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The scapula is attached medially through muscles such as serratus anterior and pectoralis minor. 2. The weakest link of the humerus is the anatomical neck 3. The carpal tunnel has total of 10 contents: 4 FDS tendon, 1 FPL tendon, Median Nerve and 4 FDP tendon. 4. Accessory ligament of the shoulder is known as coracohumeral ligament. 5. Transverse humeral ligament covers the short head of biceps brachii tendon 6. Long thoracic nerve paralysis causes medial winging also known as Scapular winging 7. Nerve supply of the Sternoclavicular joint are nerve to subclavius and subclavicular nerve 8. Muscles that only originate in lesser tubercle is subscapularis 9. Nerve supply of Teres Minor is lower subscapula nerve 10. The action of rhomboids minor is raises medial border of scapula upward and medially. 11-20. Identification 11. Ligaments constitutes the 12. Coracoclavicular ligaments (2points) 13. What is known to be the affected tendon when there is impingement syndrome? 14. Weakest link in the clavicle? 15. Articulation of GH joint (All or none) 16. Nerve supply of Infraspinatus? 17. Apex of axilla (All or none) 18. Base of axilla (All or none) 19. Muscle that inserts to coracoid process. 20. Origin of Long head of biceps brachii ELBOW 1-10 (T/F) 1. The trochlea articulated with the trochlear notch forming radiohumeral joint. 2. Pronation and supination happens only in proximal radioulnar joint. 3. Interosseous membrane runs distally and medially from radius to ulna. 4. Olecranon bursa is a small subcutaneous bursa over the coronoid process 5. The ulna tapers proximally making the head of ulna located distally 6. Musculocutaneous nerve supplies the biceps brachii, coracobrachialis and brachialis

7. Nerve supply of the whole elbow joint are braches from the median, ulnar, musculocutaneous and radial nerves. 8. Proximal and Distal radioulnar joint is a trochoid type of synovial joint 9. Triceps brachii inserts in olecranon fossa. 10. Nerve supply of the anconeus is ulnar nerve 11-20. Identification 11. Contents of the antecubital fossa arranged 12. From lateral to medial (2points) 13. Floor of antecubital fossa (All or none) 14. The only band of the medial ligament that reinforces the two bands and attaches within the ulna? 15. Annular ligament is found in what joint of forearm? 16. Articulation of Radiohumeral joint 17. Nerve supply of Supinator? 18. Action of triceps in elbow? (All or none) 19. Origin of brachioradialis? 20. Muscle that inserts to coronoid process of ulna. WRIST AND HAND 1-10 (T/F) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Listers tubercle is known as dorsal tubercle . Most dislocated carpal bone is lunate. Most fractured carpal bone is scaphoid. Common nerve supplies of wrist flexors are median and ulnar nerve. Common nerve supply of wrist extensors is radial nerve. radial nerve paralysis causes Wrist drop Capitate is the most immobile bone making it the center of all carpal and hand. There are 8 interossei in hand 4 palmar (Finger abduction) and 4 dorsal (Finger adduction) Only thenar muscle that has ulnar nerve nerve supply is opponens pollicis Lumbricales action is MCP flexion IP extension except thumb.

11-20. Identification 11. Contents of the carpal tunnel 12. All or none (2points) 13. What is known to be the affected tendons 14. when there is DQT? 15. Nerve passes through the tunnel of guyon. st 16. Articulation of 1 DIP st 17. Type of joint COMPLETE of 1 CMC st 18. The only ligament not found in 1 metacarpal? 19. When there is arthritis deformity in PIP is known as? 20. When there is arthritis deformity in DIP is known as?

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