d started to lea,e. 4Atele*5 shouted after her. she stopped a d tur ed arou d to fa(e "e* 46es. boss*5 4Tell Marissa to (o"e to "e*5 - said* She odded a d hurried out* The talk #ith Atele had upset "e. at this sta%e of the (urse - did /t like to risk bei % upset. it #as e,er (ertai if - #ould be able to (o trol those upset feeli %s a d ho# far "i%ht %o* - si%hed2 - had lear t o,er the last fe# years that sex see"ed to soothe the sa,a%e beast* But it #as /t sex #ith a y #o"a . it see"ed that o ly (ertai #o"e had that u i:ue (apability of (al"i % "e. a d - had tried "a y. Marissa #as the o e that had the "ost (al"i % effe(t o "e. - eeded her o#*

Whe the door ope ed Marissa #alked i . her fa(e held do# to the %rou d* 4Take off you (lothes*5 - ordered* -t #as poi tless prete di % that it #as so"ethi % "ore tha #hat it #as. the %irl (o"pletely hated "e* 1er pare ts had %i,e her to "e as a %ift. after - threate ed the"* - did /t like to ad"it it. bei % a Alpha 3oyale a d the stro %est (reature i the #orld2 it #as hard to ad"it that you eeded so"eo e* - eeded Marissa. - eeded the (al" that "aki % lo,e to her %a,e "e* The fa(t that she had o e"otio al i terest i "e #as )ust pure bad lu(k* - #as a %ood lo,er thou%h. -/d (ertai ly had e ou%h pra(ti(e. e,e thou%h it "i%ht ot be #hat she #a ted. it #as e,er fully u pleasa t* - #at(hed her o# as she lay o the "akeshift bed. (o"pletely aked. her eyes (losed* u dressed "yself a d #alked o,er to her. it a oyed "e that she took su(h pleasure i sho#i % her displeasure i "e* - lie o top of her a d thrust i . she %roa ed sli%htly. a d the "y ar"s e (ased her a d pulled her hard a%ai st "e* - pressed "y lips a%ai st hers. but she "o,ed her fa(e. - shru%%ed. o use prete di % it #as a ythi % "ore tha #hat it #as* - (ould feel the te sio i "y body buildi % up. a d pressed harder a d faster. her ar"s (a"e up a d e (ir(led "e. a d her lips pressed a%ai st "y (heek. - half s"iled a d the - exploded i side of her* - slu"ped o to her body. "y body (o"pletely drai ed* A se se of (al" a d relaxatio filled "e a d - si%hed #ith satisfa(tio * -f it #ere ot for Marissa. - #ould ha,e lo % lost the battle of the (urse of the Alpha 3oyale* - #a ted to stay there. like that. (lose to her. but she pushed "e off a d - did /t resist. - rolled to the other side of the bed* - (ould see fro" the (or er of "y eye she #as already prepari % to lea,e* 4Marissa*5 - said. as she s#u % her le%s fro" the bed a d prepared to sta d* 46es. Dar%o *5 She said. she #as the o ly o e #ho (alled "e a ythi % other tha =boss/* She #as the o ly o e - #ould let do that* 4- a" %oi % o a trip* - #ish you to (o"e #ith "e*5 - said2 she %la (ed ba(k at "e. a surprised look o her fa(e* - #o dered briefly if she #as thi ki % that - #as pla i % so"e sort of ro"a ti( %et a#ay. she #ould be %reatly disappoi ted if that #as her belief but the a%ai . k o#i % her dislike for "e. perhaps disappoi ted #ould /t be the best #ord* 4- ha,e o i terest i tra,elli % #ith you*5 She said si"ply* 4That #as ot a re:uest2 that #as a order*5 - poi ted out* 4The #hy bother to tell "e. )ust tell "e (o"e #he you are ready to lea,e*5 She dra#led* 49o* This trip #ill re:uire that #e play roles*5 - %la (ed at her2 that "ust ha,e (au%ht her atte tio be(ause she #as looki % ba(k at "e o#* 4- i te d to tra,el to !ree 3id%e. #here - belie,e there is a (ure for the (urse of the Alpha 3oyale* - ha,e o idea ho# lo % #e #ill be there. but - ha,e o i te tio of lea,i % u til - %et #hat - a" %oi % there for*5 - said blu tly* She odded* 4-t is )ust you a d - to %o the 85 She asked* - shook "y head*

49o. - a" "o,i % the e tire pa(k* But "ost of the pa(k #ill re"ai o the outskirts of !ree 3id%e i the earest to# . u til - su""o the" (loser* O ly Atele. you a d #ill e ter !ree 3id%e i the first i sta (e*5 She odded slo#ly. (learly tossi % the e tire idea arou d i her "i d* 4- u dersta d #hy you #ould desire your #arrior Atele. to e ter #ith you. but #hy "e85 She asked* - %la (ed a#ay. prete di % distra(tio #ith so"ethi % )ust outside the #i do#* - (ould /t belie,e that Marissa still had o idea ho# i"porta t she #as to "e* A d - liked it that #ay. #he people k e# they had po#er o,er you. they sudde ly be(a"e ,ery de"a di %* 4- ha,e eeds that you satisfy* We (ould be there for "o ths*5 4-s /t !ree 3id%e (o trolled by a Alpha 3oyale8 0ake. - belie,e85 She said* - si%hed2 this 0ake %uy #as :uite re o# ed i the #ere#olf #orld* 4What/s your poi t85 - s apped* 4Alphas te d to like their spa(e if you k o# #hat - "ea *5 She said* - stood up fro" the bed a d started to dress. she follo#ed suit* 4So #hat is this (ure. a d ho# #ill you %et it85 She asked. (learly the idea had sparked her (uriosity* 4The (ure is Tessa $a"pbell !ree id%e*5 - said. a d #aited for her rea(tio 2 - #as /t disappoi ted* She tossed ba(k her head #ith lau%hter* 46ou i te d to stroll i to 0ake !ree id%e/s territory a d kid ap his #o"a 85 4- belie,e that all - eed to do is "ake lo,e to her* <ro" all reports. 0ake/s (ure appeared to ha,e started fro" the "o"e t their "ati % (ere"o y be%a * - do /t eed the #hole (ere"o y2 - )ust eed to "ake lo,e to her o (e*5 - explai ed* - #as really ex(ited about this. a opportu ity to li,e out "y life. #ith all of "y po#er. a d #ithout a y of the "ad ess* - (ould fi ally lea,e this (ru""y forest. ble d i to or"al so(iety a d e )oy the thi %s of life that ordi ary "e take for %ra ted* @ike a #o"a #ho a(tually #a ted you to "ake lo,e to her* - stead. -/,e had to (o fi e "yself to a forest. a d li,e a pri"iti,e life. tryi % to stay out of "a ki d/s #ay* - had (hose the (o"plete #ay of the a i"al #orld. it see"ed appropriate if - #a ted to a,oid the i e,itable (o fro tatio #ith hu ters #he - #e t i sa e* 9o#. this %irl Tess #as offeri % "e a other alter ati,e. a (ha (e to li,e like e,ery o e else. o ly better* - had bee so e thralled #ith "y o# thou%hts that - had /t e,e reali7ed that Marissa had said othi %* - %la (ed up o# a d looked at her* 1er "outh #as a)ar a d she #as stari % at "e i (redulously* 46our pla is to #alk i to !ree 3id%e a d sedu(e a d "ake lo,e to 0ake/s "ate85 She (hoked out* 4Pretty "u(h*5 - said* - had /t thou%ht about ho# she "i%ht feel about so"ethi % like this before* - "ea . te(h i(ally. she/s "y #o"a * We ha,e /t "ated or a ythi %. but still. - %uess it is atural to ha,e a se se of atta(h"e t to so"eo e that you/,e bee "aki % lo,e to for the past t#o years*

4There/s o eed for you to feel as if a ythi % #ill (ha %e bet#ee us* Maki % lo,e to Tess is si"ply a e(essity***5 - did /t fi ish "y se te (e* The sou d of her s(or ful lau%hter (ut "e off* 46ou thi k -/" )ealous be(ause of your pla 8 1a? By all "ea s. Dar%o . %o to !ree 3id%e a d sedu(e 0ake/s #o"a * -t sou ds like a perfe(tly %reat pla *5 She said sar(asti(ally* She #as fully dressed o# a d headed to#ards the exit. #he she sudde ly stopped a d tur ed arou d a d said* 4Oh. a d #he he kills you. - )ust #a t you to k o# -/" %o %o e* a lau%h*5 The she #as

- %roa ed2 there is so"ethi % re"arkably hurtful about a #o"a you/re "aki % lo,e to telli % you that she #ill lau%h #he you die* - si%hed hard. tossi % the pai out of "y "i d. it did /t "atter #hether Marissa (ared about "e or ot. as lo % as her lo %. sleek. se suously sexy body kept the (urse at bay. - did /t really (are* ;;; $hapter 2 Tess/ poi t of ,ie# As soo as - arri,ed at s(hool - headed for the staff roo". "y fi,e beta %irls #ere #ith "e. #e had be(o"e pretty i separable* - #a ted to see 3ia e Ms !oodli . our Mythi(al S(ie (e tea(her* - thou%ht "ore of 3ia e as a frie d tha as a tea(her. she had played a bi% part i %etti % 0ake a d - to%ether. a d - #ould al#ays be %rateful to her for that* - si% al to the %irls to ha % ba(k as - head i to the staff offi(e. -/,e pi(ked up a fe# bad habits fro" 0ake* - #alk o,er to her (ubi(le a d tap her %e tly o her shoulder a d she tur ed arou d looki % (o"pletely startled* 41i. Tess* 6ou do "o,e ,ery :uietly*A She said* - s"iled. 0ake had bee trai i % "e i bei % a #olf. - had /t %ro# up k o#i % the thi %s #ere#ol,es #ere supposed to k o#2 a d - k e# - had a lot to lear . but - had the best a d sexiest tea(her e,er* 41i. 3ia e* - #a ted to drop this off for you perso ally*5 - said. lea,i % a e ,eloped i ,itatio o her desk* 4What is it85 She asked* 40ake a d - are (elebrati % our a i,ersary #e #a t all our frie ds to be there. to share i our happi ess* 6ou (a bri % a frie d*5 - added* 3ia e s(ru (hed up her fa(e* 4Oh***-/" ot sure #ho - (a bri %***perhaps - shall %et a ride #ith 0ake/s 'st Beta. or his brother*5 3ia e "uttered2 her fa(e s(re#ed up thou%htfully* 3ia e #as ot )ust a tea(her2 she #as like o e of "y best frie ds. o e of the fe# hu"a s that li,ed i !ree 3id%e* 4That sou ds like a fi e idea. they are both si %le. a d -/" sure they #ould be pleased to es(ort you*5 - said happily* 3ia e blushed* She #as e,er so (ute. a d :uite attra(ti,e. (ould o ly i"a%i e that it #as be(ause of her obsessio #ith studyi % "ythi(al (reatures that she has e,er take the ti"e to %et a boyfrie d*

49othi % like that. Tess* 0ust as a frie d*5 She i sisted* - %ri ed2 si (e 0ake a d - had hooked up - rather e )oyed tryi % to "at(h+"ake the e tire #orld. #hat (ould be better tha ha,i % e,eryo e as #o derfully happy as - #as* 46ou e,er k o#*5 - said (oyly as - headed ba(k to#ards the exit. she #a%%ed her fi %er at "e #ar i %ly* ;;; -t see"ed as if the date for our a i,ersary (elebratio arri,ed o #i %ed feet* Ori%i ally #e had pla ed to ha,e a pri,ate (elebratio )ust 0ake a d -* The Mo" heard us talki % about (elebrati % our a i,ersary a d de(ided that she a d $ou (il"a Dere(k should (elebrate #ith us. o a((ou t of the fa(t that they #ere o# a (ouple a d "aki % pla s to be "arried ,ery soo * Pretty soo "y beta %irls Belly. Maria e. Stepha ie a d Barly heard about it a d thou%ht it #ould be ro"a ti( if they (ould be a part of it #ith their "ates. 0ake/s betas Peter. 0oh . Da,id a d 0a"es* The 0ake felt that it #ould /t be ri%ht to lea,e out t#o of his betas )ust o a((ou t of the fa(t that they did /t ha,e a "ate. so #e i ,ited Ti"othy (0ake/s best frie d) a d Stepha (0ake/s brother)* The they thou%ht it #ould be a#k#ard bei % the o ly %uys there #ithout %irls so #e had to broade the (elebratio so"e "ore* The lo % a d short of the "atter is that #hat started out as a s"all a i,ersary (elebratio #as o# a #ho/s #ho party? - si%hed hea,ily at the ordeal2 pra(ti(ally the #hole to# #ould be there* - %lared at "yself i the "irror* My fa(e #as flushed2 all of the ex(ite"e t o,er the last fe# days of putti % the e tire thi % to%ether* The fi%ure hu%%i % bla(k dress - had sele(ted #as :uite short. - #ould ha,e to be ,ery (areful about be di %* - %ri ed2 it #as #orth it be(ause - k e# it #ould dri,e 0ake #ild* -t had a deep dari % C (ut i the ba(k that tra,elled all the #ay to the s"all of "y ba(k a d the fro t had a plu %i % e(kli e* s"iled a%ai . i"a%i i % ho# 0ake #ould be all o,er "e to i%ht. he #as sooo sexy. )ust the s(e t of "e tur ed hi" o . )ust i"a%i e the i"pa(t of "e i this dress* - added )ust a spot "ore eyeli er. to bri % out the (rystal blue of "y eyes. s"a(ked "y lips a d stared i to the "irror satisfa(torily* 6ou au%hty. au%hty %irl. - "uttered a d the headed do# the stairs happily* As soo as - rea(hed the botto" of the stairs 0ake #as there #aiti % for "e. - #as /t disappoi ted* 1is eyes fle# ope a d he li(ked his lips lo %i %ly* As soo as - (a"e alo %side hi" he said* 4Perhaps #e should skip the party85 - %i%%led a d ud%ed hi" %e tly i the ribs. he s"iled2 but - k e# he #as serious* Our first %uests started to arri,e te "i utes later2 "y beta %irls #ith their "ates. (hatti % a d %i%%li % ex(itedly* - ushered the" i to the "ai re(eptio area a d they i""ediately started to eat a d "ess about. - %ri ed. #e #ere all like o e bi% fa"ily a d they felt (o"pletely at ho"e here* - headed out to 0ake a%ai to s"ile a d %reet ea(h of our %uests as they arri,ed* 4- %uess #e (a head i side o# a d e )oy the party*5 0ake said. taki % "y ha d i his* 4But Mo" a d $ou (il"a Dere(k ha,e /t arri,ed as yet* - so #a t to %reet the" a d %o i #ith the"*5 - pleaded* 0ake %la (ed do# at his #at(h. #e had bee %reeti % %uests for al"ost a half a d hour o#*

4The ser,a ts #ill be here to %reet the"*5 1e poi ted out* - %a,e hi" "y puppy do% fa(e* 4Please let/s stay u til they (o"e*5 - said* 1e %ri ed. a d s:uee7ed "y ha d %e tly* 46ou do /t e,e ha,e to use the puppy do% look. it/s our a i,ersary. #hate,er you #a t. you %et*5 1e said* - s"iled broadly a d %a,e hi" a bi% hu%. a d felt his ha d s:uee7e "y butt* 4Shall - %et the (old #ater85 - asked* 1e %ri ed sheepishly* 4More like toss a ba% of i(e i "y pa ts*5 1e said. a d - lau%hed* - s"iled a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his a%ai 2 a d allo#ed "y ha d to (aress hi" li%htly* 0ake looked really hot to i%ht. he #as dressed se"i for"al a d looked like he (ould be a "ale "odel ad,ertisi % after sha,e or so"ethi %* 4What85 1e "uttered. o a((ou t of the fa(t that - %ro#led softly* 46ou/re tur i % "e o *5 - said* 4-/" already tur ed o *5 1e respo ded. a d pulled "e hard a%ai st his body. his lips pressi % a%ai st "i e a d his ha d #hi(h #as i the s"all of "y ba(k dippi % i to the C of "y dress a d (uppi % "e* 4Aaaaahhhh*5 - %roa ed softly. pressi % "yself a%ai st hi" a d dri ki % hi" like o e #ould dri k a (ool %lass of #ater i the dessert* O e of "y ha ds ta %led i his )et bla(k hair a d the other (aressed his ba(k lo,i %ly* The idea of skippi % the party #as %ro#i % i (reasi %ly appeali %* Whe his other ha d (upped "y breast a d s:uee7ed it %e tly (o"pletely "elted. had - ot bee pressed a%ai st hi" by the ha d o "y ba(k - #ould ha,e tur ed to a (o"plete puddle a d slid to the floor* 1is lips #ere o# bla7i % a i toxi(ati % trail alo % "y e(k. - stret(hed "y head to a side to %i,e hi" full a((ess. a d the - sa# the"* ;;;;; $hapter D - %ripped 0ake/s shoulder a d shook hi" %e tly2 he held up his head a d stared at "e be#ildered. his eyes a dark shade of %ree * - had (o"e to lear that his eyes be(a"e that shade #he he #as seriously tur ed o * 40ake*5 - "uttered. a d he fi ally %ot it. he tur ed arou d to fa(e the door. his fa(e o# a bri%ht shade of red* 9ot o a((ou t of Mo" a d $ou (il"a Dere(k (o"i % i a d fi di % us seriously "aki % out i the (orridor. but o a((ou t of the fa(t that he #as a d Alpha 3oyale #ith super stre %h. s"ell a d heari % a d he had bee totally (au%ht by surprise by their e try* 4Mo"*5 - said hurryi % for#ard to hu% her a d break the a#k#ard "o"e t* - %la (ed arou d the %roup2 - oted that there #ere three stra %e fa(es #ith the" a d #o dered #ho they (ould be* 4We ra %. but o o e a s#ered*5 Mo" said apolo%eti(ally* 4That/s okay*5 - said. %oi % for#ard a d %i,i % the $ou (il"a a hu%* 0ake #as hu%%i % Mo" o#. it #as a"a7i % ho# #ell they %ot alo %. so"eti"es - felt she #as

"ore his Mo" tha "i e* -t #as hard to i"a%i e that Mo" had hated 0ake i the be%i i %* 46ou brou%ht so"e %uests*5 0ake said. as he approa(hed $ou (il"a Dere(k* - had #a ted to poi t that out as #ell but - felt it "i%ht appear a bit rude* 46es. for%i,e "e. - should i trodu(e you*5 $ou (il"a Dere(k said2 0ake/s fa(e looked o e too pleased* 4This is Dar%o <ields* 1e is a Physi(al >du(atio tea(her* We/,e bee looki % for so"eo e to "ake trai i % "ore (halle %i % at the #ere#olf le,el at the E i,ersity. #e felt that he #ould be perfe(t for that* 1e (a"e re(o""e ded by a se(o d (ousi of "i e*5 Dere(k explai ed* 0ake %lared at hi"* 46ou do /t ha,e the authority to bri % people to !ree 3id%e #ith out "y (o+a%ree"e t*5 0ake poi ted out* There #as a other e"barrassed sile (e as $ou (il"a Dere(k held his head do# like a (hild bei % s(o#led* 4- re(o% i7e that. a d -/" sorry* -t #o /t happe a%ai * But Dar%o here #as offered a other )ob. a d - had to a(t fast to %et hi"*5 Dere(k explai ed* 4Perhaps you should ha,e let hi" %o*5 0ake su%%ested* - blushed* 4Maybe #e (a dis(uss this at a other ti"e. he is here already a d #e do /t #a t hi" to feel u #a ted*5 - said* 0ake shru%%ed* 4<i e*5 0ake %lared at Dere(k o e "ore ti"e a d he blushed* 4This is Atele a d Marissa. they are Dar%o /s you %er sisters*5 Dere(k explai ed. both 0ake a d - shook their ha ds i %reeti %* 4Please follo# us*5 - said as - led the" to the re(eptio area* - (ould /t help but feel Dar%o /s eyes stari % at "e. but - %uess #ith a dress like this o . all the %uys #ill be stari % at "e* ;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# Whe - "et Tessa "y "outh al"ost dropped ope * - had /t expe(ted that she #ould look soooo hootttt* -f - had /t bee here u der(o,er - #ould ha,e ho#led at the si%ht of her* She had a totally ro(ki % body. #ith e,erythi % i the ri%ht pla(e. - (ould (ertai ly i"a%i e ba %i % that* !osh. )ust thi ki % about it "ade "e hard* - briefly (o sidered taki % her #ith "e e,e after the i ter(ourse. a %irl like that (ould defi itely keep "e satisfied* - #as /t o,erly bothered about 0ake. - had heard all the hype about hi" bei % this super tou%h #ere#olf Alpha. but - #as ot i"pressed that he had /t e,e reali7ed that #e had e tered his house* 1is house. for Pete/s sake2 - (ould see Tess (ould be pretty distra(ti %. but to ot hear a d s"ell us this (lose8 Perhaps he #as losi % his ed%e. too "u(h easy li,i %* - hoped that #as the (ase as that #ould "ake "y task a little easier* - %la (ed o,er at Marissa2 she #as dressed ,ery (o ser,ati,e as usual. #hi(h suited "e fi e* - did /t eed her attra(ti % a y he #olf atte tio * She #as "i e. a d - #as /t about

to share her #ith a yo e else* Atele #ore pa ts a d t+shirt. Marissa "i%ht dress si"ple. but Atele al#ays see"ed to dress like a boy. - #o dered about her so"eti"es* We e tered a lar%e roo" that looked (apable of holdi % se,eral hu dred people. a d it #as al"ost filled to (apa(ity* As soo as #e e tered Tess approa(hed "e. - put o "y "ost (har"i % s"ile2 the first i"pressio #as %oi % to be pretty i"porta t* 4So you/ll be tea(hi % at !ree 3id%e E i,ersity85 Tess asked. she #as stari % i to "y eyes. probably tryi % to assess "e. - s"iled pleasa tly a d odded* 41a,e you e,er tau%ht before85 She #e t o * - odded a%ai * 46ou e )oy tea(hi % the 85 She (o ti ued* - odded a third ti"e* - fi%ured - #ould %o #ith the :uiet a d shy perso ality that #ould e (oura%e Tess to help "e %et out of "y shell. a d offer "e "ore opportu ities to sedu(e her* 46ou do /t talk "u(h. do you85 She asked* - s"iled at her* 4-/" a little shy. you do /t thi k that #ill be a proble" for "e at #ork do you85 - asked* She looked thou%htful* Marissa a d Atele %lared at "e* 4So"e of the kids (a be a bit ro#dy. but - thi k if you k o# you/re sub)e(t area you sha /t ha,e a y proble"*5 She explai ed* 4Perhaps if - had so"eo e to let "e k o# ho# "y (lass #as bei % re(ei,ed. you k o#. like so"eo e o the i side*5 - su%%ested* She s"iled bri%htly. the bla(k stra ds i her hair fell for#ard2 she #as really :uite beautiful* 4- (ould do that* - (ould help you*5 She ,olu teered* Eh huh. led like a la"b to the slau%hter* 4Tha k you so "u(h*5 - said. a d she s"iled. s:uee7ed "y ha d a d the tur ed her fa(e to Atele* That (o ,ersatio did /t last ,ery lo %. - oti(ed #ith a %ri * Atele #as ot the "ost refi ed of #o"e . a d (ould be rather rou%h i her deli,era (e* My eyes follo#ed Tess as she started to talk to Marissa2 they see"ed to hit it off strai%ht a#ay* They had a lot i (o""o * They #ere both super hot looki %. a d they both see"ed to ha,e lo,i % perso alities. ex(ept of (ourse Marissa e,er bothered to sho# that side of her perso ality to "e* - stifled a si%h2 those thi %s "ea t absolutely othi % to "e* 0ake #as headed o,er here2 "a . - #as starti % to #o der + did he ot let her out of his eyesi%ht for "ore tha a hour8 - %ru"bled to "yself as - #at(hed his ar" e (ir(le her #aist possessi,ely a d dra# her to hi"* 4My pare ts ha,e arri,ed. (o"e a d say hello to the"*5 1e said. a d - #at(hed as the t#o of the" strolled a#ay e"bra(i %* 4- say #e lea,e o# #hile #e all still ha,e our heads atta(hed to our bodies*5 Atele #hispered i to "y ear a d - %ro#led at her* She strai%hte ed up a d stepped a#ay fro" "e* - %la (ed arou d the re(eptio area* This party #ould probably ha,e "ost of the you % stro % ,ibra t #ere#ol,es i the to# 2 this #ould be a perfe(t ti"e to (he(k out the resour(es of the e e"y* - had (lose to fifty stro % #ol,es #aiti % o "y si% al i the ei%hbori % to# . se,e of #hi(h - had (ha %ed to #ere#ol,es o,er the past fe# #eeks i order to i (rease "y u"bers* The proble" #as. e,e thou%h you (a (ha %e a

hu"a to a #ere#olf a d they ha,e a atural i (li atio to obey you. if you do /t trai the". they (ould %o ro%ue a d be(o"e a ,ery bi% proble"* - had lear t that fro" past experie (e. so - dared ot tra sfor" too "a y hu"a s at a ti"e. #hi(h #as u fortu ate. be(ause 0ake had so "a y #ol,es li,i % i !ree 3id%e at his disposal* My o ly hope #as that the !ree 3id%e #ol,es #ould be less a%%ressi,e. o a((ou t of the fa(t that they li,ed the hu"a a d #olf life. #hile #e li,ed al"ost ex(lusi,ely as #ol,es* - #as /t sure if that #ould be e ou%h to o,er(o"e the !ree 3id%e u"bers thou%h* -t #ould be #iser to sedu(e Tess tha try to fi%ht for her* But e,e a (y i( like "e (ould see that 0ake a d Tess #ere pretty ti%ht. - "i%ht ot belie,e i the #hole =true "ate/ (rap a d the bo di % a d stuff. but "y eyes #ere (ertai ly telli % "e this relatio ship #as ot %oi % to be a easy break up* Whe the re(eptio door ope ed a%ai 0ake a d Tess e tered o (e "ore. they #ere fla ked by four additio al people* - had to ad"it - #as (urious as to #ho they #ere. if they #ere all #ol,es. they looked pretty tou%h. #ell "aybe ex(ept for the %irl i the ba(k that #as al"ost bei % blo(ked by the lar%e bro# haired %uy* - #as surprised #he Tess led the %roup o,er to us. - s"iled i #ardly2 - "ust ha,e "ade a %ood first i"pressio * Tess approa(hed "e first. 0ake by her side a d the thro % of perso s follo#i % behi d her* 4Dar%o . "ay - (all you that85 She asked politely* - odded* 4Dar%o . this is "y "other i la# Mrs* 3a(hel !ree id%e. "y <ather i la# Mr* 3a#le !ree id%e. "y brother i la# Stepha . our fa"ily frie d Ti"othy a d***5 She paused as she %ripped the ar" of the %irl that had bee shelteri % behi d Stepha * 4This is 3ia e*5 She said triu"pha tly* - look like t#e ty four years old. but -/,e bee arou d "u(h lo %er tha that. o a((ou t of ho# #ere#ol,es/ a%e. -/,e pi(ked up a fe# thi %s o,er the years* Tess #as i dul%i % i "at(h "aki %* - al"ost %roa ed aloud. hated people tryi % to "at(h "ake "e* <irst. there is o su(h thi % as a perfe(t "at(h so #hy #aste the ti"e a d se(o d. there is o su(h thi % as a perfe(t "at(h so #hy #aste the ti"e8 Aaaaahhhhh. if - #as /t tryi % to %et (lose to Tess - #ould ha,e told her #here to take her "at(h "aki % efforts. but that #as ot a optio * - stifled a si%h a d fei% ed a i terest i the #o"a * 49i(e to "eet all of you.5 - said politely. they all odded i retur . the %irl #as stari % at "e* 4A d these are Dar%o /s sisters. Atele a d Marissa*5 Tess (o ti ued* There #as a ex(ha %e of ha dshakes a d hellos* - oted ho# Tess #orked to %et 3ia e beside "e a d said* 4Both of you are tea(hers. you should ha,e so "u(h i (o""o *5 The she sailed a#ay. her ar" atta(hed to 0ake/s* - si%hed hea,ily. - did /t eed this distra(tio . but - (ould /t afford to be rude to 3ia e either. she see"ed to be a frie d of Tess/. if she hated "e. she "i%ht (o ,i (e Tess - #as a )erk a d totally destroy "y pla to sedu(e Tess* - had to play this situatio ,ery (arefully* The #ay - sa# it. - #as the oldest o e there. - should be able to pull the #ool o,er the eyes of a fe# kids* Tess looked like sixtee . 0ake looked o "ore tha ei%htee . "y %reatest threat #as 3ia e. #ho looked "y a%e. about t#e ty four. a d if she #as a #ere#olf. that #ould "ake her a lot older i years* -t #as al#ays

diffi(ult to tell a #ere#olf #he they #ere i their hu"a for"* They #ere al"ost (o"pletely hu"a 2 - #ould ha,e to fi%ure it out later* 4So. you/re e# here85 3ia e #as sayi %. her ,oi(e told "e she #as tryi % to be polite a d (reate (o ,ersatio #ith "e. e,e thou%h - #as i "y hu"a for". - (ould s"ell her. a d - k e# she #as tur ed o by "e* 46es*5 - %la (ed to the side2 - (ould see the boys Ti"othy a d Stepha sta di % at both sides of Marissa* - did /t like that. probably part of Tess/ "at(h "aki % a%ai * 4So #hat sub)e(t are you tea(hi %85 She asked* 4Physi(al edu(atio *5 - respo ded a d she %la (ed at "e briefly. taki % "e i "ore thorou%hly. her eyes looked ad"iri % at "y #ell de,eloped "us(led body. #he she reali7ed - #as #at(hi % her she tur ed a bri%ht red a d - (ould /t resist a half s"ile* 4- should %o a d %et so"ethi % to **a"**dri k*5 She sta""ered a d hurried a#ay* %ri ed. - (ould /t resist follo#i % her #ith "y eyes. a d the #ay she pra(ti(ally )o%%ed to the bar told "e she k e# - #as #at(hi % her* - rubbed "y ha ds a(ross "y lips2 perhaps hitti % that #ould /t be that bad a idea after all* -f - (ould %et her to keep her "outh shut about us to Tess* - (ould e,er tell Atele - #as thi ki % like that. she #ould (all "e (ra7y for sure. a d perhaps - #as. "aybe it #as the Alpha 3oyale (urse that "ade "e #a t to take this %irl a d )ust ba % her brai s out* What e,er it #as. it #as a "i%hty po#erful ur%e. a d o e - did /t feel i (li ed to fi%ht* -t #ould "ake the "issio "ore (o"pli(ated. but )ust looki % at the #o"a #as "aki % "e hard* - %la (ed o,er at Marissa o#. o e of the boys #as aski % her to da (e. - belie,e it #as the o e they (alled Ti"othy. the other o e. 0ake/s brother Stepha . see"ed prepared to #ait his tur * - "y pa(k. o e of the he #ol,es #ould e,er approa(h Marissa. be(ause they k e# - had (lai"ed her. here it #as differe t* - #as /t sure if the Alpha i "e #ould be (o"fortable #ith the idea of %uys flirti % #ith Marissa but - k e# that - dare ot do a y thi % about it* - #at(hed as she %lided ele%a tly o to the da (e floor #ith Ti"othy. - had /t e,e reali7ed that she (ould da (e* My eyes flitted fro" Marissa to 3ia e to Tess* Three beautiful %irls. o e - #a ted. o e - eeded a d o e - defi itely (ould ot sur,i,e #ithout* <or )ust a brief "o"e t - felt a se se of (o fusio . as - tried to fi%ure out #hat des(ribed #ho* - #as k o(ked out of "y re,erie #he the Stepha boy strolled o,er to Atele. #ho #as sta di % by "y side a d asked her if she #a ted to da (e* <or all the years - ha,e k o# Atele she has bee arro%a t. (o fide t a d ofte a (o"plete pai i the butt. but sudde ly she #as this totally flustered tee a%e %irl* She stared up at "e #ith a look that s(rea"ed help2 a d - (hu(kled* Who #ould ha,e thou%ht it #ould ha,e take o ly a boy to thro# Atele (o"pletely off of her %a"e8 4-**a"****-****#ell****-/,e*** e,er****a"***5 !ood ess. the %irl (ould /t stri % three #ords to%ether* 4- thi k she/s tryi % to say tha k you. she #ould lo,e to da (e*5 - (ut i . she spared "e a killi % %lare as the boy. Stepha . took her ha d a d led a surprisi %ly "eek Atele o to the da (e floor* - should ha,e lo,ed to #at(h her the e tire i%ht. "y #arrior beta stu"bli % arou d the da (e floor a d surely "aki % the you % "a re%ret e,er ha,i % asked her*

;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie# -f - hate Dar%o or"ally. - hate hi" t#i(e as "u(h o#* 1o# (ould he ot see that had o i terest i da (i % #ith this boy8 This boy that holds "e #ay too ti%ht. this boy that allo#s his ha ds so "u(h liberty duri % a da (e. this boy that is "u(h too ha dso"e to ha,e asked "e to da (e i the first pla(e? 4So #ill you be atte di % the E i,ersity85 !ood ess "e. surely he does /t expe(t "e to i dul%e i (o ,ersatio as #ell8 Whate,er shall - say8 My rou%h (o ,ersatio s #ith Dar%o ha,e ot prepared "e for (asual (o ,ersatio s #ith ha dso"e eli%ible you % "e * 4Atele85 Dare "e. (learly he expe(ts "e to a s#er* - step for#ard a d re(o% i7e that it is ot the floor - ha,e tra"pled o but his foot* 4- a" s****s***a***oh****5 - ha,e o idea #hat is happe i % to "e* -/,e spoke to boys already fro" "y pa(k. - order the" arou d. #he Dar%o is ot there2 - a" their leader* - do /t stutter. #hat/s #ro % #ith "e o#8 4Perhaps if you let "e lead. a d you follo#*5 Stepha su%%ested :uietly* - odded du"bly. e"barrassed. it felt as if the #hole roo" #as #at(hi % "e "ake a (o"plete fool of "yself* What o earth had possessed "e to a((ept this boy/s offer of a da (e8 1e pulled "e (lose to hi" a d - felt "y breathi % stop* 1is ha d spa ed the s"all of "y ba(k a d spread. so that his fi %ers %ra7ed the ed%e of "y ba(kside #hile his other ha d held "y ha d* 4-***5 -t did see" a ,ery fa"iliar positio to be i #ith a boy that you did /t e,e k o#* 4Put your ar"s about "y e(k*5 1e i stru(ted "e* - blushed. - had held the" da %li % at "y side. it see"ed so presu"ptuous to hu% hi"* 1e released his hold o "e "o"e tarily a d pi(ked up "y ha ds a d looped the" about his e(k #ith a %ri * 4- pro"ise - #o /t bite*5 1e said teasi %ly. (ausi % "e to blush a%ai * !osh. this #as so e"barrassi %. he #as sure to fi%ure out that - "ust ha,e li,ed i a )u %le or so"ethi %2 absolutely had o (lue about #hat - should do* 1is ar" e (ir(led "y #aist a%ai a d he took "y ha d i his o (e "ore* 4Does /t that feel better85 1e asked* - %la (ed a#ay. u #illi % to look i to the soft bro# of his eyes. it did feel better. i fa(t it felt too %ood* 4Perhaps***5 - #a ted to e d this da (e. - feared the feeli %s that it see"ed to bri % to the fore* 43elax. Atele* 0ust s#ay #ith the "usi(* <ollo# the "o,e"e t of "y body. a d o ly #he - "o,e. you "o,e*5 1e #hispered i to "y ear a d - (au%ht "y breath i a %asp* What o earth #as #ro % #ith "e8 46ou/re doi % %reat*5 1e pressed "e (loser to#ards hi" a d - stiffe ed auto"ati(ally* 43elax* -/" ot %oi % to do a ythi %*5 1e pro"ised a%ai * - odded "y head du"bly. allo#i % "y "i d to fo(us o follo#i % his feet* - stepped o hi" a%ai a d %roa ed #ith e"barrass"e t*

4!osh*5 - "uttered* 4That/s okay*5 1e #hispered. a d pulled "e e,e (loser i to hi". so that o e of his le%s #as bet#ee "y le%s a d "y breasts #ere (rushed a%ai st his (hest* 4The (loser #e are. the easier it is for you to feel a d a ti(ipate "y "o,e"e ts*5 1e explai ed* - odded. ot trusti % "yself to talk. pressed a%ai st hi" like this* A bead of perspiratio tri(kled do# "y fa(e. a d - (ould feel "y body %o da"p i pla(es it had ot bee da"p before* 46ou see" to be %etti % it*5 1e said* - odded a d (o ti ued to "o,e i ta de" #ith his body* - #as tall for a %irl. but he #as still about three i (hes taller tha - he #as probably six or six feet o e* - %la (ed up at hi" a d our eyes "et a d held* 46ou ha,e beautiful eyes*5 1e #hispered* - blushed a d tur ed a#ay* Was he flirti % #ith "e8 Boys e,er flirted #ith "e. a d #hy e,er #ould a %ood looki % %uy like Stepha (hose to flirt #ith "e8 As soo as the so % e ded - tha ked hi" a d hurried ba(k. looki % arou d desperately for Dar%o * ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# - #as still tryi % to %et "yself to%ether* - (ould /t i"a%i e #hat had happe ed to "e #he - had looked at Dar%o * -t #as like. oh %osh. so e"barrassi %* - spe t "y life telli % kids #hat ot to do. a d there - #as pra(ti(ally drooli % o,er a %uy - had )ust "et* Sure. he #as %ood looki %2 he had that sexy tou%h %uy look a d #ith that sa dy blo de hair a d those bla(k eyes. he #as :uite striki %* A d the of (ourse there #as his body. s#allo#ed hard as "y "i d refle(ted o Dar%o /s body* - (ould see he #as built. #ell built a d #ell e do#ed. all o,er* - had o idea #hy the thou%ht of hi" #as ha,i % this effe(t o "e* - eeded to (o"pletely %et hi" out of "y "i d* - slid off of the bar stool a d hurried out of the roo"* - #as /t really the party type a d ot ha,i % a part er "ade parties sort of diffi(ult for "e* -t #as true that a fe# of the %uys i the to# had a i terest i "e. - #as /t bad looki %. but "y fo(us had bee "y professio . lear i % "ore about the (reatures that people (all "yths* - si%hed. up u til o#. "y professio had see"ed to be all - eeded. but seei % Dar%o . it see"ed to a#ake so"ethi % else i "e. so"ethi % that had bee dor"a t all "y life* - strolled i to the %arde 2 it #as so beautiful at i%ht a d so (ool* - (ould hear the "usi( slo#ly fadi % as - "ade "y #ay further a d further a#ay fro" the party* Whe the last ,esti%es of sou d had faded - sat do# o the %rou d be eath a tree a d si%hed* 3ia e2 that #as #ho - #as. - #as al#ays the proper a d se sible tea(her2 a d also al#ays the tea(her that has o o e* - laid ba(k. for the first ti"e i "y life feeli % sorry for "yself* - (losed "y eyes. this #as the life - had (hose . a d this #as the life - had #a ted* Why #as - feeli % so sad about "y (hoi(es o#8 Was it be(ause - had "et Dar%o . a d so"ethi % had (li(ked8 - #as /t e,e sure ho# to be%i to %et a %uy like that to sho# a i terest i "e*

The thou%ht had ot e,e (rossed "y "i d properly #he - felt the #ei%ht of a body o top of "i e* My eyes fle# ope a d - ope ed "y "outh to s(rea". but felt a ha d (la"ped o,er "y "outh* 4Please do /t s(rea"*5 Dar%o /s ,oi(e #hispered i "y ear a d - odded hurriedly. 1e re"o,ed his ha d a d stared do# at "e* - #as breathi % s#iftly2 his body pressed do# upo "i e o the %rou d like that #as doi % stra %e thi %s to "e* 1e pressed his lips a%ai st "y e(k a d the #hispered* 4@et "e "ake lo,e to you*5 My head felt so (o fused. - #a ted hi". - #a ted hi" so "u(h* 6et it see"ed the ri%ht thi % to refuse hi". but had /t - do e the ri%ht thi % all "y life. a d here - #as. alo e* Perhaps for o (e. - should take a (ha (e. try so"ethi % differe t a d see #here spo ta eity #ould take "e* 46es*5 - fou d "yself respo di %. "y ha ds rea(hi % out a d u bu(kli % his pa ts belt e,e as - said the #ords* 4-"patie t are /t #e*5 1e said. (hu(kli %. a d - blushed bri%htly. - #as %lad he #as ot looki % at "y fa(e* 1e "ade li%ht #ork of u dressi % the both of us. his "outh (o,eri % "y body #ith kisses e,e as he u dressed "e. a d - (ould tell that he #as a a((o"plished lo,er* 4- lo,e you*5 - #hispered. he stared do# at "e for a "o"e t a d the s"iled a d pressed hi"self deep i side of "e* - had o idea #hy - had said that. surely - (ould ot lo,e a "a - had )ust "et8 But ho# (ould - explai the stra %e feeli %s he (reated i "e8 4Oh %osh*5 - %roa ed. - had o idea the first ti"e #ould ha,e bee so pai ful* 1e pulled "e to#ards hi". a brief look of surprise o his fa(e before his lips (lai"ed "i e a d his to %ue plu %ed i to "y "outh* 1e #as rou%h. a d (o"pletely do"i ati % but he #as satisfyi %* - pressed "yself a%ai st hi". a d he pressed hard a%ai st "e. (ausi % "e to %roa a d "oa at the sa"e ti"e* 1e held "y le% a d lifted it to his shoulder a d thrust i afresh. "y ails du% i to his #aist a d - %roa ed* 1is pa(e i (reased a d - %roa ed his a"e all the "ore. #he he exploded i side of "e - (lu % to hi" as if - #ould e,er let %o* We (ollapsed o the %rou d2 "y body #as (o"pletely exhausted a d satisfied* - felt e"barrassed2 - had told hi" that - lo,ed hi"* Would he thi k "e too #eird a d too fast2 %i,i % "yself to hi" like that a d sayi % that - lo,ed hi"8 What did he feel. #hat #as he feeli %8 Was it )ust %ood sex for hi"8 - si%hed. (li %i % to hi" still* - had "ade a de(isio to thro# (autio to the #i d #ith Dar%o . #hate,er the (o se:ue (es to this path - had (hose - #ould ha,e to li,e #ith it* 4$o"e. #e "ust %o ba(k to the party before #e are "issed*5 1e said. pulli % hi"self off of "e a d dressi %* - odded a d hurried to "y feet. pulli % o "y party dress a d dusti % off "yself* 4Perhaps you should e ter first a d - shall retur so"eti"e after you*5 1e paused "o"e tarily a d the said. 4- #ould rather if this "atter #as kept bet#ee us*5

- blushed. at the sa"e ti"e fi%hti % ba(k a tear fro" "y eye. #ha" ba" tha k you "a"e. a d that/s the e d of that* - hurried for#ard to#ards the dire(tio of the house* 4- expe(ted othi % "ore*5 - lied as - disappeared fro" ,ie#* ;;; $hapter F Ti"othy/s poi t of ,ie# We had da (ed to e,ery so % played fro" the ti"e #e (a"e o the da (e floor* Marissa #as like a feather i "y ar"s a d our bodies "o,ed i (o"plete har"o y* She rested her head a%ai st "y (hest a d )ust s#ayed (o"fortably i ti"e #ith the "usi(* -t #as /t e,e that #e spoke a lot2 it #as like #e did /t e,e eed to say a ythi %2 #e )ust see"ed to be so perfe(tly i tu e* - had e,er experie (ed a ythi % like it before. a d - #a ted it to %o o a d o . a d #hat #as "ar,elous #as that Marissa see"ed to be feeli % the sa"e thi % too* So"eo e ud%ed "e o "y ba(k. they #a ted a (ha (e to da (e #ith Marissa. - barely tur ed arou d a d told the" to bu77 off. a d they %ot the "essa%e* Marissa %i%%led a d s u%%led (loser to "e* 4This feels so ri%ht*5 She said* - s"iled2 she #as expressi % exa(tly #hat - had bee thi ki %* - pressed "y lips i to her hair lo,i %ly. she stiffe ed* - #as surprised. be(ause #e see"ed so i har"o y. - had /t fi%ured that "y a(tio #ould ha,e bee fresh a d out of pla(e* 4-/" sorry* - did /t "ea to rush you*5 - said :ui(kly. - so did /t #a t to blo# this. but e,e thou%h - #as i "y hu"a for" - (ould se se "y #olf #as rea(hi % out to her* She shook her head a d %la (ed up at "e. the sli%htest look of sad ess o her fa(e* 4My brother is ,ery prote(ti,e. a d***a d does /t like "e to be too (lose to boys* 1e thi ks -/" too you %*5 She said. holdi % do# her head as she spoke* 4What utter rubbish. you look like a hu"a se,e tee year old. that "akes you #ell o,er t#e ty o e a(tual years easily*5 1e protested* 4- k o#. but that/s )ust the #ay "y brother is*5 She explai ed* - odded. (hoosi % to respe(t her expla atio * 4<or%i,e "e for bei % too pushy. - #ould /t #a t your brother to be upset #ith you*5 said* She s"iled2 her fa(e a little happier a%ai * 4- hope you #o /t stop da (i % #ith "e be(ause of it*5 She said* - %ri ed broadly2 they #ould ha,e to use a (ra e to pry "e off of Marissa* 49o. - #o /t stop* - fa(t. - #ould lo,e if #e (ould %o out to"orro#*5 - said* She %i%%led* 4The i%ht is /t e,e o,er. a d you are already pla i % a other date85 4That )ust sho#s ho# i"pressed - a" #ith you*5 - said* She laid her head o "y shoulder a%ai . a d - k e# she #as liste i % to the beat of "y heart*

4- a" ,ery i"pressed #ith you also*5 She said* We da (ed for a other t#o so %s i sile (e before she said* 4So #here did you #a t to %o to"orro#85 4A "o,ie. perhaps*5 She odded* 4Would you "i d if - "et you there85 46our brother85 - asked a d she odded* Ma . her brother sou ded as if he #as %oi % to be a real proble"* 4That/s okay2 -/ll "eet you there about six p"*5 She odded a d rested her head "ore (o"fortably a%ai st "y (hest* - ti%hte ed "y ar"s arou d her2 her body #as so"ethi % that - (ould so %et used to* - %la (ed a(ross the roo" at 0ake a d Tess. they had fou d a :uiet (or er to da (e i . #ell - %uess da (e is a "atter of opi io . so"e "i%ht ha,e (alled it "aki % out o the da (e floor. (ause they #ere doi % a a#ful lot of kissi % a d pre(ious little da (i %* - s"iled to "yself. - #a ted #hat they had. a d so"ethi % #as telli % "e that - (ould %et it #ith Marissa2 - )ust eeded to be patie t a d perhaps #i the trust of her brother* ;;; 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# -/" really e )oyi % "y da (e. totally e )oyi % the feel of pressi % up a%ai st "y #o"a #he a loud (rashi % oise )erks "e ba(k to reality* 4What the he(k*5 - "uttered. releasi % Tess fro" "y ar"s a d steppi % a#ay fro" her* - hardly %et to "o,e to the outside "ai door before Mark (o"es (rashi % i to the re(eptio area #ith "y "aid 0illia rushi % i behi d hi" looki % :uite upset* 4- tried to stop hi"*5 She #as sayi %. but - #a,ed her off a d "ade "y #ay to#ards Mark* 41i Boss* - #a ted per"issio to pee. so - (a"e****(a""e**** o,er***- (a"e***strai%ht o,er***5 1e #as (o"pletely i toxi(ated* Mark had bee dyi % a d - had (ha %ed hi" to a #ere#olf to sa,e his life. Tess had be%%ed "e too. it had bee a%ai st "y better )ud%"e t. but - had do e it a y#ay. to please Tess* 1e used to be a hu ter2 he used to kill #ere#ol,es a d other "o sters as he (alled the" for a li,i %. o# he #as o e of the sa"e (reatures he hu ted* 1e did /t deal #ith the tra sfor"atio #ell2 - tried to trai hi". to help hi" to a((ept #ho he #as. to sho# hi" that bei % a #ere#olf #as /t that differe t to bei % hu"a . %ood a d bad is all deter"i ed by the (hoi(es you "ake* But Mark #as /t liste i %. he had lost "ost of his fa"ily to #ere#ol,es a d ,a"pires a d he did /t #a t to be u"bered a"o % the "o sters* There #as othi % - (ould do. (ould /t "ake hi" hu"a a%ai . he either had to to# the li e or be killed* So he had started (alli % "e boss. a i fere (e to the fa(t that he #as o lo %er his o# "a . that he #as o# "y puppet (reatio *

4- told you e,er to (o"e to "y house dru k*5 - said* - pi(ked hi" up by the (ollar of his shirt a d hoisted hi" i to the air* 4Are you %oi % to kill "e85 1e asked. a d his eyes looked so hopeful* Perso ally. #ould ha,e killed hi" e,ery si (e a d put hi" out of his "isery. but Tess restrai ed "e* She kept hopi % that so"ethi % #ould happe that #ould "ake Mark a((ept #ho he #as* - #as /t that %reat a opti"ist. but - lo,ed "y #ife. a d - #as /t about to let the likes of Mark be the (ause of a #ed%e #ithi "y "arria%e* - tossed hi" a#ay fro" "e rou%hly* 1e stayed #here - had tossed hi". slu"ped a%ai st a #all. (ryi % helplessly* My heart al"ost #e t out to hi"* That is u til - sa# Tess rush a(ross the roo" a d %ather hi" i to her ar"s. allo#i % his head to rest a%ai st her soft full breast* 1ell 9o? - s(rea"ed i "y head as - headed to#ards the"* 4Mark. #hy (a /t you see this is ot a (urse. this (a be a blessi %* There is so "u(h that you (a do* Oh Mark*5 Tess #as sayi % as she (radled hi" (loser to her a d ro(ked hi" a%ai st her like a s"all i fa t* - %ripped his ar" a d dra%%ed hi" out of her %rasp a d up to his feet* 40illia ?5 - yelled. a d as - tur ed arou d - sa# that she had hurried do# the steps a d #as o# sta di % ext to "e* 4Take hi" i to the kit(he . pu"p hi" full of (offee a d %i,e hi" a roo" to sleep it off i *5 - i stru(ted* 0illia odded. a d tu(ked her s"all fra"e be eath Mark/s ar"* 40a"es. Da,id2 (o"e a d help 0illia *5 The t#o boys hurried o,er a d soo Mark #as bei % (arried out of the roo". ki(ki % a d s(rea"i % a d "aki % a hu%e s(e e* 41e )ust eeds us to sho# hi" "ore lo,e*5 Tess #as sayi %2 - (ould see a tear at the ba(k of her eye* Mark #as the o e do# side i our relatio ship. a d it #as a issue - had o a s#er to* - %la (ed arou d. the roo" #as (o"pletely :uiet. a d e,eryo e #as stari % at "e* This #as a e tire year. if at the e d of a year a e# #olf (a ot bo d #ith the pa(k so"e hard de(isio s had to be "ade* -f - allo#ed Mark. i the state of "i d he #as i . to lea,e !ree 3id%e. he (ould easily tur 3o%ue. a d a %ry ro%ues e,e tually e ded up (ausi % trouble i the hu"a (o""u ities* -f he left !ree 3id%e a d #e t out there a d killed so"eo e. that blood #ould be o "y ha ds. be(ause - k e# he #as /t bala (ed e ou%h to %o o his o# * 1e had too "u(h hurt a d pai a d a %er2 the proble" #as. he #as /t i terested i %etti % rid of all his bitter ess. he )ust #a ted to #allo# i it* Whi(h "ea t he (ould /t lea,e !ree 3id%e. he #as as %ood as a priso er here. (ause - #as /t %oi % to let hi" out of "y si%ht a d s"ell a d heari %* 1e had tried to ru a#ay o a fe# o((asio s. a d - had brou%ht hi" ba(k. ki(ki % a d s(rea"i %* - si%hed hea,ily o#. - had )ust #a ted a pea(eful a i,ersary. but #ith Mark about. that (learly #as ot to be* 4-f you sho# hi" a y "ore lo,e you #ould ha,e to "ate #ith hi"*5 - s arled* - #as #ay tired of this Mark thi k* She slid her ar" about "y e(k a d - (ould feel "yself relax. Tess a d - #ere "ates. there #as o o e #ho (ould %et i the "iddle of that* - pulled her to "e a d kissed her lo % a d hard o the lips. - #a ted her to k o# ho# "u(h - lo,ed her a d eeded her. did /t eed Mark to %et bet#ee us*

4- lo,e you*5 She #hispered* Pressi % herself a%ai st "e. - (ould hear the "usi( i the ba(k%rou d start playi % a%ai . the ex(ite"e t #as o,er* 4A d - lo,e you. Tess*5 - #hispered. a d Mark #as (o"pletely for%otte fro" our "i ds* ;;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - had #aited a full t#e ty "i utes after 3ia e had left before - (a"e ba(k to the party* felt %ood. - k e# - #as taki % a detour here by ba %i % 3ia e. but "y body #as it(hi % for her. it #as like - (ould /t help but s(rat(h it* - s"iled. pleased #ith "yself. apart fro" Marissa a d Atele. "ost #o"e te d to be auto"ati(ally attra(ted to "e* - #as pleased that 3ia e had bee o ex(eptio * - took a deep breath i a%ai . - (ould still s"ell her i "y ostrils. - ra "y ha d throu%h "y hair. "ust /t %et too %reedy. that thi % #ith 3ia e #ould ha,e to be a o e ti"e thi %* - #as here for Tess. 3ia e #as )ust a it(h. - s(rat(hed it a d that #as the e d of that* - strolled i to the roo" to #it ess 0ake/s (o fro tatio #ith the %uy Mark* Perfe(t. - s"ile to "yself. this is exa(tly #hat eed. so"eo e i paradise that is /t :uite happy* - #at(hed the e tire s(e e play out #ith i terest2 - (ould see the te sio there bet#ee 0ake a d Tess (o (er i % Mark* So"eho# - had to fi d a #ay to use that to %et Tess (loser to "e* - s(a ed the roo" briefly for 3ia e. she #as sitti % at the bar talki % to a %uy #ho looked about four years older tha she* - (ould feel "yself start to %ro#l2 - fou%ht to (o trol the feeli % of possessi,e ess to#ards her* She #as /t "i e* Marissa #as "i e. ot 3ia e* 3ia e had )ust bee a %ood ti"e* - #as here to %et Tess a d to %et a (ure* breathed hea,ily. it #as i"porta t to stay o tra(k* As soo as the "usi( started to play a%ai - slid out of the roo" a d follo#ed the s(e t of the i toxi(ated you % "a * - eeded to be able to %et i (o ta(t #ith hi"2 - eeded to talk #ith hi"* A a %ry "a like that (a defi itely be e%otiated #ith* ;;;;; $hapter G - follo#ed "y ose to the ba(k of the "a sio . a d - fou d hi" sitti % o a (hair i the kit(he dri ki % (offee #ith the %irl 0illia * 4What/s the "atter #ith you85 She de"a ded2 - hid ba(k behi d a #all. - eeded to talk to hi" alo e* - eeded so"e sort of (o ta(t i for"atio * 4- hate it here. - hate 0ake. - hate that - ha,e to bo# to hi". - hate e,erythi %?5 1e s(rea"ed. took a hu%e s#i% of the (offee a d "ade a fa(e. - %uess it #as hot* 46ou/re su(h a idiot? Why (a /t you %i,e 0ake a d !ree 3id%e a (ha (e85 She de"a ded* 4Bu77 off? 6ou/re a "o ster )ust like the rest of the"?5 1e #as still yelli %2 but he took a sip of the (offee a%ai * 1e "i%ht hate 0ake. but he #as (learly afraid of hi"* The %irl tu%%ed at her hair dra"ati(ally a d sta"ped out of the door. - %ri ed. this #as the exa(t (ha (e - #as #aiti % for*

- hurried i to the roo"2 he looked arou d at "e :uite alar"ed #he - e tered* 4Who are you8 Did 0ake se d you to (he(k o "e85 1e de"a ded* - s"iled a d "ade "y #ay (lose e ou%h to hi" so - #ould o ly eed to #hisper ,ery softly* 4-/" 0ake/s #orst e e"y*5 - said si"ply* 1is eyes fle# ope a d he stared arou d the roo" hurriedly. #ith a look that said he thou%ht the #alls had ears* 4Who are you85 1e repeated a%ai * 1is ,oi(e #as "u(h lo#er o#2 - e# "y i itial i trodu(tio had defi itely (au%ht his atte tio * 4-/" Dar%o * A d - eed your help to destroy 0ake*5 - said* - (ould see his eyes li%ht up. re,e %e #as al#ays s#eet* 4We (a /t talk here*5 1e "uttered hurriedly a d "ade to sta d up. but - pressed hi" ba(k i to the seat* 4That/s (orre(t. but o# is /t the ti"e either* !i,e "e your u"ber. a d -/ll (o ta(t you*5 1e rattled a u"ber off a d - (o""itted it to "e"ory* 4Do /t talk to a yo e about this (o ,ersatio *5 - said2 the #ords sou ded su%%esti,e but "y to e #as la(ed #ith a threat* 1e odded* 4- #ould /t. - pro"ise*5 Before he had fi ished the se te (e - had already (leared out of the kit(he . - did /t eed a yo e to (o"e i a d fi d us talki % to%ether. se(re(y is a i"porta t #eapo i the pla * - hurried ba(k to the "ai party area. - ra i to Tess (o"i % out* 4Dar%o .5 She looked at "e (uriously* 4What are you doi % out here85 4- #as looki % for the little boys/ roo"*5 - offered. fi%hti % to "ake "y s"ile look e"barrassi %* 4But - fear - had o lu(k*5 4Oh. follo# "e. there are do# stairs bathroo"s )ust i the ad)oi i % doors to the party area* - should ha,e poi ted that out earlier. you (ould ha,e asked a y of the %uests*5 She #as speaki % (asually. (learly :uite (o"fortable #ith "e* That #as al#ays a %ood si% * - rea(hed for#ard to ope the door to the party roo" at the sa"e ti"e that she did a d "y ar" brushed a%ai st her breast a d she dre# ba(k* 4Sorry*5 - said2 pulli % a#ay fro" the door as #ell* 1er breast felt so soft a d fir". it re"i ded "e of ho# 3ia e/s s"all pert breast had felt pressed a%ai st "e outside i the %arde . - felt "yself %ro# hard at the thou%ht* Tess %a,e a e"barrassed %i%%le a d pushed the door ope a d hurried i * - strolled i behi d her a d she led "e off to a other door #hi(h led i to a other part of the house a d the to so"e bathroo"s* 4Tha k you*5 - said2 lea i % deliberately i to her. ot so (lose that she #ould feel - #as (o"i % o to her. but (lose e ou%h that she #ould appre(iate "y prese (e* She stepped ba(k. a d - stifled a s"ile* 46ou/re #el(o"ed*5 She said. a d tur ed a d headed ba(k to the party* - #e t i to o e of the stalls a d #ashed "y ha ds a d the headed ba(k to the party fi,e "i utes later* Atele #as sta di % there stari % arou d2 as soo as she sa# "e she hurried o,er*

4Where ha,e you bee 8?5 appre(iate her to e*

She de"a ded a %rily*

- %lared do#

at her. - did /t

4Sorry*5 She %ru ted. 4-/,e bee looki % for you* - (a /t see" to %et rid of this %uy*5 She shu(ked her shoulders i the dire(tio of the ha dso"e bro# hair boy that had her stutteri % earlier the e,e i %* 4What/s so #ro % #ith that85 - asked* She bit her lip* Atele #as a lo er. her pare ts #ere dead a d she had o fa"ily. sad as it #as. - #as the (losest thi % to fa"ily that she had* >,e thou%h she did /t really like "e. there really #as /t a y o e else for her to tur to #he she experie (ed e# thi %s i life* - #as pretty sure that this thi % #ith the boy #as so"ethi % totally e# to Atele* -f he #as a yo e else - #ould tell her to %o let hi" ba % her a d %et it out of her syste". but he #as 0ake/s brother* !irls #ere differe t to %uys. #e (ould ba % a (hi(k a d do /t feel a y (o e(tio . %irls al#ays had to %et lo,e (o fused i thi %s* 1ad /t 3ia e said she lo,ed "e )ust be(ause - #as about to take her8 9o. - did /t eed "y tou%hest #arrior all %ooey eyed a d foolish about 0ake/s brother2 that (ould o ly add (o"pli(atio s* 4- do /t k o#* -***- do /t like ho# he treats "e* A d he keeps (o"i % ba(k a d aski % "e to da (e e,e thou%h - said - #as /t i terested i da (i % #ith hi"* A d #he da (e #ith hi"2 - feel so***so***foolish* - (a /t da (e you k o#* Did you k o# - (ould /t da (e85 She said* - odded. oh yeah. she #as defi itely i to the boy. she #as babbli %* 4$o"e o . -/ll tea(h you a d that #ill keep hi" a#ay fro" aski % you*5 - su%%ested* She looked at "e suspi(iously* 4- hate parties*5 She "uttered. but took "y ha d a d allo#ed "e to lead her o to the da (e floor* As soo as the "usi( be%a she sta"ped o "y foot* 4!osh. #hy #ould he e,e #a t to da (e #ith you85 - (o"plai ed* She %ri ed sheepishly* 4- told you - (ould /t da (e*5 46ou k o# #hat your proble" is. Atele85 - de"a ded* She looked up at "e aska (e. 46ou/re tryi % to lead* 6ou are so a((usto"ed bei % i (har%e a d orderi % arou d the pa(k. that you do /t k o# ho# to be sub"issi,e* 6ou see. this ki d of da (i % re:uires you to %i,e i to your part er. to do #hat he does. ho# he does it. a d #he he #a ts it do e* - short***5 - %lared at her a %rily. 46ou ha,e to flippi % follo# "e so you do /t "ash off "y foot?5 40erk*5 She %ru ted* 4What did you (all "e85 - de"a ded* 9ot e,e Atele #ould ha,e the balls to repeat su(h a i sult dire(tly to "y fa(e* She looked as if she #as stru%%li % #ith the te"ptatio * 4<i e* - said =<i e/. -/ll follo# you*5 She "uttered. a d pro(eeded to stare do# at "y feet so she (ould "o,e the" i sy ( #ith "i e* 1er da (i % #as /t half bad o (e she lear t to let %o so"e of her tou%h perso a a d follo#*

46ou/re %etti % it*5 - said2 pulli % Atele (loser to "y body. it felt #eird. - had e,er held Atele i "y ar"s before i "y life* She %la (ed up at "e er,ously. a d - #o dered if she #as thi ki % the sa"e thi %* 4Try ot to look do# o#. feel "y body a d follo# "y "o,e"e ts*5 - i stru(ted* She odded obedie tly. her ar"s )ust li%htly tou(hi % both sides of "y #aist* 4- thi k -/" %etti % it*5 She "uttered. looki % up at "e #ith a bri%ht s"ile o her fa(e* had e,er (o sidered Atele to be a beautiful #o"a . she al#ays #ore su(h a sour fa(e a d hostile dispositio . but for the first ti"e. - (ould see she #as really :uite pretty* 4What85 She asked* 46ou/re a(tually :uite pretty*5 - ad"itted* She %lared at "e* 4Do /t e,e thi k that -/" %o a let you %et i to "y pa ts. you/ll ha,e to kill "e first?5 - thre# ba(k "y head a d lau%hed heartily* 4- dare say. beddi % you #ould be like beddi % a ti%er*5 4Huite. a d #he you #ake up. your di(k #ould be %o e*5 She said* - %ri"a(ed. ot a pretty pi(ture at all* 4- fi d - a" rather atta(hed to "y di(k*5 - poi ted out* 4The keep it to yourself*5 She said* - (hu(kled a d dre# her (loser to "e. so that (ould feel her breast (rush a%ai st "y (hest* 4Are you for%etti % that - a" supposed to be your sister85 She asked* - loose ed "y %rip o her a d s"iled* 4Sa,ed by the roles*5 - #hispered* She %ri ed. a d - felt the pi (h of a sharp blade a%ai st "y balls* 4We/re both sa,ed* 0ust re"e"ber. Dar%o . a Alpha 3oyales/ balls (o"es off )ust as easily as the ext %uys*5 - lau%hed a%ai . "ore heartily. this is #hat - lo,ed about Atele. o ly she #ould thi k of (o"i % to a party #ith a k ife. a d sti(ki % it i "y %roi * 4O e "ore da (e85 - asked2 she odded as she slid the sle der k ife ba(k i to her boot* 4So #hat do #e do o#. o# that #e/re i 85 She asked* - t#irled her a d she follo#ed "y lead perfe(tly* 4-/,e "ade a (o ta(t* - thi k - ha,e a pla *5 4Oh* Do - eed to do a ythi %85 She asked* 4-f you (ould befrie d Tess that #ould be %ood. you o the i side (ould help to pla t a d affir" the e%ati,es - (reate i their relatio ship* Plus you/re a %irl. 0ake #o /t be as #at(hful of your frie dship #ith Tess* But be (areful ot to %et too (lose to that Stepha *5 - #ar ed* 4Stepha 8 Who/s Stepha 8 - ha,e o idea #ho you/re talki % about*5 She de ied* si%hed hea,ily. that #as e,er a %ood si% #he the lady protested so "u(h*

4Beep it that #ay*5 - said fir"ly a d she odded* - %la (ed arou d the roo". Marissa #as still da (i % #ith the Ti"othy boy a d 3ia e #as still talki % to the %uy at the bar* -t #as defi itely ti"e for us to lea,e* - had "et Tess. - had "ade a (o ta(t a d - did /t eed Marissa a d Atele %etti % too (lose to the lo(als. plus - did /t (are to #at(h 3ia e flirti % #ith so"e stra %e %uy. a d - (ould /t ,ery #ell %o o,er there a d de"a d that she stop it* 4-t/s ti"e to %o*5 - said2 stoppi % the da (e abruptly a d headi % o,er to #here Marissa #as da (i %. her fa(e pressed a%ai st the (hest of the boy* 4Ti"e to %o?5 - %ro#led. her head spru % up a d she tu%%ed herself out of his %rasp a d hurried o,er to "e* 1e looked lost* 4Dar%o *5 1e said fi ally. appare tly %etti % o,er the sudde re"o,al of Marissa fro" his ar"s. 4- hope #e #ill be frie ds*5 1e offered "e a s"ile2 - felt like - (ould slash his throat* 1e #as hot for "y #o"a a d #a ted "e to be his frie d8 1ell to the 9o? 4We ha,e to %o*5 - said. a d tur i % a#ay - strolled o,er to the exit. Atele a d Marissa traili % behi d "e2 - %la (ed o,er at 3ia e o ly briefly a d #i ked. she blushed2 s"iled a d exited the roo"* ;;; 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# - #at(hed as Dar%o left the roo" #ith his sisters. there #as defi itely so"ethi % about the %uy - did /t like* 1e (arried hi"self #ith a air of authority that #as u settli %. he #as a tea(her. true. a d that (ould a((ou t for the attitude. but - did /t like hi" a d - #as sorry Dere(k had %o e ahead a d %i,e hi" the tea(her positio before he (o sulted #ith "e* -t "ea t that u less Dar%o really stepped out of li e. it #ould take a "o th/s oti(e before - (ould %et hi" out of !ree 3id%e* ;;;;; $hapter I Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - (alled Mark early the ext "or i % a d arra %ed a "eeti % #ith hi" at four p" i the forest* - #a ted a se(luded pla(e #here - #as sure o o e #ould see us* 1e %a,e "e dire(tio s to a "eeti % spot that he said #as safe a d - hu % up* - #as /t (o"pletely sure yet ho# - #as %oi % to use Mark to dri,e a #ed%e bet#ee 0ake a d Tess. but by e,e i % - #as sure - #ould ha,e the pla fir"ly i "y "i d* - k e# - #ould ha,e to keep hi" o a eed to k o# basis. - (ould /t risk hi" %etti % soft i the "iddle if the pla a d %i,i % it all a#ay* ;;; Marissa/s poi t of ,ie# - #as pleased #he Dar%o took off at three p" to #hat he said #as a i"porta t "eeti %* - (alled Ti"othy i""ediately a d arra %ed to "eet #ith hi" earlier* - bathed a d dressed hurriedly a d headed to#ards the door*

4Where are you off to85 Atele asked* - stopped. "y fi %ers t#it(hi % er,ously* Atele #as Dar%o /s beta. her loyalty #as to hi" (o"pletely* 4- thou%ht - #ould (he(k out the to# *5 - said* She stared at "e suspi(iously* 4Do you eed "e to (o"e #ith you85 She asked2 - shook "y head ,ehe"e tly* 49o. -/ll be fi e*5 - said a d hurried out of the door* - had #alked al"ost t#e ty "i utes before - started to breathe or"ally* -f Dar%o k e# that - #as "eeti % Ti"othy. he "i%ht kill us both* - #aited at the bus stop - had or%a i7ed to "eet Ti"othy at. he #as ri%ht o ti"e* #a,ed happily as he approa(hed a d pulled his (ar i ext to "e* - )u"ped i to the passe %er seat a d %a,e hi" a brief pe(k o his (heek a d his fa(e lit up* - s"iled2 it felt so %ood to k o# that to so"eo e "y kisses "ea t so "u(h* We #at(hed Tita i(. Ti"othy said it #as a old "o,ie. but it #as the first ti"e - had see it* 1e lau%hed at "e #he - (ried be(ause the you % boy died* 46ou/re su(h a softie*5 1e %ri ed. pulli % "e i to his ar"s a d pressi % his lips a%ai st "y hair* 4- thi k all lo,e stories should e d happily*5 - respo ded. rubbi % "y tears a%ai st his shirt* 4- k o# o e that #ill*5 1e said. a d the he tilted "y fa(e up to#ards hi" a d kissed "e* My ar"s auto"ati(ally e (ir(led his e(k a d - allo#ed his to %ue to plu %e i to "y "outh. (lai"i % "e as his o# * Whe he pulled a#ay - #as tre"bli %. - had experie (ed the pleasure of lo,e"aki % #ith Dar%o . but #hat - experie (ed #ith Ti"othy #as so differe t* 4Are you okay85 1e asked. a d dre# "e (lose to hi". prote(ti,ely* - s"iled a d rested "y head a%ai st his (hest* 4Do you #a t to #at(h a other "o,ie85 1e asked. - %la (ed up at the (lo(k. it #as already six thirty p"2 - should defi itely hurry ba(k* - did /t eed Dar%o to %et ba(k to the house a d fi d "e %o e* 4-/d better %et ba(k. ho"e* Dar%o is ,ery prote(ti,e. a d it is a e# to# *5 - explai ed* 4!ree 3id%e is :uite safe*5 Ti"othy assured "e. holdi % "y ha d i his a d headi % ba(k to his (ar* 4- e )oyed the outi %*5 Said. as - slid i to "y seat a d Ti"othy started the (ar* 4So #hat shall #e do to"orro#85 1e asked* - (ould /t help but %i%%le* -t #as as if he (ould /t %et e ou%h of "e. a d #hat #as %reat #as that - felt the sa"e #ay* - #ould ha,e lo,ed if - (ould ha,e spe t e,ery #aki % "o"e t of e,ery si %le day #ith hi"* 4- do /t k o#*5 - thou%ht for a "o"e t. Dar%o #ould be at s(hool tea(hi % for the #hole day. perhaps Ti"othy (ould s eak out arou d lu (h ti"e a d (o"e a d see "e* 4What about lu (h85 - asked* 1e s"iled* 4That (a #ork. -/ll pi(k you up at t#el,e*5 1e said*

4Sa"e spot - "et you today*5 - put i :ui(kly. - did /t eed Atele to see that - #as %oi % out #ith Ti"othy* 4Why do /t you #a t "e to (o"e to your ho"e. Marissa8 6our brother #o /t e,e be ho"e*5 4My sister is a bit of a tattle tale* Please do /t ask too "a y :uestio s*5 - looked at hi" pleadi %ly. - k e# - #as riski % both our li,es by a%reei % to see Ti"othy. but he felt like a dru% that - #as addi(ted to* 4Okay. #hate,er you say* -/ll pi(k you up the sa"e pla(e*5 1e a%reed a d - pressed "y lips a%ai st his as a tha k you* - "ade Ti"othy drop "e off #here he had (olle(ted "e. %a,e hi" a :ui(k kiss %oodbye a d started to ra(e ba(k do# the road to#ards "y house* !osh. - sure hope Dar%o had /t %otte ho"e as yet. a d if he did. #ould he belie,e "e about %oi % to to# 8 had /t e,e bou%ht a ythi %? ;;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# The "eeti % #ith Mark had %o e #ell* - had "a a%ed to (o ,i (e hi" that Tess a d 0ake did ot belo % to%ether a d that he should be the o e that #as #ith Tess* 1e see"ed to %ra,itate to the idea pretty easily. so - fi%ured there "ust ha,e bee a history bet#ee the t#o of the"* - e (oura%ed hi" to play it a little "ore (ool. be a little "ore subtle i his a(tio s* > (oura%e Tess to support hi". i stead of supporti % 0ake* 1e did /t :uite %et the full pi(ture. but - pro"ised hi" - #ould #alk hi" throu%h it step by step* 1e #as a bit (o (er ed about 0ake. but - told hi" - #ould ha dle 0ake. 0ake #as /t the o ly 3oyale a d - had so"e ba(kups that #ould be (o"i % i to help "e* The idea that - #ould be able to take 0ake do# see"ed to please hi"* -t #as 0ake he #as a %ry #ith. - #as (areful to ot let hi" k o# that Tess #as also a bi% part of "y pla . that ki d of i for"atio "i%ht tur his "i d a%ai st "e* - %la (ed at "y #at(h. "y "eeti % #ith Mark had lasted lo %er tha - expe(ted. it #as already six forty fi,e p"* - felt %ood. #hat had started out as a half baked pla #as defi itely taki % shape* This #as reaso for (elebratio 2 a d the there #as this ti y little it(h that see"ed to eed a other %ood s(rat(h* ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie#* - had spe t the day (alli % "yself all ki ds of a fool* What o earth had - bee thi ki %. allo#i % Dar%o to "ake lo,e to "e the ,ery first i%ht - had "et hi"* 1e "i%ht ha,e looked all :uiet a d %e tle"a ly. but the %uy that had "ade lo,e to "e i the %arde had bee a ythi % but a %e tle"a * The truth #as. ho#e,er. - had e )oyed his lo,i % i""e sely* True. - had othi % #ith #hi(h to (o"pare it. but if - #ere to di% i to "y deepest #ildest i"a%i atio s. - (ould thi % of othi % "ore pleasurable* - bit "y lo#er lip. - had /t liked ho# he had so easily dis(arded "e #he he #as fi ished. it spoke a %reat deal to "e about the hard ess of his heart* A %uy like that is #orth stayi % a#ay fro". still. - had spe t the better part of the day ear estly hopi % that he #ould (all* By

se,e p" - trailed i to "y bathroo" a d retur ed #ith a to#el #rapped about "e. ha,i % (o"pletely %i,e up o the idea. o ly to fi d hi" sta di % i "y bedroo"* 41o# did you %et i here85 - s(rea"ed* - %la (ed behi d hi" at the #i do# to "y bedroo". - #as o the se(o d floor a d - had left the #i do# ope * 4Did you (li"b throu%h "y #i do#85 - de"a ded* 1e #as lea i % e,er so (asually a%ai st "y bedroo" door as if he o# ed the pla(e* -f - had but doubted that he #as a #olf. all ,esti%e of doubt #as (o"pletely %o e fro" "y "i d* 4What are you doi % here85 - asked. it see"ed that - #as i dul%i % i a o e sided (o ,ersatio * 1e strai%hte ed up a d strolled to#ards "e. his lo % sa dy blo de hair "aki % hi" look :uite ro%uish* 46ou %a,e "e so"ethi % last i%ht that - #ould defi itely be i terested i sa"pli % a%ai *5 1e said* - %lared at hi". but he #as bold. ha,i % so blu tly told "e that - #as %ood o ly for a o e i%ht sta d a d o# he had the er,e to (o"e ba(k* 4Perhaps - #as /t as ex(ited about the sa"ple - re(ei,ed*5 - said. fi%hti % to stop "y heart fro" beati % errati(ally* 1e %ri ed* 4Maybe. if you %i,e "e a (ha (e. - (a offer you a better sa"ple85 1e su%%ested. a d blushed* 4- thi k -/,e had :uite***5 - be%a . but he #as pressed a%ai st "e before - (ould (o"plete the se te (e* 4-/" sure a little "ore #o /t hurt*5 1e said. a d the pressed his lips a%ai st "i e* !osh. but he did kiss so ex:uisitely? - pressed "yself a%ai st hi". "y ar"s %oi % up to drape about his e(k. "y to#el falli % to the %rou d for la(k of support* 1e %ro#led i to "y ear a d - pulled "y le%s up a d #rapped the" about his #aist a d he tra sported "e to the bed* 4Dar%o ***5 - #hispered i to his ear as he stripped hi"self a d pressed his lar%e "e"ber i to "e. (ausi % "e to s:uir" sli%htly to a((o""odate hi"* 46ou feel so %ood***5 1e #hispered. a d - %roa ed as his body thrust a%ai st "i e* 4Oh. %osh. do /t stop. do /t e,er stop?5 - s(rea"ed. as the feel of hi" see"ed to dri,e "e (ra7y* 1e pou ded i to "e a d - %ripped hi" "ore ti%htly. "ar,elously happy to feel the hard ess of hi"* 4Aaaarrrrr%%%%%hhhh?5 That #as hi". %ro#li % loudly as he du"ped his li:uids i to "y body a d - re(ei,ed e,erythi % about hi" %ladly* - "ust ha,e falle asleep i""ediately2 "aki % lo,e to Dar%o had bee e,e "ore drai i % tha it had bee the i%ht before* 1e #as a #ere#olf a d - #as hu"a . "y e er%y le,el #ould e,er be e ou%h to (o"pete #ith his* - hoped that "y body #as stro % e ou%h to satisfy hi". - hoped. - really hoped. be(ause as far as - #as (o (er ed. #a ted Dar%o a d o o e else* Whe - a#oke the ext "or i % Dar%o #as %o e2 it #as o "ore tha - had expe(ted* 1e had "ade it (lear that first i%ht that he #as ot i terested i ha,i % a relatio ship #ith "e. he #as i terested i satisfyi % a a i"al ur%e a d as lo % as - #as a,ailable he

#ould use "e* - si%hed. sitti % up i bed a d %la (i % arou d* 1e "ust ha,e take off as soo as - fell asleep2 - %la (ed do# at "yself a d the s"iled* 1e had thro# a bla ket o,er "e* That "ust "ea so"ethi %2 that he had take the ti"e to fi d a bla ket a d (o,er "e #hile - #as sleepi %* -t #as a s"all thi %. a ,ery s"all thi %. but - #as desperate for a y si% that Dar%o sa# "e as so"ethi % other tha a easy lay* - hurried out of bed. still s"ili % a d rushed to the bathroo"* - had first lesso today. allo#ed the (old #ater to ru do# "y body. soothi % all the sore parts* Dar%o #as defi itely a de"a di % lo,er* - rubbed "y ski ,i%orously. patti % %e tly the "ore te der areas a d headed o,er to "y #ardrobe* Today #ould be the first day that Dar%o #ould be at #ork* - ski""ed throu%h "y #ardrobe looki % for so"ethi % that said. professio al. yet sexy* - settled o "y bla(k skirt suit #ith a skirt that #e t "id thi%h* !osh. - (ould /t belie,e - #as doi % all of this for a %uy #ho )ust #a ted to ba % the li,i % dayli%hts out of "e* ;;; - hurried i to the staff roo" as soo as - arri,ed. but #as disappoi ted to ote that Dar%o #as ot there* - %uess he #as still %oi % throu%h his orie tatio * - si%hed hea,y heartedly* 43ia e*5 -t #as Bria . he had "o opoli7ed "ost of "y ti"e at the party2 he had a thi % for "e* 1e #as a #ere#olf. but had studied "edi(i e a d spe(iali7ed i #ere#olf "edi(i e. a d #as tea(hi % it u der Alter ati,e Medi(i e at the E i,ersity* 41i. Bria *5 - did /t %et the ki d of feeli %s arou d Bria that - %ot arou d Dar%o . - had k o# Bria for the three years - had bee i !ree 3id%e. a d had e,er o (e i"a%i ed "yself "aki % lo,e to hi". a d allo#i % hi" to do to "e the thi %s - had allo#ed Dar%o to do* My feeli %s for Bria #ere defi itely ta"e (o"pared to "y feeli %s for Dar%o * 43u i % a little late today85 1e asked. - odded a d s(ooted up "y books fro" "y desk* 4Did you see the e# %uy. Dar%o **a"**Mr* <ields85 - asked* 41e #as i pretty early2 the Pri (ipal took hi" to sho# hi" #here he #ould be lo(ated %y" area a d stuff* @ooked pretty buff. but - %uess if you/re %oi % to be tea(hi % #ere#ol,es physi(al ed* you had better be i %reat shape*5 Bria #as sayi % #ith a (hu(kle* - %ri ed ba(k at hi"2 Dar%o #as defi itely that. i %reat shape* 4-/ll see you at lu (h. the *5 - shouted o,er "y shoulder as - headed out of the roo". Bria %ru ted his a%ree"e t a d the - #as %o e* As - e tered "y Mythi(al S(ie (e (lass - oti(ed i""ediately that Mark #as there. a d he #as sitti % ext to Tess a d talki %* Mark had bee a #ere#olf a d li,i % i !ree 3id%e for o,er a year o#. a d he had ot o (e i di(ated a i terest i studyi % or lear i % a ythi % about the life of a #ere#olf. - (ould /t help but #o der #hy the sudde (ha %e* 0ake #as /t i the (lass. - fi%ured he "ust be ha,i % a "eeti % #ith the $ou (il"a . si (e the proble" #ith the #ol,es a d ,a"pires (o"i % i to !ree 3id%e. 0ake had bee tryi % to ti%hte up se(urity espe(ially i the forest area. a d - k e# he had bee

"eeti % #ith $ou (il"a Dere(k about it i the "or i %s. #hi(h "ea t he #as "issi % :uite a fe# of his "or i % (lasses* Of (ourse he #as %etti % the otes fro" the stude ts. a d 0ake #as ex(eptio ally bri%ht. he (ould a(e a y of these (lasses #ith his "i d (losed* 4Today (lass. #e #ill di% i to the detail of the ,a"pire*5 There #as a %roa arou d the (lass* After the episode last year #ith Mark/s adopted sister tur i % out to be a ,a"pire a d killi % his fa"ily a d tryi % to bla"e it o #ere#ol,es. "ost !ree 3id%e reside ts had pi(ked up a defi ite dislike for ,a"pires* - si%hed. - had a syllabus to follo#. a d #hether they liked it or ot. - had to (o,er all the "ythi(al (reatures* - #as half %lad that 0ake #as /t there2 he had a #ay of (o"pletely disrupti % "y (lasses* ;;; Marissa/s poi t of ,ie# - had told Atele that - #as %oi % for a #alk at about ele,e thirty. a d the - had hurried do# to the spot #here - #as to "eet Ti"othy* What - #as doi % #as (ra7y. if Dar%o e,e %ot a #hiff of #hat #as happe i % - #as dead for sure* Still. - #as falli % i lo,e #ith Ti"othy. a d - #a ted to be ear hi"* - si%hed. #hy did life ha,e to be so (o"pli(ated* Why (ould /t - )ust tell Dar%o that - had fou d so"eo e. he #as /t i lo,e #ith "e* But - k e# Alphas. they #ere possessi,e by ature* O (e he had take "e2 as far as he #as (o (er ed there #as a =Off @i"its/ si% o "e that he expe(ted e,ery "ale to respe(t* Whe Ti"othy/s (ar tur ed the (or er - hurried for#ard to "eet hi". pushi % Dar%o out of "y "i d* - slid i to the seat ext to hi" a d pressed a kiss o his (heek* 40ust the (heek85 1e asked. fei% i % disappoi t"e t* - %i%%led a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his2 he held "e a d pressed his to %ue i side "y "outh. his ha d (o"i % up to (up "y breast possessi,ely* Ti"othy #as ot a Alpha. but he #as a he+#olf. a d k e# that they (ould be pretty possessi,e of their "ates as #ell* The last thi % - eeded #as a (lash bet#ee Ti"othy a d Dar%o * Dar%o #as a Alpha 3oyale. the stro %est (reature i the #orld. Ti"othy #ould sta d o (ha (e a%ai st hi"* 4- #a t us to take our ti"e*5 - #hispered. pulli % a#ay fro" his ha ds* 1e blushed asha"edly* 4Sorry. Marissa* - did /t "ea to %et too fa"iliar*5 1e apolo%i7ed2 - odded a d settled ba(k i "y seat* 4-t/s okay. - )ust really #a t to take it slo#* Thi %s are sort of (o"pli(ated*5 - explai ed* 4- like you. you like "e* - (a /t see #hat/s so (o"pli(ated about that*5 Ti"othy said* si%hed hea,ily. - (ould /t tell hi". - (ould /t tell hi" the truth about Dar%o . be(ause that #ould be betrayi % "y Alpha* -t #as o e thi % to betray hi" as "y lo,er. but :uite a differe t thi % to betray hi" as "y Alpha* 9o. - had to keep Dar%o /s se(ret* 4$a #e ot talk about it85 - asked* 1e odded a d - laid "y head do# o his lap as he dro,e. the bul%e i his pa ts a (o sta t re"i der to the fa(t that he #a ted "e* ;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie#

- #as (o"pletely bored at ho"e* Dar%o had %o e to #ork. Marissa had %o e for a #alk a d did /t #a t "e to (o"e alo % a d - #as )ust ho"e doi % othi %* -f #e had bee ba(k i the forest - #ould ha,e bee trai i % the pa(k. but o#. the pa(k #ere /t e,e here* - s(rea"ed a d pu (hed the (ou(h hard* Perhaps - should %o by Dar%o /s s(hool a d %i,e hi" a look up. fi d out ho# his pla #as (o"i % alo %. patie (e #as e,er o e of "y ,irtues a d ha,i % bee i this to# for three days - #as pulli % at the (hai for freedo"* - #a ted the opportu ity to %et out there. to ru free a d #ild* !osh. - felt so restri(ted. #hat o earth did these people do for fu 8 - pulled o a ba%%y )ea s pa ts a d lar%e shirt a d headed out of the door. - (ould defi itely "ake Dar%o /s life a little "iserable today* -t took "e (lose to a hour to rea(h the E i,ersity. "ost of the (lasses see"ed to fi ish by four p". the to# #as so s"all that E i,ersity ra "ore like a s(hool day tha a E i,ersity day* As soo as - rea(hed the lo(atio - spotted hi". - tur ed arou d a d started headi % ba(k to#ards ho"e. - had totally ot (o sidered that the boy Stepha #as %oi % to be there* - had al"ost "ade it out of the %rou ds #he - felt a ha d tou(h "y shoulder a d - spu arou d. "y heart i "y "outh* 4Atele*5 1e said. s"ili % bri%htly* All ability to speak left "e* 4Why did you ru off like that. #ere you (o"i % to ,isit your brother85 1e asked* odded du"bly* Ma . - (ould so #i a idiot a#ard* 4- thi k he "i%ht ha,e a (lass %oi % o o#. but he should be free i about a hour* Do you #a t "e to keep your (o"pa y. "aybe sho# you arou d the s(hool85 1e asked politely. his ar" (o"i % out a d e (ir(li % "y #aist to dire(t "e for#ard* -/" ot sure #hat - #as thi ki %. perhaps it #as be(ause fi%hti % is a la %ua%e that (o"es so "u(h "ore atural to "e tha this %e tle tou(h thi %. but - %ripped his ar" that #as s aki % about "y #aist a d flu % hi" o,er "y shoulder* To his (redit he #as ba(k o his feet i three se(o ds. but ot before the %uys o the steps had see a d started lau%hi %* 4Bloody hell. #o"a * What/s your proble"85 1e s(rea"ed at "e* This #as defi itely "ore "y (o"fort 7o e* - s eered at hi"* 4Do /t put your ha ds o "e*5 - said a d started to #alk a#ay. he tou(hed "e li%htly o shoulder a d - tur ed arou d a d pal"ed hi" to the (hi . he #e t do# to the %rou d this ti"e. a d there #ere hoots of lau%hter fro" the s(hool steps. - bo#ed appre(iati,ely* 4- do /t fi%ht %irls*5 1e said. sta di % to his feet a d dusti % off hi"self* 4A d #ell you should /t.5 A s"all (ro#d had %athered arou d us o#. 4or you #ould ha,e your butt ki(ked re%ularly*5 There #ere hoots of lau%hter a d - %ri ed e,illy at hi"* 4Well. )ust so you k o#. - do /t fi%ht %irls2 this is #hat - do to %irls*5 1e (au%ht "e :uite u expe(tedly. o e "i ute he #as brushi % hi"self off a d "utteri % o se se a d the ext "i ute he had "e pi ed i his ar"s #ith "y ar"s to "y side a d his lips #ere pressi % a%ai st "i e* - ope ed "y "outh to protest a d felt his to %ue slip i side* !osh. - had e,er experie (ed a ythi % like this i "y life. "y e tire body felt re"arkably #eak a d - fou d "yself eedi % to rest a%ai st hi" to pre,e t "yself fro" falli %* What o earth #as he doi % to "e. a d #hy did /t - #a t hi" to stop it* The

sou d of (hu(kli % i the ,i(i ity brou%ht "e ba(k to reality2 - hoisted "y ar"s up bet#ee us a d pressed hard a%ai st his #ell "us(led (hest. for(i % hi" a#ay fro" "e* 4Stepha . you a i"al?5 O e %uy shouted* - #as so e"barrassed. - #as beta. - should e,er ha,e let hi" hold "e like that. a d for(e hi"self o "e like that* - #as so a %ry (ould spit* - tur ed fro" hi". "y thou%hts (o fused a d - took off ru i %. ru i % as fast as - (ould a#ay fro" the sou d of the lau%hter of the boys. but #hat #as :uite s(ary. #as - #as :uite (ertai that the boy Stepha #as pursui % "e* ;;;;; $hapter G Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - had fi ished up the last %y" (lass for the e,e i %2 - had to ad"it that - #as pretty i"pressed #ith the physi(al (o ditio of 0ake/s #ol,es. defeati % the" #ould ot be a pusho,er* They "ay be li,i % like hu"a s i "a y #ays. but they had defi itely ot %otte soft* - si%hed hea,ily as - #at(hed the last of the (lass head i to the sho#ers* Atele/s si% #as starti % to play o,er i "y head =Bad -dea/. that #as #hat she had (alled this trip* - had )ust about fifty #ol,es a d this s(hool had "ore tha four ti"es that* (ould /t afford to bu %le the sedu(tio of Tess. if this thi % e,er (a"e do# to a full battle. "y #hole pa(k (ould be slau%htered* - ra "y ha d throu%h "y hair. "e tally (hastisi % "yself for doubti %* - had sedu(ed to s of #o"e i "y life. #hat #as o e "ore8 Tess #as a kid. as lo % as - played "y (ards ri%ht. she #ould fall ri%ht i to "y ar"s* She "i%ht re%ret #hat happe ed the "or i % after. but - #ould ha,e a(hie,ed "y %oal a d - #ould ha,e obtai ed "y (ure* - si%hed. feeli % "u(h better. - )ust had to play it (ool2 do /t %et 0ake suspi(ious a d #or" "y #ay i to bei % Tess/ (o fida te* >,e as the thou%ht (rossed "y "i d Tess #as hurryi % ba(k out of the dressi % roo" a d "aki % her #ay o,er to "e. the bla(k i her blo de hair falli % for#ard o,er her eyes* - oti(ed fro" early that Tess e )oyed styli % her hair i a #ay that %a,e pro"i e (e to 0ake/s (olor* 1a. you % lo,e. - s eered to "yself* 4Dar%o . - put a#ay all the e:uip"e t a d - had the %uys tidy up the sho#ers*5 She shouted o,er to "e* - k e# she #as prepari % to head o,er to the last (lass for the day. she had (ha %ed i to a short bla(k a d #hite dress that a((e tuated her (ur,es a d (olori %* 4Tha ks*5 - said. "aki % "y #ay o,er to her a d %i,i % her a frie dly hu%* 4- (a /t i"a%i e ho# - #ould ha,e "ade it throu%h this first day #ithout you*5 - had to ad"it that bit #as defi itely true. - had bee teari % "y hair out tryi % to fi d the e:uip"e t u til Tess had tur ed up* She %ri ed happily. pleased that she had bee helpful* %la (ed arou d. Mark #as ho,eri % at the door. #aiti % to #alk Tess to her (lass* - had su%%ested that to hi". he #as really playi % his part "ar,elously* - odded "y head i his dire(tio o# a d looked do# at Tess* 46ou do /t thi k #alki % about #ith Mark "i%ht "ake 0ake a bit u happy85 - asked* #as a xious to %et Tess to see "e as so"eo e she (ould (o fide it* She hesitated o ly briefly a d the said*

4- thi k it should be okay. Mark a d - are )ust frie ds*5 - %ri"a(ed. that #as (ode for "i d your o# busi ess* 4Of (ourse. - did /t "ea to pry* - )ust thi k you/re su(h a #o derful %irl. - #ould /t like you to ha,e a y proble"s*5 - explai ed* She odded. but - (ould see the hi t of doubt i her eyes* 4>,erythi %/s fi e* Tha k you for (ari %*5 - had hoped to dra% o the (o ,ersatio a little lo %er but she #as already "aki % her #ay to#ards the exit to Mark* 4Bye. Dar%o *5 She shouted o,er her shoulder. a d she disappeared #ith Mark* Oh #ell. it #as pro%ress. ho#e,er s"all* - #at(hed as the stude ts filed out of the dressi % roo" a d headed off to their (lasses. - #ould "eet #ith Mark to i%ht. a d fi d out ho# his frie dship #ith Tess #as pro%ressi %* - did /t eed to %et a xious. the "ore a xious %ot the "ore u (o trolled - #ould %et* - defi itely did /t eed to freak out i !ree 3id%e a d start to tra sfor". that #ould be the e d of the (harade for sure* - ra "y ha d throu%h "y hair* - #ould "ake lo,e to Marissa to i%ht. she helped "e to stay (al"2 a d a little ad,a (e therapy (ould /t hurt* This #as "y last sessio for the day. Tess had do e "ost of the tidyi % up a d - (ould probably head ho"e early. perhaps )ust a sho#er a d (ha %e* - stripped off "y (lothes a d headed i to the sho#er. allo#i % the #ar"th of the #ater to "assa%e "y body* - felt te se. a d - really #as /t sure #hy* So far e,erythi % #as %oi % to pla . - )ust had to keep i (o ta(t #ith Mark a d keep playi % alo % #ith Tess a d "aki % her thi k - #as her frie d* 0ake #as sure to blo# o (e he reali7ed ho# (lose Tess a d Mark #ere %etti %. a d the all - had to do #as s#oop i a d (o"fort Tess* O e thi % leads to a other a d ba" sex* -t #as /t that hard. as lo % as - hi%htailed it out of !ree 3id%e as :ui(kly as possible. 0ake #ould /t e,e k o# #hat had happe ed u til he slept #ith Tess a%ai * By the . - (ould be "iles a#ay. o eed for a (o fro tatio at all* A d if he/s pissed e ou%h to (o"e after "e he/ll ha,e to lea,e !ree 3id%e a d follo# "e outside of his territory. #hi(h "ea s he #o /t be able to tra,el #ith the full pa(k a d that should "ake the odds a lot "ore e,e * - be t "y head i to the #ater. allo#i % it to plaster "y hair about "y fa(e. - did 2t (are #hat Atele said. this #as a %ood pla * My thou%hts #ere i terrupted by the s(e t of 3ia e i "y ostrils. - #o dered briefly if - #as i"a%i i % her but the the sou d of heels o the %y" floor (o fir"ed that so"eo e had defi itely e tered the %y" roo"* - s"iled u #illi %ly. #he - had left 3ia e asleep this "or i % had pro"ised "yself ot to "ake lo,e to her a%ai * She #as a hu"a . - #as too stro % for her. she had barely bee able to do "ore tha sleep after #e had "ade lo,e* 9o. she (ould /t "a a%e "e. she #as /t a she #olf. a d - (ould /t (ha %e her. be(ause that #ould %i,e a#ay "y se(ret i""ediately* - si%hed. the feel of "e i side of her body #as i%h addi(ti,e. - had (alled her a it(h. but she #as "ore like a #hole bushel of poiso i,y. the "ore you s(rat(hed the "ore it(h you felt* - %ri ed. "a . but o e little s(rat(h "ore #as so e ti(i %* - #at(hed her stroll i to the (ha %i % roo"s. she had /t sou ded her ,oi(e a d - #o dered if she had hoped to (at(h "e by surprise* She "ust k o# it #as al"ost i"possible to surprise a #ere#olf. espe(ially #he you/re #eari % heels o a #oode floor* She peeped arou d the (or er a d stopped. her eyes stari % at "e. desire #ritte all o,er her fa(e*

4M""". see so"ethi % you like85 - asked a d she blushed* - %ri ed. - %ot a stra %e se se of e )oy"e t out of e"barrassi % 3ia e. perhaps be(ause it #as so easy* 4-***a"***-***5 She #as stutteri %. #hate,er (oura%e had dri,e her to the %y" see"ed to be deserti % her o#* - liked #hat she #as #eari %. a bla(k sexy #ork suit. - %ro#led i ,olu tarily* 4- thou%ht you had e ou%h last i%ht*5 - poi ted out. a d took pleasure a%ai i seei % her blush deepe * She brushed her shoulder le %th bro# ish red hair fro" her fa(e a d stepped te tati,ely to#ards the sho#er* 4- )ust #ished to say hello to you o your first day here*5 She lied* - %ri ed k o#i %ly. 3ia e #as so #ro % for "e i so "a y #ays. she #as like this really (ute. i o(e t. adorable %irl a d -2 e,e - #as for(ed to ad"it2 #as a (o"plete s(ou drel* - al"ost #ished that she did ot try to %et so (lose to "e. for #he - left her a d - #ould lea,e her. - k e# she #ould feel (o"pletely betrayed a d broke * 4What are you thi ki %85 She asked* - (o,ered "y thou%hts #ith a s"ile a d be(ko ed to her* 4$o"e a d let "e sho# you*5 4What if so"eo e should (o"e i here85 She asked* 4The they #ill %et a hell of a sho#*5 - respo ded* She shook her head a d stepped a#ay fro" the sho#er* 46ou/re either %oi % to (o"e i here #ith your (lothes o . or you/re %oi % to (o"e i here #ithout your (lothes o * Those are the o ly (hoi(es*5 - explai ed. a d - #as :uite serious too* - #a ted to "ake lo,e to her. to hell #ith the idea of putti % a d e d to this thi % bet#ee us. 3ia e had sou%ht "e out. #hate,er happe ed bet#ee us #as o her head* She stood there for a #hile. ot "o,i %. as if stru%%li % #ith her o# thou%hts* released a breath - had /t reali7ed - #as holdi % #he she slid her )a(ket off a d started to u butto the blouse be eath it* 41urry up. you/re dri,i % "e (ra7y*5 - "uttered. but she (o ti ued to take her ti"e. a e,il %ri o her fa(e that told "e she e )oyed dri,i % "e (ra7y* Whe she stepped i to the sho#er - #as so tur ed o - )ust #a ted to dri,e "y body i to hers ri%ht there a d the . but - for(ed "yself to be patie t a d i stead - took her i to "y ar"s a d (lai"ed her lips* She %roa ed a d pressed herself a%ai st "e a d - held her ti%hter. ot fully a#are as to ho# ti%ht - #as holdi % her u til she pressed her ha ds a%ai st "i e. to si% al to "e to loose "y hold o her* 4Sorry*5 - #hispered i to her ears. 4That/s #hat happe s #he you "ake "e (ra7y*5 She s"iled a d rubbed her fa(e a%ai st "y (hest like a kitte 2 - tilted her fa(e to "e a d (lai"ed her lips a%ai * !osh. she tasted so %ood. #he #e dre# apart she #as %aspi % for breath* 4- lo,e you*5 She "uttered. a d pressed her body a%ai st "i e a d offered her lips to "e a%ai for the taki % a d - did /t refuse the"* - (ould ha,e take her. - (ertai ly #a ted to. but - #a ted 3ia e to e )oy our lo,e"aki % as "u(h as - did* - pressed "y lips a%ai st her (heek a d allo#ed the" to tra,el do# to her e(k a d li %er at her breast* She %roa ed #ith e(stasy a d her fi %ers o "y shoulders %ripped "e fir"ly. her ails

di%%i % i to "y ba(k* - k e# it #as a i sti (ti,e rea(tio to #hat she #as feeli % a d %a,e a lo# %uttural %ro#l as - fou%ht to (o trol "y ur%es* - sa k lo#er to allo# "y lips to brush o,er the flat #alls of her sto"a(h a d (o"i % to est a%ai st the bri%ht spri%s of bro# ish red hairs* 46ou look %ood e ou%h to eat*5 - #hispered hoarsely. a d lo#ered "y lips to paradise* ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# Whe a #ere#olf tells you that you look %ood e ou%h to eat. that has a #hole differe t "ea i % to #he hu"a s say it* - %lared do# at Dar%o . "y heart ra(i %. #hat o earth #as he pla i % to do* Sudde ly his ha ds pressed a%ai st "y i er thi%hs. pushi % "y le%s apart a d the his lips #ere pressed a%ai st "y "ost pri,ate "e"ber* 4Oh?5 The ex(la"atio es(aped "y lips before - (ould #ithhold it. "y body stiffe ed at the pleasure his lips #ere arousi % a d - %ripped the sho#er ha dles #ith both of "y ha ds to stop "yself fro" s(rea"i %* - s:uee7ed "y eyes shut. a d felt "yself %o #et. a d ot fro" the #ater e"a ati % fro" the sho#er* The feel of hi" #as dri,i % "e (ra7y. a d - (ould feel a year i % %ro#i % i "e. the eed to feel hi" i side of "e* 4Dar%o ***5 The #ord dripped out of "y "outh. filled #ith all the lo %i % a d eed #as feeli % i side* !osh. but he #as %ood* 1is lips #ere (arryi % "e to hei%hts that had pre,iously ot e,e k o# existed* The sudde ly. there #as a sti %i % pai * 4Dar%o *5 My eyes fle# ope a d - stared do# at hi". his lips #ere pressed a%ai st "y i er thi%h a d his teeth #ere i "y ski * 4Oh "y %osh. #hat the he(k are you doi %85 s(rea"ed* 1e pulled a#ay. looki % al"ost as surprised as - #as. the he stood up a d pulled "e i to his ar"s. - stru%%led a%ai st hi". slappi % hi" a%ai st his (hest a d pushi % hi" off of "e* 4-t/s okay*5 Was all he said. but - did /t stop. - slapped hi" a(ross his fa(e a d pou ded his (hest a %rily* 1e pressed hi"self a%ai st "e. pi i % "y ar"s #ith o e of his a d for(i % "y ar"s abo,e "y head a d pre,e ti % "y (o ti ued abuse a d the he (rushed "y lips #ith his before - (ould say a ythi %* - (ould taste the spi(i ess of "y o# body a d "y blood o his lips. a d the all - (ould taste #as the s#eet heady %ood ess of Dar%o a d all of "y resista (e "elted a#ay* Whe he lifted "y le% a d held it to #aist - did ot resist a d #he he pressed his "a hood deep i side of "e - %ladly re(ei,ed hi"* 1e released "y ha ds. as his body pressed i a d out of "y "i e a d "y ar"s e"bra(ed hi". as "u(h to hold hi" (lose to "e as to offer "y le% support* 4- do /t k o# #hat you do to "e*5 - #hispered. as "y lips brushed a%ai st his ear a d his body (o ti ued to (lai" "e hu %rily* 46ou taste so %ood. 3ia e* - (ould "ake lo,e to you all day*5 1e said a d the hard ess of hi" i side of "e told "e that he #as /t lyi %* Whe #e (li"axed to%ether - %ripped hi" desperately. be(ause - (ould ot "ai tai "y o# #ei%ht* - #as relie,ed #he he lifted "e i to his ar"s a d (arried "e out of the sho#er* 46ou are too frail*5 1e #hispered. looki % al"ost a little sadly at "e*

40ake (a tur "e* 1e/s a Alpha 3oyale* - #ould tur . for you. Dar%o *5 The #ords #ere out of "y "outh before - had e,e (o sidered the". - #as #orst tha a lo,e si(k tee a%er* 1e %ro#led a %rily. a y look of sad ess (o"pletely ,a ishi % fro" his fa(e* 4The you #ould be his*5 1e said. putti % "e to lie o a %y" be (h as - re(o,ered "yself* 49o. - "i%ht belo % to his pa(k. but -/d be yours. Dar%o *5 - pro"ised* 1e %la (ed at "e a d the %la (ed a#ay. his fa(e still looki % ,ery upset* 1e strolled o,er to #here his (lothes #ere hu % a d s at(hed the" fro" their pla(e a d started to #alk out of the bath. his ba(k so ri%id that - k e# he #as a %ry #ith "e* 1e did /t e,e look ba(k as he left his parti % (o""e t* 4-f you let 0ake tur you. do /t e,er (o"e to "e a%ai *5 - %asped* - (ould /t belie,e he #ould say so"ethi % like that* Why #ould /t he #a t "e to be(o"e a #ere#olf. #e #ould be "ore (o"patible the * - #ould /t be so #eak. (ould satisfy hi". a d***a d - #ould be able to %i,e hi" (hildre * The serious ess of "y thou%hts (aused "e to %asp a%ai * - had e,er bee so (o"pletely take by a "a i "y life. - (ould /t e,e say that he had %i,e "e a y reaso to hope that there (ould be a y thi % "ore bet#ee us tha sex. yet - #a ted to be #ith hi" so "u(h. - #as #illi % to take hi" o #hate,er ter"s he offered* ;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie# Stepha #as "u(h faster tha - had thou%ht2 he lau (hed hi"self at "e a d brou%ht "e do# to the %rou d. but "y body e,er tou(hed the earth be(ause he s#u % "e about so that - la ded o top of hi" a d (ushio ed "y fall* - k e# i sta tly that he had do e so i order to a,oid hurti % "e* 4- should kill you*5 - %ro#led* 4-/" sorry*5 Was his respo se. (o"pletely disar"i % "e* - a" so "u(h better #ith a %er tha soft #ords* 4@et %o of "e the *5 - de"a ded* - had half hoped that he #ould resist a d %i,e "e a reaso to ki(k his butt. but he let %o of "e i""ediately a d s(ra"bled to his feet. pulli % "e up #ith hi"* 4- hoped #e #ould be frie ds* - did /t "ea to offe d you*5 1e said. dusti % hi"self off a d steppi % for#ard to#ards "e #ith his ha d outstret(hed. - tried to hide a s"ile at ho# te tati,e he looked as he did that* 4-/" ot a ,ery frie dly perso *5 - (o fessed* 1e fei% ed surprise* 43eally8 - #ould e,er ha,e thou%ht it*5 - (ould /t help but lau%h at the look o his fa(e. he %ri ed ba(k at "e a d - fou d "yself thi ki % that he #as really too ha dso"e for his o# %ood. - shall hate to ha,e to kill hi" #he Dar%o %i,es the (all*

4So. shall #e start o,er a%ai 85 1is ha d #as still stret(hed out to#ards "e* - hesitated o ly briefly a d the - pla(ed "i e i side of it a d felt "y pulse ra(e as he shook "y ha d fir"ly* 46ou/re pretty stro % for a %irl*5 1e (o""e ted* - odded #ithout really a s#eri %* 4So"e of the %a % are %oi % to be ha %i % out to i%ht* 6ou #a t to (o"e***#ith "e85 1e asked* - stared at hi"* What. #as the boy bli d8 Did - look like the ki d of %irl a hot %uy asks out8 Most defi itely o* -/" too tall for a %irl. - ha,e "us(les that does /t tur %uys o early as "u(h as you #ould thi %. they al#ays thi k you/re %oi % to beat the" do# . a d fra kly2 - #ould the - ha,e short "ousy bro# hair that helps to a((e tuate "y boyish look. "y breast are s"all a d - hardly ha,e hips* - al"ost %a%%ed at "y o# self des(riptio . %osh. it #as a"a7i % that he #as #illi % to be see #alki % ext to "e* =Well85 1e pro"pted. rea(hi % out a d %rippi % "y ar" so that - broke "y stride* 4- do /t like to be "a ha dled*5 - said. tur i % about to fa(e hi". "y body already te si %* 1e released "e i""ediately. but he #as s"ili %* 4- hope you #ill (o"e to (ha %e your "i d about that*5 1e said. a d - blushed at his i si uatio * - started to hurry for#ard a%ai . (o"i % to the s(hool had defi itely bee a bad idea. - did ot #ish to (o"e i (o ta(t #ith the Stepha (hara(ter a%ai * 4Atele*5 My a"e see"ed to roll off of his lips a d it se t a (hill throu%h "y body. bother* - did /t stop. - (o ti ued to hurry for#ard. a xious to retur to the safety of "y ho"e* - (ould /t u dersta d #hat #as happe i % to "e* 4Please. %o out #ith "e to i%ht a d - shall e,er bother you a%ai *5 1e (alled after "e* - stopped a d tur ed arou d a d he lau%hed* 4That/s #hat it takes to %et your atte tio 8 -/" deeply #ou ded*5 - (ould /t help but s"ile at his "o(ki %* 4Ah***a s"ile. oh #hat li%ht throu%h yo der #i do# breaks8 A s"ile. "ore fairer tha the su ***5 - %i%%led. - truly (ould ot help "yself* 4Will you please stop "a %li % Shakespeare8?5 - de"a ded* My #ords appeared to be e ou%h to (ause hi" to hurry for#ard to "e a d take "y ha ds i his a d #hisper* 46ou like Shakespeare85 - did /t a s#er. 4- fear Shakespeare (ould ot do you )usti(e*5 - shu(ked hi" hard a d he stu"bled ba(k. but - #as lau%hi %* - had o idea that he (ould be so a"usi % a d flirtatious* 4<i e. - shall %o out #ith you to i%ht* But )ust the o (e*5 - said fir"ly. a xious ot to let hi" k o# that he had broke do# a #all* 1e kissed "y ha d :uite for"ally a d stepped ba(k before - (ould slap hi"* 4- shall (olle(t you at se,e p"*5 1e said* - odded a d ra off i the dire(tio of "y ho"e. surprised to fi d that - #as still s"ili %* ;;;;;

$hapter I Ti"othy/s poi t of ,ie# - had e )oyed the ti"e - had spe t #ith Marissa today* - had bee relu(ta t to drop her off a d head ba(k to (lasses. but she #as i siste t that she eeded to be ho"e early* fi%ured that she "ea t she eeded to be ho"e before her brother %ot there* -t really bothered "e ho# "u(h (o trol Marissa/s brother see"ed to ha,e o,er her* 1e "i%ht ha,e raised the" as (hildre . but she #as a #o"a o#. he had o ri%ht to treat her as if she #as still a little %irl* - k e# Marissa did /t #a t "e to (o fro t her brother. but the idea of hi" %etti % bet#ee #hat #as happe i % bet#ee Marissa a d - really bothered "e* - si%hed as - headed ho"e* - had asked Marissa to (o"e #ith "e to the li"e #ith 0ake a d the betas. it #ould be the first ti"e - #ould be bri %i % a %irl to o e of these li"es. - really hoped that Marissa #ould a%ree to (o"e #ith "e* She had see"ed pretty hesita t. a%ai - (ould o ly assu"e that it #as o a((ou t of the fa(t that her brother did /t like her %oi % out* - stifled a a%%ressi,e %ro#l. "a - #ould like to deal #ith that %uy* Marissa had told "e that if she (ould (o"e she #ould "eet "e at the pa(k house. so had %o e early. so she #ould /t ha,e to #ait outside o her o# * She #as /t there* To say - #as disappoi ted #as a "a)or u derstate"e t* ;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie# - #as %etti % se(o d thou%hts about %oi % to the li"e #ith Stepha * - "ea . - #ould /t k o# a yo e there a d - #ould )ust feel u (o"fortable arou d all those beautiful %irls* But - had pro"ised Stepha that - #ould (o"e. a d he had pro"ised that he #ould stop botheri % "e* - %ot up a d started to pa(e the floor a xiously2 bei % a plai 0a e really sti ks* - had bee so (au%ht up #ith "y o# dra"a - had ot e,e reali7ed that Marissa see"ed to be %oi % throu%h so"e dra"a of her o# 2 it #as o ly #he #e bu"ped i to ea(h other #he #e #ere both pa(i % the floor that #e both stopped a d lau%hed* 4We shall #ear the floor out*5 Marissa (o""e ted a d - s"iled "y a%ree"e t* 4-t see"s #e both ha,e proble"s that #e hope #alki % (a (ure*5 - su%%ested* 4-/" afraid #alki % (a /t (ure "i e*5 Marissa said. %la (i % up at the (lo(k #hi(h #as o# sho#i % sixty thirty* 4Stepha asked "e out to i%ht*5 - blurted out* - had o idea #hy - (o fided su(h a thi % i Marissa* She looked at "e as if she #as still tryi % to fi%ure out #hat the proble" #as* 4Did you see hi"8 1e/s %or%eous? -/ll look like a troll ext to hi"?5 - s(rea"ed. for the first ti"e expressi % (o"plete fear of %oi % out #ith Stepha . to "y horror she si"ply lau%hed* 4This is ot fu y*5 - said. steppi % to#ards her rather "e a(i %ly* She did /t a s#er. si"ply %ripped "e by the ha d a d dra%%ed "e i to her bedroo"* 4What are you doi %85 - de"a ded*

4!etti % you ready for your date*5 she de(lared* 49o# take off those (lothes*5 She (o""a ded a d hurried off to her #ardrobe* She (a"e ba(k #ith a short skirt a d a spa%hetti strapped shirt that "ade "e (hoke* 4!osh. you expe(t "e to #ear those i publi(85 - de"a ded. she lau%hed* 4!o o 2 put the" o :ui(kly before Stepha arri,es* 6ou #a t hi" to thi k you/re sexy do /t you8/ - %roa ed but - peeled off "y ba%%y pa ts a d shirt a d slipped i to the short red skirt a d red a d #hite blouse Marissa ha ded to "e* The fa(t that - #as taller tha Marissa "ea t the short skirt barely (o,ered "y butt a d the short spa%hetti strapped blouse re,ealed "y flat abs pa(ked sto"a(h #he - stret(hed* 4My. if - #ere a %uy -/d do you ri%ht here* 6ou ha,e su(h a %or%eous body* S"ooth a d (lea a d perfe(t*5 Marissa #as sayi % as she ra her brush throu%h "y tussled (urls. the she tilted "y fa(e to#ards her* 46ou do /t really eed "akeup. be(ause you ha,e su(h a perfe(t fa(e a d the those (apti,ati % %ray spe(kled #ith %old (at like eyes are e ou%h to dri,e a y %uy (ra7y* But a little eyeli er***hold still before - sti(k you***there you %o* A d a little lipsti(k to hi%hli%ht those perfe(tly kissable lips a d***#hy - do /t e,e eed blush. (ause you ha,e tur ed :uite red already*5 46ou "ake "e sou d pretty*5 - %ru ted* She lau%hed* 46ou are /t pretty. Atele*5 - odded "y head. - had k o# that all alo %* 46ou/re beautiful*5 - %asped a d the she spu "e about to look i to the "irror a d - %asped a%ai * - )u"ped up a d hu%%ed Marissa 4Tha k you. tha k you so "u(h. - (a /t belie,e that/s "e i the "irror* 6ou/re a "ira(le #orker*5 She (hu(kled* 4That #as you all alo %. - )ust helped you to see yourself better*5 She #as putti % ba %les a d a (hai a d earri %s o "e #he - said* 4- #ish there #as so"ethi % - (ould do for you. Marissa*5 4Perhaps -/ll take a -OE o that o e*5 She said sadly. a d - hoped that - #ould really be able to pay her ba(k for #hat she had do e for "e* The sou d of Stepha /s (ar hor (aused "e to rush to "y feet a d - hurried out to the "ai roo" a d ra i to Dar%o * 4WOW?5 1e ex(lai"ed a d ot #at(hi % #here he #as %oi % #alked strai%ht i to the side of the #all* - (ould /t help but %i%%le* 4That body is da %erous %irl. o #o der you (o,er it up*5 Dar%o said a d - %i%%led a%ai * 4-/" %oi % o a date*5 - said2 passi % hi" a d headed to#ards the door* 4My. "y. "y* 6ou look %ood. Atele. you look real %ood*5 - slapped hi" playfully. be(ause he #as ha %i % his to %ue fro" his "outh a d pa ti % like a do%* 1e lau%hed %ood aturedly2 Dar%o (ould be pretty okay #he he #a ted to be*

4!ood i%ht*5 - said as - s(ooted throu%h the door* 4Atele*5 1is ,oi(e #as serious* 46es. Boss*5 My respo se #as auto"ati(* 4Take it slo#. baby %irl* - #ould /t #a t to see you %et hurt*5 A d his ,oi(e a(tually sou ded as if he (ared. - blushed a d hurried do# the dri,e#ay to Stepha /s (ar* - pulled the passe %er door ope a d hopped i * 1a,i % little experie (e #ith these "atters - had ot (o sidered that #he o e sits do# . #hate,er is short be(o"es shorter* - tu%%ed at the ed%e of the skirt to see if - (ould %i,e it "ore le %th. - feared that if shifted e,e a bit Stepha "i%ht be able to tell #hat (olor u dies - had (hose to #ear* blushed at the thou%ht* !osh. - a" so ot #eari % su(h a short skirt a%ai . - #ill defi itely ha,e to %o a d buy "y o# stuff. Marissa #as #ay too short for "e to share her (lothes* - all "y thou%ht ra"bli %s - had (o"pletely "issed that Stepha had ot spoke * - %la (ed o,er at hi" o# a d see that his )a# is ha %i % ope * 4Are /t you afraid you/ll (at(h flies like that85 - ask. he )u"ped ba(k so sudde ly he stru(k his head o his o# side #i do# a d - lau%hed* 4Sorry. sorry***%osh***a"***5 - %i%%led a%ai . - had e,er see Stepha at a lost for #ords. it felt %ood to k o# that the shoe #as o the other foot for o (e* 4Perhaps #e should %o*5 - su%%ested. as he see"ed desti e to stay there a d stare at "e* 4Sorry*5 1e "uttered a%ai . the started the (ar a d sat there for a full "o"e t before doi % a ythi % "ore* 4!et out*5 - ordered* 1e looked at "e foolishly. 4-/" %oi % to dri,e* There/s o #ay -/" %oi % to let you dri,e us to the li"e* 6ou look like you (ould hardly tie your shoe la(es*5 - said. (li"bi % out of "y door a d %oi % arou d to the other side of the (ar* #as surprised at ho# easily he (apitulated a d allo#ed "e to dri,e* 1e (li"bed o,er to the passe %er side. his fa(e looki % so"e#hat e"barrassed* 43eally. - a" so ot usually like this* -***a"***- )ust thi k you look really pretty* A d sexy. really. really sexy*5 - blushed a d he lau%hed* 4Sorry. - had to say that* - totally expe(ted you to #ear pa ts. a d you sort of surprised "e*5 1e ad"itted* 1e #as starti % to %et his ,oi(e ba(k* 41"""*5 - (o (e trated o dri,i % as he spoke* 4So a" - for%i,e for stari % a d a(ti % like a )erk85 1e asked* - lau%hed. - had bee :uite flattered by his rea(tio a(tually* 4-/ll take that as a yes. a d - s#ear -/ll be a (o"plete %e tle"a all i%ht lo %* - sha /t %rope you or a ythi % like that*5 1e pro"ised sole" ly a d - lau%hed a%ai a d the he lau%hed as #ell* -t #as so stra %e to be %oi % out o a date. - "i%ht look the part. but sure hoped - (ould a(t the part* ;;; Marissa/s poi t of ,ie#

My pho e ra % se,eral ti"es. but - had "uted it. (hoosi % ot to a s#er. - did /t #a t Dar%o to hear "e talki % to Ti"othy #ith his super spe(ial heari %* Si (e #e had (o"e to !ree 3id%e - oted that Dar%o had sho# little sexual i terest i "e* True. - had do e "y best ot to attra(t his atte tio . but that had e,er deterred hi" before* Dar%o had bee "y lo,er for (lose to t#o years o# a d if there #as o e thi % - k e# about hi". #as that he #as ,ery sexual* - k e# ba(k i the #oods he had e,er bee faithful to "e. but that had ot bothered "e* - had k o# that there #ere other she #ol,es he had sex #ith. he o ly had sex #ith "e #he he #as a xious or fearful that he #as losi % (o trol of hi"self but that #as still at least o (e a #eek* 1ere. i !ree 3id%e. there #ere o she #ol,es he k e#. true #e had o ly bee here for a fe# days. but still. k o#i % Dar%o . - (ould hardly i"a%i e hi" %oi % this lo % #ithout "aki % lo,e* But if he #as /t "aki % lo,e to "e #ho #as he "aki % lo,e to8 - si%hed. Dar%o /s lo,e life did ot (o (er "e. althou%h - fou d "yself still po deri % the "atter as "y (ellpho e ,ibrated for #hat felt like the hu dredth ti"e* Ti"othy "ust hate "e for stayi % hi" up like this. - (ould )ust i"a%i e all his frie ds #ith their "ates. a d "y darli % Ti"othy all alo e* - #ished - (ould %o. but - dared ot "ake Dar%o suspi(ious* 4Are you okay here o your o# 85 Dar%o asked. he had pushed his fa(e throu%h "y bedroo" door* - s(ru (hed up "y fa(e a d stared at hi". it #as (lose to se,e thirty. #as he pla i % o %oi % out8 4Sure* - (a look after "yself*5 - assured hi"* 1e odded a d looked thou%htful* 4-/" %oi % out*5 1e said si"ply* 4Whe #ill you be ba(k*5 - asked. looki % surprised* 4Why. are you pla i % to #ait up for "e85 - blushed a d shook "y head* 4Bye*5 1e said a d tur ed a d headed out of the door #ithout a other #ord* 1e (ould be su(h a )erk. - (ould /t belie,e - #as here s#eati % about Ti"othy bei % at that li"e all alo e a d Dar%o )ust strolls out of the house as easy as you please* - %lared at the door #here he had bee * - a" so ot stayi % ho"e* - dialed Ti"othy/s u"ber a d he a s#ered o the first ri %* 41i***5 4Do /t (all "y a"e*5 - (ut hi" off :ui(kly* 1e lau%hed* 46ou/re #orst tha a se(ret a%e t*5 1e said. but - oti(ed he had lo#ered his ,oi(e* 4-/" so sorry - (ould /t (o"e to i%ht* But - #a t to see you*5 Oh "y %osh. - (ould /t belie,e - had told Ti"othy that* 4- #a t to see you too* Should - "eet you. so"e#here else85 1e asked* - thou%ht lo % a d hard* - did /t eed to fool "yself. if - "et Ti"othy to i%ht. alo e. #e #ould "ake lo,e* Thi %s had bee buildi % up bet#ee us a d e,erythi % felt too ri%ht* 46es* 6es. -/ll "eet you at our spot*5 - said. a d hu % up the pho e before - (ould (ha %e "y "i d* -f - "ade lo,e #ith Ti"othy a d Dar%o e,e kissed "e he #ould k o# - had bee #ith a other "a . a d o (e he (a"e i to (o ta(t #ith Ti"othy a%ai he #ould k o# that the s(e t belo %ed to Ti"othy* - si%hed hea,ily as - "ade "yself ready

to "eet Ti"othy* All - had to do #as hope Dar%o re"ai ed distra(ted e ou%h that he #ould /t #a t to "ake lo,e to "e a d if he did. try to keep Ti"othy as far a#ay fro" Dar%o as - (ould* ;;;;; $hapter J 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# - bathed "yself. #ashi % "y le%s thorou%hly. the ski bet#ee "y le%s #here Dar%o had bitte "e #as still sore. - #ould ha,e to put oi t"e t o it after - had dried* (ould /t fi%ure out #hy Dar%o #as so set a%ai st "y be(o"i % a #ere#olf* Was it be(ause he felt that so serious a a(tio #ould "ea he #ould ha,e to offer "e so"e ki d of (o""it"e t8 - si%hed. - (ould /t belie,e ho# hooked - #as o Dar%o * - )ust see"ed to thi k about hi" e,ery #aki % "o"e t of the day. a d if - #ere really ho est. e,e those "o"e ts #he - #as /t a#ake* But it pai ed "e to k o# that all Dar%o a d - had %oi % bet#ee us #as sex* - k e# othi % about hi". a d he k e# othi % about "e. a d #hat #as #orst he did /t see" to #a t to %et to k o# "e better a y#here else tha i the bedroo"* The sou d of "o,e"e t i "y bedroo" brou%ht a s"ile a d a si%h to "y lips at the sa"e ti"e* - k e# it #as Dar%o . but - #as deter"i ed to "ake to i%ht differe t for us* ;;; Stepha /s poi t of ,ie# - (ould /t take "y eyes off of Atele. she looked so %ood. %osh2 all - (ould thi k about #as "aki % lo,e to her. but - k e# deep i side that Atele #as ot ready for so"ethi % like that a d - did /t #a t to s(are her off* That first i%ht - had da (ed #ith her - had liked her. - liked her stre %th a d the #ay she #as )ust herself. o fa (y airs. but - had /t i"a%i ed e,e the that she (ould look so hot* Whe #e #alked i to the pa(k house all the %uys stared at her ex(ept 0ake. he #as busy torturi % Tess i the (or er by ti(kli % her* That boy #as so hooked o Tess - so"eti"es #o dered if he #as still able to disti %uish bet#ee other %irls a d boys? 41i. you all re"e"ber Atele*5 - a ou (ed as - e tered the roo"* 4Stop that*5 Tess #as sayi %. but she #as lau%hi %* 41i Atele. it/s %reat to ha,e youKoh %osh. Tess*5 - #as /t sure #hat Tess had do e but 0ake (ut off his %reeti % i "id se te (e a d started to ti(kle Tess a%ai * 4Pay the" o atte tio * -/d tell the" %et a roo". but they already ha,e o e a d it/s absolutely o help*5 - explai ed to Atele* - thou%ht she #ould s"ile but she looked sli%htly bothered* 4They see" ,ery i lo,e*5 She said slo#ly* 46ou (ould say that.5 - stared o,er at "y brother a d Tess o the (ou(h. his body #as pra(ti(ally o top of hers. 46ou (ould defi itely say that*5 4True soul "ates85 She asked. still stari % at the"* - k e# Tess a d 0ake "ade a ,ery attra(ti,e (ouple. but - (ould see Atele see"ed "es"eri7ed by the"*

4- thi k so. they (arry ea(h others/ "arks2 a d Tess #ears his (olors*5 - fli(ked Atele/s o# hair to hi%hli%ht the bla(k i Tess/ hair #hi(h she #as #eari % do# i a braid a d i tert#i ed #ith %olde (ord. #hi(h "at(hed ba(k #ith the rest of her %olde blo de hair* 46ou thi k they #ould e,erKbreak up85 She asked a d - lau%hed* 4- %uess they (ould. but - #ould /t #a t to be the perso that %ot bet#ee the t#o of the"*5 - said. a d at that ,ery "o"e t Mark strolled i to the roo"* ;;; Marissa/s poi t of ,ie# - did /t ha,e to #ait lo % before Ti"othy arri,ed2 - (li"bed i to his (ar a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his* 46ou sure you do /t #a t to %o to the li"e8 >,eryo e #as pretty disappoi ted #he had to lea,e*5 Ti"othy said. but his ha ds #ere ta %li % i to "y hair a d he #as pulli % "e (loser to hi"* 4@et/s %o so"e#here pri,ate*5 - said. dra#i % a#ay fro" hi" a d layi % ba(k o "y seat* Ti"othy raised a eyebro#* 46ou sure85 1e asked* - odded "y head but - #as /t sure at all2 - )ust #a ted to be #ith Ti"othy. to at least o (e be #ith so"eo e be(ause - lo,ed the" a d be(ause they lo,ed "e* - k e# this #as a bad idea but - lo,ed Ti"othy a d - lo,ed the #ay he treated "e* 4We (a %o to "y apart"e t*5 1e said. tur i % arou d the (ar a d headed i the opposite dire(tio * 4- lo,e you. Marissa*5 1e said a d - odded "y head* 4- k o# that. Ti"othy* - lo,e you too*5 1e rea(hed out his ha d a d %ripped "i e a d #e tra,eled to his apart"e t holdi % ha ds i sile (e* As soo as #e e tered the apart"e t Ti"othy headed o,er to the kit(he a d - follo#ed hi"* 46ou sit do# . "y lady2 - shall #oo you #ith "y %our"et (ooki %*5 1e pro"ised* %i%%led. - really lo,ed Ti"othy. he #as so easy %oi % a d do# to earth. it #as hard to i"a%i e that he #as a bi% shot se(o d beta to 0ake. he #as so (ool a d u prete tious* 4Would you like so"ethi % to dri k85 1e asked headed to#ards the refri%erator* 4-/ll %et the dri ks. you %o a d do you/re %our"et thi %*5 - said. %e tly pressi % a kiss to Ti"othy/s (heek as - "ade "y #ay to the frid%e* 4What are you ha,i %8 -/" %oi % #ith )ui(e*5 - (alled to hi"* 4Sou ds %ood*5 1e respo ded a d - (ould hear so"ethi % si77li % o the sto,e. a d it s"elt pretty %ood* 41"""**you/re starti % to "ake "e hu %ry*5 - "uttered*

4That/s the idea*5 1e respo ded. the brou%ht a ser,i % spoo #ith a bit of %ra,y i it. ble# o it %e tly a d the put it to "y lips* - tasted it a d %roa ed* 4Oh "y %osh. you/re a %e ius*5 - "uttered* 41a***a other (o :uest*5 1e %loated a d - had to (hu(kle* Ti"othy #as )ust so easy to %et alo % #ith* 4Are you as %ood i bed as you are i the kit(he 85 - asked a d his eyebro# shot i to the air* 4- "i%ht ot ha,e as "a y (o :uests but -/" ot too bad*5 1e said. (o"i % to #rap his ar"s arou d "e a d dra# "e (lose to hi"* 4But - #ould be "ore tha #illi % to hear your thou%hts*5 - pressed "y lips a%ai st his. sa,ori % the #ay he felt a d tasted* 4-/" already lea i % to#ards the taste of you o,er the %ra,y*5 - (o fessed* 46ou/re %oi % to "ake "y food bur *5 1e said* 4- #as /t really all that hu %ry*5 - #hispered. allo#i % "y ha ds to slide to his #aist a d to start u bu(kli % his belt* 4!osh*5 Was all he said as - boldly (o ti ued to re"o,e his (lothi %* 4Where/s you/re bedroo"85 - asked. "y breathi % be(o"i % errati(* - really #a ted to "ake lo,e to Ti"othy* 4- do /t take sex li%htly. Marissa* - see it as a (o""it"e t*5 1e said. pushi % "e a#ay fro" hi" "o"e tarily* - %la (ed a#ay2 - (ould /t bear to look at hi"* - k e# #hat Ti"othy #as sayi %. he #as sayi % he #a ted a lo % ter" relatio ship #ith "e. but did /t k o# if - (ould offer hi" that* Dar%o #as "y Alpha. #he it #as ti"e to lea,e !ree 3id%e. he #ould be expe(ti % "e to lea,e #ith hi"* 4- do /t take it li%htly either. Ti"othy*5 Was all - said. a d - %uessed it "ust ha,e bee e ou%h for hi" be(ause he lifted "e i to his ar"s a d headed to#ards his bedroo". stoppi % o ly lo % e ou%h to tur the sto,e off* ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# 41i Dar%o *5 - said2 he #as sitti % (asually o "y bed as if he li,ed there* 4M"""*5 1e "uttered* - #rapped the to#el ti%hter about "e a d "ade "y #ay o,er to hi"* 4- did /t expe(t to see you to i%ht* 6ou see"ed upset #ith "e today*5 - said. tryi % to keep "y ,oi(e atural* 1e rea(hed up a d pulled "e do# to hi"2 but - resisted* 4- do /t #a t to "ake lo,e to you*5 - said. of (ourse. othi % (ould be further fro" the truth. - desperately #a ted the feel Dar%o i side of "e. but - #a ted it to be "ore tha sex* 1e raised a eyebro#* 43eally. that/s ot #hat you/re s(e t is telli % "e*5

4<i e* - do #a t to "ake lo,e to you***5 - stepped ba(k before he (ould %rab "e* 4But #a t us to talk first*5 - explai ed* 4- do /t do talk*5 1e said a d rea(hed out for "e a%ai a d a%ai - dre# a#ay* 4Well. - do /t do you*5 - said fir"ly* 1e lau%hed* 4Are you bla(k"aili % "e85 46ou (a (all it #hat you like. - ha,e :uestio s a d - eed the" a s#ered* - do /t k o# a ythi % about you. a d - #a t to k o#* A d - #a t you to #a t to k o# about "e*5 1e si%hed hea,ily. a look of exasperatio o his fa(e* 4- told you already. -/" o# looki % for a relatio ship. #hat/s the poi t of =talki %/85 - s#allo#ed hard2 his (o""e t had really stru(k deep* - k e# - #a ted Dar%o . a d #a ted hi" o a y ter"s. but #as /t - exposi % "yself to hurt a d pai if Dar%o did /t e,e (are e ou%h about "e to spe d ti"e talki %8 4>,e #hores are e titled to a fe# "i utes for e%otiatio s*5 - said2 stari % at hi" u fli (hi %ly as - said it* 46ou/re ot "y #hore a d - do /t see the (o e(t*5 1e said (al"ly. be%i i % to u butto his shirt* - tur ed o "y heel a d did so"ethi % that - had felt - #ould e,er ha,e the stre %th to do #he it (a"e to Dar%o * - ope ed the door a d said* 4Please lea,e. a d do /t (o"e ba(k*5 1e sat there o the bed a d stared at "e for a full "i ute. his eyes (o"pletely e"otio less* The he %ot to his feet a d headed to#ards the door* 4-t/s your (all. 3ia e*5 1e said a d strolled out* - stared after hi". "y "outh dry a d "y heart ra(i %. #hat the he(k #as - doi %8 - lo,ed hi" a d - #a ted to be #ith hi". %etti % hi" to talk #as so ot #orth losi % hi"? - started to step for#ard but he had ope ed the "ai door a d stepped outside of "y apart"e t a d (losed the door behi d hi"* Oh %osh. - lea ed ba(k a%ai st "y bedroo" door. #hat had - do e8 - (o sidered %oi % after hi" but so"e thi % see"ed to be restrai i % "e* - #alked o,er to "y bed la"ely a d sat do# . - ope ed "y le%s a d stared at the "ark Dar%o had put there a d a tear dropped o to "y lap* 4Okay. if you sit like that -/" defi itely ot %oi % to be able to (o (e trate o talki %*5 Dar%o said* - )u"ped fro" "y bed a d ra(ed o,er to hi"2 sho#eri % his fa(e #ith kisses* 4Oh %osh. -/" so %lad you (a"e ba(k*5 - said* 4Well. if - thou%ht you #ould ha,e broke this easily - #ould ha,e stayed a#ay lo %er*5 1e said a d - half s"iled* 46ou/re i sufferable. you k o# that85 - asked* 1e pressed his lips a%ai st "i e a d shru%%ed* 4-/,e bee told*5 1is ha d slipped i side of "y to#el. (uppi % "y breast a d s:uee7i % "e %e tly*

4- thi k - should dress*5 - said hoarsely. pulli % a#ay a d hurryi % o,er to "y #ardrobe* - pulled out a skirt a d ta k top a d pulled the" o :ui(kly #hile Dar%o #at(hed. k e# he #as #at(hi % o a((ou t of the fa(t that - (ould hear hi" %ro#li % e,er so lo#ly i the ba(k %rou d* Whe - #as fi ished dressi % - %ripped his ha d a d led hi" out i to the li,i % roo"* 43eally. you expe(t "e to (o (e trate o talki % after that85 1e asked a d - %i%%led* 46es. - do*5 - said fir"ly. sitti % o the (ou(h a d tu%%i % hi" do# beside "e* 4Okay. let "e tell you up fro t. there are so"e thi %s -/d rather ot talk about. so reser,e the ri%ht to say othi %*5 - odded. - #as /t about to push "y lu(k #ith Dar%o * 4Why did you bite "e85 - asked* 1e %roa ed a d pressed his head a%ai st the ba(k of the (ou(h* 4- #as tur ed o a d - %ot (arried a#ay*5 1e said. pulli % "e to sit o his lap* 4Was that all. Dar%o 8 - do /t k o# #hy. but - felt***- do /t k o#***differe t*5 1e shru%%ed* 4That/s ot a a s#er*5 - said. a d - (ould feel his ha d slide "y skirt fro" be eath "e* 4- told you. - (a /t tell you #hat you felt a d #hy*5 1e poi ted out. his lips pressi % a%ai st "y e(k* 4Stop that. you/re distra(ti % "e*5 - said* 4That/s the idea*5 4Tell "e about your pare ts*5 - #hispered. "y ,oi(e %ro#i % hoarse as his ha d slid u der "y shirt a d (aressed "y breast* 4- do /t like to talk about "y pare ts*5 1e said* - #ri%%led o top of hi" a d felt hi" harde be eath "e* 4Please*5 - "oa ed* 4!osh. %irl*5 1e pressed his lips a%ai st "y e(k #hile his other ha d slid bet#ee "y le%s* 4They left "e i the #oods #he - #as a kid* So"e old (ouple raised "e*5 46ou #ere raised as a hu"a 85 - asked. %rippi % a d holdi % his ha d #ith "i e before it (ould ,e ture further* 4O ly for fi,e years. the they reali7ed so"ethi % #as #ro %. a d tossed "e ba(k i to the forest* But - sur,i,ed be(ause - #as stro % a d be(ause #ere#ol,es %ro# a d "ature fast duri % the first se,e years of life*5 4Oh Dar%o * 1o# horrible for you*5 - said. tur i % arou d a d straddli % hi" #ith "y le%s so - (ould fa(e hi"* 4That #as a lo % ti"e a%o* A d - told you. - do /t talk about it*5 4But to %ro# up #ith o o e to lo,e you a d o o e to lo,e*5 - #hispered sadly* 1e s eered2 a d briefly - sa# a differe t side to Dar%o . a e,e darker side*

4- ha,e o uses for lo,e. it/s )ust a lie that people tell ea(h other be(ause it/s expe(ted* The o ly thi % a yo e e,er really lo,es is the"sel,es*5 - %asped. - (ould /t belie,e that Dar%o #as so (y i(al a d so heartless* 4That/s ot true* - lo,e you*5 - said a d he )ust stared at "e a d %ri ed. a %ri that did ot e,e rea(h his eyes* 43eally8 <iftee "i utes a%o you #ere ready to ki(k "e out of your life fore,er* 6ou do /t lo,e "e2 you/re o differe t to "e* 6ou )ust e )oy ha,i % sex #ith "e. othi % "ore* -t/s )ust that it "akes you sleep better at i%ht #he you prete d that you/re i lo,e #ith "e*5 - slapped his fa(e. hard. a d the - slapped it a%ai * 41o# dare you say that to "e?5 - stood up a d "ar(hed to#ards the door a d pulled it ope a %rily* 46ou said you #a ted to talk. but - %uess you o ly #a ted to hear #hat you #a ted "e to say*5 1e said. he #as a %ry. a d that #as the first true e"otio apart fro" desire that had e,er see Dar%o sho#* 1e #alked to the door a d stepped strai%ht throu%h it* 4- sha /t bother to retur this ti"e*5 1e added a d disappeared do# the (orridor* pou ded "y fist a %rily a%ai st the door as - sla""ed it shut* ;;; 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# My i%ht #e t fro" totally %reat to bloody hell as soo as Mark #alked i * 4Mark* -/" so %lad that you (ould "ake it*5 Tess said. ra(i % o,er to his side a d holdi % his ha d a d #alki % hi" o,er to #here #e #ere seated* 41i 0ake*5 Mark said* That #as a bit surprisi %. as Mark #as usually dru k #he - sa# hi" a d he #as e,er too bi% o %reeti %s to "e* 41i*5 - did /t really feel like talki % to hi". - had /t i ,ited hi" here. this #as supposed to be a betas li"e. but - k e# Tess "ust ha,e asked hi" to (o"e* - %la (ed at her o#. a eyebro# raised a d she )ust looked ba(k at "e #ith a bri%ht s"ile o her fa(e* - k e# she felt respo sible for Mark. but there #as o ly so far you (ould take feeli %s like that2 Mark had to o# up to his o# respo sibilities* 4Would you like so"ethi % to dri k8 9o al(oholi( of (ourse*5 Tess added hastily a d Mark blushed* 4A soda #ould be fi e*5 1e said. "o,i % a#ay fro" #here Tess had led hi" a d %oi % to sit o a (ou(h i the far (or er by hi"self* - #as /t sure #hat Tess had hoped #ould be a(hie,ed by bri %i % Mark here. but - k e# Mark #as ot the "i %li % type* #at(hed as Tess %ot t#o dri ks a d headed o,er to the (or er #here Mark had parked hi"self a d - si%hed hea,ily* -f Tess felt that - #as %oi % to spe d the rest of the i%ht tryi % to "ake Mark feel #el(o"ed2 she #as (o"pletely #ro %. i fa(t - fi%ured this #ould probably be the best ti"e to %o a d (hat #ith "y brother a d fi d out "ore about the %irl that he #as ha %i % o to so ti%htly for "ost of the i%ht*

As soo as - approa(hed Stepha he %ri ed at "e* 4Are you (o"i % o,er here to tease "e about Atele85 1e asked a d - lau%hed* Si (e Stepha had bee hospitali7ed #e had (o"e to be :uite (lose a d took a %reat deal of pleasure i teasi % ea(h other* 1e used to ha,e a ri,al pa(k. i spite of the fa(t that - #as Alpha 3oyale a d leader i !ree 3id%e. but o# he ra #ith "y pa(k as 'st Beta a d Ti"othy had a((epted 2 d Beta. be(ause he k e# he #as /t as stro % as Stepha * 4Would - do a thi % like that85 - asked. si ki % do# o the (ou(h bet#ee Atele a d Stepha a d heari % Stepha %roa * 4So has Stepha bee beha,i % hi"self85 - asked. "y :uestio posed to Atele. she blushed* - re"e"ber seei % her da (i % #ith Stepha at the party. she defi itely looked differe t to i%ht2 but - (ould see she #as pretty shy* 41e/s okay*5 She "uttered a d %la (ed a#ay* - %ri ed* 4Ma . you/re o ly okay*5 - teased* 4!et out of here* 6ou/re "essi % #ith "y "o)o*5 Stepha (o"plai ed* 43eally8 - thou%ht you/re "o)o #as already #ha(ked*5 - #e t o * 4This is the o ly (ha (e -/ll %et to be #ith Atele* - pro"ised her - #ould /t bother her a%ai if she #e t out #ith "e to i%ht*5 Stepha said a d - lau%hed* 4Ma . talk about desperate "easures to %et a date*5 Atele %i%%led as #ell* 4She/s defi itely #orth it*5 Stepha said* !osh. he looked (o"pletely s"itte * 4Perhaps - (ould (o ,i (e her to )oi "y #ife a d "e for di er this #eeke d. a d "aybe i ,ite you alo %85 - su%%ested* Atele #as already starti % to shake her head. "a she #as a hard ut to (ra(k* 4- k o# Tess #ould e )oy the (o"pa y*5 - said* She looked as if she #as %oi % to say o a d the re(o sidered* 4Perhaps* - thi k - #ould e )oy %etti % to k o# Tess better* She see"s a ,ery pleasa t perso *5 Atele said* 4Tha k you. she is* Ah. there brother. you see. Tess has "a a%ed to keep you i the %a"e*5 - #at(hed Stepha blush #ith e"barrass"e t a d strolled off to (hat #ith 0a"es2 yep. "y )ob there #as do e* ;;; Tess/s poi t of ,ie# - #at(hed fro" the (or er of "y eye as 0ake "ade his rou ds. he talked to the betas a d "y beta %irls. he e,e shared a fe# )okes. - (ould hear hi" lau%h o a fe# o((asio s but he e,er (a"e o,er to Mark* - (o"pletely lo,ed 0ake. but he (ould be su(h a )erk so"eti"es* Why (ould /t he see that if #e #ere e,er %oi % to %et Mark to a((ept #ho a d #hat he #as #e #ould ha,e to rea(h out to hi" a d keep rea(hi % out to hi" u til he fi ally a((epted that #e (ared about hi" a d that #e lo,ed hi"* We had to keep rea(hi % out u til he a((epted that #ere#ol,es (ould lo,e too a d they #ere ot "o sters. they #ere si"ply differe t* - had #a ted to "o,e about the roo" a d talk #ith

the others as #ell but Mark did ot #ish to frater i7e a d si (e - had i ,ited hi" it #as "y respo sibility to keep his (o"pa y* - spe t the i%ht talki % to Mark a d reali7ed )ust ho# little - really k e# about hi"* Whe the "usi( started to play Mark sudde ly looked at "e a d asked "e if - #a ted to da (e2 the re:uest surprised "e* Si (e Mark had bee tur ed he had %otte i ,ol,ed i pre(ious little so(ial a(ti,ities a d - #as pleased that he #ould a(tually (o sider da (i % o#* -t/s ot that - do /t k o# 0ake. - a" o ly too a#are of ho# )ealous he (a be. but so"eho# k e# that - #as "aki % the ki d of pro%ress #ith Mark that - had e,er bee able to "ake before. a d - #as /t about to "ess it up* - stood to "y feet a d %la (ed arou d the roo". a d the - allo#ed Mark to lead "e to the (e ter of the roo" a d start the da (i %* - (ould al"ost feel 0ake/s body te se e,e thou%h he #as al"ost t#e ty feet a#ay fro" "e* 4-/" really sorry about ho# - beha,ed at the party*5 (o (e trate o hi" a%ai * Mark #as sayi %. - tried to

46ou #ere upset* - k o# you had /t "ea t to (reate a s(e e*5 - soothed* - really liked Mark* 1e held a spe(ial pla(e i "y heart as the first perso #ho had e,er bee "y frie d* - had lots of frie ds o#. but there #as al#ays %oi % to be so"ethi % spe(ial about hi"* 4- #ish - (ould a((ept this thi %* But e,ery ti"e - look at "yself i the "irror - feel like -/" looki % at a (o"plete stra %er* All of "y frie ds. all of the people - k o#. if - #ere to tell the" #hat - had be(o"e***5 1is ,oi(e trailed off sadly* 46ou "ea hu ters. like #hat you #ere85 - asked %e tly* 1e odded* 4They do /t u dersta d. Mark* -f they %ot to k o# you. the #ay you are o#. they #ould k o# that you ha,e /t really (ha %ed* 6ou "i%ht be stro %er a d faster but you/re still the sa"e perso you #ere*5 4- tur i to a a i"al a d - eat ra# "eat***yeah. that/s or"al*5 1e said sar(asti(ally a d - (ould hear the bitter ess i his ,oi(e* - %uess - (ould u dersta d #hat Mark #as feeli %* @i,i % all his life i a pla(e of fear. hu ti % killers a d o# belie,i % hi"self to ha,e be(o"e o e of the"* - pressed hi" (loser to "e* 4There/s o rush. Mark* 0ust %i,e yourself ti"e to %et a((usto"ed to the e# you*5 ad,ised a d - felt his ha d ti%hte about "y #aist* 4-f it #ere /t for you***5 1is #ords #ere (ut off by the arri,al of 0ake* 4$a - (ut i 85 0ake asked* Mark i""ediately stepped a#ay. looked at "e er,ously a d the hurried to#ards the exit* - started to follo# hi" but felt 0ake/s %rip ti%hte about "y #rist* 4@ea,e hi"*5 1e said. a d it sou ded "ore like a order tha a su%%estio * - stared at 0ake for a full "i ute. a d the - odded "y head* - lo,ed "y "a a d - did /t #a t this thi % #ith Mark to %et bet#ee us. but Mark #as rea(hi % out a d - did /t #a t the opportu ity to bri % hi" i to the (o""u ity to slip a#ay* ;;;

Ti"othy/s poi t of ,ie# - pressed "yself i side of Marissa a d %roa ed. "y body "o,i % ba(k a d forth i side of her* !osh. - lo,ed her so "u(h* Whe #e (li"axed #e held ea(h other. )ust e )oyi % the pleasure of reli,i % #hat #e had shared* She looked up at "e adori %ly a d #hispered* 4Defi itely a other (o :uest*5 A d - lau%hed* - (ould so i"a%i e spe di % "y life #ith Marissa a d #aki % up e,ery "or i % to fi di % her beside "e* >,erythi % about our lo,e "aki % had bee perfe(t. othi % (ould ha,e bee better***ex(ept. - pushed the thou%ht out of "y "i d* -t #as stupid a d foolish of "e to thi k su(h a thi %* - pressed "y lips a%ai st hers a%ai a d she "oa ed happily* 4- lo,e you*5 She #hispered. pulli % "e ti%hter a%ai st her* 4- lo,e you*5 - respo ded. retur i % kiss for kiss. a d the #e #ere "aki % lo,e a%ai * ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# - (ould /t help "yself. - (ould /t bear to ha,e Dar%o #alk out of "y life* - k e# - #as beha,i % desperate a d foolish a d that - #as letti % hi" use "e a d abuse "e but (ould /t see" to help it* -t #as like he #as this po#erful dru% that - )ust (ould /t %i,e up* - rushed out of the door a d hurried alo % the (orridor to#ards the stair(ase* 4Dar%o . do /t %o***5 My #ords #ere (ut off as - (rashed i to his body a d he dra%%ed "e i to his ar"s a d his lips (lai"ed "i e i a kiss that #as hu %ry #ith passio a d eed* 4- thou%ht you had left*5 - #hispered* 4<oolish "e. - thou%ht so too*5 1e said a d lifted "e i to his ar"s a d (arried "e ba(k to "y apart"e t. laid "e o the (hair. u 7ipped his pa ts a d pressed hi"self i side of "e* 4Oh %osh?5 My ar"s %ripped his (ollar a d - ar(hed "y body i to hi"* 4- do /t (are if you do /t belie,e i lo,e*5 - #hispered. as he pressed hi"self deeper i side of "e a d his ha d slid u der "y body to pull "e still (loser* 4- shall al#ays lo,e you*5 43ia e*5 My a"e slipped off of his lips like a i ,olu tary %roa 2 "y ha d slid about his e(k a d - pressed "y lips a%ai st his a%ai * 4- lo,e you*5 - said. "y lips bla7i % a trail fro" his e(k to his lips a d ba(k a%ai * 4!osh. %irl***5 A d the all audible #ords disappeared* Whe our bodies peaked he %ripped "e so rou%hly that - thou%ht - #ould break but - held o to hi". ot #illi % that he should k o# ho# frail "y hu"a body #as (o"pared to his* 4Oh "y*5 1e said a d pulled "e about so that - #as lyi % o top of hi"2 "y ba(k a%ai st his (hest* 4Dar%o *5 Was all - (ould %et out a d the - felt hi" pressed i side "e a%ai a d - felt "y body %o da"p at the feel of hi"*

4- (a /t %et e ou%h of you*5 1e #hispered. his lar%e ha d (o"i % to flatte itself a%ai st "y tu""y as his body pressed i side of "e %e tly* -t #as the %e tlest - had e,er see Dar%o . a d - realised - #as e )oyi % this side of hi" too* There #ere still so "a y :uestio s that - #a ted to ask hi". so "a y thi %s that - #a ted to k o#. but for o#. - #as (o te t )ust to e )oy the physi(al relatio ship that #e had (reated* ;;; $hapter L Atele/s poi t of ,ie# After Mark left the i%ht had settled ba(k i to a se se of or"al(y* - (ould see that the prese (e of Mark see"ed to (reate so"e sort of te sio bet#ee Tess a d 0ake* - still #as /t sure if the te sio #as e ou%h to (ause Tess to be u faithful to 0ake. but - #as starti % to thi k that #as probably #hat Dar%o #ould be hopi % for* - si%hed hea,ily. had ot #a ted to (o"e o this trip i the first pla(e a d o# that - #as here - #as re%retti % it e,e "ore* -t did /t see" as if #e #ere "aki % a y pro%ress #ith the pla a d - see"ed to be losi % "y se se of purpose* - #as here for Dar%o . to help hi" obtai a (ure for the 3oyale "ad ess. yet here - #as #ith Stepha e )oyi % the #ay he #as o%li % "e a d feeli % ex(ited about the idea that he ob,iously thou%ht - looked sexy* This #as /t "e. - #as the tou%h. boyish. take o o se se %irl. ot the %i%%ly. boy hu %ry. #a t to be ad"ired ki d of %irl* - had to lea,e this pla(e. "y head #as sayi %. had to lea,e this pla(e before it (ha %ed "e fore,er* 4Wa t to da (e85 Stepha asked* - odded auto"ati(ally a d re%retted it i""ediately* )ust (ould /t fi%ure #hy - al#ays see"ed to say yes to this %uy first a d the thi k about the (o se:ue (es after* - )ust #ish - k e# #hat ki d of "a%i( he #as #orki % o "e* 46ou (a put your ar"s arou d "e*/ 1e i stru(ted. his ar"s already e (ir(li % "y body a d pulli % "e (lose to hi"* We did /t really "o,e our feet. basi(ally #e )ust s#ayed o the spot. - %uess he lear t a fe# lesso s fro" da (i % #ith "e last ti"e* 49ot trusti % "e ot to sta d o your feet. eh85 - asked* 4-s it that ob,ious85 1e asked. a hu%e %ri o his fa(e* 1e #as so ha dso"e. - lea ed for#ard a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his a d the dre# ba(k sudde ly* 4Sorry*5 - sta""ered. "y e tire fa(e %oi % :uite red* What o earth #as - thi ki %8 had e,er e,er do e so"ethi % like that before* 49othi % to be sorry about* -t #as :uite***e )oyable a(tually*5 1e said. still s"ili %* tur ed "y fa(e a#ay fro" hi". ot able to look i to his eyes* So"eo e had said that your eyes are the #i do#s to your soul. - #as a little afraid of #hat "y eyes "i%ht be re,eali %* 4A"***#ell***tha ks***- %uess85 - "uttered* 1e %ri ed a d pulled "e (loser to hi" a d fou d - had o #here else to put "y head but a%ai st his shoulder #hat #as #eird #as ho# %ood it felt there* - (losed "y eyes a d tried to blo(k all the a alysis. all the issues a d all the (o (er s out of "y head a d si"ply e )oy bei % held* - had /t e,e realised

that "y ar"s had slid arou d his #aist a d "y ha ds #ere ha %i % do# fa"iliarly upo his butt*


The sou d of %i%%li % behi d "e brou%ht both Stepha a d "e to a (o"plete sta dstill* 46ou do k o# that the "usi( e ded like fi,e "i utes a%o85 Belly said a d both Stepha a d - #e t red #ith e"barrass"e t* 4-t #as the "usi( i their heads they #ere da (i % to*5 Da,id explai ed #ith a %ri * 41ey. do /t feel bad* Tess a d - do that all the ti"e*5 0ake ad"itted #ith a %ri * 46eah. be(ause you t#o are "ostly "aki % out o the da (e floor i stead of da (i %*5 Barly put i * >,eryo e (hu(kled i a%ree"e t* 4So #hat. it/s ti"e to %o ho"e already85 Stepha asked. his ar"s #ere still #rapped arou d "y body* 4Sorry to break up your fu . but so"e of us ha,e to %o s(hool i the "or i % a d so"e of us ha,e lots of people to "eet*5 0ake said* There #as %e eral lau%hter as e,ery o e started to "ake their #ay to#ards the door. Stepha held "y ha d i his a d follo#ed the %roup relu(ta tly* 4- so do /t feel like %oi % ho"e. - so #a ted to spe d "ore ti"e #ith you*5 1e (o fessed after #e had said our %oodbyes a d #ere o# headed to#ards "y ho"e* 4Maybe #e do /t ha,e to (all it a i%ht )ust yet*5 - said* What o earth had "ade "e say so"ethi % like that8 4-/" defi itely %a"e* What do you #a t to do8 Most of the "o,ie pla(es (lose pretty early i !ree 3id%e. but #e (a %o for a (ool "oo li%ht #alk8 1e su%%ested* Si (e - had bee to !ree 3id%e - had ot o (e tra sfor"ed i to "y #olf* But i the #oods - spe t "ost of the i%ht i "y #olf for". but here Dar%o (ould /t tra sfor". o e tra sfor"atio a d 0ake #ould s"ell his prese (e for sure* - %uess it #as out of a se se of respe(t for Dar%o /s li"itatio that either Marissa or - had (hose to tra sfor" si (e #e had arri,ed* But - "issed it. - "issed the se se of stre %th. freedo" a d se(urity bei % i "y #olf for" %a,e "e* 4Perhaps #e (a %o for a ru *5 - said* 1e stared at "e a d the u dersta di % da# ed* 4That/s a %reat idea* - should tell you that o <riday o e of the pa(ks #ill be %oi % hu ti %. you (a (o"e the too if you #a t* -t/s really %reat* 6ou #o /t ha,e to be s(ared or a ythi %. -/ll "ake sure othi % happe s to you*5 1e said a d he sou ded so si (ere - had to s"ile* 4-/" :uite (apable of looki % after "y self*5 - said as he pulled the (ar to a halt a d parked it alo % the (urb of a road* 49ot that your ot i %ood (o ditio or a ythi %*5 1e said. half apolo%eti(ally* 4My #olf (ould ki(k your #olf/s butt a y day*5 - said2 relaxi %* This #as "ore "y style. (o"petiti,e a d teasi %* 46eah ri%ht*5 1e s(offed*

4Okay. #e/ll see #ho/ll "ake it o,er to those trees first*5 - said2 poi ti % to a bat(h of trees al"ost half a "ile a#ay* 4Me of (ourse*5 1e said so assuredly - #a ted to pu (h his fa(e* 4Okay* 3eady. set. %o?5 - s(rea"ed a d hopped out of the ,ehi(le. u dressed as :ui(kly as - (ould. tra sfor"ed i to "y #olf a d lou %ed off of the road* 49ot fair?5 Stepha #as shooti % but he had also (la""ered out of his side of the (ar a d #as strippi % off his (lothes* - paused briefly. fas(i ated at the look of his body* really did /t ha,e e ou%h ti"e to dri k i his beauty be(ause he tra sfor"ed i to a lar%e bro# #olf a d started to ru after "e* - (ould see #hy he #as so self assured. he #as pretty fast. - #as %lad that - had those extra le %ths o hi". - did /t #a t to ad"it it. but "y #i "i%ht ha,e (o"e i to :uestio if #e had started out at the sa"e ti"e* Whe - rea(hed the #oods - kept o ru i %. e )oyi % the feeli % of freedo"* - (ould hear the sou d of Stepha behi d "e2 he ipped "y side playfully #he he (au%ht up to "e a d - took off a%ai * - hurried for#ard a d hid behi d so"e trees. he (a"e billo#i % for#ard. the stopped a d looked arou d* (ould tell that he #as tryi % to pi(k up "y s(e t so he (ould follo# "e* - did 2t %i,e hi" ti"e. - )u"ped out fro" behi d the tree a d la ded ri%ht o top of hi". he #e t do# #ith a hard thud* <or a s"aller #olf a )u"p like that (ould break it/s ba(k. but Stepha /s #olf #as pretty bi%. althou%h he did yelp fro" the i"pa(t of "y body* 1e tossed "e off a d sta%%ered to his feet. - pou (ed o hi" a%ai before he (ould (at(h his footi % a d brou%ht hi" do# to the %rou d o (e "ore* As a seaso ed #arrior - k e# that the te(h i:ue #as to keep the prey off their %a"e a d al#ays at a disad,a ta%e* The #ild ess of the forest had tau%ht "e that* - %ripped his e(k #ith "y teeth hard. but ot hard e ou%h to break the ski . hard e ou%h to li"it a d (o trol his "o,e"e ts* 1is body #as pressed be eath "i e. - #as usi % the full #ei%ht of "y #olf to try to keep hi" do# * 1e s arled. a d - half %ri ed i "y "i d. Stepha #as /t the ki d of %uy that liked to be pi ed by a %irl* - felt his body stop stru%%li % be eath "e. - applied additio al pressure to his e(k. #as he (apitulati %8 Was he ad"itti % that - had #o . that - had beate hi"8 -t #as #hile the thou%hts of ,i(tory #ere s#irli % arou d i "y "i d that he "ade his "o,e* 1e pushed his ba(k le%s up. partially dislod%i % "y positio . - shifted to re%ai a proper hold o his e(k but he #as too :ui(k2 his body (rashed i to "i e a d - stu"bled ba(k* 1e pou (ed. ot allo#i % "e to re%ai "y bala (e2 %ripped "e by the e(k a d pressed "y body do# to the %rou d. his body pressed o top of "i e* - (ould feel the adre ali e rushi % throu%h "y body. - had "issed this. - had really "issed this. the fi%hts #ith the pa(k "e"bers )ust for fu * This fi%ht #as parti(ularly %reat Stepha #as a #orth#hile ad,ersary* 1e #as stro %. he #as fast a d he had skills* - a(tually had to thi k to try to beat hi"* - %ri ed to "yself. "e tally su""o i % all of "y stre %th. to %et out of a holt like this - #ould ha,e to depe d o the po#er of "y ba(k le%s* - #ould ha,e to #ait u til he started to %et (o"fortable a d release so"e of the %rip o "y e(k. the push up hard #ith "y ba(k le%s usi % "y behi d to dislod%e a d dislo(ate his holt*

As soo as - se sed the ri%ht "o"e t - a(ted. - stiffe ed "y ba(k le%s a d pressed up hard a d felt "y butt hit fir"ly a%ai st his u derbelly a d - felt his #ei%ht shift sli%htly* - prepared to "ake the fi al shift. but sudde ly - stopped as - felt hi" push i side of "e* The i""ediate rea(tio #as pai a d the it felt like all the adre ali e i the #orld sudde ly bei % pu"ped full stea" ahead i to "y body* 1is "outh released "y e(k a d - (ould feel the thrust of his body as he pressed i a d out of "e* !osh. - (ould feel "y body ti%hte a d release arou d hi". s:uee7i % hi". (o tra(ti % arou d hi". dra#i % hi" deeper i side of "e* - felt his pa(e i (rease2 - (ould feel hi" press a%ai st "e harder a d harder a d - (ould feel "yself #ide "y le%s to %i,e hi" %reater a((ess to "e* !osh* 1e felt so %ood. - (ould feel "yself %et #etter a d #etter as body ba %ed harder a d harder a%ai st "i e* The #he - felt like - (ould o lo %er bear the pressure of his body ba %i % a%ai st "i e he stopped. a d pressed a d held hi"self (lose a%ai st "e a d - felt his body e"pty i to "e* !osh* My le%s (o"pletely %a,e out o "e a d - (ollapsed to the %rou d. #eak a d spe t* My pri,ate part sore a d a(hy. but "y body still reeli % fro" the i te se pleasure - felt* We had put e,ery bit of stre %th i to our lo,e "aki %. it had bee all (o su"i %* - felt so #eary - (ould feel "yself fi%hti % to ha % o to "y #olf for"* Oh %osh. - #as (ha %i %* - (ould /t (ha %e. ot o#* Dar it? 1e #ol,es #ere pretty "u(h i sti (ti,e #he it (a"e to sex espe(ially #he it (a"e to true "ates* -f - (ha %ed i to "y hu"a for" a d Stepha had bo ded #ith "e. he #ould likely (ha %e to his hu"a for" a d #a t to ha,e to ha,e sex* - (ould /t let that happe . - had to hold o to "y #olf for". but - #as so***Dar ? - %la (ed do# a d sa# "y body "orphi % ba(k i to "y hu"a * 4Stepha ***5 - #hispered. but - (ould see he #as already "orphi % i to his hu"a as #ell* 4Thi***5 - #a ted to tell hi" to thi k about #hat he #as doi %. but #he he stret(hed his body out o "i e all ratio al thou%ht see"ed to lea,e "y head* 4Atele*5 -t #as "ore of a %roa tha a #ord a d - k e# he #as fi%hti % to (o trol #hat he #as feeli % but he #as /t #i i %* 1is lips pressed a%ai st "i e. a d he su(ked hu %rily* - s:uealed a d pressed "yself a%ai st hi". a d that #as all the i ,itatio he eeded to lose total (o trol* - felt Stepha pull both of "y le%s up a d put o e o ea(h of his shoulders a d the he pressed hi"self hard i to "e* - ex(lai"ed a%ai . this ti"e both fro" the pleasure a d fro" the pai as he broke "y fi al ,ir%i al barrier* 4Steph***5 - s(rea"ed as his body lau (hed i a d out of "i e a d his ha ds (aressed a d s:uee7ed "y breast* 4Oh***you feel so %ood*5 1e %roa ed a d the pressure of hi" i (reased. his body ba %i % hard a%ai st "i e* - felt (o"pletely (o su"ed by feeli %s. pleasure. ta talisi % bursts of ex(ite"e t that - (ould /t (o tai * Whe he pla(ed o e of "y le%s about his #aist a d held the other o his shoulder - (ould ot protest be(ause the s#eet pressure of hi" di%%i % deep i side of "e o ly allo#ed "e to utter half #ords a d "oa s a d %roa s* 1e bit "e %e tly o "y breast a d ibbled "y e(k sli%htly. the he slid "e o,er a d pulled "e to a k eeli % positio a d did "e do%%y style* - (ould feel "yself ha,i % "ultiple or%as"s as his body ba %ed hard a d rou%h i side of "i e*

4Oh***5 - %roa ed as he e tered "e so hard - )erked for#ard. %rippi % the earth be eath "y fi %ers for support* 4Atele. you feel so ti%ht a d s#eet*5 1e #hispered. his body e,er slo#i % o its rele tless ba %i %* 4Ah**oh***5 - "uttered as he ba %ed hard i to "e o e "ore ti"e. %ripped "e fir"ly about "y hips a d e"ptied hi"self i side of "e* -t took "e a #hile before a y se"bla (e of sa ity see"ed to e ter ba(k i to "y "i d* (o,ered "y fa(e #ith "y ha ds. a feeli % of sha"e. e"barrass"e t a d fear all %rippi % "e at o e ti"e* - hardly k e# Stepha . a d #ere#ol,es o ly be(a"e pre% a t #he they "ated i both their #olf for" a d their hu"a for" a d that #as #hat - had )ust do e #ith Stepha * 4Oh %osh*5 A tear started do# "y (heek2 #hat the he(k had - do e* 4Do /t freak***5 Stepha #as starti % to say. appare tly o# (o"i % to his o# se ses too. but - #as already pushi % his body off of "i e a d s(ra"bli % to "y feet* 4Stay a#ay fro" "e. stay the he(k a#ay fro" "e?5 - s(rea"ed a d took off ru to#ards "y house* Stepha (au%ht up #ith "e )ust about fi,e "i utes a#ay fro" "y ho"e* 43elax*5 1e said. fi%hti % to pull "e i to his ar"s. - pu (hed hi" hard to the ose a d elbo#ed hi" to the (hi * 1e stu"bled ba(k. his ha d %oi % up to his fa(e to #ipe a#ay the blood that #as o# strea"i % do# fro" his ose. but - did /t hesitate. - took off a%ai to#ards the house. - #as relie,ed #he - e tered to ote that either Dar%o or Marissa had retur ed ho"e as yet* - hurried i to "y roo". tryi % to i% ore the sou d of Stepha beati % a%ai st the door a d yelli % for "e to ope * 4@ea,e "e alo e? Or -/ll (all the poli(e for a streaki % "a outside "y door harassi % "e?5 - threate ed* 4Atele* Please do /t do this* - )ust #a t to talk*5 4@ea,e "e alo e?5 - s(rea"ed a%ai . fi%hti % to keep a sob out of "y ,oi(e* 4Please* Please lea,e "e alo e*5 - sobbed* 4!osh. Atele. -/" so sorry* That #as a totally )erkish thi % to do please. talk to "e*5 1e be%%ed* 4- hate you*5 - "uttered a d buried "y head u der the pillo# to dro# out the sou d of his k o(ki % a d shouti % to "e* - #ished - (ould fall asleep. i fa(t. - #ished - #as already asleep a d this e tire i%ht had bee )ust a i%ht"are* What had e,er possessed "e to %o out #ith Stepha 8 - #as Dar%o /s 'st Beta. he had brou%ht "e here as his #arrior to fi%ht if - eeded to. if - #as pre% a t - #ould be pre(ious little help to hi" if he %ot i to battle* What #as "ore. if Dar%o fou d out - #as pre% a t a d - #as (arryi % the (hild of the e e"y #hat #ould he say. #hat #ould his rea(tio be8 -f the pa(k fou d out that (ould (ause lots of trouble too* Dar%o ruled #ith a iro fist a d so did -. there #as so"ethi % ,ery u appeali % i %

about a first beta #ho %ets k o(ked up by a "e"ber of the e e"y for(es that she has k o# for less tha a #eek? -t all see"ed to happe so fast* !osh. - rubbed "y ha ds a(ross "y eyes. brushi % a#ay so"e fresh tears* What #as - %oi % to do8 There #ere so "a y :uestio s a d so fe# a s#ers a d bei % a #ere#olf - (ould expe(t that "y pre% a (y #ould last about se,e #eeks* By #eek t#o or three - (ould be sho#i %* !osh* - %roa ed a%ai a d buried "y fa(e deeper i to "y pillo#* ;;;;; $hapter M Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - spe t the #hole i%ht at 3ia e/s pla(e* -t #as /t really pla ed but surprisi %ly - had falle asleep after #e "ade lo,e the se(o d ti"e* She #as hu"a . but she #as sure e er%eti(* - %ri ed at the thou%ht as - slipped out of the bed. pulli % the (o,ers o,er 3ia e as - started to pull o "y (lothes* 4What the he(k* -t/s early "or i % already. - "i%ht as #ell e )oy a %ood bath a d so"e "ore of***that*5 - said out loud. e,e thou%h 3ia e #as asleep a d (ould ot hear "e* slipped ba(k off "y (lothes a d lay ba(k do# o the bed pulli % 3ia e to#ards "e* had thou%ht she #as )ust a it(h that - )ust eeded to s(rat(h. - had o idea ho# #ro % had bee * The "ore - "ade lo,e to her the "ore - see"ed to #a t to "ake lo,e to her* @ast i%ht - had really #a ted to #alk a#ay fro" this relatio ship. to for%et 3ia e a d fo(us o sedu(i % Tess. but - had /t bee able to lea,e* - had %otte as far as the stair#ay a d - had stopped* What #as (o"pli(ated about the situatio #as that 3ia e li,ed i a apart"e t. a d althou%h there #ere /t "a y ei%hbours. )ust a old #o"a fro" do# the hall. still "y (o"i %s a d %oi %s (ould be reported* The idea of Tess ot fi di % out about 3ia e a d - #as :ui(kly be(o"i % less a d less likely* There #ould ha,e to be so"e (ha %es "ade to the pla . but at least for o# Tess did /t k o#. - #ould )ust ha,e to (ross the brid%e of Tess k o#i % #he - (a"e to it* 3ia e ya# ed a d stret(hed a d t#isted i the bed. the sheet slidi % off her body a d re,eali % o e perky breast* - pressed "y "outh a%ai st it a d su(ked %reedily. the slid "y ha d be eath the sheet a d (aresssed her u til her #et ess "oiste ed "y ha ds* 4Dar%o *5 She #hispered. her eyes ope i % to re,eal desire a d surprise* 4>xpe(ti % so"eo e else85 - teased* She parted her le%s to allo# "e to fo dle her "ore freely. but - tu%%ed the sheet off of her a d (li"bed o top. - had :uite e ou%h of fo dli %. - #a ted to feel "yself i side of her* - k elt o either side of her le% a d slid the other le% up to "y hip a d pushed i hard a d rode her %reedily2 pressi % "yself as deep i to her body as - (ould %o. e )oyi % the ti%ht #ar" feel of her i ers* 4Oh**oh**oh***5 1er ,oi(e shook. as did her breast #ith the ,ibratio fro" the po#er of "y body as - thrust "yself deep i side of her. o ly to pull out a d thrust i "ore deeply* 4!os***oh***5 - (ould se se that the pressure #as buildi %. %ro#i % to "ore tha she #ould soo be able to ha dle. - (ould feel "y o# desire "ou ti % a d "y dri,i % i side of her be(o"i % harder a d "ore de"a di %*

4O#**5 Was a a(tual shout as - s"ashed "y body hard i to hers* She #as dri,i % "e (ra7y #ith eed. - #as %oi % to ha,e to tra sfor" her i to a she #olf. there #as o #ay 3ia e #ould be able to keep o (o te di % #ith "y desires. espe(ially as the eed - #as feeli % to#ards her see"ed to be %ro#i %* -t surprised "e that - #as thi ki % lo % ter" pla s about 3ia e* 46ou/re doi % fi e. "y s#eet*5 - (roaked. the e dear"e t rolli % off of "y lips u (o s(iously. the - (rashed "y body i to hers o e last ti"e a d felt "yself e"pty i side of her* 4Oh %osh*5 - pulled her so hard a%ai st "e - #as afraid - #ould break her* 4- sha /t be able to #alk for days*5 She "uttered but she #as s"ili %* 4Sorry*5 - #hispered a d buried "y fa(e i her hair* -f - (ha %ed her she #ould k o# -/" a Alpha 3oyale. 0ake #ould pi(k up the s(e t of the li"ited (ha %e e(essary for "e to (ha %e her* - (ould /t afford to ha,e 0ake pi(k up "y Alpha 3oyale s(e t o#. it #ould rui the e tire pla * As lo % as - (o trolled "y desire for 3ia e e ou%h so it did /t "ake "e lose (o trol. she #ould be okay* 4Should #e %et a sho#er85 She asked a d - odded. - (ould already feel "yself %ro#i % hard a%ai at the prospe(t* ;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie# -t #as the %e tle k o(k o "y bedroo" door that #oke "e i the "or i %. it #as Marissa a d she #as looki % ki d of (o fused* 4Are you okay85 She asked* 4-/" fi e*5 - "uttered #ithout tur i % "y fa(e to#ards her. - did /t #a t her to see that "y eyes #ere red a d puffy* 4The pho e has bee ri %i % o +stop this "or i %. Stepha has bee tryi % to talk to you*5 She explai ed* 4- "ust ha,e dra k so"ethi % bad last i%ht. -/" ot feeli % too #ell* Do you "i d if did /t ha,e a y (alls or ,isitors85 - asked* 4Of (ourse - do /t "i d* Should - %et so"ethi % for you85 She :uestio ed* 49o tha ks*5 - "uttered. buryi % "y fa(e i "y pillo# a%ai . 4- thi k - )ust eed so"e rest*5 Marissa odded a d - heard the door (lose :uietly behi d her* ;;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# The s(hool day #e t pretty or"al* After - had left 3ia e/s pla(e - had )ust hurried ho"e lo % e ou%h to put o fresh (lothes a d head do e to the s(hool* The pla #as %oi % othi % like - had a ti(ipated* Mark #as doi % his part okay. but it see"ed like #as fi di % pre(ious little ti"e to %et (lose to Tess. - "e tally "ade a poi t to seek her out today a d try to #or" "y #ay i to her heart* - fou d her bet#ee (lasses ha %i % out o the field be (h a d %a7i % distra(tedly i to the #oods*

4E". looks like a %irl #ith a lot o her "i d*5 - said. strolli % o,er to sit ext to her o the be (h* 4Oh. ot really*5 She said o (o""ittally. her blo de hair blo#i % about i the #i d* re"e"bered #he - had first see her ho# attra(ti,e - had thou%ht she #as. she #as still :uite beautiful but - #as surprised to fi d that "y thou%hts did ot i""ediately ru to "aki % lo,e to her* 4Do /t kid "e. - k o# ho# people look #he their deep i thou%ht* But you do /t ha,e to talk about it if you do /t #a t to*5 - offered* That #as al#ays a %reat #ay to help people feel "ore (o"fortable about talki % to you. by ot pressi % the"* 4Tha ks*5 Was all she said a d (o ti ued to stare off i to the dista (e* - i ,ited "yself to a seat beside her* - did /t sit (lose. - did /t eed to attra(t a y atte tio #here it (a"e to Tess. - preferred folks to see "e as a tea(her a d (o fida te to Tess. ot so"eo e that 0ake "i%ht thi k he #ould eed to keep a eye o * 4!ree 3id%e is a pretty %reat to# * -t #ould be %reat if #e (ould (reate "ore (o""u ities like this*5 - said* She odded* 4Whe - first (a"e here***5 She %i%%led a d blushed* 4@ets )ust say it did /t see" :uite as "ar,elous as it does o#*5 43eally8 Why85 - asked* 4@o % story*5 She said a d s"iled se(retly* 4But - lo,e e,erythi % about it o#2 thi %s (ould /t be "ore perfe(t here. #ell "aybe ex(ept***5 1er ,oi(e trailed off a d she stared o,er i to the dista (e a%ai * 4-s 0ake (olle(ti % you85 - asked. deliberately (ha %i % the sub)e(t so she #ould thi k that - had o i terest i the proble" she #as tryi % to (o (eal* 49o* 1e has all sorts of "eeti %s all day lo %* We/,e bee tryi % to #ork o se(urity i !ree 3id%e*5 She explai ed* 4Se(urity8 - thou%ht )ust ha,i % a stro % Alpha 3oyale like 0ake here #ould be e ou%h to s(are a#ay a y pote tial threats*5 46eah. 0ake is stro %. but he/s )ust o e perso . - %uess the proble" is if there is "ore tha a o e pro % atta(k*5 Tess explai ed* 46eah* - see #hat you "ea *5 - a%reed* 4So do /t you %et to parti(ipate i the "eeti %s8 6ou/re a Alpha 3oyale too. are /t you85 - had heard that Tess #as a Alpha 3oyale but - still #as u sure about it. throu%hout history there had e,er bee a fe"ale Alpha 3oyale* 46ep* @ittle old "e is a Alpha 3oyale* A d - do atte d "eeti %s. but ot as "a y as 0ake*5 She lea ed o,er to#ards "e. her breast brushed "y ar" sli%htly but she did /t see" to oti(e* 4- do /t really like "eeti %s*5 She lea ed a#ay a d %i%%led* 4-/" ot "u(h of a "eeti % ki d of %uy "yself*5 - (o fessed* 41o estly.5 She said. #hisperi % a%ai . 4- thi k you a d 0ake ha,e a lot i (o""o * do /t thi k he likes the" either* But it (o"es #ith the territory of bei % lead Alpha i !ree 3id%e*5 She explai ed*

4Does it e,er bother you8 1is bei % i (har%e - "ea * Alphas are re o# ed for their territorial attitudes a d possessi,e ess* T#o Alphas. a d 3oyales at that i a s"all to# like !ree 3id%e - #ould thi k that (ould (ause so"e proble"s*5 - spe(ulated* 1er eyes #ide ed as if she had ot (o sidered the issue before* 40ake a d - e,er fi%ht o,er #hose i (har%e* 1e already k o#s -/" i (har%e*5 She said a d the #e both lau%hed* 4The he/s a "ore se sible "a tha - %i,e hi" (redit for*5 - said. still s"ili %* 41e/s really s"art*5 She said2 a d she sou ded :uite proud of 0ake* 4All is perfe(t i paradise*5 - said2 still s"ili % a d lea i % i to her a d brushi % a%ai st her breast but "aki % it appear to be a a((ide t* 46eah***#ell al"ost*5 She said. a d looked ba(k o,er to the forest a%ai * - si%hed li%htly* Whe - (ould %et Tess to (o fide i "e about the proble" she #as fa(i % #ith 0ake a d Mark2 - k e# that #as #he - #ould be #ell o "y #ay to (reati % the type of situatio that #ould allo# "e to sedu(e her* 46ou do /t ha,e to talk about it*5 - said :ui(kly. but she looked as if she #as about to say so"ethi % but 3ia e tur ed up* 41i. #hat are you t#o %uys doi % out here*5 3ia e asked. s"ili % a d looki % :uite happy to see "e a d - felt "y body start to harde . "a this #as %etti % ridi(ulous* 40ust (hatti %* Dar%o here see"s to be :uite a de(e t liste er*5 Tess said2 "aki % spa(e o the be (h to allo# 3ia e to sit bet#ee us* 4Do - dare ask #hat about85 3ia e :uestio ed. %la (i % fro" o e to the other* 4Maybe - #as %i,i % hi" a list of eli%ible %irls i !ree 3id%e that he (ould ask out o a date* 6ours #ould be at the top*5 Tess said a d 3ia e blushed a d %la (ed a#ay* 43eally85 She asked. appeari % to be at a lost for #ords as to #hat to say* 4We #ere talki % about o su(h thi %* Tess #as si"ply telli % "e #hat a beautiful paradise !ree 3id%e is*5 - put i * 4True*5 Tess a%reed. %la (i % at both of us. 4But you t#o (ould "ake a pretty de(e t (ouple*5 3ia e a d - %la (ed at ea(h other a d the at Tess. 3ia e holdi % her head do# sli%htly* 4Perhaps you (a %o o a date or so"ethi %* 9ot that -/" tryi % to be pushy or a ythi %*5 Tess #as sayi %* Ma . if that #as /t pushy - had o idea #hat pushy #as* 4- fa(t. #hy do /t you (o"e to "y ho"e o Saturday* Stepha a d Atele #ill be there as #ell a d it should be :uite (o7y*5 Tess said* - s(ru (hed up "y fa(e. - k e# - had told Atele to %et (lose to Tess. - had /t told her to %et (lose to Stepha * - did /t "u(h like the idea that "y first beta #as "aki % dates #ith the e e"y a d ot telli % "e*

46ou look #orried* - #o /t e"barrass you or a ythi %* -t #ould be )ust like t#o frie ds atte di % a di er at a other frie d/s house*5 Tess explai ed hurriedly. appare tly a xious for "e to a%ree to %o out #ith 3ia e* 4-f Dar%o does /t #a t to %o***5 3ia e #as sayi % looki % :uite e"barrassed by Tess/ "at(h"aki % efforts* 49o se se* 9othi % #ro % #ith ha,i % di er #ith a fe# frie ds*5 - said. (utti % off 3ia e/s #ords* She blushed a d %la (ed up at "e* 4!reat* Saturday it is the at six p"*5 Tess said (heerfully* - (ould /t help a s"ile fro" spreadi % a(ross "y fa(e* Tess #as really the ki d of %irl that a yo e #ould like. ki d of si (ere a d strai%htfor#ard* 4!ot to %o. see you %uys*5 She said a d hustled off before 3ia e or - (ould say a #ord* 4-/" sorry about Tess* She left us here so #e #ould be alo e* Si (e she a d 0ake ha,e hooked up she is a i (urable ro"a ti(*5 3ia e said apolo%eti(ally* 4- (a tell*5 - said. still s"ili %* 46ou do /t ha,e to take "e to the di er if you do /t #a t to* - k o# that you do /t really #a t a relatio ship #ith "e or a ythi % like that*5 3ia e said. stari % do# at her ha ds o her lap* 4Di er #ill be fi e* -/ll pi(k you up at G*D&p"*5 - said2 %etti % up fro" the be (h a d headed ba(k to#ards the s(hool* 4Tha ks*5 She said* 4What for85 - asked. stoppi % a fe# steps a#ay a d tur i % arou d to#ards her* She had othi % at all to tha k "e for* - treated her like (rap. - used her body a d - e,er so "u(h as offered to take her out o a date* - fa(t - #as )ust %oi % to this di er o Saturday be(ause - had a idea that #ould "o,e "y pla alo %* 4<or a%reei % to %o to the di er #ith "e*5 She said. a d for the first ti"e i "y life felt like a heel #he - sa# the look of pleasure o her fa(e a d - k e# - had to stop 3ia e fro" %etti % too atta(hed to "e. other#ise. #he - left she #ould be hurt* 4Do /t read too "u(h i to it baby %irl* -t/s )ust a di er. othi % "ore*5 - said i "y flattest ,oi(e. - (ould see she looked rather deflated by "y #ords but - tur ed o "y heels a d strode a#ay #ithout looki % ba(k* ;;; Mark/s poi t of ,ie# - pretty "u(h k e# that Tess see"ed to %et ho"e earlier tha 0ake did* 6eah he al#ays had so"e ki d of bi% shot "eeti %s to atte d* 1ad to look after the affairs of his sub)e(ts like so"e stupid ki %* - dro,e up to their house a d parked i the dri,e #ay a d headed up the stairs* Tess #ould probably be ho"e i a hour or so. 0ake #ould probably ot be ho"e u til a other three or so hours* - k o(ked o the door a d #aited patie tly* -t had ot take a lot of (o ,i (i % for "e to betray 0ake* -t %a,e "e a se se of i di,iduality to k o# that e,e thou%h 0ake #as "y Alpha - did ot ha,e to be loyal to hi"* - (ould "ake up "y o# "i d. - (ould a(t o "y o# i sti (ts. - #as /t )ust a exte sio of the

pa(k. si"ply doi % #hat e,er e,eryo e else did* The ,ery thou%ht of "e. a hu"a bei % part of a pa(k "ade "e %ro#l i a %er* - slapped "y fa(e. the reality #as. - #as /t a hu"a a y"ore* - #as a "o ster. - #as a #ere#olf* Why had /t they let "e die8 To li,e a life like this. this #as a se te (e #orst tha death* My fa"ily had bee allo#ed to die #ith di% ity fi%hti % the (reatures that tor"e ted "a ki d. but -2 - #ould die #ith o di% ity. - #ould die as o e of the ,ery (reatures that - had hu ted a d that #as tha ks to 0ake* - k o(ked hard o the door. "e tally pushi % the thou%ht out of "y "i d* - (ould /t (ha %e the fa(t that - #as a #ere#olf. but - (ould "ake 0ake pay for "aki % "e o e* The thou%ht briefly e tered "y "i d that it #as Tess #ho had #a ted "e (ha %ed but brushed it a#ay* Tess "ay ha,e #a ted it. but it had bee 0ake/s de(isio to "ake* k o(ked harder o the door. #hy did /t 0illia a s#er the door* So"eti"es - felt so (o fused. - hated 0ake. but - lo,ed Tess. but Tess #as a #ere#olf too* 9o# - #as a #ere#olf too* - rapped hard o the door a%ai a d fi ally 0illia thre# it ope * 4Mark85 She %la (ed behi d "e. a surprised look o her fa(e* 40ake is /t ho"e*5 She said blu tly* 4-/" ot here to see 0ake. -/" here to see Tess*5 - said* She %a,e "e a #ay#ard eye* k e# 0illia see"ed to ha,e a bit of a thi % for "e. but - (ould e,er bri % "yself to see her as a pote tial %irlfrie d. ot #he - k e# that she #as a #ere#olf. the ,ery thou%ht of "aki % lo,e #ith a #ere#olf tur ed "y sto"a(h* 4- do /t thi k 0ake #ill appre(iate you (o"i % to his ho"e to ,isit his #ife*5 0illia poi ted out* 4Tess is ot allo#ed to ha,e ,isitors85 - asked :uietly* She looked flustered a d the she %lared at "e* 4- did /t say that* Do /t you %o "aki % Tess thi k that/s #hat 0ake thi ks?5 She said a %rily a d - (ould /t help but s"ile* 0illia #as faithful to 0ake to a fault2 it #as a"a7i % that she still had roo" i her heart to ha,e a (rush o "e* 4$a - (o"e i 85 - asked. she shifted her body so she #as blo(ki % the door* - half s"iled. she really #as /t ,ery bi%. a,era%e hei%ht a d si7e #ith bro# eyes a d "ousy bro# hair. but #he it (a"e to prote(ti % 0ake she #as a real ti%er* 49o. you (a /t (o"e i *5 She said fir"ly* 4So - (a /t see Tess85 - asked* 4Tess is /t at ho"e*5 She said. her eyes )ust %i,i % a#ay a %li""er of the hurt she #as feeli % that - #ould still prefer to pursue Tess e,e thou%h - k e# she #as out of "y rea(h* - #as /t really pursui % Tess as a %irlfrie d a y "ore. she had "ade it pretty (lear her (hoi(e #as 0ake* 9o. - #as pursui % Tess for the sole purpose of (reati % proble"s for 0ake* Dar%o had pro"ised "e that he #ould put a #ed%e bet#ee 0ake a d Tess a d that he #ould "ake 0ake suffer* True. he had e,er really said #hy he #a ted 0ake to suffer. but - fi%ured 0ake "ust ha,e stepped o his (or s at so"e ti"e i the past* The reality #as. - did /t really (are #hy Dar%o #a ted to hurt 0ake. - #as )ust %lad that - had fi ally fou d so"eo e #ho had the balls to sta d up to 0ake* A d there #as so"ethi % about Dar%o that see"ed to su%%est that "aybe. )ust "aybe he had #hat it #ould take to

really bri % 0ake do# fro" the hi%h horse he sat o * - shook the thou%ht fro" "y "i d that i hurti % 0ake - #ould be hurti % Tess* -t #as /t as if Dar%o #as tryi % to kill 0ake. true - did /t k o# the pla . but 0ake #as a Alpha 3oyale. #ho #ould be able to kill hi" a y#ay8 4- (a #ait*5 - said* 4Well #ait i your (ar. be(ause you/re ot (o"i % i to this house u less 0ake is here*5 She said* - %ri ed* 46ou 0ake/s #at(hdo%85 -t a oyed "e that Tess a d o# 0illia see"ed to be so dedi(ated to 0ake* -t #as like the #hole #orld )ust #a ted to prote(t 0ake. #ho the he(k (ared #ho 0ake tra"pled o 8 Probably o ly Dar%o * 4-f that/s #hat you #a t to thi k of "e*5 She respo ded i a huff* 4-t #ould be i(e if so"eo e #ere that (o (er ed about "e. i stead of 0ake all the ti"e*5 - said2 pouti %* 4Maybe if you #ould let so"eo e. they #ould be "ore (o (er ed about you*5 0illia respo ded* - tur ed a#ay. - did /t really #a t to ha,e this (o ,ersatio #ith 0illia . did /t #a t to thi k about #hether or ot - #as bei % reaso able. - had "y "i d "ade up a%ai st bei % a #ere#olf a d - did /t i te d for a yo e to (ha %e it* 4-/ll #ait i "y (ar*5 - said. tur i % a#ay fro" 0illia a d headed ba(k do# the steps. heard her breathe hea,ily #ith exasperatio a d - tried to bla k e,ery ratio al thou%ht out of "y head* Whe Tess arri,ed - hurried to her a d %a,e her a hu%e hu% as a %reeti %* 4Mark*5 She looked so"e#hat surprised to see "e* 41i* - )ust #o dered if you #a ted to ha % out a bit to i%ht. - #as feeli % ki d of lo ely*5 - said. %i,i % her "y best puppy do% eyes* 4Oh***a"***5 - (ould see she #as stru%%li % #ith a de(isio to tell "e = o/* 4Please* - ha,e o frie ds i this pla(e*5 6eah. that al#ays "ade Tess feel %uilty. espe(ially si (e she k e# #hat it felt like to ha,e o frie ds* 4Okay. but )ust a fe# hours. -/,e hardly had a y ti"e to spe d #ith 0ake today*5 She said. - odded a d %a,e her "y bri%htest tha k you s"ile* 4Where do you #a t to %o** "y treat*5 She lau%hed* 4The "ost expe si,e restaura t i !ree 3id%e*5 She said a d - %roa ed* ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie#N - stared at the "ark that Dar%o had %i,e "e o "y i er thi%h as - rubbed "y body dry #ith a to#el* -t #as really starti % to take shape. it o lo %er looked like a si"ple bite***it looked like a bla(k (ir(le #ith the sli%htest #hite outli e* - pulled o a bi% t+shirt a d hurried o,er to the (o"puter* - spe t "y #hole life studyi % the u usual2 this "ark defi itely belo %ed to the u usual*

- (ould feel "yself %etti % ex(ited as all sorts of thou%hts started to s#irl arou d "y head* -f this #ere a "arki % it "ea t o e thi %. Dar%o #as a Alpha* But if he #ere a Alpha. #hy did /t he ha,e a pa(k8 A d #hy had /t he told "e he #as a alpha8 - surfed throu%h the i ter et fra ti(ally. there #ere sites #here you (ould %et real a d serious i for"atio o the #ere#olf #orld. you )ust had to k o# #here to look* - the #orld at a y o e ti"e there had o ly bee four alpha royales. they ea(h had a u i:ue "ark* 0ake/s #as the (res(e t "oo . Tess/ #as the full "oo . the third Alpha 3oyale had bee destroyed "a y years a%o before he had a opportu ity to pass o his po#er a d le%a(y. a d the there #as the fourth Alpha 3oyale #ho #as reputed to be situated so"e#here i Afri(a* 4Aaaaahhhhh***5 - "uttered as t#o "arki %s tur ed up o "y s(ree * The last t#o "arks of the other t#o Alpha 3oyales* O e #as a half "oo a d the other #as a full e(lipse* All #ere#ol,es #ere (o e(ted i so"e#ay to the four Alpha 3oyales o e of those four "arks e,ery #ere#olf (arried* Ordi ary Alpha #ol,es used so"e ,ariatio of the "ai "ark they bra (hed off of* - stared do# at the "ark a%ai . it looked like the e(lipse "oo "arki %* - s(ru (hed up "y fa(e. so Dar%o #as a alpha* Why had /t he told "e8 - stared do# at "y le% a%ai 2 it #as a exa(t repli(a of the "arki % o the s(ree * Would a ordi ary alpha (opy a Alpha 3oyale/s "ark exa(tly8 -t #as possible* - stared at the s(ree u til the sou d of so"eo e (o"i % throu%h "y bedroo" #i do# (au%ht "y atte tio 2 that #ould be Dar%o . - did /t eed hi" to k o# #hat - had fou d out* - s#it(hed off the (o"puter hurriedly* 41i*5 - said. )u"pi % to "y feet so"e#hat %uiltily* 4What/s up #ith you85 1e asked2 his expressio suspi(ious* 49othi %* 6ou***you surprised "e* 6ou/re early***are /t you85 - sta""ered* 1e looked e,e "ore surprised* 4Are you (o"plai i %85 49o*** o***its %reat you/re early. #e (a talk so"e "ore*5 - said. tryi % to keep "y ,oi(e as (asual as possible* 1e %roa ed a d - (ould /t help but s"ile* Dar%o "i%ht be a Alpha. that did /t "ake hi" a bad or da %erous perso . "aybe he used to ha,e a pa(k. Stepha used to be a Alpha* - si%hed hea,ily. - #as probably readi % too "u(h i to this "ark thi %* - #alked i to his ar"s a d hu%%ed hi" ti%htly* 46ou okay85 1e asked a d his ,oi(e a(tually sou ded (o (er ed* 4-/" fi e. fi e* 1o# #as your last (lass85 - asked. (ha %i % the sub)e(t a d he did /t see" to oti(e a ythi % be(ause he allo#ed "e to lead the (o ,ersatio * ;;;;; $hapter '& Ti"othy/s poi t of ,ie# The ext three days see"ed to fly by o #i %ed feet. a d - #as disappoi ted that - did /t %et a (ha (e to see Marissa a%ai * By the <riday i%ht - #as pretty desperate. a d e,e thou%h she had #ar ed "e to ot (o"e to her ho"e or e,e (all her - "ade up "y "i d that - #as %oi % to do both. - had to talk to her. - had to see her a%ai *

Whe - pulled up i fro t of the house - %asped. there #ere rose petals all alo % the #alk #ay leadi % ri%ht up to the door* - (li"bed out of "y (ar a d strolled up the #alk#ay pu77led* - k o(ked o the door boldly. Dar%o had o ri%ht to keep his sister fro" talki % to %uys. she #as o (hild a d - i te ded to %i,e hi" a pie(e of "y "i d* Marissa a s#ered the door* 4What are you doi % here85 She de"a ded. i""ediately hurryi % out of the house a d pulli % "e do# the #alk #ay to#ards "y (ar* 4- told you ot to (o"e here*5 She said* 4- "issed you* We should /t ha,e to hide. #e/re both si %le. #e ha,e a ri%ht to be to%ether* - #a t us to start the "ati % (ere"o y*5 - blurted out a d she stared at "e* 46ou k o# - lo,e you Ti"othy. but - told you. Dar%o explai ed* 4@et "e talk to hi"*5 - pleaded* 41e #o /t liste . trust "e*5 She i sisted* 46ou do /t k o# that*5 - (o ti ued* 4Please Ti"othy*5 She be%%edO 4Where is he85 - asked* 41e/s out. but he (ould be ba(k at a y ti"e. he "ust /t fi d you here*5 4Why ot85 - asked* 4- told you. he/s prote(ti,e*5 Marissa said* 4What are /t you telli % "e. Marissa85 - de"a ded. the "atter #ith Dar%o #as %etti % "e pretty frustrated* - #a ted Marissa. - #a ted to "arry her. to "ate #ith her. to ha,e a fa"ily. - )ust k e# that #e belo %ed to%ether* 49othi %* @ets %et out of here*5 She said sudde ly. (li"bi % i to the passe %er seat* si%hed hea,ily a d #e t arou d to the dri,er/s side a d started the (ar* 4-/" ot i terested i ru i % fro" Dar%o . Marissa*5 - poi ted out* 4We/re ot ru i %* - )ust #a t to spe d so"e alo e ti"e #ith you*5 She said* - si%hed. she #as ru i %. a d dar it. - had o idea #hy* We dro,e arou d for a #hile. talki % about e,erythi % a d about othi %. - #a ted to fi d out #hy she see"ed so afraid of her brother* We stopped ear the strea" a d stared out at it for a #hile* 4- lo,e you*5 - said* She si%hed* 4- lo,e you too*5 4The #hy are #e out here8 1idi %85 - de"a ded* She did /t a s#er2 she lea ed o,er a d pressed her lips a%ai st "i e* 46ou/re (ha %i % the topi(*5 - poi ted out* is ,ery***prote(ti,e*5 She

4- #a t to "ake lo,e to you*5 She said. i% ori % #hat - had said* - %ro#led. upset #ith "yself that - #as already starti % to feel tur ed o )ust at the dis(ussio * - #a ted Marissa a d - to trash out this proble". but her ar"s s aki % arou d "y e(k a d her lips brushi % a%ai st "y (heek #as defi itely distra(ti %* 4We should talk*5 - said2 tryi % to for(e "yself to stay fo(used* 46ou/d rather talk85 She asked. pressi % her body so (lose a%ai st "i e that all ratio al thou%ht see"ed to flee fro" "y head* 49o* -/d rather "ake lo,e to you*5 - (o fessed* 4The "ake lo,e to "e Ti"othy*5 She #hispered a d slipped her blouse o,er her head. re,eali % her #ell shaped perky breasts* 4!osh*5 - %athered her i to "y ar"s. a d pressed "y lips a%ai st hers. losi % "yself i to the beautiful feel of her* ;;; The heada(he that had started #hile - #as "aki % lo,e to Marissa %re# "ore i te se* -t #as /t that "aki % lo,e to her #as /t as %reat as it had bee the first ti"e. it #as )ust that this ti"e - #as a(tually able to re(o% i7e the stra %e feeli % or s(e t that - had oti(ed the first ti"e #e "ade lo,e* The reali7atio of it %a,e "e a i sta t heada(he a d pulled a#ay fro" her a d rolled o,er to "y side of the (ar i dis%ust* 4Ti"othy?5 She yelled looki % at "e #ith her fa(e looki % so hurt a d (o fused* - (ould barely belie,e it* Were#ol,es (ould pi(k up the s(e t of a other #olf that "ates #ith their part er. e,e if the "ati % had take pla(e as lo % as t#o #eeks before* The s(e t - had pi(ked up o Marissa #as that she had "ade lo,e to so"eo e less tha t#o #eeks a%o. the fa(t that she had re(e tly had a other part er #as ot #hat bothered "e. #hat bothered "e #as that the s(e t - #as pi(ki % up #as Dar%o /s hu"a s(e t* She "ust ha,e "ade lo,e to Dar%o i their hu"a for" less tha t#o #eeks a%o? Made lo,e to her brother? 4Ti"othy. #hat/s the "atter85 She yelled a%ai . rea(hi % o,er a d %rippi % "e #ith her ha ds* - shru%%ed out of her e"bra(e* What ki d of de"e ted fa"ily did so"ethi % like that. it #as true - had /t k o# Marissa for lo %. but - #ould e,er ha,e belie,ed she #ould ha,e do e so"ethi % like this* Sleep #ith her o# brother* - sat up. pulli % "y (hair i to a upri%ht positio a d starti % the (ar e %i e* 4Do /t #orry. - #o /t bother you a y"ore*5 - said. a u%ly taste be%i i % to boil up i "y sto"a(h* 4What did - do8 What/s #ro %. Ti"othy?5 She yelled. she looked so lost a d her fa(e looked so tor"e ted* 46ou/,e lost i terest i "e8 0ust like that8 After***after***5 She buried her fa(e i her ha ds a d started to (ry* 4Do /t play i o(e t #ith "e*5 - said* - #as so a %ry #ith her. ho# (ould Marissa be a part of so"ethi % so per,erted8 4At least tell "e #hat -/,e do e. Ti"othy* -***-***5 She see"ed at a lost for #ords*

46ou do k o# that - (a s"ell a y "a you/,e bee #ith o,er the last t#o #eeks*5 said flatly. %lari % at her a %rily* She odded her head slo#ly a d the stopped sudde ly as reali7atio da# ed o her* 4Oh* -***%osh***-***5 She pulled her (hair to a sitti % positio a d stared out of the #i do#. strappi % i herself* - tore out of the area a d headed to#ards the house i (o"plete sile (e* - %la (ed o,er at her as - s(ree(hed to a halt i fro t of her house2 tears #ere still strea"i % do# her fa(e* 4-/" sorry - hurt you*5 She said2 u bu(kli % her seatbelt slo#ly a d the pushi % ope the door* 4- )ust #a ted to k o# #hat it #ould be like. to do it***for lo,e*5 She #hispered. the )u"ped out of the (ar a d ra(ed i side of the house still (ryi %* ;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie# - #at(hed Marissa ra(e i to the house. tears strea"i % do# her fa(e. - had see #he she had left the house #ith Ti"othy earlier* 9or"ally. - #ould ha,e stopped her fro" lea,i %. but o#. - had o ri%ht to prete d that - #as prote(ti % Dar%o /s ho or. ot #he - #as his 'st Beta a d - had "a a%ed to %et "yself pre% a t* - sa k do# o to a (ushio i the li,i % roo" as her bedroo" door sla""ed shut hard behi d her* - had k o# that (o"i % here #as a bad idea fro" the %et %o. - had e,er i"a%i ed it #as %oi % to be this bad* - i haled a deep breath shakily* >,ery day o# for the past three or four days Stepha had bee (o"i % to the house. the first day it had bee (ho(olate hearts. the there #as the teddy bears a d today it #as the flo#er petals. a d e,e thou%h - had refused to e,e (o"e outside a d talk to hi". he had kept (o"i % day after day* (ould /t e,e look Dar%o i the fa(e. ea(h "or i % Dar%o left the house a d fou d a e# set of %ifts a d otes outside he #ould look at "e. raise a d eyebro# a d stroll off #ithout a #ord* O e day - #ould ha,e to tell hi". o e day it #ould be(o"e ob,ious that there #as a hu%e story behi d Stepha /s deter"i atio to %et "e to speak to hi"* - stood up a d strolled to#ards the #i do# a d peeped out. yeah. he #as still out there* 1e #as lea i % a%ai st a tree. our eyes "et a d - pulled a#ay fro" the #i do# a d pulled ba(k the bli ds* Oh %osh. oh "y %osh. - (a /t belie,e - let hi" see "e* - (ould feel "y heart ra(i % errati(ally as - hurried ba(k to "y (ou(h a d (urled up* Oh "y %osh. #hy did /t he )us t lea,e "e alo e. lea,e "e alo e to deal #ith this situatio 8 - did /t eed hi"? - did /t #a t hi". - had brou%ht this #hole situatio o "yself a d - #ould take (are of it "yself* - felt "y sto"a(h start to t#irl a d a feeli % of ausea stru(k "e. oh %osh. - ra(ed off to the bathroo"* - #as so s(ared* - had e,er experie (ed a ythi % like this. (ould - really "ake it o "y o# a d #hat #ould Dar%o do #he he fou d out8 - k e# - had to tell hi". Dar%o #as the ki d of Alpha that ,alued loyalty abo,e e,erythi %* -f he s"elt this pre% a (y o "e before - told hi". he #ould see it as betrayal. a d there #as o telli % #hat he #ould do* - brushed a tear fro" "y fa(e2 stupid stupid stupid. ho# (ould - ha,e bee so stupid8 4Atele?5 -t #as Stepha /s ,oi(e. he #as shouti % to "e fro" the bathroo" #i do#* 4Stalki % is a%ai st the la#*5 - yelled. brushi % "y hair a#ay fro" "y fa(e as "y sto"a(h (hur ed a%ai *

4- #a t to be a part of this. please*5 1e said* 4-f you keep ha %i % arou d like this Dar%o #ill fi d out #hat happe ed* - do /t #a t e,eryo e to k o# -/" pre%o*5 - said. (li"bi % o to the seat a d looki % throu%h the s"all #i do#. the looki % a#ay #he he %la (ed up at "e* 4Are you feeli % si(k85 1e asked. his fa(e a "ask of (o (er * 4-/" fi e***5 - bolted do# fro" the toilet seat a d stu(k "y head o,er the toilet as "y lu (h "ade its #ay ba(k up* 4!osh***5 - #hispered. "y k u(kles sho#i % #hite a%ai st the seat as - stru%%led to hold o . - had o idea it #ould be this a#ful* 4Oh***5 - had bee )ust about to lea o,er the seat a%ai a d thro# up #he - felt Stepha /s ar"s arou d "e a d holdi % "e fir"ly i pla(e* 4!osh* 1o# did you***5 - started. but the auseous feeli % (o ti ued a d - ,o"ited i to the toilet a%ai * 1e rested his ha d o "y tu""y a d rubbed it %e tly. - pla(ed "y ha d o top of his to push it a#ay but reali7ed that the rubbi % #as a(tually "aki % "y sto"a(h feel "ore settled* 4Better85 1e asked. his ,oi(e lo# a d soothi %* - odded* 4Atele85 -t #as Marissa. she had )ust e tered the bathroo"* 4Sorry - broke i . Atele #as /t feeli % #ell***are you okay85 Stepha asked. his fa(e tur ed to#ards Marissa* 4-/" fi e. )ust feeli % a little lo#* What/s #ro % #ith Atele85 Both Stepha a d - #ere sile t for a full "i ute. the Stepha broke the sile (e* 4She probably had so"ethi % bad. she/ll be okay*5 4Oh*5 Marissa %la (ed fro" Stepha to "e a d the ba(k a%ai * 4Well. - %uess -/ll be i "y roo" if you eed a y help*5 She said. brushi % the heel of her ha d a%ai st her eyes* 4We/ll be fi e*5 Stepha assured her. a d Marissa did /t see" to re:uire a y "ore e (oura%e"e t. she disappeared i the dire(tio of her roo"* 4Stop tou(hi % "e*5 - "uttered as soo as - thou%ht Marissa #as out of earshot* 4Dri ki % so"e luke#ar" #ater "i%ht help #ith the ausea*5 Stepha opi ed* 4-/" fi e* - do /t eed your help*5 - said. pushi % hi" hard a%ai st the bathroo" #all a d pressi % "y forear" a%ai st his throat* 40ust stay a#ay fro" "y house*5 - k e# he #ould /t stru%%le #ith "e. be(ause he k e# - #as pre% a t. - %lared at hi" a %rily a d the released hi"* 4-/" ot a (hi a doll you k o#*5 - said. strolli % out of the bathroo". "y sto"a(h be%i i % to feel a bit :ueasy a%ai * 4Maybe -/ll ha,e so"e luke#ar" #ater*5 "uttered. si ki % i to a earby (hair* Stepha %rabbed a earby foot stool a d stu(k it u der "y feet*

43elax*5 1e said a d hurried i to the kit(he * 4Did you eat85 1e asked* - laid ba(k. the last thi % -/d had #as a bit of bread for lu (h. fro" "or i % "y sto"a(h had felt too s:uea"ish for a ythi % solid* 9o# sudde ly - #as star,i %* 49o. ot really*5 - said. feeli % a tear tri(kle do# "y fa(e* - felt so helpless. this #as so ot a feeli % - #as a((usto"ed to* 4$o"e o . dress a d let "e take you out to %et so"ethi % to eat* 6our (hoi(e. uts a d i(e (rea" or pea ut butter a d raisi s you a"e it*5 1e said* - "ade a fa(e* 4!osh. you/re %oi % to "ake "e puke a%ai *5 4Sorry. - read that pre% a t #o"e %et (ra,i %s for all sorts of #eird stuff. - )ust #a ted you to k o# -/d %et you #hate,er you #a t*5 1e said ear estly* 4- still hate you*5 - poi ted out* 1e k elt do# i fro" of "e a d pressed a luke#ar" "u% i to "y ha d* 4- hate "e too* A d -/" sorry Atele. you trusted "e e ou%h to let "e take you out a d totally let you do# * But -/" ot sorry you/re %oi % to be ha,i % "y kid. be(ause there is o o e else i the #hole #ide #orld -/d rather be ha,i % a kid #ith tha you*5 1e said2 )ust the sli%htest of a proud s"ile o his fa(e* - pu (hed hi" hard i the ose a d du"ped the luke#ar" #ater o top of his head* 1is s"ile faded a d he stood up* 4- %uess -/ll %et a other (up of #ater for you the *5 1e "uttered a d hurried ba(k i to the kit(he . - al"ost s"iled* ;;;;; $hapter '' Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - rolled o,er o the bed a d felt for 3ia e. she #as /t there. - ope ed "y eyes a d looked arou d* - "ust ha,e bee sleepi % pretty sou dly for her to %et up a d "e ot oti(e. - %ri ed to "yself. - "ust be losi % "y tou(h #as that #hat lo,e did to alphas8 - thre# the thou%ht out of "y "i d a d "e tally slapped "yself* Talk of lo,e #as for silly %iddy headed s(hool kids* - #as #ay past that. - #as se sible. - k e# #hat - #a ted a d there #as o eed to "ix up sexual desire for lo,e* - slid off the bed2 it #as too (old #ithout 3ia e i it. a d headed to#ards the bathroo" #here - (ould hear the sho#er %oi %* - #as )ust about to pull ope the door #he oti(ed that 3ia e appeared to ha,e left her (o"puter o * True. it #as o s(ree sa,er but - fi%ured. #hy ot tur it off* - strolled o,er to the "a(hi e. - #as /t sure #hat pro"pted "y (uriosity. "aybe the #ay 3ia e had bee beha,i % earlier. so #eird* stru(k the spa(e bar t#i(e a d #at(hed as the s(ree bri%hte ed up* - raised a eyebro# as - #at(hed the s(ree re,eal a #ebsite dedi(ated to the study of #ere#ol,es* That i itself #as /t stra %e for 3ia e. - k e# she #as i to #hat the #orld (alled Mythi(al $reatures* What #as stra %e #as that the #ebsite that #as ope ed had a hu%e display of "y Alpha "ark a d it stated (learly that o ly a Alpha (ould produ(e the "ark i a pa(k* 3ia e k e#. she "ust ha,e re(o% ised that the "ark o her le% #as o ordi ary lo,e "ark a d de(ided to !oo%le it* - %ro#led a %rily. - #as /t sure #hat upset "e "ost. the fa(t that 3ia e k e# - #as a Alpha or the fa(t that she trusted "e so little she e,er

bothered to (o fro t "e #ith the i for"atio * The #hole ti"e - had bee here she "ust ha,e bee aski % herself a "illio :uestio s about "e. about "y life. "aybe about #hether - had a pa(k or ot. yet she had e,er uttered o e #ord* So "u(h for #a ti % to talk. so "u(h for ot liki % se(rets* - strai%hte ed up fro" the desk a d "ar(hed o,er to the bedside (hair a d started to pull o "y (lothes a %rily* - did /t e,e k o# #hy - #as here i the first pla(e. 3ia e had e,er bee a part of the pla a d it #as ti"e - %ot rid of her. she #as si"ply a hi dra (e* - pushed ope the bedroo" #i do# a d slid "y le% out a d )u"ped to the %rou d belo#* She #ould be #o deri % #here - had %o e. but - did /t (are. it #as o e of her busi ess. it #as /t as if #e eeded to tell ea(h other e,erythi %* Our relatio ship #as o e of "utual (o ,e ie (e. it (ould be e ded at the drop of a hat. #e o#ed ea(h other othi %* - pulled ope "y (ar door a d %ot i . sla""i % it a %rily* 6eah. it #as ti"e to for%et 3ia e. she #as yesterday/s e#s* - dro,e up beside "y ho"e a d brou%ht the (ar to a skiddi % halt* - sla""ed the door shut a d headed i side* 6eah. - felt "u(h better already k o#i % that the far(e of a relatio ship - had #ith 3ia e #as fi ished* - (ould breathe a si%h of relief* -t had bee #ay too "u(h trouble %oi % o,er to her house e,ery i%ht. - did /t eed that. - eeded to (o (e trate o destroyi % 0ake a d Tess/ relatio ship* - i haled deeply. there #ere so"e u usual s"ells about. #hat see"ed to ha,e bee Stepha /s s(e t #as pretty stro %. he "ust ha,e bee about here up to a hour a%o or so* So"e ho# - felt (o"pelled to peep i to Atele/s roo". she #as sleepi % (o"fortably o her bed. (urled up #ith a lar%e teddy bear that #as al"ost as bi% as she #as* What the 1e(k? This #as a day - thou%ht - #ould e,er see* - %la (ed arou d the roo" suspi(iously. - did /t like the effe(t Stepha #as ha,i % o "y first Beta* - shook off the thou%ht. it #as /t about Atele or Stepha . besides she looked okay. i fa(t she looked better tha okay. she looked pretty %reat* - stepped out of the roo" a d (losed the door behi d "e* - )ust hoped that this pla(e #as /t "aki % Atele soft* - headed to#ards Marissa/s roo". si (e - had bee i !ree 3id%e - had ot so "u(h as tou(hed Marissa. ot e,e to %i,e her a pe(k o the (heek* - had 3ia e to tha k for that. she had "o opoli7ed so "u(h of "y ti"e #ith her talk of lo,e a d loyalty. #hat a (ro(k* -t did /t "atter o#. o# - k e# that the de,otio 3ia e had bee sho#eri % "e #ith #as o "ore tha prete (e. yep. prete se* She #as busy %atheri % i for"atio all alo % a d e,er e,e %i,i % "e a hi t about #hat she #as doi %* - #as better off stayi % #ith Marissa* She "i%ht ot be the (ure for "y 3oyale "ad ess. but she #as a pat(h that %a,e "e a se se of (al" a d allo#ed "e to at least e )oy a sli%htly better life tha "ost 3oyales* - pushed ope the door a d #alked i . she #as asleep as #ell. ot early as pea(efully as Atele. she #as tossi % a d tur i %* - #o dered if she had "issed "e* - #as #ro % to ha,e e%le(ted her* -t #as /t as if #e #ere i a relatio ship. there #as o ex(lusi,ity bet#ee Marissa a d - but still. she #as "y sex part er for t#o years o#* - should ha,e stu(k #ith Marissa. - should e,er ha,e allo#ed "yself to be dra%%ed i to 3ia e/s #eb of de(eptio * - slipped off "y (lothes a d slid i to the bed ext to Marissa a d pulled her i to "y ar"s* - did /t feel tur ed o a d - did /t #a t to "ake lo,e to her. - )ust #a ted her to k o# - #as ba(k* 1er eyes ope ed a d she stared at "e i sho(k* 4Dar%o * What are you doi % here85 She de"a ded*

46ou/re "y #o"a . this is #here - should be*5 - said (asually a d pressed "y lips a%ai st hers* She tried to pull a#ay fro" "e a d at first - did /t k o# #hy. there #as o lo,e lost bet#ee Marissa a d - but she had e,er fou%ht "e* 4What/s #ro % #ith you85 - de"a ded. - did /t e,e really #a t to kiss her. - %uess )ust #a ted to pro,e that - (ould. that "y relatio ship #ith 3ia e did /t "atter o e bit a d - (ould "ake out #ith a other #o"a #ithout a proble"* 4!et off of "e?5 Marissa yelled. but - did /t . - pi ed her to the bed a d pressed "y lips a%ai st hers* -t #as /t e,e a kiss that "o,ed "e. at least ot i the physi(al se se* -t #as "ea t to be a kiss that told Marissa - #as the Alpha a d she #as "i e* But the e tire kissed (ha %ed as soo as "y to %ue tou(hed the i side of her "outh* - bolted up fro" the bed a d spat the bitter taste out of "y "outh* 46ou/,e bee #hori % arou d #ith Ti"othy?5 - s(rea"ed a %rily* The fear i her eyes looked like it had a life of its o# . but - did /t (are - #as too a %ry* 1ad - stopped to thi k about it. - "i%ht ha,e tried to fi%ure out #hat exa(tly #as "aki % "e so a %ry. Marissa or 3ia e* - %ripped Marissa by the (ollar of her i%ht dress a d tossed her hard a%ai st the #all* She slid do# to the floor a d stood there. she k e# better tha to fly ba(k at "e* But - #ished that she #ould* 4<i%ht dar you. use your #olf a d fi%ht?5 - yelled at her. but she did /t "o,e* - strolled o,er to her a d pi(ked her up by the i%ht dress a d hoisted her i to the air. - #as al"ost about to tra sfor" part of "y body to i (rease "y stre %th but - stopped. a y tra sfor"atio #ould rea(h 0ake/s ostrils* - dropped her to the floor a %rily* 4Do /t you see hi" a%ai *5 - %ro#led* 46ou thi k - do /t k o# you/,e bee s(re#i % that tea(her #o"a 85 She de"a ded* raised "y ha d to hit her a d she (ri %ed i to a (or er* 4Do /t you dare see hi" a%ai *5 - repeated a %rily* She odded her head a d (ru (hed i to the (or er. (o#eri % a#ay fro" "e* 1o# (ould o e i%ht be so lousy8 - %rabbed "y (ell pho e fro" "y pa ts po(ket a d dialled "y se(o d beta* 4Boss*5 1e said. a s#eri % o the first ri %* 4- ha,e a )ob for you* - #a t so"eo e killed*5 - said* - sa# Marissa/s eyes #ide a d she %asped as - strolled out of her roo" #here - (ould speak to "y se(o d beta i pri,ate* ;;;;; $hapter '2 Atele/s poi t of ,ie# - #as e"barrassed to fi d that - had slept sou dly duri % the i%ht. ha,i % Stepha take (are of "e felt %ood. a d - #as surprised at ho# %ood it felt* - #as /t u der a y delusio s that this pre% a (y #as %oi % to be a proble". but it helped that Stepha see"ed #illi % to sti(k #ith "e throu%hout it* Whe Tess (alled duri % the day to re"i d "e that - had pro"ised to (o"e to di er #ith Stepha that i%ht it surprised "e* -t see"ed like a life ti"e a%o that - had a%reed to

the i ,itatio . a lifeti"e #he - #as a #arrior. ot a "other to be* After "y outi % #ith Stepha last i%ht. #here he (o"pletely spoiled "e. - #as speaki % to hi" a%ai * Still. #as a little er,ous about spe di % ti"e #ith hi"* - #as Dar%o /s #olf. Dar%o #as "y Alpha. %etti % (lose to Stepha (ould o ly "ake a bad situatio #orst. - #as already (arryi % his (hild. to be (arryi % hi" i "y heart too "i%ht be the fi al stra#* - #as surprised at ho# a xious Dar%o #as to ha,e "e %o to the di er* - had /t e,e realised that he a d 3ia e had bee i ,ited* - "i%ht ha,e slept throu%h #hate,er happe ed last i%ht. but based o the #ay Dar%o #as %lari % at Marissa - k e# so"ethi % "ust ha,e happe ed* 4Do /t lea,e this house*5 Dar%o said fir"ly a d Marissa odded* She had bee be%%i % hi" about so"ethi % "ost of the "or i % a d it see"ed as if he had %i,e i . pro,ided she re"ai ed i the house* The thi % #ith Dar%o #as2 you (ould e,er be sure if he #as really %i,i % i or ot* - dressed #ell for the di er. borro#i % o e of Marissa/s dresses #hi(h fitted "e )ust belo# the butt* After "y experie (e i the last of Marissa/s outfits - #as a"a7ed that #as so bold as to #ear o e of her outfits a%ai * - told Stepha ot to pi(k "e up. - #ould %et a ride #ith Dar%o . he see"ed surprised that Dar%o #as %oi % to be (o"i % too* So"eti"e duri % the day - heard Dar%o (all Mark a d "ake a pla . - (ould barely pi(k up #hat they #ere sayi %. but for the first ti"e today Dar%o looked please at so"ethi %* ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# - #as dressed a d #aiti % i "y apart"e t for Dar%o to arri,e* - #as /t really sure if he #as (o"i % or ot* 1e had left so u expe(tedly last i%ht #ithout a #ord. - did /t k o# if he #as upset #ith "e or #hat* - did /t #a t to (all hi" thou%h. it )ust felt so desperate* - si%hed hea,ily. - (ould /t belie,e ho# i less tha t#o #eeks a "a (ould ha,e %otte u der "y ski so (o"pletely that - #as #illi % to a((ept a ythi % fro" hi". )ust for the (ha (e to spe d o e "ore day i his (o"pa y* - sashayed i fro t of the "irror* - had pulled out all the stops i "y effort to e sure that Dar%o #as happy #ith "e to i%ht* #as #eari % a short fi%ure hu%%i % bla(k dress. a si"ple (ut really but the fro t plu %ed i to a sedu(ti,e =C/ (ut a d %athered sli%htly at the bust* -t #as /t as if there #as a other #o"a - had see Dar%o talki % to. it #as so stra %e. there #as o o e else. yet - felt like - had to (o"pete for Dar%o /s atte tio * - si%hed hea,ily a d slipped "y feet i to the six i (h heels* - pa(ed arou d the roo" a xiously. part of "e #ished that - did /t lo,e Dar%o so. he did /t deser,e "y lo,e* 1e #as a arro%a t. e%otisti(al. self (e tered )erk that (ared o ly about hi"self. - thou%ht de(isi,ely* There #as a k o(k o the door a d - ra(ed o,er to it so :ui(kly - al"ost #ru % "y foot i the six i (h heels* As soo as - rea(hed the door - tried to (al" "yself. o poi t letti % hi" see ho# totally desperate a" to be #ith hi"* 4Who is it85 - asked* 4Are you expe(ti % so"eo e else85 Dar%o /s ,oi(e (a"e ba(k i the s"ooth u rushed to e - had %ro# a((usto"ed to a d - flu % ope the door happily* - dra k i the beauty that #as Dar%o * 1e looked %or%eous. he #as #eari % a bla(k sports )a(ket #ith a i side li%ht blue shirt a d a bla(k pa ts* -/d e,er see hi" look so for"al a d "y heart

did a baby flip* 1is sa dy blo de hair had that "essy. #ild u ke"pt look. )ust like the "a be eath it. a d - #as e"barrassed to fi d that e,ery thi % about hi" attra(ted "e. e,e the #ild side* 40ust you*5 - did /t bother to add =hopefully/* - raised up o "y tiptoe to press "y lips a%ai st his but he tur ed his fa(e* 1e #as upset at "e. but #hy8 4Did - do so"ethi % #ro %85 - asked. he did /t a s#er. o ly slipped a bottle out of his po(ket a d ha ded it to "e* 4-t/s a %ift. perfu"e* Put it o *5 1e said flatly* - stared do# at the bottle a d the looked at hi"* 4-t/s ot #rapped*5 - poi ted out* 46ou do /t #a t "y %ift85 1e asked blu tly* - blushed. %ood ess. but Dar%o #as beha,i % :uite (hurlish* 1e rea(hed out to %rip the bottle fro" "e. - e,aded his ha d* 4Of (ourse - #a t it* Tha k you*5 - said* - rea(hed up a%ai to kiss hi". he did /t "o,e a#ay this ti"e a d - pressed "y lips a%ai st his* 4Put it o *5 1e said a%ai * 4-/" #eari % perfu"e*5 - poi ted out* 1e %lared at "e* 4- like this o e*5 1e said* - si%hed* What #as his proble". #as he tryi % to pi(k a fi%ht #ith "e8 - held up "y ha d i a surre der "otio a d sprayed o the perfu"e* -t s"elt really %ood* 4What is it85 - asked* 4@ayi der* A (lose frie d is tryi % out the s(e t*5 1e explai ed* 46ou %a,e "e a sa"ple8?5 - asked. talk about u ro"a ti(* 4@et/s %o*5 1e said. already tur i % to#ards the door* 4What/s #ro % #ith you8 $a /t you )ust be strai%htfor#ard for o (e a d tell "e #hat the proble" is85 - de"a ded* The #hole (ool attitude #as really starti % to %et o "y last er,e* 4- do /t ha,e a proble". #hat/s your proble"8 6ou #a t "e to s(re# you85 1e asked* - %lared at hi" a %rily* 4My fault. - keep fooli % "yself that #e ha,e a relatio ship or so"ethi %*5 - said pushi % past hi" to exit "y apart"e t* 1e %ripped "e by the #aist as - prepared to past a d pulled "e hard a%ai st his body. a d - (ould feel hi" harde as - pressed a%ai st hi"* 4Or so"ethi %*5 1e said a d the his lips (rushed hard a%ai st "i e a d his to %ue plu %ed i to "y "outh for a kiss that #as as possessi,e as it #as a%%ressi,e* The fa(t that he #as a Alpha surfa(ed i "y "i d a%ai * Whe he dre# ba(k - #as (li %i % to his )a(ket to keep "yself steady* 4$o"e o . lets %o*5 1e said. %rippi % "y ha d i his fir"ly a d steppi % out of the apart"e t* - lo(ked "y door. a tear threate i % to tri(kle do# "y fa(e*

4- lo,e you*5 - #hispered* 1is ar"s slid arou d "y #aist a d he pressed his lips a%ai st "y e(k* 4- like you to*5 1e "uttered a d - tilted "y fa(e up to#ards hi" a d s"iled bri%htly* That half hearted (o fessio fro" Dar%o #as #orth "ore to "e tha the u dyi % lo,e a d de,otio of a hu dred "illio perfe(tly %or%eous "e * 4Tha k you*5 - #hispered a d he lau%hed. pulli % "e i to his ar"s a%ai . but this ti"e the kiss #as soft. %e tle a d sear(hi % a d - #as "ore tha #illi % to allo# hi" to fi d #hate,er he #as sear(hi % for* Whe #e pulled apart this ti"e he had a (o fused look o his fa(e* 4>,erythi % okay85 - asked. but he o ly odded. held "y ha d a d headed do# stairs to the (ar* Whe #e arri,ed at 0ake a d Tess/ ho"e Stepha #as o the outside #aiti % for us* Throu%hout the e tire dri,e - (ould see that Atele had looked so"e#hat a xious. #he #e %ot there the look that she spared Stepha told "e he #as the o e (reati % the a xiety for her* ;;; Stepha /s poi t of ,ie# Whe Atele arri,ed - hurried o,er to %reet her* - #as er,ous. #e had a %ood ti"e last i%ht. but - k e# she #as still hesita t about bei % arou d "e* - )ust #a ted to erase e,ery si %le reser,atio she had* - lo,ed her. - probably should ha,e reali7ed it fro" the first i%ht - had da (ed #ith her. she #as "y "ate* Perhaps if - had bee ho est #ith "yself the . - #ould ha,e u derstood ho# diffi(ult it is for "ale #ol,es to (o trol the"sel,es arou d their "ates. a d - #ould ha,e bee "ore (areful* 4!ood i%ht. Atele* 3ia e a d Dar%o *5 - bo#ed politely at the others but - did /t take "y eyes off of Atele* She looked %or%eous a d - (ould already start to feel "y body respo di % to her* - "e tally rebuked "yself. - did /t eed a repeat of our first date* 4These are for you*5 - said #hippi % a "ar,ellously #rapped ((o"pli"e ts of "y "other) box of (ho(olates fro" behi d "y ba(k to%ether #ith a half do7e roses* - sa# 3ia e bou (e Dar%o a %rily as they (li"bed up the steps to%ether. - did /t try to fi%ure out #hat that #as about* 4Oh* Tha**tha ks*5 Atele stuttered. as if she had e,er re(ei,ed a %ift fro" a %uy i her life* Maybe ot. she had bee a ,ir%i #he - had "ade lo,e to her a d she had bee pretty er,ous at the da (e too* 4Shall - help you up the stairs85 - asked a d she s(offed at "e* 4-/" ot a i ,alid you k o#*5 40ust tryi % to be (areful*5 - explai ed. this pre% a (y #as %oi % to be a "a)or (halle %e. be(ause Atele #as deter"i ed to be so i depe de t* - half s"iled2 fortu ately - #as deter"i ed to spoil her silly* 4Shall - hold the %ifts for you85 - asked*

46ou are so persiste t*5 She s(olded but she #as s"ili %* - slid "y ha d arou d her #aist a d she stiffe ed sli%htly* 4-f you do /t #a t "e to tou(h you. - #o /t*5 - said2 "y heart #as i "y "outh. - so hoped she #ould /t say she did /t #a t "e to tou(h her* 4-t/s okay. )ust*** er,ous*5 She "uttered a d - pu"ped "y ha d i to the air like a ,i(tory pu (h a d she lau%hed* 46ou are so (ra7y*5 4-/" (ra7y about you*5 - said* 46ou/re also (or y*5 She poi ted out* 4-f - said - #as (or y about you. #ould that be too "u(h85 - asked. she odded a d a%reed* We rea(hed the others at the top of the stairs )ust as a harassed 0ake ope ed the door* 4Where/s your lo,ely #ife85 Dar%o asked* 0ake %ri"a(ed a d stepped a#ay fro" the door to allo# us to e ter* 4This is so e"barrassi %* We i ,ite you to di er a d o# Tess is /t here*5 4Surely she did /t for%et85 Dar%o persisted* 49o* She (alled to ask if #e (ould %i,e her so"e ti"e* A e"er%e (y***#ith Mark*5 0ake "uttered. his eyes taki % o a sli%htly red hue. - (ould tell he #as pretty pissed at the situatio * 4She/ll probably be ba(k soo *5 - (o soled. he %lared at "e a d - ti%hte ed "y %rip arou d Atele a d stepped ba(k* 0ake (ould be a real )erk #he he %ot pissed. - should k o#. as his brother - used to (o sider it "y u"ber o e )ob to piss hi" off* 4Do /t patro i7e "e* She should /t ha,e left here i the first pla(e*5 0ake said* - did /t bother to a s#er2 there #as othi % - (ould say that #ould "ake hi" feel better* 46ou k o# Tess has a bi% heart. 0ake* That/s part of the reaso you lo,e her* Bi% hearted people te d to sa(rifi(e the"sel,es for so"eo e they thi k is less fortu ate*5 3ia e said* 4- k o# that*5 0ake said. but his ,oi(e #as still %ruff* 46ou thi k - do /t ha,e a soft spot for Mark8 - sired hi". but Mark hates "e. a d ri%ht o# he/s ot thi ki % strai%ht. he (a /t be trusted*5 3ia e odded sadly* 4@o,e (a break do# a lot of #alls. 0ake* >,e the #alls that Mark has built up* Maybe the lo,e Tess is sho#i % hi" #ill pay off*5 3ia e said a d Dar%o %ru ted so"ethi % i audible beside her* 4<or%i,e "e if -/" ot too ex(ited about "y #o"a shari % her lo,e #ith a other "a * >,e if it is (o"pletely plato i(*5 0ake said. but his eyes #ere settli % ba(k to their atural %ree (olor* ;;; Ti"othy/s poi t of ,ie#

- stret(hed out o "y bed aked* !osh. - "issed Marissa so "u(h* - )ust (ould /t belie,e that she #ould ha,e sex #ith her o# brother* What sort of per,erted #eirdo has sex #ith their o# brother8 -t )ust did /t see" like Marissa* She #as s#eet. ki d. lo,i %. adorable. hu%%able. kissable***%osh. - #as starti % to %et "yself hot o#* $ould there be a #ay arou d this8 Perhaps - should (o fro t her. tell her #hat - k o#. %roa ed. #hat differe (e #ould that "ake* E less he #as rapi % her8 1e looked pretty stro % a d she did see" ki d of s(ared of hi"* - sat upri%ht i "y bed. - had bee su(h a fool. - #as so busy )ud%i % Marissa - e,er i"a%i ed that there (ould be a reaso able expla atio as to #hy so"ethi % like that had o((urred* - )u"ped out of "y bed a d started out of "y bedroo" door #he a stra %e s(e t filled "y ostrils* - stru%%led to fi%ure out #hat it #as but the the feel of a hea,y #olf body a%ai st "i e se t "e (rashi % ba(k o to the bed* 4Who are you85 - yelled. but #hoe,er it #as had o i terest i talki %. his fa %s sa k i to "y e(k a d he started to rip at "y throat* - had o e (ha (e. a d that #as to tra sfor" as :ui(kly as possible before he #as able to box "e i a d stop "e fro" tra sfor"i %* - tra sfor"ed i to "y %rey #olf. the bulk of "y #olf (ausi % "y e(k to expa d a d te"porarily for(i % the (reatures %rip off of "y throat* - slashed at his throat #ith "y (la#s but o ly (au%ht his fa(e. his blood ra o to "y bed* - pushed a%ai st hi" #ith "y hi d le%s. k o(ki % hi" off of "e a d a%ai st the bedroo" #all* 1e #as stro %. he flu % hi"self ba(k at "e i a se(o d a d %ripped "y throat #ith his teeth a%ai * - ai"ed "y (la# for his u derbelly. usually o e of the #eakest poi ts o a #olf a d du% i * 1e yelped a d stu"bled ba(k. a d fou%ht for his bala (e* - #at(hed as he bared his fa %s a d sali,a rolled do# the ed%e of his teeth a d dripped to the floor. briefly - #o dered if he #as rabid. the thou%ht #as o ly brief be(ause he #as o top of "e a%ai . teari % a#ay at the spot o "y e(k that he had #eake ed #ith the earlier bites* - (ould feel "y head %ro# di77y. - had lost a lot of blood. a d this (reature #as so stro %* - #e t ba(k at the u derbelly a%ai . usi % e,ery ou (e of "y stre %th to di% i * A #olf/s hide #as hard. - eeded to pe etrate it a d %et to the "ore deli(ate or%a s* - felt blood %ush o to "y ha d a d a feeli % of triu"ph rushed o,er "e. u til - felt his (la# sli(e a hole i "y u derbelly as #ell* ;;;;; $hapter 'D 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# We #ere al"ost half #ay throu%h di er. it see"ed poi tless to keep #aiti % u til Tess arri,ed* -t bu%%ed "e that Tess #as /t there. but - u derstood #hat 3ia e had said* Tess a d "y lo,e (ha %ed e,erythi % about the #orld for "e. - #as a bi% belie,er i lo,e. - )ust (ould /t help feeli % )ealous #he - thou%ht about Tess #ithi fi,e feet of a "a that - k e# had so"e ki d of i terest i her* - k e# 0illia had a thi % for Mark. #hy (ould /t she ru after hi" a d sho# hi" lo,e8 She (ould /t be(ause Mark did /t retur her feeli %s. he #as still busy ha,i % a (rush o "y #ife* The thou%ht of it (aused "y heart rate to pi(k up sli%htly*

- %la (ed arou d the table. Stepha #as sitti % ext to Atele. a d looki % as if he #ould feed her if she asked hi" to. - %ri ed. - k e# ho# he felt. - #as totally (ra7y about Tess* <ortu ately for hi". - had oti(ed that Atele #as stari % at hi" for the best part of the i%ht. o ly looki % a#ay #he he looked up at her. %irls (ould be so (o fusi %* Dar%o a d 3ia e #ere a lot "ore diffi(ult to fi%ure out* They a(ted as if they #ere purely plato i( #ork "ates. but e,ery thi % about the #ay Dar%o respo ded to 3ia e #as telli % "e so"ethi % differe t* - k e# he #ol,es. a d Dar%o #as displayi % the possessi,e traits of a he #olf #ith his "ate* 9ot o ly possessi,e. super possessi,e* The #ay he had pla(ed his ha d i the s"all of her ba(k as they had strolled i to the di i % roo". a d #he her pho e ra % a d it #as Bria . the tea(her fro" s(hool that had a bit of a (rush o her. Dar%o had pra(ti(ally %ro#led* A d e,e his body la %ua%e. the #ay he sat. his body se"i a %led to#ards her. se di % a "essa%e of o# ership* - half s"iled. if those t#o #ere /t bur i % the i%ht oils to%ether "y a"e #as /t 0ake* 4- hope e,eryo e e )oyed their "eal*5 - said as a ser,a t (a"e i to the roo" to start #ith (lea up* 4-t #as %reat. pity Tess had to "iss it*5 Dar%o said. - #i (ed a%ai at the "e"ory* 4Pity*5 - "uttered* Sudde ly the door s#u % ope a d Ti"othy stu"bled i * 1e #as bleedi % a d he #as #eari % #hat appeared to be a hastily pulled o shorts* 4What the he(k happe ed to you*5 - yelled2 )u"pi % to "y feet a d i hali % a deep breath for the s(e t of so"ethi % u usual* 9othi %. there #as a too stro % s(e t o,erpo#eri %. probably 3ia e/s perfu"e* 4- #as atta(ked* A other #olf?5 (ollapsi % o a (hair* Ti"othy %asped. stu"bli % i to the roo" a d

49o o e i "y pa(k #ould do this*5 - said* 49ot your pa(k. 0ake*5 1e "uttered. he #as pressi % his ha d a%ai st his e(k a d blood #as still flo#i %* 4Tra sfor" i to your #olf. you/ll heal faster*5 - ordered* 49o. - eed to talk to you alo e*5 1e said* - stripped out of "y shirt a d ha ded it to hi" so he (ould press it a%ai st his e(k* 46ou eed a do(tor*5 - said* 4@ater* -/ll li,e*5 1e i sisted* Stepha led the others out of the roo" a d (losed the door behi d the"* - helped Ti"othy to "y sou d proof study a d (losed the door. %oi % i to the dra# a d pulli % out so"e first aid supplies to try to pat(h hi" up* 46ou look pretty bad* -s that a %ash o your sto"a(h85 - asked* 4-t/s heali %* - #as a"bushed 0ake*5 Ti"othy said. a xious to tell "e about the i (ide t* 4Where85 4My apart"e t*5 46ou did /t s"ell a i truder85 - asked. he shook his head fir"ly a d the #i (ed* 41o#/s that possible85

4A o,erpo#eri % s(e t (a dull a true s(e t. the s(e t of a other #olf*5 - said a d he odded a d the looked as if he re%retted "o,i % his head* 4- thi k Dar%o "ust ha,e had so"ethi % to do #ith this*5 Ti"othy said a d "y eyes #ide ed* - did /t (are that "u(h for Dar%o * <irst he had (o"e to !ree 3id%e throu%h other tha or"al (ha els. thou%h - bla"ed Dere(k for that. o# he see"ed to be sleepi % #ith 3ia e a d did /t ha,e the de(e (y to e,e su%%est that she #as his #o"a . that see"ed a little slippery to "e* Still. #hat #ould Dar%o ha,e to %ai by hurti % Ti"othy8 4- (a /t see #hy he/d do so"ethi % like this. Ti"othy*5 - ad"itted. %e tly pulli % "y shirt fro" his e(k a d (lea i % the bite* !osh. it looked pretty bad. Ti"othy eeded to %o to a do(tor* 4Marissa a d - had sex*5 Ti"othy blurted out. - raised a eyebro# a d stared at hi"* 4- ru a pretty ti%ht ship. but you do /t ha,e to report to "e o #ho you ha,e sex #ith*5 - said* 1e tried to lau%h a d %ri"a(ed* 4Marissa keeps sayi % that her brother does /t #a t her to %o out #ith "e. #ell. #ith a y %uys* She see"s afraid of hi". afraid of #hat he "i%ht do if he fi ds out that she/s %oi % out #ith "e* We/,e bee hidi % a d s eaki % arou d to see ea(h other*5 Ti"othy said2 pressi % the shirt ti%hter* 4Okay. - (ould see ho# that is a bit stra %e. althou%h %oi % as far as tryi % to %et so"eo e to kill you see"s a little extre"e*5 - said* 4There/s "ore*5 Ti"othy held do# his head a d - k e# he #as e"barrassed to tell "e the ext bit of i for"atio * 46ou eed to %o to the hospital* - su%%est you speak o#. - #o /t be taki % o for a a s#er*5 - said* 4Dar%o has bee ha,i % sex #ith his sister*5 Ti"othy said* My "outh dropped ope * 46ou thi k he/s for(i % her85 - asked* Ti"othy odded his head sadly* 4That/s (ri"i al*5 - said a d Ti"othy looked up at "e sadly* 4- should ha,e see the si% s. she #as (ryi % out to "e for help. a d - pushed her a#ay*5 1e brushed his ha ds a(ross his eyes a d s"eared blood o,er his fa(e. 4- lo,e her*5 1e said* - odded* 4$o"e o . -/ll %et Stepha take you to the hospital* Where/s the #olf that did this85 4- killed hi"*5 Stepha said a d - %a,e hi" a (o %ratulatory slap o his ba(k* 4!ood boy. -/d ha,e bee real pissed if you/d let hi" kill you*5 - said a d he tried to lau%h a%ai a d #i (ed* - helped Ti"othy outside a d #at(hed he a d Stepha dri,e off to the hospital* 3ia e a d Dar%o #ere filled #ith :uestio s about #hat had happe ed* 4- eed to talk to you Dar%o * Alo e*5 - said* 1e raised a eyebro# but follo#ed "e i to "y study*

4Ti"othy looks pretty bad*5 Dar%o said as soo as he e tered the roo"* 4Did he say #ho beat hi" up85 4The #olf did /t beat hi" up. o the (o trary. Ti"othy killed the atta(ker*5 - said a d stared at Dar%o #ho see"ed distra(ted by so"ethi % o "y desk. thereby pre,e ti % "e a opportu ity to ,ie# his rea(tio to the e#s* 4That/s %ood e#s* Makes the streets safe a%ai for #o"e a d (hildre *5 Dar%o "uttered* 4- deed* But that/s ot #hat - #a ted to talk to you about*5 43eally*5 Dar%o respo ded s"oothly* 4-/" taki % Marissa out of your ho"e*5 - said. stari % at hi" a%ai to %au%e his rea(tio * 1e lau%hed* 46ou/re taki % "y sister out of "y ho"e* -/" her %uardia . - look after her* She does /t #ork*5 Dar%o said* 4We/ll take (are of her*5 - respo ded* 4-s that ho# it/s do e here i !ree 3id%e85 1e spat out* 4The bi% kahu a )ust pi(ks #hate,er %irl he #a ts a d %i,es the" to the #olf of his (hoi(e85 49o. the bi% Bahu a e sures that the #eak or disad,a ta%ed is ot take ad,a ta%e of*5 respo ded flatly* 4- do /t %et it*5 Dar%o said* 46ou/,e bee sleepi % #ith your sister. a d i !ree 3id%e that/s looked do# upo . a d #he that sister is you %er #e thi k that it "i%ht i di(ate that you/,e bee usi % your authority as the elder to (o trol her* Maybe all her life*5 - said a d he stared at "e* 1e %lared at "e #ith real hate i his eyes. #hat #as surprisi % #as that there #as o fear there* There #ere /t too "a y #ol,es that #ould sta d up so boldly to a Alpha 3oyale* - pulled out "y pho e a d (alled "y third beta Peter* 46eah* !et 0oh a d %o to the e# tea(hers house* - #a t you to bri % his Sister Marissa here to "e. o#*5 - hu % up the pho e a d looked at Dar%o . he #as seethi % a d - (ould see he #as fi%hti % to keep hi"self u der (o trol* 4That/s it85 1e s(rea"ed. 46ou are )ud%e. )ury a d exe(utio er85 46ep*5 - said :uietly* 1e tur ed o his heels a d stor"ed out of the roo"* Perso ally. #as disappoi ted. - #as hopi % he #ould ha,e lou %ed at "e. - #ould ha,e lo,ed to ha,e ki(ked his butt for #hat he had do e to his little sister* - follo#ed Dar%o out of the roo". he %rabbed Atele a d 3ia e/s ar"s a d ushered the" out of the "ai door* 4We/ll be testi % Atele as #ell* A d by the #ay. do /t bother to tur up for #ork o Mo day. you/re also fired*5 - (alled after hi"* 1e did /t look ba(k* 1e pushed Atele i to the ba(k of the (ar a d 3ia e i to the passe %er seat* 46ou do /t ha,e to %o #ith hi" %irls*5 - said flatly*

4-t/s okay*5 They both "uttered al"ost as o e* 4Be (areful. 3ia e*5 - added )ust as Dar%o tore off #ith the t#o of the" looki % :uite perplexed i his (ar* ;;;;; $hapter 'F Atele/s poi t of ,ie# - had to ad"it that - #as a little disappoi ted at the #ay the e,e i % e ded* - had really bee e )oyi % "yself #ith Stepha . #e had e,e bee playi % footsies u der the table duri % di er* - blushed at the "e"ory* All of that #as %oi % to (ha %e o#. the #ay 0ake #as talki % to Dar%o #he #e left there "ea t so"ethi % had %o e u belie,ably #ro %. - #as (urious to k o# #hat it #as* - (ould see - #as ot the o ly (urious o e. 3ia e #as shooti % a hu dred :uestio s a "i ute at Dar%o . #ho had /t said a #ord si (e #e left 0ake/s ho"e* 46ou do /t pla to a s#er "e8 - #a t to k o# #hat happe ed bet#ee you a d 0ake8 O e "i ute #e/re all ha,i % a frie dly di er a d the ext "i ute he/s #ar i % "e about you?5 She s(rea"ed* - had /t heard "a y #o"e talk to Dar%o like that* Eh. truth is. -/d e,er heard a y #o"a or "a talk to Dar%o like that* Marissa #as probably the perso - had e,er heard (o"e (lose to i sulti % Dar%o . a d she (hose her "o"e ts ,ery (arefully* - (ould o ly assu"e that this 3ia e #as bei % %i,e su(h liberty be(ause Dar%o #as u der(o,er a d he did /t #a t to tra sfor". still. the Dar%o - k e# #ould ha,e du"ped her out of his (ar so fast her head #ould be spi i %* - %ri ed at the thou%ht as - liste ed to 3ia e (o ti ue to drill Dar%o * 46ou are so exasperati %?5 She s(rea"ed * 4Tell "e about it*5 - said a d Dar%o %a,e "e o e of his e,il looks throu%h his rear ,ie# "irror a d - shut up* 1e #as already i a bad "ood. poi tless pushi % hi" o,er the ed%e* >ither this %irl 3ia e did /t k o# he #as upset. or she did /t (are* - rested "y ha d a%ai st "y tu""y auto"ati(ally. e,erythi % #as so (o"pli(ated* With Dar%o ot ha,i % a )ob. it #ould hardly see" to "ake se se for us to stay i !ree 3id%e. "aybe 0ake "i%ht e,e i sist that #e lea,e this to# at first da# * - #as surprised to fi d that - %ot o pleasure i the thou%ht of lea,i % !ree 3id%e. a part of "e had started to feel as if - belo %ed here* - pressed "y tu""y sli%htly2 a part of "e did belo % here* Stepha * The a"e (ir(ulated i "y "i d auto"ati(ally a d - tried to push it out* - (ould /t thi k about Stepha . - belo %ed to Dar%o /s pa(k. Dar%o #as "y Alpha. a d #ol,es #ere loyal to their Alpha* - had to sti(k #ith Dar%o * - felt a tear build up i "y eye a d slide do# "y (heek. stupid baby har"o es* - thou%ht a %rily as - rubbed "y tu""y* - #as surprised #he #e pulled up i fro t of our house. - had assu"ed that Dar%o #ould ha,e dropped off 3ia e first* 4>x(use "e*5 Dar%o said a d )u"ped out of the (ar a d #alked i to the house. hurried i to the house behi d hi". follo#ed (losely by 3ia e*

- #at(hed Dar%o #alk i to Marissa/s roo". pi(k up a ,ase a d the s"ash it a%ai st a #all* 4Where/s Marissa85 - asked. Dar%o %lared at "e* 40ake took her*5 1e said. his ,oi(e so (ool it #as fri%hte i %* 4Why #ould 0ake #a t Marissa85 3ia e de"a ded* 4Maybe be(ause he/s a )erk*5 Dar%o su%%ested* 40ake lo,es Tess. he #ould e,er "ess arou d #ith a other #o"a * 6ou "ust be "isu dersta di % so"ethi %*5 3ia e i sisted* 4- did /t say he took her for hi"self. he took her so he (ould %i,e her to o e of his frie ds*5 46ou he #ol,es are su(h (a,e "e *?5 3ia e yelled a d - had to a%ree. thou%h - (ould i"a%i e ho# "u(h "ore diffi(ult it #as for a hu"a %irl to e,e be%i to u dersta d he #ol,es* 4What/s your poi t85 Dar%o asked* - #as really :uite surprised ho# #ell he #as taki % the Marissa thi %. - thou%ht he #ould ha,e bee :uite out of (o trol* 4Marissa is ot a thi %* She (a /t be take fro" you or take by 0ake* She/s a free spirit* - do /t see a y si% s of a stru%%le. #ho e,er Marissa #e t #ith. she #e t #ith the" #illi %ly?5 3ia e poi ted out* 4- did /t %i,e her per"issio to %o*5 Dar%o said a d - held "y breath* The roo" #as sile t for a full "i ute as 3ia e (learly po dered if she should respo d to the (o""e t* She #as sa,ed by the ri %i % of her pho e* 41ello. Bria 8 -/" ki d of***5 She did /t %et a (ha (e to fi ish. Dar%o had pulled the pho e fro" her ha d* 4Bria . is /t it85 1e paused lo % e ou%h for a respo se fro" the other e d* 4Do /t (all ba(k 3ia e* She/s ot i terested i you*5 The he (lipped it shut* - stared at 3ia e. she looked as if she #ould blo# a fuse* 4-s there %oi % to be blood shed here85 - asked* She slapped Dar%o /s fa(e* - held "y breath* This pla #as %oi % to hell i a ha d basket2 he is so %oi % to #ri % her pretty little e(k* 4Do /t e,er do that a%ai *5 Dar%o threate ed a d she #e t a d did it a%ai * The se(o d slap #as a lot harder a d the sou d re,erberated arou d the roo"* - took a step ba(k. - did /t #a t to be a #it ess to her de"ise* Dar%o lau%hed a d both of "y eyebro#s #e t up to "y hair li e* 4-/ll take 3ia e ho"e. -/ll be ba(k*5 1e said a d %ripped her ha d a d started to#ards the door* 4Bye*5 - shouted after 3ia e. she did /t %et a (ha (e to #a,e before Dar%o had /t tu%%ed her outside a d #as strolli % to#ards his (ar #ith her. there ha ds still lo(ked to%ether* - #at(hed hi" ope the door a d she slide i a d the he strolled arou d to the

other side a d %ot i . but ot before - had see his ha d brush a%ai st the s"ooth (rea"i ess of her upper thi%h* !osh. Dar%o #as i ,ol,ed #ith 3ia e. a d fro" #hat had see . he #as a #hole lot "ore i to her tha - had e,er see hi" i to a y o e i (ludi % Marissa* ;;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - #as a %ry #ith 3ia e. she had slapped "e. t#i(e a d i fro t of "y beta* But the real surprise #as that e,e thou%h - #as a %ry. - did /t #a t to hurt her* 4Why are you a(ti % out about Marissa85 3ia e asked* Ma . she (ould ask :uestio s* 4Be(ause she/s "y sister a d 0ake has o ri%ht to take her fro" "e*5 - said* 4-s she your sister***or your #o"a 85 3ia e asked a d tur ed her head to#ards the #i do#. but ot before - sa# a tear tri(kle do# her fa(e* - stru%%led #ith ho# - #ould a s#er the :uestio * <ro" the ti"e - had (o"e to !ree 3id%e - had bee telli % 3ia e lies. there #as o #ay - (ould (ha %e o#* 4Tell "e. da % it* -s she your #o"a 85 3ia e de"a ded* 46es*5 - said a d she thre# ope her (ar door a d - %ripped her ar" before she (ould try to %et out a d brou%ht the (ar to a halt* 4That/s #hy 0ake took her. (ause he thi ks you/re sleepi % #ith your sister*5 She said a d - fou d "yself oddi %* 4But she/s ot your sister is she85 3ia e said bet#ee sobs* 49o. she/s ot*5 - ad"itted* - did /t expe(t - #ould feel so bad ad"itti % to 3ia e that - had a #o"a * 46ou/re her Alpha. you ha,e a pa(k. do /t you85 She asked* - si%hed* At least it #as out i the ope bet#ee us. at least "ost of it* 3ia e #as ad"itti % that she k e# - #as a Alpha* 4- told you fro" the start. - #as /t looki % for a relatio ship*5 The ar%u"e t sou ded #eak to "y o# ears* 4That you did*5 She said* 4-/" sorry if - hurt you*5 - said* Apolo%isi % #as so"ethi % - e,er did. but 3ia e #as differe t a d the apolo%y #as differe t. she had deser,ed "u(h better tha #hat - had offered* - pulled her to#ards "e a d she slapped "y fa(e. - had to ad"it - deser,ed that* 46ou did /t hurt "e* - hurt "yself*5 She said a d started to (li"b out of the (ar* 4- (a /t let you #alk ho"e. -/ll dri,e you*5 - i sisted* She shook her head but - pulled her i to the (ar a d rea(hed o,er a d sla""ed the door shut. "y body %etti % hard as "y (hest brushed a%ai st her breast* She re(oiled fro" "e a d - k e# she #as really hurti %* - started the (ar a%ai #ithout a other #ord* - had (o fir"ed se,eral thi %s to 3ia e. (ould o ly hope that her se se of loyalty #ould pre,e t her fro" telli % 0ake. at least

lo % e ou%h for "e to %et "y pla (o"pleted a d %et out of !ree 3id%e* - %la (ed a(ross at 3ia e. she #as stari % out of her #i do# :uietly. perhaps this #as all for the best. - had k o# fro" the start that the thi % bet#ee 3ia e a d - (ould /t last* should e,er ha,e started it. that had bee a bi% "istake* 9o# 3ia e #as hurti % a d if - #as ho est - #as /t feeli % so %reat "yself* Whe - pulled up at her door she )u"ped out of the (ar #ithout a #ord a d ra(ed to#ards the house* 4- do /t #a t to see you e,er a%ai *5 She said a d the disappeared throu%h the door a d out of "y life* - ra "y fi %ers throu%h "y hair a d oted that they #ere shaki %* did /t expe(t her #ords #ould hurt "e so* - started the e %i e a d started for ho"e. had to for%et 3ia e. - did /t lo,e her. she had )ust bee %ood for a little fu a d e tertai "e t. that #as o,er o# a d that #as a %ood thi %* - eeded to fast for#ard "y pla a d )ust %et the hell out of !ree 3id%e? ;;;;; $hapter 'G Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - pu (hed i Tess/ (ell pho e u"ber. - hoped she #as still #ith Mark* Beepi % Tess as a frie d #as a i"porta t part of "y pla . - (ould /t let #hat happe ed to i%ht rui it* 41ello85 1er ,oi(e sou ded tired at the other e d* 4Me* Dar%o *5 - hesitated for i"pa(t* 4- #a ted to be the first to tell you* - did /t #a t you to hear it fro" a yo e else*5 4Dar%o 8 -s so"ethi % #ro %85 She asked a d her ,oi(e sou ded (o (er ed* We had %otte fairly (lose o,er the ti"e - had bee i !ree 3id%e* - )ust #ish -/d had "ore ti"e to se(ure the frie dship* 40ake fired "e fro" the s(hool*5 - said a d #aited for her rea(tio * - (ould hear her say so"ethi % to Mark a d the she see"ed to #alk off before she spoke a%ai * 4- do /t u dersta d. #hy85 41e had his reaso s. you should /t bla"e hi"*5 - said. fi%hti % to "ake "y ,oi(e sou d hu"ble* 4Do you #a t "e to speak to hi"85 She asked. - (ould here the be%i i % of exasperatio i her ,oi(e a d i the ba(k%rou d - (ould hear Mark "o,i % about* 49o* -t probably #ould /t "ake a y differe (e* 1e has his "i d "ade up. -/ll probably be lea,i % !ree 3id%e i a fe# #eeks a y#ay*5 - explai ed* 4Do you #a t to talk about it85 She asked. she hesitated o ly a "o"e t a d the said* 4- (ould (o"e o,er a d #e (ould talk*5 @ike a la"b to the slau%hter* 49o. o tha ks* But )ust pro"ise "e o e thi %*5 - said* 4Sure. if - (a *5 She respo ded*

4-f 0ake tells you #hat happe ed. )ust %i,e "e a (ha (e to tell you "y side of the story* -/d hate for you to thi k -/" so"e ki d of a "o ster*5 - said* 4That/s fair e ou%h* A d -/" sorry Dar%o * -f you eed a y help. let "e k o#*5 She said* She #as so s#eet a d trusti %. - (ould see #hy 0ake lo,ed her so "u(h. she #as like 3ia e* 4-/ll talk to you to"orro#*5 - pro"ised* 4Okay*5 She "uttered a d hu % up* - hu % up "y pho e a d retur ed "y full atte tio to the road* That had /t %o e too badly* -t #as o ly a "atter of ti"e before "y (o"plete #eb of lies (a"e apart a d the Tess #ould /t trust "e a y "ore* >,erythi % had to %o o fast for#ard* - pi(ked up "y pho e a d (alled Drake. "y third Beta* 4Boss. #e ha,e /t see 3o(k (o"e ba(k*5 Was the first #ords he uttered as soo as he a s#ered the pho e. - #i (ed* They #ould e,er see 3o(k (o"e ba(k. be(ause 3o(k #as dead* 41e failed*5 Was all - said a d the li e #e t dead for al"ost te se(o ds* Drake a d 3o(k had bee pretty (lose* 4@et "e ha dle it Boss. -/ll kill that %uy*5 3o(k said a d all the a %er a d ,e o" #as i his ,oi(e* 4-f 3o(k (ould /t kill hi". you (a /t a d - (a /t afford to ha,e too "a y of "y pa(k i here*5 - said fir"ly* 41e #as "y frie d* We )ust %oi % to tu(k our tails bet#ee our le%s a d ru a d let the" %et a#ay #ith killi % 3o(k8 1e #as )ust %oi % to rou%h up the %uy. but they killed hi"*5 Drake said. his ,oi(e hoarse #ith e"otio * 43o(k died the death a he #olf hu ter should die2 do /t sully it #ith all your tears* We hu t. part of the risk of hu ti % is that the prey "i%ht tur out to be "ore ,ersatile tha you thou%ht* -f you (a /t sta d the risk. stay out of the hu t*5 - said* Drake #as :uiet for a other te se(o ds as he refle(ted o #hat - said* 4Sorry. boss*5 1e said #eakly* 4-t )ust do /t feel ri%ht they sleepi % #ith your Marissa a d the killi % 3o(k* 0ust #ish #e (ould ha,e re,e %e for #hat they did*5 4We/ll ha,e re,e %e* The re,e %e #ill be #he - s(re# 0ake/s #o"a *5 - said* The pho e #e t dead for a full "i ute this ti"e* 4-s /t 0ake a Alpha 3oyale a d his #o"a too85 Drake asked. his ,oi(e sou di % i (redulous* 46ou thi % "essi % #ith his #o"a is a %ood idea85 - %rou d "y teeth. o e "i ute the %uys (ryi % for re,e %e a d the ext he/s #ar i % "e off* 4She holds the (ure to the Alpha 3oyale "ad ess* -f - ha,e sex #ith her. - (ould be free*5 - explai ed* 4A d it #ould be o e he(k of a slap i the fa(e for !ree 3id%e to ha,e so"eo e (o"e i a d #alk all o,er their t#o Alpha 3oyales*5 Drake lau%hed e,illy. that/s #hat - liked about "y appre(iatio for e,il pla s* u"ber three %uy. he had a

41o# #e %o

a do it85 1e asked*

4Bri % the #hole pa(k )ust o the outskirts of !ree 3id%e territory i exa(tly t#o days ti"e. six p"* Do /t be a "o"e t late. e,erythi % should %o do e the *5 - said* 4A y thi % - should tell the"85 Drake asked* 40ust tell the" to be prepared for the fi%ht of their li,es. )ust i (ase so"ethi % %oes #ro %*5 4Day after to"orro#. six p". #est side*5 1e said* 46es*5 - respo ded* 46ou s(re# her %ood boss*5 Drake said a d the hu % up* - stared do# at the pho e i "y ha d* -f 3ia e k e# #hat - #as pla i % she/d probably sti(k a (ross i "y fa(e a d (all "e a de"o * - shook "y head hard. it did /t "atter #hat a y o e thou%ht about "e* - had (o"e to !ree 3id%e for a (ure for "e. a d that (ure #as all that "attered* had spe t "y e tire life looki % out for u"ber o e. o o e else #ould ha,e if - did /t. this #as ot the ti"e to start #orryi % about a y body else/s proble"s* - ra the pla throu%h "y "i d o e "ore ti"e* -t #as ti(klish but - fi%ured - (ould pull it off* - (reate a di,ersio that #ould %et Tess i "y (ar. #ithout 0ake k o#i % #here she #as* The - take her so"epla(e se(luded. prete di % that - #a ted a pri,ate (o ,ersatio * Whe she least expe(ted it - %rab her a d restrai ed her ar"s a d le%s* O (e - (ould %et her restrai ed before she tra sfor"ed. she #ould /t be able to tra sfor" a d (all o all her 3oyale stre %th* - use "y body to pi her to the seat a d the effe(t pe etratio * Our body fluids do their thi % a d it/s all o,er* 3ia e/s fa(e floated i to "y "i d a d - pushed it out for(efully* This #as a (ure. this #as about "e* After - #as fi ished -/d k o(k her out #ith the (hlorofor" -/d ha,e #ith "e* @ea,e her alo % the #ay a d the exit the territory* 0ake #ould /t "iss her u til hours later. by the #e should be far a#ay fro" 0ake/s territory* Plus. he/d be "ore i terested i (o soli % Tess tha (hasi % after us* -f he se ds a %roup of his pa(k to fi d us. killi % the" #ould be like a pie(e of (ake* - tossed the pla arou d i "y "i d a%ai . #hat (ould %o #ro %8 -f - did /t pi her she (ould tra sfor" a d %i,e "e hell to (o trol* Or if she s(rea"ed before - (ould do "y thi %8 Maybe - should k o(k her out as soo as - pi ed her8 - did /t eed her to be a#ake to do "y thi %* - pulled i to the dri,e #ay at "y ho"e a d strolled i to the house. Atele #as still a#ake* 4Day after to"orro# #e/re "o,i % out*5 - said. a stra %e look flashed a(ross her fa(e but - did /t de(ipher it* 4Six p"* The pa(k #ill "eet us at the ed%e of the territory*5 4What do you #a t "e to do85 She asked* 4!et Marissa. kill Ti"othy a d "eet "e at the ed%e of the territory*5 - said* She s#allo#ed hard* 46ou #a t "e to kill Ti"othy85 She asked* 46ou are /t deaf* Marissa betrayed "y trust* She slept #ith the e e"y*5 - said* 4Are /t you sleepi % #ith 3ia e85 Atele asked*

- %lared at her. - did /t like "y #ol,es :uestio i % "e. but - %uess it #as %uilt that for(ed "e to a s#er* 4O e. - did /t s eak arou d behi d Marissa/s ba(k. #he - left here at i%ht - e,er prete ded - #as %oi % a y#here other tha to a #o"a /s house* T#o. - did /t %et "yself fou d out by 0ake* She should ha,e k o# that if she s(re#ed arou d #ith a beta he/d pi(k up "y s(e t a d tell his Alpha* She rui ed e,erythi %. o# e,erythi % has to %o o fast for#ard be(ause of her a d three. -/" the Alpha. - %et to say #he it/s o,er*5 Atele stared at "e u bli ki %* 4She/s i lo,e #ith hi"*5 She said a d - s(offed* 4@o,e8 What/s lo,e Atele85 - asked* 4@o,e is (ari % e ou%h for so"eo e to ot #a t to see the" hurt2 it/s bei % #illi % to sa(rifi(e yourself for so"eo e else/s happi ess e,e if they do /t see" to deser,e the sa(rifi(e*5 She said* 4Who "ade you the authority o lo,e all of a sudde . Atele85 - asked a d she tur ed a#ay to#ards her roo"* 4-/" ot a authority. - )ust looked at all the thi %s your ot. a d - k e# that/s #hat lo,e #ould be*5 That (ould /t ha,e hurt "ore if she had physi(ally slapped "e* ;;; $hapter 'I Tess/ poi t of ,ie# - lea ed o,er Mark/s (hair as he #e t to the hu ters/ se(ret #eb site a d poi ted out to "e the (odes for ,a"pire a d #ere#olf* 1e told "e #here ea(h )ob #as a d explai ed ho# hu ters k e# that other hu ters eeded ba(k up* -t #as :uite i teresti %. a part of "e #as dra# to the ex(ite"e t of a life like that. but -/d e,er do a ythi % like that u less 0ake #as #ith "e. -/d "iss hi" too "u(h* A s"ile tipped the (or er of "y "outh as - thou%ht about 0ake a d the it tilted do# to a fro# * 1e had (alled "e fiftee ti"es si (e -/d bee at Mark/s. - had a s#ered his (alls o ly fi,e ti"es* 0ake #as super )ealous. there #as othi % that - (ould tell 0ake o the pho e that #ould see" like a %ood reaso for "e to be at Mark/s house* -t #as better to lea,e the dis(ussio for #he - %ot ho"e* 4- #ould so lo,e to %o hu ti % a%ai *5 Mark said. ex(ite"e t ri %i % i his ,oi(e* 4Well. you/re still helpi % here* 6ou/re like the #i % "a * 6ou resear(h all sorts of i for"atio a d you se d it to all the hu ters* 6ou/re doi % a i"porta t )ob. you should be proud of yourself*5 - explai ed* Mark half odded* -t had bee a real break throu%h #he Mark had (o fessed to "e that he #as still i (o ta(t #ith his hu ter frie ds* 1e #as :ui(k to poi t out that they did /t k o# #here he #as a d they did /t k o# he #as a #ere#olf* 1e had told the" ho# all his fa"ily had bee #iped out a d he #as layi % lo# for a #hile* Huite a fe# of the" had offered to let hi" )oi up #ith their %roup but he had refused* - k e# he #a ted to %o ba(k out there. that #as #ho he #as. that #as ho# he had defi ed hi"self fro" the ti"e he #as a (hild* That #as #hat his pare ts had do e. that #as #hat they had died doi %. it #as i his blood*

4- k o#*5 1e half s"iled. #hi(h #as a "a)or breakthrou%h. si (e Mark had bee tra sfor"ed that #as the first ti"e - had see hi" s"ile* - pressed "y lips li%htly a%ai st his (heek. - #ould e,er kiss hi" o his lips. a y tra sfer of fluids (a be pi(ked up by a "ate a d 0ake #as "y soul "ate so he #ould pi(k it up i a hurry. a d - did /t eed 0ake %etti % all #ou d up #he he kissed "e* - %la (ed do# at "y pho e. it #as te thirty p". defi itely ti"e to head ho"e* 4- had /t realised it #as so late* - really ha,e to head ho"e. Mark*5 - said a d started to take "y (ar keys fro" "y ba%* 4Tess*5 Mark said. a d his ,oi(e sou ded so hesita t a d u sure* - "issed that stro % (o fide t %uy that had dri,e i to !ree 3id%e )ust o e year a%o. it hurt like he(k to k o# that - #as respo sible for this (ha %e* 46eah85 - asked* 46ou thi k they #ould take "e ba(k. if they k e# #hat - #as85 1e asked a d his eyes looked "ore hopeful tha -/d e,er see the"* 4- "ea . -/,e bee (hatti % #ith the" o li e for al"ost six "o ths o#. they "ust trust "e by o#* They follo# all "y i for"atio * Maybe if - told the" that - #as***#ell***(ha %ed***but - #as still the sa"e perso . "aybe they #ould still #a t "e* Maybe they #ould still see "e as o e of their o# *5 As he spoke his ,oi(e be(a"e "ore a d "ore ex(ited at the prospe(t* -f Mark/s frie ds a((epted the e# hi". that #ould be the breakthrou%h - had bee prayi % for this #hole year* - s"iled bri%htly* 4@et/s do it* 6ou (a /t tell the" #here you are thou%h*5 - #ar ed* 1e odded his head ,ehe"e tly a d started to type* 4Who you %oi % to tell85 - asked* 4Well. Duke/s o li e a d he/s like the bi% %u * -/ll tell hi". a d the tell the others later*5 Mark said* So"e of the (o fide (e - re"e"bered fro" the past (o"i % ba(k to his ,oi(e* Whe he had fi ished typi % his "essa%e he looked up at "e er,ously* 4Beep your fi %ers (rossed*5 1e said a d the stood (o"pletely still* 46ou/re too er,ous*5 - lau%hed a d stru(k the e ter butto a d #e both stared at the s(ree * 46ou thi k he read it yet85 Mark asked* 4!i,e hi" a "i ute*5 - "uttered* We stared at the s(ree a d the fi ally a respo se (a"e it said* 4What the 1e(k?5 A d the )ust as :ui(kly Duke #e t offli e a d the the #ebsite bli ked off* 4What happe ed85 - asked* Mark tried to lo% ba(k i to the site. after a fe# atte"pts he stopped. %ot up fro" his (hair a d #alked o,er to the bedroo" door* 4The pass#ord has bee (ha %ed*5 1e said a d - (ould hear a sob i his ,oi(e* 4Oh Mark. -/" so sorry*5 My heart #as breaki % for hi"* After a year he had rea(hed out to his frie ds a d they had re)e(ted hi"* We #ere /t the "o sters. they #ere*

- "o,ed for#ard to hu% hi" a d (o sole hi" but he stepped i to his roo" a d lo(ked the door behi d hi"* - tried e,erythi % to rea(h Mark. but t#o hours later - (ould still hear hi" sobbi % u (o trollably a d tears #ere flo#i % do# "y fa(e as #ell* - s(ribbled a ote o a paper that saidN - #ill al#ays lo,e you Mark. a d they #ill lear to lo,e you a%ai * The - slid it u der his bedroo" door a d headed ho"e* Whe - %ot ho"e - #as still brushi % the last of the tears fro" "y fa(e. life (ould be so hard so"eti"es* Do# stairs #as dark but for o e li%ht i the (orridor a d (o"pletely deserted* - headed upstairs. already pulli % off "y blouse as - #alked* - pushed ope the bedroo" door a d i haled the s(e t of 0ake o our bed appare tly sleepi %. thou%h #as /t fully (o ,i (ed* - slipped out of "y pa ts. bra a d pa ty a d headed i to the bathroo"* - allo#ed the #ar" #ater to #ash a#ay the stress of the i%ht #ith Mark* -t #as like - #as fi%hti % a losi % battle. othi % - did see"ed to be #orki %* - rubbed "y ski dry a d headed ba(k i to the bedroo" a d slid u der the sheet behi d 0ake. he had his ba(k to "e* - (ould /t help #o deri % if that #as deliberate o a((ou t of the fa(t that - had /t a s#ered his (alls* 4-/" ho"e*5 - #hispered i to his ear a d he prete ded ot to hear* 0ake does /t sleep that sou dly. the sli%htest oise a d he hears it. "e tra"pli % up the stairs. taki % a sho#er a d the talki % dire(tly i to his ear #as defi itely "ore tha a little oise* 46ou a %ry #ith "e85 - asked #ith a half s"ile o "y fa(e. of (ourse he #as a %ry #ith "e. - ble# off di er a d spe t the best part of the i%ht i a other "a /s house* 1e did /t a s#er* 4A" - %etti % the sile t treat"e t85 - asked. slidi % "y ha d arou d his #aist a d allo#i % it to slide up to his (hest pro,o(ati,ely* 1e did /t a s#er but - felt his body stiffe sli%htly* - %ri ed. if it is o e thi % - k o#. its ho# to %et a rise out of "y "a * 1e "i%ht ot #a t to talk to "e. but #he -/" do e he/s so %oi % to #a t to "ake lo,e to "e* - pressed "y lips a%ai st the s#eet spot o his e(k a d darted out "y to %ue a d li(ked it* 1e fle# out of the bed like a (a o * 1e #as #eari % shorts. - s(ru (hed up "y fa(e. he "ust really be a %ry. 0ake e,er #ears shorts to bed* 4-/" ot playi %*5 1e said* 49ot yet. but -/" #illi % to %et you started*5 - said #ith a s"irk* 1e lau (hed hi"self fro" #here he stood strai%ht o to the bed. his le%s straddli % "y #aist a d his ha ds %ripped "y ar"s a d pressed the" o,er "y head* 4Okay* This is it. Tess* 6ou (a /t see Mark a y"ore*5 - lau%hed* 4- told you -/" ot playi %*5 1e said* 46ou do /t (o trol "e 0ake*5 - poi ted out*

46ou/re "i e. Tess* Deal #ith it*5 1e %ro#led* - stru%%led to break out of his %rip but he #as holdi % "e too fir". - "orphed "y ha ds a d tried to break free but the rest of "y body #as /t (ha %i %* 4Stop fi%hti % "e.* Tess*5 1e ordered. but - refused to liste . #ri%%li % be eath the #ei%ht of his body* 4Mark is "y respo sibility. 0ake* - (ha %ed hi". - ha,e to sa,e hi"?5 - s(rea"ed* 49o Tess. - (ha %ed hi"* - #as #eak e ou%h to let you (o ,i (e "e. but Mark/s "y respo sibility. ot yours? A d Mark has to #a t to be sa,ed i order to be sa,ed*5 0ake yelled* 4- (a /t bear to see hi" hurti % like this*5 - said. a d the - started to sob* Sob for Mark. sob for ho# a %ry all this #as "aki % 0ake a d sob be(ause - (ould /t see" to fix a y of it* 4Oh %osh*5 0ake/s %rip o "y #rist loose ed a d he pulled "e to hi" a d hu%%ed "e* 4-/" sorry* - lo,e you* 6ou k o# that*5 - tou(hed the "ark o his ar". our soul "ate "ark. the "ark that said that othi % #ould e,er (o"e bet#ee us* 4- lo,e you*5 1e #hispered a d pressed his lips a%ai st "i e* - slid "y ha ds to his shorts a d #orked the" do# his le%s* 4- #a t us to "ake lo,e. "y s#eet*5 - said a d he %athered "e i to his ar"s a d kissed "e a%ai * 4Do /t see Mark a%ai . Tess* Pro"ise "e*5 1e #hispered as his ha ds (upped "y breast a d - felt the tip harde a%ai st his tou(h* 40ake***5 - #hispered. ho# (ould - stop seei % Mark o#. after #hat he suffered to i%ht. he #ould feel as if the #hole #orld #as a%ai st hi"* 4Pro"ise "e*5 0ake i sisted. his ha d "assa%i % "y breast #hile the other (aressed "y "oist ess* !osh. - #a ted hi" so badly* 4Make lo,e to "e*5 - #hispered2 "y ,oi(e hoarse #ith eed* - #a ted to feel 0ake i side of "e. filli % "e. "aki % "e (ra,e "ore a d "ore of hi"* 4Pro"ise "e. Tess*5 1e said a%ai a d - had o resista (e left to his re:uest* 4- pro"ise. - pro"ise. )ust let "e tell hi" %oodbye. properly*5 - said* 1e odded a d the - felt the s#eet hard ess of hi" press deep i side of "e a d "y body ar(hed to#ards hi" as he pressed i deeper a d harder* 4Darli %*5 - (hoked out. "y ar"s e (ir(li % his e(k a d pulli % hi" do# o "e* 4My s#eet2 s#eet lo,e*5 1e respo ded as he buried hi"self i side of "e. o ly to extra(t hi"self a d the bury hi"self a%ai a d a%ai u til - #as (o"pletely fra ti( fro" the pleasure of the feel of hi"* 40ake. 0ake. 0ake***5 1is a"e trailed off of "y lips as - pressed "y body as (lose to his as it (ould %et. pressi % a d s:uee7i % his )ui(es i to "yself* Whe #e (a"e it felt as thou%h a da" had broke as "y body released itself )oyfully i (o )u (tio #ith his*

1e pulled "e (lose to hi" a d - buried "y fa(e i his (hest. (o te ted o# to sleep #ith the s#eet s"ell of hi" filli % "y ostrils* ;;;;; $hapter 'J Marissa/s poi t of ,ie# - busied "yself tidyi % arou d Ti"othy/s hospital bed* 0ake had offered to let "e stay at his ho"e u til - de(ided #hat - #a ted to do* - already k e# #hat - #a ted to do. #a ted to be #ith Ti"othy a d - #as relie,ed to fi d out he #a ted to be #ith "e* - had bee ai,e i sleepi % #ith Ti"othy. - had ot thou%ht that he #ould ha,e bee able to s"ell the s(e t of Dar%o o "e. - %uess - fi%ured it had bee so lo % si (e Dar%o a d - had bee to%ether* - si%hed. - lo,ed Ti"othy. - lo,ed the #ay he "ade "e feel. a d - felt bad that he thou%ht - #as i so"e ki d of per,erted relatio ship #ith Dar%o . but - (ould /t bri % "yself to tell hi" the truth. that #ould be disloyalty* -f told hi" Dar%o #as /t "y brother but #as "y Alpha a d had bee "y lo,er. he #ould %o strai%ht to 0ake #ith that i for"atio a d that #ould rui all of Dar%o /s pla s* did /t e,e k o# #hy - (ared #hether or ot Dar%o /s pla s #ere rui ed. Dar%o #as a real pie(e of #ork. there (ould /t be "a y people #ho truly lo,ed hi". but there #ere "a y #ho respe(ted hi"* 1e #as a fi%hter2 he had kept our pa(k to%ether. if it #as /t for his stre %th "a y of us #ould ha,e star,ed to death* Dar%o had offered us a pla(e #here #e (ould li,e our li,es as #ol,es. #ithout )ud%"e t fro" the hu"a #orld* 1e #as a lot of thi %s. but to his pa(k he #as a hero* - si%hed. to "e to* - (ared about Dar%o . - respe(ted hi" as "y Alpha. but #hat #e had #as othi % like #hat - had #ith Ti"othy* - si%hed happily as - pi(ked up the "eal that the urse had left o the bedside al"ost t#e ty "i utes a%o* Ti"othy #as fi ally starti % to stir2 - %uessed they "ust ha,e %i,e hi" so"e sort of sedati,e as he had bee asleep for al"ost t#el,e hours* - still felt a little er,ous arou d hi". there #as so "u(h that - #as keepi % fro" hi". but - )ust (ould /t bri % "yself to be disloyal to Dar%o * Si (e 0ake/s t#o betas had brou%ht "e here Ti"othy had bee asleep* There #as a %uard at the door. 0ake #as /t taki % a y (ha (es that there "i%ht be a repeat atta(k. but - doubted that Dar%o #ould risk so"ethi % like that a%ai * Dar%o (ould be su(h a )erk. a d o# o e of our o# #as dead* Dar%o had pro"ised "e that he #ould /t do a ythi % foolish. but - should ha,e k o# better. he/s a Alpha. a d Alphas ha,e "ore pride tha se se* 4Marissa85 Ti"othy #hispered a d - be t o,er a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his (heek* 4- said - #a ted the" to bri % "e here. to be #ith you*5 - %la (ed a#ay e"barrassed. the last ti"e - had bee #ith Ti"othy he had re)e(ted "e. o# here - #as pushi % "yself o hi" a%ai * 1e rea(hed out a d held "y ha d a d s:uee7ed it* 4-/" sorry*5 1e said* 4- should e,er ha,e treated you the #ay - did* - should ha,e k o# that it #as Dar%o that #as for(i % you to li,e that life*5 1e pulled "e %e tly for#ard by "y ha d a d - #illi %ly #e t to hi"* - did /t k o# if it #as fair to bla"e Dar%o for e,erythi %. but - did /t #a t to speak half truths to Ti"othy. so - (hose ot to talk about the "atter at all*

4- k o# it "ust be pai ful for you. you do /t ha,e to talk about it* O e day. #he you/re ready. #e (a talk*5 Ti"othy said* - #as %lad for the opportu ity to put a e d to the topi(. - odded "y head i a%ree"e t* 4- lo,e you*5 - said* 4- lo,e you too* Cery "u(h. a d -/" so sorry that - did /t sho# it properly* -t took so"ethi % like this for "e to reali7e that there #as "ore %oi % o i your ho"e tha you #ere ad"itti %*5 - allo#ed hi" to pull "e i to his ar"s (o"forti %ly* 4Do you ha,e (lothes a d thi %s that you #ill eed85 1e asked* 4- (a %et by*5 - said* - had /t #a ted to pa(k "u(h. - #as afraid that Dar%o #ould retur #hile the betas #ere es(orti % "e out. a d he #ould kill the"* - )ust #a ted to %et a#ay fro" the house before he retur ed* 4That/s okay* 6ou buy #hate,er you #a t* 6ou )ust tell the" you/re "y #o"a . a d they/ll treat you proper*5 1e pulled a key fro" the bedside dra#er a d ha ded it to "e* 46ou (a %o to "y apart"e t. you/ll fi d a (redit (ard there that you (a use*5 - blushed. it felt so stra %e to ha,e so"eo e that (ared about "y eeds* 4Whe are you %oi % to be (o"i % out85 - asked. a xious to ha,e hi" #ith "e i the apart"e t* 4To"orro#*5 1e "ade a frustrated fa(e. 4After oo * They #a t to obser,e "e a d "ake sure -/" i ship shape before they let "e %o*5 1e #i ked at "e a d lo#ered his ,oi(e. 4Perso ally. - thi k its 0ake tryi % to baby sit "e* 1e/s still tryi % to fi%ure out ho# a #olf %ot so deep i his territory #ithout lea,i % a s(e t* Probably thi ks they/ll (o"e ba(k for "e*5 1e %ri ed happily. 4But - thi k the #orst has past. - thi k you/re brother paid so"e %uy to fix "e* -t )ust did /t #ork out the #ay they pla ed be(ause #as too stro % for hi"* 1e preferred to die tha to %i,e hi"self up*5 Ti"othy looked a little sad "o"e tarily* 4Billi % a other #olf is al#ays tou%h. but it #as he or -. (ould /t let hi" %et a#ay*5 4- u dersta d* 6ou had to defe d yourself a d that/s #hat you did*5 - said :uietly. althou%h i "y heart - k e# Dar%o #ould ha,e bee pissed to hear that o e of his #ol,es had bee killed. #hat he #ould do about it re"ai ed to be see . a d - #as pretty sure he #ould /t be (o fidi % i "e a y of his pla s* 4@et/s ot talk about all of that a y"ore. lets talk about starti % the rest of our li,es to%ether*5 - odded happily a d s(ooted i to the bed beside hi". - k e# if the urse sa# "e she #ould (o"plai . but ri%ht o# - did /t (are. ri%ht o# all - #a ted #as the #o derful feel of Ti"othy/s ar"s arou d "e. a d that #as exa(tly #hat - #as %etti %* ;;; $hapter 'L Atele/s poi t of ,ie# Stepha (alled "e "ost of the day. he #as pretty upset about the #ay the i%ht e ded. but he #as loyal to 0ake* - k e# he #as tor bet#ee "e a d the baby a d his (o""it"e t to his Alpha* The truth #as - #as ha,i % the sa"e proble"* Stepha had ope ed "y eyes to a #hole e# #orld a d - #as /t opposed to li,i % i it***#ith hi". but

Dar%o #as depe di % o "e to be there for hi" #he the battle started* - #as his stro %est #olf. #ith #ol,es like Stepha a d Ti"othy as 0ake/s betas. Dar%o defi itely eeded "e* - si%hed hea,ily a d rolled o,er i "y bed a d %la (ed at the (ell pho e* Stepha #as se di % "e a text* =Are #e ok/ 1e texted. - s"iled* =yes/ - texted ba(k* =i lo,e u/ 1e text a d - %ri ed fro" ear to ear* =really8/ - texted ba(k. it felt %ood playi % hard to %et #ith Stepha . he e,er %a,e up* si%hed a%ai . but soo he #ould ha,e too. be(ause soo - #ould ha,e to lea,e !ree 3id%e #ith Dar%o * =super really/ he texted ba(k a d - lau%hed* =ok/ - texted* =do u lo,e "e8/ he texted a d - %ri ed* T#o days a%o - #ould ha,e had o idea ho# to a s#er that :uestio . but o# the a s#er #as as plai as the ose o "y fa(e* - lo,ed Stepha a d - #a ted to be #ith hi". but that #as /t %oi % to happe * =%t%/ - texted* = ot fair/ 1e texted =ttyl/ - texted* - k e# - #as bei % a (o#ard ha %i % up o Stepha like that. but (ould /t see that a ythi % #ould be %ai ed by telli % hi" - lo,ed hi". it #ould )ust "ake hi" "ore deter"i ed to %et "e ba(k #he - had to lea,e* - rolled o,er o the bed la7ily. sad that - had "et Stepha u der these (ir(u"sta (es. thi %s (ould ha,e bee so differe t* A tear slid do# "y (heek a d - brushed it a#ay hurriedly* Stupid %irl. - "uttered to "yself as - stared sadly at the (lo(k o "y bedside table. o use (ryi %. ti"e is still %oi % to ru out* -t startled "e #he - felt the sli%htest of "o,e"e t i "y tu""y* - s(rea"ed #ith ex(ite"e t a d the pressed "y ha d o,er "y "outh* 46ou okay85 - heard Dar%o shout. so"e "easure of (o (er i his ,oi(e* 1e had bee ho"e all day. it #as al"ost e,e i % a d he #as still sho#i % o si% s of %oi % out. #hi(h #as ot his "odus opera di duri % the #eeks #e had bee here* Perhaps he #as fi%hti % his feeli %s for 3ia e too. the #ay - #as fi%hti % "i e for Stepha * - tou(hed "y tu""y %e tly a d felt a other "o,e"e t* 4Oh "y %osh*5 - #hispered it this ti"e. (areful ot to %et Dar%o suspi(ious* - texted Stepha . - #as #ay too ex(ited to keep it to "yself* =Baby "o,ed?/ =OM! - (o"i % o,er/ - %i%%led* - k e# Stepha #ould be so ex(ited that he #ould /t be able to (o tai hi"self*

=i "eet u. 2& "i utes. oak tree*/ - typed i * - k e# he #ould #o der #hy - #ould /t let hi" (o"e to "e. but - did /t #a t Dar%o to start to %et (o (er ed about )ust ho# (lose Stepha a d - #ere***a d had bee * 4-/" headi % out* !et a little exer(ise. -/,e bee %etti % a little la7y*5 - explai ed as "errily "ade "y #ay to the door* 46eah. - #as oti(i % you #ere putti % o a little #ei%ht. but - did /t #a t to say a ythi %*5 Dar%o "uttered as - headed out of the door* - %ro#led as - "ade "y #ay do# the street to "eet Stepha . - (ould /t belie,e Dar%o said - #as %etti % fat? Me. <at? As soo as - sa# Stepha - asked* 4A" - %etti % fat85 1e looked "e up a d do# ,ery (arefully* 49ope. i fa(t - #as )ust sayi % you looked like you lost so"e #ei%ht. - shall ha,e to fatte you up*5 4@iar*5 - said but - #as %ri i % fro" ear to ear* 1e prete ded to be hurt* 4$a - feel85 1e asked* 4-t/s still early sta%es. - do /t k o# if you/ll feel it* -t/s ,ery sli%ht*5 - explai ed. lifti % "y blouse sli%htly so - (ould rest his ha d a%ai st "y sto"a(h* 4<eel a ythi %85 - asked a xiously* 41or y*5 1e said a d - slapped his shoulder playfully a d #e both lau%hed* 46ou )erk*5 - said. still %i%%li %* 4-t ru s i the fa"ily*5 1e explai ed. - s"iled a d the he #e t totally serious* 4- k o# that ot "u(h of a e (oura%e"e t. but - #a t you to be part of "y fa"ily*5 - stared at hi". tryi % to fi%ure out #hat he #as sayi %* 4Marry "e. Atele*5 1e said a d dropped to o e k ee a d prese ted "e #ith a beautiful dia"o d e %a%e"e t ri % i a s"all bla(k box* 4-***-***5 - #as (o"pletely du"bfou ded. - #as totally ot expe(ti % this* - tur ed o "y heel a d started to ru ba(k to the house a d Stepha ra after "e* 4Atele. please. #ait* -f you do /t #a t to "arry "e***- (a #ait* Please do /t ru a#ay*5 1e yelled after "e* - #a ted to "arry Stepha . but - (ould /t* Dar%o #ould e,er %i,e his blessi %s for the "at(h a d he #as "y Alpha* - ra o . ot stoppi %. ot tur i % ba(k. the - felt Stepha /s ha ds %rip "y ar" a d pull "e ba(k to#ards hi"* Dar%o #as ri%ht. - #as %etti % fat***a d slo#* 4@et %o of "e*5 - said* 49e,er* - lo,e you* - #a t to be #ith you* - k o# - started this thi % #ro %. but %i,e "e a (ha (e. Atele* - k o# #e belo % to%ether. - k o# #e are true "ates*5 1e pleaded* - #a ted to be #ith Stepha to. a d the thi %s that )ust his tou(h did to "y body #as telli % "e that #e #ere true "ates. but bei % true "ates #ould ot be e ou%h to o,er(o"e the lies a d de(eit that - had #ea,ed i to "y relatio ship #ith Stepha * -f he k e# the truth. that - #as here to help Dar%o destroy his brother a d bri % do# the !ree 3id%e dy asty. he #ould hate "e #ith "ore passio tha he lo,ed "e #ith o#*

4Please. Atele*5 1e be%%ed* Dar%o had /t told "e exa(tly ho# the pla #as %oi % to play out. but - k e# it #as all %oi % to be (o"i % to a head i soo * There #as othi % for "e to do but e )oy the last fe# hours - "i%ht ha,e Stepha * 4Atele*5 Stepha #as sayi % a%ai * - buried "y fa(e i his shoulder a d felt his ar"s #rap arou d "y body* 4- (a /t "arry you. Stepha *5 - said. it #ould be too e,il to %i,e hi" hope* 4- (a #ait. Atele* - k o# you #ill %ro# to lo,e "e*5 1e said poppi % the ri % i to his breast po(ket a d taki % "y ha d* 4- (a be :uite (har"i % #he - #a t to be*5 1e #as s"ili %. a d - k e# he #as tryi % to redu(e the te sio bet#ee us* - hu%%ed hi" ti%htly* 4Take "e so"e#here :uiet. Stepha * So"e#here #here #e (a othi %*5 - said a d he lau%hed a d led "e to#ards his (ar* ;;; $hapter 'M 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# Thi %s had bee %reat bet#ee Tess a d - today* Whe she told "e she had to see Mark. for the last ti"e - did /t blo# a fuse. she pro"ised to take 0illia #ith her. so they #ould /t be alo e a d she pro"ised she #ould be ri%ht ba(k* That #as late e,e i %. it #as i%ht o#* Tess thou%ht - did /t k o# #hat #as %oi % o #ith Mark. but - did k o#. - k e# that he #as i (o ta(t #ith so"e of his hu ti % buddies fro" before. - #as ha,i % his i ter et a d pho e "o itored* - )ust did /t trust hi"* - (ould /t let Tess k o# that of (ourse. she/d read "e the riot a(t about i ,adi % Mark/s pri,at(y* The truth #as. - did #hat eeded to do to keep "y fa"ily a d !ree 3id%e safe* - k e# Mark talked to Dar%o . but they did /t see" to talk about "u(h so - had :uit "o itori % their (alls* At first - had a(tually hoped that they "i%ht be(o"e frie ds. k e# Mark eeded a frie d a d he ob,iously did /t thi k - #as frie d "aterial a d as far as - #as (o (er Tess #as ot a best frie d optio for hi"* But o# - #as %etti % to k o# Dar%o . - did /t thi k that frie dship #as su(h a %reat idea a y"ore* - ra "y ha d throu%h "y hair #ith fati%ue* -/d e,e e (oura%ed 0illia to pursue her feeli %s for Mark. hopi % that "aybe seei % there #as so"eo e #ho (ared about hi" he #ould re(o sider the hate he had for #hat he #as o e of it #orked* Apart fro" Tess. the o ly people he see"ed i terested i talki % to #ere the hu ters a d that #as a relatio ship that had to be "o itored* As lo % as he re"ai ed sile t o #here he #as. had o proble". but at the sli%htest "e tio of a y perso al i for"atio - #as set to pull the plu% o all his (o""u i(atio abilities* - did /t #a t to ha,e to do it. he #ould feel e,e "ore like a priso er. but bei % i (har%e "ea t "aki % the tou%h de(isio s* As - pulled "y ha d throu%h "y hair a%ai a d %la (ed up at the (lo(k #ith a sli%ht fro# the pho e ra %* 46eah*5 - half hoped it #as Tess (he(ki % i * #at(h birds do

4Aaaa****-***5 -t #as 3ia e a d she sou ded "ore tha hesita t* 43ia e8 Are you okay85 - asked* 4-/" fi e*5 The #ords tripped out of her "outh s#iftly i her efforts to allay "y (o (er s* 4What/s the proble"85 - asked* - hoped it #ould be othi % that eeded "e to %o o,er to her house. althou%h Tess a d 3ia e #ere frie ds. Tess #ould still ki(k a fuss if she heard -/d bee to 3ia e/s ho"e alo e* 4- ha,e to tell you so"ethi %*5 3ia e said. her ,oi(e hesita t a d slo#* 4What85 - #as i"patie t. but that/s )ust ho# - a"* 4D**5 She stopped as if she #as re(o sideri % #hat she #as %oi % to tell "e* 4Out #ith it*5 - e (oura%ed* 46ou/ll feel better #he you/,e spilt the bea s*5 3ia e a d - had bee frie ds si (e she had lost her professio al reputatio i the hu"a #orld* - had read her arti(les o "ythi(al (reatures a d - #as so i"pressed #ith her ,ast k o#led%e at su(h a you % a%e - had sou%ht her out a d offered her a )ob at the !ree 3id%e E i,ersity as a Professor for t#i(e #hat she #as bei % paid before she had bee fired* She had bee so ex(ited. a d #he - had told her she #ould be tea(hi % Mythi(al S(ie (e. she had thro# herself i "y ar"s a d hu%%ed "e* 1er )oy #as beyo d belief #he - (o fessed )ust four "o ths later that !ree 3id%e #as "ai ly a #ere#olf to# a d that - #as a spe(ial #ere#olf #ith po#ers to tra sfor" at a y ti"e of the day. a y part of "y body a d - #as the o ly o e of three i existe (e i the e tire #orld that (ould (ha %e hu"a s to #ere#ol,es* She thou%ht - had %i,e her the %reatest %ift i the #orld by shari % that bit of k o#led%e a d #as (o"pletely de,oted to "e a d !ree 3id%e* 4-***- thi k Dar%o /s a Alpha*5 She "uttered a d the li e #he sile t for like te se(o ds* - lau%hed* -t pissed "e off to thi k that a Alpha #ould (o"e i to "y territory. "y territory* 1ell. "y territory? 41o# do you k o#85 - asked. fi%hti % the ur%e to head o,er to his ho"e a d (o fro t hi"* 41e "arked "e*5 She said* 1er ,oi(e #as a sli%htly hi%her pit(h tha usual a d - k e# that she hated dis(ussi % the "atter #ith "e* 4What ki d of a "ark85 - pressed o * Alpha/s #ere usually a%%ressi,e. they #ere usually territorial. they did ot or"ally "o,e i to a other Alpha/s territory u less they i te ded to fi%ht a d if o fi%ht #as i te ded they al#ays "ade (o ta(t before arri,i % to state their i te tio to (o"e a d seek per"issio * Dar%o had do e o e of these thi %s* 4The e(lipse*5 She said* The e(lipse* There #ere o ly four "arki %s. all #ol,es took their "arki %s fro" the four royales that had bee i existe (e* The half "oo . that 3oyale had bee totally eli"i ated before he #as able to pass o the 3oyale le%a(y. but his "arki %s #ere still bei % (arried o by re%ular Alphas that belo %ed to the (la a d that #ere spread arou d

the #orld. the there #as Tess/ "arki % #hi(h #as the full "oo * She had re(ei,ed her Alpha 3oyale le%a(y fro" her father a d her "arki % #as shared by ,arious (la s arou d the #orld as #ell a d there #as "y "arki % of the (res(e t "oo #hi(h also had (la s arou d the #orld* But it #as the Middle >aster Alpha 3oyale "arki % of the e(lipse that #as i :uestio that also had (la s arou d the #orld as #ell. the :uestio #as. #hi(h of those (la s did Dar%o arri,e fro"8 1o# po#erful #as his (la a d #hat #as his real reaso for (o"i % to !ree 3id%e8 40ake*5 3ia e/s ,oi(e (ut i to "y deliberatio s* 46eah*5 - "uttered. "y thou%hts o %ai i % "ore i for"atio a d deali % #ith the threat that Dar%o #as appare tly be(o"i %* 4Please do /t kill hi". - lo,e hi"*5 3ia e said si"ply a d "y heart #e t out to her* k e# ho# "u(h it "ust ha,e (ost her to (all "e a d betray Dar%o /s trust* -f he #as a Alpha. he #ould /t for%i,e her this disloyalty* 4Are the t#o of you lo,ers85 - asked* She hesitated so lo % - #o dered if she #as %oi % to a s#er* 46es*5 She said fi ally. a d it sou ded as if - #as dra%%i % a other se(ret out of her* 4Be (areful 3ia e* There/s "ore %oi % o #ith Dar%o tha either of us k o#* 1e (ould hurt you*5 - ad,ised* 4- k o#*5 She said but - (ould tell that it #as ot a physi(al hurt she #as #orried about* 4- (a /t pro"ise you a ythi %* But - #o /t a(t o #hat -/" feeli % ri%ht o#* -/ll take the "atter to the (ou (il to"orro#*5 - said* 4Tha ks*5 3ia e "uttered a d - hu % up* - (ould "ake her o bi%%er pro"ise tha that - #ould /t a(t o the "atter as Alpha2 - #ould allo# the ad"i istratio of the to# to deal #ith it* Thi %s #ere %etti % "ore a d "ore (o"pli(ated* - had /t bothered to tell 3ia e. but the #olf that Ti"othy had killed #as (arryi % the e(lipse "ark* 41i*5 -t #as Tess. she strolled throu%h the door a d headed strai%ht to#ards "e. her lips i a kissy positio * - %ri ed a d pressed "i e a%ai st hers* 4Where/s 0illia 85 - asked* 4She de(ided to stay a little lo %er #ith Mark* 1e #as still pretty depressed*5 Tess explai ed* 4Oh*5 - k e# it #as about his bei % lo(ked out of the #ebsite. part of "e #as %lad that he #as /t i (o ta(t #ith the hu ters a y"ore* - pulled Tess i to "y ar"s a d pressed "y lips a%ai st her e(k a d she %roa ed happily* 46ou look tired*5 - poi ted out* 4!ee. tha ks. ho# ,ery u ro"a ti(*5 - lau%hed. - #as /t tryi % to be ro"a ti(. Tess #as pushi % herself too hard #ith s(hool a d keepi % all these hours #ith Mark*

4-/" serious* Mark #ill fi d his le,el e,e tually. you do /t ha,e to spoo feed hi"*5 said. if he did /t fi d his le,el he/d probably kill hi"self o e day but - did /t bother to add that. it did /t see" to help "y (ase* 4-/" so afraid for hi"* - )ust feel as if he/d do so"ethi % stupid*5 Tess said. pressi % herself a%ai st "e* 4- k o# #hat you "ea *5 - "uttered as - (o sidered the fa(t that Mark a d Dar%o had shared a fe# telepho e (alls o# i the li%ht of fi di % out that Dar%o #as a Alpha* 4-/" (alli % a "eeti % #ith the (ou (il to"orro#*5 - said* 49o shop talk*5 Tess "uttered. her #eary eyes stari % i to "i e* 4$o"e o *5 - stooped do# a d s#ept her i to "y ar"s bridal style a d headed up to our bedroo". she looked relie,ed that she did /t ha,e to #alk* - ra a bath a d u dressed her a d laid her %e tly i to the bubbly #ater* 4Oh %osh*5 She "oa ed* 4Are you "aki % lo,e to the #ater85 - teased* 4-t feels al"ost as %ood as you ri%ht o#*5 She (o fessed. slidi % her e tire body. hair a d all u der the surfa(e* Tess #as really pushi % herself too hard #ith Mark* She #as putti % herself at his be(k a d (all a d he #as selfish e ou%h to (all her at all ti"es of the day a d i%ht* -t )ust "ade "e so a %ry to see her doi % so "u(h for the %uy a d he taki % her sa(rifi(es for %ra ted* She slid ba(k to the surfa(e a d let out a deep breath* 46ou/re beautiful*5 - #hispered. the #ords had )ust slipped out of "y "outh #ithout #ar i %* She lau%hed a d pulled "e to#ards her a d pressed her lips passio ately a%ai st "i e* 4- do /t thi k the #ater is doi % a %ood e ou%h )ob*5 She said. s"ili %* 41old that thou%ht*5 - "uttered as - s(ooted up fro" beside the tub a d headed do# stairs* - k e# Tess. she probably #as so busy today she did /t e,e take ti"e to %et so"ethi % to eat* - #restled up a :ui(k sa d#i(h a d tossed a fe# stra#berries arou d the plate a d poured a %lass of )ui(e out a d trotted ba(k up the steps* 4- lo,e you*5 She said as soo as she sa# the food* 4<irst #ater. o# food. - feel like a ,ery poor third pla(e*5 - teased as - k elt beside the tub a d started to feed her #ith the "orsels* 4Oooooohhhhhhh*****oooooooooo***5 (he#ed it i deli(ately* She %roa ed as she bit i to the sa d#i(h a d

46ou/re "aki % a "ess*5 - poi ted out* 4This is like the best sa d#i(h -/,e e,er had*5 She %roa ed a%ai . taki % a other hu%e bite* 4-t/s pea ut butter a d )elly*5 - said #ith a %ri *

4The best e,er*5 She "uttered. biti % the last bit fro" "y ha d. - s at(hed a#ay "y fi %ers before she bit the" a d she %i%%led* 4$o"e o . -/" ot that fero(ious*5 She "uttered. sto"a(h o# filled a d (o (er ed about her deli(a(y* 46ou/re a (o"plete #olf*5 - "uttered. tippi % the %lass to her lips so she (ould dri k her fill* 4M""""*5 She said a d - lau%hed* 4Stra#berries a d this is a bala (ed "eal*5 - said fir"ly* 4-/" full*5 She (o"plai ed* Tess #as /t "u(h of a eater* 4Ope up*5 - ordered a d she obedie tly ope ed her "outh a d - popped a stra#berry i * 4That #as %ood*5 She said* 49ot the best stra#berry e,er85 - asked. looki % hurt* She lau%hed at "e* 4- told you - #as full*5 She "uttered* 4O e "ore stra#berry the *5 - i stru(ted* She ope ed her "outh a%ai a d - popped i the se(o d stra#berry. before she (ould (lose her "outh - stu(k "y to %ue i a d fli(ked the stra#berry o to her teeth. a d dre# a#ay* She started to protest a d lau%h at the sa"e ti"e* 46ou/re %oi % to "ake "e (hoke*5 She said a d - (hu(kled* 4-f you like stra#berries so "u(h. (o"e a d %et so"e* - still ha,e a bit left*5 She offered. - raised a eyebro# but her ha ds flashed out #ith Alpha 3oyale speed a d stre %th. she %ripped "y shirt before - (ould e,e thi k a d lifted "e off of the %rou d. the plate a d %lass i "y ha d tu"bled o to the floor* 4Wha***85 - (ould /t e,e %et to (o"plete the se te (e as "y body #as saili % throu%h the air a d the bei % brou%ht do# #ith a splash o the i side of the tub fully (lothed* 46ou****5 A%ai "y #ords #ere lost as Tess/ lips (rushed hu %rily a%ai st "i e a d she slid be eath the surfa(e of the #ater. taki % "e do# #ith her* Whe she surfa(ed - #as %aspi % for breath* 46ou (ra7y %irl. you***5 But she #as /t fi ished* 4- lied*5 She said s#eetly. 4-/" still star,i %*5 A d she pro(eeded to take off all of "y (lothes* ;;;;; $hapter 2' 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# We "et the ext day for the $ou (il Meeti %. Tess #as still sleepi % #he - left ho"e a d - did /t bother to #ake her. - k e# she #as exhausted2 - #ould fill her i o the happe i %s #he - %ot ho"e*

The $ou (il"a Dere(k. his "ate "y "other i la#. all "y betas2 ex(ept Ti"othy #ho #as still i hospital a d all Tess/ betas #ere prese t* 4Tha ks %uys. lets %et started*5 - did /t sta d "u(h o (ere"o y at these "eeti %s. there #as al#ays so "u(h to #ork out that they took the best part of the day. - k e# this o e #ould be lo %er tha "ost* 4$ou (il"a . #hat/s o the a%e da85 - asked* 1e listed so"e e# re:uests for reside (e i !ree 3id%e. so"e pla s to a(:uire additio al la d to broade "y territory* 4Add Dar%o to that list*5 - said a d e,ery o e stared at "e. oh yes. this #as %oi % to be a really lo % "eeti %* ;;; Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - "issed 3ia e* As "u(h as - had tried ot to ad"it it to "yself it #as the plai truth* #as surprised to fi d that Atele/s #ords about lo,e #as still % a#i % at "e* - kept thi ki % of 3ia e a d (o"pari % the #ords that Atele had said about lo,e to the #ay 3ia e #as a d - kept thi ki % "aybe lo,e did exist a d "aybe 3ia e did lo,e "e* Atele had said lo,e #as (ari % e ou%h for so"eo e to ot #a t to see the" hurt a d a #illi % ess to sa(rifi(e for so"eo e else/s happi ess e,e if they did /t deser,e it* - had to ad"it. bei % #ith 3ia e "ade "e happy. but bei % #ith 3ia e a d ot ha,i % a proper "arria%e #ith her. - k e# that "ade her sad* She #as /t that ki d of a %irl that #ould a((ept a relatio ship like the o e - #as for(i % her to a((ept* She a((epted it be(ause she lo,ed "e* A d - did /t deser,e her lo,e* The reali7atio stru(k "e like a to of bri(ks* She #as "aki % all the sa(rifi(es a d - #as )ust taki %. - had told "yself that o o e i the #orld lo,ed "e. the truth #as - lo,ed o o e i the #orld* - had "ade "yself u"ber o e a d - really did /t (are about u"ber t#o or three* This #as t#o days si (e - had see her. a d - had fou%ht hard a%ai st "yself to stay a#ay fro" her* -f 3ia e k e# of "y pla she #ould #a t o part of it* - spite of all the hurt. a d the proble" #ith Marissa2 she had bee (alli % "e o,er the last t#o days but had refused to a s#er her (alls. - had #a ted a (lea break* 1o# foolish of "e ot to reali7e that there (ould e,er be a (lea break fro" 3ia e. - #as hooked o her* - si%hed o#. "y thou%hts (ausi % "e "ore (o fusio tha they e,er had* -t had bee easier #he 3ia e #as )ust a it(h. but if - had bee ho est #ith "yself fro" that first i%ht. - #ould ha,e ad"itted that e,e the - had k o# she #as "ore tha a it(h* She #as a part of "e. a d - #a ted her. - #a ted to be #ith her* <ore,er* The depths of "y feeli %s surprised "e* $ould - tur arou d this pro(ess - had put i pla(e. - had "ade pla s #ith Mark for the fi al step i the pla . - had "ade pla s #ith "y pa(k. pla s #ith Atele. o e of "y #ol,es had died tryi % to (arry out a petty ,e %ea (e that had ot e,e (o"e fro" "y heart. it had (o"e fro" "y e%o* - (ould /t )ust (all it off o#2 - #ould lose the respe(t of "y e tire pa(k* - "i%ht e,er ha,e had lo,e. but - had al#ays had respe(t* - bit "y lip hard. o. there #as o tur i % ba(k* - #ould %o a d see 3ia e. e d this thi % bet#ee us properly a d let her k o# that #e #ould e,er see ea(h other a%ai * - pulled up i fro t of 3ia e/s ho"e a d k o(ked at her door*

4Who is it85 She (alled* 4Me*5 - a s#ered* - fro# ed. #ho else #as she expe(ti %8 - s iffed the air for the s(e t of a "ale ,isitor a d (au%ht the s"ell of Bria * - %ro#led softly* The door slid ope slo#ly a d she peeped out* 4$a - (o"e i 85 - asked. she see"ed rather hesita t* - i haled her s(e t a%ai . there #as so"ethi % else there. er,ous ess or "aybe fear* 4-s so"ethi % #ro %85 - asked. pushi % ope the door a d pushi % past her* - looked arou d the apart"e t suspi(iously* 49o*5 She said. hurryi % a#ay fro" the door to follo# "e as - "ade "y #ay throu%h the differe t roo"s* As - strolled i to the li,i % roo" - sa# hi" sitti % there (o"fortably. eati % a sa d#i(h* 4Bria *5 - said flatly. %lari % at hi"* 1e hustled to his feet so :ui(kly the plate o his lap tu"bled to the floor* 4-***-***a"***3ia e #as feeli % a little blue. - )ust (a"e o,er to (heer her up*5 1e explai ed. be di % :ui(kly to %rab the broke bits of plate fro" the floor* 4@ea,e it*5 3ia e said* - strolled for#ard a d %ripped Bria fir"ly by his (ollar. he (o#ered* 4Do /t e,er (o"e ba(k here*5 - hissed* 4Dar%o ?5 3ia e shouted. her ,oi(e sou ded a%itated as she hurried o,er to #ed%e her ha d bet#ee us* 4@ea,e hi" alo e*5 4-**- better be %oi %*5 Bria stuttered. #ol,es i sti (ti,ely k e# #he to retreat* 4-/" sorry*5 She "uttered* Bria blushed a d as soo as - released hi" he bolted for the door* 4-/" sorry*5 3ia e "uttered a%ai but he #as already outside a d probably half#ay do# the steps* 41o# dare you (o"e i here a d s(are a#ay "y frie d like that8?5 She de"a ded. rou di % o "e* She #as ri%ht of (ourse. - had o busi ess bei % )ealous of %uys that (a"e to ,isit her* #as the o e that had said o stri %s atta(hed. but - #as )ealous a d it #as /t so"ethi % (ould do a ythi % about* 4Why #as he here85 - asked* She breathed a hea,y si%h be(ause - had i% ored her :uestio * 4-/" tired*5 She said a d started to#ards the bedroo"* She looked tired a d it pri(ked "y (o s(ie (e to k o# that "u(h of her fati%ue #as o((asio ed by "y attitude* 4Sorry*5 - said a d she looked ba(k at "e so surprised - lau%hed* 4That/s a first*5 She "uttered* 4What85 - asked*

46ou apolo%isi %*5 She explai ed* - %ri ed. but to be ho est. - do /t thi k - had e,er apolo%ised to a li,i % soul a d "ea t it 3ia e #as the first* 4That "akes you spe(ial*5 - said* - #as /t really %ood #ith all the #ords* - #as /t the %e tle speaki % ki d of %uy that Bria "i%ht be* 4Tha ks*5 She stared at "e for a lo % ti"e* 4A" - spe(ial Dar%o 85 She asked sudde ly* 3ia e had lo % lear t ot to read "ore i to "y #ords tha #hat - said. but se sed that so"eho#. so"ethi % #as differe t. so"eho# she #a ted so"e sort of (o"fort fro" "e. but - did /t k o# #hy* 4- lo,e you*5 The #ords slipped out of "y "outh a d - lau%hed #ith e"barrass"e t* had e,er told a li,i % soul those #ords i "y life* - tur ed to#ards the exit a d pulled ope the door. - should /t ha,e told 3ia e either* -t had )ust see"ed to sudde ly o,er#hel" "e. the feeli %s - had for her* But - (ould /t "ake %ood o those feeli %s. had a respo sibility to "y pa(k* Before - (ould step throu%h the door - felt 3ia e/s sle der ar"s e (ir(le "y #aist* 4Oh Dar%o * - lo,e you too*5 She #hispered. but she #as sobbi %* 4Do /t (ry*5 - #as surprised at ho# "u(h her tears tore at "y heart* - %athered her (lose to "e a d pressed "y lips a%ai st her (heeks. tasti % the salti ess of her tears* - felt fear. for the first ti"e i a lo % ti"e - felt fear* - had "ade "yself ,ul erable to 3ia e. - had told her #hat - #as feeli % a d - #as afraid she #ould use it to hurt "e* That #as #hat people did #he they k e# you #ere ,ul erable* She slid her fa(e to the side. allo#i % her lips to press a%ai st "i e. - pressed her (loser to "e. allo#i % "y to %ue to slide i to her "outh. explori % it as - had pre,iously explored her e tire body* - re,eled i the s#eet taste of her (lea ess2 o other lips or body fluids had tou(hed her* - %ro#led #ith pleasure at k o#led%e. Bria "i%ht ha,e bee there. but they had defi itely ot bee "aki % out* 4$o"e*5 She slipped her ha d i "i e a d led "e to the bedroo". - (ould se se hesita (y about her. so"ethi % #as #ro %. but she #as /t telli % "e #hat it #as* That feeli % of fear #as rushi % ba(k to "e a%ai 2 the Dar%o that had al#ays prote(ted "e fro" pai #as s(rea"i % a d telli % "e #hat a fool - #as for ad"itti % "y feeli %s* -f you e,er ad"it your feeli %s. they (a e,er be(o"e real* 4Make lo,e to "e*5 She #hispered a d - stared at her for a full "i ute #ithout "o,i %* The 3ia e - k e# #ould ha,e #a ted to ask "e a "illio :uestio s about #he - fou d out - #as i lo,e #ith her a d all sorts of o se se. this 3ia e*** 4What/s #ro %85 - asked* She said she lo,ed "e. #he - had kissed her there #as o taste of Bria o her. at all. so #hat (ould be #ro %8 Why #as she a(ti % like this8 She looked up at "e. %uilt #ritte all o,er her fa(e. a d - %roa ed i #ardly* Dar%o . told "yself. you should ha,e k o# better tha to "ake yourself ,ul erable* 4- told 0ake that you #ere a alpha*5 She blurted out* 4- be%%ed hi" ot to kill you*5 - s eered at her. be%%i % for "e8 A %er. pride. hu"iliatio at ha,i % trusted her all rose up i "e at the sa"e ti"e* - pulled "y ha d fro" hers a d headed to#ards the door*

4Dar%o . please. do /t %o* - had to tell hi". it/s his territory* 1e/s the Alpha here*5 She pleaded* 46es. a d there (a be o ly o e Alpha* - see you/,e pi(ked yours*5 - said a d sla""ed the door shut behi d "e* - had e,er felt so hurt i "y life* - had bee a fool to (o fess "y feeli %s for her. lo % after - #as %o e - #ould be re"e"bered as the Alpha #ho had lost his heart to a s(hool tea(her that had betrayed hi"* 4Dar%o ?5 She shouted after "e. but - did /t #a t to talk. - had take e ou%h risks #ith "y heart to last a life ti"e. - #as asha"ed to ad"it that - fled fro" her ho"e. ot (ari % to fa(e her or "yself about )ust ho# deep her betrayal had %o e* All - #a ted o# #as to %et this pla o,er #ith a d %et the hell out of !ree 3id%e* - pi(ked up "y pho e a d dialed Mark* 46es*5 That #as all - had to say* 4Are you sure85 1e asked. he sou ded like he #as ha,i % se(o d thou%hts. all the ha %i % out #ith Tess #as "aki % hi" soft* 4-/" sure* Do /t you dare let "e do# *5 - %ro#led* 4- #o /t*5 1e said a d the pho e #e t dead* My #orld #as (rushi % do# arou d "e but #ithi the ext fe# hours. e,erybody/s #orld #ould be (rushi % do# arou d the". "isery lo,es (o"pa y* ;;;;; $hapter 22 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# 4We/,e bee here "ost of the day already #e/,e (o,ered so"e %ood %rou d* @ets skip the other stuff u til Thursday. - #a t to look at the Dar%o "atter before #e %o*5 - said. bri %i % a halt to the dis(ussio o the additio al la d pur(hase that #as s(heduled to be (o"pleted ext #eek* >,eryo e odded a d stared at "e for further details* 46ou all k o# that Ti"othy has bee hospitalised*5 - said a d %la (ed arou d the roo" as they odded* 4We belie,e that Dar%o had so"ethi % to do #ith it*5 - said* 4Why #ould Dar%o do so"ethi % like that85 0oh de"a ded* 4- say #e take hi" out*5 0a"es said a %rily* - i% ored 0a"es outburst. althou%h that #as ho# - felt too a d fo(used o :uestio * 0oh /s

4Dar%o is a Alpha*5 - said :uietly but - (ould hear e,eryo e i the roo" (at(h their breaths* 4!osh* -/" sorry. 0ake* - did /t k o#* - s#ear it*5 $ou (il"a Dere(k said. his fa(e tur i % red #ith pressure* Tess/ "o". his #o"a . %ripped his ha d fir"ly a d supporti,ely* 4-/" ot bla"i % you Dere(k* Dar%o took us all i *5 - said* 1e looked o ly sli%htly "ore relie,ed*

4- should ha,e k o# better* -f you #a t "y resi% atio . you ha,e it*5 1e said sadly* 46ou/re the best "a - k o# for this )ob. Dere(k* - trust you (o"pletely*5 1e s"iled #eakly at "e* 4So #hat did Ti"othy do to pro,oke Dar%o 85 Peter #a ted to k o#* 4This is #here it %ets (o"pli(ated* Of (ourse e,erythi % that is said i this roo" is stri(tly (o fide tial*5 - re"i ded the" a d they all a%reed* 4Dar%o has bee sleepi % #ith Marissa a d so has Ti"othy*5 4Oh "y %osh?5 The #ords es(aped Belly/s "outh before she (ould (o trol the"* 4This is ot %ossip "aterial* This is for de(isio "aki %*5 - re"i ded the". Belly blushed* 4-s /t Marissa Dar%o /s sister85 Da,id :uestio ed* 46es* So - took the de(isio to re"o,e her fro" Dar%o /s authority* 9o#***5 s(ru (hed up "y fa(e sli%htly. 4-/" starti % to #o der if - did the ri%ht thi %*5 4Of (ourse you did the ri%ht thi %. she/s you %er tha he is. he #as probably taki % ad,a ta%e of her*5 Maria e said. looki % :uite a oyed* 4That/s #hat - thou%ht* But o# - k o# he/s a Alpha. -/" thi ki %. "aybe she #as /t his sister at all*5 >,eryo e stared arou d* 4There/s o i di(atio that he is o,erprote(ti,e #ith Atele* Althou%h that/s ot e,ide (e i itself. these thi %s te d to per"eate a e tire fa"ily* Atele see"s a fairly bala (ed %irl. a little rou%h. but bala (ed*5 4But if Marissa/s ot his sister. she (ould be his "ate*5 0a"es said slo#ly* 4Taki % a Alpha/s "ate fro" hi" like that a d %i,i % her to a other %uy (ould (reate a real e e"y*5 46eah* But it/s his o# fault. he lied about the relatio ship* Besides. - do /t thi k they are "ates. or he #ould e,er ha,e take 3ia e as a lo,er*5 - poi ted out* Pete %asped* 4- feel like -/" liste i % to a soap opera*5 1e de(lared* 46eah. )ust re"e"ber. all this stuff stays here* - do /t #a t a y o e/s reputatio %etti % sullied*5 - re"i ded the" a%ai * There #ere "ore ods* 4So are #e sure it #as Dar%o #ho or(hestrated the atta(k8 -f he/s i ,ol,ed #ith 3ia e. "aybe he #as /t so pissed about Marissa*5 Dere(k su%%ested* 4-t #as defi itely Dar%o * Dar%o (arries the e(lipse "oo "ark. the #olf that Ti"othy killed also (arried the e(lipse "oo "ark* That/s "ore of a (oi (ide (e tha - #ould be #illi % to o,erlook*5 - explai ed* 4!osh*5 Stepha ie "uttered* 46ou thi k Dar%o has a pa(k85

4Maybe. but - ha,e /t s"elt a y of the". althou%h -/" pretty sure Marissa a d Atele are part of the pa(k*5 - explai ed* 4But #hy #ould he (o"e here. to !ree 3id%e8 1e k o#s that Alpha/s do /t (ross ea(h other/s territory u less they/,e re:uested per"issio or u less it/s a battle*5 Stepha ie poi ted out u e(essarily* 41e did /t %et per"issio * Be(ause he e,er de(lared he #as a Alpha*5 $ou (il"a Dere(k put i . "aki % it (lear he #as ot o Dar%o /s side i this "atter* Tess/s "o" odded her a%ree"e t* 4So that settles it the * We %o a d %et hi" a d rip his head off his stupid body a d dispose of his t#o pa(k "e"bers*5 0a"es said blu tly* 4-/" #ith you. s#eetheart*5 Barly put i * 46eah. (ou t "e i *5 Stepha ie "uttered* Tess/ betas #ere pretty blood thirsty* 4The proble" is2 Atele a d Marissa ha,e "a a%ed to #or" their #ay i to the hearts of t#o of "y betas*5 - said. stari % dire(tly at Stepha o#* 1e held his head do# i e"barrass"e t* 4-***- #o /t let you do# . 0ake*5 1e "uttered* 4- belo % to your pa(k. you ha,e "y support*5 - odded - appre(iated k o#i % that "y brother #as still behi d "e. - hoped - #ould be able to say the sa"e thi % for Ti"othy #he he fou d out #hat #as %oi % o * 40ake*5 -t #as Stepha a%ai . he #as looki % up at "e #ith a pleadi % look o his fa(e* 4- do /t ha,e the ri%ht to ask it. - k o# the pa(k has o ri%ht bei % here* But***5 1e s#allo#ed hard a d %la (ed arou d the table* 4Do /t kill. Atele* Please*5 4She/s the e e"y* 1er pa(k tried to kill Ti"othy*5 0a"es yelled a %rily* 4- lo,e her*5 Stepha said* 4Too flippi % bad. that pa(k is dead*5 Maria e put i * 4Please***5 Stepha be%%ed. #ol,es did /t be% like that. espe(ially "y betas* 4Speak*5 - said. stari % a(ross the roo" at Stepha * 4Put a (ase a d #e/ll take a ,ote*5 4She/s (arryi % "y (hild*5 Stepha said a d all our "ouths dropped ope * 4Bloody hell. "a *5 - %ru ted* 4Cote*5 Stepha ie i sisted* 4We (a /t kill Stepha /s u bor (hild*5 Maria e said* 4Cote*5 Barly i sisted* - stood up. - (ould /t ,ery #ell kill "y o# ie(e or ephe# o "ore (ould - kill the %irl "y brother see"ed to be head o,er heels i lo,e #ith* 4- ,ote #e %i,e Dar%o his #alki % papers a d tell hi" to %et out of !ree 3id%e before to"orro# i%ht*5 - said fir"ly* 4Those i fa,our*5

4Aye*5 There #as a u a i"ous a%ree"e t* - did /t expe(t that a y of the" #ould ha,e disa%reed #ith "y resolutio * -t allo#ed Atele to li,e a d Dar%o a d Marissa that #ould "ake at least three reside ts i !ree 3id%e happy* 4What if he takes Atele a d Marissa #ith hi". they are his pa(k "e"bers. they #o /t disobey*5 Stepha said* 4Sorry* - (a do o "ore*5 - %ot up a d headed to#ards the door. it #as al"ost i%ht. #e had bee "eeti % all day* 40ake*5 Stepha "uttered* 4Sorry* But if you re:uest per"issio to )oi his pa(k to be #ith her -/ll %ra t you per"ssio *5 - said a d left the roo". but ot before - sa# the look of total (haos (ross Stepha /s fa(e* - k e# he did /t #a t to lea,e "y pa(k. he did /t #a t to ,o# loyalty to Dar%o . but he did /t #a t to lose Atele either* My little brother #as all %ro# up. a d this #as a proble" he #as %oi % to ha,e to fix o his o# * ;;;;; $hapter 2D Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - sla""ed the door behi d "e #he - e tered #hat had bee our ho"e for the past fe# #eeks* -t felt as if it had bee a lifeti"e. thi %s had happe ed here i !ree 3id%e that had e,er happe ed i all the years - had bee ali,e* 4Atele?5 - s(rea"ed her a"e. a %er #as a easier e"otio to sho# tha hurt. hurt sho#ed #eak ess* 46eah*5 She hurried out of her roo" to#ards "e* 4Pa(k* !et e,erythi % i to the (ar* The ti"e has (o"e* !o a d %et Marissa. k o(k her out if you ha,e to. but she/s ot stayi % here*5 - i stru(ted* 46es boss*5 She said* She k e# #he - #as ot to be ar%ued #ith* 4A d Atele* - hear that Ti"othy is to (o"e ho"e fro" hospital this after oo * Whe you pi(k up Marissa. kill hi"*5 4Boss85 1er eyes fle# ope * 46ou %ot :uestio s85 - de"a ded* 49o*5 She said* 4!ood*5 - "uttered a d headed off to#ards "y roo" to pa(k* 4Whe you/re do e you (a "eet "e up at the =1a,e / (rossroads* We/ll head ho"e fro" there*5 4Dar%o *5 She said a d - stopped a d tur ed to#ards her* 4-***5 Whate,er she #as #a ti % to ask #as stu(k i her (ra#* 4Out #ith it*5 - yelled* 4- #a t to stay*5 - lau%hed*

4Please. - #a t to stay***#ith Stepha *5 She said holdi % her head do# * 49o*5 - "uttered* 49o*5 - said a%ai * 41ell. 9O*5 A d - strolled i to "y roo" a d sla""ed the door behi d "e* What the he(k #as %oi % o 8 Marissa had hooked up #ith Ti"othy a d #as li,i % #ith hi" a d o# Atele #as aski % per"issio to desert "e8 What the he(k did they thi k this #as8 - (a"e here for o e "issio a d o e "issio alo e a (ure* This #as ot about falli % i lo,e a d li,i % happily e,er after this #as about "e a d this #ould re"ai about "e* - %rabbed the first ite" "y ha d (ould rea(h a d sla""ed it hard a%ai st the #all* - did /t (are about a y body else? ;;; Tess poi t of ,ie# - #as e"barrassed to fi d that - had slept the e tire day* - stead of the su peepi % throu%h the (urtai to #ake "e up it #as the setti % su that #oke "e up* - %roa ed a d rolled out of "y bed a d headed i to the sho#er* - rubbed "y ski dry ,i%orously a d slipped o a skirt a d ta k top blouse* - brushed "y hair. allo#i % the bla(k stra ds to fall i fro t of "y fa(e* - %la (ed at "y #at(h. it #as al"ost six o (lo(k. 0ake #oud be (o"i % ho"e soo fro" his "eeti %* - hurried do# stairs a d started to busy "yself i the kit(he . shooi % a#ay 0illia #he she tried to help. she #e t off to fi d so"ethi % else to do #ith herself* - #as )ust putti % the fi ishi % tou(hes to di er a d #o deri % #hy 0ake had /t rea(hed ho"e as yet #he the doorbell ra %* 4-/ll %et it?5 - shouted to 0illia a d she %ru ted a respo se* - brushed "y ha ds a%ai st the apro the headed to#ards the door* -t (ould /t be 0ake. he #ould /t ri % the door bell* 4Oh*5 - said as - stared at Mark o the doorstep* 4Are /t you %oi % to i ,ite "e i 85 1e asked* 1is ,oi(e #as perfe(tly sober* 4Of (ourse*5 - said. steppi % aside to allo# hi" e try* - had pro"ised 0ake that #ould /t see Mark a y "ore. a d - had told Mark as "u(h. his tur i % up at the house #as a (o"plete surprise to "e* 4-/" sorry - (aused so "u(h proble"s bet#ee you a d 0ake*5 1e said sadly* 4should /t ha,e lea ed o you so "u(h* 6ou #ere tryi % to help "e a d all -/,e bee doi % is "aki % life harder for you*5 1e said* 4-t/s okay Mark*5 - said. "y heart %oi % out to hi"* 4- )ust #a ted to say. %oodbye*5 1e said* 4!oodbye85 - asked pu77led* 4A proper %oodbye. %oodbye to "y last frie d* !oodbye be(ause - #o /t see you a y "ore. #e #o /t talk a y"ore* !oodbye be(ause -/ll be like dead to you*5 1e said* 4That/s ot true Mark* We/ll still be frie ds* A d 0illia /s still your frie d*5 - offered* 1e odded a d for(ed a s"ile to his fa(e*

4Tell 0ake -/" sorry too*5 1e said a d started to#ards the door. - %ripped his ar" a d tu%%ed hi" to#ards "e* 4Do /t you dare do a ythi % stupid Mark*5 - said fir"ly* 4- lo,e you*5 1e said a d sudde ly his ar"s #ere e (ir(li % "y #aist a d his lips #ere bei % pressed a%ai st "i e i a stro % passio ate kiss* - lifted "y ha ds to press the" a%ai st his (hest a d push hi" a#ay fro" "e but - heard 0illia ex(lai"* 4Oh o****5 A d tears #ere i her eyes* - ope ed "y "outh to speak to her a d the fro t door ope ed a d 0ake #alked i * 40ake***5 My head fle# arou d i the other dire(tio to#ards 0ake. "y eyes #ide #ith fear for Mark* - #as /t e,e %i,e a opportu ity to speak. i a split se(o d 0ake had %ripped Mark a d hoisted hi" off of the %rou d* 4Put hi" do# ?5 - s(rea"ed. but 0ake/s eyes #ere blood red a d he #as /t liste i %* 4Oh "y %ood ess***he/s %oi % to kill hi"?5 0illia s:uealed* - #at(hed 0ake fli % Mark hard a(ross the roo" heard Mark/s body (rush rou%h a%ai st the li,i % roo" door. (ausi % it to fly ope . Mark tu"bled to the %rou d i the li,i % roo"* 40ake?5 - yelled as 0ake flitted a(ross the roo" a d dra%%ed Mark to his feet a%ai a d raised hi" to eye le,el* 46ou #a t to die Mark85 1e asked throu%h (le (hed teeth* Mark did /t a s#er. 4This is your lu(ky day*5 1e flu % Mark hard a%ai st the furthest #all a d Mark slid to the %rou d al"ost u (o s(ious* 4Tra sfor" Mark. before he kills you?5 0illia s(rea"ed* - hurried i to the roo". )ust behi d 0ake as he "o,ed purposefully to#ards Mark* Mark had e,er tra sfor"ed si (e he had bee (ha %ed i to a #ere#olf. but o#. sudde ly for the first ti"e. the look o Mark/s fa(e #as sayi % he #as #illi % to fi%ht for his life* - #at(hed Mark tra sfor" i to a lar%e %rey #olf a d the he tur ed a d )u"ped for the #i do# to es(ape the house. but 0ake #as #ay too fast a d stro % for hi". e,e i his #olf for"* - #at(hed 0ake pi(k up Mark/s #olf like a toy a d toss it full at the #i do#* Mark/s body (rashed hard. breaki % the %lass. bits of %lass pu (turi % his #olf ski . part of his body hitti % the #all a d breaki % a#ay a pie(e of it* Mark slid to the %rou d. ot e,e a #ere#olf (ould take the ki d of pu ish"e t 0ake #as dishi % out* 49ot so a xious to die a y"ore. Mark85 0ake s eered. "aki % his #ay o,er to Mark/s #olf #hi(h #as stru%%li % to %et to its feet. - #as pretty sure at least t#o of the le%s #ere hurt* 40ake. stop it?5 - s(rea"ed. but he #as /t liste i %* - k e# he fully i te ded to kill Mark a d put hi" out of his "isery* ;;;;; $hapter 2F Tess/ poi t of ,ie#

0ake a d - had our ar%u"e ts o,er the year #e #ere "arried. but this #as %oi % to be the fi%ht that e ded all fi%hts. - k e# - (ould /t sta d by a d #at(h 0ake kill Mark. a d k e# that - #as the o ly o e i !ree 3id%e #ho had the ability to stop 0ake* 0ake had )ust lifted Mark/s #olf i to the air. a d tossed hi" a(ross the roo" to#ards the broke door. 0illia rushed i a d headed o,er to #here Mark laid o#. (urled up. ot appeari % to be able to "o,e* 4!et hi" to the hospital*5 - yelled at her as - half tra sfor"ed i to "y alpha royale a d spra % at 0ake* - (ould feel the "us(les i "y ar"s a d le%s expa di %. - (ould feel the bo es of "y body stre %the a d thi(ke a d expa d* - #as /t i "y #olf for". - #as i a hu"a oid #olf for"* The atta(k #as ob,iously a (o"plete surprise. #he "y body stru(k 0ake/s it k o(ked hi" off bala (e a d our t#o bodies sla""ed i to the book (ase o the #est #all* 4What the he(k***5 0ake be%a . but - pressed "y hea,ier body a%ai st his still hu"a for" i a effort to keep hi" pi ed to the %rou d* <ro" the (or er of "y eye - (ould see 0illia helpi % Mark to his feet. he #as ba(k i his hu"a for" a d they #ere hobbli % to#ards the door* - had to keep 0ake detai ed lo % e ou%h to allo# Mark to exit the buildi %* 4!et off of "e*5 0ake yelled* - %ro#led. as his ar" e (ir(led "y e(k a d tu%%ed "e about. pulli % "e to the floor a d allo#i % hi" to )u"p to his feet* 1e tra sfor"ed i to his 3oyale* 4Stay out of this. this is bet#ee Mark a d "e*5 1e ho#led a d took off to#ards the door* But - did /t allo# hi" to "ake it that far2 - lau (hed "yself at hi". bri %i % hi" do# to the %rou d a%ai * 1e %ro#led. a d - k e# "y i terfere (e #as %etti % hi" a %ry* 4@ea,e hi" alo e*5 - %ro#led* 0ake/s le%s #rapped about "y body a d he t#isted. for(i % "e i to a body lo(k. his forear" pressed a%ai st "y throat* 4Stay out of this*5 1e repeated* 49e,er*5 - yelled. thro#i % e,ery ou (e of e er%y - possessed a%ai st his restri(ti % le%s a d breaki % free* - pu (hed hi" i the fa(e a d heard his body fall ba(k to the %rou d fro" the po#er of the blo#* 1e )u"ped to his feet. his ha d e (ir(led "y #aist a d he lifted "e up i to the air. "y royale #as still li%hter tha his. so he still had a #ei%ht ad,a ta%e. the he tossed "e* - s(rea"ed. but - la ded o the (ou(h i the (or er of the roo"* -t #as /t a soft la di %. but it #as /t hard either* - k e# he #as tryi % ot to hurt "e* 4@ea,e hi" alo e*5 - said a%ai . as - ro(keted to "y feet a d stood fa(i % 0ake. ready for battle if e(essary* - (ould hear Mark/s (ar start a d - k e# 0illia had bee able to %et hi" safely i to the (ar* All they eeded #as a head start. ot e,e 0ake #ould e ter the hospital a d try to kill o e of their patie ts* 41e/s a dead "a . Tess*5 0ake said. tur i % to#ards the door* - atta(ked hi" a%ai . this ti"e - allo#ed "y teeth to si k i to his e(k. all - eeded to do #as %i,e the" a head start*

4Arrr%%%%hhh***5 - (ould feel 0ake/s "us(le te se as his body expa ded "ore. he #as shifti % i to "ore of a #olf for" so he (ould ha dle "y atta(ks better* My ails du% i to his ba(k a d - applied "ore pressure to his e(k #ith "y teeth. for(i % hi" to the %rou d* But he did /t %o to the %rou d :uietly. he dropped a d rolled sudde ly. dislod%i % "e fro" his shoulder* The sudde ess of his drop (aused "y shoulder to (o e(t to the hard ess of the floor a d - %ri"a(ed* 0ake bou ded to his feet a d fa(ed "e* 4- do /t #a t to fi%ht #ith you*5 1e said. he #as breathi % hea,ily a d - k e# it #as /t fro" our fi%ht. but fro" the a %ry passio that #as probably still buildi % up i hi" o,er seei % Mark holdi % "e a d kissi % "e* 4$al" do# *5 - said* 49o. Tess* This is !ree 3id%e. -/" the Alpha here a d Mark has %ot to u dersta d that #ere#ol,es li,e by rules*5 1e %ro#led* 40ake?5 - yelled at hi". but he tra sfor"ed (o"pletely to his full #olf a d took off before - (ould stop hi"* 4Dar *5 - "uttered* Tra sfor"i % ba(k i to "y hu"a a d ru stoppi % lo % e ou%h to %rab "y ba% a d keys before headi % out to start* Dar ? - flu % the keys do# o the floor i frustratio * What o #ith it? - hurried out of the %ates. hopi % - #ould be able to fla% do# "e a ride a d "eet 0illia a d Mark at the hospital* i % outside o ly "y (ar* -t did /t earth #as #ro % so"eo e to %i,e

0ake had bee ri%ht. - should e,er ha,e e (oura%ed Mark i the first pla(e. - thou%ht he had bee %ro#i % to like 0illia . but it see"ed he #as still i to liki % "e* 1o# (ould ha,e bee so #ro %8 >,e %oi % to the hospital o# (ould stir up (o fro tatio 2 - (ould o ly hope that the ra(e to the hospital #ould (ool 0ake do# so"e#hat* 4Tess*5 -t #as Dar%o * - #as so %lad to see hi". he #as like a hea,e se t* - fla%%ed hi" do# hurriedly* 4- eed a ride to the hospital*5 - said* 46ou okay85 1e asked2 (o (er et(hed o his fa(e* 4-t/s )ust bee a rou%h day*5 - said2 - had al"ost for%otte that he/d had a ru i #ith 0ake too* 4Tha ks a d - k o# #hat you "ea * -/ll probably be lea,i % to# a y day o#*5 Dar%o said* 4-/ll "iss you*5 - said. a d - "ea t it* Dar%o had bee a pretty %ood frie d i the short ti"e he had bee i !ree 3id%e. it #as a pity he a d 0ake had /t hit it off* 0ake (ould be su(h a )erk at ti"es. but he #as "y )erk* 4Tha ks*5 1e said. s"ili % pleasa tly a d #e headed off to#ards the hospital* ;;;;; $hapter 2G Atele/s poi t of ,ie#

- rea(hed Ti"othy/s ho"e. - i haled deeply. he #as already there fro" the hospital a d Marissa #as #ith hi"* - exhaled slo#ly. this #as a dirty )ob that Dar%o had se t "e to do. but he #as "y Alpha. - really did /t ha,e a y (hoi(e* - k o(ked :uietly o the door. o eed starti % the fi%ht before - eeded to* 4Who is it85 Ti"othy shouted* 4Atele*5 - said* The door s#u % ope a d Ti"othy %reeted "e #ith a s"ile. - felt like a (o"plete fraud* 4-/,e (o"e to take Marissa ho"e*5 Ti"othy/s s"ile fell* 4Marissa/s ot %oi % ba(k #ith Dar%o * 0ake ruled o it*5 1e said fir"ly* 4-/" sorry. Ti"othy* Marissa is /t Dar%o /s sister. she/s his #o"a a d you (a /t ha,e her*5 - explai ed* Ti"othy looked fro" "e to Marissa. #ho held do# her head i e"barrass"e t* 4<i e* >,e if she #as his #o"a . Marissa is old e ou%h to "ake her "i d up about #ho she #a ts to be #ith* She (a (hose if she #a ts "e or hi"*5 Ti"othy (ou tered* 46ou do /t %et it* Dar%o /s a Alpha* Marissa belo %s to his pa(k* Pa(k la#s*5 - said fir"ly* To #alk a#ay fro" your Alpha #as treaso . you had to ha,e his per"issio to lea,e the pa(k* Marissa did /t ha,e Dar%o /s per"issio * A(k o#led%e"e t %li""ered i Ti"othy/s eyes. but deter"i atio to hold o to Marissa #as also there* 4She/s ot lea,i %* She lo,es "e* A d lo,e beats a y pa(k la#s*5 1e said fir"ly* 4-/" sorry. Ti"othy*5 - tur ed to Marissa #ith a authoritati,e to e* 4!et your ba% a d (o"e #ith "e*5 - (ould see a tear %liste i % o the ed%e of her lashes a d - felt like a s(ou drel. they did /t k o# ho# "u(h - #ished that lo,e (ould beat pa(k la#s* Ti"othy held a pal" up to Marissa to stop her fro" "o,i %* 4She/s ot %oi %* 6ou/ll ha,e to kill "e first*5 1e said blu tly* 4That/s fi e* That #as Dar%o /s i stru(tio a y#ay*5 - said* 4-/ll %o #ith you. please. do /t***5 But Marissa/s #ords #ere (ut off as Ti"othy a d tra sfor"ed i to our #ol,es a d )u"ped for ea(h other/s throats* The (lash i the air #as a little u settli % for "e* 9or"ally. - #ould be totally o top of so"ethi % like that. but #as (arryi % a (hild. a (hild that #as for "e pre(ious (ar%o* - fou%ht ot o ly like first beta. - fou%ht like a #olf prote(ti % her (ub* My pa#s lashed out a d (au%ht Ti"othy about the e(k. di%%i % deep i to the ski a d (ausi % blood to spout e,ery#here* 1e sta%%ered ba(k. but he #as stro %. he )u"ped at "e. - sidestepped hi". ot #illi % to ha,e a other body (lash #ith hi"* - s#iped at hi" #ith "y (la#s a%ai . he dod%ed but - rushed for#ard s#iftly a d s#iped a%ai i :ui(k su((essio . (at(hi % hi" a(ross his fa(e* 1e stu"bled ba(k. he #as hurt. - eeded o ly to %o for his u derbelly o# a d fi ish hi" off* 1e lau (hed hi"self at "e. so"eho# se si % "y u #illi % ess to (lash bodies #ith hi"* - )u"ped to the side a d (ould ha,e held up "y (la#s a d (au%ht hi" i the

u derbelly but - did /t* Ti"othy #as o e of Stepha /s best frie ds. if - killed hi". Stepha #ould hate "e for life* - %ripped his shoulder i "y teeth i stead a d tu%%ed hi" do# * We rolled o the %rou d ex(ha %i % bites a d slashes* - had to put a e d to this. - %ripped Ti"othy/s e(k. usi % "y superior stre %th a d te(h i:ue a d s:uee7ed* - #as (utti % off his air supply* 1e sta%%ered. but he #as deter"i ed to ha % o * - pressed o harder* 4Please. do /t kill hi"?5 Marissa s(rea"ed* She looked as if she #as about ready to tra sfor" i to her #olf to defe d Ti"othy* Marissa did /t sta d a s o#ball (ha (e i hell a%ai st "e i a fi%ht ot e,e #ith Ti"othy helpi % her* - felt Ti"othy/s body %o li"p a%ai st "e a d - tra sfor"ed ba(k i to "y hu"a as Marissa started to "orph i to her #olf* 4Do /t bother* 1e/s ot dead. )ust u (o s(ious* Tie hi" up #ith this so he does /t %et a y (ra7y ideas about follo#i % us* -f Dar%o sees he/s still ali,e. he/ll kill "e for sure*5 - said a d - tossed the sil,er stri % - had brou%ht #ith "e to tie Marissa if she had bee resista t* She hurried to the task of tyi % up Ti"othy. usi % the opportu ity to "ake sure that he #as okay. - #at(hed her press a (loth a%ai st his #ou d a d tie it do# to redu(e the bleedi %* 41e/s a #olf* 1e/ll be fi d* 0ust tie hi" up. e,erythi % is %oi % do# to i%ht a d #e ha,e to be out of !ree 3id%e #he the (rap hits the fa or #e/ll be do% (ho# )ust for asso(iati % #ith Dar%o *5 - explai ed* Marissa odded sadly. %rabbed t#o bits of (loth to hold the e ds of the sil,er stri % a d tied Ti"othy se(urely* The sil,er #ould "ake hi" #eak a d stop hi" fro" breaki % free* 4@ets %o*5 - said "ore ur%e tly* - did /t #a t to be i !ree 3id%e #he 0ake %ot #i d of the fa(t that - had bee a part of the pla to help Dar%o kid ap Tess* ;;;;; $hapter 2I Tess/ poi t of ,ie# The ride #ith Dar%o had see"ed pretty re%ular. - had e,e (o fided #ith hi" about the proble" #ith 0ake a d Mark* 1e had see"ed so thou%htful. a d #he he had tur ed off of the road headed to the hospital - had thou%ht othi % parti(ularly de,ious about it* 4- hope you do /t "i d if - "ake o e stop* Besides. it "i%ht be a %ood idea that you do /t %o to the hospital* -t/s ot as if 0ake is %oi % to #alt7 i to a hospital a d kill the %uy* The do(tors #ould defi itely fro# upo it*5 Dar%o explai ed* - odded. that #as true. 0ake #as a %ry but he still had a i"a%e to uphold a d he #ould /t kill Mark i (old blood. espe(ially #he he #as already i )ured* Dar%o /s #ords %a,e "e so"e "easure of relief* Maybe Dar%o #as ri%ht. "aybe "y %oi % to the hospital #as /t a %ood idea. "aybe it "i%ht "ake 0ake thi % that - had "ore i terest ,ested i Mark tha - really had* - #ould %o ho"e a d #ait for 0ake* We #ould #ork

this out. this #as ot %oi % to be a proble" #e #ould /t be able to sol,e. #ould it8 %la (ed arou d as Dar%o (a"e to a halt )ust a fe# feet fro" the #ester exit* 4Oh* Why are #e here85 - asked. breaki % out of "y thou%hts to stare at Dar%o * 4-t/s a %reat ,ie# a d - thou%ht you eeded so"e =a#ay fro" it all/ ti"e*5 1e said si"ply* 4Was it a bad idea85 49o. o* - %uess - eed to stop a d thi k about #hat -/" doi %*5 - said. lea i % ba(k a%ai st the seat of the (ar* - eeded to stop a d thi k* - felt Dar%o /s ar" e (ir(le "e (o"forti %ly a d he pulled "e (lose to hi"* Tears pri(ked the ba(k of "y eyes* 4- (a /t belie,e - fou%ht #ith 0ake*5 - #hispered. buryi % "y head i his shoulder* - felt his body slide o,er to "y side of the (ar* - ope ed "y eyes* 4What are you***5 - did /t %et a (ha (e to (o"plete the se te (e as he pressed his body a%ai st "i e. %rabbed both of "y #rist #ith o e of his ha ds a d slid his ha d do# to his pa ts to u 7ip it* The #hole idea )ust see"ed so (o"pletely (ra7y that by the ti"e #as prepari % to s(rea" he had already pressed his "outh do# hard a%ai st "i e* ;;; 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# O (e - had arri,ed at the hospital - felt "u(h (al"er* >xer(ise al#ays see"ed to help "e to relax a d "ake "e thi k* The ru o,er to the hospital had "ade "e see that - #as bei % )ealous by tryi % to kill Mark for kissi % "y %irl* >,e thou%h - "i%ht feel like killi % hi". that did /t %i,e "e the ri%ht to kill hi"* - strolled i to the hospital i "y #olf for" a d headed i to o e of their (losets. #he - (a"e out - #as i "y hu"a for" a d fully dressed* 4- #a t Mark*5 - said to the !elda. the you % urse at the re(eptio ist desk* 41e/s bee take to the top floor*5 She looked at "e suspi(iously* 46ou ha,e /t (o"e here to fi ish kill hi" ha,e you85 49o*5 - said* 43oo" LM&*5 She said (asually. the looked ba(k at "e a%ai * 4-f you kill hi" -/" %oi % to be i a lot of trouble*5 - s"iled* 4-/ll try to (o trol "yself*5 - pro"ised her a d she odded* - took the ele,ator to Mark/s roo". ot really sure #hat - #as %oi % to tell hi". #he pushed the door a d #alked i both he a d 0illia looked as if they #ould ha,e a heart atta(k* 4!et out 0illia * - #a t to talk to Mark alo e*5 - said* She looked hesita t. %la (i % fro" Mark to "e* 4- said %o*5 She s(urried o,er to the door* 4Do /t kill hi"*5 She said a d the she disappeared outside the roo"* - sla""ed the door shut behi d her*

4Are you %oi % to kill "e85 1e asked. looki % stra %ely (o (er ed at the prospe(t* T#o #eeks a%o Mark #as be%%i % "e to kill hi". o# he did /t see" as ex(ited about the prospe(t* Maybe Tess/ efforts #ith hi" #ere payi % off* 4- o#e you a apolo%y. Mark*5 - said. the #ords surprisi % "y o# self* 1is "outh dropped ope a d he stared at "e* 49ot for tryi % to beat the (rap out of you***you deser,ed that for "aki % out #ith "y #o"a . a d i "y house*5 - %ro#led at the thou%ht a d he shra k i to the bed further* 4>,ery hu"a -/,e e,er (ha %ed to a #olf -/,e (ha %ed the" be(ause they #a ted to be (ha %ed* - (ha %ed the" for lo,e. so they (ould bo d #ith a #olf "ate a d ha,e (hildre . "aybe they #a ted to be a #ere#olf all their li,es a d - "ade their drea" (o"e throu%h* But it #as differe t #ith you Mark. - did /t (ha %e you be(ause of #hat you #a ted. - (ha %ed you for "y o# selfish reaso s*5 - said. a d as the #ords left "y "outh - k e# they #ere true* 4-t #as Tess #ho for(ed you*5 Mark said. looki % perplexed at "y (o ,ersatio * 4Tess did /t for(e "e. she asked "e* - ha,e a #eak ess. Mark* - lo,e Tess. a d -/d do a ythi % to keep her* - fi%ured if - did /t (ha %e you. she/d hate "e* What #e had #ould be o,er. so. for "y o# selfish reaso s - "ade you a #ere#olf*5 4- #as dyi %*5 Mark #hispered* 46es. you #ere* But - k e# i "y heart you #ould ha,e preferred to die tha to be(o"e like "e. like us* But - did /t (are e ou%h about #hat you felt2 all - (ould thi k about #as keepi % Tess/ lo,e*5 - tur ed a#ay. asha"ed at the re(o% itio that - had take a#ay a "a /s ri%ht of (hoi(e for "y o# selfish desires* 46ou #ere a hu ter. - "ade you i to #hat you hu ted. a d - #as #ro %*5 - looked hi" full i the fa(e. 4Tess #as ri%ht. - ha,e al#ays see you as a threat. but you are "ore tha a threat you/re "y sire li %* - "ade you #hat you are a d - refused to sho# you the ki d of atte tio you eeded to li,e #ith it* Be(o"i % a #ere#olf is like bei % a (hild all o,er a%ai . the sa"e ki d of lo,e. atte tio a d trai i % is re:uired* - offered trai i %. but - #as so afraid of your feeli %s for Tess - "ade lo,e a bad #ord #he it (a"e to you* >,ery #olf i "y pa(k k o#s - (are about the" a d that - #ould %i,e "y life to defe d the"* >,ery o e***5 - stared at hi" sadly* 4>x(ept you. Mark*5 4- did /t "ake it easy*5 Mark (o fessed. tur i % his fa(e a#ay fro" "e a d - k e# #hat - #as sayi % to hi" ot o ly ra % true i "y o# heart. but i his too* 46ou should /t ha,e had to* 6ou did /t ask for a y of this* Tess tried to "ake "e see. but - #as too busy bei % )ealous to thi k about your feeli %s* -/" sorry. Mark* - hope you for%i,e "e a d %i,e "e a (ha (e to start our frie dship o,er the #ay it #as "ea t to be*5 - stu(k "y ha d out to#ards hi". he looked hesita t a d the he slo#ly rea(hed out to#ards "e* - shook his ha d fir"ly* 4<irst rule. e,er kiss "y #o"a *5 - said* 1e lau%hed a d the %rabbed his side* 4Se(o dly. - ha,e a other (o fessio to "ake*5 - #as /t so sure if he #ould take this se(o d bit of i for"atio has happily as he had a((epted "y first (o fessio * 4- had all your (o""u i(atio s tapped*5 1is eyes #ide ed*

4- thou%ht you #ere a loose (a o a d - did /t #a t you bri %i % do# all sorts of proble"s o !ree 3id%e*5 - ad"itted* - did /t "ake a y apolo%ies for that. as Alpha had a respo sibility for the safety of all "y #ol,es. Mark #as a threat* 4- read the last (o""u i(atio you had #ith your hu ter frie ds*5 - said* 1e looked up at "e. there #ere tears i his eyes o#* 4- do /t ha,e a y hu ter frie ds*5 1e said sadly* - %ri ed* 4That/s #here you/re #ro %* -f you had take the ti"e to %o ba(k to the site you #ould ha,e fou d that ot o ly did they put ba(k the pass#ord so you (ould %et i . they had a ,ote as to #hether or ot you should be allo#ed ba(k as a hu ter i your e# for"* -/" pleased to report that the o,er#hel"i % ,ote #as that your frie ds still thi k you/re a de(e t %uy* 6ou helped the" #ith resear(h e,e #hile you #ere a #ere#olf a d you (hatted #ith the"* - %uess they reali7ed that bei % a #ere#olf does /t "ake you a "o ster* Bei % a "o ster is si"ply a state of "i d*5 Mark #as %ri i % fro" ear to ear. he tried to sit up a d %roa ed. - pushed hi" %e tly ba(k o to the bed* 4They #a t "e. they #a t "e85 1e lau%hed a d the %roa ed a%ai * 1e rea(hed out a d %ripped "y ha d a d pu"ped it happily* 4Tha k you. tha k you. 0ake* 6ou did /t ha,e to tell "e a y of this*5 1e #as still s"ili %* 4Tha k you*5 1is eyes #ere (o"pletely ali,e a d %lo#i % #ith happi ess. )ust to be a((epted #as all Mark had really #a ted. a d fi ally he #as %etti % #hat he #a ted a d - #as happy for hi"* ;;;;; $hapter 2J Tess/ poi t of ,ie# - #as still tryi % to fi%ure out #hat the he(k #as happe i %* Dar%o #as holdi % "e do# to "y seat so ti%htly. - tried to expa d "y ar"s to allo# "y #olf e ou%h freedo" to (o"e i but he restri(ted "e* - #as totally sho(ked. ho# (ould he be so stro %. e,e #ith "e i "y hu"a for". to hold "e like this8 - #as a Alpha 3oyale. obody had "ore stre %th tha a 3oyale* - stru%%led a%ai st hi". but it see"ed futile. he had body #ei%ht o his side a d so"eho#. he #as as stro % as a 3oyale* What o earth did he #a t to do #ith "e8 - #a ted to s(rea" but his lips #ere pressed o,er "y "outh* (ould /t i"a%i e that a %uy like Dar%o #ould see the eed to rape a %irl. #hy. #hy #as he doi % this to "e8 - tried to t#ist a d s:uir". doi % "y best to #or" "y #ay out of his %rasp but he held o ti%ht* - (ould feel a %er buildi % up i "e. a %er a d frustratio * - (ould /t belie,e - had allo#ed hi" to %et (lose e ou%h to pi "e like this* - side "y head #as s(rea"i %. s(rea"i % for 0ake. Dar%o had )ust u 7ipped his pa ts a d it #as (lear #hat he o# i te ded to do* Tears spra % to "y eyes. - #as so s(ared. but ot )ust s(ared. the 3oyale i "e #as beati % at "y hu"a at e,ery poi t to es(ape* - eeded to tra sfor"* - the first pla(e. a she #olf (a /t be raped she "ust be #illi % to be pe etrated a d - #as so ot #illi %. a d i the se(o d pla(e. "y #olf #ould be "u(h "ore diffi(ult to (o trol tha "y hu"a for"* ;;;

Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - had u 7ipped "y pa ts a d positio ed "y body o,er hers. but bloody hell - (ould /t %et a ere(tio * Tess #as hot. but all - (ould see" to thi k of #as 3ia e* What the he(k8? This sort of thi % o ly happe s to a he #olf #he he has bo ded. it is i"posible for hi" to %et sexually tur ed o e ou%h by a other %irl to (arry out the sexual a(t* 1ad - bo ded #ith 3ia e8 But she #as hu"a . hu"a s a d #ol,es (ould /t bo d* - %roa ed a d pulled "y ha d a#ay fro" "y pa ts* Maybe - #as )ust er,ous about the #hole pla . "aybe later - #ould be able to* - had /t bee tur ed o #he - had tried to %o to Marissa either. - pushed the thou%ht out of "y "i d* - (ould ot be bo ded to 3ia e* @ater. later - #ould take Tess a d %et the (ure* - rea(hed i to the %lo,e (o"part"e t #ith "y free ha d a d pulled out the (he"i(al (hlorofor". it #ould k o(k out Tess* With o e ha d - spri kled so"e o a (loth a d brou%ht it up to#ards Tess. - pulled a#ay fro" her s#iftly a d repla(ed "y "outh #ith the (loth* - had to do it fast. - did /t eed her to %et out a s(rea" that "i%ht su""o her "ate* - #as fast. - hoped fast e ou%h* She "uttered a #eak* 40ake*5 Before she (losed her eyes a d su((u"bed to u (o s(ious ess* ;;; Mark/s poi t of ,ie# - felt lousy i side* What 0ake #as sayi % #as "aki % "e u dersta d that part of "y bitter ess #as k o#i % 0ake had (ha %ed "e. but he had e,er #a ted "e as a part of his pa(k* 9o# he #as offeri % "e a ri%ht to be (alled o e of his o# . he #as offeri % "e frie dship* 1e #as offeri % the oli,e bra (h for pea(e a d - #a ted to a((ept it* But had to let hi" k o# #hat - had do e first* Would he still be #illi % to (all "e frie d8 -f he killed "e - #ould deser,e it* - had stupidly %o e alo % #ith Dar%o /s pla s. the truth #as - did /t e,e u dersta d the #hole pla . "y part had bee si"ply to "ake 0ake )ealous a d Dar%o had pro"ised "e that he #ould deal #ith 0ake o (e - did "y part* -t #as Dar%o #ho had %i,e "e the (ue ,ia a ear pie(e as to #he - should kiss Tess. he had it ti"ed to (oi (ide #ith 0ake/s arri,al. 0illia bei % there had ot bee part of the pla * -f she had /t bee there. - (ould ha,e bee killed* Why had /t Dar%o tur ed up8 O (e - had asked hi" ho# he (ould deal #ith 0ake. 0ake #as a 3oyale. he had told "e he #as a 3oyale too* - had bea"ed at the e#s. fi ally so"eo e #ho #ould be able a d #illi % to ki(k 0ake/s butt* - #as bitter a d Dar%o had fou d a ally i "y bitter ess* But e,erythi % had (ha %ed today. today - had lear t that Tess (ared e ou%h about "e to fi%ht for "e. - had lear t that 0illia (ared e ou%h about "e to fi%ht for "e. - had lear t that bei % a #ere#olf did /t )ust "ea bei % differe t it "ea t bei % stro %er. freer a d "ore i tou(h #ith your i sti (ts. the (ha %e felt %ood. ot dirty as - had expe(ted it to feel. a d - had lear t that 0ake did (are about "e - did belo % to his pa(k. he )ust had a rou%h #ay of sho#i %* 6eah. today ope ed "y eyes to a lot of thi %s. but it also ope ed "y eyes to the %uilt of betrayal* Dar%o had pro"ised to beat 0ake. but #here #as he8 The truth #as. - did /t #a t hi" to beat 0ake a y"ore. but (ould - stop hi"8 -t #as /t as if - had e,er bee i (o trol of the arra %e"e t #ith Dar%o . Dar%o had al#ays bee the o e i (o trol*

40ake*5 - s#allo#ed hard* - had to tell hi". our frie dship had to be built o trust. - had to tell hi" #hat - had do e* 46eah*5 0ake said (asually* 4- betrayed you* Bill "e if***5 - #as holdi % "y e(k up. a si% - had see so"e of the other #ol,es do as sub"issio . re,eali % the throat as the #eak spot to a((ept #hate,er pu ish"e t #ould be dished out* 4Wait*5 0ake (ut a(ross "y #ords #ith a #orried look o his fa(e* 4- thi k Tess is i trouble*5 1e looked (o"pletely flaber%asted* - stared at hi"* 4Dar%o *5 The a"e slipped off of "y lips* 41e/s a 3oyale* 1e e,er "ea t to hurt you2 his tar%et #as Tess all alo %* 1o# (ould - ha,e bee so stupid*5 - %roa ed. "y heart so filled #ith pai - thou%ht it #as %oi % to burst* -f a ythi % bad happe ed to Tess. - #ould e,er be able to li,e #ith "yself* 4-/" so***5 My apolo%y #as (ut abruptly as 0ake #as headed to#ards the hospital #i do# a d rippi % off his shirt as he #e t* (ould see he "ea t to )u"p throu%h it* 4We/re o the te th floor?5 - s(rea"ed at hi". e,e for a 3oyale that ki d of a )u"p #as a (o"plete feat* 1e #as /t liste i %. 0ake had o e thou%ht a d o e thou%ht o his "i d. a d that #as to sa,e Tess* 1e spra % throu%h the #i do# e,e as - started to yell at the top of "y ,oi(e for 0illia * - s#u % "y feet off of the bed a d %rabbed "y (hest. stu"bli % for#ard* 0illia rushed i . probably thi ki % 0ake #as tryi % to kill "e* 4Where/s 0ake85 0illia asked* 4!o e to res(ue Tess. a d -/" %oi % to help*5 - (hoked out* 46ou (a barely #alk?5 0illia s(rea"ed* 40ake/s "y Alpha. - betrayed hi". -/,e %ot to "ake it up to hi"*5 - said. the pai i "y (hest #as ex(ru(iati %. - stu"bled for#ard* 4$all the betas. tell the" 0ake/s %oi % to eed ba(k up*5 4Ba(k up8 But he/s a Alpha 3oyale* 9othi % (a beat a Alpha 3oyale*5 She said* 4>x(ept a other Alpha 3oyale #ith his pa(k*5 - (orre(ted* 1er "outh dropped ope i sho(k a d the she started pu (hi % u"bers i to her (ell pho e* 4Stepha 85 0illia said a d - s at(hed the pho e fro" her* 4Dar%o /s a Alpha 3oyale a d - thi k he/s %ot Tess* 0ake/s after hi"***but he has other #ol,es* 0ake eeds ba(k up. ur%e tly?5 A tear tri(kled do# "y fa(e as - said the last #ord* $ould it already be too late8 1ad the battle already started8 $ould they "ake it there i ti"e* 4Where "a 85 Stepha asked a d - (ould here his breathi % i (rease so - k e# he had started ru i %. probably to#ards his (ar* 4West e tra (e* -/ll "eet you there* Tell the others*5 Stepha hu % up #hile - #as fi ishi % "y (o""e t* - pressed the pho e ba(k i to 0illia /s ha d*

4They/ll take (are of it. lie do# *5 0illia ad,ised. headi % to#ards the door. a d - k e# she i te ded to %o after 0ake a d offer ba(k up* - hurried after her. i% ori % "y s(rea"i % side. a fe# do(tors tried to stop "e. but - told the" that 0ake #as fi%hti % a 3oyale a d he #as alo e but the other 3oyale had his pa(k* Whe - looked arou d a%ai . half of the hospital staff had shifted i to their #ol,es a d #as ra(i % out of the hospital to support 0ake* Please let us "ake it there o ti"e? ;;;;; $hapter 2L Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - started the (ar a%ai a d headed to#ards the exit of 0ake/s territory* - k e# that o (e passed the "ark he #ould se se that his "ate #as outside of his se sor 7o e* - %la (ed do# at Tess sleepi % :uietly beside "e* What had - do e8 3ia e #ill hate "e for the rest of her life* - %roa ed i #ardly but (o ti ued to a((elerate* - eeded to take Tess so"e#here safe a d try this "ati % a%ai . e,e as - looked do# at her sleepi % - (ould se se that o sexual desire #as e,e re"otely i "e to#ards her* 1o# the he(k #as %oi % to %et the (ure that ra i her body i to "y body8 - had bee (o (e trati % o si"ply %etti % to the exit u til the %rou d be eath the (ar started to sho# si% s of a "ild shaki %* - did /t eed to be a ro(ket s(ie tist to fi%ure out #hat #as happe i %* So"eho#. the #hisper of 0ake/s a"e that Tess had bee able to %et out had bee e ou%h. 0ake "ust ha,e se sed as "u(h as heard his "ate (all to hi"* 1e #as headed this #ay. a d based o the (o""otio he #as "aki %. he #as pissi % "ad* This #as defi itely a %ood ti"e to %et "y butt out of !ree 3id%e* All - eeded to "ake this a slau%hter #as for Tess to #ake up a d )oi i the battle* - flatte ed "y foot a%ai st the peddle a d fle# out of the #est exit like a bat out of hell* My pa(k #ould be )ust about a "ile outside of the territory. #aiti % o "e* - skidded to a halt i fro t of the" a d )u"ped out of the (ar e,e #hile it #as still rolli % to a stop* 4Marissa. you dri,e Tess. Teal you keep her sedated* Mo,e it. 0ake/s o the trail already*5 - shouted* 4Atele. at "y side. #e/ll atta(k 0ake as he "o,es out of his territory behi d Tess/ s(e t* We #a t to be thro#i % e,ery thi % at hi". he/s pissi % "ad. expe(t hi" to fi%ht dirty*5 - s(rea"ed at the pa(k* Drake #as s"ili % broadly. this #as his (ha (e for re,e %e for the death of 3o(k* We held our %rou d. - #at(hed as Marissa s(ree(hed off #ith Teal i the ba(k. a bottle of $hlorofor" the o ly thi % bet#ee life a d death for the t#o of the"* -f they let that %irl #ake up. she/ll be spitti % "ad. killi % first a d the aski % :uestio s after* As the pou di % of 0ake/s #ei%ht o the %rou d herald his soo approa(h - %la (ed o,er at "y pa(k. spread a(ross the road i a strai%ht li e* 4Do /t let hi" pass*5 - said fir"ly* 4Tra sfor"*5 - #at(hed as e,eryo e tra sfor"ed i to their #ol,es a d #aited patie tly for 0ake/s arri,al* We did /t ha,e lo % to #ait. as soo as 0ake rushed i - %ro#led "y atta(k si% al a d #at(hed as "y pa(k fle# for#ard at 0ake* 1e had bee ru i % o all fours. but #he he rea(hed "y pa(k he stood o t#o le%s like a "a beast. a feat that o ly a 3oyale (a do* !#e s(urried ba(k at the si%ht. appare tly losi % (oura%e for the fi%ht* Drake had o su(h apprehe sio . he fle#

for#ard full for(e. thro#i % hi"self at 0ake a d %rabbi % o to his e(k* With a #eaker #olf. that (ould ha,e pote tially bee a deadly atta(k. #ith 0ake it #as a "ere i (o ,e ie (e* 0ake/s part a i"al part hu"a ha ds %ripped Drake by the "outh a d pulled hi" off. a d the ripped his "outh (lea ope * Drake/s body fell dead to the %rou d* - lau (hed "yself i to the fray. - had expe(ted that "y pa(k #ould ha,e bee able to at least ha dle 0ake for a fe# "i utes o their o# . - had sorely u deresti"ated 0ake a d o# Drake #as dead* - "orphed i to "y part hu"a part a i"al for" like 0ake/s* As soo as - e tered the fi%ht the pa(k stepped ba(k sli%htly* - started to (ir(le 0ake. he )u"ped. - thou%ht he #as (o"i % at "e but he #as (leari % 3iley/s head to (o ti ue his pursuit of the (ar that #as (arryi % Tess* Dar it? - should ha,e k o# he #ould be less i terested i fi%hti % a d "ore i terested i retrie,i % Tess* - tra sfor"ed ba(k to "y hu"a a d pulled the (ellpho e fro" a pou(h arou d "y e(k* 4Marissa* <loor the (ar. 0ake/s i pursuit* Do /t let hi" (at(h you. or you are both dead*5 - said* - %la (ed arou d at the pa(k* 4$o"e o follo# hi". #e ha,e to (at(h hi" before he (at(hes the"* A all atta(k at o (e*5 - said. tra sfor"ed to "y #olf a%ai a d took off after 0ake a d the ,ehi(le* - (ould see Marissa ahead. fi%hti % to stay ahead of 0ake. - leapt la di % o 0ake/s ba(k* 1e fou%ht to thro# "e off but - su k "y teeth deep i to his e(k* 1e %ro#led a d flipped hi"self. tossi % "e o to the %rou d* 1e #as prepari % to ra(e for#ard a%ai behi d the ,ehi(le but - lau (hed "yself at hi" o e "ore ti"e* 1e #as exasperated by the atta(k. he had o ly o e thou%ht o his "i d* 1is (la#s su k i to "y ski a d - %roa ed a d sta%%ered a#ay fro" hi". - lau (hed for#ard a%ai . this ti"e supported by t#el,e of "y pa(k "e"bers #ho had (au%ht up to us* Del su k his teeth i to 0ake/s shoulder a d #as batted a#ay rou%hly for his effort. but Dale a d 3i(k #ere too (lose behi d for 0ake to "ake the blo# a%ai st Del as deadly as he had hoped* This #as #hat - #as hopi % for. to suffi(ie tly o,er#hel" 0ake by u"bers so that he (ould /t outfi%ht all of us* Whe 0oh lau (hed hi"self at 0ake - #at(hed 0ake du(k a d the rea(h up a d s at(h 0oh /s head (lea off his body* -t #as ti"e for "e to i ter,e e a%ai * - lau (hed "yself at 0ake. "y (la#s fully outstret(hed. they (au%ht hi" a%ai st his shoulder a d he #i (ed* 1e %ro#led loudly. frustratio i e,ery e u (iatio * 4- )ust #a t Tess. Dar%o *5 1e said* - #as surprised. this #as part of the (ure. the fa(t that he (ould speak #hile i his hu"a oid for"* - (ould /t do that. - (ould barely (o trol "y hu"a oid for"* - fle# at hi". "ore deter"i ed to %et the (ure. "ore deter"i ed to be able to obtai the full pote tial of the 3oyale* 1e #e t lo# a d spu . (at(hi % Dale i his soft u derbelly a d "e o "y lo#er le%. dropped a little to#ards the %rou d* - did /t #a t the pa(k to k o# he had hurt "e. did /t #a t the" to start to feel fear for 0ake*

- lou %ed for#ard at hi". %ro#li % to the others to follo# "y lead. but 0ake )u"ped. (leari % e,ery head. - had e,er see a )u"p like that before. - #as pretty sure - (ould /t )u"p like that fro" a statio ery positio * 1ad that (o"e #ith re(ei,i % the (ure as #ell8 - ho#led loudly. su""o i % the troops as - took off i pursuit of 0ake* The pho e arou d "y e(k started to ri %. - :ui(kly tra sfor"ed i to "y hu"a a d a s#ered it* 4Tess is starti % to #ake up*5 -t #as Teal a d his ,oi(e sou ded s(ared* 4Beep sedati % her*5 - said* What. #as - #orki % #ith "oro s here8 4-t/s ot ha,i % the sa"e effe(t* -t/s like her Alpha 3oyale syste" is starti % to build up a defe se to the (hlorofor"*5 1e said. his ,oi(e risi % i pa i(* 4!i,e her "ore?5 - s(rea"ed* 4Wo /t that hurt her85 - (ould hear Marissa aski %* - sla""ed "y pho e shut. stu(k it ba(k i the po(ket a d headed after 0ake* Duri % "y brief (o ,ersatio . three of "y pa(k had atta(ked 0ake. their bodies #ere o# lyi % de(apitated alo % the road* - had to ask "yself. #as this ki d of death #orth the hope of a (ure* - %la (ed for#ard a d oti(ed that Atele had lau (hed herself at 0ake* - held "y breath. - #as too far a#ay to i ter(ede. he #ould kill her before - (ould rea(h hi"* - #as surprised #he i stead of flippi % Atele a d dri,i % his k ife like (la#s i to her throat 0ake (au%ht her lu %i % body a d tossed her. "ore %e tly tha - expe(ted. o,er to the side of the road* The he #as ra(i % a%ai . %etti % e,er (loser to the ,ehi(le* - )u"ped. la ded o his ba(k a d our t#o #ol,es rolled a(ross the road/s surfa(e for al"ost fifty feet. ea(h of us tu%%i % a d rippi % a d fi%hti % for do"i io * - ho#led for "ore of "y pa(k to pile o . t#e ty of the" (o"e ra(i % for#ard. the pure #ei%ht alo e of the" (o"bi ed #ith "y stre %th should be e ou%h to %i,e "e a (lear upper ha d i this battle* As they piled o - su k by teeth deep i to 0ake/s e(k. - heard hi" yelp a d - k e# - had do e so"e da"a%e* - pulled a#ay a d the brou%ht "y teeth do# o his e(k o (e "ore. o the sa"e ,ei * 1e (ri %ed but the he "orphed his ha ds so that the ails be(a"e lo %er a d the (la#s sharper a d he started slashi %* There #ere yelps a d ho#ls a d - #at(hed as four of "y #ol,es rolled off of 0ake/s body dead* But he #as /t fi ished. he #as slashi % #ild. be t o re"o,i % the #ei%ht of "y #ol,es. be t o bei % free* O e of his ha ds fou d its #ay to "y sto"a(h a d - yelped* - dre# ba(k. before - (ould press "y "outh a%ai st his e(k a%ai . he had rolled out of the pile up. )u"ped a d #as headed after the ,ehi(le that #as (arryi % Tess* But before he had )u"ped. he had paused lo % e ou%h to look at "e #ith a look that said2 this is far fro" o,er* 1e #as bleedi %. - k e# the last pile up had #eake ed hi"2 he #as )ust too stubbor to stop %oi % for#ard* A other pile up like the last o e (ould bri % hi" do# 2 it (ould also "ea the death of a other fi,e or se,e of "y #ol,es* - ra(ed after 0ake. "y #ol,es follo#i % "e. the (ha (e of ,i(tory o e,ery o e of our "i ds* 1e (ould /t #ithsta d "e a d "y e tire pa(k fore,er. he had to %o do# at so"e ti"e* - half s"iled. it #as

al"ost a pity to take do# a fi%hter like 0ake* - al"ost #ished #e had "et u der other (ir(u"sta (es2 he #as a Alpha to be ad"ired* - "ade the fi al ho#l for us to )u"p. "y pho e ra % a d the %rou d be eath "y feet shook* =What the he(k85 - thou%ht. looki % arou d. a d the - sa# the". #hat looked like half the reside ts of !ree 3id%e. i their #olf for" a d (o"i % ri%ht at us* So"e #ere dri,i % (ars. so"e #ere ru their Alpha* ;;;;; $hapter 2M 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# - had lost a lot of blood. but - #as /t %oi % do# . u til - #as holdi % Tess safely i "y ar"s. - #as e,er %oi % do# * -/d kill the" all first. o "atter #hat. -/d kill the" all* The sou d of ,ehi(les a d pa#s a%ai st the road brou%ht a #el(o"ed relief to "e* #as /t sure ho# "y pa(k had fou d out #hat had happe ed. - had bee so a xious to help Tess. - had /t told a yo e* But they #ere here. tha k !od they #ere here* - (ould feel the "ood of the battle (ha %i %* Dar%o had tra sfor"ed to his hu"a a%ai . he #as o his pho e* Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# This pla #as %oi % to hell i a hurry* 4She/s (o"i % to a d her ails she/s starti % to tra sfor"*5 Teal #as s(rea"i % i to the pho e i pa i(* 4!et her out of the (ar. %et her out of the (ar?5 - yelled* The (ars behi d us #ere s(ree(hi % to a halt a d 0ake/s #ol,es #ere fast approa(hi % us* 4@ea,e the (ar a d es(ape* Split up. e,eryo e split up* 0ake/s %oi % to head for Tess a d he #o /t let his #ol,es follo# us for fear that - kill the"* 0ust lea,e Tess a d es(ape? 3etreat?5 - s(rea"ed* The first of 0ake/s #ol,es had already arri,ed a d the battle #as already o %oi %* Atele #as i a battle #ith Stepha that fra kly looked "ore like a #alt7 tha a a(tual fi%ht. ea(h ti"e o e of the other #ol,es tried to (ut i a d fi%ht #ith Atele. Stepha #ould appear al"ost as if he #as defe di % her* - did /t try to fi%ure it out. it #as "y other #ol,es that #ere looki % #orst for #ear* Three #ol,es had %athered arou d 3a dy a d they #ere teari % hi" apart* 1e (ould /t sur,i,e a o slau%ht like that for too lo %* - %la (ed arou d the battle. hard #olf bodies #ere (rashi % a%ai st ea(h other a d teeth #ere "aki % (o ta(t #ith flesh. blood #as pouri % freely* - (ould /t fool "yself. #e (ould /t #i this battle. a d already se,e "ore of "y #ol,es lay o the road dead* yelled retreat a%ai a d about thirty of "y #ol,es started the retreat. a other te #ere too deep to %et out. if - stayed 0ake #ould se d his pa(k after "y retreati % #ol,es. he #ould /t risk that if - retreated #ith the". but if - left those te . they #ould be slau%htered a d Atele #as a part of the %roup that #as too deep to retreat* - (ould /t i %. but all of the" #ere (learly there to support

lea,e the". - had to help* - rushed for#ard "y (la#s elo %ated2 there #ould be "ore bloodshed today* 0ake stopped fro" follo#i % the ,ehi(le a d tur ed to#ards "e* 4Ba(k do# * @et the" lea,e*5 1e yelled to his pa(k* - stepped ba(k. ho#led to the six re"ai i % #ol,es. a d they follo#ed "e as #e es(aped #ith the t#e ty that had %o e before* - %la (ed about. the (ar Marissa #as dri,i % slid a d (rashed i to a tree. - heard Teal s(rea" a d sa# his head (o"e flyi % past us as if it had bee tor off a d tossed a %rily a#ay* Tess #as a#ake* - (ould see Marissa fi%hti % to slide out of the #i do# of the ,ehi(le* She looked (o"pletely pa i(ked* Tess/ Alpha trait #as (learly i hi%h %ear. a %er had a #ay of bri %i % out the Alpha trait* This #as o ti"e to ha % arou d. - "otio ed to the pa(k a d #e took off. - (ould /t risk e,eryo e/s life to sa,e Marissa* ;;; 0ake/s poi t of ,ie# - did /t (are that Dar%o had es(aped #ith so"e of his pa(k* - did /t eed a y u e(essary deaths* 1e had suffered e ou%h losses* Whe - sa# Marissa s(a"per out of the #i do# a d a boys head (o"e flyi % throu%h the air - k e# Tess had %o e Alpha trait* She #ould kill. she #as that pissed off* 4Tess?5 Whe she stepped out of the (ar her eyes #ere blood red a d - k e# she #as /t heari % "e* Tess had e,er experie (ed the Alpha trait before. she had e,er experie (ed this le,el of a %er* - held ba(k "y ha d to "y pa(k. si% ali % to the" that they should /t "o,e. that they should /t (o"e a y (loser* 4Stay #here you are Marissa*5 - said. as - oti(ed Marissa "o,e to ru * - stepped (lose to Tess. she %lared at "e. al"ost as if she #as /t re(o% i7i % "e. - (ould feel "y heart "o,i % at double pa(e* Was she okay8 She had bee throu%h a lot. re,e %e #as #ritte all o,er her fa(e. a d that #as so u like Tess* - eeded to %et her to (al" do# * 4Tess*5 - #hispered a d she a(tually %ro#led at "e* - stepped (loser a d her %ro#l deepe ed* - sa k do# to "y k ees i fro t of her a d exposed "y throat* -t #as the pose of sub"issio 2 - #as %i,i % her authority o,er "e* 4-/" sorry*5 - said* 4- should ha,e prote(ted you*5 40ake*5 The "o"e t she spoke - k e# she #as okay* - did /t "o,e2 - #aited for her to rea(h out for "e first* She (ollapsed o to the %rou d a d i to "y ar"s* She #as (ryi %* 4- (ould /t "o,e. - (ould /t %et hi" off of "e* The e,ery thi % #e t bla(k* - (alled for you. - (alled for you***5 - held her (lose i "y ar". "y a %er at Dar%o rei% iti % a%ai * - pressed "y lips a%ai st hers i a kiss that said there #as othi % a yo e (ould do to separate us* She respo ded hu %rily to "y tou(h* - (ould taste the sli%htest taste of hi" o her. but it #as /t deep* 1e "ust ha,e kissed her. but ot e,e a deep kiss* 1e did /t ha,e sex #ith her*

4There/s o tra(e of hi" o you*5 - said. ot o e hu dred per(e t true. but (lose e ou%h. a d - (ould tell it "ade Tess feel better* 4- trusted hi"*5 She said2 her fa(e still (radled a%ai st "y (hest* 4We all did*5 - said. risi % to "y feet a d bri %i % her up #ith "e* - %la (ed arou d* 4Where/s Ti"othy85 - asked. %lari % at Marissa* 4- tied hi" up. at his ho"e*5 She (o fessed* 4!et out of here* !o fi d your Alpha*5 - said harshly* She %la (ed arou d a d the took off i the dire(tio that Dar%o a d his pa(k had left i * 4Are #e %oi % to tra(k Dar%o do# a d kill hi"85 Stepha asked* 4Do /t #orry about Dar%o *5 - said* 41e/ll be ba(k* A d #he he (o"es ba(k. -/ll be ready for hi"*5 ;;;;; $hapter D& Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# We sat at the airport. a#aiti % our fli%ht ho"e* O e #eek had passed si (e the i (ide t. had half expe(ted 0ake to (o"e after "e. but he had /t* - had tried to "ake lo,e to Marissa. but - (ould /t. - #as /t sti"ulated. ot e,e to kiss her* - %roa ed o# as #at(hed the others "ake their #ay to#ards the (he(k i (ou ter* - k e# #hat #as #ro %. it #as o poi t fooli % "yself. - #as /t o ly i lo,e #ith 3ia e. - had bo ded #ith her* >,e the thou%ht of it see"ed a i"possibility to "e* 3ia e #as hu"a . there #as o #ay a #olf (ould bo d to a hu"a * But all the e,ide (e #as there. so"eho#. so"eho# "y #olf had (hose 3ia e to be "y "ate* - sat do# i o e of the (hairs a d dropped "y (arryo ba% to the floor i frustratio * 4What85 Marissa asked. - k e# she #as probably #o deri % #hy - had /t approa(hed her si (e #e had left our ho"e la d early three #eeks a%o* 4- (a /t lea,e*5 - ad"itted* She stared at "e #ide eyed* 4Boss85 -t #as Atele. she had started to put o a bit of #ei%ht i the "id se(tio o,er the past fe# days. but o e of that "attered. - had bi%%er proble"s* 4-/" %oi % ba(k to !ree 3id%e*5 - said* The #hole pa(k tur ed arou d to stare at "e* 46ou (ra7y85 Dre# yelled a d - k e# he had to be totally spooked to talk to "e like that* 4We )ust had our butts ha ded to us a d you #a t us to %o ba(k8 There ai /t othi % i !ree 3id%e #orth dyi % for if you ask "e*5 There #ere "ur"urs of a%ree"e t a"o % the pa(k* We had suffered a e"barrassi % loss. i fa(t. the o ly reaso - still had a pa(k #as be(ause 0ake #as busy rea(hi % Tess a d did /t #a t to take the ti"e to pursue us* 4- be% to differ*5 - said slo#ly* 4There is still so"ethi % i !ree 3id%e that - #a t*5 4We had Tess a d you #ere /t able to %et the (ure* <or%et about it*5 Atele i sisted*

4-t/s ot Tess -/" %oi % for* -/" %oi % ba(k to %et 3ia e*5 There #as a u"b sile (e as ea(h "e"ber tried to (o"e to %rips #ith #hat -/d said* 4Who the hell is 3ia e85 !eo yelled2 there #as a other set of "ur"uri %* 4My "ate*5 - a s#ered si"ply a d there #as sile (e a%ai * 4-s /t 3ia e hu"a 85 Marissa asked* 46eah* Do /t ask "e ho#. )ust a((ept that - k o#*5 - said before Marissa (ould (o ti ue* 4What do you #a t us to do85 Atele asked* - si%hed. a d stu(k "y ha ds i "y po(ket* 49othi %* -/" %oi % i alo e*5 4They #ill kill you*5 Marissa said. she a(tually sou ded a little sad* 4$ould /t you (all her* $ould /t she "eet us so"epla(e85 !eo su%%ested* 46ou thi k - ha,e /t bee (alli % her8 There is o a s#er. ot o her (ell pho e. ot o her la d li e. -/" ot e,e seei % her o the i ter et*5 - "uttered* 46ou thi k 0ake #ould hurt her8 To %et ba(k at you85 Marissa asked* 4- do /t ha,e a y a s#ers* - )ust k o# - ha,e to %o ba(k. o "atter #hat the (ost*5 said flatly* 4We/ll %o #ith you*5 !eo "uttered* There #as a rippli % of a%ree"e t a"o % "y pa(k. it #as a"a7i %. so"eti"es you (ould be surrou ded by lo,e but )ust (hose ot to see it* 49o*5 - said fir"ly. - had risked their li,es for e ou%h of "y o# selfish desires. this #as "y fi%ht* 49o* -/" %oi % alo e* Wait here for "e. if - ha,e /t "ade (o ta(t #ith you i t#e ty four hours. %et o the first pla e out of this (ou try a d lea,e*5 - said* 4-t #ould /t be the sa"e #ithout you*5 Dre# said* 4Atele/s i (har%e*5 - pulled Marissa (lose to "e a d #hispered for her ears o ly* 4-/" sorry* -f you/re ot here #he - (o"e ba(k. -/ll u dersta d*5 The - tur ed a d #alked a#ay fro" "y pa(k. "e tally a(k o#led%i % that this "i%ht be the last ti"e - see a y of the"* ;;;;; $hapter D' Dar%o /s poi t of ,ie# - #aited o the border of !ree 3id%e territory a d took a deep breath. this #as pote tially a sui(ide "issio but - lo,ed 3ia e. if - had /t bee so stubbor - #ould ha,e reali7ed it e,ery si (e a d - #ould ha,e for%otte the o se se pla - had #hi(h i ,ol,ed Tess* - i haled deeply. the s(e t of 3ia e floated i to "y ostrils. she #as "y "ate. - (ould fi d her a y#here* She #as ho"e. #hy had /t she a s#ered her pho e the 8 Maybe she #as a %ry at "e. "aybe she hated "e* - had do e so"e pretty rotte stuff. "aybe she #ould refuse "e #he - #e t to her* - pushed the thou%ht out of "y "i d. - (ould /t li,e

#ithout her. better to risk dyi % if it e,e offered a %li""er of a hope that - (ould be #ith her* - sprayed the last of the (he"i(al - had put i to the perfu"e - %a,e 3ia e o to "y ski * The (he"i(al #as u i:ue. it helped to da"pe the s"elli % ability of a #ere#olf* - had used it so 0ake #ould /t ha,e s"elt #he 3o(k e tered !ree 3id%e to kill Ti"othy. #as usi % it o# i the hopes that 0ake #ould /t s"ell "e #he - e tered !ree 3id%e to take 3ia e* - i haled deeply. a d the - took off ru let her still #a t "e. - prayed sile tly* i % at full speed to#ards 3ia e/s ho"e. please

- stopped a s"all dista (e fro" 3ia e/s house a d looked arou d. there #as o o e about. - hurried for#ard. (li"bi % up the side of the house that - k e# #ould take "e to her bedroo" #i do#* Whe - pushed it ope a d slipped i side - sa# her there. lyi % :uietly o the bed* 43ia e*5 1er a"e slipped off of "y to %ue like paradise* !osh. - had "issed her* 4Dar%o 85 She sou ded so frail a d loss* She slipped out of the bed a d stared at "e* (ould /t (o tai "yself. - hurried o,er to her a d pulled her i to "y ar"s* 4-/" sorry* - lo,e you. - #a t you to (o"e #ith "e*5 - said* 4Dar%o * Why did you try to hurt Tess8/ She asked. - (ould see tears filli % her eyes. a d fro" the red puffi ess of her eyes - k e# this #as /t the first ti"e she #as (ryi %* %roa ed. "e tally pro"isi % "yself that - #ould e,er be the (ause of 3ia e/s tears a%ai if - #as %i,e the (ha (e to be #ith her* 4-**-***-/" a Alpha 3oyale*5 - said. pulli % her ti%hter to "e. hopi % that she #ould u dersta d* 4Tess has the (ure to the "ad ess* - eeded her*5 3ia e shook her head sadly* 4-t does /t #ork like that*5 She "uttered* 4- did /t tou(h her. - s#are it*5 3ia e looked up at "e. 4- (ould /t. be(ause of you*5 4Me85 She looked (o fused* 4- lo,e you. but ot o ly lo,e you. -/" bo ded to you* - #a t to be #ith you*5 - said* 46ou should /t ha,e (o"e here*5 She said* 4- k o# that* - )ust #a ted a (ure so desperately*5 - explai ed* 4Tess a d 0ake/s (ure is based o the fa(t that they are soul "ates i e,ery se se* She/s a Alpha a d he/s a Alpha a d they both ha,e (o"pletely surre dered the"sel,es to ea(h other* That/s #hat the (ure is Dar%o . it/s ot sex*5 She said* - odded "y head. u derstood #hat she #as telli % "e. a d for a brief "o"e t - #o dered if "y lo,e for 3ia e (ould offer "e a (ure* $ould the a s#er ha,e bee so ri%ht i fro t of "e a d ot see it8 49o*5 She said. a d - raised a eyebro#. it #as al"ost as if she #as readi % "y "i d* 4(a /t (ure you Dar%o * -/" hu"a a d - ha,e o Alpha blood fro" a pare t to pass o * (a /t (ure you. but "aybe. "aybe the bo d you spoke of (ould slo# do# the pro(ess*5

- s"iled. realisi % for the first ti"e that it did /t really "atter* -t #as better to e )oy te years #ith 3ia e tha a thousa d #ithout her* 4That/s okay* $o"e #ith "e* - pro"ise. if the "ad ess e,er be(o"es too "u(h for "e. -/ll kill "yself first before - hurt you*5 - said. a d - "ea t it #ith e,ery fiber of "y body* 4- lo,e you a d - #a t to be #ith you for ho#e,er lo % #e ha,e*5 - said. she si%hed happily a d pressed her lips a%ai st "i e* - pressed "y body a%ai st hers a d (lai"ed her lips hu %rily* - had "issed her. - #ould ha,e take her ri%ht there a d the . but eeded to %et out of !ree 3id%e before the s"ell (o,eri % s(e t #ore off* 4<or%i,e "e. 3ia e* <or bei % the "o ster that - a"*5 - said sadly* She hu%%ed "e ti%htly a d - %a,e a %rateful si%h* 4@ea,e !ree 3id%e #ith "e. please* Be "y #ife. let "e tra sfor" you. "ake a fa"ily to%ether*5 - said* 4My darli % Dar%o * 6ou should /t ha,e (o"e here*5 She said* - fro# ed. she had said that already* 4- k o#***5 - started* 49o. you do /t k o#* 0ake/s bee #aiti % for you*5 She said a d "y eyes #ide ed* 41e took "y (ell pho e. tra sferred all "y (alls to his ho"e first so he (ould "o itor the"* 1e k o#s you/,e bee tryi % to rea(h "e a d he/s had his betas #at(hi % "e arou d the (lo(k for #he you tried to (o"e to "e*5 She said. her fa(e looki % :uite sad* 41o# (ould he k o#***5 - started to say* 41e/s probably outside ri%ht o#. #aiti % for you to (o"e do# stairs*5 She said* lau%hed a d pressed "y lips a%ai st hers o e "ore ti"e* 4- lo,e you*5 - #hispered* 4-/" sorry*5 She said* 4- lo,e you too*5 - %ripped her ha d i "i e a d headed to#ards the exit* -t #as ti"e to lea,e. 0ake or o 0ake* 4What are you %oi % to do85 She asked a xiously* 4What - do best fi%ht* 1e/s ot i terested i hurti % you. or you/d be dead already* As soo as #e %et do# stairs. you "ake a ru for it. to#ards the #ester bou dary* As soo as - (a -/ll follo# you* Do /t look ba(k 3ia e. )ust keep ru i %*5 - said fir"ly* 41e/s stro %*5 She said* 4So a" -*5 ;;;;; $hapter D2 Whe #e rea(hed do# stairs 0ake #as there. lea i % (asually a%ai st his )eep. Tess beside hi"* This #as /t %oi % to be easy* 41i Dar%o *5 0ake said a d - (ould see his )a# (le (hi %* 46ou "ade "e look bad i fro t of "y #o"a * 6ou "ade "e look as if - (ould /t prote(t her*5 1e said*

- #as still holdi % 3ia e/s ha d. - stepped for#ard a d she #e t #ith "e* 4- "ade a "istake. -/" sorry*5 - said* 46ou do /t k o# #hat sorry is yet. Dar%o *5 0ake said :uietly. - s#allo#ed hard. his eyes #ere tur i % red* - %la (ed o,er at Tess. she #as the softer part er* 4- (a u dersta d if you hate "e. Tess* - used our frie dship for "y o# selfish %ai *5 She did /t a s#er. - #at(hed 3ia e hurry o,er to her a d thro# her ar"s arou d her #aist* 4Oh Tess. please* - lo,e hi"* - should /t but - do* 1e "ea s the #orld to "e* Please. please do /t kill hi"* 1e thou%ht you (ould %i,e hi" the (ure to the 3oyale "ad ess*5 Tess looked at 3ia e thou%htfully. - (ould see her stru%%li % #ith the idea of killi % "e a d re(o% i7i % the pai it #ould (ause 3ia e* 4Stay out of this 3ia e* This is bet#ee Dar%o a d "e*5 0ake said* 4-t see"s you ha,e "e at a disad,a ta%e*5 - said* 4T#o 3oyales to o e*5 - %la (ed about. - (ould see it #as "ore tha Tess a d 0ake o#* Stepha #as there. Ti"othy. i fa(t #hat looked like all of 0ake a d Tess/ betas* 49o "ore tha you deser,e*5 0ake poi ted out* 4- (a a((ept that*5 4Prepare to die the *5 0ake said a d - #at(hed as he slo#ly started to tra sfor" i to his #olf* 43u 3ia e?5 - yelled as 0ake a d Tess )u"ped for#ard to#ards "e* - tra sfor"ed i to "y #olf. but the i"pa(t of both their bodies a%ai st "i e se t "e skiddi % ba(k to the house #all #here "y body (ollided #ith a hu%e ba %* - rushed to "y feet a d s#iped a (la# at 0ake. he dod%ed a d sa k his teeth i to "y ar" a d flipped "e* - fell to the %rou d. a d prepared to %et up but Tess #as o top of "e before - (ould "o,e her teeth rippi % i to "y e(k tissue* - %ro#led a d pressed "y le%s a%ai st her body a d thrust her off of "e* My relief #as short li,ed. 0ake pou (ed o "e before - (ould %et "y footi % a d his fa %s #ere rippi % "er(ilessly i to "y body* - rolled. tryi % to toss hi" off but his #olf #as too hea,y a d stro %* - tried to )u"p but he kept "y body pi ed to the %rou d* - felt the #ei%ht of Tess/ #olf )oi 0ake/s* 1er teeth su k i to "y fro t le% a d #as dra%%i % a%ai st it. it felt as if she #ould tear it (lea off* Briefly - re(o% i7ed that #as probably her i te tio * They fully i te ded to tear "y e tire body apart #hile #as still ali,e* - %ro#led hard. su""o i % all of "y e er%y for o e "ore atta(k. the burst of e er%y #as e ou%h to dislod%e the" a d %i,e "e te se(o ds of freedo"* - stu"bled ba(k. falli % to the %rou d. - stru%%led to "y feet. the %ashes o "y body starti % to take a toll* A other atta(k like that a d - #as a (o"plete %o er* - looked arou d for 3ia e. at least o e last look at her before - die* She had /t ru she #as sta di % )ust feet a#ay stari % at "e. tears rolli % do# her (heeks*

- looked o,er at her sadly. sorry that "y #olf (ould /t %i,e her the ki d of %oodbye that "y hu"a #a ted to %i,e* - %la (ed for#ard a%ai . Tess #as positio i % herself to pou (e. it #as taki % all of "y e er%y )ust to sta d. a d there #as /t a hope of "e bei % able to resist this atta(k* 43ia e?5 - heard 0ake shout a d the - sa# his body fly i to the air a d strike a%ai st Tess/ a d they both #e t tu"bli % off to the %rou d* Before "y beate "i d (ould (o"prehe d #hat had happe ed - felt 3ia e/s ar"s arou d "y #olf/s e(k a d her #ar" tears strea"i % throu%h "y #olf/s fur* - tra sfor"ed i to "y hu"a a d %athered her to "e* Part %lad to hold her o e "ore ti"e a d part a %ry that she had risked her life by thro#i % her body o,er "i e* -f 0ake had /t see her. Tess/ atta(k that had bee "ea t for "e #ould ha,e (ertai ly killed 3ia e* 4<ool*5 - #hispered i 3ia e/s ear* Both 0ake a d Tess had s(ra"bled to their feet a d #ere sta di % side by side a d stari % do# at the t#o of us* 4Mo,e 3ia e* 1e has to die*5 0ake said fir"ly a d Tess odded her a%ree"e t* 4The kill "e too*5 3ia e said. tears strea"i % do# her fa(e* 4@et all three of us die to%ether*5 4Three8?5 0ake. Tess a d - said at the sa"e ti"e* 4-/" (arryi % his (hild*5 3ia e (o fessed. brushi % tears fro" her fa(e* - pulled her harder a%ai st "e. "y fa(e "irrori % the sho(k o 0ake a d Tess/* 41u"a s a d #ol,es (a /t reprodu(e*5 - said* 4- k o# that/s #hat it is supposed to be. but -/" pre% a t. - took the test a d it #as positi,e*5 She said stari % do# at "e* 4Do(tor #as sho(ked too. he said it/s still ,ery early sta%es. but it/s a "ira(ulous pre% a (y*5 - #as still stari % at her. du"bfou ded* - all the history of #olf ki d othi % like this had e,er happe ed* - fa(t. the o ly thi % si"ilar #as the prophe(y of the half hu"a a d half #olf (hild that #as supposed to ha,e extraordi ary po#er* - shook "y head. (ould - ha,e bee a part of so"ethi % so a#eso"e8 - s:uee7ed her ti%ht a%ai "e. "y heart beati % fast a d "y body totally for%etti % the pai it #as feeli %* Me. a father. there #as o #ay - #ould let 3ia e sa(rifi(e her life a d the life of our u bor (hild for "e* - %ripped her ha ds fir"ly a d pulled her a#ay* - su""o ed "y stre %th a d stru%%led to "y feet a d stu"bled o,er to #here 0ake stood* - dropped to "y k ees a d exposed "y throat to hi"* 4Do /t kill 3ia e*5 - said* 4Please*5 - #as /t abo,e be%%i % a d sub"itti % to a other Alpha. if it "ea t that 3ia e #ould li,e* - #at(hed Tess lea o,er a d #hisper so"ethi % to 0ake* 1e looked thou%htful a d the he stepped a#ay fro" "e* 4-/ll spare your life. a d the life of your "ate a d (hild a d you/ll be free to lea,e !ree 3id%e #ith your fa"ily. if 3ia e is #illi %*5 1e said* - (ould /t belie,e "y ears* - odded "y head i a%ree"e t* 4E der (ertai (o ditio s*5 1e added*

4Tell "e*5 - said* ;;;;; $hapter DD 0ake/s poi t of ,ie#* - had oti(ed the #ay Stepha a d Ti"othy had bee "opi % arou d si (e the %irls had left #ith Dar%o * They had tried to be bra,e about it. but - k e# the #hole situatio had hurt* - did /t k o# if they #ould be able to "e d the brea(h i the fe (es that bee (reated by the battle bet#ee Dar%o /s pa(k a d "y pa(k. but they at least deser,ed the opportu ity to try* 4We #a t Atele a d Marissa (alled ba(k to !ree 3id%e a d #e #a t you to %i,e the" per"issio to "arry "y boys* -f "y boys still #a t the"*5 - said* <ro" the look o Stepha a d Ti"othy/s fa(es - (ould see that they still ,ery "u(h #a ted the %irls* 4-f "y %irls are i terested*5 Dar%o (o (eded* 4- #o /t for(e the"*/ 4- #ould /t expe(t you to*5 - said* 4Se(o dly. - #a t (o trol o,er your 3oyale #olf* Si (e - ha,e the a tidote for the (urse i "y body. your 3oyale #ill ha,e o e%ati,e effe(t o "e*5 Dar%o /s eyes shot up i the air* >,e thou%h bei % a 3oyale "ea t respo sibility a d risk. it #as al#ays diffi(ult to %i,e up the po#er* 4Do /t - ha,e to be dyi % i order to tra sfer "y po#er85 1e asked* 4Or ear death that (a be arra %ed*5 - poi ted out* Dar%o %la (ed o,er at 3ia e a d the odded* 4- a%ree*5 1e said* 4A d fi ally*5 - said* 46ou #a t "ore85 1e de"a ded a %rily. - %uess he still had that pesky Alpha thi % %oi % o * 4-/" offeri % you your life a d your #ife. take it or lea,e it*5 - said blu tly* 4!o o *5 1e said. holdi % his head do# i defeat* 46our (hild. as soo as he or she (o"es of a%e "ust be %i,e i "arria%e to o e of our (hildre . so that the pro"ised po#er #ill be a part of the !ree 3id%e le%a(y*5 3ia e shre#ed up her fa(e. as did Tess* 4A arra %ed "arria%e85 Tess asked* 4Our (hildre #ill be a part of our pa(k. they #ill follo# our i stru(tio s*5 - said fir"ly* Tess "ade a fa(e but said othi % "ore* 4- a%ree* -t #ill e sure the future u ity of both our pa(ks*5 Dar%o said a d - odded* 49o#. it is ti"e to tra sfer your 3oyale*5 - stepped for#ard s#iftly before he (ould respo d a d pressed "y k ife sharp ail i to his throat. slitti % the ,ei *

46ou/re killi % hi"*5 3ia e s(rea"ed as he fell to the %rou d %rabbi % his throat. bri%ht red blood spouti % e,ery #here* - le t o,er hi" a d pressed "y ha d o his shoulder* 4Make the tra sfer*5 - said* 4!et a do(tor?5 3ia e s(rea"ed. - felt Dar%o /s po#er seep i to "y body a d e er%y slo#ly but surely left his* ;;; Marissa/s poi t of ,ie# We "ade our #ay ba(k to !ree 3id%e. - #as er,ous. Ti"othy had (alled sayi % that 0ake had %i,e "e per"issio to retur to !ree 3id%e. a d there #ould be o (har%es brou%ht a%ai st "e as - had bee a(ti % u der the orders of "y Alpha* - had asked about Dar%o . - #as er,ous that they "i%ht ha,e killed hi". ot that he #ould /t deser,e it. but still* Ti"othy had told "e Dar%o #as okay. i hospital but okay* Dar%o /s 3oyale body healed s#iftly. - #as surprised to hear that he eeded to stay i hospital for t#o days* The pa(k #ere a xious too. but Ti"othy #as (lear that o ly Atele a d - had per"issio to e ter !ree 3id%e* - %la (ed o,er at Atele. she see"ed deep i thou%ht as #ell. - %uess she #as #o deri % #hat a#aited us i !ree 3id%e also* Was this part of a tri(k to %et re,e %e a%ai st us for the de(eit8 The truth #as. #e should ha,e #aited for a (all fro" Dar%o telli % us to (o"e. but - had bee so ex(ited at the prospe(t of seei % Ti"othy a%ai . - had /t (o sidered it "i%ht be a tri(k. - lo,ed Ti"othy. the :uestio #as. #hy had Atele (hose to (o"e #ithout heari % fro" Dar%o * She #as su(h a stra %e %irl so"eti"es* 46ou thi k this is a a"bush. Atele85 - asked %la (i % o,er at her* She shru%%ed* We had )ust dri,e throu%h the #ester e tra (e #he four (ars surrou ded us* 4- %uess #e %et our a s#er o#*5 Atele #hispered. a d - oti(ed that her ,oi(e #as er,ous* 4!et out of the (ar*5 So"eo e yelled a d - looked o,er at Atele* She pushed ope her door a d %ot out* - pushed ope "y door a d follo#ed her lead* 4We #ere told to (o"e*5 Atele shouted at o o e i parti(ular* - held "y breath2 did they ha,e sil,er bullets. #ould they shoot us do# #here #e stood8 Would - e,er %et a (ha (e to tell Ti"othy ho# sorry - #as for the part - had played i this #hole "ess8 A tear slid do# "y fa(e a d the - sa# hi". Ti"othy. he #as ru of the (ars a d his ar"s #ere outstret(hed to#ards "e* i % fro" behi d o e it #as

4Ti"othy?5 - s(rea"ed. ex(ite"e t (ausi % "y ,oi(e to %o hi%her tha a((usto"ed* - ra off to#ards hi". "y ar"s ope ed #ide to re(ei,e hi"*

4- lo,e you. a d -/" sorry* -/" sorry*5 1e e folded "e i his ar"s a d kissed "e se seless2 - s"iled u til "y )a#s hurt* 4- u dersta d. Dar%o "ade you lie to "e* But you do /t ha,e to be afraid of hi" a y"ore* 0ake/s %oi % to "ark you i to his pa(k. you (a )oi us a d "arry "e*5 1e said. breathless #ith ex(ite"e t* - %i%%led happily. #hat o earth had - do e to deser,e

"y life bei % so deliriously happy* 4A d if you/re er,ous about Dar%o . he a%reed to it. so you (a lea,e your pa(k #ith ho or*5 Ti"othy said* - #rapped "y ar"s arou d his e(k a d hu%%ed hi" ti%htly* 4- lo,e you* - shall spe d the rest of "y life sho#i % you ho# "u(h*5 - pro"ised happily* 4- shall totally look for#ard to that*5 Ti"othy said* ;;; Atele/s poi t of ,ie# - #at(hed as Ti"othy a d Marissa "ade out i the "iddle of the street* Marissa #as a %ood %irl. she had put up #ith a lot. she deser,ed e,ery bit of happi ess she #as e )oyi %* - bit "y lip hard2 it had bee differe t for "e* - had for(ed Marissa to lea,e. had threate ed to kill Ti"othy a d - had fou%ht 0ake/s pa(k #he they had (o"e after Tess* There (ould be o happy e,er after for "e. the real :uestio #as. #hy had Ti"othy told Marissa to bri % "e alo %8 Perhaps***- did /t %et to fi ish that thou%ht before - #as surrou ded by three lar%e "e * 46ou are u der arrest*5 The tallest %uy said a d before - (ould de(ide "y best (ourse of a(tio he slipped sil,er ha d (uffs arou d "y #rist* 4- a(ted o the i stru(tio s of "y alpha*5 - said. "y botto" lip tre"bli % sli%htly* 1ad e,e i"a%i ed that Stepha . 0ake/s brother. #ould a((ept "e after e,ery thi % - had do e8 4Tell it to the )ud%e*5 The tall %uy said %rippi % "y ar" a d pressi % "e for#ard to#ards his (ar* 1e pushed "y head do# a d pressed "e i to the ba(k seat. - (au%ht Marissa/s eye a d her "outh dropped ope * - (ould see her ar%ui % #ith Ti"othy as #e dro,e off* The last thi % - sa# #as hi" %rippi % her arou d the #aist fir"ly a d shaki % his head a d she rested her head sadly o his (hest* - tur ed a#ay fro" the" to fa(e for#ard* - %uess they #ould put "e #ith Dar%o . i a )ail or so"ethi %* Would "y baby. our baby be bor i )ail8 Was this #hat it #as about8 Stepha #as o lo %er i terested i the "other. but he #a ted his (hild8 A tear slid do# "y (heek at the reali7atio a d - #ished - (ould brush it a#ay. it "ade "e feel so #eak. but the ha d(uffs restri(ted "y "o,e"e ts* The (ar (a"e to a halt i fro t of a lar%e "a sio #ith a beautiful %arde out fro t* The lar%e %uy (a"e arou d a d %ripped "y ar" a d "ar(hed "e up to the door. ope ed it a d shu(ked "e %e tly i side* 46ou %ot t#e ty four hours for a plea bar%ai *5 1e said a d started #alki % a#ay* 4A plea bar%ai 85 - asked2 "y fa(e s(ru (hed up i (o fusio * 46es*5 -t #as Stepha /s ,oi(e a d it #as (o"i % fro" i side the house* - #at(hed the lar%e %uard %et i to the (ar #ith the other t#o a d dri,e a#ay* What the he(k #as %oi % o here8

46ou (a ex(ha %e those ba %les for this*5 Stepha said. fi ally re,eali % hi"self a d holdi % a beautiful %old a d dia"o d #eddi % ri % i his ha d* 4-f you be% for the "er(y of the (ourt*5 My botto" lip :ui,ered u (o trollably a d - bit do# hard a%ai st it2 but - (ould /t stop the flood %ates this ti"e* 4-/" sorry. oh %osh. please do /t hate "e*5 - (ried a d e,er felt so relie,ed i "y life as #he he hurried o,er to "e a d e"bra(ed "e i a hu%e bearlike hu%* 4- did /t expe(t you to (ry*5 1e said. sou di % %uilty as he broke the #hat - realised i""ediately as "o(k (uffs off of "y ha ds* - had bee so (au%ht up #ith #orryi % about ho# Stepha #ould thi k about "e2 - had e,er e,e (o sidered tryi % to es(ape* 4Marry "e. Atele*5 1e #hispered. his lips bla7i % a %e tle li e a(ross "y e(k* 46ou still #a t "e85 - asked. %uilt (oursi % throu%h "y ,ei s* 4Of (ourse - #a t you* - k o# #hat it/s like to follo# a Alpha/s orders* Of (ourse -/ll expe(t the sa"e loyalty to 0ake #he you )oi his pa(k*5 Stepha said* 40ake #a ts "e to )oi his pa(k85 - asked stupidly* 46eah* A d apart fro" a little e"barrass"e t fro" ha,i % his butt #hipped by a %irl. Ti"othy is happy to ha,e you o board too*5 Stepha said* - (ried a d lau%hed at the sa"e ti"e o his shoulder* 4- lo,e you*5 - #hispered2 - (ould /t belie,e it had take "e so lo % to reali7e "y feeli %s a d "ore i"porta tly ad"it the" to Stepha * 4- k o#*5 1e #hispered* 4- lo,e you too*5 - felt like - #as o (loud i e. it see"ed that - #as %oi % to ha,e "y happily e,er after too* 4Where/s this pla(e85 - asked. %la (i % arou d* 4Our e# ho"e. if you e,er say yes to "y "arria%e proposal*5 Stepha said* - %ri ed. it #as "y tur to tease hi" o#* 4- do /t k o#. you did fi%ht "e*5 - said thou%htfully* 1e s(ru (hed up his fa(e* 46ou (all that a fi%ht. - #as #alki % o e%% shells #ith you*5 1e said* - lau%hed* 4So #as your brother* Does he k o#85 Stepha odded. the fa(t that 0ake had take ti"e out to try ot to hurt "e be(ause - #as (arryi % his brother/s (hild said a lot about hi"* 4- e,er #a t to be o the other side of a battle #ith you. Stepha *5 - #hispered a d hu%%ed hi" ti%htly* 4So is that a yes85 1e persisted* 46es* That is defi itely a yes?5 - said. %i%%li %. he #as so (ra7y2 there (ould e,er ha,e bee a y other a s#er*

1e pulled "e i to his ar"s a d kissed "e sou dly. a d - felt all those feeli %s that had o,er#hel"ed "e that first i%ht. but this ti"e - did /t fi%ht it. Stepha #as "y "a o#. a d - belo %ed to hi"* Whe he led "e o,er to the (ou(h - #e t #illi %ly. k o#i % ho# (o"pletely out of (o trol his tou(h "ade "e* 46ou sure85 1e asked. as his ha d started to (aress "y body a d - pressed "yself a%ai st hi"* 4What. it/s ot like -/" %oi % to %et pre% a t*5 - said #ith a %ri a d he lau%hed. pulli % "e do# o the (ou(h o top of hi"* ;;; 3ia e/s poi t of ,ie# Dar%o #as re(o,eri % #ell. he (ould a(tually ha,e left the hospital. but it #as easier to keep hi" u der %uard here so 0ake had i sisted that he stay i * - si%hed. #at(hi % as he pa(ed the hospital roo"* 4We are lea,i % here to"orro#*5 1e said fir"ly a d - lau%hed* 4What85 1e asked* - %ri ed sheepishly. - #as )ust a"a7i %ly happy that Dar%o #as %oi % to be all "i e a d - #ould /t ha,e to #orry about the Alpha 3oyale (urse rui i % our li,es* 4- lo,e you*5 - said* 1is fro# broke i to a s"ile a d he (a"e o,er a d lifted "e i to his ar"s. - #rapped "y le%s arou d his #aist (heerfully* 4- satiable are /t #e*5 1e #hispered as he slid aside his %o# a d pressed his "a hood deep i side of "e* - %roa ed a d pressed "y body (loser to his* 4- lo,e you*5 1e #hispered2 layi % "e o the bed. our bodies still )oi ed to%ether as o e* 4Say that a%ai . "y s#eet*5 - #hispered )oyfully as the rhyth" of his body (arried "e hi%her a d hi%her* 4- lo,e you*5 1e said a%ai as #et ess oo7ed fro" "e a d ex(ite"e t spiraled* 4Oh***oh***5 1e flipped "e o,er so that - lay o top of hi" a d - pressed a d (o tra(ted. s:uee7i % his body %reedily* My appetite for Dar%o see"ed i"possible to satisfy* 4Baby*5 1e #hispered as his ha ds (radled "y hips a d pulled "e "ore fir"ly a%ai st hi"* 4!osh*5 - %roa ed. "y ails di%%i % i to his flesh at the feeli % of pleasure that #ashed o,er "e* 4Aaaaa***5 Our ,oi(es li ked as our bodies rea(hed their (li"ax to%ether. but he still (o ti ued to hold o to "e ti%htly* 4This is o e )ail -/" e )oyi %*5 1e "uttered a d - pu (hed hi"* 46ou/re ot i )ail*5 - said* 46eah. you thi k 0ake/s %oi % to let "e stroll arou d !ree 3id%e freely85 1e asked*

4Probably ot* But to"orro# #e lea,e here. to%ether. as "a a d #ife*5 - re"i ded hi" a d he s"iled* -t had bee a%reed that the three "arria%es be (arried out to"orro# a d the Dar%o a d - #ould be %i,e the freedo" to lea,e* Dar%o had si% ed the papers a%reei % for"ally to all the (o ditio s 0ake had set do# * Stepha a d Atele a d Ti"othy a d Marissa see"ed to be %loriously happy as #as Dar%o a d -* After the for"al (ere"o y. Atele a d Marissa #ould be %i,e 0ake/s "ark a d - #ould lea,e #ith Dar%o * After our (hild #as bor 0ake had pro"ised that he #ould tur "e* We (ould /t risk tur i % "e before. 0ake did /t #a t to break #hat had bee prophesied about the (hild a d #e #ere /t e,e sure if it #as safe to tur "e #hile - #as pre% a t* k e# Dar%o #ould ha,e lo,ed to ha,e bee able to be the o e to tra sfor" "e. but he u derstood that it had to be this #ay as he #as o lo %er a 3oyale* 1o estly. #e #ere )ust deliriously happy that e,e tually - #ould be a #olf. #ith the ability to li,e out a lo % a d happy life #ith Dar%o . 1e #as satisfied be(ause ha,i % "e "ea t "ore to hi" tha all the po#ers he had before* - pressed "y lips a%ai st his happily* 4- lo,e you*5 - #hispered* 4That/s "ore tha - deser,e*5 1e said a d pressed "e (lose to hi"* ;;;;; $hapter DF Tess/ poi t of ,ie# - ki(ked off "y shoes a d pulled the (lose fitti % bla(k a d #hite dress o,er "y head* Those #ere the (olors of the #eddi %. 0ake a d "y (olors* Three #eddi %s. a d ro#s a d ro#s of es(orts a d brides"aids* 0ake had (o se ted to allo# Dar%o /s pa(k i to !ree 3id%e to atte d a d parti(ipate i the #eddi %* -t #as te se at first. but #he at the (ere"o y the ter"s of the allia (e bet#ee the pa(ks #ere read out. e,eryo e see"ed to rest easier* O e day there #ould be a blood li e bet#ee Dar%o /s pa(k a d ours. a d #e #ould be the stro %est fi%hti % "a(hi e this #orld has e,er k o# * - #as still a little upset #ith Dar%o . but keepi % bitter ess i your heart to#ards people o ly hurt you. - had lear t that fro" Mark* Mark. he had risked e,erythi % to "ake up for #hat he had do e. e,e thou%h he #as /t fit to #alk. he had tried to fi%ht alo %side 0ake* 1e #as lu(ky to be still ali,e* - si%hed. re"e"beri % ho# Mark had (o fessed his full part i the plot to 0ake. ad"itti % ho# he allo#ed his o# bitter ess to al"ost destroy 0ake a d -* Whe 0ake told hi" that he for%a,e hi". Mark/s eyes #hel"ed up #ith so "u(h tears. he (ried like a (hild* That si"ple a(t of for%i,e ess - k e# i "y heart #o 0ake a pa(k "e"ber that #ould be loyal to hi" e,e if it "ea t Mark/s (utti % off his o# head to prote(t 0ake* - s"iled. Mark a d 0illia had looked pretty (lose at the #eddi % too. defi itely. suspe(ted that there #ould be "ore #eddi % bells i the ot too dista t future* - #ri%%led out of "y pa ties a d heard 0ake %roa * - s"iled. - lo,ed torturi % hi"* 1e had bee o%li % "e at the #eddi % the later at the re(eptio . a(ti % as if he (ould /t keep his ha ds or eyes off of "e* - %i%%led at ho# (lose he had held "e #hile #e #ere da (i %*

4-t takes so lo % to take off four pie(es of (lothi %85 0ake (o"plai ed a d - lau%hi %ly tossed "y pa ties at hi"* 1e i haled the s(e t of "e a d the %roa ed hu %rily* 4$o"e here* - #a t #hat/s i the pa ties. ot the pa ties*5 1e said* - %i%%led happily. taki % "y ti"e as - u (lipped "y bra* 46ou thi k 3ia e a d Dar%o #ill be okay85 - asked. (ru (hi % up "y fa(e as - took off "y a((essories* 0ake %roa ed a%ai * 4They/ll be fi e. he/s (ra7y about her* That/s ho# - k e# he/d be ba(k* 1e #as )ust too bi% a )erk to fi%ure it out earlier*5 - odded "y head i a%ree"e t. they had looked (o"pletely happy at the #eddi % a d #he Dar%o had lifted 3ia e i to his (ar - thou%ht the t#o of the" #ere about to "ake out ri%ht i fro t of the #hole (ro#d* 46ou/re ri%ht* Stepha a d Atele looked happy too* - k e# those t#o belo %ed to%ether*5 - slipped i to the bathroo" a d took a :ui(k sho#er. headi % ba(k out #ith a to#el #rapped arou d "e* 46eah %reat*5 0ake said a d - %a,e hi" "y "ost serious fro# * 4A d did you see Marissa a d Ti"othy. that #as so (ute #he she started to (ry*5 s"iled happily as - slipped ba(k i to the bathroo" to put the to#el ba(k o its ra(k* 4A d the Ti"othy pulled her (lose to hi" that #as so ro"a ti(*5 - yelled. s(rubbi % "y teeth fir"ly* 4- (ould ha,e died*5 0ake "uttered. sar(as" drippi % fro" his ,oi(e* 4- k o#*5 - said. totally i% ori % the u der(urre t* 4-t "ade "e feel like re e#i % our ,o#s a%ai *5 - said strolli % out of the bathroo" a d headed to#ards the bed* 46ou k o# #hat85 0ake asked a d - looked at hi" expe(ta tly. #as he thi ki % about re e#i % our ,o#s a%ai too* 4What8/ 4They are all probably i their beds ri%ht o# doi % #hoopie. #hile - ha,e to lay here a d liste to you talk about the"*5 1e said* - lau%hed* 46ou are i (orri%ible* Do you ot thi k about a y thi % else but ha,i % sex #ith "e85 4- thi k about ha,i % sex #ith you i bed. i the kit(he . i the li,i % roo". i the "or i %. i the e,e i %. at i%ht***5 - tossed "y pillo# at hi" a d he parried it* 4Be ho est* Today #as %reat. your little brother %ot "arried. a d i a fe# #eeks you are %oi % to be a u (le*5 - said* 1e lau%hed* 46eah* That is pretty (ool* -/" happy for all of the"*5 1e ad"itted pulli % "e o to his aked body* 4Do you thi k ha,i % Dar%o /s royale is %oi % to be okay85 - asked* 46eah* -/" fi e* - feel stro %er. but #hat #e ha,e is stro % e ou%h to (ure the (urse*5 1e #hispered* 4M""". stro %er* - shall ha,e to #at(h you. or - sha /t be able to #alk*5 - teased*

1e #i ked at "e* 4-/ll try ot to lose (o trol*5 - lau%hed as he %athered "e i to his ar"s* 4- lo,e you*5 1e #hispered* 4Dar%o should e,er ha,e %otte so (lose to taki % you a#ay*5 1is ,oi(e #as hoarse as he looked a#ay fro" "e* - k e# it had hurt 0ake to thi k that so"eho# he had failed "e by allo#i % Dar%o to %et "e out of the territory* 4-f he had /t bee bo ded to 3ia e. he (ould ha,e hurt you*5 1e #hispered a d he #as still fa(i % a#ay fro" "e* 4But he did /t*5 - poi ted out* 0ake al#ays took prote(ti % "e super serious* 40ake*5 tu%%ed a%ai st his fa(e fir"ly a d sa# a tear %liste i % o his lashes* 4- let you do# Tess*5 1e #hispered2 his ,oi(e so hoarse o# that - (ould barely "ake out his #ords* - slid "y body o top of his a d pressed "y lips a%ai st his e(k a d (hest. e )oyi % the feel of e,ery part of hi"* 4- (ould /t s(rea". but you heard "e* 6ou heard "e a d you (a"e* 6ou (a"e e,e thou%h #e had )ust fou%ht*5 - said. a d - brushed the hi t of a tear fro" his eyes* 4k e# i "y heart. - o ly had to thi k about ho# "u(h - eeded you. a d you #ould fi d a #ay to be there*5 - said* 4- al#ays #a t to be there if you eed "e. Tess*5 1e #hispered* 4- e,er #a t to let you do# . e,er #a t to see you hurt*5 46ou #ere there*5 - said. allo#i % "y le%s to spread o,er his body a d %uidi % his "a hood i side of "e* 4!osh***5 1e %roa ed at the feel of "e. his ha ds ti%hte i % arou d "y ba(k* - ar(hed "y ba(k so - (ould take all of hi" i a d he %roa ed a%ai * 46ou feel so s#eet*5 1e #hispered a d - %roa ed "y a%ree"e t* >,erythi % about 0ake ta tali7ed a d sti"ulated "e* - lo,ed hi" totally a d (o"pletely* As "y body "o,ed i s#eet rhyth" #ith his - sile tly ,o#ed to help 0ake see that he e,er had to pro,e a ythi % to "e* - lo,ed hi". - trusted hi". - k e# that he #a ted to prote(t "e. for "e. 0ake (ould e,er fail. for "e. 0ake #as #hat "ade "y life #orth li,i %* 46ou (ould e,er fail "e. 0ake* Dar%o failed. he tried to (o"e bet#ee us. but he failed* 1e failed*5 - said as our bodies. %ripped a d hu%%ed a d (lea,ed to ea(h other. e,er #a ti % to be separated* 4- lo,e you*5 1e said a%ai a d %ree eyes looked up at "e #ith so "u(h lo,e that tears spra % to "y eyes* - rolled o,er. #a ti % to feel hi" o top of "e. #a ti % to feel the harder. stro %er rhyth". the e(stasy that he (reated #he he #as i (o trol of our lo,i %* 1is ha d slid to "y le%. lifti % o e a%ai st his hip. he k e# #hat - #a ted* 1e ba %ed hard a%ai st "y body. e teri % a d #ithdra#i % #ith po#er a d pressure a d - s:uealed fro" the e(sta(y of it all* 40ake***0ake***5 Whe he e"ptied hi"self i side of "e. "y ails du% i to his ba(k a d "y body #as shaki % #ith pleasure* 4- #ill lo,e you. fore,er*5 - #hispered*

4A d e,er a d e,er*5 1e #hispered ba(k* =A d e,er/ our #ol,es ho#led i u iso fro" deep #ithi the (ore of our bei %s* T1> >9D

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